Kirby's Dream Land 2 Ability/Friend FAQ By Christopher Marsh E-mail: jellysoup at gmail dot com GameFAQs: jelly soup GameSpot: Jelly_Soup NeoSeeker: Jelly Soup Copyright 2005 - 2008 Christopher Marsh ============================================================================== Table of Contents ============================================================================== 1. Copyright Info 2. The Abilities 3. The Friends ============================================================================== 1. - Copyright Info ============================================================================== This document was created for free use. Anyone who wishes to host this document on his/her webspace may do so provided that the following stipulations are followed: 1. This document must remain in it’s original form, with no edits besides those made by the original author. 2. No profit may be made from this document in anyway. 3. An e-mail informing the author about potential hosting. While not a requirement, it would be much appreciated if for no other reason but for information purposes. The newest version of this FAQ will always be on GameFAQs first. ============================================================================== 2. - The Abilities ============================================================================== Basic information on Abilities: Gaining an ability is simple enough. Inhale an enemy with the B Button, then swallow it by pressing D-Pad Down. If the enemy has an ability that can be copied, then Kirby will gain it. To ditch an ability, press the Select button. Colliding with an enemy or obstacle will result in the same. ------- ------- | |\ | | \\ | | \\ | - Cutter | // | | // | | |/ | ------- First seen in: Stage 2-1 Enemies that have this ability: Sir Kibble (small, kinght-like) Waiyu (mini-boss) One of the games cooler abilities and one of the most useful. While Kirby has this ability, pressing the B Button will make him throw a sharp Boomerang-like blade. The blade doesn’t go very far before returning (only a bit past the edge of the screen), but it’s normally strong enough to handle most monsters you run into. Pro: - Good for taking care of bosses/mini-bosses, as it will shoot all the way across the screen (boss/mini-boss areas are only one screen long). - You can keep moving while firing. - Looks awesome. - Can be used underwater (much slower). Con: - Can only shoot to the left or right of current position (no up, down or diagonals). - If thrown too close to the edge of the screen, it won’t come back. - Not very effective against bosses (mainly due to the need to aim where it goes). - There can only be 3 blades on the screen at any one time. ------- ------ | /\ | | //\\ | |// \\| - Fire ||| ||| ||| ||| |\----/| ------ First seen in: Stage 1-2 Enemies that have this ability: Fire Wheel (small, wheel-like) Ferrite (mini-boss) One of those kinds of powers that could be a lot more useful than it is. Pressing the B Button turns Kirby into a ball of fire that shoot across the screen (about the same distance as Cutter). It can handle most enemies without much problem, but it’s dangerous to use. See, after using it, there is a split second where you’re open to attack. Say you’re on top of an enemy when the fire quits. See the problem? Not something you want to use in close spaces (such as mini-boss fights). Pro: - Can be used to crash through multiple monsters at once. - Can be used to clear stages quickly (fly to the upper corner, mash the B Button. Only works in particular levels.). - Fun to use. - Can be used underwater (distance reduced by half). - Needed to break Ice Blocks. Con: - Open to attack after using. - Not good in close spaces. - Not very good on bosses. ------- ------- |/-----\| || // || - Ice || // || |\-----/| ------- First seen in: Stage 4-1 Enemies that have this ability: Penguin Mr. Frosty (mini-boss) This is what Fire should have been like. Using this little ability, Kirby will shoot a stream of never ending ice from his word hole. This can defeat virtually every enemy you come across and is very effective against mini-bosses (and bosses in general). Now, you can’t actually freeze these types of enemies, but you can freeze the stuff they throw at you. Once an enemy/object is frozen, it can be kicked back. Problem is, it doesn’t have a very long range and can only be used to the left or right of Kirby’s current position. Pro: - Can create additional weapons by freezing enemies and their attacks (not all attacks can be frozen). - Great against most bosses/mini-bosses. - Can be used underwater (distance reduced by half, stream not infinite). Con: - Short range. - Can only be shot to the left or right. And, in effect... - ...aiming becomes necessary for air born monsters. - Can’t move while using. ------- ------------ ||\ |\ /|| || \ | \ / || - Needle (also called Spike or Thorn) || \| \/ || ------------ First seen in: Stage 2-2 Enemies that have this ability: Porcupine Captain Stitch (mini-boss) So much potential, none of it used. When Kirby uses Needle, he turns into a spike ball. Unfortunately, it’s not that strong, and it has a very short range. Now, it’s nice to be protected on all sides, and it’s good if you’re being attacked on all sides...but there are only specific stages where situations like this come up and most of these situations can be handled with other powers much more simply. However, it is one of the few abilities that functions at full power while underwater. Pro: - Protects on all sides. - Can be used underwater (full power). - Needed to break Hole Blocks (blocks with five pin holes in them). Con: - Not that strong. - VERY short range. - Can’t move while using. ------- --------- | _ _ | | | | | | | | | | | | | - Normal | |_| |_| | ||_______|| <---That's...uh...Kirby's face. --------- First seen in: Right from the start. Ah, yes. Nothing like the original. This is Kirby without the aid of any abilities. The running, the jumping, the sucking, the swallowing.... yeah. What makes normal Kirby so interesting is, unlike later in carnations of Kirby, you can beat the game without any abilities (except for the Dark Matter) if you really want. Adds an interesting challenge for those adventurous types out there. Pro: - Ready for coping abilities. - Despite what people may think, you can beat the game with just Normal. As an advantage....well, it makes the game much harder, which is a plus for people looking for a challenge. - It’s.....Kirby! You don’t need another reason. Con: - As I said, the game is harder without abilities. - Some areas (only a few, really) require the use of abilities to pass. ------- ---------- | ---- | | /| |\ | | / | | \ | - Parasol ||________|| | | | | | | | | <---Worst. ASCII. Ever. ;_; ---------- First seen in: Stage 1-1 Enemies that have this ability: Parasol Parasol Waddle Dee Jumper Shoot (mini-boss) One of the first abilities in the game proves to be one of the best. Longer range than Needle, longer attack duration than Needle and the ability to float down while falling. I know, I know, Kirby can do that anyway, but it’s just so much cooler with the Parasol. For those who don’t know, a parasol is a small, light umbrella used to keep the light off of you. The top of the parasol can also be used as a weapon. Really handy when you're flying/climbing up a shaft, as the top will damage anything in the way. Can also block canon fire. Pro: - Can act as a (very) temporary shield. - Can float while falling. - Top can be used as an attack from beneath. - Needed to break Cloud Blocks. - The only attack that can block canon fire just by existing. Con: - Wide open to attack from behind. ------- Rainbow Sword (doesn’t have a symbol) First seen in: Final Battle (Stage 7 Boss Room, need all Rainbow Drops) The Rainbow Sword is a special ability that can only be used in the final battle against the Dark Matter. It can only be used after beating King DeDeDe IF you have found all the Rainbow Drops. It’s an ability and this is an ability FAQ, so I figured I’d include it here. Over all, the rainbow sword is an amazing tool and very cool to have.’d think the ultimate power of love and light would be, I don’t know, a hell of a lot stronger than what it is. Why can’t this thing shoot some laser beams or something? And the short range, why? I'm guessing that was to make the final battle more of a chalenge, but it wouldn't have killed the programers to just lower the damage done and given it a cool long-range attack. Pro: - Looks really freaken cool. - Only power that can harm the Dark Matter. - Needed to finish the game 100%. Con: - Short range. Shorter than Needle. - WEAK. Yeah, it’s the only thing that can hurt the Dark Matter, but, hell, it could do more than what it does. - Can only be used in final battle. - Need to have all the Rainbow Drops to use it. ------- ---- | ---| |/ /| |-- -| - Spark | / /| |// | ---- First seen in: Stage 3-2 Enemies that have this ability: Shock Blob (blob-like character that fires Spark when near) Big Spark (mini-boss) And so we have arrived at the second most useful ability in the game. When Kirby uses this ability, he is surrounded by a field of electric sparks. Not only can it be used continuously, there is very little that can’t be damaged by it. On top of that, most attacks stop dead in front of it. You’ll be using this one a lot. Pro: - Makes a field of electricity to surround Kirby. - Stops attacks. - Works underwater (slower, protection isn’t as good). Con: - Can’t move while using. - Doesn't have a very wide range. - Can't stop boss attacks (such as DeDeDe's hammer). ------- ------ | ____ | |/ \| || || - Stone || || |\____/| ------ First seen in: Stage 5-1 Enemies that have this ability: Rocky Blocky (mini-boss) Why is it that what should be the coolest power is actually one of the lamest? It’s too hard to use to be useful in any place than stages designed to handle it (and only is a few areas within those few stages). When Kirby uses Stone, he turns into, you guessed it, a stone. And what can this stone do? Well, it can sit there. Yep. Now, if you’re on a hill, then you’re in business. Otherwise....not so much. Pro: - While in stone mode, Kirby is invincible. - Can roll down hills quickly, mowing down baddies. Con: - Not that useful outside of certain stages. - Hard to use in any situation that doesn’t involve a hill of some kind. - Sitting still for three seconds will change Kirby back. ============================================================================== 3. - The Friends ============================================================================== Basic information on Friends: Friends are furry creatures that help Kirby in his adventure. Other than transport, they can also combine their powers with Kirby’s copy abilities to create all new powers. Further more, they double Kirby’s life bar. First things first, to gain a friend, find a bag. Yes, a bag. The bad guys kidnapped Kirby’s pals and stuffed’em into sacks. You will almost always find one after beating a mini-boss. If Kirby has no abilities when he combines with a friend, the combo will have the same powers of Normal Kirby. To dump a friend, press the Select button (when you are not carrying an ability). Note: Only Kirby can use the Rainbow Sword. ------- Coo the Owl First seen in: Stage 2-1 THE most useful friend. Flying, one of Kirbys natural abilities, is a useful way of getting around and avoiding problems. But, he can’t attack while flying. That’s where Coo comes in. This guy can fly, he can attack, he just flat out rocks. Only realy problem is this makes the total area you have to protect larger. Combo Attacks: Cutter + Coo = Tri-Blades Get used to this one. If you’re smart, you’ll be using this A LOT. It sends cutters out in three directions (diagonal up/down and forward) and they don’t come back. These babies will slice through most things with little problem. Problem is, you have no protection from the back. Still, the attack moves so fast, this won’t be a problem. Also, it can be used under water, but the distance will be cut in half. Fire + Coo = Fireball Thrust Not much difference from the normal Fire ability. Instead of going left to right, it runs at diagonals. Really, there are only a few situations where you’ll need it (most of which are passing ice walls). It can be used under water, but the distance is severally reduced. Ice + Coo = Directional Ice Breath Kinda cool to use (no pun intended), but not that useful. You can move the stream around like a gun turret, BUT, as you do, you’ll start to slowly drop to the ground, at which point you’re left with the normal Ice ability. Needle + Coo = Downward Poker Creates a spike ball in Coos talons. It looks nice and is a bit more useful that the normal Needle (you can move around while using it). Unfortunately, it doesn’t last that long and you have to get close to hit anything. The obvious problem is no protection from above. Parasol + Coo = Whirlwind Another highly useful ability that you’ll be using a lot. Basically, they spin around and destroy anything they touch. Great for protecting from above attacks and crashing through blocks. A bit slow to start, though. Spark + Coo = Lighting Bolt Lots of fun, lots of fun. Coo will be suspended in air as he drops bolts straight down. It would be better if it could go in other directions or, at least, aim it. But, the attack is continuous. Plus, it works under water, but with a highly reduced range. Stone + Coo = Falling Stone No difference from the normal stone ability. Really, none. does look rather cool when you sit still. Like a bird perched on a shaped rock. ------- Kine the Fish First seen in: Stage 3-2 Good underwater, bad on land. One of the best things about him is his ability to use Kirby’s normal sucking power underwater (it may not sound like much, but, try it. You’ll change your tune in due time.). On land....well, he’s to damn slow. Combo Attacks: Cutter + Kine = Sonic Attack Not bad, not bad. Has a nice range, does decent damage. A bit to slow, though. There can only be 3 waves on the screen at any one time. There are better choices out there. Fire + Kine = Fireball Also not so hot. Slow, and not just to shoot, but slow moving too. Plus, there can only be 3 fireballs on screen at any time, which greatly reduces the usefulness of a flame attack. Ice + Kine = Ice Shield Absolute crap. A wave of ice covers Kine and will freeze anything that touches it. BUT, if you hold the shield up for too long, Kine will be frozen in a block of ice and open to attack. Needle + Kine = Spike Shield Also worthless. Covers Kine with a coat of spikes, but it doesn't last long enough to do any damage worth messing with and has a very short range. Parasol + Kine = Parasol Poker Kine sure gets the short end of the stick in this game. All this thing does is make a parasol pop out of his mouth. Can only attack in one direction, lasts for a few seconds. Bleh. Spark + Kine = Light Bulb Ah, put my foot in my mouth. A light bulb pops out of him mouth. Yes, a light bulb. Now, this has a few different ways it can be used. Firstly, if you hold down the button, it can be used as a ramming weapon. Secondly, the same attack can be used to light dark paths, and reveal hidden doorways. Lastly, releasing the button makes if fire off like a missile. Creating a new light bulb before the old one hits something causes an explosion. An excellent weapon, even better underwater. Stone + Kine = Stone Fish Shoot, just when I thought it might get better, this gets tossed in my path. This is just the normal stone ability, but with a fish. As with the last three versions of Stone, once you're sitting still it will only last for a few seconds. ------- Rick the Hamster First seen in: Stage 1-2 Combo Attacks: Ah, yes. Everyone loves a giant hamster. He may not be able to swim like Kine or fly like Coo, but he can run with the best of them. Plus, he doesn’t slip on ice and can stand up tostrong winds better than Coo can. And his ability combos are the most interesting of the group. Cutter + Rick = Boomerang What a wacky power. Rick grabs Kirby and flings him like a boomerang, which then comes back. Fun to mess around with, but not that useful. The problem is you can’t aim it, even by jumping. Plus, your back and bottom front are exposed to attack. There are better choices. Fire + Rick = Flamethrower The best use of the Fire ability in the game. This is how it should have been from square one. The range isn’t that great, you can’t move around while using it, and it leaves you open for attack from the back. But, the attack is continuous and looks pretty damn cool. Ice + Rick = Ice Shield See, this is what Kines ice Shield should have been like. Works the same way, covers you with ice, freezes whatever it touches. And none of this turning to a block of ice crap. Needle + Rick = Porcupine Short range, doesn't last but a moment. Man, Needle really bites in this game. But Rick makes it look good, even if it still sucks. Parasol + Rick = Balancing Attack Rick will stand on his toes, balance a parasol on his nose with Kirby, as a ball, on top. Nice for enemies who attack from the air, but doesn't do much for the ground. Still, it has it's merit and is rather effective against mini-bosses. Spark + Rick = Shock Stream Better than it looks. Rick will let loose a stream of sparks that will cover a wide area, but a short range. Nice, as it hits everything in front of you, from the ground up. Leaves you open from behind, however. Stone + Rick = Rock Roller This is the most awesome ability in the game. Rick turns into a boulder, and Kirby stands on his back,controlling were he goes. It looks cool, is fun to play with, you can roll over just about anything (including spikes) and standing still won't cancel it. However, there aren't any places it is particularly useful in, other than the stage in which it's introduced. Seems like it was an afterthought. ============================================================================== End of Document.