aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ^^ This is a test line. It is 79 characters long. ^^ The Rugrats Movie (GB/GBC) FAQ/Walkthrough By xXhakuhyouXx Copyright xXhakuhyouXx Date created: 1-22-2012 (January 22nd, 2012) Rugrats are copyright Viacom and Nickelodeon Game Boy, Game Boy Color, and all related insignia are copyright Nintendo =============================================================================== Index (Use the codes inside the parentheses to find these with ease. Press Ctrl + F on Windows to search, and Apple + F on Apple/Mac to search): 1) Update Dates (1aleg) 2) Legal Info (2aleg) 3) Contact Info (3aleg) 4) About this FAQ/Walkthrough (4aleg) 5) Walkthrough (5arug) 6) FAQ (6faq) 7) Credits (7aleg) =============================================================================== Section 1: Update Dates ( 1aleg ) 1-22-2012: Created FAQ/Walkthrough, and began writing it. All sections added into index. Info above index section created. =============================================================================== Section 2: Legal Info ( 2aleg ) This document belongs to xXhakuhyouXx of GameFAQs. This document may ONLY be printed on GameFAQs and Gamespot. If it is found anywhere else, it is there illegally. You may only post this FAQ/Walkthrough on your website IF you e-mail me and get my permission. Do not be surprised if your request is denied. This FAQ/Walkthrough is protected by US law- if you claim it as yours, that is plagerism, which is ILLEGAL! You may not claim this FAQ/Walkthrough as your own, post it without my expressed permission, quote or paraphrase it without giving me credit, print it out to sell it for money, or send it to someone as a file. Anyone who does so has violated US law and is subject to punishment in US courts. =============================================================================== Section 3: Contact Info ( 3aleg ) You may contact me at my GameFAQs private message box. I do not have an email address, unfortunately. =============================================================================== Section 4: About this FAQ/Walkthrough ( 4aleg ) Q) Why did you decide to write a FAQ/Walkthrough for this game? A) Good question! I decided to write an FAQ/Walkthrough for this game for many reasons. Firstly, this was the first movie I ever went to a theatre and saw as a child; I remember it VERY vividly, even to this day. Secondly, I just bought this game yesterday (As of 1-22-2012), and when I searched it on GameFAQs, I found it had very low scores in the review section, and, to my surprise, NO FAQ or walkthrough! I knew something had to be done, and I knew I had to be the one to do it. Thirdly, this game is actually pretty hard, and if you don't know the Rugrats as well as me (I grew up watching them), or haven't seen this movie, you might have a little trouble with this game. Q) How long do you expect it to take to finish this FAQ/Walkthrough (as of 1-22-2012)? A) Another great question! I expect it to take me no more than a year or so. So, it'll probably be finished a while before 2013, if there are no hold-ups or delays in the process... Q) By which means are you playing this game? A) I'm playing the GBC-enhanced version of this game (the GB-shaped, black-colored GBC cart) on a GBA-SP. Having said that, this FAQ/Walkthrough also applies to the non-GBC-enhanced version of the game, kind of like how a walkthrough for TLoZ: Link's Awakening would also work on TLoZ: Link's Awakening DX. =============================================================================== Section 5: Walkthrough ( 5arug ) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Level One ( ruglv1 ) You'll begin the level in the Pickles' basement, where Stu makes his toys and inventions. You'll be controlling Stu Pickles' son, Tommy Pickles. Jump off of the swivel-chair and walk to your right to find your first item- jump up to grab it. In certain levels, you are required to have a certain amount of items to complete the level; however, in this level, you can see the amount says that "00" items are needed. Just grab items for your score's sake (Not that the game even saves your score[s])... Watch out for the electric waves on the power generator- if you touch them, you'll get hurt, and items will fly away from you (Like when Sonic the Hedgehog gets hit and looses rings). Continue to your right, and immediately after passing the cardboard box reading "Junk", you will find three items near the large machine. Continue to your right to find another item near the leftmost side of the table and the spider webs. Then, jump up onto that table, and jump onto the switch on the right side of the machine. I still haven't figured out what it does, but it is necessary to complete the level, to my knowledge. Walk to your right, all the way past the machines and power generator. After you walk past the swivel-chair, there will be another table. Breifly press the B (Jump) button to get these two items near the edge of the table top, so that you don't jump onto the table itself. Continue to your right past another swivel-chair. The next table will have another item on it's edge. Continue to your right until you reach the stairs with the golden word "Goal" next to them. Congratulations, you've beat the first level! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Level Two ( ruglv2 ) Now, you will be in the Pickles' living room. Walk under the bouncing ball to avoid being hit, then jump over the scenery blocks (Not to be mistaken for collectible, golden item blocks), and also jump over the robot. The robot is an "enemy", so make sure that you don't touch it, because if you do, Tommy will loose his items! Jump onto the chair that Grandpa Pickles is usually sleeping in (On the cartoon, anyways), then onto the top of the TV to collect another item. To the right of the TV, on the floor, will be yet ANOTHER item! Continue to your right, and hop onto the blocks. Allow me to explain the game's balloons BEFORE you jump onto them. This game has balloons you can jump onto to find more items, and explore more areas. Be aware that if you fall from a high place in this game, you WILL lose all of your items, and I mean, ALL of them. To jump really high on the balloons, you have to time your jumps perfectly with touching the balloon you're standing on. It takes a bit of practice to learn, but, it's not the hardest thing ever. It kind of reminds me of the balloons in Cool Spot on SNES and Sega Genesis/Mega Drive. Watch out for the "enemy" toy [air]planes that could hit you while you jump on the balloons. Jump onto the ceiling light above the picture of Tommy's mom, Didi Pickles, to find another item on it's rightmost side. Jump all the way to the left side of the chain of balloons to find another item on another ceiling light. Continue back to the right on the chain of balloons, passing the other ceiling light, to find one more ceiling light, with another item on it's rightmost side. Decend the balloons and land on the blocks that got you up there in the first place, then, continue right on theground. Once you've landed, go to the right to find another item near the column in the wall. Continue right, then jump onto the blocks, the chair, and the bookcase, to get onto the fireplace, which has 2 items. Drop off of the bookshelf with the candles, then go to your left, to find one more item. Keep going right to find another item. You can also jump onto balloons here, however, I still haven't figured out how to get up there; if you have, hit me up on my GameFAQs message box, and tell me! Jump up and get the item on the bookshelf to your right, then continue right, and jump over the blocks and the robot. If you keep going right, you'll find the back door, and a robot. Hop over the robot, then go to the words "Goal" to your right to beat the level. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Level Three ( ruglv3 ) There will be an item immediately above you; jump up to get it. In this level, you'll need to collect 14 items to win! Remember, if you get hit, you lose ALL of your items. Beware! Go to your right to find the sandbox. Watch out for the bird, and time your jump on the green and yellow ball to get the item above it and to it's left. The ball acts as a small balloon. Get the other item near the peak of the sand mountain, too. Proceed to your right, and jump over the spider. There will be an item above Spike's (The Pickles' dog) doghouse. Go right and jump the neighbor's fence. Jump onto the balloons and collect the two items slightly to the right of the beginning of the chain of balloons. Then, jump on the balloons to your left, and collect more items. Go back down to the ground by decending the balloons and landing on the neighbor's fence. Go to your right, and jump over the mole holes to get an item. The mole will jump out sometimes and hit you if you're not careful. Near a distant electricity pole, there will be another item. Keep heading right, to find two more items near two mole holes and a bird. Jump over the neighbor's fence to your right. You can climb onto the balloons to get more items, or just continue right. Since we got two (or more) on the balloons before, we won't need to get any more in the sky- the ground has the rest of the items we need. Get the item over the neighbor's dog house, and under their window. Go past near the unoperational fountain, then jump to snag the item above it. Continue to your right, past the word "Goal" (If you got more items in the sky that were optional, you will go to the next level if you walk past the goal). Hop the neighbor's fence to get one more item at the very edge of their yard. Cautiously walk back to the goal, and be transported to the next level. PASSWORD: RQVDHJVV (in lowercase, that's r q v d h j v v ) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Level Four ( ruglv4 ) You'll see a scene of the Rugrats walking after your get your score. Now you're driving the Reptar car Tommy's dad made! Collect the items in front of you, and DON'T HIT ANY SCENERY, or you will have to start the level all over again! You can press the B button to speed the car up a little bit, however, I don't suggest going fast, because you might hit something unexpected, and have to restart the level all over again. The level will be fairly straightforward until you get to the traffic cones. Keep to the right of the traffic cones, then collect the items to their right. Stay straight- do not turn to your left or right at the intersection. Make sure not to hit the roadblocks! Keep going foward. There will be a circle of traffic cones around a pothole that has no cover. DO NOT drive into the pothole! Keep going straight, and don't go out of your way to get far-away items. You'll reach the goal in a few seconds, then get another cutscene. PASSWORD: TQMMY QK (in lowercase, thats' t q m m y (SPACE) q k ) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Level Five ( ruglv5 ) You're now at the hospital to find Tommy's newborn brother, Dil. Press right to scroll through the characters to explore a corridor, and see if Dil is there. If you're wondering, that's Dr. Lipschitz on the TV next to Lil; he's a child psychiatrist that Didi depends a LOT on to raise Tommy. (THE REST OF THE FAQ/WALKTHROUGH IS COMING SOON!) =============================================================================== Section 6: FAQ ( 6faq ) Coming soon! =============================================================================== Section 7: Credits ( 7aleg ) Thanks to the love of my life, "Ayrton", for all the love and happinness you give me. Here's to the rest of our lives together! Thanks to YHWH (The Father, Son (Jesus) and Holy Spirit) for enabling me to write this FAQ/Walkthrough, especially since this game is so difficult! Thanks to Shigeru Miyamoto, Satoshi Tajiri, and the other [mostly] Japanese game creators, for making my life filled with the things it is today- Zelda, Mario, Pokemon, Chrono Trigger, Puyo Puyo, Tetris, and Panel De Pon! Thanks to GameFAQs and Gamespot for accepting my FAQ/Walkthrough and hosting it! And, thank you, reader, for reading this! :)