Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean FAQ/Walkthrough Version 0.3 - 05 January 2005 By darienkd - Please refer to Section IX for legal information a)-- Table of Contents-- a) Table of Contents b) Current Status I) Introduction II) The Characters III) Combat Mechanics IV) Walkthrough: Disc One i) Sadal Suud Frontier ii) Diadem iii) Anuenue iv) Mira and the Path of Souls <--(Walkthrough Progress Indicator) V) Walkthrough: Disc Two i) Alfard ii) Regrouping and Wazn iii) Onward and Downward iv) Loose Ends v) Cor Hydrae and Beyond VI) Magnopaedia VII) Special Combos VIII) Collection Subquests i) Star Map ii) Quzman's Family Tree iii) Animals for Wazn IX) Legals Appendix A) Mathematical Proof for Castle Elnath *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ b)--Current Status-- The current status of this guide is "shaping up well." What exactly does that mean? There is only one section that is currently without information - Section V (Disc Two Walkthrough). The Disc One Walkthrough is underway, but far from complete - it covers Sadal Suud comprehensively. The Magnopaedia presently has information for most of the game's 1022 Magnus, and the number is increasing steadily. 44 out 141 Special Combos are currently listed. The remaining sections - on the characters and mechanics - are in final form, though they will be added to and expanded should new information come to light, or pending suggestions. This document is being actively worked on at present, so expect updates to be rapid. If I don't have the information you need, chances are I will soon. If you absolutely can't wait for that, feel free to contact me, though I can't promise a response, and it is possible that I don't currently have the answer. This guide will shortly contain all the information I have about this game, but presently is a work in progress. I have every intention of making this the most complete, detailed guide to be found on the internet. Thanks to everyone who sent feedback or suggestions; if you sent particular information, rest assured that it was not ignored; a combination of technical difficulties and single-minded devotion to shaping up the walkthrough have simply delayed my organising and incorporating proposed additions. But it is coming. Progress has been steady; work was begun on 26 November 2004. Changelog: v0 (11-26-04): Work began with Magnopaedia. Expanded from there. v0.1 (12-06-04): First public release. Walkthrough of Sadal Suud complete. Sections I, II, III, and IX complete. v0.2 (01-03-05): Walkthrough of Diadem complete. Updated Magnopaedia, Special Combos, and Subquests. Added Appendix A. v0.3 (01-05-05): Walkthorough of Anuenue complete. Updated Magnopaedia, Special Combos, and Subquests. Slight formatting changes. *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I)--Introduction-- Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean is an RPG with a twist: a rather unique card-based battle system. This system makes the combat much more fast-paced than in most RPGs, as you never know exactly what you'll be able to do on any given turn, and you don't get much time to decide. Indeed, the game is much more active in many respects than RPGs tend to be these days; it's about 60 hours long, and there's a lot of action and a relatively small amount of cinematic and screen text. And with 1022 different items, there's enough to keep even the most fanatical treasure-hunter interested. The purpose of this guide is to provide information that players of the game may find useful or interesting; I fully intend to keep representation of information found in the manual to a minimum. As such, this guide will be of the most use to people who are already familiar with the way Baten Kaitos is played, and have an understanding of the terms and mechanics involved. Please note that this guide contains a rather heavy quantity of spoilers, and, as that may reduce some people's enjoyment of the game, please judge accordingly before proceeding. So, without further ado, let's get this going. *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ II)--The Characters-- --Kalas-- Kalas is the most balanced of the characters. All of his stats compare favourably to those of the other characters, and there are no outstanding weaknesses.His primary weapon type - the sword - is available in all six elements, with a good proportion of normal-type weapons also, and a decent number of them have status effects. Also, Kalas can use most of his weapons for defense, substantially increasing his versatility and reducing the amount of armour needed in his deck. He can use most of the heavy armour, shields, and helms, and, for most of the game, is the character who can use Guardian Spirit attacks (see section III for more details). --Xelha-- Xelha is very fast, with average scores in the other stat categories. Her primary weapons are spells, and all six elements are represented equally among them. She has no normal-type attacks, however, and none of her attacks is capable of inflicting a status effect. Xelha has difficulty with defense, since her armour is weak compared to Kalas' and she cannot defend with weapons. Xelha is the character who uses Guardian Spirit attacks when Kalas is out of the party. --Gibari-- Gibari has a lot of attack and a lot of vitality, but is by far the slowest of the characters. His primary weapon is the oar, which comes in all six elements, though with wind and water being more common than the others. There are also a good number of normal-type oars, and, like Kalas, Gibari can use his weapons for defense, and they frequently have status effects. Gibari can wear the heaviest armour, though not some of the lighter armour, and can use shields and helms. --Lyude-- Lyude, like Kalas, has very balanced stats, with no major weaknesses. His primary weapon type is the horn, which comes only in light, dark, and normal. Not one of Lyude's weapons can cause a status condition or be used for defense. Lyude can wear most of the heavy armour and helms, but can use only light shields. --Savyna-- Savyna has high speed and attack, but low defense and vitality. also, Savyna has the shortest attack animations, meaning that you have less time for choosing your next card to attack with than you would with any other character. Her primary weapon is the glove, which is available in fire, water, and normal. Exactly one of them can be used for defense, though a good number have status effects. Savyna can wear medium armour and shields, along with a good representation of hoods. --Mizuti-- The Great Mizuti is much like Xelha, though with a lot more defense and a lot less agility. Mizuti attacks with spells - exactly the same spells used by Xelha, which means that, for most of the game, you probably won't have enough spell cards to use both of them in your party at the same time. Unlike Xelha, however, Mizuti has a few normal-type attacks, in her first three finishing moves. Mizuti uses exactly the same selection of robes and hoods that Xelha wears. *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ III)--Combat Mechanics Combat in Baten Kaitos is a matter of playing cards. Every character has Deck Size, Hand Size, ComboMax, and Initial Time stats that are dependent on his Class Level, and are the same for every character at a given level. The others are relatively obvious, but the ComboMax stat determines how many cards you can play in one attack action. Defense is not dependent on this; In a defense action, you can play as many cards as the attacker played against you. --Attacking-- As your class level increases, your hand size increases, which means more options at any given point. Unfortunately, it means more cards to scroll through, and your time is limited. It also extends the length of one combo, but also decreases the amount of time you have to choose your first card. Overall, increasing your class level is highly beneficial for your offense, as it means longer combos (and larger combo bonuses!). But bear in mind that the game will become more hectic and require more quick thinking as you raise class levels. The first confusing thing about the weapon stats is that the elemental power of a weapon is not in ADDITION to its normal listed power, but a part of it. So the Ray of Truth (ATK 48, Light 29), for example, will do 29 Light and 19 Normal damage (modified by Kalas' ATK stat), not 29 Light and 48 Normal. Then there's that peculiar "combo" number. That is simply the earliest point in your offensive combo that this card may be played. For example: our trusty Ray of Truth is Combo 2. That means you CANNOT play the Ray as the first card in an attack - it will be greyed out. After you've already played a card, it will light up and be playable. Obviously, then, cards with lower combo numbers have more versatility, since they can be played sooner in a turn. Nothing sucks as badly as looking at your hand and seeing nine late-combo weapons. Trust me; I know. What if you have all invalid cards? Can you play one? Yes and no. You can play it to get it out of your hand, but it will have no effect whatsoever. Furthermore, your attack combo ends *immediately* as soon as you play an illegal card. No matter your ComboMax stat, you are done playing cards. The elements of your weapons are in matched pairs: Fire and Water, Light and Dark, Time and Wind. No attack can do damage of two opposing types at the same time; they cancel each other out. What does that mean in practical terms? Say you attack with a Death Pendulum (ATK 108, Chrono 65) and a Void Phantom (ATK 225, Wind 135) in the same action (we're ignoring Kalas' attack power for the purposes of this illustration). The 65 Chrono and the 135 Wind will cancel out, leaving a net 70 Wind (and, of course, 0 Chrono). However, the Normal damage of the two weapons will NOT cancel out - the final power of this attack will be 70 Wind and 133 Normal. Sometimes it can be a good idea to play cards of opposing elements in the same action. Ignoring the case in which the monster resists 100% of both elements, sometimes the benefit from increasing a long combo can outweigh the reduced base damage. This is more true, obviously, of weapons with a better ratio of Normal damage to Elemental damage. So how is damage figured? First, the total power of all attacks involved is added together (but still kept separate by element). Next, the total defense of all defenses played is subtracted from that, element by element. After defense is figured, any weaknesses and resistances are applied, and the damage is de-elementalised and merged into one number. After that, any healing effect is applied. Finally, any combo bonus is applied, and the resulting sum is the damage done. Sort of complicated, yeah; the most important part from the player's point of view is that combo bonuses are the LAST thing to be applied, and therefore the monster has all possible chances to trivialise the damage before your Final Straight Sunset can make it huge. Most notably, if you were thinking of sneakily slipping the Broken Earth Sphere into your attack to try for the Sunset, keep in mind that the 1000 HP heal effect will be applied to all the damage you do with the other eight cards AFTER all defense and resistances, but BEFORE the bonus. You're almost always better off just taking the regular 8 straight. So how do those combos work, anyhow? If ALL the cards played in one action are in matched pairs or one long sequence, you'll get a damage bonus. The size of the bonus ranges from a trivial 10% for one pair up to an amazing 306% for The Final Straight Sunset (straight 9 to 1). Straights are worth more than sets, and a few large sets will be worth more than several small sets. But if you have even one card played that doesn't fit a set or straight, or one illegal card, you get no bonuses for anything you played. So consider carefully. Sometimes (often, in the late game) it's worth not playing your maximum hand size in order to preserve a large combo bonus. You have to figure the damage you'll gain from adding another attack against the damage you'd get from the bonus. And you have to do it quickly; the game won't wait for you. Hey, you'll get the hang of it. --Finishing Moves-- Every character has nine "finishing moves" ("arcane spells" for Xelha and Mizuti). Each character's are different. As the numbers increase, so does the power (and the combo number - level nine finishers are Combo 7!). As a rule (as long as you take the old finishers out of your deck as they become obsolete), these attacks do much more damage than your normal attacks. But they must be the last card you play. If you play one before you reach your ComboMax, it will end your attack turn immediately. They are useful, and powerful, but don't include too many in your deck, because you'll start to run out of options if all you have is finishers. Three is probably plenty. --Guardian Spirit Attacks-- Every so often, you may notice that one of your cards will change into a different card during battle! If this happens, it is always on the last card of the turn - so if you don't play all the way to your ComboMax, there is no chance that one will appear. These magically appearing attacks are called Guardian Spirit Attacks, and they are seriously powerful. But they do have a few drawbacks. First of all, there is one attack for each element (no Normal-type spirit attack), and whichever one you get will be totally random. It pays no attention to what your target is weak or strong against, or to what elements you've already played, or to what numbers you need to extend your combo. Whatever comes up comes up, and, if you can't use it, that's just too bad. The second associated drawback is that you have no say over which card gets replaced with the spirit attack. It may replace a card that would have helped you much more - a strong finisher of the right element, say. Losing Lord of the Wind to Lingering Time when you're already played eight wind attacks is NOT fun. So how can you determine when these will show up? Well, you can try to keep up a good relationship with your characters. They talk to you periodically; if you say the right things and maintain a good partnership, you will see more spirit attacks. Also, most of the time, the only character who can have spirit attacks is Kalas; the exception is while Kalas is out of your party - during that time, Xelha gets them. Beyond that, you can't do much. I've never seen a spirit attack appear when my target is a party member, but I also don't often play healing items until my ComboMax. So it may be possible. --Defending-- There is precisely one thing that's hard about defense: often (read: most of the time) you won't move quickly enough to play your first defense card. Many monsters, especially in the mid-to-late game, give you only about one second to play your first card before it's too late, and that's not enough time. So take advantage of the fact that the game opposes your total defense against the monster's total offense; you don't HAVE to block every strike if the defenses you play are good enough. You will get as many defense actions as your opponent takes attack actions, regardless of your class level. To be considered, of course, is the combo number on any given defense. *Most* actual defense cards are Combo 1; all weapons, however, are at least Combo 2 if they can be used for defense at all. Unlike offense, however, your defensive turn does NOT end if you play an illegal card. That card does nothing, and you will be unable to get any combo bonuses, but you may continue playing cards. So you can use defense as an opportunity to get unwanted cards out of your hand (if, say, you're setting up for a special combo), or, if you have no defenses, you can throw things away and hope that you draw one. Elements on defense can be slightly confusing. The gist of it is, you want to play cards of the OPPOSITE element from the attack being used against you. So to stop Fire damage, play Water cards. And so on. If you should happen to play cards of opposing elements, they will cancel out, just like on offense, so be careful. Of course, the Normal defense will not cancel, so feel free to play armour of opposing elements if you're just playing it for the Normal defense. Combos on defense can seem a lot less powerful than on offense, but that's just because the numbers are smaller. Don't be fooled. Defensive combos obviously can't ever go higher than 100%, and the highest I've seen is in the high eighties. But defensive combos are *very* important. The reason is: there are six different elements involved in the damage process, and you can't really count on always having the right defense. If you want to fiddle with your decks between every battle, you can tune them pretty sharply, but it's still never a guarantee. And if you don't draw any Water cards, you'll take full damage from any Fire attack, no matter how much Normal defense you pile up. The solution is combo bonuses. If you can't block the type of damage it's doing, just focus on stringing together the longest, most impressive combo you can. That's almost as good, really. The other thing to watch out for is your resistances. There are eight different status effects, and each character has eight resistances to correspond. The catch is, they're all zero unless you modify them. One way to do this is through equipment - each piece of equipment has resistance levels associated with it. The other way is by playing cards on your defensive turn that give you resistance bonuses. So if you notice a lot of a particular status attack where you are, fill your decks with cards that grant bonuses to resist that attack. And, no, raising your Death resist to 100 does NOT make that character unkillable. It just means no instant-death attacks will work. If your HP goes to zero, you're still dead. Sorry. --Other Cards-- There are a lot of cards available that neither deal nor reduce damage, and don't affect your resists. Almost all of them are played on your offensive turn. They range in effect from healing to stat modification to taking pictures of things to "can be used when attacking, but nothing happens." The most important thing to realise about these cards is that they are not used up when they are played. So with proper amounts of healing cards in your decks, you should have no problem keeping your HP up without exhausting your supply of Shish Kebabs and such. The next most important thing to realise is that you will never be able to do anything in combat that isn't the result of playing a card. So if you want to be able to escape from battle, make sure you have cards that do that. If you want to be able to bring people back to life during battle, you need cards that let you - you can't use those Wheat Crackers while you're fighting. Why would you ever play a card that "can be used but does nothing?" There are a few possible reasons. The most important is that such cards are frequently part of special combos. In addition, if you're searching for weapons or trying to extend a combo, such a card, though it does nothing, does not end your attack turn nor does it break a combo (provided the number fits, of course). There have been plenty of long combos I've played with a Large Teamug right in the middle. *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IV)--Walkthrough: Disc One-- Once you select your name and sex, the game begins in earnest. There is some narration to sit through, however. i)--Sadal Suud Frontier-- Note that the Shawras found throughout this area have a chance of dropping the Star Map fragment Vela (395). --Kalas' Inventory-- Short Sword (1) x6 Saber (2) x3 Long Sword (3) Ice Dagger (4) Leather Jacket (100) x2 Ice Armor (101) Power Helmet (140) Buckler (180) Round Shield (181) Camera 1 (230) Green Bananas (634) Bamboo Shoot (781) Aged Buckle (444) Shish Kebab (Small) (504) x2 Shish Kebab (Medium) (505) Wheat Crackers (521) Note that the last three are Use Magnus. This is the only time a character will join your party with Use Magnus. After you gain control of Kalas, look around the house. You can pick up a Shish Kebab (Small) in the leftmost box at the bottom edge. Larikush himself doesn't have much to say at this point, but his assistant can provide you with useful information about basic gameplay. So talk to her if you need to know that. Once you're done with that, step out into the village. --Cebalrai Village-- Important NPCs: Larikush, Maynee Normal Magnus: Shish Kebab (Small) (504) Shish Kebab (Medium) (505) Fire Burst Lv 1 (239) Dark Flare Lv 1 (242) Ice Dagger (4) Shampoo (698) Quest Magnus: Blank Magnus (972) x4 Explosives (1015) Mountain Apple (1000) Pow Milk (977) Stoked Flame (975) Valuables: Maynee's Pendant Star Map Pieces: Puppis (396) Quzman's Relatives: Surayj Animals: Shop: Bamboo Shoot (781) - 160G Wheat Crackers (521) - 300G Long Sword (3) x2 - 200G Safety Hood (160) - 40G Shish Kebab (Small) (504) x2 - 30G The first screen of the village contains nothing of importance yet except for the game's first save point. Save if you like, then proceed to the left to the next screen. The building directly above Kalas is the stable; there's nothing to do in there right now. On the lower right is the shop. The building directly above the shop has features of interest - talking to the old lady will get you a Shish Kebab (Medium), and searching the lower dresser you'll find a Dark Flare Lv 1 that Kalas can't use, but which will be helpful soon. Once you get those, enter the top building - the Mayor's house. In here, you'll find a Fire Burst Lv 1 in the stone shelf next to the bookshelf. There's nothing else of importance here, so talk to the Mayor and get going. Your last stop here in Cebalrai is to talk to the girl in pink standing near the exit. After that scene is over, leave the village, and head for Moonguile Forest (over the Mayor's protests). --Moonguile Forest-- Important NPCs: Normal Magnus: Voice 1 (233) Leather Hat (161) Bamboo Shoot (781) Flame Sword (5) Fire Burst Lv 1 (239) Ice Dagger (4) Escape (229) Quest Magnus: Pristine Water (973) Dead Bluebird (1008) Valuables: Star Map Pieces: Quzman's Relatives: Hawqal Animals: Monsters: Shawra (HP ~14, attacks Normal, Wind -30%, 2 XP) Unuk (HP ~25, attacks Normal/Fire, Water +30%, Fire -30%, 4 XP) Saber Dragon (See detail) Lord of the Spring (See detail) Destroy the Shawras, collect the Voice 1, and head up. The first thing you'll see on the next screen is a man sitting against a log. He'll give you combat advice if you talk to him. Head up to find an Unuk. Ignore the treasure on the other side of the log - you can't get it yet. Follow the shoreline north of the Unuk to find a Shawra and a Leather Hat that Kalas can't equip. On the other side of the stream are two Shawras - past the South one is a Bamboo Shoot that you may want. Head past the north Shawra to continue on. What's that noise? The Saber Dragon is attacking the girl! Though, really, it's mostly pulverising her buddy armour. Kalas to the rescue! Time for your first boss fight! --Boss: Saber Dragon-- HP: ~240 Weaknesses: Water (80%) Resistances: Fire (80%) Attack Types: Normal, Fire XP: 40 Drops: Blue Storm (275), Fire Burst Lv 1 (239), Draco (394) After disposing of the Saber Dragon (No big challenge, really), We get the first hint of sexual tension between Kalas and "girl," whose name is now revealed to be Xelha. After lengthy chatter, Xelha will join the party. --Xelha's Inventory-- Fire Burst Lv 1 (239) x2 Aqua Burst Lv 1 (240) x5 Light Flare Lv 1 (241) x3 Dark Flare Lv 1 (242) Leather Vest (120) x 2 Heat Robe (121) Leather Hat (161) Bananas (635) Green Bananas (634) Voice 1 (233) Dance of Light (284) Bamboo Shoot (781) Fancy Anklet (454) Change Xelha's deck around to suit your needs, then head north into the next area. You'll find yourself in a twisting room with a sign you can't read. Ignore it for now. Head between those arches, fight the Shawra, and collect the Flame Sword. You'll want it for the next boss battle. Head back out and take the path to the north. Go through the Shawra and the Unuk, and get the Fire Burst Lv 1. You'll want that for the boss, too. To continue, head to the west. You'll have to swing south around the big clump of trees and then up north, where there's another Shawra. Once that's done, head through the arch to the red flower and save. There's another boss immediately to the north. Equip as much fire stuff as you have, and then get ready. Head north, watch the text, and then: --Boss: Lord of the Spring-- HP: ~300 Weaknesses: Fire (80%) Resistances: Water (80%) Attack Types: Normal, Water XP: -- Drops: Scale Buckle (445), Wild Strawberry (371) The only real hardship you'll face fighting the God of Sog is that Xelha has exactly one piece of fire-elemental armour and Kalas has none. So you'll be taking the majority of that water damage. Fortunately, it's not very much, and his staying power leaves much to be desired. You shouldn't have any more trouble with this guy than you did with the Saber Dragon. After some spooky foreshadowing and an encounter with the ubiquitous Empire, you'll find yourself back in Cebalrai, and without that treasure you've been eyeing that's right next to the spring. You'll have to go back for it. Back in Cebalrai, you're in trouble. The mayor gets mad at Kalas and banishes him from the village! Fortunately, that doesn't actually have any effect on Kalas' ability to enter the village. What it amounts to is the mayor will bitch at you if you talk to him. So there's that. Once you level up, go talk to Larikush. He'll give you four blank Magnus, and tell you to get him an apple. They're in the barrels right outside his house. Bring one back, and he'll give you an Ice Dagger. Take the Explosives and go. Head to the stable and get two Pow Milk, then to the mayor's house and get a Stoked Flame. Head to the other house and give the girl one of the milks, and she'll give you a Star Map piece. Talk to Maynee - the purple-looking girl by the village exit - and she'll give you Maynee's Pendant. Then go back to Moonguile. Make your way to the log with the treasure behind it. You'll be prompted for a Quest Magnus. Use the Stoked Flame. The log will burn away, and you'll have a clear shot at the Ice Dagger behind it. Head back up to where you fought the Lord of the Spring, ignoring the birdcatcher for now. Take the Escape and then approach the spring itself to get two Pristine Water. Head back to the south, and use the Pristine Water on the dirty sign. It will become readable. The sign is a very minor hint about an event *much* later in the game, but isn't important beyond that. Talk to the birdcatcher now. Agree to help him. Basically, head north like you're going back to the spring, but don't actually change areas. Then turn around and head back. That should about do it. Return to him, and he'll give you the dubious privilege of taking some Dead Bluebirds. I know, I know, you probably feel kinda like a dick right now, but you have to do it. Take a Bluebird and head toward Nunki Valley. --Nunki Valley-- Important NPCs: Normal Magnus: Flame Shield (182) Frozen Shield (183) Secret Recipe 1 (753) Quest Magnus: Pristine Water (973) Valuables: Rainbow Spider's Web Star Map Pieces: Quzman's Relatives: Animals: Monsters: Shawra (HP ~14, attacks Normal, Wind -30%, 2XP) Unuk (HP ~25, attacks Normal/Fire, Water +30%, Fire -30%, 4XP) Doomer (HP 36-45, attacks Normal/Fire, Water + 100%, Fire -100%, 7XP) Nunkirantula (See details) Head straight north through the first Unuk and jump across the water. Jump west to the ledge. Follow it all the way south to an Unuk and a Flame Shield. Head back to the entrance and climb the log to the west platform. There's a Shawra and a Frozen Shield to the south, and a Shawra and an exit to the north. Get the treasure and go. Approach the pile of rubble and use the Explosives. It will be destroyed. So will the one on the other side of the river. Fight the Unuk and head up and around to a few more Unuks. Once they're disposed of, you can continue northeast to the next area, or hop some stones and fight a Unuk if you want to talk to the guy on the other side of the river. He doesn't say anything interesting, but this is your only chance if you want to do it. On the next screen, you'll be confronted by a pair of Doomers. You've never seen these before. They're tougher than anything you've encountered previously, but nothing you can't handle. Take 'em out. You can talk to the waterfall guy, but there's not much point to that yet. So go around behind him and get the Secret Recipe 1. This is a dead-end, so you'll have to head back to the previous area, hop across the stones, and go northeast from there now. If you don't have a Pristine Water with you, you can get one from the pool here. On the other side of the waterfall room, now, you'll notice a man sitting on the ground. He'll give you combat advice if you need it. Failing that, head up the ladder, carve through the Doomers, and you're all done here for now. As soon as you leave Nunki valley, defy common sense and return to Cebalrai. Get one more Pow Milk. Then continue on to Pherkad. --Pherkad-- Important NPCs: Palolo III, Quzman, Rodolfo Normal Magnus: Dark Flare Lv 2 (248) Shish Kebab (Medium) (505) Pine Tree (621) Fire Burst Lv 2 (245) Ice Dagger (4) Shadow Wings (276) Chain Mail (103) Wind Blow Lv 1 (244) Voice 2 (234) Mink Coat (123) Quest Magnus: Nameless Flower (1014) Pebble (986) Mountain Apple Wine (1013) Stoked Flame (975) Weak Flame (976) Family Tree (1021) Popular Pickup Line (967) Stagnant Water (974) Mountain Apple (1000) Valuables: Guestroom Key Star Map Pieces: Pyxis (398), Aquarius (397) Quzman's Relatives: Quzman, Taymiya, Sabin, Rushd, Sallam Animals: Shop: Shish Kebab (Small) (504) x5 - 30G Wheat Crackers (521) x2 - 300G Flame Sword (5) x2 - 250G Chain Mail (103) - 120G Light Flare Lv 1 (241) x2 - 230G Wind Blow Lv 1 (244) - 260G Mink Coat (123) - 350G Bananas (635) - 180G Chunk of Ice (606) - 100G Monsters: Imperial Soldier (HP ~70, attacks Normal/Fire, Fire - 20%, Water + 20%, 11XP) Giacomo (See details) As soon as you enter Pherkad, head to the flower bed you can see on the right and water it. Take the Nameless Flower. After that, look for an old lady who periodically walks down the street. Talk to her to get a Dark Flare Lv 2. Talk to the girls by the entrance to get the Star Map piece Pyxis. You can give the complaining girl a Mountain Apple if you want, but she'll just give you a Pebble, and you don't need that. The building on the left is the bar; you'll be able to get Mountain Apple Wine here later in the game, but there's nothing of importance in there now. There's a Shish Kebab (Medium) on the far-right bookshelf in the first house on the right, though. Take it, then take the right passage directly above that house. There's a blue flower here, and a shop in the upper-right. Get what use of them you can. That's all there is out here right now, so head back in and go to the next house up on the right. There's a Pine Tree in the potted plant on the south wall. You can also get a Stoked Flame in here if for some reason you want one. Head out and up to the next screen. The house on the right is Quzman's. Enter, and you'll be able to start the second collection subquest - he'll task you with finding his relatives, scattered all over the world. He'll give you the Family Tree and explain what you have to do. Aside from Quzman and Taymiya, who are in the house, if you head back to the docks you can get three more right away. Sallam is the blueberry-looking boy running around. Talk to him and he'll sign. Rushd is sitting on the wall. Give her that Dead Bluebird you picked up and she'll sign. Once Rushd signs, her father Sabin (standing next to her) will, as well. You can go back to Quzman's and talk to them if you want, but there's nothing to do there except get a Weak Flame if for some reason you want that. Next, head north to the manor.The guards won't let you in. After the scene with Palolo III, head south two screens and go back into the lower-right house. Talk to Palolo for a while, then go back to Nunki Valley and prepare for a boss fight. Nunki valley's exactly how you left it. The man in the waterfall is a relative of Quzman's, but he won't sign yet, so don't bother. He'll be a while. Head south one screen, and jump across the stones to where the Nunkirantula is. He's hard to miss. Oh, and grab a Pristine Water while you're here. Then put on your best Fire-type gear, and get ready for: --Boss: Nunkirantula-- HP: ~350 Weaknesses: Fire (50%), Wind (30%) Resistances: Water (50%) Attack Types: Normal, Water XP: 130 Drops: Duel Sword (6), Light Flare Lv 2 (247) The Nunkirantula is tougher than anything you've seen yet. In fact, he might actually give you some trouble. He has decent water attacks, and good defense, which he can raise using the Hardening Wax ability. His attacks are also rapid; you may miss defense opportunities if you're still getting accustomed to the gameplay. Once the Nunkirantula is no more, head back to Pherkad. You should have a Pressed Flower by now. If you do, give it to the girl by the flower bed in exchange for a Popular Pickup Line. You can only get this particular instance of the Pickup Line once, so don't throw it away. Before you go following Palolo, enter the top-right house - the one with the painting. Talk to the woman and give her the Pristine Water. She'll give you Aquarius. Enter Palolo's hideout. Pilulu, on the left, can give you advanced battle advice, if you want. Failing that, talk to Palolo. He'll sneak you into the mansion via the well. Important bit about the Mansion: you can come and go as you please, using the secret passage, *until* you've been to the roof. Once you go up to the roof of the Mansion, you won't be able to get back in for a LONG time. So make sure everything you want to do in the Mansion is done before going up there. That being said, the Mansion itself has a lot of stuff to do. You can get Weak Flame in the entryway, but don't. You don't need it. Head up the steps into the hall, and you get to tangle with some Imperial soldiers! They're not too bad, as long as you equip all your Water armour instead of that Fire stuff you used on the Nunkirantula. If you timed it right, you should have a Pow Milk Yogurt and a Pow Milk Cheese now. If you do, head up the stairs on the right immediately. You can use them both in the room up here. The woman walking around will give you a Fire Burst Lv 2 in exchange for the Yogurt, and the woman standing at the counter is Al-athir, one of Quzman's relatives. That's all there is here, so stop by the blue flower and go back down the stairs. The first room at the base of the stairs has two Imperial Soldiers and some Stagnant Water and Nameless Flowers in it. Kill the Soldiers, but ignore the Water and Flowers. There's also an Ice Dagger in the desk between the beds. The next room over is locked. Skip it for now. The one following contains a maid who gives you information, a monkey that doesn't do anything yet, more Flowers and Water, and the Shadow Wings Magnus. Make sure you get that. The last room over is locked, so head up the stairs. Take out the guards, grab the Chain Mail, and enter the room. Take the Wind Blow Lv 1 and the Guestroom Key. Watch the scene with Rodolfo, then leave and go back down the stairs. The first locked room you'll come to contains Aljeemo. Give him Maynee's Pendant and he'll give you Voice 2. There's a Mink Coat in the desk, and the typical Stagnant Water and Nameless Flowers. The other room is where Xelha is. After the dialogue, she rejoins your party. You can also find a Shrike Statue and Chronos Blow 1 here, along with the Water and Flowers. Head up the stairs to the right, stop to level Xelha up, and then proceed to the roof. Once on the roof, Kalas and Xelha will chase Giacomo onto the Goldoba, and the boss battle will begin: --Boss: Giacomo-- HP: ~800 Weaknesses: Water (30%), Light (30%) Resistances: Dark (30%), Fire (30%) Attack Types: Normal, Fire, Dark XP: -- Drops: Sparkle of Life (285), Chronos Blow 1 (243) Giacomo can be tough, because he can take two actions every turn and you can't defend against the dark yet. Like the Lord of the Spring, though, he doesn't have much staying power. Keep plugging away and he'll be down pretty quickly. After the fight, Giacomo blows Kalas and Xelha back off the deck of the Goldoba. They are automatically run out of the Mansion. That treasure on the roof? It's a teaser. You won't be getting that for a *long* time. It's time to wrap things up before we press onward. Once you leave Sadal Suud, you won't be able to come back for a long time, so do what you need to do. You should leave Sadal Suud with the Popular Pickup Line, some Pow Milk, and a Mountain Apple, which you can now get from the man at the fruit cart in Pherkad. Before you leave, though, there are two more members of Quzman's family to get: Surayj is in the Stable in Cebalrai, and Hawqal is the bird- catcher in Moonguile Forest. You can get them now, or wait until later - it doesn't really make much difference. But make sure you stop by Cebalrai long enough to get the Shampoo from Maynee. When you're all done, get on the liner to Diadem, Land of the Clouds, and part two of the walkthrough. *------------------------------------------------------------------------- ii)--Diadem, Land of the Clouds-- --Nashira-- Important NPCs: Anna, Lyude, Old Fortune Teller, Reblys Normal Magnus: Shortcake (Small) (511) Fire Burst Lv 2 (245) Scale Shield (184) Fire Yell Lv 1 (200) Pine Tree (621) Feathered Hat (162) Shako (164) Quest Magnus: Salty Water (995) Salt (996) Stagnant Water (974) Valuables: Star Map Pieces: Carina (399) Quzman's Relatives: Maymun Animals: Shop: Power Helmet (140) - 30G Shish Kebab (Medium) x2 (505) - 75G Wheat Crackers (521) - 300G Chestnut Truffle (523) x2 - 100G Silver Buckle (446) - 2500G Flame Sword x2 (5) - 250G Duel Sword (6) - 900G Frozen Shield (183) - 700G Fire Burst Lv 2 (245) - 950G Aqua Burst Lv 2 (246) - 950G Mineral Water (607) x2 - 50G Honey x2 (774) - 200G That pickup line you're carrying is on a relatively short timer, so the first thing to do when you get to Diadem is find the guy who wants it. Head west once and south two screens to get into the centre of Nashira. Head into the building on the far east of town - the bar. In the far corner is a man looking very troubled. Give him the pickup line. Come back later for your reward. Now that that's out of the way, you can properly look around Nashira. You'll find a Shortcake (Small) in the barrels in the northeast corner of the bar, and that's everything here for now. Head back out to the town. Directly south of the entrance to the bar you'll find a Fire Burst Lv 2. On the far west, there's a Scale Shield. While you're over here, talk to Lyude. Then head back toward the Liner. There's nothing of consequence to do on the bridge, so enter the storage area. Examine the jars with the red stripes and you'll find Salty Water, but you don't need that right now. The pots right below them contain a Fire Yell Lv 1. You can get Salt from the sacks, but you don't need that either. Up the stairs, you'll find Quzman's daughter Maymun. She'll sign without a struggle. There's a Pine Tree in the jar immediately west of her. Return to town, and go to the first house to the east. You'll find the Star Piece Carina in the boxes on the east wall. The barrels to the north contain stagnant water you don't need. Talk to the Fortune Teller and leave. The next building over is the shop. Buy the Power Helmet, the Mineral Waters, at least one Honey, and, if you can scrape up the money (which shouldn't be too hard), the Silver Buckle. The next (and last) building contains a Feathered Hat on the top bunk. The back room contains nothing of importance. Return to the bar and talk to the guy you gave the Pickup Line to. He'll give you a Shako. Then talk to Anna, the bartender. Reblys will enter and cause a scene, and then Gibari will join your party. --Gibari's Inventory-- Double Paddle (31) x5 Mosquito (32) x4 Stream Blade (33) x3 Flame Mail (102) Chain Mail (103) Calm Helmet (141) Frozen Shield (183) x2 Scale Shield (184) Aqua Yell Lv 1 (201) Voice 1 (233) Dragon Uppercut (293) Crystal Shot (294) Chunk of Ice (606) Mineral Water (607) Grapes (542) Bamboo Creel (464) Once Gibari has joined your party, you're all done here. You can go either to the Cloud Passage (by leaving town) or to the Lesser Celestial River (via Gibari's boat). There's nothing to do in the Cloud Passage, and the monsters there are liable to treat you *very* unkindly. Plus, the only thing you can find there is Salty Water, which you can get in Nashira. So go to the River instead. --Lesser Celestial River-- Important NPCs: Normal Magnus: Chaos Edge (7) Mana Stone (372) Stream Blade x2 (33) Camera 1 (230) Fire Burst Lv 2 (245) Century Veil (163) Hemp Creel (465) Cloak of Dark Night (124) Heron Statue (377) Quest Magnus: Thunderfish Bone (1012) Valuables: Star Map Pieces: Quzman's Relatives: Rustah, Hisham Animals: Monsters: Pul-Puk (HP 110, attacks Normal/Water, hit to Freeze, Water -80%, Fire +80%, XP 13) Cancerite (HP 125, attacks Normal/Water, hit for Sleep, Water -50%, Fire +50%, XP 16) Thunderfish (see details) Striper (HP 175, attacks Normal/Wind/Fire, hit for Poison, Wind -50%, Chrono +50%, XP 25) The monsters here are all strong against water, and all have water-type attacks, so minimise the water content of your decks before heading out. Immediately north of where you start, you'll find a Chaos Edge. Head to the west and fight the Pul-Puk. You can't get the treasure to the west just yet, so ignore it and head north. You'll be ambushed by Cancerites jumping across the rocks, so be prepared for that. Once across, you'll see more Pul-Puks. Beat them and claim the treasures: the Mana Stone and a Stream Blade. Cross the next few rocks and go to the next screen. You'll see a Pul-Puk right away upon entering. Beat it, and take the Camera 1. You then have two path choices; take the eastern path. It leads to a Cancerite and a Fire Burst Lv 2, and then ends. Go back and take the western path now. Once again, you'll face a Cancerite ambush. Beat it, and head over to the waterfall. You'll need to time your movement so that the waterfall doesn't hit you. If it does, you'll be washed back down the path and have to face the ambush again on your way back over. On the other side is a red flower and a Century Veil. Continue east to fight a Pul-Puk and proceed to the next area. As soon as you enter the next area, you'll be attacked by the Thunderfish. --Boss: Thunderfish-- HP: 1000 Weaknesses: Fire (+50%), Dark (+50%) Resistances: Light (-50%) Water (-50%) Attack Types: Normal, Water, Light, hit to Poison XP: 260 Drops: Energy Wave (277), Silver Anklet (456), Pisces (402) The Thunderfish shouldn't give you too much trouble. You won't really be able to block the light damage, but, fortunately, it isn't very much. Most of its attack power is in normal damage. The poison is a nuisance, but its poison attack is always a single-out attack that does no immediate damage, so, in a way, it's a reprieve. And, if you brought Mineral Waters, you can cure the poison anyhow. As soon as you beat the Thunderfish, turn around and go right back into the area in which you fought it. Head north, and ford the waterfall at the shallow part. You'll be ambushed by a Cancerite, and there's a Pul-Puk on the other side. Take care of them and head west, picking up the Hemp Creel on the way. This screen is actually the lower part of a section of the Cloud Passage, so you'll get a chance to fight some nasty monsters. The Stripers in here can put up a heck of a fight. Make your way through the first one, then head around the south bend to rescue the drowning man. His name is Rustah, and he's one of Quzman's relatives. Go west through another Striper, then south. You'll have to jump across some rocks to get there. Then head all the way west to another drowning relative. This one's called Hisham. There's a Stream Blade hidden underneath the clouds near where you landed, so get that, too. You're done here now, but instead of going back the way you came, head a little bit south. You'll find a spot where you can jump across a rock. Going this way leads to a Cloak of Dark Night - the treasure you could see before your fight with the Thunderfish. Then you're all done - head back through the Thunderfish area to the red flower. Back in this area, you'll notice the skull of the Thunderfish is stuck on a rock. Go over to it - the waterfall is no longer running, in case you thought you could be sneaky and avoid the Cancerite ambush - and you'll be given the option to help it on its way. Do so, then follow it south a screen. Head up to it again, and pick the same option. Now, with the bone in the way, you can get the treasure that was unreachable before. It's the Heron Statue. Then you can take the Thunderfish Bone, if you want it. Leave it alone for now. Note that, if you happen to take the bone for whatever reason before you get the Statue, you can put it back just as easily. Now you're done here. Go back to Nashira. Once you get back to Nashira, you're stuck here for a while. The town is crawling with soldiers. Go to the bar and talk to Reblys. He'll tell you to find Anna. She's in the warehouse fighting with some soldiers. Once you've talked to her, go back to the bar and talk to her again there. She'll show you out of town through a secret passage. Then it's on to the Cloud Passage. --Cloud Passage-- Important NPCs: Normal Magnus: Aqua Burst Lv 2 (246) Quest Magnus: Cloud (978) Salty Water (995) (Before beating Thunderfish only) Valuables: Star Map Pieces: Cygnus (400) Quzman's Relatives: Qutayba Animals: Monsters: Striper (HP 175, attacks Normal/Wind/Fire, hit for Poison, Wind -50%, Chrono +50%, XP 25) Albireo (HP 150, attacks Normal, Wind -50%, Chrono +50%, XP 20) Iron Beetle I (see details) As soon as you enter, you'll see Stripers. They shouldn't be hard for you to handle now, with Kalas and Xelha at Class 3. The only thing to watch for is that that Century Veil is the only Time-elemental armour you have to date, so you'll be taking full damage from the wind attacks. Traveling on down the path leads to two more encounters with Stripers, and then to the next area. This area you'll recognise - you're now on the top part of the place where you saved the two boys from drowning. Take the west fork, beat the Striper, and talk to the man at the end of the path. This is Quzman's Son-in-Law, Qutayba. He won't sign unless you've rescued his sons. Then go up the east fork, fight a striper, and proceed. This area has another fork. Start with the east path this time. Carve up the stripers and the albireos, and go onward. The only thing you can get to here is the cloud reeling machine. Turn it on, and you can gather Clouds. Take two, then go back a screen and use one to extend the cloud that stretches between the forks. Cross the bridge, and head north. Fight the stripers and albireos here, and head up the eastern path. Use your Cloud here to make a path across to some more monsters, a save point, and the only treasure to be found in the Cloud Passage: Cygnus and an Aqua Burst Lv 2. Then head around west and try to leave. You'll be attacked by the Iron Beetle. --Boss: Iron Beetle I-- HP: 1500 Weaknesses: Water (+30%), Light (+30%) Resistances: Fire (-30%), Dark (-30%) Attack Types: Normal, Fire, Dark XP: -- Drops: Soul Flash (286), Shark Tooth (381) The Iron Beetle is in the habit of raising its attack power using Nitro Boost, so you can take some pretty big damage pretty quickly here. With any luck, your defensive and healing items are up to the task. You can't do a thing about the large dark damage, unfortunately, so fight quickly and bring ample healing items. Fortunately for you, the Beetle attacks only every other round. Unfortunately, its Voldocannon hits hard enough that even after you play defensive cards, you'll still take around two hundred damage. Xelha's big light and Gibari's big water attacks will help a lot here. After the Beetle's down, exit west to get back to the map, and move on to Sheliak. --Sheliak, the Castle Town-- Important NPCs: Normal Magnus: Light Flare Lv 2 (247) Clock Shield (185) Red and Blue Pencil (784) Ray of Truth (8) Calm Helmet (141) Voice 2 (234) Fading Notebook (714) Flash Armor (105) Savings Book (696) Butterfly (34) Quest Magnus: Nameless Flower (1014) Stoked Flame (975) Valuables: Star Map Pieces: Quzman's Relatives: Animals: Shop: Shish Kebab (Medium) x2 (505) - 75G Wheat Crackers (521) - 300G Chestnut Truffle (523) - 100G Ray of Truth (8) - 1200G Mosquito (32) - 250G Stream Blade (33) - 520G Shadow Suit (104) - 300G Clock Shield (185) - 1000G Light Flare Lv 2 (247) - 1050G Dark Flare Lv 2 (248) - 1050G Century Veil (163) - 550G Milk (580) - 250G Rooster (820) - 150G Shadow Cornet (59) - 1600G Note that, unlike Nashira, you are *not* stuck here in Sheliak. Despite what the guards at the entrance say, they will let you leave if you try. You won't be able to enter the first building you see just now, so leave it be. The next is the shop. Buy at least the Ray of Truth and the Light Flare Lv 2, and then head east to the next area. Go in the first door you come to. In here is a Light Flare Lv 2 in the cabinets on the east side, a Clock Shield on the shelf along the north wall, and Nameless Flowers (which you don't need) in the pot in the southwest corner. In the next house over is the Red and Blue Pencil - search the desk north of the entrance for it. The bookcase can be pushed to the right to reveal a secret passage into the next house. It leads to a room containing a Ray of Truth and a Calm Helmet. Now exit and come into this building through the front door. There's a Voice 2 in the cupboard north of the entrance, and a Fading Notebook in the southwest corner. There are three stationary guards in the main Sheliak area. The one in the middle wants something to drink. There's no point in bringing him anything. Even if you move fast enough to get a Pristine Water here (and you have to go through Diadem *blindingly* quickly to make it), you still don't get anything. So don't bother. Now try to go to the castle. After a few cutscenes, go steal the imperial "boat." It will take you to Castle Elnath. --Castle Elnath-- Important NPCs: Ladekahn Normal Magnus: Infinity Mask (142) Dark Sword (9) Dark Flare Lv 2 (248) Butterfly (34) Light Flare Lv 2 (247) Chronos Aura 1 (339) Magical Anklet (457) Fading Notebook (714) Fire Aura 1 (335) Dark Yell Lv 1 (203) Flash Armor (105) Shadow Suit (104) Light Aura 1 (337) Dark Aura 1 (338) Aqua Aura 1 (336) Light Yell Lv 1 (202) Wind Aura 1 (340) Wheat Crackers (521) Tempest Shield (186) Glass Earrings (474) Quest Magnus: Diadem Royal Crest (1005) Blank Magnus (972) Pebble (986) Valuables: Ladekahn's Letter Star Map Pieces: Hydra (401) Quzman's Relatives: Animals: Shop: Wheat Crackers (521) x3 - 300G Chestnut Truffle (523) x3 - 100G Shish Kebab (Medium) (505) x10 - 75G Cypress Creel (466) - 350G Monsters: Imperial Elite (HP 230, attacks Normal, hit for Sleep, Light +50%, Dark -50%, XP 31) Imperial Blackhelm (HP 250, attacks Normal/Dark, Light +50%, Dark -50%, XP 36) Iron Beetle V (see details) Before I walk you through the area, I need to provide an introduction to the odd mechanics at work here. You will be given command of the Diadem Knights fighting against the Imperial Soldiers. Every time you encounter a battle, you may send a certain number of knights to battle against the enemy. Your knights are divided into four types: Squires, Apprentices, Knights, and Senior Knights. The enemy comes in only two varieties: Elites (in red armour) and Blackhelms (in black, of course). In addition, every battle you enter will have Diadem knights already involved in the fighting. So how do you figure out how much manpower to assign? It's kind of tricky. Fortunately, I've already done all the work so you don't have to. The weakest kind of knight involved in this melee is the Diadem Squire, so we'll assign him a value of 1. Therefore, the values of all the different troops are as follows: Squire = 1 Apprentice = 2 Knight = 4 Senior Knight = 8 Imperial Elite = 2 Imperial Blackhelm = 4 In addition, all the knights already involved in battle (i.e., the ones you didn't dispatch) are equivalent to an Apprentice (value 2). Those of you who are interested in a mathematical proof of this, please refer to Appendix A. But it's safe to take my word for it. The outcome of any given battle can be one of three things. If the total value of the Diadem Knights is greater than the total value of the Imperial Soldiers, then the knights win. In this case, you don't have to fight the soldiers, and you get a Magnus as a reward for your success. If the values are equal, then the two sides will stalemate. You don't have to fight the soldiers, but you don't get a reward either. If the total value of the soldiers is greater than the total value of the knights, then the knights are defeated. You don't get the reward, and you have to fight the soldiers. So the ideal outcome is for the knights to win every battle - you'll get a bunch of bonus Magnus, most of them rare Magnus that you can't get anywhere else. If you're a Magnus fancier, you'll definitely want to do this - all six Auras are gained as rewards here, and since they'll progress through six levels each, that's thirty-six Magnus that you'll never see unless you help the Knights out. Of course, if you're not interested in Magnus for Magnus' sake, the Auras are not very useful, and you get some decent treasure drops from fighting the soldiers, in addition to the experience (for example, this is the first place you can get the very important Uncooked Rice). So it's up to you. As a final note, don't worry too much about skimping. The amount of manpower you have at your disposal is seriously high. The walkthrough I give will tell you a highly minimal amount of manpower to use to win the battles, but it also leaves you with a bunch left over. According to my figures, the game gives you a total Knight value (including the knights already placed in battles) of 101, against a total enemy value of 52. That's some pretty comfortable wiggle room. So, on to the castle. There's an Infinity Mask at the west end of the dock you arrive at. Get it, go down the stairs, and enter the castle. You'll find a Dark Sword to the west and the Diadem Royal Crest on the north wall. There's no reason to take the crest, though, since the Head Knight blocking the stairs will give one to you when you talk to him. At the base of the stairs, the far right statue has a Dark Flare Lv 2. Enter the combat, and dispatch a Squire and an Apprentice. You'll get a Butterfly for the win. The middle statue on this side has a Light Flare Lv 2. Go down the stairs to the next room. The door you see on the higher landing leads to another battle. Be careful not to walk into the Imperial troops, or you'll have to fight them, and you won't get the reward - a Chronos Aura 1. Dispatch a Knight. By the window is a Magical Anklet, and there's a Fading Notebook in the jars on the north wall. Grab them and go back out. Go down the stairs and head east, and fight the Imperial Blackhelm on the north wall. Then go back to the left and fight the Imperial Elites by this door - you won't have any choice. Once they're beaten, go through the door. This is the barracks where you can recruit more soldiers with the Crest. Recruit the Squire, the Knight sitting on the floor by the lower bed, and the Apprentice Knight in the lower bed. Go east to the staircase, and dispatch a Squire and an Apprentice. You'll get a Fire Aura 1. Check the rightmost painting for a Dark Yell Lv 1, then go back to the barracks. Recruit the Knight sitting in front of the lower bed, and the Squire in the lower bed. Then head out and down the stairs. As soon as you enter this room, you'll have to fight an Imperial Elite - there's no way around him. After that, dispatch a Knight and your Squire to the battle by the door. You'll get a Light Aura 1. Then go back up to the barracks. Recruit the Knight and any of the Senior Knights. Return to the large chamber, and go down the stairs. Take advantage of the red flower here. Under the stairs you'll find a Flash Armor and a Shadow Suit. Enter the battle and dispatch a Knight and a Senior Knight. The reward here is Dark Aura 1. Back to the barracks! Grab a Senior Knight and an Apprentice Knight, then come back and exit up the eastern stairs. Deploy a Knight and an Apprentice here. You'll get Aqua Aura 1. You can get a Pebble from the debris on the stairs, but don't bother. The painting on the far right contains a Light Yell Lv 1. Enter the eastern door and dispatch a Senior Knight. The win gets you Wind Aura 1. Climb up through the window to the higher floor. There are Wheat Crackers on the table. Get them and go out to the hall. You'll watch an extended cutscene, then you'll be sent straight into a boss battle with Lyude instead of Xelha. --Boss: Iron Beetle V-- HP: 1900 Weaknesses: Water (+40%), Light (+30%) Resistances: Fire (-40%), Dark (-30%) Attack Types: Normal, Dark, Fire XP: -- Drops: Crescent Buckle (447), Shadow Cornet (59) 1900 HP is a lot. But in addition to that, the Iron Beetle V can use Self- Repair, which, not entirely coincidentally, restores 1900 HP. At least it only does that once. Much like the first Iron Beetle, this one can do a *lot* of damage in one hit. Unlike that other Beetle, though, the Mark V attacks every round (when it's not Self-Repairing). The one saving grace in its attack is that it never hits for Dark and Fire at the same time. Defensively, the thing's a wash - you can do quite a lot of damage to it without any difficulty. Your major weakness in this battle is that Xelha - who was probably loaded down with high-powered water and light attacks - is replaced with Lyude, who is playing with a deck you haven't so much as rifled through yet. And this is made even more galling by the fact that his deck contains a few too many Roosters, Pretty Flowers, and Escapes than you probably want heading into a boss battle. On the up side, he does have big light. The cutscene is still going on the other side of the Beetle. When it's over, you'll be off to the Shrine of the Winds, and Lyude will officially join your party. --Lyude's Inventory-- Krone Horn (56) x6 Assault Trumpet (57) x5 Shining Horn (58) x2 Shadow Cornet (59) x2 Shadow Suit (104) Flash Armor (105) Infinity Mask (142) Clock Shield (185) Tempest Shield (186) Light Yell Lv 1 (202) Dark Yell Lv 1 (203) Camera 1 (230) Voice 2 (234) Overture (302) Concerto (303) Deluxe Sweet Wine (544) Pretty Flower (589) Milk (580) Rooster (820) Escape (229) Dark Red Earrings (473) Now that you have four characters, you need to decide which one won't be used in combat. For the time being, Lyude should be the odd man out - his deck is very raw right now, and most of the monsters you're facing don't care very much about light and dark. So shift him down to the fourth spot, and put Xelha back in play. The leftmost of the solders in the back of the room is a shop, and the rightmost is an inn. Buy the Cypress Creel and rest, then head out the secret passage. The Shrine of the Winds is a very minor area. It has just one room, and the only things in it are a cutscene and a boss battle. --Boss: Lord of the Winds-- HP: 2000 Weaknesses: Chrono (+80%) Resistances: Wind (-80%) Attack Types: Normal, Wind, hit to Poison, hit for Sleep XP: -- Drops: Coral Plant (373), Magic Pen (716) The Lord of the Winds is fairly easy to beat. Just like the Thunderfish, his hit to Poison is always single out. His damage is about two-thirds normal, so you should be fairly capable of defending against him if you've done a good job of accumulating what Chronos-type defense cards have been available. He's also not much of a defender; he can block a good amount of chrono damage, but you have almost no chrono attacks at this point. Gibari's at a disadvantage because of the Lord's mammoth wind resist, but that shouldn't be a big deal. Just be aware that later in the battle, he'll start taking two actions every round and putting people to sleep. That's the only time this could get out of hand. Afterwards, you'll find yourself back in Castle Elnath. I would strongly recommend that you put the Magic Pen and one of your (by now) Blank Notebooks into someone's deck right away; the output from that combo - the Prophet's Notebook - is one of the most useful Magnus in the game. Talk to Lyude, then try to leave the room. You'll automatically rest. When you wake up, you'll be in a different room, and you won't have Lyude. Both situations can be remedied by heading up the stairs and into the next room. After that, you can look around Elnath. If you missed anything before, you can get it now. In addition to that, there are a few spots where you can help clean up the castle. In the first one, you shove rubble to the sides of the hallway to clear it out. It's a bit tricky because the controls are somewhat wonky, but you'll know that you have the rubble in the right place because it will slide the last part of the way of its own accord. Completing that gets you Hydra. For the second, you simply have to absorb all the debris (Pebbles) into Quest Magnus. Once that's done, you get a Tempest Shield and the satisfaction of knowing that it's now possible to walk through the hallway. If you do both of them, you'll also get the Glass Earrings. When you've done that, go back out to Sheliak. The Imperial Soldiers are all gone now. Give some Salty Water (which you could get in Nashira earlier, but you'll have to catch a Cloud and wait for it to transform now) to the guy trying to clean the graffiti off the streetlight, and he'll give you a Flash Armor. Also, giving a Stagnant Water to the Knight running around town gets you a Shadow Cornet. Once you've done that, enter the Mayor's House - the house you couldn't enter before - and check the cupboard on the north wall for a Savings Book. Also, you can get Nameless Flowers from the flowerpot, but you don't need them. The next room over has a Stoked Flame - which you also don't need - and a Butterfly. Once you've done that, it's time to wrap up any loose ends you have here on Diadem. You won't be coming back for a long time, so make sure you've done what you want to do. When you're ready, the Mindeer is at the top of Castle Elnath, waiting to take you onward to Anuenue! *------------------------------------------------------------------------- iii)--Anuenue, the Rainbow Nation-- When you're ready to leave, talk to the Knight standing in front of the Mindeer. Ladekahn will appear and give you the letter to present to Queen Corellia. After that, the game spirits you off to Anuenue. --Anuenue Port-- Important NPCs: Normal Magnus: Explosive Paddle (295) Bamboo Grass Creel (467) Snake Tuba (60) Quest Magnus: Valuables: Star Map Pieces: Auriga (404) Quzman's Relatives: Animals: The area you land in is small, and without much to do. There's a slightly- tricky ladder leading downward (directly south of the obvious ladder going up) that leads to Gibari's Explosive Paddle move. Up the stairs and in the house, you can find Auriga in the cabinet on the north wall. The Bamboo Grass Creel is in plain sight on the east wall. Exiting, walk up the tree limb and all the way out to the left to find a Snake Tuba. That's all there is to do here, so exit right to end up on the map. The only other destination you have to choose from is Komo Mai, so go there. --Komo Mai, City of Flowers-- Important NPCs: Corellia, Principal of the Academy Normal Magnus: Bananas (635) Chronos Blow 2 (249) Magical Piggy Bank (724) Sweetheart Picture (703) Black Scepter (35) Secret Recipe 3 (755) Silkworm (573) Deluxe Bananas (637) Flower Bud (587) Strawberries (585) Hair Dryer (701) Mattress (710) Doll (592) Zeit Robe (126) Quest Magnus: Nameless Flower (1014) Stagnant Water (974) Fantail Duck Egg (982) Weak Flame (976) Celestial Flower Seeds (979) Popular Pickup Line (967) Valuables: Landmark Stone Komo Mai Cookies Star Map Pieces: Quzman's Relatives: Tulun Animals: Shop: Shish Kebab (Medium) (505) x2 - 75G Wheat Crackers (521) - 300G Chestnut Truffle (523) x2 - 100G Fruity Gelatin (522) x2 - 200G Dark Sword (9) - 2600G Marvelous Sword (10) - 4000G Shadow Cornet (59) - 1600G Black Scepter (35) - 2300G Shako (164) - 1250G Light Flare Lv 2 (247) - 1050G Dark Flare Lv 2 (248) - 1050G Peach (616) x2 - 600G Komo Mai is a big city with lots to do. Which is good, since you'll be spending a lot of time here. In the first house on the right, you can get Nameless Flowers, but don't. You can also get Stagnant Water in there, but don't do that either. The next house over is slightly more interesting, in that the Quest Magnus you don't need is at least one you haven't seen before - the Fantail Duck Egg. Also, you could get Stagnant Water here as well. Back outside, if you walk all the way to the south and find the banana cart (next to the laughing couple), you can get Bananas. Follow the path all the way out east until it ends and you'll find a blue flower and the shop. Go in and buy at least the Marvelous Sword, the Light Flare Lv 2, and the Peaches. If you didn't get many Shakos from fighting Stripers, buy that, too. When you're done, go up the loopy stairs to the next area. Once arriving, talk to the old man immediately on the right. You won't be able to get into the palace just yet, so go west into the Academy instead. Go into the first room you come to. In here, you can find a Chronos Blow 2 in the lockers on the east wall. Talk to the student in the middle row on the left side, and he'll ask you to bother the guy in front of him. Talk to the student in front of him four times. For your assistance, the first student will reward you with a Magical Piggy Bank. That's all there is to do here, so leave and enter the next room. Talk to the teacher sitting in the centre of the room. You can find a Sweetheart Picture if you examine the display just north of the teacher. That's all there is in here, so go back out and up into the east side of the Academy. The first room on this side is home to a Black Scepter (in the lockers on the west wall) and Secret Recipe 3 (on the eastern bookcase). The lockers on the east side can't be opened yet, so don't bother. That's all you can do in here for now, so go back out and into the other room. You can get a Weak Flame in here, but there's no need to. Go to the giant flask in the northeast corner and choose to taste the liquid. Talk to the woman standing in front of it, and she'll give you a Silkworm. Talk to the principal, then leave the Academy for now. When you get back out to the city, you'll notice that the portable shrine show is over, and you can get to the Palace now. Do so. Go to the west room, and you can find Deluxe Bananas in the flowerpot by the door. The first room on the east side contains a Flower Bud (in the flowerpot by the door) and Strawberries (on the central table). Queen Corellia's room - the other room on this side - is where you'll find the Hair Dryer (in the vanity on the west), a Mattress (in the bed), and the Celestial Flower Seeds (on the shelf next to the bed). You don't need the seeds just yet, but take the rest and then go up to see Queen Corellia. After the long cutscene, leave the palace. You'll be advised to go to the Ancient Library of Magic. Do so. --Ancient Library of Magic-- Important NPCs: Normal Magnus: Zeit Robe (126) Sforzando (304) Will-O'-Wisp Hat (165) Wave Blade (36) Kite Shield (187) Deluxe Bonbon (518) Fruity Gelatin (522) Deluxe Shortcake (513) Falcon Statue (378) Scarlet Shell (382) Deluxe Cookies (517) Magnum Cornet (61) Silver Sword (11) Ruby Earrings (476) Water Mirror Anklet (458) Quest Magnus: Valuables: Geography Section Key Philosophy Section Key History Section Key Literature Section Key Geography Book Philsophy Book History Book Literature Book Star Map Pieces: Taurus (405) Quzman's Relatives: Tufayr Animals: Monsters: Skeleton Warrior (HP 284, attacks Normal/Dark, Water -30%, Dark -60%, Fire +30%, Light +60%, XP 42) Cursed Spell Book (HP 240, attacks Normal/Fire/Light/Chrono, hit for Sleep, Light -30%, Wind -30%, Water -30%, Dark +30%, Chrono +30%, Fire +30% XP 47) Cursed Grimoire (HP 300, attacks Normal, Water -30%, Light -30%, Wind -30%, Fire +30%, Dark +30%, Chrono +30%, XP 53) Folon (see details) The Ancient Library of Magic is a tricky sort of area. It requires a decent amount of searching and some backtracking, rather than just being a straightforward hike like all the dungeons you've seen to date. It also has a few tricks up its sleeve. The only monster you'll see walking around on the map is the Skeleton Warrior - both of the books will pop out at you when you examine certain bookshelves. I've noted their location in the text; note that when I say "bookshelf X is a Cursed Spell Book," it is actually an encounter with any combination of Cursed Spell Books and Cursed Grimoires, though the latter are significantly less common. All three of the area's monsters are, however, strong against water, and two of them are strong against wind. This means that if you take Gibari, you'll be hitting against a 30% penalty most of the time. The other side of the coin is that Lyude, who has yet to discover a single light-type weapon other than the two he started with, will be at a heavy penalty against the Skeleton Warriors. This is balanced out somewhat by his advantage against the dark-vulnerable spellbooks, though, so it may be worth your while to swap him in for Gibari at this point. Just make sure you put Gibari back in before you fight the boss. The other other side of the coin is that it is quite possible for you, if you follow the walkthrough, to avoid fighting a single book (they're all clearly marked). If you take this option, stick with Gibari the whole time. I can't recommend it very highly, however, since you'll be missing out on a bunch of XP and some good treasure. In fact, the monsters in the Library give out good amounts of very high-quality treasure, including the Chump Change (which will be useful after it evolves a time or two). So I'd suggest fighting as many battles as you can. One final note: the Skeleton Warriors have a skill called Nether Whistle. This skill brings any defeated Skeleton Warrior back to life with half HP. This makes them an excellent choice for farming for XP. As soon as you get here, go behind the counter and pick up the Geography Section Key from the shelf (it's the shining object). Beat the Skeletons and get the Zeit Robe. The Geography Section is through the lower of the two doors. Go in. In here you'll have your first encounter with the red bookshelves. The red bookshelves can be pushed around, which you will need to do to accomplish various objectives. The one you see here should be pushed all the way to the left. Beat the Skeleton and push the bookcase, moving on through until you get to the next bookcase. Push this one south just enough that you can get around it - push it too far, and it will block your path to the south, preventing you from getting the Sforzando. The bookcase to the right of the Sforzando is a group of Cursed Spell Books. To the east of this is a bookcase with the Geography Book on it, and on the floor to the west is the Philosophy Section Key. Collect them both, then head all the way north along the west wall to reach another Cursed Spell Book, if you wish. Immediately to your right as you face that bookshelf - and hidden by the bookshelves in front of it - you can find a Will-O'-Wisp Hat. Get it. You're all done in there, so now you're going to want to find the Philosophy Section. That's upstairs. All the way at the east side of the lobby, you'll find the staircase. At the far east of the second floor, past the Skeletons, you'll find a Wave Blade. Get it, then turn around and go in the western door. Try to take the key from the red bookshelf, and it will fall over. Head to the east and get the Kite Shield, then push the red shelf to the right to unblock the other door. Go out and around and back in the other door to get the History Section key. The History Section was back on the first floor, so now you have a choice. Do the History Section first. In the History Section, there's a Deluxe Bonbon in the bookshelf north of the entrance. The bookcase standing on its own in the centre of the room is a Cursed Spell Book. The History Book is on the shelf in the southwest corner, and up the west passage you'll find Taurus and a Fruity Gelatin. The bookshelf at the end of the passage is also a Cursed Spell Book. That done, go back upstairs and into the big room. Go north past the fallen bookshelf, and you'll find a place to put the Geography Book that you have. Put it there. The right side of this shelf is a Cursed Spell Book. Go east through the Skeleton, and the first bookshelf you come to holds a Deluxe Shortcake. Go north around the corner and place the History Book on the first shelf here. The second is a Cursed Spell Book. Go around this corner to find a Skeleton, a Falcon Statue, and the spot for the Philsophy Book that you don't have yet. This door won't open until you find all four books, so don't bother with it. Do avail yourself of the red flower, though. South of the red flower is the shelf for the Literature Book (which you also don't have) and a red shelf that, if pushed northward, will reveal the entrance to the Philosophy Section. Enter. You'll have a Skeleton to fight as soon as you enter, so dispose of him and go south. Moving past the red shelf gets you to a bookshelf with a Cursed Spell Book in it. Turn around and go up the ladder; jumping to the north gets you to the Scarlet Shell. Jump west two times and climb down to get the Literature Section Key; to the north are some Deluxe Cookies. Going all the way east from the Cookies leads to a bookshelf with the ubiquitous Cursed Spell Book encounter. Head down south and push the red shelf all the way down. Climb the ladder again, and you'll be able to jump west now (onto the red shelf). Jump west again and climb down the ladder and you'll reach a Magnum Cornet and the Philosophy Book. That's everything here, so make your way back out and down to the Literature Section. The shelf immediately north of the door in the Literature Section is a Cursed Spell Book. The only way to progress into the room is blocked by a Skeleton, so take care of him. Behind him you'll find a Silver Sword. South of that is a Cursed Spell Book. Go north and all the way west, then push the red shelf to the south, just enough that you can get to the northern ladder. Climb up and jump south. Climb down this ladder, pick up the Ruby Earrings from the corner, and push the red shelf north all the way. Climb back up the ladder, jump north, and now you can reach the book hanging off the shelf. It's the Literature Book. Take it, then jump back south, climb down, and push the other red shelf to the right. Now you'll be able to leave. Once you place the Philosophy and Literature Books on their respective shelves, you'll be able to go through that door that wouldn't open earlier. As soon as you enter, you'll be ambushed! --Boss: Folon-- HP: 2300 Weaknesses: Light (+50%), Water (+30%) Resistances: Dark (-50%), Fire (-30%) Attack Types: Normal, Fire, Dark, Chrono, hit to Paralyze XP: -- Drops: Heartlight Candle, Devil Eupho Folon is the first boss you fight who has the ability to do large amounts of elemental damage. To make matters worse, the element he does the most damage with is chrono, and that doubles as the one you're the least able to defend against. I suggest that, rather than bringing in Feathered Hats and Calm Helmets, you just count on taking the full 57 chrono damage every time he attacks - it's not like that would put a real dent in your HP at this point. Folon uses his dark attack sparingly, and seemingly only late in the battle; it doubles as a hit to Paralyze, so bring some Paralysis protection/prevention with you, just in case. Mercifully, Folon is actually *weak* against water, thereby allowing Gibari a break for the first time in this entire area. Unfortunately, if you're not prepared, you'll still have all fire spells in Xelha's deck. The high dark resist hurts Kalas a bit, and eliminates Lyude as a serious factor in this battle, so you'll be leaning on Xelha and Gibari for most of your offense. Still, he's not very strong, and 2300 HP doesn't go very far at this point in the game, so he should give you a fairly minimal amount of trouble. After beating Folon, the game gallingly sends you back outside the Library, meaning you need to go all the way back through it to get the treasure you could see before Folon attacked. I strongly recommend this - it's the Water Mirror Anklet, which is a fairly outstanding piece of equipment at this point in time. While you're here, though, you can recruit Quzman's relative Tufayr, who can be found in the Philosophy section after the battle with Folon. Also, after you get Tufayr to sign, you'll be able to sign his sister back in Komo Mai. He'll also give you a hint as to where his father is - though it's a hint you won't be able to follow up for a long time indeed. Before you can go off to Opu as you were told to do, you need to return to Komo Mai. You need to get a Landmark Stone from the Principal in the Academy before you can make it through Holoholo Jungle. While you're in the Academy, go to the room next to the one the Principal's in and talk to the girl standing by the northwest bookcase. This is Tufayr's sister Tulun, and she'll sign the family tree now that her brother has. With that out of the way, it's time to go to Holoholo Jungle. --Holoholo Jungle-- Important NPCs: Normal Magnus: Silver Earrings (477) Ice Crystal Buckle (448) Brave Knight Helm (145) Heat Paddle (37) Wind Yell Lv 1 (205) Smash Tackle (296) Fire Burst Lv 3 (251) Quest Magnus: Valuables: Star Map Pieces: Equuleus (406) Quzman's Relatives: Animals: Monsters: Acheron (HP 380, attacks Normal/Water, Water -60%, Fire +60%, XP 68) Mirabilis (HP 500, attacks Normal/Water, hit to Poison, Water -30%, Chrono -30%, Fire +30%, Wind +30%, XP 87) Spell Shellfish (HP 120, attacks Water/Light/Wind, All elements -20%, XP 60) Undead Swordsman (HP 300, attacks Normal/Dark/Wind, Dark -50%, Wind -30%, Light +50%, Chrono +30%, XP 77) It's hard to tell where you're going in the Holoholo Jungle. Visibility is rather poor at best. But, as you enter, head generally north through the hole in the trees and fight the Acheron you see there. Then go to the west until you find a path north, and take it to the next screen. Follow the path along and fight the Mirabilis. From here, it continues north and curves around east toward the Acheron. The path continues to the east past the Acheron, but there's a ladder downward just west of the southernmost point of it. Go down the ladder. The Silver Earrings are down here. Continue west to find an Acheron and an area transition back to the first screen. There's a hard-to-see Mirabilis to the south, and past that is the Ice Crystal Buckle. This is a rather phenomenal piece of equipment with a Headache-inducing side effect. I suggest you learn to cope with Headache, since the stat boosts make Kalas very powerful. That's all there is to do here, so head back north and climb the ladder again (there is an east exit from the base of the ladder, but it doesn't lead anywhere), then exit east. There's a ladder to the south again (easier to spot than the last). Climb down, and go east through the Mirabilis and the Undead Swordsman to reach a huge pile of treasure: a Brave Knight Helm, Heat Paddle, Wind Yell Lv 1, Equuleus, Smash Tackle, and Fire Burst Lv 3. Once you have that, you're done down here, so do back up the ladder and continue east. Eventually, the path will curve south and then back west a bit. Exit the area to the south, fighting the Undead Swordsman on the way. This leads you back to the first area again. There's a Mirabilis here for you to fight, and the path curves southeast toward an area transition. Oddly, you'll enter this new area from the south, despite the fact that you were travelling southeast to the transition. You'll probably run right back across the transition before you notice it if you're holding the stick. But, from here, it's just a short jaunt to the east, and you're out of the Jungle. --Opu, the Waterfall Village-- Important NPCs: Mayfee Normal Magnus: Uncooked Rice (547) Ice Knuckles (82) Curry (777) Flash Explosion (278) Quest Magnus: Boiled Egg (983) Stoked Flame (975) Weak Flame (976) Valuables: Star Map Pieces: Lupus (407) Perseus (408) Quzman's Relatives: Animals: Shop: Shish Kebab (Large) (506) x2 - 250G Wheat Crackers (521) - 300G Chestnut Truffle (523) x2 - 100G Fruity Gelatin (522) x2 - 200G Wave Blade (36) - 3000G Flame Sphere (81) - 2400G Feathered Barrette (485) - 5000G Light Yell Lv 1 (202) - 1600G Dark Yell Lv 1 (203) - 1600G Opu is a very small town, and there isn't very much to do here. The shop is the first building you'll come to, but there isn't much there worth buying. Get the Wave Blade if you have money to burn. When you reach the bottom of the bridge, go into the first house. You can get a Boiled Egg here, but you don't need it for anything. The pots in the northeast corner, however, contain Lupus. Also, you can get Uncooked Rice in the tub south of the cogwheel. Go back out, but skip the next house for now. Instead, go down the next flight of stairs and talk to the girl scraping around on the ground for the Perseus Magnus. Inside the house, you can find Ice Knuckles in the jars on the west wall, Stoked Flame in the fireplace, and Weak Flame in the lantern. Take the Knuckles and leave the rest. Now go back up and enter the house you skipped earlier. There's a Curry in the pot by the fireplace and Stoked Flame in the fireplace, but that exhausts what you can collect in here. Talk to Mayfee and her grandmother, then follow Mayfee to the house next door and talk to her again there. Then talk to the guy behind the cogwheel, and exit. You'll collectively decide to go hunt for Komo Mai Cookies. Go talk to the cookie salesman in Komo Mai, and he'll tell you to bring him a Celestial Flower Seed. They're in the pot in Corellia's room. Bring him one, and you'll get the Komo Mai Cookies. For every additional seed you bring him, he'll give you a Doll. Bring the Cookies back to Mayfee, and you'll be told that the mysterious woman is back and waiting for you. You can get Flash Explosion in the back room of the waterwheel building. Once that's done, head down to the bottom house and talk to the mysterious woman. Following that, she'll join your party. --Savyna's Inventory-- Leather Gloves (78) x5 Power Knuckles (79) x5 Battle Claws (80) x3 Flame Sphere (81) x2 Heat Jacket (106) x2 Crystal Mail (107) Clock Shield (185) x2 Tempest Shield (186) Fire Yell Lv 2 (206) Aqua Yell Lv 2 (207) Burning Arrow (311) Erupting Flail (312) Splash Spear (313) Deluxe Bananas (637) Skipjack (641) Pickled Plums (643) Bomb (601) Rubber Barrette (484) With Savyna in tow, go talk to Mayfee's grandmother. She'll tell you that Mayfee's gone to the Celestial Tree. Follow along after her. --The Celestial Tree-- Important NPCs: Normal Magnus: Wild Cherry Bud (388) Quest Magnus: Gold Beetle Carapace (993) Valuables: Star Map Pieces: Crater (410) Quzman's Relatives: Animals: Monsters: Blood Leaf (HP 360, attacks Normal/Wind, hit for Poison, Wind -80%, Chrono +80%, XP 98) Devil Claws (HP 500, attacks Normal/Fire, Fire -30%, Wind -20%, Water +30%, Chrono +20%, XP 110) The hut on the right side has Crater in it, so grab that before you go climbing the tree. Then it's time to climb. Start with the left side, which leads through a Blood Leaf to the Wild Cherry Bud. Then climb back down and go up the right side. There's a Devil Claws in the centre of this area. Fight it and climb up the right side. Go through a few more Blood Leafs and Devil Clawses to reach an intersection with a red flower at it. Climb down the east path to reach Mayfee, who is being threatened by a Devil Claws. Once you beat the Devil Claws, Mayfee will tag along with you. Go back up to the flower, and climb up the right side; get the Gold Beetle Carapace from the cave, then go back and climb up the left side. You'll be ambushed by a Devil Claws. Once you reach the top, Mayfee will open the door, and you can go in and fight the boss. --Boss: Tree Guardian-- HP: 2800 Weaknesses: Fire (+50%), Dark (+20%) Resistances: Water (-50%), Light (-20%) Attack Types: Normal, Water XP: -- Drops: Freezing Axe, Dancing Flames --Sub-boss: Tentacle (x2)-- HP: 500 Weaknesses: Fire (+80%), Dark (+30%) Resistances: Water (-80%), Light (-30%) Attack Types: Normal, Water, Wind, hit for Sleep, hit to Paralyze Take out the tentacles first, since they can each hit for Sleepand for Paralyze, and the Guardian himself can do huge amounts of damage if you can't defend yourself. Besides, the tentacles are weak, and 80% fire weakness means Xelha can probably kill one tentacle every round. You want Xelha for this battle, and probably Lyude also, since Gibari's water will leave him at a disadvantage, while Lyude has a lot of dark. Kalas is very effective here, since the combination of the dark he alreadyhad plus the Flametongues you can get for beating Blood Leafs on the way up would spell trouble for this boss even without the Ice Crystal Buckle. The Guardian can spend its action to revive a fallen tentacle with half HP, but don't worry about that; you can kill a full HP tentacle in one attack, so half HP is a breeze, and the Guardian won't be attacking during a round in which it revives a tentacle. The Guardian is the toughest boss you've fought so far, so be prepared. Good healing items are a must (you can have Extra Fluffy Rice easily by this point), as are fire- type defenses. After the battle, you'll be given the choice to fight Savyna or not to fight her. You'll end up in battle regardless, though, so choose to fight. --Boss: Savyna-- HP: 3500 Weaknesses: -- Resistances: -- Attack Types: Normal, Fire XP: -- Drops: -- Savyna is nothing special. Offensively, the only threat she poses is that her attacks are rapid enough that you may miss opportunities to play defensive cards. On defense, her major strength is that she has no weaknesses for you to exploit. 3500 HP with no weaknesses can last a while, but you won't really be in any danger here. Note that if you take a picture of Savyna during this battle, it will always be a Rare Shot. Once you're back out on the map, go back to Komo Mai. Before you talk to Corellia, go into the east side of the Adademy and talk to the guy south and just east of the clock. You can get the Popular Pickup Line. Go into the room on the left and give the pickup line to the man sitting on the left end of the middle row on the right side. Leave the room and re-enter, and he'll give you a Zeit Robe for your trouble. Now return to the palace and talk to Corellia. After the cutscene, you'll be in the west room of the palace; go to Corellia's room and talk to her again. The Mindeer will take you to Mira whenever you're ready. Make sure you have all your loose ends tied up before you, leave, because, as usual, you won't be coming back here for quite a while. *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V)--Walkthrough: Disc Two-- Forthcoming. *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VI)--Magnopaedia-- Here you'll find a listing of all the Magnus in the game, insofar as I have been able to discover them. I've divided the Magnus into eight sections and sorted them in the order given by the game in the Gathering screen. A brief summary of the types of Magnus follows. The first type I call "Deck Magnus," for the obvious reason that these are put in a character's deck for use. This is by far the largest category of Magnus (though not all presented now), and the most complex. They look like this: (0) - Foo (Bar) (Chrono) Attack: 50 (Chrono 33), 50% chance of Paralysis (Combo 1) Defense: 50 (Chrono 33), Poison resist + 25 (Combo 1) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Seventeen Text: Hello World! To explain what all that means: The top line begins with a number. This is the number of the index in which that Magnus appears in the Gathering screen. Note that they are NOT numbered as such by the game; I do this for convenience in identifying potential Magnus the reader may be missing. After the hyphen is the name of the Magnus, followed by (in parentheses) the characters who can use that Magnus, and the Magnus' element. Lines two through four are simply the "attack" "defense" and "use" lines copied straight from the Gathering screen. To my knowledge, there are no cards that can be placed in a deck that can also be "used;" I hesitate to remove the line, however, since I am still missing many Magnus. Line five tells you how many spirit numbers the Magnus in question will have, and also whether or not it can contain a 9. Line six is an exact transcript of the flavour text from the Gathering screen. Line Seven, if present, lists the cards - by name and index - that this card is eligible to change into over time. If this line is not present, I am not aware of any transformations for the Magnus in question. Note that this does NOT include special combos; they are dealt with separately. Compared to all that, the next category - "Level Magnus" - is relatively straightforward. They look like this: (0) - Foobar (Normal) Text: A Bar of Foo. Required for raising Kalas' Class Level to 7. Explains itself, really. Following that is the section on Star Map pieces, which I won't bother explaining, since it's basically just a list of names. Equipment comes next, and that looks like this: (0) - Fugly Buckle (Kalas) (Chrono) ATK + 50, DEF + 50, AGL + 50, HP + 50 Death 50, Sleep 50, Paralysis 50, Freezing 50 Flames 50, Poison 50, Headache 50, Confusion 50 Also pretty simple. Just the Stat and resistance modifiers from the Gathering screen for the item. Next is the second section of Deck Magnus, which also contains the Use Magnus. Use Magnus look like this: (0) - Foobar (Normal) Use: Restores 43% of the user's HP Text: A yummy bar of foo. Note that all Deck Magnus in this section have one spirit number; as such, I don't bother with a Spirit Numbers line. After that is photographs, and then Quest Magnus, both of which are simplicity in manifestations. All Magnus have a "Found" line. This tells you where to get that Magnus. If it names a character, that character has that Magnus when he joins your party. The name of an area means that you can find it or someone will give it to you in that area. See the area description for more details. If it's an area name with (shop) following it, it can be bought there. A monster name means that monster can drop it after combat. The name of another Magnus means that other Magnus changes into it. Lastly, a special combo number means it is the result of said combo; see the section on special combos for more information. So, without further ado, onward to the big list! -- Deck Magnus I -- (1) - Short Sword (Kalas) (Normal) Attack: ATK 4 (Combo 1) Defense: DEF 3 (Combo 2) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: One Text: A straight sword, light and easy to handle. Its short blade offers accurate targeting, and is handy for close combat and quick attacks. Sale Price: 1G Found: Kalas (x6), Shawra, Flame Sword (5) (2) - Saber (Kalas) (Normal) Attack: ATK 8 (Combo 1) Defense: DEF 5 (Combo 2) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: One Text: A straight blade with a knuckle-guard to protect the fist. Light, long, and easy to handle, this type of weapon is often used by knights on horseback. Sale Price: 1G Found: Kalas (x3), Shawra, Solar Saber (19) (3) - Long Sword (Kalas) (Normal) Attack: ATK 12 (Combo 1) Defense: DEF 7 (Combo 2) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: One Text: A long, sharp-edged blade with superior cutting, poking, and stabbing properties. This well-balanced sword is suited for both close combat and mounted attacks. Sale Price: 2G Found: Kalas, Unuk, Cebalrai Shop (4) - Ice Dagger (Kalas) (Water) Attack: ATK 23 (Water 14), 3% chance of freezing (Combo 1) Defense: DEF 16 (Water 14) (Combo 2) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: One Text: This dagger damages its target by releasing frigid air from its edge on impact, occasionally freezing its victims. Sale Price: 2G Found: Kalas, Cebalrai, Pherkad, Moonguile (5) - Flame Sword (Kalas) (Fire) Attack: ATK 28 (Fire 17), 10% chance of flames (Combo 1) Defense: DEF 19 (Fire 17) (Combo 2) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: One Text: A mere short sword imbued with flames from a blacksmith's forge, a simple graze with this weapon can set the target ablaze, though the enchantment on the blade itself tends to be short-lived. Changes into: Short Sword (1) Sale Price: 2G Found: Moonguile, Doomer, Star Map (Vela), Pherkad Shop, Nashira Shop (6) - Duel Sword (Kalas) (Normal) Attack: ATK 28 (Combo 2) Defense: DEF 16 (Combo 2) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: One Text: Also known as a Sword Breaker, this twin-forked blade is designed to catch and shatter enemy blades. Such weapons are said to grant supernatural strength to warriors heading into combat. Found: Nashira Shop (7) - Chaos Edge (Kalas) (Dark) Attack: ATK 40 (Dark 24), 12% chance of poison (Combo 1) Defense: DEF 27 (Dark 24) (Combo 2) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Two Text: This sword's curved edge entices its bearer to seek out enemies and spill their blood. Those on the receiving end of this weapon have been known to be stricken with venom. Sale Price: 10G Found: Lesser Celestial River, Albireo (8) - Ray of Truth (Kalas) (Light) Attack: ATK 48 (Light 29) (Combo 2) Defense: DEF 32 (Light 29) (Combo 2) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Two Text: This blade is imbued with divine light, designed to strike down and purge the evils of this world. Though effective against the denizens of darkness, it is unwieldy and inadequate for quick attacks. Sale Price: 12G Found: Sheliak Shop, Sheliak (9) - Dark Sword (Kalas) (Dark) Attack: ATK 55 (Dark 33), 15% chance of sleep (Combo 1) Defense: DEF 36 (Dark 33) (Combo 2) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Two Text: The souls of victims claimed by this sword are doomed to wander in darkness. Their ghostly forms can be seen in the form of a pale, blue light emanating from the blade. Sale Price: 26G Found: Castle Elnath, Komo Mai Shop (10) - Marvelous Sword (Kalas) (Normal) Attack: ATK 50 (Combo 1) Defense: DEF 29 (Combo 2) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Two Text: This blade cuts as fiercely as it looks, one swing being enough to split the hardest rock. Made of a special metal with a golden hue, this weapon is in the prime of its popularity. Sale Price: 40G Found: Komo Mai Shop (11) - Silver Sword (Kalas) (Normal) Attack: ATK 56 (Combo 1) Defense: DEF 32 (Combo 2) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Two Text: A steel blade coated with soft iron, this weapon's edge is designed to absorb the impact of enemy attacks. Lightweight, well-balanced, and ideal for hitting where it hurts. Sale Price: 56G Found: Ancient Library (12) - Flametongue (Kalas) (Fire) Attack: ATK 78 (Fire 47), 25% chance of flames (Combo 1) Defense: DEF 51 (Fire 47) (Combo 2) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Two Text: The fierce fire trapped in this sword sparks a flame within the wielder's eyes. Many victims struck with this weapon are engulfed in its blaze and perish in its fiery clutches. Found: Blood Leaf (13) - Crystal Edge (Kalas) (Water) Attack: ATK 85 (Water 51) (Combo 2) Defense: DEF 56 (Water 51) (Combo 2) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Two Text: The rise and fall of the 'Divine Waters' can be seen in the wave- shaped edge of this crystalline sword. The mystical waters lost their life force ages ago, and have reverted to normal water. (14) - Gladius (Kalas) (Normal) Attack: ATK 74 (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Two Text: A short sword with a razor-sharp edge and an easy-to-hold grip. This weapon is much more cumbersome than it looks, though, and is unfit for defensive use. (15) - Wind God Blade (Kalas) (Wind) Attack: ATK 100 (Wind 60) (Combo 1) Defense: DEF 65 (Wind 60) (Combo 2) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Three Text: Blessed with the power of a wind god, this blade can be swung at terrifying speeds, engulfing its target in the god's breath and tearing its spirit asunder. (16) - Death Pendulum (Kalas) (Chrono) Attack: ATK 108 (Chrono 65) (Combo 2) Defense: DEF 71 (Chrono 65) (Combo 2) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Three Text: This blade enshrouds its victims in silence, wrought with suggestions of impending death. Those who fail to see through this illusion are doomed to an untimely demise. (17) - Cetaka's Sword (Kalas) (Normal) Attack: ATK 92, 5% chance of sleep (Combo 1) Defense: DEF 52 (Combo 2) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Three Text: A sacred weapon believed to have been wielded by the oriental deity Cetaka, this blade rids the soul of lurking evils and earthly desires, lulling the victim into a deep slumber. (18) - Shadow Thruster (Kalas) (Dark) Attack: ATK 123 (Dark 74), 10% chance of poison (Combo 1) Defense: DEF 80 (Dark 74) (Combo 2) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Three Text: The blade of this weapon can only be seen by the wielder. Others can merely discern a ghostly outline of its shape, making it difficult to parry of avoid. Victims are occasionally struck with poison. (19) - Solar Saber (Kalas) (Light) Attack: ATK 133 (Light 80) (Combo 1) Defense: DEF 87 (Light 80) (Combo 2) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Three Text: Imbued with sunlight, the blue-white brilliance emanating from this weapon awes the enemy and breaks its morale. The power within the blade expires within an hour or so, leaving but a mundane saber. Changes into: Saber (2) (20) - Blood Sword (Kalas) (Dark) Attack: ATK 140 (Dark 84), 30% chance of poison (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Three Text: Enemies struck with this sword never shed blood, as the blade soaks up the spoils of its passing, occasionally leaving the victim poisoned. Its design prevents it from being used for defense. (21) - Dimension Blade (Kalas) (Chrono) Attack: ATK 148 (Chrono 89) (Combo 2) Defense: DEF 96 (Chrono 89) (Combo 2) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Three Text: The shock waves unleashed with a mere swing of this weapon tear time and space asunder, leaving little need to connect with the target. (22) - Air Slash (Kalas) (Wind) Attack: ATK 155 (Wind 93) (Combo 1) Defense: DEF 101 (Wind 93) (Combo 2) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Three Text: An almost weightless sword shaped like a feather, the sky-blue edge of this weapon creates a vacuum with every swing, inflicting severe lacerations on its target. (23) - Apocalypse Sword (Kalas) (Normal) Attack: ATK 132 (Combo 1) Defense: DEF 74 (Combo 2) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four Text: The legendary Apocalypse Sword, symbol of an all-ending war. It is said to appear in this world when times are chaotic, and to bring victory to its wielder. (24) - Efreeti Saber (Kalas) (Fire) Attack: ATK 173 (Fire 104), 75% chance of flames (Combo 1) Defense: DEF 112 (Fire 104) (Combo 2) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four Text: This blade is totally engulfed in the flames of the efreeti, elemental spirits of fire. Its blaze never dies once ignited, delivering a fiery end to those who dare defy the efreeti. (25) - Aqua Truth (Kalas) (Water) Attack: ATK 183 (Water 110), 15% chance of freezing (Combo 1) Defense: DEF 119 (Water 110) (Combo 2) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four Text: As calm as a quiet stream when drawn, as fierce as an ocean storm when swung. Much easier to handle than its broad blade would suggest, this sword occasionally freezes its target on contact. (26) - Kusanagi Blade (Kalas) (Fire) Attack: ATK 190 (Fire 114), 15% chance of paralysis (Combo 1) Defense: DEF 123 (Fire 114) (Combo 2) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four Text: Claimed by the legendary Yamato Takeru after slaying an eight-headed dragon. The dragon's curse occasionally paralyses the weapon's target. (27) - Durandal (Kalas) (Light) Attack: ATK 198 (Light 119) (Combo 3) Defense: DEF 128 (Light 119) (Combo 2) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four, can include 9 Text: In addition to its outstanding offensive capabilities, this weapon's knuckle guard, shaped like an angel's wings, makes it a durable defensive weapon. It is unfit for quick parrying, though. (28) - Muramasa Blade (Kalas) (Dark) Attack: ATK 208 (Dark 125), 5% chance of death (Combo 1) Defense: DEF 135 (Dark 125) (Combo 2) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four, can include 9 Text: The gleam and razor-sharp edge of this blade have attracted great kings. This fearsome weapon has the potential of slaying an opponent with a single blow. (29) - Esperanza (Kalas) (Chrono) Attack: ATK 215 (Chrono 129) (Combo 2) Defense: DEF 139 (Chrono 129) (Combo 2) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four, can include 9 Text: Passed down among countless generations, Chronos himself is said to come to the aid of its wielder. His powers surround the blade to increase its might. (30) - Void Phantom (Kalas) (Wind) Attack: ATK 225 (Wind 135) (Combo 1) Defense: DEF 145 (Wind 135) (Combo 2) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four, can include 9 Text: Those who oppose the wielder of this blade place their very existence in jeopardy. All traces of the victim will be scattered by the wind... (31) - Double Paddle (Gibari) (Normal) Attack: ATK 14 (Combo 1) Defense: DEF 8 (Combo 2) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: One Text: A double-headed oar used to propel boats. A special coating reinforces this weapon against enemy attacks. Sale Price: 1G Found: Gibari (x5) (32) - Mosquito (Gibari) (Wind) Attack: ATK 23 (Wind 14), 3% chance of paralysis (Combo 1) Defense: DEF 15 (Wind 14) (Combo 2) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: One Text: Named after its shape and the buzzing sound created when swung at high speeds, this weapon is relatively light and easy to handle, occasionally paralyzing its target. Found: Gibari (x4), Pul-Puk, Sheliak Shop (33) - Stream Blade (Gibari) (Water) Attack: ATK 30 (Water 18), 5% chance of freezing (Combo 1) Defense: DEF 19 (Water 18) (Combo 2) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Two Text: With a curved handle resembling the flow of a quiet, gentle stream, this oar is designed to provide precision control in rough waters, resulting in ease of use as a weapon. Found: Gibari (x3), Lesser Celestial River (x2), Sheliak Shop (34) - Butterfly (Gibari) (Wind) Attack: ATK 38 (Wind 23) (Combo 1) Defense: DEF 25 (Wind 23) (Combo 2) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Two Text: Use fancy footwork while using this oar and weave in close to the enemy before striking. Adjustments have been made to the original design to enable its use as a weapon. Sale Price: 13G Found: Castle Elnath, Sheliak (35) - Black Scepter (Gibari) (Dark) Attack: ATK 45 (Dark 27), 10% chance of poison (Combo 1) Defense: DEF 29 (Dark 27) (Combo 2) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Two Text: Taken from a wicked boatman, this oar dooms its victims to an eternity of torment. Each swing is accompanied with the wailing and moaning of the dead. The occasional hit can poison its target. Sale Price: 23G Found: Komo Mai Shop, Komo Mai, Cursed Spell Book (36) - Wave Blade (Gibari) (Water) Attack: ATK 53 (Water 32), 7% chance of freezing (Combo 1) Defense: DEF 34 (Water 32) (Combo 2) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Two Text: This oar is said to prevent seafarers from straying off course in perilous waters. The edge of the weapon ripples on impact, increasing damage dealt to the enemy. Sale Price: 30G Found: Ancient Library, Opu Shop (37) - Heat Paddle (Gibari) (Fire) Attack: ATK 60 (Fire 36), 10% chance of flames (Combo 1) Defense: DEF 39 (Fire 36) (Combo 2) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Two Text: This oar is imbued with fire, a rarity among seafaring tools. It never loses its warmth, even when used in icy waters. Sale Price: 48G Found: Holoholo Jungle, Devil Claws (38) - Green Oak (Gibari) (Normal) Attack: ATK 54, 5% chance of paralysis (Combo 1) Defense: DEF 30 (Combo 2) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Two Text: Colored a youthful green like spring leaves, this oar fills its wielder with vitality and soothes his soul. It occasionally paralyzes its target. (39) - Mayfly (Gibari) (Wind) Attack: ATK 78 (Wind 47) (Combo 1) Defense: DEF 50 (Wind 47) (Combo 2) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Two Text: This weapon resembles a mayfly's wings, hence its name. When swung, it engulfs its target in a vacuum and smothers it. (40) - Second Hand (Gibari) (Chrono) Attack: ATK 85 (Chrono 51), 10% chance of confusion (Combo 1) Defense: DEF 55 (Chrono 51) (Combo 2) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Two Text: Resembling the second hand on a clock, this weapon emits powerful magnetic waves that occasionally confuse its target. (41) - White Scepter (Gibari) (Light) Attack: ATK 93 (Light 56), 50% chance to cure poison (Combo 1) Defense: DEF 60 (Light 56) (Combo 2) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Three Text: Blessed with the grace of angels, this weapon is light and easily wielded. It purges evil from its targets, yet also cures them of poison. (42) - Black Ash (Gibari) (Dark) Attack: ATK 103 (Dark 62), 1% chance of death (Combo 1) Defense: DEF 66 (Dark 62) (Combo 2) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Three Text: Imbued with the curse of Hades, god of the netherworld, a single touch from this weapon devours the victim's life force, sometimes resulting in the immediate death of the subject. (43) - Red Oak (Gibari) (Normal) Attack: ATK 88 (Combo 1) Defense: DEF 49 (Combo 2) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Three Text: Carefully carved from hundred-year old oak, a spirit of the earth is believed to reside in this oar. (44) - Wave Cutter (Gibari) (Water) Attack: ATK 120 (Water 72) (Combo 1) Defense: DEF 77 (Water 72) (Combo 2) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Three Text: The tremendous shock wave created by this oar could slice through a wave like butter, and enemies just as easily. (45) - Dragonfly (Gibari) (Wind) Attack: ATK 128 (Wind 77), 10% chance of sleep (Combo 1) Defense: DEF 82 (Wind 77) (Combo 2) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Three Text: Smooth, razor-sharp, and relatively light, this weapon allows the wielder to zip around his enemies at lightning speed. Occasionally it knocks enemies into a deep slumber. (46) - Crystal Wing (Gibari) (Water) Attack: ATK 138 (Water 83), 20% chance of freezing (Combo 1) Defense: DEF 89 (Water 83) (Combo 2) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Three Text: The striking beauty of this weapon is said to have rendered Poseidon speechless. Victims are engulfed by particles of ice and occasionally frozen solid. (47) - White Ash (Gibari) (Light) Attack: ATK 145 (Light 87), 70% chance to cure poison (Combo 1) Defense: DEF 93 (Light 87) (Combo 2) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Three Text: Blessings bestowed upon this oar allow it to easily purify the muddiest of rivers and turn putrid bogs into pleasant watering holes. (48) - Power Blade (Gibari) (Normal) Attack: ATK 124, 4% chance of death (Combo 1) Defense: DEF 68 (Combo 2) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Three Text: This weapon was crafted from the legendary Tree of Iron, which is said to be uncuttable by axe or saw. It's coated with a special dye, and occasionally slays its target in a single blow. (49) - Bloody Vortex (Gibari) (Dark) Attack: ATK 165 (Dark 99), 30% chance of paralysis (Combo 1) Defense: DEF 106 (Dark 99) (Combo 2) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four Text: Though the tip of this oar is blunt, the vampiric essence within it draws a mist of blood from the victim, creating a maelstrom of crimson. (50) - Rainbow Ash (Gibari) (Light) Attack: ATK 173 (Light 104), 100% chance to cure sleep (Combo 1) Defense: DEF 111 (Light 104) (Combo 2) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four Text: This weapon emanates the color of rainbows - truly a marvelous sight to behold. Though its offensive potential is devastating, one hit from this oar will awaken the target from the deepest of comas. (51) - Silver Ash (Gibari) (Normal) Attack: ATK 146 (Combo 1) Defense: 80 (Combo 2) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four Text: This oar was carves from a rare hardwood tree that grows once every millennium and is usually reserved for crafting sacred artifacts. It was created for the safety of travelers and fishermen. (52) - Spatula (Gibari) (Chrono) Attack: ATK 193 (Chrono 116), 30% chance of paralysis (Combo 1) Defense: DEF 124 (Chrono 116) (Combo 2) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four Text: Blessed by Chronos, a blow from this weapon is likely to confuse the target's biological clock and drastically reduce its defensive abilities. (53) - Mirage Blade (Gibari) (Wind) Attack: ATK 203 (Wind 122), 30% chance of confusion (Combo 1) Defense: DEF 130 (Wind 122) (Combo 2) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four, can include 9 Text: Inflicts lightning-quick blows hardly perceivable and rarely avoidable by its targets. The transparent, flame-like mirage surrounding this weapon instills panic in its victims. (54) - Firefly (Gibari) (Fire) Attack: ATK 213 (Fire 128), 45% chance of flames (Combo 1) Defense: DEF 136 (Fire 128) (Combo 2) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four, can include 9 Text: Light produced by fireflies was collected and refined, resulting in a mixture potent enough to ignite on contact with air. The blaze engulfing this weapon continues to burn even when dipped in water. (55) - Balgora's Paddle (Gibari) (Water) Attack: 220 (Water 132), 50% chance of freezing (Combo 1) Defense: 141 (Water 132) (Combo 2) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four, can include 9 Text: The legendary Balgora is said to have used this oar. Simply touching its tip to the water propels the largest of ships forward. Only a true Skyfarer can wield this weapon properly. (56) - Krone Horn (Lyude) (Normal) Attack: ATK 20 (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: One Text: Light enough for easy handling, heavy enough for recoil control. Originally designed for civilian use, this weapon's stopping power is limited. Sale Price: 3G Found: Lyude (x6) (57) - Assault Trumpet (Lyude) (Normal) Attack: ATK 24 (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: One Text: Designed for covert use by assassins, this weapon offers a trade-off of accurate targeting for reduced penetration, making it less effective against heavily armored targets. Sale Price: 5G Found: Lyude (x4) (58) - Shining Horn (Lyude) (Light) Attack: ATK 38 (Light 23) (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Two Text: The design of this weapon makes it easy to aim, and what it lacks in firepower it makes up for with its purging capabilities. Sale Price: 9G Found: Lyude (x2) (59) - Shadow Cornet (Lyude) (Dark) Attack: ATK 45 (Dark 27) (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Two Text: Equipped with a suppressor to mask its sound, this weapon can remove unwanted company in silence. Sale Price: 16G Found: Sheliak Shop, Iron Beetle V, Lyude (x2), Komo Mai Shop (60) - Snake Tuba (Lyude) (Normal) Attack: ATK 42 (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Two Text: This weapon was designed for battling dragons. Its sonic projectiles pursue the target with snake-like precision, piercing the scaly armor of dragons with ease. Sale Price: 22G Found: Anuenue Port, Blood Leaf (61) - Magnum Cornet (Lyude) (Normal) Attack: ATK 50 (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Two Text: Offering excellent accuracy and firepower in the harshest of conditions, and enhanced friend-or-foe identification, this weapon can be used in melee situations with little fear of friendly fire. Sale Price: 45G Found: Ancient Library, Devil Claws (62) - Devil Eupho (Lyude) (Dark) Attack: ATK 70 (Dark 42) (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Sprit Numbers: Two Text: Merging negative energy with its sonic projectiles, this weapon strikes fear into the hearts of its victims. But it's much less effective against those who feed off dark energy. Sale Price: 73G Found: Folon (First Battle) (63) - Brilliant Horn (Lyude) (Light) Attack: ATK 80 (Light 48) (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Three Text: This weapon gleams with a golden tint and emits the most enthralling of sounds. When used in battle, however, the bolts of light it fires make short work of evil entities. (64) - Indra Horn (Lyude) (Normal) Attack: ATK 70 (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Three Text: This weapon throbs with the power of Indra, the merciless god of war. The slightest pull of its trigger causes energy to spurt forth explosively. (65) - Veda Cornet (Lyude) (Normal) Attack: ATK 78 Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Three Text: Rounds fired from this weapon burst into a buckshot pattern before hitting their target, pumping victims full of holes, and guaranteeing a painful death. (66) - Saxoflare (Lyude) (Light) Attack: ATK 105 (Light 63) (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Three Text: This weapon fired projectiles imbued with holy light at terrifying speeds, smiting any evil in its way. Only those pure of heart can resist such an attack. (67) - Asura Tuba (Lyude) (Dark) Attack: ATK 115 (Dark 69) (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Three Text: Though the projectiles shot from this weapon are slow, the negative energy within bursts on impact, tearing through flesh and bone alike. (68) - Golden Bugle (Lyude) (Normal) Attack: ATK 100 (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Three Text: This masterpiece sports a shimmering golden hue. As a weapon, it's devastating both in accuracy and firepower. Every shot will find its mark. (69) - Saxolauncher (Lyude) (Normal) Attack: ATK 106 (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Three Text: The weight of this weapon is designed to counter its fierce recoil. Prolonged use is a feat in itself. (70) - ? Attack: Defense: Use: Spirit Numbers: Text: (71) - Hades Horn (Lyude) (Dark) Attack: ATK 153 (Dark 92) (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four Text: This weapon releases spirits of Hades in the form of sonic projectiles. The spirits then torment the victim, sometimes crushing a weak target. (72) - Varna Horn (Lyude) (Normal) Attack: ATK 130 (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four Text: Veteran marksmen are said to bend its shots at will. Though potentially accurate, only the best of the best know how to put it to use. (73) - Agni Tuba (Lyude) (Normal) Attack: ATK 138 (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four Text: This weapon is based on a military design, enhanced to deal with the more powerful monsters. Its wide-bore muzzle allows the launching of large-caliber sonic projectiles. (74) - Ravana Pet (Lyude) (Dark) Attack: ATK 183 (Dark 110) (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four Text: This weapon fires the essence of Ravana, king of a powerful race of beings feared by the gods themselves. Merely taking aim consumes the target's strength. (75) - Shining Trumpet (Lyude) (Light) Attack: ATK 193 (Light 116) (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four, can include 9 Text: In a deep valley somewhere in the mountains, the clear, lyrical note of this trumpet was heard amidst the morning mists. Its mysterious owner is rumored to be a wise hermit living in seclusion. (76) - ? Attack: Defense: Use: Spirit Numbers: Text: (77) - Vishnu (Lyude) (Normal) Attack: ATK 170 (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four, can include 9 Text: According to legend, when the world falls into chaos, the god Vishnu will appear incarnate to destroy the evils of the world and save its people. This weapon's name... its sheer might... could it be? (78) - Leather Gloves (Savyna) (Normal) Attack: ATK 24 (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Two Text: Gloves made of patched animal skins, with quilted lining to protect the fists. Lightweight and easy to handle. Sale Price: 6G Found: Savyna (x5) (79) - Power Knuckles (Savyna) (Normal) Attack: ATK 28, 5% chance of paralysis (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Two Text: These brass knuckles provide fists with the same level of protection as armor and shields. Sale Price: 8G Found: Savyna (x5) (80) - Battle Claws (Savyna) (Normal) Attack: ATK 34 (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Two Text: The size of these gloves can be adjusted freely for a snug fit around the user's hands. The razor-sharp fingertips are perfect for ripping and piercing. Sale Price: 12G Found: Savyna (x3) (81) - Flame Sphere (Savyna) (Fire) Attack: ATK 50 (Fire 30), 15% chance of flames (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Two Text: These knuckles ignite the wearer's heart with a crimson red flame, boosting morale for victory. Targets will be scorched by hit after fiery hit, occasionally being engulfed in flames. Sale Price: 24G Found: Acheron, Opu Shop, Savyna (x2) (82) - Ice Knuckles (Savyna) (Water) Attack: ATK 60 (Water 36), 6% chance of freezing (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use -- Spirit Numbers: Two Text: These knuckles merge and compress the wearer's willpower with a frigid form of magic. This combined energy occasionally freezes the target on impact. Found: Opu (83) - Tekken (Iron Fists) (Savyna) (Normal) Attack: ATK 54 (Combo 1) Defense: DEF 37 (Combo 1) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Two Text: Studded with rivets on the fist and the back of the hand, these gauntlets are as vicious on offense as the are robust on defense. (84) - Arm Bomber (Savyna) (Fire) Attack: ATK 75 (Fire 45), 20% chance of flames (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Two Text: Specially designed explosive charges in the knuckles of these gloves will blow their target to kingdom come. Collateral damage? Don't ask... (85) - Crystal Nails (Savyna) (Water) Attack: ATK 85 (Water 51), 25% chance of headache (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Three Text: The sharp nails on these gauntlets will tear apart whatever protection the opposition may have. The frantic clawing and shrieking sounds emitted by them strike victims with pounding headaches. (86) - Panther Claws (Savyna) (Normal) Attack: ATK 74, 35% chance of poison (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Three Text: Leather gloves with sharp, curved, claw-like attachments that allow the wearer to close in and pounce with feline grace, precision, and ferociousness. (87) - Wolf Fangs (Savyna) (Normal) Attack: ATK 82, 15% chance of paralysis (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Three Text: The spikes on these knuckles were crafted after fangs of the legendary Sacred Wolf, known to be powerful and razor-sharp. Use them to attack with great speed and might. (88) - Aqua Impulse (Savyna) (Water) Attack: ATK 113 (Water 68), 50% chance to cure headache (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Three Text: These gauntlets are fitted with icy blades, their unorthodox shape making them awkward to wield. An added mystery is the blades' tendency to cure their targets of headaches. (89) - Inferno Fists (Savyna) (Fire) Attack: 120 (Fire 72), 24% chance of flames (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Three Text: These gloves emit a powerful blast on impact, tearing up most enemies with the resulting shock wave. Surviving victims may still suffer from the flames smothering them. (90) - Metal Knuckles (Savyna) (Normal) Attack: ATK 104 (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Three Text: Crafted with a special alloy, these knuckles emit shock waves on impact which travel through the target, causing havoc all the way. Their mundane appearance fool [sic] opponents into lowering their guard. (91) - Freezing Nails (Savyna) (Water) Attack: ATK 140 (Water 84), 25% chance of freezing (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Three Text: Said to be worn by Snow Hags, these gauntlets chill their surroundings, tear their targets to bits, and disrupt the blood flow of enemies. (92) - Red Impulse (Savyna) (Fire) Attack: ATK 150 (Fire 90) (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Three Text: The crimson tip of this bladed gauntlet is heated to an extreme temperature, causing an explosive shock wave with each blow. A mere scratch from this weapon causes severe burns, if not death. (93) - Dragon Claws (Savyna) (Normal) Attack: ATK 128, 5% chance of death (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four Text: Two dragon eyes embedded in these gauntlets allow the wearer to locate the target's weaknesses, and two protruding fangs deliver blows powerful enough to smash diamonds to bits. (94) - Galeos Fangs (Savyna) (Water) Attack: ATK 170 (Water 102), 30% chance of confusion (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four Text: Attacks with this weapon are reminiscent of sharks claiming their prey, and will smash through the toughest of defenses. The rare few who survive such an attack are apt to be stricken with panic. (95) - ? Attack: Defense: Use: Spirit Numbers: Text: (96) - Frozen Soul (Savyna) (Water) Attack: ATK 190 (Water 114), 50% chance of freezing (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four, can include 9 Text: Restless, frozen souls of a thousand soldiers dwell within this weapon. The souls swarm around the target on a successful hit, ravaging its body from the inside out. (97) - Efreeti Glitter (Savyna) (Fire) Attack: ATK 200 (Fire 120), 100% chance of flames (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four, can include 9 Text: Imbued with flames taken from the Efreeti, elemental spirits of fire, these gauntlets emit a tangible aura of power. The Efreeti's wrath unleashes devastating torrents of fire upon the opposition. (98) - Mermaid Nails (Savyna) (Water) Attack: ATK 210 (Water 126), 70% chance of confusion (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four, can include 9 Text: The nails on these gauntlets were taken from dead mermaids, imbuing them with magical powers and allowing precise, devastating blows. Those who fall under their spell will be stricken with confusion. (99) - Phoenix Crest (Savyna) (Fire) Attack: ATK 220 (Fire 132), 20% chance of death (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four, can include 9 Text: These gauntlets flare up when the wearer is threatened. All will be consumed by the phoenix flames, robbing the victims of any sanity. (100) - Leather Jacket (Kalas, Gibari, Lyude, Savyna) (Normal) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 10 (Combo 1) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: One Text: The dark blue dye used for this jacket shows the refines taste of its designer. Its potential as armor is minimal, though, only useful for deflecting knives and such. Sale Price: 1G Found: Kalas (x2) (101) - Ice Armor (Kalas, Gibari, Lyude) (Water) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 15 (Water 9), 20% chance to cure flames (Combo 1) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: One Text: The frozen surface of this armor functions as a virtual wall of ice to block enemy attacks. It can contain and rub out any flames which may be inflicted upon the user. Sale Price: 1G Found: Kalas, Unuk (102) - Flame Mail (Kalas, Gibari, Lyude, Savyna) (Fire) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 20 (Fire 12), Freezing resist + 15 (Combo 1) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: One Text: The outer surface of this armor heats up during battle, but the inner surface remains cool enough for comfort. Increases the wearer's resistance to freezing attacks and effects. Sale Price: 1G Found: Doomer, Gibari (103) - Chain Mail (Kalas, Gibari, Lyude) (Normal) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 22 (Combo 1) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: One Text: Woven from chain links, chain mail is relatively lightweight and comfortable to wear. Quite effective against bladed weapons. Sale Price: 1G Found: Pherkad, Pherkad Shop, Gibari (104) - Shadow Suit (Kalas, Gibari, Lyude, Savyna) (Dark) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 35 (Dark 21), Death resist + 10 (Combo 1) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Two Text: Old, dark robes tend to attract spirits lurking in the shadows, providing protection against light-based attacks. Though resembling rags at first sight, this gear is made from a single, dark cloth. Sale Price: 3G Found: Sheliak Shop, Castle Elnath, Lyude (105) - Flash Armor (Kalas, Gibari, Lyude) (Light) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 43 (Light 26), Poison resist + 15 (Combo 1) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Two Text: Made from a special alloy that emits light, this armor shines brightly when hit, blinding the attacker and enabling the wearer to evade the full impact of the blow. Sale Price: 15G Found: Castle Elnath, Lyude, Sheliak (106) - Heat Jacket (Kalas, Lyude, Savyna) (Fire) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 53 (Fire 32), Freezing resist + 15 (Combo 1) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Two Text: Made from the pelts of 'Blaze Weasels,' magical creatures that live near volcanic craters. This garb increases the wearer's resistance to freezing, yet is often worn purely for fashion. Sale Price: 35G Found: Undead Swordsman, Savyna (x2) (107) - Crystal Mail (Kalas, Gibari, Lyude, Savyna) (Water) Attack: -- Defense: Def 65 (Water 39), Flames resist + 25 (Combo 1) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Two Text: This expensive suit of armor crafted from natural quartz crystals provides ample protection, yet its weight restricts use to those familiar with heavy armor. Sale Price: 59G Found: Skeleton Warrior, Savyna (108) - Half Plate (Kalas, Gibari, Lyude, Savyna) (Normal) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 60 (Combo 1) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Two Text: A steel breastplate sacrificing protection for ease of movement. The equipped is able to adequately defend himself/herself with a weapon to make up for this lack of mobility. (109) - Chronos Armor (Kalas, Gibari, Lyude, Savyna) (Chrono) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 90 (Chrono 54), Headache resist + 25 (Combo 1) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Two Text: A weak magnetic field emanates from this armor, deflecting incoming attacks by spoiling the enemy's aim. (110) - Blue Sky Mail (Kalas, Gibari) (Wind) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 103 (Wind 62), Sleep resist + 25 (Combo 1) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Three Text: Crafted from a clear, sky-blue ore (hence its name), this armor is impervious to weak attacks. Relatively lightweight despite its heavy appearance. (111) - Scale Mail (Kalas, Gibari, Lyude, Savyna) (Normal) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 94 (Combo 1) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Three Text: This armor consists of small metal plates linked together to provide a good balance of mobility and protection. The plates around the shoulders are shaped to resemble scales. (112) - Aqua Jacket (Kalas, Lyude, Savyna) (Water) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 133 (Water 80), Flames resist +28 (Combo 1) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Three Text: Crafted from light, hard coral and seaweed fibers. The fancy cuffs on this jacket are considered stylish, hence its popularity as summer clothing. (113) - Efreeti Suit (Kalas, Lyude, Savyna) (Fire) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 148 (Fire 89), Freezing resist + 28 (Combo 1) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Three Text: This suit is imbued with a sacred fire lit by an Efreeti flame. The intense heat generated increases the wearer's resistance to freezing attacks and effects. (114) - Full Plate (Kalas, Gibari, Lyude) (Normal) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 132 (Combo 1) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four Text: This armor covers the torso with large steel plates, providing excellent protection against physical attacks. (115) - Chaos Mail (Kalas, Gibari, Lyude) (Dark) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 183 (Dark 110), Death resist + 20 (Combo 1) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four Text: Imbued with powerful negative energy, this armor provides outstanding protection, yet makes the wearer feel uneasy. The weak- minded may succumb to its dark whisperings. (116) - Holy Armor (Kalas, Gibari, Lyude) (Light) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 200 (Light 120), Poison resist + 35 (Combo 1) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four, can include 9 Text: The sacred power within this armor can hardly be contained. Billowing clouds of holy energy seep out constantly. Truly a threat to all that is evil. (117) - Battle Suit (Gibari) (Normal) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 174, Freezing resist + 40 (Combo 1) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four, can include 9 Text: This armor provided total protection from the neck down to the thighs, yet its tremendous weight limits wearers to the strongest of men. (118) - Dragoon Gale (Kalas, Gibari, Lyude) (Wind) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 238 (Wind 143), Paralysis resist + 45 (Combo 1) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four Text: Made from the rarely-found scales of a winged dragon, this type of armor is extremely scarce. It surrounds the wearer with streams of air and deflects the enemy attacks. (119) - Desperda (Kalas) (Chrono) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 258 (Chrono 155), Death resist + 45 (Combo 1) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four, can include 9 Text: This suit of armor once belonged to a sorcerer able to control time in short bursts. Human nature led him to overstep his bounds, in turn provoking the wrath of Chronos. (120) - Leather Vest (Xelha, Mizuti) (Normal) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 8, Sleep resist + 10 (Combo 1) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: One Text: A vest of low-priced, artificial leather that helps keep away the cold. Although quilted on the surface, it only provides minimal protection. Sale Price: 1G Found: Xelha (x2), Shawra (121) - Heat Robe (Xelha, Mizuti) (Fire) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 13 (Fire 8) (Combo 1) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: One Text: This robe is imbued with sacred fire, constantly emanating heat. This kind of garment is also used as winter gear in the colder regions. Sale Price: 1G Found: Xelha (122) - Nixie Garb (Xelha, Mizuti) (Water) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 18 (Water 11) (Combo 1) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: One Text: This robe holds a Nixie, or water spirit, within its folds. Though the Nixie's power slows incoming blows, its magic is growing weaker, and the robe is often used as mere summer wear. Sale Price: 2G Found: Star Map (Puppis) (123) - Mink Coat (Xelha, Mizuti) (Normal) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 18, Freezing resist + 30 (Combo 1) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: One Text: This luxurious, highly valued coat is made from the pelts of giant weasels. Their fur provides reasonable resistance to freezing attacks and effects. Sale Price: 3G Found: Pherkad, Pherkad Shop (124) - Cloak of Dark Night (Xelha, Mizuti) (Dark) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 33 (Dark 20), Death resist + 10 (Combo 1) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Two Text: This cloak clouds the opposition's sight and allows the wearer to blend into darkness, reducing the likelihood of receiving lethal blows. Sale Price: 10G Found: Lesser Celestial River (125) - Shawl of the Goddess (Xelha, Mizuti) (Light) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 40 (Light 24), Poison resist + 40 (Combo 1) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Two Text: This shawl stays on the wearer's shoulders, regardless of any jumps or flips performed. Perhaps due to a holy blessing, it also boosts the wearer's resistance to poison. Sale Price: 25G Found: Star Map (Hydra) (126) - Zeit Robe (Xelha, Mizuti) (Chrono) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 50 (Chrono 30), Paralysis resist + 40 (Combo 1) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Two Text: This robe partially sends the impact of enemy blows to another dimension, enabling the wearer to withstand attacks. Found: Ancient Library, Komo Mai (127) - Pegasus Cloak (Xelha, Mizuti) (Wind) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 60 (Wind 36) (Combo 1) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Two Text: This robe enhances movement and enables the wearer to shrug off attacks from lesser enemies. Sale Price: 67G Found: Star Map (10) (128) - Silk Robe (Xelha, Mizuti) (Normal) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 58 (Combo 1) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Two Text: The touch of this robe is smooth beyond expression, but its virtues go even beyond that. It's light as a feather yet surprisingly strong. (129) - Robe of Firelight (Xelha, Mizuti) (Fire) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 83 (Fire 50), Freezing resist + 70 (Combo 1) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Two Text: Robes of Firelight are created by heating cloth with sacred fires. Most of the cloth will be lost in the process, but the resulting robe will protect the wearer from freezing attacks and effects. (130) - Sleet Shawl (Xelha, Mizuti) (Water) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 98 (Water 59), Flames resist + 95 (Combo 1) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Three Text: Small, sleet-shaped crystals float around this shawl. The impact from blows may melt some of them, but they quickly freeze again. The wearer is almost guaranteed not to catch fire. (131) - ? Attack: Defense: Use: Spirit Numbers: Text: (132) - Forseti Robe (Xelha, Mizuti) (Light) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 125 (Light 75), Death resist + 35 (Combo 1) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Three Text: This robe creates a thin barrier of light around the wearer, repelling any denizens of the darkness that may come near. (133) - Hamelin Cloak (Xelha, Mizuti) (Normal) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 112, Paralysis resist + 55 (Combo 1) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Three Text: The original owner of this cloak was a bard who traveled throughout the lands. His cloak gained power from various spirits encountered on his journey. (134) - Robe of Morning Cool (Xelha) (Wind) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 155 (Wind 93), Sleep resist + 80 (Combo 1) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four Text: An advanced technique was used to trap cool, morning air into the fabric of this robe. It grants its wearer strong resistance to sleep. (135) - Siegfried (Xelha, Mizuti) (Chrono) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 173 (Chrono 104) (Combo 1) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four Text: This sacred robe summons the halo of a legendary warrior to protect the wearer, absorbing and dispersing the impact of enemy blows. Due to its nature, this robe can only be worn by a select few. (136) - Wizard Robe (Xelha, Mizuti) (Normal) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 150, Death resist + 50 (Combo 1) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four Text: This robe was worn by a wizard who set out on a quest to find and defeat a Medusa, Basilisk, and Cockatrice. Though his journey and life met an untimely end, the robe itself is still around. (137) - Firedrake Robe (Mizuti) (Fire) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 205 (Fire 123), Freezing resist + 100 (Combo 1) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four Text: Imbued with the soul of a Firedrake, this near-weightless robe hardens to protect its wearer when in danger, providing total immunity to freezing attacks and effects. (138) - Robe of the Ocean (Xelha, Mizuti) (Water) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 225 (Water 135), Flames resist + 100 (Combo 1) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four Text: This robe shifts its hue and form, contorting violently like a stormy sea or placidly sitting like calm waters reflecting the sun. Enemies will be little more than boats setting out into a dark, stormy ocean. Yet friends will bask in its warm, gentle glow. (139) - Venus Garb (Xelha) (Normal) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 194, Confusion resist + 100 (Combo 1) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four, can include 9 Text: Venus is said to favor only those who show ample experience and knowledge, coupled with a warm heart. The robe brings out these qualities in the wearer, shining brighter than ever. (140) - Power Helmet (All) (Normal) Attack: Can be used when attacking, but nothing happens (Combo 1) Defense: DEF 11 (Combo 1) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: One Text: Originally a pot for boiling rice, this helmet can still be used for cooking. Carrying this heavy pot around is good exercise, and the wearer ends up slightly more muscular - hence the name. Special Combos: Rice (558), Extra Fluffy Rice (824) Sale Price: 1G Found: Kalas, Nahira Shop (141) - Calm Helmet (Kalas, Gibari, Lyude) (Wind) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 18 (Wind 11) (Combo 1) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: One Text: Crafted from a special alloy, this helmet is extremely lightweight, with a gentle breeze flowing around the wearer's head. Its defensive capabilities, however, are limited. Sale Price: 4G Found: Gibari, Sheliak (142) - Infinity Mask (Kalas, Gibari, Lyude) (Chrono) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 23 (Chrono 14) (Combo 1) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: One Text: Possibilities are infinite, as they say, but the protection offered by this mask is quite limited. Accurate product-naming being a relic of the past, there may be a little mystery here... Sale Price: 12G Found: Castle Elnath, Lyude (143) - Shagreen Helmet (Kalas, Gibari, Lyude) (Water) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 28 (Water 17) (Combo 1) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: One Text: Crafted from shark skin, hence the rough texture, this type of helmet is also considered a popular souvenir. Light and comfortable, the protection it offers is limited. Sale Price: 25G Found: Acheron (144) - Flame Helmet (Kalas, Gibari, Lyude) (Fire) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 35 (Fire 21), Freezing resist + 10 (Combo 1) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Two Text: Forged using fire from lava pits deep underground, this helmet protection from both physical and freezing attacks. Prolonged use can cause decreased alertness and/or loss of hair. Sale Price: 40G Found: Skeleton Warrior (145) - Brave Knight Helm (Kalas, Gibari, Lyude) (Normal) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 34 (Combo 1) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Two Text: Designed to provide total protection to the wearer's head, this full-face helmet is quite heavy. Its dark-green feathers inspire allies on the battlefield. Sale Price: 73G Found: Holoholo Jungle (146) - Ruffian Mask (Kalas, Gibari, Lyude) (Dark) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 53 (Dark 32) (Combo 1) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Two Text: Despite the strange design, this mask provides reasonable protection. Even the holiest of saints will look like a common thug sporting this. (147) - Gleaming Helm (Kalas, Gibari, Lyude) (Light) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 63 (Light 38) (Combo 1) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Two Text: This helm constantly emits light, yet its brilliance increases when the wearer is attacked, absorbing damage and repelling the denizens of darkness. (148) - Viking Helmet (Kalas, Gibari, Lyude) (Normal) Attack: ATK 39 (Combo 1) Defense: DEF 58 (Combo 1) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Two Text: Widely used by pirates for morale and decorative purposes, the twin horns on this helmet look vicious and can be used to gore the enemy. (149) - Crystal Helm (Kalas, Gibari, Lyude) (Water) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 83 (Water 50) (Combo 1) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Two Text: Carved from a large crystal, this helm's hardness provides excellent defensive capabilities. Because of its aesthetic appeal, many purchase similar items for decoration. (150) - Phoenix Helm (Kalas, Gibari, Lyude) (Fire) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 95 (Fire 57) (Combo 1) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Three Text: This helm has a magnificent engraving of a Phoenix on its side. In addition to providing ample protection, its elegant form is truly a sight to see. (151) - Full Helm (Kalas, Gibari, Lyude) (Normal) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 86 (Combo 1) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Three Text: This sturdy helm covers the wearer's head, neck, and shoulders, providing protection against attacks from any direction. (152) - Sacred Helm (Kalas, Gibari, Lyude) (Light) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 123 (Light 74) (Combo 1) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Three Text: Wearing this helm, enchanted to repel demons, is considered the highest honor for a knight. Renowned for its protection, it is also said to bring good fortune to the wearer. (153) - Skull Mask (Kalas, Gibari, Lyude) (Dark) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 135 (Dark 81) (Combo 1) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Three Text: This mask is said to have been worn by a barbarian king. The engraved skull discourages less-determined wearers, but others value this item as a powerful tool against the forces of light. (154) - Mithril Helmet (Kalas, Gibari, Lyude) (Normal) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 120 (Combo 1) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four Text: This helmet is crafted from mithril, a rare magical metal. The existence of mithril is unexplained by existing lore, leading some to believe it's of heavenly origin. (155) - Aurora (Kalas, Gibari, Lyude) (Wind) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 165 (Wind 99) (Combo 1) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four Text: A sacred artifact said to have been crafted by one of the gods, this helmet purifies the mind and enables correct judgement even under stress. (156) - Ometeotl Gear (Kalas, Gibari, Lyude) (Chrono) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 180 (Chrono 108) (Combo 1) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four Text: Said to be a divine gift, legends claim this helm was a gift from the heavens in answer to devout prayers. In addition to providing protection, this helm gives the wearer insight into the future. (157) - ? Attack: Defense: Use: Spirit Numbers: Text: (158) - ? Attack: Defense: Use: Spirit Numbers: Text: (159) - ? Attack: Defense: Use: Spirit Numbers: Text: (160) - Safety Hood (Xelha, Savyna, Mizuti) (Normal) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 10 (Combo 1) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: One Text: Used as a cushion when not in battle, this hood turns into trusty protective headgear whenever the need arises. Almost invariably dusty. Found: Cebalrai Shop (161) - Leather Hat (Xelha, Savyna, Mizuti) (Normal) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 12 (Combo 1) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: One Text: Made from animal skins, with cotton and cloth padding on the inside. The cheek pads cover most of the head and neck, providing basic protection. Sale Price: 1G Found: Xelha, Moonguile (162) - Feathered Hat (Xelha, Savyna, Mizuti) (Wind) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 20 (Wind 12), Sleep resist + 10 (Combo 1) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: One Text: A fashionable design with a feather plume, this hat offers minimal protection against physical attacks and sleep effects. Sale Price: 3G Found: Nashira (163) - Century Veil (Xelha, Savyna, Mizuti) (Chrono) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 25 (Chrono 15) (Combo 1) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: One Text: Crafted from magical silk, this veil is very smooth and attractive. Offers moderate protection against wind-based attacks. Sale Price: 5G Found: Lesser Celestial River, Sheliak Shop (164) - Shako (Xelha, Savyna, Mizuti) (Normal) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 24 (Combo 1) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Two Text: This headgear is similar to a chef's hat in appearance, with a small peak in front. Despite appearances, it is designed for use in combat, providing moderate protection. Sale Price: 12G Found: Nashira, Striper, Komo Mai Shop (165) - Will-O'-Wisp Hat (Xelha, Savyna, Mizuti) (Fire) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 38 (Fire 23) (Combo 1) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Two Text: This hat constantly spurts plasma from a slit near the back. The plasma patterns are somewhat fashionable from a distance, yet can burn if touched, and help keep enemies at bay. Sale Price: 17G Found: Ancient Library (166) - Frost Cap (Xelha, Savyna, Mizuti) (Water) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 48 (Water 29), Flames resist + 40 (Combo 1) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Two Text: Made entirely of icicles, this strange gear may be visually disturbing, yet is valued among merchants and travelers for keeping their heads cool in the desert. (167) - Millinery (Xelha, Savyna, Mizuti) (Normal) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 44 (Combo 1) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Two Text: Originally used by ladies in formal dress, a large, wide brim adorns this hat. Put this on and you'll feel like royalty. (168) - Assassin's Hood (Xelha, Savyna, Mizuti) (Dark) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 65 (Dark 39), Death resist + 10 (Combo 1) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Two Text: This hood allows the wearer to blend into the shadows, and has saved many from certain death. A must for those engaged in shady business. (169) - Rainbow Straw Hat (Xelha, Savyna, Mizuti) (Light) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 78 (Light 47), Sleep resist + 60 (Combo 1) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Two Text: Done in pastel with the colors of the rainbow, this hat is allegedly the work of a famous designer. The wearer is bound to lose sleep over what others might think. (170) - Battle Hood (Xelha, Savyna, Mizuti) (Normal) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 70 (Combo 1) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Three Text: Despite its somewhat vicious appearance, this hood's tip is soft and supple, providing little protection against blows from behind. (171) - Spark Hat (Xelha, Savyna, Mizuti) (Fire) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 100 (Fire 60), Freezing resist + 30 (Combo 1) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Three Text: Small arcs of electricity constantly leap around this hat. The resulting field of static electricity deflects incoming blows, and increases the wearer's resistance to freezing attacks and effects. (172) - Crown of Bubbles (Xelha, Savyna, Mizuti) (Water) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 113 (Water 68), Flames resist + 100 (Combo 1) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Three Text: Crafted from bubbles produced with holy water, this crown grants the wearer total protection against inflammatory attacks and effects. (173) - Shaman Hat (Xelha, Savyna, Mizuti) (Normal) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 102, Confusion resist + 50 (Combo 1) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Three Text: This hat helps the wearer focus on the task at hand, sharpening tactical decisions in the midst of battle. Prized by tribe-leading shamans worldwide. (174) - Ghost Cap (Xelha, Savyna, Mizuti) (Dark) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 140 (Dark 84), Death resist + 25 (Combo 1) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four Text: Eerily shaped, this cap constantly emits moaning sounds in battle. Opponents feel as if they're being watched by Death himself, while the wearer's resistance to death effects is simultaneously increased. (175) - Hood of Highlands (Xelha, Savyna, Mizuti) (Light) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 155 (Light 93) (Combo 1) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four Text: Imbued with powerful purging light, this hood can only be worn by those with a strong mind. It protects the wearer by driving away incoming blows. (176) - Silk Veil (Xelha, Savyna, Mizuti) (Normal) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 136, Poison resist + 100 (Combo 1) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four Text: Highly prized among women, the multiple layers of silk that make up this veil are thin and porcelain-white, bringing peace to the hearts of all who set eyes on it. (177) - Heldentum (Xelha, Savyna, Mizuti) (Chrono) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 185 (Chrono 111), Headache resist + 100 (Combo 1) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four, can include 9 Text: Believed to have been worn by a mythological hero, this gear removes the wearer's fears and worries. It also bestows courage and wisdom, and prevents headaches. (178) - Bird Wimple (Xelha, Savyna, Mizuti) (Wind) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 203 (Wind 122), Death resist + 60 (Combo 1) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four, can include 9 Text: Once used by nuns at the Monastery of the Skies, this legendary veil is crafted to resemble a bird resting its wings. The mere sight of it is breathtaking. (179) - Sybil's Crown (Xelha) (Normal) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 174, Confusion resist + 100 (Combo 1) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four, can include 9 Text: Many of this crown's previous owners have gone corrupt, blinded by its powers of divination. This is likely due to a curse by an ancient witch, ruthlessly killed by a rioting mob. (180) - Buckler (Kalas, Gibari, Lyude, Savyna) (Normal) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 8 (Combo 1) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: One Text: Small, light, and easy to handle, this beginner's shield allows the bearer to parry incoming blows, though it offers little protection. Sale Price: 1G Found: Kalas (181) - Round Shield (Kalas, Gibari, Lyude, Savyna) (Normal) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 10 (Combo 1) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: One Text: A round shield, slightly larger and sturdier than a buckler, with straps on the back for carrying and wielding. It offers minimal protection. Sale Price: 1G Found: Kalas, Shawra (182) - Flame Shield (Kalas, Gibari, Lyude, Savyna) (Fire) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 18 (Fire 11) (Combo 1) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: One Text: Originally created for hunting Ice Dragons, this shield is a failed attempt at protecting the bearer from the dragons' icy breath. The fire within has all but died out. Sale Price: 4G Found: Nunki Valley, Doomer (183) - Frozen Shield (Kalas, Gibari, Savyna) (Water) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 23 (Water 14) (Combo 1) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: One Text: This shield is entirely frozen over, so it's quite heavy. The impact from blows may melt some of the ice, but it quickly freezes again. Provides moderate protection against fire-based attacks. Sale Price: 7G Found: Nunki Valley, Nashira Shop, Gibari (x2) (184) - Scale Shield (Kalas, Gibari, Lyude, Savyna) (Normal) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 24 (Combo 1) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Two Text: Crafted from giant fish scales, this shield is extremely sturdy and is well suited for blocking. Light and easy to handle. Sale Price: 9G Found: Nashira, Gibari (185) - Clock Shield (Kalas, Gibari, Lyude, Savyna) (Chrono) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 38 (Chrono 23), Sleep resist + 20 (Combo 1) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Two Text: The big and little hands on this shield's face spin frantically during battle, fending off any incoming attacks... and preventing its use as a regular clock. Sale Price: 10G Found: Sheliak Shop, Sheliak, Lyude, Savyna (x2) (186) - Tempest Shield (Kalas, Gibari, Lyude, Savyna) (Wind) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 45 (Wind 27) (Combo 1) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Two Text: This shield unleashes a powerful gust of wind when struck, allowing the bearer to deflect enemy blows. It's well-balanced and provides reasonable protection. Sale Price: 15G Found: Lyude, Castle Elnath, Savyna (187) - Kite Shield (Kalas, Gibari, Savyna) (Normal) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 44 (Combo 1) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Two Text: A kite-shaped shield with engravings on the front. Though quite large, its inverted triangular shape is suited for use on horseback, making it popular among mounted knights. Sale Price: 21G Found: Ancient Library (188) - Coffin Shield (Kalas, Gibari, Lyude, Savyna) (Dark) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 65 (Dark 39), Death resist + 1 (Combo 1) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Two Text: Its coffin-like shape tends to turn away the superstitious. But this shield actually increases the bearer's resistance to death attacks, hopefully eliminating the need for a real coffin. (189) - Grace Shield (Kalas, Gibari, Savyna) (Light) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 75 (Light 45) (Combo 1) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Two Text: Elegantly designed, this shield provides the bearer with powerful protection and divine blessing, allowing him to concentrate and fend off attacks. (190) - Tower Shield (Kalas, Gibari, Savyna) (Normal) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 70 (Combo 1) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Three Text: Slightly curved, this shield is tall enough to provide complete cover for a crouched wearer. The trade-off for the protection it offers is its outstanding weight. (191) - Battle Shield (Kalas, Gibari) (Normal) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 80 (Combo 1) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Three Text: Gaps have been put into this shield to reduce its weight and allow the bearer to see the enemy while blocking incoming blows. Effective in the hands of a seasoned warrior. (192) - Whitecap Shield (Gibari) (Water) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 113 (Water 68), Flames resist + 40 (Combo 1) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Three Text: The surface of this shield ripples when hit, absorbing and dispersing the impact of enemy blows, protecting the bearer, and discouraging further attacks. (193) - Burning Shield (Kalas, Gibari, Lyude, Savyna) (Fire) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 125 (Fire 75), Freezing resist + 40 (Combo 1) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Three Text: Intense fire burns within this shield, emanating heat when held towards the enemy and discouraging attacks. (194) - Platinum Shield (Kalas, Gibari, Savyna) (Normal) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 112 (Combo 1) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four Text: This shield is coated with platinum, greatly enhancing its defensive capabilities. Similar items are becoming more popular as mere ornaments to display family rank. (195) - Flugel Shield (Kalas, Gibari, Lyude, Savyna) (Wind) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 130 (Wind 69) (Combo 1) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four Text: Contains the power of Pegasus, the winged horse. This shield is as light as air, and the bearer often forgets he's holding it. Extremely valuable and hard to find. (196) - Erbschaft (Kalas, Gibari, Savyna) (Chrono) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 142 (Chrono 75) (Combo 1) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four Text: Blessed by Chronos, this shield slows time to coincide with enemy blows, reducing the impact and minimizing damage taken. (197) - Fairy Shield (Kalas, Savyna) (Normal) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 146 (Combo 1) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four, can include 9 Text: The fairy-shaped engraving on this shield is extremely life-like, possibly due to being imbued with a fairy's blessing. (198) - Devil Knight Shield (Gibari) (Dark) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 200 (Dark 120) (Combo 1) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four Text: Believed to have been used ages ago by an evil knight, the skull- shaped engraving on this shield seems to hold an ominous, unexplained power within. (199) - Shield of Hope (Kalas) (Light) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 215 (Light 129), Paralysis resist + 80 (Combo 1) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four, can include 9 Text: The spirit within this shield takes little notice of the bearer's causes or grudges. Its innate brilliance silently lights the way forward. (200) - Fire Yell Lv 1 (All) (Fire) Attack: ATK 17 (Fire 15) (Combo 2) Defense: DEF 17 (Fire 15) (Combo 2) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Two Text: Performs a Fire-based offensive/defensive followup to certain weapons/armor/spells/items. The previous Magnus in the combo needs to be Fire-based for this Magnus to be available. Sale Price: 15G Found: Nashira, Fire Yell Lv 2 (206) (201) - Aqua Yell Lv 1 (All) (Water) Attack: ATK 17 (Water 15) (Combo 2) Defense: DEF 17 (Water 15) (Combo 2) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Two Text: Performs a Water-based offensive/defensive followup to certain weapons/armor/spells/items. The previous Magnus in the combo needs to be Water-based for this Magnus to be available. Sale Price: 15G Found: Gibari, Pul-Puk (202) - Light Yell Lv 1 (All) (Light) Attack: ATK 21 (Light 18) (Combo 2) Defense: DEF 21 (Light 18) (Combo 2) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Two Text: Performs a Light-based offensive/defensive followup to certain weapons/armor/spells/items. The previous Magnus in the combo needs to be Light-based for this Magnus to be available. Sale Price: 16G Found: Castle Elnath, Lyude, Opu Shop (203) - Dark Yell Lv 1 (All) (Dark) Attack: ATK 21 (Dark 18) (Combo 2) Defense: DEF 21 (Dark 18) (Combo 2) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Two Text: Performs a Darkness-based offensive/defensive followup to certain weapons/armor/spells/items. The previous Magnus in the combo needs to be Darkness-based for this Magnus to be available. Sale Price: 16G Found: Castle Elnath, Lyude, Opu Shop (204) - Chronos Yell Lv 1 (All) (Chrono) Attack: ATK 25 (Chrono 21) (Combo 2) Defense: DEF 25 (Chrono 21) (Combo 2) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Two Sale Price: 17G Text: Performs a Time-based offensive/defensive followup to certain weapons/armor/spells/items. The previous Magnus in the combo needs to be Time-based for this Magnus to be available. (205) - Wind Yell Lv 1 (All) (Wind) Attack: ATK 25 (Wind 21) (Combo 2) Defense: DEF 25 (Wind 21) (Combo 2) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Two Text: Performs a Wind-based offensive/defensive followup to certain weapons/armor/spells/items. The previous Magnus in the combo needs to be Wind-based for this Magnus to be available. Sale Price: 17G Found: Cursed Spell Book, Holoholo Jungle (206) - Fire Yell Lv 2 (All) (Fire) Attack: ATK 35 (Fire 30), 10% chance of Flames (Combo 2) Defense: DEF 35 (Fire 30), Freezing resist + 30 (Combo 2) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Two Text: Performs a Fire-based offensive/defensive followup to certain weapons/armor/spells/items. The previous Magnus in the combo needs to be Fire-based for this Magnus to be available. Changes Into: Fire Yell Lv 1 (200) Sale Price: 50G Found: Mirabilis, Savyna (207) - Aqua Yell Lv 2 (All) (Water) Attack: ATK 35 (Water 30), 10% chance of Freezing (Combo 2) Defense: DEF 35 (Water 30), Flames resist + 30 (Combo 2) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Two Text: Performs a Water-based offensive/defensive followup to certain weapons/armor/spells/items. The previous Magnus in the combo needs to be Water-based for this Magnus to be available. Changes Into: Aqua Yell Lv 1 (201) Sale Price: 50G Found: Acheron, Savyna (208) - (Light Yell Lv 2) Attack: Defense: Use: Spirit Numbers: Text: (209) - (Dark Yell Lv 2) Attack: Defense: Use: Spirit Numbers: Text: (210) - (Chronos Yell Lv 2) Attack: Defense: Use: Spirit Numbers: Text: (211) - (Wind Yell Lv 2) Attack: Defense: Use: Spirit Numbers: Text: (212) - (Fire Yell Lv 3) Attack: Defense: Use: Spirit Numbers: Text: (213) - (Aqua Yell Lv 3) Attack: Defense: Use: Spirit Numbers: Text: (214) - (Light Yell Lv 3) Attack: Defense: Use: Spirit Numbers: Text: (215) - (Dark Yell Lv 3) Attack: Defense: Use: Spirit Numbers: Text: (216) - (Chronos Yell Lv 3) Attack: Defense: Use: Spirit Numbers: Text: (217) - (Wind Yell Lv 3) Attack: Defense: Use: Spirit Numbers: Text: (218) - (Fire Yell Lv 4) Attack: Defense: Use: Spirit Numbers: Text: (219) - (Aqua Yell Lv 4) Attack: Defense: Use: Spirit Numbers: Text: (220) - (Light Yell Lv 4) Attack: Defense: Use: Spirit Numbers: Text: (221) - (Dark Yell Lv 4) Attack: Defense: Use: Spirit Numbers: Text: (222) - (Chronos Yell Lv 4) Attack: Defense: Use: Spirit Numbers: Text: (223) - (Wind Yell Lv 4) Attack: Defense: Use: Spirit Numbers: Text: (224) - Broken Earth Sphere (All) (Light) Attack: Heal HP 1000, 100% chance to cure Death (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: One, always 9 Text: A sacred treasure of the Earth People. It was stolen two centuries ago by Calbren's ancestor. The sphere was used to seal the evil gods in each island. Its true power was lost when its surface was chipped. (225) - Ocean Mirror (All) (Light) Attack: Heal HP 1000 (Combo 1) Defense: DEF 125 (Light 75), All resist + 100 (Combo 1) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: One, always 9 Text: A sacred treasure of the Ice Lands. The divine light within this mirror contains power that can quell the spirits of darkness. This may be the only way to save Kalas from darkness... (226) - Sword of the Heavens (All) (Light) Attack: ATK 188 (Light 113) (Combo 1) Defense: DEF 153 (Light 113) (Combo 2) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: One, always 9 Text: A sacred treasure of the Earth People, this sword was used a millennium ago to defeat the gods, along with the Ocean Mirror. Even Malpercio should feel its might. (227) - Broken Heaven Sword (All) (Light) Attack: ATK 63 (Light 38) (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: One, always 9 Text: A sacred treasure of the Earth People, this sword was used a millennium ago to defeat the gods, along with the Ocean Mirror. The weapon's true power was lost when its blade broke. (228) - Broken Ocean Mirror (All) (Light) Attack: Heal HP 250 (Combo 1) Defense: DEF 38 (Light 23), All resist + 20 (Combo 1) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: One, always 9 Text: A sacred treasure of the Ice Lands. The divine light within this mirror contains power that can quell the spirits of darkness. The mirror's true power was lost when it was shattered. (229) - Escape (All) (Normal) Attack: Causes Escape from Battle (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: One Text: Allows the party to escape from combat. This can only be used at the beginning of an offensive round. Sale Price: -- Found: Moonguile, Lyude (230) - Camera 1 (All) (Normal) Attack: Takes a picture of the target (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: One Text: A basic camera for taking photos of monsters and party members. It takes around 10 minutes for photos to fully develop. Sell monster photos for a nice little profit. Sale Price: -- Found: Kalas, Lesser Celestial River, Lyude (231) - Camera 2 (All) (Normal) Attack: Takes a picture of the target (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Two Text: Easier to carry, easier to snap shots. Allows better focusing on fast-moving targets. Photos still need around 10 minutes to develop fully. Sale Price: -- Found: Star Map (Equuleus) (232) - Camera 3 (All) (Normal) Attack: Takes a picture of the target (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Three, can include 9 Text: Though this deluxe camera may resemble a single-lens reflex, the photos taken are self-developing, needing only 10 minutes to provide proof of your photographic talents - or lack thereof. (233) - Voice 1 (All) (Normal) Attack: Triggers a voice clip for the character (Combo 2) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: One Text: The character taunts the enemy. A Level 1 taunt adds a 5% prize if included in a combo attack. Sale Price: 1G Found: Xelha, Moonguile, Gibari (234) - Voice 2 (All) (Normal) Attack: Triggers a voice clip for the character (Combo 2) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Two Text: The character taunts the enemy. A Level 2 taunt adds a 6% prize if included in a combo attack. Sale Price: 1G Found: Pherkad, Sheliak, Lyude (235) - Voice 3 (All) (Normal) Attack: Triggers a voice clip for the character (Combo 2) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Two, can include 9 Text: The character taunts the enemy. A Level 3 taunt adds a 7% prize if included in a combo attack. Sale Price: 1G Found: Star Map (Taurus) (236) - Voice 4 (All) (Normal) Attack: Triggers a voice clip for the character (Combo 2) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Three Text: The character taunts the enemy. A Level 4 taunt adds an 8% prize if included in a combo attack. (237) - Voice 5 (All) (Normal) Attack: Triggers a voice clip for the character (Combo 2) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four Text: The character taunts the enemy. A Level 5 taunt adds a 9% prize if included in a combo attack. (238) - Voice 6 (All) (Normal) Attack: Triggers a voice clip for the character (Combo 2) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four, can include 9 Text: The character taunts the enemy. A Level 6 taunt adds a 10% prize if included in a combo attack. (239) - Fire Burst Lv 1 (Xelha, Mizuti) (Fire) Attack: ATK 15 (Fire 10) (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: One Text: Offensive Fire spell, Level 1. Engulfs the target in flames, doing both regular and Fire-based damage. Highly effective against Water- based creatures. Sale Price: 2G Found: Xelha (x2), Cebalrai, Moonguile, Saber Dragon (240) - Aqua Burst Lv 1 (Xelha, Mizuti) (Water) Attack: ATK 15 (Water 10) (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: One Text: Offensive Water spell, Level 1. A blast of frigid air and water strikes the target, doing both regular and Water-based damage. Highly effective against Fire-based creatures. Sale Price: 2G Found: Xelha (x5), Imperial Soldier (241) - Light Flare Lv 1 (Xelha, Mizuti) (Light) Attack: ATK 16 (Light 11) (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: One Text: Offensive Light spell, Level 1. Engulfs the target in divine light, doing both regular and Light-based damage. Highly effective against Darkness-based creatures. Sale Price: 2G Found: Xelha (x3), Pherkad Shop (242) - Dark Flare Lv 1 (Xelha, Mizuti) (Dark) Attack: ATK 16 (Dark 11) (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: One Text: Offensive Darkness spell, Level 1. Engulfs the target in unholy darkness, doing both regular and Darkness-based damage. Highly effective against Light-based creatures. Sale Price: 2G Found: Xelha, Cebalrai, Imperial Soldier (243) - Chronos Blow 1 (Xelha, Mizuti) (Chrono) Attack: ATK 24 (Chrono 15) (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: One Text: Offensive Time spell, Level 1. Engulfs the target in the breath of the Time God, doing both regular and Time-based damage. Highly effective against Wind-based and avian creatures. Sale Price: 2G Found: Pherkad, Giacomo (244) - Wind Blow Lv 1 (Xelha, Mizuti) (Wind) Attack: ATK 24 (Wind 15) (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: One Text: Offensive Wind spell, Level 1. Manipulates the air around the target, creating a vacuum and doing both regular and Wind-based damage. Highly effective against Time-based creatures. Sale Price: 2G Found: Pherkad, Pherkad Shop (245) - Fire Burst Lv 2 (Xelha, Mizuti) (Fire) Attack: ATK 30 (Fire 20) (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: One Text: Offensive Fire spell, Level 2. Engulfs the target in flames, doing both regular and Fire-based damage. Highly effective against Water- based creatures. Sale Price: 9G Found: Pherkad, Nashira, Nashira Shop, Lesser Celestial River (246) - Aqua Burst Lv 2 (Xelha, Mizuti) (Water) Attack: ATK 30 (Water 20) (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: One Text: Offensive Water spell, Level 2. A blast of frigid air and water strikes the target, doing both regular and Water-based damage. Highly effective against Fire-based creatures. Sale Price: 9G Found: Star Map (Pyxis), Nashira Shop, Cloud Passage (247) - Light Flare Lv 2 (Xelha, Mizuti) (Light) Attack: ATK 36 (Light 25) (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: One Text: Offensive Light spell, Level 2. Engulfs the target in divine light, doing both regular and Light-based damage. Highly effective against Darkness-based creatures. Sale Price: 10G Found: Sheliak Shop, Sheliak, Castle Elnath, Komo Mai Shop (248) - Dark Flare Lv 2 (Xelha, Mizuti) (Dark) Attack: ATK 36 (Dark 25) (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: One Text: Offensive Darkness spell, Level 2. Engulfs the target in unholy darkness, doing both regular and Darkness-based damage. Highly effective against Light-based creatures. Sale Price: 10G Found: Pherkad, Albireo, Sheliak Shop, Castle Elnath, Imperial Blackhelm, Komo Mai Shop (249) - Chronos Blow 2 (Xelha, Mizuti) (Chrono) Attack: ATK 42 (Chrono 30) (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: One Text: Offensive Time spell, Level 2. Engulfs the target in the breath of the Time God, doing both regular and Time-based damage. Highly effective against Wind-based and avian creatures. Found: Komo Mai, Cursed Grimoire, Spell Shellfish (250) - Wind Blow Lv 2 (Xelha, Mizuti) (Wind) Attack: ATK 42 (Wind 30) (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: One Text: Offensive Wind spell, Level 2. Manipulates the air around the target, creating a vacuum and doing both regular and Wind-based damage. Highly effective against Time-based creatures. Found: Cursed Spell Book (251) - Fire Burst Lv 3 (Xelha, Mizuti) (Fire) Attack: ATK 56 (Fire 40) (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Two Text: Offensive Fire spell, Level 3. Engulfs the target in flames, doing both regular and Fire-based damage. Highly effective against Water- based creatures. Sale Price: 70G Found: Holoholo Jungle (252) - Aqua Burst Lv 3 (Xelha, Mizuti) (Water) Attack: ATK 56 (Water 40) (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Two Text: Offensive Water spell, Level 3. A blast of frigid air and water strikes the target, doing both regular and Water-based damage. Highly effective against Fire-based creatures. (253) - Light Flare Lv 3 (Xelha, Mizuti) (Light) Attack: ATK 64 (Light 47) (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Two Text: Offensive Light spell, Level 3. Engulfs the target in divine light, doing both regular and Light-based damage. Highly effective against Darkness-based creatures. (254) - Dark Flare Lv 3 (Xelha, Mizuti) (Dark) Attack: ATK 64 (Dark 47) (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Two Text: Offensive Darkness spell, Level 3. Engulfs the target in unholy darkness, doing both regular and Darkness-based damage. Highly effective against Light-based creatures. (255) - Chronos Blow 3 (Xelha, Mizuti) (Chrono) Attack: ATK 73 (Chrono 55) (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Two Text: Offensive Time spell, Level 3. Engulfs the target in the breath of the Time God, doing both regular and Time-based damage. Highly effective against Wind-based and avian creatures. (256) - Wind Blow Lv 3 (Xelha, Mizuti) (Wind) Attack: ATK 73 (Wind 55) (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Two Text: Offensive Wind spell, Level 3. Manipulates the air around the target, creating a vacuum and doing both regular and Wind-based damage. Highly effective against Time-based creatures. (257) - Fire Burst Lv 4 (Xelha, Mizuti) (Fire) Attack: ATK 93 (Fire 70) (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Three Text: Offensive Fire spell, Level 4. Engulfs the target in flames, doing both regular and Fire-based damage. Highly effective against Water- based creatures. (258) - Aqua Burst Lv 4 (Xelha, Mizuti) (Water) Attack: ATK 93 (Water 70) (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Three Text: Offensive Water spell, Level 4. A blast of frigid air and water strikes the target, doing both regular and Water-based damage. Highly effective against Fire-based creatures. (259) - Light Flare Lv 4 (Xelha, Mizuti) (Light) Attack: ATK 104 (Light 80) (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Three Text: Offensive Light spell, Level 4. Engulfs the target in divine light, doing both regular and Light-based damage. Highly effective against Darkness-based creatures. (260) - Dark Flare Lv 4 (Xelha, Mizuti) (Dark) Attack: ATK 104 (Dark 80) (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Three Text: Offensive Darkness spell, Level 4. Engulfs the target in unholy darkness, doing both regular and Darkness-based damage. Highly effective against Light-based creatures. (261) - Chronos Blow 4 (Xelha, Mizuti) (Chrono) Attack: ATK 115 (Chrono 90) (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Three Text: Offensive Time spell, Level 4. Engulfs the target in the breath of the Time God, doing both regular and Time-based damage. Highly effective against Wind-based and avian creatures. (262) - Wind Blow Lv 4 (Xelha, Mizuti) (Wind) Attack: ATK 115 (Wind 90) (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Three Text: Offensive Wind spell, Level 4. Manipulates the air around the target, creating a vacuum and doing both regular and Wind-based damage. Highly effective against Time-based creatures. (263) - Fire Burst Lv 5 (Xelha, Mizuti) (Fire) Attack: ATK 141 (Fire 110) (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four Text: Offensive Fire spell, Level 5. Engulfs the target in flames, doing both regular and Fire-based damage. Highly effective against Water- based creatures. (264) - Aqua Burst Lv 5 (Xelha, Mizuti) (Water) Attack: ATK 141 (Water 110) (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four Text: Offensive Water spell, Level 5. A blast of frigid air and water strikes the target, doing both regular and Water-based damage. Highly effective against Fire-based creatures. (265) - Light Flare Lv 5 (Xelha, Mizuti) (Light) Attack: ATK 152 (Light 120) (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four Text: Offensive Light spell, Level 5. Engulfs the target in divine light, doing both regular and Light-based damage. Highly effective against Darkness-based creatures. (266) - Dark Flare Lv 5 (Xelha, Mizuti) (Dark) Attack: ATK 152 (Dark 120) (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four Text: Offensive Darkness spell, Level 5. Engulfs the target in unholy darkness, doing both regular and Darkness-based damage. Highly effective against Light-based creatures. (267) - Chronos Blow 5 (Xelha, Mizuti) (Chrono) Attack: ATK 163 (Chrono 130) (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four Text: Offensive Time spell, Level 5. Engulfs the target in the breath of the Time God, doing both regular and Time-based damage. Highly effective against Wind-based and avian creatures. (268) - Wind Blow Lv 5 (Xelha, Mizuti) (Wind) Attack: ATK 163 (Wind 130) (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four Text: Offensive Wind spell, Level 5. Manipulates the air around the target, creating a vacuum and doing both regular and Wind-based damage. Highly effective against Time-based creatures. (269) - Fire Burst Lv 6 (Xelha, Mizuti) (Fire) Attack: ATK 200 (Fire 160) (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four, can include 9 Text: Offensive Fire spell, Level 6. Engulfs the target in flames, doing both regular and Fire-based damage. Highly effective against Water- based creatures. (270) - Aqua Burst Lv 6 (Xelha, Mizuti) (Water) Attack: ATK 200 (Water 160) (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four, can include 9 Text: Offensive Water spell, Level 6. A blast of frigid air and water strikes the target, doing both regular and Water-based damage. Highly effective against Fire-based creatures. (271) - Light Flare Lv 6 (Xelha, Mizuti) (Light) Attack: ATK 211 (Light 170) (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four, can include 9 Text: Offensive Light spell, Level 6. Engulfs the target in divine light, doing both regular and Light-based damage. Highly effective against Darkness-based creatures. (272) - Dark Flare Lv 6 (Xelha, Mizuti) (Dark) Attack: ATK 211 (Dark 170) (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four, can include 9 Text: Offensive Darkness spell, Level 6. Engulfs the target in unholy darkness, doing both regular and Darkness-based damage. Highly effective against Light-based creatures. (273) - Chronos Blow 6 (Xelha, Mizuti) (Chrono) Attack: ATK 222 (Chrono 180) (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four, can include 9 Text: Offensive Time spell, Level 6. Engulfs the target in the breath of the Time God, doing both regular and Time-based damage. Highly effective against Wind-based and avian creatures. (274) - Wind Blow Lv 6 (Xelha, Mizuti) (Wind) Attack: ATK 222 (Wind 180) (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four, can include 9 Text: Offensive Wind spell, Level 6. Manipulates the air around the target, creating a vacuum and doing both regular and Wind-based damage. Highly effective against Time-based creatures. (275) - Blue Storm (Kalas) (Wind) Attack: ATK 45 (Wind 40) (Combo 2) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: One Text: Wind-based finishing move mastered by Kalas. Releases a whirlwind from the tip of his sword, engulfing and slicing the enemy apart. Sale Price: -- Found: Saber Dragon, Skeleton Warrior (276) - Shadow Wings (Kalas) (Dark) Attack: ATK 70 (Dark 60) (Combo 3) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Two Text: Darkness-based finishing move mastered by Kalas. Releases a wave of shadowy ravens that swarm and tear the enemy to shreds. Sale Price: -- Found: Pherkad (277) - Energy Wave (Kalas) (Wind) Attack: ATK 95 (Wind 80) (Combo 3) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Two Text: Wind-based finishing move mastered by Kalas. Shoots a wave of energy into the ground from the tip of his sword, which explodes around the enemy on impact. Sale Price: -- Found: Thunderfish (278) - Flash Explosion (Kalas) (Fire) Attack: ATK 120 (Fire 100) (Combo 4) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Three Text: Fire-based finishing move mastered by Kalas. Focuses energy on his sword and ignites the resulting mass, engulfing the enemy in flames. Sale Price: -- Found: Opu (279) - Water Blade (Kalas) (Water) Attack: ATK 145 (Water 120) (Combo 4) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Three Text: Water-based finishing move mastered by Kalas. Creates a blade out of pure water, easily slicing through whatever protection the enemy may have. Sale Price: -- (280) - Dream Blade (Kalas) (Chrono) Attack: ATK 172 (Chrono 140) (Combo 4) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four Text: Time-based finishing move mastered by Kalas. Invokes energy within the earth to create hundreds of phantom blades, sending them flying towards the enemy. Sale Price: -- (281) - Fangs of Light (Kalas) (Light) Attack: ATK 205 (Light 160) (Combo 5) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four Text: Light-based finishing move mastered by Kalas. Collects light, focusing it on his body and blade, and releases it to catch the enemy in a swirling column of light. Sale Price: -- (282) - Chaotic Illusion (Kalas) (Chrono) Attack: ATK 235 (Chrono 180) (Combo 5) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four Text: Time-based finishing move mastered by Kalas. Countless overlapping traces of his sword's path confuse the enemy and allow him to tear through its defenses. Sale Price: -- (283) - Lord of the Wind (Kalas) (Wind) Attack: ATK 275 (Wind 200) (Combo 7) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four, can include 9 Text: Wind-based finishing move mastered by Kalas. A lightning-speed rushing attack which sends him flying through the air, sword first, as if he were a human bullet. Sale Price: -- (284) - Dance of Light (Xelha) (Light) Attack: ATK 45 (Light 40) (Combo 2) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: One Text: Light-based arcane spell mastered by Xelha. Invokes a shower of purifying light from the heavens and brings it down on the enemy. Sale Price: -- Found: Xelha, Cursed Spell Book (285) - Sparkle of Life (Xelha) (Light) Attack: ATK 70 (Light 60) (Combo 3) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Two Text: Light-based arcane spell mastered by Xelha. Invokes the forces of nature and focuses them on Meemai, who flies through the air and smashes into the enemy. Sale Price: -- Found: Giacomo (286) - Soul Flash (Xelha) (Light) Attack: ATK 95 (Light 80) (Combo 3) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Two Text: Light-based arcane spell mastered by Xelha. Raises Meemai above her head as a focus for her energy, bombarding the enemy with explosive spheres of light. Sale Price: -- Found: Iron Beetle I (287) - Dancing Flames (Xelha) (Fire) Attack: ATK 120 (Fire 100) (Combo 4) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Three Text: Fire-based arcane spell mastered by Xelha. Invokes the power of flame spirits present in the atmosphere, creating balls of fire which converge on the enemy before exploding. Sale Price: -- (288) - Dark Embrace (Xelha) (Dark) Attack: ATK 145 (Dark 120) (Combo 4) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Three Text: Darkness-based arcane spell mastered by Xelha. Summons spheres of darkness from another dimension and sends them to engulf the enemy and drink from its soul. Sale Price: -- (289) - Whispering Wind (Xelha) (Wind) Attack: ATK 172 (Wind 140) (Combo 4) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four Text: Wind-based arcane spell mastered by Xelha. Summons the spirits of the wind in the form of countless white butterflies, which engulf the enemy and turn into revolving blades. Sale Price: -- (290) - Bells of Fate (Xelha) (Chrono) Attack: ATK 205 (Chrono 160) (Combo 5) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four Text: Time-based arcane spell mastered by Xelha. Accelerates the flow of time around the enemy, causing rapid aging and depleting its energy. Sale Price: -- (291) - Seal of Water (Xelha) (Water) Attack: ATK 235 (Water 180), 100% chance of Death (Combo 5) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four Text: Water-based arcane spell mastered by Xelha. Conjures droplets which turn into columns of water around the enemy, causing death by suffocation. Sale Price: -- (292) - Wheel of Light (Xelha) (Light) Attack: ATK 275 (Light 200) (Combo 7) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four, can include 9 Text: Light-based arcane spell mastered by Xelha. Conjures numerous spheres of light and sends them smashing into the enemy. Sale Price: -- (293) - Dragon Uppercut (Gibari) (Water) Attack: ATK 45 (Water 40) (Combo 3) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: One Text: Water-based finishing move mastered by Gibari. A fierce charging move powerful enough to awaken the dragon said to lurk within subterranean waters. Sale Price: -- Found: Gibari (294) - Crystal Shot (Gibari) (Water) Attack: ATK 70 (Water 60) (Combo 3) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Two Text: Water-based finishing move mastered by Gibari. Creates a large block of ice, sending it square into the enemy with his paddle. Sale Price: -- Found: Gibari (295) - Explosive Paddle (Gibari) (Fire) Attack: ATK 95 (Fire 80) (Combo 3) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Two Text: Fire-based finishing move mastered by Gibari. Leaps high into the air and launches his paddle at the enemy's feet, causing a fierce explosion on impact. Sale Price: -- Found: Anuenue Port (296) - Smash Tackle (Gibari) (Chrono) Attack: ATK 120 (Chrono 100) (Combo 4) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Three Text: Time-based finishing move mastered by Gibari. Rushes the enemy like a raging bull, the impact being powerful enough to send the target reeling. Sale Price: -- Found: Holoholo Jungle (297) - Whirlwind Hit (Gibari) (Dark) Attack: ATK 145 (Dark 120) (Combo 4) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Three Text: Darkness-based finishing move mastered by Gibari. Strikes full force with his paddle, sending the enemy spinning into oblivion. Sale Price: -- (298) - Spiraling Gale (Gibari) (Wind) Attack: ATK 172 (Wind 140) (Combo 4) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four Text: Wind-based finishing move mastered by Gibari. Spins like a top before striking the enemy, turning the target into mincemeat regardless of its armor. Sale Price: -- (299) - Pendulum Blast (Gibari) (Light) Attack: ATK 205 (Light 160) (Combo 5) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four Text: Light-based finishing move mastered by Gibari. Focusing energy on his own head, delivers a devastating head butt, sending targets into the next life. Sale Price: -- (300) - Nemesis Fall (Gibari) (Dark) Attack: ATK 235 (Dark 180) (Combo 5) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four Text: Darkness-based finishing move mastered by Gibari. Leaps high into the air and smashes the ground with his paddle, sending rocks flying as he descends. Sale Price: -- (301) - Ultimate Geyser (Gibari) (Water) Attack: ATK 275 (Water 200) (Combo 7) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four, can include 9 Text: Water-based finishing move mastered by Gibari. Catches the enemy in a deadly spiral, reminiscent of a geyser spurting fiercely from the earth. Sale Price: -- (302) - Overture (Lyude) (Light) Attack: ATK 45 (Light 40) (Combo 3) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: One Text: Light-based finishing move mastered by Lyude. Fires a continuous beam while shifting his weapon upwards, slicing the enemy vertically. Sale Price: -- Found: Lyude (303) - Concerto (Lyude) (Light) Attack: ATK 70 (Light 60) (Combo 3) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Two Text: Light-based finishing move mastered by Lyude. Fires a series of shimmering spheres which curve around to strike enemies regardless of cover. Sale Price: -- Found: Lyude (304) - Sforzando (Lyude) (Dark) Attack: ATK 95 (Dark 80) (Combo 3) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Two Text: Darkness-based finishing move mastered by Lyude. He gives in to his rage, usually kept in check by rationale, repeatedly striking the enemy in blind fury. Sale Price: -- Found: Ancient Library (305) - Diminuendo (Lyude) (Dark) Attack: ATK 120 (Dark 100) (Combo 4) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Three Text: Darkness-based finishing move mastered by Lyude. Uses the recoil from his weapon to soar high in the sky, delivering a mighty dropkick to the bewildered enemy. Sale Price: -- (306) - Intermezzo (Lyude) (Light) Attack: ATK 145 (Light 120) (Combo 4) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Three Text: Light-based finishing move mastered by Lyude. Throws floating mines into the air which he promptly shoots, causing a barrage of explosions. Sale Price: -- (307) - Crescendo (Lyude) (Dark) Attack: ATK 172 (Dark 140) (Combo 4) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four Text: Darkness-based finishing move mastered by Lyude. Lays suppressive five on the enemy, following up with a series of powerful kicks to remove the opposition. Sale Price: -- (308) - Rhapsody (Lyude) (Light) Attack: ATK 205 (Light 160) (Combo 5) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four Text: Light-based finishing move mastered by Lyude. Fires a special projectile which bursts into a holy symbol on impact, gathering light and severely damaging the target. Sale Price: -- (309) - Presto (Lyude) (Dark) Attack: ATK 235 (Dark 180) (Combo 5) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four Text: Darkness-based finishing move mastered by Lyude. Uses the recoil from his weapon to land a painful drop kick on the enemy. Sale Price: -- (310) - Finale (Lyude) (Light) Attack: ATK 275 (Light 200) (Combo 7) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four, can include 9 Text: Light-based finishing move mastered by Lyude. Only available to master marksmen, an illusionary weapon is summoned, firing sacred shells that smash up evil beyond recognition. Sale Price: -- (311) - Burning Arrow (Savyna) (Fire) Attack: ATK 45 (Fire 40) (Combo 3) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: One Text: Fire-based finishing move mastered by Savyna. Casts a multitude of feathers into the air, which turn into flaming arrows peppering the enemy. Sale Price: -- Found: Savyna (312) - Erupting Flail (Savyna) (Fire) Attack: ATK 70 (Fire 60) (Combo 3) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Two Text: Fire-based finishing move mastered by Savyna. She ignites herself with a burning aura, delivering a flurry of blows that can easily smash through the hardest of rocks. Sale Price: -- Found: Savyna (313) - Splash Spear (Savyna) (Water) Attack: ATK 95 (Water 80) (Combo 3) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Two Text: Water-based finishing move mastered by Savyna. Unleashes a whirlwind-like stream of water that pierces the enemy like a spear. Sale Price: -- Found: Savyna (314) - Freezing Axe (Savyna) (Water) Attack: ATK 120 (Water 100) (Combo 4) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Three Text: Water-based finishing move mastered by Savyna. Delivers a devastating axe kick, sending a crescent-shaped block of ice smashing into the enemy. Sale Price: -- (315) - Vanish Grenade (Savyna) (Fire) Attack: ATK 145 (Fire 120) (Combo 4) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Three Text: Fire-based finishing move mastered by Savyna. Rushes the enemy with an explosive flying kick. Sale Price: -- (316) - Hurricane Blade (Savyna) (Water) Attack: ATK 172 (Water 140) (Combo 4) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four Text: Water-based finishing move mastered by Savyna. Spins on one leg like a top, delivering a series of kicks to slice and dice the enemy. Sale Price: -- (317) - Inferno Cannon (Savyna) (Fire) Attack: ATK 205 (Fire 160) (Combo 5) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four Text: Fire-based finishing move mastered by Savyna. Shoots a fireball from her hands which detonates on impact and burns the enemy to a crisp. Sale Price: -- (318) - Hellblood's Hammer (Savyna) (Water) Attack: ATK 235 (Water 180) (Combo 5) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four Text: Water-based finishing move mastered by Savyna. Summons a watery juggernaut to shower the enemy with a flurry of punches, finishing off with a devastating shock wave. Sale Price: -- (319) - Deadly Heat Scythe (Savyna) (Fire) Attack: ATK 275 (fire 200) (Combo 7) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four, can include 9 Text: Fire-based finishing move mastered by Savyna. She ignites herself with a crimson aura, delivering a mighty blow to the enemy. Sale Price: -- (320) - Sorcerer's Chakram (Mizuti) (Normal) Attack: ATK 45 (Combo 3) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: One Text: Non-elemental arcane spell mastered by Mizuti. Controls a huge chakram in the air, delivering a series of razor-sharp attacks. Vicious. Painful. Sale Price: -- (321) - Sorcerer's Breath (Mizuti) (Normal) Attack: ATK 70 (Combo 3) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Two Text: Non-elemental arcane spell mastered by Mizuti. Exhales putrid breath unbearable to an enemy with any sense of smell. Terrible. Horrifying. Stinky. Sale Price: -- (322) - Sorcerer's Seal (Mizuti) (Normal) Attack: ATK 95 (Combo 3) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Two Text: Non-elemental arcane spell mastered by Mizuti. Invokes the ancestral mask and sucks the essence from enemies, inflicting tremendous pain. Filling. Tastes like chicken. Sale Price: -- (323) - Heaven's Pillar (Mizuti) (Chrono) Attack: ATK 120 (Chrono 100) (Combo 4) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Three Text: Time-based arcane spell mastered by Mizuti. Opens a gate to another dimension, summoning a group of pillars that smash into and smother the enemy. Heavy, Heavier, Heaviest. Sale Price: -- (324) - Shadow Gate (Mizuti) (Dark) Attack: ATK 145 (Dark 120) (Combo 4) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Three Text: Darkness-based arcane spell mastered by Mizuti. Mizuti's shadow is infused with magic, swallowing the enemy entirely. Hullo. Meet the evil twin. Sale Price: -- (325) - Mega Flood (Mizuti) (Water) Attack: ATK 172 (Water 140) (Combo 4) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four Text: Water-based arcane spell mastered by Mizuti. Focuses energy on the enemy, creating columns of water which merge to form a giant serpent. Big snake. Hissssss. Sale Price: -- (326) - Prominence (Mizuti) (Fire) Attack: ATK 205 (Fire 160) (Combo 5) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four Text: Fire-based arcane spell mastered by Mizuti. Encircles the enemy with fiery energy, which assumes the form of a flaming lion and devours the enemy. Big kitty. Roarrrrrr!! Sale Price: -- (327) - Alias Fall (Mizuti) (Wind) Attack: ATK 235 (Wind 180) (Combo 5) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four Text: Wind-based arcane spell mastered by Mizuti. Focuses the energy in the atmosphere to conjure a replica of the ancestral mask, sending it hurtling to smite the enemy. Close and personal. Boom boom boom. Sale Price: -- (328) - Planet Soul (Mizuti) (Chrono) Attack: ATK 275 (Chrono 200) (Combo 7) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four, can include 9 Text: Time-based arcane spell mastered by Mizuti. The enemy is engulfed in a peculiar smoke and bombarded by Mizuti's ancestry incarnate. Hazardous to health. Cough cough. Sale Price: -- (329) - Shining Seraph (Special) (Light) Attack: ATK Variable (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Variable Text: Light-based Spirit spell, enabled by a Guardian Spirit's power. Summons light from the heavens, bringing it down on the enemy. Sale Price: -- Found: N/A (330) - Demons of Darkness (Special) (Dark) Attack: ATK Variable (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Variable Text: Darkness-based Spirit spell, enabled by a Guardian Spirit's power. Creates a frothing pool of tainted mud, engulfing the enemy in a hearty serving of fear and pain. Sale Price: -- Found: N/A (331) - Hellfire (Special) (Fire) Attack: ATK Variable (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Variable Text: Fire-based Spirit spell, enabled by a Guardian Spirit's power. Creates a sea of fire around the enemy, burning its body and soul. Sale Price: -- Found: N/A (332) - Sacred Spring (Special) (Water) Attack: ATK Variable (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Variable Text: Water-based Spirit spell, enabled by a Guardian Spirit's power. Countless bubbles of purifying water engulf the enemy, bursting on impact and searing its skin. Sale Price: -- Found: N/A (333) - Lingering Time (Special) (Chrono) Attack: ATK Variable (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Variable Text: Time-based Spirit spell, enabled by a Guardian Spirit's power. Creates a pentagram around the enemy and suspends time within, tearing its soul apart when time begins flowing again. Sale Price: -- Found: N/A (334) - Distorting Wind (Special) (Wind) Attack: ATK Variable (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Variable Text: Wind-based Spirit spell, enabled by a Guardian Spirit's power. Powerful winds engulf the enemy, tearing apart armor, flesh, and bone. Sale Price: -- Found: N/A (335) - Fire Aura 1 (All) (Fire) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 25 (Fire 5) (Combo 3) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: One Text: Performs a Level 1 Fire-based block against an enemy attack. The previous Magnus in the combo needs to be Fire-based for this Magnus to be available. Grows in power over time. Changes Into: Fire Aura 2 (341) Sale Price: 100G Found: Castle Elnath (336) - Aqua Aura 1 (All) (Water) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 25 (Water 5) (Combo 3) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: One Text: Performs a Level 1 Water-based block against an enemy attack. The previous Magnus in the combo needs to be Water-based for this Magnus to be available. Grows in power over time. Changes Into: Aqua Aura 2 (342) Sale Price: 100G Found: Castle Elnath (337) - Light Aura 1 (All) (Light) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 25 (Light 5) (Combo 3) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: One Text: Performs a Level 1 Light-based block against an enemy attack. The previous Magnus in the combo needs to be Light-based for this Magnus to be available. Grows in power over time. Changes Into: Light Aura 2 (343) Sale Price: 100G Found: Castle Elnath (338) - Dark Aura 1 (All) (Dark) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 25 (Dark 5) (Combo 3) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: One Text: Performs a Level 1 Darkness-based block against an enemy attack. The previous Magnus in the combo needs to be Darkness-based for this Magnus to be available. Grows in power over time. Changes Into: Dark Aura 2 (344) Sale Price: 100G Found: Castle Elnath (339) - Chronos Aura 1 (All) (Chrono) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 25 (Chrono 5) (Combo 3) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: One Text: Performs a Level 1 Time-based block against an enemy attack. The previous Magnus in the combo needs to be Time-based for this Magnus to be available. Grows in power over time. Changes Into: Chronos Aura 2 (345) Sale Price: 100G Found: Castle Elnath (340) - Wind Aura 1 (All) (Wind) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 25 (Wind 5) (Combo 3) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: One Text: Performs a Level 1 Wind-based block against an enemy attack. The previous Magnus in the combo needs to be Wind-based for this Magnus to be available. Grows in power over time. Changes Into: Wind Aura 2 (346) Sale Price: 100G Found: Castle Elnath (341) - Fire Aura 2 (All) (Fire) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 45 (Fire 10) (Combo 3) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Two Text: Performs a Level 2 Fire-based block against an enemy attack. The previous Magnus in the combo needs to be Fire-based for this Magnus to be available. Grows in power over time. Sale Price: 200G Changes Into: Fire Aura 3 (347) (342) - Aqua Aura 2 (All) (Water) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 45 (Water 10) (Combo 3) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Two Text: Performs a Level 2 Water-based block against an enemy attack. The previous Magnus in the combo needs to be Water-based for this Magnus to be available. Grows in power over time. Sale Price: 200G Changes Into: Aqua Aura 3 (348) (343) - Light Aura 2 (All) (Light) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 45 (Light 10) (Combo 3) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Two Text: Performs a Level 2 Light-based block against an enemy attack. The previous Magnus in the combo needs to be Light-based for this Magnus to be available. Grows in power over time. Sale Price: 200G Changes Into: Light Aura 3 (349) (344) - Dark Aura 2 (All) (Dark) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 45 (Dark 10) (Combo 3) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Two Text: Performs a Level 2 Darkness-based block against an enemy attack. The previous Magnus in the combo needs to be Darkness-based for this Magnus to be available. Grows in power over time. Sale Price: 200G Changes Into: Dark Aura 3 (350) (345) - Chronos Aura 2 (All) (Chrono) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 45 (Chrono 10) (Combo 3) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Two Text: Performs a Level 2 Time-based block against an enemy attack. The previous Magnus in the combo needs to be Time-based for this Magnus to be available. Grows in power over time. Sale Price: 200G Changes Into: Chronos Aura 3 (351) (346) - Wind Aura 2 (All) (Wind) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 45 (Wind 10) (Combo 3) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Two Text: Performs a Level 2 Wind-based block against an enemy attack. The previous Magnus in the combo needs to be Wind-based for this Magnus to be available. Grows in power over time. Sale Price: 200G Changes Into: Wind Aura 3 (352) (347) - Fire Aura 3 (All) (Fire) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 65 (Fire 15) (Combo 4) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Three Text: Performs a Level 3 Fire-based block against an enemy attack. The previous Magnus in the combo needs to be Fire-based for this Magnus to be available. Grows in power over time. Changes Into: Fire Aura 4 (353) (348) - Aqua Aura 3 (All) (Water) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 65 (Water 15) (Combo 4) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Three Text: Performs a Level 3 Water-based block against an enemy attack. The previous Magnus in the combo needs to be Water-based for this Magnus to be available. Grows in power over time. Changes Into: Aqua Aura 4 (354) (349) - Light Aura 3 (All) (Light) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 65 (Light 15) (Combo 4) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Three Text: Performs a Level 3 Light-based block against an enemy attack. The previous Magnus in the combo needs to be Light-based for this Magnus to be available. Grows in power over time. Changes Into: Light Aura 4 (355) (350) - Dark Aura 3 (All) (Dark) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 65 (Dark 15) (Combo 4) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Three Text: Performs a Level 3 Darkness-based block against an enemy attack. The previous Magnus in the combo needs to be Darkness-based for this Magnus to be available. Grows in power over time. Changes Into: Dark Aura 4 (356) (351) - Chronos Aura 3 (All) (Chrono) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 65 (Chrono 15) (Combo 4) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Three Text: Performs a Level 3 Time-based block against an enemy attack. The previous Magnus in the combo needs to be Time-based for this Magnus to be available. Grows in power over time. Changes Into: Chronos Aura 4 (357) (352) - Wind Aura 3 (All) (Wind) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 65 (Wind 15) (Combo 4) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Three Text: Performs a Level 3 Wind-based block against an enemy attack. The previous Magnus in the combo needs to be Wind-based for this Magnus to be available. Grows in power over time. Changes Into: Wind Aura 4 (358) (353) - Fire Aura 4 (All) (Fire) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 90 (Fire 20) (Combo 4) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four Text: Performs a Level 4 Fire-based block against an enemy attack. The previous Magnus in the combo needs to be Fire-based for this Magnus to be available. Grows in power over time. Changes Into: Fire Aura 5 (359) (354) - Aqua Aura 4 (All) (Water) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 90 (Water 20) (Combo 4) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four Text: Performs a Level 4 Water-based block against an enemy attack. The previous Magnus in the combo needs to be Water-based for this Magnus to be available. Grows in power over time. Changes Into: Aqua Aura 5 (360) (355) - Light Aura 4 (All) (Light) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 90 (Light 20) (Combo 4) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four Text: Performs a Level 4 Light-based block against an enemy attack. The previous Magnus in the combo needs to be Light-based for this Magnus to be available. Grows in power over time. Changes Into: Light Aura 5 (361) (356) - Dark Aura 4 (All) (Dark) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 90 (Dark 20) (Combo 4) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four Text: Performs a Level 4 Darkness-based block against an enemy attack. The previous Magnus in the combo needs to be Darkness-based for this Magnus to be available. Grows in power over time. Changes Into: Dark Aura 5 (362) (357) - Chronos Aura 4 (All) (Chrono) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 90 (Chrono 20) (Combo 4) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four Text: Performs a Level 4 Time-based block against an enemy attack. The previous Magnus in the combo needs to be Time-based for this Magnus to be available. Grows in power over time. Changes Into: Chronos Aura 5 (363) (358) - Wind Aura 4 (All) (Wind) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 90 (Wind 20) (Combo 4) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four Text: Performs a Level 4 Wind-based block against an enemy attack. The previous Magnus in the combo needs to be Wind-based for this Magnus to be available. Grows in power over time. Changes Into: Wind Aura 5 (364) (359) - Fire Aura 5 (All) (Fire) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 125 (Fire 25) (Combo 5) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four Text: Performs a Level 5 Fire-based block against an enemy attack. The previous Magnus in the combo needs to be Fire-based for this Magnus to be available. Grows in power over time. Changes Into: Fire Aura 6 (365) (360) - Aqua Aura 5 (All) (Water) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 125 (Water 25) (Combo 5) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four Text: Performs a Level 5 Water-based block against an enemy attack. The previous Magnus in the combo needs to be Water-based for this Magnus to be available. Grows in power over time. Changes Into: Aqua Aura 6 (366) (361) - Light Aura 5 (All) (Light) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 125 (Light 25) (Combo 5) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four Text: Performs a Level 5 Light-based block against an enemy attack. The previous Magnus in the combo needs to be Light-based for this Magnus to be available. Grows in power over time. Changes Into: Light Aura 6 (367) (362) - Dark Aura 5 (All) (Dark) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 125 (Dark 25) (Combo 5) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four Text: Performs a Level 5 Darkness-based block against an enemy attack. The previous Magnus in the combo needs to be Darkness-based for this Magnus to be available. Grows in power over time. Changes Into: Dark Aura 6 (368) (363) - Chronos Aura 5 (All) (Chrono) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 125 (Chrono 25) (Combo 5) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four Text: Performs a Level 5 Time-based block against an enemy attack. The previous Magnus in the combo needs to be Time-based for this Magnus to be available. Grows in power over time. Changes Into: Chronos Aura 6 (369) (364) - Wind Aura 5 (All) (Wind) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 125 (Wind 25) (Combo 5) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four Text: Performs a Level 5 Wind-based block against an enemy attack. The previous Magnus in the combo needs to be Wind-based for this Magnus to be available. Grows in power over time. Changes Into: Wind Aura 6 (370) (365) - Fire Aura 6 (All) (Fire) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 180 (Fire 30) (Combo 5) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four, can include 9 Text: Performs a Level 6 Fire-based block against an enemy attack. The previous Magnus in the combo needs to be Fire-based for this Magnus to be available. (366) - Aqua Aura 6 (All) (Water) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 180 (Water 30) (Combo 5) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four, can include 9 Text: Performs a Level 6 Water-based block against an enemy attack. The previous Magnus in the combo needs to be Water-based for this Magnus to be available. (367) - Light Aura 6 (All) (Light) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 180 (Light 30) (Combo 5) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four, can include 9 Text: Performs a Level 6 Light-based block against an enemy attack. The previous Magnus in the combo needs to be Light-based for this Magnus to be available. (368) - Dark Aura 6 (All) (Dark) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 180 (Dark 30) (Combo 5) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four, can include 9 Text: Performs a Level 6 Darkness-based block against an enemy attack. The previous Magnus in the combo needs to be Darkness-based for this Magnus to be available. (369) - Chronos Aura 6 (All) (Chrono) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 180 (Chrono 30) (Combo 5) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four, can include 9 Text: Performs a Level 6 Time-based block against an enemy attack. The previous Magnus in the combo needs to be Time-based for this Magnus to be available. (370) - Wind Aura 6 (All) (Wind) Attack: -- Defense: DEF 180 (Wind 30) (Combo 5) Use: -- Spirit Numbers: Four, can include 9 Text: Performs a Level 6 Wind-based block against an enemy attack. The previous Magnus in the combo needs to be Wind-based for this Magnus to be available. --Level Magnus-- (371) - Wild Strawberry (Normal) Text: Wild Strawberry. Required for raising Kalas' Class Level to 2. A fully grown wild strawberry is only the size of a marble, but succulent and tasty nonetheless. Found: Lord of the Spring (372) - Mana Stone (Dark) Text: Mana Stone. Required for raising Kalas' Class Level to 3. This shimmering orestone consists of concentrated mana. Found: Lesser Celestial River (373) - Coral Plant (Normal) Text: Coral Plant. Required for raising Kalas' Class Level to 4. This plant is named for its red fruit, reminiscent of coral undulating in the ocean. Found: Lord of the Winds (374) - Ancient Branch (Normal) Text: Ancient Branch. Required for raising Kalas' Class Level to 5. Ancient wood gives the impression of time itself being sealed within. (375) - Azure Sand (Normal) Text: Azure Sand. Required for raising Kalas' Class Level to 6. A mysterious sprinkle of sand that glows with an azure tint, valued highly among collectors. (376) - Shrike Statue (Wind) Text: Shrike Statue. Required for raising Xelha's Class Level to 2. The shrike's elongated tail allows it to maneuver nimbly in the air, swooping down to snatch its prey from the ground. Found: Pherkad (377) - Heron Statue (Wind) Text: Heron Statue. Required for raising Xelha's Class Level to 3. A statue of a heron, resting its wings on a mountaintop. Reminiscent of a monk in silent meditation. Found: Lesser Celestial River (378) - Falcon Statue (Wind) Text: Falcon Statue. Required for raising Xelha's Class Level to 4. One targeted by a falcon's keen eyesight, its prey is doomed. Found: Ancient Library (379) - Rarebird Statue (Wind) Text: Rarebird Statue. Required for raising Xelha's Class Level to 5. A statue of a rare bird, classified as a protected species to prevent extinction. (380) - Linnet Statue (Wind) Text: Linnet Statue. Required for raising Xelha's Class Level to 6. A statue of a Linnet, about 6 inches high, with a characteristic patch of red feathers on its chest. (381) - Shark Tooth (Water) Text: Shark Tooth. Required for raising Gibari's Class Level to 3. A tooth from a shark that has claimed countless prey, a symbol of the wearer's readiness for battle. Found: Iron Beetle I (382) - Scarlet Shell (Water) Text: Scarlet Shell. Required for raising Gibari's Class Level to 4. A scarlet-colored shell that is said to bring good fortune to the bearer. Found: Ancient Library (383) - Catfish Whiskers (Water) Text: Catfish Whiskers. Required for raising Gibari's Class Level to 5. The catfish's alleged ability to predict earthquakes makes it a symbol for avoiding disasters. (384) - Buoy of Light (Light) Text: Buoy of Light. Required for raising Gibari's Class Level to 6. A rare, magical buoy that shines with an internal light. (385) - Heartlight Candle (Light) Text: Heartlight Candle. Required for raising Lyude's Class Level to 4. An ever-burning candle, symbol of fiery rage. Found: Folon (First Battle) (386) - Platter of Parting (Light) Text: Platter of Parting. Required for raising Lyude's Class Level to 5. A ceremonial platter used to quietly toast the end of an immoral relationship. (387) - Jasper Gem (Light) Text: Jasper Gem. Required for raising Lyude's Class Level to 6. Glowing a dim green, this gem repels evil hearts. (388) - Wild Cherry Bud (Normal) Text: Wild Cherry Bud. Required for raising Savyna's Class Level to 4. Found in the mountains, these buds silently bear the coldness, waiting for their chance to bloom. Found: Celestial Tree (389) - Purple Rose (Normal) Text: Purple Rose. Required for raising Savyna's Class Level to 5. An elegant, purple-red rose with a spellbinding fragrance. (390) - Dragon Plum Bud (Normal) Text: Dragon Plum Bud. Required for raising Savyna's Class Level to 6. Pale, pink buds reminiscent of a young girl's cheeks. (391) - Pinecone (Normal) Text: Pinecone. Required for raising Mizuti's Class Level to 4. Oval- shaped and quite hard, this pinecone is surprisingly light. (392) - Shepherd's Purse (Normal) Text: Shepherd's Purse. Required for raising Mizuti's Class Level to 5. The berries of this plant resemble the pick of an oriental stringed instrument. (393) - Tradescantia Petals (Normal) Text: Tradescantia Petals. Required for raising Mizuti's Class Level to 6. The Tradescantia's petals become more fresh and beautiful when exposed to rain. -- Star Map Pieces -- (394) - Draco Found: Saber Dragon (395) - Vela Found: Shawra (396) - Puppis Found: Cebalrai (397) - Aquarius Found: Pherkad (398) - Pyxis Found: Pherkad (399) - Carina Found: Nashira (400) - Cygnus Found: Cloud Passage (401) - Hydra Found: Castle Elnath (402) - Pisces Found: Thunderfish (403) - Triangulum Found: Albireo (404) - Auriga Found: Anuenue Port (405) - Taurus Found: Ancient Library (406) - Equuleus Found: Holoholo Jungle (407) - Lupus Found: Opu (408) - Perseus Found: Opu (409) - Ursa Major Found: Blood Leaf (410) - Crater Found: Celestial Tree (411) - Andromeda (412) - Corona Borealis (413) - Piscis Australis (414) - Corona Australis (415) - Virgo (416) - Hercules (417) - Cephus (418) - Capricornus (419) - Ara (420) - Lepus (421) - Serpens (422) - Ophiuchus (423) - Cancer (424) - Lyra (425) - Libra (426) - Delphinus (427) - Sagitta (428) - Leo (429) - Sagittarius (430) - Ursa Minor (431) - Scorpius (432) - Pegasus (433) - Aries (434) - Cassiopeia (435) - Gemini (436) - Boötes (437) - Centaurus (438) - Canis Minor (439) - Canis Major (440) - Corvus (441) - Eridanus (442) - Aquila (443) - Cetus --Equipment Magnus-- (444) - Aged Buckle (Kalas) (Chrono) DEF + 1 Sleep 20, Paralysis 10 Sale Price: 1G Found: Kalas (445) - Scale Buckle (Kalas) (Normal) DEF + 5, AGL + 3, HP + 2 Sleep 40, Flames 30, Poison 20 Sale Price: 12G Found: Lord of the Spring (446) - Silver Buckle (Kalas) (Normal) ATK + 3, DEF + 10, AGL + 6 Death 5, Sleep 25, Paralysis 40, Poison 60, Confusion 15 Sale Price: 25G Found: Nashira Shop (447) - Crescent Buckle (Kalas) (Dark) DEF + 18, HP + 5 Sleep 65, Paralysis 5, Freezing 60, Poison 35, Headache 25 Sale Price: 39G Found: Iron Beetle V (448) - Ice Crystal Buckle (Kalas) (Water) Character suffers a Headache while equipped... ATK + 45, DEF + 27, AGL + 27 Flames 95 Sale Price: 76G Found: Holoholo Jungle (449) - Golden Buckle (Kalas) (Normal) ATK + 15, DEF + 30, AGL + 15 Death 10, Sleep 40, Paralysis 90, Poison 100, Confusion 30 (450) - Platinum Buckle (Kalas) (Normal) ATK + 54, DEF + 54, AGL + 36 Death 15, Sleep 3, Paralysis 3, Freezing 3, Flames 3, Poison 35 (451) - Earth Buckle (Kalas) (Normal) HP + 10 Death 2, Sleep 80, Paralysis 80, Freezing 50 Flames 50, Poison 20, Headache 25, Confusion 20 (452) - Skull Buckle (Kalas) (Dark) Character is Confused while equipped. ATK + 60, DEF + 50, AGL + 40, HP + 12 Death 99, Sleep 99, Paralysis 99, Freezing 99 Flames 99, Poison 99, Headache 99, Confusion 99 (453) - Moon Buckle (Kalas) (Dark) ATK + 70, DEF + 100, AGL + 70, HP + 15 Death 1, Sleep 1, Paralysis 1, Freezing 1 Flames 1, Poison 1, Headache 1, Confusion 1 (454) - Fancy Anklet (Xelha) (Normal) DEF + 1, AGL + 4 Sleep 20, Poison 30 Sale Price: 2G Found: Xelha (455) - Anklet of Calm Winds (Xelha) (Wind) DEF + 5, AGL + 18, HP + 3 Sleep 30, Paralysis 25, Poison 40, Headache 30 (456) - Silver Anklet (Xelha) (Normal) ATK + 9, DEF + 15, AGL + 15 Paralysis 50, Poison 65, Confusion 20 Sale Price: 24G Found: Thunderfish (457) - Magical Anklet (Xelha) (Normal) DEF + 18, AGL + 21 Death 5, Sleep 40, Paralysis 20, Freezing 45 Poison 30, Headache 35, Confusion 5 Sale Price: 33G Found: Castle Elnath (458) - Water Mirror Anklet (Xelha) (Water) ATK + 14, DEF + 18, AGL + 12, HP + 5 Death 20, Sleep 50, Paralysis 65, Flames 80, Headache 10, Confusion 30 Sale Price: 73G Found: Ancient Library (459) - Golden Anklet (Xelha) (Normal) ATK + 25, DEF + 36, AGL + 36 Death 3, Sleep 80, Paralysis 90, Freezing 50, Poison 70 (460) - Powder Snow Anklet (Xelha) (Water) ATK + 24, DEF + 30, AGL + 60 Death 25, Flames 100, Poison 100, Confusion 60 (461) - Sun Anklet (Xelha) (Light) ATK + 36, DEF + 45, AGL + 15, HP + 10 Death 30, Sleep 80, Paralysis 80, Freezing 100 Poison 40, Headache 25, Confusion 25 (462) - Skull Anklet (Xelha) (Dark) Character is Confused while equipped ATK + 60, DEF + 50, AGL + 40, HP + 14 Death 99, Sleep 99, Paralysis 99, Freezing 99 Flames 99, Poison 99, Headache 99, Confusion 99 (463) - Pegasus Anklet (Xelha) (Wind) ATK + 70, DEF + 70, AGL + 100, HP + 17 Death 1, Sleep 1, Paralysis 1, Freezing 1 Flames 1, Poison 1, Headache 1, Confusion 1 (464) - Bamboo Creel (Gibari) (Water) DEF + 6 Paralysis 30, Flames 40 Sale Price: 1G Found: Gibari (465) - Hemp Creel (Gibari) (Water) DEF + 9, AGL + 6 Sleep 40, Paralysis 10, Flames 45, Poison 20 Sale Price: 2G Found: Lesser Celestial River (466) - Cypress Creel (Gibari) (Water) DEF + 15, AGL + 9, HP + 3 Flames 50, Poison 60, Headache 30, Confusion 25 Sale Price: 3G Found: Elnath Shop (467) - Bamboo Grass Creel (Gibari) (Water) DEF + 9, AGL + 30 Sleep 50, Paralysis 50, Flames 60, Poison 80, Headache 5, Confusion 5 Sale Price: 43G Found: Anuenue Port (468) - Moonlight Creel (Gibari) (Dark) ATK + 24, DEF + 30, AGL + 24 Death 10, Paralysis 100, Flames 73, Poison 5, Confusion 50 (469) - Hermit's Creel (Gibari) (Dark) ATK + 30, DEF + 36, AGL + 42, HP + 5 Flames 30 (470) - Goldfish Bowl (Gibari) (Water) ATK + 54, DEF + 42, AGL + 45 Sleep 5, Paralysis 5, Flames 100, Poison 70, Headache 100, Confusion 100 (471) - Poseidon's Creel (Gibari) (Water) ATK + 39, DEF + 45, AGL + 30, HP + 10 Death 45, Sleep 100, Paralysis 30, Flames 90, Poison 15 (472) - Skull Creel (Gibari) (Dark) Character is Confused while equipped ATK + 60, DEF + 50, AGL + 40, HP + 12 Death 99, Sleep 99, Paralysis 99, Freezing 99 Flames 99, Poison 99, Headache 99, Confusion 99 (473) - Creel of the Whale (Gibari) (Water) ATK + 100, DEF + 70, AGL + 70, HP + 14 Death 1, Sleep 1, Paralysis 1, Freezing 1 Flames 1, Poison 1, Headache 1, Confusion 1 (474) - Dark Red Earrings (Lyude) (Normal) DEF + 6 Sleep 20 Sale Price: 3G Found: Lyude (475) - Glass Earrings (Lyude) (Normal) DEF + 9, AGL + 3 Paralysis 30, Headache 5, Confusion 5 Sale Price: 13G Found: Castle Elnath (476) - Ruby Earrings (Lyude) (Normal) DEF + 15, AGL + 9, HP + 4 Freezing 40 Found: Ancient Library (477) - Silver Earrings (Lyude) (Normal) ATK + 6, DEF + 21, AGL + 12 Sleep 40, Paralysis 15, Poison 70, Headache 30, Confusion 2 Sale Price: 36G Found: Holoholo Jungle (478) - Emerald Earrings (Lyude) (Normal) ATK + 12, DEF + 24, AGL + 30 Death 15, Sleep 100, Flames 55, Headache 25, Confusion 20 (479) - Gold Earrings (Lyude) (Normal) ATK + 30, DEF + 30, AGL + 27 Death 5, Sleep 15, Paralysis 90, Freezing 35 Poison 90, Headache 40, Confusion 5 (480) - Amethyst Earrings (Lyude) (Normal) ATK + 24, DEF + 36, AGL + 36, HP + 7 Death 10, Sleep 100, Paralysis 100, Freezing 30, Flames 30 (481) - Flashy Earrings (Lyude) (Normal) ATK + 51, AGL + 51 Sleep 13, Paralysis 22, Freezing 70, Flames 70, Poison 10, Headache 10 (482) - Skull Earrings (Lyude) (Dark) Character is Confused while equipped. ATK + 60, DEF + 50, AGL + 40, HP + 11 Death 99, Sleep 99, Paralysis 99, Freezing 99 Flames 99, Poison 99, Headache 99, Confusion 99 (483) - Platinum Earrings (Lyude) (Normal) ATK + 70, DEF + 85, AGL + 85, HP + 13 Death 1, Sleep 1, Paralysis 1, Freezing 1 Flames 1, Poison 1, Headache 1, Confusion 1 (484) - Rubber Barrette (Savyna) (Normal) DEF + 6 Sleep 15 Sale Price: 25G Found: Savyna (485) - Feathered Barrette (Savyna) (Wind) DEF + 6, AGL + 15, HP + 3 Sleep 30, Paralysis 20 Sale Price: 50G Found: Opu Shop (486) - Butterfly Barrette (Savyna) (Wind) ATK + 9, DEF + 15, AGL + 21 Death 5, Paralysis 80, Poison 40, Headache 5, Confusion 20 Sale Price: 75G Found: Blood Leaf (487) - Silver Barrette (Savyna) (Normal) ATK + 15, DEF + 24, AGL + 21 Sleep 45, Poison 70, Headache 30, Confusion 25 (488) - Scorpion Barrette (Savyna) (Normal) ATK + 30, DEF + 30, AGL + 30 Death 25, Paralysis 90, Flames 50, Poison 90, Confusion 45 (489) - Golden Barrette (Savyna) (Normal) ATK + 33, DEF + 36, AGL + 27 Death 10, Sleep 35, Paralysis 80, Freezing 40 Poison 90, Headache 65, Confusion 5 (490) - Sunflower Barrette (Savyna) (Light) DEF + 30, AGL + 30, HP + 7 Sleep 100, Freezing 70 (491) - Firedrake Barrette (Savyna) (Fire) Character is engulfed in Flames while equipped. ATK + 60, DEF + 36, AGL + 30, HP + 30 Death 50, Freezing 100, Poison 100, Headache 5, Confusion 5 (492) - Skull Barrette (Savyna) (Dark) Character is Confused while equipped. ATK + 60, DEF + 50, AGL + 40, HP + 15 Death 99, Sleep 99, Paralysis 99, Freezing 99 Flames 99, Poison 99, Headache 99, Confusion 99 (493) - ? (494) - Dazed Birdie (Mizuti) (Wind) DEF + 6, AGL + 12 Sleep 75, Paralysis 50, Headache 30 (495) - Tongue Birdie (Mizuti) (Wind) ATK + 15, DEF + 12, AGL + 23, HP + 5 Sleep 10, Paralysis 75, Flames 30, Headache 30 (496) - Mohawk Birdie (Mizuti) (Wind) ATK + 30, DEF + 12, AGL + 30 Sleep 30, Paralysis 20, Freezing 10, Flames 80, Poison 10, Headache 30 (497) - Tearful Birdie (Mizuti) (Wind) ATK + 28, DEF + 24, AGL + 20, HP + 10 Death 5, Freezing 70, Flames 35, Poison 50, Headache 30 (498) - Birdie Fatale (Mizuti) (Wind) Character suffers a Headache while equipped... ATK + 9, DEF + 36, AGL + 9, HP + 12 Sleep 90, Paralysis 90 (499) - Cinderella Birdie (Mizuti) (Chrono) ATK + 15, DEF + 30, AGL + 39, HP + 13 Death 20, Freezing 90, Poison 100, Headache 30 (500) - Girlish Birdie (Mizuti) (Wind) ATK + 36, DEF + 45, AGL + 39, HP + 10 Death 50, Sleep 97, Paralysis 97, Flames 90, Headache 30 (501) - Mature Birdie (Mizuti) (Dark) ATK + 60, DEF + 45, AGL + 30, HP + 15 Death 40, Sleep 30, Paralysis 35, Freezing 70 Flames 70, Poison 25, Headache 30 (502) - Skull Birdie (Mizuti) (Dark) Character is Confused while equipped. ATK + 60, DEF + 50, AGL + 40, HP + 20 Death 99, Sleep 99, Paralysis 99, Freezing 99 Flames 99, Poison 99, Headache 99, Confusion 99 (503) - ? --Deck Magnus II-- (504) - Shish Kebab (Small) (None) (Normal) Attack: -- Defense: -- Use: Heal HP by 20% Text: Looks like someone or something ate most of it. Only a few morsels of meat are left on the skewer. Oh well, food is food. HP + 20% (In camp) Sale Price: 1G Found: Kalas (x2), Cebalrai, Pherkad, Star Map (Draco), Cebalrai Shop, Pherkad Shop (505) - Shish Kebab (Medium) (None) (Normal) Attack: -- Defense: -- Use: Heal HP by 40% Text: Farm-fresh vegetables and a little beef seasoned and roasted to perfection on a skewer. HP + 40% (In camp) Sale Price: 1G Found: Kalas, Cebalrai, Nashira Shop, Sheliak Shop, Star Map (Cygnus), Elnath Shop (506) - Shish Kebab (Large) (None) (Normal) Attack: -- Defense: -- Use: Heal HP by 60% Text: Basted and barbequed fresh meat and vegetables on a skewer. Grilled to a golden brown, this kebab is mouth-watering and delicious. HP + 60% (In camp) (507) - Deluxe Shish Kebab (None) (Normal) Attack: -- Defense: -- Use: Heal HP by 100% Text: Peef (from Pows), chicken, fish, and vegetables skewered and lightly grilled to a golden brown. A vegetarian's nightmare, but an adventurer's delight. HP + 100% (In camp) (508) - Plain Pastry (All) (Normal) Attack: Increase HPMAX by 2% (Combo 1) Defense: Increase HPMAX by 2% (Combo 1) Use: -- Text: It's only a plain pastry, but its classic taste is enough to make even the hardest adventurer smile. HPMAX + 2% (Temporary increase; lasts till the end of the current battle.) Sale Price: 22G Found: Acheron (509) - Jumbo Pastry (All) (Normal) Attack: Increase HPMAX by 5% (Combo 1) Defense: Increase HPMAX by 5% (Combo 1) Use: -- Text: Incredibly moist, delicious, and bigger than most, just one bite is a little taste of heaven. HPMAX + 5% (Temporary increase; lasts till the end of the current battle.) (510) - Deluxe Pastry (None) (Light) Attack: -- Defense: -- Use: Increase HPMAX by 120 Text: Not your average, everyday pastry - absolutely scrumptious. HPMAX + 120 (Permanent increase. Only usable in camp.) (511) - Shortcake (Small) (All) (Normal) Attack: ATK + 20 (Combo 1) Defense: ATK + 20 (Combo 1) Use: -- Text: Its light sponginess combined with the sweet, yet tangy flavor unique to fresh strawberries makes this a winner. ATK + 20 (Temporary increase; lasts till the end of the current battle.) Sale Price: 22G Found: Nashira, Mirabilis (512) - Shortcake (Large) (All) (Normal) Attack: ATK + 40 (Combo 1) Defense: ATK + 40 (Combo 1) Use: -- Text: Four layers of cake with whipped cream sandwiched between layers and mixed with a crushed strawberry topping. ATK + 40 (Temporary increase; lasts till the end of the current battle.) (513) - Deluxe Shortcake (None) (Light) Attack: -- Defense: -- Use: Increase ATK by 10 Text: Everyone wants to sink their [sic] teeth into this goody. Rare and incredibly delicious. ATK + 10 (Permanent increase. Only usable in camp.) Found: Ancient Library (514) - Mini Cream Puff (All) (Normal) Attack: DEF + 20 (Combo 1) Defense: DEF + 20 (Combo 1) Use: -- Text: A mini-pastry with fresh whipped cream in the middle. DEF + 20 (Temporary increase; lasts till the end of the current battle.) Found: Cursed Spell Book (515) - Cream Puff (All) (Normal) Attack: DEF + 40 (Combo 1) Defense: DEF + 40 (Combo 1) Use: -- Text: A light, flaky pastry with fresh whipped cream in the middle. Sprinkled with a pinch of powdered sugar. DEF + 40 (Temporary increase; lasts till the end of the current battle.) (516) - Deluxe Cream Puff (None) (Light) Attack: -- Defense: -- Use: Increase DEF by 10 Text: The mother of all cream puffs - heavenly delight. DEF + 10 (Permanent increase. Only usable in camp.) (517) - Deluxe Cookies (None) (Light) Attack: -- Defense: -- Use: Increase AGL by 10 Text: Everyone wants to get their [sic] paws on these cookies. They're world famous and extremely rare. AGL + 10 (Permanent increase. Only usable in camp.) Found: Ancient Library (518) - Deluxe Bonbon (None) (Light) Attack: -- Defense: -- Use: Increase VIT by 10 Text: Made with smooth, high-quality chocolate and other natural ingredients. VIT + 10 (Permanent increase. Only usable in camp.) Found: Ancient Library (519) - Apple Pie (Slice) (None) (Normal) Attack: -- Defense: -- Use: Increase Exp by 3000 Text: There's nothing like a fresh slice of apple pie to bring your spirits up. That tangy sweet, wholesome goodness always satisfies. EXP + 3000 (Only usable in camp.) (520) - Apple Pie (Full) (None) (Normal) Attack: -- Defense: -- Use: Increase Exp by 30000 Text: A whole, piping hot apple pie! Made with fresh apples, island fresh sugar, and a buttery crust. Like Grandma used to make. EXP + 30000 (Only usable in camp.) (521) - Wheat Crackers (None) (Normal) Attack: -- Defense: -- Use: Revives party member. Text: Hearty crackers with a pinch of salt. These are oven baked with fresh wheat. A light snack, but packs enough punch to revive incapacitated party members. (Only usable in camp.) Sale Price: 3G Found: Kalas, Cebalrai Shop, Pherkad Shop, Nashira Shop, Sheliak Shop, Castle Elnath, Elnath Shop (522) - Fruity Gelatin (None) (Water) Attack: -- Defense: -- Use: Cures Flames. Text: This gelatin-based dessert is made with various fruit which is then thoroughly boiled and cooled to give it that ideal fun-for-your-mouth texture. Tangy and refreshing. Cures one party member of flames. (Only usable in camp.) Sale Price: 2G Found: Komo Mai Shop, Ancient Library, Mirabilis, Star Map (Crater) (523) - Chestnut Truffle (None) (Normal) Attack: -- Defense: -- Use: Cures Poison. Text: A little lump of heaven topped with a scrumptious chestnut and baked to perfection. It melts in your mouth and cures poison. (Only usable in camp.) Sale Price: 1G Found: Nashira Shop, Pul-Puk, Sheliak Shop, Elnath Shop (524) - Magic Beans-Death (All) (Normal) Attack: -- Defense: Death resist + 100 (Combo 1) Use: -- Text: Mysterious, colored beans that boost resistance to death-inducing effects. The beans change their color and effects over time. (Temporary increase; lasts till the end of the current battle.) Changes Into: Magic Beans-Sleep (525) (525) - Magic Beans-Sleep (All) (Normal) Attack: -- Defense: Sleep resist + 100 (Combo 1) Use: -- Text: Mysterious, colored beans that boost resistance to sleep-inducing effects. The beans change their color and effects over time. (Temporary increase; lasts till the end of the current battle.) Changes Into: Magic Beans-Paralysis (526) (526) - Magic Beans-Paralysis (All) (Normal) Attack: -- Defense: Paralysis resist + 100 (Combo 1) Use: -- Text: Mysterious, colored beans that boost resistance to paralyzing effects. The beans change their color and effects over time. (Temporary increase; lasts till the end of the current battle.) Changes Into: Magic Beans-Ice (527) (527) - Magic Beans-Ice (All) (Normal) Attack: -- Defense: Freezing resist + 100 Use: -- Text: Mysterious, colored beans that boost resistance to freezing effects. The beans change their color and effects over time. (Temporary increase; lasts till the end of the current battle.) Changes Into: Magic Beans-Flame (528) (528) - Magic Beans-Flame (All) (Normal) Attack: -- Defense: Flames resist + 100 (Combo 1) Use: -- Text: Mysterious, colored beans that boost resistance to flame-inducing effects. The beans change their color and effects over time. (Temporary increase; lasts till the end of the current battle.) Changes Into: Magic Beans-Poison (529) (529) Magic Beans-Poison (All) (Normal) Attack: -- Defense: Poison resist + 100 (Combo 1) Use: -- Text: Mysterious, colored beans that boost resistance to poisoning effects. The beans change their color and effects over time. (Temporary increase; lasts till the end of the current battle.) Changes Into: Magic Beans-Headache (530) (530) - Magic Beans-Headache (All) (Normal) Attack: -- Defense: Headache resist + 100 (Combo 1) Use: -- Text: Mysterious, colored beans that boost resistance to headache-inducing effects. The beans change their color and effects over time. (Temporary increase; lasts till the end of the current battle.) Changes Into: Magic Beans-Confuse (531) (531) - Magic Beans-Confuse (All) (Normal) Attack: -- Defense: Confusion resist + 100 (Combo 1) Use: -- Text: Mysterious, colored beans that boost resistance to confusion -inducing effects. The beans change their color and effects over time. (Temporary increase; lasts till the end of the current battle.) Changes Into: Magic Beans-All+50 (532) (532) - Magic Beans-All+50 (All) (Normal) Attack: -- Defense: All resist + 50 (Combo 1) Use: Text: Mysterious, colored beans that moderately boost resistance to all negative effects. The beans change their color and effects over time. (Temporary increase; lasts till the end of the current battle.) Changes Into: Magic Beans-All+100 (533) (533) - Magic Beans-All+100 (All) (Normal) Attack: -- Defense: All resist + 100 (Combo 1) Use: -- Text: Mysterious, colored beans that greatly boost resistance to all negative effects. The beans change their color and effects over time. (Temporary increase; lasts till the end of the current battle.) Changes Into: Magic Beans-Death (524) (534) - Beef Jerky (All) (Normal) Attack: Heal HP 500 (Combo 1) Defense -- Use: -- Text: Seasoned with black pepper. Bursts of flavor will tingle your palate with every bite. The more you chew the better it tastes. Changes Into: Pet Food (535) Found: Special Combo 19 (535) - Pet Food (All) (Normal) Attack: ATK 66, 30% chance of Headache (Combo 1) Defense: 30% chance of Headache (Combo 1) Use: -- Text: Pet food is for pets, you know!... Even if it's nutritionally balanced. Not a good idea for humans to eat food made from poor- quality meat. (536) - Grilled Hamburger (All) (Fire) Attack: Heal HP 700, 40% chance to cure Freeze (Combo 1) Defense: Freezing resist + 40 (Combo 1) Use: -- Text: Freshly sautéed hamburger. Cooked to a perfect brown just for you. Juicy and full of flavor. Found: Special Combo 20 (537) - ? Attack: Defense: Use: Text: (538) - ? Attack: Defense: Use: Text: (539) - Cheese Fondue (All) (Normal) Attack: Heal HP 125 (Combo 1) Defense: Headache resist + 50 (Combo 1) Use: -- Text: Creamy melted cheese prepared for dipping French bread and various vegetables. A special treat indeed! For all you cheese lovers. Found: Special Combo 23 (540) - ? Attack: Defense: Use: Text: (541) - ? Attack: Defense: Use: Text: (542) - Grapes (All) (Normal) Attack: Heal HP 100 (Combo 1) Defense: Flames resist + 35 (Combo 1) Use: -- Text: Sweet grapes, juicy and ripe! Better eat them quick, as the natural sugars will make them rot before you know it. Changes Into: Rotten Grapes (543) Special Combos: Fruit Sorbet (619) Sale Price: 9G Found: Gibari, Cancerite, Acheron (543) - Rotten Grapes (All) (Normal) Attack: 10% chance of poison (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: Eating these is sure to give you a stomachache. They say some of the finest wines are made from rotten grapes though, so maybe you should wait and see... Changes Into: Deluxe Sweet Wine (544) Sale Price: 1G Found: Grapes (542) (544) - Deluxe Sweet Wine (All) (Water) Attack: Heal HP 135 (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: Botrytis cinerea is a phytogenic bacteria that brings out the moist, condensing sugars within - hence the sweetness. Keep this wine in a cool place. Exposure to light is a no-no. Changes Into: Vinegar (545) Special Combos: Cheese Fondue (539), Sun-dried Wine (546) Sale Price: 18G Found: Lyude, Rotten Grapes (543) (545) - Vinegar (All) (Water) Attack: ATK 58 (Water 35), 25% chance of Paralysis (Combo 2) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: Believe it or not, some people like to drink it straight. Most people, however, are better off sprinkling it on rice to make sushi rice. Sale Price: 6G Found: Deluxe Sweet Wine (544) (546) - Sun-dried Wine (All) (Water) Attack: 20% chance of Confusion (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: This is what you get for exposing your Deluxe Sweet Wine to the light. It's spoiled now! Take a swig to punish yourself. It will teach you the importance of proper storage. Found: Special Combo 1 (547) - Uncooked Rice (All) (Normal) Attack: Heal HP 20 (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: White rice is easily cooked with water in a pot over flames. Long ago it was cooked over a charcoal fire. Make sure to time it right for best results. Changes Into: Japanese Rice Wine (548) Special Combos: Rice (557), Extra Fluffy Rice (824) Found: Imperial Elite, Opu (548) - Japanese Rice Wine (All) (Water) Attack: Heal HP 100, 66% chance to cure Death (Combo 1) Defense: Death resist + 30 (Combo 1) Use: -- Text: Premium rice wine with 35% milled rice. Put it over a flame for great Hot Rice Wine. Goes well with fresh or salt-dried fish. Special Combos: Lukewarm Rice Wine (549), Hot Rice Wine (550), Sacred Wine (552) (549) - Lukewarm Rice Wine (All) (Water) Attack: 7% chance to cure Freeze (Combo 1) Defense: Freezing resist + 15 (Combo 1) Use: -- Text: Lukewarm Rice Wine. Warmed to body temperature to enhance the flavor and reduce liver strain. Found: Special Combo 2 (550) - Hot Rice Wine (All) (Fire) Attack: 60% chance to cure Freeze (Combo 1) Defense: Freezing resist + 60 (Combo 1) Use: -- Text: It's hot. Commonly made in extremely cold regions. Virtually no smell, but one sip will knock your socks off. Most of the alcohol has evaporated. Found: Special Combo 3 (551) - Holy Grail (All) (Light) Attack: Heal HP 1, 66% chance to cure Death (Combo 1) Defense: Death resist + 80 (Combo 1) Use: -- Text: A grail blessed with holy power. Any liquid poured into it will be purified. Often filled with refined rice wine for rituals. Special Combos: Sacred Wine (552) Found: Special Combo 141 (552) - Sacred Wine (All) (Light) Attack: Heal HP 500, 100% chance to cure Death (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: Ceremonial wine offered to the gods. Use this on your enemies, then use Light Yell 1 repeatedly to gain a level. Found: Special Combo 4 (553) - Oakwood (All) (Normal) Attack: Can be used when attacking, but nothing happens. (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: Very sturdy wood which turns to highly dense, top-quality charcoal when burned at a high temperature. Changes Into: Doll of Lies (554) Special Combos: Deluxe Charcoal (555), Branches (629) (554) - Doll of Lies (All) (Normal) Attack: All resist - 40 (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: "Me? I hate lying! By the way, have you heard of a Sashimi Boat? Basically it's a bunch of raw fish lined up in a little boat. Tastes awful. Don't try it." (555) - Deluxe Charcoal (All) (Fire) Attack: Can be used when attacking, but nothing happens. (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: Its moisture has completely evaporated. Tap on its hard, dense shell to hear a sharp sound. Roast Skipjack with this to make Minced Skipjack. Found: Special Combo 139 (556) - Charcoal (All) (Fire) Attack: Can be used when attacking, but nothing happens. (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: Wood was cooked over high temperatures and carbonized to make this. Perhaps its infrared rays give meat cooked with it a very special flavor. Use it to cook fluffy, delicious rice as well. Special Combos: Grilled Hamburger (536), Extra Fluffy Rice (824), Minced Skipjack (751) Sale Price: 2G Found: Special Combo 140 (557) - Rice (All) (Normal) Attack: Heal HP 800 (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: This fluffy rice should be eaten right away or it will harden and get sticky. For sushi, blend in vinegar and cool with a fan. Special Combos: Rice Ball (644), Sea Bream Lunch (837) Changes Into: Rice Paste (558) Sale Price: 3G Found: Special Combo 5 (558) - Rice Paste (All) (Normal) Attack: 100% chance of Paralysis (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: Sticky rice. Used like paste or glue in the old days for mending doors and whatnot. Use it to put your enemy in a sticky situation. Found: Rice (557) (559) - ? Attack: Defense: Use: Text: (560) - Squid (All) (Water) Attack: Heal HP 290 (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: This squid is fresh, and it makes great sushi. Roasted over a low flame and fanned carefully, it makes a delicious snack that goes well with rice wine. Changes Into: Rotten Fish (561) (561) - Rotten Fish (All) (Water) Attack: 20% chance of poison (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: Putrid and disgusting. You waited too long and this is what you get. (562) - ? Attack: Defense: Use: Text: (563) - The Silent Woman (All) (Dark) Attack: Can be used when attacking, but nothing happens. (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: Mysterious, yet pleasing to the eye. The shadowy atmosphere gives this woman a calm, yet contemplative aura as she sits in silence. Set it under a dim light. (564) - ? Attack: Defense: Use: Text: (565) - Green Tea (All) (Water) Attack: Heal HP 770, 50% chance to cure Confusion (Combo 1) Defense: 80% chance to cure Confusion (Combo 1) Use: -- Text: Goes with anything. Its therapeutic aspects enhance health and beauty. Green Tea is an amazing drink that tastes great in a large mug. Special Combos: Deluxe Green Tea (567) (566) - Large Teamug (All) (Normal) Attack: Can be used when attacking, but nothing happens. (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: Even tea tastes better in a special mug. It complements a great meal, too. Go ahead and try Green Tea in this mug! Special Combos: Deluxe Green Tea (567) (567) - Deluxe Green Tea (All) (Water) Attack: Heal 1500 HP, 100% chance to cure Confusion (Combo 1) Defense: 100% chance to cure Confusion (Combo 1) Use: -- Text: A hot mug of Deluxe Green Tea is good for the soul. Some people swoosh is around in their mouth [sic] instead of brushing their teeth. Maybe that's not such a good idea, though. Found: Special Combo 11 (568) - Young Wasabi Root (All) (Normal) Attack: Heal HP 1, 60% chance to cure Death (Combo 1) Defense: Death resist + 60 Use: -- Text: This precious young wasabi root needs to be nurtured and grown in a dark area. Full-grown Japanese horseradish makes quite the spice. It's really hot! (569) - ? Attack: Defense: Use: Text: (570) - ? Attack: Defense: Use: Text: (571) - Wheat (All) (Normal) Attack: DEF + 30 (Combo 1) Defense: DEF + 30 (Combo 1) Use: -- Text: Fermented wheat is the chief ingredient for beer. Mixed with water, kneaded, and baked at medium heat makes it into good bread. It's an all-purpose grain that can be used for numerous recipes. Changes Into: Beer (572) (572) - Beer (All) (Water) Attack: Heal HP 850, DEF + 30 (Combo 1) Defense: DEF + 60 (Combo 1) Use: -- Text: Made with 100% malt. A chicken kebab and peanuts go great with it. What a way to wind down after a hard day's work. Prohibited by law for those under age 21. (573) - Silkworm (All) (Normal) Attack: Heal HP 180 (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: Silkworms feed on mulberry leaves. They may look gross, but they're valued as nutritious snacks in some regions. Changes Into: Cocoon (574) Sale Price: 1G Found: Komo Mai (574) - Cocoon (All) (Normal) Attack: Can be used when attacking, but nothing happens. (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: Made with thread spun by a silkworm. Cocoons are made up of a special fiber used to make silk. Once the moth comes out though, the value drops dramatically. Changes Into: Silk (575) (575) - Silk (All) (Light) Attack: Can be used when attacking, but nothing happens. (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: Only a small sheet, but it's first-class silk. Fine and glossy. Soft to the touch, and reminiscent of a goddess' dress. (576) - Fresh Beef (All) (Normal) Attack: ATK 56 (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: It's fresh beef, but may be harmful when eaten raw. Best eaten rare after being roasted lightly over a fire. Preferably charcoal-broiled. Changes Into: Rotten Meat (577) Special Combos: Beef Jerky (534), Grilled Hamburger (536) (577) - Rotten Meat (All) (Normal) Attack: ATK 62, 35% chance of poison (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: Gives out a rotten smell that drives everyone away. Whether stewed or fried, one bite should send you straight to the bathroom. (578) - Birch (All) (Normal) Attack: Can be used when attacking, but nothing happens. (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: Some popular tourist spots display nice birchwood crafts carved with a Sculpting Knife. Chewing Gum made from birch sap is said to prevent tooth decay. Changes Into: Birch Sap Gum (579) Special Combos: Charcoal (556), Dog Carving (626), Branches (629) (579) - Birch Sap Gum (All) (Normal) Attack: Heal HP 250, 30% chance to cure Confusion (Combo 1) Defense: 50% chance to cure Confusion (Combo 1) Use: -- Text: Gum made from natural tree sap. Chewing it thoroughly kills germs and prevents tooth decay. Also good after a barbeque to freshen the breath. (580) - Milk (All) (Water) Attack: Heal HP 115 (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: Milk fresh from the cow's udder. Strawberry Milk, made from the best milk, sugar, and fresh strawberries, is as good as milk drinking gets! Changes Into: Cheese (581) Special Combos: Strawberry Milk (794) Sale Price: 2G Found: Striper, Sheliak Shop, Lyude, Mirabilis (581) - Cheese (All) (Normal) Attack: Heal HP 140 (Combo 1) Defense: Headache resist + 30 (Combo 1) Use: -- Text: Slice it up with a fork instead of a knife. Cutting it into super- thin slices lets you enjoy the flavor much longer. The perfect complement to wine. Changes Into: Green Mold (582) Sale Price: 3G Special Combos: Cheese Fondue (539), Chestnuts (775) (582) - Green Mold (All) (Chrono) Attack: 70% chance of Poison (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: It's slimy and gross. Don't eat it, okay? Use Chronos Yell Lv 1 a few times in battle after using Green Mold to gain a level. (583) - Sugar Cane (All) (Normal) Attack: Heal HP 10 (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: A hardy green plant grown down south. Chew on it awhile to fill your mouth with the sweet juices. Usually made into sugar, but some use it for cooking. Changes Into: Sugar (584) (584) - Sugar (All) (Normal) Attack: Heal HP 30 (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: Now used in a wide variety of cooking, but formerly used as a soothing medicine. Indispensable for making fruit tarts. Special Combos: Strawberry Milk (794) (585) - Strawberries (All) (Normal) Attack: Heal HP 220, 33% chance to cure Flames (Combo 1) Defense: 66% chance to cure Flames (Combo 1) Use: -- Text: Big, fresh, juicy strawberries. Great when squeezed over shaved ice or as a topping for sugartarts. Use them for various recipes. Changes Into: Rotten Fruit (586) Special Combos: Strawberry Milk (794) Sale Price: 38G Found: Komo Mai, Skeleton Warrior (586) - Rotten Fruit (All) (Normal) Attack: 10% chance of Poison (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: Once a healthy ripe fruit, now it's smelly and gross. Some say eating it just before it gets rotten is best. But letting it go this long is pushing it. Special Combos: Rotten Cornucopia (800) Sale Price: 1G Found: Blackened Bananas (636), Starberries (585), Melon (612), Cherries (609), Apple (596), Orange (610) (587) - Flower Bud (All) (Normal) Attack: 10% chance to cure Paralyze (Combo 1) Defense: Paralysis resist + 30 (Combo 1) Use: -- Text: Just waiting to blossom into the world. Give it some light, and it should open up into a gorgeous flower before you know it. Changes Into: Dead Flower (588) Special Combos: Pretty Flower (589) Sale Price: 8G Found: Striper, Komo Mai (588) - Dead Flower (All) (Dark) Attack: ATK 25 (Dark 15), 20% chance of Poison (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: What a tragedy. Maybe it didn't get enough sunlight. Or perhaps it longed to be with its fellow flowers in a garden. Sale Price: 1G Found: Flower Bud (587) (589) - Pretty Flower (All) (Normal) Attack: Heal HP 50, 30% chance to cure Paralyze (Combo 1) Defense: Paralysis resist + 60 (Combo 1) Use: -- Text: Careful watering leads to a beautiful flower. But be careful not to water too much. A flower like this doesn't last long. Changes Into: Dried Flowers (591) Special Combos: Root-rotten Flower (590) Sale Price: 10G Found: Special Combo 30, Special Combo 31, Lyude (590) - Root-rotten Flower (All) (Normal) Attack: 30% chance of Sleep (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: Sometimes the most vital parts are hidden from the eye. A flower without healthy roots will wilt from lack of nutrition. Changes Into: Dried Flowers (591) Sale Price: 1G Found: Special Combo 32 (591) - Dried Flowers (All) (Normal) Attack: Heal HP 1 (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: A dried flower will last a long time. Just add water to restore its beauty! Good for ornamental, as well as medicinal, purposes. Special Combos: Pretty Flower (589) Sale Price: 5G Found: Pretty Flower (589), Root-Rotten Flower (590) (592) - Doll (All) (Normal) Attack: 25% chance of Sleep (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: This is a weird little doll. Give it a flower and it might cheer up. Eventually a soul may decide to reside in this doll. If it does, better hope for a good one! Changes Into: Crying Doll (593) Special Combos: Crying Doll (593), Cute Doll (594) Found: Special Combo 39, Komo Mai (593) - Crying Doll (All) (Dark) Attack: 30% chance of Headache (Combo 1) Defense: 30% chance of Headache (Combo 1) Use: -- Text: If you have a doll in your room, you'd best examine it closely, especially around the eyes. If it's not normal, place it on a window sill where the sun shines in brightly to cleanse out the evil! Special Combos: Doll (592) Found: Special Combo 40 (594) - Cute Doll (All) (Normal) Attack: Heal HP 270 (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: Popular among collectors of all ages. Innocent, cute design can be very comforting and healing. But if you spoil her too much... WATCH OUT! Changes Into: Hate-filled Doll (595) Found: Special Combo 38 (595) - Hate-filled Doll (All) (Dark) Attack: All resist - 10 (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: Her pouty lips are cute in a way, but looking at her too long could put you in a bad mood. If you want her back to normal, try getting her out of the darkness. Special Combos: Doll (592) (596) - Apple (All) (Normal) Attack: Heal HP 590, 60% chance to cure Headache (Combo 1) Defense: 60% chance to cure Headache (Combo 1) Use: -- Text: Long ago, Chronos was charmed by the red apple, and decided to declare it as a forbidden fruit so he could have them all to himself. Could this story be true? Why don't you take a bite and find out... Changes Into: Forbidden Fruit (597) (597) - Forbidden Fruit (All) (Chrono) Attack: 100% chance of Sleep (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: Eating this fruit induces a holy sleep on its victim beyond time and space. After using this in battle, use Chronos Yell Lv 3 several times to increase 1 level. Changes Into: Rotten Fruit (586) (598) - Egg (All) (Normal) Attack: Heal HP 350, DEF + 40 (Combo 1) Defense: DEF + 80 (Combo 1) Use: -- Text: A large bird egg. It's mighty tasty when fried, but controlling the heat is difficult. Maintaining a moderate heat requires special care. Changes Into: Ugly Duckling (599) (599) - Ugly Duckling (All) (Normal) Attack: Can be used when attacking, but nothing happens. (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: Truly a lonely duck. He just wants to play with the other ducks, but no one will take him in because of his odd face and misshapen wings. Poor little fella. Changes Into: Swan (600) (600) - Swan (All) (Wind) Attack: 100% chance to cure Confusion (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: The Ugly Duckling has grown into a beautiful swan! After using this Swan in battle, use Wind Yell Lv 3 several times to increase 1 level. (601) - Bomb (All) (Fire) Attack: ATK 50 (Fire 30), 33% chance of Flames (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: Jam-packed with explosives and highly sensitive to shock, this bomb will explode on contact. Handle it with care to avoid any serious accidents. Changes into: Dud Bomb (602) Sale Price: 5G Found: Star Map (Perseus), Savyna (602) - Dud Bomb (All) (Fire) Attack: Can be used when attacking, but nothing happens. (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: It's a dud. It hasn't been defused though, so be careful with it. Use Fire Yell Lv 1 on the enemy several times after using the Dud Bomb to increase 1 level. (603) - Green Light (All) (Chrono) Attack: Can be used when attacking, but nothing happens. (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: Green light! When the signal is green you may cross. But look both ways before crossing, as there's always the chance of being hit by some maniac in a rush to his own funeral. Changes Into: Yellow Light (604) (604) - Yellow Light (All) (Chrono) Attack: Can be used when attacking, but nothing happens. (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: Yellow light! When the light is yellow, you must make a split-second judgment whether to slow down... or FLOOR IT! Let's be safe. Changes Into: Red Light (605) (605) - Red Light (All) (Chrono) Attack: Can be used when attacking, but nothing happens. (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: Red light! Now, now. Come to a complete stop at the red light. Failing to do so could be very dangerous Changes Into: Green Light (603) (606) - Chunk of Ice (All) (Water) Attack: 10% chance of Freezing (Combo 1) Defense: Flames resist + 50 (Combo 1) Use: -- Text: This ice is made from pristine water. Makes a great treat when shaved and mixed with fruity flavors. Eat immediately before it melts. Also useful for chilling fruit. Changes Into: Mineral Water (607) Special Combos: Ice Sculpture (608), Fruit Sorbet (619) Found: Pherkad Shop, Gibari, Pul-Puk, Star Map (Auriga) (607) - Mineral Water (All) (Water) Attack: 66% chance to cure Poison (Combo 1) Defense: 66% chance to cure Poison (Combo 1) Use: -- Text: Pristine water from age-old, mountaintop ice. Tasty and cleansing. Water quality is crucial for any recipe. Sale Price: 1G Found: Nashira Shop, Gibari, Chunk of Ice (606), Ice Sculpture (608) (608) - Ice Sculpture (All) (Water) Attack: 20% chance of Freezing (Combo 1) Defense: Flames resist + 99 (Combo 1) Use: -- Text: A famous artist won a gold medal at the Snow Festival for this masterpiece. So lifelike it's scary. And to think, if it melts, it's nothing but a pool of water. Changes Into: Mineral Water (607) Found: Special Combo 126 (609) - Cherries (All) (Normal) Attack: Heal HP 690, 100% chance to cure Paralyze (Combo 1) Defense: Paralysis resist + 99 (Combo 1) Use: -- Text: Sweet cherries. There's nothing like that feeling you get when popping a cherry in your mouth, plucking off the stem, and biting into that sweet goodness. Just don't eat the seeds. Changes Into: Rotten Fruit (586) (610) - Orange (All) (Normal) Attack: Heal HP 350 (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: Oranges are high in Vitamin C, juicy, and delicious. Thanks to new agricultural techniques, this one is better than ever. Try freezing it for a refreshing summer snack. Changes Into: Rotten Fruit (586) (611) - Frozen Tangerine (All) (Water) Attack: 100% chance to cure Flames (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: It melts in your mouth like sorbet. Go on, give it a try. Use Aqua Yell Lv 1 against the enemy several times after the Frozen Tangerine to increase 1 level. Changes Into: Orange (610) (612) - Melon (All) (Normal) Attack: Heal HP 180 (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: Top-quality melon. The sweetest part is towards the center, but it gets juicier towards the peel. One spoonful of melon will bring joy to your heart. Changes Into: Rotten Fruit (586) Sale Price: 80G Found: Special Combo 119 (613) - ? Attack: Defense: Use: Text: (614) - ? Attack: Defense: Use: Text: (615) - ? Attack: Defense: Use: Text: (616) - Peach (All) (Normal) Attack: 80% chance to cure Flames (Combo 1) Defense: 95% chance to cure Flames (Combo 2) Use: -- Text: Its fuzz is soft to the touch. This peach is juicy and sweet. It's larger than any peach you've ever seen! A baby could practically fit inside. Changes Into: The Peach Boy (617) Sale Price: 6G Found: Komo Mai Shop, Cursed Spell Book (617) - The Peach Boy (All) (Normal) Attack: ATK 64, 2% chance of Death (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: A.K.A. MOMO-Taro, the Peach Boy was born of a giant peach. He's the legendary hero that fought ogres with his companions - a dog, a monkey, and a pheasant. (618) - ? Attack: Defense: Use: Text: (619) - Fruit Sorbet (All) (Water) Attack: 33% chance of Headache (Combo 1) Defense: 33% chance of Headache (Combo 1) Use: -- Text: Fresh fruit was cut up into bite-size pieces and frozen to make this yummy treat. Served in a fancy glass dish. Don't eat it too fast or you'll get a headache! Changes Into: Melted Ice Cream (764) Sale Price: 6G Found: Special Combo 46 (620) - ? Attack: Defense: Use: Text: (621) - Pine Tree (All) (Normal) Attack: Can be used when attacking, but nothing happens. (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: A fragile bonzai pine that looks as if it may be knocked over by a baseball hit by those pesky brats across the street. It would sure look great if you did something to it with the Sculpting Knife... Changes Into: Pine Tree Sap (622) Special Combos: Monkey Carving (627), Branches (629) Sale Price: 17G Found: Pherkad, Nashira, Cancerite (622) - Pine Tree Sap (All) (Normal) Attack: 20% chance of Paralysis (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: Super sticky sap extracted from a pine tree. You could use it to glue furniture to the floor, but it's more commonly used to gum up the enemies. Sale Price: 5G Found: Pine Tree (621) (623) - Cedar Tree (All) (Normal) Attack: Can be used when attacking, but nothing happens. (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: Some cedar trees are said to grow for 2000 years or more and have enormous trunks. Extract the sap before it dries up. Changes Into: Cedar Tree Sap (624) Special Combos: Charcoal (556) (624) - Cedar Tree Sap (All) (Water) Attack: Heal HP 380 (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: Sap extracted from a cedar tree. Its sweetness explains why stag beetles flock to it (only to become trapped and later turn to fossils). Changes Into: Amber (625) (625) - Amber (All) (Chrono) Attack: Can be used when attacking, but nothing happens. (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: Cedar tree sap turns to precious amber over time. Use Chronos Yell Lv 2 against the enemy several times after using Amber to increase 1 level. (626) - Dog Carving (All) (Normal) Attack: Can be used when attacking, but nothing happens. (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: A very nice dog carving made from white birch. Its expressions seem to change depending on the amount of light shining on it. Would be a faithful companion were it real. Found: Special Combo 51 (627) - Monkey Carving (All) (Normal) Attack: Can be used when attacking, but nothing happens. (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: This monkey carving was whittled from an expensive bonsai pine tree. Its sharp eyes look full of justice. Surely it can see through all those with evil intentions. Found: Special Combo 52 (628) - ? Attack: Defense: Use: Text: (629) - Branches (All) (Normal) Attack: Can be used when attacking, but nothing happens. (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: A few twigs and branches. There's still a small trace of the mighty tree they came from in the scent. Other than that, they're just plain old branches. Burn 'em, snap 'em, trade with your friends... Sale Price: 1G Found: Special Combo 54 (630) - Rotten Wood (All) (Normal) Attack: ATK 2 (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: Covered with mold and waterlogged, this can't even be used for firewood. Even mushrooms won't dare to grow on this wood. Changes Into: Incense (631) Sale Price: 1G Found: Special Combo 55 (631) - Incense (All) (Normal) Attack: 45% chance of Sleep (Combo 1) Defense: 100% chance of Sleep (Combo 1) Use: -- Text: Created by natural process. This incense has a mild scent that is sure to relax the mind and soothe the soul. That is, if you're not allergic to it... Sale Price: 14G Found: Rotten Wood (630) (632) - Ashes (All) (Normal) Attack: Can be used when attacking, but nothing happens. (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: These are the chief ingredient in certain chemicals or detergents, but they're pretty much useless otherwise. Evil ashes may form if you burn cursed paper. Sale Price: 1G Found: Special Combo 138 (633) - ? Attack: Defense: Use: Text: (634) - Green Bananas (All) (Normal) Attack: ATK 6 (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: Freshly picked bananas. They're unripe and contain little sugar or nutrition. Quite bitter and hard to eat like this. Changes Into: Bananas (635) Found: Kalas, Xelha, Imperial Soldier, Albireo Sale Price: 5G (635) - Bananas (All) (Normal) Attack: Heal HP 90 (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: Ripe bananas. These are sweet, tasty, and tender. Full of potassium for beauty and health. Changes Into: Blackened Bananas (636) Sale Price: 1G Found: Xelha, Pherkad Shop, Green Bananas (634), Komo Mai (636) - Blackened Bananas (All) (Normal) Attack: ATK 18 (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: The black spots, called sugar spots, indicate their peak in ripeness. Very soft and sweet, but too ripe for eating as is. Sale Price: 1G Changes into: Rotten Fruit (586) Found: Bananas (635) (637) - Deluxe Bananas (All) (Normal) Attack: Heal HP 190, 100% chance to cure Sleep (Combo 1) Defense: Sleep resist + 100 (Combo 1) Use: -- Text: Bananas straight from the Big Island. The peels are quite thin and almost give off a citrus smell. These bananas are small, but there are a lot in the bunch, making it a great value. Changes Into: Rotten Fruit (586) Sale Price: 68G Found: Komo Mai, Savyna (638) - Shrimp (All) (Water) Attack: Heal HP 300, 25% chance to cure Flames (Combo 1) Defense: Flames resist + 50 (Combo 1) Use: -- Text: Fresh and tasty, this large, red type of shrimp is known as 'the ruby of the sea' among fishermen. It's good, but sea bream are considered better. Special Combos: Sea Bream (640) Changes Into: Rotten Fish (561) Sale Price: 135G Found: Blood Leaf (639) - Fishing Rod (All) (Normal) Attack: ATK 18 (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: Fishing rod made from select bamboo. Easy grip for all-day fishing. It's really flexible so it can handle the big game. Electric hook available. Special Combos: Charcoal (556), Branches (629), Sea Bream (640) Sale Price: 3G Found: Young Bamboo (782) (640) - Sea Bream (All) (Water) Attack: Heal HP 500, 55% chance to cure Flames (Combo 1) Defense: Flames resist + 80 (Combo 1) Use: -- Text: The king of all fish. Essential at celebrations such as weddings. Good whether stewed or fried. This sea bream is quite the lunchtime treat. Special Combos: Sea Bream Lunch (837) Sale Price: 135G Found: Special Combo 59 (641) - Skipjack (All) (Water) Attack: Heal HP 330, 35% chance to cure Flames (Combo 1) Defense: Flames resist + 60 (Combo 1) Use: -- Text: Skipjack season is said to be early summer, but early fall is better. Roast its surface lightly over a charcoal fire for good minced skipjack. Special Combos: Minced Skipjack (751), Grilled Fish (741) Changes Into: Rotten Fish (561) Sale Price: 100G Found: Undead Swordsman, Savyna (642) - Eel (All) (Water) Attack: Heal HP 660, ATK + 10 (Combo 1) Defense: ATK + 30 (Combo 1) Use: -- Text: Believe it or not, if cooked just right, eel can actually be quite the delicacy. But don't mix it with pickled plum if you know what's good for you. Changes into: Rotten Fish (561) (643) - Pickled Plums (All) (Normal) Attack: 100% chance to cure Poison (Combo 1) Defense: 100% chance to cure Poison (Combo 1) Use: -- Text: 'A pickled plum a day keeps the doctor away.' Well maybe that's not how it goes, but they are good for you. Add them to rice balls for a zesty treat. Special Combos: Rice Ball (644) Sale Price: 8G Found: Savyna (644) - Rice Ball (All) (Normal) Attack: Heal HP 1100, 70% chance to cure Paralyze (Combo 1) Defense: Paralysis resist + 90 (Combo 1) Use: -- Text: Rice balls only taste good if the person who makes them puts his or her heart and soul into them. This one will not disappoint. Made with fresh rice. Sale Price: 3G Found: Special Combo 66 (645) - Rotten Food (All) (Normal) Attack: ATK 14, 15% chance of Poison (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: All that can be said about this food is that it's, well... rotten. It once had some appeal, but now it's just... rotten. (646) - ? Attack: Defense: Use: Text: (647) - Crimson Oak Blossom (All) (Fire) Attack: Heal HP 200, 100% chance to cure Freeze (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: A red blossom wrapped in flames. They say it heals freezing effects. Use Fire Yell Lv 2 against the enemy several times after using Crimson Blossom to increase 1 level. (648) - Tearless Mermaid (All) (Normal) Attack: Heal HP 100, DEF + 20 (Combo 1) Defense: DEF + 40 (Combo 1) Use: -- Text: This mermaid lost her emotions after being cursed by a wizard. No matter how sad she feels, she can never cry. Perhaps someone or something can bring her tears back... (649) - ? Attack: Defense: Use: Text: (650) - Sunflower Coin (All) (Light) Attack: Heal HP 250, 75% chance to cure Sleep (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: Gold coin with a sunflower engraved on it. It always faces the sun. Use Light Yell Lv 2 on the enemy several times after using the Sunflower Coin to increase 1 level. Changes Into: Primrose Coin (651) (651) - Primrose Coin (All) (Dark) Attack: ATK 80 (Dark 48), 50% chance of Sleep (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: Gold coin with a blooming primrose engraved on it. Use Dark Yell Lv 2 on the enemy several times after using the Primrose Coin to increase 1 level. Changes Into: Sunflower Coin (650) (652) - Sun Coin (All) (Light) Attack: Heal HP 500, 100% chance to cure Sleep (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: Gold coin with a sun engraved on it. As time passes, the sun engraving sinks into darkness. Use Light Yell Lv 3 against the enemy several times after using the Sun Coin to increase 1 level. Changes Into: Dark Coin (653) (653) - Dark Coin (All) (Dark) Attack: ATK 125 (Dark 75), 75% chance of Sleep (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: Gold coin with a darkened sun engraved on it. The sun rises as time passes. Use Dark Yell Lv 3 against the enemy several times after using the Dark Coin to increase 1 level. Changes Into: Sun Coin (652) (654) - A Good Fortune (All) (Normal) Attack: Heal HP 300 (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: Love Life: You may meet the man of your dreams when least expected. Lucky Item: Sugar Cane. Lucky Color: Yellow. Changes Into: A Great Fortune (655) (655) - A Great Fortune (All) (Normal) Attack: Heal HP 900, All resist + 30 (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: Love Life: Shimmering! Are you ready for the time of your life? Lucky Item: Dried Persimmons. Lucky Color: Blue. Changes Into: A Bad Fortune (656) (656) - A Bad Fortune (All) (Normal) Attack: ATK 60 (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: Love Life: You will be stuck in limbo between love and friendship. Tell him how you really feel! Lucky Item: Fried Egg. Lucky Color: Red. Changes Into: An Average Fortune (657) (657) - An Average Fortune (All) (Normal) Attack: Heal HP 600 (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: Love Life: A bold move on your part may lead to love! He should be waiting. Lucky Item: Beetle. Lucky Color: Orange. Changes Into: An Awful Fortune (658) (658) - An Awful Fortune (All) (Dark) Attack: ATK 88 (Dark 53), All resist - 20 (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: Love Life: It looks like you'll be breaking up. He may be going somewhere far, far away. Lucky Item: Rotten Grapes. Lucky Color: Black. Changes Into: A Good Fortune (654) (659) - Intriguing Mystery (None) (Normal) Attack: -- Defense: -- Use: -- Text: The pencil was stolen, but everyone has an alibi! How will Colmes, the famous schoolgirl detective, crack this puzzling case? Oh, the suspense. Mystery story set at school. Changes Into: Unsolved Mystery (660) (660) - Unsolved Mystery (None) (Dark) Attack: -- Defense: -- Use: -- Text: Boy... the alibis are holding up for everyone. The time a report came in regarding a stolen eraser! Colmes, forgetting all about the pencil, devotes her time to an eraser investigation. (661) - ? Attack: Defense: Use: Text: (662) - Persimmons (All) (Normal) Attack: Heal HP 225, 50% chance to cure Headache (Combo 1) Defense: 50% chance to cure Headache (Combo 1) Use: -- Text: Persimmons are abundant in Vitamin C, great for health and beauty, and even help cure headaches. They can also be dried in sunlight, making them sweeter and last longer. Changes Into: Dried Persimmons (663) (663) - Dried Persimmons (All) (Normal) Attack: Heal HP 430, 100% chance to cure headache (Combo 1) Defense: 100% chance to cure Headache (Combo 1) Use: -- Text: These persimmons were sun-dried in the cold season. Stretchy on the outside and soft on the inside, they taste much sweeter now that they've been dried. Changes Into: Rotten Fruit (586) (664) - The Fool (All) (Normal) Attack: 100% chance of Paralysis (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: Wrapped in negative energy, The Fool takes away all confidence and technique previously built up. But it also foretells that something new and exciting will happen soon. Changes Into: The Magician (665) (665) - The Magician (All) (Normal) Attack: Increase HPMAX by 10% (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: The Magician brings out your hidden potential, and allows explosive growth and development to occur. This explosive development will be quite shocking to those around you. Changes Into: The High Priestess (666) (666) - The High Priestess (All) (Normal) Attack: 100% chance to cure Flames (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: The High Priestess improves your ability to take in and use new knowledge, and bestows an increase in wit. This gain of new knowledge leads to a fresh confidence, which then leads to further growth. Changes Into: The Empress (667) (667) - The Empress (All) (Normal) Attack: Heal HP 2500 (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: Filled with the energy of love, peace, and life. Feels sympathy not only for people, but also for the world, nature, and even for enemies. Changes Into: The Emperor (668) (668) - The Emperor (All) (Normal) Attack: ATK - 30 (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: The Emperor is bursting with physical and vital energy. But this overwhelming power leads to overconfidence, bringing on selfish actions which drive away friends. Changes Into: The Hierophant (669) (669) - The Hierophant (All) (Normal) Attack: 100% chance to cure Paralyze (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: The Hierophant provides spiritual comfort and guidance by relaying God's advice and encouragement. God's support, intelligence, and virtue are also relayed to a brave soul. Changes Into: The Lovers (670) (670) - The Lovers (All) (Normal) Attack: 100% chance of Flames (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: The Lovers foretell a vain pleasure which feels good at first, but leads to suffering and mental distress in the end. Changes Into: The Chariot (671) (671) - The Chariot (All) (Normal) Attack: DEF + 100 (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: The Chariot grants victory and honor to those who face difficulties maintaining a strong belief in their mission. Increases the chances of success for those in difficult situations. Changes Into: Strength (672) (672) - Strength (All) (Normal) Attack: ATK + 75 (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: Improves physical, mental, and intellectual strength. Happiness comes to those who control this strength; misfortune befalls those who forsake it. Changes Into: The Hermit (673) (673) - The Hermit (All) (Normal) Attack: Causes Escape from Battle (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: No matter how bleak the situation may be, The Hermit stimulates the knowledge held within you, beaming out ideas, and leading to breakthroughs. Changes Into: Wheel of Fortune (674) (674) - Wheel of Fortune (All) (Normal) Attack: 100% chance of Confusion (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: The Wheel causes dramatic situations to occur, such as 'incredible sight' or 'unbelievable luck.' It not only affects you, but those around you as well. Changes Into: Justice (675) (675) - Justice (All) (Normal) Attack: ATK 150 (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: Calms your spirit in any situation. It also holds perfect and fair judgement with balanced scales. Changes Into: The Hanged Man (676) (676) - The Hanged Man (All) (Normal) Attack: ATK 120, 100% chance of Headache (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: The Hanged Man foretells disaster, and forces you to endure hard times. Pain and difficulties are unavoidable. Changes Into: Death (677) (677) - Death (All) (Normal) Attack: 100% chance of Death (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: Takes away all life in this world. But Death also means the beginning of new life, as new lifeforce is generated. Changes Into: Temperance (678) (678) - Temperance (All) (Normal) Attack: Heal HP 1 (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: Although you start small, you will save up strength and energy to increase your chances of victory and success. Changes Into: The Devil (679) (679) - The Devil (All) (Normal) Attack: 100% chance of Poison (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: Fuels your selfish desires. The evil-minded will fall into temptation, but those who are strong-willed will find a new path. Changes Into: The Tower (680) (680) - The Tower (All) (Normal) Attack: All resist - 100 (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: Wrath will shower down on the impudent ones. Diseases will be caused, and buildings destroyed. Changes Into: The Star (681) (681) - The Star (All) (Normal) Attack: Heal HP 1, 100% chance to cure All (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: Bestows unlimited possibilities and luck. It also increases chance of victory, restores health to the sick, and reveals a path to a bright future. Changes Into: The Moon (682) (682) - The Moon (All) (Normal) Attack: 100% chance to cure Confusion (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: Allows you to outsmart or deceive the enemy. But be careful, as it may also allow the enemy to deceive you. Changes Into: The Sun (683) (683) - The Sun (All) (Normal) Attack: 100% chance to cure Sleep (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: Explodes with solar energy. If you're knocked out, it recharges you with energy from the sun and gets you right back up on your feet. It also replenishes exhausted morale or bravery. Changes Into: Judgement (684) (684) - Judgement (All) (Normal) Attack: Heal HP 2000, 100% chance to cure Death (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: Judgement comes down from heaven to award those who have fought the good fight with diligence, and have righteous intentions. It also grants victory and unleashes potential. Changes Into: The World (685) (685) - The World (All) (Normal) Attack: All resist + 100 (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: Pessimists are turned into hardy optimists, as The World's positive energy showers down and gives confidence to all beneath her. Changes Into: The Fool (664) (686) - Small Fire (All) (Fire) Attack: 50% chance of Flames (Combo 1) Defense: 50% chance of Flames (Combo 1) Use: -- Text: This small fire has begun to spread due to carelessness. If not extinguished right away, it could spread out of control before you know it. Changes Into: Large Fire (687) Special Combos: Firefighting Medal (688) (687) - Large Fire (All) (Fire) Attack: 100% chance of Flames (Combo 1) Defense: 100% chance of Flames (Combo 1) Use: -- Text: A massive wildfire has spread a great distance. Failure to put it out earlier has led to these uncontrollable flames of chaos. Water alone is not enough to extinguish it. (688) - Firefighting Medal (All) (Water) Attack: 100% chance to cure Flames (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: Awarded for skillful firefighting. Tip: nip a fire in the bud before it gets out of control. Use Aqua Yell Lv 2 on the enemy several times after using the Firefighting Medal to increase 1 level. Found: Special Combo 98 (689) - Forlorn Woman (All) (Normal) Attack: ATK - 35 (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: Before breaking barriers or leaping hurdles to success, one must humble himself. Once this has happened, anything can be overcome. (690) - Endeavoring Woman (All) (Normal) Attack: ATK + 40 (Combo 1) Defense: ATK + 40 (Combo 1) Use: -- Text: Keep an optimistic focus on the future, and you will be blessed with glory and victory. But don't get too hasty. It's best to go slowly but surely. (691) - ? Attack: Defense: Use: Text: (692) - Slight Debt (None) (Normal) Attack: -- Defense: -- Use: -- Text: Money reluctantly borrowed from a consumer-credit loan machine during the recession. Helpful if budgeted properly. Make a solid plan before borrowing. Changes Into: Debt With Interest (693) (693) - Debt With Interest (None) (Normal) Attack: -- Defense: -- Use: -- Text: Interest has compiled, but that's... Okay. It can be paid back if it's a small amount. But if it's left unpaid, will the credit company forget about it? Changes Into: Snowballing Debt (694) (694) - Snowballing Debt (None) (Normal) Attack: -- Defense: -- Use: -- Text: It's about time to start panicking. You weren't able to pay back the loan, so you borrowed more money from another company to get it paid. Better get this under control soon! Changes Into: Debt Hell (695) (695) - Debt Hell (None) (Dark) Attack: -- Defense: -- Use: -- Text: Now you've got sky-high interest to pay due to lack of planning. What a mountain of debt. Oh, if only you hadn't borrowed that first little loan... (696) - Savings Book (All) (Normal) Attack: Can be used when attacking, but nothing happens. (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: Frugal living has helped you decide to keep strict records. No shopping and hardly any eating hasn't been a picnic, but it sure feels good to have a healthy balance in the bank, doesn't it? Changes Into: Savings (+Interest) (697) Salce Price: 1000G Found: Pul-Puk, Sheliak (697) - Savings (+Interest) (All) (Normal) Attack: Can be used when attacking, but nothing happens. (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: With a healthy savings comes healthy interest. Looking at the balance gives you hope for the future. Sale Price: 3000G Found: Savings Book (696) (698) - Shampoo (All) (Water) Attack: 1% chance to cure Paralyze (Combo 1) Defense: Paralysis resist + 20 (Combo 1) Use: -- Text: Blended with moisturizer for dry, damaged hair. Try it for two weeks. Your hair won't be able to thank you enough. It'll be shiny and healthy. Special Combos: Beautiful Hair (834), Angelic Hair (835) Sale Price: 15G Found: Cebalrai (699) - Conditioner (All) (Water) Attack: 2% chance to cure Paralyze (Combo 1) Defense: Paralysis resist + 40 (Combo 1) Use: -- Text: Use it to condition hair after shampooing. Moisturizes everything from roots to ends and protects from further damage. Special Combos: Beautiful Hair (834), Angelic Hair (835) Sale Price: 15G Found: Star Map (Triangulum) (700) - Hair Aftercare (All) (Water) Attack: 3% chance to cure Paralyze (Combo 1) Defense: Paralysis resist + 60 (Combo 1) Use: -- Text: Provides scalp care and prevents dandruff and itchiness. Rub it into the scalp, then rinse slightly with water for best results. Special Combos: Angelic Hair (835) (701) - Hair Dryer (All) (Fire) Attack: ATK 45 (Fire 27), 10% chance of Flames (Combo !) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: Negative ions from this dryer cause a cluster phenomenon, rearranging various molecules for a healthy scalp. Dry your hair with care. Special Combos: Beautiful Hair (834), Angelic Hair (835) Sale Price: 150G Found: Komo Mai (702) - Rare Action Figure (All) (Chrono) Attack: Can be used when attacking, but nothing happens (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: This limited-edition action figure stars in a certain sci-fi game. What does the future hold for this combat android? (703) - Sweetheart Picture (All) (Normal) Attack: 60% chance of Flames (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: A picture of her with you on your first date. Just reflecting back on those days fuels the flame of love. At the peak of happiness... hope it lasts forever. Changes Into: Broken Heart Picture (704) Sale Price: 1G Found: Komo Mai (704) - Broken Heart Picture (All) (Normal) Attack: ATK 44 (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: Everything that has a beginning has an end. An experience that leaves you broken-hearted will give you food for thought in the future. Changes Into: Nostalgic Picture (705) Sale Price: 1G Found: Sweetheart Picture (703) (705) - Nostalgic Picture (All) (Chrono) Attack: 95% chance to cure Confusion (Combo 1) Defense: Confusion resist + 95 (Combo 1) Use: -- Text: For most, this is just an old withered sepia photo. But to those in the picture, the color, style, and memories triggered sweeps them off to the good old days. Found: Broken Heart Picture (704) (706) - Cursed Picture (All) (Dark) Attack: 35% chance of Paralysis (Combo 3) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: She feels the breakup is her fault. Everytime you look at this picture, the darkness and sadness hits you like a brick. Her eyes are haunting. Sale Price: 1G Found: Special Combo 102 (707) - Chump Change (All) (Normal) Attack: ATK 16 (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: Just a few measly coins that even a child wouldn't take time to pick up. But who knows, hang on to them awhile and they might become collector's items. Changes Into: Vintage Coins (708) Sale Price: 1000G Found: Skeleton Warrior (708) - Vintage Coins (All) (Chrono) Attack: ATK 75 (Chrono 45) (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: Pelt a criminal with these coins to slow him down temporarily. Their age makes them valuable, so they can be sold for a high price. Changes Into: Styx Passage Coins (709) (709) - Styx Passage Coins (All) (Dark) Attack: ATK 75 (Dark 45), 80% chance of Death (Combo 3) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: Souls possessing the powers of darkness are said to reside in these. One that wishes to cross the river of Hades must use these for passage fare. (710) - Mattress (All) (Normal) Attack: 75% chance of Sleep (Combo 2) Defense: DEF 22 (Combo 1) Use: -- Text: Nice and soft, this mattress is fashioned to fit the natural curvature of your body, resulting in a good night's rest. It also is a handy shield. Changes Into: Broken Mattress (711) Sale Price: 40G Found: Komo Mai, Acheron, Devil Claws (711) - Broken Mattress (All) (Normal) Attack: 33% chance of Paralysis (Combo 2) Defense: DEF 30 (Combo 1) Use: -- Text: Springs are out of whack, it's moldy, smelly, and guaranteed to give you a backache. If you're a sucker for pain, this is just what the doctor ordered. Found: Mattress (710) (712) - Maple Leaf (All) (Normal) Attack: 20% chance to cure Poison (Combo 1) Defense: Poison resist + 100 (Combo 1) Use: -- Text: Each Yellow Leaf that falls is telling us of autumn's return. A bleak winter is just around the corner, bringing death and despair. Changes Into: Bookmark (713) Sale Price: 1G Found: Star Map (Lupus) (713) - Bookmark (All) (Normal) Attack: Can be used when attacking, but nothing happens. (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: A maple leaf used as a bookmark... Isn't it cute? The book immediately opens at the page it's in... (in other words, it's a useless old leaf) (714) - Fading Notebook (All) (Chrono) Attack: Can be used when attacking, but nothing happens. (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: A special pen was used to write notes in this notebook. Perhaps a power unseen has caused the letters to fade. At this point the notes are unreadable. Changes Into: Blank Notebook (715) Found: Sheliak, Castle Elnath, Prophet's Notebook (718) (715) - Blank Notebook (All) (Normal) Attack: Can be used when attacking, but nothing happens. (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: The once faded letters are gone completely. Nothing is left but crisp white sheets of paper. It looks like a brand new, unused notebook. Special Combos: Prophet's Notebook (718), Director's Notebook (719), Monolith Brochure (746), tri-Cres Job Offer (747), Doodle Book (814) Sale Price: 1G Found: Fading Notebook (714) (716) - Magic Pen (All) (Normal) Attack: Increase HPMAX by 2% (Combo 2) Defense: Increase HPMAX by 2% (Combo 1) Use: -- Text: When gripped lightly, the pen begins writing regardless of the holder's will. Seeming to have a will of its own, this pen madly scribbles down future events. Special Combos: Prophet's Notebook (718) Sale Price: 10G Found: Lord of the Winds (717) - Grumble Pen (All) (Normal) Attack: Increase HPMAX by 3% (Combo 2) Defense: Increase HPMAX by 3% (Combo 1) Use: -- Text: Though fully aware that writing down the problem won't solve anything, this pen writes selfishly in the direction it pleases, constantly defying the holder, and writing complaints. Special Combos: Director's Notebook (719) (718) - Prophet's Notebook (All) (Chrono) Attack: Can be used when attacking, but nothing happens. (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: A special notebook that's powered by a prophet's magic and reveals Magnus that have changed over time (can only be used in camp). A brand new item in the Magnus menu! Changes Into: Fading Notebook (714) Sale Price: 50G Found: Special Combo 103 Note: Activates "Magnus Change" option. If turned on, displays a notification whenever a Magnus has changed. (719) - Director's Notebook (All) (Dark) Attack: Can be used when attacking, but nothing happens. (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: I'm exhausted. How am I supposed to work like this? We've taken 132 takes and he still can't get it right. The line is so simple... it's a lack of motivation! Changes Into: Fading Notebook (714) Found: Special Combo 104 (720) - Unicorn Horn (All) (Light) Attack: 20% chance of Sleep (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: A rare horn in its original shape. Unicorn horns are often carved with a knife into some other pattern or shape. This baby is a work of art just as it is. Special Combos: Unicorn Blow Horn (721) Sale Price: 60G Found: Imperial Elite, Star Map (Ursa Major) (721) - Unicorn Blow Horn (All) (Light) Attack: 65% chance of Sleep (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: A rare unicorn-horn bugle. Produces a high pitch sound [sic] when blown, echoing throughout the mountains. Found: Special Combo 105 (722) - Jill's Jewelry Box (All) (Normal) Attack: Can be used when attacking, but nothing happens. (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: A very nice jewelry box with the name 'Jill' etched in gold. Maybe the best thing to do is find Jill and return it. Changes Into: Jack-in-the-box (723) (723) - Jack-in-the-box (All) (Normal) Attack: Causes Escape from Battle (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: Although your search for Jill was fruitless, you found Jack in the box. His psychotic clown garb is enough to make you run for cover! (724) - Magical Piggy Bank (None) (Normal) Attack: -- Defense: -- Use: -- Text: Such a cute widdle piggy bank with cute widdle eyes and a spinning tail! It's empty now, but give it time and money will magically save up! Changes Into: Full Piggy Bank (725) Sale Price: 2000G Found: Komo Mai (725) - Full Piggy Bank (None) (Normal) Attack: -- Defense: -- Use: -- Text: A plump piggy bank. Too full to fit anymore money in the belly. So heavily loaded that just holding it will make you jump with joy, anticipating how much is inside. Changes Into: Broken Piggy Bank (726) Sale Price: 10000G Found: Magical Piggy Bank (724) (726) - Broken Piggy Bank (None) (Normal) Attack: -- Defense: -- Use: -- Text: A broken piggy bank with its contents spilled out everywhere. It got too greedy and bit off more than it could chew. Moderation is the key to happiness. Sale Price: 1G Found: Full Piggy Bank (725) (727) - Pot of Air (All) (Wind) Attack: ATK 8 (Wind 5) (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: A pot filled to the brim with air. In other words... empty. Use Wind Yell Lv 1 on an enemy several times after using Pot of Air to increase 1 level. (728) - Cloudy Emblem (All) (Dark) Attack: ATK 90 (Dark 54), 45% chance of Poison (Combo 1) Defense: 45% chance of Poison (Combo 1) Use: -- Text: An emblem portraying a black cloud. Looks like rain clouds are approaching from the west and rain's starting to fall. Staring at this too long will cloud up your heart and make you feel gloomy. Changes Into: Rainy Emblem (729) (729) - Rainy Emblem (All) (Water) Attack: ATK 90 (Water 54), 45% chance of Freezing (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: An emblem with an umbrella on it. Rain blesses the earth and grows the crops. When light streams through the mist, it will blossom into a beautiful rainbow. Changes Into: Cloudy Emblem (728) Special Combos: Rainbow Emblem (730) (730) - Rainbow Emblem (All) (Wind) Attack: ATK 110 (Wind 66) (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: This arc of dreams in the sky offers an entrance to fairyland. Use Wind Yell Lv 2 on an enemy several times after using the Rainbow Emblem to upgrade 1 level. Found: Special Combo 106 (731) - ? Attack: Defense: Use: Text: (732) - Sculpting Knife (All) (Normal) Attack: ATK 40 (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: A Sculpting Knife is often used for whittling or sculpting various works of art. Often used with wood, but a veteran could use it to carve great art out of anything. Special Combos: Dog Carving (626), Monkey Carving (627), Unicorn Blow Horn (721), John Hancock's Pen (735) (733) - Divorce Papers (All) (Normal) Attack: Can be used when attacking, but nothing happens. (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: The result of a failed marriage. All the Ts are crossed and the Is are dotted. All that's needed now is a signature from John Hancock's Pen. Where is that thing... Special Combos: Consolation Pay (736) (734) - Pegasus Horn (All) (Light) Attack: 20% chance of Sleep (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: Horn of the mighty Pegasus. But is it the real thing? Perhaps it's only good for poking your friends when they don't shut up. Special Combos: John Hancock's Pen (735) Sale Price: 70G Found: Mirabilis (735) - John Hancock's Pen (All) (Normal) Attack: 3% chance of Confusion (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: A fancy pen ideal for signing documents, autographs, or whatever else might be waiting for a John Hancock. Special Combos: Consolation Pay (736) Found: Special Combo 107 (736) - Consolation Pay (None) (Dark) Attack: -- Defense: -- Use: -- Text: Whether to settle a score, shut someone up, or in this case, finalize a divorce, sometimes it takes a healthy sum of money to make things better. Found: Special Combo 108 (737) - ? Attack: Defense: Use: Text: (738) - Peanuts (All) (Normal) Attack: Heal HP 850 (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: Peanuts are the poor man's snack, but if lightly salted and roasted like these, they are enough to please anyone. They go great with beer, too. Changes Into: Rotten Food (645) (739) - ? Attack: Defense: Use: Text: (740) - ? Attack: Defense: Use: Text: (741) - Grilled Fish (All) (Fire) Attack: Heal HP 350 (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: Fresh fish grilled to a light brown. Though filled with bones and having a bitter taste, the oily belly's rich flavor makes up for it all. Found: Special Combo 110 (742) - ? Attack: Defense: Use: Text: (743) - ? Attack: Defense: Use: Text: (744) - Monolith Pen (All) (Normal) Attack: 33% chance to cure Sleep (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: A pen that draws the world in numerous perspectives from Sci-Fi to fantasy. It is said that using it along with a tri-Crescendo Pen brings out more strength and creativity. Special Combos: Holy Grail (551), Monolith Brochure (746) (745) - tri-Crescendo Pen (All) (Normal) Attack: 33% chance of Sleep (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: The name of some software company is etched on the side. Use this pen to write and the ink will leak out all over. Hey you! Don't be thinking you can trash this pen! Special Combos: Holy Grail (551), tri-Cres Job Offer (747) (746) - Monolith Brochure (All) (Normal) Attack: Can be used when attacking, but nothing happens. (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: Brochure with Monolith Software printed on the cover. Nothing is written inside. Its contents are said to change from good to bad, depending on the reader. Found: Special Combo 113 (747) - tri-Cres Job Offer (All) (Normal) Attack: Can be used when attacking, but nothing happens. (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: You wanna work for us? It gets pretty hectic! You may want to look somewhere else. You don't mind, eh? In that case, check out our website. Found: Special Combo 114 (748) - ? Attack: Defense: Use: Text: (749) - ? Attack: Defense: Use: Text: (750) - ? Attack: Defense: Use: Text: (751) - Minced Skipjack (All) (Normal) Attack: Heal HP 480, 35% chance to cure Flames (Combo 1) Defense: Flames resist +70 (Combo 1) Use: -- Text: Skipjack lightly grilled over a charcoal fire. Fresh red in the center to pin knear the skin is a sign that it's been cooked with care. Simply scrumptious. Sale Price: 180G Found: Special Combo 64 (752) - Small Knife (All) (Normal) Attack: ATK 8 (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: Not much of a weapon, but its shard edge can cut fairly well. Perfect size for whittling wood. Special Combos: Ice Sculpture (608), Branches (629) Sale Price: 2G Found: Shawra, Unuk, Striper (753) - Secret Recipe 1 (All) (Normal) Attack: 1% chance of Sleep (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: Listen up good. I've devoted my life to finding special combos, and I've decided to write 'em down for future generations - in the form of secret recipes! It's my life's work, so read carefully! Sale Price: 10G Found: Nunki Valley (754) - Secret Recipe 2 (All) (Normal) Attack: 2% chance of Sleep (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: Let's start simple. How to cook tasty rice: Get a pot, put rice in it, add water, and put it over a flame. What's that? You ain't got a pot? Well then, find the next closest thing, and use that! Sale Price: 20G Found: Star Map (Pisces) (755) - Secret Recipe 3 (All) (Normal) Attack: 3% chance of Sleep (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: Come to think of it, I forgot to tell ya. Get a pot, put the rice in, and add water like before. But then after that, place some charcoal down, and then use fire. That combo makes BETTER rice! Sale Price: 30G Found: Komo Mai (756) - ? Attack: Defense: Use: Text: (757) - Secret Recipe 5 (All) (Normal) Attack: 5% chance of Sleep (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: By golly, how time flies. We're already on the fifth secret recipe. Now I'd like to tell y'all about my hound dog Blue... no, that won't do... uh... okay now, let's get back on track here... (758) - ? Attack: Defense: Use: Text: (759) - ? Attack: Defense: Use: Text: (760) - Secret Recipe 8 (All) (Normal) Attack: 8% chance of Sleep (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: 'Raw wheat with raw rice requires raw egg for light red rouge.' This tongue twister is actually a special combo. (761) - Secret Recipe 9 (All) (Normal) Attack: 9% chance of Sleep (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: Speaking from my vast romantic experience, I'll tell you what... listen to her. Just lend an ear, and keep on sendin' love letters, and eventually she'll warm up to ya. (762) - ? Attack: Defense: Use: Text: (763) - Charred Fish (All) (Dark) Attack: ATK 73 (Dark 44), 25% chance of Poison (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: Overcooked to a crisp black. It's hardly recognizable as fish now. You might as well call it charcoal. Use lower heat next time. (764) - Melted Ice Cream (All) (Water) Attack: -- Defense: Flames Resist +10 (Combo 1) Use: -- Text: This used to be perfectly good ice crem, but you didn't eat it fast enough, so now it's a sticky mess. No time for regret. Sale Price: 1G Found: Fruit Sorbet (619) (765) - Soybeans (All) (Normal) Attack: Heal HP 150 (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: Soybeans are packed with protein. These can be served in various ways, but stinky beans raised in straw are the best. Changes Into: Soy Sauce (766) (766) - Soy Sauce (All) (Normal) Attack: ATK 2 (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: Magical black liquid goes will with just about anything. Don't use too much, though - it's pretty salty. Spread it on a rice ball and toast it for a toasted rice ball treat! Special Combos: Fatty Tuna (770) (767) - Straw (All) (Normal) Attack: Can be used when attacking, but nothing happens. (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: These stalks were left behind after the grain harvest. This straw turns into a wicked straw voodoo doll if trapped by a dark curse. Special Combos: Voodoo Doll (768) - ? Attack: Defense: Use: Text: (769) - Avocado (All) (Normal) Attack: Heal HP 950, 100% chance to cure Headache (Combo 1) Defense: 100% chance to cure Headache (Combo 1) Use: -- Text: An organically grown, ripe avocado. Some say a drop of soy sauce makes it taste like fatty tuna. What a bizarre concept! Changes Into: Rotten Food (645) Special Combos: Fatty Tuna (770) (770) - Fatty Tuna (All) (Water) Attack: Heal HP 1900 (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: High-quality slabs of tuna seasoned by the sea. Rich and oily, this fish will melt in your mouth. It's truly addictive. Changes Into: Rotten Fish (561) Found: Special Combo 116 (771) - Custard Pudding (All) (Water) Attack: Heal HP 400, 10% chance to cure Flames (Combo 1) Defense: 50% chance to cure Flames (Combo 1) Use: -- Text: Some say soy sauce over custard pudding tastes like sea urchin. A new way to enjoy sea urchin at a reasonable price. Try it, but there's no guarantee you'll like it. (772) - ? Attack: Defense: Use: Text: (773) - Red Pickled Veggies (All) (Normal) Attack: 60% chance to cure Paralyze (Combo 1) Defense: Paralysis resist + 80 (Combo 1) Use: -- Text: Seven types of vegetables pickled and seasoned to perfection. Red pickled veggies go great with curry dishes. (774) - Honey (All) (Normal) Attack: Heal HP 80 (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: Honey, sweet honey. It has that wholesome taste that sugar just can't offer. Believe it or not, pour a little honey on cheese, and it tastes like chestnuts! I'm serious! Special Combos: Melon (612), Chestnuts (775) Sale Price: 2G Found: Nashira Shop, Pul-Puk (775) - Chestnuts (All) (Normal) Attack: Heal HP 220, 75% chance to cure Poison (Combo 1) Defense: 100% chance to cure Poison (Combo 1) Use: -- Text: Sweet chestnuts. Their hard shells keep in the flavor and nutrients. There's something about the sound of shells cracking that just makes you want to crack open more! Sale Price: 13G Found: Special Combo 118 (776) - Cucumbers (All) (Normal) Attack: Heal HP 10, ATK + 10 (Combo 1) Defense: ATK + 20 (Combo 1) Use: -- Text: Crisp, juicy cucumbers. Breaking one creates a popping sound and reveals the juicy center. Do they really taste like melons if you add honey? Changes Into: Pickled Cucumbers (785) Special Combos: Melon (612) Sale Price: 7G Found: Albireo (777) - Curry (All) (Normal) Attack: Heal HP 210, 40% chance to cure Paralyze (Combo 1) Defense: Paralysis resist + 80 (Combo 1) Use: -- Text: Superb flavor with 27 types of spices. Tastes good as it is, but letting it sit overnight makes it even better, and gives it a rich flavor. Special Combos: Curry with Rice (831) Changes Into: Last Night's Curry (778) Found: Opu (778) - Last Night's Curry (All) (Normal) Attack: Heal HP 900, 100% chance to cure Paralyze (Combo 1) Defense: Paralysis resist + 100 (Combo 1) Use: -- Text: Thoroughly cooked and richly flavored with spices, but it's lacking a certain tart/sweet appeal. Try adding something else to capture those flavors. (779) - ? Attack: Defense: Use: Text: (780) - Bacon (All) (Normal) Attack: ATK 56 (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: Cured marble bacon with a savory appeal. Fry it up for a crispy, delicious snack. Changes Into: Rotten Meat (577) Special Combos: Beef Jerky (534) (781) - Bamboo Shoot (All) (Normal) Attack: Heal HP 45 (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: Raise it up into a healthy green bamboo tree, or sink your teeth into this tender bamboo shoot for a taste of spring. Changes Into: Young Bamboo (782) Found: Kalas, Xelha, Unuk, Moonguile, Cebalrai Shop, Pul-Puk, Albireo Sale Price: 1G (782) - Young Bamboo (All) (Normal) Attack: ATK 22 (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: Young, green bamboo. Gluing rice paper to young bamboo sticks makes a nice paper fan. If there's no glue, then rice paste should do the trick. Changes Into: Fishing Rod (639) Special Combos: Charcoal (556), Branches (629), Rotten Wood (630) (783) - Pork Ribs (All) (Normal) Attack: ATK 56 (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: The sweetest, tastiest meat is found around the ribs. Cook up this choice pork for a rich, zesty, and delightful meal. Changes Into: Rotten Meat (577) (784) - Red and Blue Pencil (All) (Normal) Attack: Can be used when attacking, but nothing happens. (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: One pencil with two colors, red and blue. One end has a blue tip and the other has a red one. Clever little invention, isn't it? Whoever suggested making the red side longer is brilliant. Changes Into: Blue-only Pencil (818) Special Combos: Doodle Book (814) Sale Price: 1G Found: Sheliak (785) - Pickled Cucumbers (All) (Normal) Attack: Heal HP 120, ATK + 20 (Combo 1) Defense: ATK + 40 (Combo 1) Use: -- Text: The trick is to roll fresh cucumbers on the cutting board to smooth their surface before pickling them. One bite will fill you with zest. Changes Into: Deluxe Pickles (786) Sale Price: 1G Found: Cucumbers (776) (786) - Deluxe Pickles (All) (Chrono) Attack: Heal HP 520, ATK + 30 (Combo 1) Defense: ATK + 60 (Combo 1) Use: -- Text: Letting the pickled cukes sit for a long while gives them a refined quality. Only time can bring out such a wonderful flavor. Found: Pickled Cucumbers (785) (787) - Beef (All) (Normal) Attack: ATK 40 (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: First stomach of a cow. The thick part is considered good beef and very popular for its unique flavor. Don't forget to chew it well. Changes Into: Rotten Meat (577) (788) - ? Attack: Defense: Use: Text: (789) - ? Attack: Defense: Use: Text: (790) - ? Attack: Defense: Use: Text: (791) - Ox Tongue (All) (Normal) Attack: ATK 56 (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: That's right, it's ox tongue - fresh, nutritious, and low in fat. Make sure to cook it well before eating, though. Changes Into: Rotten Meat (577) (792) - Deluxe Red Wine (All) (Water) Attack: Heal HP 340 (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: The vivid color and fragrance of this wine stimulate the appetite. Its elegant flavor is truly a blessing to the tastebuds. Changes Into: Yesterday's Wine (793) (793) - Yesterday's Wine (All) (Water) Attack: 90% chance of Confusion (Combo 1) Defense: 90% chance of Confusion (Combo 1) Use: -- Text: A bottle of un-drunk wine from yesterday with no cork. Even its label seems faded. The awful taste will drive you nuts. (794) - Strawberry Milk (All) (Water) Attack: Heal HP 750, ATK + 15 (Combo 1) Defense: ATK + 45 (Combo 1) Use: -- Text: Strawberries squashed with a spoon, mixed with sugar and milk. Pink, sweet, nutritious, and delicious. It's good... and good for you! Changes Into: Green Mold (582) Found: Special Combo 29 (795) - ? Attack: Defense: Use: Text: (796) - ? Attack: Defense: Use: Text: (797) - Pretty Flowers (All) (Normal) Attack: Heal HP 250, 50% chance to cure Paralyze (Combo 1) Defense: Paralysis resist + 100 (Combo 1) Use: -- Text: There's nothing like a bouquet of pretty flowers to cheer up someone sick in bed. Changes Into: Dead Flowers (798) Sale Price: 28G Found: Special Combo 35 (798) - Dead Flowers (All) (Normal) Attack: ATK 48, 40% chance of Paralysis (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: Terribly dry and withered. If placed on a fire, they'd burn to a crisp in no time. No value as ornamental flowers. Send them to someone you care nothing for. (799) - ? Attack: Defense: Use: Text: (800) - Rotten Cornucopia (All) (Normal) Attack: ATK 50, 50% chance of Poison (Combo 1) Defense: 50% chance of Poison (Combo 1) Use: -- Text: Giving off a moldy, rotten smell. Small bugs are attracted to it and buzzing about. Sending it to someone would be terribly rude. You wouldn't dare! Found: Special Combo 49 (801) - ? Attack: Defense: Use: Text: (802) - ? Attack: Defense: Use: Text: (803) - ? Attack: Defense: Use: Text: (804) - ? Attack: Defense: Use: Text: (805) - ? Attack: Defense: Use: Text: (806) - ? Attack: Defense: Use: Text: (807) - ? Attack: Defense: Use: Text: (808) - ? Attack: Defense: Use: Text: (809) - ? Attack: Defense: Use: Text: (810) - ? Attack: Defense: Use: Text: (811) - ? Attack: Defense: Use: Text: (812) - ? Attack: Defense: Use: Text: (813) - ? Attack: Defense: Use: Text: (814) - Doodle Book (All) (Normal) Attack: DEF - 15 (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: A drawing scribbled in red and blue. Some say that a child's hidden talents can be found in doodles. But this mess is hopeless... Found: Special Combo 125 (815) - Voodoo Doll (All) (Dark) Attack: ATK 105 (Dark 63), 60% chance of Paralysis (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: This voodoo doll has been used in cursing ceremonies. Evil invocations not being enough for a successful curse, hair from the victim must be placed inside the doll. Special Combos: Mark of Death (836) Found: Special Combo 94 (816) - Pickled Eggplant (All) (Normal) Attack: Heal HP 240 (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: Pickled eggplant chunks of a brilliant navy blue. Their moist texture and sour taste will make anyone drool. They go well with curry. Special Combos: Curry with Rice (831) Sale Price: 3G Found: Mirabilis, Devil Claws (817) - Insurance Money (All) (Normal) Attack: Can be used when attacking, but nothing happens. (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: This money is all that's left after losing everything. Mementos from the past can never be replaced. Still, thank heavens for insurance... (818) - Blue-only Pencil (All) (Normal) Attack: Can be used when attacking, but nothing happens. (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: It's almost been used up. Funny how only the blue remains, even though the red bit was longer. Special Combos: Doodle Book (814) (819) - Green Plums (All) (Normal) Attack: 100% chance of Poison (Combo 1) Defense: 100% chance of Poison (Combo 1) Use: -- Text: They may look like miniature apples, but they're actually plums. Harmful to eat like this, but pickling them removes toxins and even makes them an antidote to poisons! Changes Into: Pickled Plums (643) Sale Price: 1G Found: Undead Swordsman, Blood Leaf (820) - Rooster (All) (Normal) Attack: 50% chance to cure Sleep (Combo 1) Defense: Sleep resist + 80 (Combo 1) Use: -- Text: A healthy, free-range rooster. It's hard not to be thrown out of bed by its shrill crow. Yummy... Oops, did I say that out loud? Sale Price: 1G Found: Cancerite, Sheliak Shop, Lyude (821) - Rice Paper (All) (Normal) Attack: 33% chance to cure Confusion (Combo 1) Defense: Confusion resist + 33 (Combo 1) Use: -- Text: This paper was made from natural plant fibers. Its uses vary because it's strong, durable, and breathes well. (822) - ? Attack: Defense: Use: Text: (823) - ? Attack: Defense: Use: Text: (824) - Extra Fluffy Rice (All) (Normal) Attack: Heal HP 1350 (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: This beautiful, extra fluffy rice was cooked with care and tastes better than normal rice. Special Combos: Curry with Rice (831) Sale Price: 60G Found: Special Combo 6 (825) - ? Attack: Defense: Use: Text: (826) - ? Attack: Defense: Use: Text: (827) - ? Attack: Defense: Use: Text: (828) - ? Attack: Defense: Use: Text: (829) - ? Attack: Defense: Use: Text: (830) - ? Attack: Defense: Use: Text: (831) - Curry with Rice (All) (Normal) Attack: Heal HP 990 (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: Unique flavor abounds in this great curry dish packed with exotic herbs and spices. It's spicy, but tasty. Easy to cook and very satisfying. Popular with everyone. Sale Price: 9G Found: Special Combo 121 (832) - ? Attack: Defense: Use: Text: (833) - ? Attack: Defense: Use: Text: (834) - Beautiful Hair (All) (Normal) Attack: Can be used when attacking, but nothing happens (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: Soft and silky to the touch. This nicely groomed hair gives off a pleasant scent when blowing in the wind. It'll knock your socks off! Found: Special Combo 134 (835) - Angelic Hair (All) (Light) Attack: 100% chance of Confusion (Combo 1) Defense: 100% chance of Confusion (Combo 1) Use: -- Text: These angelic strands of hair shimmer like light from a halo. As if fine strands of silk, just looking at this hair will make you want to reach out and touch it. Special Combos: Mark of Death (836) Found: Special Combo 101 (836) - Mark of Death (All) (Dark) Attack: ATK 110 (Dark 66), 50% chance of Death (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: This paper contains the mark of death. It's more than enough to curse and kill an enemy. Just stick it to an enemy's forehead, and the fear of death becomes too overwhelming to bear. Found: Special Combo 132 (837) - Sea Bream Lunch (All) (Normal) Attack: Heal HP 1200 (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: Steamed rice mixed with wild sea bream. Simple, yet very tasty. Regarded as a lucky dish. Sale Price: 55G Found: Special Combo 133 (838) - Salted Sweetfish (All) (Normal) Attack: Heal HP 970 (Combo 1) Defense: -- Use: -- Text: Salted guts of fresh sweetfish. Mild, yet bitter taste is appetizing for adults. Goes perfectly well with Japanese Rice Wine. (839) - ? Attack: Defense: Use: Text: (840) - ? Attack: Defense: Use: Text: (841) - ? Attack: Defense: Use: Text: (842) - ? Attack: Defense: Use: Text: (843) - ? Attack: Defense: Use: Text: (844) - ? Attack: Defense: Use: Text: -- Photographs -- (845) - Saber Dragon Text: An unusually large carnivore thought to be a member of the dragon family. Habitat: Moonguile Forest. (846) - Lord of the Spring Text: Guardian of the End Magnus sealed on Sadal Suud. Habitat: Moonguile Forest. (847) - Thunderfish Text: Hideous fish creature residing in the Celestial River. Due to a lack of sightings, people thought it had gone extinct. Habitat: Lesser Celestial River. (848) - Iron Beetle V Text: An enormous Imperial tank. This updated Iron Beetle is three times stronger than its predecessor. Area of Manufacture: Alfard Empire, (849) - Lord of the Winds Text: Guardian of the End Magnus sealed within a huge cave in Diadem. Habitat: Shrine of the Winds. (850) - Gnosis Text: Creature from another dimension, particularly known for its utter strangeness. A very difficult creature to study, as it's not from this world. Habitat: The Outer Dimension. (851) - Iron Beetle I Text: Combat vehicle developed for the Imperial Army. Known as the 'Iron Beetle,' this is a key component of the Empire's ground force units. Area of Manufacture: Alfard Empire. (852) - ? (853) - Tree Guardian Text: Guardian of the End Magnus sealed in Anuenue. Habitat: Atop the Celestial Tree (854) - Magnus Giganticus Text: A large shadow created with leftover energy from an End Magnus. Location: Detourne, the Mystical Garden. (855) - ? (856) - Phantasm Text: Guardian of the End Magnus sealed in Mira, beneath Duke Calbren's Manor. Habitat: Coccolith, Labyrinth of Mirrors. (857) - Giacomo Text: Leader of the Empire's Dark Forces. Manages all secret operations ordered by the Emperor. Has an important connection to Kalas. (858) - Ayme Text: An executive in the Empire's Dark Forces. One of the cruelest minds in the Imperial Army - yet she obeys orders faithfully. (859) - Geldoblame Text: Emperor Geldoblame in his grotesque form, close to becoming the long-sought 'Perfect Being' after being touched by the power of Cursed Malpercio. Appearance: Lava Caves (860) - ? (861) - ? (862) - Despina Text: Dark soldier and servant of the wicked god. Master of 'time-based' attributes. Its huge half-man, half-horse physique alone strikes fear in the hearts of most. Habitat: Interdimensional Crack. (863) - Galatea Text: Dark soldier and servant of the wicked god. Master of 'wind-based' attributes. Its huge half-man, half-horse physique alone strikes fear in the hearts of most. Habitat: Interdimensional Crack. (864) - Goddess of Ice Text: The wills of past Ice Queens have bonded together and taken shape as the Goddess of Ice. She tests the courage and strength of Queen Xelha through an arduous trial. Appearance: Lake of the Dragon. (865) - Folon Text: An executive of the Empire's Dark Forces. He's a half-crazed joker, but still follows orders faithfully. (866) - Kalas - Angel of Darkness Text: Kalas with white wings, and a tainted soul after being touched by the breath of Malpercio. Deep down he's still the same Kalas. Appearance: Central Imperial Fortress. (867) - Agyo Text: A beastly golem controlled by Krumly. Two bodies with fire and water attributes work together as one. Agyo has 'fire-based' attributes. Appearance: Zosma Tower. (868) - Malpercio Text: The various body parts of dead gods have been crudely fused together to form Malpercio. It's a giant walking corpse, but possesses divine and enigmatic powers. Appearance: Algorab Village. (869) - Wizard Shadow Text: Shadow of the Ancient Earth Wizards. A collective entity of souls was awakened, and tested Mizuti to see whether she deserved to acquire the ultimate magic. Appearance: Zosma Tower. (870) - Sibling God: He Text: A nameless god sacrificed part of its body to aid the formation of Malpercio. Flames of darkness exist where a head once was. Appearance: Cor Hydrae Castle. (871) - Sibling God: Che Text: A nameless god sacrificed part of its body to aid the formation of Malpercio. Flames of darkness exist where a chest once was. Appearance: Cor Hydrae Castle. (872) - Sibling God: Bo Text: A nameless god sacrificed part of its body to aid the formation of Malpercio. Flames of darkness exist where a body once was. Appearance: Cor Hydrae Castle. (873) - Sibling God: Ar Text: A nameless god sacrificed part of its body to aid the formation of Malpercio. Flames of darkness exist where arms once were. Appearance: Cor Hydrae Castle. (874) - Sibling God: Le Text: A nameless god sacrificed part of its body to aid the formation of Malpercio. Flames of darkness exist where legs once were. Appearance: Cor Hydrae Castle. (875) - Ungyo Text: A beastly golem controlled by Krumly, Two bodies with fire and water attributes work together as one. Ungyo has 'water-based' attributes. Appearance: Zosma Tower (876) - Imperial Soldier Text: Soldier of the Imperial Army, and backbone of the Alfard Empire. Take them out before they get you! (877) - Imperial Elite Text: High ranking soldier in the Imperial Army. More mature and experienced than those in the lower ranks. (878) - Imperial Blackhelm Text: Well-trained, highly skilled soldier of the Imperial Army. Other soldiers refer to them in awe as part of the "Dark Unit." (879) - Unuk Text: This fearsome beast lives in forests. Its enormous fangs are used solely for combat. Swallows its prey in one gulp. Habitat: Sadal Suud Frontier. (880) - Striper Text: Fierce beast found in Diadem's Cloud Passage. Originally nocturnal, but has recently been spotted both during the day and at night. Habitat: The Cloud Passage. (881) - Magma Beast Text: Fierce beast that thrived in hot climates, such as volcanic regions. High resistance to heat. Can't survive in cooler regions. Habitat: The Lava Caves. (882) - Shawra Text: Blood-sucking creature that lives in forests. Doesn't have a mouth, but sucks blood from a needle at the tip of its tail. Habitat: Sadal Suud Frontier. (883) - Blood Leaf Text: Vampiric Creature found in Anuenue's large colonial trees. Its narrow wings are unfit for flying. Wraps its tail around branches to rest. Habitat: Celestial Tree. (884) - Badwin Text: Blood-sucking creature that lives in the mountains. Stronger than its relative, the Shawra, as it must survive in harsh environments. Habitat: Celestial Alps. (885) - Doomer Text: Enigmatic flame-filled creature that roams through the valley. A fairly common sight. It's known to swallow wind attacks. Habitat: Nunki Valley. (886) - Gormer Text: Mysterious flame-filled creature that wanders about mysterious places in a mysterious atmosphere. Its flames look intense, but aren't too hot to the touch. Habitat: Detourne, the Mystical Garden. (887) - Floomer Text: Mysterious flame-filled creature that wanders the blustery ice cliffs. Its flames are actually incredibly frigid and cause frostbite if touched. Habitat: The Ice Cliffs of Gomeisa. (888) - Zelmer Text: A fireball-type creature living in the outer dimension. Exhibits a peculiar aura that gives chills to anyone in its path. Habitat: Trail of Souls. (889) - Pul-Puk Text: An amphibious creature found in and around the celestial rivers. Tasty, indeed, but if not prepared right, its poisonous meat can be deadly. Better not try it. Habitat: Lesser Celestial River (890) - ? (891) - Gul-Bar-Mool Text: An amphibious creature that lives in and around old ruins. Unlike others of its kind, it contains no poison. But it tastes awful! Habitat: Zosma Tower (892) - Cancerite Text: Human-shaped amphibious creature found lurking by the riverside. Communicates in an unknown language, and acts like a rude drunkard! Habitat: Lesser Celestial River (893) - Snow Cancerite Text: Human-shaped amphibious creature that loves cold places. It must continuously drink spiked eggnog to keep from freezing to death. Habitat: The Ice Cliffs of Gomeisa. (894) - Mad Cancerite Text: Human-shaped amphibious creature that prefers to live in dark places. Doesn't need water, but can't get to sleep without its special eggnog. Habitat: Labyrinth of Duhr. (895) - Albireo Text: An odd creature found in Diadem. Everything except the head is covered with a slimy mucous. Stinky, slimy, yet surprisingly tasty! Habitat: Cloud Passage. (896) - Flobo Text: Strange flying creature found in the Ice Cliffs. Everything but the head is covered in mucous. Its fat tastes great! Habitat: The Ice Cliffs of Gomeisa. (897) - Mirabilis Text: Large mimic creature found in jungles. Catches prey by imitating giant plants. Sucks juices from its victims with quills at the end of its vines. Habitat: Holoholo Jungle. (898) - Lanocaulis Text: Heat-resistant 'mimic' creature. Its white coloring reduces heat absorption. Habitat: Lava Caves. (899) - Skeleton Warrior Text: A wicked ghost residing in the bones of a dead human. It's not possessed with hate-filled strength and bitterness, so it shouldn't be hard to beat. Habitat: Ancient Library of Magic. (900) - Undead Swordsman Text: A powerful ghost residing in a corpse. It is very skilled with a sword, and won't go down easy. Habitat: Holoholo Jungle. (901) - Ghoulish Skirmisher Text: An extremely powerful ghost residing in a corpse. The muscles have deteriorated, but it's still very strong. Fight with Caution. Habitat: Capella, Garden of Death. (902) - Master Revenant Text: Corpse controlled by an evil will. The bones have been warped by wicked magic, contorting them to look unhuman. Habitat: Battleship Goldoba. (903) - Spell Shellfish Text: Shellfish floating softly in midair. It's found in jungles, and has the ability to cast spells. Swallows its prey whole. Habitat: Holoholo Jungle (904) - Magic Shellfish Text: Strange shellfish found in Mira. Its body-protecting shell is so hard that normal attacks won't scratch it. Habitat: Detourne, the Mystical Garden. (905) - Mysterious Shellfish Text: Strong shellfish with substantial magical power in Duhr. Smarter than the others of its kind, and knows more powerful magic. Only the truly brave stand a chance! Habitat: Zosma Tower. (906) - Devil Claws Text: A huge insect that nests in Anuenue's giant trees. So violent that those who attempt to catch it may be killed. Fry this big bug up for an excellent meal! Habitat: Celestial Tree. (907) - Shadow Claws Text: A huge insect found in the Greater Celestial River. It's attracted to rotten meat. Leaves dead prey for days before eating it. Habitat: Greater Celestial River. (908) - ? (909) - Acheron Text: A mollusk-type creature with a shell on its back. It can't bundle its four legs into its shell, but it has great defensive strength. Habitat: Holoholo Jungle. (910) - Maw-Maw-Goo Text: A shelled mollusk that prefers dark, humid places. Its body contains a poisonous liquid. Touching it will give you a nasty ulcer! Habitat: Greater Celestial River. (911) - ? (912) - Arachnid Text: Crystalline creature found in the Ice Lands. It covers itself with ice by releasing cold air from all over its body! Habitat: The Ice Cliffs of Gomeisa. (913) - Devilish Hands Text: A very peculiar life-form resembling a spider. They say a devil's hands were cut off as punishment. Those hands then developed a will! Creepy. Habitat: Detourne, the Mystical Garden. (914) - Demonic Hands Text: A very peculiar life-form resembling a spider. They say a demon's hands were cut off as punishment. Those hands then developed a will! Creepy. Habitat: Cor Hydrae Castle. (915) - ? (916) - Almanek Text: Powerful monster created by evil gods during an ancient war. It lost its master long ago, and has been lashing out in fury ever since. Habitat: Capella, Garden of Death (917) - Mafreega Text: Heinous monster created by evil gods during an ancient war. Has vowed to destroy humans and awaits its master's return. Habitat: Labyrinth of Duhr. (918) - ? (919) - Breacher Text: Two-headed animal that reigns as king of the animals in the ancient region. Former advance guard of the evil gods. Still hates people. Habitat: Zosma Tower (920) - Bauganum Text: Fearful animal that hunts intruders in the old ruins. Habitat: Labyrinth of Duhr. (921) - Ceratobus Text: Fierce animal found in volcanoes. Shoots flames from its body, never burning itself. Maybe you can grill it up. Habitat: Lava Caves. (922) - Foytow Text: Huge insect that lives in volcanoes. Its long beak sucks the bodily juices out of its prey. Moves much faster than its looks [sic]. Habitat: Lave Caves. (923) - Rulug Text: Gigantic insect that lives high up in the mountains, where it has an array of prey to choose from. Sucks bodily juices from its victims in an instant@ Habitat: Celestial Alps. (924) - Imperial Walker Text: An Imperial technological feat. Loaded with the world's first mechanical brain. It can only process basic orders, however. Area of Manufacture: Alfard Empire. (925) - Corrupted Walker Text: Robotic soldier built with Imperial technology. Its offensive and defensive power has been enhanced by an evil force. Wanders within: Imperial Fortress. (926) - Contaminated Walker Text: This mechanical soldier is a product of Imperial science and engineering. Its functions have been enhanced by a wicked power of some sort. Wanders within: Imperial Fortress. (927) - Gagarek Text: This Imperial soldier used to be quite the lady's man, but ever since his soul was touched by the power of wicked gods, he just hasn't been himself. In fact, he's a full-fledged monster. Wanders in: Mintaka Empire. (928) - Beberum Text: This imperial soldier was transformed by the powers of darkness. He definitely didn't get chicks, even before his transformation. Wanders in: Mintaka Empire. (929) - Zuzlani Text: This Imperial soldier was transformed by the powers of darkness. Originally he belonged to special forces, suffering from excessive amounts of stress. Very strong. Wanders in: Imperial Fortress. (930) - Laramooga Text: One of the desert people killed in Operation Sweep. His hatred and bitterness combined with Malpercio's power brought him back. Wanders in: Nihal Desert. (931) - Alavarum Text: Humanoid Guardian, protector of the labyrinth. Created by ancient magicians, this guardian doesn't discriminate good or evil. Habitat: Illusory Fortress of the Book. (932) - Diabolos Text: Low-ranking magical creature that wanders about the castle. Although it's not so tough, its power shouldn't be taken lightly since it's allowed to live in Cor Hydrae. Habitat: Cor Hydrae Castle. (933) - Varalba Text: Beast guardian of the labyrinth. Created with magic and modeled after evil beasts. It may not look so bright, but it actually is quite skilled with magic. Habitat: Illusory Fortress of the Book. (934) - Vorleg Text: Crafty, evil animal that wanders through the castle. Its high level of intelligence will turn lower-ranked evil creatures pale with fear. Habitat: Cor Hydrae Castle. (935) - Wolgarb Text: Loyal watchdog of the gods that wanders freely about the castle. Released to devour unfaithful servants or intruders. Habitat: Cor Hydrae Castle. (936) - Apollion Text: Servant of the gods in charge of guarding the castle. Its enormous spiked morningstar even strikes fear in the hearts of creatures lurking around the castle. Habitat: Cor Hydrae Castle. (937) - Cursed Spell Book Text: An old spell book animated by the powers of darkness. It eats small animals and insects. Digestive system unknown. Habitat: Ancient Library of Magic. (938) - Cursed Grimoire Text: An old evil book made more evil with the evil power. Great evil power dwelled evilly in this strong, evil book, but now it's really, really evil. Habitat: Ancient Library of Magic. (939) - Filler Text: Energy-sucking creature which seems to exist between two dimensions. Many have spotted this creature in areas rich in folklore. Stabs victims with a needle to suck the life out. Habitat: Nekton, Shrine of the Spirits. (940) - Gray Cancerite Text: Strange creature found lurking in the mystical forest. Looks a bit spooky, but it's probably just a fairy, or is it? Habitat: Nekton, Shrine of the Spirits (941) - Ray-moo Text: Unusual winged creature found in the mystical forest. No one has dared to try eating such an odd creature from such a spooky place. Habitat: Nekton, Shrine of the Spirits. (942) - Kulcabaran Text: A demi-dragon created by ancient wizards for testing purposes. Resembles the endangered Saber Dragon, but there's no need to worry about taking it out! Habitat: Illusory Fortress of the Book. (943) - Brolokis Text: Relative of the Thunderfish found in rivers. Its rough surface bears little similarity to a Thunderfish. They say it's endangered, but it seems many still exist. Habitat: Greater Celestial River. (944) - ? (945) - Fadroh Text: Malpercio's power has brought Fadroh close to the pinnacle of evil. He even has a high-ranking appeal among the forces of darkness. Encountered in: Imperial Fortress. (946) - Sowzana Text: A former citizen resurrected into darkness by the power of Malpercio. Made extra aggressive with his former hatred and bitterness caused by Operation Sweep. Encountered in: Nihal Desert. (947) - Imperial Guard Text: Soldier serving at the Imperial capital, Mintaka. His main duty is to police the area and maintain security. Well-trained and very strong! Appearance: Mintaka City. (948) - Elite Imperial Guard Text: Senior soldier and guard of the Imperial city. Popular among women because of his dignified look, stable income, and nice uniform. Of course, very strong! Appearance: Mintaka City. (949) - Slime Text: Jelly-like creature that lurks about the Tower of DRUAGA. Looks tasty, but doesn't actually taste like a melon! Habitat: Tower of DRUAGA. (950) - Nunkirantula Text: A crystal life-form that doesn't exist in our world. Looks quite solid, but looks can be deceiving. Truly a rare specimen! Habitat: Nunki Valley. (951) - Tentacle Text: Tentacle of the Tree Guardian watching over the End Magnus in Anuenue. Very skillful and slithery! Habitat: Atop the Celestial Tree. (952) - Picture of Kalas Text: A youthful profile of Kalas, eyes constantly seeking the enemy. Pictures of monsters fetch good prices, but normal portraits such as these are considered of little value. (953) - Picture of Xelha Text: Xelha's kindness shows in her smile and tender eyes. Pictures of monsters fetch good prices, but normal portraits such as these are considered of little value. (954) - Picture of Gibari Text: Gibari always seems ready to achieve superhuman feats with incredible ease. Pictures of monsters fetch good prices, but normal portraits like these are considered of little value. (955) - Picture of Lyude Text: Lyude in his uniform, showing signs of military discipline. Pictures of monsters fetch good prices, but normal portraits such as these are considered of little value. (956) - Picture of Savyna Text: Those who fall under Savyna's glare are but prey awaiting the kill. Pictures of monsters fetch good prices, but normal portraits such as these are considered of little value. (957) - Picture of Mizuti Text: Mysterious, quirky, strange. Mizuti's mask gives little hint of any emotions behind it. Pictures of monsters fetch good prices, but normal portraits such as these are considered of little value. (958) - ? (959) - Rare Shot of Kalas Text: Kalas with a gentle smile, in stark contrast to his trademark coolness. Considered a high-quality portrait, this picture should fetch a good price. (960) - Rare Shot of Xelha Text: Xelha making sure Meemai is comfortably nestled in her hood, a token of her kindness. Considered a high-quality portrait, this picture should fetch a good price. (961) - Rare Shot of Gibari Text: Gibari sporting a big, warm, and encouraging Skyfarer smile. Considered a high-quality portrait, this picture should fetch a good price. (962) - Rare Shot of Lyude Text: Lyude's military training prevents him from smiling in battle, but all rules have exceptions. Considered a high-quality portrait, this picture should fetch a good price. (963) - Rare Shot of Savyna Text: Though not exactly friendly by default, Savyna has been known to smile a charming smile once in a great while. Considered a high- quality portrait, this picture should fetch a good price. (964) - ? (965) - ? -- Quest Magnus -- (966) - Unpopular Painting Text: A terrible painting by the self-proclaimed painter Misjah. Unappreciated by circles throughout the world, the artist's autograph does little to increase its minimal value. (967) - Popular Pickup Line Text: A trendy pickup line, popular among the young, used to win the hearts of cautious members of the opposite gender. Changes Into: Outdated Pickup Line (968) Found: Pherkad, Komo Mai (968) - Outdated Pickup Line Text: Pickup line that is seldom heard in this day and age, let alone recommended. Guaranteed to turn away even the least cautious member of the opposite gender. (969) - Girl's Thoughts Text: The innocent, peaceful thoughts of a girl untainted by Imperial doctrines. The purity of her heart holds the power to calm people's hatred towards the Empire. (970) - Secret Information Text: A well-kept secret - bane and blessing of the curious. Yet secrets are never secrets for long... Changes Into: Well-known Story (971) (971) - Well-known Story Text: Passed around a network of acquaintances, all swearing not to tell anyone, this former secret is now anything but. (972) - Blank Magnus Text: An empty Magnus waiting to be imbued with the Magna Essence of some object or another. It is considered impossible to contain living creatures within a Magnus. Found: Cebalrai (x4) (973) - Pristine Water Text: Crystal clear water. This level of pure water is not available in many places in the world. Water can turn stagnant, and should be used or consumed as soon as possible. Changes Into: Stagnant Water (974) (974) - Stagnant Water Text: Though still fit for drinking, this water has turned stagnant. Even pure water can go stale over time. Bottled water aficionados would have none of this. Found: Pherkad, Nashira, Pristine Water (973), Komo Mai (975) - Stoked Flame Text: Indispensable for everyday life, strong fires can be carried around or stored as Magnus, and used for light, cooking, you name it. Flames tend to weaken with time, though. Changes Into: Weak Flame (976) Found: Cebalrai, Pherkad, Sheliak, Opu (976) - Weak Flame Text: A flame that has weakened over time. Suitable for all but industrial or extreme purposes. Changes Into: Blank Magnus (972) Found: Pherkad, Stoked Flame (975), Komo Mai, Opu (977) - Pow Milk Text: A dairy product characteristic of Cebalrai, this milk is richer than milk from other animals, and is often used for cooking. It can also be left alone and fermented to produce other dairy products. Changes Into: Pow Milk Yogurt (989) Found: Cebalrai (978) - Cloud Text: Diadem is known for its abundance of clouds, and some sources suggest the clouds be placed under legal protection. One reason for this may be the radical gourmets claiming to appreciate their taste... Changes Into: Salty Water (995) Found: Cloud Passage (979) - Celestial Flower Seed Text: A seed from the Celestial Tree, said to bloom once every 30 years. The last blooming was 2 cycles ago, making this seed quite valuable at roughly 100 years old. Changes Into: Celestial Flower Bud (980) Found: Komo Mai (980) - Celestial Flower Bud Text: A bud from the Celestial Tree. Its delicate color is highly valued in Anuenue, traditionally used in weddings for the bride's wedding gown. Found: Celestial Flower Seed (979) (981) - ? (982) - Fantail Duck Egg Text: An egg from a duck-like animal often seen in Sadal Suud. Popular breakfast food among people of all classes, these eggs tend to generate heat and cook themselves over time. Changes Into: Boiled Egg (983) Found: Komo Mai (983) - Boiled Egg Text: Separated from its parent, this egg has cooked itself over time with internal heat. Radical gourmets claim to love the peculiar taste it offers. Found: Fantail Duck Egg (982), Opu (984) - Snow Text: Snow collected in the Ice Lands of Wazn. Though powdery when falling, this snow hardens over time and forms pure, rigid crystals often used as material for Wazn's famous ice sculptures. (985) - Lava Text: With temperatures said to reach 1000 degrees Celsius, the beautiful color and rich appearance of lava compels radical gourmets to have a quick taste, though none have been known to ask for seconds. Changes Into: Hot Rock (997) (986) - Pebble Text: A truly mundane pebble, available practically anywhere.Considered of little value and a waste of space. Found: Pherkad, Castle Elnath (987) - Sea Bream Fillet Text: A fillet from a sea bream, the main catch among Nashira's fishing folk. A chief Diadem export, the reasonable price tag makes this a must for the average citizen's dining table. Changes Into: Rotten Fillet (988) (988) - Rotten Fillet Text: A sea bream fillet left for too long at room temperature. Unfit for eating and often thrown away entirely. Strangely enough, this fish never smells bad even when rotten. (989) - Pow Milk Yogurt Text: Fermented Pow milk. Good as is, also used for cooking. Popular as a dessert among kids. Further aging is also an option. Changes Into: Pow Milk Cheese (990) (990) - Pow Milk Cheese Text: Derived from Pow milk yogurt, this cheese is a specialty of the Sadal Suud Frontier. Often enjoyed with another local specialty, mountain apple wine. (991) - Rubber Mud Text: Rubber-like mud that flows through the Garden of Death in Duhr, a mixture of mud and black sap from trees corrupted by the Taintclouds. Changes Into: Chunk of Rubber (992) (992) - Chunk of Rubber Text; Hardened rubber mud looks and acts exactly like regular rubber. Not very useful in itself, yet who knows... it just might come in handy. (993) - Gold Beetle Carapace Text: An old shell from the Gold Beetle, known only to live around the Celestial Tree in Anuenue. Highly valued for its magnificent gold sheen, yet collectors prefer to keep these until... Changes Into: Gold Nugget (994) Found: Celestial Tree (994) - Gold Nugget Text: Previously a magical Gold Beetle shell, now a gold nugget. Considered of a higher value than regular, mined gold, these natural gems are traded at astounding prices among select merchants. (995) - Salty Water Text: Diadem's trademark clouds turn back into water, given enough time. the original clouds contained salt, hence the salty taste of this water. Changes Into: Salt (996) Found: Nashira, Cloud Passage (996) - Salt Text: Leave salty water lying around long enough, and you'll be left with salt. Indispensable for cooking, not to mention everyday health. A chief product of Nashira, together with sea bream fillets. Found: Nashira, Salty Water (995) (997) - Hot Rock Text: Lava from the Lava Caves in Alfard, now cool enough to touch. The rock retains part of its heat, and can be wrapped up in thick cloth and used to keep warm in freezing temperatures. Changes Into: Pebble (986) (998) - Oil Text: Used for various purposes ranging from everyday cuisine to Imperial Iron Beetle fuel, its unique taste has sparked many an argument among radical gourmets. (999) - Pressed Flower Text: A dried, nameless flower. Flowers will wither if left alone, but retain their form if dried and preserved. Found: Nameless Flower (1014) (1000) - Mountain Apple Text: The mountain apple industry, along with dairy farming, is widespread in and around Cebalrai village in Sadal Suud. Tasty as it is, but can also be left alone and fermented... Changes Into: Mountain Apple Wine (1013) Found: Cebalrai, Pherkad (1001) - Apple Vinegar Text: Mountain Apple Wine has been fermented further to produce vinegar. Apple Vinegar has stronger sterilizing effects than regular vinegar, and is used for first aid as well as cooking. (1002) - ? (1003) - Warriors' Mementos Text: Tokens of the noble warriors who gave their lives to protect Xelha. Gram's armlet is inscribed with his wife's name, and Leon's pendant holds his wife's photo. (1004) - Golden Pick Axe Text: A magical pick axe used to tear down golden walls, with limited use due to its weakened magic. Silver and copper variants are known to exist, though not in this world. (1005) - Diadem Royal Crest Text: The crest of the royal family of Diadem sports a design combining knights, a sword, and Wings of the Heart. A mere glimpse of this crest is enough to rally the Diadem Knights in any situation. Found: Castle Elnath (1006) - Picture Book Text: An ancient picture book with a heartwarming tale. Said to have been created by an anonymous author before the islands left the Earth for the Sky. Once property of the Ancient Library of Magic. (1007) - Adventure Novel Text: Two unlikely opponents of Imperial Might - a boy who refuses to give up, and a girl who stands by him throughout. The author is said to have fled Alfard. Once property of the Ancient Library of Magic. (1008) - Dead Bluebird Text: The body of a blue-winged bird found in Moonguile Forest. Said to bring good luck, this bird is sought after by many. (1009) - Naughty Novel Text: A novel that was banned upon publication because of its... ahem... radical content. Once property of the Ancient Library of Magic. (1010) - Rock Salt Text: High-quality rock salt, a product of the desert village of Ahza. It is often used in pastries due to its subtle sweetness, with the village of Parnasse leading yearly consumption by far. (1011) - Mirage Weed Text: Illusionary grass seen only in the Mystical Garden in Mira, which disappears into thin air shortly after being uprooted. Changes Into: Blank Magnus (972) (1012) - Thunderfish Bone Text: Bone from the head of a Thunderfish, said to have died out ages ago. There's bound to be someone in this world who would be interested in such a rare specimen. Found: Lesser Celestial River (1013) - Mountain Apple Wine Text: A specialty of Cebalrai, the main market for mountain apple wine is in and around the city of Pherkad, but exports have started going to other regions, including Diadem and Mira. Changes Into: Apple Vinegar (1001) Found: Pherkad (1014) - Nameless Flower Text: A nameless flower found blooming in non-descript places, its pretty looks soothe a tired mind nevertheless. Changes Into: Pressed Flower (999) Found: Pherkad, Sheliak, Komo Mai (1015) - Explosives Text: Created with Imperial technology, these tubes can be detonated with a fuse, destroying nearby objects with the resulting blast. Why Larikush, a village doctor, would possess these is anyone's guess. Found: Cebalrai (1016) - Sparkling Snow Text: This snow is purer than normal snow, hence its sparkling sheen. In regions where ice sculptures are popular, some craftsmen insist on using this type of snow for their work. Changes Into: Pristine Water (973) (1017) - Terrible Painting Text: A painting by the self-proclaimed painter Misjah, who considers it a masterpiece. Unappreciated by circles throughout the world; in short, it's terrible. Will trouble anyone who receives it as a gift. (1018) - Delinquency Stone Text: A rare stone, found occasionally within Zosma Tower, in Duhr. Not especially valuable, but rumor has it that a certain old man is dying to get his hands on this stone. Changes Into: Blank Magnus (972) (1019) - Roasted Bird Text: An entire bird cooked whole, survival style. Its simple seasoning is increasingly popular among youngsters who appreciate the all-natural flavor of the ingredients. (1020) - ? (1021) - Family Tree Text: The genealogy of Quzman, an old man who claims his days are numbered. All the blanks must be filled in by his relatives, once they agree to visit him back in Pherkad. (1022) - ? *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VII)--Special Combos-- When played together in battle (usually in a certain order), certain cards create a "special combo." This combo yields a new Magnus for your deck. This is the only way to get many of the Magnus. Note that you may not play any cards other than the cards involved in the combo, or it will not work. The Magnus involved in the Special Combo are *not* destroyed or used up in the combo, so feel free to use them as often as possible. 1) - Sun-dried Wine (546): Deluxe Sweet Wine (544) + Light Flare (Any) 2) - Lukewarm Rice Wine (549): Japanese Rice Wine (548) + Fire Burst < 4 3) - Hot Rice Wine (550): Japanese Rice Wine (548) + Fire Burst > 3 (257) 4) - Sacred Wine (552): Japanese Rice Wine (548) + Holy Grail (551) 5) - Rice (557): Power Helmet (140) + Uncooked Rice (547) + Aqua Burst (Any) (240) + Fire Burst (Any) 6) - Extra Fluffy Rice (824): Power Helmet (140) + Uncooked Rice (547) + Aqua Burst (Any) + Charcoal (556) + Fire Burst (Any) 11) - Deluxe Green Tea (567): Green Tea (565) + Large Teamug (566) 19) - Beef Jerky (534): Bacon (780) OR Ox Tongue (791) + Fire Burst (Any) 20) - Grilled Hamburger (536): Fresh Beef (576) + Charcoal (556) + Fire Burst (Any) 23) - Cheese Fondue (539): Cheese (581) + Deluxe Sweet Wine (544) 29) - Strawberry Milk (794): Milk (580) + Sugar (584) + Strawberries (585) 30) - Pretty Flower (589): Flower Bud (587) + Light Flare (Any) 31) - Pretty Flower (589): Dried Flowers (591) + Aqua Burst (Any) 32) - Root-rotten Flower (590): Pretty Flower (589) + Aqua Burst (Any) 35) - Pretty Flowers (797): Pretty Flower (589) x 4 38) - Cute Doll (594): Doll (592) + Pretty Flower (589) 39) - Doll (592): Hate-filled Doll (595) OR Crying Doll (593) + Light Flare (Any) 40) - Crying Doll (593): Doll (592) + Dead Flower (588) 46) - Fruit Sorbet (619): Chunk of Ice (606) + Grapes (542) 49) - Rotten Cornucopia (800): Rotten Fruit (586) x4 51) - Dog Carving (626): Birch (578) + Sculpting Knife (732) 52) - Monkey Carving (627): Pine Tree (621) + Sculpting Knife (732) 54) - Branches (629): ANY wood or bamboo + ANY sword OR Small Knife (752) 55) - Rotten Wood (630): ANY wood or bamboo + Aqua Burst (Any) 59) - Sea Bream (640): Fishing Rod (639) + Shrimp (638) 64) - Minced Skipjack (751): Skipjack + Charcoal (556) + Fire Burst < 4 66) - Rice Ball (643): Rice (557) + Pickled Plums (644) 94) - Voodoo Doll (815): Straw (767) + Dark Flare (Any) 98) - Firefighting Medal (688): Small Fire (686) + Aqua Burst (Any) 101) - Angelic Hair (835): Shampoo (698) + Conditioner (699) + Hair Aftercare (700) + Aqua Burst (Any) + Hair Dryer (701) 102) - Cursed Picture (706): Broken Heart Picture (704) + Dark Flare (Any) 103) - Prophet's Notebook (718): Blank Notebook (715) + Magic Pen (716) 104) - Director's Notebook (719): Blank Notebook (715) + Grumble Pen (717) 105) - Unicorn Blow Horn (721): Unicorn Horn (720) + Small Knife (752) 106) - Rainbow Emblem (730): Rainy Emblem (729) + Light Flare (Any) 107) - John Hancock's Pen (735): Pegasus Horn (734) + Small Knife (752) 108) - Consolation Pay (736): Divorce Papers (733) + John Hancock's Pen (735) 110) - Grilled Fish (741): Skipjack (641) + Fire Burst < 4 113) - Monolith Brochure (746): Blank Notebook (715) + Monolith Pen (744) 114) - tri-Cres Job Offer (747): Blank Notebook (715) + tri-Crescendo Pen (745) 116) - Fatty Tuna (770): Avocado (769) + Soy Sauce (766) 118) - Chestnuts (775): Cheese (581) + Honey (774) 119) - Melon (612): Cucumbers (776) + Honey (774) 121) - Curry with Rice (831): Pickled Eggplant (816) + Curry (777) + Extra Fluffy Rice (824) 125) - Doodle Book (814): Blank Notebook (715) + Red and Blue Pencil (784) OR Blue-only Pencil (818) 126) - Ice Sculpture (608): Chunk of Ice (606) + Small Knife (752) 132) - Mark of Death (836): Voodoo Doll (815) + Angelic Hair (835) 133) - Sea Bream Lunch (837): Sea Bream (640) + Rice (557) 134) - Beautiful Hair (834): Shampoo (698) + Conditioner (699) + Hair Dryer (701) 138) - Ashes (632): Pretty Flower (589) + Fire Burst (Any) 139) - Deluxe Charcoal (555): Oakwood (553) + Fire Burst (Any) 140) - Charcoal (556): ANY wood or bamboo EXCEPT Oakwood (553) + Fire Burst (Any) 141) - Holy Grail (551): tri-Crescendo Pen (745) + Monolith Pen (744) *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VII)--Collection Subquests-- i)--The Star Map-- After you find your first Star Map piece, the old man in the church will want to talk to you. He'll ask you to search for Map pieces. Every time you bring a piece back, he'll give you a reward. Also, you'll get other rewards for bringing back certain numbers of pieces. The complete sequence is given here, in the order you are most likely to find them. Draco: Likely the first piece you'll get. You get this when you beat the Saber Dragon in Moonguile Forest. Reward: Shish Kebab (Small) (504) Vela: If you don't get this before Draco, you'll get it soon after. The Shawras throughout Sadal Suud have a chance of dropping it. Reward: Flame Sword (5) Puppis: Once you get back from Moonguile, you can get Puppis by giving Pow Milk to the cooking girl in Cebalrai. Reward: Nixie Garb (122) Pyxis: Talk to the girl immediately inside the entrance to Pherkad. Reward: Aqua Burst Lv 2 (246) Aquarius: Bring Pristine Water to the woman in the second house up on the right in Pherkad. Reward: Green Bananas (634) Carina: Found in the Fortune Teller's house in Nashira. Reward: Fire Burst Lv 2 (245) Pisces: Received after beating the Thunderfish. Reward: Secret Recipe 2 (754) Triangulum: Dropped by the Albireos in the Cloud Passage. Reward: Conditioner (699) Cygnus: Found at the end of the Cloud Passage. Reward: Shish Kebab (Medium) (505) Hydra: Clean up the west hallway in Castle Elnath after the battle. Reward: Shawl of the Goddess (125) Auriga: Found in the house in Anuenue Port. Reward: Chunk of Ice (606) Taurus: Found in the Ancient Library of Magic. Reward: Voice 3 (235) Equuleus: Found in the Holoholo Jungle. Reward: Camera 2 (231) Lupus: Found in a house in Opu village. Reward: Maple Leaf (712) Perseus: The girl in the lowest part of Opu has it. Reward: Bomb (601) Crater: Found at the base of the Celestial Tree. Reward: Fruity Gelatin (522) Ursa Major: Dropped by the Blood Leafs in the Celestial Tree. Reward: Unicorn Horn (720) Ten Pieces: Pegasus Cloak (127) *------------------------------------------------------------------------- ii)--Quzman's Family Tree-- After you meet Quzman in Pherkad, he gives you the Family Tree to fill up with his relatives all over the world. Here is the sequence of relatives in the most likely order that they will be found. Quzman: He signs right away. Can't miss him. Taymiya: Standing next to Quzman. Also a no-brainer. Rushd: At the docks in Pherkad. Give her the Dead Bluebird. Sabin: Next to Rushd. He'll go when she goes. Sallam: Running around the Pherkad docks. He'll go as soon as you promise to send Rushd. Al-athir: She's making dinner in the Pherkad Mansion. Bring her some Pow Milk Cheese. Surayj: She's watching the Pows in the stable in Cebalrai. Hawqal: The birdcatcher in Moonguile forest. Once you've helped him catch the bluebirds, he'll sign. Maymun: Found in the warehouse in Nashira. Rustah: Save him from drowning in the Lesser Celestial River. Hisham: Also drowning in the Lesser River. Qutayba: Watching his sons drown from the Cloud Passage. Will sign the family tree once they are safe. Tufayr: Found in the Philosophy section of the Ancient Library of Magic after the battle with Folon. Tulun: In the first room on the east side of the Academy of Magic. Will sign only after Tufayr does. *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IX)--Legals-- This guide is Copyright 2004-2005 Brandon Sumner. It may be freely distributed over the internet as long as this section is unchanged, and any changes made to the rest of the document are clearly marked as such. Permission is generally given to post this guide anywhere on the internet, as long as no charge is required for its viewing, and pursuant to the conditions of the above paragraph. The authour reserves all right to refuse permission for any individual or organisation to exhibit or display this text for any reason whatsoever. Distribution by means other than the internet, except for personal use, is prohibited except by express permission of the authour. This includes, but is not limited to, distribution by disk, CD, DVD, or memory card, distribution by hard copy publication, either on its own or included in another document, in whole or in parts, or distribution by "help lines" or Bulletin Board Systems. Permission is granted for creation of derivative works as long as this section remains unchanged, and it is clearly indicated exactly how the work was derived, and proper credit is given to the authour of this document. No permission is granted for charging for any work derived from this one except through special arrangement with the authour. All other rights reserved. "Baten Kaitos" and all related and associated trademarks are the property of their respective owners. No ownership is assumed. Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Concerns? Feel free to address them to The authour cannot promise to respond personally to every piece of correspondence, but will do his level best to respond to all respectful letters. Flames and spam need not apply. *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Appendix A)--Mathematical Proof of Castle Elnath-- Section IV.ii gives a bunch of figures representing values of the various troops involved in the siege of Castle Elnath. This section is my proof for those figures. As far as I am aware, this is complete and accurate. For the purposes of this document, I will use the following abbreviations: Q = Squire A = Apprentice Knight K = Knight S = Senior Knight P = "Placed" Knight E = Imperial Elite No symbol is used to represent the Imperial Blackhelm; the information is provided by the game that one Blackhelm is equal to two Elites, so all Blackhelms in this document will be regarded as 2E. Also, it is rather evident that S > K > A > Q; I will not undertake to prove this here. First, five basic observations that I gained from trying out various battles: 1) K + 2P = 4E 2) A + P = 2E 3) A + 2P = 3E 4) 2Q + 2P = 3E 5) S + P = 5E From those five statements, the following can be inferred: By statements 2 and 3, we make statement 6: A = P = E. By statements 4 and 6, statement 7: 2Q = A. By statements 1 and 6, statement 8: K = 2A. By statements 5 and 6, statement 9: S = 4A. Therefore, if we let Q = 1: Q = 1 (identity) A = 2 (statement 7) K = 4 (statement 8) S = 8 (statement 9) P = 2 (statement 6) E = 2 (statement 6) QED.