************************************* Kirby's Dream Land 2 For the Game Boy Rainbow Piece FAQ/Walkthrough Version 1.03 By: DeepKing314 aka Danny Roche Copyright 2004 8/28/04 ************************************* Table of Contents 1. Version History 2. Introduction 3. FAQs and other questions 4. Rainbow Piece locations 5. Credits/Special Thanks 6. Contact Info 7. Copyright ------------------------ 1. Version History ------------------------ 1.03 - 8 / 28 / 04 I got a new e-mail address! 1.02 - 8 / 27 / 04 Changed some more names and added another person to credits. 1.01 - 8 / 24 / 04 Changed the names of some enemies and of Kirby's friends. Also added someone to Credits. 1.0 - 8 / 22 / 04 Completed. Yes, I am a fast worker. 0.6 - 8 / 20 / 04 Halfway there. Just need to remember last three pieces and finish personal info. 0.2 - 8 / 18 / 04 Decided to make a FAQ. Began today. ------------------- 2. Introduction ------------------- Welcome to the Rainbow Piece FAQ/Walkthrough for Kirby's Dream Land 2 for the Game Boy. This will be covering the location of all seven Rainbow Pieces, how to obtain them, and some FAQs about the pieces themselves. It took a lot of hard work to make this, so kick back, relax, and be prepared to scroll and read ever so meticulously. ------------------------------------- 3. FAQs and Other Questions ------------------------------------- What is Kirby's Dream Land 2? Kirby's Dream Land 2 was the second Kirby game for the Game Boy. It was also the first Game Boy game in which Kirby has the ability to copy some enemy's abilities. It also has another new feature: Kirby now has animal friends to help him: a hamster, an owl, and a fish. It also has hidden items called Rainbow Pieces that need to be found to completely beat the game. This is what this FAQ is dedicated to. What are Rainbow Pieces? Rainbow Pieces, as I said before, are items hidden throughout each of the seven levels that are needed to unlock the final boss of the game and get 100% for a game score. They are always sitting on a platform and resemble an oval with stars on it. How do I find the Rainbow Pieces? There is one Rainbow Piece in each world. It is hidden in one of the levels on that world. It will take copy abilities to get access to one, but they all take skill to actually get it. This FAQ will show where all of the Rainbow Pieces are in this game. ----------------------------------- 4. Rainbow Piece Locations ----------------------------------- First Piece: World 1 Level 3 Room 3 Once you enter this room, you can see the piece on a platform. To break the two conspicuous-looking blocks sealing the piece in, you will need the parasol ability. Once you have broken it, grab the piece and finish the level. One down. Second Piece: World 2 Level 2 As soon as you start the level, head straight down. You should see a door. Go through it, and you will see two blocks that resemble two dice. To break them, use the spike ability while standing right above them. They should break, allowing you to fall into a small room with a Rainbow Piece on a platform. Grab it. Congrats! That's two! Third Piece: World 3 Level 3 You will need Kine, the fish for the currents in this one. Once you enter the second main room of the level, head through the level as you would until you get to a second water path. Dive down into it and follow the current until you see a door that has a current pushing you away from it. Swim into it and through the door. The room you enter is dark and impossible to see in unless you have the spark ability with Kine. There is a door hidden in the darkness. Hop on to the land on the right. There should be a door if you jump straight up. You should then be transported to another room that holds the piece. Again, you will have to break the two blocks "blocking" your way. Use the stone ability (you don't need Kine), and you should break right through them. Only four to go! Fourth Piece: World 4 Level 4 In order to get this piece, you will need to have Kine (current again). The third main room is a relatively long room that has you start on top of some weak bricks over spikes. Travel through it until you get to an area with spikes and some Glunks (the urchin-like enemies). There should be a sudden drop. Jump down and to either the left or right side. In the middle, there are some bricks you need to break, but you cannot get to them. Now, DO NOT break the bricks on the left or right side. Instead, use the flame ability to shoot the bricks in the middle through the gap on either side. Once you have done so, jump onto the bricks you didn't break and onto the platform surrounding the newly- open area. Dive into the water in the area you just opened, swim straight down until you see a door being protected by a current, and swim into it. Now, you will find yourself in a Rainbow Piece room with breakable bricks to your left. Use the fire ability to break those, and voila! Your fourth piece. Fifth Piece: World 5 Level 5 As soon as you enter the second major room, the screen will begin moving, so you will have to travel fast up to the top of the level. If you didn't have the spark ability already, be sure to have obtained it in the first room. Then, continue upward until you see a door. Don't go through this door. Instead, continue heading up until you see three Togezos (hedgehog-like monsters), one above the other. Spark them and make your way up to the door where the last one was. Or, you can just fly next to them and exhale to kill them. This, however, takes more concentration. Go through it, and you will yet again appear in a Rainbow Piece room. Above you are two black blocks. Break them with the spark ability and head down either the left or right side. Don't worry about being trapped. Just press down while above the thin floor to fall through. Now, this next part is tricky. You will have to jump off a ledge and break the two black blocks sealing off another platform. If your timing is right, you should be able to use the spark ability and then right after fly onto the no-longer-blocked area. Fly up and get your fifth piece! Sixth Piece: World 6 Level 2 This one requires a little more work that the others to get. First, make your way to the second major room and be sure you have Kine with you. Upon entering, head right to the first tube and let yourself be shot up to the small platform. Then, to the next one. Finally, make your way to the third one to the upper right of you. Now, jump straight down, and you should land on a ledge with a door underwater. Go through it, and there should be a current pushing you to the right. Immediately, start swimming against the current to the left. At the end, you should find a door. Go through it. Now, you no longer need Kine, so you can get rid of him. Beat Master Green, the squid-like creature and eat him to obtain the spark ability. Now, leave, and you should be transported back to the second main room. This time, continue to the right until you reach a door. Go through it. Once you have entered, you will see a bag and two cannons over two spark-vulnerable blocks. You will need to sacrifice a bit of health to do this. Jump directly over one of the two cannons and start using the spark. You should break the two blocks and lose a piece of health and the spark ability, but don't worry. You won't need them. Quickly fly up and get Coo, the owl that emerges from the bag. Now, you can go through the door. The next room you enter has a wind that pushes you left, but you want to work against that and fly to the right. Once you have flown far enough, you will see a door. Go through it, defeat Waiu, the ninja, and take his cutter ability. Leave through the door and follow the wind while avoiding the Gordos (spike creatures). Once you get to the end of the level, you will see the exit door and another door. Go through the other door, and you will see three blocks separating you from your prize. Break them with the cutter ability (you DO still have it, don't you?) and claim the Rainbow Piece. Only one to go! Seventh Piece: World 7 Level 7 This is it! The final Rainbow Piece! This one, however, will take time. Bummer. Anyway, the second room you enter is pitch black and difficult to see in. However, if you have the fish-spark combo, the room will light up when you use it. The blocks there also hide a secret. If you break them, you will see these signs in order: fire, stone, spike, freeze, and cutter. This will come in handy in the next room. Once you enter the next room, head straight up and copy the fire ability to from Flamer, the one-eyed monster you'll see in a chamber in the wall. Continue up until you see two blocks on two different sides. Break the ones on the left side using the fire ability and go through the door. Now you can get rid of the fire ability. Now head up and get the stone ability from Rocky, the rock-like creature. Continue upward, and you will see more pairs of blocks. Use the stone ability against the right wall and break the blocks. Go through this door. Now, get rid of the stone ability. Go up and get the spike ability from the Togezo and continue going up and break the two blocks on the left. Go through that door. Get rid of that ability and get the freeze ability from Master Penguin (think name). Keep flying up and break the two blocks on the left. Enter that door and get rid of the freeze ability. Now, fly up and get the cutter ability from Sir Kibble (wears helmet). Keep flying up and break the two stones on the right. Go through the door, and there you have it. The final Rainbow Piece! -------------------------------- 5. Credits/Special Thanks -------------------------------- This FAQ could not have been possible if not for: Nintendo of 1995 for making this game, HAL Laboratory, inc. of 1995 for also making this game, GameFAQS for hosting this FAQ, PhoenixKirby and Ironoxide887 for supplying the names of the enemies, and (Your name could be here, too!) -------------------- 6. Contact Info -------------------- If you know something I didn't put or find an error and want to notify me, please contact me, and I shall be sure to credit you if I find your info useful. Remember, it's the little people that can go a long way.... Geez. How corny can you get? Anyway, notify me if there is anything you wish to tell me about that involves this game. If it does not, then your e-mail will be immediately deleted. Also, if you have a question about this game, and it has already been answered in this FAQ, it will also be deleted. Anyway, here is my e-mail: scifi31@sbcglobal.net Be sure it has to do with this FAQ and solely this FAQ. ----------------- 7. Copyright ----------------- This FAQ was written entirely by me and took a ton of hard work and determination. As of now, only GameFAQs has my permission to use this. If you wish to include this on another site, please contact me, and I shall consider it. Also, if you see this or any part of it on another site, also contact me, and I will include you in the credits. If I see any bit of this being used anywhere else, I will be one unhappy camper and will find the plagiarizer and make them feel bad about what they did. Until then, have a good day. --End Transmission--