Last Bible 2 Story Walkthrough By Hassan ( Version 0.97 Intro First, there are a few screens giving a background on Gaia. After this, we go to a scene in the throne room of the Magoku (Demon Country) in which the king is being told by Medoku about the fact that only one baby has been born in the kingdom that night, and that is a sign of the revival of Gryas. The King then says that something must be done about this. 15 years later.... Yuri's Forest Talk to the Soul Leon (above you) and answer yes. He'll tell you to take the treasure chests in the cave. Take the contents and equip them. Now leave and go southwest to the town of Ain. Town of Ain Go to the house right below the northwest-most house. Larusa, Yuri's friend, will be arguing with his mother because he's leaving the town, but she doesn't want him to. Now, in the north part of the village there is what looks like an exit from the village, but it isn't. Go through it to get to the flower garden. Talk to the people to meet Zodia and Kurau. After this event, Larusa will come and tell you that Medoku, Yuri's other friend, has a present for the two of you. Leave the flower garden, and she'll be waiting right outside. Talk to her and she'll give you a pendant, which she says is a symbol of your friendship and tells you never to give it to anyone. When that scene’s over, go to the entrance to the town, and talk to the guy there. He says that he went on an expedition to kill a monster called Berk, but it was too strong for him. Larusa comes and volunteers the two of you to go kill it. Talk to the guy one more time, then leave the town, and go north over the bridge, then east to get to Berk's cave. Berk's Cave Before going too deep in here, both characters should be at least level 6 and have Tite Swords (Taitoso-do) and Copper Shields (dou no tate,) both available in Ain. Also, get a monster if you want, but all the monsters available at this point will be no match for the boss in this cave, but they will take some attacks for your two humans, which makes the battle somewhat easier. The cave itself is pretty straightforward. There's a room where you can get an egg if you want it. When you feel ready, go fight the boss. Halfway through the cave, Larusa will tell you that he's excited about the chance to use his Gaia. At the bottom, the boss will say that his Gaia is the strongest on this island and fight you. Events When you return to Ain, the Magoku will be recruiting soldiers to take on Gryas. Once again, Larusa will volunteer the two of you. Medoku, who is recruiting will tell you to go to the town in the north, where his soldiers are waiting, so go back to Yuri's forest. The soldiers say they got the Soul Leon and now need to find the 2 others. Go in the cave at the upper-right. Someone will be yelling for help. Talk to the soldier, say yes, and fight the boss. He's not too hard as long as you remembered to heal after that last boss. After this, leave the forest, Larusa will run off to the Magoku eager to strengthen his gaia powers. As for you, go back to Ain. Esau will be in front if the inn. Talk to him. He'll tell you that he's searching for Brantika. Tell him that you're going on a trip and he'll join you. Now go north, over the bridge to the north-most part of the island, to a port. Port Talk to the guy by the ship and tell him yes. You'll end up in Lutz. Not much to do there. Buy equipment if you want. The monsters outside here are finally good enough to be more than pincushions, so recruit some. When you feel ready, go northeast to the Pixie's Village. Pixie's Village Here a soldier from the Magoku is terrorizing the pixies. Choose no to fight him. He's just like the boss you fought in Yuri's Forest (same kind of enemy,) so the fight should be easier this time. The pixies will tell you that they're still scared because they think the Magoku will come back. Just forget about that and move on. Just go north to a cave. The cave's layout is simple. Once you're out of the cave, recruit some new monsters if you want (they're even stronger than the ones that were on the world map before the cave,) then go north, through the rock passage, to Sidon. Sidon There's, again not much to do here, although there will be eventually. For now you can fuse monsters though. Go in the building you see immediately upon entering the town and talk to the guy there to do it. When you've done all you want, go northeast, over a bridge to Esau's Hometown. Esau's Hometown When you get in here, a guy will talk to Esau, calling him boss, and say that he found some new information on Brantika. Esau will explain to you that this is his hometown, and leave you for the time being. Go into the building at the north part of town, and try to enter the room in the north of there. Esau will tell you that there's a Soul Leon in Ebura, to the west, and say to go there to have a look. He will then rejoin you. Ebura Go to the flower garden east of the castle. Zodia and Kurau are there. Talk to them. They talk about the tree withering and how the power of Aqua can save it. Esau tells you to go back to his hometown because he's heard of Aqua before. Do it. In the hometown, go to the north room in the north building, and Esau will walk ahead of you. Follow him and there'll be a conversation about the power of Aqua, and it is discovered that it is to the north. After the conversation is over, talk to the top-left most guy in that same room and get a key. Then go back and talk to Kurau and Zodia, and they'll join you. Then go north of Esau's Hometown to a cave. Examine the fence and you'll automatically unlock it. The place with the power of Aqua is to the northwest. Chiteiko The Tankis in here can be tough, but (and this applies to any enemy in this game,) if you have a monster in your party (it's OK if it's not summoned,) then talk to a monster of its kind. all the monsters you're fighting will leave you alone. This is a useful trick as it can bail you out of many troublesome situations. As for the dungeon itself, take the second staircase down you see, and go to the south of the bottom floor to a brown tile. Kurau will then say "I can feel the power of life." and start a summoning chant (The same one that is on the computer screen at the beginning of Shin Megami Tensei.) Talk to her again, and you'll get the Power of Aqua. Now go back to Ebura, to the tree and you'll automatically use the Power of Aqua on it, but it won't get better. Now go talk to the King of Ebura. He'll tell you that he sent a spy to the town of Manase in the northwest, but the spy hasn't come back yet, and he wants you to investigate. Manase There's not much doing here, but the guy by the ship asks you if you work on the island in the lake. The spy is there so tell him yes to go there. It turns out that the island is a base for the Magoku. Get to the end and you'll find two guys wearing backpacks. One of them is the spy. After you talk to them, go back to the beginning, and you'll have to fight a boss (Soldier) to leave. It's not a hard boss. Beat him and you're home free. Just talk to the spy by the ship to go back to Manase. Now go back to Ebura. If you sleep in the inn, you'll see a scene of a kidnapped Pixie and Medoku where Medoku has the Pixie killed and takes her bones. Medoku then says "Next monster. Bring on the Soul Leon." Now go talk to the king again. He'll send you to the south to search to the Bekurel Mine. Go to the west coast of the continent, and follow it down, then go in between some rocks to a cave. Go through the cave and go to the village of Shipparl. Shipparl This is another town without much to do, so this too amounts to little more than a pit stop. When you're healed and equipped as you wish, go west to the mine. The Magoku is here too. Choose no to the first soldier's question to engage him. Same type of enemy you fought at the base. Beat him and move deeper into the mine. It turns out that no one's left in the mine. Report back to the King of Ebura. He then tells you to go to Bullton and bring a letter to Magress. You can get to Bullton from the port at Sidon, so go there now. The top-right ship goes to Bullton, so take that one. Bullton Magress is in the building on top of the stairs. He's the top-most guy. Talk to him and he'll go to Shipparl. Now try to leave the building and you'll learn that something's up in the tower right outside of town. Better check it out. The exit from the town is to the south. This is a short dungeon. Just go up and you'll see a girl who talks about leaving the tower, then a guy comes up. Follow them down and talk to the guy at the entrance to the tower. He gets away. Now follow the people back to that building in Bullton to see what this was all about. After talking to everyone it turns out that Ganzu, the guy at the door to the tower, stole the Book of Baal, which is the book of life creation and is a very powerful artifact. Fortunately, the Book of Belial is safe. Safia, the girl joins you, and the elder says that you should go the Magoku to get the book back using the spell of Trampa. Leave the building and Esau's underlings will have found something in the town of Saloon, and Esau leaves you. Go back to Sidon. The bottom-left ship in the port goes to Saloon, so take it to there. Saloon In this town there are 2 connected houses. Go in the one to the right first. The old guy says that he went to Brantika when he was young. Answer no then yes to his questions and he'll say "That makes two people that believe me." Talking to the other person in the house on the way out, you'll learn that the other person that believes the old guy is Esau. Now go into the left connected house. The monster will tell you about a tower that only appears during a full moon. The guys that are talking to each other south of the house will tell you that the tower is over the bridge to the south. So cross the bridge to the south, go north on the piece of land you come to, and wait for a full moon, and the tower will automatically appear. Enter. At one point, you'll have to choose between two teleport pads. Choose the bottom one. At the top you'll meet a boss. Say yes and fight her. You'll get the Moonlight magic for Yuri. Now leave the tower, use Trampa, and go to the Magoku. Magoku As soon as you enter here, Zodia and Kurau will leave you, so hopefully you have some good monsters on standby. Wander around the castle and talk to Ganzu, who will tell you that him and his troops are going to Turos next, and Larusa and the guy next to him, who are discussing the Soul Leon. Now talk to the two guards in the throne room who will tell you that the king is thinking about something with Medoku. Try to leave the throne room and the King and Medoku will appear. Now go into the room to the right of the throne room. Talk to Medoku. He'll say "So, you're the people I met back in Ain. Have you also become soldiers of the Magoku?" to which Safia says "What the hell are you talking about, you idiot. Give back the Book of Baal, and tell us where Yuri's Soul Leon is." Medoku answers back "You're the stupid one. You don't know the true might of Gryas. We need the Book of Baal and the Soul Leon to destroy Gryas." The king then orders you thrown in the dungeon. Examine the middle bars (that look different,) and Ganzu will let you out. Talk to him again, and he'll say to get back to Ebura quickly. Go down the stairs in the dungeon, find your way through the cave, and you'll be outside the Magoku. Now use Trampa to go back to Ebura. More Events When you get back to Ebura, talk to the guy in the castle, and he'll tell you that everyone went to Bullton. Go to the back room of the shrine in Bullton, and talk to the King of Ebura, who will tell you that the Magoku has gotten into the town of Hyupatia, and he wants you to save it. Say yes, then go to Sidon and catch a ship to Turos (bottom-right ship.) Turos If you talk to the guy near the item shop, he'll tell you that Esau is waiting for you in Ryukaon, past the North Mountains and to the west. Better go there. Once you get there, talk to the guy just inside and he'll say that Esau waiting for you in the mine to the east, so go. In the mine, Esau tells you that he needs a gold nugget to finish building a ship, and he needs you to help him get one, then he joins you. Along the way, all the treasure chests say "Help me." When you get to the top, the boss tells you that he has been turning all of the gold hunters into treasure chests, and you fight him. After the fight, Esau leaves, and all the treasure chests change back into people. Go back to Turos and take a ship to Hyupatia (bottom-right ship.) Hyupatia Actually, you don't land in Hyupatia. Leave the port and walk north to a bridge, then west a bit to get there. When you get there, everyone turns out to be dead. The kind mentions a dragon's egg as his last words. Leave the town and go north for another Magoku base to assault. Keys Fortress Before you get there, there's a cave with an inn. Good thing, because there are some tough enemies and bosses in this place. Leveling up and getting better monsters are both strongly recommended. The entrance you want is the cave entrance (the tower also leads into the fortress, but not to a place you should be yet.) Anyway, in the cave, go to the second floor. There, in the left-most stall, you'll see Larusa and the Soul Leon. Talk to the Soul Leon, and he'll say goodbye to you and die. You'll then see a flashback of the Soul Leon finding Yuri and Larusa in the forest and calming the two crying babies down. After this, back in the present, Larusa vows revenge on humanity and leaves, the guard guarding the left room follows him out. Go in the left room, talk to the monster and fight it as a boss. Then go up a little and you'll meet your old friend Medoku again, who turns and runs like a coward, but not before leaving you with a little present in the form of another boss. Fight it, and chase after Medoku. In the next room, talk to the 2 guys, who say that the Magoku is headed to Goku, and take the egg, then continue forward, you'll fall down a hole and eventually end up outside the tower. Go back to Hyupatia port and take the top-right ship to Goku. Goku When you get here, you'll see that the Magoku is here in force. Ganzu is here, as is Media, who is waiting for Larusa. Talk to everyone, and it turns out that Ganzu has left the Magoku and wants to start a new country here. Talk to the guys in the pink house, and say yes. Now you can go to the shrine on the Seiram Plateau. Go north to a cave and talk to the guy inside, and you can pass through it. Now go north to another cave. Pass through it, and enter the tower on the plateau. When you enter, again, everyone is dead. The one guy that gets out some last words tells you that a monster he never saw came and killed everyone. At the end of the dungeon, the King of the Magoku will see you and complain that there are survivors, and Medoku will attempt to remedy the situation by having another boss attack you. Gurururu. Just use Mudoon, and that'll kill them instantly. When you beat the boss, the King and Medoku make another escape. Talk to the two guys in the pit, who are the spies from Keys Fortress and the Magoku base, then leave. Go back to Goku, and take the top-right ship to Eridu. Eridu Again, the city is a bit south of the port. Not much to do in the town proper, so once you're done, head out and continue south. Past the withered trees is a town. Talk to Zodia there and she'll tell you that all the kids are in the well, so go into the well and talk to Kurau who will join you. Go through the well, and you'll meet a boss who says "The Gaia of anger... The Gaia of sadness... Taste all that Gaia and more..." and then the boss, Gaia, attacks you. When defeated, he'll give a speech about how he’ll never perish as long as the Gaia in this world is limited. Zodia will then conclude from that speech that that wasn't a monster or Gryas, then she'll say that she's looking to return to Brantika. Safia will point out that Brantika was the place that Esau is trying to get to, so now return to Esau's Hometown. Return to Esau's Hometown Talk to Esau in the north building, and Safia will tell Esau about how Kurau's trying to return to Brantika, and that she was looking for him. He'll say that his ship is finished, and to start looking on the Deel Continent, south of Bullton. He then joins you. When you leave the town, you'll see his ship. Take it south, past the east side of the island with Bullton on it, to another island. Follow the coast of that around east and south, go past the other island to the east, then go east until you find an opening in the rocks to the south, enter that opening and go southwest and enter Salmachia. Go into the southwest most house, and an old lady will tell you that if you want to continue south to first go to Goku. In Goku, talk to Ganzu, he asks you if Media is Larusa's lover. Answer yes. Then go to the port of Goku and talk to the guy by the bottom right ship. Ganzu will come up to you and say that you have to help Media, who has been taken by pirates. He will then join you. Now get in your boat and sail west and land on the first island you see. That castle is the Pirates' Hideout. Pirates' Hideout There's a boss as soon as you enter, so beat it. Later into it, the pirates will be talking about how useless the girl is and consider stopping feeding her. After that conversation, there's another boss. Then a 3rd boss. After that, Media's in the last stall. She's about given up on life since Larusa's not coming for her. After hearing that, Ganzu gets pissed off at Larusa and teleports out. Go back to Goku. Talk to the soldiers and they'll say that Ganzu went to Kanossa, west of the Magoku. Follow him. Kanossa is just west of the island with the Magoku on it. Kanossa Boss fight as soon as you enter. The boss asks you if you're friends of Ganzu. Say yes to fight it. Ganzu is on the 2nd floor. He says that he has become weak and challenges Yuri to a duel. Afterwards, he'll say that Larusa is stronger than even you, and that Larusa's Gaia must come from the Makai (Demon World.) Then he says to go to the Magoku in order to stop Larusa, and then he joins you again. Go the throne room of the Magoku's castle, fighting the bosses along the way. Once there, Medoku will summon a monster, but the monster turns on him. It then attacks you. Go into the room next to the throne room. Talk to the King. He will note how ironic it is that a monster that he summoned killed him. He goes onto say that 15 years ago, when he killed that baby; the Magoku was destined to be destroyed. Next, talk to Larusa. He says "Hatred and slaughter.... Those monsters showed the true nature of humankind. This world is full of sadness. Yuri, I'm going to create the Makai. All anger and hatred gathers in the Makai, and it is ruled by Gaia." He then disappears. Now leave the castle, and Larusa will break the news about the King and Medoku to the soldiers. The soldiers will wonder about the future of the Magoku, and Ganzu stays behind the help the people rebuild their government. Stay at the inn, and you'll see a scene of Larusa. He says "Yuri, soon, I'm going to create the Makai! The place is southeast of Salmachia. There, I run into Gaia in order to distort space." Wake up and return to Salmachia. One of the soldiers blocking the bridge is gone, so you can now continue south. South of Salmachia Cross the bridge to the east, and then go southeast to a cave. The woman inside will give Safia the Rankain magic. If you go south over a bridge, you'll be told that there is an airship in here, and you need a lapis to make it fly. Leave here. Now sail directly south of Bullton to a small village. In the northeast most house a guy will tell you about a rock floating in the cave to the east, and that Kurau also believed him. The guy inside the weapons shop mentions that a star knuckle can shatter stones. Buy one (the top item at this very weapon shop) for Safia. Then leave. Follow the coast of this island (starting on the north coast of it) east and you'll see an island. Go onto the cave on it, and through the cave. Examine the rock, and you'll get a lapis. Back to the tower south of Salmachia. Examine the pedestal in the farthest depths of the tower, and you’ll get the Ark, which is t his game's version of the airship. Brantika is just a little west of where you first get the ark, on a plateau, so go there now. Brantika When you enter, Esau will leave you and go exploring. Go to the northernmost building and Esau will be saying "But, If I go to Brantika.... I can get any wish I want.... Please revive my wife and kid!" The priest will tell him that they got rid of the Necronomicon 1000 years ago, and that they can't do that because they are unable to go against the force of destiny. Esau will then start swearing and curse out destiny. Esau will then tell Yuri that if his wife can’t be revived, then there is nothing he needs. Continue north to see Zodia and Kurau in a meeting with a priest. Kurau will tell you that what you fought with her was black Gaia, the Gaia of hatred and sadness. Zodia says that Black Gaia lives in the hearts of humans and monsters. The priest will say that you must destroy this black Gaia. Now sleep at the inn, and a tower will appear near the Brantika Plateau, and you'll see Larusa again. He says that preparations are complete and that the Makai can now be entered. Go there. At the end you'll see Larusa, and he talks about all the bad gaia that gathers in the Makai, and he says that this world needs a Makai. Then he attacks you in a one on one duel. Larusa then reveals that Yuri is Gryas. Take the contents of the chests and leave. Endgame Go back to Brantika and talk to Kurau. Safia will show El's Staff to her, and it turns out that everyone (Yuri, Esau, Safia, Kurau, Zodia, and Ganzu) had already met a long time ago. Kurau will start crying, and Safia says that you have to go meet up with Esau and Ganzu in order to remember what happened on that day that they all met. Zodia and Kurau join you. First go to the Magoku and find Ganzu. Ganzu: The smell of blood, the screams of people.... This planet, our star.... We destroyed black Gaia... Before everything was reborn and changed.... Kurau: Yes.... 2000 years ago.... We fought with Yuri against Black Gaia. Ganzu: Yes, but we defeated it, then the 5th planet collapsed, then all the people escaped this planet. Kurau: But we didn't fight only for the people. Ganzu: For friendship.... For the women we loved.... For every living thing on our mother planet... Let's end this this time. Then Ganzu joins you. Next go back to Brantika and talk to the priest in the room where Zodia and Kurau were. He'll say that the revival of Gryas is hidden in a song. Go back to Ryukaon. Listen to the children’s' song. "The alpha and omega meet at the Dolmen. The Omega drinks Rete, and the Alpha forgets. The 4 friends become a wheel and dance." So now go directly south of Shipparl to a cave on an island surrounded by stones. Everyone gets into position, and Safia notes that this is just like the last time. After a conversation, everyone buy Yuri disappears, and Gryas speaks to Yuri. "I have awakened, Yuri. Open your ears to the voice of everything. With you, the Gaia of all living things gathers here. Your soul is immortal. You are now me, and I am again Yuri. A large tree shows the way." After this, everyone gets the force magic. Now go to Esau's hometown and examine the large tree there. Then talk to Esau. He'll go talk to the tree. Go to the tree. Esau's wife and son will talk to him and tell him that they love him. and to protect this world that they love. Esau then gets the force magic and joins you. Next, return to Brantika and examine the large tree to get the "Light of Life." Now go into the entrance to the Makai, go where Larusa was, and use the Light of Life (it happens automatically,) and you'll enter the Makai. This is a short maze of teleport tiles. You can't exit here except by dying, but with the last boss here, that's easy enough. At the end, you'll meet the last boss. Before the fight, he says "Receive 2000 years of sadness and suffering." After this battle is the ending. Version 0.97 (5/27/03, 6:51 PM-EDT) Original version.