____ _ _ _ _ | _ \(_) ___ | | | | __ _ _ __ __| | | | | | |/ _ \ | |_| |/ _` | '__/ _` | | |_| | | __/ | _ | (_| | | | (_| | |____/|_|\___| |_| |_|\__,_|_| \__,_| __ __ _ _ _ \ \ / /__ _ __ __| | ___| |_| |_ __ _ \ \ / / _ \ '_ \ / _` |/ _ \ __| __/ _` | \ V / __/ | | | (_| | __/ |_| || (_| | \_/ \___|_| |_|\__,_|\___|\__|\__\__,_| -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- This is a FAQ/Walkthrough For: Game: Die Hard: Vendetta Platform: GameCube GameFAQs Username: XtremeGamer99 Neoseeker Username: XtremeGamer99 E-mail Address: XXtremeGamer9999@aol.com Version: 0.66 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Table Of Contents: I. Introduction II. Version History III. CCPD Profiles (Characters) IV. Controls V. Weapons VI. Walkthrough VII. Cheat Codes VIII. Contact Information IX. Legal Information -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- I. Introduction -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Hi. This is my first FAQ/Walkthrough that I've ever done, so please forgive me for the...dullness of it. Because this is my first FAQ/Walkthrough, I decided to use Cheat Codes to help me along with the game and help me write this FAQ a little faster. The cheats that I used are Infinite Ammo, Infinite Hero-time, and Invulnerability. If you want all the cheat codes, then go to the appropriate section of this FAQ/Walkthrough. -_- Also, I will not list EVERY single item that you can get in a certain level. This is a walkthrough to help you get through the game, not an inventory checklist. But maybe I will add all the items in with the walkthrough in a later version. *~~This FAQ is dedicated to my grandmother, Sherry Pennington. 1947-2003. You will be missed.~~* -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- II. Version History -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Version 0.40 - This is my first version of my "Die Hard: Vendetta" FAQ. The ASCII Art COMING SOON. Control Section COMING SOON. Weapon Section COMING SOON. Level 5 - Level 11 COMING SOON. Version 0.65 - Added "Characters" section. Added "Controls" section. Added "Weapons" section. Added some spacing between the sections so that my FAQ is easier to read. Added ASCII Art. Level 5 - Level 11 COMING SOON. *Notice* I will not be able to finish Level 5 - Level 11 anytime soon, because my GameCube is broken. I will get back to as soon as I get a new GameCube. Thank you for your patience. Version 0.66 – I haven't really done anything to this Walkthrough except change my E-mail Address. I changed it because I was getting a lot of gaming E-mails to my old E-mail Address, and it flooded my in-box. I also added a new reason to the "Contact Information" section. Level 5 - Level 11 COMING SOON. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- III. CCPD Profiles -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- These files are strictly confidential records and are to remain confidential and are the property of the Century City Police Department. John McClane - Former NYPD police officer John McClane transferred to Century City in order to be closer to his children after he and his wife Holly divorced. Soon after the divorce, Holly was transferred to the Nakatomi offices in Japan, leaving John as the sole parent. Since the divorce, John has taken a quieter position in the department, spending most of his time behind a desk. Lucy McClane - Daughter of John McClane and new graduate of the police academy, we have high hopes for Lucie's future with the department. She has proven to be a levelheaded individual who handles herself well in tense situations. Hopefully, she will become a star police officer in our ranks. Captain Al Powell - Al Powell has risen to the ranks of Captain in the Police Department. Under his guidance, the CCPD has been able to clean up the department and move forward from our inconsistent and rocky past. Dick Thornberg - This fast-talking, ambulance-chasing, taboid reporter has had numerous run-ins with the Police Department. He has been booked for obstruction of justice several times, and has made a career out of highlighting every problem and scandal within the department. Recently, he has taken a position as a reporter with the Hollywood Entertainment Network, H.E.N. Hopefully his new job will keep him away from the police. Piet Gruber - Son of notorious Hans Gruber, Piet is a spoiled, philandering playboy. While his quest for the good life keeps him very busy, we are keeping tabs on him. Jack Frontier - Jack Frontier, the ex-Hollywood hard man has been keeping a low profile since the critical panning of his last film. However, rumors abound that through his CIA and military background, he is taking a new direction as muscle for hire. Police Department internal memo: mark down for extra surveillance. Marlin - A known ex-associate of Piet Gruber, Marlin has been in hiding since the failed hijacking of a Oil Tanker in the Persian Gulf, where she was positively identified as one of the main perpetrators. Intelligence sources believe she may have entered the country through Mexico, though her exact location is unknown. If spotted, approach with extreme caution. Nitric - Explosives expert. Nitric has spent more time inside prison than out of it. However, while inside, he accumulated an in-depth knowledge of bomb making. With his complete disregard for authority and the well-being of others, Nitric is a very dangerous individual. Fortunately, we currently have him in custody for a traffic misdemeanor. Christophe Von Laben - Von Laben is the current curator at a prestigious Los Angeles art museum he has been known to travel in the same circles as Gruber. While investigations have not found anything more to their relationship than art, we are still keeping them both under observation in connection with some high level art thefts. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- IV. Controls -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Configuration A A - Action/Grab B - Stealth X - Crouch/Prone Y - Jump L - Alternate Action R - Fire Z - Reload Start - Pause C Stick - Look Up/Down & Turn Control Stick - Movement & Straft Control Pad - Inventory Configuration A Alternate Actions A - Action/Grab B - Stealth X - Crouch/Prone Y - Hero Mode L - Alternate Action R - Fire Z - Reload Start - Pause C Stick - Look Around Control Stick - Movement & Lean Control Pad - Zoom In/Out Configuration B A - Action B - Reload X - Grab Y - Hero Mode L - Zoom In/Out R - Fire Z - Steath Start - Pause C Stick - Jump, Crouch, & Straft Control Stick - Movement & Turn Control Pad - Inventory Configuration B Alternate Actions A - Action B - Reload X - Grab Y - Hero Mode L - Zoom In/Out R - Fire Z - Steath Start - Pause C Stick - Movement & Straft Control Stick - Look Around Control Pad - Inventory Configuration C A - Action/Grab B - Stealth X - Jump Y - Hero Mode L - Alternate Actions R - Fire Z - Reload Start - Pause C Stick - Look Up/Down & Straft Control Stick - Movement & Turn Control Pad - Inventory Configuration C Alternate Actions A - Action/Grab B - Stealth X - Jump Y - Hero Mode L - Alternate Actions R - Fire Z - Reload Start - Pause C Stick - Look Around Control Stick - Movement & Lean Control Pad - Zoom In/Out -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- V. Weapons -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Paintball Gun - While not deadly, this paintball gun is the standard police issue to get you through the yearly training evaluation. Revolver - Your standard police-issue weapon is a small, lightweight six-shot revolver. Ammo: 9mm Full Metal Jacket ammunition 9mm Pistol - Gruber's commandos use this 9mm semi-automatic pistol extensively. It has a 17 round magazine and can be fitted with a silencer. Ammo: 9mm Full Metal Jacket ammunition The Enforcer - Packing more power than the 9mm pistol, The Enforcer is a gas-powered handgun that can do some serious damage. Ammo: .50mm Full Metal Jacket ammunition 9mm Submachine Gun - Lightweight and deadly, the 9mm submachine gun is best used with one in each hand. Be careful though: while powerful, it goes through ammunition quickly. Ammo: 9mm Full Metal Jacket ammunition Tactical Submachine Gun - A vicious little 9mm, the tactical submachine gun is both simple and hardy, offering greater accuracy than the standard 9mm submachine gun. Ammo: 9mm Full Metal Jacket ammunition Assault Rifle - Renowned for its simple design and rugged construction, this rifle is reliable and easy to maintain. It uses a 30 round magazine. Ammo: 7.62 caliber Full Metal Jacket ammunition High Powered Assault Rifle - Taking the power of a standard assault rifle further, this rifle offers an adjustable scope that can be used for more precise shooting. Ammo: 7.62 caliber Explosive Tip ammunition Sniper Rifle - While not as rapid firing as the high-powered assault rifle, the sniper rifle is very effective for long-distance shooting. Ammo: 7.62 caliber Full Metal Jacket ammunition Combat Shotgun - Need to cover a wide area with a single blast? Then the combat shotgun is for you. Powerful and deadly, it can blow its way through almost anything. Ammo: Shotgun Shells Flame-thrower - Not only can the flame-thrower take out several enemies at once, they will also have a much smaller chance of shooting at you while they are on fire. Ammo: Bottled Liquefied Gas Mini Gun - These can be found in two forms: floor-mounted and hand-held. Mini guns allow the user to lay down a lethal blanket of suppressive fire, decimating anything in their way. Crossbow - Silent and deadly, the crossbow is a very effective weapon for taking out smaller groups of mercenaries. The latest models now come fitted with sniper scopes. Ammo: Crossbow Bolts Rocket Launcher - Heavy and slow to load, the rocket launcher is capable of mass destruction. Fragmentation Grenade - Filled with stainless steel wire that is blown in every direction when detonated, the fragmentation grenade is a very destructive weapon. C4 and Trigger - C4 with the trigger gives you the ability to set a charge where needed and detonate at will. Proximity Mine - This little explosive device has a built in sensor that detonates the mine when anything gets too close. Be careful, as that also includes you. Riot Gas - While not a lethal weapon, the Riot Gas can prove very useful when trying to overcome a large group of hostile forces. The gas will temporarily blind and disorient all who come in contact with it, including you. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- VI. Walkthrough -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Note: The difficulty for this Walkthrough is "Die Hard"(Easy). First of all, if you want to get a feel for the game, practice with the controls, and learn how to play it, the go to the POLICE TRAINING level. It is self-explanatory. If you want to jump into the action, the go the LEVEL 1. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 1: The Townsend Museum ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Checkpoint 1 Objectives: -Avoid Non-Hostile Casualties -Rescue Von Laben -Rescue Lucy Okay, first thing first. You can talk to everyone if you like, but you NEED t talk to Al, he's the black man by the police car. Talk to him until the other guy says, "Sir, We're in". Then go to the big black bar doors and open them. Have your gun ready and go left. Somebody will open the doors, so shoot them. Now go into the next room. It is a big, square room with stairs to the back. Kill everyone in here, and then go up the right side of the stairs and down the hall. Kill anyone that gets in your way. Turn left at the end of the hall and through the door with the yellow glass window in it. Go forward into the next two rooms and kill everyone in here EXCEPT the hostage. Talk to him if you want, then go through the double doors. Turn left and kill everyone that is up here, then go down the stairs. Kill everyone down here as well and pick up the sniper rifle on those boxes. A reporter will then come out of the double doors down here. DO NOT shoot him, just let him talk. After he is done talking you can talk to him again until you hear, "Over there". Then two guys will come out and shoot you. Kill them and go through the double doors. You have to do this quickly, shoot everyone EXCEPT Von Laben. If you don't do this quick, they will kill Von and you will lose. After you talk to him he will get out of the way and you can go through the double doors. Go forward until you reach a balcony and kill the guy up here. Try to kill everyone that is on the ground from up here, then go down the stairs. Just shoot anyone that comes across you. Time to save Lucy. Continue forward and save Lucy. You have to hurry, or else they will kill her. For some reason, sometimes when I save her, the game freezes and you can't reset it. You have to turn it off, then back on. I guess it is a glitch. Anyways, talk to Lucy and then the level will be complete. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 2: Hollywood Boulevard ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Checkpoint 1 Objectives: -Avoid Non-Hostile Casualties -Interrogate Gang Members You start out facing a guy working on a window, so do a 180-degree turn and go forward. Al will call in telling you to go to "Fat Larry's" Restaurant. So just continue forward and stop to talk to a guy in a red shirt. He's Fat Larry. Go into his restaurant, look around, then leave. When you get back outside, you will see some guys trying to shoot Fat Larry. Kill them and continue down the sidewalk. You will get another call from Al. You need to do this quick. By the bank is a group of gang members, one is holding a hostage. Try to kill him first, It might take a few tries, but you'll get it. Then kill the rest. Head into the bank and talk to the people if you want, then head upstairs. Kill everyone up here. Turn right and follow the blood through the door, then turn right and kill that guy. Now above him is a window. One side is broken. Climb on top of the filing cabinets and go through. Checkpoint 2 Objectives: -Avoid Non-Hostile Casualties -Assist police -Interrogate Gang Member -Apprehend Fat Larry's Assailant Okay, you need to switch over to fists mode and stealth mode. Go forward, take a right, then a left, and there should be three gang members there. Sneak up behind the leader (White shirt) and grab him. Pick up their weapons and then let him go. Now talk to the leader. When the objective is complete, you can then kill them if you want, but you don't have to. You can then talk to the guy, but it will take a long time. Turn around and go left to a dumpster. Climb on it, then jump on the two roofs. Now turn to your right and there will be a ledge there. Jump over to it and make your way down the ledge. There will be another roof that you need to jump to. Once on the new roof, go through the door and down the stairs. Continue down the hall and kill anyone that gets in your way. Once down the hall, go through the glass door and turn left. Continue forward and take a left. Continue through the Parking Lot and through the door. Go up the stairs and talk to the guy. I guess we need a Membership Card. Back track into the Parking Lot and past the ally. Now, go into fist mode and stealth mode and get in front of the Fashion Outlet, You will see a broken window, go through it and grab the leader (White Shirt). Gather up all their guns, then let him go and interrogate them. Grab the Gang Disguise. Head through the door on the left side of the counter. This is the Changing Room. The second curtain has a half-naked woman in it. The third has a gang member in it. Change into your Gang Disguise, and head out the door in here. Then through another door. There will be four guys here. Kill them, then take a left and go through the door. Go through another door and kill the Gang Member there. He will drop the Membership Card. Hop over the counter and through the door. To the right is a hole in the ground with two Gang Members in there, DON'T SHOOT them. To the left of that is some type of construction equipment with a lever on it. Pull the lever and you will kill the Gang Members. Now, go down the sidewalk, past the Fashion Outlet, and to the Parking Lot. Switch to fist mode and stealth mode. Go through the door and up the stairs. Show the guy the Membership Card and then talk to him. You can now go through the door. Be sure you're in stealth mode with NO WEAPONS. Go through the next door. Talk to them until other Gang Members ambush you. Once you've killed everyone, go back down the stairs and out the door. Kill the guys here and head over to where you dumped the steel onto those two guys. Kill anyone that gets in your way. Jump down into the hole and try to make your way to the other side. Once on the other side, kill everyone here and make your way to the double doors. Go through them and the level will be completed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 3: The Chinese Cinema ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Checkpoint 1 Objectives: -Rescue Any Office Staff -Avoid Non-Hostile Casualties Okay, from here you can only go through one door here. DON'T GO THROUGH IT. Instead, there is glass on both sides of the double doors. Use your FISTS, not your bullets, to break through. Talk to the guy and he will free himself. Continue talking to him until he leaves. Now, there are stairs to the left and right side of you. Go into stealth mode and go up one of those stairs. You will see a guy. Grab him, arrest him, then kill him. The killing part is OPTIONAL. Do the same thing with the other side of the stairs. When you're done doing that, go to where you freed that guy and go to the right of the refreshments bar. DO NOT turn the corner. You should start to hear people talking. After they are done, go back to the REFRESHMENTS bar and jump over the counter. Be sure you don't jump over the part with the glass. Go into stealth and then go through the door. Sneak up behind this guy, grab him, arrest him, but DO NOT kill him. If you kill him, then people will come in and start shooting you. After you arrest him, you will get armor. So far, it's all been around stealth in this level. Now equip your gun and go out the door here. Shoot and kill the three guys here. Then go through one of the two double doors here and kill everyone. Now go through one of the two new double doors here and continue. Checkpoint 2 Objectives: -Rescue Any Office Staff -Avoid Non-Hostile Casualties There is a Crossbow leaning against the ashtray. After you get that, kill everyone in here. Turn around, and look up. There should be a banner there, so shoot it and climb up. It doesn't matter where you shoot it. Shoot the two guys up here, then turn left and out the double doors. Turn left and go through the single door on the right. Kill the two men here. Go down the hallway and through the door. Quickly, shoot the two people here and head forward. Go through the door on the right and shoot the guy holding the hostages. Talk to the guys if you want. Now head back and go through the door that is left of the door where the hostages were. Don't worry about the door on the left, there's nothing in it. Continue through the door in front of you. Go into stealth mode and go up the stairs and through the door. Sneak up to the guy that is holding the old man hostage and grab him. Then arrest him. Talk to the old man. If you want to see a funny glitch in the game, then read the following. *Glitch* Take out your crossbow after your done talking to the old man. Get as close as you can to him. Zoom ALL the way in to one of his eyes with the crossbow, and shoot him. He won't die. Do the same to his other eye. It's really funny watching him talk to you with two bow's stuck in his eye's. Make sure you only shoot him in his eyes and you only shoot him two times, or else he will die. *End Glitch* after your done talking to him, there is a switch on the wall to the left of the door. Use it. Then head out of the door and down the stairs and out another door. Turn right, the another right, then go through the double doors to the right. You're back on the balcony. Kill everyone down below, and then jump down. You should see a board that you can use to get up on the stage. So go on it and try to get on the stage. About halfway up, the board will break, but not to worry. To the right is an organ. On the organ is a switch. Press it. The organ will take you up to the stage. Now turn right and head forward. You should be able to slip over behind the picture screen. When you are on the other side, head to the back wall, then turn left. You will see a section of wall that doesn't look quite right. Above it, there are two sandbags. Shoot them and go through the door. Go down the stairs and through the door. There are a few guys in here. Kill them and jump over the railing. Go through the open doorway and try to go through the door. Okay, we can't go that way, so turn around and you will see another open doorway to the left. Go through that and you should see a vent. Crouch down and PUNCH out the vent, don't shoot it out because you will waste bullets. Go down. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 4: The LA Subway ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Checkpoint 1 Objectives: -Collect Evidence of Paintings Transported Through The Sewers -Locate A Laptop Used By The Mercenaries To Communicate -Rescue Subway Worker Hostages -Avoid Non-Hostile Casualties You start off where you left off in the previous level. Duck down and go forward until you see a vent. Punch it out and go through it. There are Hobo's in here. You can talk to them if you wish to, but you don't have to. Go on down until you see a Hobo sleeping on the ground. On top of his "Home" is a Hobo Disguise. Put it on, then switch to fist mode. Then go into stealth mode. Continue down, and turn right. Stop when you see those two people talking, and listen. The black man will say that they will follow his orders, witch means he must be their leader. So go behind him, nobody will shoot you because the think your a Hobo, and grab him. Go pick up the enemy's guns, then arrest the leader. Go through the bar door and continue down. Don't worry about the guys talking, they are in another room. Bust out the vent with your FISTS. Go down, turn right, and then bust out the next vent. Go into stealth mode and try to sneak up to the guy below. If you can't, then take him out and anyone that comes to help. If you were able to sneak up to him, then go up the stairs and sneak up to this guy, grab him, and arrest him. Now you can kill them at your leisure. Now go back to where you arrested (or killed) the first guy. You should see a train every few seconds. Put on your night-vision goggles and wait until it passes, and as soon as it does, make you move. This is pretty self-explanatory. There are two ways that you can escape the deadly train. There are alcoves in the walls that you can go into and wait until the train passes. The alcoves are all to the right wall. Then there are ditches in the middle of the tracks. You can duck down into them and the train will glide right over you. Here is how to do this. First is an alcove, then a ditch, then an alcove, then a ditch, ECT, ECT. In the last alcove, the will be a path. Turn off your Night-Vision Goggles and head down the path. Go up the stairs. The door on the right won't open, so you have to use the door on the left. Make sure you are in fist and stealth modes. Go through the door and sneak up to the first guy you see. Grab him and arrest him. There is another guy between the pillar and the generator. Grab him and arrest him as well. There is one more at the bottom of the stairs do the same thing. But with his guy, you need to head back up the stairs as soon as you grab him or else the people on the other platform will start shooting at you. When you arrest him, you will get hand grenades. Kill the arrested at your leisure. Start shooting the other guys on the platform. Head down the stairs, but remember there is two-way traffic down here. Make your way to the other side. Some guys will come after you from the other side of the tracks, but they will usually get run over by the train. Operate this big gun on the new platform, turn 180-degrees and start shooting the big metal door. Go through the newly open door and down the stair. Turn left and kill the guy in this room. Now go down into the hole. Go strait. Checkpoint 2 Objectives: -Collect 2 More Painting Fragments -Locate A Laptop Used By the Mercenaries to Communicate -Rescue Subway Worker Hostages -Avoid Non-Hostile Casualties Put on your Night Vision Goggles. Head strait through two doors, turn right and head through two more doors, and then drop down into the hole. Go through the broken vent-like thing to your right. Kill everyone in this room. On the (I think they call it a rafter) there is a ladder. Use it to climb up onto the rafter. Once on top, slowly walk across to the second one, and then jump to the other side. Go up the stairs and shoot the two guys (Yes, two guys. One is in the dark corner hiding). Then, hop over the railing and follow the path until you get to another room with something that is made of glass in the middle of the room. To the left, you should see a door that is off its hinges. Go in there, but DO NOT go through the closed door just yet. To the left, on the ground, is a toolbox. Open it to get the Generator Key. To the right is a painting piece. Now go into stealth mode, and go through the door. Grab that guy, arrest him, and kill him if you must. Talk to the guy on the laptop until you get the laptop. Go back into the room with the weird thing in the middle, then turn left. Through this passage are two guys that have hostages, so kill them quick. Talk to the Subway workers to free them, then head over to the generator and use the generator key on it. Go down the stairs and kill everyone in here, then head over to the crane. Go inside it and use it so that you can cross over to the next platform by walking into the tube. Once your over to the other platform, go through the double doors and kill the man at the end. Collect the painting piece and head through the door and up the ladder. Go and talk to Von Laben. If you collected all the painting pieces, then he will follow you. If you didn't, then backtrack and try to find it. After you're done with talking to him, then just follow him down the stairs. Try to go through the door, and he will unlock it for you. Go through, turn left, and kill the guy there. Now, put on your Night Vision Goggles, go through the door, and follow my instructions VERY carefully. Turn left, go through the door. Shoot the guy in the next room, then go through the next door. Go forward, and through the door. Kill the guy here, Then go through the next door. Turn left, go through the door, and kill the guy in the next room. Proceed through the next door. Continue going forward until you are stopped by a wall and can't go forward anymore. Turn right, go through this door, then the next door. Proceed forward and go through the last door. Take off the Night Vision Goggles. As you can see, there is sewage falling from the ceiling, so wait until it stops, then jump over to the next platform. Close the valve, and Laben will jump (Very girlie, I might add, no offense to any girls). Do the same with the next platform. And then, the last. When he finally gets over to you on the last platform, he will unlock a door. Go through and use this valve to end the level. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 5: CCPD - Level 11: The Holmes Observatory is COMING SOON. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= VII. Cheat Codes -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Enter these Cheat Codes at the main menu. R,R,L,R - Big heads This cheat makes the opponents (and your) heads bigger, making it easier to get more head shots. L,R,Z,Y,B - Kamikaze (Exploding bullets) This cheat makes your bullets explode when you hit your opponent, making it more deadly. B,X,R,R - Exploding fists This cheat allows an explosion every time you punch somebody. B,X,Y,B,X,Y - Flame On This cheat makes it look like everyone is on fire. X,B,Y,L,L - Hot Hands This cheat sets enemies on fire when you punch them. Z,Z,Z,Z,L,R - Infinite Ammo This cheat means that you can not run out of ammo, so go nuts. B,X,Y,Z,L,R - Infinite Hero-time The cheat is pretty much self-explanatory. L,R,L,R,L,R - Invulnerability This cheat means that you can not die. B,Y,X,B,Y,X - Liquid Metal This cheat makes everyone look like they are made of silver. L,L,R,L - Pin Heads This cheat makes everyone's head very tiny. It also makes their voices sound different. X,Y,Z,Z,X,Y,Z,Z - All Levels Unlocked This means that you can unlock all levels, then show your friends that you beat the game in less than an hour (Because you have all the levels). -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- VIII. Contact Information -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- If you want to contact me for any of these reasons: - If I missed something that is vital to the game - Suggestion to improve my Walkthrough - A better strategy to beat a certain level - Typographical Errors (Typo's) - Cheat Codes - Questions - Comments Then please feel free to E-mail me at: XXtremeGamer9999@aol.com *Note* If you want to E-mail me, please include in your subject the word(s) "FAQ" or "Walkthrough", just so I don't accidentally delete them. If I missed something that is vital to the game, then in your E-mail, please state what I missed, what level, and what checkpoint it is located in. If you have a suggestion to improve my FAQ/Walkthrough, the please E-mail me how to make it better, and I will consider it If you have a better strategy to beat a certain level, then in your E-mail, state what the better strategy is, what level, and what checkpoint it is located in. If you see a typographical error (Typo's), then please E-mail me the part(s) of the FAQ/Walkthrough it is in. If you have a Cheat Code that is not listed, then please E-mail me the Cheat Code and provide a description of what the Cheat Code does. *Note* I always will check to see if the cheat code is valid If you have any questions, please E-mail them to me and I will reply as soon as I can. If you have any comments, please E-mail them to me and I will reply as soon as I can. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- IX. Legal Information -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- This FAQ/Walkthrough was made 100% by me(except for the ASCII Art, which was made by "super lowie" on GameFAQs), and may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site other than GameFAQs and Neoseeker, or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site other than GameFAQs and Neoseeker, or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. Copyright 2003 Ryan Holmes