Non-Tradable Items FAQ Written by: TheShadowWalker Version 1.20 Copyright (c) 2003 Billy Frank Gilchrist II ============================================================================== Table of Contents ============================================================================== I. Version History. II. Introduction and Legal Mumbo Jumbo. III. Exactly How do I trade? IV. Some Online Trading Etiquette and Tips. V. The list of known Non-tradable items. VI. Thanks and Acknowledgments. ============================================================================== I. Version History ============================================================================== Version 1.00 (03/22/2003) -First version of this FAQ -The day it all began... Version 1.10 (03/25/2003) -Added some more to etiquette tip 6 -Discovered that candy *IS* tradable (Thanks to DarkSilverWolfe) -Smoothed over some delicious typos! Version 1.20 (3/28/2003) -Added etiquette tips 10, 11, and 12 -Discovered that mushrooms *ARE* tradable (Thanks to The Camel) -Added Bamboo Robe (Thanks to the Camel), Nintendo Bench, and Blue Puffy Vest to Odds and Ends Section. ============================================================================== II. Introduction and Legal Mumbo Jumbo ============================================================================== Well, this is my first attempt at a FAQ. So I decided to do it on everyone's guilty little pleasure, Animal Crossing. :o) I am on the trading board a lot and it can get kind of crazy because some people are new to trading, and do not know some of the basics. This is a FAQ to try and change that. I hope this FAQ will help you along the way in this greatly addicting game. And hopefully help you get some of those items you need to finish your house! Good Luck and Happy Trading!! Now the Legal goodness! This FAQ is the intellectual property of... ME! So don't rip me off, please. At the moment Gamefaqs is the only site that can use this FAQ. So if you this little baby floating around the web somewhere else. Please contact me at ============================================================================== III. Exactly how do I trade? ============================================================================== Trading in Animal Crossing is simple, fun, and addicting! All you need to do is have a tradable item in your inventory and approach good Ole Tom Nook. (Will this Raccoon's abilities ever cease?) You talk to him and first select the option "Other Things". Then from this screen select "Hear Code". Nook will then ask you to enter the town name and character name of the person you are sending the item to. Tom will then give you a two line password. Each line contains 14 characters of random numbers and letters. You tell the person you are trading with this code, and in turn they will go to Nook and choose the option "Say Code". Input your code and the item will be theirs! I will take you on a simulated trade now. Say you want to give Billy in Groovy an Orange. -First you must have an Orange in your inventory, now talk to Nook. -Choose "Other Things", then choose "Hear Code" -Nook will now ask you to input the town and character name. -So you would type Groovy *enter* Billy *enter* (***NOTE*** The codes are case/space sensitive! So be sure that you have the information written down correctly!) -Nook will ask you to confirm the town and character name. Say yes. -Then he will ask you to pick which item you want to trade. So pick the Orange from your inventory screen and select OK. -He will ask something like "So you want me to send Billy in Groovy an Orange? Is this correct?" If it is correct say yes. -Nook Will now give you the password and it will look something like this... P%ozIbMVFC5gVG %kjm4qYQhlR53U -Now be sure to write this down ***EXACTLY*** the way it appears! Paying close attention to capital and lowercase letters. Also be sure to notice the difference between capital i's and lowercase L's (More on this later.) -All that is left to do is you to E-mail, IM, post, call, send smoke signal, use morse code, or just flat out tell the Person that code, and they will have the item! In this example Billy would have an Orange! Yum! OK, you have a code and are wondering what to do with it? Easy! All you have to do is, once you get a code, go to Nook. Choose "Other Things" Now you pick "Say Code". He will then ask you to input your code. Be sure to enter it EXACTLY as you see it. If entered correctly, then Nook will say "A (item name here) has just arrived for you!" Trading is just that simple!!! ============================================================================== IV. Some Online Trading Etiquette and Tips ============================================================================== That's right! Be sure to keep those pinkies out! ;o) Since I believe that a majority of Animal Crossing trading is done online, I thought I would post some useful "Etiquette" tips. 1. Try to remember that traders have lifes outside of Animal Crossing, and It is not always easy to get codes. So be calm and cool. If a few days have past, then e-mail that person a reminder. Always try to work things out before getting mad. However, if you do use the Animal Crossing Trading Board here on Gamefaqs, there is a topic on it called "The Bad Trader topic". You may want to look at that first, if you trade on that board. That way you can get an idea of who is a Cheat and who is Honest. 2. Always try to post codes in a readable fashion. So it is easier for the person to understand the code. For example this is how I post codes. P % o z I b M V F C 5 g V G % k j m 4 q Y Q h l R 5 3 U Now, do not get me wrong! You can post a code anyway you want. I just always use this method to avoid confusion. 3. I vs. l These two letters are commonly mistaken. A capital i vs. a lowercase L. So pay close attenion if one of these happen to appear in one of your codes. Also when posting, you may want to clarify those characters. I'll use my own method as an example again. P % o z (cap i) b M V F C 5 g V G % k j m 4 q Y Q h (low L) R 5 3 U Once again. You can clarify your code anyway you want to! This is just my chosen method. But always try to clarify I's and l's 4. Notepad. Good ole notepad! If you are having a problem with a code. Just Copy and paste it to notepad. The default font in notepad is usually easier to determine I's and l's in. So if you get stumped. Use Notepad! 5. Number One and Zero. In trading codes, the number One "1" and Zero "0" DO NOT appear. So all the O's you see are Capital o's. And any l is a lowercase L. NOTE, some UC's contain 1's in them, but I have NEVER seen a trading code contain one. Also according to the pamphlets in the Animal Crossing E-reader cards, codes will NEVER use a One or Zero. 6. K's. This is probably more of a personal problem for me. :o) But sometimes I confuse my k's and K's. That is, when I write them down, and by the time I get them to the computer I sometimes cannot tell if it is capital or lowercase! (I guess I should have better handwriting! ;o) Anyway I usually try to exaggerate my k's and K's. Keeps things running smoothly. :o) A friend of mine on the AOL message board (EbayAholic12Step) ;o) Offers this advice. When dealing with letters that are easy to mistake for capital or lowercase. Underline all of your capital letters. Just as simple as that! :o) 7. Enjoy trading! Remember it is just a game! If you do get ripped off, sadly it does happen. Don't hold a grudge! Don't slash anyone's tires over a bad trade! Just move on and don't trade with that person again. It makes the world a better place! :o) 8. A common mistake is switching town and character name. Now, for whatever crazy reason Nook asks for the TOWN name first. Not CHARACTER name. So always make sure that you enter the TOWN name FIRST! 9. You never have to ask for the same item twice! Just hang on to those codes! You can re-enter codes to get as many of the item that you want! A nice way of keeping codes is on They have a save code feature for members. Or you know, you can always use good ole notepad! (I like my notepad can't you tell? ;o) 10. Well, this one here is perhaps my biggest pet peeve of trading. And that of course is trying to trade with a UC. Now how cheap is that? If you enter into a trade with someone, make sure you have the item! Because people trade for a reason! If they wanted to use a UC don't you think that they would have done that instead of asking for a trade? Grrr.... So in short, just be fair! 11. You can't trade items that you get from a UC. Nook just isn't having any of that! ;o) However, if you must use UC's then you can re-order that item form your catalog and trade that one... You cheater! J/K! :o) 12. Always be wary of someone trying to slip you a UC. (If you don't mind using UC's then read no further) However, there have been reports of UC's crashing people's games, or worse yet... corrupting your save game data. So I would use caution when using UC's If you are not sure if someone gave you a UC in a trade you can check any number of FAQs or for UC's. UC's are fairly easy to notice though. They usually spell out a small phrase. ============================================================================== V. List of Known Non-Tradable items ============================================================================== Ahh... Why I created this FAQ in the first place. There isn't a great list of The Non-tradable items. Here is the best I can come up with. If you know of an item that should or should not be on this list. PLEASE, E-mail and let me know! I will give you the credit you deserve! Be sure to title your E-mail something like AC Non-Tradable item FAQ. So I won't delete it! *My E-mail is* You could IM/AIM me, but I would really prefer an E-mail. Anyway.... On with our Really Big Show! First I'll give just a brief overview of what can't be traded. Then the list really starts after that! I think I got them all, but like I said before, E-mail me if you see something wrong! ~~~~THE OVERVIEW~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -BELLS -TURNIPS -MUSIC -GULLIVER ITEMS -WENDELL WALLPAPERS -GRACIE ORIGINAL CLOTHING (plus some other clothing) -SAHARAH CARPETS -JINGLE SERIES -SPOOKY SERIES -SNOWMAN SERIES -HARVEST SERIES -8 BIT MARIO THEME -SOME HOLIDAY ITEMS -SOME CLASSIC NES GAMES -MOST MODELS -ISLAND ITEMS -FOUR PAPERS -ALL FOSSILS -ALL MEMENTOS/KEEPSAKES -GOLDEN ITEMS (Plus used axe) -FLOWER BAGS AND TREE SAPLINGS -ALL FISH -ALL INSECTS -ALL RAFFLE TICKETS -ALL GYROIDS -SEASHELLS -ODDS AND ENDS And Now... What you all have been waiting for... **********THE REAL DEAL LIST!*********** -BELLS 100 bell bag 1000 bell bag 10,000 bell bag 30,000 bell bag -TURNIPS 10 Turnips 50 Turnips 100 Turnips Spoiled Turnips -MUSIC Aloha K.K. Cafe(with accent over e) K.K. Comrade K.K. DJ K.K. Go K.K. Rider! I Love You Imperial K.K. K.K. Aria K.K. Ballad K.K. Blues K.K. Bossa K.K. Calypso K.K. CasBah K.K. Chorale K.K. Condor K.K. Country K.K. Cruisin' K.K. D & B K.K. Dirge K.K. Etude K.K. Faire K.K. Folk K.K. Fusion K.K. Gumbo K.K. Jazz K.K. Lament K.K. Love Song K.K. Lullaby K.K. Mambo K.K. March K.K. Parade K.K. Ragtime K.K. Reggae K.K. Rock K.K. Safari K.K. Salsa K.K. Samba K.K. Ska K.K. Song K.K. Soul K.K. Steppe K.K. Swing K.K. Tango K.K. Technopop K.K. Waltz K.K. Western Lucky K.K. Mr. K.K. Only Me Rockin' K.K. Senor (with accent over n) K.K. Soulful K.K. Surfin' K.K. The K Funk. Two Days Ago -GULLIVER ITEMS Arc de Triomphe Chinese Lion Chinese Lioness Compass Fishing Bear Lady Liberty Manekin Pis Matryoshka Merlion Mermaid Statue Moai Statue Mouth of Truth Pagoda Plate Armor Shogi Piece Stone Coin Tiger Bobblehead Tokyo Tower Tower of Pisa Tribal Mask -WENDELL WALLPAPERS Ancient Wall Backgammon Wall Basement Wall Blue Tarp Classroom Wall Desert Vista Garden Wall Industrial Wall Lunar Horizon Meadow Vista Mortar Wall Music Room Wall Office Wall Ringside Seating Sandlot Wall Tree-lined Wall Tropical Vista Western Vista -GRACIE ORIGINAL CLOTHING (plus some other clothing) Butterfly Suit Caterpillar Tee Citrus Shirt Cool Shirt Coral Shirt Cow Print Crossing Shirt Fiendish Shirt Giraffe Print Gracie's Top Grape Shirt Grass Shirt Groovy Shirt Kiwi Shirt Ladybug Shirt Lavender Robe Leopard Print Melon Shirt Orange Pinstripe Pulse Shirt Shirt Circuit Snow Shirt Splendid Shirt Strawberry Shirt Swell Shirt Tiger Print Tin Shirt Watermelon Shirt Zebra Print ---Other Non-tradable clothes-- Red Aloha Shirt Blue Aloha Shirt Patched Shirt Jingle Shirt Work Uniform -SAHARAH CARPETS Ancient Tile Basement Floor Boxing Ring Mat Chessboard Rug Classroom Wall Closed Road Concrete Floor Daisy Meadow Lunar Surface Mossy Carpet Music Room Floor Office Flooring Saharah's Desert Sand Garden Sandlot Sidewalk Tropical Flooring Wastern Desert -JINGLE SERIES Jingle Table Jingle Chair Jingle Bed Jingle Dresser Jingle Wardrobe Jingle Lamp Jingle Shelves Jingle Sofa Jingle Clock Jingle Piano Jingle Wall Jingle Carpet -SPOOKY SERIES Spooky Table Spooky Chair Spooky Bed Spooky Dresser Spooky Wardrobe Spooky Bookcase Spooky Sofa Spooky Clock Spooky Lamp Spooky Vanity Spooky Wall Spooky Carpet -SNOWMAN SERIES Snowman Table Snowman Chair Snowman Bed Snowman Dresser Snowman Wardrobe Snowman Fridge Snowman Lamp Snowman Sofa Snowman TV Snowman Clock Snowman Wall Snowman Carpet -HARVEST SERIES Harvest Bed Harvest Bureau Harvest Chair Harvest Clock Harvest Dresser Harvest Lamp Harvest Mirror Harvest Sofa Harvest Table Harvest TV Harvest Wall Harvest Carpet -8 BIT MARIO THEME ? Block Brick Block Cannon Coin Fire Flower Flagpole Green Pipe Koopa Shell Starman Super Mushroom Mushroom Mural Block Flooring (Thanks to for full list of this theme!) -SOME HOLIDAY ITEMS Birthday Cake Bottle Rocket Cornucopia Jack-in-the-box Jack-o'-latern -SOME CLASSIC NES GAMES Punchout Legend of Zelda Ice Climbers Super Mario Bros. Mario Bros. Baseball Wario Woods Clu Clu Land D Donkey Kong Jr. Donkey Kong 3 Soccer -MOST MODELS Dump Model House Model Igloo Model Katrina's Tent Lightnouse Model Locomotive Model Manor Model Market Model Museum Model Police Model Post Model Shop Model Snowy Tree Model Station Models 1-15 Tailor Model Tent Model Well Model -ISLAND ITEMS Beach Chair Beach Table Diver Dan Life Ring Snowcone Machine Surfboard Treasure Chest Ukulele Wave Breaker -FOUR PAPERS Fortune Paper Festive Paper Wing Paper New Year's Card -ALL FOSSILS Identified Tricera Skull Tricera Torso Tricera Tail T-rex Skull T-rex Torso T-rex Tail Apato Skull Apato Torso Apato Tail Stego Skull Stego Torso Stego Tail Ptera Skull Ptera Left Wing Ptera Right Wing Plesio Skull Plesio Neck Plesio Torso Mammoth Skull Mammoth Torso Amber Dinosaur Track Ammonite Dinosaur Egg Trilobite Unidentified -ALL MEMENTOS/KEEPSAKES Aerobics Radio Angler Trophy Autumn Medal Backpack Bonfire Bottled Ship Campfire Chocolates Chowder Cooler Crab Stew Dolly Fireplace Fishing Trophy Kayak Lantern Lovely Phone Mailbox Miniature Car Moon Mountain Bike Noisemaker Piggy Pank Propane Stove Sleeping Bag Sleigh Snow Bunny Snowboard Snowman Spring Medal Super Tortimer Tissue -GOLDEN ITEMS (Plus used axe) Golden Axe Golden Rod Golden Net Golden Shovel Used Axe -FLOWER BAGS AND TREE SAPLINGS Blue Cosmos Bag Pink Cosmos Bag White Cosmos Bag Red Tulip Bag White Tulip Bag Yellow Tulip Bag Purple Pansy Bag Yellow Pansy Bag White Pansy Bag Sapling Cedar Sapling -ALL FISH Angelfish Arapaima Arowana Barbel Steed Barred Knifejaw Bass Bitterling Bluegill Brook Trout Carp Catfish Cherry Salmon Coelacanth Crawfish Crucian Carp Dace Eel Freshwater Goby Frog Giant Catfish Giant Snakehead Goldfish Guppy Jellyfish Killifish Koi Large Bass Large Char Loach Pale Chub Piranha Pond Smelt Popeyed Goldfish Rainbow Trout Red Snapper Salmon Sea Bass Small Bass Stringfish Sweetfish (Thanks to for alphabetized list!) -ALL INSECTS Ant Bagworm Banded Dragonfly Bee Bell Cricket Brown Cicada Cockroach Common Butterfly Common Dragonfly Cricket Darner Dragonfly Drone Beetle Dynastid Beetle Evening Cicada Firefly Flat Stag Beetle Giant Beetle Grasshopper Jewel Beetle Ladybug Long Locust Longhorn Beetle Mantis Migratory Locust Mole Cricket Mosquito Mountain Beetle Pill Bug Pine Cricket Pondskater Purple Butterfly Red Dragonfly Robust Cicada Saw Stag Beetle Snail Spider Spotted Ladybug Tiger Butterfly Walker Cicada Yellow Butterfly (Thanks to for alphabetized list!) -ALL RAFFLE TICKETS January Ticket February Ticket March Ticket April Ticket May Ticket June Ticket July Ticket August Ticket September Ticket October Ticket November Ticket December Ticket -ALL GYROIDS Bowtoid Buzzoid Clankoid Croakoid Dekkoid Dingloid Drilloid Gargloid Gongoid Harmonoid Howloid Lamentoid Lullaboid Mega Alloid Mega Bovoid Mega Bowtoid Mega Buzzoid Mega Clankoid Mega Croakoid Mega Dekkoid Mega Dingloid Mega Dinkoid Mega Drilloid Mega Echoid Mega Fizzoid Mega Freakoid Mega Gongoid Mega Harmonoid Mega Howloid Mega Lamentoid Mega Lullaboid Mega Nebuloid Mega Oboid Mega Oombloid Mega Percoloid Mega Plinkoid Mega Poltergoid Mega Puffoid Mega Quazoid Mega Rustoid Mega Sproid Mega Sputnoid Mega Squelchoid Mega Strumboid Mega Timpanoid Mega Tootoid Metatoid Mini Alloid Mini Bowtoid Mini Buzzoid Mini Clankoid Mini Croakoid Mini Dekkoid Mini Dingloid Mini Dinkoid Mini Drilloid Mini Echoid Mini Fizzoid Mini Freakoid Mini Gargloid Mini Gongoid Mini Harmonoid Mini Howloid Mini Lamentoid Mini Lullaboid Mini Metatoid Mini Nebuloid Mini Oombloid Mini Plinkoid Mini Poltergoid Mini Puffoid Mini Quazoid Mini Rhythmoid Mini Rustoid Mini Sproid Mini Sputnoid Mini Squelchoid Mini Strumboid Mini Timpanoid Mini Tootoid Mini Warbloid Nebuloid Oboid Oombloid Plinkoid Poltergoid Quazoid Rhythmoid Rustoid Slim Nebuloid Slim Quazoid Sproid Sputnoid Squat Dingloid Squat Nebuloid Squelchoid Strumboid Tall Alloid Tall Bovoid Tall Bowtoid Tall Buzzoid Tall Clankoid Tall Croakoid Tall Dingloid Tall Droploid Tall Echoid Tall Gargloid Tall Gongoid Tall Harmonoid Tall Lamentoid Tall Lullaboid Tall Nebuloid Tall Oboid Tall Oombloid Tall Percoloid Tall Poltergoid Tall Puffoid Tall Quazoid Tall Sproid Tall Sputnoid Tall Strumboid Tall Timpanoid Tall Warbloid Timpanoid Tootoid Warbloid Wee Dingloid (Thanks to for alphabetized list!) -SEASHELLS Conch Coral Lions Paw Porceletta Sand Dollar Venus Comb Wentletrap White Scallop -ODDS AND ENDS DUMMY Pitfall Boot Empty Can Old Tire Signboard money1000bell Blue Puffy Vest Bamboo Robe Nintendo Bench ============================================================================== VI. Thanks and Acknowledgments. ============================================================================== -Thanks to Nintendo for taking away all of my spare time, and making this game -Thanks to for being the best AC site out there! -Credit to Official Nintendo Aniamal Crossing Player's guide, for helping out on the list so I didn't have to sit in front of the TV and write all those items down! -Credit to for their alphabetized lists. So I didn't Have to sit down and figure it out myself! ;o) -Thanks To DiosaDeJuegos for maintaining the best topic on the AC trading Board. That is, of course, the Bad Trader Topic. You don't get enough credit! -Thanks to my wonderful girlfriend who occasionally lets me play the game ;o) I love you Baby! -Thanks and Credit the addition to etiquette tip 6 to EbayAholic12Step -Thanks and Credit to DarkSilverWolfe for informing me that candy *IS* tradable! -Thanks and Credit to The Camel for the Mushroom and Bamboo Robe info! Also for being one of the greatest traders around! -BIG Thanks to our Troops over in the Middle East fighting for the American Way of Life. We miss you guys, and pray that you all return safely. To my two friends that are soon to be over there (Richie & Keith) You guys better come back safe! -Thanks to CJayC because without him, we would be clueless on many a game! I hope this helped you on your Trading Quest! Copyright (c) 2003 Billy Frank Gilchrist II