++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++ Dragonball Z Budokai 2: Gotenks Player Guide +++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ |This FAQ was written and composed by Orinosuke Tatsuo, solely for | |use on GameFAQs.com, or sites that have received my permission. Use | |on any other site, or sale of the guides content is not nice. Don't | |do it. That is all. | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ ****UPDATED 05/25/04**** Contact me! Primary email: buraddorii_sama@hotmail.com MSN: Use that ^^^ AIM: Orinosuke Tatsuo (Wow, didn't you know it?) Website: http://flatface.net/~zeromax/ What?? That's not contact info? Yes..it..is. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= | Table of Contents | -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= I.........................................................Introduction II.......................................................About Gotenks III.....................................................Physical Moves IV.......................................................Special Moves V.....................................................Support Capsules VI........................................................Tips/Tidbits VII............................................................Closing ********** ********** ** *** * *** ***** ***** *** * *** ** ********** ********** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= | 1. Introduction | -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Well, here it is, my first guide. I wanted to contribute to the community from which I took so much, so I finally decided to give back to it. What better game to write my first guide about than one of my favourite games, based on one of my favourite shows? Well then. I was sitting at my computer (No, I don't sit at it ALL day), and I was looking at some of the guides that had been written for DBZ Budokai 2. I noticed, since I last checked for the Kili amounts, that many in- depth character guides had emerged. So, I say to myself, what person can I write about? Well, I noticed Gotenks wasn't there, so I picked Gotenks! Anyway, to be honest, that's not the only reason I picked him. I also really like playing as Gotenks. He's got...wait, I digress. Any- way, This IS my first guide, so I apologize for any crappiness, and I hope it helps you. By the way, sorry if my crappy ASCII art blinded you, I'm not so great with that, either. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= | II. About Gotenks | -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gotenks is a very goofy character. As you should know, (If you don't then, well...yeah.) He is the combination of Goten and Trunks. He sports an arsenal of silly and deadly attacks alike. His attacks range from the simplest Kamehameha, to the devastating Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack. Acquiring Gotenks (Who isn't so much a character, but a Capsule) is not hard at all. Not in the least. Playing through Dragon Mode will inevitably give it to you, it's part of the story. Normally, once you have the capsule, to form Gotenks, you must equip the capsule on either Goten or Trunks. The capsule uses up all 7 of your slots. Don't worry too much, You'll have your "Normal" moveset in fights. To fuse, you must have 3 Ki Guages (Lookie lookie, every fight starts with that!) and must perform the command. (Which, by the way, is P P K K E.) At this point, the other character (If you're Goten, Trunks comes in, and vice versa.) flies in and start the dance. You must input a series of buttons to complete the fusion. Should you mess up any input, it will show something wrong with the pose, and a faceset of Piccolo will pop up in the corner. If you messed up the fusion, you will become the hilarious Fat Gotenks. He's not ENTIRELY useless, but pretty close. He has no actually moves, and gets winded after 4 or so punches or kicks, or if any form of energy attack is performed. Have fun, you stay this way until the ki guage runs out and you are knocked down. **NOTE: It has come to my attention that you can also turn into a Sickly Gotenks. Thanks to Superbud for pointing this out! ***NOTE: Due to overwhelming (yeah right) questions on how to get Sickly Gotenks, I note: I don't think it exists. That is all. If you did the fusion properly, you will form GOTENKS! Dum dum dum dum! The coolest part about Gotenks, is you have _unlimited_ ki. The ki guage turns into a timer, at which point when it runs out and you are knocked down, you un-fuse. (In Dragon Mode, you always stay fused.) So, basically, once you go Super Saiya-jin 3, you'll be like that "forever", unless you are knocked down with the timer empty. If you don't get knocked down, (or manage to recover each time you do,) you'll always stay Gotenks, and you can unleash an endless barrage of Victory Cannons! Right back at ya! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= | III. Physical Moves | -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= [Cont. Die-Die Missiles] f+P, P, P, P, E: This is Gotenks' Renzoku Energy Dan attack. (The fast shot one!). As with all the other ones if you can fill up the guage at the bottom by rotating the sticks (For an easy fill, rotate both sticks at the same time with your palm.), Gotenks will fire an extra shot. Not the super greates attack, but it is reliable, and is always handy. [Ultra Missile Parfait] K, K, f+K, K, E Umm...yeah. Cool move. I don't use it all that often myself, you can find me in the Victory Cannon barrage/Ultimate move aisle. It's still good nonetheless, especially if you just want to do some quick damage. [Hyper Plasma Shortcake] P+G Well, this would be Gotenks' throw attack. Throws are always neat, because they can catch the opponent off guard, and there isn't a thing he can do once you've got him. The downside of throws is that they can be tricky to actually connect with, so basically, use them if you see an opening, otherwise, don't go out of your way to use them, they can get you in trouble. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= | III. Special Moves | -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= [Super Saiya-Jin] P+K+G What is there to be said? Golden hair, upped attack. This is required if you want to perform Galactica Donuts, or Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack. [Super Saiya-Jin 3] P+K+G (After Super Saiya-Jin) For some strange reason, you have to use this AFTER transforming into SSJ Gotenks. Oh well, you can do it right away, since you do have unlimited and MAX ki the whole way through. Nasty one this is, crazy attack, crazy hair, but an overall lack of Eyebrows. By the way, you need this for Victory Cannon. [Kamehameha] P, P, P, P, E | f+K, P, P, P, E | f+E Good old Kamehameha. Nice quick attack, and it's neat that you can now just do the attack, without the combo. However, I recommend that unless you get a HUGE opening, go with the combo. Aside from being blocked, this guarantees the hit (and even after blocking, it still damages) whereas the stand alone attack can be easily dodged. [Victory Cannon] P, f+P, P, E | f+K, K, P, P, E | b+E I love this attack! I don't know why, I just do. It might be the "Right back at ya!" That Gotenks yelled out, or the whole jumping shot concept, but it's cool! Easy to do, and a nice bit stronger than Kamehameha. (SSJ3 Gotenks can nuke about a bar of energy off of Buu in the Time Chamber with this sweet blast.) [Galactica Donuts] f+P, P, P, K, E This is a neato attack. Gotenks knocks the poor bastard getting hit around a bit then makes....A DONUT! He throws it around the victim and closes it, following with a nice huge Kamehameha to top it all off. I was a little disappointed that Gotenks didn't do the whole Volleyball thing he did with his desperation back in Hyper Dimension. [Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack] K, K, f+K, f+K, P, E That's right, the mark of a crazy strong attack. This trick can be, well.. tricky. Since if you don't fill up the guage, Gotenks nukes himself. Filling up the guage will cause the ghost to fly at the victim, who stupidly smacks the ghost, setting it off. Should you NOT fill the guage, Gotenks will give the ghost a nice high five, setting it off. If you have a knack for filling the guage, go for it, otherwise, stick with the Donuts or Victory Cannon. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= | IV. Support Capsules | -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Well, this section is a little pointless now that I think of it. As Gotenks is a fusion character, his entire collection of attacks is available upon fusion (Like Breakthrough, sorta.) Since Gotenks is not a standalone character, you can't equip caps for him in the first place. There is one capsule I put here, because it is RELATED to Gotenks. [Fusion] P, P, K, K, E You'll get this cap if you go through Dragon Mode, no matter what. Equipping it takes all 7 of your slots, and it can be equipped on either Goten or Trunks. When in battle, a character armed with this capsule will retain the normal moveset (That is, the moves you'd have if you picked normal.) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= | V. Tips and Tidbits | -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 1. Well, this one is obvious, but I'll put it anyway. As soon as you fuse, (Or, as soon as the battle starts when in the Time Chamber,) double tap whatever button you have P+K+G set to (If you're using the defaults, R1 and R2 simultaneously will work) to go right to SSJ3. 2. If you're not the up close fighter, feel free to fall back and let loose a barrage of Victory Cannons or Kamehamehas. They may not all hit, but some will, and the ones dodged will slow the opponent down. Remember, Ki is unlimited, so you can go nuts. 3. Don't forget, Gotenks is a kid, so he's got a low punch/kick range. Make sure you get in close to fight melee style, or you'll be hurting poor Mr. Air. 4. You can't power up with Gotenks, so don't go running away to refill the timer. Fight furiously until it runs out, then start getting careful. If all's lost, don't worry, you can fuse again in the same fight. You'll just need to recharge the required 3 ki Guages for the fusion. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= | VI. Closing | -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= That's it! I hope my guide helps you in your Gotenks fighting! Remember, fast and furious until the end. Don't worry about the ki and go nuts with donuts and ghosts. Have fun! By the way, you can feel free to e-mail me about anything to do with the guide, or other...stuff. I always appreciate feedback, but you suck e-mails hurt my feelings. A little credit here and there...: CJayC: For running this great site Atari: Making the awesome Game Superbud: For pointing out the Sickly Gotenks thing.* *And maybe a sort of unthanks...at least until someone actually backs up his/her claim. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= | Finito, go home and play Budokai 2! | -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=