Street fighter ][: the world warrior guile anomaly faq Written by mark shields 'Exsiccate' ( Date: 4th june 1999 Key: jab - light punch strong - medium punch fierce - hard punch short - light kick forward - medium kick roundhouse - heavy kick Special moves: Blade kick : charge down for 2 seconds then up with any kick Sonic boom : charge back for 2 seconds then forward with any punch Unless stated otherwise, back or down when charging can be replaced with down-back. Information about timing is hard to give, so as always, practice is the best method to discovery. Anything i have heard about this game but have not performed personaly has been left out. These moves have worked on every world warrior machine i have used, so if you can't even get stance out the revision may be wrong. Excuse my naming conventions as these were what i grew up hearing so the names kinda stuck with me. i) Double blade kick: I'm not sure whether this is a bug or not but it doesn't seem so predominant in the sequels so in it goes anyway. Guile has the ability to pull off two blade kicks in very quick succesion, providing the first is blocked. This is useful vs characters like cpu blanka, if he blocks the first blade kick low he will cannonball into the second and take huge damage. Timing isn't too strict. ii) Stance: Probably the easiest bug to pull off, this sees guile frozen in a frame of his upside down kick, standing on one foot. Looks cool. While in stance guile is invulnerable to alot of, but not all low attacks, and some characters, notably vega will try and slide you until time runs out. This provides a platform for other moves which will be covered in the relevant sections. To perform this, charge back and do an upside down kick then release the charge into a sonic boom (not button dependant), very easy to perform after a connected blade kick (most guile players are always charging anyway right?). Notes: While in stance you can exit in a number of ways, mostly anything involving a down charge to an up direction with a kick will release you in some form. To exit with a sonic boom charge back then release the charge to foward with a kick and then a punch, try to hit kick when the controller is in the neutral position. A blade kick will also exit. iii) Fake throw: This would rank as the most useful exploit as it enables guile to perform his strong throw without actually touching the opponent while doing the same amount of damage. This can be repeated until the opponent is dead, as it can be performed when the opponent is helpless on the ground meaning they will just be bounced around taking damage. Fake throwing a dizzy opponent will not remove the dizzy. The fake throw can be used in both directions to either pull the opponent towards you or push them away. Range is rather limited, doing it straight after a semi- deep blade kick will be about the maximum range in most cases. Some interesting applications include: Throwing vega off his net Doing a 3/4 screen throw on bison (perform as he does his large jump away from you) Throwing blanka out of his cannonball attack (doesn't inflict any extra damage), quite hard to time. Performing until time expires on any of the bonus stages. Performing 4 in a row alternating direction each time. Perform on sf2-purist homeboys and get chased out of the arcade and recieve death threats on a daily basis. Ways to perform: 1) To throw an opponent away from you: Charge back, release the charge to forward then after a slight delay press roundhouse, quickly followed by any punch. Timing is rather lax and a sonic boom will come out alot before you get your timing down (sign of pressing the buttons too soon). Hard to perform two of these in a row as usually after one the opponent is out of range. 2) To pull an opponent towards you: Charge back, release to forward, then to back again then, after a slight delay press roundhouse, quickly followed by any punch. This works well when you are in a corner as the opponent will get stuck at the screen edge and is easy pickings for 4 throws in a row. 3) Throw from stance away from you: Charge down-back then release the charge to forward-up then press roundhouse followed quickly by any punch. Same deal as before but just on an angle. 4) Throw from stance towards you: Charge down-back, release charge to foward, then to back-up then press roundhouse followed quickly by any punch. Notes: 1) When alternating between throwing directions, after an away version has been performed, the only input needed for a towards throw is: charge forward then release to back with a roundhouse then any punch. 2) For variations 3 and 4 pressing fierce punch immediately after the motion's are completed will make guile perfrom the action but the opponent will not be affected, and therefore take no damage (fake-fake throw). Why is that useful? read on. (and i am aware of how cheesy that sounds) iv) Reset Resets the machine. sound fun? It does have its purposes like doing it on bison to prevent seeing the overlong ending, and doing it on cheap players is kinda satisfying. Although one machine i did it on never reset properly and after trying the power a couple of times i decided a brisk exit might be a good idea. Performing: 1) Non-stance: Charge down then on the way to up press fierce punch then follow quickly with a kick, a standing blade gone wrong. Will work without using any diagonal directions. (guile looks to be starting his suplex as the machine resets which lends the question of why a neutral position would trigger a throw) 2) From stance: While in stance, charge down then release to up while hitting fierce punch and a kick at the same time. An easy way to practice is on vega (or bison but he usually gives only one slide) as he will keep on sliding (unless he was already jumping off the wall at the point you entered stance, then he will continue with his plan to kick you in the head) v) Handcuffs A famous bug that renders your opponent frozen in a stun state while attached to guile. Useful for chewing up time and it looks cool. To release your opponent you must perform a fake throw of any variety. Stance can be performed while an opponent is cuffed but nothing else interesting can be. If you still have an opponent cuffed when time expires it's time to reset the machine (the convential way). Reset will not work at all in cuffs regardless of time. Performing: 1) Non-stance: Charge down, release the charge to up while hitting strong, followed quickly by a kick. Depending if any angles were involved in the motion, the opponent will either go straight into his/her stun frame on the same side or go to the opposite side first, then suddenly flip back to the proper side after a slight delay. I have found no manner of determining how to pick the intial side that is reliable on *both* sides of the screen. But for player one side(screen wise, not controller) i found that down-forward to up-forward will flip the opponent to the other side first, while any other combination will put them straight onto the correct side. Player two side always seems to go flip-side first, except when using down-back to up-back (which equals the same physical motion as the exception on the player 1 side). 2) From stance: While in stance, charge down then release to up while hitting strong punch and a kick at the same time. Again vega is ideal to practice this on. The opponent is instantly snapped into cuffs usually accomponied with an upside down kick (even when roundhouse was avoided). I have done it without him performing an upside down kick when he enters but do not know how do force it. Wrong timing can have the effect of guile coming straight out of stance into his standing animation with no other action, instead of jumping with a kick or something similar. Notes: While entering handcuffs (non stance) entering a sonic boom motion (with the punch) as soon as you can will freeze guile in his standing pose facing away from his opponent. This is the basic principle of invincibility. Fun things to do with someone in handcuffs (insert application of innuendo): Throw back into cuffs: Enter stance, and perform a stance fake throw (refer earlier) with the inclusion of the fierce punch immediately after (fake-fake throw). This will throw the opponent back into handcuffs. Looks cool and gives you something to help pass the time before releasing your opponent. Works in both directions. A sonic boom after the opponent is flipped back in will, if timed right (and the timing is strict), freeze guile in his standing pose. Stance into stance: Enter stance and charge down-back. release the charge to up-back, roundhouse then perform a sonic boom. Can be done outside of cuffs as well. vi) Invincibility Another very useful bug, this makes guile invulnerable to attacks of any nature (a hack to use two guiles to perfrom a fake throw on an invincible guile would be interesting). This has much the same properties as stance, e.g going straight into cuffs, fake throws, fake- fake throws, reset and changing to stance all work. And when time expires the game isn't frozen. With a bit of effort it can be done on all of the bonus stages (the falling barrels stage is hard). Guile will stand motionless in his standing pose. Performing Exactly the same as throwing back into handcuffs, accomponied by the sonic boom. charge down-back, to forward-up with roundhouse followed by a punch then sonic boom or charge down-back, to forward to back-up with roundhouse followed by a punch then a sonic boom. Remeber to press fierce punch immediately after the fake throw to stop the throw inflicting damage. The sonic boom should be performed starting at the direction that the fake-fake throw motion ended up as, so doing the away fake-fake throw will require a reverse sonic boom to the side you are on (charge down-back, release to up-forward with roundhouse and punch then to back with punch equating to a sonic boom). If you get your timing wrong with any version and the opponent falls over, perform the sonic boom motion anway and the sonic boom will come out but in the wrong direction to which the controller was moved. The best way to practice invincible is in handcuffs. The timing of when to do the sonic boom is very strict, try to aim for when he has just thrown an opponent and he is changing from his semi-crouching animation to his slightly less semi- crouching animation. Other information: For other information pertaining to the bugs in the street fighter series visit Jason Gordons site or read Derek Daniels faq (can be found at If you would like to contact me: email me at or on irc (efnet) as Exsiccate. Any information no matter how trivial or anal is appreciated. These moves were all arcade confirmed by me long before i even used the internet so please don't accuse me of plagarism if you find similar information around. Legal: Don't rip this off without giving credit. Cya.