,.-*'~^~`-*.,,.-*'~^~`-*., DRAGONBALL Z: BUDOKAI 2 Frieza FAQ By: ZephyrTempest Version: 1.0 1/29/04 ,.-*'~^~`-*.,,.-*'~^~`-*., ,.-*'~^~`-*.,,.-*'~^~`-*., Version History ,.-*'~^~`-*.,,.-*'~^~`-*., v1.2 (2/03/04) Added a lot more Cancel combos. Added more Basic Combos. Added the unmashed damage for Death Ball and Killer Ball. v1.0 (1/29/04) Just started typing up all of the information on the FAQ, everything seen here was just done today. First release of FAQ. ,.-*'~^~`-*.,,.-*'~^~`-*., Table of Contents ,.-*'~^~`-*.,,.-*'~^~`-*., I. Introduction II. About Frieza III. Pro's and Con's IV. Basic Attacks -Notation -Punches -Kicks -Mixed -Energy V. Frieza's Attacks -Death Beam -Death Wave -Death Ball -Meteor Crash -Frieza Nightmare -Killer Ball -Evil Dance VI. Basic Combos VII. Cancel Combos -Explanation -Death Beam -Death Wave -Death Ball -Evil Dance -Killer Ball -Frieza Nightmare VIII. Capsules -Ability Capsules -Physical Capsules -Support Capsules IX. Strategies -Reccomended Capsule Setups -How you should play Frieza -Tips and Tricks X. Contact Information XI. Credits ,.-*'~^~`-*.,,.-*'~^~`-*., I. Introduction ,.-*'~^~`-*.,,.-*'~^~`-*., Ah, welcome to my FAQ :). This is my first FAQ ever, so cut me some slack if you see something wrong :p. I decided to write an FAQ about Frieza, because I didn't see one up at Game FAQs, and I found this to be strange because Frieza is obviously the best possible character you can choose in this game :). I guess I'll stop ranting now, and let you get on to the juicy stuff that you obviously want to read if you clicked on my FAQ. Hopefully, by the end of this, you will know all you need to know to be a good Frieza player :D. BTW you can use any part of my FAQ for w/e you want. Frankly I don't care about all that copywrite stuff and whatnot, just use what you want :P. ,.-*'~^~`-*.,,.-*'~^~`-*., II. About Frieza ,.-*'~^~`-*.,,.-*'~^~`-*., Arrogant, malicious, seemingly invincible and power-hungry with absolutely no compassion, Frieza was feared as the most powerful and evil being in the universe with no rival being even close to his strength. His nature can be vouched for simply by the acts of evil he has commited. When he feared the Saiyan race was becoming powerful, he simply destroyed their whole planet. Afterward, upon learning about the legendary Namekian Dragon Balls, Frieza went to Namek in order to claim them for his own, and make himself immortal...giving him the ability to rule the entire universe, unrivaled, forever. The very mention of his name struck dread and fear across the universe. Zarbon and Dodoria were Frieza's two evil right hand men. They carried out his requests promptly and without question, knowing Frieza's character too well. Frieza also employs the legendary (although goofy) Ginyu Force to take care of his business. Frieza is a lizard-like creature who can shape-shift into four stages of forms, with each form more powerful than the last. In his first form, Frieza is in a space pod. In the second form, Frieza has two horns on his head and his body is larger. In the third form, Frieza is in his biggest body and his back is bent. The fourth form is the perfect form; he is in a small body with no angle on his body. He was killed by Goku on the planet Namek after a very long battle (good lord there were a lot of Namek episodes). After being beaten by Goku, Frieza was rebuilt with robotic parts, and returned to earth to seek revenge. Shortly after his arrival, however, he was chopped into many peices, and blasted by Future Trunks (stupid Trunks :/). Now Frieza currently resides in hell with his homies the Ginyu Force, Cell, Raditz, and Nappa :D. ,.-*'~^~`-*.,,.-*'~^~`-*., III. Pro's and Con's ,.-*'~^~`-*.,,.-*'~^~`-*., Why play with Frieza? Besides the fact that he obviously looks the coolest, and has the best character personality (:D), he has a lot of positive attributes, and a negative. Pros: -Constantly in a transformed state (10% extra attack) -His side-steps are teleports -He has a 2 Ki attack that is preformed with = Forward <= Back >>=Dash Yay, well that wasn't so hard now was it? Now that we have gotten this out of the way, lets move on with Frieza's attacks. For explaining the damage of Frieza's regular attacks, I will use these charts to make it easy for you to compare attacks and attributes. All tests in this FAQ were done against Normal Goku with Guard 2 activated, as well as Breakfall. I abbreviate the various categorys as the following: Column Information: Dam = Damage Up = The move knocks opponent into air Down = The move knocks the opponent down when in the air. BF = Breakfall: whether or not the move can be Breakfalled. Pow = The move can be charged for a more powerful hit by holding the button. Kno = The move knocks the opponent on the ground. JF/B = Juggle Front/Behind: when the opponent is being juggled you can hit them from the designated direction. EX. If there is an Y/Y below this column, then the attack can connect during a juggle when attacked from the front or the back. Oth = If there is an * mark placed here, check below the chart for more info. Y = Yes: the category where this is placed means that the attribute is applied to the attack. EX. If there is a Y below Pow, then the attack can be charged by holding the button. N = No: the category where this is placed means that the attribute does not apply to this attack. EX. If there is an N below Air, the the move does not knock the opponent into the air. Punches- Dam Up Down BF Pow Kno JF/B Oth P 82 N N N N N Y/Y >P 82 N N N N N Y/Y

>P 106 N Y N N Y Y/Y Kicks- Dam Up Down BF Pow Kno JF/B Oth K 94 N N N N N N/N >K 106 N N N N N Y/Y >K 106 Y N N N N Y/Y Mixed- Dam Up Down BF Pow Kno JF/B Oth P+K 118 Y Y N Y Y Y/Y * P+K 112 N N N Y Y Y/Y >>P+K 94 N N Y N Y Y/Y K+G 154 N Y N N N N/N *** K+G 204 Y N N N N Y/Y >>K+G 94 N N Y N Y Y/Y Energy- Dam Up Down BF Pow Kno JF/B Oth E 88 N N N N N Y/Y >>E 118 N Y N N Y Y/Y *- When in the air this attack knocks the opponent down, and when on the ground it knocks them up. **- This attack starts a juggle. ***- This move stuns the opponent long enough for you to follow up with something else. ,.-*'~^~`-*.,,.-*'~^~`-*., V. Frieza's Attacks ,.-*'~^~`-*.,,.-*'~^~`-*., Alright, now that the basic attacks of Frieza are out of the way, its time to move onto the bigger, much more damaging attacks. These attacks can usually be comboed into for devastating amounts of damage, and sometimes can end a fight rather quickly if used correctly. There will be two damage values listed, the Double Damage is how much the attack does if you used two capsules of the same kind or used Breakthrough. The section labled Combos from tells you where you have to be relative to your opponent in order to pull off the full combo without your opponent being able to block it. Almost all of these can be pulled off when behind your opponent, but quite a few of them cannot be pulled off right in front of your opponent. The damage values listed DO NOT include the button presses, just the actual damage from the attacks... EXAMPLE: Death Beam can be performed by pressing P,P,P,P,E...the damage I listed does not include the damage of the punches. -Death Beam Normal Damage: 275 Double Damage: 412 Ki Cost: 1 Ways to perform: (P,P,P,P,E) (>K,P,P,P,E) (>E) Combos From....: F/B B Description: This is the move you just tack on to the end of your combos, or launch from far away. Peronsally, I do not use this move simply because of the fact that its damage is rather low. The main advantage of this is that its relatively simple to combo into. -Death Wave Normal Damage: 440 Double Damage: 660 Ki Cost: 2 Ways to perform: (P,>P,P,E) (K,K,>K,>K,E) (P,P,P,K,E) Combos From....: B Description: Ah, Frieza's ultimate attack, the Death Ball. Frieza does some fancy stuff, which ends up with his opponent on the ground. Then he charges a ball of energy above his head in his hand. After this, he throws the ball at the opponent, and says: "The one who will die...IS YOU!" You have to mash the buttons as fast as you can to beat out your opponent, otherwise you do a lot less damage. If you win the ki struggle, Frieza says, "Scram!" and pushes more energy into the ball, causing it to overpower your opponent. For the ki cost, this move is rather efficient for dealing damage. The only problem with this is that you cannot do the combo on someone unless you manage to catch them from behind, or while they are stunned or in a juggle(like in a cancel combo). Which can possibly be too much for some players. If you are really good at pulling off cancel combos consistently, this is probably the move you should be using, as when its doubled with the proper equipment, this will do devestating damage. -Meteor Crash Normal Damage: 216 Double Damage: 310 Ki Cost: 0 Ways to perform: (P+G) Combos From....: F/B Description: This is Frieza's throw. Basically, he grabs the opponent, hits them a bunch of times, then knocks them to the ground. It's useful if your fighting someone that blocks a lot, although I prefer to use charged hits to break guarding opponents. Using a throw after canceling is a very good idea, and I will be explaining more of how throws can be useful in the strategies section. The main advantages of a throw are it hits people that are blocking, and it does pretty good damage for costing no ki. -Frieza Nightmare Normal Damage: 181 (X2 if win button press) Double Damage: 271 (X2 if win button press) Ki Cost: 1 Ways to perform: (K,K,>K,K,E) Combos From....: F/B Description: Frieza knocks the opponent into the air, hits the opponent a couple times, knocks the opponent to the ground, and flys down at them. If you press a different button then your opponent, this move does double the damage. Overall, the damage is pretty good for one ki, expecially when this is actually comboed into. It's one of the few attacks that can be used from behind or in front of your opponent, making it useful to just throw out at anytime. -Killer Ball Normal Damage: 506 (Fully mashed) 325 (Unmashed) Double Damage: 757 (Fully mashed) 486 (Unmashed) Ki Cost: 2 Ways to perform: (>P,P,P,P,E) Combos From....: B Description: Now, for this attack, Frieza knocks his opponent into the air, then onto the ground. After this, Frieza begins to charge energy. This is when you must rotate the joysticks, and/or mash the buttons on your controller as fast as possible. If/when you fill the bar, or time runs out, Frieza unleashes a flurry if ki blasts upon his grounded opponent. If you managed to fill the bar, Frieza then shoots a bigger ki blast at the opponent, adding onto the damage. This move does pretty good damage for its Ki cost. But because of the fact you can only do it against someone from the back (or someone thats not blocking during the combo for some reason), it is wasteful. I'm fairly sure you can cancel combo into this pretty easily, but for a ki cost of 2, and the fact you HAVE to do the combo to use this move, I feel the Death Wave is a better choice. -Evil Dance Normal Damage: 460 Double Damage: 564 Ki Cost: 2 Ways to perform: (>K,K,K,E) Combos From....: F/B Description: Frieza basically just starts whooping up on your opponent :D. At the end of his comboing, he unleashes an invisible blast of ki, knocking your opponent to the ground. This is easily comboed, and can be used when in front or behind your opponent. Does decent damage for its ki cost (not as high as Killer Ball, or Death Wave) but you don't have to mash for the damage, and the combo to perform this is fairly simple. The main drawback to this is that it is not powered up very much at all for doubling it (only about 100 extra damage). If your going to use th is, don't waste a capsule space for doubling it. ,.-*'~^~`-*.,,.-*'~^~`-*., VI. Basic Combos ,.-*'~^~`-*.,,.-*'~^~`-*., Alrighty, now here is the list of all possible chains of punches and kicks Frieza can dish out, (at least i hope so :D) This table took me awhile to compile, but the results should be worth it, as from the information here you could probably create your own cancel combos by knowing which combos have a move that cancels at the end and stun for a long enough time etc. I will be using abbreviations here similar to the ones I used earlier for Frieza's regular attacks. I will put them here again, in addition to a few new ones for your reference: Dam = Damage Up = The move knocks opponent into air Down = The move knocks the opponent down when in the air. BF = Breakfall: whether or not the move can be Breakfalled. Pow = The move can be charged for a more powerful hit by holding the button. Kno = The move knocks the opponent on the ground. F/B = Front/Behind: From where you have to be in order to successfully have this full combo connect. JF/B = Juggle Front/Behind: when the opponent is being juggled you can hit them from the designated direction. EX. If there is an Y/Y below this column, then the attack can connect during a juggle when attacked from the front or the back. Oth = If there is an * mark placed here, check below the chart for more info. Y = Yes: the category where this is placed means that the attribute is applied to the attack. EX. If there is a Y below Pow, then the attack can be charged by holding the button. N = No: the category where this is placed means that the attribute does not apply to this attack. EX. If there is an N below Air, the the move does not knock the opponent into the air. Punches- Dam Up Down BF Pow Kno F/B JF/B Oth P 227 N N N N Y N/Y Y/Y P,P,P,>P 118 Y Y N Y N N/Y Y/Y ** P,P,P,P 308 N N N N N Y/Y Y/Y >P,P,P,P,P 507 Y Y N Y N Y/Y N/N ** Kicks- Dam Up Down BF Pow Kno F/B JF/B Oth K,>K 193 N N Y N Y Y/Y N/N K,K 205 Y N Y N Y Y/Y N/N K,K 366 N N N N N Y/Y N/N K,K,>K,>K 357 N N N N N N/N N/N >K,K,K,K,K 474 N N Y N Y Y/Y N/N Mixed- Dam Up Down BF Pow Kno F/B JF/B Oth P,K 181 N N Y N Y Y/Y Y/N K 118 N N Y N Y N/N Y/Y >P,K,K 244 N Y N Y Y Y/Y N/N K,P,P,P 446 N N Y Y Y N/Y N/Y P,>P,P,K 378 N N Y N Y Y/Y N/N P,P,K,K,K 428 Y N N N Y Y/Y Y/Y >P,P,P,K,K 366 N N Y Y Y N/Y N/N * = This attack starts a juggle **- When in the air this attack knocks the opponent down, and when on the ground it knocks them up. ,.-*'~^~`-*.,,.-*'~^~`-*., VII. Cancel Combos ,.-*'~^~`-*.,,.-*'~^~`-*., Ah, Cancel Combos, the meat and cheese of DBZ Budokai 2. Canceling is a very important aspect of the game if you want to deal some real damage, as well as play mind games with your opponent (as well as look really flashy when beating someone :D). There are different ways to cancel, but the concept is basically the same: ending your combos with a charged attack, canceling that attack with guard, and continuing to chain in more and more combos until you can't anymore, ending with a special attack. Sometimes, (actually most of the time) to get a longer combo string you have to get behind your opponent (as you have probably seen in the combo table above, a lot more things connect when you are behind your opponent). Since you sidestep by pressing guard and up or down, you can cancel your charged attacks by sidestepping, placing you behind your opponent allowing you to do combos that you couldn't normally do. The simplest way to do Cancel Combos I accidently discovered by trying to do them the normal way (holding the last button of the combo, and canceling from there): Hold R1 (default control settings) during the ENTIRETY of the combo...and the end of each combo string that can be cancelled, it will automatically do the charged kick for you! All you have to do is press guard to cancel, or guard + up to side-step cancel, and you don't even have to let go of R1 :). I highly reccomend you only use this cancelling strategy with Frieza, as certain other characters are known to have trouble by using this cancelling method. I also put these combos in order from easiest to hardest, so try to master the smaller ones, they usually lead into the bigger ones :D. The bigger combos here require practice and precise timing (expecially ones with juggles). The exact ways of timing everything are not posted here, but you should be able to figure out the hard ones for yourself after trying some of the smaller ones. All tests in this FAQ were done against Normal Goku with Guard 2 activated, as well as Breakfall. There are some additional symbols I will be using here to show different steps in the combo, and they are as follows: Notation: ( ) = Combo String - = Cancel side-step = Press up when you cancel to move behind your opponent * = The opponent will be stunned long enough for you to continue with the combo ^ = The opponent should be juggled by the next string of combo (Air Only)= Due to the way this combo is performed, you can only do it in the air (Grd Only)= Due to the way this combo is performed, you can only do it on the ground *NOTE* For almost all of these combos, you can start off with [K+G], I just didn't want to list each combo possibility WITH and WITHOUT [K+G], as Death Beam would have about 60 or so combos at least. I put it in some combos when it makes it look really flashy, or otherwise better (usually in the strongest combos for the move). You can also combo [K,P,K,K-] instead, but it DOES combo if your insistant on it :P) You can actually do BOTH of the previously listed ([K+G]*[K,P,K,K-]*[P,P,P,P,E] (Grd Only) [K,K,P,P,P,E] (Air Only) [K,K,K,K-]*[K,P,P,P,E] [K,K]*[P,P,P,P,E] (Air Only) [K,P,K,K-]*[P,K,K-]*[K]*[P,P,P,P,E] [K,P,K,K-]*Side-step[P,P,P,P,E] (Grd Only) [K,K,K,K-]*Side-step[P,K,K-]*Side-step[>K,P,P,P,E] (Grd Only) [K,K]*[P,K,K-]*Side-step[>K]*[P,P,P,P,E] (Grd Only) [K,K,K,K-]*Side-step[>K]*[K]*[>P,P,P,K,K-]*[>K,P,P,P,E] [K,K,K,K-]*Side-step[>K]*[>P,P,P,K,K-]*[K]*[>P,P,P,K,K-]*[>K]*[P,K,K]*Sidestep[>K]*[K,K,K,K-]*Side-step[P,P,P,K,K-]*[>K]*[P,P,E] (Grd Only) [K,K,K,K-]*[P,>P,P,E] [K,K,K,K-]*[K,K,>K,>K,E] [K,P,P,E] (Air Only) [>P,K,K-]*Side-step[P,>P,P,E] [>P,K,K-]*Side-step[K,K,>K,K,E] [K,K,K,K-]*Side-step[>K]*[P,>P,P,E] [K,P,K,K-]*Side-step[P,>P,P,E] (Grd Only) [>P,K,K-]*[K,K,K,K-]*Side-step[P,>P,P,E] [>P,K,K-]*[K,K,K,K-]*Side-step[>K]*[P,>P,P,E] [K,K,K,K-]*Side-step[>K]*[>P,P,P,K,K-]*[P,P,E] [K+G]*[K,P,K,K-)*Side-step[>K]*[K,K,K,K-]*Side-step[>K]*[>P,P,P,K,K-]*[P,P,E] (Grd Only) -Death Ball: [P,P,P,K,E] [K,P,P,P,K,E] (Air Only) [>P,K,K-]*[P,P,P,K,E] [K,K,K,K-]*[P,P,P,K,E] [K,K,K,K-]*Side-step[>P,P,P,K,E] [K,P,K,K-]*[P,P,P,K,E] (Grd Only) [K,K,K,K-]*Side-step[>K]*[>P,P,P,K,E] [K,K]*[>P,P,P,K,E] (Air Only) [>P,K,K-]*[K,K,K,K-]*Side-Step[>K]*[>P,P,P,K,E] [>P,K,K-]*Side-Step[>K]*[K,K,K,K-]*Side-Step[>K]*[>P,P,P,K,E] [K+G]*[K,P,K,K-]*Side-Step[>K]*[K,K,K,K-]*Side-Step[>K]*[>P,P,P,K,E] (Grd Only) -Evil Dance: [K,K,K,K,E] (Grd Only) [>P,K,K-]*[>K,K,K,E] [K,K,K,K-]*[>K,K,K,E] [>P,K,K-]*[K,K,K,E] [K,P,K,K-]*[>K,K,K,E] [K,P,K,K-]*[K,K,K,E] [K,K,K,K-]*Side-step[>K]*[>K,K,K,E] [>P,K,K-]*Side-Step[K,K,K,K-]*[>K,K,K,E] [K,K,K,K-]*[>K]*[>P,P,P,K,K-]*[>K,K,K,E] [K,P,K,K-]*[K,K,K,K-]*[K,K,K,E] [K,K,K,K-]*[>K]*[>P,P,P,K,K-]*[K,K,K,E] [K,K,K,K-]*Side-step[>P,K,K-]*Side-step[>K,K,K,E] [>P,K,K-]*Side-Step[>K]*[K,K,K,K-]*[K,K,K,E] [K+G]*[K,P,K,K-]*Side-Step[>K]*[K,K,K,K-]*[K,K,K,E] (Grd Only) -Killer Ball: [K,K,K,K-]*[>K]*[>P,P,P,P,E] [K,K,K,K-]*Side-Step[>P,P,P,P,E] [>P,K,K-]*Side-step[>K]*[K,K,K,K-]*[>K]*[>P,P,P,P,E] [K,K,K,K-]*Side-Step[>K]*[>P,P,P,K,K-]*[>K]*[>P,P,P,P,E] [K+G]*[K,P,K,K-)*Side-step[>K]*[K,K,K,K-]*Side-step[>K]*[>P,P,P,K,K-]*[P,P,P,P,E] (Grd Only) -Frieza Nightmare: [>P,K,K-]*[K,K,>K,K,E] [K,K,K,K-]*Side-Step[K,K,>K,K,E] [K,K,K,K-]*Side-Step[>K]*[>P,P,P,K,K-]*[K,K,E] [K+G]*[K,P,K,K-)*Side-step[>K]*[K,K,K,K-]*Side-step[>K]*[>P,P,P,K,K-]*[K,K,>K,K,E] (Grd Only) If you have any to add, feel free to email me at donaldcmichaels@hotmail.com. I will test them all first, of course, and if they work I'll add them to my list and put your name in the credits :). I know there is a lot more, and I will be working to get almost all of them listed in due time :D. ,.-*'~^~`-*.,,.-*'~^~`-*., VII. Capsules ,.-*'~^~`-*.,,.-*'~^~`-*., Here is a list of the capsules that are available for Frieza to use. For each capsule, I will include its name, rarity, the amount of slots it takes up, whether its tradeable, and whether it can only be used one time per fight. I didn't write ALL the comments, and activations simply because they are common sense, stated earlier in the ability itself, or are basically irrelevant. Here are the abbreviations I will be using for these various traits: P= You can power up this ability by using two capsules of the same type. T= This capsule is tradeable X= This capsule is not tradeable Z= This capsule can only be used once per battle #= The number of slots this capsule takes up -Ability Capsules: Death Beam Common P 1 T Can Launch Death-move Death Beam E button after PPPP, E button after >KPPP, >E button. (Consumes 1 Ki Gage) Death Wave Uncommon P 1 T Can Launch Death-move Death Wave E button after P>PP, E button after KK>K>K, PPPK (Consumes 3 Ki Gage) =Physical Capsules: Frieza Nightmare Common P 1 T Can attack while chasing opponent E button after KK>KK (Consumes 1 Ki Gage) Comment: Different input than opponent while performing boosts damage Killer Ball Common P 1 T Can fire a ki blast volley E button after >PPPP (Consumes 2 Ki Gage) Comment: Rotating analog stick increases damage done Evil Dance Common P 1 T Can attack an opponent with enhanced force E button after >KKK (Consumes 2 Ki Gage) Meteor Crash Common P 1 T Can grab and throw opponent When near opponent P+G (Consumes 0 Ki Gage) Comment: Your opponent can't Guard against a throw, but you've got to get close to succeed! -Support Capsules: Breakthrough Special 7 X Can use all of Frieza's moves and abilities Old Style Armor Common 1 T Defensive Power Up! Rit Armor Uncommon 2 T Defensive Power Up! New Style Armor Rare 3 T Defensive Power Up! Bulma's Armor Common 4 T Defensive Power Up! 1/3 Senzu Bean Rare 1 Z T Recover Health by 1/3 and 1 Ki Gauge Automatically activated when Health becomes zero Comment: Cannot use with other Senzu Bean Senzu Bean Special 3 Z T Health and Gauge fully recovered Automatically activated when Health becomes zero Comment: Cannot use with other Senzu Bean Frieza's Space Ship Special 4 Z T Health and Gauge fully recovered, Can become Mecha Frieza Automatically activated when Health becomes zero Comment: Cannot use with Senzu Bean Viral Heart Disease Uncommon 2 T Slowly drains the Health of both characters Vaccine Uncommon 1 T Nullify the effect of Viral Heart Disease Super Holy Water Rare 2 T Damage Percentage is reduced Medical Machine Uncommon 1 T Damage Percentage is reduced by using a set amount of Ki Rage! Uncommon 1 T Attack Power increases in the first 10 seconds of battle! Rage!! Rare 2 T Attack Power increases in the first 15 seconds of battle! Rage!!! Special 3 T Attack Power increases in the first 20 seconds of battle! Serious! Uncommon 1 T When Health drops below 1/3, Attack Power increases! Serious!! Rare 2 T When Health drops below 1/2, Attack Power increases! Serious!!! Special 3 T When Health drops below 2/3, Attack Power increases! Pride of the Strongest Special 2 T When Health power drops below 1/6, Attack Power is greatly increased! Potential Rare 2 T Attack Power increases for a fixed time period Nature of Evil Special 3 T Attack Power & Defensive Power increase at regular intervals Super Kami Water Uncommon 2 T Attack Power increased and Health slowly decreases. Gero's Perpetual Energy R&D Special 3 T Ki remains at MAX, but Transformation impossible Gero's Deflection R&D Uncommon 1 T Auto Deflect Ki Blast Wave Activated by holding down the Guard button before being hit by a ki blast. Comment: Cannot be used with Deflect-Back ability Gero's Deflect-Back R&D Rare 2 T Auto Deflect-Back Ki Blast Wave Activated by holding down the Guard Button before being hit by a ki blast. Comment: Cannot be used with Deflect Ability Gero's Energy R&D Rare 1 T If Deflect or Deflect-Back is successful, Ki increases by fixed amount Scouter Uncommon 1 T Reduce amount of Ki used Yakon Rare 1 T Comrade or Enemy, Ki consumption accelerates in a transformed state. Universal Ambition Special 2 T Combat spirit keeps improving ,.-*'~^~`-*.,,.-*'~^~`-*., VIII. Strategies ,.-*'~^~`-*.,,.-*'~^~`-*., Alright, so you have learned all of the cancel combos by heart, and now your wondering, "How the hell do I implement these crazy things in an actual game, I'll never be able to pull these off against a moving target!" This is a perfectly logical thing to be thinking, if you haven't got to play much and test out the game regularly. This game is a lot more in-depth then people give it credit for, and involves a lot of mind games in order to cause your opponent to open up or make a mistake for you to punish with your combos. Before we get into actual battle tactics, lets go over some various capsule combinations that I have personally found to be highly effective. -Reccomended Capsule Setups: Death Wave Anyone? Death Wave Rit Armor Medical Machine Gero's Perpetual Energy R%D Variations: Death Wave Death Wave Old Style Armor Medical Machine Gero's Perpetual Energy R&D Death Wave Yakon Old Style Armor Medical Machine Gero's Perpetual Energy R&D The above setup is my personal favorite for most of the games I play. It gives you a fairly tough defense, and since you have infinite energy, you can throw Death Waves or Ki blasts whenever you feel appropriate. Since you have infinite energy, you do not have to worry about the drawback of being in a constantly transformed state, and you also don't have to worry about the energy drain from Medical Machine, thus eliminating the only real weakness of Frieza. I usually keep away and spam Death Wave and wait for my opponent to make a mistake, then I do the full Death Wave cancel combo chain on them :). The variations are for when I'm playing against people I know. The one with 2 Death Waves I use when I'm going to be keeping away most of the match, while the one with Yakon is to punish Saiyans (Frieza's specialty :D). Plague for you! Viral Heart Disease Vaccine Frieza's Spaceship Heh, I consider this build cheap, and would never use it against friends or anything. This has to be the strongest build in the game, and it would basically be impossible to lose. All you have to do is piddle around waiting for your opponent to lose life, and just hit him a couple times and its over. You effectively have 6 bars of life due to Frieza's Spaceship, and if your opponent manages to take away 3 bars somehow, you come back stronger. I reccomend only using this build if your having trouble with the game, or if you want to win a couple world tournaments for free cash (just don't get knocked out of the ring :P). I kill you one hit :O! Death Ball Death Ball Potential Super Kami Water Serious! (Rage!) A full cancel combo ending with Death Ball should kill your opponent unless they are wearing some pretty hefty defense equipment. This build, when maxed out on attack, will give you a total of +168% attack. My defense makes you do humor damage :o. Medical Machine 3 Socket Armor Nature of Evil The damage your opponent will be doing to you will be insignificant. Just keep the pressure on him and keep attacking. Your attack will be boosted a little bit from Nature of Evil, so just be an offensive rush down machine :). Alright those are the best builds for Frieza in my opinion anyway. Now lets move onto the actual playing strategies. I will simply list some ideas for what you should do. -How you should play Frieza When starting a Cancel Combo, if the opponent blocks the first 4 kicks, you can decide what you should do from there. If he looks like hes just going to keep blocking, hit him with the charged kick, back up, and Death Wave him. If he starts to make an attack, cancel your charge into a sidestep, and start a combo on him. There is so much you can do while charging, be sure to realize that your options are limitless. You could even cancel the kick into a grab if they were still blocking, for even more damage then the kick would do. Teleport around :D. This looks cool, and annoys/confuses opponents. I often catch freinds offguard with Death Waves, because they make a stupid mistake like shooting a Kamehameha at me while im teleporting around. Just dodge, and swiftly blast the person in the face. When keeping away, some opponents get smart and realize that you shooting them with big moves like Death Wave is not very good for them, and will eventually try to move in and get you. Know when your opponent is coming (its kinda obvious when you see them dashing or otherwise getting closer) and prepare to punish him for getting close to you by laying down a cancel combo :D. Random ki blasts are ok, and sometimes very helpful if you don't use them too much. People don't expect them, and just get hit in the face sometimes. Don't overuse them though, expecially from too far away unless you like to play Pong with your friend :D. Taunting is very useful. While your staying away from people, or they are trying to stay away from you, they are usually trying to power up. By taunting them, you lower their ki gauge by one, basically making their efforts useless. This eventually frustrates them and they usually will attempt to recklessly make a move on you or fire a ki blast. This can work to your advantage. Don't forget to hold guard when people are trying to combo you. Some people mess up or slow down in the middle of their combos, and if your holding guard you'll start blocking again. Then you can start a combo of your own, or get out of the way of your opponents charged attack by teleporting backwards. You can follow that up with a ki attack of some sort for more damage. Alright thats all for now, I will post more strategies up as I come across more :). If you have any particular suggestions for playing Frieza, please feel free to email me, and I'll add your suggestion, as well as your name to the credits :). ,.-*'~^~`-*.,,.-*'~^~`-*., X. Contact Information ,.-*'~^~`-*.,,.-*'~^~`-*., Alright, alright. This was my first FAQ and you probably noticed a lot of mistakes. If you see anything, or just want to say hi, or want to add something, you can email me at donaldcmichaels@hotmail.com, or you can catch me on AIM at Zephyr Snowstorm. Feel free to tell me if you don't agree with something put in this FAQ, or if you have something you really want to add. ,.-*'~^~`-*.,,.-*'~^~`-*., XI. Credits ,.-*'~^~`-*.,,.-*'~^~`-*., A lot of props goto Goryus, for kinda inventing cancelling. Also a lot of props to Evil Cap America, as I based a lot of my cancel combos off of his, as well as used some of his Frieza combos.