Solomon's Club FAQ/Walkthrough by cactrotman Table of Contents: Introduction Part I: Game Basics and Story* Part II: Battle Techniques* Part III: Level 1* Part IV: Level 2* Part V: Level 3* Part VI: Level 4* Part VII: Level 5* Part VIII: Level S* Part IX: Password Feature* Part X: Questions & Troubleshooting* Part XI: Thanks etc.* VERSION HISTORY 0.25- The first level and the intro stuff. I just wanted to get it up. It will be done the moment I get a chance to write the rest of it. (2/7/03) Future- One day I might put FINAL on my FAQ but work is never done. I will always find things that need to be changed or added. Intro: Solomon's Club is an awesome puzzle game that really tests your patience at some points. It is overall a fun game with little story but lots o puzzles! Nobody took the time to write a FAQ for this game so I guess I will. This is a walkthrough for each puzzle. Part I: Game Basics and Story You are Dana. An apprentice in magic. you have a nifty little magic wand that makes stones appear out of thin air (cool trick eh?). Now Dana is an apprentice so he needs to study. Your master is Solomon, you are studying in his maze of dungeon puzzles (called his club?). Well you must become a Master of Magic (heh). So to do so you must complete each puzzle then Solomon's master puzzle! There are 5 levels with 10 rooms each and then one final room after you beat all the other rooms. The way to clear the room is simple. There is a key in each room and a door. You must first get the key to open the door and then enter the door. It seems simple but there are many factors involved. First, you have 10,000 counts on your timer it goes very fast so hurry. The second, little thing is that this a puzzle so there are many tricks and traps to stop you. So, you must use all your cunning to get past them. Items: Along the way you can use items to help you. At certain points you may also see a block like object that says "IN" on it. This is a shop. Here you can buy items that help aid in combat. You need money though to buy these items. You get money by earning it through collecting coins and jewels and finishing rooms in a short time. * = Disappears if you continue You can obtain the following items from the item shop. Fireball- You can destroy and enemy by throwing the Fire Ball! Each Fire Ball can be used once ($15,000) Hammer- It can be used to break one Mirror of Camirror.($80,000) Water Gun- It can be used to put out one Burn Flame. ($80,000) Hourglass- The time remaining can be restored to 5,000 at one time. ($50,000) *Hat- When Dana wears this hat, he can destroy blocks by striking them with his head only once instead of twice. ($25,000) *Shoes- Dana can run fast wearing them. ($25,000) Fairy- Magical little creatures. When you collect 10 of them you get an extra life. 1up- Gives you an extra life. *Bell- Summons Fairies. These items are found throughout the game. Door- Exit to the level. Key- Opens the door. Wing- If you get this one, you can go to the hidden room. Magic Seal- It is rumored to be in the hidden room. It may be very good to hold on to. If you take it once, it will not disappear even if you continue. Silver Coin- $3,000 bonus. Gold Coin- $5,000 bonus. Jewel- $10,000 bonus. Enemies: If you touch them or get hit by one of their attacks and you are dead, OHKO. Neul- Goes up and down the rooms. If there is a rock it breaks it. It is a mammoth bat. Ghost- A monster which paces back and forht across the floor. He can destroy rocks. Lion Head- A character with a frigtening face, it continuously emits fire at Dana. Sparkling Ball- It moves along the edges of the rocks and walls. A strange one who can get close to Dana bfore you notice it. Ogre's Seal- Possesses the magical power to contaion the block changing ability. Mirror of Camirror- Frigthening mirrors which summon one monster after another. Sometimes they are asleep though. Salamander- They wark toward Dana, and when they are summoned by the Mirror of Camirror. Ogre's Head- They spin as they draw near, and when they strike a block, they break it and bounce back. They disappear after a fixed period of time. They are summoned by the Mirror of Camirror. Globula- They move back and forth from left to right jumping up and down all the the time. But when they see Dana, they become blocks. If the block changing abilaity is used when one of them is a block, it becomes round and rolls away. Burn Flame- Flaming fires which block Dana's way. If the block changing ability is used, they become weak for a short period of time, and Dana can jump over them. Goblin- With superhuman strength, they crush blocks with a megaton punch. If they see Dana they attack with blinding speed. If they fall, they disappear. Dragon- Dinosaurs which blow fire at Dana. Be careful, because if they are approached from the rear, they can quickly turn around and begin to blow fire. If they fall, they disappear. Gargoyle- If a gargoyle sees Dana in fornt of it, it shoots balls of fire. They are powerful enough to shatter rocks. If one falls, it disappears. Each area is built into an area that fits 72 blocks total (8x9). So this is how I will display the rooms. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Blank Space = * Items/Objects: Starting point = @ Door = D Key = K Bell = B 1up = ! Wing = W Magic Seal= MS Silver Coin = 1 Gold Coin = 2 Jewel = $ Blocks(Destroyable) = b Blocks(undestroyable) = b& Moving Block = b~ Item Shop = IN NOTE: If an item is in () that means it is either behind the block or you need to make a block then destroy it for the item to appear. Enemies: Neul = nul Ghost = gst Lion Head = LH Sparkling Ball = SB Ogre's Seal = OS Mirror of Camirror = MoC Salamander = sal Ogre's Head = OH Globula = glo Burn Flame = BF Goblin = gob Dragon = drg Gargoyle = gar Part II: Battle Techniques* How to kill enemies: When Goblin, Gargoyle, or Dragon are on a block, destroy the block they are riding on. An enemy that has no place to stand, falls and is destroyed. Water gun kills the Burning Flames. Hammer kills the Mirror of Camirror. And a Fireball can kill most enemies in the game if it hits. You can create a block one position ahead by advancing Dana to the edge of the block and using the block changeing ability. If this ability is used, it is possible to create a block on the opposite side of a Burning Flame. You can also jump and create a block. This technique can allow you to jump and float over enemies. Part III: Level 1* Room 1: b& b& b& b& b& b& b& b& b& b& * * 1 * 1 * * b& b& * * * Gob * K * b& b& @ * b& b& b& * * b& b& b& b& b& b& b& b b& b& b& b& drg * b(2) b * b& b& b& B b * D * b $ b& b& b& b& * * * b& b& b& Very simple. Kill the goblin, grab the coins, grab the key. Then destroy the block and clear out the bottom, don't forget the bell and the hidden gold coin. A nice easy starter. Room 2: * * * * gob * * * * * MoC * * b(2) * * MoC * * D * * * * * B * b& b& b& * * * b& b& b& * * * * K * * * * * drg * * * * * drg * * b(1) * * * * * b(1) * * * * * @ * * * * Very easy. Kill the Dragons take the coins under their blocks the build a set of stairs up to the Key. Then get the bell. Kill The Goblin and grab the coin under it's block and exit. Room 3: * * * * 2 * * * * * 1 * * D * * 1 * * BF * b& b& b& * BF * * b * * * * * b * * * Drg * K * Drg * * * * b b * b b * * * * * * B * * * * * * * * @ * * * * Level one is basically a warm-up of your skills. Grab the bell and work your way to the key. Kill the Dragons and make your way to the coins, watch for the Burning Flames. Jump and grab the Gold coin before you exit. Room 4: * * * * b& * * * * * * Drg b& * b& drg * * * gob b& * $ * b& gob * * b * * * * * b * b b& * * * * * b& b K b& * * * * * b& B IN b& * * D @ * b& * * b b b b b b b * The first area with a shop. I would recommend you buy the shoes. This is an obvious course. Go, to the right to get the bell then go left to get the Key and get into the shop. there is a nice jewel up near the top. It is worth getting and can help you buy that extra item you might want. Room 5: * B * * * * * D * * * * * * * * * gar gar * * * * * * * b& b& * * * * * * * ! gar * * 2 K 2 * * b& b& * * * * * * * gar * * * * * * * * b& (1) @ * * * * * * (1) Create blocks on the backside of your start position and the opposite end of the hallway. You get 2 silver coins out of this. You just work your way up room like a long set of stairs. Kill the gargoyle and move. It that easy. Key is in the middle and Bell is top left. Grab the 1up too! Room 6: * * * * * * * * * * b(B) * * * * * D * * * * * b& * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * b& * K * b& * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * b& * * b(B) * * @ * 1 * * * * 2 Sparkling Balls are annoying so just make sure to watch where they are. Grab the coins and then destroy the block to get the first of 2 Bells in this area. Get to the center to get the Key being careful of the Balls that orbit each of the "b&". Get the other bell by breaking the block in the top left then exit the top right door. Room 7: * * b& b& b($)b& b& * B * * * * gst * * * * * @ * b& b& b& * * * b& b& b& * * * b& b b& b& b& * drg * D b& * b& gob * * b& b& b& K * * b& * * b b b * * LH 1 * b& b& W b& b& * * The ghost moves back in forth only on the level that it starts. Time it so you can run past it without it hurting you. Grab the Jewel at the top of the room then the bell. Destroy the one block that seperates the bottom and top of the room. Watch for the Lion's Head then move to the Wing. The Lion's Head should have destroyed the 3 blocks. Grab the silver coin then make sure to time it so a fireball doesnt hit you and kill the goblin. Move to where the goblin is then kill the dragon and end the room. **Secret Room 7** * * * * * * * b (b) * K * * * * b& * b * * * * @ b& (B) * * * * * * b& (B) b& * * b& b b& b& (B) * ($) * * b& 1 1 b& * * * * (2) b& MS D b * * * ! * b& b& b& b& * * (2) * (2) This can be over fast. You just need to grab the key and leave but this is a secret room. So, you should take time and put a block almost everywhere to find all the hidden treasure. There are lots of Bells here too. Do your best to get them all and grab the Magic Seal. Then leave when your done. Room 8: K * * * * * * @ $ b& b& b& b b b& b& b& b& * * * gst gst * * * * b b& b& b& b& b& b& b& b& * * * * gst gst * * * b& b& b& b b& b& b& b b& * * * b& gst * * * * D b& * IN * b& b b& b& Grab the Jewel the run to the other end and grab the key. Carefully work your way down past all the ghosts that keep moving back and forth. Then get to the door. There is a shop here if you feel like buying anything. Water guns are worth the money a little later. Room 9: K b& b& * 2 * b& b& 2 * * * * * * * * * b& * b& * b& * b * b& * * BF b @ b BF * * b b& b& b& b b& b b b& * * * B b& * * * * * b& b& * b& * b& b * 1 * * * b * * * D Go to your right and destroy all blocks in your way. Get rid of the Burning Flame by destroying its block then build some stairs to get to the coins and Key. Then drop down from where you got the Key and push hard to the right when you fall down close to the bell and you'll go into the little nich that leads to the Bell. Then just exit the room. Room 10: * 2 * * D * * 2 * * * gob 1 b& 1 gob * * B b& b b b& b b b& B * * b& b b b b& * * * * gar b b b gar * * * * b& b b b b& * * * * b b& * b& b * * * * b * K * b& * @ From the start point work your way up and kill the Gargoyles then go up and get the Bell on the right side of the room. Then go down and get the Key. Go up the left side of the room and kill the Goblin and grab the coins and leave. ********COMING SOON******** Part IV: Level 2* Part V: Level 3* Part VI: Level 4* Part VII: Level 5* Part VIII: Level S* *************************** Part IX: Password Feature* There is no save feature in this game so you can wither beat it in one sitting or you can write down the password that appears at the bottom of the room selection screen. This will basically take you to where you left off. There are some fun things to do with this. You can easily just take a password put it in and be at the end of the game at the start. I am not one for cheating so I would advice against this. Part X: Questions & Troubleshooting* Q: What does the Magic Seal do? A:To tell you the truth, I don't know. But it's best to get it if it's easy to get. Q:I am totally stuck at this one puzzle! A: If you are ever stuck and my advice still doesn't help then try getting items. Items can really change the startegy you use. Part XI: Thanks etc.* Well as always I will thank GameFAQs. It is a great site. Then there is my Yellow Gameboy color and my copy of Solomon's Club. Tecmo made a good puzzle game. The info from this FAQ was obtained from either the instruction book (enemies, items. stuff like that)or from me playing the game. This FAQ is copyrighted 2003 by Rift, Master of Magic and cactrotman. Any illegal copying of this FAQ will lead to legal recourse the like of which has never been seen. If anyone wants to use any info from this FAQ contact me at or my AIM & MSN messanger, cactrotman. Thank You!