+------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | K R U S T Y ' S F U N H O U S E | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ krustys_funhouse.txt 109k _ __ _ _ ______ | |/ / | | ( ) | ____| | ' / _ __ _ _ ___| |_ _ _|/ ___ | |__ _ _ _ __ | < | '__| | | / __| __| | | | / __| | __| | | | '_ \ | . \| | | |_| \__ \ |_| |_| | \__ \ | | | |_| | | | | |_|\_\_| \__,_|___/\__|\__, | |___/ |_| \__,_|_| |_| __/ | |___/ _ _ | | | | | |__| | ___ _ _ ___ ___ | __ |/ _ \| | | / __|/ _ \ | | | | (_) | |_| \__ \ __/ |_| |_|\___/ \__,_|___/\___| Krusty's Fun House --- FAQ / Walkthrough -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ System: Sega Master System Game Type: Puzzle Created: 1993 Acclaim Entertainment, INC. -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ FAQ Created by: Ny0Cloud (Elliot Long) FAQ Hosted by: http://www.gamefaqs.com E-mail: e-long1@rogers.com -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ L E G A L Copyright (C) 2002 This FAQ, in its entirety, was written by myself. I have used information gathered by myself, and myself only. This FAQ uses the format of my first FAQ created for the Gameboy game "Daedalian Opus", and except for that, this is 100% original work. If you are to use this FAQ for any purpose, you must get my expressed written consent by E-mailing me (e-long1@rogers.com). Unauthorized reproduction, in partial or whole, is illegal. Please respect my hard work. Send feedback to : e-long1@rogers.com -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ U P D A T E S Final 05/30/2002: Updated the look, fixed some spelling and some things in the Walkthrough. Final update, I promise. Final 04/10/2002: Final Update. Modified spelling and grammar errors, all formatting finished. Might update again if the Level Select Password "HPKEITH" is verified or debunked. If you see any additional errors please e-mail me. Enjoy! v0.9.9 03/30/2002: Finished the Walkthrough, Transcript, and Monsters. So, uh, basically, this FAQ is now 100% complete! That makes it my first complete FAQ. Now, it's time to work on my other 2 FAQs. This FAQ will be updated to v1.0 after I thoroughly proofread it a few times, and have someone else proofread it. As for the password section, I have seen websites that claim a certain code will grant you Area Select. However, I have tested this so-called "Code" and it does not work, at least on my version of the game. However, if you can send me visual proof that the code works, please send it to my email, e-long1@rogers.com Oh, the code in question is "HPKEITH". v0.7 03/26/2002: Added a new section, "Blocks", added "Monsters" section, finished the Area 4 walkthrough, added the Area 5 Map, and finished the walkthrough for Levels 1-3 in Area 5. Next update will be 0.9.9, which will be the final update, aside from spell and grammar checks. v0.6.5 03/25/2002: You'll notice some design changes, and some subtle changes if you're observant. Added the Area 4 map and some level walkthroughs for Area 4. This game is long, and tiring, but I'll get the Walkthrough done, eventually. I'm aiming for an end-of-the-month v1.0 (final) release, but I'm not sure if I can meet the deadline, considering I have 2 other FAQs to work on. v0.6 03/20/2002: Fixed MAJOR formatting problems in the updates and the map of Area 3. Should look a lot better now. I finished the Area 3 Walkthrough also. Added a legal section because The Simpsons is a franchise and needs a legal disclaimer. v0.5 03/20/2002: I worked my ass off and got the Area 2 Walkthrough finished. My goal of getting done an Area a day has failed by slightly over 4 hours. Area 3 may take longer because I still need to beat a few more levels, and Area 4 will take significantly longer because I haven't even seen the levels yet. v0.1 03/18/2002: Started the FAQ and added everything you see. I still need to work on the Walkthrough and Passwords section. -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ P R O G R E S S I O N Items- 100% Walkthrough- 100% Passwords- 100% Transcript- 100% Monsters- 100% Blocks- 100% Entire FAQ- 100% -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ [ F I N D F E A T U R E ] To use the Find Feature, simply use the find command under the 'Edit' command menu. All the areas that can be found are listed in square brackets. To find the section you want, in the find area, type [SECTION NAME], replacing Section Name with the actual section name. The first result will be on the Table of Contents; the second result will be the section. You do not enter round brackets in the text field. You can also search for the number of the section by typing [#] in the find field, with no period (just the number). -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S [1]. [Introduction] [2]. [Controls] [3]. [Items] [4]. [Blocks] [5]. [Monsters] [6]. [Important Info] [7]. [Walkthrough] [a] [Area 1] [b] [Area 2] [c] [Area 3] [d] [Area 4] [e] [Area 5] [8]. [Passwords] [9]. [Credits]/Other [10]. [Version/Update History] (Again) [11]. [Legal] -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ V V [1]. [Introduction] ^ ^ VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV This is the second FAQ I intend on writing for Master System games without any other Walkthroughs or FAQs. I've dubbed this, "The Project". This FAQ is for the game "Krusty's Fun House". While the game calls itself a puzzle game, it adds other elements to the puzzle genre. You need to fight off enemies, and finish entire secret areas in short times. The basic idea around this game is to get the rats into a machine that will exterminate them. With only blocks, pipes, fans, and other various objects at your disposal, this should be a fun day in the Fun House. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ V V [2]. [Controls] ^ ^ VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV Button 1 - Throw Item / Kick Box (to reveal Unlock Stars and Items, and to kick yellow boxes left or right) Button 2 - Jump Down (While standing on a block) - Pick up the block Down (While in possession of a block) - Drop the block Button 2 While Paused in a Level - Give up (and lose a life) Jump + Down - Jump off a block while picking it up at the same time While Krusty is wobbling on a platform edge + Down - Known as the Diagonal Method, this will place the block over the air on the side you're wobbling on. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ V V [3]. [Items] ^ ^ VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV =-= What they are =-= Krusty Doll - Extra Life Stack of Eggs - Gives you 9 eggs to attack with Purple Ball - Gives you 5 Bouncy-Balls to attack with Horn - Gives you points Krusty Mug - Gives you points Hamburger - Gives you points Milkshake - Gives you points Purse - Gives you points =-= Attacks =-= The stack of Eggs (9) is the most common attack item you will see. You throw the eggs at enemies to kill them. They have no special attacks or functions. The Bouncy-Balls (5) will destroy soft walls. Soft walls are identified by having a wall consisting of light brown squares. The ball will bounce for approx. 3 seconds before disappearing. Every light brown square it comes in contact with will be destroyed. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ V V [4]. [Blocks] ^ ^ VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV Since this is basically a demented 2d block puzzle, I'll list the blocks you find, and the Area where they first appear. After they are listed in the area, they will most likely appear throughout the next areas. ---BONUS--- All Areas: Bonus boxes can be kicked to reveal items (as seen in the section above this). It is important that when there is a stack of boxes that you kick them from TOP to BOTTOM. ---USEABLE--- Area 1: Blue Block - The most common block you will find. It's a very useful all-purpose (almost) block. It's a standard square, and it has a grainy blue look. If you don't know what this block is, stop playing the game. Pipe Pieces - They look like pieces of pipe, and you can pick them up. The rats will travel along the pipe until it ends. There will be 5 types of Pipe Pieces you will encounter in the game: -Vertical Piece -Top-Left Corner -Top-Right Corner -Bottom-Left Corner -Bottom-Right Corner Each piece should be pretty self-explanatory. Area 2: Yellow Block - Okay, you can't pick these up. Instead, you kick them to the left or right. Each time you kick them, they travel 3 block widths along the ground. Fan Block - Certain Fan blocks can be picked up. When a rat stands on top of, or beside a fan block, they will be thrown in whichever direction the Fan block is facing. They will fly until they hit an object. You will encounter: -Left Fan -Right Fan -Top Fan throughout the game. This is also self-explanatory. Area 3: Spring Block: Some springs you can pick up, and others you can't. The Springs are good for creating stairs, like a Blue block, and moving it to a place where you need to get more height. They will bounce you 2 heights, depending on how hard you come down on them. Area 4: The Jar Block: Very cool block indeed, the Jar block will trap rats inside it (1 per Jar). The only way to release the rats is to kick the jar, which makes it disappear. Very, very cool. The side in which you kick the Jar from determines which way the rats will walk after being let out of the Jar. Kick it from the left side and the rats will walk to the right, and vice versa. Area 5: Nope, there are no new blocks in this Area, just things you've already seen. ---OTHER--- All Areas: Disintegrateables: These blocks can be destroyed by either standing on top of them for 3 seconds, or shooting a Bouncy Ball at them. They are a lighter brown than most other walls. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ V V [5]. [Monsters] ^ ^ VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV Area 1: There's only 1 monster in Area 1, which is the Cobra. The Cobra will walk in a left-right fashion, occasionally spitting venom in your general direction. It takes 1-3 eggs to kill them. Area 2: Alien: Very similar to the Cobra, the Alien has the same patterns as the Cobra, except he shoots a laser blast from his gun. 1-3 eggs will kill him. Laser Platform: These vertical moving platforms will shoot laser shots at you if you are on either side of it. It has a very fast shoot rate, and is easily one of the most annoying monsters in the entire game. Oh, and you can't kill these guys, so tough luck. Area 3: Flying Pig: As you probably guessed, these guys are flying pigs. They will fly left to right, and do nothing else but annoy you. 2-4 eggs will kill them. Cobra Level 2: Same as the Cobras in Area 1, except these guys take more hits to die. 2-4 will do the trick. Area 4: Bird (of DOOM!): Worse than the dreaded Laser Platform, it's The Bird, ... OF DOOM! Not only will he fly left-right ala. Flying Pig, he will also take craps above you. These piles of crap hurt you, and he has a pretty fast digestive system, making him crap very often. Very, very annoying. Uh, let's say 4 eggs to kill, give or take a couple. Sound good? Flying Pig: Again with the pig! Same difficulty as before, same everything, same annoyance level. Area 5: Flying Pig Bird (of DOOM!) Alien Cobra Laser Platform ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ V V [6]. [Important Info] ^ ^ VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV -Some levels require more than the killing of the rats, but also require you to activate a special block via. kicking it. It will release 4 stars for a very brief time. This will either a) Take you to a special area of the level b) Activate some interactive terrain back in the level area Most Star Blocks will give you access to new levels -The final level of an area will have a golden lock on it, preventing access, until all other levels in the area have been completed -You can pick up more than blue blocks in some levels. Springs, and pipe pieces are the most common -Killing enemies is not necessary -The full completion of a level is signified by a black lock on the door leading to the level -If a level does not have a lock on it after you have killed all the rats, you need to activate a Star Block somewhere in the level -To get the rats condensed into 1 picture, create a set of 2 stairs beside a wall that the rats can climb, and then be stuck in. *Warning, crappy diagram follows* _______ | -By doing this, the rats will climb the blocks, but not be able | to escape from the prison. This is not only helpful for clumping | rats together, but it necessary in some later levels to buy yourself [] | some time. You can also place a block on top of the first block, _[]____| which allows you to remove the top block and use it for something else. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ V V [7]. [Walkthrough] ^ ^ VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV This game consists of Areas and Levels. Each Area has a certain amount of Levels, in which you must destroy the rats. To beat an Area, you need to beat each level, and kick a Star Block in the final level (which will have a gold lock on it until you beat all the previous levels). Also, Every level will have square brackets around it so you can find it easily if you so desire. An example is: [Level 5] Before I list how to beat each level, I will give you a layout of the area. I number the doors that will represent the level number I've assigned to it. [a] [Area 1] Bart Simpson is the operator of the rat killing machines. ______________________________________________________ |Exit |||||| | ||||_ |||||| | | |_ ||||| | | |_ (1) (2) (3) |||| | |------------------------------| |||| | | | |||| | |______________________________| |||| ___(7)__| | [][][] _| | | [][][] _| | | (8) (6) (5) (4) [][][] | | |-----------------------------------------------------| |_____________________________________________________| ~~LEGEND~~ -The 9 Square blocks are removed only after activating the Star block in level 4 -Level 8 is the final level of the Area Area 1 Walkthrough: [Level 1]: By far the *EASIEST* level in the game, all you need to do is jump up to the platform suspended above the level (very easy jump), and pick up the blue block. Go to the Rat Trap that Bart is. The ledge leading up to the trap is 2 blocks high, which the rats cannot climb. Simply place the blue block so it creates a staircase up to the trap. This will be the most common use for the blue blocks. To the right of Bart is a ledge that you can jump onto. Below are some breakable boxes and a cobra. Kill the cobra, and kick the boxes in order from Top to Bottom to net some points. Jump back over the ledge and exit the level once the 4 rats are dead at the hands of Bart. [Level 2]: Jump onto the vertical moving platform directly above you and pick up the blue block to the left of the platform. Jump back down to where the door is. Go all the way right and place the block under the fan. The rats should walk up the block, and be blown into the pipe. Once out of the pipe, they will fall down into the next fan. After everything is said and done, the 4 rats will be in the next area. Grab the blue block and jump over the ledge to the right of the moving platform. The rats will be stuck, as there is a double block sized wall blocking them. Simply place the blue block so it creates stairs. After the 4 rats are over that, they are blocked by ANOTHER wall. You know the drill. Drop the block so it creates stairs and the rats will be en route to Bart. Now you need to go head right and drop down the pit. Follow the path, kicking the boxes you find, until you reach a fork. Go right first. Kill the cobra, and collect the points in the boxes to the right. After you're done there, head left until you reach a dead end. Jump up and wait for the vertical platform. Jump on top of it, and jump off to the right at the top. You should be able to exit the level now. [Level 3]: Head left and drop down the pit and procure the blue block. Head back up and follow the rats to the right. Drop down the pit and kick the box on the left. Jump up the stairs and over the platform. Make sure to kick the box on top of the platform to get some points. Head down the pit, making sure you grab the box for some points. You should see Bart, and there should be a pipe in the ground before Bart and the Trap. Before the rats reach the pipe, place the blue block on top of the pipe so they do not fall into it. They should now march happily to their demise. Head right, and jump up the platforms. Kick the box to get a new supply of eggs. Head left on the tops of the platforms. Kill the cobra and keep headed left. Kill the second cobra and grab the boxes above him. Grab all the boxes and kill the final cobra and exit the level below. [Level 4]: Leave the rats alone for now, and jump on the first palm tree. Jump left to get the blue block. Jump back and onto the second palm tree. From here, jump up to the higher platform and break the box to procure 5 bouncy balls. From that platform, jump right and you should come across 12 breakable blocks. Fire the bouncy balls and create yourself a pathway through the wall. Jump up the platforms, and head left. Kick the 4 boxes to get points. In the pit to the left, kick the top-most box first, and the others after. You'll get a Krusty Doll, 2 point boxes, and a Star Box. Now, head all the way back and follow where the rats went. Use a bouncy ball to kill the cobra. You should see the first 2 rats. Leave them alone for now, and jump to the platform where 1 pipe ends and the second one begins. Here, you will learn a new technique that will come in handy. You need to stand on the left edge of the platform until Krusty is wobbling. Place the block there, and you should place it diagonally over the gap (see Controls). Jump all the way up to where the other 2 rats are. Stand on the 2 brown blocks on the ground to break them. The 2 rats will fall and eventually be fried by Bart. Now, grab the blue block and place it to create a stair for the 2 other rats so they can enter the pipe. Once ONE rat is over the block, quickly pick it up and place it in the diagonal position you used to kill the first 2 rats. Once the third rat is dead, repeat this process for the final rat. You need to be fast to do this, and may require a few tries. After the rats are toast, head back and exit the level. ____________________________________ | ** ** ** ** N O T I C E ** ** ** **| | |_______________________________________ |Since you activated the Star Block in Level 4, you should now have access to| |level 7. However, don't go there yet. Continue with | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Level 5]: Immediately go left. Use any bouncy balls you have before kicking the first box and get a refill of bouncy balls. Get the next 2 boxes for some points and drop into the pit to the left. Drop down and be sure to pick up the 2 point boxes on the way down. At the bottom of the pit, kick the box and get 9 eggs. Use them to kill the cobra to your right. At the end of the tunnel, kick the box and you should go to a secret level. If you kick all the boxes before time is up, you will get a Krusty Doll, and be transported to a secret area where you can kick the box for a hamburger (worth points). Jump up the platforms and kill the cobra. Head left and pick up the top left pipe piece (done like picking up blue blocks). Head right, up the stairs, and kick the box for a Krusty Mug. With the pipe piece in hand, head all the way right, past the rat spawn, and down the pit beside the pipe. Place the pipe piece in the gap so it connects the 2 pieces of the pipe. Now, head back up and stand on the breakable platforms at the rat spawns to get the rats to drop to ground floor. Jump up the vertical moving platform. At the top, jump left and grab the blue block. Drop back down to the ground floor. By now, the rats should be stuck. Kick the box to the right to give yourself some space. Once a mouse is to the right of the pipe entrance, place the blue block on a diagonal (see Controls) so it creates a stair to the pipe. To do this, make Krusty wobble on the edge of the floor. The rats should travel right to Bart. Head back up the vertical moving platform and jump to the left. To get back to the door and exit the level, you need to place the blue block to get some more height to be able to jump onto the platform above. Exit the level. [Level 6]: There will be a cobra to your left, so kill that first. Jump on all the platforms above you, kicking the boxes to get point items. Up the platforms and to the right, you should see 3 platforms leading up. You need to scale these by jumping slightly outside of them, and onto the platform above. Head left (where the rats are) to the edge of the platform. Jump all the way left and pick up the blue block. Pick it up and go back to where the rats are. Use the blue block as leverage to the platform above where the acid is dripping. Head right and kill the cobra. Again, kick the box on top first, followed by the ones on the bottom. You should get points and eggs. Head back down to the rats. Head all the way right, and you should see where the rats can't get over. Place the blue block to create some stairs so the rats can fall down to where Bart is. HOWEVER! After 2 or so rats have fallen down, pick up the blue block quickly and go down toward Bart. Place the blue block over the pipe opening. Lather, Rinse, Repeat. Then head left and exit the level. [Level 7]: *This level is only accessible after fully completing Level 4 and activating the Star Block* This level is a race against the rats. Head right and down the pit. Jump over the first pit and down the next pit and pick up the blue block. It should be directly under where the acid is dropping. Hurry back up the pit and drop into the first pit to your right. Walk right and jump up the next pit. Up, up, and up. Then drop down into the pit. Walk left, go down, walk right, kill the cobra, and go down again. Hell, the path is very straightforward, so use your brain. When you get to Bart, you should see why you need to get there quickly. Place the block, via diagonal method (see Controls), over the hole in the floor. Head back to where you got the blue block, and continue left. Kick all the boxes you see and you should get: A pack of eggs, and 3 Krusty Mugs. Head back to the door and exit the level. The final level should be open, so make your way to the final door (see map above if you're... *snicker* lost). [Level 8]: Yes, it's the final level of Area 1. Follow the path down, making sure to kick the 6 boxes for points. Don't bother killing the cobras, it's a waste of eggs. Once on ground level, pick up the blue block and head right. You should see a bunch of platforms with boxes on them. Jump up each of them, making sure to kick all the boxes you see. After all that, you should have an extra life, and activated a Star Box. To get down the platforms, simply stand on top of the breakable blocks on the sides of the platforms. Head back up to the door. At the first big jump, you'll need to place the blue block down to get the extra height needed to reach the next platform. Exit the level. Go to the Exit door, and you'll be done Area 1! Make your way right to Area 2. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [b] [Area 2] Homer Simpson is the operator of the rat killing machines. _______________________________________________________________ | ______(4)_________(5)____ __ || _____ | | _| || | || |=====| | |__(3)__ _| || || |_____| | | _| || || | | _| _(8)______(7)______(6)___ || | | _| ____EXIT__| | | _| | | _| | |-------- | | | ___________(2)_____________(1)__________| | |__(9)___________________________________________|______________| ~~LEGEND~~ -Doors 6, 7, and 8 are only accessible after activating the Star Block in Level 2 -Level 9 is the final level of the Area Area 2 Walkthrough: [Level 1]: Pick up the blue block to your right, and drop all the way down the pit. Place the block below the pipe, and another block creating stairs to the pipe. Go back up the platforms and grab the other blue block. Place it beside the high ledge for some height. It's not enough, however, so head back to the start and pick up one of the blocks that let the rats get through the pipe. Place it on top of the block on the right, and go back to the block near the pipe entrance. At this point, you will learn a new technique that will come in handy. To get the blue block and have the height to get over the platform, you need to press down and jump, pretty much at the same time. (See controls) If done correctly, you'll grab the block and be airborne. Head all the way to the right until you see Bart. See a problem? Yea... you need to drop the block to create stairs for the rats to get toasted. Once the rats can get to Bart, jump up the 2 moving platforms above, and run across the disappearing bricks. Kill the... thing... and kick the boxes from top to bottom. 5 Point boxes, and 9 eggs later, drop back down from the platform. Start going back to the start, and you should see a group of disappearing blocks in 2 rows. Head down these. Kill the monster, and kick the box on the right to get a Krusty Doll. Jump up through the platforms (yes, you can jump through these) and be on your way to the exit. [Level 2]: Kick the yellow box all the way down the platforms to begin the level. Leave it alone once it's beside the disappearing blocks. Run above the blocks and kill the monster. Jump up to the rat spawns, and kick the first yellow box left. Head left, procure 5 bouncy balls, and kick the yellow block right. With that done, use the bouncy balls to clear the disappearing blocks near Homer. Once both rows are clear, kick the yellow box all the way to the right until it falls. Now that the rats are dead, you need to kick the Star Box. Go back up the door, but DO NOT enter it. Instead, you should see a pipe platform to the right. You can jump through it and land on it, so do that. Go left, and drop all the way down the pit. To the left, jump up through these pipe platforms until you reach the top. Jump left, and jump up the pipe platforms again. Kick the 2 boxes, and after kicking the higher one, walk right and fall down and walk until you're blocked. Then, jump straight up and you should be able to walk past the pipes. Watch out for the laser, and keep going left until you see an opening above you. Kick the 2 boxes on the way up, and line yourself up for the 3rd box. _______________________________ |***********WARNING*********** |_______________________________________ |This box, when kicked, will take you to a VERY time sensitive bonus | |stage. You _NEED_ to kick _ALL_ the boxes in the bonus stage to proceed| |in the game. If you do it, you should get a Krusty Doll, and be | |transported to a secret area, where you can kick a Star Box. Kick the | |left box for some eggs, and the right box is the Star Box. | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Jump out of this area, and go left and down the second pit. Head right, kill the monster if needed, and continue down. Continue all the way right, then go down and kill the monster, then continue all the way left, and down the big pit. Alright, NOW you can exit the level. ________________________________ | ** ** ** ** NOTICE ** ** ** ** | | |________________________________________ |Since you activated the Star Block in Level 2, you should now have access| |to level 6, 7, and 8. However, don't go there yet. Continue with | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Level 3]: There will be 4 moving things above you. The middle 2 are lasers, and the far 2 are platforms. Take the left platform first. Jump out at the first long hall on the left. Kick the box on the platform below you, then drop all the way down. Kill the monster, and kick the boxes from highest to lowest. Pick up the blue block and climb the platforms until you reach the top one. Drop the block here, and use the trick (see Controls) to pick up the box and jump at the same time to get the height needed to get out with the block. Fall all the way down to ground level, and place the block anywhere. Head back up the left platform, jumping out at the top hallway to the left. Kill the 2 monsters and grab the blue block. Drop down to ground level, and place the block anywhere. Jump onto the right platform and ride it to the first hallway with a box at the end. This box will give you bouncy balls. Scale your way to the very top and jump in the hallway leading right. Kill the monster and drop down the pit. Destroy the blocks that are blocking your way. Kick the box, and pick up the blue block. You can either destroy the blocks to your left, or go back the way you came. Drop the block anywhere on the ground level. Now, jump onto the pipes on the right. Kick the boxes you see. Kill the monster, and attempt to make your way to the line of blocks via. the sets of blocks below them. If you can't do this before the blocks disappear, don't worry. Kick the boxes in the right corner, top to bottom, and grab the blue block. Now go back to the other 3 blocks and drop it anywhere. Here's how to get the rats to Homer: You need to construct an actual staircase up to Homer. Walk ALL the way to the wall on the left, and place the first block exactly 4 block-widths away from the wall. Take the next block and place it via. the diagonal placing method (see Controls). Repeat this for the next 2 blocks and you should have a staircase. By now, the rats are all stuck inside the staircase, so pick up the bottom block freeing them, and place it back where it belongs when the rats are free. Once they all die, exit the level. [Level 4]: This level is time sensitive, and if you mess it up, I am not going to explain how to still complete the level. So tough beans, get it right the first time. Head right and pick up the blue block that's blocking the entrance to the pipe. Jump up and right on the platform, place the blue block anywhere EXCEPT blocking the entrance of the pipe. Drop down and pick up the block that's blocking the exit of the pipe, and run across the disappearing blocks. Place the blue block so that the rats won't fall through the pit near Homer. Done. You can now explore the level for points. To the right of Homer is some disappearing blocks with boxes. You can get 1 easily (left is Milkshake, right is Hamburger), but you need 2 blue blocks if you want the other one. Too much of a hassle IMO, but here's how. Pick up the blue block near Homer and place it under whichever box you need. To get the other block, you need to take the high path that starts above where the line of disappearing blocks ends. Jump up there, and kick the boxes on your way. Drop down and pick up the blue block. Hold the jump button as you walk across the disappearing blocks en route to Homer. Place the second block on top of the first one, and you should have the height to jump through the small hole and kick the box. Now, leave the level. [Level 5]: Drop all the way down to ground level and kick the boxes, top to bottom. Kill the monster. On the right side of the level are some pipes that you can jump through. Jump up through those pipes until you acquire the blue block. At this point, jump on top of the top pipe. At the second rat spawn, place the block over the pipe entrance on the floor. Once all the rats are over the wall, pick up the block and drop down to ground floor. There is a gap on the stairway to Homer (heh). Place the blue block via. the diagonal method (see Controls) when a rat is on the right side of the stairs. Repeat for the other rats. Once that's done, go back up the way you went to get the block. Head to the second rat spawn (where you first placed the block). Jump on top of the pipe, and carefully fall down. Make sure you hold LEFT when you're falling so you stop on a platform. From here, jump up and right and you should be at the door. Leave. [Level 6]: *This level is only accessible after fully completing Level 2 and activating the Star Block* This level is the god damned devil. It is the single most hardest level in the game so far. So, anyway, to set up the level as best you can before letting the rats loose: 1) Place a blue block to prevent access to the first pipe on the first platform below you 2) Place a blue block on top of the _SECOND_ pipe on ground level (seen by walking right) Finally, place the final blue block to let the rats loose. Once all the rats are done climbing over the wall, pick up the blue block and drop to ground level and place the block on top of the pipe directly below the 2 gaps in the floor. Quickly, head back up to the block that's preventing access to the first pipe. Once all the rats are past there, pick up the block and quickly fall back to ground level. Place the block over the first fan, which is beside the pipe that should have a block over it. Once the rats are done with the FIRST pipe on ground level, pick it up and go ALL the way to the right. There is a double sized wall with a double sized gap in. Below and to the left is a fan. You need to place the block over the fan. Now, run back to the first fan at ground level and pick up the block (if the rats are over it). Run to the right and jump through the hole in the wall and into a large area. Kill the monster quickly and place the blue block over the pipe in the floor. P H E W ! ! ! That's the first big challenge of the level. Now, you face the toughest challenge yet. Building a staircase, using 3 blocks, making sure the rats don't fall. I will now list the steps to beat this hard place 1) Try and get all the rats into 1 place so that they all appear as 1 sprite (or as close to it as possible). 2) Trap the rats on the left side of the area so you can remove the blue block from the pipe. Make sure to place the 2 blue blocks 2 block widths from the end of the left side of the first platform. You need to do it this way so you can create stairs to the first platform. 3) Use that blue block to create the first stair headed right on the first platform. 4) Remove the top block, and place it creating stairs the first platform. 5) Once the rats are off the bottom block, pick it up and complete the stairs to the 2nd platform. 6) After the rats are off the bottom block in the 2nd stairway, pick it up. 7) Once the rats pass the highest point on the 2nd platform, place a block there to trap the rats. 8) Go back and get the block that's near the ground. Place it anywhere on the 2nd platform. 9) Get the block to the left of you, and use it as the first stair in the staircase to the 3rd platform. 10) Use the other block to finish the stairway to the 3rd platform (Rats MUST still be trapped) 11) Pick up the block that's keeping the rats trapped and use it to create the first stair to the final platform. 12) Once the rats are done on the first stair leading to the 3rd platform, pick it up (don't fall to the ground!) and finish the staircase to the final platform before the rats fall. 13) You're not done yet! Pick up the other blue block in the staircase to the 3rd platform and jump onto the final platform. 14) Walk left and place it over the gap in the floor. 15) Pat yourself on the back. Now that the rats are dead, let's talk about optional pointage! Ride the platform to the right and kick the box for some bouncy balls. Ride the platform back and use it as leverage to jump onto the platform above. Destroy the blocks to your left. Kick the boxes to get points and some eggs. You can now leave the level. [Level 7]: *This level is only accessible after fully completing Level 2 and activating the Star Block* From the door, face right. Now, to get the block needed, you need to go through a jump-through-the-pipes puzzle. Follow my directions and it's no sweat. Jump over the first pipe and walk half way to the right. Jump through the pipes above you. Jump through the pipes again, and walk ALL the way to the right. Jump. Jump up and right. Walk all the way to the right. Jump. Jump. Walk all the way to the left. Jump. Walk all the way to the left. Jump. Jump up and left up the stair looking pipes. Jump. Walk all the way to the right. Jump and land on the first stair. Jump. Walk all the way right and fall down the pit. Pick up the block. Jump twice up the boxes and kick them. Walk all the way to the left. Jump. Walk all the way to the left. Jump up and right. Jump. Jump. Walk all the way to the left. Jump. Walk all the way to the left. Jump. Walk all the way to the left. Jump up to the top of the stair formation. Walk all the way left and backtrack 1 block width. Jump. Jump up and to the left. Jump to the left. Fall down. With the block in hand, you need to place it to create a stair to the pipe. Once a rat is in the pipe, quickly pick up the pipe, run to the right, jump through the room where Homer is, drop into the little pit and place the block there. Repeat for the other rats. You can leave now. [Level 8]: *This level is only accessible after fully completing Level 2 and activating the Star Block* Drop to the left and pick up the blue block. Kill the monster and jump up the platforms. Jump over the pit. Use the Jump-Grab technique (see Controls) to get over to the other side. Jump over the pit and kill the monster on the other side. Go left, and down the pit. You can waste your time getting 4 boxes above the large area, or you can continue with the level. Drop down to the rat spawn, and go left from there. Drop down the hole and pick up the fan above the gap in the left corner. Jump back up through the first hole and over the ledge by the rat spawn. Drop down and go right until you see the laser. Go right until you get to the first stair. From there, you can jump and see 2 pipes above. You need to place the fan below the left pipe. Before you do that, head right some more and use the fan to kick all the boxes. Now place the fan below the left pipe and go back to where you got the fan. Pick up the blue block instead, and fall down the hole. Place the block so it blocks access to the first pipe. Head right and pick up the next block, and place it above the first block in such a way it denies access to the second pipe. Place another block so it blocks access to the pipe near where the blocks are located. Place the final block so the rats can get over the wall. Then go to the rat spawn and place the blue block there so the rats can escape. Once the rats are out, pick up the blue block and follow the rats to the giant wall. Go to the big wall, and jump on top of it. Follow it to the top of it and place the block so the rats will eventually be able to get over it. Place the 3 lefternmost blocks to create a stairway up to the platform above. Once the rats are over the top of that, you need to create stairs again so the rats can get out of the pit they are stuck in now. Once that's done, you need to pick up blocks and stack them at the right edge of the level to get the height needed to jump onto the stairs above. Make your way to the exit. With the previous 8 levels completed, make your way to the final task of Area 2. [Level 9]: The final level of Area 2 is slightly harder than Level 8 of Area 1. Make your way left and up the giant pathway. Jump over all the lasers. Jump right and hold the right arrow. You'll be able to follow the path and get some eggs, points, a Krusty Doll, and the Star Box. Fall down and go down either side of the disappearing blocks. Follow the path and exit the level. Go to the Exit door, and you'll be done Area 2! Make your way right to Area 3. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [c] [Area 3] Sideshow Mel is the operator of the rat killing machines. ___________________________________________________________________________ |_(1)_ _EXIT__| | | | _| | _(4)_(5)___ (10) (11) | | _| | _(3)_ ! ||_ ----------- _(12)| | |______________| _| |===!___ | |_ _| | |____ _| | | |_(9)_| |_ _| | |____|__(2)__________|_________|(8)|_______________|_(6)____(7)__|__________| ~~LEGEND~~ -The 3 Star Blocks are in levels 5, 7, and 8 -The first Star Block you activate will let you access level 8 -The second Star Block you activate will let you access level 9 -The third Star Block you activate will let you access levels 10 and 11 -Level 12 is the final level of the Area Area 3 Walkthrough: [Level 1]: First on the agenda is to kick the box that is in the top right of the screen. Go down the stairs all the way and behold the almighty spring blocks! You can't pick any of these up, so don't try. Instead, test them out and get the hang of how to use them. By holding the Jump button (Button 2) while using a spring, you will get more height. So, once you're happy with your newfound skills, above the middle of the room will be a platform. Bounce up there and pick up the fan block. Oh yea, make sure to watch out for flying pigs. Next, go to the right and bounce on the spring there. Get the height needed to clear the platform and drop down the large pit. Go all the way to the ground floor and kick the 3 boxes, top to bottom. Follow the rats to the left and go up the stairs. Fall down the pit and place the fan anywhere. Jump onto the spring (lightly) and kick the top box. Then pick up the spring and place it somewhere so you can kick the next box and get 9 eggs. Then pick up the fan and get out of the pit. On the stairs there will be 2 stairs that have a double block sized width. Place the fan on the left side of the first double size stair. Then, above Sideshow Mel there is a blue block, and a kickable yellow one. Pick up the blue block, then kick the yellow block twice to the RIGHT. Go to Mel and walk left. Jump onto the platform that is made up of 4 tiny yellow blocks. Place the blue block so it creates a wall that the rats cannot pass after dropping down from the upper platform. Now that the rats are dead, exit the level. [Level 2]: Easy level alert! Okay. Go up and to the left and you should soon come across 2 boxes. Kick these. Fall down to the right and you'll see 3 boxes. Kick these, top to bottom. Fall down to the ground floor and pick up the spring. Kick the box beside it. Kill the cobra and continue right. Kick the boxes and use the spring to get on top of the platform above you. Kick the 2 boxes. Now, go to where the rats are and fall to the floor where the 1 pipe ends and the next one begins. The rats are in a constant loop of falling down the first pipe, and walking into the next pipe, which will place them in a position to fall down the first pipe again. Simply place the spring as to block access to the second pipe (by creating a 2 block height wall that the rats can't scale). They will walk back, and up into the first pipe, and continue down to Sideshow Mel. Next! [Level 3]: Okay, start by going up the stairs to your right. Continue going right until you fall down a pit. Walk left and kill the cobra. Carefully kick the 2 boxes. Now jump back up to the rat spawn and go up the stairs on your right again. This time, scale the platforms, kicking the boxes. At the top, you can jump left and throw a bouncy ball to destroy the wall on the left side. Go into the wall and drop down the pit. Walk left and use the spring to bounce up to a block. Kick it and go into a bonus stage that you MUST complete in the time allowed. *HINT* It is best if after falling down the pits in the first part of the bonus stage, hold the jump button so that you get the maximum height needed to get to the next pit. If you complete it, kick the box to your right and exit the area. Now, you need to create stairs for the rats. Start by taking the fan and placing it as far left as you can go on the SECOND platform on the left side. *NOTE* Always take the blue blocks TOP to BOTTOM. Take a blue block and walk to the right. There should be 2 plain gaps you need to fill. Place the first block via. diagonal method (see Controls) so the rats can get into the pipe, and the second block to create a stair so the rats can access the pipe. Take the last 3 blocks and place them wherever you want on the first platform in the middle. Once the rats are stuck in the little pit, grab the 2 blue blocks below and begin to create a stairway to the second platform on the left (with the fan on it). Take 1 of the 3 other blocks and finish the stairway. You need to use the diagonal method to do this. Take the 2 other blocks and create a stairway using the diagonal method so the rats can escape the pit. Watch and laugh as they all die, and exit the level. [Level 4]: Alright. This level had me stumped for a bit, but then I figured out what was keeping me from beating it. Make sure not to kick the boxes until the rats are dead. What you need to do is get the 4 blue blocks OVER the ledge that leads to Mel. Once you have the 4 blocks on the side of Mel, you need to use them to create a stairway for YOURSELF up and to the left. By using them as stairs (2 at the least), using the diagonal method, and the jump-while-picking-up-the-block method, you will eventually see a platform with 2 fans on it. Oh yea, watch out for the pigs. And unless you are the most careful person on earth, you will probably fall a few times and have to exit the level via Start+Button 2. On the platform above, you can also create some stairs and jump far to the right to access a secret area that has a Krusty Doll, but it's hardly worth it. Pick up the fan that shoots upward and carefully fall down to the rats by falling off the right edge of the platform. Drop the fan here, and the rats should fly up from that fan, and right from the fan above, and down into Mel. Now kick the boxes and leave. [Level 5]: Firstly, scale the platforms to your left and pick up the blue block. Place it beside the kickable box that's floating in the air and kick it for some bouncy balls. Next, pick up the block and go ride the moving platform above where you are. Ride it to the left and jump off at the end. Make Daddy proud and destroy the wall on the left. Drop down all the way (don't worry about taking damage) and stand on the blocks above the boxes on the left. Kick the boxes and get some eggs and some points. Get out of the pit and go right. Place the blue block anywhere on the stairs except for the very top. Now jump into the area on the right where the rats will be in a couple seconds. Find the blue block and pick it up. You should drop down into the pit. Now place the block there are wait for all the rats to fall on top of the block. Pick up the block and hopefully the rats will march right and into Mel. If they march left, try again. Once they are dead, you need to kick a Star Box. So, go to the top of the stairs and place the block there. Get the other block and place it to create some stairs (via Diagonal method--See Controls). What you need to do is create stairs that go straight up from the top of the stairs. There are platforms above that have items and the Star Box. Now you can go back down, ride the platform up, and exit the level. ________________________________ | ** ** ** ** NOTICE ** ** ** ** | | |________________________________________ |Since you activated the Star Block in Level 5, you should now have access| |to level 8. Don't go there yet, go to | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Level 6]: This level is EASY. There are 2 blocks that can be found by using the springs to the right of the door to spring onto the first platform. From there, there is a little alcove in the left wall. Pick up the fan first, and go back to the door where the rats are. Place the fan as far left as it can go. Now go get the blue block and continue to scale the platforms until you get to the top. Jump into the area on the left and place the block so the rats can get to Mel. Exit the level. [Level 7]: Walk until you are facing the yellow boxes. Kick 3 times. Jump up and kick through the row of boxes for points and eggs. Kick the stack of 2 yellow blocks once to the right. Walk back through the platform where the point boxes were and kick the left yellow box to the left. Go down to the rat area and kick the stack of 3 yellow boxes once. Then make your way to where the box you just kicked is, and kick it left against the wall (creating stairs to the pipe). Go back to where the 2 boxes are still stacked, and kick one to the left. Kick it again to line it up to the first yellow box you kicked, creating a platform of sorts. Jump up and kick the left box on the platform down to the other yellow boxes. This should get the rats up to near where Mel is. Use the right yellow block for height to jump up and scale the platforms to where Mel is. Jump to the top green platform and on top of yellow box. Do *NOT* kick this box yet, but jump up and to the right. Kick the Star Box and kick the yellow box to the left 4 times. There are now 2 yellow boxes on the 2 green platforms. Kick the bottom box to the left, kick the top box to the right. Kick the box on the bottom platform to the right, and kick the other box to the right, creating stairs to Mel. Be happy, you just beat a level in 1 minute that took me 20 minutes to figure out. ________________________________ | ** ** ** ** NOTICE ** ** ** ** |________________________________________ |Since you activated the Star Block in Level 7, you should now have access| |to level 9. Go to level 9 now | --------------------------------------==--------------------------------- [Level 9]: *This level is only accessible after activating 2 Star Blocks* In this level, there is a right pit, a left pit (where you start), and 2 pits in the middle. Go to the first middle pit and take the block from the right fan and place it on the left fan. Do this for the second middle pit also. Go to the right pit where Mel is, and pick up the fan that's facing right. Go to the top single sized platform on the right and use the diagonal method (see Controls) to place the fan so it will catch the rats before they fall to the floor. Now, go back to where the rats are and remove the blue block from on top of the fan. Since the rats are as good as dead, you can place it near the left wall to help start the wall you'll use to get the height needed to get the point boxes. Once the rats are dead, use all the blue blocks and the fan block to create a large wall to get the height you need to get to the point boxes. Now you can leave. [Level 8]: *This level is only accessible after activating 1 Star Block* I hope you have patience.. because the first thing you need to do is go left and jump on the green platform above the stairs. Then, jump right and use the springs (make sure you do a regular bounce, NOT a super-high one) to reach a platform at the far right of the level. Pick up a block and place it near the door. Repeat this until all the pieces are out. With that done, let's kick the Star Box. Make your way to the third spring and get a lot of height to land on a platform above. Watch out for the pig, and kick all the boxes on the left side. Then kill the pig and go to the right side and kick the Star Box. Go down and back to where you placed the pieces. You'll need to make a pipe that will transfer the rats up to where all the pipe entrances are. It is _VERY_ hard to explain how to do this, so I will draw a diagram as best I can. It is a rough sketch, and it is not to scale. _______________ _| | _| | = _| | Do this first, and make sure the rats stay on the | right side of the pipe. : | : | After the rats start walking to the right, quickly : | take the ":" pipe piece from beside the "L" piece L: [] J | and place it on top of the other ":" pieces. --------------- It is best to have the rats look like only 1 sprite (they are all together) They should hit the fan that is placed diagonally to the left of the top : piece (see Controls) and walk up to where you want them. ~LEGEND~ -" [] " is the rat hole -" = " is the fan facing right -" L " is the bottom left pipe corner piece -" J " is the bottom right pipe corner piece -" : " is the a straight piece of pipe You need to do basically the same thing for the next area where the rats are. You are aiming for them to enter through the 3rd pipe from the top. Make sure to place a block over the hole in the ground near Mel. This is TOUGH to do, and required planning I simply cannot type or attempt to draw. You're on your own here. Good Luck! ________________________________ | ** ** ** ** NOTICE ** ** ** ** | | |________________________________________ |Since you activated the Star Block in Level 8, you should now have access| |to level 10 and 11. Go to 10 now | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Level 10]: *This level is only accessible after activating 2 Star Blocks* Firstly, go up and kick all the boxes for points. Get the blue block and drop down the right side of the level. Walk to the fan that's shooting the rats up on the right side and place a block over it. Once the rats are all using the left side fan, pick up the blue block and place it beside the fan piece above. Pick up the fan piece (near the boxes that you kicked) and walk left and drop down to a platform that's at the exit of a pipe. Place the fan diagonally on the right side of the platform (see Controls). Now go pick up the blue block and fall down the furthest pit to the right. Walk right and fall down a little bit. Place the blue block so the rats can climb to the fan on the right side of the level. They should die now. Pick up the block and exit when they are dead. [Level 11]: *This level is only accessible after activating 3 Star Blocks* Jump and pick up the right fan. Ride the platform up and jump to the highest point of the pillars. Jump up and left to the platform, and drop the block there. Drop down and pick up the left fan from the end of the pipe. Drop it on top of the right fan. Jump up to the left and pick up the up fan. Drop it beside the other 2 fans. Pick up the left fan as you jump to the platform (see Controls). Go to the platform where you found the up fan, and drop down off the left side of that platform. Make sure you fall straight down. Place the left fan diagonally off the left side of the platform you are on now (see Controls). Go back to the other 2 fans and align them in such a way you can pick up the right fan while jumping up to the left and onto the platform. Drop down to the platform where you placed the left fan, and place the right fan on the edge of the right side. Do not use the diagonal method. Go and get the up fan now, and place it 2 squares out from the end of the pipe where the rats travel. This should get the rats moving and will eventually kill them. To the right of Mel is a pit with many boxes and a cobra. To kill time waiting for the rats to die, go down there and get the boxes. Once all the rats are dead, exit the level. After 11 gruelling levels, you're ready to face the final Level of Area 3... [Level 12]: Finally, the last level of Area 3! This one is the hardest so far. What you need to do is move across the springs while avoiding the pigs. Use any eggs you have to try and kill the 2 pigs, but if you can't, then just try and spring over them. At the end, you'll get lots of point boxes, eggs, and kick the Star Box. Just drop to the floor, run all the way left, and exit the level. Go to the Exit door and leave Area 3! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Head left and enter Area 4. [d] [Area 4] Corporal Punishment is the operator of the rat killing machines. ___________________________________________________________________________ | | -----------------------------------------------------| |_EXIT_(1)_ | | [] | |__________| | |__(14)_ [] | | __| | __(7)__[]_(8)___(9)___(10)____ __| | _| | _| | :: <> () | | | (3)__(2)| ___________| _| | :: <> () _| | | |________________| _| | :: <> () _| | | _| |_(13)_::_(12)_<>(11)_()| | |_(4)________________(5)__(6)__| | |___________________________________________________________________________| ~~LEGEND~~ -The [] wall is removed after activating 1 Star Block -The () wall is removed after activating 2 Star Blocks -The <> wall is removed after activating 3 Star Blocks -The :: wall is removed after activating 4 Star Blocks -Star Blocks are located in the following levels: -7 -9 -11 -12 -Level 14 is the final level of the Area Area 4 Walkthrough [Level 1]: Simple! To your left are 2 blocks that have the ability to trap rats in them. To your right is a spring block. Pick up the spring block and place it near the left wall. Then use the 2 blocks to create some stairs to the rat machine (Punishment). Then, use the spring to get the height needed to land on a platform above the middle of the area. Kick the box and get some bouncy balls. Now use the spring, and, while in mid-air, use the balls on the soft-walls on the left wall. This should release the rats. 2 rats will get stuck in the blocks. Once the other 2 are dead, pick up one of the blocks and use the spring to get yourself to the right of Punishment. Then, kick the block and it will release the rat, who will walk into Punishment. Repeat this for the other block. Once that's done, use the bouncy balls to destroy the soft-wall and gain access to another area on the right. Bring the spring block with you and kick all the boxes for some points and some more bouncy balls. Watch out for the bird, who can also attack you via. crapping overtop of you. [Level 2]: Okay. No real difficulty here. First, you'll want to kill the damned bird. Then, take the platform up and you'll see 3 jar blocks. Use these to create stairs to the pipe below (it leads to Punishment). Once you have 3 rats trapped, and the 4th through the pipe, take the 3 jar blocks up to Punishment. DO NOT KICK THEM YET! Use them to get up to the platform above Punishment. You'll need to create stairs, and pick up the bottom jar, jump, (see Controls) to place it via Diagonal Method (see Controls) to create another stair. Use your brain if you can't figure it out. Once you get the eggs and points, (remember to kick from Top to Bottom), place the jars to the right of Punishment. Then kick them all and exit the level. [Level 3]: Start by kicking the yellow block to your right all the way over the blocks that disintegrate. Once its over the blocks, stand on top of the blocks to disintegrate them. Kick the yellow box to the right a couple more times, but not all the way, yet. Take the platform up and jump off to the left. Now, search the level and gather all the blocks (3 pipes up, 1 corner, 1 blue, 1 fan up) to 1 area, preferably over the giant pipe. Kick all the boxes for some eggs and points. Now, you'll want to grab any piece and go to where the big pipe ends. To the right, there is a small block (that you can't pick up). Place a block so it creates a wall the rats can't get overtop of. Now, go to where the rats are and kick the yellow box all the way to the right. Once the rats are stuck near the smaller pipe on the left of the level, pick up the block you placed to create the wall and place it with the other blocks. Find where the pipe ends and trace it to where the rats will fall (a platform). Now, place 3 straight-up pipe pieces directly under where the pipe ends. Place the corner piece via the Diagonal Method (see Controls) to the right of the top of the 3 pipe pieces. Above Punishment, there will be a block that you can disintegrate. Stand on it to destroy it so the rats can fall to Punishment. Now place the fan so it will shoot the rats into the pipe. They should all die now. Exit the level. [Level 4]: Oookay, another easy level. Head all the way to the left to see the rats. 2 will already be trapped, so go ahead and trap the other 2. Now that you've done that, place 2 Jars near the giant wall so you can get access to Punishment. Place the other 2 near the entrance door. You have a choice now, you can either spend time and get the hidden points and eggs, or just finish off the level. To get the points, you need to build a staircase up top of the entrance door to gain access to a box and blue block. Just keep building via. Diagonal Method (see Controls) until you can reach the box with the Bouncy balls. Now, take 2 Jars and build some stairs at the rat spawn and use the Bouncy ball to destroy the wall above the spawn. Kick some box ass below, and now you can finish the level. Take 2 Jars to the entrance and kick them. Take the 2 Jars near the giant wall and build stairs so you can get both Jars up to the entrance door. Kick them and leave. [Level 5]: See that block on your right? Kick it. Now jump to the platform above and drop down to the pit on the left. Kick the boxes, for great justice! (sorry). Now head back to where you kicked the yellow box and drop down to where it fell. Kick the box for a burger, and jump up and kill the bird. Now, I hope you're good at kicking block puzzles, because that's all you get to use in the next area. What? You suck at kicking block puzzles? Alright, alright, here's how you beat it. Go to the top-left corner of the level. There should be 3 yellow blocks. 2 will be on top of each other. Kick one of them to the right. Go down to where the block fell and kick it to the right again. Now, do the same thing for the other 2 blocks in this part of the level. Fall down to ground level and kick all the boxes as far right as they can go. You should have 3 yellow blocks extending out from the base of the wall now. Go to the top right, and you will see 3 more boxes. Kick the bottom one to the left. Kick the top-left one to the left, and then to the right. Kick the last box to the right, and then to the left. Voila! The rats are gonna die now. Exit the level. [Level 6]: Pick up the blue block to your left, and drop down to ground level. Place it anywhere on the ground, and proceed to the right. Jump up and grab the blue block in the alcove above you, and place it so it creates some stairs that can trap the mice. Head back to the right, and make ABSOLUTLY SURE you do not break ANY of the blocks. At each of the 3 rat spawns, there will be a block you can disintegrate. Do it. By now you should have kicked the 3 boxes. Grab the blue block near the spawns and use it to get some height at the top spawn to jump onto the platform and head left. Kick all the boxes you see. Go back to the right and pick up the block. Go to where the rats should be trapped, and place it on the platform above. Now, go back to where the floor can be destroyed and stand on the 3 left blocks to disintegrate them. Pick up the blue block and create a stair for the last rat. Now, once all 4 rats are trapped to the left, *I will draw a diagram for you now to show how to trap them effectively*. | | [] |__[]_<_ The 2 []'s are how you place the blocks. You'll need to place the top one via. Diagonal Method (see Controls). The rats will climb the stairs and be trapped. Now, back to the level; Once all 4 rats are trapped, place a block on top of the first block in the stair sequence. Now pick up the other block and place it on the platform above, creating another stair sequence that will trap the rats. Quickly, pick up the block that's on top of the bottom block and place it to create stairs up to the next platform. You'll want to do the same thing for the next platform, except you can use the bottom 2 blocks to create the actual stairs that will lead the rats to the pipe. While the rats are going through the pipe, jump up to where Corporal Punishment is. To the left of him, you'll need to place block(s) so that it creates a wall the rats won't be able to get over. They'll then march back into Punishment and die. Exit the level. [Level 7]: There is a platform at the top of the level that you'll need to ride to the left. Drop down the pit and in an alcove on the right you'll see a box that will bring you to a very tough Bonus Level. It might take a few tries to get how to beat the level down, but you'll get it eventually. And this level is a MUST, because once you beat it you'll be taken to a place with 3 boxes. Points and the first Star Block. Use the spring to get back up to the main area. Now, use the 3 blue blocks at the rat spawns to create stairs to Corporal Punishment from the top platform. Now, Jump on the moving platform, and on the right there is an Up Fan. Take that, and drop to the door. Place the fan over the second gap from the left. Place the Jar block that's found in that area over the first gap. The rats should walk straight into Punishment. Once the 3 rats are dead, pick up the Jar and place it near Punishment, and kick it to release the rat and kill it. ________________________________ | ** ** ** ** NOTICE ** ** ** ** | | |________________________________________ |Since you activated the Star Block in Level 7, you should now have access| |to level 8, 9, and 10. Go to 8 now | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Level 8]: *This level is only accessible after activating 1 Star Block* Hmm... okay. Find the rat spawn and pick up the first block. While you're waiting for the rats to get stuck, go ahead and kill the bird. Okay, the rats should be flying left and right now. Go to the left fan that keeps them stuck and place a blue block anywhere on the platform. Go get the other blue block and place it on top of the other block. The rats will either: A) Fly up to where you want them, at the top of the level or B) Get stuck between 2 fans 1 level below where they were just stuck. For B, just place another 2 block wall to stop the rats. Now, the trick to progressing here is you need to place the blocks on the right of the platform, and place the 2nd to create the wall when the rats are on the left side of the potential wall. This makes them fall down to the left, and get stuck at the top of the level, which is what you want. Once you have the 4 rats trapped at the top of the level, pick up a block, go to Corporal Punishment. To the right of him is some blocks and a gap. Place the 1 block so it bridges the gap, and go get the other block. Now, you'll want to place this block when the rats are on the left side of wherever you're going to place the block. I suggest placing it on the right edge of the platform. The rats should get stopped by it, climb over it, and eventually die. Exit the level. [Level 9]: *This level is only accessible after activating 1 Star Block* Start by letting the rats get trapped. Then, take the Jars and the fan to the very right end of the level. Place them so you can create a staircase in which to have enough height to transfer all the Jars up. So, grab the Jars and use the spring to get to the next area. Place the 4 Jars on the walkway *BEFORE* the pit with the 3 boxes in it. Oh yea, kick the 3 boxes, and one of them will be a Star Block. Next, get the fan to where the Jars are. Place it anywhere on the walkway and go get the blue block. Place it anywhere, and place the fan above and to the left via Diagonal Method (see Controls). Kick the Jars with the rats in from the right side so they walk to the right, over the fan, and fly into the area where Corporal Punishment is. Go and exit the level now. ________________________________ | ** ** ** ** NOTICE ** ** ** ** | | |________________________________________ |Since you activated the Star Block in Level 9, you should now have access| |to level 11. However, don't go there yet, go to | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Level 10]: *This level is only accessible after activating 1 Star Block* Quickly pick up the fan to your left. Kick the box. Go to the right and jump up on to the top of the pipe. Place the fan anywhere. Use the Bouncy ball in the top right corner to break the roof and get 3 boxes. Now in the top left corner, there are 4 Jars. Perfect. Trap the rats and place the jars anywhere near the fan. Now, place a Jar on the right edge of the pipe, but not via Diagonal Method, just on top of the corner piece. Take the fan and place it to the right via Diagonal Method (see Controls). Now, take each jar and place it to the left of the small hole near Corporal Punishment, and kick the Jars from on top of the fan. 4 dead rats later and you're done the level. [Level 11]: *This level is only accessible after activating 2 Star Blocks* First, make your way to the top of the level, and jump left onto the top of a pipe. Continue left, kicking the box for a Bouncy ball, and using it to gain access to a secret area to the left. There's a Star Block, so make sure to kick that. Now go back to the entrance door. To the right of Corporal Punishment there are 2 Jars. So go ahead and trap the rats in those. Take the Jars to the entrance of the level. Gather up all the vertical pipe pieces, 5 total, and put them anywhere near the entrance. Now, you'll need to construct a stairway that will let the rats enter the first pipe on the left side, like so: |==: | :: | ::J -------------- Let J represent a Jar piece, and : represent a vertical pipe piece. Before you do that, however, trace the pipe to where it exits and place a Jar via the Diagonal Method over the right edge of the platform. Once the 2 rats are in the pipe, quickly pick up the 2nd Jar from the steps you created and place it using the Diagonal Method (see Controls) over the right edge of the first Jar. The rats should die. Now take the Jars to Cpl. Punishment, place them to the left of him, and kick them from the left side. Now exit the level. ________________________________ | ** ** ** ** NOTICE ** ** ** ** | | |_________________________________________ |Since you activated the Star Block in Level 11, you should now have access| |to level 12. Go there now | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Level 12]: *This level is only accessible after activating 3 Star Blocks* This level is easy, but not if you don't know what to do. Walk all the way to the right. See the darkness extending up near the wall you can't get past? There are hidden platforms there. Jump all the way up, and jump onto the platform extending horizontally to your left. Then, jump up and you'll be near the ceiling. Walk all the way right and kick the 2 boxes. One will be a Star Block. Pick up the Jar and use the hidden platforms above the Jar to make your way back to Cpl. Punishment. Place the Jar so the rats can get to Punishment. Now, how do we go about killing this trapped rat? Well, jump up to the 2nd highest hidden platform, 1 down from the ceiling. Walk to the edge (Trial and Error comes to mind), and jump allllll the way to the left. *GASP* It's another hidden platform! Walk against the wall and place the rat down. Carefully walk down to the right of it and kick him. Exit the level when he is dead. ________________________________ | ** ** ** ** NOTICE ** ** ** ** | | |_________________________________________ |Since you activated the Star Block in Level 12, you should now have access| |to level 13. Go there now | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Level 13]: *This level is only accessible after activating 4 Star Blocks* At the very top of the level are some kickables with eggs and some points. Attend to that first. Then, pick up any of the blue blocks to go to Cpl. Punishment. There are 2 rats that you can kill now. When you see a rat descending from the heavens, place the blue block via. Diagonal Method (see Controls) over the left edge of the platform. Now pick up the block and place it anywhere on the platform above Cpl. Punishment. Once the last 2 rats walk over the block, wait until you see the rats falling from the sky and place the block where you placed it to kill the other 2 rats. Not so hard, is it? Exit the level and head to the final level. Well, you should be relieved now. 13 Levels down, and 1 to go.. the final one. [Level 14]: Thank God this is the final level. Go right and get the spring. Use it with the Jump and Pickup method to scale your way to the top of the level. Make sure to stop and go right to collect the points. Like all the other last levels, this level is very straightforward. So use what's left of your sanity to make your way through it. Once you kick the Star Block, exit the level. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Go right and enter the final Area, Area 5 [e] [Area 5] Bart Simpson is the operator of the rat killing machines again. _____________________________________________________________________________ | | | | | : | |_EXIT__(1)_ | |___(5)_________ |_(9)_ | (10)_:(11) | | | | ________ |_ =| | ________| | |___________| | _| |___| _(6)_ |= | | ! | | _| _| _(3)_ _| |_ =|= | | ! _| | _| _| _| |_ _| __| |= | |(12) _| | |_(2)_ _|____| _| ______|_ _| | _(14)_| | | | | | |_ _| | _| |(7)_ [][][] | |_ | |_______|_________|______|_(4)_____|____________|__|___(8)[][][]_|_______|(13)| ~~LEGEND~~ -The [] is removed after activating 1 Star Block -The : is removed after activating 2 Star Blocks -The ! is removed after activating 3 Star Blocks -Star Blocks are in Levels: -8 -10 -11 -Level 14 is the final level of the Area Area 5 Walkthrough [Level 1]: Go right and kick the yellow block 5 times. Now go pick up a blue block and place it to the right of the yellow block (on the same level). Make sure there's 1 empty space between the yellow block and the blue block, Space enough to kick the yellow block and have it stop 1 block width. Now place the blue block to start the stairs up to the top of the tree. Go get the Fan block and place it on top of the tree, as far right as it can go. Now get the last blue block and finish the stairs up to the tree. Now that the rats are going to get shredded by Bart (this game is violent!) jump to where Bart is standing. Jump straight up. There are hidden platforms that will take you to a bunch of boxes. Kick them for some points and an extra life. Exit the level. [Level 2]: Fall to the floor and kill the bird. Run right and kick the bottom box. Go left, pick up a block, and place it so you can kick the 2nd box. Repeat for the 3rd box. Now stack all 3 near Bart and jump up to the platform. Use the Bouncy balls to access the upper area. Kick the 2 boxes. Now, go down and place a Blue Block over the first fan. Place a Blue Block over the second fan. Place the last Blue Block so the rats can escape down to the floor. You need to be real fast, and use the Blocks to cover up all the fans and the pipe. It's not that tough to do if you're fast, but may take more than 1 try. Exit the level. [Level 3]: Trap the rats in the Jars. Then, create some stairs up to the right so you can kick a box and get to a Bonus level. It's not necessary to beat it, but it's nice. Now, take all the Jars to the left. Take each Jar on top of the Fan and place it via. Diagonal Method (see Controls) to the left. Now kick it and the rat should die. Before you kill the next 3 rats, I suggest you stack 2 Jars to kick the 2 boxes. Now, kill the other 3 rats. On top of the area you're in is 2 boxes and a bird. Feel free to kick the boxes for some points and eggs. Exit the level. [Level 4]: Not only did this level take me the longest time to complete, it was the last level that was written a walkthrough for. *clap* *clap* *clap* The good thing, if there is such a thing, is that all the rats will start, pretty much clumped together. Once they are clumped, pick up a blue block and use it beside the kickable boxes to kick the top one. Pick up the Blue block and kick the bottom box. Onto the rats. -1st Blue block goes to the left of Bart, who is at the end of the level, to create a stair so the rats can climb over the wall after falling out of the pipe. -2nd Blue block gets placed via Diagonal Method (see Controls) over the right edge of the highest platform before the pit of springs. -3rd Blue block goes to create the first stair that will lead the rats out of the area that they get stuck in after removing the 3rd Blue block. Go figure. -4th Blue block finishes the staircase that will lead the rats out of the place they are stuck in after removing the 3rd Blue block. *WAIT* Before you place the 4th block, be aware that when you do, you will trigger a series of events that require precise timing and skills to pass. Before placing it, trace where the rats will walk. Let's call the 1st platform with a small gap the '1st Platform', the 2nd platform with a small gap the '2nd Platform', and the platform with the large gap the '3rd platform'. Once the rats are over the 1st block in the staircase you created, pick it up and place it to close the gap on the 1st Platform. Run back up and pick up the 2nd block and place it to close the gap on the 2nd platform. Run back to the 1st platform, and the rats should be safely over the block by now. Pick it up and place it regularly on the right edge of the 3rd platform. Run back to the 2nd platform, and when the rats are over the gap, pick up the block and finish bridging the gap between the 3rd and 4th platforms. Now, jump on top of the blue block that leads the rats into the pipe. Wait until the rats are all in the pipe, and press down to pick up the block and fall into the pit. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT YOU HOLD THE JUMP KEY WHILE FALLING! It saves much needed time. Bounce your way to where Bart is, and place the final block over the gap to the left of Bart that the rats would fall in. Most of this is done via Diagonal Method (see Controls), except for the gap on the 3rd platform. You must be VERY quick to do this, and Save State will come in handy a lot. Good luck! [Level 5]: Above Bart there are some boxes. Kick them from top to bottom, then go back down and walk to the left. Pick up the blue block and fall down the large pit. If you walk right, you'll see the rats. You'll need to remove at least 1 blue block to release them, but eventually all 3 to complete the level. I will not refer you to the Area 4 Level 6 Walkthrough, because what you need to do here is very much the same, except on a much larger scale. The game makers seem to take some sadistic pleasure in watching players suffer, because this part of the level is just a giant pain in the ass. So, you have 4 blocks to make this whole scheme work. It's not an easy thing to do, especially at the final stairs to the top of the level, which requires a 3 block set of stairs. For that part, you'll need to rely on speed, meaning you'll need to take the bottom block and place it as the final stair before the rats reach it. Once the rats are on the grass, make a wall of 2 blocks so the rats are trapped. When you can, move the wall out as far to the edge on the left as you can (which would be allowing 1 block width until you placed the first block for the stairs.) So, now that they are trapped, begin making stairs up to the left. Oh, and feel free to kill that bird too. Once the rats are over into the new area, quickly place a block over the fan on the left. Now you'll need to set up the path for the rats. Take the 3 blocks to Bart. So let's see now. Place 2 blocks via Diagonal Method (see Controls) over the edge of the platform Bart's standing on, and place the last block anywhere on top of the top tree. Go back to the rats and take the block off the fan. Congratulations, you have rats a lá stuck. After the rats fly off the fan on the right, you'll need to place that second blue block you should have, and place it on top of the block that's anywhere on the tree. This stop the rats, and they should walk into Bart. If by any chance you accidentally stop the rats on the wrong side of the block, you'll probably have to re-do the entire level, starting from where the rats fall down from the spawn. ... Or you could Load State (but that's cheating...) Once the rats are dead, exit the level. [Level 6]: Okay, this will be another pain-in-the-ass level. Walk to the left and pick up the blue block that sits on top of the pipe. Continue right and fall into the very large pit where the rats are and place the block anywhere. Go back up top and do the same for the other blue block that's to your right. Then, you can get a little secret by jumping on top of the platform that's on top of the blue columns, and jumping at full power straight up. This is like Level 1 of this Area, so no trouble here. Just for kicks, and to make the level easier, clump the rats together (see Important Info). Place a block at the bottom of the pyramid (left side) so the rats will get stuck as you prepare yourself. Place 1 block connecting the bottom pyramid and the right pyramid. Place 2 blocks on top of the bottom stair of the right side of the right pyramid. Pick up the block that's blocking the rats *RIGHT AFTER* they start walking to the left again. Now place it on top of the other 3 blocks on the right side of the right pyramid. When the rats are stopped by the 3 block wall, that is your queue to pick one of the blocks up and connect the right pyramid with the top one. Don't get lazy though, you need to pick up another block and connect the top pyramid with the surface. There are other ways to lead the rats to the machine once they are on the surface, but this way is by far the easiest. I hope you have a strong will, and lots of patience, because this took me 20+ times to finally accomplish. Oh yea, exit the level and breathe a sigh of relief. [Level 7]: Explore a bit and you'll find a Jar on the ground floor. Disintegrate all the block you can right now. This includes the stairs leading to the pipe (don't forget to kick the boxes), and the wall of them on the far right of the level (near the pipe exit). When you're on the ground near the 5 disintegrating blocks, place the jar beside the first one. SLOWLY step to the left, and destroy the block without stepping off the Jar. Repeat this until there's 1 left. Now place the Jar diagonally and to the left of the second Yellow block from the top. Now kick the top Yellow block. Place the Jar on top of the bottom Yellow block. Now kick the second Yellow block from the top. Now kick the Yellow block that fell. Walk right and pick up the Jar block, and kick the Yellow block on your left to the left again. Now to and disintegrate the final block and then place the Jar where it used to be. Kick the Yellow block to the left twice. Kick the Yellow block on the ground floor to the left 5 times. Place the Jar against the wall and kick the Yellow block. By placing the Jar in that position, the Yellow block will slide once only. Now, 1 by 1, you'll need to place the Jar over the pipe so the rats can continue, and quickly place it so it completes the stairs up to Bart. Once the 3 rats are dead, place the Jar to the right of Bart and kick it to release him to Bart. Do this until all the rats are dead, and exit the level. [Level 8]: Let the rats fall into the pit, there's nothing you can do. However, see the box to the top-left of the pit? Yes, it's the first Star Block. To get it, you'll need to place 2 Blocks on top of each other. There are 4 blocks located on the right side of the level, so use those. Once the Star Block has been activated, you'll want to deal with the rats. To the right of the level, and on the ground, is a row of kickable boxes. Once of them contains Bouncy Balls. Get them, and ride the platform to the top. Jump off to the left and stand on the 2 blocks to disintegrate them. Then, use the Bouncy Balls to destroy the wall to your left. Now that you know where the blocks are located, let's set up the level. The Fan that faces left will be the first thing you need to set up. Ride the platform to the top. On the right you should see a series of platforms. Get 2 blocks AND the Fan block (so 3 total) placed on the 3rd platform from the top on the right edge of the level. Now, place any of the 2 blocks via the Diagonal Method (see Controls) over the left edge of the platform that is SECOND from the top. Now go get the 2nd different block and place it via Diagonal Method on the left side of the first block. Now take the Fan block and place it again, using the Diagonal Method, over the second block. Now, follow where the fan will shoot the rats and place 2 Blue blocks anywhere in that area. Go find the Up fan and go to where the rats are. Place the Fan so it shoots the rats into the pipe on the far left above the pit. Once all the rats are in, quickly pick up the Fan and place it beside the right side of the moving platform. This should make the rats shoot up to the Left fan and get stuck in the pipes to the left. Pick up the Up fan and go to where the rats are all stuck. Place the Up fan anywhere, and place a Blue block on top of it. Now take the other Blue block and place it on top of the pipe that the rats are stuck in. You'll basically have to randomly place it at times so the rats will actually escape instead of being pushed back. If you get a rat out, and he's on his way back from the wall, place the blue block down and wait until he walks over it. The rat should walk right into Bart. Repeat this process for all the rats and then exit the level, making sure you got the Star Block. ________________________________ | ** ** ** ** NOTICE ** ** ** ** | | |_________________________________________ |Since you activated the Star Block in Level 8, you should now have access | |to level 10. However, go to Level 9 first | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Level 9]: You *NEED* to clump all the rats together at the end of the level. It is absolutely essential to your victory over this level. Oh yea, see Important Info if you don't know what I just said (!! How did you make it this far then?) Alternatively, you can do this 1 rat at a time.. but that's for losers. Once the rats are clumped.. you have to construct a 3 block stairway that start at the second-from-the-right placement place, and continues up in a diagonal fashion. You'll probably need to pull out the bottom block in order to let the rats in. No biggie. Once the rats are over the bottom block, however, you need to pick it up and place it as to trap the rat in the 2 block width alcove poste haste! Once that's done, use the other 2 blocks to start a staircase up and to the right, which will end with the rats going through the pipe. Pick up the block that's keeping the rats stuck and place it to finish the stairs to the pipe. Repeat this for any other rats still alive. Once all the rats are dead, leave the level. [Level 10]: *This level is only accessible after activating 1 Star Block* Let me direct your attention, if you will, to some hidden platforms. If you walk to the right, you'll be able to jump on top of a tree, and then to a short orange walkway before a large pit. From there, jump to the right, and about half-way over the gap you'll land on a platform. Jump all the way straight up and jump as far to the right as you can. You should land on a small platform, and then be able to jump onto the large walkway. Kick those boxes and the last one is a Star Block. Now fall down and pick up the Blue block. Now continue down to where the rats are stuck. Walk to the pipe entrance, and place your Blue block to create some stairs. Notice something wrong? The rats won't scale that height. So, you need to place the block once the rat is actually beside the pipe. Do that for all 4 rats. Place the Blue block beside the Blue block below and pick up the Blue block on the right. You should fall down a bit. Place the block where you fell down to, and lightly jump on top of the other Blue block. Pick it up and place it anywhere outside where the rats are stuck. Now go back and get the other Blue block. You'll want to place the 2 blocks via Diagonal Method (see Controls) over the pit that leads to Bart. Keep creating alternate stairs up, by picking up the bottom block and placing it to the next highest spot. Do this until you have 1 block that's beside and under the Yellow Blocks. Now go and kick them so they land beside the opening of the hole. The rats will get stuck again, but just place the Blue block so they can get over the Yellow blocks, and you're done. ________________________________ | ** ** ** ** NOTICE ** ** ** ** | | |_________________________________________ |Since you activated the Star Block in Level 10, you should now have access| |to level 11. Go there now | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Level 11]: *This level is only accessible after activating 2 Star Blocks* Dear God, have mercy. This Area has been the toughest of the entire game. With levels that require so much precision and speed, it could drive a person mad. This level is no exception. But enough of that, let's get to the level. 8 point boxes, 3 lives, and 9 eggs await you to your left. Beyond the rat spawn is a hidden passageway that goes through the blue-brick wall. It should be darker than the rest of the wall, so it's easy to spot. With that out of the way, go back to the door and walk to the right. You'll see a flying pig and 4 blocks. Take the Up Fan block first and keep walking to the right. There will be a pit, which I will refer to as the 'Main Pit' from now on. Go through the first alcove on the left and kick the 3 boxes (top to bottom) for some points. Now go back to the Main Pit. If you follow the small platforms to the bottom, you'll only see 1 spot where the rats could get stuck, and that is in the first left alcove. So, to counter-act that, you'll need to place 2 Fan blocks that will create a wall the rat's can't pass. To make things easy on yourself, use the Up and Left Fan blocks. Now, you can explore to the first right alcove. Kick the 2 boxes on the right for some eggs and points, then drop down the pit. There's an Alien lurking at the bottom, as well as a box to the left. Dispose of them and go to the right, and use the springs until you are above ground again. 5 Boxes await you. 1 is a Star Block, 1 is a pack of Bouncy Balls, and the other 3 are points. Now use the Bouncy Balls on the wall to your left to escape. Now use the Blue block to free the rats that are stuck beside the door. When all the rats are down to the bottom of the level, place all the blocks close to the bottom of the level, but don't place them so they interfere with the rats *yet*. Use the Diagonal Method and the Jump and Pick up Method (see Controls) to create alternating stairs with the Left Fan and the Blue block until you get the Left Fan to the left beside the middle Acid Pipe. Pick up the Blue block and place it in the Area with Bart. Place the Right Fan there also, and use the method you did for the previous area to place the Right Fan in such a spot you can place the Up fan so it will propel the rats up and into the Right Fan, which will shoot the rats into Bart. I suggest starting the staircase with the Fan. Now place the Up Fan to the left of the Left Fan so it shoots the rats up and into the Fan, which should be placed high enough to shoot the rats OVER the large wall and into the area with Bart. Then, place the Up Fan so it will shoot the rats into the Right Fan and into Bart. Got it? Good, leave the Level when the rats are dead. ________________________________ | ** ** ** ** NOTICE ** ** ** ** | | |_________________________________________ |Since you activated the Star Block in Level 11, you should now have access| |to level 12 and 13. Go to 12 now | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Level 12]: *This level is only accessible after activating 3 Star Blocks* Go to the far left of the level and use 2 blocks to gain height so you can kick the boxes above. Trap the 2 rats that are remaining on the left side of the level (see Important Info). There will be multiple platforms in the middle of the beginning area. It should look like a tree of sorts. Take the Corner Pipe block and place it via Diagonal Method (see Controls) to the right of the bottom-right platform of the tree structure. Now place 2 Vertical Pipe pieces directly above it. Now you'll need to place 1 Jar via Diagonal Method to the right of the top Vertical Pipe block, and the other Jar block to start creating stairs that will lead the rats to the next area. Once the rats are over the first Jar block, pick it up and complete the stairs to the next area. Kick the 2 boxes that are on the ground to the right of the area with the fans. Now pick up the 2 Jar blocks and place them anywhere in the area. Pick 1 Jar block up and go to where the rats are stuck between the fans. You'll want to place it as far right as you can so it'll create stairs to the next part. Place the Jar down when the rats are going to be on the left side of it {The Jar}. Now take the 2 Jars to where the rats are stuck now. Place 1 via Diagonal Method to create the first of 2 stairs that will lead the rats to the next part (Make sure you place it when the rats are going to be on the left side of it {The Jar}). Quickly finish the stairs and pick up the bottom stair. This should trap the rats again, and have a second stair created. Now go get the Corner Pipe block and 1 Vertical Pipe block. The following is what you will want to create to the left of Bart: ____________________ | < | | __BART *Let the arrows represent the fan directions | : T | *Let : represent the Vertical Pipe block |> J | *Let T represent a Jar block (T=Trapped) | ______ | | *Let J represent the Corner Pipe block | | | | | | | | | | _____^| | The trick here is that you can't place the Jar until after the rats have walked over it below to get to this area, and until AFTER the rats have passed where it must be placed in the fan sequence. Basically, place the J and : pieces first. Then, wait until the rats are on the left of the Jar, and place it to create stairs up to this area. When the 2 rats are over the block, quickly pick it up and place it in the spot only AFTER the rats have passed it. I really hope you've understood this. Now place the Jars to the left of Bart and kick them from the left side to kill the final rats. Once the rats are dead, exit this level. [Level 13]: *This level is only accessible after activating 3 Star Blocks* As always, let's deal with the extras of this level first. Make your way alllll the way to the right. Kick the box and get some Bouncy Balls. Now use them of the wall to the right of you to open up a secret area. Follow it through, jumping over the pit to get a bunch of boxes. Now fall down the pit and it'll be like you just entered the level. Now place either block piece you can pick up (Blue or Jar) and place it via Diagonal Method (see Controls) over the right edge of the large platform. Place the other block piece so it fills in the gap on that same platform. Now kick the left Yellow block to the left once, and then to the left once. This will create some stairs for the rats. Do the same thing for the other Yellow block, except kick it to the left once, and then once to the right. Use whichever block is placed via Diagonal Method to create the second stair, and then pick up the other block and finish the staircase to the next area. Now you can disintegrate the wall that's trapping the rats. Now place the 2 blocks anywhere in the next area, as long as it doesn't affect the rats. The premise for this part is basically the same. You should see a tiny gap in the floor, 2 block widths wide. Go to the left side of that and place any block via Diagonal Method to the right. Now go and kick the Yellow block left twice. Now you can finish creating stairs to the next area. Once you have that done, disintegrate the blocks to let the rats through. Now this next part lacks creativity. Just place the 2 blocks you have (Jar and Blue) to create stairs to Bart. Of course, now you have the Jar to deal with. Place the Blue block on top of the right edge before the pipe. Place the Jar via Diagonal Method to the left. Now pick up the Blue block and place it via Diagonal Method to the right of the Jar. Now place the Jar beside the hole, and kick it from the left. Exit the level by going through the secret area. This is it! Prepare yourself, go get a drink, and go to the final level of the game! [Level 14]: This is it. You've gone through 56 levels of complete madness, and you've ended up here. Excited? Good, because this Last Area Level is better than the rest. Jump up and to the right to begin, avoiding the Laser Platform's shots if it shoots you. Lightly jump and pick up the spring and place it 1 spot to the right of where it was. Spring up and kick the boxes, and pick up the spring again. Walk to the right and use this spring to get the box, and up to the right alcove above. Kill the Alien and keep going right. Kick the 2 boxes and ride the platform up. Walk to the left and place the spring anywhere in the general leftern-most area. Use it to spring up and to the left first, kicking the boxes from top to bottom, and then use it to spring onto the treetop. To the right of the treetop are 3 boxes, with 3 extra lives (like you need them... but they are worth points). With all the boxes kicked, and everything is said and done, leave the level. Make the long trek to the EXIT door. Now do what the Clown says and get to the main door, which is where the game begins. Enter the door and enjoy the ending. Well, congratulations. With the aid of the guide, you've beaten all 57 levels of Krusty's Funhouse for the SMS. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ V V [8]. [Passwords] ^ ^ VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV These passwords will warp you past the previous areas and remove obstacles that were once preventing you to access the area. Area 1: HI KIDS Area 2: BARNEY Area 3: MARTIN Area 4: SQUISHY Area 5: ELFMAN ***UNCONFIRMED*** There is supposedly a code that lets you choose any Area to play. I've tried it, and it doesn't work on my version of the game, but I'm putting it here in hopes maybe someone can clear the air about it. All Doors Open: HPKEITH ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ V V [9]. [Credits]/Other ^ ^ VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV Thanks to CJayC for hosting this FAQ, and thousands of other awesome FAQs on thousands of other awesome games. Thanks to Sega for releasing this game for my blessed Sega Master System. To you, for reading? Sure, why not. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ V V [10]. [Version/Update History] ^ ^ VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV Final 05/30/2002: Updated the look, fixed some spelling and some things in the Walkthrough. Final update, I promise. Final 04/10/2002: Final Update. Modified spelling and grammar errors, all formatting finished. Might update again if the Level Select Password "HPKEITH" is verified or debunked. If you see any additional errors please e-mail me. Enjoy! v0.9.9 03/30/2002: Finished the Walkthrough, Transcript, and Monsters. So, uh, basically, this FAQ is now 100% complete! That makes it my first complete FAQ. Now, it's time to work on my other 2 FAQs. This FAQ will be updated to v1.0 after I thoroughly proofread it a few times, and have someone else proofread it. As for the password section, I have seen websites that claim a certain code will grant you Area Select. However, I have tested this so-called "Code" and it does not work, at least on my version of the game. However, if you can send me visual proof that the code works, please send it to my email, e-long1@rogers.com Oh, the code in question is "HPKEITH". v0.7 03/26/2002: Added a new section, "Blocks", added "Monsters" section, finished the Area 4 walkthrough, added the Area 5 Map, and finished the walkthrough for Levels 1-3 in Area 5. Next update will be 0.9.9, which will be the final update, aside from spell and grammar checks. v0.6.5 03/25/2002: You'll notice some design changes, and some subtle changes if you're observant. Added the Area 4 map and some level walkthroughs for Area 4. This game is long, and tiring, but I'll get the Walkthrough done, eventually. I'm aiming for an end-of-the-month v1.0 (final) release, but I'm not sure if I can meet the deadline, considering I have 2 other FAQs to work on. v0.6 03/20/2002: Fixed MAJOR formatting problems in the updates and the map of Area 3. Should look a lot better now. I finished the Area 3 Walkthrough also. Added a legal section because The Simpsons is a franchise and needs a legal disclaimer. v0.5 03/20/2002: I worked my ass off and got the Area 2 Walkthrough finished. My goal of getting done an Area a day has failed by slightly over 4 hours. Area 3 may take longer because I still need to beat a few more levels, and Area 4 will take significantly longer because I haven't even seen the levels yet. v0.1 03/18/2002: Started the FAQ and added everything you see. I still need to work on the Walkthrough and Passwords section. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ V V [11]. [Legal] ^ ^ VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV This FAQ is Copyright 2002 Elliot 'Ny0Cloud' Long. All rights reserved. The Simpsons is TM and Copyright (C) Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. All right reserved. This game is Copyright (C) 1993 Acclaim Entertainment, INC. Based on a concept and game designed by Fox Williams. Programmed by Audiogenic Software LTD. All Simpsons characters were created by Matt Groening. Final Word Count: 19,474 Again, this FAQ is Copyright (C) 2002 Elliot 'Ny0Cloud' Long. All rights reserved. Not for reproduction or trade. { E N D O F F A Q }