============================================================================== BATEN KAITOS ONE CHANCE FAQ Ver. 0.5 GAMECUBE Written by: Stephen Chi ============================================================================== ****************************************************************************** Legal Info All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. This document Copyright 2004 Stephen Chi. This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. This document is only for gamefaqs.com. It may not be placed on any other web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. ****************************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1) Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ As a card-based game, a major part of Baten Kaitos is simply collecting every card possible. For most of the 1000+ cards, collecting can be put off until the end of the game, when the player can simply revisit an area and fight an enemy, take a photo, or open a treasure chest for the card. In other cases, however, there is just one chance to obtain a card or perform some sidequest, and this FAQ will cover as many of those points as possible to aid in those seeking to complete their Gathering. Spoilers will be kept to a minimum, limited only to the names of areas and several common enemies. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2) Vital Sidequests/Cards ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ There are a number of general tips that should be followed throughout the entire game, and these will be listed first. All subsequent sidequests/cards are listed chronologically to when they can be obtained/ended. Purposes to certain quest Magnus are provided, except when that would entail a spoiler. 1. Take a picture of every boss. If the boss has more than one part, take pictures of each part. Just seeing the picture after the battle is enough; you don't need to actually own it. You will actually have multiple chances to take pictures of G, A, and F (initials, you will be fully introduced by the middle of the third island), but it never hurts to be safe. The main reason people have been unable to complete their Gathering is because they forgot to take a picture of one of the bosses. Make it a priority to get that Camera out as soon as possible. Bosses in Baten Kaitos are rarely difficult; I have made it a habit to waste cards by attacking the boss and then healing him/her/it in the same combo so I can get my camera as quickly as possible without risk of accidentally ending the fight prematurely. 2. Just to be safe, make sure to take pictures of every type of enemy because the area might be closed off later. Again, you don't have to keep the photo, just see it after the battle is over in the rewards screen. 3. Do NOT throw away Warrior's Momentos (Moonguile Forest), and do NOT give it to the wives (Wazn) later in the game until it has turned into Warrior's Memories. Reward for the Memories is a Golden Bugle. The Momentos take 50 hours to transform, making the Memories one of the most missed cards. 4. Do NOT throw away the Thunderfish Bone (Lesser Celestial River). Do not even pick it up until the second disc, because it's a waste of space for a long time. Give it to the museum in Balancoire on the second disc. 5. Diadem Castle, first visit, take pictures of the TWO types of enemies. They won't be around again. They DO NOT respawn, so take pictures AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. 6. In Diadem Castle, save every knight (if you need extra help, there is a room full of wounded knights to the left of a staircase) in order to get the six elemental auras, which will gradually increase in power from level one to level six. You MUST save them, as the auras will not show up elsewhere. Auras are special defense cards that require a defense card of the same element to be used rightbefore them, but have the helpful effect of ending the enemy's combo. 7. Do NOT throw away or sell Magical Piggy Bank (School of Magic, talk to the student sitting in the front row four times, then speak to the boy sitting behind him). It has two transformations (Full Piggy Bank, Empty Piggy Bank), and it's the only one you'll get. 8. Trail of Souls. Ah, the accursed Trail of Souls. You MUST get Secret Recipe 4 here, and you MUST allow a monster to attack you (preferably in the fourth wave, where the reward is a speed boost) so you can take pictures of the TWO types of monsters there. You MUST ALSO obtain a Frost Cap as a random drop from the Zelmers there (floating ice head). (Ket Shi/VansFlyingPapaya) You WILL NOT get a second chance. The Trail of Souls is probably the second highest reason why people fail to complete the Gathering, as there is no indication of what cards can be obtained. Secret Recipe 4 is found in the very last wave. See Section 4 for more information about the Trail of Souls. 9. If you do not get all 9 Secret Recipes, you will be unable to create the tenth Secret Recipe, which is formed by making a straight of all nine previous recipes in ascending order. Only three Secret Recipes can be missed forever, 4, 6, and 7, unless you accidentally sell or discard one. 10. Once you reach Alfard, keep a spare Camera in your Stock. Once you get off the island, you'll see why. 11. In Mintaka, you should get Secret Recipe 6 AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. It's located on the screen with the port. Go far up past the door to the house, then right onto the spindle-like things. Walk to the end of the one second from the bottom. Examine the air for the Secret Recipe. 12. Mintaka, first visit, take pictures of the TWO types of enemies. They won't be around again. You MUST take pictures of both enemies BEFORE leaving Mintaka. 13. In Azha, give the kids 13 Magnus and talk to the guy sitting on the ground for a Mephistoles Cloak, then keep giving them Magnus until you pass 20. Talk to the guy again for Secret Recipe 7. Do this AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. If you need disposable Magnus, just make repeated runs into the nearby Lava Caves for some Lava. For some reason, the kids just gobble those up like any other Magnus. 14. In Mintaka, en route to the Imperial Fortress, enter the house in the screen that leads out of the city. Examine the journal to obtain Girl's Thoughts. Do this BEFORE finishing the Imperial Fortress. Girl's Thoughts can be used in Azha to unblock a passage (see 7 in Missable Sidequests). 15. Late, late in the game, a certain someone's face will be slightly altered for a single battle. Annoyingly, you can get TWO pictures, one rare, the other Mega Rare, from that person in that state, and you MUST get BOTH during that one battle. Don't forget to take a picture of the enemy, too. 16. In the Phantom Ship, take a picture of the normal enemy, the Master Revenants, AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. They DO NOT respawn when you leave and reenter the screen. 17. In the Phantom Ship, do not enter the leftmost room in the main hall (the one with six entry points) until you have gotten all the Magnus. That triggers the boss battle, and there are several unique Magnus on the Ship that you will want beforehand, since the party is ejected from the ship after the fight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3) Missable Sidequests ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ These sidequests are not essential in the sense that the Magnus received can be obtained elsewhere, but will disappear after certain points in the game. Some people may enjoy doing them, as the prize is often worth the trouble. 1. Talk to woman near exit of Cebalrai after getting Explosives, then save her husband in the mansion in Pherkad (second door from left after heading up stairs). Talk to the couple back in Cebalrai Village. Get Shampoo. 2. In Sheliak, prior to entering castle, give water (Age a Cloud to get Salty Water) to a soldier standing in the plaza. Get nothing. 3. In Diadem Castle, after visiting the Shrine, clean up the rubble in the East wing. Get Glass Earrings. (Ket Shi) If you do not do this, the rubble will be cleared up later and you can obtain the Glass Earring by giving a soldier in the Castle several Nameless Flowers. 4. In Diadem Castle, after visiting the Shrine, push rubble in the West wing against the walls. Get Hydra. (Ket Shi) Similarly, the rubble will be cleared up later and you can obtain Hydra by giving a soldier in the Castle some Nameless Flowers. 5. In Sheliak, after finishing the Shrine, give water to the person washing the street lamp (hold a Cloud long enough and it will degenerate to Salty Water) and to the soldier running around. 6. In Azha, give the woman in the house to the left a Hot Rock (Age Lava from the Lava Caves). Get Cetaka's Sword. Talk to the old woman in the same screen, get Platinum Buckle. (Omnigamer) 7. In Azha, give the boy on the third floor of the house Girl's Thoughts. Gain entry into third floor room. (Omnigamer) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4) Trail of Souls ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ In order to enter the fourth island, your party must board a ship and travel through an outer dimension, the Trail of Souls. But, after certain events occur en route involving a trio of villains, your ship will be forced to follow a smaller ship in an attempt to reach safety. This takes place as a shooter style minigame, in which your ship attempts to keep pace with the other ship while shooting down enemies. Once this minigame is finished, it can never be played again, so obtaining all of the unique Magnus in one go is a must if you wish to possess a full Gathering of Magnus. Controls: A: Shoots homing shots Hold R + A: Shoots shots in direction ship is facing Left: Turns ship left Right: Turns ship right In this minigame, your ship will automatically move forward at the bottom of the screen. A total of 12 waves of enemies, with 4 enemies each, will appear at the top of the screen and travel downwards towards you. If you destroy all 4 enemies in a single wave, the last one will drop a Magnus. The only exception to this rule is the fourth wave, in which the last enemy will drop a speed boost that rapidly accelerates your ship up to the smaller one. The Magnus drops are as follows: 1. Half Plate 2. Aqua Burst Level 3 3. Crystal Edge 4. Speed Boost 5. Shish Kebab (Large) 6. Green Oak 7. Kite Shield 8. Devil Eupho 9. Diminuendo 10. Wheat Crackers 11. Camera 2 12. Secret Recipe 4 The only wave that you absolutely must destroy is the last one, which holds Secret Recipe 4. All other cards can be obtained elsewhere, though you may want to have Diminuendo as soon as possible since it's next location won't be for many hours. One shot kills an enemy, so jam that button the moment you see one approaching on the radar screen. It's a good idea, if you're having trouble, too just spray shots wildly between waves. You can probably take out one or two of the next wave right off the bat. There are three other unique Magnus aside from Secret Recipe 4, however, and getting them requires you to purposefully miss at least one wave. First, there are two enemies in the Trail of Souls that do not appear elsewhere: Ghost Claws and Zelmers. You must spare one wave (preferably the one with the speed boost) and take pictures of both enemies. In addition to this, there is one other Magnus that requires you to fight an enemy wave. Zelmers, the blue floating ice heads, occasionally drop Frost Caps. They are the only enemy to drop this Magnus, and it cannot be found elsewhere. So, you must continue to allow waves to live until a fight with a Zelmer yields this Magnus. The enemies will of course be shooting back at you during your flight. Being hit reduces your speed and paralyzes your shooting for a moment. If you are hit so many times that the second ship reaches the top edge of your radar, the minigame will start over. But, the number of times you would have to be hit is so high, that will likely never occur to you as long as you keep shooting. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5) Contact Info ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If you wish to contact me, I can be reached by email at stichifaq@verizon.net. Do not email me about some piddling grammar or spelling mistake, or to tell me my FAQ sucks. Do not email me asking how to get through an area. DO email me if you have info to contribute, which I will credit you for (unless I have already found it), or if there is some vital, glaring error in the locations. If you would like clarification on a location, the forum would probably be a better idea, since I check that daily and there are other competent players there to answer your question in the likely event that I screw up.