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This particular game seems to be based (or made because) of the 1994 movie "The Flintstones", which is why you'll see this game referred to at times as "The Flintstones: The Movie". Yeah, the movie... as I recall, the ONLY good thing about the movie was Halle Berry... y'know, in tiger skins and stuff... This is also an effort to help out the GameBoy FAQ Completion Project located at Gamefaqs.com, which is a project designed to have a FAQ for every gameboy game released. If you feel like helping, go over to the contributor boards at gamefaqs and help out! Also, this guide was written rather quickly and probably won't see any updates barring any HUGE piece of info I missed, which is doubtful. Since it's a habit though, here's my email (Y'know, in case you want to send a lovely "Thank You" email or something). Gregorio31 @ gmail . com ===================== - Table of Contents - ===================== ACT 1: -------[FL-1] ACT 2: -------[FL-2] ACT 3: -------[FL-3] ACT 4: -------[FL-4] ACT 5: -------[FL-5] ACT 6: -------[FL-6] ACT 7: -------[FL-7] Credits: -------[FL-CRE] =============== THINGS TO KNOW: =============== Pop the game in... power on and... hey, its The Flintstones! Go ahead and let the screen stay on the title if you want to see some of the credits... Hmm, "David Bland"... what a name! Ok, time to play. You can start a new game from the start menu. You can also take this time to look at the options. In the options menu you can do several things, such as setting your life count (2-4), your continue count (0-2), and listening to the sound effects and music. You can also choose to turn the music, sound effects, or both off if you wish. A Button is Jump B Button does.. uh, hmm... well you need it to stomp on some buttons! ============ WALKTHROUGH: ============ ============================================================================== ACT 1 =====================================================================[FL-1]=== Fred starts off on top of his work equipment, so slide down the bronto and collect the bowling balls. Keep sliding and you'll near the end of the beast, where you can jump on a bird to get some more bowling balls. Keep jumping on it for a "C" rock while your at it (more kills just gives you points). Further on is some bronto heads to step on. You could also just fall down and walk underneath. The snapping one will hurt you, naturally... beyond that grab the star ball to save. Now jump on the wheel for some more collecting. You'll advance to another screen. This screen is another wheel screen. Jump on the first one. As it falls (which it will shortly) you can choose an upper or lower path. The lower path has more bowling balls, but the upper path has an energy ball. Take your pick and get to the save. Now, there's another wheel here, so you'll have to again pick the bottom or upper path. Once again the upper path has an energy ball, but shortly into the lower path is an ARCADE GAME. You can go up to this arcade game and use the "C" rock as a credit and it will let you play SPACE INVADERS. Really cool! After getting past that short section, Fred will be in his car. This section is entirely composed of jumping over various obstacles such as acid, rocks, and dinosaur heads. There's a energy ball halfway through this area in case you need it, but just be ready to jump and you'll have no problems. After all that you'll be below a ledge. Gather up the balls and head left. You'll soon see a button and an energy ball if you need it. Mash the button (you need to press B) and use the ledges. The bush here is an enemy that drops a C rock. You'll be at another screen after this. Go forward and defeath the small enemies and gather balls. You'll see a save ball soon. Past that are some waterfalls. Get past the first two but drop down the third one and get on the lower right ledge. There's a heart down here with a button. Use it to make ledges appear above you. Interestingly enough, you can take the upper or lower path here, each leads to a different screen. Let's do upper, since we made those ledges appear. In this next screen, you'll see a bush that has a C rock when you kill it, and then you'll be frustrated by the heart you can't reach. Don't worry, just continue down the stage until you find the button and go back to the start. Ledges will be here now and you can nab not one but TWO hears. SWEET. Leave this screen by exiting to the right. You'll now be in the area that you would have been if you took the LOWER path from our choice before. Kill the triceratops for a C rock and move forwards. You'll encounter several waterfalls, but just keep going past them. You'll fight another triceratops and reach a save point. It's pretty easy, just remember to get to the TOP log when you jump from the waterfall to any ledge. Keep going and you'll see an arcade down below you. Past that you drop down. Now, you may want the arcade, but patience... you can't get to it yet. Keep heading right and you'll soon hit a button. NOW you can go back and get to it. The arcade machine is called "Dino Dash" and is a version of PAC MAN. It's pretty bad, though.... Keep heading right past the buttons. You'll find a cache of bowling balls past the big drop. Keep heading right to get to a boss. ----------------------- BOSS: SABER TOOTH TIGER ----------------------- First, notice the big bars on the bottom left telling you that this kitty essentially has 4 hearts (you have to hit it when it has none, too). It sits over there and jumps up and down, dropping stuff on you. Dodge the debris and stomp on his tail to hurt it. You have to do that 3 more times. However now the cat will jump up off the screen and come down somewhere else, with its shadow telegraphing where it will be. You likely have more health than the beast though, so I have no doubt you'll win. Act 1 complete. Note: In between acts you can take part in one of several mini-games, such as Flintstones versions of Simon Says and Whack a Mole. Some of them are pretty fun! You can win extra lives by doing good. ============================================================================== ACT 2 =====================================================================[FL-2]=== Looks like we are Barney now. Fun. Right away, a baby will crawl towards you. These things are enemies, but you can't kill them. This game isn't rated "M" after all! Also, Barney collects teddy bears, not bowling balls. Move through the level, descending downwards and grabbing teddy bears. If you want to collect them all, be sure to explore! The left path leads downwards to a save star. There's about 9 bears in this first screen before you get to a second. On this second screen, go up the ledges avoiding the babies and drop down to the pit. There's some bears here and a heart. Ride up and continue to the right. You have chances to bounce on some babies and reach a lot of teddy's if you try, but it's pretty hard to get the timing down. Further in is a save point. Right past the save point is open gaps with elevators. Take your time and get your jumps right. No point in being hasty! Near the end is bunch of bears and a button that you can use to get to them. Hit it and grab the bears, then onwards to the next screen. You're outside now. The second building (the bowling arena) has a dino infront of it that drops a C rock. Keep exploring this area for teddy bears. The third building has a save point in front of it. Keep heading right for another screen. This next area is full of rooftops, making you zoom around. Don't bother killing the bees, but the triceratops can drop C coins. Keep sliding to the right. You'll find a save point on a roof with an energy ball underneath. Past that take the upper path: there's lots of teddy's up there and a heart. Keep heading down the roofs to reach the street. A new screen is nearby. This screen is filled with bears and has an arcade game featuring the classic game "Snake!" that you can play if you wish. Hit the button nearby and gather up the bears, moving upwards to a new screen. You're in a toy store now. Be careful of snake things and giant spinning tops. Keep heading right and you'll soon reach a save point. Note that some of the platforms break apart here too. Keep heading right and use the platforms to reach a button that opens the way forward. Theres also a -SPACE INVADERS- arcade machine nearby. This screen's exit is close too, just keep going right. Ok, time for a challenge. Gather the bears and energy orb here. Before hitting the button, be ready to sprint to the right! The ceiling will begin to FALL DOWN SLOWLY on you. Gather up the bears as you pass, but DON'T STOP going right. You'll barely make it if you don't stop. This next room has a ceiling that goes down every so often, but stops before crushing you, so be SURE to stay on the bottom level when it comes down and don't rush. In the next room be careful of the gaps and jump them lest you slide down. Move up to the higher level. Cross the top here and be careful of enemies in the way of your sliding. At the end drop straight down and to the left for a heart, then use the ledges to the right. Stay on the upper path to reach a save point. From here you can take the lower path to a -DINO DASH- arcade game (-PACMAN-) or the upper path to a button. This opens up a path in front of you and down by the arcade. Head through it to continue. You have a chance to grab another energy ball further in, but note that the platform will break. Keep going and you'll find BAM BAM! Once again you will play a mini-game between acts. ============================================================================== ACT 3 =====================================================================[FL-3]=== Well we are playing as Fred again. Looks like stupid Fred is part of the scandal now. We're inside of the Slate building. Our goal here (even if the game doesn't tell you) is to get the lift working. To do so we need to visit rooms and turn the buttons on in a certain order to power up the lift icons. It took me a while to figure this out! :) Also note that to enter doors you need to press up. Ok, in this first room go up the stairs above you. At the highest level you'll see a "LIFT" sign and three buttons. Hit the middle one, then the left one, then the right one. One of the lift sign's buttons should light up. Head to the left and enter the upper door you'll find. In this next room head to the right. You'll see the lift we're trying to activate as well. Climb up the right side of this room and you'll see a -DINO DASH- arcade game on the way up. At the top you'll see a button to press. Press it. Move over to the left side of the room and descend (you can get C rocks from the birds here). There's another button on the WAY down on the left side that you should hit SECOND and one at the bottom that you should hit THIRD. This will light up a second lift light. Now make your way back up to the very top of the left hand side, where there's a door. This third room is pretty small: it's got a button on a ledge and two below on the floor. Hit the platform one first, then the left floor one, then the right floor one. BAM! All done. Take the lower door here and go try out the lift in the lift room! You are now on the roof. Head to the right and kill the shrubs and small bugs until you see a save star. Jump down a level to get it. You can walk to the left for more bugs, bowling balls (finally) and a heart. Head back to the right and make your way across the rooftop. More bowling balls and even another heart await you. At the end you'll get to another screen. You're on some more roof tops, however there are gaps between the roofs with some moving elevators. Falling down will cause INSTANT DEATH. Ba da DUM. Be careful and you'll be ok. The next screen has a -DINO INVADERS- arcade game to your left. Here you'll have to drop down to your right. Careful, there's a bush thing down there. Drop down two more times to the next bush thing. Now on THIS drop, press right to get an energy ball, a heart, and a save point. Keep heading down and eventually you'll reach a boss fight. ------------------------ BOSS: EVIL CORPORATE GUY ------------------------ Ok, what you need to do here is grab a cup from the LEFT and fill it up with water from the RIGHT. See the arrows on the desk? Once the cup is FULL you need to set the cup there. While you need to do that, the corporate guy is going to bounce around on one side or the other. He bounces in a set pattern, so use simple timing to avoid him. Also, when he gets back in his chair/starting position, he will knock all placed cups down. What I did was fill up a cup, hang out by the desk, and AS SOON AS HE CAME BACK TO THE CHAIR I set the cup down. He'll drink the cup and lose a life bar. Keep doing this until you win! ============================================================================== ACT 4 =====================================================================[FL-4]=== Well, Barney has been fired now, so we're playing as Betty and trying to find food in the forest. Head to the right. There's some lizards, small bugs, and various flying things to watch out for in this level, but nothing really hard. To the right is a horizontal platform to be aware of, and a button down on the right. Hit it to raise some blocks further on. Now travel left on the lower path. Be careful of the spikes! Head down to the very lower level and you'll have to traverse a spike pit on the platforms. Not too hard. At the end, use the horizontal ones to get up to a BIG hill, where you can have fun sliding all the way down to a new screen. In this new screen, your main goal is to be to the lower right to a button so you can continue. You can also find TWO energy balls now, one in the upper left corner and one on your way to the lower right corner. To get to the lower right, you need to climb a bit and work your way to the right and down, then to the left and down, then further in to the right. There's a cache of... what the heck is Betty even collecting? Food I guess... Grab it all and hit the button. Some rocks will fall too, so don't touch them! Go back to the left and scale the right side of the screen using the trampolines. Be careful of the spikes. At the top you can head to the left for an energy ball and more food. Go to the right where two ledges will rotate counterclockwise. Use it to reach a slope to the right. If you fall just retrace your steps. The next screen is shortly away. Here RUN to the right. The floor will slowly go up, so race to the right and jump on the ledges as you go. If you just go as fast as you can you'll make it. The next two screens you'll have to navigate a volcano. You'll need to dodge fireball creatures, bouncing rocks, and cracks in the volcano where lava is coming through (not steam, lava). There will also be plenty of food to collect and a few sliding sections, but at the end of the second screen this act will be complete (so you can afford to take quite a few hits if you have full health). ============================================================================== ACT 5 =====================================================================[FL-5]=== Well, we're Fred again, on the run from the police. This first screen is you walking across a bunch of rooftops (like the bowl a rama and the mcdonalds). There's a save point and an energy ball to find. Be careful of the triceratops and the policemen. And yes you can kill the policemen. GTA FLINTSTONES. Keep going and you'll enter what appears to be the sewers. Keep moving forwards and avoid the pits (instant death). Note the weird Fred-looking faces spitting out water? Weird! Avoid the spikes and get to the door at the end. You'll be in a room with four doors aftewards, that have numbers at their bases. I didn't explore all of them, but here's what you can do to finish this level. Take the upper right door (4). This room is filled with THOMP like creatures. Between the thomp's are blocks you need to stand on as the water will rise and fall. There's an energy ball and a "1" door up ahead. In the next room, head right and take the "4" door. In this next room, ride the faces upwards. You'll need to jump to the next face as you go, and hit a button and jump on some blocks at one point, but keep heading up to the "4" door. Past this door is a short platform with more water and thomps. Enter the next door and run to the right (a thomp is chasing you). Keep going and use the next face to go upwards and the third face to go down. You'll need to travel up again and hit a button to make some blocks appear that you can use to travel right and exit the screen. You are outside now! Watch out for bugs and flies! Keep heading right, but beware of those leaves over the gaps as they FALL after you stand on them. As you push onwards, there will be trees to slide on, so be careful. There's a save point out here as well as a 1-up near the exit. In the next screen, they remember to give us bowling balls again. Head left and drop down (don't bother going up) and take the lower right path to another exit. In the next screen climb the tree and get the save point. Head down and grab the energy ball, then head right to a boss fight. ------------------ BOSS: CAVEMAN THUG ------------------ Get ready to jump. All this guy does is essentially runs back and forth trying to ram you. When he misses, he's vulnerable and you can jump on his head to hurt him. Pretty darn easy. However, the whole time small items will drop out of the trees, so you have to DODGE them while hurting the ramming caveman. ============================================================================== ACT 6 =====================================================================[FL-6]=== Well, we are Wilma now. Our goal in this chapter is to go get the bird that will help out Fred. Head to the right and be careful of the bombs, who start a countdown and go BOOM after awhile. You can also collect diamon-shaped food. You'll find a save point and an energy ball as you go on, you'll reach a new room. This room has spikes on the right that will move to the left, so be sure to get into an alcove so you can be safe. Well, safe and get a ton of diamonds and an energy ball. The next screen has the same saw blade wall with NO alcove's, so HURRY and jump up as fast as you can. The next two screens are full of a ton of wheel/ramp platforming sections. There's only really two things to keep in mind here: 1, when there are monsters on the tracks you don't need to jump! You can go right over them! And 2, be ready at ANY time to jump to a new wheel! After the two wheel sections you'll be in the slate building. Go up the two BIG staircases and enter the top door. In this second room, travel up and once again go through the top door. In this third room, travel left and enter the far left door. In this room you need to fight against the bird as it flies from the left to the right in a "U" pattern. Pretty easy, and not a boss, just stomp on him 3-4 times until you win. ============================================================================== ACT 7 =====================================================================[FL-7]=== Ok, we are Fred once again, and we need to rescue BAM BAM and Pebbles. We start out in a factory. Get on the converyor and head right. There are pistons here that bang downwards; be sure to WALK underneath them. There's also sections where pipes will throw flame up, so JUMP past that. Keep going past the save ball and past the spikes to a new screen. Keep heading right, past more pistons and spike pits (using the platforms they give you). Notice the save point? Dang, they're giving us a lot of those! Keep heading right to a new screen. Here you have to head upwards using the assembly lines. Pretty easy. Rembmer you can jump through the small blocks. At the top head right into another new screen. We... appear to be on a parade? Lots of elephants will draw carts to the left as you head right. Be careful of the spike floor (stay up on the carts) and the carts with small spikes on them. It's not hay, it HURTS you. You'll also have to make some BIG jumps from platform to platform to continue, but its pretty easy. You'll come to a save point here as well. Keep going and you'll enter another screen. More elephants! This portion of the elephants is shorter, but still has a save point. Just keep doing what you were doing and enter a new screen. Here the screen will pan to the right, and you'll need to use blocks to jump past barriers. Bowling balls will be here to tempt you: grab as many as you can but DON'T forget about escaping. Escape first, bowling balls second. After you leave this screen RUN RIGHT, as you're about to be crushed. You'll make it in the nic of time though. The next screen has three buttons and the kids! Hit the middle button, the the left, then the right, but be quick as the ceiling is falling. Once you touch the kids, a boss fight will start! ----------- BOSS: CLIFF ----------- Finally, the game's ultimate boss, the sleazy cliff. This battle is surprisingly easy. You'll be on the left hand side and cliff will be running away from you. There will be rocks that you and cliff will have to jump, as well as falling debri that YOU will have to avoid. It falls in pairs of two though, further away from you and then closer to you. Pretty easy to avoid. Cliff is quite the runner though, so see those glowing bowling balls? Grab them as you run and chuck them at Cliff. He'll blink like he's been hurt, but in reality all you are doing is slowing him down. When he gets close to you, stomp on his head. THAT will make him lose health. Keep doing that until you are victorious! Congrats on beating The Flintstones! ======== Credits: ======== [FL-CRE] Gamefaqs Gameboy Completion Project for providing the motivation. No way I would have done this without that! This time I'll also thank Diet Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper. That's the longest drink you'll ever see in any game faq anywhere! There ya go, Zylicyde! ~Fin