Amazing Island Copyright SEGA All rights to the game are theirs. For use on the Nintendo GameCube Copyright Nintendo All rights to the system are theirs. FAQ/Walkthrough (v1) by Digi-Dolphin and WarSong Typed by Dol Edited by War Email: ********************** This guide is the result of a joint effort between me, Digi-Dolphin, and WarSong. All information found in this walkthrough is compiled from the game directly, so yes, it was a lot of work playing the game from beginning to end (again). Therefore, please respect the efforts we put into this guide and use it for your personal use only. If you want to put this guide on your own website or anything, please email us first. We're actually pretty laid-back and will 99 percent of the time say 'sure'. This is our first, and probably only, guide written, and only because we couldn't find a complete Amazing Island walkthrough anywhere else. Well, not at the time. BTW, since I'm typing this up, all questions and concerns about this guide should be directed to my email address. Please put 'Amazing Island FAQ' or something in the heading, as I tend to panic easily and will delete anything I don't recognize off the bat. War and I will work with whatever comes. ********************** Table of Contents -For ease of use, hit Ctrl-F and type the letters in parenthesis to jump to any part you're interested in. 1. Game Story (gstry) 2. Game Setup (gset) A. Memory Issues (memish) B. What is System Data? (wisd) C. Title Menu (tmen) 3. Controls (cntrl) A. Village/Menu (vilmen) B. Action Stage (actn) 4. Story Mode Introduction (stryint) A. Game Files B. Character Select 5. Story Mode Walkthrough (strymde) A. First Battle (frstbat) B. Chinto Free (chnfre) C. Inside the Hall of Life (ithf) D. Your First Monster (frstmon) E. Getting Started (gstar) F. Scoring System (scrsys) G. Beginner Course (begcrs) H. New Changes (chngfir) I. The Next Challenge (seccrs) J. Strict Route (strct) K. More Changes (chngsec) L. Goofy Route (gffy) M. Still More Changes (chngthr) N. The Final Course (fincrs) O. Crispy Route (crspy) P. Yet More Changes (chngfr) Q. Rush-Rush Route (rshrsh) R. Again With the Changes (chngfv) S. Tough-Tough Route (tfftff) T. And Still More Changes (chngsx) U. Nail-Biting Route (nbrt) V. Final Changes (chngfin) W. After the Darkness (aftdrk) 6. Multiplayer Mode (mlti) 7. Trade Monster Cards (trdcrd) 8. Monster Creation (moncre) 9. Monster Cards - The Game (moncrd) 10. Shop Inventories (shps) 11. Event Items (evntitm) 12. Preset Monster List (premon) ********************** gstry 1. Game Story (unofficial synopsis) You are a young boy/girl who discovers an old book about an island full of monsters. Fascinated with this book, you read all you can of it and wish you could see it for yourself. Later that same night, a voice calls to you from a dream and you're whisked off to the island in that book. The voice pleads for you to save the island and so off you go to do just that. ********************* gset 2. Game Setup memish Memory Issues The instruction manual and the disk case both say that only 13 blocks of memory will be needed for the game. This is a bit misleading. System Data takes 3 blocks, Play Data (the game file itself) takes up 2 blocks, and Monster Data takes up 8 blocks. This adds up to 13 blocks, but ONLY if you plan on creating just one monster yourself. It's not much of a game if you only have one Monster, so of course you'll be making more. Each Monster you make and save to the memory card will take another 8 blocks. So, if you're going to be busy creating tons of Monsters, be prepared to dedicate an entire memory card to this game. Preset Monsters are available as well; they take up no additional memory and can be loaded like normal at the Elder's Hut. This guide will make recommendations for which presets work well in certain courses and events, just in case you don't have space for Monster files on your cards. Your only difficulty should then be obtaining said cards. wisd What is System Data? System Data is used to hold your records, the points you score and stuff. Every time you save the game, this data is updated with all those records. It is also loaded into the GameCube's memory first, so if you swap cards on it while the game is still running, then the new file will try to write its records using the System Data already loaded. This tends to panic a few people (namely me) but all it really does is sort of mix the records so that multiple people can see where they stand on one unified record. You can clear the data by just hitting the reset button on the 'Cube. Also, if the game detects two Memory Cards that have system data on them, it will ask you which system data to load. All records that are changed will be saved to that data. I usually keep the system data records separate so that I can tell from a glance at my records if I have all the items from a certain event or not, though the records set at the Training Ground can throw me off. tmen Title Menu Story Mode - The main story of the game. Make monsters and play minigames to save Amazing Island from the Black Evil. Multiplayer Mode - Pick an Event or a Course and pit monsters against each other, up to four players can compete. Trade Monster Cards - Trade monster data between different files (a la Pokemon). Options - Check rankings, adjust speaker settings and volume for music and sound effects. Later, a jukebox option appears that lets you listen to all the music in the game. (I like the dancing girls' hats. -Dol) (I like the dancing girls. -War) ************************ cntrl 3. Controls vmen Village/Menu Start/Pause - View Status Control Stick - Menu Option, Move Character, Scroll Speech Control Pad - not used A Button - Select, Speak B Button - Cancel C Stick - Move Camera L Button - Position Camera Behind Player (basically auto adjusts) R Button - View Surroundings (puts camera over character's shoulder for a semi-first person view) Z Button - not used actn Action Stage Start/Pause - Start Game, Pause Game Control Stick - Move Monster A/B Buttons - Varies (more on that later on) *********************** stryint 4. Story Mode Introduction Game Files When you first select Story Mode, you're given the option to either start a new game or continued a saved game. If there's a second memory card in Slot B with play data on it, you'll have the option of choosing which memory card to continue from. However, the system data that is first loaded will be the one you will use for keeping records. Keep in mind that Monsters are character specific, no matter which memory card you saved to, and you can save to many cards. Only the character that created the Monster can load that Monster. The trade feature changes who the Monster belongs to and will allow a Monster created with one character to be used by another. If you're new at the game, choose a new game and the file will be set up for you. Character Select You are given the option of being either a boy or a girl. There are some differences between them; first, some cosmetic changes to the opening story animation and the starter set of Monster parts changes (boys get the Dog Pattern and Voice, plus more male-oriented Accessories to begin with, like the Bomb and Long Horn; girls get the Cat Pattern and Voice, plus more female-oriented Accessories, like a Cute Wing and Ribbon). Also, each gender gets different items at different rates, so girls will get more girl-oriented items sooner than boys, and vice versa. Once you choose a character, you must now name it. The default name for the boy is Andy and the default name for the girl is Michelle. You can put in any name you want, or if you're lazy about it, you can hit the Random option in the lower left hand section of the screen to see some randomly generated names. They can get kind of crazy at times. (War kept hitting Random until it generated his name, then he went with that. If you see any references to what prizes were awarded at the end of an event, they are what our test character got and are NOT a guarantee to what you will get yourself. More on this later.) Once you've named your kid, you can set the Rumble to on or off. Press A Button to select and you're good to go. *********************** strymde 5. Story Mode The First Battle (frstbat) Opening cinema. It's personalized, how cute. You get a dialogue box that pops up and pleads with you to help them out. If you hit A too fast, just scroll to get the dialogue. This is when you get your first preset Monster Card. You also get dropped onto the island. If you're afraid of heights, don't watch the drop off cinematic. Heh, just kidding. You get control of the kid almost immediately after the drop. Walk forward to trigger your next cinematic. (Notice that the characters on the screen synchronize their movements with their dialogue counterparts. Very cool.) Anyway, the little freaky guy who jumps you is Chinto. He calls for his boss, who kicks him for the fun of it, and tells you the boss will challenge you to a fight. This is when you activate your preset Monster. The preset is always random, so there's no way of predicting what you will get. If you don't like the preset you get, reset the game and try again. ******************* Event - Eviling Volley 1 (Instructions are given to you at the beginning of each event, so we'll just offer tips on how to get through the event in one piece.) Tip: First, mash the A button to get the ball launched at your enemy first. You can charge your shots afterwards by holding the A button, but be aware that charging for too long can result in the charge being lost and your monster delays in hitting the ball back, costing you a point. The B button will make the ball bounce into the air, which makes it a little harder for the Eviling to hit it back, but they can do the same to you, so watch out. Try to time your hits so that the ball connects and hits the Eviling before it can react. Stay calm, even if the Eviling comes at you with a power shot (you'll know it when you see it). Timing is key. Three hits and you win. Reward: Red Vision Orb ********************** Chinto Free (chnfre) Now that the Eviling is gone, the spell on Chinto is broken. He'll hop up and start to babble about stuff, then race off to who knows where. Well, we do, but not yet. You get control back and now let's see what we can see right now. To your left is a big ugly rock pile. That's important later. Ahead of you are two huts, one is a shop (it says so on the sign over the door), the other is the Elder's Hut. Again, important later. There's also a sort of pier on the other side of you, but it's blocked off. Important later, too. Behind you is a brown wood wall with a section blocked by a rock. Also important later. Keep walking forward. You'll hear another voice that tells you to follow the stone path to the big tree. May as well, you're not allowed anywhere else until you do. Inside the Hall of Life (ithf) Inside the tree, you'll see another little freaky guy named Lagu (he looks like he's practicing stand-up). Talk to him and he'll talk about Amazing Island and give you some of the backstory. Apparently, only those pure of heart can reach Amazing Island and save them. Guess who fits that bill? You're given sort of an option on how to reply to Lagu's plea for help, but it really doesn't matter how you answer, 'cause you still get dragged into this. You get auto-taken to the Elder. Lagu introduces you. The Elder is the biggest creepy guy in the whole place. (His hat blinks!) The Elder wants you to come closer to get a better look, so oblige him. The Elder, Jimba, will repeat his introduction, then give you more backstory. With pictures! (I rather like the pictures. So colorful. The music is cool too. Don't be ashamed to bob along with it.) We come back to Jimba, who has more backstory and pleas with you a third time to help them. Then he tells you about that orb you got. Here's where you really come in, and where those things come in too. That ball is a Vision Orb, one of eight in a set, and of course all eight together gives you the power to find the Black Evil and fight it. The Elder then orders Lagu to help you fight the Black Evil. So off the two of you go to the Hall of Life to get ready. Your First Monster (frstmon) In the Hall of Life, Lagu calls for Chinto and a third dude, Folu. These guys will pick your brain and spit out a Monster with what they find in there. Folu is in charge of the mirror with the bubbles. Chinto is in charge of accessories and Lagu is there for decoration. The three of them will help you make Monsters from now on (but we will still do preset recommendations if you don't feel like making Monsters). Now, after a LOT of babble that tells you how to make a Monster (pay attention to it the first time through, it's actually useful for beginners), you get to make a Monster of your very own. ********************* First Monster Folu will help you out the first time by asking you a bunch of questions. Your answers will determine the monster you get. He shits you not. The questions are random and you get five answers to each one, five questions total. Watch Nature get violated! What you see first is the Frame or skeleton of the Monster. Stuff gets drawn on, body parts, and then it's finished. When the Frame is finished, it is permanent. Then a big berry falls in from nowhere, grows along with the gang jamming to faint music and the Monster is born. Chinto then adds accessories, also based on your answers. He really makes things freaky. Thankfully, you can change things around if you want to. More on this further on, the section for Monster Creation is big. Let's just say it's done and go. Don't worry, you can still go back and change things later, nothing is permanent on a Monster, just the body. Next you give the Monster a name, and you also have that Random option. Once you've named the Monster, you have to take a Foto. Play with the camera, the controls are displayed in the lower left corner of the screen, interact with the monster if you want, then hit A Button to snap the Foto. You can resnap it anytime you want, but you can only have one Foto per Monster. ********************* Getting Started (gstar) Well, now you have the Monster done. From now on, whenever you make a new Monster, you will get Chance Stars. They act like continues if you mess up in the courses. If you ever need more Chance Stars, just keep making Monsters. You don't have to save them, just make them. Go straight out of the Hall of Life and keep going forward until you reach a stone pier with a weird bird guy on it. This is the way to the first course. You can try going into the shop if you want, but no one is there, so no shopping. It's okay, you don't have money yet, anyway. If you don't want to go to the course with the new Monster, go to the Elder's Hut and talk to him. He'll give you a set of options to pick from, but System Menu will be the most common one you'll work with. In it is the option to change Monsters. You will always be asked if you want to save the current Monster before changing it, unless it's a preset. Save it if you want. It will also warn you that you will lose the current Monster if you change it; that's okay, it just means that it will swap the Monster and remove the current one from memory. You have two options to choose your new Monster from; Memory Card and Preset Monster. Choose Preset Monster and select the name of the Monster you came with, then press OK. You'll swap the Monsters. You can also save the game, download Monster Cards to the Game Boy Advance, if you have one connected to the GameCube, and delete Monsters. Remember that you can only save with Jimba. When you continue the game, you will always start here in the hut. Okay, back to the course. The bird guy, Ruby, will give you a basic rundown of how the course works. Within this first course are many events strung together to form a single course. The basic point of the events is to score really high to pass each event. If you fail, you have to redo the event. Run out of Chance Stars and you get kicked back to the village and will have to do it all over again. Here we go. ********************* Scoring System (scrsys) It's a bit of a hassle trying to figure out the scores needed to get certain items. So, for reference, here it is. Reward: 700 - 1099 pts. = Bronze Chest 1100 - 1799 pts. = Silver Chest 1800 pts. and up = Gold Chest Bronze Chests net you potions, which you can use before each event for a stat boost. Silver Chests have Monster parts, like patterns, accessories, voices and eyes. Gold Chests are the prize you want if you want to use presets only. They have Monster Cards. The prizes in the chests are random, so what you get may differ from what someone else will get even if they get the same score. Your score will also be put on the Ranking screen if high enough. Also, half of your score is given to you as money. The higher your score, the more money you get. When the Training Ground opens, do the events you are best at for easy cash. You'll need it. Eventually, the events will run out of items to give you if you run them enough. You can tell you've gotten everything from an event when you score past 1800 points and all you get is a potion. By the way, you can't sell anything in this game, so you're stuck with all the potions you collect. This can actually be good, 'cause those shop girls can be expensive with their stuff if you're trying to save cash for parts. Okay, now we can run the course. *** Beginner Course (begcrs) Quick ref: Orange Orb, Hero Frame, Dinosaur Frame Event - Jungle Dash Specialty - Speed (Red) Tip: Don't false start, that costs you speed and time. When trying this event for the first time, ignore the B Button (Dash). It'll just mess you up more than anything. Once you're more familiar with the race, then you can use it to your advantage. As long as you come in first with a good time, you'll get a high score and win. The lowest score you can get and still pass in any event is 700 points. *** Event - Waterskip Slider Tip: Mash A to keep a high speed. When making the jump from the dragon nose, try to release the Control Stick when the arrow is in the red zone for a good jump. When the circle under your character on the water turns red, flick the Control Stick down. This is the best time to get good distance on the skipping. Get past the Rainbow for a good score. About Potions, the color of the potion tells you which stat it will boost for that event. Red boosts Speed; Blue boosts Power; Yellow boosts Mental; and Green boosts Stamina. Each event exercises at least one of these stats, so pick your potions wisely. They come in three sizes; small, medium, and large. The bigger the bottle, the bigger the boost. *** Event - Spin Break Tip: Continuously charge up your super spin. Even if you don't get a full charge, keep hitting it to make your spin faster. This makes it harder for you to get knocked out of the arena. In this event, avoid the grill in the center of the arena at all costs. It will force you into the air and waste time. Ram the other Monsters close to the edge of the arena and unleash the Super Spin for best results. Try to get a lower time than the clear time for a good score. At the end of each event, you have the option to retry the event whether or not you passed it. When you have more Chance Stars and are more confident with the events, you can take advantage of this option to improve on your scores. *** Event - Stone Spire Smash Specialty - Power (Blue) Tip: Try to anticipate the next block coming down. The less time you use up switching between the A Button and the B Button, the more easily the timing becomes for knocking down the stones. Try to time your hits when the arrow is in the red zone for an instant smash. When you get to the boss, use the same trick, especially when he's trying to counter. Keep an eye on the counter meter, it tells you which button to use. Try to switch the buttons while you are defending to reduce the time loss. When the warning that the boss is about to hit you appears, you have roughly 2-3 seconds to stop your attack and go into auto-defend before it spins. Get a lower time than the clear time to get a good score. *** End of Course 1 Event - Eviling Volley 2 Tip: At the end of the Beginner Course, you're swept up into another round of Eviling Volley. Use the same tricks as before to beat this Eviling. It shouldn't be too hard. It's just one dude. Reward: Orange Vision Orb Course Reward: Hero Frame Course Reward (2nd run): Dinosaur Frame This course only has two Frames for prizes. ********************** New Changes (chngfir) Once the course is clear, several things take place. First, the Hall of Life gains a new power. Draw By Yourself, so Folu can take a hike now. An attendant to the Elder shows up, the next course area opens, the Training Ground opens, one villager is freed, and the wooden pier from earlier is unblocked. Ow L. Rankin, a talking totem pole, appears in the center of the village. He displays your rankings whenever you want. Handy. Ah, yes. The shop lady, Jasmine, shows up at last. Now you can actually buy things from her. Shop section is further down. Unfortunately, the points at the end of the course don't give you money. However, you get something better. A new Frame, the Hero Frame, so you can make human-like Monsters. Now that the Beginner Course is clear, it's a good idea to keep running it for money and items, as well as experience. The Eviling Volley Event is taken out, so you don't have to worry about it anymore. We recommend ransacking the Beginner Course a few times before you go to the next one, but it's up to you. The Next Challenge (seccrs) Follow the pier to what we call the Dock. There you will find another empty shop, and the Training Ground guy on the left, on a stone podium thing. His name's Suguru. This is where you go to practice events you've unlocked without fear of penalty. It's a good place to rake in lots of money, but you get no items from it. At the far end of the Dock is the second course guy, he has a mohawk. This is Nimo. He'll also give you a rundown of his course setup. Things get changed up a bit. There are more events, first off. Also, the road splits at some points, making for alternate routes (multiple courses within the course). Again, if you run out of Chances, you will get brought back here. Prepare yourself and let's go. ************* Intermediate Course - Strict Route (strct) Quick ref: Left turn, Yellow Orb, Dog Frame, Event - Seaside Sparklies Specialty - Speed (Red) Tip: Advanced version of Jungle Dash. Prepare to have your temperament tested. This can be a very annoying event. Keep yourself at a run at all times to get multipliers for picking up gems. However, don't go too fast, or you'll miss gems and lose the bonus multipliers, and possibly lose the event. The gems are key to passing this event, simply making it to the end in good time isn't enough anymore. Deep water slows you down, so be aware of it. You can use it to your advantage once you get the hang of it, it'll slow you down so you can use it to grab more gems. The raised sandbars speed you up a lot, but are more prone to making you miss gems. Another thing to watch out for is the tide. When it rises, the race is flooded, creating deep pools that slow you down a lot. When it's down, it's easier to run through, but also easier to miss gems. It should be obvious that the gold gems are worth more, but if not then, yeah, the gold ones are worth more. Mapping of the gems: START ----------------------------------------- END xxxx xx xx xxx x x > Left ----------------------------------------- x xx xxxx xxxxxx xx x x x x x x > Middle ----------------------------------------- x x x x xx x > Right START ----------------------------------------- END *Use a fixed width font *** Event - Basket Barrage Specialty - Mental (Yellow) Tip: Patience and timing is key. This is one of our favorite events and lots of fun, as long as the timing is right. Don't button mash when you get a Fever Mode, pace yourself to keep sinking shots. If you get it just right, you can actually extend Fever Mode and disable the clock just a bit (if the time runs out and you still have Fever Mode, there's a good chance the game won't end until Fever Mode does, giving you more time for extra points). It's almost impossible not to get high scores in this event, as long as you maintain the timing. Shoot the ball when the arrow is in the green section to get it in the basket. The numbers under the green bar tell you how many baskets you made in a row over how many you need for Fever Mode. *** (Note: The road splits after Basket Barrage. You have two choices, but the event names are blanked out until you pick one. For this variant, we went left, to Cape Dyna.) Event - Waterskip Crusher Tip: Advanced version of Waterskip Slider. The same rules apply, with differences. Hit the A Button just as your Monster touches the obstacles to avoid slowdown. Again, try to time the Control Stick flicks with the circle under the Monster to get good distance. If the Monster is light enough, it can actually fly past some of the obstacles without even touching them. *** Event - Catapult Craze Specialty - Power (Blue) Tip: A favorite of War's, this event requires good timing and plenty of power. There are three parts to the launch; the power of the toss, the angle of the toss, and the starting distance for your launch. You can take your time gauging the power, the bar at the bottom of the screen. But the angle of attack, the gauge on the lower right, will automatically launch the rock if you don't hit it before it reaches its limit. Try to time the blue gauge at its fullest for the most power, the arrow over the red line for the best angle, and the actual takeoff should be done when the catapult is at its most neutral. In other words, hit the A Button for launch when the number of meters is closest to zero (0) without being early. A late launch will doom you to failure. Get your monster through the hovering ring to win the event. *** Event - Sky Shooter Tip: Another of War's favorites. Your Monster is in a free fall and must shoot little Evilings for points. Shooting a lot slows you down, which is good for hitting more of the targets but costs you time. Don't bump into targets. You get a bonus if you reach the end fast enough and a bigger one if you manage to hit every target on the way down. Stay loose and try to anticipate the paths the targets will take since they come in color-coded packs. *** End of Strict Route Again, the Evilings decide to try to finish you here. Another round of Volley! Event - Eviling Volley 3 Tip: Things are different now. You have to deal with two Evilings hitting the ball at you but you can now use the Control Stick to direct the ball to whichever Eviling you want to hit. Great for catching them off guard. Try to get rid of the stronger Eviling first. You can tell which is the stronger one if you can remember what the first Eviling you fought looked like. If not, then it's the one not wearing white shorts. Reward: Yellow Vision Orb Course Reward: Dog Frame ********************* More Changes (chngsec) After you recieve this third Orb, the Hall of Life gains another new power. Pull and Stretch is now available. More on this in the Monster Creation section. But, it's fun, trust me. Also, another villager and his pig show up in the village. The Dock shop opens for business as well. Inside a shop you can't access yet, there's a paintbrush-looking guy wandering around near the counter. We call him the shop guy, 'cause he's just there. We've cleared one version of this course. Time for the next. ********************* Intermediate Course - Goofy Route (gffy) Quick ref: Right turn, Green Orb, Hamster Frame, Event - Seaside Sparklies Specialty - Speed (Red) Tip: Again, follow the tips from the first time we ran this. *** Event - Basket Barrage Specialty - Mental (Yellow) Tip: Again, follow the tips from the first time we ran this. (Get used to seeing this layout whenever events repeat.) *** (The path splits here. This time, we go right, to Rubble Ruins.) Event - Stonehead Swap Specialty - Speed (Red) Tip: Another one of those events that tests your patience. It can get frustrating sometimes. Use the Pause button! It's a good way of seeing what moves to make before the timer starts. The point of the game is to match heads on both sides of the pool before time runs out. Each time you finish a round, a little more time is added to your clock. Stay calm and don't run crazily. Try to make the matches that are the closest to where you are when the timer starts, so you can cut down on how much time you spend moving from head to head. This is actually one of few events I'm good at, but War hates it. *** Event - Bomber Bowl Tip: This one is always a challenge. You know you've lost this one if you can't find the boss. The key to this is keeping the boss slowed down. Run around, avoiding rocks and getting bombs to throw at the boss. If you ram the boss with your Monster, you can shake an unlit bomb out of him, since the boss is chucking lit bombs at you, too. If you get desperate for bombs, head for the spring in the center. Everything falls towards it, but you run the risk of getting hit by rocks. Bumping into the rocks and the spring, and getting hit by lit bombs will stun you and waste time, so watch out. The ideal situation is to stand by the spring as the bombs fall into you -the Monster will automatically pick up the bombs- and the boss is trying to slide up the wall in front of you. This gives you a direct line to fire on him. If the boss is running away from you, try shooting the bomb ahead to intercept him or run in the opposite direction to meet him again. Defeat the boss under the clear time to get a good score. *** Event - Battle Blast Specialty - Power (Blue) Tip: First, spikes hurt. A LOT! Avoid getting knocked into spikes or falling off the platform during the frenzy. Avoid attacking the other Monsters, they'll leave you alone until you attack them first. Spend your time hitting the Crawlies (little hopping things), especially if they're in mass packs. You have two modes of attack, shooting (B Button) and punching (A Button), save the punching for the other Monsters if they attack you and the packs of Crawlies for rebound shots. Rebounds net you some bonus points. Hit as many gold Crawlies as you can, they're worth a lot of points too. It can be hectic, the camera angle is pointed down and there's lots of movement, but if you stay cool, you can get through it. We recommend a Monster with colors other than red or black, those get lost in the mix faster than anything else. Use bright, different colors. ******************* End of Goofy Route More Evilings means more Volley. Luckily, this will be the last time you'll have to deal with them in the Intermediate Course. Event - Eviling Volley 4 Tip: Same as before, knock out the stronger Eviling first. I hope you ate your Wheaties! Reward: Green Vision Orb Course Reward: Hamster Frame ******************* Still More Changes (chngthr) After clearing the third route, another power returns to the Hall of Life, the Size tool. More on that in the Monster Creation section. It's a handy tool. Also, the third course opens, another villager and pig are freed on the beach where you landed, a villager and his chicken are freed at the far end of the pier, and the rock in the giant tree root falls. The third shop, which has no shop girl yet, is where you'll find a paintbrush-looking guy (yellow and black). He's what we call the shop guy. He doesn't do anything, but he's kind of neat to see. As you continue clearing courses, more villagers will be freed. Though they don't have anything really useful to say, you can still get some interesting information out of them. The Final Course (fincrs) Go through the tunnel left behind by the rock in the giant tree's root. On your right is the third shop in the game. Empty, of course. On your left is the bird guy for the last course, Dalu. And that last one is a doozy! The path splits twice, so there's more variations to it, which means more events, more items, more Evilings, more Orbs, and more headaches if you get lost after one or two runs. At this point you should experiment with the Monster Creation system. Doing so not only nets you an interesting and useful Monster, but will give you 1 Chance Star for every Monster you create. The game doesn't care if you keep a Monster, you keep the Chance Star even if you delete or never save the Monster. Remember to save your game however. You can check out the Monster Creation part of this guide if you are seriously building a partner. ****************** Advanced Course - Crispy Route (crspy) Quick ref: Left, Right, Water Orb, Kid Frame, Event - Spin Attack Tip: Advanced version of Spin Break. The point of this is still to knock out your enemies but the timer runs down this time. So knock them out to gain points before the time ends. Strangely enough, you also gain points if you fall out yourself, so if time is running out and you are desperate for points, take a dip. You'll earn a few extra that might help out and the lava doesn't hurt. We've also found that releasing the super spin nets you a few points. Bigger enemies are slower so use it to your advantage; if they miss hitting you, they'll overshoot and you can hit them really quick to bump them into the lava. The vent in the middle, which we once said to avoid, now helps you gather points, so try to fly whenever you get the chance. Charge up your spin before you are launched into the arena and unleash it from on top of the vent for a good start, you might actually knock out a couple of enemies with the spin before they can start themselves. For best results, let go of the super spin when your Monster is flashing white; the burst is bigger and a bit more powerful than normal that way. The wait for that color is worth it, you get a few points for each color your Monster turns. We recommend a powerful, well-weighted character for this event; it makes you harder to knock out and it's easier to knock out others. *** Event - Beat'n Art Specialty - Power (Blue) Tip: A favorite for the both of us. The premise is to knock stone off the pillars to show the totem underneath. You have two attacks to use, punch (A Button) and kick (B Button). Only the kick can activate the red buttons, which stop the clock for a short time and lets your Monster hover around for a better chance at hitting the rock. Each section of the totem is covered in three sections of rock. You have to clear ALL three sections of rock before you can even clear that piece of the totem. Try hitting the red buttons in consecutive order to extend the time stop. The Control Stick helps control the height of your jumps, so when the time stop is on, concentrate your punches on the higher two pieces of totem. They'll be the hardest to reach when the clock is running again. You'll know a piece is clean when it starts to shine gold. We recommend a powerful character to clear the rock faster. *** (Note: The path splits after Beat'n Art. We'll go left, to the Sea of Trees.) Event - Jungle Spurt Specialty - Speed (Red) Tip: Advanced version of both Jungle Dash and Seaside Sparklies. A little easier than the Seaside Sparklies, all you have to really do is avoid hitting the rocks, which you stop your speed almost completely. It's all right to hit the trees, they don't slow you as badly, but try to keep it to a minimum. Change lanes to avoid hitting obstacles. You will want to learn to use the dash (B Button) by now and to have good timing with it. Your best bet is to use it on the last barrier to shave a few seconds off your time. Again, beware false starts. They will kill your score before you even start. We recommend a fast monster with good weight to reduce the slowdown from obstacles. *** Event - Block Stack Attack Tip: Another favorite of ours. Advanced version of Basket Barrage. Throw blocks on a tall tower to score points. You have the option of setting the height of the beginning tower, a low tower is easy to work with, but the point multiplier is low. The higher towers are a bit tougher to stack, but the point multiplier is very high. The maximum is ten tiers. Two gauges are used, the power gauge for launching, and an angle gauge for tossing. Both of them are also affected by the height of the tower. Go ahead and play with the height before starting the event, you'll be able to see how they get affected. Try to get the power launch in the red zone and the angle gauge on the red line for best results. Be careful, the angle gauge's green zone and red line will change based on the position of the last block you threw, so try to be accurate to lower the risk of knocking the tower down. *** (The path will split again after Block Stack Attack. We'll go right this time, to the Regal Ruins.) Event - Stonehead Bingo Specialty - Speed (Red) Tip: Advanced version of Stonehead Swap. One of my favorites, this event requires just smashing things to get matches. Hit the heads to get them all to match to score points. Score as many as you can before time runs out. With this event, it's a good idea to hit Pause and check the heads to see which ones don't match. In the beginning few rounds, only a few heads are odd and you can quickly see which type of head is the most dominant. Later on, the heads are mixed evenly and you have to choose what type to turn them all into. The faster you get the heads to match, the more points you score and the more time gets added back to the clock. To help you remember the order the heads turn into, here's a list of them: Square head - the block shaped heads you smash in Stonehead Smash Cone head - cone shaped with a spike on each side Horn head - smaller head with a pair of demon-like horns on top Round head - round, with a big smile and oval eyes The heads will always appear in that order when you smash them, changing only the placement based on what head is displayed first. Say, the round head is up first, the next head that falls after you punch it will always be the square head. You can hit the heads even as they fall onto the pedestals, so that can cut down on the time you need to do the change. If you can count them off like numbers, that helps too. Cone head is two punches away from a round head. Square head is one punch away from a round head. Kinda like that. You also have a little time to get into position when the Ready signal comes on, so use that to your advantage. Take it easy and use Pause until you get the hang of spotting the differences quickly. *** Event - Dual Runner Tip: Advanced version of Mach Runner, an event you've yet to see. Actually, it's easier than you think, provided you have the stamina, and this walkthrough. Pace your Monster to keep a high stamina; if you just mash the A Button for pure speed, you'll run out of stamina fast and slow to a crawl. It will leave you open to attack from the other Monster. The slower your rhythm for hitting the A Button, the more stamina will regenerate in the green bar, but you will run fairly slowly. Quick taps will make you go faster, but burns stamina quickly too. Balance the paces to make the most of your stamina and speed. Grab the ball before the other Monster does. You gain points just from holding it -about 1 point every second- but you get bonus points if you pass a checkpoint with the ball. The checkpoints are marked by half-curls of stone on the sides of the course. The other Monster will be chasing you the whole time, trying to knock the ball from you and steal it. Use the walls to your advantage, get close to it without actually hitting it to force the enemy into crashing and weave back and forth to dodge the Monster. The curves are a little forgiving as well, but still knocks a little stamina off of you and will kill your speed if you collide into it. If you do lose the ball, just hit the other Monster to get it back. There are no jumps, so focus on running and dodging. Again, we recommend a high stamina Monster, or a fast Monster with decent stamina to help you evade and keep the ball. Sometimes, if you get lucky, you can even pass a checkpoint after the clock hits zero, and grab a few extra points. It doesn't happen often, so don't depend on that, but when it does, it's kinda cool to see. *** End of Crispy Route Event - Eviling Volley 6 Tip: More fun for all! You'll face three enemies this time, so remember to use the Control Stick to aim your hits. This time, go after the Eviling that is the most aggressive, the one that attacks you the most personally. The raptor-like Eviling on the left appears to be the stronger of the three and shoots the ball fast often, so there's a warning right there. The one on the right tends to shoot slow balls, which often messes people up because they have to react differently with them. The white shorts guy fires them normally. Redirecting your shots between three targets may be a little difficult, but if you have enough Chance Stars covering you and your timing is good (it should be by now, but you can practice in the Training Ground Volleys if needed) you should be able to drown these guys in no time. Just don't get cocky, they have nine points to work with, you only have three. You'll only have to face this three more times, so be glad they don't add more targets after this. Reward: Water Vision Orb Course Reward: Kid Frame ********************** Yet More Changes (chngfr) A new power returns to the Hall of Life at the end of the Volley. Slide Pattern is now available, which lets you shift pattern positions on individual parts of a Monster's body. Very interesting to work with. Another villager is freed. A villager will also appear in Jasmine's shop and Cinnamon's shop guy will also be freed, but the game doesn't show you that. Just a few more Orbs to go. ********************** Advanced Course - Rush-Rush Route (rshrsh) Quick ref: Left, left, Blue Orb, Dragon-Man Frame Event - Spin Attack Tip: Use the same strategies as before to get through this. You'll be starting all the routes for the final course with this one event, so you'll be forced to practice it over and over, whether you like it or not. That's still good. You'll get the hang of it faster and get better rewards and scores each time you do. *** Event - Beat'n Art Specialty - Power (Blue) Tip: We recommend a powerful character to clear the rock faster. Use the same tips as before to clear it. For this event, you either love it or hate it. But again, practice will make it easier to score better with this event. Eventually, you'll begin to get a feel for what techniques work best for you in regards to Monster specialties and timing. *** (Note: The path splits after the Beat'n Art event. We will go left first, to the Sea of Trees.) Event - Jungle Spurt Specialty - Speed (Red) Tip: Use the same tips as found in the Crispy Route. *** Event - Block Stack Attack Tip: Use the same tips as before in the Crispy Route. *** (Note: The path will split again right after Block Stack Attack. We will go left again this time, to the Cirrus Sea.) Event - Mach Runner Specialty - Stamina (Green) Tip: Don't be fooled by the race course. This is not a pure speed race. Your performance is based on your stamina as well as your speed, so button mashing will kill you here. Pace your Monster well and keep an eye on the green stamina gauge at the bottom of the screen. Hitting obstacles will slow you down and knock out a chunk of stamina. Be sure to have plenty of it before a jump midway through the race to clear the gap well. Don't touch the walls this time! That stops you dead in your tracks and costs you time and speed. Though we recommend a high stamina Monster, having a fast Monster with decent stamina will also work well, as the combination gives you a better chance of clearing the jump and reaching the finish line with good time. The clear time is in the upper right corner, but don't let it get to you. Take it easy on the curves and if you must hit something, try to hit just the little red hurdles. They're not as damaging as everything else, and you can hit the A Button quickly to catch up if you feel you have the stamina to spare. *** Event - Battle Royale Specialty - Power (Blue) Tip: Advanced version of Battle Blast. We dread this one, mostly for how trying it can be. Again, avoid spikes but try to knock your enemies into them. They do lots of damage. You will have two attacks, a punch (A Button, hold it for a bit to charge it for a dash punch) and shots (B Button, hold it for a charge shot). If you are hit with a charged shot, your Monster will be dizzy and not move for a few seconds. Charged punches are powerful, but you run the risk of running off the stage into the spikes. Try to keep your HP up, the gauge is in the lower left of the screen and marked with the points tally. Knock out the other Monsters for points. Breaking the obstacles will also net you some points. We recommend a powerful Monster for this, but if the Monster you use doesn't have the firepower to do the job, stay out of battle for a bit until the other Monsters beat themselves down, then jump in and finish them off. For points while waiting, try shooting some fireballs into the fray. *** End of Rush-Rush Route Event - Eviling Volley 6 (Again) Tip: Once again you will face three Evilings in the Volley, so be prepared to use your timing and the tips from the end of the previous route. You'll only have to face this kind of Eviling Volley two more times. Reward: Blue Vision Orb Course Reward: Dragon-Man Frame ******************** Again With the Changes (chngfv) This will be the last time a course completion grants the Hall of Life a new power. This time, Paint is available, which lets you paint on the patterns. This should be fun for you spriters out there. A villager is freed on the Dock, one in front of the third shop. Ginger's shop is now open for business. ******************** Advanced Course - Tough-Tough Route (tfftff) Quick ref: Right, right, Purple Orb, Scorpion Worm Frame Event - Spin Attack Tip: Refer to the tips found in the Crispy Route for this event. *** Event - Beat'n Art Specialty - Power (Blue) Tip: Refer to the tips found in the Crispy Route for this event. *** (Note: The path splits after Beat'n Art. We will go right, to Fiery Fissure.) Event - Spin Road Tip: One of my personal favorites. Part of the Spin Break group but not really an advanced version, just a different way of using it. It's a race against time, spinning over an obstacle course of platforms, Monsters and lava vents. A fast Monster works well here, strong Monsters can bump away enemies that try to slow you down. Pick whichever feels right to you. Charge your spin while waiting for the start, then unleash it for a quick burst of speed that gets your Monster spinning. Keep the super spin charged so you can unleash it when Monsters come at you. Super spins also make you jump and float a short distance, so keep that in mind when you come across short gaps. When you reach the slope just before the moving line of blocks, try to fire a charge spin near the end of it to float across and over the moving blocks. Timing it right will save you a lot of time. Do the same when you reach the staggered platforms, it will help you avoid some of the waiting Monsters. Practicing this event will definitely help your sense of timing and technique to shave time. *** Event - Waterskip Smasher Tip: Advanced version of Waterskip Slider and Waterskip Crusher. More obstacles are in the way. Again, the tips from Waterskip Crusher will work best here. Most of the obstacles are in close pairs so be prepared to double tap A Button to get past them. A fast, light Monster will fly over at least the first pair of statues for more distance. Get past the Rainbow to score well. *** (Note, the path will split again after Waterskip Smasher. We'll go right again, to the Ravaged Ruins.) Event - Stonehead Smash Tip: Advanced version of Stonehead Swap. Heads bob up and down in the water. Smash as many as you can before time runs out. Simple, right? Nope. It gets hectic really fast as more heads pop up than you can run after. In the early parts of the event, go ahead and chase after the heads, but when a lot start popping up, stick to one side of the arena. Go after gold and silver heads the most often, they're worth more. If you miss hitting a head with your first punch, it's almost not worth trying to punch it again, as the heads go down quickly. Try to get them with the first hit; if you miss, don't worry about it. Just go after the next head. You can miss a few heads and still have enough points to pass, as long as you stick to your side of the field and smash the gold and silver ones. Though, in a bit of a pinch, smash a ton of the wood heads. They can be a life-saver if you feel that you need the extra points. *** Event - Battle Ball Tip: Advanced version of Battle Royale and Battle Smash. Remember I mentioned this in Dual Runner? You'll either love it or hate it. We hate it. The only time it's really fun for us is if we catch lucky breaks and make it through in one piece. The premise is to be the first to get the ball into the center circle, scoring points until time runs out. Sounds easy, huh? Well, not really. It gets crazy fast. Your best bet is to goal-tend, stick by the center circle if you don't have the ball, shoot anyone who gets close to it, and if you manage to get the ball, drop it in the circle. Picking up the ball gets you a few points, but the bulk of it comes from putting it in the circle. If you do have the ball, run and dodge the other Monsters like crazy. You can't attack when you have the ball, so just run like mad to get to the center circle. If you get hit, you'll drop the ball and be dizzy for a bit. It's hard to recover the ball when that happens, so keep at it. It's very difficult to get the higher scores (thus, the better chests) in this one, but with a good Monster and lots of practice, it can be done. And then, it might actually be fun. Until then, prepare to burn through Chance Stars like there's no tomorrow. We recommend a fast, high power Monster. Stick with shooting fireballs, as the punches tend to slow you down a lot. And if you knock the ball away from another Monster, don't assume that you will automatically pick up the ball. You still have to run to it to get it in your control. The other Monsters tend to grab the ball, then waste time holding it so you don't score. They play dirty and that ends up reducing the 'fun' of the event until you get good at it. Also, I believe this is the only event in which you can get the Girl's and Boy's Eye parts, which will let you put the human kid's eyes on Monsters. *** End of Tough-Tough Route Event - Eviling Volley 6 (Again) Tip: Same as before, attack the most aggressive one first. Don't let your frustrations, if any, from the previous event trip you up here. If you lost a lot of Chance Stars to Battle Ball, you can't afford to mess up here much. Take it easy, hit Pause if you need to, and chill for a bit. Put your game face on and let 'em have it. A calm head and steady hands will get you through. Reward: Purple Vision Orb Course Reward: Scorpion Worm Frame ************************ And Still More Changes (chngsx) A villager shows up in the tunnel, there are others who appear but the game doesn't show you that. One more Orb to go. ************************ Advanced Course - Nail-Biting Route (nbrt) Quick ref: Right, left, Black Orb, Evil Beast Frame, Evil Spirit 2nd run Event - Spin Attack Tip: Follow the strategy laid out in the Crispy Route section for this. You should have plenty of practice by now. *** Event - Beat'n Art Specialty - Power (Blue) Tip: Again, follow the strategy from the Crispy Route section. *** (Note: The path will split here, after Beat'n Art. We will go right, to Fiery Fissure.) Event - Spin Road Tip: Follow the strategy outlined in the Tough-Tough Route, which was the previous route. With enough practice and a fast enough Monster, you can get your time as low as less than 30 seconds. This event is great for racking up a lot of money when you need it. *** Event - Waterskip Smasher Tip: The strategy from the Tough-Tough Route still applies. *** (Note: The path will split again after Waterskip Smasher. We will go left, to Pioneer Range.) Event - Catapult Calamity Tip: Advanced version of Catapult Craze. One of War's top favorites. Again the tips we gave for Catapult Craze will work here. The only difference is that you can choose the weight of the rock you will use. Bigger rocks are harder to toss, but the power propels you further. Accuracy, power and timing are key. Once again, you can take your time gauging the power of the toss, the bar at the bottom of the screen. But the angle of attack, the gauge on the lower right, will automatically launch the rock if you don't hit it before it reaches its limit. When jumping from the catapult, try your best to time the A Button when the distance is close to zero (0) without going over. If the distance in the upper right reads in the area of about 300 meters before the camera changes view, you'll have a better chance of passing. Another indicator is if your Monster just shoots by the clouds like a rocket, you'll see what we mean when you see it yourself. This means that your Monster is going into space. If you make it into high orbit, press the A Button rapidly and use the Control Stick to flap your Monster over to one of three balloons that will extend the height further, giving you tons of points! *** Event - Sky Circus Tip: Advanced version of Sky Shooter. Again, your Monster will fall through the air, but now you must pass through several rings to score points. Try to pass through them all in succession to get lots of points and bonuses, but also keep your speed steady. Too fast and you'll miss rings and lose the bonuses, too slow and the time bonus is reduced a lot as well. It's a tricky balance that you'll learn to work with the more you practice. Use the A Button to speed up and the B Button to slow down. Sometimes, the dancing villagers at the end of the event can indicate your score by how fast and how energetic their dancing is. We recommend a small Monster so you can see where the rings are and reduce the chances of hitting the edges of the rings, which will slow you down a lot. *** End of Nail-Biting Route Event - Eviling Volley 6 (Last time!) Tip: This is the last time you'll ever face this event. Thank your lucky stars and get it over with. However, once you see what the final challenge is, you may wish you had this back. Reward: Black Vision Orb Course Reward: Evil Beast Frame Course Reward 2: Evil Spirit Frame This route has two frames for prizes. ******************* Final Changes (chngfin) Another villager appears near the tunnel, followed by two on the Dock. Dalu will be stunned (Your lack of faith disturbs me, Dalu) that you got all the Orbs. Which is good, 'cause now you can deal with that big rock pile near the beach. Talk to the Elder, Jimba, first. He'll congratulate you and praise you some, before asking to see them. The Orbs will fly out, combine into a giant light and disappear into your body. The kid makes a cute face at it, kinda funny. Go ahead and laugh. We did. (Points at kid, laughs.) Now, you're ready to go and face the Black Evil, the Final Boss. But save your game first. 'Kay? Leave the Elder's Hut and walk towards that big ugly rock pile Chinto fell off of at the beginning of the game. The rocks will crumble away and reveal a giant mouth. Jump into it and face Black Evil. ******************* Event - Black Evil Tip: Yup, your final battle is another mini-game. Don't you just love it? Don't press the A Button BEFORE the giant ball hits your Monster! Otherwise, it will smash into you, you will lose ground and you need plenty of ground for later on. Your best bet is to hit A when the ball actually collides with you. You'll know you got it when you hear a sound effect and see a bright burst of gold light on your Monster. They will automatically throw the ball back with a great deal of power. It takes three of those kinds of hits to sink Black Evil. If you catch the ball badly and start to spin with it, throw it when the gauge is in the red zone for a good toss. Anything else is just gonna sink it into the lava pit, or connect weakly. Also, be sure not to let your Monster spin right off the edge of the pathway. Once it reaches that edge, it will automatically throw the fireball and it WILL be a crappy throw. Hit Black Evil until his health drains out and watch him sink into the lava. You won Round One. He'll pop back up, fully healed and really ticked, then smash his head into the ceiling a few times before upchucking another ball at you. Catch this one, but wait! You don't throw it! Black Evil will dive into the lava, then pop up right in front of you. He'll then fire a beam of light at you that your Monster will block with the stone. Hold down the A Button to hold your ground. When the beam weakens, you'll see that the color will change and the beam will grow thin, that's your chance to fight back! Mash the A Button as fast as you can to jam the ball into Black Evil's mouth. Keep it up and he'll sink into the lava pit a final time, erupting into so much fiery goodness. ******************* After the Darkness (aftdrk) Light is released into the world when Black Evil is defeated, restoring Amazing Island to its former glory. The Vision Orbs pull a Dragonball Z stunt, scattering to the winds, and you reappear in the village with your Monster to be greeted by all the people in the game. With jazzy music accompaniment! Jimba will give you a cliched speech about the Power of Good and all that, as well as his hope that one day humans will return to Amazing Island. Everyone else gets their turn to talk, too. So be prepared to sit through a lot of dialogue. In the end, you get a little cinematic that closes up the game's story. The credits are kinda cool, you can see some of the Preset Monsters and clips of them doing the events. This is the only time you will see this, so give the people their dues and watch it. You might get some Monster design ideas yourself just by watching it. There, now all that's left is to improve on your Monsters, get all the stuff, and hone your skills for Multiplayer Mode. Oh, yes and the Sound Test is open now. Remember what the freaky guys said about a celebration? Here it is. Play music and watch the girls dance! Load your save file again, there's a couple of new additions. To change up the mini-games a bit, talk to a pig that now appears in Cinnamon's shop on the Dock. Give the first answer to his question and you'll hear a sound effect. From now on, pigs will show up in the events in some form, like Catapult Craze replaces the stone ball with a pig. To change it back, give the second response to the pig. Pig-Mode Events are easier to complete than normal; sometimes the squealing sound effects actually help you time your actions! The unknown shaman appears in front of Black Evil's lair, allowing you to fight it again whenever you want. No credits will appear if you do, but you can just do it for the fun of it. ******************** Multiplayer Mode (mlti) ******************** Coming Soon. ******************** Trade Monster Cards (trdcrd) ******************** Coming Soon. ******************** Monster Creation (moncre) ******************** Coming Soon. ******************** Monster Cards - The Game (moncrd) ******************** Coming Soon. ******************** Shop Inventories (shps) ******************** There are three shops in the whole game, run by three sisters. Jasmine, Cinnamon and Ginger all sell potions and parts for Monsters. Personally, I recommend holding off on buying things from them until you can bring in money steadily from the events. Ginger will have the most expensive items in the game, the priciest costs a whopping 80,000G. Tip from WarSong; Save up your cash and buy the most expensive parts first. That gets them out of the way sooner so you won't be sweating over them later. A general rule of thumb that will help is that the more expensive or difficult to obtain the item is, the better stats it will give your Monster. *** Coming Soon. ******************** Event Items (evntitm) ******************** Coming Soon. ******************** Preset Monster List (premon) ******************** Coming Soon.