+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ chibi robo +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This is a translation of the text in Chibi-Robo from Japanese to English. For help in the game please check the help thread at Gamefaqs. If you see any errors in my translation, let me know and I’ll fix them. Email me at spookychee@hotmail.com I am writing this based on my game so things might happen at different times based on what order you decide to do them in. However, you can be sure than “when X happens, the characters say_______” BTW, “chibi” means small but in a cute way kind of like “tiny” or “teensy”. ***Note: Here are the official terms used in the North American version: Tonpy is Telly vision Junk machine is Recyclotron Yellow flower seed is Nectar flower seed Chibi-popper is Chibi-blaster Far shot is Range Chip Big Shot is Charge Chip Low rider is Hot rod N attack fighter is Space Scrambler Bebe is Sophie Giccoman is RedCrest Spiders(enemies) are Spidorz Orange Company is Citrusoft Deka-robo is Giga- Robo Fook is Cap'n Plankbeard Sanpoo is Sunshine Zobin is Mort +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Title Screen START OPTIONS - Vibration on / off Stereo / Mono Select one of the three save files to start your game. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Let’s introduce the Sanderson family. Papa – The breadwinner of the family but he doesn’t go to work. Mama – She is always worrying about the household finances. Jenny – She only speaks frog language. Tao – The family dog. ======================================================================= THE BIRTHDAY GIFT ======================================================================= MAMA : Happy Birthday, Jenny!! Here’s a present from me. It’s a hat! What’s wrong, Jenny? You’re 8 years old now, so wear your hat like a grown up. Jenny : Ribbit. MAMA : Oh, Jenny... TAO : Bow wow! PAPA : Oh, Tao. Did you get a present for Jenny, too? TAO PUTS A BONE ON THE TABLE. TAO : Roof! PAPA : Oh, Tao! Good job, boy!! JENNY : Ribbit! PAPA : OK, now it’s my turn. My gift is really something. MAMA : (He’s always lying…) PAPA PUTS THE PRESENT ON THE TABLE. MAMA : Oh, Papa, how could you? You know money is tight. PAPA : Jenny, you said you wanted this, right? MAMA : You say that but it was really you who wanted it. PAPA : Oh, don’t get so angry. MAMA : Whatever... PAPA : Let’s play with it! INSIDE CHIBI ROBO’S HOUSE TONPY : Ahem. Chibi-robo, it’s almost time. BACK IN THE LIVING ROOM PAPA : Well, I guess I should turn it on. SWITCH...ON!! CHIBI-ROBO MAKES HIS APPEARANCE. PAPA : Great, Chibi-robo, great!! TONPY : Everyone, nice to meet you. PAPA : Nice to meet you, too. TONPY : Everyone, we are here to make you happy. We are Tonpy and Chibi-robo. PAPA : Howdy! JENNY : Ribbit! TAO : Bark! TONPY : Oh no, did we show up in the middle of a birthday party? PAPA : That’s right. TONPY : Chibi-robo, this is bad. It’s a birthday party and we came empty handed. We need to find something to give as a present. Ah! How about that rose? Ok, let’s go get it. CLIMB UP TO THE ROSE. PAPA : Cool! COOL! Je...Jenny, look! JENNY : Ribbit. GRAB THE ROSE. PAPA : Awesome! Rad! Super Cool!!! MAMA : Great. TONPY : Cool!! Chibi! Chibi! You should try and use the Chibi-Copter. The Chibi-Copter is a piece of the Chibi-Mecha that you can equip. You can’t go up, though. But, if you use it, you can get down from any high place unharmed. It’s really outstanding. Press the X BUTTON to open the EQUIPMENT MENU. Move the CONTROL STICK left or right and press the A BUTTON to select the Chibi-Copter. Also, if you press the A BUTTON you can fly horizontally for a little bit. If you need to cross a gap or get down from a high place...please, PLEASE, use the Chibi- Copter. Press the B BUTTON to put the Chibi-Copter away. FLY OVER TO THE CAKE. TONPY : This is Mama’s homemade cake. But, you’re a robot so you can’t eat it. I’m sorry, that was uncalled for. When the [!] appears like it did now, press the A BUTTON. Also, when you want to climb, press the control stick in the direction you want to climb. TALK TO JENNY. TONPY : Chibi-robo, give Jenny the rose as a present. GIVE JENNY THE ROSE AND GET 20 HAPPY and 120 MONEY. TONPY : That’s how you do it. When you make the family happy you can get HAPPY points and MONEY. The more HAPPY points you collect, the higher Chibi-robo’s ranking gets. Let’s aim for number #1! PAPA : Mama, the presents are all opened so we should blow out the candles now. MAMA : Ok. Ready, set...blow! PAPA : Congratulations. THE PARTY CONTINUES ON INTO THE NIGHT. CHIBI-ROBO’S HOUSE TONPY : Good work today, Chibi-robo. I know you were nervous but you didn’t act like it was your first time at all. You handled yourself like an old pro. Let’s help out the Sanderson family from now on, OK? Well then, let’s count up the HAPPY points that you collected. Your ranking went from 1000000th place to 778972nd place. You need 60 more HAPPY points to get the bonus battery. From now on let’s concentrate on collecting HAPPY points and becoming 1st place! If you get first place you can upgrade to Super Chibi-robo!! I’ll be helping you along the way so let’s do our best. By the way, do you want to save? You can save from any electrical outlet in the house. But, you can only cash in your HAPPY points at Chibi-robo’s house. Don’t forget that. PICK UP THE TRASH ON THE FLOOR. TONPY : Sorry about that. Trash goes in the TRASH CAN. ACCESS THE COMPUTER AND 2 OPTIONS APPEAR: [ONLINE SHOP] AND [JUNK MACHINE]. SELECT [ONLINE SHOP] AND THE FOLLOWING LIST APPEARS. TIMER -5 5 MONEY TIMER -10 10 MONEY TIMER -15 15 MONEY PINK FLOWER SEED 30 MONEY BLUE FLOWER SEED 30 MONEY WHITE FLOWER SEED 30 MONEY YELLOW FLOWER SEED 777 MONEY CHIBI-POPPER 1110 MONEY FAR SHOT 1120 MONEY BIG SHOT 860 MONEY CHIBI-BATTERY 960 MONEY LOW RIDER 2740 MONEY N ATTACK FIGHTER 2980 MONEY ======================================================================= NIGHT first day ======================================================================= TONPY : It looks like Papa had too much fun and is down for the night. Oh, Chibi-robo, look at the corner of the screen. A SUN mark means that it is DAYTIME and a MOON mark means that it is NIGHT. Right now it is night. Let’s collect HAPPY points and become Super Chibi-robo!!! AS YOU WALK AROUND THE ROOM CHIBI-ROBO’S BATTERY WILL DRAIN. WHEN IT FALLS BELOW 30, CHIBI-ROBO WILL TURN RED AND TONPY WILL SAY... TONPY : Chibi-robo, your battery is almost gone. When your body turns red you should find an outlet to plug in to so you can recharge. PLUG IN TO THE OUTLET AND TONPY SAYS... TONPY : That was close. You are now fully recharged. Do you want to save? ( O / X ) CONTINUE EXPORING THE ROOM, PICKING UP PAPER, LEAVES AND OTHER TRASH ALONG THE WAY. MAKE SURE TO THROW THE TRASH IN THE TRASHCAN TO GET MONEY. DON’T FORGET TO PICK UP COINS AND THE FROG RING AS WELL. THERE ARE A COUPLE OF DOORS THAT YOU HAVE TO INSERT THE PLUG AND TURN IT IN ORDER FOR IT TO OPEN. WHEN YOU OPEN THE FIRST ONE TONPY SAYS... TONPY : What is this little door? It’s strange that it is not in my memory. COLLECT THE COINS INSIDE AND TONPY SAYS... TONPY : Are you all right? ( O / X ) Good. Well, I guess we won’t worry about it then. Ah! I know, the doors are small so from now on we will call them Chibi-Doors. WHEN YOU TALK TO THE TALKING DOG TOY KEEPING A DIARY SHE SAYS... BEBE : Today too I’ve been sitting here half in and out of the kitchen, right where Tao left me. It’s a good place for us to be able to play again. And thanks to where I am, I can easily see Giccoman’s nighttime patrol. But if he sees me too much it’s a problem. Maybe it’s a “Love Patrol”? ...WHAT!!... Were you stealing a glance at BEBE’s diary. That is outrageous behavior. Oh, you are... TONPY APPEARS ON THE SCENE TONPY : What is all the noise? Ah! A talking toy? BEBE : Is it strange to you? It’s perfectly normal for this house. TONPY : I see. So there’s probably more like you around then. By the way, this is Chibi-robo and I am Tonpy. BEBE : I am Bebe. TONPY : Nice to meet you, Bebe. BEBE : I was writing in my diary and was surprised when I found that I was being watched. TONPY : I see. Chibi-robo is small and hard to notice. Allow me to apologize for upsetting you. BEBE : It’s ok. As long as my love for Giccoman hasn’t been found out, there is no problem. By the way, Tonpy, why did you apologize for Chibi-robo? TONPY : It’s the germana’s (manager’s) job. BEBE : Germana, you say? It’s my first time to hear that word. I’ll have to write it in my diary. TONPY : She’s really a “Do-my-own-thing” kind of person, huh? Well, I guess I’ll go away now. IF YOU TALK TO BEBE AGAIN SHE SAYS... BEBE : Germana...It’s my first time to hear that word. It has such a grown up sound to it. They seem like a really close pair. Chibi-robo and Tonpy are both boys... Well, let’s set that aside. Giccoman is going to make his patrol. If Giccoman makes his set pose in front of me I’ll get so embarrassed that I’ll have to run away. AH! Were you looking at my diary again? ( O / X ) You shouldn’t be looking at a young girl’s diary. EXAMINE THE DOG PRINT STAINS ON THE FLOOR AND TONPY SAYS... TONPY : You want to clean this dirt, don’t you? If only we had something we could use to clean it. THE NIGHT IS OVER TONPY : Chibi-robo, the night is over. Good work. Let’s go back to the Chibi-robo house. ======================================================================= MORNING second day ======================================================================= TONPY : Good morning! Your ranking is still 778972. You need 60 more HAPPY points to get the bonus battery. Let’s try our best today!! JENNY IS DRAWING PICTURES ON THE FLOOR. TALK TO HER AND SHE WILL PICK YOU UP AND GIVE YOU 13 HAPPY POINTS. JENNY : Ribbit! Ribbit! I can draw! Ribbit! Draw! Ribbit! TALK TO PAPA AND HE SAYS... PAPA : Hey, little buddy. Are you used to the house yet? Mama is mad but don’t worry about her. Make us happy, ok? KEEP COLLECTING TRASH FOR MONEY UNTIL NIGHT FALLS ======================================================================= NIGHT second day ======================================================================= TONPY : Good work! Let’s calculate your ranking. You went from 778972 to 577690. You need 42 more HAPPY points to get the bonus battery. Reach 1st place and...well, it’s kind of hard to see but it looks pretty grand. It’s an upgrade to Super Chibi-robo. You’ll be so cool as Super Chibi-robo. By the way, do you want to save? ENTER THE LIVING ROOM. CHECK THE WINDOW AND TONPY SAYS... TONPY : There’s a sticker covering the crack in the window. If you break it with the Chibi-Popper you can go outside. But, if you do that, Mama will be sad. ON THE FLOOR NEAR WHERE PAPA IS SLEEPING IS A TOOTHBRUSH. GO NEAR IT AND TONPY SAYS... TONPY : What is that? Oh! It’s Papa’s toothbrush. With that you will be able to clean various things. Press the X BUTTON to open the EQUIPMENT MENU to select the TOOTHBRUSH. Press the B BUTTON to put it away. Oh! Try cleaning the stain that is near your feet. CLEAN THE STAIN. TONPY : Chibi-robo, you are good at cleaning. CLEAN THE LITTLE WATER PUDDLE AND... TONPY : Chibi-robo, the TV came on all by itself. ======================================================================= DAY third day ======================================================================= TONPY : Good Morning. Let’s calculate your rank. You went from 577690 to 91750. As a celebration of reaching the Best 100000, the Orange Company has delivered a bonus battery. Great! Great! Your battery power is increased to 100. Only 109 more HAPPY points until the next bonus battery. Let’s go! CLEAN A FEW STAINS IN THE LIVING ROOM AND TONPY APPEARS... TONPY : Chibi-robo, Mama is really happy with your hard work. She gave me some bonus money to give to you. Through these BONUS CHANCES you can save up a lot of money. This time’s BONUS HAPPY is 13 HAPPY. Also, you get 45 BONUS MONEY. As long as you are in this house everyone will be HAPPY!!! IF YOU TALK TO JENNY AFTER PICKING UP A FROG RING SHE SAYS... JENNY : Ribbit!! Can I have it? ( O / X ) Thanks...ribbit! TONPY : You got 33 HAPPY from Jenny. You also got 50 MONEY. Keep it up!! JENNY : There are 9 more...RIBBIT! TALK TO PAPA AND HE SAYS... PAPA : The Giccoman TV show is about to start. I’m looking forward to it. NEWSCASTER : This just in...Various reports are coming in about Chibi- robos being destroyed. The cause is SPIDERS. Where the SPIDERS came from and why they attack Chibi-robos is still unknown. Everyone watching at home, is your Chibi-robo all right? That’s all the news. I am Dan Ladder. Next is the weather with Mr. Suzuki. MR. SUZUKI : HI, I am Suzuki. Tomorrow will be either sunny, rainy or cloudy. PAPA : No, the spiders are Chibi-robos’ friends. At least they were. Chibi-robo, please take care of yourself. If anything should happen to you I’d be crushed. TALK TO PAPA AGAIN AND HE SAYS... PAPA : Chibi-robo, you like things clean, huh? You do have my toothbrush but as long as you are using it to clean I don’t mind. (get 10 HAPPY and 10 MONEY) ======================================================================= NIGHT third day ======================================================================= TONPY : Let’s calculate your rank. You went from 91750 to 17265! Only 9 more HAPPY to get the bonus battery. And now for the “Becoming Super Chibi-Robo” advice corner. Press the Y BUTTON to use the CHIBI-EYE to look for items. Press the R BUTTON to bring up the MAP CAMERA. This is good for finding electrical outlets. Seeing as this is the launch of the advice corner, I gave you an extra one on the house. PAPA IS SLEEPING ON THE COUCH. THE BOOK HE IS HOLDING FALLS OUT OF HIS HANDS AND ON TO THE FLOOR. TONPY : A book fell. Oh! It’s the Chibi-robo manual. CHECK THE MANUAL AND TONPY SAYS... TONPY : It’s all in my memory but maybe you should read it for yourself. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ CHIBI ROBO MANUAL +++++++++++++++++++++++++ The Orange Company is extremely grateful for your purchase. 1. ABOUT CHIBI ROBO Chibi-robo is your very own personal “Make Happy” robot. We are grateful to you for giving us the chance to make you happy. However, if you don’t know how to control Chibi-robo or use his items, please press the START BUTTON to open the Items / Controls menu. 2. ABOUT CHIBI-ROBO RANKING Chibi-robo is aiming for the first place rank. If your Chibi-robo should attain the first rank, the Orange Company will upgrade him to Super Chibi-Robo. So, please encourage your Chibi-robo to do his best. 3. ABOUT THE BONUS BATTERY As your Chibi-robo accumulates HAPPY points, his rank will increase. As his rank rises, the Orange Company will deliver BONUS BATTERIES to your Chibi-robo, increasing his battery power. 4. ABOUT CHIBI-MECHA After Chibi-robo collects money, he can use the Chibi-PC to download the Chibi-Mecha. There are 3 types of Chibi-Mecha. CHIBI-COPTER – This can be used to get down from a high place or to cross a gap. CHIBI-RADAR - A radar that locates items near Chibi-robo. CHIBI-POPPER – Turn battery power into projectiles you can shoot. 5. ABOUT CHIBI-TOOLS Chibi-robo will make free use of the small items in your house. Please be understanding if you see Chibi-robo carrying things around. 6. ABOUT COSTUMES It is possible that Chibi-robo might find costumes. When Chibi- robo puts these costumes on and presses the Z BUTTON to do the SET POSE, something special might happen. 7. ABOUT CONSTRUCTIONS (RECHIKAZU) Your Chibi-robo will use junk scattered around your house to make various constructions. Junk placed into the JUNK MACHINE in the CHIBI-HOUSE will be turned into something useful. There are 3 types: UPPER – A ladder that can reach high places. WARP - Instantly travel to faraway places. BRIDGE – Cross large gaps with this. THANK YOU AND HAVE A HAPPY LIFE WITH YOUR CHIBI-ROBO!!!! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ STEP INTO THE LIGHT OF THE TELEVISION AND GICCOMAN APPEARS. GICCOMAN : I don’t know who decided what is just and what is evil. And as for what is right and what is wrong...I don’t know. But, take your hopes and dreams, your love and bravery and wrap them in outer space and you get...Space Officer Giccoman. TALK TO GICCOMAN GICCOMAN : Well, good morning, Chibi-robo. What’s wrong? Cat got your tongue? JUSTICE RULE #1: Greet in a big voice. Maybe you are just surprised because I am a moving toy. In this house, when no one is around, all the toys move. You also look like you are lacking a strong sense of justice. I will give you the Giccoman special present. (get the Giccoman costume) GICCOMAN : Do you want me to teach you how to put it on? Sure, I’d be glad to tell you. First, press the X BUTTON to open the EQUIPMENT MENU. The top row is your Chibi-Mecha and Chibi-Tools. The bottom row is where your COSTUMES are. Use the CONTROL STICK to select the costume. Do you want me to explain it again? Well then, until we meet again. Feel free to talk to me about justice anytime you want. Together we can figure out what justice is. PUT ON THE GICCOMAN COSTUME AND PRESS THE Z BUTTON TO TRY AND DO THE SET POSE TONPY : Chibi-robo, that is the Z BUTTON. You haven’t learned that yet. You should talk to Giccoman again. TALK TO GICCOMAN GICCOMAN : Oh, that looks good on you. So then, have you become an ally of justice? Next, I will you teach you something special. Come here. Now we will conduct a justice test. It might be difficult but please try your best. Let’s start. JUSTICE RULE #2: The set pose is proof of justice. If you can’t master the pose you cannot fight for justice. Huh? You’re Tonpy, right? TONPY : How do you know my name? GICCOMAN : How could I expect to fight for justice without knowing something like that? TONPY : COOL!!!!!!!!! GICCOMAN : You should come down from there, it’s dangerous. Anyway, Chibi-robo, when I start my pose you press the Z BUTTON. Got it? TONPY : Chibi-robo, good luck! GICCOMAN : Let’s begin. JUSTICE!!! PRESS THE Z BUTTON TO LEARN THE SET POSE. TONPY : Great! Great! Chibi-robo, way to go! GICCOMAN : You did it, Chibi-robo...I mean, Space Officer Chibi-robo!!! Now there are 99 Space Officers throughout the galaxy. Thank you. TONPY : You got 19 HAPPY points and 100 MONEY. GICCOMAN : Whenever you wear the costume, do it for justice. Goodbye, Chibi-officer. GO TO BEBE AND DO THE SET POSE IN FRONT OF HER. BEBE : What was that sound? G..G..GICCOMAN!!! (Thank you for always patrolling). I’m so embarrassed. (slinks away) TONPY : Huh? Bebe’s gone? Now we can enter the kitchen. GO NEAR THE SINK AND SEE BEBE TALKING TO A GICCOMAN MUG BEBE : Giccoman...You look at me too much. Do you plan on staring at me like that forever? Don’t look at me, please. ************************************************************************ * I ran out of battery power in the kitchen and this happened... * * * * TONPY : * * * * Chibi-robo, I hate to see you like this. I really thought you were * * going to get the first rank. AH!! You’re alive? I was so worried. * * You are a robot so if your battery drops to zero, you will die. * * Please recharge at an electrical outlet. If you should happen to run * * out of energy again I will always carry you back to this house. * * Also, if you want to take off or put on the Injured Robot costume, * * you can do so from the COSTUME MENU. Oh, it seems you money has * * decreased some, but I don’t know anything about it. Chibi-robo, I * * made it possible for you to buy a Chibi-Battery from the Online * * Shop. If you have this and run out of power, you will recover some * * and not die. Please buy it and try it. * * * * While you are here let’s calculate your new rank. You went from * * 17265 to 6925!! As a prize for making it into the top 10000, you * * get a BONUS BATTERY courtesy of the Orange Company. Your battery * * power is increased to 120. Only 158 more HAPPY points until the * * next BONUS BATTERY! * ************************************************************************ ======================================================================= DAY fourth day ======================================================================= TALK TO PAPA WHO IS SITTING ON THE COUCH PAPA : Hey, Chibi-robo. Mama’s angry and is making me sleep on the couch. Mama’s scary so you should be careful around her, too. VENTURE INTO THE ENTRANCE AND YOU ARE GREETED BY ARMY MEN. ARMY COMMANDER : Whattt??!! An enemy!! ARMY MAN : Yes, sir. ARMY COMMANDER : What is that? I want a full report. ARMY MAN : Sir, it’s an unidentified robot. It appears to have come from the living room. Security measures are in order. ARMY COMMANDER : GO! GO! GO! All troops in position. Unidentified robot, you have invaded our area. Not even a mouse could make it across this room. Troops, fire at will. ARMY MAN : Say your prayers, little robot man. TONPY : Chibi-robo, this doesn’t look good. Hmmm? A strange sound came from the other end of the room. Let’s go... is what I want to say. But, those little guys look dangerous so it may be tough getting across the room. WE CAN’T GET ACROSS THE ROOM NOW. SO, I LEFT AND EXPLORED THE BACK GARDEN. THERE IS A FROG IN THE GARDEN. INTERACT WITH IT AND TONPY SAYS: TONPY : Oh, horrible, he’s all dried out. Lately, there hasn’t been any rain so he got dried out and became unable to move. If he doesn’t get any water, he’ll just lie here like this. Very sad. NEXT, I WENT TO THE KITCHEN. TAO GROWLED AT ME WHEN I APPRAOACHED HIM. MAMA SAID... MAMA : Tao, be quiet in the house. TALK TO MAMA MAMA : Tao, my hands are busy at the moment. CLIMB UP THE DRAWERS TO THE COUNTERTOP. MAMA : Oh, Chibi-robo. I’m sorry about the other night when I said you were a waste of money. But, I’m making Papa sleep on the couch until he thinks about what he did. Don’t pay any attention to him. GRAB THE MUG TONPY : That’s the Giccoman mug. MAMA : That’s Papa’s mug. Oh, nevermind. There’s so much Giccoman stuff in this house Papa won’t notice if I give you one thing. CLEAN THE WATER ON THE SINK AND MAMA SAYS... MAMA : Wow, you’re really helpful. You’re a lifesaver when it comes to housework. I’ll give Tonpy some more BONUS MONEY to give to you. EXAMINE THE FISHBOWL TONPY : Shall we give the fish something? ====================================================================== NIGHT fourth day ====================================================================== TONPY : Let’s calculate your rank. You went from 4173 to 980. AS a prize for entering the top best 1000, you get a battery upgrade. You now have a battery power of 140. Only 352 more HAPPY points until your next BONUS BATTERY. And now for the “Becoming Super Chibi-Robo” advice corner: Use the Chibi-Copter to cross small gaps with the A BUTTON. I WENT TO THE KITCHEN AND TALKED TO BEBE WHO IS ON THE COUNTER NEAR THE SINK. BEBE : I get so nervous when Giccoman is near. There is no way that I’ll be able to declare my love for him. I guess I’m nothing more than a dog toy. TALK TO BEBE AS GICCOMAN BEBE : KYaaa!! GICCOMAN!!?? Oh wait, maybe I’m wrong. You’re smaller than Giccoman. You are Chibi-robo, aren’t you? You can’t fool me. You’re too small for that. GO TO THE ENTRANCE AGAIN. ARMY MAN : Unidentified robot spotted. You can’t pass. Prepare to be destroyed. TONPY : Chibi-robo, this seems dangerous. It’s going to be hard getting across the room. If only we had something to cover ourselves with. EQUIP THE GICCOMAN MUG AND HEAD FOR THE OTHER SIDE OF THE ROOM. ARMY COMMANDER : GODDAMMN. But, he didn’t really seem like an enemy. We’ll have to keep an eye on him. I can’t believe my good for nothing troops. TONPY : Chibi-robo, you are amazing. I can’t believe you made it through that room. Ah! There’s that sound again. Just as I thought, it was coming from this room. It might be scary but let’s go. ENTER THE BASEMENT PLUG INTO THE BIG ROBOT AND CHIBI-ROBO SHORT-CIRCUITS TONPY : Chibi-robo, are you allright? Don’t play around. I have a bad feeling about this place. Let’s get out of here. AH! Your EYES! A short!! Chibi-robo, don’t die!!!!!!!!!! CHIBI-ROBO SEES A FLASHBACK OF DEKA-ROBO’S LIFE TONPY : Chibi-robo is dead!!!!!!! Huh? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! DEKA-ROBO MOVES AND HIS BATTERY FALLS OUT. TONPY : How can it move after not being used for so long? And what is that? But more important is Chibi-robo. And he only just came to this house. But now he's dead and I'm here all alone. CHIBI-ROBO STIRS TONPY : Chibi-robo, you’re standing. I thought you were dead. I was going to use my parts to try and bring you back to life. Did you see a dream? Really? It couldn’t have been a dream. You must have seen some of that robot’s memories when you plugged in to it. OK. Well, let’s go! PICK UP THE DEKA-BATTERY TONPY : Yay! You got the...what is that? PIRATE: If you’re going to take that you should bring it back fully recharged. (To Deka-robo) That’s what you want, isn’t it? Isn’t that right, Deka-robo? TONPY : I see, so it’s name is Deka-robo. Is he dead? PIRATE : Robots don’t die. TONPY : I see. He sure is a big one, isn’t he? According to my data this is a pretty old model. This model was all the rage a while ago. It was Deka-robo fever. But the battery consumption was so high that it quickly lost popularity. PIRATE : Don’t say that! You don’t know anything about him! TONPY : S...sorry. (Tries to fly away) PIRATE : Don’t move! TONPY : Yes? PIRATE : You were just going to make a fuss and leave without even making introductions? TONPY : Sorry...I am Tonpy. And that is Chibi-robo. And you are...? PIRATE : I am a pirate unrivaled on the seven seas. My name is Fook. TONPY : Pi..ra..te? FOOK : Well, not now. I lost my boat. Now I’m a landlubber. TONPY : How did you lose your boat? FOOK : That’s a long story. I’m thirsty now so I’ll tell it another time. Ah! Water is delicious! What’s that? You want to hear my story? TONPY : Yes, I’d be honored to listen to it. FOOK : “Don’t make promises you can’t keep.” That’s the pirate motto. Don’t you forget it. TONPY : OK. I’ll remember it even if I die. FOOK : I said that robots don’t die. TONPY : Yes. Yes. FOOK : That Deka-Battery alone won’t get you anywhere. Somewhere in this house is the Deka-Battery charger. You have to find it. FOOK LEAVES. TONPY : Chibi-robo, that was scary. Anyway, let’s get back. WALK TOWARDS THE STICKER AND TONPY SAYS... TONPY : It looks like you can break that. Equip the Chibi-Popper and use the Chibi-Eye to aim. SHOOT THE STICKER AND A BOARD FALLS, MAKING A RAMP FOOK : That’s dangerous. Don’t play around! MAKE YOUR WAY UP TO THE BIRDCAGE AND A ROPE FALLS, MAKING A SHORTCUT FOOK : Hey, Chibi! What in blazes are you up to? That’s a dangerous place. Oh? Are you searching for the Deka-Battery Charger? You’re so...great. ======================================================================== DAY fifth day ======================================================================== TONPY : Let’s calculate your new rank. You went from 980 to 730. Only 251 more HAPPY points until the next BONUS BATTERY. You know, that sound was coming from Deka-robo. As for Deka-robo...he was made at the Orange Company by the same genius designer who made you. His name is Ebis Joy. You were made by the same designer but Deka-robo is 10 times bigger than you. And 100 times heavier. Also, his battery expenditure is 1000 more than yours. Therefore, in the energy shock a few years back, everyone stopped using Deka-robo. Nowadays even the recyclers won’t take Deka-robo. Some people call it the “sad fate of robots.” Let’s stop the sad talk there and concentrate on collecting HAPPY points. But first, please take out the Deka-Battery that you picked up. Yes, that’s it. Even that battery is bigger than you. I know it’s heavy but please bring it over here. We need to find the Deka-Battery charger if we are going to recharge it. PUT ON THE GICCOMAN COSTUME AND TALK TO PAPA PAPA : Oh, you got a Space Officer Giccoman costume. Cool...Cool...COOL!! I really want to see the set pose. DO THE SET POSE PAPA : Oh. OH. GICCOMAN IS THE BEST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (get 9 Happy and 70 MONEY) Mama has no clue how cool Giccoman is. HEAD INTO THE ENTRANCEWAY THE ARMY COMMANDER IS LECTURING HIS MEN ARMY COMMANDER : Because of you worthless dogs the unidentified robot was able to break through. Now clean out your ears and listen! As far as society is concerned you are nothing but trash! You’re numbskulls! You’re idiots! ARMY MEN : Yes, sir! ARMY COMMANDER : You don’t even have an ounce of brains in your heads! Your existences are less important than a worm! You will probably all die like dogs! HEY YOU! Are you sleeping!! Anyway, I am going to knock you guys back into shape. You better be grateful. ARMY MEN : Yes, sir! ARMY COMMANDER : Now for the rules: 1. You must respond “Yes, sir” to my orders. 2. You never leave a man behind. 3. Absolutely no sleeping during training. 4. You better all be here on time for roll call. 5. Obey these rules or else. OK! Don’t forget these rules. ARMY MEN : Yes, sir! ARMY COMMANDER : Take down TAO!!!!!!!!! Time for roll call! ARMY MEN : Yes, sir! HEAD FOR THE BASEMENT FOOK IS TALKING TO SUNMIDA FOOK : You jerk! You’re cheating! SUNMIDA : Don’t be silly. It’s only because your soul isn’t pure. FOOK : Liar! You’re the one who decides which eye will open. SUNMIDA : That isn’t true at all. People whose hearts are pure can feel what will happen. FOOK : There’s no way my heart’s not freaking clean! Damn, let me try again. There’s no way your going to make a fool of this pirate. Let’s get this over with. SUNMIDA : Ok then, let’s begin. Become one with nothing. Please sense whether my right eye will open or not. So? Do you think it will open? FOOK : Hmmmm...last time I said right but the left opened....OK. Yes, the right will open. SUNMIDA : Are you sure about that? FOOK : Of course I am. Now just do it already! (To Chibi-robo) You think so too, right? SUNMIDA : You’re really sure? Ok then...(left opens) FOOK : It opened. But...it’s the left one. SUNMIDA : I’m very sorry. FOOK : You cheat! You opened the opposite eye on purpose. I’ve had about all I stand for one day. TALK TO SUNMIDA SUNMIDA : Your soul is in disorder. Would you like to purify it? That is excellent. Having money dirties the soul. But, using that money is the path to cleansing yourself. It takes money to do my work. But, if your soul is pure, the money will come back to you. You have ______ money. How much do you want to purify? ________ MONEY? I thank you. Let’s begin. Be one with nothing and let go of your feelings. Do not fear this release. You are wrapped in the universe. Please cast away all doubt. Doubt throws the soul into disorder. Release your money. It’s your first time so you are probably nervous. I am nervous as well. Please try and sense if my right eye will open. Those pure of heart can clearly see the outcome. So, will my right eye open? ( O / X ) You do think my right eye will open. Please don’t stare at me. It makes me nervous. (Left eye opens) Haha...I mean, that is unfortunate. Life is pain and hardship. But, don’t let yourself be overwhelmed by it. By giving me more money you can transcend these pains. Would you like to purify again? +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ You can use SUNMIDA to build up a fortune of MONEY and HAPPY. I advanced to 2nd rank with 60000 HAPPY POINTS before even getting the DEKA-Charger. The key is that SUNMIDA will give you double your money back if you guess right. If you guess wrong you get 10% of what you bet back in HAPPY points. So, I suggest doing this: 1. Save up 1000 MONEY 2. Bet all of it. If right, save your game. If not, reset. 3. Repeat until you have 99999 MONEY. 4. Bet 50000 MONEY and lose. Receive 5000 HAPPY points. Save. 5. Bet the remaining 49999 and win to double your money. 6. Repeat until you have MAX MONEY and HAPPY POINTS. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ============================================================================ NIGHT fifth day ============================================================================ JENNY IS CRYING ON THE STAIRS TALK TO THE ARMY COMMANDER ARMY COMMANDER : Are you the unidentified robot? To slip through our attack like that, well, it’s really great for a robot. But, you’re still nowhere near as cool as Deka-Robo. GO TO THE BASEMENT GRAB THE DEKA-CHARGER FROM THE RAFTERS UP ABOVE FOOK : You found it! You really do want to see Deka-Robo move again. You’re...so...great... But, using the house electrical outlets to charge the battery is strictly forbidden. It takes too much energy to charge it and the family will go poor. I can’t be happy if that happens. Ah, Deka-robo. He’s missing a leg, too. I saw Papa put it in a case and take it somewhere. Or maybe I didn’t... ============================================================================= MORNING sixth day ============================================================================= TONPY : Chibi-robo, get out the Deka-Charger. That’s it. It’s heavy so set it over there. Here we can recharge the Deka-Battery. GO TO LEAVE THE CHIBI-HOUSE AND THERE IS A STRANGE SOUND TONPY : Chibi-robo, did you hear that? It’s coming from outside. LEAVE THE CHIBI HOUSE TONPY : Well, everything appears normal. What was that sound? Wait...what’s that over there? It looks like oil. Why would there be oil there? Let’s check it out! WALK TOWARDS THE OIL TONPY : Yeah, it’s oil all right. But, from where? THE SPIDERS DROP DOWN FROM ABOVE TONPY : We saw them on the news. Now they’re in this house. Oh no, that movement is the Spider Roulette. This isn’t good. Equip the Chibi- Popper. See you next year! DEFEAT THE SPIDERS AND PICK UP THEIR JUNK TONPY : Isn’t that junk? If you collect a lot and put it in the junk machine you can make constructions. So, the spiders turn to junk. It’s just like recycling. USE THE COMPUTER IN THE CHIBI-HOUSE TO TURN THE JUNK INTO A LIVING ROOM LADDER LEAVE THE CHIBI HOUSE TONPY : Chibi-robo, hurry. Hurry! Congratulations on your first construction. I am so happy because it feels like we have a new friend. Jenny even came as a special guest to the unveiling. So, Chibi-robo, are you ready? This is an upper. You can push, pull and raise him. Great, isn’t it? Thank you very much. Now you can reach high places in the house. Now the upper and I would like to sing a song. I am going to sing with all my heart. This song is called “Teriyaki Blues”. (Tonpy gets hit by the ladder) W..w..what? What happened? My song got interrupted. I wanted Jenny to hear it and everything. I’m sorry and thank you for your kind attention. TRY TO PLUG INTO THE UPPER TONPY : Do you want me to tell you how to use the upper? Insert the plug and the ladder extends. Use the control stick to shorten the length. Plug into a different outlet to change the direction the ladder faces. You can push the upper just about anywhere so please use it freely. EXPLORE THE LIVING ROOM USING THE UPPER TO REACH NEW PLACES VENTURE INTO THE BACK GARDEN TO KILL MORE SPIDERS AND COLLECT MORE JUNK NOW YOU CAN BUY EITHER THE KITCHEN UPPER OR THE ENTRANCE UPPER ============================================================================= NIGHT sixth day ============================================================================= IN THE BASEMENT TALK TO FOOK FOOK : Hey, you came back. I'll tell you my story like I promised. Do you want to hear it? Ok, then I'll tell it to ya. TONPY : I also came to honor my promise. FOOK : It's square guy. You're looking good. TONPY : Square guy? FOOK : Anyway, this was a few years ago. Yep, time sure has passed... One day I came across a coin. It was exciting and I was even going to take it but I couldn't bring myself to. The Sandersons were so poor that they barely had enough money to live on. Deka-Robo was always worrying that it was his fault that the family was so poor. "To do one's worst" is the code of the pirates but I couldn't even take that one coin. For breaking the pirate code I was banished from the island. So I hid my boat and shut myself up in the basement. And after all this time with no money or food, Mama and Papa are probably dead. TONPY : What? The Sandersons are healthy and alive. I can't say that they're rich but they had enough to buy us. And we weren't all that cheap. FOOK : WHAT!!! So you're saying that it wouldn't have been a problem if I had taken the money? TONPY : Well, I've heard that finances are tight because Papa hasn't been working. But, no, one coin wouldn't have made a difference. FOOK : I see. Well, it looks like I have no more use for this place. I'm going to set off on a voyage to find the treasure hidden in this house. Bring out the boat!! TONPY : What boat? FOOK : Damn. I forgot that I don't have a boat. I hid it so well that I forgot where I hid it. You guys have to find my boat for me. "In traveling, companionship; in life, kindness." That is the pirate code. Got it? TONPY : You make these up at your own convenience, huh? FOOK : That's right. You're a clever one. Shut up!! I'm a pirate. Now find my boat! TONPY : OK, no problem. Well then Chibi-robo, let's find his lost boat. IN THE ENTRANCE TALK TO THE ARMY COMMANDER ARMY COMMANDER: I'll tell you what. Since Jenny and Papa have started being home all the time we haven't been able to move around freely. That means no training. That good for nothing Papa is intolerable. That's no way for a leader to act. He needs to set an example. I don't know what to do. ============================================================================== DAY seventh day ============================================================================== IN THE ENTRANCE TALK TO THE ARMY COMMANDER ARMY COMMANDER: Wait...that picture! GIVE HIM THE ARMY MAN GROUP PICTURE ARMY COMMANDER: This is from when we were first assigned to this house. Papa took this picture himself. Back then we had all our members. That was before the incident. We were training just like always. And then "it" came. Gwam......If we're going to defeat Tao we're going to need a lot more training. I'm not going to lose a man again. Thank you for making me remember all of this again. ============================================================================= NIGHT seventh day ============================================================================= TALK TO GICCOMAN CROUCHING NEAR THE ENTRANCE DOOR GICCOMAN : Things are strange around here. Something happened between Mama and Papa. I also heard Jenny crying. Please patrol the second floor. ON THE SECOND FLOOR TALK TO JENNY'S BEAR BEAR : Good evening Chibi-Robo. Jenny is worried because Mama and Papa aren't getting along. Mama won't let Papa sleep in the bedroom. I want to go in Mama's room but I'm a stuffed animal so I can't move. TALK TO JENNY JENNY : I'm sad. Ribbit. CLIMB UP MAMA'S BEDROOM DOOR MAMA : Papa, I told you to be quiet. Oh, it's you Chibi-robo. Sorry for yelling. I thought it was Papa. Right now I'm working on the family budget so please leave me alone. JENNY : Chibi-robo got yelled at. MAMA : Jenny, you go to bed. And no complaining. TALK TO JENNY'S BEAR BEAR : Mama always locks the door at night. But it's wide open during the day. IN THE DOGHOUSE IN THE KITCHEN GRAB THE DOGTAG TONPY : This is like what the Army Men wear around their necks. ============================================================================= MORNING eighth day ============================================================================= INTERACT WITH THE DEKA-CHARGER AND... TONPY : If you put money in it the battey power will fill up. Right now the battery is completely empty. It's going to need quite a bit of energy to fill it up all the way. Using the family's outlets will put a strain on the family's budget. So you should save up a lot of money and pay for it yourself. Do you want to charge the battery? 1000 kilowatts costs 1000 MONEY. How many kilowatts do you want to recharge? IT TAKES 10000 KILOWATTS TO RECHARGE THE BATTERY AT WHICH TIME THE CHARGER EXPLODES TONPY : According to my data there should be a control panel on Deka-Robo. IN MAMA AND PAPA'S ROOM TONPY : It looks like you can climb up that jump rope. GO NEAR THE FROG IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROOM TONPY : What's wrong Chibi-robo? Oh? What is that? Let's get a closer look. It looks like a F-R-O-G. What a horrible sight. What could have happened to him? You don't think Tao did this, do you? Just kidding. But, who could have done this? (He sees the shadow of the T. REX.) W-w-w-w-what? Chibi-robo, there's something up there. .....? What? No, really. There was something up there. I'll go check it out. IN JENNY'S ROOM... INTERACT WITH THE TOY PHONE TONPY : It's just a toy phone so you can't call anyone on it. TALK WITH GICCOMAN GICCOMAN: Hey, if it isn't Chibi-Officer. Take a look at the top of that castle. There's a fine little bambino up there. I stare at her so much it starts to hurt. JUSTICE RULE 4: Feel hot passion! You know, it's rude if you don't go talk to her. But, how do you get up to a place so high? Ah, Zobin. If anyone knows, he will. Who knows what will happen? ============================================================================== NIGHT eighth day ============================================================================== IN THE KITCHEN USE THE UPPER TO GET THE SPOON TONPY : That's a kids spoon, isn't it? You can probably use it as a shovel. That's right! You can probably dig holes over there in the planter. ============================================================================== DAY ninth day ============================================================================== USE THE SPOON TO DIG UP FOOK'S PIRATE SHIP AND TAO'S BONE. TAKE THE SHIP TO FOOK. FOOK : Did you happen to find my ship? HAhaahahahaha!!!! Wait. Is this my ship? Yes, it is. It's obviously the one and only Fook Pirate Ship. Thanks, mateys. Well, I'm off on my search for treasure. Let's go!! All hands on deck! Huh? I guess I should have realized before that I have no crew. OK! It's decided. You two are going to search for my crew. If you should find all four I will give you the treasure map as a reward. TONPY : Agreed. We accept the job. Ok then. Chibi-Robo, good luck finding the crew. GO NEAR DEKA-ROBO TO GIVE HIM THE BATTERY FOOK : Wow, you really filled it up. Good work. Now you have to find the right leg. Deka-robo, where is your other leg? Guess you can't answer, huh? GO INTO JENNY'S ROOM AND PICK UP THE SYRINGE THAT IS NEXT TO THE TV TONPY : That's the syringe from the toy doctor kit. It's probably Jenny's. It looks like you can put water in it. Anyway, try sucking up various things and see what happens. EXAMINE THE BOX UNDER JENNY'S BED AND A MUMMY POPS OUT ZOBIN : Oh, I didn't scare you at all, did I? ( O/X ) Oh, you're just being nice. Now leave me alone. ============================================================================= NIGHT ninth day ============================================================================= PUT WATER IN THE SYRINGE AND SQUIRT IT ON THE FROG IN THE BACK GARDEN FROG : Ribbit! Ribbit! TONPY : Good work, Chibi-Robo. Oh, it looks like he wants to give you something. (Get the Frog Costume) FROG : Thanks to you I'm all better. My boyfriend went into the house but never came out. I've been waiting for so long. With that costume you can understand the frog language. Convenient, right? Now that you can speak Frog I want you to look for my missing boyfriend. He's probably collapsed somewhere dying of hunger. If you find him please bring him back here. Thanks!! WITH THE FROG SUIT ON TALK TO JENNY JENNY : Ribbit! Oh, Chibi-Robo, did you get cursed by the frog also? I thought so. Just like me! It looks good on you. Now that you're a frog we can talk. Ok? ============================================================================== DAY tenth day ============================================================================== BUY THE ENTRANCE WARP IF YOU HAVE ENOUGH JUNK TRY TO INSERT YOUR PLUG INTO THE OUTLET TONPY : Chibi-robo, do you want me to explain how to use the warp? Ok, insert your plug to turn it on. Once it is active climb up on to it. You will automatically and instantaneously warp to another warp machine. TALK TO THE FROG IN MAMA AND PAPA'S ROOM WHILE WEARING THE FROG COSTUME TONPY : Oh, he's still here. FROG : Yoshiko...Yoshiko...YOSHIKO!!!!!!!! (Toy Rex appears) TONPY : Ahhhhhh!!!!!!! (Toy Rex tries to eat Chibi-Robo but his teeth fall out) TOY REX : Ahh! Hard!! It's like steel! PICK UP TOY REX'S TEETH AND GIVE THEM TO HIM TOY REX : Hey there, can I have my teeth back? Thanks. It's not much but take this. (Receive HAPPY points and MONEY) So, I thought you were a frog. Sorry for the mistake. Anyway, it was cool meeting you. Come and play whenever you have time. CHANGE OUT OF THE FROG COSTUME AND TALK TO TOY-REX AGAIN TOY-REX : Hey, Chibi-Robo, look over there. Mama shut the blinds and trapped Funky-chan. He's been there for three days with no food or water. He's been so brave. If only he'd open the blinds he could escape you might think. But...ding-dong, ding-dong, ding-dong!! HE CAN'T! It's sad, isn't it. So, I would like you to open the blinds for him. CLIMB UP TO WHERE FUNKY-CHAN IS FUNKY-CHAN : COME ON BABY!!! Be a good girl and come here. If you don't then I can't get out of here. Just a little farther...huh? Hey, you small fry. The cord to the blinds is pouting and won't come to me like a good girl. Could you open the blinds for me? Really? Ok, Here's what we'll do. You catch, me get. CLIMB UP THE CORD AND THEN SLIDE DOWN TO OPEN IT FUNKY-CHAN : YOU GREAT! Mama will probably shut these blinds again soon but at least for now I can aggressively practice my dance. Thanks small fry. TALK TO TOY-REX TOY-REX : Funky-chan is free and looking good. I haven't been this excited in a long time. TALK TO THE FROG NEAR THE DOOR WHILE WEARING THE FROG COSTUME FROG : What happened? I want to hurry up and get back to Yoshiko. Could you please take me to the back garden? Really? Thanks. GO TO THE BACK GARDEN AND TALK TO YOSHIKO YOSHIKO : How long is my husband going to keep me waiting? Ah! Yoshio, you're alive! But you're all beat up. What happened? YOSHIO : Yoshiko, it's all over for me. I got these teeth marks when I was mistaken for food. YOSHIKO : I told you, didn't I? I said this house was scary. You don't listen to what I say so this is what you get. YOSHIO : Please don't yell at me. Your voice echoes in my wounds. YOSHIKO : Fine. But there'll be punishment enough when you get home. YOSHIO : Punishment? I think I'd rather die here. Please forgive me. YOSHIKO : (To Chibi-Robo) Sorry for all we put you through. YOSHIO : Help me!!!!! ============================================================================== NIGHT tenth day ============================================================================== PUT ON THE FROG SUIT AND TALK TO THE TWO FROGS IN THE BACKYARD YOSHIKO : Hey, long time no see. You want to hear something? We've had a long spell of dry weather. If it keeps up much longer we're gonna dry up and turn to dust. Without any moisture we just can't seem to relax. Once before we did a dance that brought rain. But since then our numbers have dwindled and we don't have the three people we need to perform the dance. Do you think you could help us? Great! Let's rain dance!! The rules are easy. When we both bow down you press the Z BUTTON. Make sure you watch us carefully. (Do it right 3 times) Yay! Rain! It's raining!! Thank you Chibi-robo. Now the flowers will be able to grow, too. TONPY : You got 100 HAPPY points. And you got the FROG STICKER. Good job. IN JENNY'S ROOM TALK TO ZOBIN THE MUMMY ZOBIN : It's always light under the bed so there's no need to be scared. Oh, I forgot introductions. I am Zobin. Do you want to hear my story? Ok. This happened a few nights ago. (Jenny's bear is attacking the Princess's castle.) Princess : Oh, stop. You're going to break it! (The Princess's shoe falls off her foot) ZOBIN : That's what happened. Poor Princess Peets hasn't come down from her castle since then. She refuses to leave barefoot. Please tell me if you find a RED HIGH HEEL SHOE. TALK TO HIM AGAIN ONCE YOU HAVE THE SHOE ZOBIN : Did you find the shoe? Oh, you did. Please hurry up and return it to the Princess. My body is too big to enter the castle. Please use the staircase in front of the castle to enter it. PUT THE YELLOW FLOWER SEED IN THE CANDY TIN ON JENNY'S DESK (I spent the rest of the time trying to climb to the top of the castle) ============================================================================== DAY eleventh day ============================================================================== CLIMB THE TREE IN THE BACK GARDEN AND TALK TO THE BLUEBIRD TONPY : He's in a deep sleep. But if we can't get him to move then we can't get across. PUT ON THE FROG COSTUME AND DO THE Z ACTION COMMAND BLUEBIRD : Oh, I overslept. Oh no, it's that late already? I'm late for my date. And a simple "sorry" doesn't work on Piyoko. Last time she plucked all my feathers out. Thanks for waking me up. TALK TO THE ARMY COMMANDER IN THE ENTRANCE ARMY COMMANDER : One man short! Goddamn! STAND IN THE PLACE WHERE THE MISSING MAN WOULD BE ARMY COMMANDER: Ok, maggots. Let's do roll call one more time. ARMY MAN : Let's start roll call. Yell out your number. (After Chibi-robo says O ) Everybody is present, sir. ARMY COMMANDER : If you're lying there will be hell to pay. But, it does look like everyone is there. Ok, roll call is finished. ARMY MEN : A - A - O !!!!!!!!!!!! ARMY COMMANDER : Texaf, Aiowa, start muscle training! GO TO MAMA AND PAPA'S ROOM AND TALK TO FUNKY-CHAN FUNKY-CHAN : Yeah, Chibi-chan! As a thanks for before I'll do my funky dance for you. TOY-REX : Funky-chan, it's been a long time. I wanted to open the blinds for you but look at these hands. They're no good for anything. I was surprised, too. Chibi-robo, thanks again. So, Funky-chan, can I see your funky dance? Will you do it for me? FUNKY-CHAN : Ummmm, ummm. TOY-REX : That's a sour response. Have you eaten? You'll never find a wife with an attitude like that. But, if there are no candidates around, I'd be happy to be your wife. Ha Ha. Just kidding. That was my first gag. Get a sense of humor why don't you. It'll help you go far. Oh, I want to dance, too. But, I can't dance with hands like this. That was my second gag. FUNKY-CHAN : All night funky!! TOY-REX : Funky-chan's dances are the best. He'd be mine for sure if I was ten years younger. No doubt about it. Chibi-robo, you think so too, right? That's right. Chibi-robo, you and I are on the same page. Funky-chan. What's that? It's a seed. Oh, I'm blushing. I've got to read more about this. PICK UP THE FUNKY SEED TONPY : You got the funky seed. If it's a seed it should grow, right? MAKE YOUR WAY OVER TO THE PLANTER BY THE BED AND PLANT THE FUNKY SEED TOY-REX : Ah, here it is. The funky seed. Spray funky sweat on it to make it grow. And then you get Mini-Funky-chans. They'll be so cute. Mini Funky. Yeah, so cool. And sooooo cute. Oh, I want to plant the seed. But I can't plant with these hands. I can't even hold the seed. Oh, so much to worry about. Senility would be so much simpler. Oh! It's time for my suspense program on TV. I hope I can figure out who did it. GO BACK TO WHERE FUNKY-CHAN IS AND USE THE SYRINGE TO PICK UP THE FUNKY SWEAT HEAD BACK TO THE SEED AND PUT THE SWEAT ON IT. THREE MINI FUNKY-CHANS POP UP ============================================================================== NIGHT eleventh day ============================================================================== IN JENNY'S ROOM TALK TO ZOBIN ZOBIN : Can I help you. Oh, is that... GIVE HIM THE BANDAGES ZOBIN : Bandages! Can I have them? My first new bandages in 1800 years. Thanks. PUT ON THE INJURED COSTUME AND PRESS THE Z BUTTON. KEEP IT PRESSED AND... TONPY : Chibi-robo, are you all right? I'll take you back to the Chibi-house. Chibi-robo!! (Stand up) Oh, don't worry me like that. (Get the GHOST COSTUME) IN JENNY'S ROOM TALK TO ZOBIN AGAIN ZOBIN : Yes? Is that...? GIVE HIM THE MOVIE TICKET FROM MAMA AND PAPA'S ROOM ZOBIN : Ah, this is from the movie I starred in. Do you want to hear the story? I was an action figure from the movie. Mama and Papa bought me on their first date. It sure takes me back. In the movie I meet a beautiful young girl. A girl so beautiful it makes your heart fly out of your chest. A love so deep it feels like hell. I drew these pictures so I would never forget. Oh, what great memories. (I made my 2nd attempt at the top of the caste but time was against me) ============================================================================== DAY twelfth day ============================================================================== THE LIVING ROOM AND KITCHEN BRIDGES ARE AVAILABLE IF YOU HAVE ENOUGH JUNK (I bought the kitchen bridge) IN THE KITCHEN TALK TO MAMA MAMA : Chibi-robo, you've see Jenny, right? Doesn't she look strange? She's turned completely into a frog. You think so, don't you? One day all of a sudden she started talking like a frog. Chibi-robo, could you be my chat buddy? Oh, the water is boiling. Let's have tea. Chibi-robo, you're small so here you go. You've seen Papa sleeping on the couch, right? Do you think it's too severe? But, he was in the wrong. He bought you without saying one word to me. With Papa not working now he can't just go around wasting money, can he? Oh, sorry. That's a hard question for you to answer. This tea tastes better sharing it with someone else. Thanks. I just wish Jenny would say something else besides "Ribbit". Oh, my tea is a little bitter. Maybe I put in too much. Oh, what a nice smell. Do you have a flower? For me? Thank you so much. PICK UP THE COOKIE CRUMB MAMA : You can give that to the goldfish. PICK UP THE COOKIE MAMA : Those are delicious but eat too many and you'll get fat. PICK UP THE SUGAR CUBE MAMA : Wow, you can put anything in your little head. CHECK THE RECEIPTS MAMA: Those are all receipts. Papa wastes all the money on toys. When will he grow out of toys? PICK UP THE FROG RING MAMA : Jenny will be happy if you give that to her. JUMP OFF THE TABLE MAMA : I guess I should get back to work as well. TRY TO PLUG IN TO THE BRIDGE TONPY : Chibi-robo, do you want me to explain how to use the bridge? If you insert your plug the bridge will extend. Press the CONTROL STICK down to shorten the length of the bridge. When you want to change the direction the bridge is facing plug into a different outlet. You can push him around freely so you can reach many new places. IN THE LIVING ROOM TALK TO THE ARMY COMMANDER ARMY COMMANDER : Do you want to do SPY TRAINING? Way to go. I knew I could rely on you. This is training to prepare you for Tao's quick movements. Find the spy! One for all and all for one!! (The four Army Men line up. One says that he's the spy. Spy will be written in green. Watch his movements and then choose him from the lineup. Do this 3 times correctly to pass.) ARMY COMMANDER : You pass!! Next is Banister Training. Chibi-robo put all of you maggots to shame. Disperse! TALK TO THE ARMY COMMANDER AGAIN ARMY COMMANDER : Do you want to do Banister Training? If you're going to outrun Tao you need to learn how to run fast. Run along this banister, reach the dead end and run back here. One for all and all for one. GO! GO! GO! COMPLETE THE TRAINING ARMY COMMANDER : Goal!!! Your time is ______! You pass!! Next is Jungle Training. Chibi-Robo again puts you all to shame. TALK TO ARMY COMMANDER AGAIN ARMY COMMANDER : That's all the training for today. TALK TO FUNKY-CHAN IN MAMA AND PAPA'S BEDROOM FUNKY-CHAN : Dancing sure feels good! Someday I want to be a pro and dance underneath the open sky. You'll have to come see me. Until then I have to practice. ============================================================================== NIGHT twelfth day ============================================================================== TALK TO TONPY IN THE CHIBI-HOUSE TONPY : I know this is sudden but do you have any flowers on you? Thanks. I'm going to place this next to Mama's bed. OH!! Um, forget it. It's nothing. Thanks again. (I bought a Living Room bridge and spent the rest of the night exploring the living room) ============================================================================== DAY thirteenth day ============================================================================== IN JENNY'S ROOM TALK TO GICCOMAN IN THE FROG COSTUME GICCOMAN : Holy moly, an alien! I am Space Officer Giccom....hey. You're Space Officer Chibi-robo. Don't surprise me like that. You made me waste my flame. TALK TO HIM AGAIN BUT WHILE WEARIN THE GICCOMAN COSTUME GICCOMAN: ...Oh no!! I'm supposed to be on patrol right now. Seeing you made me remember. My thanks, Space Officer Chibi. Justice Rule #5: Remember justice if you forget it! NEAR THE TOP OF THE CASTLE PICK UP THE BATTERY AND ... ZOBIN : Nice work. Just one more push to the top and you can return the RED HIGH HEEL SHOE back to Princess Peets. (Unfortunately time ran out) ============================================================================== NIGHT thirteenth day ============================================================================== AFTER YOU PURCHASE BRIDGES FOR THE LIVING ROOM AND KITCHEN A BRIDGE FOR MAMA AND PAPA'S ROOM AND A BASEMENT WARP BECOME AVAILABLE MAKE IT TO THE TOP OF THE CASTLE AND THE PRINCESS SAYS PRINCESS : Oh, my red high heel. Thank you very much. Now I can leave this castle. It's nice to meet you. I am Princess Peets. I don't know who you are but I am very grateful to you. I had given up hope and prepared myself for a life at the top of the castle. It would have been unthinkable to leave with only one shoe on. Thank you again. I'm terribly sorry but may I ask your name? TONPY FLIES IN TONPY : CHIBI-ROBO! Ahem, He is Chibi-robo. And I am... PRINCESS : So your name is Chibi-Robo. TONPY : ....tonpy. PRINCESS: I hope this doesn't sound too forward but you aren't by chance the one leaving these flowers here fo me, are you? (I said yes) TONPY : It's bad to lie to a lady. PRINCESS : Well who is leaving the flowers then? GICCOMAN : Hey, Bambina! PRINCESS : Oh, Giccoman. Good Evening. What brings you here? GICCOMAN : In the backyard I found this flower which is as beautiful as you. It's a special present from Giccoman. For YOU! PRINCESS : Giccoman, are you the person who's been leaving flowers for me? GICCOMAN : I don't know anything about those withered things. PRINCESS : Oh, I see. I like withered flowers the best. Thanks anyway. GICCOMAN : Hmmm, could it be that giving withered flowers is the just thing to do? Excuse me. GICCOMAN LEAVES TONPY : Excuse me Princess but I'll be off as well. PRINCESS : Chibi-Robo, let's be sure to meet again. TALK TO ZOBIN IN HIS COFFIN ZOBIN : What do you want? ============================================================================== DAY fourteenth day ============================================================================== IN THE BACKYARD TALK TO TAO AND HE MAKES SAD NOISES TONPY : It looks like Tao wants something. Shall we give him something? GIVE HIM THE BONE FOR 9 HAPPY POINTS IN THE ENTRANCE TALK TO SOME ARMY MEN WHO ARE HUDDLED TOGETHER ARMY MAN : Hi, I'm New Yok. Training has been so strict lately. I really hate it. I really want to be a pirate. I can't take this anymore. ARMY MAN : Hi, I'm Youtah. We're making a plan to escape but we're all too scared. I really want to be a pirate. I've had all I can take. ARMY MAN : Hi, I'm Bermont. I don't know if I'm more scared of the commander or of Tao. I wanted to be a pirate. I'm at my wits end. IN THE KITCHEN TALK TO MAMA MAMA : Hi, Chibi. Do you want to talk? Chibi-robo, did you bring that SUGAR CUBE? Oh, that's nice. Thank you. No matter how old he gets Papa can't seem to let go of Giccoman. He's like a child. Don't you think it's strange? I thought you would. Our bedroom is littered with Giccoman junk. By the way, how do you reach such high places being so small? There's probably a lot written in the CHIBI-ROBO MANUAL that Papa has. Oh, my tea's not sweet at all. Oh, I forgot to stir it. Do you think I could borrow your spoon? Ah, that's wonderful. Thanks. Here's your spoon back. So, how do you like our house? Thanks for the flattery. To tell you the truth, I haven't been sleeping well lately. While Papa's sleeping on the couch I'm in the bedroom doing work. It's not going very smoothly either. Oh, this tea is just perfect now. Do you think I could have that COOKIE your holding? Thank you. Jenny is quite the artist. Don't you think so. I thought you would think so. I can't draw at all. She sure takes after her father. Well, I should get back to work. IN THE LIVING ROOM TALK TO THE ARMY COMMANDER ARMY COMMANDER : Do you want to do JUNGLE TRAINING? This training is to keep you from shooting your allies instead of Tao when you are tired. Ok, climb up this vine and head for the jungle. In the jungle there are animals and enemy soldiers. Don't harm the animals. Only shoot the enemy. Over there is the goal. Use the Chibi-Copter to land on it. One for all, all for one!! COMPLETE THE JUNGLE TRAINING ARMY COMMANDER : Goal!! Your time is _________. Jungle training passed. Next is CLIMBING THE WATERFALL! Again Chibi-Robo has showed you all up. TALK TO THE ARMY COMMANDER AGAIN ARMY COMMANDER : Do you want to do CLIMBING THE WATERFALL? Ok, this training is to build up your physical and mental strength in the heat of battle. Ok. Run along this edge and climb the waterfall. Try to reach the summit where Aiowa is standing. One for all, all for one. (The time ran out before I could pass) =============================================================================== NIGHT fourteenth day =============================================================================== IF YOU HAVE ENOUGH JUNK, BUY THE BASEMENT WARP TONPY : Chibi-robo, it looks like you have all the constructions now. Here's a token of appreciation from the constructions themselves. Oh, you also got the CONSTRUCTIONS STICKER!! IN THE LIVING ROOM TALK TO GICCOMAN GICCOMAN : 1,2,1,2. Hey, Space Officer Chibi-Robo. Have you heard the news about the bambina, right? I had no idea that giving wilted flowers was just. As you can see, I still don't know enough about justice. That's why I'm training now. Once I master this the bambina will be mine for sure. Well, back to work. 1,2,1,2. TALK TO JENNY OUTSIDE OF MAMA AND PAPA'S ROOM JENNY : We're poor but Papa keeps buying toys. He always keeps it a secret and that's why Mama is angry. IN JENNY'S ROOM ZOBIN IS STANDING IN FRONT OF THE CANDY TIN ON THE DESK ZOBIN : Oh.... TALK TO ZOBIN ZOBIN : The hero and the princess...they make the best couple. As for Princess Peets, I know she'd rather have nice flowers than those withered things. But any flower I touch shrivels up. If only the Nectar Flower (yellow seed) would bloom...I'm sure the Princess would be so happy. Oh....... TALK TO THE PRINCESS PRINCESS : Just who is this prince who is leaving me flowers? I'm sure he's magnificent. ============================================================================== DAY fifteenth day ============================================================================== FINISH THE CLIMBING THE WATERFALL TRAINING. WHEN IT'S OVER TALK TO THE ARMY COMMANDER ARMY COMMANDER : That's all the training for today. ENTER MAMA AND PAPA'S ROOM EXAMINE THE BRIEFCASE UNDER THE BED TONPY : We don't know the password number, so we can't open it. IN JENNY'S ROOM ZOBIN IS STANDING ON THE DESK ZOBIN : The flower...it bloomed. Oh no, I touched it and it withered. And I had a beautiful flower at last. Oh... PRINCESS : Oh... ZOBIN : What? PRINCESS : AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! A MONSTER!!!!!!!!!!!!! ZOBIN ROLLS AWAY PRINCESS : Could it be that he was the one leaving me flowers? TALK TO THE PRINCESS PRINCESS : He seems so nice but when I think of that face I...AHHHHHHH!!!!!! Sorry, I thought of his face. To tell you the truth, I have a horror complex. Chibi-robo, please help me get rid of my horror complex. I want to get over it. PUT ON THE GHOST COSTUME AND TALK TO THE PRINCESS PRINCESS : Please scare me in that costume. I'll see if I can bear it. For him. USE THE Z BUTTON TO SCARE THE PRINCESS PRINCESS : AHHHHHHHHHH!!! Oh, I thought I was going to die. Please, scare me some more. AFTER A COUPLE OF TIMES SHE SAYS PRINCESS : I think I'm getting used to it. Please scare me some more. AFTER A FEW MORE TIMES PRINCESS : I think we did it. I'm over my horror complex. Thank you so much. =============================================================================== NIGHT fifteenth day =============================================================================== TALK TO ZOBIN IN HIS COFFIN ZOBIN : After the Princess's reaction to my face I've given up. (I spent the rest of the night exploring the house) ============================================================================== DAY sixteenth day ============================================================================== TALK TO MAMA IN THE KITCHEN MAMA : I wonder who put a flower on my pillow. Do you know by any chance? I guess it doen't matter. It was a nice gesture. By the way, I had a dream about you cleaning. Then I woke up and the house was sparkling clean. Thank you. TALK TO MAMA AGAIN MAMA : I've enjoyed having tea with you. But, I dont have the time to relax right now. Sorry. ENTER THE ENTRANCE AND THERE IS A CINEMA OF SOME ARMY MEN RUNNING AWAY IN THE NIGHT ARMY MAN : Oh no, sir. It seems that some of our men have deserted us. ARMY COMMANDER : I was strict because I didn't want to lose one more man. Now I've lost a whole bunch. Maybe I made a mistake. Hmm, well everybody disperse! ARMY MEN : Yes, sir? TALK TO THE ARMY MEN STANDING TOGETHER ARMY MAN : Hi, I'm Michikan. Is that... GIVE THEM THE DOG TAG ARMY MAN : Oh! Those are Gwam's! Did you come back from Tao's hideout? ARMY COMMANDER : Quiet down. What are you fools yapping about? ARMY MAN : Private Chibi-Robo brought Gwam's dog tags back from Tao's hideout. ARMY COMMANDER : W-What? Let me see. Oh, Gwam...I haven't been able to keep this army together. Please forgive me. ARMY MAN : We can't defeat Tao alone. But if we join all of our strength together...and fight for one as one... ARMY COMMANDER : ONE FOR ALL, ALL FOR ONE!! Gwam, we're going to fight as one for you. Wait. There might be a possibility that Gwam is still alive. If so then....OK. Training is back on. ARMY MEN : A-A-O!!!!!!!!!! TALK TO AN ARMY MAN ARMY MAN : You know, there were many men in the army who wanted to be pirates or pilots or even race car drivers. TALK TO THE ARMY COMMANDER ARMY COMMANDER: For such a small body you have a ton of bravery for you to go to Tao's dog house. I have a favor for you. Please help with the TAO TRAINING. Great. You're as valuable as 100 men. I mean 100 robots. So, please put this on. GET THE TAO COSTUME ARMY COMMANDER : Wow, it looks more real that I thought it would. Ok then, let's go to the backyard. IN THE BACKYARD ARMY COMMANDER : Ok, everyone listen up. We're going to begin TAO TRAINING. ARMY MEN : Yes, sir! ARMY COMMANDER : This training is designed to keep you from getting scared when your hear Tao's bark. Private Chibi-robo, please play the part of Tao. Use the Z BUTTON to bark at the other men and make them faint. If your battery level drops below 31 you will be unable to bark and you fail. Try not to waste your barks but be sure to knock everyone out. Do you want me to explain it again? Let's begin. ARMY MEN : A-A-O!! MAKE EVERYONE FAINT ARMY COMMANDER : Army men KO. You cleared the training. BACK IN THE ENTRANCE ARMY COMMANDER : Thanks to you we had a successful training. The soldiers have stopped being frightened by Tao's bark. Now that we're finished with training we'll formulate a plan to rescue Gwam. At that time we'll need your strength and bravery again. TALK TO THE RACE CAR DRIVER AT THE TOP OF THE STAIRS DRIVER : Hey, you have the LOWRIDER, don't you? Do you want to race? The person who gets closest to the edge without going over is the winner. Use the B BUTTON to brake. IN MAMA AND PAPA'S ROOM TALK TO THE PIRATE UP ON THE LIGHTS PIRATE : Hi, I'm Utha. I really want to be a pirate. What? The great Captain Fook is looking for crew members? Thanks for telling me. CLIMB UP THE DOOR AND STAND ON THE LEVER TO OPEN THE PEEPHOLE TONPY : Now you can enter freely even at night. IN THE BACKYARD TALK TO TAO WHILE WEARING THE TAO COSTUME TAO : When your teeth are itchy it helps to chew on something. Hey, that costume looks just like me. Wait. Could it be? Do you understand what I am saying? Really? Dog-gone it, that's great. USE THE Z BUTTON TO BARK AT TAO TAO : You're too small to be a guard dog. =============================================================================== NIGHT sixteenth day =============================================================================== TALK TO THE PIRATE UNDER THE KITCHEN TABLE PIRATE : Hi, I'm Missimissipi. I really want to be a pirate. Eh? Captain Fook is looking for a crew? Thanks for telling me. ENTER MAMA AND PAPA'S ROOM THROUGH THE PEEPHOLE MAMA : Oh, what should I do? So many bills this month too. The electricity bill is up as well. Just like I thought it would. Oh, Papa... TALK TO MAMA MAMA: Oh Chibi-robo, how did you get in here? You came because you were worried about me, didn't you? Thanks. Jenny and Papa probably asked you to come. Since your here could I bend your ear? No matter how many times I try to balance this month's budget the numbers just won't match. Could Papa possibly be hiding a TOY RECEIPT from me? He said that he had given me all of them though. Chibi-robo, please try and find a TOY RECEIPT. If you find one please bring it back to me. However, if there is one, I don't think I'll be able to forgive him. ENTER THE LIVING ROOM AND PAPA IS HIDING THE RECEIPT IN THE COUCH PAPA : If Mama found this I'd be sooo dead. Gotta hide it. That's good. Now I feel safe. GET THE RECEIPT OFF THE COUCH AND TAKE IT BACK UP TO MAMA MAMA : Did you find a receipt? What? More Giccoman toys? Papa has so sense that he is wasting money when he buys toys. Papa, that jerk. Anyway, thank you Chibi-Robo. That's it. I've had it. From now on I am on strike. From now on I will do no housework. I want nothing more to do with this house. I'm just going to hole up in here. PAPA! I found the TOY RECEIPT! PAPA : Where'd you find it? MAMA : It doesn't matter. What matters is that you lied to me. I'm not coming out of this room again. ============================================================================== DAY seventeenth day ============================================================================== CLIMB THE TREE IN THE BACKYARD AND TALK TO THE PIRATE ON THE LIMB PIRATE : Hi, I'm New Yok. I'm really hoping to become a pirate. Captain Fook needs a crew? Thanks for telling me. WHILE WEARING THE FROG COSTUME TALK TO THE BLUEBIRD IN THE TREE BLUEBIRD : Oh, you again. I'm really hungry. Do you have anything to eat? GIVE HIM THE COOKIE CRUMB BLUEBIRD : Yum! That's exactly what I wanted to eat. Oh....I'm full. Because I ate that cookie I got thirsty. Oh, my beautiful singing voice is going to get ruined. Water's ok but I'd really like something sweet to drink. I'm going for a little flight so do what you can. Thanks. GO UPSTAIRS TO MAMA AND PAPA'S ROOM. PAPA AND JENNY ARE OUTSIDE PAPA : Jenny, what should we do? Mama is... JENNY : Ribbit. PAPA : Hmm? That's right. I should look through the peephole. You're smart, Jenny. Oh, it's no good. I can't see a thing. JENNY : Ribbit. PAPA : Oh? You want to try? Oh, Chibi-robo. Mama locked herself in the room. We're worried about her and would like you to see how she's doing. I can't see through this window. Plus, you and Mama seem to have a connection. So, pretty please. INSIDE MAMA AND PAPA'S ROOM TALK TO MAMA MAMA : What's wrong Chibi? Ah, Papa put you up to this didn't he? It's ok. But, there is no way I am going to forgive Papa unless he sees what he's doing is wrong. Chibi-robo, please give this letter to Papa. Thanks. Make sure you give it to him, ok? START TO CLIMB UP THE JUMPROPE MAMA : You're small so it must be tough for you to climb this. Let me help you. You're small but you try really hard. IN THE ENTRANCE PAPA : So, how was it? Did Mama say anything? A letter? It's probably a love letter. Thanks Chibi-robo. All right. I guess I'll go ahead and read this love letter. "To Papa, Jenny and Tao, Tao doesn't listen to anything I say. Jenny is a frog. Papa is a lazy slob. I can't take it anymore. I want a divorce." Divorce? DIV--------ORCE!!!!!! We have to do something. Cooking, watering, anyway to fix our reputations. Jenny, Tao, let's go!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ENTER MAMA AND PAPA'S ROOM AND TALK TO MAMA MAMA : It looks like you delivered the letter for me. I'll give you a little extra reward. Boycotting the housework has left me with surprisingly little to do. Is there anything you'd like? I know, maybe I'll do some sewing. I haven't done that in a while. Since you're always working so hard I'll make you something nice. Just wait a little bit. OK? TALK TO MAMA AGAIN WHEN SHE'S OVER BY THE BED MAMA : I wanted to make you something nice but I don't have any old clothes. I can't make it without old clothes. What should I do? I'll keep looking so please hold on. Let me know if you find anything. PICK UP THE SMALL HANKERCHIEF, DIRTY UNDERWEAR AND THE OLD-FASHIONED SCARF =============================================================================== NIGHT seventeenth day =============================================================================== TONPY : Chibi-robo, there is a new product in the online store. It's the Chibi- Radar. With this equipped you can find many things you can't see with your bare eyes. Please try it. BUY THE CHIBI-RADAR AND EQUIP IT IN THE LIVING ROOM USE THE SPOON ON THE PLACE ON THE FLOOR THAT THE CHIBI-RADAR INDICATES ELECTRICAL PLUG MAN POPS PUT OF THE FLOOR ELECTRICAL PLUG MAN : With that sound...I can be...an adult. Please...let me hear...the spooon sound. I have something...to say... to you. It is... A PAN FALLS ON YOUR HEAD TONPY : What was that strange plug shaped man? Oh! He looks like an electrical so let's call him ELECTRICAL PLUG MAN. He was kind of strange, wasn't he. Oh! You got the ELECTRICAN PLUG MAN STICKER. IN THE BACKYARD TALK TO THE BLUEBIRD WHILE WEARING THE FROG OR DOG COSTUME BLUEBIRD : Thanks for the cookie earlier but now I am thirsty. I want to drink the nectar from the Honey Flower. Actually I'd rather have you pour it all over my body. Please help me get my singing voice back. GET THE FLOWER NECTAR WITH THE SYRINGE AND SPRAY IT ON THE BLUEBIRD BLUEBIRD : Oh, honey. It's so good. There's just nothing like natural foods. Since you're here I'd like to ask one more favor. I would really like to eat a vegetable. It's really important to have a nutrition- ally balanced diet. You should be careful. You're looking kinda pale. It's probably from overwork. I'm going to go around town and let everyone hear my great voice. Please help me find a vegetable to eat. IN JENNY'S ROOM JENNY IS WATCHING TV. THERE'S A DESIGN ON THE TV LIKE THE ONE IN THE BACKYARD TALK TO SANPOO THE BEAR SANPOO : Jenny is really losing it. She's worried about Mama and can't sleep. She doesn't even notice that I am here. Plus, I don't speak Frog. TALK TO JENNY WHILE WEARING THE FROG COSTUME JENNY : ...circle...in the middle...radar...? BY THE MIRROR IN JENNY'S ROOM TALK TO THE PIRATE PIRATE : Hi, I'm Bermont. I'm practicing my pirate poses. Captain Fook's needs a crew. Thanks. =============================================================================== DAY eighteenth day =============================================================================== TALK TO PAPA IN THE KITCHEN PAPA : Chibi-robo, help me. Jenny's hungry. I'm hungrier though. So, I need your help making hamburgers. Shanks alot. I always burn the burgers when I do it. Let's hamburger cooking!! I'll explain how to do it so listen carefully. First, let me prepare. Ok, please put the buns on the plates. Ok, next the meat. Chibi-Robo, get out your spoon. Use the spoon to flip the burgers. Try and fry the burgers until they're a good color. About 3 should be about right. If you fry them too long they'll burn so keeps a close watch. Now put the top bun on and then we're done. PAPA : Mama.......Jenny......the hamburgers are ready. Jenny, here's your hamburger. JENNY : Ribbit. PAPA : What? Mama said she doesn't need one? oh. I thought it would be nice to eat together. I guess I'll give Mama's burger to Tao. Let's eat. Oh yeah, there's none for Chibi-robo. TONPY : We appreciate the sentiment but we are both robots so... PAPA : That's right. Well, I'll dig in then. TONPY : Go ahead. Don't mind us. PAPA : Let's eat. Oh, this is... TONPY : Uh-oh, what happened? PAPA : This is scrumply-umpcious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TONPY : Chibi-Robo, you got the COOKING STICKER. IN THE BASEMENT TALK TO CAPTAIN FOOK FOOK : Chibi-robo, you came at a good time. We're just about to set sail. TONPY : Looks like it's about time. FOOK : Hey, Square guy, thanks for coming. TONPY : Actually, I came to get the treasure map that you promised to us. FOOK : Of course. Honoring a promise is the pirate's code. See. GET TREASURE MAPS A, B AND C FOOK : There you go. Ok, crew. Let's set sail. Everything ready? PIRATES : A-A-O!!! FOOK : Ships ahoy!! TONPY : Oh, cool! TALK TO MAMA MAMA : Chibi-robo, did you find some old clothes. (Choose 1 of the 3 old clothes to give to Mama. She will make pajamas out of them) MAMA : Are you sure you want that? There are three patterns. Is this OK? I'll get started right on it then. You really do work so hard despite being so small. If only Papa would do 1/10000 of the work you do. Ok, let's measure you. Turn around and put your arms up. Oh, that's so cute. Now don't move. Ok, you're about the size of this box. You're so small. Just like Papa. I'll get started on this right now. I think I should be done by tomorrow. Please play with Papa until then. LEAVE MAMA AND PAPA'S ROOM AND BEBE IS CLIMBING THE STAIRS BEBE : Oh, Chibi-robo, you look good. What happened to Mama? She hasn't come to the kitchen in a while. STAND IN THE CIRCLE IN THE BACKYARD AND USE THE RADAR. IT POINTS TO THE TREE. USE THE SPOON AND DIG IN THE DESIGNATED SPOT. A TREASURE CHEST APPEARS. CAPTAIN FOOK : What's that? It's a masked eggplant! PIRATE CREW : Yes, sir! CAPTAIN FOOK : Is it a treasure? PIRATE CREW : Not really. CAPTAIN FOOK : Then let's go. MASKED EGGPLANT : Ah, that's better. I haven't breathed this air in so long. Were you the one who saved me? I am the Great Masked Eggplant. I can tell that you sensed that. Let me do something for you as a reward. You want to be an eggplant, right? Ok, YOU ARE NOW AN EGGPLANT! How's that? You look just like the Great Masked Eggplant. This outfit is so popular with the girls that sometimes it's annoying. What? You don't like it? You're a difficult one. Ok, since you look so pale I'll give you something rich in vitamins instead. Thanks again for saving me. You should really eat that. It'll put meat on your bones. Later! GET THE SUPER EGGPLANT TALK TO THE BLUEBIRD BLUEBIRD : Did you bring me something with a lot of vitamins? I want a vegetable so fresh that it might jump away. GIVE HIM THE SUPER EGGPLANT BLUEBIRD : Oh, what a great eggplant. Woah, this tastes great. I feel all vitaminized. Thanks to you I became a big adult bird. Sorry for always being so selfish. It's not much but I want you to have this. TONPY : You got the BLUEBIRD STICKER. BLUEBIRD : Thank you for everything. I'm off to explore a whole new world. =============================================================================== NIGHT eighteenth day =============================================================================== TALK TO BEBE AT THE TOP OF THE STAIRS BEBE : I can't think about anything except Giccoman. Sorry, I can't play now. BEBE RUNS AWAY BUT SHE DROPS A LOVE LETTER. PICK IT UP TONPY : Chibi-robo, did you pick up a letter? May I read it? "My dearest, I know. Your red is your burning passion. I see. The white is your pure heart. Put those together and you get pink, which is all over me. Please listen to my heart. Please feel my love. I'm yours." This...this is a love letter. Your pure white heart. It's me isn't it? Well, excuse me... TALK TO GICCOMAN IN THE LIVING ROOM GICCOMAN : 1,2,1,2. Oh, Space Officer Chibi. Doing these exercises will increase you justice level. By the way, did you pick up something? GIVE HIM THE LETTER GICCOMAN : Good work. Thank you Chibi-Robo. IN JENNY'S ROOM TALK TO SANPOO THE BEAR TONPY : Um...excuse me...sorry to bother you while you're eating. SANPOO : Oh, how long have you been there? TONPY : Just a little while is all. SANPOO : You should have said something. TONPY : Actually we did... SANPOO : "Actually we did..."? TONPY : What's wrong? SANPOO : .............!! Oh, it's nothing. Sorry. Nice to meet you. I'm Sanpoo. It's nice to meet you. Who are you? TONPY : Well that is Chibi-Robo and I am Tonpy. SANPOO : Chibi-robo and Tonpi. Those are nice names. TONPY : Yeah, um, I think I'll be going now. Huh? SANPOO : ....ey....honey....THERE'S NO MORE HONEY!! BRING ME SOME HONEY NOW!! COVER MY BODY IN IT!!! DO IT NOW!!! TONPY : Chibi-robo, we should get some honey. GO TO THE BACKYARD AND USE THR SYRINGE TO GET HONEY FROM THE FLOWER. ON THE WAY IN THE LIVING ROOM BEBE IS WATCHING GICCOMAN BEBE : Giccoman...His justice white is shining. I wrote all of it down. But, I seem to have lost the letter. My thoughts of you are nonstop. My heart is hopping, skipping and jumping. I just wish I had the courage to tell you. IN JENNY'S ROOM SPRAY SANPOO WITH HONEY SANPOO : Honey!! Ah, now I'm full and happy. Thank you Chibi-robo. =============================================================================== DAY nineteenth day =============================================================================== TALK TO MAMA IN MAMA AND PAPA'S ROOM MAMA : Chibi-robo, it's finished. Go ahead and try it on. GET THE PAJAMA COSTUME MAMA : You look so cute. If you're tired you should go to sleep. PRESS THE Z BUTTON TO GO TO SLEEP AND END THE DAY =============================================================================== NIGHT nineteenth day =============================================================================== ENTER JENNY'S ROOM AND THE PRINCESS SAYS... PRINCESS : No, stop it. You're going to break it. GO NEAR THE PRINCESS SANPOO : GRRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!! PRINCESS : Stop it!! You'll destroy it. Oh, Chibi-robo, look what that beast is doing to my castle. Do you know anyone who can help me? TALK TO ZOBIN ZOBIN : What can I do for you? Huh? Is there an earthquake? Princess : Stop it!! ZOBIN : Oh no! ZOBIN ROLLS AWAY WALK OVER TOWARDS ZOBIN AND GICCOMAN APPEARS GICCOMAN : Everything looks normal here. Woah!! Hey there, you bear! SANPOO : WHAT DO YOU WANT!!!!!!!!!!! GICCOMAN : I am Space Officer Giccoman! Oh, this is bad. Activate the Exciting Giccoman Barrier. (gets knocked down) What happened to peace in the galaxy? TALK TO ZOBIN ZOBIN : It looks like it's up to me to help the Princess. There should be a switch on my body. Please press that switch. USE THE CHIBI-POPPER TO HIT THE SWITCH AND A FUNNY FACE POPS OUT OF HIS CHEST SANPOO : Hahahaha. Gyahahahaha. Wohoohhohohohoho!! That's funny. ZOBIN : Oh, I used it. That was the once in a lifetime SUPER GREAT ZOBIN BOMBER 2. Or the SGZB2 for short. But more important is the Princess. ZOBIN WALKS TO THE PRINCESS AND A HEART POPS OUT OF HIS CHEST PRINCESS : Oh, Zobin. Where is the bear. Oh, you got rid of him for me. I knew that you'd come to help me. There's something I want to ask you. Did you leave all of those flowers for me? TONPY : Chibi-Robo, you got the PRINCESS AND ZOBIN STICKER. TALK TO GICCOMAN GICCOMAN : Justice rule #8: Justice cannot be broken. TALK TO SANPOO SANPOO : Chibi-robo, I got violent again didn't I? I want to cure my addiction to honey but I just can't seem to break it. I want to drink the honey from the HONEY FLOWER that used to grow in this house. I have the seed but it takes 10 years to grow. So, I'll give it to you. GET THE LEGENDARY FLOWER SEED SANPOO : If I could just drink that one more time it would cure my honey addiction. But 10 years... IN THE BASEMENT EXAMINE DEKA-ROBO AND A KEYPAD APPEARS TONPY : Chibi-robo, please put in the password. The password might be a birthday or an anniversary. IN THE ENTRANCE TALK TO THE ARMY COMMANDER ARMY COMMANDER : We did it. The plan to rescue Gwam is finished. Private Chibi-Robo, are you ready? Help us on the Gwam rescue mission. Great. Let's head to the battlefield; the backyard. IN THE BACKYARD ARMY COMMANDER : Everyone listen up! If Gwam is still alive he is probably in the bag around Tao's neck. He's probably frightened of being in complete darkness. We must get him out of there quickly. First, we need to attract Tao. Chibi-robo, please use your "Tao Bark" to call Tao. Next it's our turn. We need to surround Tao to keep him from moving. Keep him from running with your life. Lastly I want Chibi-robo to shoot the bag around Tao's neck. If you do that Gwam will be free. ARMY MEN : ONE FOR ALL, ALL FOR ONE ARMY COMMANDER : You guys...are great....Anyway, Chibi-robo, use your bark to summon Tao. Ok men, it's almost time. Let's put all that training into use. I know you're frightened of Tao and don't want to be slobbered on. It stinks. Now don't be careless!!! Take you're positions. Ah, he's good. He won't let my men surround him. I need more men. THE PILOTS, RACE CAR DRIVER AND PIRATES APPEAR EVERYONE : Commander, we came to help. ARMY COMMANDER : Captain Fook? Ok, everyone surround the enemy. Now Chibi-robo! Shoot the bag. SHOOT THE BAG ARMY COMMANDER : Gwam!!! GWAM : Commander, I'm back. ARMY COMMANDER : You're safe. (gets licked by tao) Ugh, what's this? GWAM : Tao is a really nice fellow. ARMY COMMANDER : What? Did we misunderstand him? Everybody say it... ARMY MEN : ALL FOR ONE, ONE FOR ALL. (the pun here is that one sounds like wan which is another word for dog in Japanese) TONPY : Chibi-robo, you got the ARMY STICKER!! =============================================================================== DAY twentieth day =============================================================================== TALK TO PAPA WHO IS WATERING FLOWERS IN THE BACKYARD PAPA : Until Mama forgives me I need to do my best cleaning around the house. Right now everyone needs to cooperate amd work together. Please help out too. WHILE WEARING THE FROG COSTUME TALK TO JENNY IN THE LIVING ROOM JENNY : Hi, Chibi-robo. Mama and Papa are always fighting and they're sleeping in different places. I don't know where Sanpoo went and I'm really lonely. Let's be friends. IN THE LIVING ROOM TALK TO THE ARMY COMMANDER ARMY COMMANDER : Chibi-robo, thanks again for your help. Gwam, say something. GWAM : Thank you very much for saving me. ARMY COMMANDER : From the bottom of our hearts, thank you. From now on you can do your favorite training. Come play any time. Do you want to train now? =============================================================================== NIGHT twenty-first day =============================================================================== IN THE BACKYARD USE THE RADAR IN THE CIRCLE AND ALIENS APPEAR. THEIR SPEECH IS TOO LOW TO BE AUDIBLE. THE GET DEPRESSED AND LEAVE TONPY : Just then...were those...more Chibi-robos? Of course they weren't. Those were aliens!! I've seen them on TV before but never for real. But, they're really small. And their voices are so small you have no idea what they're saying. I know. I'll check with the Orange Company to see if they have a chip that makes small voices audible. ENTER THE CHIBI-HOUSE AND TALK TO TONPY TONPY : I was really surprised by those aliens. Their voices were so small that you couldn't understand them. Oh, I forgot. I was going to check about that chip. Oh, they do. They have the SPACE HEARING AID. You can buy it from the online shop. If you buy it you can hear the aliens. GO TO THE BACKYARD AND USE THE RADAR IN THE CIRCLE AGAIN. THE ALIENS APPEAR. TONPY : Chibi-robo...ALIENS!! Great! We made first contact! ALIEN : We aliens came to meet Friend. We promised Friend. We want to meet Friend soon. Are you Friend's friend? Where is Friend? Where? TONPY : Chibi-robo, let's take the aliens to their Friend. Good luck! ALIEN : (to another alien) You watch ship. (to Chibi-robo) We follow you. Thanks, thanks. ALIEN : Me Captain. ALIEN : Me Randyboo. ALIEN : Me Galimede. TRY TO ENTER THE HOUSE AND GICCOMAN STOPS YOU GICCOMAN : Wait an moment! I don't know who decided it. And as for what is just and what is wrong...I don't know. But what I see here is a bunch of imposters trying to look like Space Officer Chibi-robo. You've come to take over this planet, haven't you? Dirty aliens, this is unforgivable. Chibi-robo, I don't want to think that you've given in to evil but...it appears you have. I must overthrow evil with justice. Then I will be a Hero of Justice. Space Ranger Giccoman!! (Does special pose but there's only a little fire) Huh? Uh, Giccoman!! (This time there is no flame) Hmmm. I must be out of GUNPOWDER. I guess we'll have to leave it here for today. Just hope we don't meet again. Adios amigos! ALIENS : So cool!! Amigo is friend. Want to meet Amigo. IN THE ENTRANCE TALK TO THE ARMY COMMANDER ARMY COMMANDER : Wow, you guys really look alike. You're not here for training are you? ALIENS : We do impressions. ARMY COMMANDER : Your voices are so small I don't have a clue what you're saying. It's all right. Let's be friends. Friends are important. Wait? Did you guys help Deka-Robo a long time ago? I thought so. It's because of Deka-Robo and you guys that we toys are what we are today. I want to thank Deka-Robo but it's impossible right now. TAKE THE ALIENS TO DEKA-ROBO IN THE BASEMENT ALIENS : FRIEND! FRIEND!! FRIEND!!! (to Chibi-Robo) Thanks. (to Deka-Robo) We came to fulfill promise. Frie...nd? What happened Friend? Friend doesn't move. Friend is in trouble. Friend is stopped. Friend is cold. Friend is dead. Friend...the promise. Friend...we were too late. Sorry Friend. We go home now. GO BACK THE CIRCLE IN THE BACKYARD AND USE THE RADAR ALIEN : Friend is dead. We are sad. Captain, Randyboo, Littlebun...everyone is sick. Me sick too. Oh, can't stand... TONPY : Chibi-robo, this is bad. We have to take Galimede back to the UFO. TALK TO TAO WITH THE DOG COSTUME ON TAO : So, is ok to eat this guy? Really? My teeth are itchy again. GALIMEDE : You saved me. But, it's over... TALK TO GALIMEDE AGAIN GALIMEDE : Help me. Air..bad...I ...die... ENTER THE UFO CAPTAIN : Earth's air bad...we die. Everybody is dying because Friend is dead. Thanks for saving Galimede. (to Galimede) You called him here. Good job. Are you ok? H-h-h-h-ot!!!! Sleep in your bed. GALIMEDE : OK. CAPTAIN : Being sick is rough. No more beam...I want to sleep in my bed. SHOOT THE 3 OTHER BEDS TO MAKE THE ALIENS SLEEP IN THEM. THE SHIP'S COMPUTER COMES ONLINE COMPUTER : All beds okay. Change to Drive Mode 1. Operating system, come on!! SOLVE THE ROULETTE PUZZLE COMPUTER : All color okay. Change to Drive Mode 2. UFO ball, come on!! ALIENS : Don't use that. It's bad!! Dangerous!! ENTER THE TIME MACHINE TONPY : Chibi-robo, is it all right if I ride along? Thanks. WOAH!! EMERGE IN MAMA AND PAPA'S BEDROOM IN THE PAST TONPY : It looks like we stopped. Chibi-robo, let's get out. PAPA IS ARM WRESTLING DEKA-ROBO PAPA : It hurts! It hurts! It hurts! Give! Give!! MAMA : You can do it!! Push at the wrist. PAPA : Mama, Deka-Robo's too strong. TONPY : The past? How excellent! How bizzare! You could search the Earth and never find as fantastic a sight as this. The aliens made something great! Since we're here lets explore some. MAKE SURE TO PICK UP THE CIRCUIT DIAGRAM OFF THE FLOOR. TALK TO TAO TAO : I'm hungry. This bone strike is tough. I've gotta be strong. TALK TO PAPA PAPA : Oh. I want more toys!!! TALK TO MAMA MAMA : Oh my, who are you. Hmmm, I feel like I've seen you somewhere before. Where was it? No, you don't look like Papa. Or Tao. Or Deka-robo... What? Oh! Ah! Wow! I can't believe it. Deka-robo has been hiding a child!! When did this happen? Papa, look! PAPA : It hurts! It hurts! It hurts! Give! Give!! MAMA : No, not your match. I wanted you to look at this. You don't have to look I guess. Deka-robo's child...Chibi-robo. I wonder where you came from? You came a long way being so small. Your Mama is probabaly worrying about you so you should go. You should come play once my child is born. You can be friends with Tao, too. He really wants a bone but he claims to be on strike. We can only afford one bone a day. With the baby coming I wish he could learn to cope. But, he's a growing child so it can't be helped I guess. Oh, sorry to keep you so long. Let's play when you're bigger. PUT TAO'S BONE IN THE BOWN TO GET THIM TO MOVE. CHECK THE BRIEFCASE FOR THE COMBINATION. 2455. PLANT THE LEGENDARY SEED IN THE PLANTER BY THE BED GO BACK TO THE FUTURE, GET THE NECTAR FROM THE LEGENDARY FLOWER AND SPRAY IT ON SANPOO SANPOO : This...this is the flavor. This flower was in bloom in this house ten years ago. This velvety texture. This overwhelming sweetness. This golden shine. The finest honey in the world!!! Oh, no more. I feel like I'm melting. Chibi-robo, thank you. Now I can put it behind me. This happiness...I've never known anything like it. TONPY : Chibi-robo you got the SANPOO STICKER. SANPOO : Thanks to you I have kicked the honey addiction. I feel so great. Hmm? Ho..ne...y.... TONPY : Uh-oh, what happened? SANPOO : HONEY!!! MY HONEY JAR IS EMPTY!! Haha. Just kidding. Thank you. IN THE LIVING ROOM GICCOMAN STOPS YOU GICCOMAN : Chibi-robo, a moment of your time. I can't get this step down. The way I'm moving my legs is all wrong. THE ALIENS ARE WATCHING ALIENS : What's that? Ice? Ice...cold. Let's remember that ice is cold. GICCOMAN : So that's how it goes. What do you think? Great! But, I have more work to do. TALK TO GICCOMAN AGAIN GICCOMAN : The moves on TV look easy but they're really hard. Got to keep practicing. By the way, do you have something to give me? GIVE HIM THE GUNPOWDER GICCOMAN : With the gunpowder I can do my special pose. Let me show you. It is just after all. IN MAMA AND PAPA'S ROOM PUT THE COMBINATION INTO THE BRIEFCASE. GRAB DEKA-ROBO'S LEG AND A BUNCH OF SPIDERS POP OUT AND TAKE IT FROM YOU. MAMA SCREAMS. MAMA : What is happening? PAPA HEARS PAPA : Mama!! What's wrong? Oh? Oh? Oh? OH MY GOD!!! MAMA : Don't just barge in here! PAPA : This isn't the time for bickering. Chibi-robo, to the living room! Now! Jenny! Tao! IN THE LIVING ROOM PAPA : Block the door!!! Oh, it looks like it stopped. TALK TO JENNY JENNY : Ribbit. MAMA : Now Jenny, you can't leave this room. Ok? Oh no, in the rush to get here we left your art kit upstairs. Hmm, I wonder if there's something else we can do. I know. Do you want to look at a picture album? Some of these pictures are from before you were born. TALK TO MAMA MAMA : Papa, are we really safe? PAPA : I'm sorry you haven't been able to depend on me. TALK TO PAPA PAPA : I'm sorry Chibi-robo. This is all Papa's fault. It was me who thought of making the spiders. MAMA : What? It's the first I've heard of that. PAPA : I'm sorry I didn't tell you. But please believe me. I made the spiders so that they could be friends with Chibi-robo. But somebody at my company reprogrammed the spiders to attack Chibi-robos. I got so mad. That's why I quit the Grape Company. MAMA : Q-u-i-t? Papa, I haven't heard anything about this. PAPA : It's because I didn't say anything about it. But, I know one way to defeat the spiders. I can modify your Chibi-popper to shoot an energy wave that I developed at the Grape Company. I created the spiders so it should be me who stops them. Papa and Chibi-robo!! Let's go upstairs and grab the circuit diagram. Mama, where is it? MAMA : How would I know? It was there year ago and probably got thrown out. PAPA : Thrown out? If they're gone there's no way to get them back. TALK TO PAPA AGAIN AND GIVE HIM THE CIRCUIT DIAGRAM PAPA : Oh! This is it! The energy wave circuit diagram. With this I can get started on the modification right away. But, I need my tools. I have to go upstairs to get them. MAMA : Wait. Tools? Go upstairs? PAPA : I know it's dangerous but I have to do it to save this family. Mama, Jenny, Tao...If anything should happen to me you can go on living as a family. MAMA : Papa, don't talk like that. Please be careful. PAPA : I promise I'll come back safe. And then... MAMA : And then...? PAPA : I'll start Deka-Robo back up! MAMA : Even though we have Chibi-robo? PAPA : Ok, let's go Chibi-robo. IN THE ENTRANCE PAPA : Uh? OOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHH!!! Chibi-robo, let's split up. You distract the spiders as I get the tools from upstairs. Your current Chibi-popper is too weak to stop the spiders so try your best to endure. Don't die. Only you and I can protect this house. Let's do it!! AT THE END OF 30 SECONDS PAPA : Chibi-robo, I got it. To the living room! IN THE LIVING ROOM MAMA : Papa, the power is out. Did you find your tools? PAPA : Here they are. MAMA and JENNY : Yay!!!!!! PAPA : Now the spiders won't stand a chance. Lets get started on the modification. THE MODIFICATIONS BEGIN PAPA : Ok, Chibi-robo, arm your Chibi-popper. Ok, now please open the Chibi- popper. Let's begin. This won't hurt at all. Oh, I'm nervous!!!! Oops! Oh no, it's ok. Sorry. I DID IT!!!!!!!!! THE DOOR RATTLES PAPA : Unbelievable. It's dangerous to stay here. Mama, Jenny, Tao...please have a little more patience. Chibi-robo and I will take care of all the spiders. Chibi-robo, let's go! IN THE ENTRANCE KILL TEN SPIDERS AND MAMA SCREAMS FROM THE LIVING ROOM MAMA : Help us !!!!!!! No, stop it!!!! JENNY : RIBBIT!!!!!!! TONPY : Chibi-robo, that's Jenny's voice. I have a bad feeling about this. Let's recharge and then hurry to the living room. IN THE LIVING ROOM THE FAMILY IS SUSPENDED IN MIDAIR BY SPIDERWEBS PAPA : Help us. MAMA : Oh, what is this? JENNY : Ribbit. WALK NEAR THE FAMILY AND THE MOTHER SPIDER DROPS DOWN FROM THE CEILING PAPA : That's the one that did this to us. MAMA : Chibi-robo, please run away. THE SPIDER CATCHES CHIBI-ROBO IN A FORCE FIELD TYPE THING TONPY : Strange. The living room is upside down. We probably have to fight it to make everything right again. THE FIGHT BEGINS BETWEEN CHIBI-ROBO AND THE SPIDER ROBOT QUEEN TONPY : Shoot the body to make its armor fall off. Chibi-robo, beware of the joint attacks. ONCE THE ARMOR FALLS OFF... TONPY : Great Chibi-robo! Just a little more. Make sure to move out of the way when it throws things at you. AFTER YOU DEFEAT THE SPIDER ROBOT... TONPY : Chibi-robo, you did it!! GET A FROG RING AND DEKA-ROBO'S LEFT LEG TONPY : The room is returning back to normal. That was a great battle, Chibi robo! To defeat such a huge spider...but, the spiders really were evil, right? "I'm not sure what's just and what's evil." Now, I finally understand what Giccoman was feeling. OH! We forgot about the family. THE FAMILY FALLS TO THE GROUND TONPY : It looks like the Spiders' powers have worn off. PAPA : Ma..Mama... MAMA : Be quiet. (kiss) PAPA : Oh!! HAPPINESSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!! I love you, Mama. THE FAMILY IS GATHERED AROUND CHIBI-ROBO MAMA : Thank you Chibi-robo and Tonpy. PAPA : Thanks Chibi-robo and to you too, Tonpy. JENNY : Ribbit! TONPY : Chibi-robo, you got the MOTHER SPIDER STICKER. Great job! PAPA : Shall we have a party? PARTY TIME!!!!!!!!!!! "AND A GREAT TIME WAS HAD" CHIBI-ROBO RETURNS TO THE CHIBI-HOUSE. LEAVE AND IN THE LIVING ROOM GICCOMAN APPEARS GICCOMAN : Yo, Officer Chibi-Robo. I saw what you did. Great work. Anyway, how about we watch TV together sometime. If we don't watch it soon we'll miss the Great Twin Brigade's "Death Blows". Oh no, it's already over. Now the news is on. Hmmm...JUSTICE RULE #9: Be aware of what is happening in the world. NEWSCASTER : Hello everyone, this is Dan Ladder. The recent Chibi-robo boom has begun to cast a dark shadow on our daily lives. Let's go to Mr. Suzuki in the field. Mr. SUZUKI : I am here in front of the nuclear power plant. The Chibi-robo craze has caused power consumption to skyrocket. It is now working at maximum output. If Chibi-robo's keep being sold, there is no way the power supply can keep up. If that happens, it is unavoidable that the citizens will be thrown into a panic situation. DAN LADDER : Thank you, Mr. Suzuki. It appears that it very dangerous to keep using these Chibi-robos. So, what will YOU do? GICCOMAN : What is this? Chibi-robo is evil? I don't believe that. He destroyed that vicious spider after all. But, this could become a problem...I guess I have no choice but to defeat Officer Chibi. Is it justice to defeat the just? What should I do? ANXIETY!! PAIN!!! I'm sorry Officer Chibi, but please leave me alone for a while. ============================================================================== DAY ============================================================================== TAKE THE LEFT LEG AND ATTACH IT TO DEKA ROBO. GO TO THE KITCHEN AND TALK TO MAMA MAMA : Papa has started to help around the house. Right now he's cooking. He's made life easier for me. TALK TO PAPA PAPA : Chibi-robo, thanks to you the big spider is gone. And, Mama's finally in a good mood. Happy, happy times. It was all my fault though. I'm sorry. I'm cooking now and then I'll have to wash up but...my wedding ring... GET UP ON THE COUNTER AND TALK TO PAPA AGAIN PAPA : Oh, Chibi-robo, what should I do? Earlier when I was washing dishes I dropped my wedding ring down the drain. Could you please go down there and get it for me? Th-ank-y-ou!! You rock. My ring has the date of our wedding anniversary on the back. You can't miss it. HEAD DOWN THE DRAIN AND GET PAPA'S WEDDING RING. TONPY : You got it! And 200667 is carved into the back. TAKE THE RING BACK UP TO PAPA PAPA : Oh, is that my ring? That's it! That's it!! My anniversary is carved in to the back. I use it for various passwords so if I lost the ring I'd be in trouble. Thank you!! TALK TO JENNY AND GIVE HER THE LAST FROG RING. SHE TAKES HER FROG HAT OFF JENNY : I was cursed by an evil, evil frog wizard. But thanks to you I am am human again. MAMA : Je..JENNY!! Papa...PAPA!! PAPA : Mama, what's wrong? MAMA : Look. PAPA : Who's that? JENNY!! WOAH!!!!!!!!!!! JENNY : Thank you for breaking the wizard's spell. TONPY : You got the FROG RING STICKER! JENNY : Do you like my real face? Yay! But, I still want to wear the hat sometimes I think. LEAVE THE ROOM AND JENNY PUTS HER HAT BACK ON MAMA : Chibi-robo, Jenny has been cursed by the frog wizard again. Oh, Jenny. HEAD TO THE BASEMENT AND INPUT '200667' INTO THE KEYPAD IN DEKA-ROBO'S RIGHT FOOT TONPY : Chibi-robo, finally. It's time. Oh, Captain Fook. CAPTAIN FOOK : Square boy, just what do you think you're doing? Ohhhhhh. Deka-robo has come back to life! TONPY : Chibi-robo, Deka-robo says thank you. You got the DEKA-ROBO STICKER. But more than that, you made Deka-robo move again. You are greater that great. I'm going to go tell all the other toys abou this big news. ALL THE TOYS APPLAUD CAPTAIN FOOK : Oh, damn, I'm just so damn happy. DEKA-ROBO PICKS UP CHIBI-ROBO AND PUTS HIM ON HIS SHOULDER CAPTAIN FOOK : Look at that, it's Deka-Chibi-Robo. DEKA-ROBO STARTS TO WALK AND HEAD FOR THE STAIRS CAPTAIN FOOK : That's right. Get out of this dark, dank place. IN THE ENTRANCEWAY THE ARMY MEN ARE TRAINING AND ARE STARTLED BY DEKA-ROBO'S FOOTSTEPS ARMY COMMANDER : It's an enemy attack! Everybody in position. What! Deka-robo!! ONE SOLDIER SHOOTS AT DEKA-ROBO ARMY COMMANDER : You idiot!! And don't point that thing at me. Does that look like an enemy to you? Everybody salute Deka-robo. ZOBIN AND THE PRINCESS AND THEIR MUMMY BABY ARE ON THE LEDGE UP ABOVE ZOBIN : Long time no see. It's great to see you. SANPOO : They look just like parent and child. I want somebody to put me on their shoulder like that. ON THE OTHER LEDGE IS FUNKY-CHAN AND TOY-REX TOY-REX : Oh, Chibi-robo's still as small as ever. ROCKER EX-ARMY MAN : YOU ROCK!! IN THE LIVING ROOM MAMA AND PAPA ARE WATCHING TV NEWSCASTER : Hello everyone, this is Dan Ladder. The recent Chibi-robo boom has begun to cast a dark shadow on our daily lives. Let's go to Mr. Suzuki in the field. Mr. SUZUKI : I am here in front of the nuclear power plant. The Chibi-robo craze has caused power consumption to skyrocket. It is now working at maximum output. If Chibi-robo's keep being sold, there is no way the power supply can keep up. If that happens, it is unavoidable that the citizens will be thrown into a panic situation. DAN LADDER : Thank you, Mr. Suzuki. It appears that it very dangerous to keep using these Chibi-robos. So, what will YOU do? MAMA : Papa, what are you going to do? PAPA : Turn into Giccoman and save the world. "I am Space Officer Giccoman. I sense a disturbance." MAMA : Oh, Deka-robo, it's been a long time. Papa, what did you do? You started him up again, didn't you? What am I going to do with you? IN THE BACKYARD THE ALIENS COME DOWN ALIENS : Friend! Friend! Thank you again for that time. It's a long time passed now. Our UFO was going to crash but Friend caught us. We owe Friend our lives. Thank you. Thank you. In return we agreed to grant 2 wishes. Friend's 1st wish was to give all the toys souls. So we gave Friend the glowing ball. And then Friend's friends began to move. Friend is so nice. Nice guy. Friend's 2nd wish was "For Mama and Papa and all the Deka-robos in the world. To be able to move without needing energy." But, we didn't have anymore glowing balls in the UFO. So, we returned to our planet and brought back another glowing ball. Aliens never break a promise. Aliens don't lie. Now, Friend, you'll never die. Friend, please sit down. THE ALIENS GIVE DEKA-ROBO THE GLOWING BALL ALIENS : Now everything is OK. Now you can move forever without needing energy. Chibi-robo is a friend too. You can move forever without needing energy too. CHIBI-ROBO FALLS DOWN LIKE HE'S DEAD BUT THEN GETS BACK UP TONPY : Chibi-robo, are you ok? Hey, all you toys, don't worry. Both Deka- Robo and Chibi-Robo are OK. ALIENS : We're going back to our planet. The air is dirty here and we get sick. Take care, Friends. PAPA RUNS INTO THE BACKYARD PAPA : What!! What happened? Deka-robo, you have NO ENERGY. What? Unlimited? You can move without energy? Chibi-robo too? RADICAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ============================================================================== THE END ============================================================================== After the credits you become Super Chibi-robo. The only difference is the S on his chest. Congratulations!