DEF JAM VENDETTA (PS2 VERSION) MOVELIST FOR PENNY VERSION 1.0 (27th of July 2003) BY: Nightcrawler86 EMAIL: ______________________________________________________________________________ INTRODUCTION ______________________________________________________________________________ Hello everybody! Welcome to my movelist for Penny in Def Jam Vendetta. Here you'll find a list of Penny's moves. I'll list the commands and names of every move and also the name of the move in "real wrestling-terminology" or a short explanation. This may not always be accurate as I'm not in any way a wrestling specialist. I have used the movelists in WWE Smackdown! Shut your Mouth, or the internet, where my memory was lacking. If you find any errors (which I'm sure you will) please mail me. I recommend you to look in my FAQ for Briggs before reading further. There you'll find the explanations for the different positions you'll have to be in to perform the moves. You'll also find a General Movelist with the moves which are the same regardless which character you're playing as. NOTE: When you're reading the Movelist, remember that the names to the left are the "in-game names" and the names to right are the "real names" or explanations. The letters at the far left are the buttons you have to press. ______________________________________________________________________________ SHORTENINGS ______________________________________________________________________________ This section will contain explanations of the shortenings I use in the FAQ. S = the strike button (press the square button on the PS2 controller) G = the grapple button (press the cross button on the PS2 controller) O = the button which you use to get in and out of the ring (press the triangle button on the PS2 controller) R = the run button (press the circle button on the PS2 controller) AB = the command to activate Blazin' Mode (move the right analog stick on the PS2 controller) BL = the block button (press the R1 button on the PS2 controller) u = hold up on the D-Pad/Left Analog Stick l = hold left on the D-Pad/Left Analog Stick r = hold right on the D-Pad/Left Analog Stick d = hold down on the D-Pad/Left Analog Stick dir = hold any direction or the specific direction for the situation on the D-Pad/Left Analog Stick t = press the button that comes afterwards lightly, tap it h = hold in the button that comes afterwards c = close strike f = far strike b = you have to bounce into the ropes before pressing the button r = you have to run to do the move bm = you have to be in Blazin' Mode to do the move fuh = press the button by the head of an enemy laying on the ground face-up fuf = press the button by the feet of an enemy laying on the ground face-up fdh = press the button by the head of an enemy laying on the ground face-down fdf = press the button by the feet of an enemy laying on the ground face-down te = hold the direction towards the enemy to = hold the direction towards the outside of the ring ______________________________________________________________________________ PENNY'S MOVELIST ______________________________________________________________________________ Penny is the second best female in DFV and you'll unlock her in the Sanctuary in Story Mode. She wears a hot-looking school girl-uniform and she's asian. She is the fastest and most agile girl, using plenty of somersaults and flips. Standing Moves ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Strikes cS Thristy Knuckles Two Straight Punches and Low Kick cdir+S Foreplay Uppercut and Spin Kick fS On tha Money Kick fdir+S Foot Skillz Forward Flip hS Hooking Kick Hook Kick to face hdir+S Tight Bane Back Kick to groin S+G Capoeira Style Axe Kick into Split bmS+G Gritty Kickflip Somersault Kick Rising Strike BL+S Mouthin' Off Back Kick to the groin Soft Grapples S Dog Bone Hook Kick u+S Party Crasher Snap Suplex l/r+S Swingset Slam Twisting Arm Forward Flip Throw d+S Hard Knock Lesson Russian Leg Sweep G Stankin' Punch European Uppercut u+G Facelift Eye Rake l/r+G Alley Cat Arm Drag d+G Retro Stylin' Fireman Carry Takedown Hard Grapples S Death Row Delivery Twisting Neckbreaker u+S Word Up Victory Roll Pin l/r+S Frontin' 4 Real Fisherman Neckbreaker d+S Flap-Jakked Reverse Russian Leg Sweep G Toothless Diving Facecrusher u+G Hittin' Switches Head Scissors Takedown l/r+G Tornado Two Spinning Kicks d+G Grave Digga Tornado DDT Soft Rear Grapples S Double Down School Boy Pin G Cheese Grater Back Rake Hard Rear Grapples S Say My Name Queen Suplex Pin G Villaininized Victory Roll Pin Rope Grapples tG Broken Crutch Puts opponent's leg on bottom rope and jumps on it. hG Lip Service Fireman Carry into Toss onto ropes Running Moves ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Strikes S Wired Jaw Running Slap bS Hotbox Roll Lariat S+G Armed and Ready Forward Roll bS+G Hit n' Run Vertical Body Press Bouncing Strike G Boomerang Backflip Lionsault Irish Whip Moves ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Strike tS Got Ganked Jumping Roundhouse Kick Grapples tG High Rollin' Back Shoulder Toss tdir+G Settin' Fire Tornado DDT hG Broken Ass Whirl Backbreaker hdir+G Gangsta Walk Hurricanrana Top Turnbuckle Moves ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Opponent Standing R Mic Slingin' Vertical Body Press bmR Smokin' Backflip Moonsault Opponent on Ground R Snapshot Splash Five-Star Frog Splash bmR Killin' Spree 450 Splash into Twisting Moonsault Apron Moves ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Opponent Standing teG Dark Assault Slingshot Dropkick Opponent on Ground teG Jailhouse Leg Drop Slingshot Leg Drop Opponent on the Outside toG Easy Rollin' Springboard Moonsault Opponent in Turnbuckle ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Grapples tG Psycho Dub Two Toe Kicks to the stomach and one to the head hG Back to the Lab Diving Hurricanrana Opponent on the Ground ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Strike S Curb Stomp Stomp rS Running Curb Stomp Running Stomp Grapples fuhG Reality Check Leg Scissors Arm Lock and Single Leg Crab fufG Death Tone Spinning Toe Hold fdhG King's Decree Outlaw Pin fdfG Full Eclipse Mexican Surfboard Opponent on Knees ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Strike S Breakin' Ribs Kick Grapple G Twister Mahistrol Cradle Pin Sitting Opponent ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Strike S Breakin' Ribs Kick Grapple by head G Ninja Chokeout Sleeper Hold Opponent on the Outside of the Ring ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Jump toG Reign of Pain Springboard Moonsault Running Jumps G Stealin' Home Baseball Slide bG Coast to Coast Suicide Spinning Wheel Kick Combos ¯¯¯¯¯¯ Name On the Rocks Combo Commands Running Strike (S), Ground Strike (S), Standing Hard Rear Grapple (S) Name Breakup Combo Commands Standing Strike (S+G), Standing Strike (cdir+S), Standing Strike (cdir+S) Name Boogie Down Combo Commands Standing Grapple (R), Irish Whip Hard Grapple (dir+G), Standing Hard Grapple (l/r+G), Ground Grapple (fdhG) Special Moves ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Grapple bmAB Butterfly Twist Penny moves backwards and jumps towards the opponent, spinning horisontally. She flies onto the opponent's shoulders and spins 360º around his neck. In the middle of her spin, when she is behind his head, she grabs the opponent's head between her thighs and takes him with her in the last 180º spin, turning him around. After Penny has spinned she drops to the floor with the opponent's head between her thighs slamming his face to the floor with herself sitting a top of it. Rear Grapple bmAB Dumped Penny does a series of very fast kicks. She starts off by thrusting her foot into the back of the opponent's knee, making him drop to one knee. She follows that with a Spin Kick with the other leg to his head causing him to fall forward. He now stands on his knees with his butt towards Penny, who kicks him in the groin with a nasty looking Football Kick that makes him fly forward a bit, landing flat on his stomach. She ends it with a double elbow drop to the opponent's back. That's all from me! It's been fun. Copyright (c) 2003 Christopher "Nightcrawler86" Wall