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PART 1: One Stanza Songs - Zucchini Spooks - The Sky Ballad - Yer Mum's Name - The Queezy Sailor - Long Lost Love Pt. 1 - Long Lost Love Pt. 2 - Kapp'n's Lullaby PART 2: Two Stanza Songs - The Cucumber Song: Pt. 1 - The Cucumber Song: Pt. 2 - The Boys Sea Song - The Tough Guy Song - Kappn's Love Song - The Champion Song - The Sailing Song PART 3: Kapp'n's Quotes (15) PART 4: Other Stuff - Legal Stuff - Special Thanks - Contact Info ======================================================================== ======================================================================== ======================================================================== -=PART 1: One Stanza Songs=- ZUCCHINI SPOOKS While I do love me cukes they sure curl me flukes But now please! Zucchinis give me the spooks... ...Zucchini spooks ------------------------------------------------------------------------ THE SKY BALLAD I'll sing me a fair rhyme to pass away time Watch me words, like seabirds through the sky climb Upward they climb... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ YER MUM'S NAME I feel such low down shame me lovely dear dame... I'm a rat- I laughed at yer mum's weird name What a weird name... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ THE QUEEZY SAILOR Me soul, onward it sails me belly, it ails I'm so glum, 'cause me tum feels full of snails So full of snails... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ LONG LOST LOVE PT. 1 Me heart feels savage pangs from love's wicked fangs I think oft of the soft song that she sang That song she sang... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ LONG LOST LOVE PT. 2 A lone pebble slip-slides beneath the cold tides. It's movement is a hint where love's truth hides. There love's truth hides... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- KAPP'N'S LULLABY Hey there me old mum Yer boy, he feels glum. Without my lullaby, Sleep just won't come. It just won't come ======================================================================== ======================================================================== ======================================================================== -=PART 2: Two Stanza Songs=- THE CUCUMBER SONG: Pt. 1 Ye can't go wrong With my Cucumber song Cucumber, Cucumber So green and long They're so good cooked or raw Or with some coleslaw Go get me two or three That I can gnaw -------------------------------------------------------------------------' THE CUCUMBER SONG: Pt. 2 Here, take good note: What moves old Kapp'n's boat Be an iced, extra-nice Cucumber Float Fetch one for me young lad; You won't be left sad! Don't be slow or you'll know I might get mad! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE BOYS SEA SONG Hey now, me boys With yer trinkets and toys Yar, I know Nintendo Gives me yer joys But I ask this of ye: Can games sing like me Mario can't croon, bro Don't you agree? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ THE TOUGH GUY SONG Ye think yer bad Some kind o' wreslin' lad Ye've got guts but yer nuts Don't make me mad With my turtle-tough shell I'll ring yer bell Black yer eye, make ye cry And say farewell ------------------------------------------------------------------------ KAPPN'S LOVE SONG Oh, listen ye to mine salty shanty about the sweet lady who once loved me She looked fair and fine with her eyes upon mine Oh! Until she got ill: seasick from brine ------------------------------------------------------------------------ THE CHAMPION SONG A wrestlin' dog A mean ol' tusslin' frog An unsound, big muscle-bound Big boxin' hog They're just silly old clowns I'll take them all down For I be the best sea Turtle around ------------------------------------------------------------------------ THE SAILING SONG Life on the sea suits A pirate like me. A footpad like you, lad, Ain't so lucky. But on briny sea swells, Me heart, it beats well. Through sea air, I'll float Where me soul compels ======================================================================== ======================================================================== ======================================================================== -=PART 3: Kapp'n's Quotes=- "Yar, girly...You think you'd ever go fer a guy like...me?" "Yar- you think you know the difference between rouge and blush?" "I gets a feelin' about ye, me wee minnow... Yar! Ye looks like ye'll make a great wrestler someday!" "Say there, laddie... Are ye close to your father? I never knew mine, but I've heard tell he were mad..." "Hey there, me little grubber... Always keep yourself clean, if ye know what I mean." "Yar, I've got me a fine idea! Ye wanna arm-wrestle me? Right now, I mean to say?" "Yar, listen, kid... I needs to get somethin' off me chest. Now, don't take me wrong, but I really hate squirrels..." "Yar, say there, ye little wide-eyed sea-puppy... Ye been workin' out?" "...Yar, tell me somethin'... Do I look bloated to ye? Me shell be fittin' tight..." "Have ye ever spent a night in a Hyrulian prison?" "Lad, I gots to say something...if you want to live longer stay away from strange women if you know what i mean" "Do ye like me hair? Would ye wair it like this?" "Yar, tell me this miss... are ye in love?" "Yar me fine lass, I be curious about something. Do ye have any sisters?" "I like a women with a little meat on her bones, if ye catch my drift lad." ======================================================================== ======================================================================== ======================================================================== -=Unfun Legal Stuff=- Well, here we go... I am not affiliated in ANY way with Nintendo or any of their associates. This game, and ALL material it includes is copyright 2001-2002 Nintendo. All rights reserved. This FAQs is a Gamefaqs EXCLUSIVE! I, Alex Swift, put together this FAQs with help from some friends of mine. Special thanks to: - TONS OF HELP from Damien Israfael - belgiankriket - HumanHead - shadow of sonic 2001 - JakeyP1316@aol.com - Yugi Moto Contact info: E-mail - webmaster@almannet.net AIM - Taurant4192 So, I guess that's it. Have fun playing Animal Crossing. ---------------------------------------------------------- The FAQ copyright 2002 Alex Swift. All rights reserved.