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If you want to use this document for anything e-mail me and we'll discuss it. Break these rules and you will have to deal with my legal action. *Capcom vs. SNK 2: EO and it's characters, quotes, or anything else are copyright 2001, 2002, Capcom *This FAQ is (C) 2003 Nathan Kasanaji *If you think I may have borrowed or referenced information that originally came from your FAQs, PLEASE notify me and I'll remove or credit the work from this FAQ right away. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -----------CONTENTS--------------- <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 1. Contents 2. Version History 3. Intro 4. Capcom Side -Akuma -Balrog -Blanka -Cammy White -Chun-Li -Dan Hibiki -Dhalsim -Eagle -Edmond Honda -Evil Ryu -Guile -Ken Masters -Kyosuke Kagami -Maki -M. Bison -Morrigan Aensland -Rolento Schugerg -Ryu -Sagat -Sakura Kasugano -Shin Akuma -Vega -Yun Lee -Zangief 5. SNK Side -Athena Asamiya -Benimaru Nikaido -Chang and Choi Bounge -Geese Howard -Haohmaru -Hibiki Takane -Iori Yagami -Joe Higashi -Kim Kaphwan -King -Kyo Kusanagi -Mai Shiranui -Nakoruru -Orochi Iori -Raiden -Rock Howard -Rugal Bernstein -Ryo Sakazaki -Terry Bogard -Todo -Ultimate Rugal -Vice -Yamazaki -Yuri Sakazaki 6. Closing/Credits >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -----------Version History------------ <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Version 1.0 (June 12, 2003) -Completed Capcom Side(sorta) Version 1.1 -Fixed some mistakes >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ------------Introduction------------- <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Hey. This is my first FAQ for this site. This FAQ includes a character's ending, winning quotes, pre-final quote, poses/taunts, and special intros. Nothing else! Well, I may add some translations, but that's it! No combos, move lists, hints for the game or anything else! If you want to read any of that kind of stuff, then go read read some of the other great FAQs on this site. Understand? Good. Now, before reading this FAQ, you must understand that this a FAQ load with *SPOILERS* since I've listed the endings for each character. So......if you don't want the game spoiled for you or are allergic to *SPOILERS*, then you have two options. 1. Just read the quotes without reading the endings 2. Leave the FAQ If you want to see the endings yourself, then you must perform 2/3 of these conditions: 1. Achieve over 1500 GPS by the end of the game. 2. Defeat the Middle Boss. 3. Achieve at least one Finest KO. Anyways, the FAQ is pretty much self explanitory, so I doubt you'll have a problem navigating through it. It's in ABC order. If you still can't find the character you want then press Ctrl+F and type his/her name in. If you find any mistakes or if I'm missing anything, e-mail me at Goomba_Stomper@ameritech.net If I'm missing something and you inform me about it, I'l credit it towards you. I copied everything directly from the game. If you find a grammar mistake in one of the quotes, chances are, it's Capcoms fault. DON'T e-mail me if need tips to this game or if need info on any other game. With that being said, on to the FAQ! Also, for some of the Special Intros I just say "Vs Evil People". So, in case you don't know who the evil people are, here's a list (Thanks to Shiki Dan for making it along with the paragraph under it): Akuma (You should know why) Balrog (Crook, works for Shadaloo) Evil Ryu/SnH Ryu (Well, he's evil) Geese (Kingpin/murderer) Rugal (Terrorist/killer) Both Iori (Manic/insane killer) M. Bison (You should know why) Raiden (Is a henchman of Geese) Rolento (Insane dictator) Vega (Henchman for M. Bison/killer) Vice (Killer, henchwoman for Rugal/Orochi) Yamazaki (Crime boss, killer) Many people are surprised at Raiden. Well, that's because the Raiden in CvS is based at the FF1 Raiden, he was a henchman for Geese (most of the enemies in FF1 were). Raiden got beat by Terry in FF1, and then decided to turn his ways. He came back in FF2 without his mask, renamed himself "Big Bear" and is a good guy, and friends with Terry. In short, Raiden=mask=Evil and Big Bear=No mask=Good NOTE: I know some of the translations might be a bit off but I think they're close enough >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -------------------------CAPCOM SIDE------------------------ <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ************ Akuma ************ NOTE: Akuma's name is Gouki in the Japanese version Winning Quotes: "I will ignite the sky in a blaze of glory!" "Your moves are nothing" "..." "Listen to the screams of all who have fallen before me!" "You were afraid to fight the one and truly master" "I'm the one who mastered the style perfectly!" Pre-Final Quote: "I search for a fight to the death" Ending: Though he has beat the Evil Powers, Akuma isn't satisfied. He is not satisfied by power, energy, or victories. Nobody can realize what Akuma longs for... Poses/Taunts: Intro - His back is facing the screen. He turns to his opponent. During Match - He gets into a stance and says "Hmph!" Winning Taunt - He gets into a stance and starts powering up After Shungokusatsu - His back is facing the screen Special Intros: Vs Haomaru - Haomaru says "Omoshiroi Oni to tatakai iko ka!" and takes out his sword. Vs Chun-li - Chun-li says "Kanneshinasai!!!" while pointing at him. Vs Kim - Kim says "Akuu wa yurusan!!!" "Omoshiroi Oni to tatakai iko ka!" - So, I'll be battling a demon now. "Kanneshinasai!!!" - Surrender!!! "Akuu wa yurusan!!! - I cannot forgive evil!!! ************ Balrog ************ NOTE: Balrog's name is Mike Bison in the Japanese Version Winning Quotes: "Are there any tougher sandbags available?" "Your momma said to knock you out!!" "Hey! I gave you a good show!! So, where is my reward?!" "That wasn't even the quality of a good title fight! You bum!!" "Hey, you can't gop down so easily! Come on! You're upsetting the audience!" "I'm so tired of having to pull my punches!" "It doesn't feel good stepping on tiny bugs..." Pre-final Quote: "I'll finish you within ten seconds!!" Ending: He won the battle and thought he'd get a big payday for it! But, he signed the contract to support a charity... In the end, his money will go to restoring Osaka. Poses/Taunts: Intro - He punches the air During Match - He punches his gloves together Winning Taunt (1) - He raises his arms into the air Winning Taunt (2) - He rips his shirt off and flexes his biceps Special Intros: Vs Vega - Vega turns away and shakes his head in disgust Vs Chun-Li - Chun-li says "Kanneshinasai!!!" while pointing at him. Kim - Kim says "Akuu wa yurusan!!!" "Kanneshinasai!!!" - Surrender!!! "Akuu wa yurusan!!! - I cannot forgive evil!!! ************ Blanka ************ Winning Quotes: "Nobody can match my brutal strength!" "You are a loser!" "The strong prey upon the weak, that is the law of the wilderness!" "Your fighting style bores me! Yuo Yuo Yuo!" "You don't have what it takes to defeat me..." Pre-Final Quote: "Rrr...rargh...grargh...I'm #1 in the world!" Ending: After ravaging through the tournament, Blanka returned... Or so he thought. He did not board the correct airplane. A few months later, a new beast appeared in the zoo... Poses/Taunts: Intro - He does a backflip Taunt - He scratches his ass Winning Pose(1) - He raises his arms and growls repeatedly Winning Pose(2) - He powers a blender using his own electricity and drinks whatever's inside. Special Intros: Vs Vega - Vega turns away and shakes his head in disgust. ***************** Cammy White ***************** Winning Quotes: "It is a waste of my time to have to fight scum like you" "Threats have no effect on me because I have no fear of death..." "Sympathy? Sympathy is for the weak..." "I didn't even try and you still failed. This should be your clue to stop trying" "Why do you get serious when you have no chance to win?" "I will finish the opponent in the shortest way possible!" "Obedience leads to a stable victory..." "Times up! Retreat!" Pre-Final Quote: "HEALTH STATUS: NORMAL FINAL COMBAT STATUS: READY!" Ending: "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED." A voice echos within her. Instantly, all her learned cimbat data is erased. The voice continues, "YOUR NEXT MISSION IS..." Poses/Taunts: Intro(1) - Cammy's wearing a trench that's practically covering her whole body. She throws it off and shouts "Here I go!" Intro(2) - Cammy has one hand on her hip and one hand giving a thumbs up. Right before the match, she'll shout "Here I go!" Taunt - She makes a slitting motion across her neck with her finger Winning Pose(1) - Cammy faces the screen and and says "Too short!" Winning Pose(2) - Cammy's back faces the screen while she gives a thumbs up Winning Pose(3) - Cammy sticks her butt out, gives a thumbs up, and says "Too Short!" Winning Pose(4) - Cammy salutes and says "Mission accomplished, sir!" Winning Pose(5) - Cammy stands up straight like a soldier Special Intros: Vs Vice - Vice taunts Cammy while Cammy does her usual intro Vs Chang and Choi - Chang picks his nose while Cammy does her usual intro Vs Vega - Vega throws a rose while Cammy does her usual intro Vs Benimaru - Benimaru say "Ore ni horen da yo?" while Cammy does her usual intro "Ore ni horen da yo?" - Do you love me? NOTE: I'm suprised they didn't make a special intro with her and Bison. ************* Chun-Li ************* Winning Quotes: "Victory is nice, but I have no time to celebrate..." "You cannot measure a person's strength by their honor..." "What were you thinking?! You can't show off if you don't have any skills!" "I guess it's true when they say that misery loves company" "You hesitated for a moment, didn't you? You must be stronger than that!" "Once this tournament is over, then I will..." "Now that you have lost, you will have to be punished..." "You were crazy to think you could match my lightning fast speed!" Pre-Final Quote: "Let this be the last battle...I must destroy the evil!" Ending: With her unmatched power, Chun-Li has won. Her motivation has changed from vengeance to leadership. For the sake of her young disciples, Chun-Li continues Poses/Taunts: Intro - Chun-Li bows to her opponent Taunt - Chun-Li bends down a little on one leg while holding up an open palm Winning Pose(1) - Chun-Li bends down a little on one leg while holding up an open palm Winning Pose(2) - Chun-Li crosses her arms, closes her eyes, and lowers her head Winning Pose(3) - Chun-Li jumps up and down while giggling like a school girl Special Intros: Vs Yamazaki - Honfu appears out of nowhere and Yamazaki hits him. Vs Mai - Mai is dressed up as Chun-Li, making Chun-Li laugh. Vs Yun - They have an explicit conversation before the fight. Vs Chang/Choi - Chang picks his nose while Chun-Li does her usual intro Vs Benimaru - Benimaru say "Ore ni horen da yo?" while Cammy does her usual intro Vs Evil People - Chun-li says "Kanneshinasai!!!" while pointing at him. "Ore ni horen da yo?" - Do you love me? "Kanneshinasai!!!" - Surrender!!! **************** Dan Hibiki **************** Winning Quotes: "You should try my new exercise video: 7 Minutes of Saikyo" "My father must be looking down on me and smiling!" "Dan is still the man! Yeah baby yeah!" "Yahoo! Hey, I should make the official Dan Hibiki fan club!" "Do you like to, yahoo!" Pre-Finals Quote: "Look at me Daddy! Saikyo Style will lead to my victory!" Ending: Against all odds, Dan proved that Saikyo Style is best! And so he built a school in Osaka with his prize money. But no matter what he does, people treat him like a joke. Poses/Taunts: Intro - He does his 90 degree arm thing Taunt - He does his 90 degree arm thing After rolling - He does his 90 degree arm thing After Countering - He does his 90 degree arm thing Air Taunt - He shouts "Yahoo!" After Throwing - He does his 90 degree arm thing Winning Pose(1) - He does his 90 degree arm thing Winning Pose(2) - He does his 90 degree arm thing while his gi is ripped somewhat Basically anything else - He does his 90 degree arm thing Special Intros: Vs Sagat - Dan comes in crying. Sagat laughs. Vs Joe - I can't hear what Joe's saying but Dan said his "Ikuzora!" aftewards Vs Yuri - Yuri says "Yoyusu Natsuke" and Dan responds with "Namen Ga neezo! Ikuzora" "Ikuzora" - Let's go! "Yoyusu Natsuke" - Piece of cake! I'll win! "Namen Ga neezo" - Never underestimate me! ************* Dhalsim ************* Winning Quotes: "In order to attain peace, concentration becomes key..." "A man must be strong in the mind and limber in the body to succeed." "Let the power of Yoga heal and release you from your fear." "Mercy is the power to forgive. Kindness is the power to forget." "My mission is to spread the power of Yoga throughout the world." "Free your mind and the rest will follow." "Popular opinion can change in an instant." Always stay true to yourself..." Pre-Finals Quote: "The power of Yoga will see me through to the end!" Ending: Seeing the city suffering, Dhalsim makes up his mind. "I must save these people from destruction." Dhalsim was rumored to be in Osaka, helping the people... Poses/Taunts: Intro(1) - He waves around some sort of white cloth. Intro(2) - After meditating on the ground, he stands up and is ready to fight. Taunt - He gives a prayer Air Taunt - He meditates Winning Pose(1) - He does some sort of crazy dance Winning Pose(2) - He meditates in the air Winning Pose(3) - He gives a prayer Special Intros: Vs Vega - Vega turns away and shakes his head in disgust *********** Eagle *********** Winning Quotes: "Did you enjoy my stick attacks?" "Joy and bliss fill my heart!" "I'm to much for you!" "Not so soon. Our playtime has just begun!" "The joy of victory runs through my body..." Pre-Finals Quote: "Hmm....It's good. It's so very good. I can't wait for this!" Ending: Eagle couldn't find someone he felt was good enough... Some were big and some were strong, but none excited him. He sighs, "Maybe I need get closer to these people..." NOTE: Notice the grammar error? Taunts/Poses: Intro - He lifts his left stick in the air Taunt - He twirls his sticks Winning Pose(1) - He spins his left stick around Winning Pose(2) - He crosses his sticks and lowers his head Special Intros: Vs Zangief - They both perform their spinning attacks Vs Chang & Choi - Eagle does one of his moves while Chang & Choi laugh ****************** Edmond Honda ****************** Winning Quotes: "A victory mark for me! The power of sumo shines once again!!" "I have never had my Mage disheveled in a fight before...Good job!" "Ha ha ha! That was a dramatic finish, wasn't it?" "Sumo is the greatest sport in the entire world! You will respect it!" Pre-Finals Quote: "Shenkuratsu has come! It is time to show off Sumo power!" Ending: The victory in the tournament proves Edmond Honda is #1! "Gha ha ha ha! Now I will show everyone the beauty of Sumo!" Devouring his Chanko, he talks his dreams to his disciples. Poses/Taunts: Intro: He throws rice onto the ring Taunt: He throws rice onto the ring Winning Pose(1): He turns his head all around while still in his stance Winning Pose(2): He stands up, raises his arms, and laughs Special Intros: Vs Vega - Vega turns away and shakes his head in disgust. ************** Evil Ryu ************** NOTE: Evil Ryu is also known as "SATSUI NO HADOU RYU" which means "Murderous Intent Awoken Ryu" Winning Quotes: "The murderous intent flows through my body!" "To be the strongest warrior means to be the last one standing!" "Do not beg for your life! Pay for it!!" Pre-Finals Quote: "BLOOD...IT'S CALLING FOR ME!" Ending: Ryu's Evil Energy slowly disappears... What should he do now? Look for anothe battle? Look for help from his friends? What will become of Ryu... Poses/Taunts: Intro - His back is facing the screen. He quickly turns to his opponent and says "Zetsu"! Taunt - He gets into stance Winning Pose - He turns his back towards the screen Special Intros: Vs Vice - Vice says "Anta no himei kikasetemorau wa!" Vs Chun-li - Chun-li says "Kanneshinasai!!!" while pointing at him. Vs Kim - Kim says "Akuu wa yurusan!!! "Zetsu" - Death "Anta no himei kikasetemorau wa!" - Your screams will be heard! "Kanneshinasai!!!" - Surrender!!! "Akuu wa yurusan!!! - I cannot forgive evil!!! *********** Guile *********** Winning Quotes: "You must learn to move faster than the speed of sound..." "The strong will survive. The weak will perish. Which one will you be?" "You were good... I was better." "Have you ever hungered for revenge?" "You lost too easily! You're even a waste of my practice time!" Pre-Final Quote: "Just one more battle, then I can go home..." Ending: Instead of attending the post party, Guile leaves... Coming back to his wife and daughter is what matters most. He is not a soldier at home, just a loving father. Poses/Taunts: Intro - He moves his right arm in circles and says "Get it on!" Taunt - He moves his right arm in cirlces and says "Come on, rookie!" Win Pose(1) - He combs his hair Win Pose(2) - He raises one arm up and says "Easy operation!" Win Pose(3) - He says "Good job" and his medal around his neck shines Special Intros: Vs Rugal - Rugal's Guile statue is in the center of the ring. Rugal says "Kimi no shini basho wa kokoo da". Guile says "Sonic boom!" Then Rugal says "Repuuken!" "Kimi no shini basho wa kokoo da" - This is where you die "Sonic boom!" - Take a guess at what this means "Repuuken" - Furious Wind Fist! ***************** Ken Masters ***************** Win Quotes: "Maybe next time you should think about watching my hands!!" "Ha! You can't compete with me!" "Humph! I wish you were here Eliza..." "How was that? Did you feel the power of my Shinryuken?" "Your moves are weak and your style is a joke. What were you thinking?!" "My last name is Masters. That should've been your clue, loser!" Pre-Finals Quote: "The Pan American Champion is ready for this fight!" Ending: As was expected, Ken Masters has won the tournament. His son, Mel cheers, "Congratulations, Daddy!" Ken responds, "Thank you son. You and Eliza inspire me!" Poses/Taunts: Intro(1) - He gets up from the groung, jump a bit, and says "Kakate kina!" Intro(2) - He gets up from the groung, jump a bit, and says "Ore node ban da ze" Taunt - He does a "come here" motion with his finger. Winning Pose(1) - He lifts his left arm into the air and says "Yatte ze!" Winning Pose(2) - He gives the V sign and say "Yay!" Special Intros: Vs Ryu(of course) - They hit each others fists. Ryu says "Ore no kubushi wo tanesu ka?" and Ken responds with "Come on!" Vs Terry - Terry's hat is on the floor and Ken picks it up and gives it to Terry "Kakate kina!" - I came to fight! "Ore node ban da ze" - This turn is mine "Yatte ze!" - I did it! "Ore no kubushi wo tanesu ka?" - Do you want to try my fists? ******************** Kyosuke Kagami ******************** Winning Quotes: "I studied your pattern and found a flaw!" "I foresaw your attack, therefore you had no chance for victory..." "You should consider doing your homework next time!" "I have always understood the concept of team fighting!" Pre-Finals Quote: "Fan support is the best support in the world!" Ending: Later, Kyosuke and some of his friends visit the castle. Hinata asks, "Kyosuke, did you do that to Osaka Castle?" Kyosuke doesn't know how to answer his friend friend... Poses/Taunts: Intro - His back is facing his opponent. He turns and is ready to fight. Taunt - It looks like he's cleaning his ear with his finger. Win Pose - He turns to his backside and points down to his opponent. Special Intros: Vs Benimaru - Kyosuke says "Boku niwa katenai yo". Benimaru responds by saying "Sore wa dou kana?" Vs Vega - Vega throws a rose and blows ********** Maki ********** Winning Quotes: "I don't hate you. I just don't care about you!" "My hand-eye coordination is great!" "Achoo! I've caught a cold?" "Fighting is such a dirty job. I feel like taking a bath." "You look terribly vexed. Do you see something you like?" "I'm not just beautiful, I'm better than you!" Pre-Finals Quote: "The final bout...but...I wonder where Guy is...?" Ending: After her father died, Maki's been searching for Guy to see who is more qualified to be the next master. She didn't find him this time. She says, "I will see him someday..." Poses/Taunts: Intro - She hops in place 3 times and says "Tekagen nante shi neezo" Taunt - She crouches and says "Yaruki wa aru noka?" Win Pose(1) - She put her hands on her hips and looks down to her opponent. Win Pose(2) - She slaps he tonfas together, smiles, and laughs. Special Intros: Vs Chang and Choi - Chang picks his nose while Maki does her usual intro Vs Vega - Vega throws a rose while Maki does her usual intro Vs Benimaru - Benimaru say "Ore ni horen da yo?" while Maki does her usual intro Vs Yamazaki - Maki says "Nani wo jirojimiten noza!" and Yamazaki responds with "Mono tar in ne na!" "Tekagen nante shi neezo" - Do not hold back! "Yaruki wa aru noka?" - When will you try? "Ore ni horen da yo?" - Do you love me? "Nani wo jirojimiten noza!" - What are you staring at? "Mono tar in ne na!" - I have yet to be satisfied! ************** M. Bison ************** NOTE: Bison's name is Vega in the Japanese version Win Quotes: "This is not a fight to decide a winner and loser, but to decide life and death!" "You should thank me for keeping you alive!" "Pshycho power will never lose..." "Do you want to come work or me? You will have to do better than that!" "Relax! You can't stop me, so why even try?" "Today is the last day in your life..." "The weak always make me sick!" "Huh, how did think mere human like yourself could defeat me" (Capcom grammar error) Pre-Finals Quote: "This play of fools is almost over!" Ending: Bison smiles as he watches the Evil Energy and Dark Power. He smirks, "Fools long for the power, but are not worthy!" Bison leaves to prepare for the next nightmare... Poses/Taunts: Intro - He's wearing a black cape. He throws it off. Taunt - He takes off his hat and runs his fingers through his hair. Win Pose(1) - He stands up straight with his arms crossed Win Pose(2) - He does a slitting motion across his neck Special Intros: Vs Geese - Geese throws a Double Reppuuken at Bison. Bison's cape burns and Bison laughs Vs Rugal - Rugal says "Sono chikara mo watashiga torikonde kuru". His panther growls. Vs Iori - Bison says "Sono kubi ka kiru". Iori does one of his moves and says "Sugu raku ni shite yaru" Vs Kim - Kim says "Akuu wa yurusan!!!" Vs Chun-Li - Chun-Li says "Kanneshinasai!!!" while pointing at him. Vs Vega - Vega throws a rose "Sono chikara mo watashiga torikonde kuru" - Your power will be mine. "Sono kubi ka kiru" - I will cut your head off. "Sugu raku ni shite yaru" - I'll try to make this quick and easy "Akuu wa yurusan!!!" - I cannot forgive evil!!! "Kanneshinasai!!!" - Surrender!!! *********************** Morrigan Aensland *********************** Win Quotes: "I find this place is full of fantasies. Everything looks so attractive!" "You are so boring!" "I grow tired of your feeble attempts to fight me..." "I didn't have the heart to destroy you.." "You don't need to feel ashamed. There is no one who is not fascinated by me!" "I could let you live, but that would only make me as weak as you..." Pre-Finals Quote: "Dreams...ambitions...lust...life...how exciting!" Ending: Morrigan sighs and mutters, "I'm so bored." There is no happiness without excitement. "Maybe, I had better sleep until the next party..." Poses/Taunts: Intro - She comes up out of the ground Taunt - She levetates making it look like she's sitting on air Win Pose(1) - She dances around and giggles like a school girl Win Pose(2) - She changes into a woman with a white shirt and black slacks Win Pose(3) - She transforms into a woman with a black skirt and tank top Win Pose(4) - She transforms into a Mai/Chun-Li fusion (I couldn't find a better way to explain that) Special Intros: Vs Chang and Choi - Chang picks his nose while Morrigan does her usual intro Vs Vega - Vega throws a rose while Morrigan does her usual intro Vs Benimaru - Benimaru say "Ore ni horen da yo?" while Morrigan does her usual intro "Ore ni horen da yo?" - Do you love me? ********************** Rolento Schugerg ********************** Win Quotes: "You must obey orders. Understood!?" "Is that what you call a suprise attack? How sad..." "Devote your existance to the nation!" Pre-Finals Quote: "Who will qualify to join my new order?!" Ending: Rolento is upset since he couldn't find an ally in the tournament. Plus, he failed to contact the Brazillian Mercanary Organization. So, what will Rolento do now? Poses/Taunts: Intro - He drops out of the sky Taunt - He rolls a bomb on the floor Win Pose(1) - He snaps his fingers and men with knives apear on the top of the screen Win Pose(2) - He rolls a bomb towards his fallen opponent. The bomb connects with the body. Special Intros: Vs Hibiki - Rolento throws a knife at her. Hibiki blocks it and says "Kiru" Vs Chun-li - Chun-li says "Kanneshinasai!!!" while pointing at him. Vs Kim - Kim says "Akuu wa yurusan!!!" "Kiru" - I shall kill you "Kanneshinasai!!!" - Surrender!!! "Akuu wa yurusan!!! - I cannot forgive evil!!! ********* Ryu ********* Win Quotes: "I noticed the spirit of a true warrior within your fists." "You were your own worst enemy..." "Stand up and face me again. I have yet to see your best..." "Never give into your fear..." Pre-Finals Quote: "This should prove to be a worthy battle." Ending: Utilizing skill and power has led Ryu to victory But today's victory is only a small step towards his goal... Ans so Ryu continues his search for the perfect battle. Poses/Taunts: Intro - He tightens his headband(?) Taunt - He tightens his obi(belt) Win Pose(1) - He stands there and the wind blows through him Win Pose(2) - He lifts his arm inot the air Special Intros: Vs Ken(of course) - They hit each others fists. Ryu says "Ore no kubushi wo tanesu ka?" and Ken responds with "Come on!" Vs Ryo - They both jump back Vs Kyo - Kyo does his flame on the hand trick. Ryu says "Koi!" Vs Sagat - Sagat's scar glows "Ore no kubushi wo tanesu ka?" - Do you want to try my fists? "Koi" - Come! *********** Sagat *********** Win Quotes: "Practice all you want! You will never be good enough to defeat me!" "You are too weak! You can't even scratch my body!" "Challenge me anytime! I'll always be here!" "A true warrior can win under any circumstances!" "I despise your useless pride!" "You should not have challenged me!" "My Power is without question!" Pre-Finals Quote: "Tiger Shots to all who stand against the Emperor!" Ending: Sagat has proven that the Emperor of Muay Thai rules! When he returns to Thailand, he finds many new challengers. There is no time for an Emperor to rest... Poses/Taunts: Intro - He laughs Taunt - His puts his hand on his chin an say "Hmmm" Win Pose(1) - He crosses his arms on his chest and laughs Win Pose(2) - He puts his hand on his chin Special Intros: Vs Joe - Joe says "Ougon no keri ogama seteyaruze!" and Sagat laughs Vs King - King says "Aite ni naru wa!" and Sagat laughs Vs Dan - Dan comes in crying and Sagat laughs (is that all he does?) Vs Ryu - Sagat's scar glows "Ougon no keri ogama seteyaruze!" - You will feel my golden kicks! "Aite ni naru wa!" - You will be my opponent ********************* Sakura Kasugano ********************* Win Quotes: "...huh, you were strong as I expected. So how did I manage to win?" "Come on! Show me how tough you really are!" "Now who's next?" "What will happen if my school finds out that I entered into this tournament?" Pre-Finals Quote: "I can't believe that I've almost won this tournament..." Ending: Sakura has earned the title of youngest champion! The trophy says "The World Strongest High School Girl". Next, she'll go for "The World Strongest College Girl"! Poses/Taunts: Intro - She quickly gets in and out of a stance and says "Ikuzo!" Taunt - She points and giggles at her opponent. Win Pose(1) - She stands all Ryu-style and lets the wind blow through (and her skirt :D) Win Pose(2) - She raises her arm in the air and the wind blows through her (and her skirt :D) Win Pose(3) - She kicks the air Win Pose(4) - She kicks the air and her show flies off Win Pose(5) - She dances somewhat Win Pose(6) - She wipes her mouth and says "Kono toko dane!" Special Intros: Vs Athena - Athena says "Ganbarimasu!". Sakura scratches her head. Vs Yuri - Yuri stands up and says "Osu!". Sakura says "Kochira koso wa yoro shiku onegaishimasu!" Vs Chang and Choi - Chang picks his nose while Sakura does her usual intro Vs Vega - Vega throws a rose while Sakura does her usual intro Vs Benimaru - Benimaru say "Ore ni horen da yo?" while Sakura does her usual intro "Kono toko dane!" - That's how it is done! "Ganbarimasu!" - Do your best! "Osu!" - It's just a greeting. No translation. "Kochira koso wa yoro shiku onegaishimasu!" - I should should say so, please be kind to me. "Ore ni horen da yo?" - Do you love me? **************** Shin Akuma **************** NOTE: S. Akuma's name is Shin Gouki in the Japanese version Win Quotes: "I'm the strongest creation in the universe!" "Feel the power! Embrace the dark side!" "A man has become mightier than anyone or anything!" "This is the end!" "The earth trembles in awe of my fighting powers." "Nothing can damage me!" "You are no match for my Shungosusatsu!" Pre-Finals Quote: "I will crush any opponent with one swift stroke!" Ending: As the sun rises in Osaka City, where is Shin Akuma? There're some who believe in a "martial arts god" who disappeared into the fire, but will one day return... Poses/Taunts: Intro - His back is against the screen. His symbol dissapears as he turns to his opponent. Taunt - Quickly gets into a stance and says "Usero!" (I used this word many a time) Win Pose - He turns his bck and the symbol reappears Special Intros: Vs Chun-li - Chun-li says "Kanneshinasai!!!" while pointing at him. Vs Kim - Kim says "Akuu wa yurusan!!!" "Usero" - Get lost! "Kanneshinasai!!!" - Surrender!!! "Akuu wa yurusan!!!" - I cannot forgive evil! ********** Vega ********** NOTE: Vega's name is Balrog in the Japanese version Win Quotes: "No one can stop my hunger for beauty!" "Drip... Drip... Yum... Yum..." "You are just so... So UGLY!!!" "Let the cold blamket death coer your eternal sleep..." "It's time to paint the rest of your body is RED!" Pre-Finals Quote: "How sweet and pretty a nice bloody victory will be..." Ending: After beating the Sinister Power, Vega stops and thinks. "Beauty exists beyond the imagination of humans... then I should free myself from my mortal shell..." Poses/Taunts: Intro - Vega throws a rose in the air and hits it with his claw Taunt - Stands up straight and swipes his claw down Win Pose(1) - He takes off his mask Win Pose(2) - A transparent snake appears on his arm Win Pose(3) - He laughs Win Pose(4) - He throws a rose onto his opponents body Special Intros: Vs Bison, Kyosuke, Benimaru - Vega throws a rose Vs Girls (except Chun-Li) - Vega throws a rose Vs Raiden, Zangief, Honda, Blanka, Chang/Choi, Dhalsim - Vega turns away and shakes his head in disgust. ************* Yun Lee ************* Win Quotes: "Prepare for the battle, prepare for the war!" "Beating you was as easy as one, two, three!" "When you're young everything is easy!" Pre-Finals Quote: "Quick and simple is the way to the best fight!" Ending: Yun used his prize money to rebuild Osaka City into a sister city of Yun's home town. He smiles and says, "I must take care of my new city!" Poses/Taunts: Intro(1) - He jumps in on his skateboard Intro(2) - He chats with Yang Intro(3) - He leans on his front leg and says "Kata ze kono kenka!" Intro(4) - He leans on his front leg and says "Ore ni wa katenai ze!" Taunt - He swings his hat around on his finger Win Pose(1) - He stomps and does a strange stance Win Pose(2) - He does some moves with Yang while they're both yelling "Haaai!" Win Pose(3) - He holds his hands together and nods Special Intros: Vs Chun-li - They have an explicit conversation before the fight. "Kata ze kono kenka!" - Let us settle this fight! "Ore ni wa katenai ze!" - You can't defeat me! ************* Zangief ************* Win Quotes: "For the glory of mother country and comrades! Victory to us all!!!" "You were a foll to try and ooverpower me! My strength is supreme!" "A sound body brings a sound victory!" " Pre-finals Quote: "Daaaaa! I'll prove that Russia is the greatest nation!" Ending: Zangief has shown that Russia is the greatest country! He is very satisfied with accomplishing his mission. However, he must continue to win in order to maintain it. Poses/Taunts: Intro - He throws his red cape off Taunt - He shows off his muscles while growling Win Pose(1) - He raises his arms and quickly move them to the left while smiling Win Pose(2) - He raises his index fingers in the air Special Intros: Vs Eagle - They both perform their spinning attacks Vs Vega - Vega turns away and shakes his head in disgust. Vs Raiden - Riden says the Zangief is dead meat >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ---------------------------SNK SIDE-------------------------- <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< COMING SOON ‰Ý   B°