Darkened Skye - Game Script Last Update:19/02/04 V1.2 by: Pure mind games E-mail:yevondjose@aol.com Contents -------------------------- 1. Infromation 2. Version History 3. The Script Lynlora Ogmire Archipelago Ogmire Tikniki Swamp 4. Credits (from Manual) 5. Legal Stuff Informatation -------------------------- This is my first FAQ it origanly began just as a bit of drunk fun so i would have a copy of all the funny/sarcastic stuff Draak and Skye said. Then when i woke up i thought to myself i could put it on GameFAQs web site and let others benefit from it :). You really should have a copy of the game because i won't be telling where it is said or read but if not just have a right old laugh at the funny lines. This Script can only be found on Gamefaqs and a site that i have forgotten the name of :D (that i know of) Version history -------------------------- Version 1.2 - Finished Ogmire Archipelago Started Ogmire Tikniki Swamp Updated the Information section to include the sites its on (no biggy) Version 1.1 - Added the Credits from the Manual. Added the Contents. Added the information section. Made the COPYRIGHT stuff right. (Like I said in the information i was drunk when i started it). Started Ogmire Archipelago. Version 1 - Started the FAQ. Started Lynlora. Finished Lynlora. The Script -------------------------- Lynlora ========================== Skye: May the wind carry my words to you, Mother, wherever you may be. in this world or the next. Im fine today, Mom. Sick of Herding Dwentils, but fine. One of Necroth's lackeys tried to make me solute, but i kicked him in the... well, he'll be gibbering insanely in soprano from now on. I miss you, as always. Where are you? Why didn't you return From that voyage? What's the meaning of this talisman you left me? What's the meanig of... me? Who AM I in this world? Tell me, please. 'Cause if herding dwentils is my destiny I'm, putting in For early Reincarnation. Necroths Thung 1: Bet ya think you'r right smart wearin' them bright colored things on your feet. We'll show you smarts. Necroths Thung 2: Smarts, don't it? Skye: Oh yes, Bright colors are a symbol of rebellion, after all. What will be outlawed next, smiling? Breathing? Metabolizing? Psst. Come back, you stupid dwentil. Where are you going? Come on, you'll have my job For this. We're not supposed to leave this property. come! What in the Rainbow's name...? Necroth's Minion: Lord Necroth, a young female in lynlora just found one - orange! Draak: Whoa! Easy, sister, Im on YOUR side! Skye: MY side? Who are you? Draak: Call me Draak. Though Necroth'd call me DimSum right about now. Skye: So, an expert on Necroth, are we? Draak: I happen to live out near his neck of eternal chaos. i hitched a ride here with his minions. Skye: Minions? Great, I just love Minions. Draak: They're Necroth's Special forces. They know all about your little orange "discovery" and they're here to lighten your load. Skye: But if you're from Necroth's hood why would you want to help me? Draak: let's just say He Whose Face May Not be Glimpsed and i have "issuses." Want my help yay or nay? Skye: Thinkin' of goin' with "yay." Draak: okay Now: go to the village. Find the old woman named Gannish. She can tell you about that orange thing of your that has everyone's woolies in a bunch. Come on! Skye: Anything could be lurking in there Well...guess i'll stick my face in! What do you call that? Draak: i'm goin' with Red-breasted Northern Butt-Smiler.'Course that's just me. Draak: That's where i came through with the others. Necroth can tear holes in reality like a cheap tunic. Skye: I've never seen this village before. 'Course, having grown up a dwentil farm, the term "world traveler" does not exectly appy. Skye: Pursuant to Chapter 16, section A of the Evil Minion invastion act this weapon and its ordnance have been seized. Liberal translation. Skye: Man, this thing torques! Draak: it's even better when you have some - oh, i don't know -ammo! Skye: This must be the village marketplace. So where's the blue light special? Draak: well you know invasions of bloodthirsty monsters tend to dampen the old shopping spirit. Skye: Yo! Anyone here? Food Merchant: Think you can scare me off like the others? I'm the captain of this cart, and the captain goes down with his food. Skye: Is that what you call this stuff? What happened here? Food Merchant: We were mindin' our own affairs when Necroth's special foces marched through, lookin' for someone. Everyone ran. But i hear there's a new caravan on its way. This place'll pick up again. Food Merchant: I GIVE UP! The rebels have been seen using the cave, i hear they wrote a secret there. Oh, it's you. i thought so. Eeb: Nothing to see here. Shows over, Keep movin'. why can't i keep my mouth shut? Go ahead, kill me now. You're one of THEM, aren't you? Necroth's nasties? Skye: Me? One of his bunch? Try again, Nostradamus. Eeb: He sent in his heavy-hitters. They swept through here in a wave, searching for someone, scaring away my customers. I'm Eeb merchant of the bizarre and extruordinary. I travel from world to world, collecting only the finest in rare and exotic fauna. Eeb: A stuffed Embliak from the jungles of Jamfar, a live Corple from the fire lands of Heem. a glowing lampfish from the watery world of Ogmire. Only the rarest of living things. If you've got a creature to sell or trade, "show me the bunny." Or anything else you think i might like. Eeb: well. well, a wild...er... Draak: er... Red-breasted Nothern Butt-Smiler? Eeb: Close enough. these fetch a modest price in outer Bol'garyn I'll let you have my lamfish for it. Gannish: Only them what's got the password enter here. Skye: Yeah, think i'll wonder into that pitch-black cave alone. I want to show up in the credits as "third dead teenager." Skye: Not without some major Carbo-loading. Skye: Oh on, we'll never figure out what it says - it's written in... Skye & Draak: ...BACKWARDS writing!!! Skye: "Send us all to prism." Skye: The old tuning-forks-in-the-wall-near-the-hidden-entrance shtick. Draak: Oh come on, we can't do this puzzle till later. Skye: How do you know? Draak: I read the script i mean, i had a Sacred vision. Skye: Here's where one of us has to say, "lock and load!" Draak: It's expected, it really is. Skye: lock and load! Draak: Not bad, good first effort. Skye: Send us all to prism. Gannish: If you thick you're taking this old biddy without a tussle, I got one word for you - ZANABANANDA!!!! it can't be. Ihaven't seen one of those since... Skye: What is it? Gannish: By the great Rainbow - that, my strange young sapling, is a SKITTLES. Skye: SKITTLES? i thought SKITTLES were only a legend. Gannish: In legened lie truths too big for facts to hold. aha, i thought as much. I know who you are, lass. The question is: do you? skye: i'm Skye of Lynlora. I never knew my father, but my mother was a traveling merchant. Gannish: Facts, pish. Do you know who you really are? Sit. you have volumes to learn and but the turn of a page in which to do it. What's the matter sapling? Viper plant got your tougue? A rainbow, that's what it is. Don't stare at me like i'm the back end of a dwentil. Rainbows were real. And when they appeared, so did the SKITTLES. Raining forth like colored hail. what were SKITTLES, you ask? i'm just a crazy old crone, what would i know? heh, heh, heh. But i will tell you this: the people knew magic then, and 'twas SKITTLES what fuled that magic. But then Necroth did the unthinkable. He forged the Dark Prism and channeled the rainbow to his own foul realm, so that all the SKITTLES would be his. He rouned up every last remaining SKITTLES from the people and outlawed magic forever. All except his own. Some Whisper that a few SKITTLES yet remain. And that some day, the magic will return. Aye, some day, some day, some day... Skye: Magic? From rainbows? And does no one fight back with the magic today? Gannish: You do, lass. In your heart. And there are others, in lands beyond ours. Look again. The Foretimes. when rainbows reigned and SKITTLES flowed and magic ruled the day. Mark well this land. You must travel there. You must find this wise and ancient man. He has a plan to restore the Rainbow, he knows of others who will help. But Necroths Forces have cut him off From the world, where he can do no good. I've held onto my own piece of the magic lo these years. Come! Gannish: There. I've bought us some time. I've sealed off Necroth's entry. But my spell won't hold Forever. Now you must make magic, sapling. See the truth and you will find the sacred Circle. It will take you where you need to go. See the truth. Find the circle. Quickly. Skye: Necroth stole the Rainbow but the Rainbow will return. Skye: Stand on the sacred circle. It will take you where you need to go. Dorian: No, shh, don't tell me. Your name, I know it. Shy! Spy! ...er, Sty? Skye: Psychic hotline auditions were last week. Try SKYE! Dorian: Right. Sorry. And your mother was Mariama. Skye: You knew my mother? How come i don't rememberyou showing up at any pot luck parties? Dorian: I can't explain now, but I am a friend. Look for me. I'll try to help when I can. But you'd better get moving. Skye: Wait. How 'bout answering a few questions first? Dorian: No time! Into the circle! Move out! Journey on! Godspeed! Er, SCRAM! Skye: Nice chatting with you too, PAL. Ogmire Archipelago ========================== Skye: Draak, ihave a feeling we're not in Lynlora anymore. Draak: Syke, I have a feeling we should have packed some serious lunch. Skye: Hellow there, in what strange land do i find myself? Veng: Who Can Predict where the self will be found? One may wounder forever and never find it, yet it lies no distance away. Skye: Excuse me: what does one call this land? Veng: One calls it the eternal center, two call it the distance between two souls, three call it a chess-game of reality... Draak: For the metaphorically Challenged, does this place have a NAME? Veng: Ogmire. The land is ogmire and dread things are happening here. i'm afraid thats all i can tell you, unless... Quickly: you must seek Merlin, the ancient mage. He has been isolated on the last of these islands by those who desire his silence. He will tell you all you need to know. take this. Go now. The currents of destiny are brewing strom clouds of darkest portent. Draak: Translation? Veng: Move it or you're fried. Skye: I see another island out there, but how do we get to it? Draak: How's your Backstroke? Skye: Lousy. I'm a Warrior-hero-adventurer-goddess WHO CAN'T SWIM. OKAY? Draak: Not to worry; I speak Fluent Ogmiri. Watch the the master at work. oh boy well he says, "we are the fish riders of Ogmire. A terrible rapture has opened in our world. We wish to rescue Merlin but dare not come closer to land for fear of the tentacled ones." Find our clan stones to summon our help. Remember, only a stone can raise a stone. yeah huh? Skye: This just in. "The captain of the sky Pirates is imprisoned in a distant tower. Set him free" signed, Gannish. Thanks. Draak: er he says, "There is treasure off the coast. it fell from the skies in the foretimes. The what now? Draak: Spongites. Prized as a delicacy in well alright, not prized as a delicacy anywhere. Draak: er she says, "Jonah had a SKITTLES and left it far behind." hey narny narny Draak: hay thats swell. Get it - swell? i personally find myself more then amusing. Skye: Yeah! Who's the hero? i'm the hero. Skye: A SKITTLES! Mysteriously unaffected by centuries of digestive activity. You see, Marketing didn't want us to show a SKITTLES all narfed up from stomach juices, so they decided... i'll shut up now. Skye: Some markings cannot be seen with the eye alone. So I might need to use magic. I would never have thought of that! Draak: ok he says, "The path to Merlin's isle begins in the pit of terror." look I like a nice pit of terror as much as the next guy, but... em you know Skye: Merlin? Mystery Character: You may Approach, dauntless one. ...Senseless one, mindless one, feckless one... Merlin: ENOUGH! Mystery Character: Fine, i was just leaving. But I'm not done with you. Mark this face. you'll see it again, when you least expect it. Skye: If you think you scare me... then, dang, you're perceptive bad guy. Merlin: Even to my own home Necroth sends his lackeys. He must want you very badly. Daughter of Mariama, how pleased and how sad I am to see you. listen while I tell you a story. Long long ago - long before Necroth's time - Five magical prisms were crafted by the Ancients. From these prisms the great Rainbow was born. The rulers of the five lands were wise and decided that each realm should keep and protect one prism. in this way no single ruler could abuse the power of the rainbow. And all five kingdoms would need to peacefully unite in order to create a new one. The rainbow thrived for aeons and over time the five prisms were forgotten. but now they have become our only hope for restoring the rainbow. We call ourselves the keepers the rainbow. Your father fought for our cause, before he... Skye: Died? Merlin: Yes...died. But it was your mother who was our true spiritual leader. Skye: My mother?! She's just a traveling Merchnt! Merlin: So she told you for your own protection. It was your mother's plan to find and unite the five ancient rainbow prisms within the talisman she carried. Her plan. Your destiny. You must gather the prisms from all five worlds and unite once again, so that the rainbow may be restored. Skye: I'll do it. i'm not afraid. Much. Merlin: Somewhere deep within this place, the yellow prism resides. Find it. This crumbling city lies beyond Tikniki country. Go now. And kepp the rainbow in your heart. Ogmire Tikniki Swamp ========================== Draak: Hmm, this must be the public golf course. Credits (from the manual) ========================== EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS Elizabeth J. Braswell Diane Strack Boston Animation EXECUTIVE PRODUCER Dale DeSharone WRITER, GAME DESIGNER, PRODUCER Andy Wolfendon Character Voices Skye Linda Larkin Draak Robb Pruitt Gannish Ronda Berkman Dorian Ramon de Ocampo Additional Voices John Davin Paul Wann Chloe Leamon Jerry Kissel Will Lebow Thomas Reiff Ed Peed Sheryl Rabinovitz Peter Berkrot Phoebe Wray Sonya Chikry Dmitry Zhukow Programming Department LEAD PROGRAMMER Mixim Novikov PROGRAMMERS Oleg Ovechko Dmitry Kukushkin Stanislav Spivakov Eugene Peresada ADDITIONAL PROGRAMMING Vitaliy maximov Kirill Bulatsev Level Design Group LEAD DESIGNER & AI PROGRAMMING Alexander Soloveyko LEVEL DESIGNERS Ivan Kulbich Alexander Goncharuk FX DESIGNER Denis Romanov Art Department ART PRODUCTION MANAGER Igor Gorbunov CONCEPT ART Eugene Tyshkevich Anatoliy Lavrenishin Sergey Kuzhelniy INTERFACE DESIGN AND MODELING Peter Lysenko Igor Gorbunov 3D ARTISTS Igor Gorbunov Ruslan Konovalchuk Olga Malko Natasha Khan Sergey Kuzhelniy Andrey Tkachenko Vladimir Andropov Veniamin Tuz Vladislav Artyukhov PAINTERS Anatoliy Podorvany Peter Lysenko Ivan Khivrenko Denis Volchenko Roman Litvin Kirill Potabenko Vladimir Nikonorov Cinematics Group ANIMATION PRODUCTION MANAGER & DIRECTOR Valeriy Gorban MAIN CHARACTER ANIMATOR Alexander Shmygun ENEMIES ANIMATOR Sergey Golovin 3D MODELERS AND ANIMATORS Alexander Shmygun Pavel Markevich Nadya Babaryka Vitaly Yakimenko Irina Vovkogon Rostislav Garbar Alexandra Ilmenskaya Evgeniya Ilmenskaya Valeriy Gorban Eugene Alyokhin CAMERA Valeriy Gorban Pavel Markevich MC ANIMATOR Alexey goncharov Pre-rendered Cinematics Group ART PRODUCTION DIRECTOR Alexander Zhukov 3D MODELERS AND ANIMATORS Alexander Zhukov Sergey Chudakorov Alexey Rubel Victoria Balynskaya Peter Syomka Ruslan Konovalchuk Andrew Kabatsky Denis Vorobyev Alexander Shmygun Eugene Alyokhin Irina Vovkogon Nadya Babaryka POSTPRODUCTION/SPECIAL FX Alexander Zhukov Sound Department SOUND MANAGER Eugene Zhukov MUSIC COMPOSER Eugene Zhukov SFX DESIGNERS/SOUND DIRECTORS Alexey Chikry Oleg Ovanesov INTERNAL TESTING Phelan Wolfendon Peter LaValle ADDITIONAL HELP Nick Gabchenko Elena Kasavina Yaroslav Grabovskiy Tatyana Shcherbina Pavel Prihodko Julia Ivanova IT ENGINEERS Alexander Latenko Andrew Fefelov Administration PRESIDENT Olga Chebotar VICE-PRESIDENT Maxim Novikov Julia Kharchenko CHIEF ACCOUNTANT Irina Balakireva ASSISTANT ACCOUNTANT Tatyana Sochneva Interpreter Oleg Zhuk Simon & Schuster Interactive PRESIDENT, PUBLISHER Gilles Dana VP. CREATIVE DIRECTOR Jeff Siegel EXCUTIVE PRODUCER Diane Strack PRODUCER Kimberly A. Kindya VP. DIRECTOR OF SALES, MARKETING, BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT Peter von Schlossberg BUSINESS MANAGER John Crowe DIRECTOR OF FINACIAL PLANNING & ANALYSIS Jeff Hookey PUBLICITY DIRCTOR Peter Binazeski ART DIRECTOR David S. Rheinhardt SENIOR DESIGNER Stephen A. Ganade PRODUCTION MANAGER Meng Meng Lim MARKETING SERVICES MANAGER Ellen Goldberg SALES AND MARKETING MANAGER Christina Kuzma oNLINE MANAGER Stephen Hughes AND THANKS TO THE REST OF THE TEAM: Dewanda Howard Bill Mooney Jo-el Rainey Emmanuelle Saal Jill Wallach Mike Walls Absolute Quality, Inc. QUALITY ASSURANCE MANAGER Calvin Grove PROJECT LEAD Sean Davis TESTERS Martin Gitt Trevor Rose Justin Schunick Chris Baguley Dan Gleason Goeff Ireton Greg Wickham James Copestake Jason Davis Jeremiah Sanders Jeff Cather Kevin Cunningham Lawrence Leibowitz Niles Plante Robert Miranda Ryan Ashford Walter Carter Wendell Harper SPECIAL THANKS TO Masterfoods USA A MARS, INC. COMPANY Lynn Scott, DIRECTOR OF LICENSING Susan B. Walter, MARKETING DIRECTOR COMMERCIAL CLIPS Republished And Localized in Europe by TDK Mediactive (a TDK Recording Media S.A. Division) DIRECTOR Heiko tom Felde DEVELOPMENT AND LOCALIZATION Hans-Jurgen Brandle Christopher Schmitz Norbert Wellmeyer MARKETING Andreas Kähmer Neil Berry Adrian Lacey PR Michael Domke Viginie Bousquet Katrin Jungmann Beatrice Schneider DESIGN Heiko Hopfner Operations Marie-Paule Van der Veken Malcolm Choat LOCALISATIONAGENCY Elo Interactive Legal Stuff -------------------------- FAQ Copyright 2003 Darren Rufus The actual Script is property of Boston Animation. Everything else is Property of their respective owners.