============================================================ BATEN KAITOS CONSTELLATION MAGNUS FAQ Ver. 0.3 GAMECUBE Written by: Stephen Chi ============================================================ ************************************************************ Legal Info All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. This document Copyright 2004 Stephen Chi. This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. This document is only for gamefaqs.com. It may not be placed on any other web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. ************************************************************ Before anything else is said, I need to credit STARoceanEX for providing nearly all of the Constellation Magnus locations. I was only sure of about 20 locations when he posted his list on the GameFAQs forum, so without him this guide would not exist. If you want to thank someone, direct it towards him, not me. Well, maybe a little towards me. Locations have been reworded for clarity and information has been added where needed. ------------------------------------------------------------ 1) Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------ This FAQ will cover the basics of Constellation Magnus, one of the main sidequests in Baten Kaitos. Constellation Magnus can be found in many locations, ranging from chests, to people, and also on certain enemies or bosses. Since this guide will include names and descriptions of areas and bosses, be wary of spoilers as you read. This will not cover how to get through each area, unless it is particularly relevant to finding a Constellation Magnus, so do not ask for a step by step guide. ------------------------------------------------------------ 2) Collecting Basics ------------------------------------------------------------ Constellation Magnus are special cards that serve no purpose in battle. They do, however, constitute the largest sidequest in Baten Kaitos. In order to start this sidequest, simply stand on a blue flower, press A, and enter the church. Aside from being the only place where you can level up your characters, this site is also home to an old priest who is lamenting some kind of tragedy. Speak to him, and you will learn the whole story. The roof of the church was designed to reflect the stars' position in the sky. The star map was eventually shattered, however, and now the pieces lie scattered across the world, blown on the wind, coming to rest on land or in the possession of others. If you agree to help him, your job will be to collect all 50 of these fragments. In return, he will give you a Magnus for each Star Map Fragment that you bring him. The hard part is finding all of the pieces, and that's where this guide comes in. Each Constellation Magnus is found in a specific place in the game. In some cases, you will need a little luck, but it is never impossible to finish the sidequest. The majority of the cards are in dungeons, hidden in chests or carried by enemies. If you're having trouble finding one, remember the golden rule : talk to everyone. While some Constellation Magnus will fall right into your lap after some bosses, others can be obtained simply by talking with regular townspeople. Also, talking to the priest after a certain point in the game will yield clues on the next Magnus' location. Of course, the point of this guide is to save you the trouble of searching and simply give you the location. So let's get started! ------------------------------------------------------------ 3) Constellation Magnus Locations ------------------------------------------------------------ Constellation Magnus are listed sequentially, and can be first obtained in roughly the following order. (Note: Some exceptions occur when the Magnus can be obtained right after each other or are in close proximity) If you find yourself accidentally skipping one, don't worry. You'll be able to come back sooner or later, so don't go contacting me about that. Flying enemies who are the only normal enemies who will have a Constellation Magnus in their possesion. This group consists of those enemies that actually fly, not float, on the dungeon screen. Constellation Magnus are already counted in the number of Magnus you can take after a battle (i.e. appear on the right side of the reward screen). Note: Monsters names are dependent on my memory. If a monster name seems unfamiliar to you, just go to the location and kill everything in sight. I plan to update names once I get around to revisiting places. 1:Draco- This is received after killing the first boss in Moonguile Forest, the Sabre Dragon. (Credited to Daredevil3181) 2:Vela- The first flying enemy Magnus. It can be obtained by killing Shawras, the bat-like creatures in Moonguile Forest. 3:Puppis- In Cebalrai, speak to the woman in the house to the right of the shop. Give her Pow Milk from the jugs in the Stable, and she will give you this Magnus in return. (Credited to Daredevil3181) 4:Aquarius- Collect Pristine Water from the waterfall in Nunki Valley and give the water to the woman of the house in Pherkad that Palolo III vandalized (First house on the right). 5:Pyxis- When you first enter Pherkad, you'll notice two kids running in a circle around a child, her mom, and another child looking at the ground. Speak to the child looking at the ground. 6:Carina- In Nashira, enter the house to the left of the shop, the Fortune Teller's house. Check the drawer on the right side of the room. 7:Cygnus- This is in a chest right before the boss fight against the Iron Beetle in the Cloud Passage. 8:Hydra- This is aquired by helping one of the knights clean up the castle in Sheliak, after fighting Iron Beetle V. 9:Pisces- Obtained after defeating Thunderfish at the head of the Lesser Celestial River. 10:Triangulum- Another flying enemy Magnus, fight the Albireos in the Cloud Passage to get it. 11:Auriga- After arriving at Anuenue Port, go into the house and check the dresser on the back wall. 12:Taurus- Check the room above the Geography section in the Ancient Library of Magic, next to a Fruity Gelatin Magnus. 13:Equuleus- In Holoholo Forest, go up one screen, then right one screen. There is a hard to see ladder to your south, climb down and then go right to find several chests. Equuleus is among them. 14:Lupus- In the first house in Opu village, check the plants behind the gears. 15:Perseus- Talk to the little girl kneeling near the save point. 16:Ursa Major- This fragment is randomly dropped by the Blood Leafs at the Celestial Tree. 17:Crater- At the bottom of the Celestial Tree, search the tent to the right. 18:Andromeda- Obtained after defeating Gnosis. 19:Corona Borealis- Found in the second chest in the shrine of spirits. 20:Piscis Australis- In Duke Calbren's manor, check the drums at the bottom of the museum. 21:Corona Australis- Found in the labyrinth of mirrors in the second screen. Difficult to see. 22:Virgo- Defeat the Sirki boss in "Nekton," the Shrine of Spirits. 23:Hercules- Also in the Shrine of Spirits, the Rays drop this one. 24:Cephueus- Also in the Shrine of Spirits, the fillers randomly drop this one. 25:Capricornus- Defeat the Phantasm in the Labyrinth of Mirrors. 26:Ara- In Mintaka, go to the Imperial Troop meeting room and search the pots in the corner. 27:Lepus- In Ahza Village, enter the house above the save point and search for a secret passage in the hall between the second and third rooms. 28:Serpens- Look under a barrel in the mechanics room in Ahza. This is the same room where you learn about Dr. Georg. 29:Ophiuchus- Defeat Naiad, guardian of Gibari in Diadem. 30:Cancer- Defeat Thalassa, guardian of Mizuti in Mira. 31:Lyra- Defeat Despina, guardian of Savyna in Anuenue. 32:Libra- Defeat Galeata, guardian of Lyude in Alfard. 33:Delphinus- In the Ice Cliffs, defeat the Flobos for this random drop. 34:Sagitta- In Anuenue, enter Corellia's palace and give the soldier to the right Pow Milk Yogurt. 35:Leo- First chest seen upon entering Wazn. 36:Sagittarius- In Cursa, inspect the alter in the back of the ritual room. 37:Ursa Minor- In Cursa, inspect a large fish sculpture in one of the shops to the right. 38:Scorpius- Found through the hole in the wall on the fourth floor of the Imperial fortress. 39:Pegasus- In the Labyrinth of Duhr, found on a collapsed body. 40:Aries- Enter the mayor's house in Algorab Village, and check a jar near the beds. 41:Cassiopeia- Also in Algorab Village, check a shelf in the house on the upper right hand side. 42:Gemini- In the Tower of Stones, defeat Ungyo & Agyo. 43:Bootes- Talk twice to the man who told you about the Earth Sphere. 44:Centaurus- In the Nihal Desert, check the table inside the cave. 45:Canis Minor- This is in chest right near the beginning of the Celestial Alps. 46:Canis Major- Defeat Badwins in the Celestial Alps for this random drop. 47:Corvus- Found in a chest in the Greater Celestial River. Check below the red flower near the end. 48:Eridanus- Defeat Brolokis in the Greater Celestial River. 49:Aquila- Acquired after finishing the puzzle in the third basement, left hand side. 50:Cetus- Ask the priest for info three times after acquiring all the other Constellation Magnus and say Yes. He'll give you the last Magnus, simply give it back to finish the sidequest. ------------------------------------------------------------ 4) Final Remarks and Contact Info ------------------------------------------------------------ As of right now, I do not intend to add the rewards the priest gives you for each Constellation Magnus. In order to do that task, I'd have to replay the game and write down each reward. I intend to enjoy this first playthrough to the utmost before any thought of restarting. I will add more detail in the future as I get around to finding the last few that I somehow missed and I revisit old locations. If you wish to contact me, I can be reached by email at stichifaq@verizon.net. Do not email me about some piddling grammar or spelling mistake, or to tell me my FAQ sucks. Do not email me asking how to get through an area. DO email me if you have info to contribute, which I will credit you for (unless I have already found it), or if there is some vital, glaring error in the locations. If you would like clarification on a location, the forum would probably be a better idea, since I check that daily and there are other competent players there to answer your question in the likely event that I screw up.