==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==- --==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--= Taz-Mania FAQ/Walkthrough By: Dark Vortex (Quan Jin) darkvortexfaqs@ymail.com Version 1.2 ==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==- --==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--= This guide may be found on the following sites: [http://www.gamefaqs.com]--------------------------------------------[GameFAQs] [http://www.gamespot.com]--------------------------------------------[GameSpot] [http://faqs.ign.com]------------------------------------------------[IGN FAQs] [http://www.neoseeker.com]------------------------------------------[Neoseeker] [http://www.dlh.net]--------------------------------------[Dirty Little Helper] [http://www.cheats.de]----------------------------------------------[Cheats.de] [http://www.supercheats.com]--------------------------------------[SuperCheats] [http://www.honestgamers.com]------------------------------------[HonestGamers] This guide is copyright (c)2003-2006 Quan Jin =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= ~+~ Table of Contents ~+~ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= 1. Introduction...............................................[1000] 2. FAQ........................................................[2000] 3. Controls...................................................[3000] 4. Walkthrough................................................[4000] 5. Pick-ups List..............................................[5000] 6. Enemies Compilation........................................[6000] 6.1. Monster List....................................[6100] 6.2. Boss List.......................................[6200] 7. Version History............................................[7000] 8. Legal Information..........................................[8000] 9. Credits and Closing........................................[9000] To find a section quickly, press Ctrl-F and type in either the name of the section along with its content number (ie. 1., 2., 3., etc.) OR you can use the codes on the far right. Simply type in the brackets with the code number to get a jump. =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= ~+~ 1. Introduction ~+~ [1000] =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= Taz-Mania is a side-scrolling game created for the Sega Master System. Obviously, it is based on that loveable Tazmanian Devil we had all watched on TV as a kid. Make your way through levels and levels of ups and downs, and dips and swirls as you search for the rare Giant Seabird... This guide is designed to help you through the game, as well as providing a list of enemies and a list of all possible pickups. I hope you find this guide helpful for this obscure Sega Master System game. =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= ~+~ 2. FAQ ~+~ [2000] =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ [Q] I picked up a Bomb, and it hurt my health. What is up? [A] Bombs are the only Pickups which cause you damage. When you see one, avoid it! This might be a bit tough as usually, Bombs are found right in your path. +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= ~+~ 3. Controls ~+~ [3000] =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= # ## ______________________#_____________ | _____ | | .' `. | | | \ | / | _ _ | | | - O - | .' `. .' `. | | | / | \ | `._,' `._,'--------- 2 Button | `._____.' | | |______|_________________|___________| | |--- 1/Start Button |---- Control Pad Control Pad ~ ----------- ~ Moves Taz along the screen. Start Button ~ ------------ ~ Spins to destroy enemies (Watch your Power meter). ~ Cycle through screen in main menu. 2 Button ~ -------- ~ Jump. ~ Conjunction with the Start Button to perform a Spin Jump which hurts all enemies in your way. =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= ~+~ 4. Walkthrough ~+~ [4000] =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= "One day Taz' Dad was telling him about a place called The Lost Valley. A valley where numerous rare animals still live. The rarest of these animals is the Giant Seabird. The Seabird eggs are enormous. Supposedly the largest in the world. A mere legend. Wouldn't you agree...?" [-----------------------------------------------------------------------------] STAGE ONE --- THE PLAINS [-----------------------------------------------------------------------------] Taz leaves home in search of the legendary valley of the "Giant Seabird eggs". Even though he hasn't got a clue as to where it is. Will Taz be able to find it? Ah Taz, I remember you so well. Always hungry, and always where the food is at! Anyhow, the level starts off on the Plains near Taz's home. Start off by moving forward. There is a Spear Tamer up ahead. Use the Start Button to spin towards it and knock it off screen. Get used to taking out enemies this way. Continue forward again up a small slope. You will notice another Spear Tamer on a ledge. Jump up there with the 2 Button and spin it out. You will also note a Chicken powerup on the ledge above you. You can jump up for it now, but if you haven't lost any health yet, there's no need to as you can always come back later when Life is needed. Anyhow, get off those ledges and defeat the Green Spider. Advance along the terrain blasting off another Green Spider. Keep moving until you reach the third Green Spider in a row next to a pink spring. Jump on the spring to launch yourself up to a cloud. (Weird, huh?) Also on the cloud is a Bomb! Do not pick it up as it will hurt you. From there, perform a Spin Jump (Start Button + 2 Button) to the cloud to your left. On it is a 1UP powerup. Very useful. Pick it up and jump back to the platform with the Bomb. Again, watch out! From there, jump off the cloud back to the ground. Pass the pink spring and jump over the gap. Do not fall or else you lose that life and wasted that 1UP you picked up before... Ahead is a Pink Star pickup. If Taz eats it, he becomes invincible! (coughcough MariocoughKnockoffcough) Now, start spinning as fast as you can and kill off as many of the Spear Tamers and Green Spiders ahead of you as possible. Be careful not to fall off the ledge out of excitement (Eh, that happened to me more often than I had liked). Anyhow, watch out for the Bombs scattered throughout the paths. If you are invincible though, they will bounce off. Continue along and you will pass another Chicken powerup on the ground. If you had lost any health before, now is the time to pick it up. Jump the gap with a nicely executed Spin Jump and continue along. Rip and spin past more Green Spiders and Spear Tamers and you should reach another Chicken powerup! It looks as if the developer's really wanted you to at least clear the first level! Pick it up if you are still hurting and advance. Jump the platform and defeat the Spear Tamer. Continue and jump again to the next platform. Beware, as there is a Bomb on the last ledge. Watch out for it and jump over it the best you can. With that, you will notice the arrow sign. If you hadn't already taken the hint by now, this is the exit sign. Walk out of Stage One! [-----------------------------------------------------------------------------] STAGE ONE --- THE PLAINS PT. 2 [-----------------------------------------------------------------------------] Continue along and immediately zip through the Spear Tamer. A bit ahead of it should be another pink spring. Jump onto it and get onto the ledge. Begin walking along and you should reach a gap. Jump over it and come to another pink spring. Jump onto it and continue along. Be sure not to jump too far as you will land on some spikes which really hurts. Watch the Bomb nearby, and step on the next spring the last pink spring brought you to. Immediately spin the out the Spear Tamer and advance on that ledge. Jump to the lower ledge and then jump back to the ground. You will noticed that by jumping onto that above ledge, you passed the bed of spikes which would have otherwise hurt you quite a bit. Anyhow, ahead is another pink spring. Jump onto it and you should find yourself atop a cloud, where a Chicken is there for the taking. If you need the health, by all means, eat it! Now drop down and watch out for the Venus Flytrap. Spin it out of the way and continue along. You will immediately come to a gap which is easily overcome with a Spin Jump. Advance to find another Chicken followed by a Venus Flytrap which should be defeated immediately. Following, there is another pink spring! Ride it up to the above ledge and traverse the ledges. Jump the first gap and take out the Spear Tamer. Continue and watch the Bomb that appears in your path. Ahead is another Venus Flytrap just asking to taste your wrath. Spin it and jump the gap to the next ledge. Pick up the Chicken powerup if you need it and defeat the Spear Tamer quickly. Advance and you should reach another Chicken followed by a Venus Flytrap. Take care of both and jump the gaps in between the ledges until you find a pink spring on one of them. Jump onto it and the up to the cloud which is to your right. From that cloud, perform a Spin Jump to the next cloud which holds a 1UP powerup, just what we need. With that, jump down and leave the level. [-----------------------------------------------------------------------------] STAGE ONE --- THE PLAINS BOSS [-----------------------------------------------------------------------------] Welcome to the final stage of the Plains. To add to the finale, a bull will come charging at you. Uh oh! Boss Fight: The Bull ~ =------------------= Heh, this is pretty simple if you know what you are doing. First off, let the bull attempt to run over Taz, but jump over him. He will go off screen, but as soon as you let your guard down, the bull comes back. Jump over him again and he'll run into the wall. (What an idiot!) This is when you spin into him and the only time he can be hurt without hurting you back. Repeat this process four to five times and the bull will of course, be defeated. [-----------------------------------------------------------------------------] STAGE TWO --- THE JUNGLE [-----------------------------------------------------------------------------] Taz enters the jungle. Could the giant egg be located somewhere here in the jungle? Giant egg, where are you? Start the level off by shredding through the Red Cobra just ahead of you. From there, head forward and jump the gap. Beware of the Bomb on the ground. Try your best to get Taz over it. Anyhow, continue and defeat the Green Spider quickly. Another gap will present itself. This time, don't jump too far or else the Bomb will be in your mouth before you know it. Get Taz to continue along. The ground will slowly slope downward, so make sure you jump before you lose your footing! On the next platform, spin the Green Spider out of control and advance. Note the Chicken pickup on the branch above. You can try to pick it up if you need it, but don't fall unless you want to lose a Life. Anyhow, pick up the Chicken or just jump the gap and keep moving. You will find a Star immediately. Pick it up and zip through the Green Spider. Up ahead is a 1UP powerup on a branch. To get to it, start at the top of the slope and walk down to gain speed. Then perform a Spin Jump to the first branch which can then be used as a position to jump to the next branch which holds that 1UP. When that's done, jump back down and advance. The next portion has to deal with a weird liquid which pulls Taz down like quicksand. Jump into it, it isn't dangerous unless you let yourself sink. As soon as you begin sinking, rapidly tap the Start and 2 Button so you get upside again. From there, jump around to hop across the quicksand and reach the other side. It might take one or two tries to master completely. Once on the other side, continue again to reach a pink spring. Jump onto it and jump to the branch to your left. From there, you can jump to another piece of Chicken on another branch. If you need it, pick it up. Hop back down and make your way back to the main path. The next pit of quicksand is easily jumped over with a Spin Jump. You will land on a middle island with a pink spring. If you jump on it, and Spin Jump as far right as you can, you should land on a branch. From that, you just skipped a large quicksand pile. Be careful when you jump back down, as a Bomb is right below you. From there, continue along again. Perform a Spin Jump to hopefully clear a bed of spikes. Watch out for the Green Spider and jump another gap. Up ahead is a Red Cobra. Rip it apart and continue to reach another gap which is easily jumped over. Past it is a Chicken. I've said this before and I'll say it again; use it if you need it. Continue and traverse through two more gaps before reaching another Chicken powerup. Ahead is a Red Cobra. Take it out and walk forward to find a bed of spikes in your path. This is easily foiled. Move back and Spin Dash forward to gain speed. Follow up with a Spin Jump to clear the entire spike bed. From there, exit the level. [-----------------------------------------------------------------------------] STAGE TWO --- THE JUNGLE PT. 2 [-----------------------------------------------------------------------------] Here's part 2 of the Jungle scenario. Move forward and rip through the Red Cobra. Continue forward and jump on the first tree stump you see ahead of you. Don't use the Spin Jumps as they make landing perfectly a difficulty. Jump all three stumps to the next ledge. Spin out the Red Cobra before it gets you and once again, continue. A gap appears ahead of you which you should jump. Be sure not to touch the Bomb unless you like eating away a quarter of your health. The next gap requires that you jump onto a branch. Again, don't Spin Jump to throw off your accuracy. Clear that gap and pick up the Chicken. Advance along for a short while until another gap appears. Clear it, and walk along. Clear the next gap which is composed of a single Venus Flytrap on a narrow piece of land. Make sure you don't miss! Perform a stationary spin to take out the Venus Flytrap quickly, and make a jump to the next ledge. Be sure you don't touch the Bomb! Now, stand a little bit to the left of the Bomb, and jump straight up (No, not a Spin Jump) to touch down on a brance. From there, jump to the next branch. Now, Spin Jump to your right to touch down on some solid ground for once. Ahead is a Red Cobra which should be taken out immediately. The next gap isn't even a gap at all. Try your best to jump into the middle of the gap, but instead of falling to your doom, you land on a stump! Also on the stump is a 1UP which you should pick up. Jump back to the main path and watch out for the Bomb. Jump into the quicksand and traverse it to get to an island with a Venus Flytrap. Take it out and traverse the next quicksand pile. Ahead is another Venus Flytrap. Take it out and Spin Jump the next gap to reach the other side. Pick up the Chicken if you need it and continue. Spin out the Red Cobra and Spin Jump the next gap to *another* platform. Watch the Bomb again and jump the next platform and again. Repeat, rinse, and repeat as necessary. Beware of any stray Red Cobras or Venus Flytraps. After a bunch of jumping platforms, you will have reached the end! Now, onto the Boss Fight. [-----------------------------------------------------------------------------] STAGE TWO --- THE JUNGLE BOSS [-----------------------------------------------------------------------------] Before we take our leave from the perilous Jungles, we have to take out some stupid kid who likes to shoot arrows. Boss Fight: Jungle Boy ~ =--------------------= Fairly easy for the most part. The Jungle Boy is a terrible shot and will shoot three Arrows at a time before jumping and attempting to *hop* on you. The first thing you should do is begin jumping up and over his arrows. Following, he will start jumping. Now, begin spinning around and letting him jump on you while spinning to hurt him. He'll do the same thing with the arrows again which you should of course, jump over. Repeat, repeat, and repeat again until the Jungle Boy meets his match. [-----------------------------------------------------------------------------] STAGE THREE --- THE CAVERN [-----------------------------------------------------------------------------] In the depths of the forest, Taz finds an enormous cavern. Inside the cavern, it is dark, eerily quiet. The egg can't possibly be here, can it? The graphics in this portion of the game has incredibly sucky graphics. Don't say I didn't warn you. Anyhow, start off by heading forward and jumping over the lava pit. Defeat the Spear Tamer ahead as well as the Vampire Bat. Jump forward over another lava pit to a platform. From here, jump to the platform to your northwest. Continue along this way until you reach a wall of blocks. Spin into them to break them and reveal a 1UP powerup. Pick it up and head back to the main path. Now, continue forward until you note a pink spring. Use it to get onto the above platform. Traverse the level (the top area acts like a shortcut) along the top platform. Keep moving until you notice a Chicken on a platform. Pick it up and and continue jumping left along those scattered platforms on the upper area. One of them holds a Bomb so beware. If you continue along, you will eventually reach some enemies. A Spear Tamer is one thing you should note. From this point on, it's just jumping the upper platforms. The level is really fairly linear so just keep hopping the platforms until you reach a pink spring. Don't take it as it leads to a dead end! Instead, drop down to the below platform. From there, continue along and pass the lava by jumping over them. Keep moving to the exit. [-----------------------------------------------------------------------------] STAGE THREE --- THE CAVERN PT. 2 [-----------------------------------------------------------------------------] Start off this next portion by heading forward. You will notice various platforms above, but you can't reach them just yet. Continue along and jump up. Defeat the Skeletor and get onto its ledge. Now, look to your left where the platforms you noticed before. Jump onto them and follow them upwards. You will come to a portion of the wall with a Bomb on it. Avoid the Bomb and use it as a quick step aid, and jump back right up the platforms. Continue along these platforms while defeating the Vampire Bat, until you actually reach a full ledge. Walk forward and jump to next section of platform. Be careful as they are small and are easily missed. You should reach another full ledge which you should drop off to the bottom of the cavern. Move forward and jump the lava pit to reach a pink spring. Jump onto it to reach the platforms above. From there, begin ascending the area by hopping across higher platforms. Keep jumping until you reach the top. Be careful of the Vampire Bat flying around. Walk forward and you will note a lava pool with a fireball flying up and down. This means that you are in the correct place. Well, jump over the lava pit while avoiding the fireball and reach the other side. There are two ways we can continue. One is to start jumping the ledges which lead right, the other is to continue to another lava pit. Choose the latter and continue left. There is a single platform above the next lava pit. Jump onto it and continue by jumping the platforms left. If you fall, you will need to start at the beginning by heading back to the lava pit and jumping on the first platform again. While jumping, watch the various spikes on the ceilings and defeat any Skeletors which get in your way. If you keep jumping until you reach what appears to be the end (ie. No more platforms), Spin Dash left and quickly Spin Jump to hopefully reach a tiny break in the wall with a pink spring. Jump on the pink spring and reach the platform above. Again, repeat by jumping the platforms until you reach another full ledge. Now is not the time to fall down, so if you fall, you are in trouble. This time, the platforms that are continuing above aren't in any special set, so just find some way to reach the ledge which is directly above the ledge you were standing on before. Walk forward as the path slopes down and hop across this next set of platforms... At the end, don't Spin Jump, rather, just step off. You will find yourself on a ledge between a gap with a bunch of tiny platforms and a lava pit with a few fireballs. Traverse the tiny platforms the best you possibly can (I repeat, do not fall) and upon reaching the end, you can leave this annoyingly difficult level... [-----------------------------------------------------------------------------] STAGE THREE --- THE CAVERN BOSS [-----------------------------------------------------------------------------] After getting your way through those dangerously tough caves, you will come to the boss of the Caverns which appears to be a strange gray lizard. Boss Fight: Sir Zilard ~ =--------------------= Well, this Boss fight isn't as easy as the last few. He will constantly jump around and throw his double boomerangs. There really is no trick to winning other than to avoid those boomerangs and attack whenever Zilard here is open to attack! I'd suggest using the ledge and the ground to your advantage. Avoid his boomerangs and rip him apart with your spins to defeat him. His most vulnerable time is while he's jumping, or when his boomerangs are in the air. When he's defeated, a strange Turtle-like creature will pull him out. Being the great Taz, you follow him... [-----------------------------------------------------------------------------] STAGE FOUR --- THE RUINS [-----------------------------------------------------------------------------] Taz escapes the Cavern only to find himself in the Ruins of a macabre looking building... Don't be afraid! Remember, the Giant Seabird awaits you!... Start off by moving forward and jumping onto the ledge. Spin the Ruins Mummy out of the way to clear the threat. Jump back onto the grass as you can't jump the next gap from the stone platform. (Does the ceiling offer any answers?) Jump that gap to reveal a Chicken. Use it if you need it and get Taz to advance through the Ruins. A strange purple thing will be floating up ahead. Immediately shread through the Temple Ghost and note the pink spring nearby. This part gets a bit hard make sure you're ready before you start. Jump onto the pink spring to your right where a small ledge is sticking out. The point now is to get to the top, but jumping straight up isn't going to cut it. You will need to jump to your left and quickly back to your right before you fall. Repeat four times to reach the top. Break through the rock wall with a spin and you should reach a dead end! But turn around to realize that a portion of the floor has some rock blocks as well. Spin into them and you will probably fall into a spring. However, if you do, you will just be sent back up to those spikes! Instead, squirm through the air to avoid it and land on the narrow ledge to the left. Watch out for the Bomb! Drop down and make your way through the perilous spikes to reach a 1UP. From here, jump back up and backtrack to where you had to jump those tiny ledges by going out and then in. A bit to the left of that is a broken pillar. Now, make sure you Spin Jump or else you won't make this next jump. When jumping, be sure you land on the upper platform with the broken blocks on them. If you land on the lower one, you will have to start at the beginning all over again. Once there, Spin through the blocks and then another layer of blocks. Defeat the Temple Ghost you see ahead. If you really want a Chicken, you are going to have to head to the end and drop down the small ledge. However, if you pick it up, you will have to fall to the bottom where you started the level. But if you don't need any health, do not waste your time on it. Instead, walk up to the last portion of floor before the Chicken and spin jump right to the broken pillar there. From the pillar, jump right to the next platform. Traverse this area and you should see another pillar. Jump onto that and then up to the higher ledge to the left. Immediately defeat the Temple Ghost and continue. Once there, you can keep moving left for a Chicken (And a Bomb), or jump to the next ledge to your right and above. Pick up the Chicken (Avoid the Bomb) and jump to the ledge that I just highlighted. You will be on some solid ground or once. Up ahead is a Temple Ghost which shouldn't be any trouble for you now. At the end, jump to the lower platform right. You can either head left and jump the gap for a Chicken, or advance through the level taking the right path. You will come to a bed of spikes. There is an easy way to get through this, but you have to know what. Instead of standing next to the spikes, stand a bit farther back and Spin Jump forward to land on a broken pillar. From there, simply Spin Jump over the next bed of spikes onto another broken pillar. From that pillar, jump onto the above ledge holding the Bomb, but don't jump *on* the Bomb itself, idiot. Continue along and you will find a Chicken and a ledge below holding a Ruins Mummy. Spin yourself down there and quickly take out the Ruins Mummy. Head to the very edge of your current platform as far right as possible, and perform a giant Spin Jump to the other side. There, you will find a Temple Ghost which should be defeated immediately. From there, continue ahead to find a Chicken, take it and then head back around. NOW you jump down, but don't get into the center unless you want to be impaled by a bunch of spikes. Anyhow, from now, continue left through the quicksand. Be sure to use the broken pillars as islands and targets to jump onto. Beware of the Temple Ghost that's floating around wreaking havoc. At the end, avoid the Bomb and hop down the steps. You will reach the bottom, with beds of spikes lined up ahead of you. Ugh. Start doing your best to avoid them until you reach the end. Try not to lose too much health. At the end, jump the platform and pick up the Chicken, without landing on the Bomb... again. When that's done, begin heading left again down the steps. Again, watch the beds of spikes! At the end, you will reach a seemingly perilous fall... To clear it, make sure you jump as far as possible to find another platform. That doesn't mean just walking off unless you enjoy falling in bottomless pits. Anyhow, once on that platform, head left and spin through the broken wall. After jumping a single pit, pick up the 1UP! Now, backtrack to the area where you jumped onto the ledge and hop the pit I told you to avoid. From there, just head right until you reach the exit out of this annoyingly difficult level. You will know you are on the correct platform as it's very grassy and it holds some Ruins Mummies. Watch the various Bombs and pits and you should make it out alive. [-----------------------------------------------------------------------------] STAGE FOUR --- THE RUINS PT. 2 [-----------------------------------------------------------------------------] Now that we're in the second part, you can head forward and rip through the Red Cobra. Advance, and you will reach a pit with various ledges above. Jump over the gap and watch the Bomb. Following, jump from that grassy platform to your left to the exact platform one story above the starting point. From there, continue left and then up the steps. Spin Jump the Temple Ghost out of the way to the third floor. From the third floor, you can easily get up the fourth level. Walk forward from there, and jump the gap to the next platform. Walk forward heading down what appears to be some steps. At the end, drop down, and spin the Bomb away from you. Continue through this really rather narrow passage until you reach some broken blocks. Spin through and defeat the Temple Ghost as quickly as you can. Traverse through the quicksand to the other side and continue. Be sure you don't miss the Chicken. When you reach a pillar, don't fall, but Spin Jump the gap. Once again, you will reach the other side. Once there, check the right wall to find a small ledge. Use it as a footstep to get up to the next platform above which contains a 1UP. Now jump back down and continue right. Jump over the bed of spikes and defeat the Temple Ghost. Continuing, you will find a quicksand pile, but also a dead end! However, let yourself slowly sink into the quicksand to find out that the wall holding it is actually fake (Get a load of that). You will fall below, but avoid the spring as it will just launch you back up. Anyhow, once that's over, you can advance once more. Before breaking the broken blocks, be sure that you pick up the 1UP nearby. When you do that, crash through the broken blocks on the floor to the lower level. Once at the bottom, defeat the Red Cobra. Jump from platform to platform in the direction, right. At what appears to be the last gap, take a giant Spin Jump to make it. Defeat the Temple Ghost at the other end. From there, continue until you notice a broken pillar you can jump on. By jumping on it, you can now reach the ledge to the right. From that ledge, jump left to another ledge. You will find a Chicken here so use it if you need to. From there, just head right and Spin Jump up to the next platform. Hop the next gap and defeat the Red Cobra. Continue to the end of this platform and jump right to land on a small ledge jutting out of the wall. Locate the pillar below and jump onto it. From here, head left while avoiding the Bomb. Jump down the next gap. You will find a bunch of pillars as well as a Red Cobra. Dispose of the latter and continue right. Jump the gap and continue through this forest of pillars. You will come to a bed of spikes. Since jumping will only hurt you, I'd suggest you spin through it rather. At that point, Spin Jump over the ledge to the next platform. Soon, you will reach a pink spring after another bed of spikes. Use it to get up to the higher platform. Head right over the spikes all the way to the end and you will find a Chicken. Backtrack to the pink spring and walk past it. Jump the gap and avoid the Bomb. Jump the next gap and avoid another Bomb. Now you are faced with two paths after jumping a Bomb. The lower one leads to a Chicken, but taking the upper ledge path will get you closer to the exit. Continue along jumping any pits until you reach three broken blocks on the ground. Drop down and head left to pick up the Star! Kill off the Temple Ghost immediately and continue. You will soon reach some narrow ledges jutting out of a wall again. Venture up to reach the top. There are two ways you can continue, either left or right. I'd suggest you take the right path as that will lead you to the home stretch. Jump onto the Temple Ghost (Spin it out) and continue to note three blocks in the ground. Spin the middle one to avoid the spikes and you will reach three more blocks. Spin the far right one to avoid the pits. With that, walking a little bit to the right will only lead you to the exit. [-----------------------------------------------------------------------------] STAGE FOUR --- THE RUINS BOSS [-----------------------------------------------------------------------------] Oh no! Not another boss. Well, get yourself ready and let's engage. Battle routine set. Boss Fight: Evil Witches ~ =----------------------= Why two old hags are interested in some random Tazmanian Devil is beyond me. Anyhow, this battle is fairly easy. Instead of trying to pull a Jackie Chan into the battle, I'd suggest you simply stand on one of the upper ledges behind the area where one witch might warp in. Therefore, you can avoid all the shots (Except when the other witch is on the other side, then you jump over her shot). After the witch which appears in front of you shoots, you attack and quickly return to your original spot. Use this strategy to take out all the witches. It takes a while so don't fret if they aren't defeated. [-----------------------------------------------------------------------------] STAGE FIVE --- THE VALLEY [-----------------------------------------------------------------------------] A Giant Seabird soars above Taz. At last! The Lost Valley! Getting annoyed of the game yet? Don't worry, now that we're here in the Lost Valley, it's almost over. Anyhow, start off by moving forward and defeating the Red Scorpion before it hits you. From there, jump up to the ledge (avoid the Bomb) and then up to another ledge. You will find a Golem here, which isn't as tough as it looks. Keep jumping up until you reach the highest point. Pick up the Chicken if you need it. Head to the right and you will find a ledge floating far off. Use a Spin Jump to reach it. Be careful as the ledge is incredibly narrow. Jump from the ledge to the next area right. Ahead, a Golem will be jumping up and down in a hopeful attempt to stop you. Defeat it easily by waiting until it's in the air and stepping under it spinning away. Continue along and you should reach a dead end. From here, just jump off and follow the path as it slopes downward left. However, as soon as the path stops sloping, turn back around right unless you feel like walking into a pit. Again, the path slopes down and ends at another Golem monster. Once it's defeated, turn left. You will come to a pool of water and since Tazmanian Devils can't swim, it would be smart to stay out. (However, I find it strange that Taz can traverse quicksand... but not water?) Anyhow, Instead, turn around and do a Spin Jump over a pool of water to the next ledge. A Golem seems to have already claimed it as its own so spin it out of the way to show him who's boss. This next portion is a bit difficult as the ledges you are to jump on are sloped. Get to the other side eventually and you should see a pink spring. Jump on it to reach the top of the large rock. Continue to the end and Spin Jump through the Golem to a suspended ledge. Hop all of them. If you keep moving, you should do fine. From this point on, it's just a matter of hopping the ledges. It's not that difficult and should need any real strategy. You will pass a Star which you should pick up immediately. Eventually, you will reach the end. Congratulations on completing the first portion of the Lost Valley! [-----------------------------------------------------------------------------] STAGE FIVE --- THE VALLEY PT.2 [-----------------------------------------------------------------------------] The final portion of the game before the Giant Seabird itself, has to be a bit hard right? Well, we'll soon find out. Start off by jumping to the first platform which holds a Tarantula. Avoid its jump and tear it away. Hop the next platform without falling into the water. Once on the other side, defeat the Tarantula and jump onto the small ledges sticking above the water. Continually jump (Be sure that after the second ledge, the direction changes and the next one is to your left) and you should soon be on a platform hovering above the ground. (Enjoy the shallow realism yet?) You should also find a Chicken which is mighty tasty. Continue ledge hopping without falling down! At the end, jump to the ledge and defeat the Red Scorpion. Your first instinct might be to continue to jump the "floating" platforms. Don't, instead, walk along the lower path jumping a few water gaps, etc. You will hop through many ledges. Continue jumping until you reach a Star. Use the pink spring to hop up the higher ledge to the right. Continue along and jump the first gap avoiding the Bomb. Walk as far as humanly possible and you should be standing on top of a block. If you spin through five of them and land on two more blocks, just walk off. Be sure you don't spin out the last two or else Taz will fall into the water. Now is the chance to continue. Jump the platforms and you should reach sloped ledges. Same thing. Jump (Spin Jump may be required) to the top and venture through some more hopping of suspended ledges. At the end, drop down and defeat the Taratula. Following shortly is a Red Scorpion followed by a Chicken. Pick it up if you need the health. Jump the gap and continue. There should be a pink spring up ahead. Ignore it right now and simply Spin Jump forward to hopefully land on a platform with a 1UP. From here, just jump from platform to platform. Pick up the Chicken. After passing a single Red Scorpion, you will come to a collection of three platforms in the water. Defeat the Red Scorpion there and keep jumping the platforms. Watch the Tarantulas up ahead and exit the level... [-----------------------------------------------------------------------------] STAGE FIVE --- THE VALLEY BOSS [-----------------------------------------------------------------------------] Here we are, the last section of the game. Now, we engage the Giant Seabird and get that egg. Destiny awaits Taz, take it. Boss Fight: The Giant Seabird ~ =---------------------------= This fight isn't too tough if you know what you are doing. The Giant Seabird may use strategy to take you out, but they are easily countered. You should only attack the Giant Seabird when it flying horizontally above Taz attacking him from behind only. When he dives at you, flies across the screen horizontally near the bottom, or uses a bouncing move, jump away and avoid. If you attack him only when he's flying horizontally along the top of the screen from the back, you should be fine. With the defeat of the the Giant Seabird, victory is yours! Congratulations on helping Taz reach his destiny. =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= ~+~ 5. Pickups List ~+~ [5000] =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= Chicken ~ =-----= You will find Chicken powerups very often on the ground. This powerup replenishes a portion of Taz' health. Pick it up whenever you need to but don't pick up those you don't need (ie. your health is full). Bomb ~ =--= The most annoying pickup by default, Bombs are the only negative pickup. When Taz happens to pick it up (He eats everything in his path, remember?), he will swallow and will lose about a quarter of his health. You might think there's an easy way to avoid this; don't eat it! However, Bombs like to appear right in your path, so that isn't always too easy, avoiding that is. 1UP ~ =-= Quite possibly the best pickup you can collect, the 1UPs give you an extra life to add to your collection (Bet you didn't know Tazmanian Devils had three lives!). With the more lives you collect, the longer you will stay in one piece. Star ~ =--= I hope I'm not the first to realize that this is the worst Mario ripoff EVAR! Eating these pink Stars will render Taz invincible for a few seconds. All enemies (and Bombs) you pass will be defeated and won't hurt you. Take these any time you see them as they help your quest quite a bit. =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= ~+~ 6. Enemy Compilation ~+~ [6000] =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= -~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~- 6.1. Monster List [6100] -~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~- Below is a list of all the monsters and enemies you will be fighting throughout Taz-Mania, apart from the bosses. Spear Tamer ~ =---------= These pink, mouse-like creatures walk without any set path holding some sort of harpoon. They are easily defeated and won't even attack. Just don't run into these spear nuts and you should be fine. They don't even do that much damage anyhow. Green Spider ~ =----------= The Green Spiders may look intimidating, but they are actually very easy. In fact, they don't differ much from the Spear Tamers. They walk without any set path and are easily shooed by a quick spin from Taz. Venus Flytrap ~ =-----------= These are fairly easy to notice. The Venus Flytrap is a stationary plant which resembles a Venus Flytrap! They act like a cannon, shooting strange projectiles which really hurt Taz. Avoid them and spin them out to defeat them easily. Red Cobra ~ =-------= These are pretty easy to notice. They don't differ much from the Green Spiders. They have no set path, and are easily taken out with a quick spin. Vampire Bat ~ =---------= These vampiric creatures are capable of flying and like to hover around areas in which you might traverse. Take them out with some Spin Jumps. Skeletor ~ =------= Skeletor's are grim-looking creatures. They patrol areas throughout the Cavern with one objective in mind, kill all that come. Defeat the Skeletor with a quick spin like you normally defeat any other enemy in the game. Ruins Mummy ~ =---------= You will find these guys in the Ruins Stage obviously. The Ruins Mummies are toilet paper covered spirits who are very unhappy about the offender who has walked in on their tomb. Easily defeated with a quick spin. Temple Ghost ~ =----------= These strange purple-colored floating things are supposedly spirits of the Ruins. They hover much like the Vampire Bat and can be easily defeated with a quick spin. Red Scorpion ~ =----------= Red Scorpions are crab-like creatures found in the Lost Valley. Don't let them sting you and simply spin through them to easily put them in their place. Golem ~ =---= These strange creatures appear to be some sort of rock monster. Although they look intimidating, they aren't too tough. They occasionally use their jumping technique to create a semi-wall. A simple puts them out. Tarantula ~ =-------= These black spiders are only capable of jumping up and down. Therefore, they can prove pretty annoying. Defeat them by spinning them down. -~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~- 6.2. Boss List [6200] -~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~- Below are the Boss appendices for those looking for a quick strategy and are too lazy to look through the walkthrough. Boss Fight: The Bull ~ =------------------= Heh, this is pretty simple if you know what you are doing. First off, let the bull attempt to run over Taz, but jump over him. He will go off screen, but as soon as you let your guard down, the bull comes back. Jump over him again and he'll run into the wall. (What an idiot!) This is when you spin into him and the only time he can be hurt without hurting you back. Repeat this process four to five times and the bull will of course, be defeated. Boss Fight: Jungle Boy ~ =--------------------= Fairly easy for the most part. The Jungle Boy is a terrible shot and will shoot three Arrows at a time before jumping and attempting to *hop* on you. The first thing you should do is begin jumping up and over his arrows. Following, he will start jumping. Now, begin spinning around and letting him jump on you while spinning to hurt him. He'll do the same thing with the arrows again which you should of course, jump over. Repeat, repeat, and repeat again until the Jungle Boy meets his match. Boss Fight: Sir Zilard ~ =--------------------= Well, this Boss fight isn't as easy as the last few. He will constantly jump around and throw his double boomerangs. There really is no trick to winning other than to avoid those boomerangs and attack whenever Zilard here is open to attack! I'd suggest using the ledge and the ground to your advantage. Avoid his boomerangs and rip him apart with your spins to defeat him. His most vulnerable time is while he's jumping, or when his boomerangs are in the air. Boss Fight: Evil Witches ~ =----------------------= Why two old hags are interested in some random Tazmanian Devil is beyond me. Anyhow, this battle is fairly easy. Instead of trying to pull a Jackie Chan into the battle, I'd suggest you simply stand on one of the upper ledges behind the area where one witch might warp in. Therefore, you can avoid all the shots (Except when the other witch is on the other side, then you jump over her shot). After the witch which appears in front of you shoots, you attack and quickly return to your original spot. Use this strategy to take out all the witches. It takes a while so don't fret if they aren't defeated. Boss Fight: The Giant Seabird ~ =---------------------------= This fight isn't too tough if you know what you are doing. The Giant Seabird may use strategy to take you out, but they are easily countered. You should only attack the Giant Seabird when it flying horizontally above Taz attacking him from behind only. When he dives at you, flies across the screen horizontally near the bottom, or uses a bouncing move, jump away and avoid. If you attack him only when he's flying horizontally along the top of the screen from the back, you should be fine. =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= ~+~ 7. Version History ~+~ [7000] =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= Version 0.1 --- Walkthrough completed only Stage One. Enemy List still needs some addition. 17 KB Version 0.5 --- Walkthrough completed up to Stage Four. Enemy List still needs some addition. 32 KB Version 1.0 --- Walkthrough completed. Everything else is also done. Don't expect any extra updates in the future. 54 KB Version 1.1 --- Added http://www.honestgamers.com to the site listings. 54 KB Version 1.2 --- Updated Legal Information. =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= ~+~ 8. Legal Information ~+~ [8000] =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= This FAQ is the property of its author, Quan Jin. All rights reserved. Any stealing, selling for profit or altering of this document without the author's expressed consent is strictly prohibited. You may download this file for personal and private use only. Taz-Mania is a registered trademark of Sega. The author (Quan Jin) is not affiliated with Sega in any way or form. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= ~+~ 9. Credits and Closing ~+~ [9000] =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= Thank you for playing Taz-Mania for the Sega Master System! I hope you found this guide very helpful in your completion of the game. So until next time, I'm outta here. Beam me up, Scotty. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GameFAQs - The largest FAQ archive on the net. Thanks to CJayC for accepting this piece of work. He hasn't failed us yet. Y.T.W.S.R. - Only a few selected people might know what I'm talking about here. Since I'm not one to give it away, I would still like to thank this group for their support and motivation throughout the lifespan of this entire FAQ. Masamune3 - Bringing up the SMS Completion Project. I'd admit, I would never have written this guide without it. The FCSB - They didn't help too much but what can I say, where would I be without a few of them? Major props to these great board members who are also prized FAQ writers. Some examples being; Crazyreyn, Psycho Penguin, Gbness, Karpah, SinirothX, Meowthnum1, Guitarfreak86, Joni Philips, War Doc, Merca, and last but definitely not least, Gobicamel1. You all rock! - All outside sources which have contributed to the making of this guide in some form have been cited in this section. Any sources that have provided any information at all are listed in the credits. I am not taking credit for others hard work and I hope they do the same. Not giving proper credit is plagiarism and it's against the law. =============================================================================== ____ __ _ __ __ / __ \____ ______/ /__ | | / /___ _____/ /____ _ __ / / / / __ `/ ___/ //_/ | | / / __ \/ ___/ __/ _ \| |/_/ / /_/ / /_/ / / / ,< | |/ / /_/ / / / /_/ __/> < /_____/\__,_/_/ /_/|_| |___/\____/_/ \__/\___/_/|_| -=Game On Forever=-