TTTTT H H EEEEE T H H E T HHHHH EEE T H H E T H H EEEEE RRRR EEEEE N N AAA N N DDDD R R E NN N A A NN N D D RRRR EEE N N N AAAAA N N N D D R R E N NN A A N NN D D R R EEEEE N N A A N N DDDD SSSS TTTTT IIIII M M PPPP Y Y S T I MM MM P P Y Y SSS T I M M M PPPP Y S T I M M P Y SSSS T IIIII M M P Y SSSS H H OOO W W S H H O O W W SSS HHHHH O O W W W S H H O O WW WW SSSS H H OOO W W ________________________________________ V V EEEEE EEEEE DDDD IIIII OOO TTTTT SSSS ! V V E E D D I O O T S ! V V EEE EEE D D I O O T SSS ! V V E E D D I O O T S V EEEEE EEEEE DDDD IIIII OOO T SSSS ! ALRIGHT! That was fun to type. I don't believe in those ASCII programs and whatnot. I like to do it all myself. Anyway... Since this is the first version of this walkthrough, there's no need for version history! Woohoo! Right on to the Table of Contents! Table of Contents 1) The Game 1a) Ren and Stimpy: Icons 1b) The Story 1c) How To Play The Game 2) Walkthrough! Huzzah! 2a) The Boy Who Cried Rat 2b) In The Army 2c) Stimpy’s Invention 2d) Marooned 3) Bosses 3a) The Beaver And The Tongue 3b) Sarge And His Mighty Helicopter 3c) Ren And The Evil Blocks Of Doom 3d) Evil Green Slime Monster Of The Apocalypse 4) Items 4a) Level 1 Items 4b) Level 2 Items 4c) Level 3 Items 4d) Level 4 Items 4e) Special Items 5) Enemies 5a) Level 1 Enemies 5b) Level 2 Enemies 5c) Level 3 Enemies 5d) Level 4 Enemies 6) Cheats 7) Giving Thanks 8) Legalities 9) Everything Else Enjoy! ___________________________________________________________ 1) THE GAME Okay, some of you may be wondering, "Why did this game come into existence?" Well, for two simple reasons: A) Ren and Stimpy are TOTALLY FREAKING AWESOME LIKE HELL! The old school episodes rocked out like you could never believe. The new episodes are crap. B) Because its a wonderful game for anyone who loves Ren and Stimpy and the crazy, mature antics they get themselves into! ___________________________________________________________ 1a) REN AND STIMPY: ICONS For those of you who don’t know who Ren and Stimpy are, I pity you, truly. You should go to your nearest Suncoast or FYE and purchase every Ren and Stimpy DVD you can find. But, if you find this to be too expensive or a waste of time, go play something else! No, I’m kidding. I’ll tell you a little bit about them. Ren is a Chihuahua. He’s the brains of the duo, but often finds himself in a bad way. He tries, and tries, and tries, to do what he can to get by, but something is always standing in his way. Usually Stimpy. He has times of insecurity, in which he turns to his faithful companion for support. Of course, any other time, he’s smacking Stimpy with something because he’s such an EEDIOT! Ren’s sole wish in life is to be RICH! And he claims he’ll drop Stimpy when he is, but I doubt it. Stimpy is a cat. That’s all I can really tell you, concerning what kind of cat. He’s red, has a fat, blue nose, so if anyone can tell me what kind of cat that is, I’d appreciate it. :P He’s somewhat stupid... very stupid... okay, EXTREMELY stupid, but he has his moments of epiphany while Ren is running around like a Chihuahua with its head cut off. Even though Stimpy is to blame for most of the troubles Ren is put through, Ren can’t bear to leave him. I mean, if there was no Stimpy, there would be no Ren and Stimpy! It would be something like Ren and George Bush, which would work just as well, I think. ___________________________________________________________ 1b) THE STORY Well, to be perfectly honest, there is no REAL story. The only way to know the backgrounds to each level is to have watched the show (since the levels are taken from the show). Its mostly just Ren and Stimpy doing some pretty whacked out things to earn a quick buck. ___________________________________________________________ 1c) HOW TO PLAY THE GAME Controls: A Button - Jump B Button - Jump Y Button - Smack X Button - Grab an Object/Throw Start Button - Pause Simple, right? ___________________________________________________________ 2) WALKTHROUGH! HUZZAH! Let us not waste any time! On to the Walkthrough! ___________________________________________________________ 2a) THE BOY WHO CRIED RAT Ren: “Stimpy, I am so hungry, I could eat boiled shoe leather.” Ren: “I’ve got a plan, Stimpy!” Ren sneaks into someone’s house and Stimpy shows up at the front door the next day. Stimpy: “Allow me to make a business proposal!” Stimpy shows his card: “Stimpson J. Cat, Professional Mouse Catcher” Ren pops out of a mousehole: “Squeak, I tell you! Squeak!” Okay, if you didn’t catch it, Ren is posing as a mouse (he’s a Chihuahua, same diff), and Stimpy is out to catch him. So, let’s begin! Start heading right, and jump on the chair, to the top. You can grab the picture, like it says, or you can just jump over the mousetraps. Jump up onto the phone and wait for it to ring, as it will propel you into the air. Grab that money, and jump over to the clock, grabbing hold of it. Use it like a sling to fly over onto the bookcase. Jump up and grab the money, if you didn’t land on the top, like me. If you continue to the right a bit, Stimpy will jump out from behind a curtain saying “Hey, Ren!”. He’ll hurt you if you touch him, so just smack him and jump up to where he was. Walk through and you’ll pick up a few bucks. Continue on, and you’ll see some alphabet blocks. If you jump on them, they’ll fall from beneath you. Before they do, jump over and grab the clock, avoiding Stimpy’s constant jumping around, and fling yourself over the nearby fan (which will push you back at Stimpy if you’re not careful). Continue on and grab one of those logs. Keep going and Stimpy will jump out from behind the fireplace. Throw that log at him and send him on his way. Keep going, and hop onto the phone. It’ll send you up to the cheese! No, its not Health, but you can eat it and blow noxious gas. Not really worth it, if you ask me. Continue by jumping onto the lamp, then onto the bookshelf. Careful! Stimpy jumps out and tosses a mousetrap in your way. Just avoid it and grab the money. Continuing, you can use the clock to fling yourself over the lamp, or you can just walk up and jump over it. Jump on the chair, and onto the shelf, behind the curtain. Again, Stimpy is waiting with another mousetrap, but silly Stimpy didn’t expect you to be up here. Jump over him and he’ll try to claw at you. You should be able to get by without being hurt. Stimpy will be waiting for you with some cheese and a cage to drop on your head. Grab the cheese before he gets to the cage and jump on the phone. Head up to the shelf that Stimpy’s on and use the cheese to get rid of him (you may have to use it in mid-air to avoid being hurt, that’s what I did). Walk on the shelf, behind the curtain, and you’ll find an extra life. Continue, walking above the fans, and jump onto the chair. Here are some more blocks to jump on. Just jump up to the curtained shelf to avoid Stimpy. Keep going and Stimpy will jump out from behind floor lamp. Jump on the chair and the TV to avoid him, or throw a log from the fireplace at him. From the TV, jump on the shelf and run over to the phone. Jump up and grab the picture from the wall, revealing a safe with a few bucks in it. Stimpy is on the shelf, but you can just walk under him. Here, jump on the bookcase, to find Stimpy with another cage, hovering above the health-giving Ham. Grab something (anything you can find) and throw it at him, or walk up and smack him yourself. Either way, when he’s gone, grab the ham. Keep going and you’ll see a fan, as well as another picture hanging high on the wall. Grab it for some more cash from the hidden safe. You’re almost to the end! Woohoo! Just keep going right and jump over all the mousetraps, picking up the extra life along the way. Jump over the lamp and you’ll find Stimpy behind a fake mouse hole, with his tongue lying on the floor. Jump over to him and complete the level! Alright! Well... not quite. You’re in Stimpy’s mouth! Neat. Stimpy’s got some pretty strange things in his mouth, and you’re going to have to get by all of them. First off, jump over the fang and continue left. You’ll see some green stuff rising (I guess its tooth decay), so jump past when its clear. Next, you find some beavers (yes, you heard me right) that will latch onto Ren’s head. He won’t be injured, luckily, but it will hamper his jumping ability. Just keep jumping around until the beaver’s gone and continue. Rocks (or food chunks) will fall from the roof of Stimpy’s mouth, so be careful. Keep going to find a sock. Use it to increase Ren’s jumping ability tremendously, letting you jump over the row of beavers to come. Now, you’ll start to see some nerve endings. If you touch these, they won’t hurt you... they’ll KILL you. One hit is all it takes, so be VERY careful. You’ll have to jump over a pair of nerve endings and a fang, so I hope you still have the sock’s power (not that you’ll have it for much longer). This area isn’t too bad, as long as you avoid those nerve endings, and keep away from the beavers. No damage, but the lack of jumping ability will cause you to lose valuable time. Wait, what’s that we see hovering above the lone fang? Is it.... YES! TOAST! Grab the toast and USE it! It will make you EENVEENCEEBLE (that’s “invincible” for those of you that don’t speak Ren). Now, RUN! I wish I could say you’ll make it to the end, but you won’t. I made it to a point in which four food chunks fell from the ceiling one after another, before it ran out. So, I hope you made it there, too. There will be some more bacteria floating upward, so jump past. Some MORE bacteria, followed by a beaver and a buck. Jump over the beaver, grabbing the buck, and continue. Once past, you’ll find a toothbrush. To be perfectly honest, I had full health, and there were no apparent effects, so I can’t tell you what it does right now. Maybe soon. Oh, crap! I have 17 seconds left. O.O If you keep running, without stop, and jump over everything, you should reach the end without a hitch (I got hit by a falling chunk of cat food, and that was it), so there’s not much to say for the rest of the area. Its just more beavers, more bacteria, and more falling teeth. When you get to the end, CONGRATS! Boss time. ----------------- THE BEAVER AND THE TONGUE --------------- The beaver, or the tongue, I’m not sure which is in control, will do a few attacks, like any other boss in any game anywhere. Its attacks consist of ramming the ceiling of the mouth (which is weird, I thought we just ran through the mouth) causing those decayed teeth to fall. They’ll also position themselves above you and try to DROOL on you. Nasty. All you have to do is avoid getting hit by the end of the tongue and their attacks. Jump up and smack the beaver when he’s not doing anything. Three hits, and its over. -------------------- HAPPY HAPPY JOY JOY! ----------------- Now its time to ESCAPE! Oh NOES! Stimpy’s top jaw will slowly start coming down on top of you. My advice is RUN! Don’t stop, just KEEP RUNNING. Grab the sock, when you come to it and use it to jump over the row of beavers. Just make ABSOLUTELY sure that you don’t hit those nerve endings. Not cool, man. Don’t worry about getting hit by the falling teeth. You should be able to avoid them anyway, just by running, but one or two might get you. Ignore them. Your only means of true defeat are those goddamned nerve endings (I died four times just trying to write this). Oh, keep in mind, when you get the toast, although it does make you invincible, it does NOTHING about those nerve endings. Still have to avoid them! (I just figured that out first-hand :P) Hey, I figured out what the toothbrush does! Its added health, which is what I figured, much like the ham. You shouldn’t be too “under- the-weather” when you reach it, but if you did happen to get hit, grab that sucker. At the very end, you’ll find a sock, followed almost immediately by some toast. You will need BOTH of these. The sock will allow you to jump over a few nerve endings, and the toast will let you pass some of that green bacteria that come directly after the nerve endings. Don’t worry, once you’ve passed these, you’re home free! Stimpy: “For completing this level, you receive...” Ren: “Log for Girls!” Press Start to continue... ___________________________________________________________ 2b) In The Army Ren and Stimpy are at the US Army Induction Center, and boy do they have to go! Ren will be taking an eye exam, and he reads the letters on the board. Ren: “This... will... hurt... you...” Soon, the pair find themselves in uniform and at base camp! Ren: “I think we found our niche!” In the gas room... Stimpy: “Maybe not!” Alright, here we go! You’re in the army now! You’re not behind a plow! You’ll never get rich, you son of a bitch! You’re in the army now! This is where you’ll really be using that Smack Attack of yours. Immediately head right, and jump on the low branch on the second tree. Jump up the tree to grab some money. If you can’t reach the two dollars on the third tree, just walk along the ground and Powdered Toast Man will fly by, dropping a ceiling-fan-like object which lets you SOAR! Don’t stray far, though, you might not like where you land. After getting the money, walk past Mr. Horse, who won’t do much of anything, and SMACK the army guy! You can jump on the tires here to bounce around, but for now, they’re useless. Just keep going along, watching for helmets lying on the ground. This signifies that an enemy is about to pop up. When they do, SMACK ‘em! Keep going, up a hill, and you’ll see a missile sitting there. Jumping over it will cause it to explode and hurt us, so try to stand back and smack it. You should be able to make it explode without hurting yourself. Continue across the bridge (the planks will fall from below you, but it shouldn’t matter if you don’t stop). Again, you find Mr. Horse and a couple more missiles. Smack them, if you want, and wait for the huge bullet to come flying by. Jump on it, and up to the tree (If you jump on the bullet without smacking the missiles, they won’t explode. Go figure). You’ll have to grab one of the pineapple grenades he throws, wait a second, and toss it back. If you fall, don’t worry, just get back up and keep trying. When you make it across, you can jump to a few more branches in the next tree for some hard-earned cashola. An umbrella will float down to the ground, so grab it. You’ll need it to keep yourself protected from falling objects in the upcoming area. You can either run through it, with the umbrella, or jump in the cannon. I recommend the cannon. When you start your decent (its hard to explain this part), back track a bit while in the air and (hopefully) you’ll land on a platform with an extra life. If you fall from the platform, you’ll either land in water or on a log. If you need some health, backtrack and you’ll find a cave. Inside are an army man and four bats. If you care to deal with them (and think you won’t get hit), go for it and you’ll see a platform that leads to a couple of bucks and a bandage for health. If you got hit while doing this, congrats, it was completely pointless. Regardless, continue on, past the logs on the water. I fell in the water once, and nothing happened, then again, and I died. Go figure. Oh, wait, its because I had gotten hurt, so I was safe. If you’re not under that temporary invincibility, you’ll automatically die. Anyway, you’ll find a few fires on the ground. If you walk through the fire, run to the small pool nearby to put out the flames on your rear. A little further and you’ll find another cannon! With some bees... Just smack them, or smack near them to scare them off and the bees will flee. Then jump into the cannon. FLY, and GRAB THAT UMBRELLA! Otherwise, you’ll have to backtrack, not fun. Grab the umbrella and float over (getting the dollar bill) to the right and land on the edge of the plateau. Continue past Mr. Horse and fall off the ledge. Immediately hop into the cannon and soar into the air, landing on a bullet going... the WRONG WAY! So, DON’T jump off, just walk off, toward the right, and you should land on another ledge. This part’s actually somewhat difficult, because if you fall in the water, its back to the beginning! Once you’ve passed, you’ll see some tires, a guy in a tree, and a bee. Jump on the tires (tapping the jump button to get a LITTLE bit higher) and smack the guy and the bee. Climb onto the branch and make your way up. Collect the buck up there, and jump to the branch on the tree to the right. There’s another bee here, so smack it and grab that bandage, if you need it, plus that money! Jump down to the ground and head right, up the hill. You’ll find two fires, and a missile. Jump over the first one and smack the missile. You’ll get caught by the fire, but that’s okay, there’s a pool nearby to put it out in, as long as you’re quick enough. Past the pool is an umbrella! Are we going to float some more? No, no, we need it to defend ourselves from falling watermelons! Let the four watermelons fall onto the umbrella and smack the army man. Hey, look! More water, a log, and a bandage! Sweet! Jump onto the log, grab the bandage, if you want, and jump right, to good, wholesome, land. Walk down the hill, smack the bee, and stroll to the end of the area. Huzzah! Hmm, it looks like rain. Oh well, that’s not going to stop us! Head right and jump down the hole, collecting the money as you drop. Smack the bats, and ignore the umbrellas (you don’t really need them. Continue down the shaft, ridding the bats of their pitiful lives, until you jump down onto a ledge. You’ll either land on the ledge (I’m not talking about the tiny one, hovering in the air, I mean the one below it), or head to the left or right. I landed on it. So, let’s head... hmm.. RIGHT! You shouldn’t have to worry about the guys in the bushes, by the way. Truth be told, both right or left lead to the same place, but I think right is easier. Just drop down to the very bottom. Here, we are stuck. Well, crud! This sucks. Oh, hey, look, a pineapple grenade! Grab it and chuck it at the wall to the right and it will blow up! The wall, too. Just head right, smacking the army men as you go. When you get to the fourth one, a log will come bouncing down the hill. Duck and avoid it. Continuing, you’ll come across a pair of wind-up tanks. Jump over them and smack the bushy army guy before he shoots you. Powdered Toast Man will appear once more! You, no doubt, saw him earlier after blowing up that wall. He is the one that delivers the pineapple grenade. Only this time, he’ll give you a heli-fan-thing. Use it to fly up to the cannon on the right side. Hop in, and you know what happens next. Upon landing atop the ledge on the left, kill the bats and grab the umbrella. Jump to the right and float a short ways until you hit land. Don’t go too far or you’ll be ambushed by a flying army man. Hopefully, you’ll land on the platform with the umbrella and cannon. If you did go too far, use the flying army man’s pineapple grenades to blow up the wall to the right, then use the boot to jump across the gaps, up to the cannon. When you do manage to reach it, jump in and grab the umbrella. Keep urging yourself to the left, and you’ll land inside (or on the platform) of another cannon, which will blast you to the right, and up to the cave’s exit. At last! (Seriously, I died like, 12 times trying to do this. Thank goodness for save states! Hope you had better luck!) But, we’re not out of the army yet. Walk right and you’ll find another flying army guy, ready to drop a pineapple grenade on your head. Bastard. Hang around until he blows himself up and, just to teach him a lesson, steal his heli-fan (that’s what I’m calling it from now on). Fly up, into the trees, smacking the bees along the way, and grab the money. When you drop back down (assuming you don’t land on a branch), there will be another flying army man waiting for you. Kill him or avoid him, its up to you. I avoided him. Anyway, head to the right and you’ll see some tires and an umbrella. Jump on the tires (remember to tap the jump button for more altitude), grab the umbrella, and sail over those goddamned missiles and whatnot. Head down the hill and approach a couple of bushy army dudes ready to ambush you with their plunger guns. Grab the pineapple from the ground beneath them and toss it up onto their ledge (D-Pad Up + Throw). Watch the fireworks before moving on (try not to let the blast hit you, too) to some mud and a few logs. Wait, mud? That means its time for (you guessed it!) Muddy Mudskipper! Smack him and his clones into oblivion or just avoid the whole lot of them. Either way, you’re going to have to get by them while jumping across those logs which slowly drift you to the right, meaning you’ll fall into the mud and DIE! Gasp. If you don’t mind getting hurt, because you’re just so good it won’t matter later, then get hit by one of the Mudskippers and run through the mud before your invincibility runs out. Just... make it across, okay? When you are finally across, bombs will rain from the sky like its D-Day in Normandy. Their toxic clouds will rise and descend (that means go down), so just walk or jump past, at your will. Hey, see that? Yep, it’s another cannon. Gotta love those things, right? Jump in and get blasted into the trees, where a couple of bees will want to take a chunk out of your health. Just smack the air a few times and they’ll get scared and fly away. Grab the money and make your way along the tops of the trees. If you fall, an army man will be waiting for you at the bottom. If you don’t fall, you’ll come to a ledge. Hey, look, more toy tanks! You know the drill, jump over them (if you haven’t figured it out, you can’t hit them) and Powdered Toast Man will come flying by with a heli-fan. Use it and fly to the right, where you should see a piece of toast! Fall over it and grab it out of the air. I didn’t land on the ledge, so I’m going through the cave. If you did land on the ledge, climb the trees for some cash before continuing. A large bullet will come flying by, so jump on it. Be sure to jump before it disappears, or you’ll land on the missiles (don’t worry, you should be invincible)! Repeat this task a few times until you’re past. Now, for the cave: This is simple! Drop to the bottom and run to the right. Eventually, you’ll run straight into the cave’s exit. If you ran out of invincibility, just give the army guys and bats the ol’ Smack. When you come to the exit, jump on the tires and bounce up to the ledge on the right. You’ll see a bridge over some mud. Careful, Muddy Mudskipper and his clone are there to stop you, and some of the planks fall. I just ran past, not thinking about it, and made it! But, I’ve only got one hit left in me. :/ Oh well, let’s go! How much further can it be? Grab the pineapple grenade and toss it up to the bushy army dudes, if you want. Continue right and jump in the cannon. It’ll shoot you to the left, to another cannon, which shoots you BACK to the right, where you will hopefully grab a bandage (I can’t seem to get it, no matter how many times I di-... err, try). You’ll probably land on some tires. This is the tricky part. Those tow tanks are being manned by Muddy Mudskipper and his dastardly clone army! And they’re firing heat-seeking fireballs at you (kind of ironic, huh?)! When one of them fires, it takes a moment to reload, so wait until the one that’s in your way (to the right) fires, jump over it, and hurry to the right! Jump into the cannon and it will shoot you through some trees, to land directly in front of an army man who’s just DYING to shoot you with his plunger gun. Jump over the plunger and smack him (I have yet to see one female soldier in here). Climb the trees for some money, but make sure to get rid of those pesky bees. Head to the right, taking out a few more army guys (if you’re on the ground) and grab the money, then head onward to the end of the area!... and a Boss fight! --------------- SARGE AND HIS MIGHTY HELICOPTER ----------- HOLY SHIT! (Or, if you prefer to be politically correct, “JESUS EXCREMENT!”) Immediately, that damned helicopter starts dropping MASSIVE amounts of pineapple grenades on you! The trick is to grab the helicopter! Immediately jump onto the branch and jump to the right. If done correctly, you won’t grab the helicopter, but you will only get hit once from the explosions. NOW, grab the helicopter! You’re already down one of your five hits, but you won’t get hit from these anymore. After the third round, jump off the helicopter and grab the ham before it falls into oblivion. Here comes SARGE! Great. Hey, wait a second! Stimpy’s floating around like a paratrooper. Good ol’ Stimpy has come to help out! Anyway, Stimpy will start throwing pineapple grenades! Don’t worry, use these to attack Sarge (your smack won’t work, unfortunately). But, at the same time, Sarge is throwing out pineapple grenades, that look slightly different. Do NOT pick these up. Occasionally, Stimpy will throw down some ham, so be sure to grab it when he does, but don’t put yourself in harm’s way for it. After three bloody explosions from the pineapple grenades, Sarge will finally fall. -------------------- HAPPY HAPPY JOY JOY! ----------------- Stimpy: “For completing this level, you receive...” Ren: “Sargent Log of the Yukon!” Press Start to continue... ___________________________________________________________ 2c) Stimpy’s Invention Ren is yelling at Stimpy, as usual, and Stimpy gets an idea. Stimpy: “Say!... You don’t suppose Ren’s unhappy!?” Stimpy: “I know what I must do! I must give my gift of invention to save Ren!” Stimpy starts tinkering in his laboratory. This is harder than you’d think! Mostly because of time, there aren’t any enemies, except for... well, we’ll get to that. It involves backtracking (which I do so hate). While still in the chute, immediately hold to the right. Don’t worry about the money, you’ll be coming back to get it. Head right and pick up that spring (it looks funky, but trust me, it’s a spring) and carry it all the way to the left. Use it to grab the money there. Now pick it back up and carry it all the way to the right, this time. There, you’ll need to use it to reach the ledge above you. Here, you’ll find some black balls that rise and descend. They shoot electricity, which will kill you in one strike, so be very careful (the first time, I ran through it and didn’t get hit, the second time, I did. The first time, I forgot to write the walkthrough as I was playing, so I had to go back and do it again. >.>) Down the steps you’ll find two more of those “lightning orbs”. When you can, run through, grabbing for the spring, and use it to jump to the next ledge. In the next area, jump on the spring and grab the money, but if you land on the ledge, DON’T continue, it will only waste time. Instead, go back, get the spring, and set it right next to the right wall, where there is a door that won’t open. Now use the spring to jump onto the ledge. Run to the right, fall, and head left. The door opens this time, but don’t go through completely or it will shut behind you and you’ll have to do it over again (I did). Grab the spring while the door is still open and run to the right with it. Set it next to the wall and jump up to the high platform. Simply run to the right and Stimpy will get sucked into another chute. Stimpy will drop, once again. Run to the right and grab the safe. You can’t pick it up, but you can drag it, so drag it to the left and use it to jump to the shelf. Jump and get the money, then continue right, jumping as you go along. The arrow says to go down, but just jump for the hell of it. You’ll land on another shelf, where you can jump to a second shelf that has some money. Then, drop off and run over to the lightning orbs. Use the same method as before to get by. If one of the cylinders rise while you’re on it, don’t worry, just duck. If you’ve just been holding right (ducking on the cylinders), then you shouldn’t get hit at all. At the end, get on the last cylinder and jump to the ledge. Continue right, jumping where needed (mainly another shelf and another ledge), and keep going. You’ll find yourself at a dead end... Damn. Hey, let’s do some chemistry, since we have some time to waste! Grab the yellow and blue chemicals and put them inside the large container by “throwing” them when you’re standing next to it. Make sure its by that strange-looking wall. Oh, by the way, stand back. Yeah. The wall is blown open and you can continue, into the next chute, filled with wonderful, beautiful money. WEE! Okay, another drop and we’re on the third floor! Awesome. Head right and jump to hit that switch. It will turn on a nearby conveyor belt that has a platform which you can jump on to reach the ledge above! Do so. Drop down and head right, past the switch (you can’t reach it). Grab hold of the safe (why can’t we have the money?!) and pull it to the left, under the switch. I’m sure you can figure this part out. But now, you need to drag the safe back to the right, so you can jump on another platform and another ledge. This time, things are a TAD bit different. There are two of those conveyor belts, and the switch is STILL to high! What should we do? Continue! Run right, and you’ll find a green ball. No, you can’t jump on it, but you can carry it over to the switch, jump and toss it into the air, hitting the switch. Grab the ball again (it might come in handy) and jump on the lowest platform. Hmm, this is tricky. When it gets to the very top, jump (I had to try a couple of times) and you’ll land on the descending platform above. When it gets to the bottom, jump again, and you’ll catch it on the rise. This time, jump to the shelf to the left when it reaches its peak. Jump to the higher shelf and then take a leap of faith to the right. Hopefully, you’ll get that money that’s just floating around. Whether you did or not, go right. Hey, look, I was right! That ball does come in handy! Use it to hit that switch, and grab it again (who knows?). You won’t need it for this next part, though. Jump up the first to platforms, in the exact same way as before, and jump to hit the switch. On your descent, keep going right and you’ll land on the rising platform, allowing you to jump to the ledge. Head right, and you’ll be sucked into another chute. Guess we didn’t need the ball anymore, after all. Wee, another drop, and we’ve reached the fourth floor! Neato! Run right, past the blowtorch, and pick up the spring. Carry it to the left and drop it underneath the ledge. Now, go back for the blowtorch. You have to be quick, or this can waste a lot of time. Run through the fire, which will ignite the blowtorch, but it doesn’t stay on indefinitely! Run to the spring and jump! You’ll land on the ledge above. Now, jump to the shelf on the right. Make your way up until you reach the top. Hurry to the right to find a rope-ladder-type- construction. You’ll need to burn the ropes with the blowtorch. You only have to burn one side, so don’t worry about both, but there are two of those platforms. When you reach the bottom, head right, blowtorch in hand. You’ll need to drop it, however, to move a spring to the right. When you do, go get the blowtorch and jump up to the shelf, where you can reignite it. Then, head left. The blowtorch will burn away the wall in front of you. Head to the right and drop the blowtorch when you get to the spring. Pick up the spring and carry it about halfway between the ledge to the right and the shelf above. Pick the blowtorch back up and jump to the shelf, where you’ll find some much needed fire. Jump back to the right, onto the spring, and over to the ledge. Run right, off the ledge, and hit the switch on your way. Jump on the moving platform and you’ll raise to burn away the wall. If you don’t jump (I didn’t), you’ll have to do this four times before its completely gone (even with the first layer gone, you can’t stand on the ledge). Your blowtorch should stay lit. Run through the small hallway and burn open the wall on the other side. Run to the right and you’ll be pulled into yet another money- filled chute! Alright! Fifth floor! Man, this laboratory is huge! Stimpy’s either a genius, or a rich fool! I wish I had his lab. Anywho, head right, again, and you’ll see a scale and a ball. Pick up the ball and throw it onto the left platform, which you can then jump on. Then, jump to the right platform and over to the ledge. Here, you’ll see those familiar blue and yellow chemicals, but no beaker to put them in. Jump onto the shelf and look left. There are more shelves! Jump over to them and grab the beaker from the top shelf. Set it next to the wall by the chemicals, and create your explosive concoction once again. In this “room”, pull the safe to the scale and use both to jump up to the switch. When you’ve accomplished this feat, head to the right and jump on the platform. Instead of jumping right, to the ledge, wait until the platform reaches its peak and jump to the shelves above it. From the top, jump left to pick up some money. Now, you can use the platform to reach the new ledge. This part can be tricky, like much of Stimpy’s Lab (to hell with that Dexter kid). When the lightning orbs aren’t shooting out electricity, jump onto the spring and up to the vile of blue chemicals. Grab it and jump to the ledge on the right. Run right, ignoring the safe... and the ball... and the vile of yellow chemicals on the shelf high above... to finally reach a beaker for those blue chemicals! Toss them in and place the beaker next to the explosive wall. Now, to get that vile of yellow chemicals! Run to the left and pull the safe to the scale, then grab the ball. Set the ball on the left platform and jump to the right one. When the ball comes down again, jump to the right and grab the vile of yellowness. You won’t be able to make it on the ledge, so you’ll have to make the grab in the air. When you do it, mix it with the blue chemicals for another chemical explosion. Continue for another ride through the glass chute! Hooray, the sixth floor! Man, this is one long level... Drop the long, long way (wee!) and run to the right as soon as you can. It’s a long, uneventful run, I must say. Oh, hey look, there’s a platform up there. Hmm... Look, its... a boss! ------------- REN AND THE EVIL BLOCKS OF DOOM ------------- And that boss is Ren! He’s not an evil boss, not like the beaver or Sarge, but he is stark-raving mad! He’s stomping around up there, calling Stimpy an idiot. Poor cat’s only trying to help! Oh well. You’ll just have to use Stimpy’s new invention! It’s a mind control helmet and the only way to defeat Ren! You’ll have to throw the helmet onto Ren’s head, which is MUCH easier said than done. Especially when those two blocks are... well... blocking you! They move around randomly, and so does Ren. Your only hope is to try, and try, and try. It took me four tries to do it, and you don’t have long! Clock’s ticking. When you do manage to get it on his head, he’ll drop to the floor and start hopping around saying “I’m so happy!” -------------------- HAPPY HAPPY JOY JOY! ----------------- Run to the right, and up the chute for some money and an extra life! Cool! Stimpy: “For completing this level you receive...” Ren: “Visible Log!” ___________________________________________________________ 2d) Marooned Somewhere on the planet of what appears to be Mars... Ren: “Hey, Stimpy! It looks like we’re marooned!” Stimpy: “Just like the name of this level!” Later, having travelled far and long... Ren: “Stimpy! We’ve been walking for days. Let’s pitch a tent and rest a while.” Stimpy: “Aye Cap’n!” Ren and Stimpy are sleeping peacefully in their tent when Ren is awakened by a strange noise. Ren: “What’s that noise?” He pulls away the tent’s flaps and looks outside. Ren: “What the?..” A pair of aliens are inspecting their tent. And... they EAT the duo! Or just Stimpy. I’m not sure... Okay, you’re inside an alien, as Stimpy. Wonderful! Press A to hover, so you can avoid the enemies on the way down. I can’t really tell you much more about this part, as its just dropping and dodging. Keep in mind, if you hit the walls, you’ll be bounced back, making it hard to avoid enemies sometimes. When you’re near the end of this section, four of the yellow blobs will come at you. They’ll move to the sides at the last moment, so just stay at the top of the screen. Afterwards, you’ll go through a series of zigzagging passages, which make it hard to avoid those pesky yellow blobs. Don’t worry if you only get hit twice, though. Next, you’ll come across a pair of green orbs which are Health! Try to collect both. From here, jellyfish-looking-things will start dropping from the top, so don’t hover too much. They’re difficult to avoid, I find. I’m on my fourth run and I haven’t gotten through this area completely yet. Eventually, four of those jellyfish will come from the top, and the two in the middle will spread so you can slip by. Do so at your first chance, because the yellow blobs are about to start coming from the bottom again. If you can manage to keep this up, at the very bottom of the creature’s esophagus will be one final jellyfish. Only, this one will follow you. There’s no real way to avoid it, that I can see, so make sure you have atleast two hits left. Once this beast has passed, the end comes swiftly. Oh no, not more of this horrible dropping! Oh, wait, nevermind. Is this the stomach? Cool! Not like I pictured a stomach, but then again, I’m not an alien! I think. Head to the left and you’ll come across a few cabbage monsters. Yes, cabbage. Or lettuce. Either works. But they’re EVIL! Lick the hell out of them like a good cat, and make to the right, until you reach the edge of the ledge. Hey, look! Health! SWEET! It doesn’t look the same as the previous health, but any health will do! Although, I could go for a ham right now. Jump down to the ledge below and pick up the trash can lid. Warrior Stimpy of the 24th Century! All we need is a sword! Head left, and you’ll put that trash can lid to good use, reflecting those evil eyeballs. Jump on that... brain? And collect the money inside the bubbles. The trash can lid will disappear, so pick up the blue boomerang (it doesn’t look like a boomerang, but it acts like one). If you throw it, keep your hand held out, and you can catch it and use it again. Very useful. And you should use it to take out the two upcoming alien frogs that shoot things at you. Grab the trash can lid from the top of the of the shooting “water”, and continue on, trying, like a soldier in Vietnam, to dodge all those flying eyeballs! When you manage to make it to the end of the ledge, jump on the things that were shooting out eyeballs, making sure not to fall in the stomach acid below. Up here, you’ll find another health pack. Drop down, picking up the money. Safe for the moment, whew. Pause, and take a second to breathe. Okay, let’s go! To the right, some more eyeballs will come shooting at you. Jump over them, and onto the eyeball dispensers. Although there are eyeballs above you, also, this is the safest way to get through. When you’re past the third one, drop to find another boomerang and a couple of frogs. Take care of them before they can take care of you, making sure to keep the boomerang. Continue past another frog to a couple of brains. Here, orange balls made of small orange balls expand and contract, trying to eliminate you. Use your boomerang on them. You’ll do this twice before coming to a third brain and a trash can lid. Don’t take it! You don’t really need it. Actually, you don’t really NEED the boomerang for this part either, but it might come in handy later. Jump to the platform, above the green stomach acid. Some blue, one- eyed monstrosities will quick rise from the stomach acid, blocking your path. When the way is clear, jump across the platforms to the other side. Drop down, collecting the money, and take the boomerang. Here, the cabbages start jumping behind you, so run ahead, turn around, and smack ‘em with the boomerang! When you come to a downward slope, jump on the thin, pink creature. I’ll call it, a worm. You’ll have to walk as it moves, your you’ll drop. Along the way, you’ll run into a health pack (woohoo!) and a trash can lid. Take them both and jump to the platform on the left. Eyeballs will come at you, but you have the almighty trash can lid! Continue to the left and jump on another pink thing. Ride it to another, and jump on! When there’s nowhere left to go, drop down and grab the extra life and the health pack (double woohoo)! Drop down and let two of the worms make you fall, until you are under the ledge. Now, ride this one over a short ways, until it gives out. Jump on the brain and grab the boomerang. Jump past the ever-rising one-eyed creations and throw the boomerang at the frog past some more rising one-eyed wonders. Jump on the brain and grab the trash can. Walk along to the right and some eyeballs will come at you. Don’t jump, just stand there, and the trash can will take care of them. Continue right, up the slope. Grab the boomerang and throw it at the orange cluster (that’s what I’ll call it!). Jump onto the worm and ride it along. It will give out in front of some more rising-one-eyed-freaks. Jump past, throw the boomerang at the orange cluster, and drop down at the right side. Don’t bother jumping on the worm. Just grab the boomerang, and walk left, using it to destroy the orange cluster and three frogs. Continue on until you come to a pool of stomach acid. Wait for the geyser to shoot up, jump on it, then jump across. Do the same for the second one. Now, pick up the trash can lid. The first batch of eyeballs, you don’t have to worry about, just run under them, but you should stop to guard yourself from the second batch. Run left, past the evil cabbage, and grab the money and health. Whew! Okay, now I think I need a pause. Oh, no, 34 seconds left! I hope I finish this... Jump across the stomach acid, avoiding the one-eyed freaks along the way. Jump onto the worm and ride it across. At the end, jump to get the money, and land on the platform. I didn’t get the boomerang, but you can if you want. Jump over to the next worm and ride him along until a third worm rises from the stomach acid. Jump on it and then onto the nearby ledge, to the right. Throw the boomerang (or lick, that’s what I did) at the orange cluster and drop to the right. Run out of this area. Finally! I only had two seconds to spare. O.O MORE FALLING! Oh, geez! Red Pacman look-a-likes will float back and forth across (what I guess is) the large intestine. Or a second esophagus. They look the same to me. Either way, you know the drill try to avoid everything. A little further down, green slug-like-monsters shoot back and forth from the walls, very quickly. A couple of green slimes are there two grasp hold of you and injure you! After this part, stay to the left for a moment. You’ll avoid a spike that comes from the bottom. Guess its spikes to avoid, now! After the wall in the center disappears, get to the right side! Here, you’ll collect some health(!) and some money. It might be difficult, but if you time it right, you can do it. Again, stay to the far right, to avoid being injured, and pick up some cold, hard cash. In the next part, if you want to get all the money, switch back and forth from one side to the other. There’s nothing bad if you miss, just the loss of money. Another Red Pacman will float by and then they’ll start coming from the walls, trying their hardest to eat you. When you’re past them, you’ll have to avoid quite a few more green slime. Its not too hard, just keep mostly to the right. Finally, they throw at you a Red Pacman, a Yellow Blob, and a green slime, plus a whole bunch of money. Collect it all and leave the area! Alright, here we go again... Grab the green thing and walk a short way to the right. Throw it at a frog before he spits at you. Jump onto the brain, and onto the platform above the frog. Drop down and lick it to be rid of it. If you get hit, jump back to the top of the platform and onto another. Here, kill the frogs (or avoid them, but I find killing them is easier) and grab the health pack on the right. Then go back and drop off the ledge. Walk down the hill, get the money, and pass up the trash can. You won’t need it. Keep going to the right and some eyeballs will be fired into the air. Hrm. Guess they’re finally letting up. Continue on, and it will happen again. Here, jump onto the platform and make your way across, above the stomach acid. Be wary of the orange cluster-like things, that are swirling around the smaller ledges. There will be two groups of these, and I believe they regenerate, so just jump across and hope for the best, I say. Make your way to some spouting “water” and climb the platform to the left for an extra life. Be careful of the eyeballs on your rise and descent. You can jump on top of it to make things easier. When you’ve accomplished your task, head right. You’ll pass by a few toads and some eyeballs, but don’t worry about the eyeballs, they’ll go off in another direction if you wait for them to pass. You’ll see a dollar bill hovering beneath a break in the platform. Do NOT go down there. Trust me, better things await you! Climb the platforms, being wary of the eyeballs, just in case, but you shouldn’t have any trouble. A “water” spout will lift you to another platform, and a health pack. Rather than going back, drop down the right side and be rewarded with 3 buckaroonies. Sweet. You’ll fall onto a brain, where you’ll see a frog and an orange cluster. Kill them both with your lethal Tongue Fu. Jump onto the brain and grab the snot (I guess we’re in its nose now) and Stimpy will blow a snot bubble! Float upwards, collecting more snot along the way, and grabbing all the money you can. A few stationary enemies are there, but shouldn’t pose any kind of threat. When you finally reach the top, walk across the platform (be weary of the eye clump, it might hurt you) and grab the health pack. A cabbage will fall near by, so take it out with your tongue and grab the boomerang. Another will fall, so end its misery, and two more will pop out, one behind and one in front. Throw the boomerang, turn around, and lick the other one, then catch the boomerang. Now that’s some Tongue Fu! Near the pool of stomach acid, another cabbage will pop out of the floor behind you. Kill it, and jump onto the worm. This isn’t TOO hard, but you have to make sure you’re always walking with the worms. Just jump from one worm to another, or stand still and fall onto one from above. If you do the latter, be SURE that you are walking when you land on the worm, you really don’t want to fall into the stomach acid at an inopportune time. When you make it across, take your reward and fall down the hole by the right wall. If you start to the left, you can get some money, but will probably miss the health pick up. If you think you’ll get some health with the money anyway, go for it. I just got the health pick up. Get rid of the boomerang if you still have it and jump on the brain. Grab the booger and float up, taking the money. This is a bit more difficult than before, but shouldn’t bear much of a threat. There will be a booger beneath a clump of eyeballs, so make sure you grab it and get the health pack above, as well as the next booger. If you stay to the left, you can enter a tunnel consisting of an extra life. You can skip a small part of the level. If you’d rather have health than lives (I would, I don’t want to keep dying), go for it. If not, float upward, my friend. On the ledge, try to reach the health pack. Don’t worry if you don’t, I didn’t. Jump on the worm and ride him, and his companions, across. If you manage to stay on the third worm, you’ll be rewarded with a health pack, followed closely by three bucks. Drop down, where you’ll see the exiting path from the extra life tunnel. You can reach it, or at least, I did, and get the extra life, but it’s a bit of a time waster. Either way, continue down the pit. Jump over the brain (or on it, doesn’t matter) and grab the boomerang. Behind a “water” spout are two frogs. End them with the boomerang and get on the geyser. Grab the money and continue left. Another geyser, more money, and to the left we go, where a cabbage will jump behind you. Kill it with the boomerang. At this point, I screwed up and lost the boomerang, so just continue on normally if you have it until I tell you to get something else. Head up the hill and jump to the platform. Jump on the worm, ride it along for a health pack and an extra life, and another worm to ride back on. It’ll give out over a trash can lid, so take it on your descent and jump to the left on the brain below. You should avoid the eyeballs. Keep going left, past another cabbage and some more eyeballs (I got hit here.). Drop off the ledge and into the next area! Wow, this is pretty weird! The environment circles around you, like the bonus levels in Sonic & Tails for the Genesis, only much more slowly. At first glance, I assume the enemies are the environment, as you can see spikes in the walls. Regardless, the world will turn, twice, so walk over to a wall with a couple of spikes, on the right. Stand sort-of away from the spikes, so you don’t fall into them when everything turns again. When it does, you’ll drop to where you started. When it turns again, run to the left and it will turn again. You’ll drop, and when you land, run to the right. As soon as everything turns again, run to the left. You’ll land on the edge of a platform, hopefully. Run to the left, and jump just before everything turns, to jump over the spikes. Fall down the pit, and keep somewhat to the left, to keep away from spikes at the bottom (I hit them :/). Run to the left and the world will turn again. Keep running left and you’ll enter a boss fight! -------- EVIL GREEN SLIME MONSTER OF THE APOCALYPSE ------- I died almost immediately might first confrontation, but then I figured out how to beat him. I just ran up and started smacking him, like I usually do for my first boss fight, but that’s not right at all. First of all, the room will tilt, but not spin, like before. Use this to your advantage and jump to the top of the room. The Slime Monster has a hungry-looking mouth on the top of his head, which shoots green balls at you (they’re pretty easy to avoid). Your objective is to grab those pink balls that are circling around and drop them into its mouth. IF you stay on the top, he rarely comes to the top, but he will be below you. He’s only come up there to attack me once, and I easily avoided it. Three balls of pink power down his throat and he’ll explode into tiny chunks. -------------------- HAPPY HAPPY JOY JOY! ----------------- Stimpy: “Congratulations! For completing the game you receive...” Ren: “Log from Mars!” Roll credits (there aren’t many of them, I promise)! ___________________________________________________________ 3) BOSSES 3a)-------------- THE BEAVER AND THE TONGUE --------------- The beaver, or the tongue, I’m not sure which is in control, will do a few attacks, like any other boss in any game anywhere. Its attacks consist of ramming the ceiling of the mouth (which is weird, I thought we just ran through the mouth) causing those decayed teeth to fall. They’ll also position themselves above you and try to DROOL on you. Nasty. All you have to do is avoid getting hit by the end of the tongue and their attacks. Jump up and smack the beaver when he’s not doing anything. Three hits, and its over. -------------------- HAPPY HAPPY JOY JOY! ----------------- 3b)------------ SARGE AND HIS MIGHTY HELICOPTER ----------- HOLY SHIT! (Or, if you prefer to be politically correct, “JESUS EXCREMENT!”) Immediately, that damned helicopter starts dropping MASSIVE amounts of pineapple grenades on you! The trick is to grab the helicopter! Immediately jump onto the branch and jump to the right. If done correctly, you won’t grab the helicopter, but you will only get hit once from the explosions. NOW, grab the helicopter! You’re already down one of your five hits, but you won’t get hit from these anymore. After the third round, jump off the helicopter and grab the ham before it falls into oblivion. Here comes SARGE! Great. Hey, wait a second! Stimpy’s floating around like a paratrooper. Good ol’ Stimpy has come to help out! Anyway, Stimpy will start throwing pineapple grenades! Don’t worry, use these to attack Sarge (your smack won’t work, unfortunately). But, at the same time, Sarge is throwing out pineapple grenades, that look slightly different. Do NOT pick these up. Occasionally, Stimpy will throw down some ham, so be sure to grab it when he does, but don’t put yourself in harm’s way for it. After three bloody explosions from the pineapple grenades, Sarge will finally fall. -------------------- HAPPY HAPPY JOY JOY! ----------------- 3c)---------- REN AND THE EVIL BLOCKS OF DOOM ------------- He’s not an evil boss, not like the beaver or Sarge, but he is stark-raving mad! He’s stomping around up there, calling Stimpy an idiot. Poor cat’s only trying to help! Oh well. You’ll just have to use Stimpy’s new invention! It’s a mind control helmet and the only way to defeat Ren! You’ll have to throw the helmet onto Ren’s head, which is MUCH easier said than done. Especially when those two blocks are... well... blocking you! They move around randomly, and so does Ren. Your only hope is to try, and try, and try. It took me four tries to do it, and you don’t have long! Clock’s ticking. When you do manage to get it on his head, he’ll drop to the floor and start hopping around saying “I’m so happy!” -------------------- HAPPY HAPPY JOY JOY! ----------------- 3d)----- EVIL GREEN SLIME MONSTER OF THE APOCALYPSE ------- I died almost immediately might first confrontation, but then I figured out how to beat him. I just ran up and started smacking him, like I usually do for my first boss fight, but that’s not right at all. First of all, the room will tilt, but not spin, like before. Use this to your advantage and jump to the top of the room. The Slime Monster has a hungry- looking mouth on the top of his head, which shoots green balls at you (they’re pretty easy to avoid). Your objective is to grab those pink balls that are circling around and drop them into its mouth. IF you stay on the top, he rarely comes to the top, but he will be below you. He’s only come up there to attack me once, and I easily avoided it. Three balls of pink power down his throat and he’ll explode into tiny chunks. -------------------- HAPPY HAPPY JOY JOY! ----------------- ___________________________________________________________ 4) ITEMS All the items in the game, that I have listed in this walkthrough (which, I’m pretty sure, is every item in the game). So, have a look-see, they’re sectioned by levels. ___________________________________________________________ 4a) LEVEL 1 ITEMS -------------------------Picture Frame--------------------- Like many of the game’s items, this is primarily used to attack something. In Level One, for instance, its mainly Stimpy. In fact, its only Stimpy. Nevertheless, throw at will. ---------------------------Television---------------------- I know I didn’t mention this in the walkthrough, but if you grab those TVs, a piggy bank will come out. You should take advantage of this, I suppose, but I never did it. There’s really no reason that early in the game, I think. -----------------------------Clock------------------------- These are the spinning hippie clocks that are hanging on the wall. Jump to them and Ren will latch on, spinning him round, round, baby, right round. Use the Jump button to release yourself. If done correctly, you’ll fly high into the air. ----------------------------Telephone---------------------- I did mention the telephone, but not its secondary purpose. Not only is it used to propel you to high places if you stand on it, you can answer it by Grabbing it, and earn yourself some cash. -------------------------------Fan------------------------- It looks... like a fan. It blows... like a fan. And apparently Ren is light as a feather, because if you stand in front of one of these, you’ll go flying through the air. -------------------------------Vase------------------------ Another item used for attacking good ol’ Stimpy. Throw it at him too watch him stare, stunned, and fall away. -------------------------------Log------------------------- The same as the vase, this is used to throw at Stimpy. Simply let fly and watch it roll at him like a cylindrical bowling ball. Steerike! Of course, we can’t forget that Log is the loveable friend of many children. There are hundreds of different Logs. Fire Log, Princess Log, Log for Boys, Log for Girls, Zombie Log, Super Log, etc etc. There’s a Log for every occasion! ------------------------------Cheese----------------------- Cheese is a wonderful weapon! Well, sort of. There’s no real range to it, which I don’t care for, but the only thing you’re facing is Stimpy. And you should use it in the one case mention in the walkthrough. Otherwise, use at your own risk. Wait, how does he use it? Oh, right! Just “throw” it and Ren will munch it down, expelling noxious gas at poor Stimpy. ___________________________________________________________ 4b) LEVEL 2 ITEMS ------------------------------Heli-Fan--------------------- The Heli-Fan is what I call it, but you might recognize it as a pair of propellors that float down from the sky occasionally that allow you to fly high into the air, only to drop back down again. Useful when trying to reach high places, but you can’t carry it, unfortunately. ------------------------------Tires------------------------ Tires are, well, tires. Only these tires are super-bouncy! Well, not SUPER-bouncy, but still pretty bouncy. A lot more than my car tires are. -----------------------------Bullet------------------------ This is used for transportation, and is one of two particularly alike one another. Just stand on top of it and let it carry you, but be careful! It won’t hold out for too long. -----------------------Pineapple Grenades------------------ Mwahahahaha! Explosives! Don’t you love them? You can chuck ‘em at your enemies and wait until they explode. If you find one lying around, you can carry it with you, but if someone chucks it at you, throw it away quick! -----------------------------Umbrella---------------------- I simple, pink umbrella. And what purposes do umbrellas serve, class? To keep stuff from falling on your head! And, as we’ve seen from cartoons across the globe, you can use them to float, softly, to the ground... Until they suddenly disappear! D’oh! -------------------------------Cannon---------------------- A mighty cannon that will fire you in whatever direction its facing. Commonly used to reach high platforms or the higher branches of tall trees. Can be used in conjunction with the umbrella for slow descent. ----------------------------Floating Log------------------- It appears much the same as the previous attack logs, but its much bigger, and floating in water (or mud). You can jump on them to get past the water (or mud), but if you hesitate too long, they’ll roll you right into the water (or mud)! -----------------------------Helicopter-------------------- You’ll only find this in the boss fight with Sarge. If you jump to it, in the beginning of the fight, you can latch on and protect yourself from the falling pineapple grenades. Very handy indeed! ___________________________________________________________ 4c) LEVEL 3 ITEMS ------------------------------Spring----------------------- These are the latest in Reach High Places Technology. Portable and they give you a very good bounce! You’ll be using them a lot in this level, since its all about puzzle-solving. ---------------------------One-Way Door-------------------- Generally, they will open from the right, but not from the left. I would be more precise by saying they won’t open from whichever direction you’re initially coming from. They’re used primarily for backtracking. ------------------------------Safe------------------------- You can’t carry it, and you can’t get any money from it, but you can pull it along. Jump on for an extra little boost when trying to reach a higher ledge. ----------------------------Cylinder----------------------- The rise and descend, just like engine cylinders. They can either help you to reach another high area, or they can be the object of your demise. You decide. ----------------------Vile of Blue Chemicals--------------- Alone, it is nothing. Just some blue stuff in a vile. You can walk up to a Beaker and pour it inside, but nothing will happen. ---------------------Vile of Yellow Chemicals-------------- Just like the Vile of Blue Chemicals, these won’t do anything by themselves. Also like the Blue Chemicals, you can pour them into a Beaker. Hmm... I wonder if... of course! -----------------------------Beaker------------------------ Pour the Blue Chemicals and the Yellow Chemicals into the Beaker to make a nice, green, explosive concoction. Use it to blow down Bomb-able Doors. ------------------------Bomb-able Doors-------------------- This was pretty much explained in the previous one, but I figured it still counts, I suppose. Its not really an enemy, after all. When you mix your explosive concoction the Beaker will explode, ridding yourself of this barricade. ----------------------------Switch------------------------- Hit them from the bottom to flip them up. Hit them from the top to flip them down. Just like a light switch! Up means On, Down means Off. Simple, right? ----------------------Conveyor Platform-------------------- Motionless conveyor belts with platforms attached. They won’t move if their corresponding Switch is turned Off, but if its on, they’ll spin, rotating the platform. Jump on the be carried up! But if it turns and you’re still on it, you’ll take a plunge. ----------------------------Ball--------------------------- A green ball. It doesn’t bounce very much, so it must not be a great ball, but you can throw it! Do so to hit high switches, turning them on even though YOU can’t reach them! ---------------------------Scale--------------------------- If you put something (like a Ball) on one side, it will lower it and raise the other. If Stimpy should, say, jump onto the other side, it will come down, because he’s fat and ways more than a simple ball. But, at least you can reach that ledge over there! -------------------------Blowtorch------------------------- Believe it or not, it isn’t a weapon. You don’t need weapons in Level 3, its all about the TOOLS! You can ignite this on one of the many chemistry stoves and use it to burn through things! Pure awesome. ------------------------Rope Ledge------------------------- This one is pretty simply. If you let the lit blowtorch burn through the rope, the ledge will tumble from beneath you. This is actually a good thing. ----------------------Burn-able Door----------------------- See “Bomb-able Door” and replace “Beaker” with “Blowtorch”, and “Explosion” with “Burn the damn thing down”. -------------------Mind-Control Helmet--------------------- I SUPPOSE you could call this a weapon, but not really. While Ren storms angrily above, you’ll need to throw this mind-control helmet onto his head. Easier said than done. This causes him to start hopping and say “I’m so happy!” ___________________________________________________________ 4d) LEVEL 4 ITEMS ----------------------Trash Can Lid------------------------ The trash can lid acts like a shield, allowing you to fend off certain attack by certain hordes of flying eyeballs. Doesn’t work against anything else, though, unfortunately. --------------------------Brain---------------------------- The squishy brain bounces you around like a trampoline. Immobile, but there sure are a lot of them! Bounce to your heart’s content, but don’t forget about that time limit! ------------------------Boomerang-------------------------- It doesn’t actually LOOK like a boomerang, but it acts like one. It’s a small, blue squarish object that, when thrown, returns to you. But, you won’t catch it automatically. You’ll have to do that yourself if you plan to keep it. --------------------------Worm----------------------------- Akin to the Bullet from Level 2, the worm is used for transportation. Unlike the bullet, however, you must walk with the worm so you do not get left behind. No cruising gor you, buddy, you have to work if you want a free ride! -----------------------Green Spark------------------------- The basic throwing object of Level 4, the green spark (mentioned in the walkthrough as “green thing”) can be thrown at your enemies. It only has a one-time use, but you’ll see more boomerangs than you will the green sparks. --------------------------Geyser--------------------------- Some green “water” shoots out of these geysers and in pools of stomach acid. You can stand on them to raise to a certain height, but it won’t last long. They’ll just as soon lower you into oblivion (well, maybe not OBLIVION, exactly). --------------------------Booger--------------------------- That’s right, time for good, classic comedy at its greatest! The infamous booger! And, who could forget the ultimate booger bubble! Stimpy will grab one of these boogers and blow a massive bubble around him, which allows him to float upward for a limited time. You’ll have to use many of these in a row to climb tall shafts. ------------------------Pink Balls------------------------- The bane of the Slime Monster, the pink balls rotate in circles, waiting to be grabbed by the fearless feline hero. You can’t throw them, but you can drop them into that ugly creature’s mouth. Regenerate immediately upon pick- up. ___________________________________________________________ 4e) SPECIAL ITEMS --------------------------Money---------------------------- In the walkthrough, I call them dollars, bucks, buckaroonies, cash, cashola, whatever. In fact, the first three are incorrect. They aren’t full dollars, but rather, $.25 bills. If you manage to collect $5.00 worth (that’s 20, total), you’ll be rewarded with a health bonus. -------------------------Health---------------------------- Health takes various forms, depending on the level and area. In Level 1's first area, its Ham. In the second/third area, it’s a toothbrush. In Level 2, it takes the form of a Bandage, and in Level 3, it’s a... come to think of it, there is no health in level 3. The only things that can kill you are one-hit anyway. Well, in Level 4's falling areas, its green bricks in bubbles (like all items in Level 4). In the “normal” areas, it’s a simple health pack. All of them, as you can guess, add one bar of health to the five you have. Five is the limit, no gaining extra. ------------------------Sock/Boot-------------------------- The Sock/Boot allows you to run faster, which makes you jump greater distances than you normally could. Each of the three times they appear (total, not seperately), you’ll need them to advance. ----------------------Powdered Toast----------------------- The almighty item that doesn’t need too much explanation. It’s a Star in Mario, basically, without the killing effects. Limited invulnerability is a wonderful thing! A shame it doesn’t last forever, but then there would be no challenge, right? ___________________________________________________________ 5) ENEMIES Okay, here we go! Now that the items are out of the way, let’s move on to Enemies (aka, the “Things That Can Hurt You” section)! Great! ___________________________________________________________ 5a) LEVEL 1 ENEMIES -------------------------Mousetrap------------------------- These things are scattered all over the very first area of the game! But don’t worry, most of the time, you’ll be showing off your acrobatics and staying off the floor. They’re no threat, unless you fall on one. ---------------------------Cage---------------------------- One of Stimpy’s tools of your demise. See? That cheese cool! See the cage above it? Not cool. Take that cat out before he drops it on you and ends your meddling. ----------------------Stimpson J. Cat---------------------- Stimpy is a minor threat. His brain is vastly inferior to even that of the common household cockroach. As long as you can outsmart him, the only thing that should even be slightly bothersome is his enormously fat body. Smack him in angry haste repeatedly, just for the hell of it. Good, now you’re getting into your character! --------------------Chunk of Cat Food---------------------- Inside Stimpy’s horribly indecent mouth! Gag... This old chunk of cat food will drop from the roof of Stimpy’s mouth. This guy really needs to floss! Its horrible in its chunkiness, a small clone to The Blob. -------------------------Beaver---------------------------- Holy Christ, are those!?... They are! They’re BEAVERS! Holy shit, what are beavers doing in his MOUTH?! That’s just awful! No wonder he’s missing so many teeth! They don’t hurt you, fortunately, but they will hinder your jumping ability. And with all those gaps in Stimpy’s smile, you need to jump a lot. They’ll waste your time or get you into trouble if you’re not careful. ----------------Bacteria (Horrible Smell*)----------------- I called it some Bacteria while writing the walkthrough, but you could also interpret it as a horrible, gagging smell. The both are technically correct (bad smells in the air smell bad because of bacteria). Whatever you want to call it, its those green seaweed looking things that rise to the top of Stimpy’s mouth every so often. -----------------------Nerve Ending------------------------ The ultimate evil thing that will hurt you in Level 1. Even more so than the boss! If you even SLIGHTLY TOUCH these things, the roof of Stimpy’s mouth will come CRASHING down, and there’s no avoiding death. A cat eating a Chihuahua dressed like a mouse. Sad. -----------------The Beaver and The Tongue----------------- See: 3) Bosses > 3a) The Beaver and The Tongue ___________________________________________________________ 5b) LEVEL 2 ENEMIES ------------------------Army Man--------------------------- Your basic army grunt. He’s hiding in the ground, under his helmet until you get close, then he’ll pop up and fire a plunger at you! Smack him a good one before he can fire and you should have no problem getting past entire fleets. -------------------------Missle---------------------------- Jumping over them, to my understanding, never works. It has always blown up on me. So, instead, you stand back and smack, but if you miss, just inch closer, because if you’re too close, you’ll get caught in the blast. -------------------Falling Watermelon---------------------- Pretty self explanatory. Big ol’ watermelons that fall from the sky to drop on your head. Avoid them when you hear the whistle of bomb’s falling, or just carry around an umbrella. ---------------------------Bee----------------------------- Buzz, buzz, he flies around and is looking to sting! Even if you miss him with your almighty smack, he’ll get scared and fly away if you’re close. But, he’ll be back, so keep on your gaurd if you plan to stick around. ---------------------------Bat----------------------------- Up or down, left or right, these creatures of the night fly in a given patter, either horizontally or vertically. Never both. Just smack them when they fly near and be on your way, bat murderer. ------------------------Deep Water------------------------- The vain of the outdoors! Our little Chihuahua friend, Ren, can’t swim! So if you find some deep water nearby, use the logs provided to jump across, but be careful, the logs spin, so you might fall off of one side if you don’t hurry. ---------------------------Fire---------------------------- Ack, oh no, your ass is on fire, what do you DO?! Simple! RUN! Run until you find a shallow pool, which isn’t deep enough to drown poor Ren. It’ll put the fire out lickity split before it has a chance to burn a hole through your pants. ----------------------Bushy Army Dude---------------------- This offspring of the basic army man hides behind a bush to conceal himself and surprise his prey. Unfortunately for him, he can only fire diagonally, so standing under him and, say tossing a grenade at him, is of no difficulty at all. Just be careful of those plungers. -------------------------Toy Tank-------------------------- Indestructible toy tanks that roll along on wind-up treads. They won’t attack, but the sheer tank-ness of them will hurt you upon contact, so just jump over them, and run on by. ----------------------Flying Army Guy---------------------- Another of the Army Man offspring, the flying army guy is, well, flying! He has a plunger gun but doesn’t use it. Instead, he tosses pineapple grenades at you! You can grab them and toss them back, or just smack him. Sometimes, he’ll blow himself up (and if you’re lucky, you can grab the Heli-Fan)! ----------------------------Mud---------------------------- See “Water” above, and imagine it brown instead of blue. Congrats, you’ve got mud! ---------------------Muddy Mudskipper---------------------- Muddy Mudskipper! That damned fish! He’ll come jumping out of the mud to block your path, just like the fireballs in the lava of Super Mario. If you smack them, they keep coming back, so your only real choice is to just slip by. ------------------------Muddy Tank------------------------- Looks like Muddy’s got the right idea. He’s already canned himself! But this time, he’s canned himself in a toy tank. Now that the tank has a pilot, Muddy will fire heat-seeking fireballs (oh, the irony!) at you. He won’t fire two at once, so wait until the first one passes (stand still and jump over it at the last second) and continue past him. He’s invincible inside the tank, by the way. --------------------------Sarge---------------------------- See: 3) Bosses > 3b) Sarge and His Mighty Helicopter ___________________________________________________________ 5c) LEVEL 3 ENEMIES ---------------------Lightning Orbs------------------------ These two orbs will be raised and lowered and occasionally send out an electrical bolt between them. As long as they’re not shooting lightning, its safe to pass, but if they are, it’s death by electrocution. ------------------Evil Blocks of Doom---------------------- Ren isn’t really the enemy, it’s the blocks that make the boss fight hard. Anyway, See: 3) Bosses > 3c) Ren and the Evil Blocks of Doom ___________________________________________________________ 5b) LEVEL 4 ENEMIES -----------------------Yellow Blob------------------------- The yellow blobs will float upward from the bottom of the screen while falling through the alien monster in Level 4. They’re fairly simply to avoid, and don’t move around much, so just stay at the top of the screen and zoom past them. -------------------------Jellyfish------------------------- The polar opposite of the Yellow Blob, the jellyfish (which isn’t REALLY a jellyfish, but it looks like one) will fall from the top of the screen, so you’ll want to stay in the middle. If you stay at the bottom of the screen, its too easy to hit a wall and go bouncing into one. ------------------------Evil Cabbage----------------------- Again, not really a cabbage, but it looks like one... if cabbages had eyes and enormous, fang-filled mouths. They’re simple to kill, just smack them or throw something at them. Try to kill them before they begin their open-jawed assault. ------------------------Eyeball Horde---------------------- Don’t confuse these with the Eyeball Cluster. The horde is shot out of an opening, sending the eyeballs in a certain pattern. Usually it will be at you, so use the Trash Can Lid to deflect the attack. Occasionally, it’ll wander somewhere else entirely. ------------------------Stomach Acid----------------------- Luckily, the stomach acid isn’t a one-hit kill, unlike previous liquids. But, it does hurt. Your only choice is to avoid it completely. Don’t worry, for those long stretches, you’ll be provided with platforms or worms. -----------------------One-Eyed Freak---------------------- The one-eyed freaks look dort of like diseased fish. They'll come out of the ground, from either a hole or some stomach acid, and float to the top of the screen, followed by another... and another... and another... -----------------------Orange Cluster---------------------- A cluster of small, orange balls, that explode, then retract. Usually, they’re stationary (or I just kill them before they can move), but I have seen one orange cluster flying around. ----------------------------Frog--------------------------- It jumps and it spits stuff at you! The frog’s bane is the boomerang. It often hides behind “water” spouts, so your smack will be less effective. The boomerang will take out a line of them at once, too. Doesn’t move, aside from jumping up and down. ------------------------Eyeball Clump---------------------- Stationary clumps of eyeballs that will hinder your booger floating. They’re easy to avoid, but if you hit one, it will pop your booger bubble! Be sure to grab another on your way down! -------------------------Wall Spikes----------------------- In Level 4's final area, spikes will jut out of the ever-turning walls. Just avoid them to keep yourself out of danger, but it can be slightly difficult, if you’re careless. ------------------------Slime Monster---------------------- See: 3) Bosses > 3d) Evil Green Slime Monster of the Apocalypse ___________________________________________________________ 6) CHEATS There are only two button-combination cheats to the game. Personally, I don’t use the one that actually means something. I prefer to play through the game normally. Anyway, here they are: Level Select: To bring up the level select, as soon as the title screen appears, hit L, R, A, L, R, L, B, R, X before the word “Veediots!” entirely appears. The Theme Song: Hold L and R on the title screen to hear the full Ren and Stimpy Theme Song. ___________________________________________________________ 7) GIVING THANKS I would like to thank: Myself, for writing this walkthrough. Um... hmm... let’s see... ah... nope! Can’t think of anybody else! ___________________________________________________________ 8) LEGALITIES If you want to use this Walkthrough, e-mail me and let me know that you want to use it. I’m pretty laid back, so I’ll probably agree. Just have some respect and notify me and give me credit. I’m not going to get famous for this or anything, but still. Its just plan respectful. The Reserved Site List: ___________________________________________________________ 9) EVERYTHING ELSE Contact me at: if there’s a problem or you want to use this guide. Um... I think that’s it. I don’t have a FAQ because this is version one and nobody as asked me anything... So, yeah. THE END!