TAZMANIA for Sega Genesis Copyright 2001 William Walker. Do not sell for a profit. e-mail J-D-Walker@worldnet.att.net CONTROL To control Taz, press C to jump, B to spin, and the d-pad to move. You can't duck. To drop through a floor, press down + C. A makes Taz leer at you, and can be used to pick an item up. Then press A again to set it down. Or, press B to throw it away from you. If you pick up a bomb, throw it quickly before it explodes. VIOLENCE: NONE DIFFICULTY The game is quite hard on normal, and for all practical purposes impossible to beat on hard. just play on normal all the time, OK? HEALTH Every time you get hurt, your health meter shrinks. Eating a bomb or getting zapped will make you lose half your health. Most other hits are 1/5. Falling off the screen means you lose all health and die. CONTINUES If you lose all your lives, and you have continues left, go into the box for continue to restart the game where you were with three lives. SCORING Each thing you eat is worth 100 points. Each bomb you spin into is worth 10 points. Each enemy defeated is worth 100 points. ENEMIES To beat enemies, spin into them or jump on them. Spinning is generally better. ITEMS Bomb- watch out! Either spin into or avoid, but don't eat! It'll make you lose half your health! Food (canteen, fish, turkey or bananas) - no matter which one you eat, it'll restore 1/4 of your health. Yum! Star - makes you invincible to enemies for a while. Fire leaves - who's got bad breath? Eat this and you can shoot flames out of your mouth by pressing A. Any enemies in front of you will be torched. You can only fire six times. 1-Up - these look like a picture of Taz with a 1, and give you a new life! Continue - it looks like a 1-Up with a 3 instead of a 1. It's worth an extra continue! OTHER TAZ GAMES The only other Taz game I know of for Genesis is Taz Escape from Mars, which is a waste of money. Not only is it quite hard all the way through, but one boss is impossible to beat, so you must know the level select to win. The game gear version isn't much better. Okay, you know the basics. Now we'll start the walkthrough. DESERT Go right, and eat the fire leaves. There's a spout of water that shoots up out of the pit below, and you can jump on it. If you fall in the pit you'll die, and you can only jump on when the spout goes up. Or, you can skip it. To the right is a quicksand pit. By riding the water spout as high as possible and then jumping right and spinning (hold down both buttons) you can cross the pit. When you land stop quickly. If you choose not to do this, then cross the pit by pressing jump quickly and jumping over the stoneheads. Or, lure them left and incinerate them when they come close enough. On the other side of the pit, go right to a canteen and another water spout. Besides stoneheads you'll also have to deal with spiders, but they can be beaten by a simple spin-hit. Stoneheads on the other hand cannot be beaten except by flames, and will try to get you with their tongues if you get too close. However, you can ride on them by jumping on their heads. Don't stay on too long, or they'll move their hands up and grab you. The second water spout must be jumped over, as it will smash you against some spikes above if you ride it and kill you. Be careful! After this kill the stonehead and spider, and go right to a canteen, continue marker, and third water spout. The path right is a dead end, and you must ride the water spout up to continue. It's kind of tricky. At the peak of the spout, jump right and use a spin to gain enough distance to land on the ledge. Go right along the higher path, beat two spiders, and cross another quicksand pit by luring both stoneheads left and then torching them. Jump over the next water spout (it kills you) and hit the continue marker. Your last challenge is four water spouts in a row that are tough to cross. Just be very careful. Jump onto the first one, and when it is at its peak, jump right and spin to reach a ledge on the right side of the pit, where the exit is. Now you're in the second level. Go right, eat the canteen and kill the spider. The first stonehead can be used to skip the platforms on the right - just jump on him and then to the platform above. Eat the star, and then jump left to the platform with the fire leaves. Then jump left again, to a platform directly above where you started. The three bombs above it aren't a problem, because you're invincible and can eat one and spin into the others to get rid of them. Then jump up the platforms to a continue marker. This next part is tricky. Jump up the ledges, and on the top one, jump right to a platform with a canteen on it. If you fall, you'll have to climb all the way back up again. Once on this canteen platform jump right, and spin to help you reach the next ledge. Jump up all the way up to a platform at the top. Then spin all the way back left. At the far left corner is a 1-Up. Then go back right until you meet a stonehead. Don't kill him! Instead, lure him all the way right to a canteen. Then lure him a little bit more right, and then jump on him. Jump up from there to a platform at the very top with a Continue on it. Now go all the way right, to a continue marker. This next part is tough. Cross the bridge, drop down, and then go down on the lower bridge, and drop down again. The problem is, whenever you drop down there's a bomb near you land. If you eat two bombs you're done for. The second and fourth bombs are directly down, so when you fall curl your jump around to the right. The third bomb is hidden behind something, so watch out. On the last drop spin and hold left. If you're spinning when you land you'll knock out the bombs, which is what you should do to all the bombs. The last bridge has a stonehead on it, and you can beat him with a fire blast. Once on the bottom, go left to a canteen. Then go right to a stonehead and canteen. Ignore the canteen, and jump on the stonehead. Then jump to the platform above, then keep jumping up to the top platform. You'll collect two canteens. Then go right to a big prize: a 1-Up and Continue. Drop down after collecting them, and go right to the exit. In the last stage, just go right to the boss. He's easy. He'll drive a red truck back and forth. Jump on the platform in the middle of the arena. Ignore the star on the right, as it's tricky to get it without being hit. You must pick it up and take it to the center platform. When the boss drives under the center platform, do your floor drop and you'll land right on him. Repeat four times to win. FACTORY This place is much more maze-like. First go right, and press A to pick up the box. Then move it left, so it's under a platform above you. Then jump up, and go left along the conveyor belt. Jump over the propellers. To take out the bomb, jump and spin into it. You'll fall down to the bottom. Climb back up, and this time jump up the platforms to a higher conveyor belt. Before going down it, jump up the platforms even higher to the top. At the very top, go right to a turkey. Then drop back down to the second conveyor, and run under the pistons when they go up. If they crush you you'll lose 1/3 of your health, so beware. Hold right to get under. After the pistons jump up the platforms to the top. Go right until you find a turkey. Then go back down, and go left. Spin by the tank, because if you touch a flame port when it's open you'll be hurt. Spin by and you should be okay. Instead of dealing with the propellers to the left, drop through the floor. Drop down again to a 1-Up. Then drop down the shaft on the right. Once on the floor, spin by a tank, and then jump to the floating conveyor belt. Then jump to the other, smaller one. You must jump when on the very edge to avoid hitting the ceiling. From the second one jump up to a ledge. Go right to the exit. The second stage is quite hard. the entire floor is a conveyor belt. You'll be going down a tank assembly line, and having to turn off four electric chambers. The first one is easy. Jump up through the ceiling to a platform at the top, and go right spinning into the bomb. Watch out for the shooter at the top that will swivel back and forth and shoot at you. It can't be beaten, but luckily only inflicts a small amount of damage. Go right on the top to a lever. Press A to pull it, and then go back down by dropping through the floor. Then go right and drop down, and then continue right. When you find the next chamber grab the turkey above watching out for shooters (it's tricky to grab without getting hit). Then jump left onto a higher platform, and jump to the top. Above there will be turrets being lowered down to the tanks. Watch out for them and jump over the hole as if you fall you'll be zapped. Then drop down the platforms on the right of the hole to two levers. Pull the right one (the left one zaps you) and then go back up and down the hole, and right along the floor. When you see the first shooter after the second chamber, jump up to a platform and go left through a tunnel. Then jump to the top. Watch out for the shooter, and pull the lever grabbing the turkey. Now go right, spinning to knock out any bombs you see. Don't worry about the zappers at the top of the poles - they're off. Also deactivated are the robots being lowered through a hole into the tanks. Jump the hole (can be tricky) with a spinning jump but stop spinning quickly to avoid knocking out the prizes to the right (a turkey and 1-Up). Then drop through the hole, and go right. Just before the last chamber jump up through the ceiling, and jump up the ledges. Then go right into a room with three shooters. Also here are a Continue and turkey. The two bottom levers zap you, instead jump up the conveyor belts to a lever in the upper right corner. Then go back to the chamber by dropping through the floor, go through, and go right to a tunnel you can't go through. Jump up the platforms, and grab the turkey watching out for the shooter. Then jump right to the platform with a bomb on the edge. Spin to knock out the bomb, and go right to the exit. No boss here. ICELAND There's only one stage here, and it isn't too hard. The ice is slippery, but you can jump to regain control. The mice and penguins can be beaten in the same way - spinning. It's pretty simple, except that you eat fish for health. Also, if you fall in the water your health will start draining. Quickly press B to shoot out of the water. About midway through the path ends and you must get the rest of the way by jumping across icebergs. Some move, others sink. Just keep jumping until you reach land. Then jump on the last iceberg and it sinks. However the water here is an illusion, and by dropping through it you can reach a top secret area at the bottom of the level. In it are several fish, a 1-Up and Continue. After collecting the goodies go right and climb the platforms. At the top, you'll exit. No boss. JUNGLE The first stage is very hard. You'll have to jump over countless pits which are fatal, and have to deal with a horde of pink mice and plants. Neither is that bad - both can be beaten by spinning. Mice throw spears, but your spin deflects them. Okay, go right and jump over the pit with a spin jump. Then spin into four mice (one can't be killed, but he can't hurt you). Also kill the plant, and munch down the turkey. Jump over another pit, and climb the ledges defeating mice. Luckily you can take a lot of mouse hits before dying. At the top, go right to another turkey, and drop down to a ledge. I won't mention mice and plants, as there are so many. Jump over the pit to a place with a ton of mice. Before killing them, jump up the ledges to a turkey and continue marker. Go right, jump the pit, and try to stop spinning to avoid knocking out the turkey. As you climb the ledges, beat the mice who are in good positions. Don't spin off the edge. At the top jump right, and don't stop spinning and you'll knock out a bomb and some mice. Drop down to a turkey, and drop again onto the fire leaves. From now on, use them tov beat mice. Drop down a third time, beat the mice, and drop down one more time. Below you is a 1-Up and continue marker. The last and toughest part of this stage has several jumps which should be made by spinning, a bunch of mice, and several bombs. Just keep going. At the far right is the exit. The second stage is simple. You've got to climb up a giant tree by leaping from branch to branch on either side. There's not much to say, except that you should use spinning jumps and be careful of the green mice, as there is no food. It isn't too hard, and at the bottom there's a star. About 2/3 of the way up are some fire leaves. Be very careful of mice. At the top, you have a choice: jump up and go right on the top to a star after beating some mice, or jumping left and down to the boss. He's easy. He's a cupid, but just keep spinning and his arrows won't hurt you. Spin into him six times and he's a bad memory. The third stage is easy. At the bottom is a river with logs floating down. The tricky thing is, you must use the logs to ride right. Above the river are ledges with plants, bombs and turkeys on them. To get onto a log, jump down to it and hold down as you fall. To jump back from a log to a platform, jump and hold up. Logs sink after a while. If you fall in the river you'll take damage but will shoot back up and can try to land on a ledge. Just remember to hold the appropriate buttons. On hard mode, falling in the river kills instantly. Midway through is a 1-Up, the last in the game. It's for free. The exit's at the far right. MINES The first level is evil. Go right and jump in the mine car. Press left or right to slow down or speed up. Press and hold B to rise. You've got to make sure you rise over barriers in the way or you'll die. You'll also die if you rise when the car goes under a ceiling. Often they make it close, which is why it's a good idea to be going as slow as possible. Memorize or write down the sequence of barriers and ceilings. Along the way you'll get stars, worth 10 points. That's about it, except when a pit is coming up, do one of two things. If the light before it is green, press right to accelerate over. If the light is yellow, press left to avoid smashing into a pillar on the other side that doesn't reach the floor. There are no secrets here, and you can't avoid jumping in the mine car. The toughest parts are where the barriers and ceilings are very close, and in one part you must accelerate over a pit, tap B to rise over a barrier on the other side and instantly go back down to avoid the ceiling. At the far right you'll exit. It's very hard. The second stage is even worse. Go right, spinning into the bats and gray mouse, and into the elevator. Press A, and while holding A press up to move the elevator up. Then go right, and when the elevator comes down, jump in. Don't stand under it or you'll be crushed and hurt. Once inside jump off on the first left, and go left to another elevator. Jump inside and it starts moving up and down. When it comes up jump again to make it go down even further. This time you should be able to reach the next level. Jump up, kill the mouse, and jump into an elevator on the right. Ride up as high as possible, to a turkey. Then go back down, and go left in a passage midway up. Jump into the first elevator you see, and ride it up as high as possible. Then go left, ride another elevator up, to a canteen and continue marker. Then ride back down, and go right to an elevator you already rode. To the right is a long bare floor. Touching it kills. You must jump over to an elevator from the one you're in when it moves close enough. When it stops going right and starts going back left, jump and spin right into another, higher elevator that goes faster. These jumps are all quite hard. from this second one jump right to another elevator whizzing up and down. Once here, when it's at its peak, jump and spin right to the continue marker. You've gotten past the first series of jumps. Now go right, and move the elevator down. Then go left into another one, that plummets when you step in it. If you hold left you'll reach the ledge. Go left into another plummeting elevator. Holding right doesn't work, and you've got to jump out at the perfect time and spin onto the platform. Go right, ride the elevator down, and then there's another elevator to the right that only stays in a position where you can spin jump between them for a second. Once inside this one, ride up, and go right. For your next challenge jump into the elevator, and it starts moving up and down. When it's at its peak, jump straight up and if you land as the elevator is going down, you'll make it go even further. You've got to keep jumping and landing when the elevator is going down to make it keep going as far as possible. If you jump at the wrong time the elevator will be hindered. Once it goes far enough up so you can reach the ledge at the top, which can take five minutes, jump onto it. Then there's an elevator to the right doing figure eights. When it comes next to you, jump on. When it goes as low as possible make a perfect jump right onto an elevator hanging from the ceiling. If you jump too late you'll hit the wall and die. This one plummets, so jump to the next one, using spin jumps if necessary. At the far right you'll end this hellish stage. Good lord! JUNGLE II The first stage is evil. It's a river that is much deeper than the previous one, there are no ledges to stand on, and there are rocks. Remember to hold down as you jump between rocks and logs. If you stay on a rock too long a baby crocodile attacks - just spin and he'll beat it. Logs sink when they hit rocks. Just keep jumping on things until you reach a ledge. Then spin jump right, over the big waterfall to a continue marker. In the second part the logs go left, and are useless. Jump from rock to rock using spin jumps, remember to hold down, and try memorizing where the rocks are. Most of the time you'll be jumping blind. At the far right is the exit. The second stage is easy and short. Just what we needed after all the horrible stuff in the previous three stages. Anyway, don't eat the weeds, found only here - they hurt you. Also beat all the plants. The toughest part is when you must jump over a pit. That's about it, except on the right side is the boss - a giant plant. He's the toughest one we've met yet. Jump and spin-hit his head when he lunges at you. Keep spinning and you should be able to beat him without too much trouble. It takes six hits. RUINS This is the last place, and you'll have to deal with a lot of nasty stuff. Go right through a tunnel until you find a statue hidden behind something. A lot of statues shoot flames at you, and this one is tricky to get by without being burnt. Once you get by jump onto the thing in front of the statue, then up to the ledge on the left. Your enemies are brown mice and bats. For bats, just spin in place and wait until they hit you. Once on this ledge go left, and jump up to a continue marker. Then go left, dropping down to some bananas. Then jump up/left onto the higher ledge (you can go behind the column). Then go up, watching out for statues. At one point you'll almost certainly get burned. After this you'll be on the very top, with statues on either side. Jump and spin right as you fall, holding both buttons. You can cover a lot of ground. Once you touch down go up the stone steps on the right, ignoring the statues as they don't shoot flames. At the top drop down until you have a choice: go right or left. Going left results in you falling into a trap which kills you. Go right and drop down. Once on the ground, jump back up to the ledge that leads left, to a dead end with a continue marker. Then go back to the ground and go right, jumping up to some bananas. Then go right, and drop down when the statue stops flaming. Go right, spinning through two mice, to the exit. The second level is pretty hard. Go right, and eat the bananas and kill the mouse. Then use the stone blocks to reach the ledge (the path right is a dead end). Go right on the higher path, until you find a series of ledges. You've got to make some tricky spin jumps here. At one point you must land on the very edge of a ledge to avoid eating a bomb. At the top of this rather tricky part go left, and then drop down to a statue. When it stops flaming go by and down, and go left. Jump to the higher platform for some much-needed bananas. At the far left spin jump to a ledge in the upper left corner, then go up the ledges, probably getting burned by a nasty statue. After this continue climbing up to the top, where you'll find another statue that'll probably burn you. Luckily below this one is a continue marker. Go right past the statue, and then drop all the way to the bottom. Then go right, up some stone steps. Go right through the tunnel, spinning by the statue when it isn't flaming. Hit the continue marker, but don't spin too far or you'll be roasted by another statue. Then go back left, and climb up to the higher passage. Go to the far right, and jump up the ledges. Then go left, and spin. When you're spinning the flames from the three statues won't hurt you. Once past them go up by jumping up the ledges. At the top, go right to the exit. The third stage is the same as the first, so follow the instructions for the first stage up to the second continue marker. But now the passage to the exit is a dead end. So, climb back up and go right along a higher passage with a mouse. Go right to an outside area. This passage was blocked before. Climb up the steps above you, being careful of statues. At the top, go left and then down to the boss, a Taz statue that comes to life. No problem - just spin back and forth and he can't hurt you, and you'll be hurting him. It's easy. After six hits he dies. Watch out for the statue on the right. In the final stage, go right, past a statue and stonehead, to the final battle. The giant bird's head appears on the right side. Jump onto the stone block, and then jump and spin-hit her head before she retracts it. She'll try to hit you with her wings, but if you spin in place she won't hurt you. When her head reappears hit it again, and do this six times. CONGRATULATIONS! YOU'VE SAVED TAZMANIA! CHEAT CODE Plug in two controllers and at the title screen, hold down A, B and C on both controllers. Then, press start on the first controller with your chin. This activates cheat mode. Begin the game and pause. By pausing and pressing B you'll be invincible to enemies, turn this off by pausing and pressing A. By pausing and pressing C you can use left and right to select the level you wish to go to. Then press start and you'll go there. Any big dot on the map counts as a level. Time for me to go now, but be sure to get other games involving Loony Tunes. If you're really brave (and have the level select) you can try Taz Escape from Mars. Good luck!