============================================== Revelations: The Demon Slayer Walkthrough v1.1 ============================================== Updated: March, 22 2001 (lots of new info near the end of the game submitted by Ted Raymond) By: Xanathis (Xanathis@hotmail.com) If you have any corrections, additions, suggestions, or questions, feel free to drop me an email. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~Table of Contents~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Introduction 2. Walkthrough 2.1 - Kishe & Mt. Palo 2.2 - Saving Uranus 2.3 - Secrets of the Gaia Masters 2.4 - End of the Zord 2.5 - Downfall of the Gaia Masters 3. Items 4. Equipment 5. Links 6. Copyright ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~1. Introduction~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Revelations: The Demon Slayer Made by: Atlus Year: 1999 System: Gameboy Color Type: RPG Difficulty Level (On a scale of 1-10): 2 Time Needed to Complete Game: 14 - 16 hrs. Atlus is known for making a large number of new, different, and exciting RPGs. Revelations maintains the Atlus reputation with another excellent game to add to any RPG player's collection. Revelations is an installment of the Last Bible series of Atlus games (Last Bible 1-2 gb/gbc, Last Bible 1 and Last Bible 3 for Super Famicom, Last Bible 1-2 gamegear...those are the ones that I know of) which is an extension of the Megami Tensei universe of Atlus games (I won't get into a list of games for that). Interestingly enough, this is the only Last Bible title (that I know of) to make the cross to America. As is common in the Megami Tensei related games, Revelations' story is based around demons with a unique blend of gaming involved. The graphics are great for a GBC title, better than a lot. Revelations' music is some of my favorite music done for the GBC. There is a good balance of gameplay/story as well (although the controls can be sluggish at times). If you play this game and find that you enjoy it a lot, I recommend Persona and Persona 2: Eternal Punishment on PSX as they are also part of the Megami Tensei collection of games and quite enjoyable. General Notes: * Play with a friend! There's a VS Mode in the game :) * You are able to 'talk' with monsters to get them to join you. You can use them in battle, combine them, etc. * When you gain levels, you get to choose where to add points to on character statistics. You'll notice that I'm not going into the monsters and monster combining in this FAQ. That's because there are two most excellent Monster and Combine FAQs on http://www.gamefaqs.com that are much better than I could hope to do. Go check em out. Big Thanks to: Ted Raymond (simply-me@myself.com) for providing a lot of end-game info after you get the Ark that I had failed to notice. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~2. Walkthrough~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -------------------------- -- 2.1 Kishe & Mt. Palo -- -------------------------- Moila ----- Treasure: Tite Sword, Leather Mail, $300 (prices found in the item and equipment sections) Item Shop: Mana Seed Antidote Silph Wing Armory: Leather Mail Copper Armor Copper Shield Weapon Shop: Tite Sword Heat Sword You start out in town having just finished your Gaia training to become a Gaia warrior. You'll walk into the shrine and recieve a Tite Sword. Open the chests to get a Leather Mail on the left and $300 on the right. Leave the shrine by the front door and walk down-right to enter the info stand. Talk to the man in the middle (Gaia Warrior Zodia). He will ask you to take some children up Mt. Palo, but then monsters will attack. After he leaves, talk to the town people and they will ask you to go to Remlia (south of the mountains to the west), before climbing Mt. Palo. Leave town and walk west until you can go south. Go south between the two mountain ranges. You'll see desert to the east. Go east to see a town in the desert. If you try to enter it, you'll find a Gaia barrier created by monsters preventing you from going in. This is the town of Arrow which was mentioned back in Moila as being under attack. There's nothing you can do for Arrow yet, so go south-west and enter the town of Remlia. Remlia ------ Item Shop: Mana Seed Antidote Silph Wing Armory: Leather Mail Copper Armor Iron Armor Copper Shield Iron Shield Weapon Shop: Tite Sword Heat Sword Kill Whip Scare Claw Kintal Sword Talk to the townsfolk outside. They will mention that you need Lete Water to save Arrow. A person will also say that the Lete Water is in the South Oasis. Enter the buildings on the sides of town to find the shops and to find a house of a man named Kishe. He was injured taking on some monsters and needs the doctor in the town of Arrow for help. When you get done with the shopping and talking to people, enter the building in the center of town and go talk to the Gaia masters. It seems that the monsters want something known only as The Orb. A very important artifact. Now that we're done checking out Remlia, we need to help out Kishe and the town of Arrow. Cave of Oasis ------------- Treasure: Lete Water Once you're ready to go, head south into the desert along the mountains. You'll see a path that weaves through the mountains on your right. Get on that path and follow it. You will most likely want the most powerful equipment you can buy since you'll reach a point where new monsters will attack. Eventually, you'll reach what appears to look like a fountain. Step on it to enter the Cave of Oasis. This is really easy. Just walk onto the little bridge and you'll get the Lete Water. The challenge is surviving the powerful monsters here. Once you get it, run out and use a handy silph wing to zip back to Remlia. Walk over to Arrow and El will use the Lete Water so you can enter. Town of Arrow ------------- Treasure: Medicine Item Shop: Mana Seed Silph Wing Armor Shop: Sky Armor Wolf Shield Weapon Shop: Iron Cutter Spirit Sword Prepare for your first boss fight and walk up to take on Jabba. He doesn't have very many hit points and will die in a couple of rounds if you hit him each time with the Kintal Sword for 50 odd damage. He has a nasty spell called Curse1 that can instantly kill a character though. Once he's dead, talk to the townspeople and go to the doctor's office. He will give you the Medicine item for saving the town. Go back to Remlia and give the medicine to Kishe. He'll revive and join your party. He comes with the spell Combine, which you can use to combine 2 monsters to make a new monster. Talk to the guardians of the orb in the back room and they'll ask El and Kishe to go to Mt. Palo and destroy the monsters. Leave Remlia and head west. Enter the first hut object you see on the map. Mt. Palo -------- Treasure: Pass Talk to Zodia and find out he couldn't save the kids. Talk to the other person and he'll move out of the way so you can climb along with saying that they are going to take Zodia back to the Remlia Inn. The mountain is very straight forward. Climb all the ladders then walk all the way up. Go right and follow the path, climbing any ladder you come across until you see the boss at the top of a ladder. Heal up and then go up to take on Devil. He can do a whole heck of a lot of damage so be sure to have decent levels and the best armor. Weapons seemed to do more damage to him than spells. When he is defeated, the kids will run back down the mountain. Climb back down yourself and return to Lemlia. Go to the inn and talk to the man in bed to find out that Zodia has gone on a mission to gain more Gaia power. Now go talk to the keepers of the orb in the back room of the shrine. They will give you the Pass item and ask you to find out why the monsters wanted the orb. Leave Lemlia and head west past Mt. Palo and enter the other hut looking object on the world map. Talk to the guard, he'll see the pass, and let you walk through the West Shrine. When you exit, enter the town of Harappa. ----------------------- -- 2.2 Saving Uranus -- ----------------------- Harappa ------- There isn't anything to do here but talk to the people. You'll find out that a priest's daughter named Uranus was kidnapped and that she had the ability to talk to animals. The animals try to ask you to save her, but nobody knows where she was taken to. Leave Harappa and go south to enter the town of Meruha. Meruha ------ Treasure: Magnetite, $600 Item Shop: Mana Seed Pana Antidote Silph Wing Armory: Iron Armor Sky Armor Shock Armor Iron Shield Wolf Shield Kintal Shield Talk to the people to find out that you need to go through the Shrine of Hypnos to get to Ramuh. Go into the right building and into the first room you come across to find 2 treasure chests which contain a magnetite and $600. It also seems that other people have been by the town...a man named Hata researching the monsters and a group called the Zord who are fighting the monsters. Only thing to do is go to the Shrine of Hypnos south-west of Meruha. When you come out, go south-west to town of Jalawan. Jalawan ------- Treasure: Rune Weapon Shop: Damascus Spirit Sword Iron Cutter Kintal Sword Hecto Axe Climb the stairs. Go right and enter the first door you come upon. Get the Rune from the chest. You will find Hata here. He's trying to find a way to extend the lives of monsters and due to it, got banished. A person mentions that the priest of Ramuh has something called the Sol Ring that lets you talk to animals. Leave Jalawan and walk far south-east. You will come upon the town of Ramuh. Ramuh ----- Item Shop: Mana Seed Pana Antidote Mona Branch Rune Silph Wing Armory: Rei Robe Aura Robe Ice Armor Weapon Shop: Iron Cutter Spirit Sword Hecto Axe Cross Sword Moon Sword Tangaloia Talk to everyone and find that Ramuh's priest, Rafael, has gone to to the Tower of Magan in pursuit of the monsters who stole the orb. Stock up, go a little east, and enter the hut. Tower of Magan -------------- Treasure: Bamora, Light Charm, Magnetite, Dragon Bone 1, Sol Ring, Black Key Just climb the steps on each floor to advance your way up the tower. On the 3rd floor, you'll find 4 chests which contain a Bamora, Light Charm, Magnetite, and Dragon Bone 1. On the 4th floor you'll come upon the boss - MinTaur. Keep your hit points up while hitting him with all you have and he'll go down in no time. Talk to the priests and they'll ask you to come with them to Ramuh. Go down the tower and return to the town. The priest will give you the Sol Ring and you can talk to animals now. A person in Ramuh will also mention that the Zord would do anything for Gaia. Go back to Harappa and talk to the animals. They will tell you that the Zord took Uranus away. The duck will give you the Black Key so you can get past the rock. Walk north-west and enter the cave. Nest of Zord ------------ Treasure: Kirin Bone 3, $1500 Hike to the right and use the black key on the rock. Open the chest for a Kirin Bone 3 then face the monster - Zord P. He's nothing and dies in a hit or two. Go straight left and get $1500 from the chest then go up. You'll see 3 branches, take the one to the far left as the other 2 are dead-ends. Take on the Zord H and continue along the cave. You'll see yet another monster who is guarding a person. This one is the boss - Buster. He is pretty weak and you can take him down right quick. Talk to the girl and she'll get upset at you for killing the monsters and leave. Go back to Harappa and talk to her again. This time Uranus joins your party. Go back to Ramuh and walk east, following the land. It'll curve down and then back west. Enter the town of Tilmun. ------------------------------------- -- 2.3 Secrets of the Gaia Masters -- ------------------------------------- Tilmun ------ Treasure: Arce Sword Item Shop: Dew of Lete Mana Seed Mana Pana Antidote Rune Silph Wing You'll find that Zodia has been by here, but he's headed to the northwest to the Mt. of Sages. Somebody will say that you can't go south without the Dolphin. You'll also get the Arce Sword that was made for Zodia but he never picked it up. There's also rumor of Zodia being the leader of the Zord. The son of the priest ran off with the town's treasured firestaff; supposedly he eloped. Find his girlfriend who says that the zord are after him and he's hiding on an island. Go all the way right from the town entrance then all the way up. Talk to the dolphin who says you need a permit to ride him. Go all the way left from the town entrance to talk to Triton's (the son of the priest) girlfriend. Now talk to the woman (Triton's mom) in the shrine and she'll give you permission to ride the dolphin. Ride the dolphin to the island. Cave of Orthrus --------------- Treasure: Kirin Bone 1, Heal Staff, Fire Staff Bring a Rune item along. Follow the cave to the right and up. Ignore the doorway and continue left. Go up the first path and open the chest for a Kirin Bone 1. Continue left and up, open the chest next to the person to get a Heal Staff. Talk to Triton who will think you are part of the Zord. Suddenly Orthrus will appear and attack you to protect Triton. After you defeat Orthrus, Triton learns the truth. He'll use your Rune to revive Orthrus and then gives you the Fire Staff. Talk to Orthrus and he will join your party, yay. Go back to Tilmun. Talk to everyone. For now, head north-west and enter the mountain. Mt. of Sages ------------ Treasure: Emblem, Revive 1 spell There are men here who can create monsters if you have 3 bones. Climb up to the top where there are 3 sages standing. Talk to the one on the right and Uranus will learn Revive 1 from him. The middle one gives you an Emblem, something Zodia left behind. In Tilmun, you will find 2 dolphins now that you can ride. Hop on the right one to the Zord Castle. Zord Castle ----------- Treasure: Mana, Light Charm, Magnetite x3, Wind Charm x2, Dew of Lete, Dragon Bone 3, Kirin Bone 2, Mana Seed, Earth Charm Talk to the monster and he will ask you to come in. Enter the building. The first room on your right has two chests which contain a Mana and a Light Charm. Outside the next room you'll find none other than Zodia. He'll say that Uranus' father was murdered and that if you want the details you have to follow him. Go right into the next room and walk up. You'll come to a spot with doors on both sides. Go left and then go up through the next door to a room with 7 chests. In them you will find a 2 Magnetites, 2 Wind Charms, Dew of Lete, and Dragon Bone 3. Go back and enter the room on the right to find 4 more chests which have Kirin Bone 2, Mana Seed, Magnetite, and Earth Charm. Go back again and continue up to see Zodia and a monster. Talk to Zodia and it will sound like he is going mad in his pursuit of Gaia. He created the Zord to defeat the monsters. He then forces you to fight his right hand man, Morgan. Morgan isn't too bad, just has a lot of HP. Keep your hp up and you'll be alright. Zodia will tell you that the Gaia Masters killed Uranus' father Rafael. He says they know all about the monsters and are meeting in Atlantis for the meeting of the gods. Zodia then disappears. Strange how the Zord had kidnapped Uranus before and now claim to be good. Area Near Zord Castle ---------------------- Treasure: Cerbero (monster), Water Charm, Amon Bone 3, Blood, Magnetite x4 Exit the castle and walk west across the bridge. The hut you see there is an inn so no need to worry. North-west from the Inn is a Shrine of Monsters and to the west is another Shrine of Monsters. Go to them and talk to the monsters to learn that they need the orbs to survive. You'll also find a monster in each that will trade items for your magnetite. Shrine 1: Blood Tote's Eye Shrine 2: Bamora Flute of Magi Cult Mask Go north-west of the second shrine to reach a Monster Nest (town). Hata will be here again. Talk to the monsters and one will mention a cave to the east. North of the Monster Nest is another inn. Walk east and north. You'll see a little spot of grassland in the middle of trees. Step on it to enter the Cave of Cerbero. Talk to Cerbero and he will join you. You'll also find several chests in here that have Water Charm, Amon Bone 3, and Blood. Upon exiting Cerbero's cave, take 2 steps west, then walk south until you enter the cave of fairy. You'll find 2 magnetites inside. Walk 2 steps north of the monster nest then straight east to find another fairy cave. This also has 2 magnetites in it. Go northwest of the Monster Nest and use the Shrine of Hypnos. A man on the otherside will say that Atlantis is to the north east. Leave the shrine and walk north-east to the town of Crotona. Crotona ------- Treasure: Rune Item Shop: Mana Seed Mana Pana Care Antidote Mona Branch Dew of Lete Silph Wing Weapon Shop: Hecto Axe Tangaloia Kintal Sword Evil Buster Armory: Hecto Mail Shock Armor Ice Armor Bull Shield Hecto Shield You'll find a duck on the north-left side of town. Talk to it and it'll give you a Rune that it accidentally swallowed...silly duck. Walk east from town and you'll find Atlantis. Atlantis -------- Item Shop: Mana Pana Care Dew of Lete Mona Branch Antidote Rune Armory: Magus Robe Nano Mail Magus Armor Saint Armor Bull Shield Saint Shield Weapon Shop: Aaron Rod Excalibur Wind Sword Talk to the gaia masters in the shrine and they will just laugh away the accusations by Zodia and say he's lying to you. (But if you remember, a duck in Ramuh also thought the gaia masters were fishy). Everyone will tell you that the Zord are the true enemy. Now go outside of the buildings and walk straight up to the next screen. You'll find monsters here. Kill them and then enter the sewers. Atlantis Sewers --------------- Treasure: Water Charm, Muramasa, Earth Charm, Amon Bone 1, $2000, Magnetite, Jail Key Walk left from the entrance and up (ignore the path that branches off to the left for now). On the first chance you get, walk right to get 2 chests which have a Water Charm and Muramasa. Go up and all the way right to get an Earth Charm. Walk down and enter the second door (first one leads to a dead end). Open the chest there for Amon Bone 1. Now return to the path we ignored before. Follow it left and up. Walk past the door (leads to empty treasure chest) to the left and continue up. You'll find 2 chests that have $1000 each. Go through the door there to get a Magnetite in another chest. Re-enter the sewers and make your way to the bottom most door. Go through it and follow the hallway. You will spot a Gaia Master and 3 monsters to your right. When you start to walk through the narrow area, you'll overhear the Gaia Master talking to the monsters. It turns out that the Gaia Masters really did take the orb and they also created the monsters! Zodia wasn't lying after all. Go up the steps. Talk to the Zord man and he'll tell you Hilam was imprisoned in the Zord town of Dalo and then gives you the prison key. The man will then run out of the room. Exit the room, go left, and enter the shrine. You find out that everyone has left to attack the town of Dalo. ------------------------- -- 2.4 End of the Zord -- ------------------------- Dalo ---- Treasure: Dragon Bone 2, $3200, Light Charm, Bard, Lapis Exit Atlantis and walk west; following the mountains. When you reach what looks like the end of the mountains, go north-west. You will soon come upon Dalo. Enter the Zord town. Immediately from when you enter the town, go right and up all the way. You will come upon a chest with Dragon Bone 2 inside. Now go in the door at the front. Talk to everyone there to find that they sadly annihilated all the Zord and seek to kill Zodia. The blind foolish people believe the Gaia Masters without question. Enter the room on the right to find 2 chests - $3200 and a Light charm. Now in the main room go up and search the door. You'll use the Jail Key to free Hilam, maker of the Arks. Talk to the Zord and one of them will give you the Bard, which allows entrance into Zord Headquarters. Go back to Crotona and talk to Hilam's wife in the courtyard area. She'll give you the Lapis, which allows the Arks to fly. Walk over to Atlantis and go back to the room where the Zord was hiding. Talk to Hilam and he'll begin working on making an Ark for you. Zord Headquarters ----------------- Treasure: Wind Charm, $5000, Photon Shield, Amon Bone 2, Photon Sword, Photon Armor From Dalo, walk north-east through the ice. You'll spot an area with a ring of stones. Step into the very middle of the ring and you'll be warped to the Zord's HQ. Walk all the way up. You will come upon 2 chests. One is empty and the other has a Wind Charm. Now you want to walk down and go through the top door on the right. Walk across the hallway into the next room on the right to find 6 treasure chests. Inside them are $5000, Photon Shield, Amon Bone 2, Photon Sword, and Photon Armor. Return to the hallway and continue up and through the door. Walk straight up all the way and go through another door. Again walk all the way up and you'll find Zodia. Heal up and then talk to him; you'll end up fighting him. Keep your hit points up and use physical attacks since they do more damage than your magic. Also use Kishe's Offense Up spell so that you can deal more damage. After Zodia is defeated, he'll ask you to defeat the Gaia Masters and then die. The Gaia Masters will appear and laugh about the death of Zodia. Two will go away but Mephist will stay behind. He admits that they killed the priest of Ramuh, Uranus' father, too. Then you'll go into a boss fight with him. Use the same tactic as with Zodia. He can deal more damage than Zodia, but has about the same amount of hit points and less defense. Once you kill off Mephist, walk up through the door to find yourself back at the stone ring. -------------------------------------- -- 2.5 Downfall of the Gaia Masters -- -------------------------------------- Treasure: Ark Return to Atlantis and talk to Hilam to find that your Ark is done. Exit town and hop in the Ark. Treasure: Charms, Revive 2, Light Dew, Spark 2, Holy 3, Force Armor, Force Shield, Force Sword, Impact 2, Force (Any text between two sets of *** are by Ted Raymond) *** If you've noticed, as you play, The Goddess of the Force will come to you at certain inns and tell you things, now this is relevant because after you get the ark, you can fly south from Dalo and find another continent with three uts on it. The rightmost hut, which I suggest you go to first, has treasure in it. The Spark Sword for Uranus and various Charms. There are also 4 sages, three of which increase the strength of Kirin, Dragon and Amon making them exceptionally powerful with added HP, MP and spells. The other sage will teach Uranus the useful Revive 2 spell. When you leave, go to the west and talk to the sage there. He will give you a Water Charm. If you talk to him again, he will say that one of the Gaia Masters you defeated has returned to life. You will then be attacked by Mephist in his Demon Form. If you are at Level 44 or higher, have Kishe cast offense up and then set it to Auto, Mephist is a pushover. Now, go north to the last hut. Give the sage a Rune to revive him and he will give you a Light Charm. The sage there will tell you to talk to the big tree in the nest of monsters, which is southwest of the cave of Cerbero. When you talk to the big tree, Hata will tell you to talk to the Sacred tree behind the Shrine of Ramuh. When you do that, the tree will give you the Light Dew. Now hop in the Ark and, from Jalawan, go straight up. You will stop at a lake and be warped to Nova. Talk to the Sage, who turns out to be Michael, and he'll give El the Spark 2 spell. The tree at the top gives Kishe the most powerful spell in the game, Holy 3, which takes 4 rounds to complete but deals 900+ damage to all enemies. Then go inside the building. At the top right you will find the Force Armor, Sword and Shield for El. Solion is at the bottom. Talk to him and he casts Combine on Orthrus and Cerbero to make them into Soloin. Go up and talk to the Nymph who gives El Impact 2, then talk to the Goddess of the Force and she will teach El the Force spell. *** From where you got the Ark, fly north-west past the mountains into the desert area. In the left hut is Monster Shrine 3. A monster mentions that the Gaia Masters are in Terra and to get there you have to go through the Petrography.In the right hut is Monster Shrine 4. As before, the shrines have monsters that will trade items for your magnetite. Shrine 3: Bamora Magi Flute Cult Mask Shrine 4: Blood Tote's Eye Terra ----- Treasure: Alpha Sword, Alpha Mail, Omega Sword, Omega Mail *** Now in Terra, as you travel, gaining any levels you need to manage to beat Baal and Lucifer, you will find a hidden cave in the northwest that contains the best equipment for the other Characters. You will find the Alpha Sword and Mail for Kishe and the Omega Sword and Mail for Uranus. Now you can beat the others easily! *** Treasure: Demon Buster, Pana Care, Light Charm After visiting the shrines, fly onto the bird marking in the desert. If you're ready, say yes and watch as your Ark flies through space and crashes into another Ark. Another Gaia Master is in the other Ark, Vaerial. Vaerial apologizes for not being able to give you the orb and says the monsters need it. You then enter a boss fight. Vaerial is relatively weak, but has a whole ton of hit points. Also be on the lookout for Vaerial's curse2 and sleep2 spells. Now that Vaerial has been defeated, you will continue to Terra. Fly a little south-west to find another Monster Shrine. If you talk to the monster, he will let you bathe in the fountain which heals your party. Also in here are 3 chests that hold a Demon Buster, Pana Care, and Light Charm. Go west and enter the strange building in the mountains. Luciferium ---------- Walk left and climb the ladders. Cross the bridge to the right and climb down the first ladder. Walk right and climb up the next ladder. You'll find another bridge and across it sits another Gaia Master. Prepare yourself and then fight Baal. He is much like the last Gaia Master. He takes a good bit of damage from the Impact spells. Pound on him with your greatest monsters and your characters and he will eventually be defeated. Climb the ladder on the right and you'll find a creature with all 3 orbs. Prepare yourself for yet another boss battle. Talk to him to enter battle with the greatest of Gaia Masters...Lucifer. Upon Lucifer's defeat, you will get the orbs back and now the ending takes place. Good job on beating Revelations. If you wait for the credits to finish, it'll give you the option to keep playing just for the fun of it ^_^. *** Once the credits are done and the game asks you to continue, you can round up the Gaia Masters to join your cause and fight with you. This only has any real purpose for the Vs. Mode. Michael is in Nova, Lucifer is in the Cave of Oasis south of Moila, Baal is on Mt. Palo and Vaerial is in the Nest of Zord. The only one you cannot get is Mephist as he is actually dead. You killed him. Even if you don’t fight his demon form, he cannot be found. You can also Combine the Gods you fight in Terra into stronger forms like Pazuzu, Odin, Ashura and Loki. *** ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~3. Items~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Item Cost Effect ---- ---- ------ Mana Seed $15 recovers hp Mana $300 recovers hp Antidote $100 cures poisoning Silph Wing $75 warp to previously visited town Pana $450 recover mp Pana Care $1200 mp recovery Mona Branch $150 cure paralysis Rune $750 revive dead Dew of Lete $450 paralyzes monsters Blood ---- scares monsters away during battle Flute of Magi ---- confuses enemy Cult Mask ---- prevents enemy from using magic Magnetite ---- traded for special items in monster shrines Light Charm ---- increases a character's strength by 1 Wind Charm ---- increases speed by 1 Earth Charm ---- increases endurance by 1 Water Charm ---- increases intelligence by 1 Bamora ---- increases offense during battle Tote's Eye ---- increases defense in battle Amon Bone 1 ---- used to get an Amon Amon Bone 2 ---- used to get an Amon Amon Bone 3 ---- used to get an Amon Dragon Bone 1 ---- used to get a Dragon Dragon Bone 2 ---- used to get a Dragon Dragon Bone 3 ---- used to get a Dragon Kirin Bone 1 ---- used to get a Kirin Kirin Bone 2 ---- used to get a Kirin Kirin Bone 3 ---- used to get a Kirin Heal Staff ---- used in battle to heal party Fire Staff ---- used in battle to cast a flame spell Light Dew ---- ??? Story Items: Item Where to Find It Effect ---- ---------------- ------ Lete Water Cave of Oasis breaks barrier around Arrow Medicine gotten from doctor in Arrow heals Kishe Pass orb keeper in Remlia after Mt. Palo allows passage in west shrine Sol Ring priest of Ramuh after saving him allows talking to animals Black Key duck in harappa enter zord cave Emblem mage on Mt. Sage enter Dola Jail Key Zord man in Atlantis used to free Halim Lapis woman in Crotona let's the Ark fly Bard Dalo enter Zord HQ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~4. Equipment~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ El - all swords and most assorted weapons along with the armor and shields. Kishe - most swords and all assorted weapons, armors (not mail) and shields, can equip alpha mail Uranus - priestess (maybe a few from assorted), robes, can equip omega sword/mail Weapons ======= Equipment Price --------- ----- Swords: Tite Sword $45 Heat Sword $300 Kintal Sword $6000 Spirit Sword $3000 Cross Sword $12000 Excalibur $15000 Wind Sword $22500 Arce Sword ----- Force Sword ----- Alpha Sword ----- Omega Sword ----- Assorted: Kill Whip $600 Scare Claw $900 Iron Cutter $2700 Hecto Axe $15000 Evil Buster $13500 Muramasa ----- Priestess: Damascus $1500 Moon Sword $1800 Tangaloia $9000 Defense ======= Equipment Price --------- ----- Armor: Leather Mail $37 Copper Armor $225 Iron Armor $600 Sky Armor $5850 Shock Armor $9000 Ice Armor $9000 Hecto Mail $12000 Nano Mail $15000 Magus Armor $30000 Saint Armor $81000 Force Armor ----- Alpha Mail ----- Omega Mail ----- Shields: Copper Shield $100 Iron Shield $450 Wolf Shield $1500 Kintal Shield $3000 Bull Shield $3500 Hecto Shield $7500 Saint Shield $30000 Force Shield ----- Robes: Rei Robe $1800 Aura Robe $7500 Magus Robe $45000 Aaron Rod $22500 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~5. Character Spells~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ El: Spell Level Acquired MP Effect ----- -------------- -- ------ Blaze1 level 3 5 fire damage to a group of monsters Heal2 level 10 8 recover hp for one person Escape level 18 10 escape out of dungeon Blaze2 level 24 18 strong fire damage to a monster group Flare2 level 44 15 great fire damage to all enemies Spark2 sage ?? ?? Impact2 nymph ?? ?? Force goddess ?? ?? Kishe: Spell Level Acquired MP Effect ----- -------------- -- ------ Combine none 5 combines monsters Curse1 level 10 12 instantly kills monsters Offense Up level 17 15 increases attack power of the party Recover All level 24 5 heals party status effects Heal All 2 level 33 28 heals the party Holy 3 a sage ?? strongest attack spell in the game Uranus: Spell Level Acquired MP Effect ----- -------------- -- ------ Cure Poison none 5 cures poisoning Heal All 2 none 28 heals the party Revive 1 Mt sage wizard 20 revives a dead character Impact 3 level 21 14 damages all monsters with holy magic Cure Paralysis level 29 7 cures paralysis Heal 3 level 36 15 great healing to one character Heal All 3 level 44 50 heals party for a large amount of hp Revive 2 sage ?? stronger revive spell ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~6. Links~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Worm Hole - http://xanathis.cjb.net The GIA - http://www.thegia.com RPGamer - http://www.rpgamer.com GameFAQs - http://www.gamefaqs.com ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~7. Copyright~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This walkthrough is ©2001 Xanathis. Websites are free to display/distribute this on their site as long as: 1. It is not done for commercial gain 2. It is fully intact which means no editing done to it 3. You do not try to claim it as your own work