Baten Kaitos Magnus Special Combos FAQ Version 2.1, 12/30/04 By Daredevil3181 (Joseph Diamond, DISCLAIMER: This FAQ was written solely by me, Joseph Diamond, and may not be used on any site other than GameFAQS, GameSpot, or Neoseeker without my permission. Since it has been published in a public forum it is now also "Copyright 2004 Joseph Diamond". If you would like to post this guide on your site please e-mail me your request with the subject line "Posting Magnus Combination FAQ". Chances are I will most likely give you the green light, but you still need to ask. Also, be sure to check back for updates to this guide if it is posted. There's no point in posting an outdated guide. Legal mumbo jumbo is officially over. Now it's on to the races! -- Table of Contents -- I. Version History II. Magnus Combination Tips III. List of Magnus Special Combos IV. Thanks and Credits -- I. Version History -- Version 1.0 12/7/04: Transcribed everything that I both saw and was success- fully posted on the boards. Finished the guide with all of its tips. I will update from here as I see fit. Version 1.1 12/16/04: Fixed an error on Combo 3, as when I tested it the original Fire Burst level was inadequate. I performed it fine with Fire Burst Lv 4, though, so I changed it to that. Also, made a minor adjustment on Combo number 39 to avoid some confusion. As of now I have tested 106 of 141 Combos. Version 2.0 12/23/04: Made a huge guide overhaul and fixed an error or two. As if you hadn't noticed, now all combos include a description of the item that has been created, to facilitate the user's decision as to whether or not the combo is worth pulling off. All Special Combos have been tested and confirmed. I don't forsee any more updates on this guide from here on out. Version 2.1 12/20/04: The best laid plans of mice and men don't always work out that way. That being said, here's another (and hopefully my last) update to the guide. I fixed a few minor typographical errors. Also, I was informed that you can in fact make Combos on your Defensive turns, thanks to Marc Hawkman, so that will be included in the Tips section. -- II. Magnus Combination Tips -- Don't forget to strap on your seatbelt as you enter the exciting world of Baten Kaitos, another Namco RPG for the Gamecube. This game has so much going on at one time that it can sometimes be difficult to make heads or tails of it all. This is mainly because in addition to the main plot, subplots, and various sidequests taking place in the game, your inventory will constantly be changing. There are no weapons, spells, armor, or items in this game per se. Instead, everything takes place with cards, called Magnus. This is unlike other card- based RPG's though, in that hands change for each character and basically dictate what you do in each battle on a somewhat random basis. Another thing to note is that cards can never disappear no matter how many times you use them in battle, although it is possible for them to degrade (always keep a sharp eye on your card inventory). There are many different Magnus cards in this game (around 1020) and they are all displayed in your menu under the Gathering section. Of these Magnus, close to 141 of them (there is some overlap) can be created by playing a certain combination of cards in a battle. Upon correct completion of a Magnus Special Combo, you will see all cards involved group together and a new Magnus will form to the right of them on the turn summary screen. Otherwise, there will be no indications as to whether or not the combination was successfully performed. A few reminders for trying to maximize your combinations in the shortest amount of time: 1. You DO NOT need to pick up the newly formed Magnus after battle for it to be recorded both in your Special Combos (SP Combos) and Cards section on the Gathering menu. If there is another item that you need more than the Magnus that is formed, by all means go ahead and take that one instead. 2. Magnus combinations can only be done on a single character's turn. There is no crossing over to other characters' or enemies' turns in order to find a certain card. Special Combos can be made on either your Offensive or Defensive turns, but I would only recommend trying to form them on your Offensive turns. The reason for this is because the vast majority of cards can only be played on as Offensive turn. In addition, why would you willingly sustain damage instead of actually defending and risking the character who has the necessary cards to undergo some status effect as well as dying? Short answer, you wouldn't. For that reason I only recommend attempting to pull off Special Combos on your Offensive turns (feel free to target your characters instead of the enemies, though, as for a good number of healing Combos that works without any problems). Thanks to Marc Hawkman for telling me that Combos could be played on Defensive turns as well, as he was able to use both a Chunk of Ice and Grapes successfully in a Combo during this time. 3. Any Magnus played in the combo are not used up or consumed, so don't be afraid about forming a combination as soon as you can. 4. It's a good idea to stack your deck with more than one card of a certain type needed to form a combo if possible (for example, if you need two Light Yells, insert three or four into your character's deck). This will help to maximize the chances that the necessary cards will come up in your hand. 5. If you play any other card during the character's turn who is trying to form the combination, the sequence will be null and void. Don't be tempted to mess it up just to heal a little more or do some damage, as the ensuing frustration in trying to recreate the combination is usually not worth it. 6. Try to play any possible combinations in your deck as soon as you can. Most of the time you are not in a hurry to go anywhere in the game, so retrace your steps to a previous area to find plenty of monsters. The majority of enemies respawn as soon as you leave the screen and come back, so it shouldn't be too hard to find encounters in which to play cards. 7. Magnus do change over time; components and even some cards formed through Special Combos are no exceptions. Make a Prophet's Notebook as soon as possible to help you keep track of what is changing over time, so that you can react accordingly (keep in mind that this too will degrade over time and become a Fading Notebook, which is why I also recommend that you always have TWO Prophet's Notebooks on hand, with one made somtime later from the other one). Generally as far as forming Special Combos is concerned, the quicker you form them, the less chance the components have to change into something either undesired or unusable (this is especially true for some "unstable" cards, such as Chunk of Ice, which even remark that they will change on you shortly after acquisition). 8. BE PATIENT. It's often better to take ten minutes in one battle to form a Special Combo than it is to breeze through it in thirty seconds with nothing to show for it. The cards you need don't always come up when you want them to. Throw away anything you don't need during your characters' turns (special attacks, armor, greyed out weapons, etc.) to increase the chances of a desired item appearing. -- III. List of Magnus Special Combos -- Although I tried to make this list as comprehensive as possible, keep in mind there is some overlap in ways to make certain items. It does NOT count as a new combo if it merely replaces the combo you had before on the same line. Some slight variation is allowed in both the order and the items used for a few Special Combos (such as Light Flare Lv 2 in place of Light Flare Lv 1; Honey swapped with a piece of Cheese), but for the most part you should try to follow the ordering and components of these combinations as close as possible. Each entrant in this list corresponds to the area it will be recorded in the SP Combos area in your Gathering menu. For those of you who only wish to make a few "useful" combos, I've gone ahead and actually listed all the card descriptions of what you can make underneath each combo formation. If a card only has a use on Attack of Defense I will only list the pertinenet part. Also, the Combo number in the description refers to how soon you can use it in your play for that turn (1 means you can use it as the first thing and 2 means the earliest you can use it is as the second thing, etc.). Enjoy. Key = + means to use those items together, as in one followed right after by the next. A number in parantheses (like this) indicates that you need to use that same card X amount of times (with X being the number in parantheses). 1. Sun-Dried Wine = Deluxe Sweet Wine + Light Flare Lv 1 Attack - 20% chance of confusion (Combo 1) "This is what you get for exposing your Deluxe Sweet Wine to the light. It's spoiled now! Take a swig to punish yourself. It will teach you the importance of proper storage." 2. Lukewarm Rice Wine = Japanese Rice Wine + Fire Burst Lv 1 Attak - 7% chance to cure Freeze (Combo 1) Defense - Freezing Resistance + 15 (Combo 1) "Lukewarm Rice Wine. Warmed to body temperature to enhance the flavor and reduce liver strain." 3. Hot Rice Wine = Japanese Rice Wine + Fire Burst Lv 4 Attack - 60% chance to cure Freeze (Combo 1) Defense - Freezing Resistance +60 (Combo 1) "It's hot. Commonly made in extremely cold regions. Virtually no smell, but one sip will knock your socks off. Most of the alcohol has evaporated." 4. Sacred Wine = Holy Grail + Japanese Rice Wine Attack - Heal HP 500 100% chance tp cure Death (Combo 1) "Ceremonial wine offered to the gods. Use this on your enemies, then use Light Yell 1 repeatedly to gain a level." 5. Rice = Power Helmet + Uncooked Rice + Aqua Burst Lv 1 + Fire Burst Lv 1 Attack - Heal HP 800 (Combo 1) "This fluffy rice should be eaten right away or it will harden and get sticky. For sushi, blend in vinegar and cool with a fan." 6. Extra Fluffy Rice = Power Helmet + Uncooked Rice + Aqua Burst Lv 1 + Charcoal + Fire Burst Lv 1 Attack - Heal HP 1350 (Combo 1) "This beautiful, extra fluffy rice was cooked with care and tastes better than normal rice." 7. Deluxe Rice = Power Helmet + Uncooked Rice + Aqua Burst + Deluxe Charcoal + Fire Burst Lv 1 Attack - Heal HP 1750 (Combo 1) "How could rice taste so sweet? I envy anyone who has a chance to eat this heavenly rice." 8. Sushi Rice = Extra Fluffy Rice + Vinegar + Paper Fan Attack - Heal HP 300 33% chance to cure Death (Combo 1) Defense - Death Resistance +50 (Combo 1) "Vinegary rice is a must for sushi. Using normal rice would taste like nothing more than sashimi with rice. This special recipe has played a major part in making sushi famous." 9. Roasted Squid = Squid + Fire Burst Lv 1 + Paper Fan Attack - Heal HP 1000 (Combo 1) "Like mother used to make! This squid has lost its moisture, so it's tough, but chew on it to release hidden bursts of flavor. Great with rice wine." 10. Model Boat = Lukewarm Rice Wine + Roasted Squid + The Silent Woman + Light Flare Lv 2 Attack - Can be used when attacking, but nothing happens (Combo 1) "Intricate model crafted with care and patience. So realistic that, at a glance with a telescope, one might mistake it for a real boat. Adds a nice touch to any room." 11. Deluxe Green Tea = Green Tea + Large Teamug Attack - Heal HP 1500 100% chance to cure Confusion (Combo 1) Defense - 100% chance to cure Confusion (Combo 1) "A hot mug of Deluxe Green Tea is good for the soul. Some people swoosh it around in their mouth instead of brushing their teeth. Maybe that's not such a good idea, though." 12. Wasabi Root = Young Wasabi Root + Dark Flare Lv 1 Attack - Heal HP 650 80% chance to cure Death (Combo 1) Defense - Death Resistance +80 (Combo 1) "This Japanese horseradish is not quite full-grown yet. To get top-grade wasabi root, pristine water is indispensable." 13. Deluxe Wasabi Root = Wasabi Root + Mineral Water Attack - Heal HP 800 100% chance to cure Death (Combo 1) Defense - Death Resistance +100 (Combo 1) "Top-grade wasabi nurtured with pristine water. Ground up into paste, it is used to spice up sashimi. Careful though, eating a lot will make you cry." 14. Deluxe Sushi = Sushi Rice + Any Fish + Deluxe Wasabi Root Attack - Heal HP 3000 50% chance to cure Death (Combo 1) Defense - Death Resistance +99 (Combo 1) "The perfect balance of sashimi and rice melts in your mouth! Sushi of this caliber is a treat which only a select few are able to experience. Savor it!" 15. Sweatband = Sushi Rice + Any Fish + Deluxe Wasabi Root + Deluxe Green Tea Attack - ATK +65 (Combo 1) Defense - ATK +65 (Combo 1) "An extraordinary sweatband. Crafted with the greatest care, it brings out the untapped mental strength of those who wear it. It also absorbs sweat." 16. Poisonous Sushi = Sushi Rice + Charred/Rotten Fish + Deluxe Wasabi Root Attack - ATK 163 (Dark 98) 99% chance of Poison (Combo 1) Defense - 99% chance of Poison (Combo 1) "Makes you sick if you eat it. The poison leads to death unless you have the proper antidote. Get treatment immediately if you eat this." 17. Karate Headband = Sushi Rice + Charred/Rotten Fish + Deluxe Wasabi Root + Deluxe Green Tea Attack - DEF +65 (Combo 1) Defense - DEF +65 (Combo 1) "Get fired up and ready to bust some heads. Look like a karate champ! An essential element to keep your hair out of your face at virtually any karate tournament." 18. Freshly Baked Bread = Wheat + Aqua Burst/Mineral Water + Fire Burst Lv 4/Large Fire/Bomb Attack - Heal HP 830 (Combo 1) "Freshly baked bread smells wonderful. Follow your nose to the bakery. Fresh bread with strawberry jam and milk make a great breakfast!" 19. Beef Jerky = Bacon/Beef + Large Fire Attack - Heal HP 500 (Combo 1) "Seasoned with black pepper. Bursts of flavor will tingle your palate with every bite. The more you chew the better it tastes." 20. Grilled Hamburger = Beef + Charcoal + Large Fire Attack - Heal HP 700 40% chance to cure Freeze (Combo 1) Defense - Freezing Resistance +40 (Combo 1) "Freshly sauteed hamburger. Cooked to a perfect brown just for you. Juicy and full of flavor." 21. Melted Ice Cream = Rotten Meat + Fire Burst + Birch Sap Gum Defense - Flames Resistance + 10 (Combo 1) "This used to be perfectly good ice cream, but you didn't eat it fast enough, so now it's a sticky mess. No time to regret." 22. Beef Stew = Bacon/Beef + Deluxe Charcoal + Fire Burst Lv 1-4 + Birch Sap Gum Attack - Heal HP 1200 99% chance to cure Freeze (Combo 1) Defense - Freezing Resistance +99 (Combo 1) "Simmered on a low flame, and cooked in a stone pot. Its tender beef, carrots, potatoes, and more will take your tastebuds on the ride of their lives." 23. Cheese Fondue = Deluxe Sweet Wine + Cheese Attack - Heal HP 125 (Combo 1) Defense - Headache Resistance +50 (Combo 1) "Creamy melted cheese prepared for dipping French bread and various vegetables. A special treat indeed! For all you cheese lovers." 24. Cheese Fondue = Cheese + Fire Burst + Freshly Baked Bread Same as #23 25. Green Mold = Sun-Dried Wine + Cheese Attack - 70% chance of Poison (Combo 1) "It's slimy and gross. Don't eat it, okay? Use Chronos Yell Lv 1 a few times in battle after using Green Mold to gain a level." 26. Coat of Gallantry = Roasted Squid + Salted Sweetfish + Japanese Rice Wine Defense - ATK +30 (Combo 1) "Worn by warriors long passed away, this coat draws out raw courage from the depths of one's soul." 27. Deluxe Fireworks Set = Peanuts + Chicken Kebab + Beer Attack - ATK 145 (Fire 87) 100% chance of Flames (Combo 1) Defense - Freezing Resistance +100 (Combo 1) "This set contains top quality fireworks. The create huge flower-shaped sparks - ideal for those warm summer nights. Handle with care, as materials may explode..." 28. Strange Brew = Japanese Rice Wine + Sun-Dried/Deluxe Red/Sweet Wine + Beer Attack - Heal HP 1180 (Combo 1) "They always say mixing drinks is a bad idea, but this concoction somehow looks promising." 29. Strawberry Milk = Milk + Strawberries + Sugar Attack - Heal HP 750 ATK +15 (Combo 1) Defense - ATK +45 (Combo 1) "Strawberries squashed with a spoon, mixed with sugar and milk. Pink, sweet, nutritious, and delicious. It's good...and good for you!" 30. Pretty Flower = Flower Bud + Light Flare Lv 1 Attack - Heal HP 50 30% chance to cure Paralyze (Combo 1) Defense - Paralysis Resistance +60 (Combo 1) "Careeful watering leads to a beautiful flower. But be careful not to water too much. A flower like this doesn't last long." 31. Pretty Flower = Dried Flowers + Aqua Burst Lv 2 Same as #30 32. Root-Rotten Flower = Pretty Flower + Aqua Burst Lv 1 Attack - 30% chance of sleep (Combo 1) "Sometimes the most vital parts are hidden from the eye. A flower without healthy roots will wilt from lack of nutrition." 33. Dead Flower = Root-Rotten Flower + Aqua Burst Lv 1 Attack - ATK 25 (Dark 15) 20% chance of Poison (Combo 1) "What a tragedy. Maybe it didn't get enough sunlight. Or perhaps it longed to be with its fellow flowers in a garden." 34. Dead Flower = Any Flower + Dark Flare Same as #33 35. Pretty Flowers = Pretty Flower (x4) Attack - Heal HP 250 50% chance to cure Paralyze (Combo 1) Defense - Paralysis Resistance +100 (Combo 1) "There's nothing like a bouquet of pretty flowers to cheer up someone sick in bed." 36. Pretty Flowers = Good Fortune + Sugar Cane + Bananas Same as #35 37. Dead Flowers = Dead Flower (x4) Attack - 40% chance of Paralysis (Combo 1) "Terribly dry and withered. If placed on a fire, they'd burn to a crisp in no time. No value as ornamental flowers. Send them to someone you care nothing for." 38. Cute Doll = Doll + Pretty Flower Attack - Heal HP 270 (Combo 1) "Popular among collectors of all ages. Innocent, cute design can be very com- forting and healing. But if you spoil her too much...WATCH OUT!" 39. Doll = Crying Doll/Hate-filled Doll + Light Flare Lv 1 Attack - 25% chance of Sleep (Combo 1) "This is a weird little doll. Give it a flower and it might cheer up. Even- tually a soul may decide to reside in this doll. If it does, better hope for a nice one!" 40. Crying Doll = Doll + Dead Flower Attack - 30% chance of Headache (Combo 1) Defense - 30% chance of Headache (Combo 1) "If you have a doll in your room, you'd best examine it closely, especially around the eyes. If it's not normal, place it on a window sill where the sun shines in brightly to cleanse out the evil!" 41. Soft-Boiled Egg = Egg + Fire Burst Lv 1 Attack - Heal HP 1200 33% chance to cure Confusion (Combo 1) Defense - 66% chance to cure confusion (Combo 1) "Soft-boiled eggs are really difficult to cook just right. Wait too long and the yolk gets hard. Then you can't call it a soft-boiled egg!" 42. Fried Egg = Egg + Large Fire Attack - Heal HP 1000 33% chance to cure Freeze (Combo 1) Defense - Freezing Resistance +50 (Combo 1) "Just a simple fired egg, also called 'sunny side-up.' That classic and delicious taste. Thank you, chicken...thank you." 43. Tonguetwister Rouge = Wheat + Uncooked Rice + Egg Attack - Increase HPMAX by 4% (Combo 1) Defense - Increase HPMAX by 4% (Combo 1) "Stylish, light-red lipstick. Enables the wearer to speak eloquently and move quickly. For Xelha and Savyna only. Not for you, Gibari!" 44. Frozen Tangerine = Orange + Chunk of Ice Attack - 100% chance to cure Flames (Combo 1) "It melts in your mouth like sorbet! Go on, give it a try. Use Aqua Yell Lv 1 against the enemy several times after the Frozen Tangerine to increase 1 level." 45. Pac-Man = Cherries + Strawberries + Orange + Apple + Melon Attack - ATK 90 (Combo 1) "Long ago, this legendary hero took on as many as 4 enemies at once - at times confronting them, and at other times fleeing. Some say he had an addiction to pellets, while others say he fought ghosts." 46. Fruit Sorbet = Chunk of Ice + Grapes Attack - 33% chance of Headache (Combo 1) Defense - 33% chance of Headahce (Combo 1) "Fresh fruit was cut up into bite-sized pieces and frozen to make this yummy treat. Served in a fancy glass dish. Don't eat it too fast or you'll get a headache." 47. Fruit Tart = Strawberries + Sugar Attack - Heal HP 600 (Combo 1) "Made with seasonal fruit. A favorite among the women. Some even buy a whole tart for lunch. Don't get carried away though, or those extra pounds you've been dreading will sneak up on you again!" 48. Fruit Cornucopia = Orange + Apple + Melon + Cherries Attack - Heal HP 340 (Combo 1) "A basket of freshly picked fruits - straight from the orchard. A sweet smell hangs over it. Various kinds of fruit are included. The perfect gift to send to someone that's helped you out recently." 49. Rotten Cornucopia = Rotten Fruit (x4) Attack - ATK 50 50% chance of Poison (Combo 1) Defense - 50% chance of Poison (Combo 1) "Giving off a moldy, rotten smell. Small bugs are attracted to it and buzzing about. Sending it to someone would be terribly rude. You wouldn't dare!" 50. Seed of Headaches = Frozen Tangerine/Fruit Sorbet (x4) Attack - 100% chance of Headache (Combo 1) Defense - 100% chance of Headache (Combo 1) "Very rare indeed. One nibble on this seed creates an instant headache. Just try to ignore the pain and let it pass." 51. Dog Carving = Birch + Sculpting Knife Attack - Can be used when attacking, but nothing happens (Combo 1) "A very nice dog carving made from white birch. Its expressions seem to change depending on the amount of light shining on it. Would be a faithful companion if it were real." 52. Monkey Carving = Pine Tree + Sculpting Knife Attack - Can be used when attacking, but nothing happens (Combo 1) "This monkey carving was whittled from an expensive bonsai pine tree. Its sharp eyes look full of justice. Surely it can see through all those with evil intentions." 53. Pheasant Carving = Cedar Tree + Sculpting Knife Attack - Can be used when attacking, but nothing happens (Combo 1) "This work of art was carved from cedar. Beautiful posture from head to tail. An advanced technique was required for the detailed leg design." 54. Branches = Young Bamboo + Any Knife/Sword Attack - Can be used when attacking, but nothing happens (Combo 1) "A few twigs and branches. There's still a small trace of the mighty tree they came from in the scent. Other than that, they're just plain old branches. Burn 'em, snap 'em, trade with your friends..." 55. Rotten Wood = Any Wood + Aqua Burst/Dark Flare Attack - ATK 2 (Combo 1) "Covered with mold and waterlogged, this can't even be used for firewood. Even mushrooms won't dare grow on this wood." 56. Treasure = The Peach Boy + Dog Carving + Monkey Carving + Pheasant Carving "Valuable treasure that would delight a connoisseur. Amongst the sparkling jewlery are rings and a tiara once owned by an ancient princess." 57. Strawberry Shaved Ice = Chunk of Ice + Sculpting Knife + Strawberries Attack - 100% chance of Headache (Combo 1) Defense - 100% chance of Headache (Combo 1) "Red strawberry syrup stands out vividly on the white, slushy ice. Ice and syrup should be eaten in a balanced manner so you're not left with a bunch of sticky sweet syrup." 58. Melon Shave Ice = Chunk of Ice + Sculpting Knife + Melon Attack - 50% chance of Headache (Combo 1) Defense - 50% chance of Headache (Combo 1) "Has more of a high-class taste than strawberry. If you find someone eating a strawberry one, don't hesitate to yell, 'Down with the commoners!'" 59. Sea Bream = Shrimp + Fishing Rod Attack - Heal HP 500 55% chance to cure Flames (Combo 1) Defense - Flames Resistance +80 (Combo 1) "The king of all fish. Essential at celebrations such as weddings. Good whether stewed or fried. This sea bream is quite the lunchtime treat." 60. Fresh Sashimi Set = Squid + Shrimp + Skipjack + Skipjack Attack - Heal HP 420 (Combo 1) "A tasty meal at a great price, featuring a variety of freshly sliced fish. Presented with such a gorgeous spread, it's hard to decide which tantalizing goody to eat first." 61. Old Sashimi Set = Rotten Fish (x4) Attack - DEF -30 (Combo 1) "Sashimi that was forgotten and left behind. The fish has produced a juice with a putrid odor, penetrating the sealed package. Don't even think about opening it!" 62. Deluxe Sashimi Boat = Model Boat + 4 Different types of Seafood Attack - Heal HP 1030 75% chance to cure Flames (Combo 1) Defense - Flames Resistance +100 (Combo 1) "Seasonal fish selected at the fish market, sliced intricately, and carefully arranged by a fine gourmet chef." 63. Rotten Sashimi Boat = Model Boat + Rotten Fish (x4) Attack - ATK 113 (Dark 68) 80% chance of Poison (Combo 1) Defense - 80% chance of Poison (Combo 1) "Rotten sashimi placed in a boat dish. Putrid and disgraceful." 64. Minced Skipjack = Skipjack + Charcoal + Fire Burst Lv 1 Attack - Heal HP 480 35% chance to cure Flames (Combo 1) Defense - Flames Resistance +70 (Combo 1) "Skipjack lightly grilled over a charcoal fire. Fresh red in the center to pink near the skin is a sign that it's been cooked with care. Simply scrump- tious. 65. Plum & Eel Surprise = Pickled Plums + Eel Attack - ATK 86 10% chance of Confusion (Combo 1) Defense - 10% chance of Confusion (Combo 1) "Pickled plum wrapped with a slab of eel. It must look yummy, but don't forget the old saying, 'pickled plums and eel don't mix.' Eat at your own risk." 66. Rice ball = Rice + Pickled Plums Attack - Heal HP 1100 70% chance to cure Paralyze (Combo 1) Defense - Paralysis Resistance +90 (Combo 1) "Rice balls only taste good if the person who makes them puts his or her heart and soul into them. This one will not disappoint. Made with fresh rice." 67. Toasted Rice ball = Rice ball + Soy Sauce + Fire Burst Lv 1 Attack - Heal HP 1500 100% chance to cure Flames (Combo 1) "Glazed with a soy sauce and roasted to a golden brown, this is sure to tantal- ize one's tastebuds. Use it, then use 'Fire Yell LV 3' on enemies to increase 1 level." 68. Charcoal Broiled Eel = Eel + Charcoal + Fire Burst Lv 1-4 Attack - Heal HP 1300 ATK +20 (Combo 1) Defense - ATK +60 (Combo 1) "Broiled carefully over a charcoal flame, this is quite a culinary masterpiece. Not too rich and not at all bland, just very, very good." 69. Mermaid’s Tear = Tearless Mermaid + Deluxe Wasabi Root Attack - All Resistance -30 (Combo 1) "Rare teardrop shed by the tearless mermaid. Use the Aqua Yell Lv 3 on the enemy several times after using the Mermaid's Tear to increase 1 level." 70. Fire Yell Lv 2 = Dud Bomb + Fire Yell Lv 1 (x2) Attack - ATK 35 (Fire 30) 10% chance of Flames (Combo 2) Defense - DEF 35 (Fire 30) Freezing Resistance +30 (Combo 2) "Performs a Fire-based offensive/defensive technique followup to certain weapons/armor/spells/items. The previous Magnus needs to be Fire-based for this Magnus to be available." 71. Aqua Yell Lv 2 = Frozen Tangerine + Aqua Yell Lv 1 (x2) Attack - ATK 35 (Water 30) 10% chance of Freezing (Combo 2) Defense - DEF 35 (Water 30) Flames Resistance +30 (Combo 2) "Performs a Water-based offensive/defensive technique followup to certain weapons/armor/spells/items. The previous Magnus needs to be Water-based for this Magnus to be available." 72. Light Yell Lv 2 = Sacred Wine + Light Yell Lv 1 (x2) Attack - ATK 44 (Light 37) (Combo 2) Defense - DEF 44 (Light 37) Poison Resistance +30 (Combo 2) "Performs a Light-based offensive/defensive technique followup to certain weapons/armor/spells/items. The previous Magnus needs to be Light-based for this Magnus to be available." 73. Dark Yell Lv 2 = Evil Ashes + Dark Yell Lv 2 (x2) Attack - ATK 44 (Dark 37) 10% chance of Poison (Combo 2) Defense - DEF 44 (Dark 37) (Combo 2) "Performs a Darkness-based offensive/defensive technique followup to certain weapons/armor/spells/items. The previous Magnus needs to be Darkness-based for this Magnus to be available." 74. Chronos Yell Lv 2 = Green Mold + Chronos Yell Lv 1 (x2) Attack - ATK 54 (Time 45) 10% chance of Paralysis (Combo 2) Defense - DEF 54 (Time 45) (Combo 2) "Performs a Time-based offensive/defensive technique followup to certain weapons/armor/spells/items. The previous Magnus needs to be Time-based for this Magnus to be available." 75. Wind Yell Lv 2 = Pot of Air + Wind Yell Lv 1 (x2) Attack - ATK 54 (Wind 45) (Combo 2) Defense - DEF 54 (Wind 45) Paralysis Resistance +30 (Combo 2) "Performs a Wind-based offensive/defensive technique followup to certain weapons/armor/spells/items. The previous Magnus needs to be Wind-based for this Magnus to be available." 76. Fire Yell Lv 3 = Crimson Oak Blossom + Fire Yell Lv2 (x3) Attack - ATK 71 (Fire 60) 25% chance of Flames (Combo 2) Defense - DEF 71 (Fire 60) Freezing Resistance +60 (Combo 2) "Performs a Fire-based offensive/defensive technique followup to certain weapons/armor/spells/items. The previous Magnus needs to be Fire-based for this Magnus to be available." 77. Aqua Yell Lv 3 = Firefighting Medal + Aqua Yell Lv 2 (x3) Attack - ATK 71 (Water 60) 25% chance of Freezing (Combo 2) Defense - DEF 71 (Water 60) Flames Resistance +60 (Combo 2) "Performs a Water-based offensive/defensive technique followup to certain weapons/armor/spells/items. The previous Magnus needs to be Water-based for this Magnus to be available." 78. Light Yell Lv 3 = Sunflower Coin + Light Yell Lv 2 (x3) Attack - ATK 84 (Light 70) (Combo 2) Defense - DEF 84 (Light 70) Poison Resistance +60 (Combo 2) "Performs a Light-based offensive/defensive technique followup to certain weapons/armor/spells/items. The previous Magnus needs to be Light-based for this Magnus to be available." 79. Dark Yell Lv 3 = Primrose Coin + Dark Yell Lv 2 (x3) Attack - ATK 84 (Dark 70) 25% chance of Poison (Combo 2) Defense - DEF 84 (Dark 70) (Combo 2) "Performs a Darkness-based offensive/defensive technique followup to certain weapons/armor/spells/items. The previous Magnus needs to be Darkness-based for this Magnus to be available." 80. Chronos Yell Lv 3 = Amber + Chronos Yell Lv 2 (x3) Attack - ATK 97 (Time 80) 25% chance of Paralysis (Combo 2) Defense - DEF 97 (Time 80) (Combo 2) "Performs a Time-based offensive/defensive technique followup to certain weapons/armor/spells/items. The previous Magnus needs to be Time-based for this Magnus to be available." 81. Wind Yell Lv 3 = Rainbow Emblem + Wind Yell Lv 2 (x3) Attack - ATK 97 (Wind 80) (Combo 2) Defense - DEF 97 (Wind 80) Paralysis Resistance +60 (Combo 2) "Performs a Wind-based offensive/defensive technique followup to certain weapons/armor/spells/items. The previous Magnus needs to be Wind-based for this Magnus to be available." 82. Fire Yell Lv 4 = Toasted Rice Ball + Fire Yell Lv 3 (x4) Attack - ATK 120 (Fire 100) 66% chance of Flames (Combo 2) Defense - DEF 120 (Fire 100) Freezing Resistance +75 (Combo 2) "Performs a Fire-based offensive/defensive technique followup to certain weapons/armor/spells/items. The previous Magnus needs to be Fire-based for this Magnus to be available." 83. Aqua Yell Lv 4 = Mermaid’s Tear + Aqua Yell Lv 3 (x4) Attack - ATK 120 (Water 100) 66% chance of Freezing (Combo 2) Defense - DEF 120 (Water 100) Flames Resistance +75 (Combo 2) "Performs a Water-based offensive/defensive technique followup to certain weapons/armor/spells/items. The previous Magnus needs to be Water-based for this Magnus to be available." 84. Light Yell Lv 4 = Sun Coin + Light Yell Lv 3 (x4) Attack - ATK 139 (Light 115) (Combo 2) Defense - DEF 139 (Light 115) Poison Resistance +75 (Combo 2) "Performs a Light-based offensive/defensive technique followup to certain weapons/armor/spells/items. The previous Magnus needs to be Light-based for this Magnus to be available." 85. Dark Yell Lv 4 = Dark Coin + Dark Yell Lv 3 (x4) Attack - ATK 139 (Dark 115) 66% chance of Poison (Combo 2) Defense - DEF 139 (Dark 115) (Combo 2) "Performs a Darkness-based offensive/defensive technique followup to certain weapons/armor/spells/items. The previous Magnus needs to be Darkness-based for this Magnus to be available." 86. Chronos Yell Lv 4 = Forbidden Fruit + Chrono Yell Lv 3 (x4) Attack - ATK 158 (Time 130) 66% chance of Paralysis (Combo 2) Defense - DEF 158 (Time 130) (Combo 2) "Performs a Time-based offensive/defensive technique followup to certain weapons/armor/spells/items. The previous Magnus needs to be Time-based for this Magnus to be available." 87. Wind Yell Lv 4 = Swan + Wind Yell Lv 3 (x4) Attack - ATK 158 (Wind 130) (Combo 2) Defense - DEF 158 (Wind 130) Paralysis Resistance +75 (Combo 2) "Performs a Wind-based offensive/defensive technique followup to certain weapons/armor/spells/items. The previous Magnus needs to be Wind-based for this Magnus to be available." 88. Loveletter (Part 1) = Great Fortune + Dried Persimmons + Young Bamboo Attack - 25% chance of Confusion (Combo 1) Defense - 25% chance of Confusion (Combo 1) "I've always liked you. I've always longed for you. I can no loner resist this feeling of mine that's deeper than the ocean and hotter than the sun..." 89. Loveletter (Part 2) = Great Fortune + Dried Persimmons + Green Mold Attack - 50% chance of Confusion (Combo 1) Defense - 50% chance of Confusion (Combo 1) "You're being a slinky snake. You know how I feel about you, yet you're seeing someone else. I even get jealous when I see you with your family or a friend..." 90. Loveletter (Part 3) = Great Fortune + Dried Persimmons + Blue-Only Pencil Attack - 75% chance of Confusion (Combo 1) Defense - 75% chance of Confusion (Combo 1) "I'll give up anything for you. My family, friends, wealth...I don't care if the whole world hates me. I only want you to live solely for me..." 91. Hate Filled Diary 1 = Bad Fortune + Fried Egg + Crimson Oak Blossom Attack - ATK 104 All Resistance -25 (Combo 1) "Boy: 'You are the worst kind of woman!'" 92. Lovey Dovey Diary 1 = Average Fortune + Beetle + Orange Attack - All Resistance +25 (Combo 1) Defense - All Resistance +25 (Combo 1) "Girl: 'I've never loved anyone this much before...'" 93. Voodoo Doll = An Awful Fortune + Rotten Grapes + Charred Meat Attack - ATK 105 (Dark 63) 60% chance of Paralysis (Combo 1) "This voodoo doll has been used in cursing ceremonies. Evil invocations not being enough for a successful curse, hair from the victim must be placed inside the doll." 94. Voodoo Doll = Straw + Dark Flare Lv 1 Same as #93 95. Evil Ashes = Mark of Death + Fire Burst Lv 1 Attack - 50% chance of Poison 50% chance of Flames (Combo 1) "These ashes were created by burning cursed items. Use Dark Yell Lv 1 on the enemy several times after using Evil Ashes to increase 1 level." 96. Evil Ashes = Tri-Crescendo Pen + Fire Burst Same as #95 97. Dried Persimmons = Persimmons + Light Flare Lv 1 Attack - Heal HP 430 100% chance to cure Headache (Combo 1) Defense - 100% chance to cure Headache (Combo 1) "These persimmons were sun-dried in the cold season. Stretchy on the outside and soft on the inside, they taste much sweeter now that they've been dried." 98. Firefighting Medal = Small Fire + Mineral Water Attack - 100% chance to cure Flames (Combo 1) "Awarded for skillful firefighting. Tip: nip a fire in the bud before it gets out of control. Use Aqua Yell Lv 2 on the enemy several times after using the Firefighting Medal to increase 1 level." 99. Goddess of Victory = Forlorn Woman + Endeavoring Woman Attack - Heal HP 700 40% chance to cure All (Combo 1) Defense - All Resistance +40 (Combo 1) "An emperor who always proved victorious is said to have owned this statue. Whoever holds this statue will receive sound advice from the Goddess of Victory." 100. Secret Recipe 10 = Use Secret Recipes 1-9 in order Attack - 100% chance of Sleep (Combo 1) "Suppose I got a little off track with those 'recipes,' but I'm sure you got somethin' out of 'em, right? What? A splitting headache? Blah!" 101. Angelic Hair = Shampoo + Conditioner + Hair Aftercare + Aqua Burst Lv 2 + Hair Dryer Attack - 100% chance of Confusion (Combo 1) Defense - 100% chance of Confusion (Combo 1) "These angelic strands of hair shimmer like light from a halo. As if fine strands of silk, just looking at this hair will make you want to reach out and touch it." 102. Cursed Picture = Broken Heart Picture + Dark Flare Attack - 35% chance of Paralysis (Combo 3) "She feels like the breakup is her fault. Everytime you look at this picture, the darkness and sadness hits you like a brick. Her eyes are haunting." 103. Prophet’s Notebook = Blank Notebook + Magic Pen Attack - Can be used when attacking, but nothing happens (Combo 1) "A special notebook that's powered by a prophet's magic and reveals Magnus that have changed over time (can only be used in camp). A brand new item in the Magnus menu!" 104. Director’s Notebook = Blank Notebook + Grumble Pen Attack - Can be used when attacking, but nothing happens (Combo 1) "I'm exhausted. How am I supposed to work like this? We've taken 132 takes and he still can't get it right. The lines is so's a lack of moti- vation!" 105. Unicorn Blow Horn = Unicorn Horn + Sculpting Knife Attack - 65% chance of Sleep (Combo 1) "A rare unicorn-horn bugle. Produces a high pitch sound when blown, echoing throughout the mountais." 106. Rainbow Emblem = Rainy Emblem + Light Flare Lv 4 Attack - ATK 110 (Wind 66) (Combo 1) "This arc of dreams in the sky offers an entrance to fairyland. Use Wind Yell Lv 2 on an enemy several times after using the Rainbow Emblem to upgrade 1 level." 107. John Hancock’s Pen = Pegasus Horn + Long Sword Attack - 3% chance of Confusion (Combo 1) "A fancy pen ideal for signing documents, autographs, or whatever else might be waiting for a John Hancock." 108. Consolidation Pay = Divorce Papers + John Hancock’s Pen "Whether to settle a score, shut someone up, or in this case, finalize divorce, sometimes it takes a healthy sum of money to make things better." 109. Beetle = Cedar Tree Sap + Branches Attack - Can be used when attacking, but nothing happens (Combo 1) "Wrapped in a hard shell, which serves as its armor. Were it any bigger, it might have been a fearful creature. Large beetles are very valuable." 110. Grilled Fish = Skipjack + Fire Burst Lv 2 Attack - Heal HP 350 (Combo 1) "Fresh fish grilled to a light brown. Though filled with bones and having a bitter taste, the oily belly's rich flavor makes up for it all." 111. Charred Fish = Skipjack + Fire Burst Lv 5 Attack - ATK 73 (Dark 44) 25% chance of Poison (Combo 1) "Overcooked to a crisp black. It's hardly recognizable as fish now. You might as well call it charcoal. Use lower heat next time." 112. Baked Potato = Large Fire + Aqua Burst Lv 5/6 Attack - Heal HP 2200 80% chance to cure Freeze (Combo 1) Defense - Freezing Resistance +80 (Combo 1) "Freshly baked potato found in the ashes of the fire. The steam that rises from the broken skins makes your mouth water." 113. Monolith Brochure = Blank Notebook + Monolith Pen Attack - Can be used when attacking, but nothing happens (Combo 1) "Brochure with Monolith Software printed on the cover. Nothing written inside. Its contents are said to change from good to bad, depending on the reader." 114. Tri-Cres Job Offer = Blank Notebook + Tri-Crescendo Pen Attack - Can be used when attacking, but nothing happens (Combo 1) "You wanna work for us? It gets pretty hectic! You may want to look somwehere else. You don't mind, eh? In that case, check out our website." 115. Stinky Beans = Soybeans + Straw Attack - Heal HP 1450 (Combo 1) "Fermented soybeans may smell bad, but they're chock full of protein, healthy, and delicious. All in all these stretchy beans are a blessing in disguise." 116. Fatty Tuna = Avocado + Soy Sauce Attack - Heal HP 1900 (Combo 1) "High-quality slabs of tuna seasoned by the sea. Rich and oily, this fish will melt in your mouth. It's truly addictive." 117. Sea Urchin = Custard Pudding + Soy Sauce Attack - Heal HP 1300 DEF +30 (Combo 1) Defense - DEF +90 (Combo 1) "This is top-quality sea urchin. Naturally seasoned in the ocean, it has a smooth and rich flavor. Some have gone so far to say it's like butter!" 118. Chestnuts = Cheese + Honey Attack - Heal HP 220 75% chance to cure Poison (Combo 1) Defense - 100% chance to cure Poison (Combo 1) "Sweet chestnuts. Their hard shells keep in the flavor and nutrients. There's something about the sound of shells cracking that just makes you want to crack open more!" 119. Melon = Cucumbers + Honey Attack - Heal HP 180 (Combo 1) "Top-quality melon. The sweetest part is towards the center, but it gets juicier towards the peel. One spoonful of melon will bring joy to your heart." 120. Deluxe Curry = Apple + Honey + Curry Attack - Heal HP 1400 80% chance to cure Paralyze (Combo 1) Defense - Paralysis Resistance +100 (Combo 1) "Exhibiting a tart apple flavor and the mild sweetness of honey, it ranks up there with the best. A multitude if flavors taking turns on your tongue means you'll never get tired of it." 121. Curry with Rice = Pickled Eggplant + Curry + Extra Fluffy Rice Attack - Heal HP 990 (Combo 1) "Unique flavor abounds in this great curry dish packed with exotic herbs and spices. It's spicy, but tasty. Easy to cook and very satisfying. Popular with everyone." 122. Deluxe Curry with Rice = Deluxe Rice + Deluxe Curry + Deluxe Pickles/Pickled Plum Attack - Heal HP 2300 (Combo 1) "Just the right blend of spices make this curry of the utmost quality. Pickled veggies make a great garnish." 123. Japanese Breakfast = Any Rice + Stinky Beans + Egg Attack - Heal HP 2950 DEF +30 (Combo 1) Defense - DEF +120 (Combo 1) "Contains all the nutrition required for the most important meal of the day. A good day starts out with a good breakfast." 124. Stalker Letter = Loveletter 1 + Loveletter 2 + Loveletter 3 Attack - ATK 126 60% chance of Death (Combo 1) "I know everything about you...what you're wearing, what you're thinking, what time you come home...I won't sleep...till you are with me..." 125. Doodle Book = Blank Notebook + Any Pencil Attack - DEF -15 (Combo 1) "A drawing scribbled in red and blue. Some say that a child's hidden talents can be found in doodles. But this mess is hopeless..." 126. Ice Sculpture = Chunk of Ice + Small Knife Attack - 20% chance of Freezing (Combo 1) Defense - Flames Resistance +99 (Combo 1) "A famous artist won a gold medal at the Snow Festival for this masterpiece. So lifelike it's scary. And to think, if it melts, it's nothing but a pool of water." 127. Chicken Kebab = Rooster + Large Fire + Paper Fan Attack - Heal HP 1150 70% chance to cure Freeze (Combo 1) Defense - Freezing Resistance +100 (Combo 1) "Tasty chunks of chicken barbequed to perfection and poked on a skewer. Sea- soned with salt and spices, a chicken kebab and peanuts go great with beer." 128. Paper Fan = Young Bamboo + Rice Paste + Rice Paper Attack - ATK 63 (Wind 38) 10% chance of Sleep (Combo 1) "Paper fans are essential for surviving a sticky summer. If the world didn't have any paper fans, Chicken Kebab joints would go out of business." 129. Strawberry Jam = Strawberries + Sugar + Fire Burst Lv 2 Attack - Heal HP 480 (Combo 1) "Sweet jam packed with strawberries. Great on bread." 130. Western Breakfast = Freshly Baked Bread + Strawberry Jam + Milk Attack - Heal HP 1330 100% chance to cure Sleep (Combo 1) Defense - Sleep Resistance +100 (Combo 1) "Compared to the Japanese breakfast, this is light and easy. A healthy and re- freshing alternative for those on the go." 131. Sea Urchin Surprise = Freshly Baked Bread + Sea Urchin Attack - ATK 108 100% chance of Headache (Combo 1) Defense - 100% chance of Headache (Combo 1) "I didn't think anyone had the guts to try such a wild combo. What a waste of bread and sea urchin. Sure to ruin the appetite of anyone who tries it." 132. Mark of Death = Voodoo Doll + Angelic Hair Attack - ATK 110 (Dark 66) 50% chance of Death (Combo 1) "This paper contains the mark of death. It's more than enough to curse and kill an enemy. Just stick it to an enemy's forehead, and the fear of death becomes too overwhelming to bear." 133. Sea Bream Lunch = Rice + Sea Bream Attack - Heal HP 1200 (Combo 1) "Steamed rice mixed with wild sea bream. Simple, yet very tasty. Regarded as a lucky dish." 134. Beautiful Hair = Shampoo + Conditioner + Hair Dyer Attack - Can be used when attacking, but nothing happens (Combo 1) "Soft and silky to the touch. This nicely groomed hair gives off a pleasant scent when blowing in the wind. It'll knock your socks off!" 135. Vanilla Ice Cream = (Fresh Meat) + Fire Burst Lv 1 + Birch Sap Gum Attack - Heal HP 910 90% chance to cure Flames (Combo 1) Defense - 100% chance to cure Flames (Combo 1) "Rich, creamy ice cream made with fresh milk and vanilla beans. Melts in your mouth - refreshing and delicious." 136. Pet Food = Rotten Meat + Fire Burst Lv 1 Attack - ATK 66 30% chance of Headache (Combo 1) Defense - 30% chance of Headache (Combo 1) "Pet food is food for pets, you know!...Even if it's nutritionally balanced. Not a good idea for humans to eat food made from poor-quality meat." 137. Charred Meat = Beef + Fire Burst Lv 5 Attack - ATK 93 (Dark 56) 45% chance of Paralysis (Combo 1) Must've been overcooked. Too late to do anything about it now. Eating charred meat could be hazardous to your health." 138. Ashes = Pretty Flower + Large Fire/Fire Burst Lv 1 Attack - Can be used when attacking, but nothing happens (Combo 1) "These are the chief ingredient in certain chemicals or detergents, but they're pretty much useless otherwise. Evil ashes may form if you burn cursed paper." 139. Deluxe Charcoal = Oakwood + Fire Burst Lv 5/6 Attack - Can be used when attacking, but nothing happens (Combo 1) "Its moisture has completely evaporated. Tap on its hard, dense shell to hear a sharp sound. Roast Skipjack with this to make Minced Skipjack." 140. Charcoal = Any wood + Fire Burst Lv 1 Attack - Can be used when attacking, but nothing happens (Combo 1) "wood was cooked over high temperatures and carbonized to make this. Perhaps its infrared rays give meat cooked with it a very special flavor. Use it to cook fluffy, delicious rice as well." 141. Holy Grail = Monolith Pen + Tri-Crescendo Pen Attack - Heal HP 1 66% chance to cure Death (Combo 1) Defense - Death Resistance +80 (Combo 1) "A grail blessed with holy power. Any liquid poured into it will be purified. Often filled with refined rice wine for rituals." And with that you should have all 141 Magnus Special Combos! -- IV. Thanks and Credits -- Everyone of the Baten Kaitos GameFAQs boards who helped to contribute informa- tion about the different ways to attain all of these combinations. A special notable mention in that area goes out to the following users: Ein Valentine, STARoceanEX, Constantine1st, KTMAstersan, AramisKain, Suspended Thoughts, OutcastKatarn, NGEBeBopFan5, BenBlevins, Karaoke War Dance, Fei Hong, Keith Helm 1337, Orochi Ganon, stevenskistg, beebo, universal RPG hero, Achwyn, Tapeworm711, Nairo Dragon, PikaPikaPika1, RaptureII, DrkTaruPanic, NeoSephirothX, JonnyZ, Auralynx, damn posting limit, LordShtzu, DocDragon, clavat, Vincent not Vencient, THOTH, madmaxim, Buster2741, MysticWeirdo, nick1026, D3115, Bokal, impulse london, AquaShyGuy, ash2002usa, tamashii, Zephyr83, VansFlyingPapaya, koolkat, Nairo Dragon, Clock man, and im superior. I believe that's everyone who posted something in that thread. If I misspelled or missed someone's name, I am truly sorry. Marc Hawkman for telling me that you can perform Combos on your Defensive turns as well as your Offensive ones. Namco, for making such a great RPG on the Gamecube, which needs any and all of this genre that it can get. GameFAQs and Mr. Jeff Veasey (CJayC for everyone not familiar with his real name), for being the hostest with the mostest. You, the gamer, for picking my FAQ out of the bunch and using it when playing your game. Or reading it to make fun of me. Either one is A-OK in my book. And finally, ME, for writing this FAQ while still maintaining a somewhat normal life. What? The room with the four walls?! Not again!