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February 9th, 2000 - Version 1.1 ================================ Added a couple new sections, although any attempt at a walkthrough has not yet been made. Anyone have anything to add to section nine? * Added the F.A.Q. * Added the Boss guide, although it is VERY incomplete. Stategies for the remaining 5 would be greatly appreciated. * Coming Soon: Enemy FAQ, Level Guides. February 10th, 2000 - Version 1.15 ================================== No more NEW sections will be added, only updates to the incomplete ones. If there is anything missing, send it to me and it'll go in the Misc. section. One more request as well...if you can..send enemies for the 5 remaining zones. Thanks. * Added the final two missing parts of the guide, section's 10 and 11. * Updates to incomplete sections coming soon! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2) Important Notices ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Legal Information: ================== This faq may appear on the following sites: Gamefaqs.com - GameFAQs Gamesages.com - GameSages These are the only two sites that are allowed to host my faqs. If this faq is found on any other site, including YOUR site, then legal action WILL be taken if you do not remove the faq(s). This Document Is Copyright ©2000 Jdude84. This faq may not be reproduced in any way shape or form, period. Do NOT ask for consent as you will not get it, simple as that. I am in no way affiliated with the makers of this game, it is Copyrighted by Nintendo. If any of this is unclear to you read the Author's Note at the bottom of this faq. Super Mario Land is ©1992-2000 Nintendo. Mario, and all other characters are copyrighted by nintendo. Contact them at questions@nintendo.com for further information. Contact Information: ==================== Feel free to contact the strange being who published this with any corrections, questions, flames, hate mail, praise, adoration, awards, threats, or maybe if i'm lucky something intelligent at Jdude84@hotmail.com. Now, for those of you not paying attention a few notes about the e-mail i recieve: Questions: ---------- I cannot stress enough how important it is that you include the NAME OF THE GAME with the e-mail. 15 e-mails a day get ignored simply because i cannot tell which game they are for. Also any e-mail that looks a bit like this will be disregarded: "Hay Dude Wuz uhp? Lik Huw Du Yu Gat Dat Kee Mn?!" It will be DELETED, get it? Praise: ------- Sure, send it in. It might even get a reply, as it's usally 1/2 the mail i get worth responding to. Just don't suck up and as for a favor in return - i hate that. Hate Mail\Flames\Unreadable Crap: --------------------------------- Sure, send it in. I LOVE to paste your shi! on the gamefaqs.com message board and laugh with the other author's at you. Even us author's need to be entertained every once in a while. Website Related Junk: --------------------- I will not work for your website, make your website, be affiliated with your website, etc, etc. Most importantly, you MAY NOT put this on your site or even ASK me if you can. In other words, webmasters MAY NOT E-MAIL ME. GET IT? Advertisements: --------------- Do NOT send me anything that is unrealated to video games, i get enough of that from the perverts, fat people, skinny people, and people with way too much crap to sell. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 3) Credits ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Companies: ========== Nintendo For making a challenging, exciting, and probably the best mario land game. Good job...as usual. Websites: ========= Gamesages Resource for the cool tips, tricks, and game genie codes. Game Shark Code Creators Club For the excellent game shark codes, what else? Datel For the Pro Action Replay codes. Aren't those fun? People: ======= Mike Meevasin A fellow FAQ author, he let me use his review on my guide. Check out some of his work at GameFAQs under the nickname MMeevasin. Jeff "CJayC" Veasey Runs a great site, accepts my faqs, posts other people's faqs, writes his own faqs, and other various stuff. Now only if someone would buy him a Porsche... Jdude84 I wrote it, and it's all original work\content. What more do you want from me? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 4) Secrets ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Game Genie Codes: ================= 1NAME. 023-218-E6E 1CODE. Each defeated enemy worth 2 2NAME. 053-218-E6E 2CODE. Each defeated enemy worth 5 3NAME. 00D-8DA-E6E 3CODE. Stop timer 4NAME. 02D-8DA-E6E 4CODE. Timer counts down by 2 5NAME. 002-41B-F7E 5CODE. Start new game with 1 life instead of 6 6NAME. 092-41B-F7E 6CODE. Start new game with 10 lives instead of 6 7NAME. 242-41B-F7E 7CODE. Start new game with 25 lives instead of 6 8NAME.492-41B-F7E 8CODE. Start new game with 50 lives instead of 6 9NAME. 742-41B-F7E 9CODE. Start new game with 75 lives instead of 6 10NAME. 992-41B-F7E 10CODE. Start new game with 100 lives instead of 6 11NAME. 001-40C-E6E 11CODE. Infinite lives 12NAME. 024-5BC-E6E 12CODE. Mushroom turns you into Bunny Mario 13NAME. 034-5BC-E6E 13CODE. Mushroom turns you into Fire Mario 14NAME. FA1-B9C-4C1 14CODE. Stay as Super Mario when hit 15NAME. FA1-C8C-4C1 15CODE. Stay as Fire or Bunny Mario when hit 16NAME. 01D-92E-E6A + 019-2BA-E6A 16CODE. Each coin worth 101 17NAME. 009-22A-19A + 00D-89E-19A 17CODE. Each coin worth 0 18NAME. 004-BBC-19A 18CODE. Hearts (extra life) worth nothing 19NAME. 004-5F8-2AA 19CODE. Play 30 coin game of chance for free 20NAME. 004-288-A2B 20CODE. Play 50 coin game of chance for free 21NAME. 003-F28-E62 21CODE. Play 200 coin game of chance for free 22NAME. 003-BB8-C4E + 003-BA8-80C 22CODE. Play 999 coin game of chance for free Game Shark Codes: ================= 1NAME. Infinite Time 1CODE. 807954A2 2NAME. Infinite Lives 2CODE. 80052CA2 Pro Action Replay Codes: ======================== 1NAME. Infinite Time 1CODE. 807954A2 2NAME. Infinite Lives 2CODE. 80052CA2 Codes and Hints: ================ 99 Lives: --------- Clear the Hippopotamus Zone and the Space Zone. Return to the Hippopotamus Zone, run into the water, and then to the left. Grab the prize worth 50 coins. Do this over and over until you've grabbed 999 coins, then play the Bonus Game. Repeat this procedure until you have 99 lives! Beat Bonus Gme: --------------- To get 3 extra lives every time on the bonus game, just wait until a heart is going into the left-hand opening, and press the button to drop the claw. The claw will automaticlly grab the heart when it comes back out the other side Bonus Level: ------------ After ringing the Midpoint Bell in the first stage of the Space Zone, jump up to find the hidden block located in front of the ringed planet. Continue working your way up-you will find more hidden blocks and you will get to the Secret Exit high above the normal goal. Easier Game: ------------ For an easier game, press SELECT at the pipe screen. Hippo Level: ------------ When you see the hippo, make sure the bubble comes out. Then go back to where you started and run to the hippo again. When you see the bubble come out (still running), jump in it and don't let go of the A button. You should be at the end in about 40 seconds. Play the Demos: ---------------- At the title screen you can enter any of the following codes to play the demos. When a demo begins you will be able to control Mario. Demo Code 1 Up + Select 2 Up + A + Select 3 Up + B + Select 4 Up + A + B + Select Note: None of these codes work for the million version seller. Return to the Map: ------------------ To return to the map without dying, press START, then press SELECT. Secret Exits: ------------- There are at least seven secret exits in this game. Space Zone level 1: ------------------- Touch the midway bell and move right until you get to a wall. Jump. Get on the other one. Keep going up then move right jumping until you get to a secret door with a star on top of it. Tree Zone level 2: ------------------ You have to have bunny ears. Go to the end but don't go through the exit. Instead go left past the pipe then up the goo like thingy. Go all the way up and kill the bad guy. Then fly up and right. Go through the pipe and to the door with a star on top of it. Macro Zone level 1: ------------------- Its kinda a shortcut to the boss. You need a fire flower. When you are on the platform where a ant with a missile throwing gun kill it. There is like somthing under it like a pipe that is facing up pand takes you down. Go up. But where the ant was. Somewhere in that platform are 4 hidden blocks. Look for them. When you find them go on top of them and shoot the blocks and go up a pipe. Then look for the door with a star on top of it. Pumpkin Zone level 2: --------------------- You need to have a mushroom. Go to where there is water under those cyclop ghosts when you get to a hole go down and across the bad guys. Then break the blocks and go down a pipe. Then go to a door with a star above it Pumpkin Zone level 3: --------------------- You need to have bunny ears. After you pass where the blocks that go invisible go to a place where you down. Don't go down lnstead go flying up to the right pass through the bad guy and to the door witha star above it. Turtle Zone: ------------ Go down then up where its dry and let the turtle make you small. Enter the hole on the left and up the pipe. Go right through the bad guys and enter the door with a star above it. Secret Life: ------------ In the Hippopotamus Zone, get in a bubble and go to the beginning of the level and float up. You will see a ? box. Inside is an extra life! See the Whole Map: ------------------ In the map screen, press and hold B until the entire map is revealed. Tree Zone Secret Exit: ---------------------- At the second level of Tree Zone, go up to the place where there is a long way down to the normal exit, and there are the green goo you could float on. Instead of going down to the normal exit, get the carrot and fly up and forward. You will see a passageway near the top. Go into that to find the secret exit. Underground Bug: ---------------- Go to any long pipe going down in a level you've already passed, and go down it. While still in the pipe, pause and then press SELECT. Then, play any level you want. In most of the levels, Mario will fall through the ground and end up in a strange jumble. Don't hit any ? blocks or grab any coins there, or the game will freeze. Very strange and funny! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 5) Game Information ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Game Data: ========== Title: Super Mario Land 2 Platform: Game Boy\Super Game Boy Publisher: Nintendo Genre: Platform\Action Players: One ESRB Rating: KA (6+) MSRP: $20.00 USA Reviews: ======== Reviewied By: MMeevasin Difficulty: 1-10 Description: Strategy #1 - Three Little Pigs Difficulty: 5 Description: 3 different pigs, all the same size. All have special attacks. This is one of the easiest bosses. First you will fight the "straw" pig, who is easy to beat. Just jump on him while he's rolling around and kill him. Then the second pig will come out, a bit bouncier than the other. Wait until the right time, then jump on him again, to defeat him. Finally, you'll meet the third pig who just may be on "speed". Defeat him the same way, avoiding his out of control body. #2 - Hagatha the Witch Difficulty: 1 Description: Your average witch: Broom, Cackle, and black clothes\hat ensamble. Almost too easy. Simply jump on her as she appears out of the different cauldrons. Three hits and she's down for the count! 'Nuff said. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 9) Misc. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Story: ====== "While I was away crusading against the mystery alien Tatanga in Sarasa Land, an evil creep took over my castle and put the people of Mario Land under his control with a magic spell. This intruder goes by the name of Wario. He has been jealous of my popularity ever since we were boys, and has tried to steal my castle many times. It seems he has succeeded this time. Wario has scattered the 6 Golden Coins from my castle all over Mario Land. These Golden Coins are guarded by those under Wario's spell. Without these coins, we can't get into the castle to deal with Wario. We must collect the 6 coins, attack Wario in the castle, and save everybody!" "IT'S TIME TO SET OUT ON OUR MISSION!!" ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 10) Enemy FAQ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Key: # - Name Description: Notes: - - - Mario Zone - - - #1 - Goomba Description: Just your average yellow mushroom with teeth. Notes: I don't think we need to be afraid of small yellow 'shrooms now do we? One jump or fireball will do them in. #2 - Koopa Troopa Description: Brown turtle with a removable shell, fun. Notes: Jump on them once to kill them, then you can pick up their shell and throw it. #3 - Spikey Description: Stationary spike, what else is there? Notes: It doesn't move, and you can't kill it...so just leave it alone! #4 - Buzz Description: A reciprocating saw that goes back and forth along a track. Notes: Invulnreble...just avoid it. #5 - Hack Decription: Basically it's the same as buzz, only a chainsaw blade. Notes: Just like buzz...only a rectangle. #6 - Mr. Screwed Description: It's a screw.. Notes: Just jump it to kill it. Odd enemies, aren't they? #7 - Bullet Pig Description: Ugly pig firing bullets at you. Notes: You can't defeat it's bullets, but a fireball or jump will do the pig in. #8 - Flying Goomba Description: OK...it's a FLYING yellow mushroom with teeth. Notes: One hit and they lose their wings..two hits and they lose it all. #9 - Demonic Teddy Bear Description: It's a evil stuffed toy bouncing on a beach ball.. Notes: Just hit em' on the head and steal their balls ;) #10 - Ump Description: Well he's not fat... Notes: One strike and they're out.. #11 - Joker In a Box Description: These come out of "?" blocks... Notes: As always, one jump attack. #12 - Bullet Bill Description: Cannon that fires bullets Notes: Invulnreble. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 11) Mario's Quest: Level Guide ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 12) Author's Note ----------------------------------------------------------------------- That's the end of guide #46, hopefully it was of some use to you, and if it wasn't, tell me about it so i can make it better! If you have anything to add to this guide feel free to e-mail me as this is one game I simply am not good at! Isn't THAT amazing? Jdude84