From: Mike Lamb Newsgroups: Subject: SS3: KYOSHIRO FAQ v.1.0!!! Date: 18 Jan 1996 06:27:38 GMT Senryo Kyoshiro FAQ (v.1.0) © copyright 1996 Mike Lamb. ____________ \ \\\\\\_____________________________________________ __ \___________\\\\\\____________________________________________)))__) (Pitiful attempt at a naginata, PLEASE HELP ME WITH OTHER ART!) This document may be distributed freely as long as it is not modified in the document text in any way (you can change the font, color, e.t.c. just not the words.) I am not responsible for and spelling mistakes, or how this may offend someone in any way. PLEASE GIVE CREDIT WHERE IT IS DO! NOTE: This FAQ is a first in a series of many versions. ================================================================================ SENRYO KYOSHIRO a.k.a. The Kabuki Badass INTRO CRAP:(PROBABLY REALLY ANNOYING, THE SORT OF THING I SKIP WHEN I READ A FAQ) Well we were all relieved to hear that Kyoshiro was back. I personally heard a rumor that he was gone and I was pissed since I had been playing him since Samurai Shodown 1. The best way to describe Kyoshiro in Samurai Shodown 3 would have be ³HOLY SH*T!² I was amazed at his strength and the improvements that should have been added earlier on in the series. I had been pissed in the past, after SS1 because he only got 1 new special move and he had minimal range and strength. That is all gone! Kyoshiro has been beefed up, his moves are much more effective, he has become a much more skilled fighter and overall a funner character to play. I began to notice that I was able to beat Hanzo and Uyko players I used to lose to. HAH HAH to every single Ukyo player who is upset at his changes. Don¹t you understand he was TOO POWERFUL! In upcoming editions of this faq I am hoping to have an intro text logo, corrected stats, more descriptive levels, fighting guide, combos and poses plus history and anything else you loyal Kyoshiro players send me. PLEASE HELP ME OUT! ================================================================================ REVISION HISTORY: (v.0.5)-Basic stuff very reliant on other FAQ¹s (v.0.6)-Still reliant on other FAQ¹s with added info such as poses normal move descriptions. Also added INFO section with misc. info from SS1 Manual. Also an attempt at ASCII art (first time give me a break!) (v.1.0)-Put in Bust poses. made corrections. Added new fighting sections. Made descriptions of the special moves. ================================================================================ SENRYO KYOSHIRO THE SHOWBIZ SAMURAI WINNING QUOTE: "What a great death scene." In his quest for the ultimate aesthetic, Kyoshiro prepares to meet his outer demons! ================================================================================ INFO: A flashy type who loves the limelight, Senryo has left the confines of Edo to surpass his father, a former Kabuki actor, and make a splash on the world stage. He aims to introduce the wonders of Kabuki throughout the world. Birthplace: Edo (old Tokyo) Weapon: Kabuki Slushier(a naginata) Martial School: Kabuki-style swordsmanship ================================================================================ STAGE DESCRIPTION: Fighting occurs on the stage of Kyoshiro's theater. On the wall in the background you can see a quilt or some sort of cloth with a woman on it. While you are fighting you will see pretty yellow butterflies floating around (like in a Disney Movie awwww ain¹t that sweet). Look up to see a curtain and to both sides to see yellow lanterns.. There are trees on either side of the screen. In the second round that cloth with the woman on it turns over to show Kyoshiro killing someone else (beeeautiful, those pretty little butterflies turn into flaming little bastards that go all over the screen. These are pretty distracting, and the lanterns against the stage turn from yellow to blue. When both characters are at the desperation point, the background returns to the curtain that was present before. Ghosts fly all over the place and freaky little things keep flashing against the curtain(if someone can tell me what these are I would be very happy and give you credit!. If Kyoshiro loses(how could that happen) that damn damn cloth with the woman in the background becomes a picture of Kyoshiro sitting on the ground with his naginata(big ass spear he uses to shove into people:=). If Kyoshiro wins the background changes to a picture of Kyoshiro sitting with long appendages coming out from behind his back(kinda like Dr. Octopus). ================================================================================ CHARACTER HISTORY: Kyoshiro is based on a fictional character named Nemuri Kyoshiro. "Sleepy-Eyed Kyoshiro, Notes on Villany," by Shibata Tosaburo was a novel serialized in a post-war magazine and later made into a film series from 1963-1969. Kyoshiro was a 17th-century skilled swordsman who was haunted by his violent origin. He was conceived when his mother was raped by a Portuguese missionary. Kyoshiro himself was estranged with society, and had a hatred of both Christians and women. Despite this, or because of it, he was also a complete womanizer--he often disrobed women by slashing their garments with his sword before...err...getting to know them better. Kyoshiro means "deranged fellow", while Nemuri means "sleepy", reflecting his blase attitude towards life, and his cynical and cold posture toward others. Nevertheless, he also pursued the Way of the Sword, and sought a Zen-like detachment from emotions and thoughts, just like Musashi. Note that Nemuri Kyoshiro had NOTHING to do with Kabuki, and was dressed in black, to reflect his personality. He also was traditionally armed with a sword, not a naginata. He DID have red hair, though. Kabuki notes: Senryo Kyoshiro is in the Kabuki costume of a lion. Also note that fans are an essential part of Kabuki theater, and used in dances and such. ================================================================================ POSES: SLASH- Character Select Screen: Spins his naginata around a few times and then poses for his fans with his legs crossed. Before Round One: Spins naginata over his head as he turns. 1st Win: Spins his naginata around a few times and then poses for his fans with legs crossed. Almost the same as the Character Select Screen. 2nd Win: Jumps back, sits down with his legs crossed and shows off naginata. Unarmed 1st Win: Moves toward you with his hand over his eyes searching for other enemy¹s. Unarmed 2nd Victory: Moves forward while showing off acting ability and shows that he¹s ready to kick some ass. Loss To Time Limit: Throws down his naginata and falls to the ground. Then makes a fist to control his anger. Stalemate: Frowns. Dizzy: Stands on one foot spins around trying to figure out where the hell he is. BUST- Character Select Screen: Pulls his trusty pipe out and takes a drag. Before Round One: Spins naginata over his head as he turns around. 1st Win: Stands and pulls out a pipe and smokes it. 2nd Win: Smokes his pipe and then says something as he holds his pipe up high.(What does he say, I¹ll give credit for it) Unarmed Both Wins:Same as above. Loss To Time: Throws down his naginata, kneeles over and makes a fist. Stalemate: Stands, and frowns. Dizzy: Stands on one foot, staring at the ground. ================================================================================ FIGHTING IN GENERAL: Kyoshiro is a skilled fighter in many aspects. He is very powerful, he has powerful air attacks and counters, great range, good projectiles, etc,etc...I¹ve got lots to here it goes. At all times keep in mind wait, be patient and take advantage of others mistakes. When somoene talks about power of strikes you don¹t always think Kyoshiro. He has not always been the most used character in Samurai Shodown let alone the most powerful. That all changed in 3. The A strike is an O.K. strike but I don¹t reccommend it¹s use. This is because it has no range. The main thing a begginner player must keep in mind is try not to get close to the opponent when you are playing Kyoshiro. This is probably his biggest weakness in the game. I prefer to stay at a distance because this is where Senryo can work his magic. He has great range with his naginata, so why not use it! Try to stay at K point with your opponent. This basically means that you can be just out of reach for him to hit you, but you can easily control him. Example:He trys to dash into you for a throw or slide. You can easily stop this with a quick crouching B strike. If he tries to to jump you can be risky and go for a C slash that only will hit if you perfect your timing. The best idea for begginers is to jump back with an C strike. This will catch an opponent who has already attacked and missed. If you miss this alot in the beggining don¹t get upset(at least you¹re not getting hit. Another strategy for a jumping opponent is to dash back and have a C strike waiting for them right before they hit the ground. Or you could jump at them with a B strike (not a C because it¹s too slow). If you both jump at the same time I always go for either an Air Block or a Smoldering Blood Pounce(down +A when jumping). Whenever you¹re fighting a new opponent try out the air block. Most people I play don¹t ever take advantage of this. If they do take advantage of this new feature then BE CAREFUL. You must now plan your attacks even more precicely and make sure not do anything stupid. If they don¹t know about this or don¹t take advantage of this, use a C strike if jumping from a distance. When you get to close for comfort in the air use the Smoldering Blood Pounce. It¹s great if you know when to use it, but don¹t let them Air Block this one or you are screwed. If they block all the hits once you reach the ground they can C strike your kabuki ass. The Dashing C strike: The most sneaky strike Kyoshiro has is the dashing C. This is a great strike. The main reason is it is unblockable! This makes for interesting reactions of player opponents. If an opponent is in the corner trying to hide and just block, then run in and use the C strike. They have got to learn sometime. There is an amazing downside to this move. NO RANGE! It has no range, so if you¹re gonna use this then please be careful. You will probably get hit the first time you use this, but you¹ll learn when to use it. The C strike: An essential part of learning Kyoshiro has got to be his C srtike. This move is a great attack if used wisely. If missed you are probably in trouble. Notice I said MISSED not blocked. If blocked you might get caught with a good range C strike(i.e. Genjuro), but most of the time if it¹s blocked you really have nothing to worry about. An opponent must also realize that when they think that the srike is over it really isn¹t. It also has an upward motion that might catch characters who try to jump. This move is also great when an opponent is trying to move in, you can whip it out and catch them by suprise. The Master of the Air: I have found that Kyoshiro is the master of the air if you use him right. First of all don¹t always start of with an attack. Just because you jump doesn¹t mean you have to attack. Wait, be patient and take advantage of others mistakes. If you do this you will usually when a ground and air battle. Normally when you jump a player opponent will jump. Let him attack first and Air Block his move. Counter with a C strike. This is an excellent strategy. Also don¹t be afraid to use a Smoldering Blood Pounce. This move is one of my favorites. It is the ultimate counter move. Unaramed and in Trouble: This has got to be the hardest section. If you do get hit by a super move or lose a sword to sword battle then you are in trouble. I am going to try and help you survive this. If you lose your sword do not panick. I see so many people getting slaughtered as they panick to get their sword back. Your overall mission is to get your sword back. While you try to do be careful. I prefer kicks when unarmed. Also use a hopping guard crush to get you a little extra time. When retrieving a sword do not walk into your opponents sword. And if you have less than 15 seconds on the clock disregard all of this and wait it out. The crouching strikes: This is probably the most important stand alone fighting section I have. The key to Kyoshiro is crouching strikes. WHEN YOU ATTACK NEVER GET CLOSE. If you master these strikes then you will be able to counter others strikes, but in before they can attack, and lots of other things. First of all the crouching A is a hidden secret for Kyoshiro. It is as effective as all his other attacks. It is so fast that most people don¹t see it coming. It may do minor damage but it adds up especially on a counter. The trick to this strike is to sneak it in when the opponent isn¹t expecting it. Use this strike alot. It has basically no recovery time so there is really no worry if they block. Don¹t do this when an opponent is about to or is jumping. This strike is also great to interupt special moves such as Uyko¹s apple slash, Galford¹s plasma blade, etc. The B strike is also a killer. This is a fast damaging attack that should be used often. It is great after 2 or 3 A strike in a row. It does nice damage for that fast of an attack. It also is good for interupting strikes although the A should be used more for this. If you are switching off attacks with an opponent this and the A should be the attacks you are using(the B should be used more). The crouching C is not as effective as the moves above but serves it¹s purpose. It has great range and damage, but it is too slow. Compared to the other crouching strikes this is the worst. The whole point of those strikes is to be fast quick and damaging. ================================================================================ ATTACKS: Movement: o o o movements on joystick \ | / assumes you are facing o- -o right, reverse if facing / | \ left. o o o Damage Ratings: shows approximate damage rating compared to other attacks. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Ten¹s is one of the most powerful while one is one the weakest. Represented with a D=__ Speed Ratings: shows approximate speed rating in which the attack is executed compared to other attacks. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.Ten is the fastest while 1 is the slowest. Represented with a S=__ NOTE: These two above ratings are going to be disagreed with lots so I really would like it if you did SEND ME YOUR CHANGES. I would appreciate this and look forward to changing them. Glossary for attacks: A-Blk= Air Block; jumping block High Blk= Must be blocked by holding o- Low Blk= Must be blocked by holding / o NORMAL: A(far)-twists handle of naginata overhead{1 hit,no A-Blk,High+Low Blk, D=2,S=9}Great for semi-upclose combat. No range, use if someone jumps close to avoid a Guard Crush. A(close)-punch{1 hit,no A-Blk,High+Low Blk,D=1,S=10}Use for extreme upclose combat. No range, avoids Galford&Hanzo¹s strike throws. B(far)-straight thrust forward{1 hit,no A-Blk,High+Low Blk,D=5,S=5}My most used normal attack. Keep them at distance without much worry of mess-up. Catch people off guard! B(close)-spins blade low to high{1 hit,no A-Blk,High+Low Blk,D=5,S=6}use if needed it¹s o.k. especially for ending a combo.Don¹t let them get this close. C(far)-low to high forward thrust{1 hit,no A-Blk,High+Low Blk,D=7,S=4}great attack,monster distance,use to keep people away.hurts alot but you are wide open if you miss from to close. C(close)-overhead slash{1 hit,no A-Blk,High+Low Blk,D=6,S=5}not very smart,do not try unless you¹re sure of a hit,use close B-strike instead.O.K. range DUCKING: A(far)-low forward stab{1 hit,no A-Blk,High+Low Blk,D=2,S=9}ok to catch people off gaurd.Nice combo starter. A(close)-quick hand chop{1 hit,no A-Blk,High+Low Blk,D=1,S=10}very fast but basically useless unless to close for comfort. B(far)-low forward stab{1 hit,no A-Blk,High+Low Blk,D=5,S=5}great attack,use lot¹s when you are backing away in df position just to back them off. B(close)-front then upwards slash{1 hit,no A-blk,High+Low Blk,D=5,S=6}nice attack if has to be used,try to avoid having to use this but its the attack to use when opponent is close and you¹re ducking. C(far)-forward then upwards slash{1 hit,no A-Blk,High+Low Blk,D=6,S=4}GREAT attack,Personal favorite,great damage,back¹s people off,come back maker. C(close)-spins with weapon out{3 hits,no A-Blk,High+Low Blk,D=6,S=4}Good move. Try not use because leaves you wide open for a C strike,and counter damage really hurts on this one. DASHING: A(far)-slides while slashing forward and down{1 hit,no A-Blk,High+Low Blk,D=3, S=8}when dashing don¹t use this, bad move unless for combo. B(far)-slides while slashing forward and down twice{2 hits,no A-Blk,High+Low, D=5,S=5}good dashing attack for hit and run,not much worry for mess-up. C(far)-spins naginata and then slashes downwards{1 hit,no A-Blk,UNBLOCKABLE!, D=6,S=5}GREAT attack,people fall for this all the time,use it on people who sit in a corner blocking!Great for comebacks!One of the Best attacks in the game! JUMPING: A(far)-straight forward slap{1 hit,A-Blkable,High Blk,D=2,S=9}don¹t use this at all,use a B or C strike always. B(far)-stab down and forwards in front of himself{1 hit,A-Blkable,High Block, D=5,S=5}good if opponent is in air too. C(far)-a slash from high to low in front of himself{1 hit,A-Blkable,High Blk, D=6,S=4}use if opponent is on ground but no if he/she is the air. HOPPING GUARD CRUSH: Armed-hop with air B slash {1 hit,A-Blkable,High Block,D=N/A,S=N/A}hopping guard crushes are the best thing to do up close with Kyroshiro.Try Not To Get This CLOSE! Unarmed-hop with a straight forward kick{1 hit,A-Blkable,High Blk}probably your best strategy when unarmed. PUNCHES:all punches do the same move just at different speeds(i.e. A is fastest and weakest while C is the slowest and strongest). Standing-bends down and thrust with palm{1 hit,no A-Blk,High+Low Block}I prefer this to a standing kick but basically the same. Ducking-same as ducking A strike{1 hit,no A-Blk,High+Low Blk}the kick version is better. Dashing-ducks when close and does punch similiar to the Standing Punch{1 hit,no A-Blk,High+Low Blk}use the kicks Jumping-Same as jumping A strike{1 hit,A-Blkable,High Blk} KICKS: D(anywhere)-standard normal kick to head{2 hit,no A-Blk,High+Low Blk,D=4,S=4}not a smart move unless unarmed a B strike is much more effective. Forward+D(anywhere)-chest region kick with shin{1-hit,no A-Blk,Low Blk,D=4, S=4}great kick will catch lots of people because it has to be blocked low. Down+D(anywhere)-Sweep style kick{1 hit,no A-Blk,Low Blk,D=4,S=4}good after a jump kick. best if used when unarmed. \ +D(anywhere)-Sweep kick{1 hit,no A-Blk,Low Blk,D=4,S=4}good kick to use in combos,works better with other players. o Dash+D(anywhere)-exactly the same as the kick above Jump+D(anywhere)-a standard kickin the air{1 hit,A-Blkable,High Blk,D=4,S=5} great unarmed and armed nice change of pace from slashes. ================================================================================ SPECIAL MOVES:(facing right) SLASH- Twirling Flame- | \ -o Slash o o This move lets out a puff of flame thats stays in front of his face for awhile. I find myself doing this move by accident. It¹s a good ground to air counter but I don¹t recommed it¹s usage very much. If you do this move and think you are in trouble start to dash back immediatly. Can be air blocked. Twisting Heavens- -o | \ Slash o o Spins into the air spinning his weapon, works like a dragon punch. This used to be the best move for him in SS2. It is a very useful attack that should be used as needed. You have to be careful of an airblock though. Never use this unless you see them in the air or jumping into the air. Because if you miss, you land and pose for the crowd and you can be hurt very bad. Can be air-blocked. Toad Plaque- -o o- / | \ -o A+C o o o A huge Toad jumps up and sticks his tongue out. The tongue reaches a third of the screen. If it catches you he swallowes you up and spits out as you flame and explode and fall to the ground. THE BEST MOVE IN THE GAME!! It looks so cool and scares the crap out of the opponent. I think this must be blocked low. Great Damage also. Watch out if the opponet jumps at you you¹re screwed. Tsunami Crunch- | / o- Slash o o Throws a wave of water at you. A fair projectile, although I wish they had kept the fan. It¹s fast and you have to make sure you do a Quarter Cirle Backwards instead of Half Circle Backwards. Good move to keep them in the corner with. Can be be blocked High of Low. Smoldering Blood Pounce- (jump) |+A o When you¹re in the air he starts to spin with weapon extended. Works like the Twisting Heavens. A great counter for when you air block an attack but can¹t reach with a C strike. Also if you strike first in the air, use this attack. It has 3 hits so they have to block all the way to the ground. This move can be air blocked. Kyoshiro Jig- | \ -o | \ -o C o o o o Spins around two times with flaming naginata extended. An good move to mix things up with. This move does fair damages. Don¹t screw this up or your in for a nice tasty blade up your ^(!@#*$. This can be blocked high or low. Lion Tail Blast- -o \ | / o- Slash o o o Supports himself on his naginata and extends a kick that is flaming. This is a good move. It lasts alot longer than in 2 and does more damage also. Good for finishing of an opponent on block damage if they have very little life. Also a fair ground to air counter. Great extension with good damage. Must be blocked high or low. KYOSHIRO DEMON BOOGIE- | \ -o | \ -o B+C o o o o Throws a flame out that travels across the ground. When it hits opponent they catch on fire and explode. It¹s not pretty but it one of the most effective Power Special moves. If an opponent without a wall jump tries to jump it it will explode under them. This move has to be blocked low so it hits alot of the time. It does tremendous amounts of damage. It has no stupid long animation so you can pull it off with 4 or 5 seconds left on the clock and still win. It appears to be just another projectile but it wipes the floor with them. Great come back move. BUST-(I don¹t play this version very much so next edition will have the descriptions of these moves. Flaming Coil- | \ -o Slash o o Swirling Hades- -o | \ Slash o o Eight Coil Serpent- | / o- | / -o C o o o o Kyoshiro Jig- | \ -o | \ -o C o o o o Leaping Lion Tail Blast- -o \ | / o- C o o o Smoldering Blood Pounce- (jump) |+A o KYOSHIRO DEMON BOOGIE- | \ -o | \ -o B+C o o o o ================================================================================ COMBOS-This is very much under construction. 1. Ducking A strike(probably blocked), then immediately ducking B Strike. 2. Close A strike, crouching kick, light standing kick, B strike. ================================================================================ WARNING WARNING THIS IS THE ENDING!!!IF YOU WANT TO BEAT THE GAME YOURSELF THEN SKIP THIS SECION!!! Ending- The comedy is over. Zankuro's life ends. Kyoshiro coos with delight! "Now is the time, to show the world my fabulous act!" Dance music reverberates through the Edo village. Flags wave, "Kyoshiro, #1!" Kyoshiro's performance lasts for three continuous days. The audience dissipates... the musicians collapse... Kyoshiro dances alone. After 6 months, it ends. Kyoshiro, the crazy kabuki, is ready for a major crash! ================================================================================ Send corrections to Don¹t expect a speedy response. You can also post corrections via usenet at I check here alot. ================================================================================ CREDITS: THE MOST IMPORTANT PART OF THIS FAQ! READ THEM NOW!!! Edward Ju at -for the text to the endings. Visit his site at Homer Kepert and Richard Taylor at YOU!!! These guys FAQ is where I got the complete basis for this FAQ. Visit there site at Damone-Thanks alot for the FAQ on SS2 it helped me curve my style so that I could prove that Kyoshiro is the best! Also thanks for the History. visit his site at... Shawn Holmes-For the TAPFAQ info ================================================================================