------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== BATEN KAITOS -Boss Guide- =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Written by: Haunter120 (haunter120faq@hotmail.com) Original Date of Submission: December 8, 2004 Latest Submission: January 11, 2004 Version: 2.0 Sorry for the lack of updates recently. I've finished all of the sidequests but I'm extremely lazy when it comes to writing the boss strategies (I started writing one for Sowzana but never finished it). So yeah, all the contributions will be put up right now. Expect maybe one or two more updates in the future before I put a lock on this document. :) Thanks to many who contributed. Testaros25 gave me a couple stats as well as elementals for bosses. Others corrected some mistakes and strategies. Truly grateful I am. :p -All boss strategies are finished, but expect many more updates in the future- ============================================================================= ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// I. DISCLAIMERS f01 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ============================================================================= -Legal Disclaimer- THIS FAQ MAY ONLY BE POSTED ON WWW.GAMEFAQS.COM AND WWW.VGSTRATEGIES.COM, NOWHERE ELSE. If you find this faq anywhere else, please e-mail me and I will call my mafia assistance. No, really. I'm sick of some of the things I've been receiving for my older, crappier faqs. So, before you read on, here are some guidelines. Oh, and my e-mail address before anything. haunter120faq@hotmail.com or haunter120@gmail.com Before you begin reading this faq, you might be wondering what you can send me and what you shouldn’t send me, judging from the first paragraph in this faq. Well, the following list should help: ---------------------------------You’re Awesome-------------------------------- As you may know, this is a boss guide, and I include plenty of information (though not know), as well as a strategy, for each boss (again, not yet). If you have anything you may wish to add, e-mail me. That includes corrected information, your own unique strategies, or any other information you know about. As long as it’s appropriate (I’m lookin’ at ya, the grammatically challenged), I’ll put it up. If you still need boss help, e-mail me and I'll try to do my best to help you out. Just make sure to tell me your problem. For this subject, I recommend titling your e-mail as "[name of boss here] help." ------------------------------------You suck------------------------------------ Avoid sending me any of what I list below. "YOU SUXLOL1/!1!111!111one!1!1" I know I do. What can I say? Keep that to yourself, though. I already know. This is an obvious choice. Not only will you be wasting my time (and e-mail space, because 1KB means a lot to me) but my PRECIOUS time also. Oh, you’d also be wasting your time as well. I don’t read your hate mail, and if I do, I don’t take it as an insult. Therefore, it really doesn’t matter to me and I end up congratulating you for leeching away a couple minutes of your life by a) writing this faq, and having you look at it and hate it, b) waiting for you to log on to your hotmail account, c) waiting for you to type out your hate mail with your uber-1337-third grade grammar skills, and d) sending it to me. In the end, as it may seem, you are the one who ended up losing a couple minutes of your already miserable life! Muhahaha. Maybe I’ll even send you a complimentary reply, but don’t be surprised if it’s a disgusting picture. "omg your faq rulez" Compliments are nice and all, but you’d just be wasting my time. Don’t send me an e-mail that contains a compliment and only a compliment. "omg your faq sux0rz" See above. And yes, I consider that a compliment. "could I plz use ur faq on my site?" If you pay me. No. Last time I wrote a faq, I received about 11,765,239 e-mails asking me if they could use my faq on their site. Ironically, I put up a disclaimer on that faq saying that anybody is welcome to take the faq and upload it to their site as long as they didn’t revise anything. Well, now I’m sick of that, and this faq stays only at GameFAQs. Oh yeah, reason #2: webmasters are too lazy to take their time updating faqs. I only send my latest versions to GameFAQs. I'm looking at the very first version of a faq I wrote three years ago on some random site right now, when the latest one, which I had sent to GameFAQs at a later date, exists. In conclusion, don't e-mail me hate mail, compliments, or prepositions. I appreciate your own strategies, things that you know I can add to my faq, and problems with the guide. You probably think I'm an ass, but I really tried my best at creating a good disclaimer. Well, I failed. ============================================================================= ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TABLE OF CONTENTS f02 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ============================================================================= ------------Name of Section--------------------Search Term------------------- I. Legal Info / Disclaimers f01 Table of Contents f02 II. Introduction and Notes f03 III. Character Info f04 IV. Experience Table f05 V. Tips and Strategies (incomplete) f06 VI. Boss Guide f07 VII. FAQ Q&A f08 VIII. Version History f09 IX. Credits f10 ============================================================================= ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ============================================================================= ============================================================================= ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// II. INTRODUCTION f03 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ============================================================================= First of all, I'd like to say that this guide, while complete, is still missingsome important information. I only have my own strategies up there, and not all of them are the utter best. (Again, if you think you have a better strat, let me know!) Sections so far are still under construction, and they won't be finished until the next version. So let's talk about the game itself. Baten Kaitos is an interesting role- playing game created by Monolith Soft, the makers of such classics as Chrono Trigger and Xenogears, and then more average games like their respective sequels. Baten Kaitos, the newest in their array of RPGs, is another game which incorporates a rather odd new battle system, just like Chrono Cross did. Of course, it isn't as bad as Cross's (my opinion), but it will take a while to get used to, involving cards and all. Don't worry, this isn't Yu-Gi-Oh or Magic or anything. The cards are there mostly for the gameplay and battles. There're no "Hahaha, I'm gonna use my Fire Dragon Ultra Saiyan Pokemon Tubgirl Ultima Explosion card on you!" moments in the game. Instead, there's a rather nice story that may start off rather slow but pick up by the second disc. So, I noticed there are barely faqs out for this game as of now, and it's #1 on the Top Requests, and decided to write a boss guide. Not a FAQ/Walkthrough so I won't be receiving any cash prizes. Helping people should be the top priority. :) Just remember, this faq is still currently under construction, so stay put for updates later on. -Things to Include in the Next Version- Attack patterns and boss moves. Boss type elements. Attack power / defense power. Tips and strategies. More character information, as well as the finishing moves list. ============================================================================= ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ============================================================================= ============================================================================= ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// III. CHARACTER INFO f04 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ============================================================================= _________Kalas Weapon: Swords Kalas is your typical hero who becomes the best fighter in the game. Like every other RPG hero, he uses swords. Most of his weapons are either light- or dark-based, or wind- or chrono-based. Throughout the game you'll be stuck with Marvelous Swords, Dark Swords, Death Pendulums, and Flametongues for quite a while, and in the end you may receive stronger weapons, such as Water Truths and Kusanagi Blades. _________Xelha Weapon: Magic Xelha and Mizuti will eventually end up sharing plenty of their magic together. The best thing about Xelha is that she has a wide array of magic spells, not just those that are set particularly towards on element. Her HP and attack/defense totals are pretty bad, so I do recommend switching her out with Lyude when he joins. Her finishing moves are also pretty lame for the first half of the game. _________Gibari Weapon: Paddles Strangely enough, Gibari uses paddles. He is considered a very strong fighter, but his set of weapons doesn't expand until later in the game. Most of his weapons are either wind- or water-based, like the Mayflies and Wave Blades, so don't try to grow his deck with fire-based weaponry. _________Lyude Weapon: Horns Lyude uses a type of gun that looks like a horn. His weapons are piss-poor at first, and I guarantee that you will be stuck with some of the weapons he had started out with by the end of the game. Now, his exclusive weapons are only either light- or dark-based, with the occasional non-elemental, and his finishers also follow this rule. Crap? No, not at all. What I did was added weapons of other elements, such as Vinegar and Bacon, and used those along with his own weaponry. Since his instruments are only two elements, these won't harm the process. Still, don't try to balance him out with an equal amount of light and dark weaponry, because you don't want to end up choosing both of those elements in a combo. -Finishing Moves- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name Element Location ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - Overture light Initially Equipped - Concerto light Initially Equipped - Sforzando dark Library of Magic - Diminuendo dark Outer Dimension - Intermezzo light Lyude's House - Crescendo dark Galatea - Rhapsody light ? - Presto dark Phantom Goldoba - Finale dark Cor Hydrae ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Contribution by: Luc Skyfire ------------------------------ I noticed you had a list of Lyude's finishers. Well, I just obtained Diminuendo, and I can tell you that it's in the Outer Dimension, one of the rewards in the Shooter-style mini game where you are following Mizuti. ------------------------------ Contribution by: iamgodfearme@hotmail.com ------------------------------------------- lyudes 4th finishing move is found in the outer dimension while shooting the monsters also you can find finishing move cards by beating certain common monsters ------------------------------------------- Contribution by: DaLawMan ---------------------------- When you list Lyude's finishers in the character section of the guide, you do not input a location for diminuendo. You can get this magnus by shooting 8 or more full groups of enemys and collecting the magnus that come out of them in the Trail of Souls mini game before Gnosis. ---------------------------- ________Savyna Weapon: Fists Well, Savyna is my least favorite fighter in the game. She starts off with okay weapons, but she receives new ones rarely. Plus, she's an extremely quick fighter, so you won't have a lot of time to choose between weapons while she is attacking. Personally, I hated her, and barely used her. ________Mizuti Weapon: Magic Like Xelha, Mizuti specializes in magic spells as a weapon. Mizuti's only slightly weaker, but his finishing moves are way better than you'd expect. If you're using Xelha, I do not recommend using Mizuti. ============================================================================= ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ============================================================================= ============================================================================= ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// IV. EXPERIENCE TABLE f05 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ============================================================================= Courtesy goes to the official Baten Kaitos boards and the strategy guide for some of this information. Experience Required for Each Level 02: 80 03: 170 04: 280 05: 420 06: 600 07: 830 08: 1100 09: 1420 10: 1800 11: 2250 12: 2785 13: 3420 14: 4170 15: 5050 16: 6090 17: 7400 18: 9100 19: 11,310 20: 14,160 21: 17,790 22: 22,420 23: 28,200 24: 35,180 25: 43,410 26: 52,940 27: 63,820 28: 76,100 29: 89,860 30: 105,180 31: 122,140 32: 140,900 33: 161,560 34: 184,220 35: 208,980 36: 235,940 37: 265,250 38: 297,060 39: 331,520 40: 368,780 41: 408,990 42: 452,300 43: 498,910 44: 549,020 45: 602,830 46: 660,540 47: 722,350 48: 788,460 49: 859,070 50: 934,380 51: 1,014,590 52: 1,100,000 53: 1,190,610 54: 1,286,420 55: 1,387,430 56: 1,493,840 57: 1,605,650 58: 1,722,860 59: 1,845,470 60: 1,973,680 61: 2,107,490 62: 2,248,900 63: 2,391,910 64: 2,542,720 65: 2,699,330 66: 2,861,740 67: 3,029,950 68: 3,204,360 69: 3,384,970 70: 3,571,780 71: 3,764,790 72: 3,964,200 73: 4,170,010 74: 4,382,220 75: 4,606,930 76: 4,831,640 77: 5,056,350 78: 5,281,060 79: 5,505,770 80: 5,730,480 81: 5,955,190 82: 6,179,900 83: 6,404,610 84: 6,629,320 85: 6,854,030 86: 7,078,740 87: 7,303,450 88: 7,528,160 89: 7,752,160 90: 7,977,580 91: 8,202,290 92: 8,427,000 93: 8,651,710 94: 8,876,420 95: 9,101,130 96: 9,325,840 97: 9,550,550 98: 9,775,260 99: 9,999,970 ============================================================================= ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ============================================================================= ============================================================================= ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// V. TIPS AND STRATEGIES f06 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Negative Status Effects ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Poisoned in a long battle? Paralyzed? Frozen? Ignore it. More than often, status effects are extremely small hindrances towards the whole battle, so let whoever is affected stay that away. Paralysis and Freeze will wear off after a few turns, and Sleep is easy to withstand. Headache and Confusion is pretty much a useless status effect, especially later in the game (more on that). Poison and Flames will last permanently until healed. Unless you're in the process of healing a party member and notice a Mineral Water or Frozen Tangerine pop up, don't worry too much about these little annoyances. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Using Defensive Items and Stat-Raising Items in Battle ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are items that you can use when in defense mode. Mostly, these items have a "+x% Resistance to [status effect]" moniker attached to them. Otherwise, they won't help. Now, since only finishing moves cause negative status effects, these items are only good for then. 'Course, you don't always know how long the combo will last, so it's safe to leave these items in your inventory for healing during offensive turns instead. Items like Shortcake (Small) and Shortcake (Large) are more useful during defensive turns. Drawing them adds +20 or +40 Attack power bonus to your own party member, respectively. If you come up with these cards, use them, as they're much easier to deal with when used in defensive turns. You don't want to spend an offensive turn using just this item, unless it's part of a healing combo. The only other item you should spend items during defensive turns is when they can actually heal the status effect you currently have on you, if you do. ============================================================================= ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ============================================================================= ============================================================================= ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// VI. BOSS GUIDE f07 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ============================================================================= ---Table of Contents--- (for use of the ctrl+f) Version Update: I removed the names of some of the bosses in the table of contents to avoid spoilers. Those warnings looked fugly. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----NAME OF BOSS---------SEARCH TERM--------------------STATUS-------------- - Sabre Dragon b01 complete - Lord of the Spring b02 complete - Nunkirantula b03 complete - Giacomo b04 complete - Thunderfish b05 incomplete - Iron Beetle I b06 complete - Iron Beetle V b07 complete - Lord of the Winds b08 incomplete - Jester b09 complete - Tree Guardian b10 incomplete - She-Warrior b11 complete - Gnosis b12 complete - Magnus Giganticus b13 complete - Sikri b14 incomplete - Phantasm b15 incomplete - Imperial Walker x3 b16 complete - The Trio, Round 1 b17 complete - Mad Emperor b18 complete - Naiad b19 complete - Thalassa b20 complete - Despina b21 complete - Galatea b22 complete - Goddess of Ice b23 complete - Cyclops b24 complete - Angel of Darkness b25 complete - Agyo and Ungyo b26 incomplete - God of Darkness b27 complete - The Trio, Round 2 x2 b28 complete - Ar b29 complete - Le b30 complete - Che b31 complete - Bo b32 complete - He b33 complete - God of Darkness b34 complete - Final Boss b35 complete - b36 incomplete ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- By incomplete, I mean the boss faq is in need of more or better strategies. While I will update them as I play through a second time, I would appreciate your own guides. -How to use this Guide- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= (ctrl+f term): (Name of Boss) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= HP: (signifies the amount of health this boss carries) Party: (recommended party, but don't always rely on me) Average Levels: (recommended level of party) Location: (the area the boss resides in) Difficulty: (level of challenge for the battle) Music: (just for kicks, the tune that plays in the background, because the music in this game is excellent) Strategy: (Information and notes on how to defeat the boss.) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Okay, so let's get started. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= b01: Sabre Dragon =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= HP: 230 Element: Fire Party: Kalas, Xelha Average Levels: 1-2 Location: Moonguile Forest Difficulty: 1 Music: Metallic Stroke Strategy: Being your first boss, the Sabre Dragon is no problem, especially if you've spent time defeating every enemy in the previous two maps of the Moonguile Forest. It's even better if you've reached level 2. Have Kalas use Small Knife, Saber, or Long Sword, and make sure you take a snapshot of the beast. Xelha can use her magic (to be more specific, Aqua Burst, since the boss is fire-based) and heal, as the dragon can wear you down rather quickly with Crimson Hail and other attacks multiple times. It's still a rather easy battle even then. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= b02: Lord of the Spring =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= HP: 300 Element: Water Party: Kalas, Xelha Average Levels: 2-3 Location: Moonguile Forest Difficulty: 1.5 Music: True Mirror ~ Electric Guitar Version Strategy: If you went back to Cebalrai after the battle with the Sabre Dragon and used the church to up your levels, this battle should be no problem at all. It's too much like the fight with the Sabre Dragon, only the enemy has more HP this time around, and is water-based. As you'd expect, pummel it with Xelha's Fire Burst and Kalas' Long Swords. You may also want to try out his new special move, Blue Storm. Bamboo Shoots, Bananas, and any other healing items you may have found (not yet, probably) will help when the monster uses any of his special moves, but you shouldn't have any instances when it knocks your HP down to near-nothingness. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= b03: Nunkirantula =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= HP: 350 Element: ??? Party: Kalas Average Levels: 4 Location: Nunki Valley Difficulty: 2 Music: Glowing Clouds Strategy: The HP may be pretty high after fighting the previous boss with two party members, but Nunkirantula isn't all that difficult. If you've acquired any Fire Swords from the Doomers in the valley, make sure you have them equipped and use them. Otherwise, attack with your Long Swords, Blackened Bananas (unless you don't have any yet) and the Duel Sword. If Nunkirantula uses Hardening Wax, it gains the ability to block your attacks plenty of times, halving the damage you cause. This will go away soon enough, however, so don't let it bother you. Your equipment should be the best you've found in Pherkad, which may include Scale Shields, Flame Shields, and any of the better pieces you were initially equipped with. Again, Bamboo Shoots are your friends. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= b04: Giacomo =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= HP: 750 Element: Dark Party: Kalas, Xelha Average Levels: 5 Location: Lord's Manor / Battleship Goldoba Difficulty: 4 Music: Chaotic Dance Strategy: Ah, I just looove this music. :) Giacomo's a tough customer, and this may throw off many novices still learning the basics of the battle system. He often uses End Slasher along with some other moves. This generally results in four attacks, so make sure you put your best defense into End Slasher as it will do the most damage. Since his attacks are half fire-based, the Ice Armor and Frozen Shield will help a ton. Plus, the new armor you obtained for Xelha (Mink Coat, Nixie Garb) will offer some support, and I sure hope you took the time to level her after she re-joined (that blue flower was there for a reason). Some people have claimed to see Giacomo use Imperial Force, but I have never watched him perform the move. Anyway, you probably have not had the chance to find anything awesomely new yet, so keep to your old weapons and armor. Use Aqua Burst and Light Flare with Xelha, dropping in some Blackened Bananas and using the Dance of Light finisher at the end. Kalas should continue with the typical Long Sword / Young Bamboo / Saber / Blackened Bananas attacks and adding in the Duel Sword in the combo. Keep it this way, and make sure to stay healed. Bananas and Bamboo Shoots will help a lot. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= b05: Thunderfish =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= HP: 1000 Element: Water Party: Kalas, Xelha, Gibari Average Levels: 7-8 Location: Lesser Celestial River Difficulty: 3.5 Music: Glowing Clouds Strategy: This battle will be quite lengthy, so make sure to bring a nice supply of armors and items. Gibari's new Butterfly weapon is great. Use it when you have the chance, and don't defend with it. Otherwise, Mosquito or Wave Blade the hell out of him. Xelha should use Fire Burst and Kalas should attack with any remaining Flame Swords (they convert to Short Swords over time). The Thunderfish can poison you at times, but don't worry too much about it, since he'll just keep on doing it. You can use Mineral Water during a turn of recovery along with other healing items to try and heal it, though. Try hitting him with a finisher. Testaros25 notes that there's a funny after effect where thing falls into the water. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= b06: Iron Beetle =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= HP: 1500 Element: Dark, Fire Party: Kalas, Xelha, Gibari Average Levels: 9-10 Location: Cloud Passage Difficulty: 4.5 Music: Doomed in the Netherworld Strategy: Owee, this machine'll bring over a world of pain. It has a combo with a finishing move that it will use pretty much every turn. This entire process hurts, even with nice defensive capabilities, so be ready to spend your well- earned items up to this point. At this point, every character should have at least three or more items (if you're having trouble, I suggest up to five). Never use them for defense; keep them as surplus until your deck is about be shuffled. Speaking of running out of cards, that's something you should be aware of. Make sure that there is no turn when all three characters have to shuffle, or you might be in trouble. Gibari will prove to be a powerhouse here. Stream Blades work great against the Iron Beetle, as does Dragon Uppercut and/or Crystal Shot. Kalas should attack with Ice Daggers and Xelha should use her Aqua Bursts. See a pattern? Yes, water is good. The Iron Beetle mostly uses its finishing move over and over, but every now and then it will raise its own attack power. This can prove to be a problem, but you may not notice it right away. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= b07: Iron Beetle V =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= HP: 1700 Element: Dark, Fire Party: Kalas, Gibari, Lyude Average Levels: 11-12 Location: Castle Elnath Difficulty: 5 Music: Rumbling of the Earth Strategy: Yeah, Ayme's somewhere in that ugly thing. This battle serves not only as a primer for Lyude's way of attacking and defending, but also for methods of survival. While the big Iron Beetle does not have an impressive array of attacks, it does know how to heal itself. Fully. Now that just blows, doesn't it? Lyude will probably act first. His weapons are pretty nice; just don't use Shining Horns and Shadow Cornets in the same round. Assault Trumpets seem to be the most useful. He also has a Voice I (or was it II) to add extra damage. Both his finishing moves are light-based, so if you plan to use one, make sure you avoid using a Shadow Cornet. As for your other members, attacking is the priority. Just use your most powerful weapons, and the Dark Sword you could have recently obtained may prove useful. When it's weak, the Iron Beetle will use self-repair to heal back to full HP, extending the battle time. The thing may not use it at all, and it may use it over five times (in which case you'd be screwed, though I've never seen this happen), but be prepared for anything. The other attack the Iron Beetle can use is an impressive looking cannon that does a moderate amount of damage to a character. If you find yourself dealing around 300+ damage each turn from all three characters, you're in good shape. If you find yourself struggling, I suggest running back and fighting the soldiers. Don't know if you can leave the castle (somebody verify this please) though. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= b08: Lord of the Winds =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= HP: 1900 Element: Wind Party: Kalas, Gibari, Lyude Average Levels: 12-13 Location: Shrine of the Winds Difficulty: 4 Music: True Mirror - Electric Guitar Version Strategy: This will be the second battle Lyude participates in, since it's also required to be able to go back through Castle Elnath and to Diadem. Actually, I was wrong. ultimategamer47 says you can leave Castle Elnath (Kalas stopped me from leaving though). Contribution by: ultimategamer47 ---------------------------------- you weren't sure whether you could go out of the castle in Diadem. This was for the Iron Beetle V fight. You can go out of the castle. ---------------------------------- Lord of the Winds isn't particulary difficult and nothing you haven't seen before. At this point, he should go down quickly. His finishing move can do quite a bit of damage. In fact, Lyude died in this battle on my file. Make sure that doesn't happen since you have no KO recovery items at the moment. You can't buy any new weapons, armor, or items either, but you don't need them. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= b09: Folon =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= HP: 2300 Element: Dark, Fire Party: Kalas, Gibari, Lyude or Xelha Average Levels: 15 Location: Ancient Library of Magic Difficulty: 4.5 Music: Chaotic Dance Strategy: Yet another boss that will take much of your time to kill. Folon starts out easy enough, but becomes a bit of an annoyance as he wears you out later in the battle. He will first raise his attack power, and then pummel you with Chaotic Flames. As its' name suggests, this move cause Flames, and that sucks. Frozen Armor and Shields will help you defend against this status effect, however. If you have Vinegar (which is the age effect of winery) then use it, as it seems to work pretty dark good against him. Wave Blades and Stream Blades are also nice to use, so Gibari should definitely be with you in this battle. You may want to think about your third character. Folon has a weakness to water based attacks, so Xelha may be a favorite with lv2 or lv3 Aqua Bursts, but Lyude has some light-based weapons and nice finishers. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= b10: Tree Guardian =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= HP: 2700, 1250 (Tentacles - thanks to Testaros25) Element: Chronos Party: Kalas, Gibari, Lyude Average Levels: 17-18 Location: Celestial Tree Difficulty: 4 Music: True Mirror - Electric Guitar Version Strategy: The Tree Guardian is the first boss with multiple parts, but that doesn't make it any harder. He comes with two tentacles, each on one side. You can choose to destroy them or attack the main body itself. Generally, I would avoid the tentacles and only take a picture of them sometime during the course of the battle. They aren't a big deal at all. Sure, the enemy will be able to attack every other turn this way, but the tentacle attacks are pretty weak, and the only threats come from the Tree Guardian itself. Hell, I didn't even realize the tentacles were there until the thing was almost dead. Use wind-based attacks. Gibari makes a great character here. You may need to heal every now and then, but there's no way the Tree Guardian can obliterate you at this point. The enemies that attacked during your climb up here were much harder (in terms of frustration, that is). It's going to take quite a bit, though, and there's another battle right after this one, so make sure you have plenty of time for these two. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= b11: Savyna =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= HP: 3300 Element: ??? Party: Kalas, Gibari, Lyude Average Levels: 17-18 Location: Celestial Tree Difficulty: 3 Music: Metallic Stroke Strategy: This is an optional fight. ultimategamer47 informed me about this before I knew about it. Contribution by: ultimategamer47 ---------------------------------- the Savyna fight can be avoided. I know you don't have to but it would probably help a lot of people if they have problems with it fo for some reason. ---------------------------------- Contribution by: Testaros25 ---------------------------------- If you choose to fight Savyna, and she was part of the team that battled the Tree Guardian, Kalas will take her place. Everyone is fully healed too. ---------------------------------- This is another one of those long-but-simple battles. Savyna can't really throw hell at you. Most of her combos are weak and do little damage, so whittle away her health slowly and carefully. The only problem here is that it takes place after the last battle without a break, but then again, you can start over at this one should you lose. You won't lose. Trust me. I can't provide a clear strategy here except to give her everything you've got. Like I said earlier, it will be slow, but there's nothing you should be afraid of. She starts using more combos and finishing moves later on, so use items if needed. Make sure to take a picture of her, as it'll turn out to be a rare shot. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= b12: Gnosis =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= HP: 3600 Element: All (does not take damage from Dark, thanks to Testaros25) Party: Kalas, Gibari, Lyude or Savyna Average Levels: 18-19 Location: Outer Dimension Difficulty: 5 Music: Doomed in the Netherworld Strategy: Whether or not this guy's dimension is the world of Xenosaga doesn't matter, because he still sucks. Gnosis is resistant has a high HP total to boot, and is also resistant to every element. This means that the best way to take away his HP is to pound away on him with long stretches of combos with your best attackers. Generally, this party would include Kalas and Gibari and a tie between Savyna and Lyude, since Savyna started off as a great offensive player. Items are a necessity once again. Gnosis doesn't have very many impressive abilities to use, but once in a while he'll deal a nice amount of damage. Since the battle takes place right after the annoying Trail of Souls mini-game with no break, you'll want to stay healed and defend against his longer combos. Saving up your weapons to use against him is the best way to take him out. Don't use them as defense unless your health is critical. I suggest for Kalas to have a nice array of Marvelous and Dark Swords, Lyude to have many Shining Horns and maybe even Magnum Cornets, and Savyna to have her Power Knuckles and Fire weapons equipped. Vinegar may also be a good choice. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= b13: Magnus Giganticus =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= HP: 4000 Element: Chrono, Dark (thanks to Testaros25) Party: Kalas, Gibari, Lyude Average Levels: 21+ Location: Detourne, Mystical Garden Difficulty: 4 Music: Rumbling of the Earth Strategy: Detourne has some tough enemies, but it's also a great place to level up. I strongly suggest you spend some time fighting slimes and the hands in the scale room before facing this fool who dares defy you. Magnus Giganticus is actually much easier than he looks. Most of his attacks are magic spells you have already seen, and once in a while he will create a longer combo. This really isn't anything you have to worry about, either, especially when you have good items to use. Attack with the usual weapons. Bacon, Beef, Marvelous Swords, Shining Horns, etc. You will be able to check how much he's got left to him when he loses a part of himself. When only the center portion remains, you've only got 800HP to go. Again, he has nothing under his sleeve, so he should be a cakewalk. Then again, I spent some time in the garden building up my levels. You should too. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= b14: Sikri =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= HP: 3000 Element: Dark Party: Kalas, Gibari, Lyude Average Levels: 23-24 Location: Nekton, Shrine of Spirits Difficulty: 4.5 Music: Glowing Clouds Strategy: Sikri's stats are pathetic compared to what you've seen for a while now. His HP is low and his attacks do little damage, but what makes him a tad more difficult is his ability to put you to sleep and use other status effects. Trust me, it becomes more apparent in this battle. To start off, use Lyude's Concerto among his other light-based weapons as well as his higher-level normal weapons (Magnum and Veda Cornets). Your other characters should keep on attacking unless they are put to sleep. I suggest maybe bringing some recovery items, and using them only with other recovery items when healing characters. Sleep will be nullified when the boss attacks, so it's just there to annoy you. Fortunately, Sikri's low HP makes him much simpler to defeat. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= b15: Phantasm =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= HP: 3000 Element: Light Party: Kalas, Gibari, Lyude Average Levels: 23+ Location: Coccolith, Labyrinth of Mirrors Difficulty: 2.5 Music: True Mirror - Electric Guitar Version Strategy: Is this some kind of joke? Here I am, expecting a challenging end-of-first- disc battle, after the boss gives an evillish speech and readies to destroy me. But I get one of the easiest, most boring battles in the game sans the first few fights. Gah. You should have little to no trouble destroying this thing. Phantasm's HP sucks - bosses back in Anuenue had more than him - and he's not all that special when it comes to combos and long attacks. Attack him like crazy before he unleashes some of his longer combos, still doing little damage to you. Oh yeah, he's light-based, making the battle a bit easier, especially if you 're using Lyude and Kalas, who should have an array of dark-based weapons (Kalas should have plenty of Dark Swords and Lyude can be equipped with Shadow Cornets, Devil Cornets, and other nice dark weapons you may found so far). He's also slow. The only thing going for him is one of his finishing moves, but it doesn't help make him too much harder. He will be bite the dust before you think you've taken half of his HP out. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= NOTE: Make sure to have an open file ready to save over before boarding the Goldoba. IT'S A POINT OF FRIGGIN NO RETURN AND THE BOSS IS VERY FLIPPIN HARD GOSH WHAT DO YOU THINK No seriously, trust me, or this guy: Contribution by: "sukhbir manku" --------------------------------- I got a trick for leveling up when you are in the empire place and the imperials are looking for you. train near the shop (if low on hp rest wings in the shop) keep doing this over and over again to gain a lot of experience and go to the church, when you are finished SAVE!! before going to goldoba save twice and put one in current spot the other in a different slot then go to goldoba kill the imperial walkers till you get the right code to open the door. write the code on paper then rest the game this time go in the OTHER slot go to the code machine and put in the numbers avoid any contact with imperial walkers and now you will be at full hp against giacomo, ayme and folon and high level to beat them down. --------------------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= b16: Imperial Walker x3 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= HP: 700 Element: Fire, Dark (thanks to Testaros25) Party: Kalas, Gibari, Lyude Average Levels: 26-28 Location: Battleship Goldoba Difficulty: 2 Music: True Mirror - Electric Guitar Version Strategy: Graah. I wouldn't even call this a boss battle, but the major battle music plays in the background. You may think these fools are hard, and there's three of them, but truth be told, they become random encounters in this dungeon. Plus, they WILL go down quickly. Concentrate on one and take it out quickly. One round will usually do the work. Watch for Force Ring: Alpha as it can put a character to sleep. It's also one of their finishers. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= NOTE: Once within the Goldoba, only save over a separate file. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= b17: Giacomo, Ayme, and Folon =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= HP: 3800, 2400, 2700 Elements: Dark, Fire (Giacomo); Wind, Water (Ayme); Fire, Chrono (Folon) Thanks to Testaros25 for the above info as well. Party: Kalas, Gibari, Lyude Average Levels: 26-28 Location: Battleship Goldoba Difficulty: 8 Music: Chaotic Dance Strategy: GRAAH! Damn you, Monolith Soft. This is the battle you haven't been waiting for. It's the one that everybody talks about on the message boards. You know, the topics that say "I NEED HELP ON THIS BATTLE OMG ***DISC 2 SPOILERS***" and beg for help. It's also the first boss I died on... twice. I can't say it won't happen to you either. To make matters worse, you can't leave the Goldoba, so you're stuck to battling Imperial Walkers for no real reason since Blue Flowers are devoid of life on the ship. If your only save is on the Goldoba, and you're just having THAT much trouble with these guys, you're screwed. Told you. Let's look at the opposing party's abilities first. Ayme is the fastest of the three and will act first. She has an 8-9 hit combo, and usually ends with Crazy Rabbit. Thankfully, even if defenseless, this combo will not do too much damage. I haven't seen it go over 350 once, but be wary. Giacomo will usually perform his dual moves second, after Kalas. And yes, you heard me right, he will always act twice. However, he will not attack one person twice. Clever little bastard, isn't he? Anyway, while he does not use any finishers, this can become tremendously annoying and tedious to watch. The damage ranges from 250 - 350, so be ready to use good armor for defense. Preferably, those Brave Knight Helms will help. Folon's last and most dangerous. He will raise his attack first, then use a powerful move such as Worg Laser, which ends up doing around 400-500 damage with the rest of his combo. To make matters worse, he can use Chaotic Flames, causing his target to erupt in flames status. That sucks, especially if you don't have any flame-healing equipment. Oh, and it does around 500 damage. :( That means Folon needs to bite the dust first. Concentrate all your attacks on him. Lyude should attack with Shining and Brilliant Horns, ending with Concerto. I would also suggest equipping Vinegar and/or Rotten Meat / Beef / Bacon, since these items are nice additions to his attack method. Basically, since Lyude's exclusive weaponry is only light, non-elemental, or dark, any type of other color weapon items may help. Otherwise have him use dark element attacks, since Diminuendo is the strongest finisher he should have right now, and other weapon like Devil Euphos are also handy. Both Kalas and Gibari should also do their best on Folon. Kalas' Marvelous/Silver Swords, plus any Death Pendulums you may have scavenged, and Gibari's Wave Blades and Mayflies will do the work. As for armor, don't bother trying to defend against every each one of Ayme's attacks. Nine is a lot, especially when the total damage she can whither away isn't all that much either. Spend up your armor on some - not all - of Giacomo's moves and try to save them up for Folon's. Soon enough, Folon will fall. At this point, your party may be a bit exhausted, and healing is definitely a must. Never let your HP reach 600 or below, especially if Folon threw you on fire when he was alive. Ayme is your next target, because Giacomo has the most HP and becomes a major threat when someone else is around when weakened. Again, at this point, items are your best friend, so your best bet is to have a nice stock of high-healing necessities with you. A popular strategy is to cram one character chock-full of items and have the other two attack, but that would just be drawing the battle's length out, and it's not entirely safe anyway. My suggestion is to give each one of your characters a good amount of healing items that you know won't rot away during the battle. Just make sure it's not weak crap like Honey. :p Also, if you have Sacred Wine or Holy Grails, save them. They cure KO status should you die. That's pretty darn important, mind you. With Ayme dead, Giacomo should be no problem if your characters are still alive. The only thing you need to watch out for is two of his finisher moves when he loses over half his HP. He still attacks twice, and his combos are now lengthened with the addition of either Imperial Force or End Slasher. I've seen these two do 600+ damage, so get ready to heal or take the masked bastard out quickly. With him out of the picture, pat yourself on the back. Well, make sure you heal quickly after the battle and THEN save. People have lost their lives to that Imperial Walker in front of the red flower. If you managed to snap a pic of Ayme, good, because it's added to your Gathering. Don't worry if you didn't. Razor Raptor contributes an alternate strategy below. Contribution by: Razor Raptor --------------------------------- Hello, there. I was just going to tell you about a stratagy I devised for the Giacamo/Ayme/Folon bosses. I died over six times before I devloped it, mostly because my level was pretty low (around 25 insted of the reccomended 28) *wince* So, here's my stratagy. Take Kalas and Gibari, both of whom know plenty of water and wind finishers and possibly have plenty of weapons to go with it, and strip them of every healing item they have in favor of weapons and defense items. There is a point to this. Then, Take your fastest character, preferrably Xelha, and strip her of everything but defense items. Then, add all healing items to that character. If you have spaces left over, take high healing items from others in your party and add them in too. Now, you have a basic healer and attacker party. Just keep healing people at every opportunity. A ratio of roughly half armour, half healing/attacking for each character's decks do very nicely. With this, no matter how many times the bosses hit you, you can always stay fresh, and since you chose your fastest character for healing, they can often act just before one or more bosses. I won by going in a stright line across the bosses, Taking out Folon first, then Giacamo, then Ayme. by the time I was fighting with Giacamo, all my characters were at full health and the bosses were pretty much beat. Thanks for reading ^^ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= b18: Geldoblame =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= HP: 5500 Element: Dark, Fire (thanks to Testaros25) Party: Kalas, Gibari, Lyude Average Levels: 30+ Location: Azha Lava Caves Difficulty: 6 Music: Doomed in the Netherworld Strategy: Forfeit Your Life is Geldoblame's move. It kills you automatically with little chance to survive, and he may use it more than once. I only saw him use it once, however, but others had to suffer through many battles with him because of that. If you're not using Mizuti, de-equip his Sacred Wine and/or Holy Grail and put it on one of your characters. Sacred Wine restores a character from being KO'd with 500hp, and Holy Grails have a 66% chance of bringing them back to life with one HP. Japanese Rice Wine + Holy Grail = Sacred Wine. You may want to use this to your advantage if you end up having trouble with this boy. He isn't particularly tough outside of that move he uses, so wail on him with your best light-based combos (Lyude is recommended). You can win Solar Sabers in the Lava Caves, so try to take at least four right before the battle and use them to your advantage. Again, if you have trouble, go create some Sacred Wines through the Special Combo above. Alternate strategy by templar28: Contribution by: templar28 ---------------------------- For Geldoblame I found a decent way to counter his forfeit your life finisher, and keep your person alive-usually that is. It really doesn't matter what level you're at, but what magnus and equip you've got. see, I think forfeit your life has a 100% chance of death, right? What you have to do is get the equip for each of your best characters which will give you the highest resistance to death, and spread the love around with lyude's shadow suits which give you a death resistance bonus. Use that for defending as soon as possible, since lyude, gibari, and kalas can all use it to supplement for their death resistance from their equip. ---------------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Oh yeah, my mistake. The next four bosses can be fought in any order according to these folks. Contribution by: Dalawman -------------------------------- It doesn't matter the order you do the bosses in because the strongest one will always be last. You can start with Alfard and have it still be the easiest. I know peole who said Diadem was the strongest. Thanks~Dalawman -------------------------------- Contribution by: Graphyte Ronin -------------------------------- Just so you know, you can go to the interdimensional cracks in any order and you'll fight the bosses in the same order. I went to the one in Anuenue first and I didn't get screwed over... because I fought the easiest of the four bosses. I went to Diadem next, then Mira, then Alfard. Apparently, all that matters is the order in which you save your teammates... If you like Lyude, go to Alfard's IC first. -Graphyte Ronin -------------------------------- Contribution by: Jon (Terekane at GameFAQs) --------------------------------------------- Just a quick note, when you are fighting the bosses in the interdimensional cracks, whichever boss you fight first will be the easiest. I don't know their names but the first crack I found was in Mira and the boss was absolutely simple and the one in Diadem harder. Thus I suspect that you fight them in order no matter what island you go to first. --------------------------------------------- Good eye, but I would not recommend going into the Lava Caves with Xelha alone. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= b19: Naiad, Diadem Guardian =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= HP: 1400 Element: Dark, Fire Party: Xelha Average Levels: 29-33 Location: Interdimensional Crack, Diadem Difficulty: 1.5 Music: Rumbling of the Earth Strategy: You may think this is difficult, but it won't be. Xelha isn't the strongest person that previously was in your party member, so the game decided to be nice and throw this weakling at her. It's obviously recommended that this be your first Interdimensional Crack battle, so make sure you make your way here before going over to Anuenue or Mira. If you have any Light Flares lv3 or higher, use them. Same with Chronos / Wind Blows and Aqua Bursts. Naiad's a pushover, really, and the damage he does is pretty damned small. Gibari will be back with you in no time. Yeeeah. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= b20: Thalassa, Anuenue Guardian =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= HP: 2300 Element: Dark, Water Party: Xelha, Gibari Average Levels: 30-34 Location: Interdimensional Crack, Anuenue Difficulty: 2.5 Music: Rumbling of the Earth Strategy: Thalassa is only a tad stronger than Naiad was, and you know easy that fella was. Plus, you have Gibari with you this time around. Thalassa is water- based, opposite of Naiad, who was fire-based. That doesn't mean you shouldn't use any water weapons, though, since the boss is still weak. Gibari probably has a lot of water weapons, but use your wind-based weapons first. Xelha should continue with her highest level spells, preferably Light Flares and Aqua Bursts. This way, you'll win pretty quickly, and Savyna will be freed once again. Yay if you like her. You'll have a three-person team now, though. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= b21: Despina, Mira Guardian =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= HP: 3700 Element: Dark, Chronos Party: Xelha, Gibari, Savyna Average Levels: 31-35 Location: Interdimensional Crack, Mira Difficulty: 3.5 Music: Rumbling of the Earth Strategy: A bit harder than the last boss, but because he's going to take longer to defeat. I admit, Savyna is NOT my favorite character, but she's pretty darned important in this fight. Despina has an instant-killer spell, so keep those Holy Grails or Sacred Wines in your deck. Overwhelm the centaur with your wind-based attacks, since his element is time. Gibari should have many of these, and I suggest using Mayflies, Dragonflies, and Butterflies to a lesser extent. Xelha should use her Wind Blows and Light Flares (remember, all of these guardian bosses are actually partly dark-based as well), and Savyna should support the battles with items and attack. I hate Savyna's attack method, so I suggest outfitting her deck with more items and armor than weapons. If you like her, do what you want. If this is your first time using her in battle, I suggest you make her help out more instead. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= b22: Galatea, Alfard Guardian =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= HP: 5600 Element: Dark, Wind Party: Xelha, Gibari, Savyna or Mizuti Average Levels: 33-37 Location: Interdimensional Crack, Alfard Difficulty: 4.5 Music: Rumbling of the Earth Strategy: Galatea has not only a high HP total (highest in the game so far), but also a very nice strength rating. The damage he will inflict in his combo is pretty high, and he has a wind-based finisher. Xelha should use Chronos Blow, and if you're using Mizuti, have him do the same. If not, have Savyna attack or heal. Gibari may be more of a worry here, since he may not have as many chronos-based weapons as he has wind- or water-based, but he still is a powerhouse. Again, you'll need many healing items this time around, as the guardian's attack power is high, but it's nothing you should sweat on. After defeating him, you'll receive (my favorite) Lyude back and finally be done with all these Interdimensional Crack bosses. Phew. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= b23: Goddess of Ice =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= HP: - Element: - Party: Xelha Average Levels: 36 Location: Lake of the Dragons Difficulty: 2 Music: Doomed in the Netherworld Strategy: Now this is something else. Xelha fights alone, but not in the normal way. You are dealt a handful of cards face down and another card is shown in the upper left. To do damage to the Ice Goddess, you must choose the card matching the upper left one. If you don't, you are damaged for about 100-200 damage. Don't worry too much, since most of the time you WILL get the card you desire. The hard part is taking a picture of her, but if you have a camera or two equipped, you should be able to draw the card. No damage will be taken from either side, but you will receive a picture. With five correct cards, the battle ends. Yes, it's a test of luck, but Miss Luck is on your side for this one. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= b24: Fadroh =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= HP: 7000 Element: Dark, Chronos Party: Xelha, Gibari, Lyude Average Levels: 38-40 Location: Imperial Fortress Difficulty: 8 Music: Glowing Clouds Strategy: Fadroh is no pushover. This battle will take you quite a long time to get through. Firstly, being above level 43 may easily ensure victory, but it's pretty common to die here. This battle is based more on luck than the last one. See, Fadroh has an attack boosting skill that pretty much puts him in God mode for the rest of the battle. There's no way around this thing. The only way he won't use this skill is just that - he won't. You'd better hope you are able to deal enough damage to him before he's able to grow a brain for himself and cast it. Hope = Luck. Get the drift? So, in other words, if you're lucky, he will not use Orb of Magical Offense right away. Some claim to have been able to kill him before he had the chance to, and 7000hp is a loooot of hit points. His regular attacks do only around 300-450 damage to a single character. But boy does Orb of Magical Offense make him strong. He will be able to attack TWICE, each time creating a long combo with a finisher. Each combo will do anywhere between 1000-1300 damage to a character, and down to 750 with defense. Let me repeat that - he is able to do this twice, so that's around 2000 points of damage taken off one or two members. So, what to do? If Fadroh uses Orb of Magical Offense on his first turn, and you're below level 39, I suggest restarting. If not, you must unleash with everything you have. Wind and Light are his weaknesses, so Light Flare lv4, Wind Blow lv4, Mayflies, Dragonflies, White Oaks, Brilliant Horns, and a nice finish with Intermezzo is the key to dealing great damage. If you're lucky enough, you will be able to take out half - or even more - hp before he decides to boost himself. Equip plenty of healing items for then. Alternate strategy by templar28: Contribution by: templar28 --------------------------- For Fadroh, whom I recently beat, I did actually beat him without him using his magical orb of whatever. My party was Gibari, xelha (she sucks), and Lyude. Gibari did around 1000 damage on his turn, lyude 700, and Xelha, around 300-400. I had a lot of golden bugles and white scepters, and in a couple of turns, he just died. He didn't use a single finisher, he just bullied lyude a lot, whom, aptly in the next battle had been the only one who wasn't paralyzed by binding winds. Gibari was at level 44, Xelha 43, and Lyude 43. For some reason he never actually used any sort of special move, or the magical orb of whatsit. I also had a lot of light guns, and wind paddle (elemental wise), and about three concertos. That's about it for Fadroh. --------------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= b25: Angel of Darkness =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= HP: 9000 Element: Dark Party: Xelha, Gibari, Lyude Average Levels: 40+ Location: Imperial Fortress Difficulty: 6.5 Music: True Mirror - Electric Guitar Version Strategy: Contribution by: Xythar ------------------------ Before fighting the second boss in the Imperial Fortress, make every effort to equip paralysis-resistant 'armour' on as many of your 3 characters as possible. Don't sacrifice like 20 defense for it obviously, but if there's not much difference, be sure to equip the paralysis resistant one. Or you will likely regret it for the next 30-40 minutes. I know I did :/ Also, having paralysis resistance indirectly helps against the draining, you see. As towards the end he always paralyses someone and then drains them immediately afterwards before you can do anything - at least if that person doesn't get paralysed, they can actually defend against the drain move and therefore take less damage meaning he gets less health back. I notice that like 3 bosses in the game whore out draining moves but you never get one. It's unfair. :/ ------------------------ Now this one will be a long one. The Angel of Darkness (and no, I won't say the true name of this boss) has an array of attacks. Plus, he's fast. These combos and finishing moves (you haven't seen these before at all) will cause pretty good damage... somewhere around 400-600 points to one character. Compared to Fadroh, it's barely something, but the Angel of Darkness is faster and tends to use his moves more often. Oh, and he'll last for a long time, so be ready and make sure you have a good amount of time on your hands. I also recommend that you head back all the way to Mintaka to re-supply and level up after Fadroh. Anyway, pound on him with Light Flare lv4, Lyude's weaponry, and Gibari's paddles. The damage may not be all that high, but he won't be able to cause as much either. He will simply wear you down turn after turn, and you should be able to heal the scars. Don't worry about his ability to perform something every other turn or every other two turns, either. The only thing you should actually watch for is his ability to paralyze you with his finisher, but this isn't too common. Now, the hard part comes when your adversary's weak. He will start using an annoying move that drains your HP. The result? About 600hp lost. Horrible, horrible, horrible. Annoying, annoying, annoying. Make sure you unleash your moves at him as much as you can before he has the chance to use this finisher again and again. It's not THAT difficult of a battle, but it will take a while due to the large amount of HP the Angel of Darkness carries. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= b26: Agyo, Ungyo =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= HP: 7000, 7000 Element: Fire (Agyo), Water (Ungyo) Party: Kalas, Gibari, Lyude Average Levels: 43-44 Location: Tower of Zosma Difficulty: 6 Music: Metallic Stroke Strategy: You haven't had a boss encounter in a while, so this should prove to be a nice, challenging fight for ya. Agyo is fire-based and Ungyo is water-based, using moves that relate to their color element. They are also able to raise their own stats using Seal of Agyo / Ungyo. Otherwise, they're almost completely identical. Both are pretty easy at first; it's the latter parts of the battles that make it hard, especially when the two are still up and alive. Attack whomoever you want first, but if a weapon pops up that is the opposite element of who you are aiming at, start up a combo with it against the other guardian. However, don't try to concentrate on trying to kill them both at the reasonably same time, since you will only make it twice as hard. Try to concentrate attacking one beast at a time. Once one of them is down (I took out Ungyo first), the other will be easy. Make sure to heal your HP if it's low and then blast away with opposite- element attacks on the remaining guardian. You don't need to use the opposite elements, but they make quite the difference in damage. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= b27: Malpercio =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= HP: 10000 Element: Dark Party: Kalas, Gibari, Lyude Average Levels: 44-46 Location: Algorab Village Difficulty: 6 Music: Ruler of the Nine Skies Strategy: Nope, even though the music is new, this isn't the final battle. Enjoy the theme, though. Many people like it. I cannot stress it enough, though. This battle is pretty much a carbon copy of the Angel of Darkness. Malpercio fights almost the exact same away, except maybe he's a little slower. Still, I kept having deja vu here. I may even consider it easier, since you have Kalas this time around. Other than that, it's still the same annoying battle against an enemy with an extremely high amount of HP. Malpercio's attacks may not deal a lot of damage (somewhere around 1000 with a finisher or without, depending on your defense). Your items should include the Broken Earth Sphere, Sacred Wines, Salted Sweetfish, and Peanuts. The latter two are some of the best healing items you can find up to this point, being able to heal over 800 points of damage when used. Your best bet is to use light-based weapons when attacking. Lyude should attack with Brilliant Horns, his Saxoflare, Intermezzo and / or Rhapsody. These can do a considerate amount of damage to Malpercio. Kalas and Gibari should have a reasonable amount of light-based weapons, so use this to your heart's content. Oh, and like the Angel of Darkness, Malpercio will later begin using a finisher that... *drumroll* ...drains your HP. Not again, I know, but it's not like he will use it every turn, giving you time to quickly heal and continue attacking like crazy, anxious to destroy him. You must do it. Don't let that drain attack defeat you; it just makes the battle more annoying. Just something that the developers thought would add extra play time in battle, no? =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= b28: Giacomo, Ayme, Folon x2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= HP: 7000, 5000, 5500 Elements: Dark, Fire Party: Kalas, Gibari, Lyude Average Levels: 48+ Location: Celestial Alps Difficulty: 8.5 Music: Chaotic Dance, True Mirror - Electric Guitar Version Strategy: NOTE: It's HIGHLY recommended that you go back to town and use the Blue Flower to upgrade Kalas' class. Nine cards is good. Very good. You're not seeing things. By x2 I mean you have to fight them twice, and they keep their stats for both battles. No breaks in between. Sucks, doesn't it? While they have been upgraded in every single field (attack, defense, HP, etc), they still fight the same way they did back in the Goldoba. The only difference now is that they can heal each other and raise their attack and defense. DUN DUN DUN. Again, Folon is your first target. With the current weapons, your attacks should do anywhere between 600 - 1200 damage (it might only go up that high with Kalas). Use water- and light-based attacks on him, making Lyude a good addition. Ayme will pounce on you with Crazy Rabbit faster than everybody else on the field, but it doesn't hurt that much. Giacomo is also faster this time around. I've seen him miraculously act every other turn, making the battle harder due to his ability to attack twice. Bastard. Ayme also likes to use items. Twice. She will heal Folon with a Healing Salve at one point and use a Rough 'Em Up Drink on him, increasing his defense. This will make him be able to block most of your attacks and halve damage. She seems to continuously use these items on him, but I haven't seen his defense rise as much after the first usage. Also, when one of their party is low on health (again, this should be Folon), Giacomo will use a Healing Potion on them. Twice. So, defeating Folon will take much longer. He still has his Worg Laser and Chaotic Flames specials, and the damage they cause is higher than Giacomo's or Ayme's moves, obviously making him the primary target. He can also increase Ayme or Giacomo's attack power. He can't heal, but like I said, he's the most dangerous in the bunch. Fortunately, Ayme and Giacomo will not heal again, making Ayme a breeze to take out. Your party may be exhausted at this point, but that's what items are for, right? I don't suggest wasting items when your HP is up there, so keep them in your hand until your characters start to struggle. Giacomo is last, but takes longest to defeat. When he loses half of his HP, he will start using End Slasher and Imperial Force. These attacks shouldn't hurt much since you can heal them right away. Just jump on Giacomo like crazy and he will go down quick. The second battle is exactly the same as the first. Basically, if you were able to handle the first one without TOO much trouble, then you shouldn't have too much trouble with the second. Of course, if you die, you can always restart on the second battle, so don't worry too much. The only problem involves having enough time for both these battles, and the cutscenes in between. All of this will take somewhere around two or more hours. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= b29: Sibling God Ar =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= HP: 14000 Element: Fire Party: Kalas, Gibari, Lyude or Xelha Average Levels: 56+ Location: Cor Hydrae, Upper Right Passage Difficulty: 5 Music: Glowing Clouds Ar is a fire-based God, so water-based attacks are your best bet. He isn't particularly difficult, just strong. Ar's trademark attack is Firebird, which, when combined with his other attacks, can do up to 1500 damage. Of course, that's what items are for. You should be able to survive two of these before the need to heal. Gibari is a necessity here. Wave Cutters and Blades and Crystal Shot can create a world of hurt for Ar, since he's weak to water. Kalas can use his Water Truths to help out as well. Vinegar still proves to be incredibly useful. :) When 75% of his HP is lost, Ar will heal back 2100 using Seal of Health. All the Sibling Gods seem to do this, but they will only cast it once, so don't fret. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= b30: Sibling God Le =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= HP: 14000 Element: Wind Party: Kalas, Gibari, Lyude or Xelha Average Levels: 57+ Location: Cor Hydrae, Lower Right Passage Difficulty: 5 Music: Metallic Stroke Le uses wind-based attacks, so have chronos-based cards ready. His special move will poison you, which isn't as bad as being frozen, put into paralysis, or put to sleep. Still, it does a hefty amount of damage with the rest of the combo (around 1500), but it's nothing you should worry about. He's just like the previous god(s). Actually, he's much more annoying than anything. He will continuously use long combos and sometimes his finishing move along with it. When he uses Seal of Sanity, he will attack right after, so be ready. Then again, this is nothing you HAVEN'T seen before, especially if you fought the other battles against the Sibling Gods. Just make use of your chronos- based spells. Sub in Xelha for Lyude if you feel like beating Le up with chronos attacks, since she should have a couple Chronos Blow lv6s at her disposal, and Le should be done for in no time. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= b31: Sibling God Che =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= HP: 14000 Element: Chronos Party: Kalas, Gibari, Lyude or Xelha Average Levels: 58+ Location: Cor Hydrae, Upper Left Passage Difficulty: 6.5 Music: Doomed in the Netherworld Che is a chronos-based God, so wind-based attacks are the way to go. I found him slightly harder than the previous two, mainly because he's a speed demon. He seems to attack either every other or every other two turns, and half his attacks end up being long combos with finishing moves. He can also confuse your party members, but I never found that too threatening. Again, Gibari's awesome. So is Kalas. Bring both and outfit them with as many wind-based weapons as you can, then pound away. Gibari should have a plethora of them - Mayflies, Dragonflies, and Mirage Blades, which you can win when battling the flying demons in Cor Hydrae. Kalas should have Air Slashes and the Wind God Blade. Bring Xelha if you're looking to completely pounce on his wind weakness. Otherwise, stay with Lyude if you want to play it safe. Che can paralyze you as well. This can become annoying, since he can paralyze, then attack that same character right away. Try to keep everyone's HP above 3000 and be ready to face the pain. He will heal himself like every other God, so that's 2100 extra HP to go. Nothing big. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= b32: Sibling God Bo =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= HP: 14000 Element: Water Party: Kalas, Lyude, Gibari or Xelha Average Levels: 59+ Location: Cor Hydrae, Lower Left Passage Difficulty: 5.5 Music: True Mirror - Electric Guitar Version Bo is a water-based God, so make use of those fire-based weapons. This one's much like the other Sibling God battles. He still has Seal of Sanity and Seal of Health, and a new trademark attack to boot. Icy Burst will freeze a member, however, so be ready for that one. He seems to like using this move often, too. Unleash the fire attacks. You should have more than a handful equipped on Kalas (Efreeti Saber, Kusanagi Blade, Flametongue, etc). If you're looking to continue damaging his choke point, you may want to replace Gibari with Xelha, as Fire Burst lv6 does a nice amount of damage. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= b33: Sibling God He =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= HP: 14000 Element: Light Party: Kalas, Gibari, Lyude Average Levels: 61+ Location: Cor Hydrae, Central Passage Difficulty: 6 Music: Rumbling of the Earth He is a light-based God, so launch those dark-based attacks. There's nothing new in the flow of this battle that's different from the other ones. He has the same amount of combos with yet another finisher. This one seems to deal more damage than the other ones (1900hp lost defenseless), so watch out. He can also put you to sleep, but that shouldn't be anything you'll need to worry about unless your characters are about to die. If you take him out last or second to last (meaning your levels will be above 61) then he really should pose no problem. Lyude is a must here because of the amount of dark-based weapons and finishing moves he has. Kalas should also have plenty of them. You can switch Xelha in for Gibari once again if you want to concentrate on using more dark-based moves against, but that may not be needed. Watch out, though, he can be as quick as Che sometimes. In fact, this seemed to be a problem with more than half of the Sibling Gods, as they would cheaply act twice at times (and I'm not talking about using Seal of Sanity, either). Keep your HP above 2000 and you should be fine, however. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= b34: Malpercio =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= HP: 16000 Element: Dark Party: Kalas, Gibari, Lyude Average Levels: 64+ Location: Cor Hydrae Difficulty: 7 Music: Ruler of the Nine Skies Dammit, here's another 16000hp to go. Malpercio is basically like a combination of all the other gods, but without as many moves. Nevertheless, he's the dark-based god, so his weakness will be light moves. Seal of Awakening and Seal of Venom will put you to sleep or poison you, respectively. Take note of these two attacks, as sleep will annoy you to no end. Like the other gods, he won't use these attacks in a combo. Rather, he uses them once, and often follows with a large combo that's bound to do quite a bit of damage. The Divine Doom combo can do up to 2300 points of damage. Attack with what you've got, but try to play it safe every now and then. Malpercio will sometimes cheat and cruelly use a long combo twice, on two different characters. That sucks, but light-based moves are still you best friends. Lyude was a favorite here, being able to use his new Finale move. Don't worry too much about using dark-based moves if you have no other choice, either. It's not like Malpercio's completely immune to them. The worst comes out of Malpercio's Soul Drain combo finisher. This move will not only cause more than 1500 points of damage, but will also heal him that same amount. He starts using it when he doesn't have plenty of HP left, but be extremely wary. This attack is amazingly annoying, as you have to keep track of not only the attacked character's HP but also Malpercio's new addition to his health. Try to take him down quickly before he has the chance to use it again. He probably will, but you should be able to take him down soon after. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= b35: Malpercio =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= HP: 20000 Element: Varies Party: Kalas, Gibari, Lyude Levels: 67+ Location: Cor Hydrae Difficulty: 9 Music: Violent Storm Here it is - the true final battle. I found him to look kinda wimpy compared to his normal form, though. Use your best party, even if it's not the same one I used. Also, keep in mind that while I listed the recommended levels to be 67 or above, I was not able to defeat Malpercio at level 68. However, other people seemed to be able to do it just fine. Still, if you're skeptical and want to play it safe, confront him when you reach level 71 or higher. Malpercio often uses Seal of Entropy. I was not sure what this attack did at first, but ivysaur12 and dagamefreak both e-mailed me the effect. Contribution by: ivysaur12 --------------------------- It took me a while to get what Seal of Entropy does, but I finally figured it out after examining the damage that I was doing to him. Every time he uses Seal of Entropy, he switches his element. You can tell what element he's switched to by the graphical effect that surrounds him when he uses it (flames for Fire, bubbles for water, white wings for Light, whirlwinds for Wind, clocks for Chrono, dark matter for Dark). When he does this, attacks by the same element will do -80% damage while attacks from the opposing element will do +80%. --------------------------- Contribution by: dagamefreak --------------------------- seal of entropy changes Malpercio's element. You can sometimes tell by the auras he absorbs, but he attacks right after, so you'll know. --------------------------- Other than that, he will throw a nine-hit combo at a character without a finisher. The least I've seen this do is 1000 points of damage with armored defense against all of his cards, so be extraordinary careful and watch your HP. Your best healing items should include Avocados, Salted Sweetfish, the Broken Earth Sphere, Peanuts, and Green Tea. You can buy these in later towns in the game (except for the Broken Earth Sphere, which you already should have), and you can win Avocados from the Demonic Hands enemies prowling around Cor Hydrae. You should attack Malpercio with everything you've got, as long as the elements aren't opposites. He is able to often defend against your moves, too. Don't be afraid to use dark-based weapons, but save them if you have nothing else to use, since the damage coming from then is very low. Lyude again is nice to use here, with moves like Finale at your command and a great supply of light-based weapons. I used Gibari simply because of his strength and the fact that I've used him for pretty much every other battle anyway. If you have someone else you wish to use (or somebody you've already been using instead), sub them in for Gibari, but I recommend keeping Lyude. Make sure you have at least ten different healing items, 25 armors, and 25 weapons for each characters. Sometimes I may recommend having more weapons, but try to keep enough pieces of armor as well. Malpercio has two finishing moves he can use, occurring after five regular attacks. Dark Arrow can take away lots of HP, but it's usually the same amount as when he attacked with his regular nine-hitter. At one point he will use Enchanted Blade, and things get harder there. He is able to use this three times in a row, once on each character, but what makes it annoying is that it's, of course, the token drain attack. Yes, it'll return around 3000 to 4000hp back to him after using it thrice. Not only did he regain HP, but he weakened your characters to the extreme. Items become VERY OH-SO MAJORLY important at this point. Forget attacking, heal right when you get the chance. When you think he's weak, go all out on him. You may not want to bother healing, since he'll most likely use Enchanted Blade again. If you go all-out you have a high risk of losing characters, but you also have the chance of killing him once and for all. That late in battle, healing one single character may not be as important as taking him down, especially when all three of your characters are weak. It's your choice, though, and it mostly depends on the situation. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= b36: The True Final Boss. Now, I won't spoil this moment for you. It's the last big plot twist in the game, and in my eyes it's the biggest one. I seriously wasn't expecting this. Neither were you. Mmm. While he has 15,000 HP, he's practically simple. His attacks will not cause heavy pain (low damage, actually, even without defense), and there's a special method of destroying him. Simply use a Spirit Move. Those are the moves that pop up on Kalas's deck when he is attacking at random. They're triggered by the relationship level of Kalas and you, the Guardian Spirit, and thwy will appear more often when you agree with Kalas and make wise choices. One of these moves will kill him automatically. ============================================================================= ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ============================================================================= ============================================================================= ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// VII. FAQ Q&A f08 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ============================================================================= -Game Help- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. Giacomo, Folon, and Ayme. Goldoba. Help. Now. A. I have a strategy up above, but since you probably won't look right away, I'll just that you want to take Folon out first, since he is the most dangerous of the bunch. Ayme should die next, and Giacomo last. Look up at the strategy for more information. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. Ok, so I'm fighting the trio. Whose picture do I keep? A. You might end up taking a picture of all three. Ayme's your target. You 've already fought Giacomo and Folon, and their pics haven't changed (other than the price, they sell for higher now). If you take a picture of Ayme, it will be added to your Gathering. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. I took a picture of a boss, but I didn't keep it. Am I screwed? A. Not at all. The only reason to keep pictures is to sell them for money. Once you've taken an enemy's picture, it is automatically added to your Gathering menu. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What is a good way to damage Geldoblame? A. You can find Solar Sabers in the Lava Caves. Equip them and unleash hell on the wicked emperor. Beware though, they will turn into regular Sabers after being kept for an hour. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. Which Dimensional Crack monster should I defeat first? A. Go to Diadem and defeat Naiad first, since he's the easiest. It should be a pathetic battle that even Xelha can win alone. Then go to Anuenue with Gibari, Mira with Savyna, and finally head over to Alfard to rescue Lyude. Of course, you can do this in a different order. The exp you receive from Despina (Mira) and Galatea (Alfard) is quite large, and if you want either Mizuti or Lyude to receive this much, you can go rescue Lyude second or third, and then head for the last guardian. There is no guardian in Sadal Suud. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -General Questions- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. I have an alternate strategy for [insert boss here]. A. Awesome! You can send it to me if you wish. I'll put it up and give ya credit. Just make sure to double-check your spelling and grammar. If it has MANY problems, I won't put it up, but if it includes only minor typos and / or punctuation problems, I can fix them. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What about the sidequest bosses? A. I don't have strategies from them yet, but I will soon. You can still send me guides for them and I'll post them, but eventually I'll end up writing down a strategy of my own. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================= ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ============================================================================= ============================================================================= ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// VIII. VERSION HISTORY f09 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ============================================================================= Version 0.4 - 11/29/04 - Started up the guide and added the first few strategies. - Title and introduction finished. Version 0.5 - 12/01/04 - General layout finished. - New boss strategies. Version 0.7 - 12/03/04 - Added more strategies. - Characters section info is completed, but I'll probably update it more. - General layout spiced up a bit. Version 1.0 - 12/04/04 - More strategies, as always. - Search terms for the different sections were added. - New section: FAQ Q&A. Version 1.1 - 12/06/04 - New guides. - Fixed some errors. Version 1.2 - 12/07/04 - New guides. Version 1.6 - 12/08/04 - All boss guides are finished. - Updated introduction. - Submitted. Version 1.7 - 12/10/04 - Updated some strategies, including the crappy Phantasm one. - Added two contributor thanks. Version 1.8 - 12/11/04 - Added boss elements. - Currently working on an optional boss strategy. Version 2.0 - 1/11/04 - Contributions updated. ============================================================================= ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ============================================================================= ============================================================================= ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// IX. CREDITS f10 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ============================================================================= -Thanks To- CJayC. ivysaur12 and dagamefreak, for the Seal of Entropy solution. I never was able to notice it. o_O ultimategamer47, for info about the Savyna fight and leaving Diadem Castle. Xythar, for alternate ways to defeat the second boss in the Imperial Fortress. Baten Kaitos boards and strategy guide, for some health totals and experience table. ...And everyone else who contributed. Your name's up there. You, for reading this guide. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -End of Document-