____ _ ____ ____ _ _ ____ | _ \(_)/ ___| | _ \| | | |/ ___| | | | | | | _ | | | | | | | | _ | |_| | | |_| | | |_| | |_| | |_| | |____/|_|\____| |____/ \___/ \____| _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DIG DUG FAQ/WALKTHROUGH Author......................Raging_DemonTEN Console.....................Nintendo Entertainment System "DIG DUG" Copyright 1982, 1985 Namco FAQ Copyright 2005 Raging_DemonTEN E-Mail Address..............eagle25_100@yahoo.com _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ ----- Copyright Information ----- ________________________________________________________________________ | | | This FAQ is copyrighted by Raging_DemonTEN in the year 2005. It is for | | private use only, and cannot be reproduced or sold without strict | | permission from the author. Permission can be asked for by e-mailing | | me with the title "SQ Permission" at: eagle25_100@yahoo.com. | ________________________________________________________________________ ------------------- | Version History | ------------------- Version 1.1 - Format Updated Walkthrough Added Major Corrections Made _____________________________________________________________________________ ------------------- | Table Of Contents | ------------------------------- / \ | 1... | INTRODUCTION | | 2... | OVERVIEW AND CONTROLS | | 3... | MONSTERS | | 4... | POINT VALUES | | 5... | ROUND WALKTHROUGHS | | | \-------------------------------/ _____________________________________________________________________________ =.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.= 1.INTRODUCTION =.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.= Dig Dug was first produced in 1982 by Namco, and was an instant arcade classic. After spending many quarters down at the laundromat on the machine, I acquired the original game for my old NES, and probably saved hundreds of dollars by doing so. I hope this FAQ is an effective tool to pass my knowledge of the game down to you, the reader. Enjoy! =.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.= 2. OVERVIEW AND CONTROLS =.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.= You are Dig Dug, an exterminator getting rid of underground monsters in the Earth's crust. To get rid of them, you bring along your trusty air pump, the Earth's rocks, and your wits to clear out the underground. You can kill the monsters by over inflating them with your air pump or dropping a rock on their head. After destroying all the monsters, you move on to the next round. CONTROLS +++++++++++++ D-Pad - Moves Dig Dug up, down, left, and right A/B Button - Shoots air pump to inflate monsters START - Pauses the game =.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.= 3. MONSTERS =.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.= Dig Dug faces two types of monsters in the game: Pookas and Fygars. Before you start digging around, be sure to check out the dossiers on the enemy below. _____________________________________________________________________________ POOKA Physical Description: Red monster with yellow goggles Pookas have no external attack, but will attempt to box you in in conjunction with other Pookas. They are easier to kill seeing as they have no flame attack, but be wary of getting trapped if there are two or more Pookas in ghost form. _____________________________________________________________________________ FYGAR Physical Description: Green with red spikes on back, similiar to a dragon Fygars move a little faster than Pookas, and they have flame breath which has a maximum length of about 4 Dig Dugs. You will know when the Fygar is getting reafy to attack when the spikes on its back glow. They can only shoot the flame breath on the horizontal plane though, so attacking them from below or above will result in less risk to yourself, but also less points. Fortunately there are usually less Fygars then Pookas on the board, so you have less of a chance of getting trapped by them. =.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.= 4. POINT VALUES =.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.= Since there really is no true ending to this game (unless you count the automatic death at level 256), you play to beat the high score. The default high score in the NES game is 10000, and the game doesn't remember your high score if you turn the power off. The amount of points you receive from beating an enemy through overinflation depends on the layer of dirt you defeat them in. You can tell the seperate layers by the lines in the dirt. I've provided a rough diagram below to show you. ------------------------- ---------------------------- | ___ | | ___ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | - LAYER 1 | | X | | | | X | | |----------| |----------| |-------------| |----------| | --- _| |_ --- | | | | | - LAYER 2 | | YOU | | |----------------------------------------------------------| | | | ___________ _________ | - LAYER 3 | | | | | | |---| X |-------------------------| X |----- | | ----------- --------- | | | - LAYER 4 | | ---------------------------------------------------------- The YOU represents Dig Dug by the way. Anyways, by killing enemies at a lower layer, you receive more points. The tables below should help you figure out your best point-scoring potential. _____________________________________________________________________________ DEATH BY OVERINFLATION ___________________ | POOKA | FYGAR | --------- -------------------- | LAYER 1 | 200 | 400 | --------- -------------------- | LAYER 2 | 300 | 600 | --------- -------------------- | LAYER 3 | 400 | 800 | --------- -------------------- | LAYER 4 | 500 | 1,000 | --------- -------------------- NOTE - You get 1/2 the amount of points for inflating a Fygar if you do it under him or above him, as you don't put yourself in danger of his flame. DEATH BY ROCK _________________________________ | # OF ENEMIES CRUSHED | POINTS | ---------------------------------- | 1 | 1,000 | ----------------------- ---------- | 2 | 2,500 | ----------------------- ---------- | 3 | 4,000 | ----------------------- ---------- | 4 | 6,000 | ----------------------- ---------- | 5 | 8,000 | ---------------------------------- - 10 points for every dirt piece the size of 2 Dig Dugs There is also bonus items that appears at Dig Dug's starting point whenever you drop a rock on an enemy. The items give you more points as you get to later levels. _________ _____________ ________ | ROUND # | ITEM | POINTS | --------------------------------- | 1 | CARROT | 400 | --------------------------------- | 2 | TURNIP | 600 | --------------------------------- | 3 | MUSHROOM | 800 | --------------------------------- | 4 & 5 | CUCUMBER | 1,000 | --------------------------------- | 6 & 7 | EGGPLANT | 2,000 | --------------------------------- | 8 & 9 | PEPPER | 3,000 | --------------------------------- | 10 & 11 | TOMATO | 4,000 | --------------------------------- | 12 & 13 | ONION | 5,000 | --------------------------------- | 14 & 15 | WATERMELON | 6,000 | --------------------------------- | 16 & 17 | GALAXIAN | 7,000 | --------------------------------- | 18+ | PINEAPPLE | 8,000 | --------------------------------- - You get an extra man at 10,000 points =.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.= 5. ROUND GUIDES =.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.= NOTES - After Round 12, the levels will begin to repeat Round 8-Round 12 over and over again. Every few levels the color of the texture will change however. - After about 30 seconds, there will be a change in the music and the enemies will move twice as fast as before _____________________________________________________________________________ ROUND 1 - 3x Pooka, 1x Fygar - Piece of cake, everyone's spread out to one monster per tunnel. Take your time and get a feel for the game. _____________________________________________________________________________ ROUND 2 - 3x Pooka, 2x Fygar - Everyone has their own tunnel again, but they're closer together. Move fast, and make sure no one is sneaking up behind you when you are inflating another monster. _____________________________________________________________________________ ROUND 3 - 3x Pooka, 2x Fygar - Watch the Pooka above you to the northeast, as he tends to move through the soil quickly after you. I like working on the right first and finishing off the Pookas quickly. _____________________________________________________________________________ ROUND 4 - 4x Pooka, 2x Fygar - Watch the northern-most tunnel, as it seems there are only one Pooka up there but there are actually two. This level isn't that hard though, so take your time and use the rocks to your advantage. _____________________________________________________________________________ ROUND 5 - 3x Pooka, 3x Fygar - Its back to every monster has his own tunnel, but they are all very close to the starting point. Move quick from tunnel to tunnel to avoid being ganged up on. _____________________________________________________________________________ ROUND 6 - 2x Pooka, 4x Fygar - Whole lot of Fygars going on. Attack vertically instead of horizontally for this level, as two Fygars in the same tunnel equal death. _____________________________________________________________________________ ROUND 7 - 4x Pooka, 3x Fygar - A lot of grouping in tunnels going on in this level, so dig to the edge of the tunnel so you can stick the pump in without being touched by the other monster. _____________________________________________________________________________ ROUND 8 - 4x Pooka, 4x Fygar - You have two Pookas directly to your northwest, and the monsters are tightly clumped together. The rocks are situated at Layers 2 and 3, so try to stick to the bottom of the screen. _____________________________________________________________________________ ROUND 9 - 4x Pooka, 3x Fygar - All the Fygars are below you, so try to finish off the Pookas up top before heading down. Building plenty of vertical tunnels will help stop the Fygar's fiery breath _____________________________________________________________________________ ROUND 10 - 4x Pooka, 4x Fygar - The enemies are spread out, with a nice mix in all areas. I like working the less-crowded left side first however. Take your time, and try to crush multiple monsters to ease the pressure. _____________________________________________________________________________ ROUND 11 - 3x Pooka, 4x Fygar - I found this level to be a lot easier than the last. The whole fourth layer is empty of everything, so if you need breathing room head down there. Otherwise, do what you do best. _____________________________________________________________________________ ROUND 12 - 4x Pooka, 4x Fygar - The monsters move fast and play for keeps. They are very spread out though, so take your time and try to take on one section at a time. Keep on building vertical tunnels, and good luck! =.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.= -------------- | Thanks To... | -------------- GameFAQs - For continuing to publish my FAQs NES Completion Project - For giving me a reason to rework this FAQ _____________________________________________________________________________ This is my 9th FAQ written so far, and I hope to write many more. If you have any questions or comments about this FAQ or any other FAQ I've written, please e-mail me at eagle25_100@yahoo.com. Thanks for reading my FAQ. _____________________________________________________________________________ (c) 2005 Raging_DemonTEN