============================================================= SPECIAL ATTACK AND CARD COMBO FAQ (Ver 1.0) FOR BATEN KAITOS (JP) ON GAMECUBE Written By Nayan "trin" Ramachandran ============================================================= ============================================================= 1) Introduction ============================================================= This FAQ will primarily explain how to obtain all of the special attacks for all of the characters, and will also tell you what their damage is, what element they are, and all of that juicy information! For those who are playing the import but do not speak or read japanese, I have also offered a short section on how elements work in battle, and how comboing works in battle. :) This FAQ is not a walkthrough, nor does it explain the bare bones mechanics of battle (I'll leave that for another FAQ). Instead, it offers a look at the behind the scenes aspect of battles, so you can better understand your cards and their abilities, even with a language barrier. From here on in, special attacks will be denoted by the roman numeral on their card. As a general pointer, the higher the number, the more powerful the card. Of course, there's a bit of a twist. Depending on the element of that card, it might clash with the combo that you've just created. NOTE: Locations and strengths within this FAQ apply to the JAPANESE VERSION of the game only. Damage, element and location are subject to change upon release of the American version. ============================================================= 2) Updates ============================================================= i. To do: - Finish Locations (locations near the beginning of the game are the biggest issue.) - Decipher names for later special attacks (especially IX) ii. Added: - Got the majority of names for the special attacks (Thanks Aussie2B and jonnyram!) - Spirit Cards (Thanks to Aussie2B for reminding me and getting the names for me!) - Added all VII cards - Added all VIII cards - Added all IX cards ============================================================= 2) Elements in battle ============================================================= The crux of much of Baten Kaitos' battles is based around elements. There are 6 elements: - Fire - Ice - Chrono - Wind - Light - Dark Each of these elements has a negative. That is to say, each element has an opposite element that can be used to counter act its effect. This principle can work both for you, as well as against you in battle. Here are the opposites for each element: Fire <-> Ice Chrono <-> Wind Light <-> Dark When developing a combo during an attack turn, remember never to mix opposites. This can majorly reduce the effectiveness of a combo. When mixing opposites, the game will subtract the weaker from the stronger, and the damage you deal will be the result of that. The element of that resulting number will be the same element as the stronger of the two opposites. Here is an illustrated example to explain the concept: If the player uses a Fire sword for 65 fire damage, and then draws an Ice sword for 60 ice damage, then the player will only damage the targeted enemy for 5 fire damage. 5 fire (65 fire, 60 ice) While it is unwise to mix opposite elements, it is okay to mix elements that are not opposites. For instance, drawing a fire card, a wind card, and a light card will hit the targeted enemy for fire, wind, and light damage, but the cards will not conflict with each other. Those who are already playing Baten Kaitos will be quick to point out that there is a 7th element. Technically, this is true. The 7th element is neutral. While neutral is an element, it doesn't work the way the other 6 elements do. Neutral has no opposite. It can be combined with any other element without being diminished in power. Players will also notice that all attack cards (including elemental spell cards) attack for neutral damage as well as elemental damage. Every attack card has a strength, as well as an elemental strength. The neutral damage that the card will deal against an enemy is based on the strength, while the elemental damage dealt is based on the elemental strength. When viewing a card of a certain element, the regular number is the neutral strength, and the number in brackets (accompanied by the kanji of the element) is the elemental strength. Here is an example: Kalas' Special Attack VI has the following strength: 172 (Chrono 140). Because neutral attack cards cannot cancel out any other element, it is invaluable to use high damage neutral element attack cards in a combo. Neutral element special attacks are especially helpful, as they can finish any combo, regardless of the elements present in the combo. Unfortunately, Mizuti is the only party member that ever gets neutral element special attacks. NOTE: These element rules also apply when issuing defense cards during a battle. There are a few more rules that must be learned during a defense turn. During a defense turn, the enemy will be attacking a party member. To cut down the amount of damage that your character takes, you can issue defense cards that will counteract the effects of their attacks. The most important thing to remember when issuing defense cards is the rule of opposite elements. When an enemy attacks with a certain element, the only way to block it is with a defense card of the _opposite_ element. If the collective defensive power of that specific element is more than the collective offensive power of the enemy's element, you will negate the attack, and no damage will be done. Here is an example to illustrate: (the numbers below represent cumulative strength of that element from all cards issued in that turn) i. Enemy attacks with total 40 light -> Player defends with total 50 dark = Result 0 Light damage. ii. Enemy attacks with total 40 light -> Player defends with total 35 dark -> = Result 5 Light damage. If by some chance you don't have any defense cards of the opposite element in your current pool of usable cards, or you use a card of the same element to defend, then none of the enemy's attack will be blocked. Here is an example: i. Enemy attacks with total 40 light -> Player defends total 50 Ice = Result 40 Light damage. ii. Enemy attacks with total 40 light -> Player defends with total 50 Light = Result 40 Light damage. As you can see, the only way to defend against an element is to use its opposite. No other element can defend against a specific element. The neutral element works differently. Because it can be blocked by another neutral card, and because every attack card has a neutral strength, the neutral element is actually the easiest element to defend against. ============================================================= 3) Combo Tactics ============================================================= Chaining a combo together in Baten Kaitos is much easier than it initially seems. While it may seem like your characters can only chain one or two cards at the start, more powerful cards, and a higher class will help to rectify that. When you first start out your game, you'll find that all the cards in Kalas' deck only have one number, which is situated in the upper right hand corner of each card. The stronger the cards in your party's decks, the more number will be on the card. At first you'll see a number in the upper right and the lower left. Soon you'll notice that your most powerful cards have numbers on all four corners. While the A button can be used to simply select a card when you first start playing the game, it's a good idea to learn early on to use the C stick in battle. While it doesn't seem all that important to use the C stick instead of the A button in battle, it becomes invaluable in later sections in the game, where your survival depends purely on the combos you produce. As long as you keep using the A button, you'll only be able to use the number on the upper right of each card. The C stick must be used to select the other numbers. For instance, if you would like to use a 4 on the lower right of a card in a combo (more on that in a second), simply move your cursor over to the card with the analog stick, and select the 4 on that specific card by pushing the C stick in the lower right direction. It may be daunting to those who suddenly start using the C stick once they reach the second disc of the game, learning to use the C stick from the start makes it easier to formulate complex combos later in the game. While you could choose cards at random and end up with a relatively high damage combo, it is much more helpful to try and formulate a proper combo hand. Combos work much the way hands work in Poker. Every time you finish an attack, a readout will present itself, showing you exactly what kind of damage you delivered, how much of the damage was blocked by the target enemy , and what prizes you received from the attack. There are several ways to earn prizes during an attack. The first way is to use Voice cards. These are taunt cards that players earn throughout the game. When used in a combo, the player automatically earns a prize from that. The prize is an additonal percentage of the damage dealt, added to that damage. For instance, if the player deals 300 damage in a combo, and uses a Voice Lvl I Card in the combo, they will get an extra 5% damage bonus, Bringing the new damage total to 315. Another way to earn prizes is by pairing certain numbers together during a combo. For instance, pairing two attack cards with 2's will earn a 10% damage bonus. There are also combos called straights. These are attack cards that have numbers in sequential order (eg. 1,2,3,4,5). Here is a rundown of all the combos that a player do: Attack turn: 2 straight: +13% 3 straight: +28% 4 straight: +45% 5 straight: +64% 2 cards: +10% 3 cards: +21% 4 cards: +33% 2 cards, 2 pairs: 13% (eg. 4,4,2,2) 5 straight with 9: +96% 6 straight: +86% 7 straight: +111% 8 straight: +139% Final straight fall: +255% Final straight sunrise: +306% (This is a straight from 1-9) 2 straight with 9: +19% 3 straight with 9: +42% 4 straight with 9: +67% 6 straight with 9: +129% 7 straight with 9: +166% 8 straight with 9: +208% 5 cards: +45% 6 cards: +57% 7 cards: +69% 8 cards: +81% 9 cards: +93% 2 cards 3 pairs: +26% 2 cards 4 pairs: +40% 3 cards 2 pairs: +39% 3 cards 3 pairs: +65% 4 cards 2 pairs: +64% 2 cards with 9: +15% 3 cards with 9: +31% 4 cards with 9: +49% 5 cards with 9: +67% 6 cards with 9: +85% 7 cards with 9: +103% 8 cards with 9: +121% 9 cards with 9: +139% Defense Turn 2 straight: -11% 3 straight: -21% 4 straight: -31% 5 straight: -39% 6 straight: -46% 7 straight: -52% 2 straight with 9: -15% 3 straight with 9: -29% Final straight sunset: -71% 2 cards: -9% 3 cards: -17% 4 cards: -24% 5 cards: -31% 7 cards: -40% 2 cards 2 pairs: -11% 3 cards 2 pairs: -28% [3 cards -16% 2 cards -7%] (This is essentially a full house) [4 cards -23% 2 cards -6%] NOTE: In attack turns, a full house is calculated in two separate parts: 2 cards, and then 3 cards. In other words, a full house in an attack turn is calculated as (+10%, +21%). (Thanks to wowkim for the combo prize list!) The last prize that a player can obtain during an attack turn is a whole new card. There are rare times when two cards used in the same attack combo can yield a new card. When this happens, the two original cards remain in your deck, but a whole new card is now yours for using. Unfortunately, prize cards are usually useless, but there are a couple rare prize cards that can be very useful in reviving or curing characters with a very high percentage of success. Half the fun of prize cards is discovering the combinations for yourself, so I won't spoil it. ============================================================= 4) Special Attack Chart Legend ============================================================= VI <-- Denotes the roman numeral found in the center of the special attack card. --- Name: Hiken Kagibane (Shadow feathers) <-- the romanji name of the specific move. The name in brackets is the english translation. For names in katakana, only the english is provided. Element: Chrono <-- The element family that the attack belongs to. Strength: 172 (140) <-- The strength of the card, according to the game. The number in brackets is the additional elemental damage. Effect: A swirling vortex of doom. <-- What the attack looks like in battle. Location: N/A <-- Where the card can be found. N/A means that the character enters the party with that card already in their deck. Locations in brackets denote times when the card is dropped by a specific non boss enemy. ============================================================= 5) Special Attack Chart ============================================================= Keep in mind that the locations listed are NOT the only places to find these special attack cards. Because it is possible to miss some of these cards in places that is impossible to return to later in the game, some enemies and bosses will drop these special attack cards. (If anyone has information on which enemies drop which cards, please e-mail me, so I can update this list). <<< Kalas >>> Kalas' special attacks seem to cover a variety of elements, but the majority of his attacks are wind-based. Because of the multitude of different elemental swords that Kalas can earn, his combos become very damaging, especially as players reach the second disc of the game. NOTE: The "Hiken" that precedes each of Kalas' special attacks simply means "secret sword technique." I --- Name: Hiken Seiran (mountain air) Element: Wind Strength: 45 (40) Effect: Kalas summons a small tornado that whips around the targeted enemy. Location: N/A II --- Name: Hiken Kagebane (shadow feathers) Element: Dark Strength: 70 (60) Effect: Kalas summons a flock of shadow birds that smash into the targeted enemy. Location: This card can be obtained by defeating the cat like monsters in the lava dungeon. (This isn't the way I originally got the card, but unfortunately, I can't figure out how I originally got it. I have two copies of the card now. Go figure.) III --- Name: Hiken Denpa (tale of destruction) Element: Wind Strength: 95 (80) Effect: A plunging wind blow that smashes into the enemy. Location: This card is sometimes dropped by the monsters that take over the Empire City on the second disc. (This is not the only way to obtain this card) IV --- Name: Hiken Bakuyou (exploding sparkle) Element: Fire Strength: 120 (100) Effect: A devastating fire attack from the ground. Location: (This card is also dropped by the oyster monsters found in the block puzzle dungeon in Mizuti's homeland) V --- Name: Hiken Zansui (deadly water) Element: Ice Strength: 145 (120) Effect: Kalas summons a wave of pure water that smashes into the targeted enemy. Location: ? VI --- Name: Hiken Mujin (dream blade) Element: Chrono Strength: 172 (140) Effect: Kalas summons a multitude of swords from the ground that all converge on the targeted enemy. Location: This is located in the lab of the scientist with the ice machine just outside the lava dungeon. The item box is sitting on a table in the room. VII --- Name: Hiken Kouga (fang of light) Element: Light Strength: 205 (160) Effect: Kalas performs a spiral cut that hits the enemy multiple times. Location: Found in an item box in the Maze Dungeon (Sorry, I can't give directions. If you leave the dungeon, you've gone too far! :P) VIII --- Name: Hiken Genran (illusion disorder) Element: Chrono Strength: 235 (180) Effect: Kalas delivers a really cool looking chrono elemental sword combo. Location: Obtained right after the second fight with Giacomo in the secluded cabin. IX --- Name: Hiken Fuujin (god of wind) Element: Wind Strength: 275 (200) Effect: Kalas charges into the enemy for wind elemental damage. Location: Go to the second room of the upper left boss room path in the final dungeon. Touch the soul in the middle of the room. This will materialize the red teleporter in the teleporter room in the lower left path. Take the teleporter, and collect the card from the item box. <<< Xelha >>> While Xelha's later special attacks are fairly well-rounded, and cover most of the elements, her strengths lie in light element. Her first three special attacks are light, and isn't until V that she earns a dark element special attack. Her special attacks are excellent to tie up a large magic combo, but the lack of versatility in her special attacks constricts the variety of elements you can use in a given combo involving a special attack. I --- Name: Hikari no mai (stage of light) Element: Light Strength: 45 (40) Effect: Xelha sprinkles the enemy with light elemental magic. Location: N/A II --- Name: Inochi no kirameki (twinkle of destiny) Element: Light Strength: 70 (60) Effect: Xelha shoots her little companion at the targeted enemy like a torpedo. Location: Received after beating Giacomo by himself on the airship, just after Kalas rescues Xelha. (Thanks to lingqi for the heads up on this. My memory sucks!) III --- Name: Tamashii no hirameki (flash of soul) Element: Light Strength: 95 (80) Effect: Xelha throws her companion into the air and covers her eyes. The companion rains light elemental energy on the targeted enemy. Location: ? IV --- Name: Honoo no kyouran (fury of flame) Element: Fire Strength: 120 (100) Effect: Xelha summons floating fire that converges on the enemy. Location: This card can be found by searching Xelha's bed at the fortress of ice. (This is not the only way to obtain this card.) V --- Name: Yami no houyou (embrace of darkness) Element: Dark Strength: 145 (120) Effect: Xelha summons a swirling fire vortex that converges on the targeted enemy and creates a huge ball of dark energy. (Why this is isn't a fire elemental attack is beyond me) Location: This card is also dropped by the manticores in Xelha's sidequest. (For the mythologically challenged, manticores are lions with snake tails and human faces. The manticores in Baten Kaitos have lion's heads, but whatever.) VI --- Name: Kaze no hagoromo (robe of wind) Element: Wind Strength: 172 (140) Effect: Xelha summons a vortex of butterflies (?) that inflict wind damage on the targeted enemy. Location: This card can be found in one of the prison cells, just after the lava dungeon boss. It is located in an item box behind one of the beds. VII --- Name: Toki no korei (bell of time) Element: Chrono Strength: 205 (160) Effect: I've watched this attack at least 15 times, and I still don't know what is going on. A giant clock, and 6 bells...what? Location: There is a dying martian type monster in a dead end of the maze dungeon. Give him water essence from one of the jugs in the maze dungeon, and you'll get this card in return. See? Love really does conquer all. ;) VIII --- Name: Mizu no fuuin (seal of water) Element: Ice Strength: 235 (180) Effect: Xelha sucks the enemy into a magical seal of water. (This attack has the ability to instantly kill enemies, regardless of their HP.) Location: Automatically obtained after beating the boss of Xelha's sidequest. IX --- Name: Hikari no rinne (circle of light) Element: Light Strength: (275) 200 Effect: Location: Obtained by defeating the dark demon in the center boss room of the final dungeon. <<< Gibari >>> Gibari is one of the most eclectic characters in Baten Kaitos, when it comes to special attacks. His special attacks vary in element type from any other character in the game, making it very easy to build a single element deck when the occasion calls for it. I --- Name: Dragon Upper Element: Dark Strength: 45 (40) Effect: Gibari summons a sea snake that attacks the targeted enemy for multiple hits. Location: N/A II --- Name: Crystal Shot Element: Ice Strength: 70 (60) Effect: Gibari uses his paddle as a baseball bat, and smashes a giant iceberg into the enemy. Location: N/A III --- Name: Explode Paddle Element: Ice? Strength: 95 (80) Effect: Gibari smashes the enemy for fire damage. Location: This special attack is found as you arrive at Anuenue. At the landing pad, there is a ladder heading up to a building. Directly in line with that ladder is another heading down off screen. At the bottom of the ladder is an item box with Gibari's III. (This ladder is extremely hard to see, and I actually only noticed I had missed it when I found Gibari's IV.) UPDATE: Gibari's III special attack can also be obtained after collecting 22 zodiac stones. IV --- Name: Smash Tackle Element: Chrono Strength: 120 (100) Effect: Gibari recklessly bodychecks the enemy. Location: This is located in the jungle on Anuenue. It is located among a collection of 5 or 6 item boxes guarded by undead. These item boxes are located near the end of the jungle, and you must travel down a ladder to get to it. The item boxes can be seen from the regular path. V --- Name: Whirl Hit Element: Dark Strength: 145 (120) Effect: Gibari smashes the enemy with his paddle like a baseball bat. Location: ? VI --- Name: Spiral Gale Element: Wind Strength: 172 (140) Effect: Gibari spins into a human tornado and hits the enemy for wind damage. Location: Earned by beating the Centaur guarding Savyna's holding chamber in Anuenue. VII --- Name: Blast Pendulum Element: Light Strength: 205 (160) Effect: ? Location: You must finish a specific constellation (not sure which constellation this is) VIII --- Name: Nemesis Fall Element: Dark Strength: 235 (180) Effect: ? Location: Obtained by defeating the giant armored fish creature in Great Heaven Flow (Gibari's side quest). IX --- Name: ? Element: Light Strength: 275 (200) Effect: ? Location: Obtained by defeating the dark demon in the upper left boss room in the final dungeon. <<< Lyude >>> Lyude's special attacks seem only to cover light and dark, which is no surprise, as the rest of his deck seems only to cover those two elements. Light is Lyude's primary element, so when designing a deck for him, try to give prominence to Light element cards. Surprisingly, he has a couple high damage dark element cards, so it's always good to keep his dark special attacks in the deck for a rainy day. (Lyude is especially helpful in the numerous Giacomo/Ayme/Folon fights throughout the game.) I --- Name: Overture Element: Light Strength: 45 (40) Effect: Lyude draws a straight line in the targeted enemy with a high powered laser. Location: N/A II --- Name: Concerto Element: Light Strength: 70 (60) Effect: Lyude plants a target under the enemy, and sprays the sky with elemental shots, which all home to the target. (This is my personal favorite special attack. I wish it was stronger, so I could use it to better effect) Location: N/A III --- Name: Sforzando Element: Dark Strength: Effect: Lyude mercilessly beats the targeted enemy with his gun. Location: This is found in an item box on the upper floor of the undead library on Anuenue. IV --- Name: Diminuendo Element: Dark Strength: 120 (100) Effect: Lyude jumps into the air, and hurls himself at the targeted enemy, covered in dark elemental energy. Location: Earned after the boat race with Mizuti just before arriving at Mira. If you lose the race and miss the card, it can also be obtained by killing the two headed cerberus monsters in the maze dungeon. V --- Name: Intermezzo Element: Light Strength: 145 (120) Effect: Lyude throws a bomb at the enemy, and shoots the bomb right as it nears the enemy. Location: Located in the northen most room of the Empire City. You can see the item box during a cutscene earlier in the game, but cannot claim the item until later in the game when Xelha must free each of the party members. VI --- Name: Crescendo Element: Dark Strength: 172 (140) Effect: Lyude attacks with a stylish kick combo of darkness. (cue death metal :P) Location: Earned by beating the Centaur that guards Lyude's prison on the Empire Island. VII --- Name: Rhapsody Element: Light Strength: 205 (160) Effect: Lyude blasts the enemy with light elemental energy. Location: Found in an item box on the fourth floor of the block puzzle tower in Mizuti's homeland. VIII --- Name: Presto Element: Dark Strength: 235 (180) Effect: ? Location: Obtained automatically after beating the abyss creature on the Empire Ghost Ship. IX --- Name: Element: Light Strength: 275 (200) Effect: Lyude engulfs the enemy in light elemental energy. Location: Obtained by defeating the dark demon in the lower left boss room in the final dungeon. <<< Savyna >>> Savyna's special attacks seem to favor the fire element...which is a good thing, since her deck will initially contain primarily neutral and fire element attack cards. Be warned, Savyna delivers her moves REALLY fast, so make sure to pick your cards fast during an attack turn. More than a couple times, I found myself finishing a combo prematurely because of slow decision making. I --- Name: Burn Arrow Element: Fire Strength: 45 (40) Effect: Savyna performs a fiery combo. Location: N/A II --- Name: Eruption Flail Element: Fire Strength: 70 (60) Effect: Savyna covers herself in a ball of fire elemental energy, and delivers a high damage combo to the targeted enemy. Location: N/A III --- Name: Splash Spear Element: Ice Strength: 95 (80) Effect: Savyna shoots out a spear of water from her hand. Location: ? IV --- Name: Frigian Axe Element: Fire Strength: 120 (100) Effect: Savyna delivers a fiery knee to the targeted enemy. Location: ? V --- Name: Banish Grenade Element: Ice Strength: 145 (120) Effect: Savyna kicks the enemy with an ice covered leg, and summons a giant ice axe that falls on the enemy. Location: Earned after the boat race with Mizuti just before arriving at Mira. It is unclear what happens if you don't manage to collect any cards during the race, as this card is one of the race prizes for collecting a certain number of cards. VI --- Name: Hurricane Blade Element: Ice Strength: 172 (140) Effect: Savyna savagely beats the targeted opponent with multiple freezing roundhouse kicks. Location: Earned by beating the Centaur that guards Gibari's prison on Diadem. VII --- Name: Inferno Cannon Element: Fire Strength: 205 (160) Effect: Location: Found in a small alleyway in the second town in Mizuti's homeland. You can only access it after the fight with Marbeshuro, as gossipers block the alley before that event. VIII --- Name: Hellblood Hammer Element: Fire Strength: 235 (180) Effect: Savyna attacks with a hammer of fiery death. Location: Obtained by beating the large desert monster in Savyna's sidequest. IX --- Name: Element: Fire Strength: 275 (200) Effect: Location: Obtained by defeating the dark demon in the upper right boss room in the final dungeon. <<< Mizuti >>> Because Mizuti's first 3 special attacks are neutral, performing combos with a variety of different element types with his special attacks is very easy. Mizuti's other special attacks, on the other hand, are all elemental, giving it that extra elemental damage in a crunch. I --- Name: Sorcerer Chakram Element: Neutral Strength: 45 Effect: Mizuti uses his chakram to attack the enemy. Location: N/A II --- Name: Sorcerer Breath Element: Neutral Strength: 70 Effect: Mizuti blows toxic smoke at the enemy. Location: N/A III --- Name: Sorcerer Seal Element: Neutral Strength: 95 Effect: Mizuti swallows the enemy, chews it up, and spits it out. Location: N/A IV --- Name: Tenchuu houraku (collapse of the pillars supporting heaven!) Element: Chrono Strength: 120 (100) Effect: Mizuti summons totem poles from a vortex, that converge on the targeted enemy. Location: The mirror dungeon located underneath Mirodia's house. It is in an item box in the first shattered mirror room. The item box can be seen through many of the shattered mirror pieces. (This card is also dropped by the undead in the sludge forest in Mizuti's homeland.) V --- Name: Genei houshi/boushi (phantom priest) Element: Dark Strength: 145 (120) Effect: Mizuti casts a shadow that swallows the enemy whole. Location: Earned following the battle with Emperor in the lava dungeon on Mira. VI --- Name: Element: Ice Strength: 172 (140) Effect: Mizuti summons a pillar of ice from under the enemy. Location: Earned by beating the Centaur that guards Mizuti's prison on Mira. VII --- Name: Taiyou kouen (The sun's red flame) Element: Fire Strength: 205 (160) Effect: Mizuti summons a pillar of flames from under the enemy. Location: Obtained by beating the puppet bosses (fire and ice) in the block puzzle dungeon in Mizuti's homeland. VIII --- Name: Genshin shoukan (Summon the real me) Element: Wind Strength: 235 (180) Effect: Mizuti drops a giant Mizuti mask replica on the enemy. Location: This is obtained by defeating the spirit in the card guessing battle during Mizuti's sidequest. IX --- Name: Seirei kourin (Advent of the star spirit) Element: Chrono Strength: 275 (200) Effect: Mizuti sucks the enemy into a portal for chrono elemental damage. Location: Obtained by defeating the dark demon in the lower right boss room of the final dungeon. ============================================================= 6) Spirit Attacks ============================================================= There are unique cards that can appear in your deck by chance during battle. These are cards created by the spirit that inhabits Kalas. There are six spirit cards, one for each element. There is apparently no 7th spirit card for the neutral element. These cards are helpful in a tight squeeze, and their frequency in battle is based on the spirit's bond to Kalas. This is affected by the responses that you (as the spirit) give Kalas when he or anyone else asks you a question. When they appear, spirit cards will take the place of another card that is in your current draw pool (the cards that you are able to use in that turn). Here is a list of the six known spirit cards: Seraph the Shine --- Element: Light Strength: 70 (50) Demons the Dark --- Element: Dark Strength: 70 (50) Hellfire --- Element: Fire Strength: 70 (50) Saint Bubble --- Element: Ice Strength: 70 (50) Chrono Still --- Element: Chrono Strength: 70 (50) Distort Wind --- Element: Wind Strength: 70 (50) ============================================================= 7) Quick Thanks ============================================================= There are a multitude of people I would like to thank for making this FAQ possible: - Monolith Soft and tri-Crescendo. Without this team-up, Baten Kaitos never would've happened. - Namco. Congratulations on taking MLSI on, and publishing their RPGs. (Now if they could only work faster on localizing Xenosaga Ep.II for the states! :P) - GameForce Boulder. This is my one stop shop for import games, and no place makes it easier to obtain hard to find games like them. - My folks. For letting me play on their TV at odd hours of the night, while on my Christmas vacation. They could have easily asked me to wait until I got back to my own house to play the game. - The Baten Kaitos Forum on GameFAQs (Aussie2B, Holystar, Kite2083, wowkim, ilovegames, and the rest!) Your knowledge of the game's storyline, and game mechanics helped me ease into the game, despite my utter lack of knowledge in the japanese language dept. I just hope this FAQ can help you guys collect the Special Attacks you missed (Holystar, Kite2083, I'm looking at you guys!) - Gameforms.com. I write for these guys, and we all go to E3 together. We're one big happy family! - Code Junkies. Without the existence of the Freeloader, I would have had to spend upwards of $100 to mod my Gamecube. ============================================================= 8) Contacting Me ============================================================= Anyone that would like to contact me about either errors in this FAQ, or have any extra information you would like to bestow upon me, you can contact me at my college address: nramacha@goucher.edu. Please don't e-mail me telling me the following: - How much the game sucks - How much I suck - How much the FAQ sucks (unless you have some good hard evidence...in which case I'll be more than happy to adjust the FAQ, so that it may suck less.) - Game help. I am NOT a human walkthrough. If you want help, please refer to the GameFAQs forum. I can help you there. Please don't e-mail me with help. My e-mail is choked as it is. Thanks. ============================================================= 9) Copying my FAQ ============================================================= I would greatly appreciate it if people would enjoy the FAQ, and not copy it and pass it off as their own work. This IS copyrighted work, and once you violate this copyright, you are breaking federal law. Please, just enjoy the FAQ for what it is. If you would like to contribute to the FAQ, you know where to get in touch with me. That about covers it. Happy gaming, and good luck! Copyright 2004 Nayan Ramachandran, all rights reserved.