_________ ________ _________ | \ | | / | /¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | \ | | / | / | | \| |/ |/ | | | _____|__ _ _ _ _ ______ ___ ____ _____|___ _ | | | || | | | |||| | ______ / | | | | | ||| | .---. |\ | || | | | ¯ |____ ||____ | / /¯ _/ /| | |______ / ¯ | | | |_\_ | || | | \_ / | | | _/ | |_. \| |___ / / |__| | | || || |.-.| |\_| / / _ | || /| | \ | / \ / |¯¯¯\| || || || | / / | || ||_/ | | '-. |¯¯¯ / \ ___/ / .-' || '' || | _/ / .--' ___| | | ___| | _/ /\ \___ | / |___||____||_| |___/ |___| |_| |_____| |___/ \ | |____/ \ W O R L D F I G H T E R S | \____| \ |\ /| __________________/ \ | \ / | | \_____| \________/ |_____| T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S |----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----| | | | | 01. Legal Disclaimer | [LEGL]o | | 02. Introduction | [NTRO]o | | 03. Konami Movelists | [KMOV]o | | 04. Takara Movelists | [TMOV]o | | 05. Hudson Movelists | [HMOV]o | | 06. Stages | [STAG]o | | 07. Story Mode Ladders | [STOR]o | | 08. Unlockables | [UNLK]o | | 09. Credits | [CRED]o | | | | |----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----| The table shown above, is divided down the middle, into two parts. The left contains the names of the various sections of the guide. The right side contains the search tags that you can use to skip directly to that section. On Windows computers, you can reach the search function, by pressing the Control and F keys. There, enter the code you want, and press enter. For example, if you wanted to skip directly to the Konami Movelists, you would enter "[KMOV]" and press enter. ____ ____ | | | | | /\ |/\/\/\-----------------------------------------------------/\/\/\| /\ | |< >| > 01. Legal Disclaimer [LEGL] < |< >| | \/ |\/\/\/-----------------------------------------------------\/\/\/| \/ | |____| |____| This file is intended for personal use. It may be reproduced, but only for personal use (i.e. printing it for a friend.) However, it may not be published on any website, magazine, or other production -- whether commercial or free -- without permission, which may be obtained by e-mailing me at GermanDragon[at]gmail[dot]com. As of now, the only sites that have this permission are as follows: [ ] www.GameFAQs.com [ ] www.IGN.com [ ] www.NeoSeeker.com [ ] www.TheGenie.Net [ ] www.EvermoreForums.com [ ] www.GamerHelp.com [ ] www.SuperCheats.com [ ] www.CheatPlanet.com [ ] www.CheatHappens.com [ ] www.vgameforce.com Copyright (c)2005 Chris Quigley ____ ____ | | | | | /\ |/\/\/\-----------------------------------------------------/\/\/\| /\ | |< >| > 02. Introduction [NTRO] < |< >| | \/ |\/\/\/-----------------------------------------------------\/\/\/| \/ | |____| |____| Dream Mix TV: World Fighters, which is for no apparent reason, Japanese-only, is an interesting fighting game. Although it is very original in design, the games it most closely resembles, are Smash Bros. and Smash Bros. Melee. That is, it's a party-style fighting game, with characters from different series, crossing over into eachothers' realms, to take part in a fight. In this game, the actuall story -- which you know, is going to be silly, and unneeded -- is that a television show, is trying to hold the fights, to keep rankings up. It's a decent game, with no Japanese knowledge required to enjoy. I suggest checking it out, if you have the necessary equipment for your PS2. ____ ____ | | | | | /\ |/\/\/\-----------------------------------------------------/\/\/\| /\ | |< >| > 03. Konami Movelists [KMOV] < |< >| | \/ |\/\/\/-----------------------------------------------------\/\/\/| \/ | |____| |____| --|-|------------------------------------------------------------------|-|-- | | Power Pro-Kun | | --|-|------------------------------------------------------------------|-|-- Basic Attack Type: Unarmed -------------------------- [] Punch []+Up Upward Slap []+Forward Head Toss []+Down (Air) Flying Kick [],[] Two-hit Combo [],[],[] Three-hit Combo - Punch: This is your basic melee attack. It will do damage, but it won't knock your opponent back. This move is useful if you're using it to get a quick shot or two in on an opponent that's in your face, but you really should either turn it into a combo, or simply stay with your specials. This attack has a bit of a short range: It's about half a character's width, which isn't very appealing. - Upward slap: Now this attack is dangerous, unfortunately it has even less of a range than the Punch. You actually have to be touching an opponent. That being said, if you're ever surrounded, or an opponent is really trying to beat on you, this will quickly get them off, while giving mass damage. You'll sen them sky-high, and give great damage. That being said, it can also be used effectively while in offensive use. If you see an opponent on a ledge, and you jump up from below them, this can send them hurling through the air. What is also noteworthy about this attack, is that using it in the air gets you slightly more height; Perhaps enough to grab a opponent's spirit, that's just out of your reach. - Head Toss: You'll actually toss your head at your opponent, like a baseball with this attack. It's a heavy-duty attack, and will often -- but not always -- knock your opponent away. Reguardless, it does nice damage, and is a great move for offensive use. It's range is also much greater than any of Power Pro Kun's other basic attacks, and you should use it often, between your combos, to keep your opponent on his toes. - Flying Kick: Although this does do damage, it does little, and will not knock your opponent back. For that reason, it is best used as a maneuver. It has great range, and can be performed quickly. So, if you have to jump, to get a heart, for example, and you qant to quickly get back down, before anyone hits you, do the kick. If you happen to be able to hit someone in the head along the way, great! - Two-hit Combo: This is an extension of the basic punch, and it's actually pretty useful. The first punch is just a basic attack, but if the second one connects, you're opponent will take good damage, and will be knocked down, if you end the combo there. However, if you choose not to end the combo there, you can use it as the basis for the Three-hit Combo. - Three-hit Combo: Much like the Two-hit Combo, that this extends from, it is constructed by punches placed in a string. In this combo, the first attack is the basic Punch, and the second attack is the stronger punch that you saw in the Two-hit combo. However, in this one, you'll follow that up, with a stronger punch, that will do great damage, and send your opponent flying. This is your best match, for a straight up fist fight. Special Attack Type: Fan ------------------------ () Fan Swing () (Air) Spinning Fan () (Hold) Tornado Fan Swing () (Hold) Dizzy Fan Swing - Fan Swing: This is your basic special attack. You'll take a fan out, and smash your opponent, sending them through the air. This is a great choice for an attack, when you want to deliver quick damage, and get your opponent away from you. Note, that you can cancel this, as well as any other grounded special, by pressing square while charging. - Spinning Fan: This is a very useful maneuver. You can jump into the air, and spin the fan. Unlike the swing when you are on the ground, this swing will keep spinning around you, until you land -- and you can still move sideways while using it! This is best used to attack enemies who are in the air, or on a platform above you. People who have played either of the Smash Brothers Games, will quickly associate it with Link's sword attack. And remember, after you hit your enemy into the air once, you can keep hitting them up, whenever they come down, and hit your spinning fan. - Tornado Fan Swing: After pressing the special attack button once, you can hold it until an orange circle appears. Then, when you release, you'll unleash the same Fan Swing as a normal attack, but you'll also keep spinning the fan. You'll then be able to slide along the ground, hitting other opponents. If you are in a one-on-one fight, you can load this attack while you're opponent is down, but in a melee, you'll be more inclined to load it from a distance, then just swing into the fray. - Dizzy Fan Swing: You can load this special the same way you did the Tornado Fan Swing, jsut keep holding the button further, until the orange circle turns blue. Then, release. The inital swing here won't be as effective as the Tornado or Fan Swing, but you'll be spinning longer; In fact, long enough to get a second hit in, on an opponent you knock down with the first swing! However, you will become dizzy and fall down for a 2-3 second period after using it, and others may attack you. --|-|------------------------------------------------------------------|-|-- | | Simon Belmont | | --|-|------------------------------------------------------------------|-|-- Basic Attack Type: Whip ----------------------- [] 90-Degree Whip []+UP 180-Degree Whip []+Up (Air) Vertical Whip []+Forward Low Whip [],[] Three-hit Combo - 90-Degree Whip: This attack, is an overhead attack, that slashes the whip in front of you. It will hit any opponent directly in front of you, or directly above you. This will be your basic frontal-assault attack. - 180-Degree Whip: Similair to the 90-degree attack, this is a slash of the whip that goes overhead. However, this time, the whip is brought back over Simon's head. It does increased damage, and will knock opponents far into the air, however be aware that it will not hit opponents behind you. To compensate for the increased damage of the attack, Simon takes a second before he actually slashes the whip. Be are though, that you can link multiple strikes together with this. Just keep attacking, as your opponent comes down from the air. - Verticle Whip: If you attack upward while in the air, Simon will whip over his head. This attack is quick, and is great for attacking enemies on a platform above you. It can also be used as a tool, to get you that last bit of height you need to grab a heart that's just out of your reach. - Low Whip: This attack is a sweep of the whip, that goes along the ground in front of you. Like the 180-degree attack, this requires an extra second to execute. However, the range is about twenty percent further than the regular 90-degree attack, and it does more damage, as well -- It will even send your opponent flying forward. It is a great attack to use, when you see a chance to just nail your opponent, and knock them away from you. For the most part, this should be your main attack. - Two-hit Combo: This combo combines the basic 90-degree attack, and two consecutive Low Whip strikes. The first two attacks will not knock back your opponent, they will just lay damage on him, while he stands in place. The third strike, however, will send him sprawling through the air. If your opponent gets up-close, and asks for a melee fight, this attack is the answer. Special Attack Type: Cross -------------------------- () Rotating Cross (),() Double Rotating Cross ()+Up Diagonal Toss ()+Forward Horizontal Toss - Rotating Cross: Simon's basic special, is really more of a shield, than an offensive attack. It will cause a large cross to rotate around his body, and should an opponent get close, and touch it, they'll take damage. However, this can be used as a weapon. If you use it when you are within spitting distance, it will nail them as you release it from your hand. It can also be combined with melee attacks; As you use your whip, the cross may get in a few strikes as well. Do be aware though, that the cross will not knock opponents down -- It just damages them. - Double Rotating Cross: This attack is pretty straight forward. You have two rotating crosses as opposed to one. The obvious benefits, are that you are more likely to have them hit enemies, or enemies hit them. Don't bother pressing the button more than twice though. You'll put Simon at risk, as he'll do the throwing animation, but not toss a new cross. This will leave him open for attacks. - Diagonal Toss: Doing this, will toss a cross upward, at a 45-degree angle, in front of you. This can be good for nailing an enemy, who's perched on a platform above you, or an enemy who's diving at you from the air. Like the Rotating Cross, you can have up to two at once -- And if you turn around in the middle of the attack, and toss a second one, you can even have them going in different directions. - Horizontal Toss: This is one of Simon's heavy hitter attacks. Simon will toss a cross straight ahead in front of him: It it goes quite far. It reaches further than even the Low Whip attack. Not only will it knock your enemy over, it will do good damage. It takes slightly longer to do than a melee attack though, so be careful. Also note, that although you can toss two at once, that will rarely benefit you, as you can't hit an opponent on the ground with it. Not to mention, if the two crosses touch each other, both will be knocked off their path, and will return to you. --|-|------------------------------------------------------------------|-|-- | | Twinbee | | --|-|------------------------------------------------------------------|-|-- Basic Attack Type: Unarmed -------------------------- [] Punch [] (Air) Spinning Kicks []+Up Backflip Kick []+Forward Rocket Punch []+Down (Air) Dropkick [],[] Two-hit Combo [],[],[] Three-hit Combo - Punch: This is a basic short-ranged attack. Either convert it into a combo, or don't bother using it at all. It's essentially useless on its own, like most punches. - Spinning Kicks: This attack isn't really bad, but more often than not, you'll have a better move handy. For example, this can be used to attack opponents on a platform above you, but so can the stronger Backflip Kick. It can also be used to attack opponents in front of you (if you don't attack until you're about to land on the ground) but so can the Rocket Punch. This one is probably a pass. - Backflip Kick: This is Twinbees first good move. He'll do a flip, into the air, while kicking. He'll nail anyone directly in front of him, as well as people above him -- Say, on a platform above you. You have to remember though, that unlike some Up+[] moves, this move is not forgiving. You must connect sqaurely with your opponent to do damage. - Rocket Punch: This is Twinbee's heavy hitter, and is without a doubt his strongest attack, except for the bells, which you can't control completely. Twinbee will launch his fist forward, covering a good distance. It covers roughly seven times the length of a normal punch. If it connects, bank on good damge, and knocking your opponent back. Be careful though, you'll be very vulnerable while you're fist is being launched, as you can't move. I'd still reccomend this as a main way to attack when using Twinbee. - Drop Kick: This is a quick lunge towards the ground, at a 45-degree angle. Twinbee's kick is actually quite fast, and does decent damage. It even knocks opponents into the air. Unlike most characters, Twinbee can effectively use this move in everyday fighting situations, as well as a maneuver to avoid something. - Two-hit Combo: This combo consists of two punches being linked together. Neither of the punches are very strong, although sometimes the second one will knock down your opponent, if you end the combo here. Still, it's best to follow up with a third hit. - Three-hit Combo: This combo has a rising knee following the two punches of the Two-hit combo. The knee will do decent damage, it will knock your opponent into the air every time. This is great for quick in-your-face fights, or when you're facing a group of people, and it would be too risky to try and send of a Rocket Punch. Special Attack Type: Bell ------------------------- () Bell - Bell: Pressing the () button will cause a bell of a random color (Red, Blue, Green, or Yellow) to appear, and be sent out at an arc. If you are standing still, the arc won't be very big; The bell will land directly in front of you. If you are jumping, however, the bell will be sent across the screen. When the bell hits someone, it will explode, but if it doesn't hit anyone, it will bounce around for a few seconds before exploding. Now, if the bell happens to be blue, some hearts will pop out. If it is red, a line of energy will appear verticle to the bell for a few seconds. If it is green -- perhaps the best effect -- a large explosion will occur. If it is yellow, direct damage is given if it hit someone, but no effect occurs after the bell disappears. All players can pick up and throw a bell, if they have time, but overall, this move is a spin of the wheel; A complete bet. It may be the style for some players, but it's risky, because all of the effects hurt you as well, making it hard to use in closed quarters; And it's simply hard to aim in open areas. --|-|------------------------------------------------------------------|-|-- | | Solid Snake | | --|-|------------------------------------------------------------------|-|-- Basic Attack Type: Unarmed -------------------------- [] Punch [] (Air) Spinning Kick []+Up Jumping Kick []+Forward Crescent Kick []+Down (Air) Drop Kick [],[] Two-hit Combo [],[],[] Three-hit Combo - Punch: This punch, although not as short distanced as some others, is still not very strong or powerful. It will serve it's purpose if you use it as the first step in a three hit combo though. - Spinning Kick: This kick is not very powerful, but it does have a decent radius of attack, and will get opponents on both sides of you. It can be used most effectively, when knocking opponents off of a grappling ledge, or to get a quick shot in when jumping to a ledge yourself. In most other cases, however, the Jumping Kick is a better choice. - Jumping Kick: This attack is similair to the Spinning Kick, and can be used both on the ground, and in the air, with slight variations. The one in the air, will attack slightly higher. Both of them will give you a bit of a jump, though. This attack is great for attacking opponents on a platform above you, or an opponent hanging on a ledge. The main difference between it and the Spinning Kick, however, is that this attack does more damage, but only attacks opponents in front of, or directly above you. - Crescent Kick: This attack will cause you to jump forward a few feet, while doing a kick through the air. The kick itself looks awkward, as if it could be used to attack an opponent above you, but that's not a great idea. As strange as it looks, it is best used to attack opponents directly in front of you. It will connect, and it will do good damage. - Drop Kick: Using this, will cause Snake to kick directly downward, hitting and often knocking over, any oppoent standing below him. This can be used as an attack, as well as a maneuver to get out of the air quickly, if an opponent is attempting to hit you. - Two-hit Combo: This is an extension of the basic punch -- Another punch. This one will do more damage, and will occasionally knock an opponent down, but it's no heavy hitter. This is best used as a stepping stone for the Three-hit Combo. - Three-hit Combo: This is a follow-up of the Two-hit combo. Basically, it consists of the two punches, followed by a roundhouse kick. The first two punches do little damage, but the roundhouse should deal nice damage, while knocking your opponent back at the same time. This is great for quick melee skirmishes. Special Attack Type: C4 ----------------------- () Plant C4 () (Grabbing) Plant C4 on Opponent () (Air) Throw C4 - Plant C4: This attack, when used on the ground, will cause Snake to place C4 -- a type of remote detonator bomb -- on the ground in front of him. It can not be picked up, or moved once placed, but another tap of the button will cause it to explode. That is the only way to get rid of one of these, as they are safe to attack and walk on. That's why these make such great traps. Make sure to get away from it yourself though! - Plant C4 on Opponent: Grab you're opponent using the Triangle button, and you can have some real fun with C4! You'll place the bomb on their back! Unlike normal C4, you don't detonate this on your own. Just toss your opponent, and they will explode on impact. This is really just a way to increase the damage of your throw, but it may prove useful, if you toss an opponent with C4 on them, into another opponent. However, if you are hit while holding an opponent you've already set a bomb for, they'll escape. However, you can still detonate that bomb by pressing the button one more time! - Throw C4: This is virtually the same as the Plant C4 attack, but this time you toss it. This can be useful for a long range attack, rather than a trap, since you'll be able to safely detonate it as soon as it lands. The distance that you toss it, depends on how high you are. The higher you are, the further you'll throw it. You can get it between three and ten feet, approximately, depending on your timing. --|-|------------------------------------------------------------------|-|-- | | Moai | | --|-|------------------------------------------------------------------|-|-- Basic Attack Type: Unarmed -------------------------- [] Headbutt []+Up Spinning Jump []+Forward Diving Headbutt []+Down (Air) Spinning Stomp [],[] Two-hit Combo - Headbutt: Due to the actuall size of Moai's head (which is also his body) this attack has a pretty good range. However, it is pretty slow, and will probably allow an opponent to counter if you miss. Still, it will be one of your main attacks, as it attacks directly, unlike any of your special attacks. - Spinning Jump: This will cause Moai to spin upwards, as he jumps. It can be used in the air to gain height, as well. This is great for opponents on platforms above you, but there is a small amount of time, where you'll be wide open for attacks, after landing on the ground. - Diving Headbutt: This is probably Moai's strongest attack. He'll dive forward, in a flip, as he headbutts. It has twice the range of the basic headbutt, and is guaranteed to provide damage, and knock your opponent back some ways, but be careful with it. This causes you some serious time. Whether you hit or not, it will be about three or four seconds, before you get up again, and in a fight with more than one opponent, that can be very dangerous. - Spinning Stomp: This attack, is like the Spinning jump, in reverse. You will slam down on the ground, spinning, and will attack any opponent that's directly below you. It will knock your opponent down, but like all of Moai's basic attacks, it will cost you some time, for you to recover. Thankfully, it's only about a second for this attack. - Two-hit Combo: This attack, is an extension of the Headbutt... With another headbutt, actually. The difference is, that the second headbutt is strong, and fast. It will send your opponent flying. Also, this combo has less reload time than almost all of Moai's other moves. That alone, should make this your main choice in melee fights. Special Attack Type: Energy Ball -------------------------------- () Energy Disk () (Hold) Big Energy Disk () (Hold) Giant Moai - Energy Disk: This is an energy disk, that will shoot off at a random angle, between 45 and 90 degrees. You can have up to three on screen at once -- pressing the button after that, will just waste time. The disks will bounce off a walls, but after about 5 seconds, they'll disappear. - Big Energy Disk: Perform an Energy Disk attack, but hold the button down longer, to do a stronger version of the attack. This attack takes longer to do, obviously, but the disks are bigger, stronger, and last about a second longer than the regular attacks. - Giant Moai: Hold the button until sparks form around you, before letting go, and you're attack will be much different. You'll form a giant Moai stature, near you! It will last for a short while -- facing whichever direction you are, as you summon it -- and will allow you to fire blasts from its mouth, by pressing circle; So you'll be firing blasts from both your own mouth, and its mouth. The blast coming from the large statue, are huge. They are bigger, and stronger than the Big Energy Disks. ____ ____ | | | | | /\ |/\/\/\-----------------------------------------------------/\/\/\| /\ | |< >| > 04. Takara Movelists [TMOV] < |< >| | \/ |\/\/\/-----------------------------------------------------\/\/\/| \/ | |____| |____| --|-|------------------------------------------------------------------|-|-- | | Licca-Chan | | --|-|------------------------------------------------------------------|-|-- Basic Attack Type: Dress ------------------------ [] Spin []+Up Jumping Spin []+Forward Strong Spin [],[] Double Spin [],[],[] Triple Spin - Spin: Licca-Chan will do a quick slap, as she spins around. Any opponent that is hit by her slap, or by her dress at the start of the spin, will be hurt, although touching her as she spins will not damage them. This attack is very short range, and has quite a bit of recovery time for the user. Stick to stronger attacks. - Jumping Spin: This is like a spin, with an uppercut in place of the slap. It is quite effective, and will knock your opponent into the air. However, as far as upward-attacks go, the range is simply horrible, and it's even harder to pull off as you jump. You can use it effectively every now and then in a close-combat fight, but don't use it on opponents on a ledge above you, as you might with other upward attacks. - Strong Spin: This is similair to the normal Spin attack, however it will knock your opponent back, and may give several hits. Still, it is not very strong. It is mostly effective, when used to knock an opponent away from you after you've used one of your Special Attacks. - Double Spin: The double spin, as it sounds, is an extension of the original spin attack. However, it is more of a cancellation of the first spin. Press the button once to spin, then press it again, and Licca-chan will immediately go into a faster spin, that will knock an opponent down. As mentioned, if an opponent touches you after you are spinning, they will not be hurt. However, if you do a double spin afterwards, they will be. This is also the base of the Triple Spin. - Triple Spin: Similair to how the double spin was a move based off of the Spin, this is based off of the double spin. Press the button again while doing a double spin, and Licca-Chan will do a slight jump, and then turn it into a third spin. This will knock your opponents back, and it is a great alternative to the Strong Spin. Special Attack Type: Dress -------------------------- () Level 1 Energy Spin () (Hold) Level 2 Energy Spin () (Hold) Level 3 Energy Spin - Level 1 Energy Spin: By pressing and releasing the circle button, Licca will emit a small circle of energy covered in flowers around her body. Any opponents caught in this field of energy, will lose hearts, that will automatically be drawn to Licca-chan. This isn't too effective unless you load it to Level 2 or 3 before using it though. Note, that you are not protected while using this attack. Even though opponents will lose hearts, they can still attack you, to end the attack. - Level 2 Energy Spin: If you push the circle button, and hold it until Licca-chan glows orange before releasing it, you'll emit a much larger energy wave, that covers more distance, and absorbes two-to-three times the amount of hearts that a Level 1 attack does. This attack is slightly slow, but it's effective in the middle of a group of enemies. - Level 3 Energy Spin: If you push the circle button, and hold it until Licca-chan glows blue before releasing it, you'll emit a much larger energy wave, that covers more distance, and absorbes two-to-three times the amount of hearts that a Level 2 attack does, and 4-5 times the amount of heart that a Level 1 attack does. The downside to this attack, is that it takes so long to load up. Although if done in a group of enemies, it's devestating. --|-|------------------------------------------------------------------|-|-- | | Tyson Granger | | --|-|------------------------------------------------------------------|-|-- Basic Attack Type: Unarmed -------------------------- [] Punch []+Up Rising Knee []+Forward Side Kick [],[] Two-hit Combo [],[],[] Rolling Combo - Punch: This is a basic short-ranged attack. Either convert it into a combo, or don't bother using it at all. It's essentially useless on its own, like most punches. - Rising Knee: This is an attack that's useful for attacking oppoonents on a ledge above you, or opponents that are directly in front of you. It will knock them into the air as well, but it causes you to take second to regain yourself, after you land. That makes it almost impossible to use this other-wise good attack in a juggle. - Side Kick: This is your basic strong attack. It's range is slightly longer than that of a punch, and it is much stronger. It will always lead to your opponent being knocked away, as well. - Two-hit Combo: Tyson Granger doesn't have the strongest of punches, and you can really tell with this combo. It will rarely lead to your opponent being knocked down, and it does minimal damage. This serves as the base for the three-hit combo, which is rather good, but on it's own, this attack is essentially useless. - Three-hit Combo: Now this attack makes up for Tyson's sub-par Two-hit. What he will do, is do two basic punches, and then do a rolling punch. And aloth that punch isn't strong either (although it can knock your opponent down, it won't knock them away) the real meat of the move lies in the roll itself; It does damage! And what makes it so special is that rather than one hit, it usually does at least two, and as many as four! So you can essentially have a six hit combo. This works best if you pin your opponent against a wall. Special Attack Type: Bey Blade ------------------------------ () Level 1 Bey Blade () (Hold) Level 2 Bey Blade () (Hold) Level 3 Bey Blade - Level 1 Bey Blade: One press of the button, will cause you to toss a Bey Blade. After a second or two, it will explode, and a dragon will come out. That's not what causes the damage though. After a second, the dragon will fade away, and a small whirlwind will stay in it's place for about 5 seconds, and any opponent that touches it, will be launched into the air, and will take damage. However, the player that uses it will not be affected. - Level 2 Bey Blade: Press the button, and then hold it for a second, so that Tyson Granger has an orange energy shield around him, before your throw the Bey Blade. This will cause the same type of attack, except this time the whirlwind is about three times as big, and will stay for about 8 seconds. Other than that, there's no big changes. It doesn't seem to do increased damage. - Level 3 Bey Blade: Press the button, and hold it for a few more seconds, and Tyson Granger's body will sparkle. Let go of the attack now, and you'll get a huge attack. It's at least 5 times as big as the original attack, and it will last about 12 seconds. This attack is long enough, so that if an opponent gets stuck in the whirlwind, they may take damage twice. Other than that, there's still no change with the attack. --|-|------------------------------------------------------------------|-|-- | | Optimus Prime | | --|-|------------------------------------------------------------------|-|-- Basic Attack Type: Unarmed -------------------------- [] Body Punch []+Up Overhead Punch []+Forward Kick [],[] Two-hit Combo []+Down (Air) Knee Drop - Body Punch: Despite being some superpowered robot, your basic punch is quite weak. It will not knock your opponent back or down, and it has a bit of a reaction time too. It's not recommended at all; Not even for the two-hit combo, since that's recation time is work, and the Kick works better in most cases anyway. - Overhead Punch: This punch is quicker than the Body Punch, and it has a slightly better range, but a 1-2 second reaction time afterwards, which will leave you open for attacks. It will knock your opponent up into the air, but again, it's a move you should probably pass on using. - Kick: Now this is Optimus's heavy hitter attack. You'll do a powerful kick that will do a good amount of damage, while at the same time launching your opponent away from you. Besides the Special Attacks, this will probably be your most used move. - Two-hit Combo: This is a body punch followed by a right hook. While the hook will send your opponents through the air, you'll suffer 2-3 seconds where you can't react afterwards, and it's usually not worth it, especially when you have the kick in your arsenal of moves. - Knee Drop: Pressing Down and square while in the air will cause Optimus to do a Knee Drop almost directly below him. This can be useful if an opponent is below you obviously, but as Optimus isn't very fast, it's not as useful for a movement maneuver as it is for certain other characters. Special Attack Type: Truck -------------------------- () Truck Sweep ()+Forward Truck Drive - Truck Sweep: Optimus will transform into a large truck, then in a sweeping motion, turn, so that the cargo area of the trucks sweeps around, hitting opponents in front of you. It has great range, does good damage, and will send opponents into the air. It should go without saying that this is a good move that you'll be using fairly often. Note, that if you do this move while in the air, Optimus will wait until he hits the ground to do the sweeping motion. This can be used for sneak attacks on your opponents. - Truck Drive: Optimus will transform into the same truck he used for the Truck Sweep, but this time he'll simply drive forward until he hits a wall. Falling off a platform, or hitting an opponent will not cause him to change although hitting opponents doesn't do too much damage. It can be helpful to charge into a group of opponents though. --|-|------------------------------------------------------------------|-|-- | | Microman | | --|-|------------------------------------------------------------------|-|-- Basic Attack Type: Gun ---------------------- [] Gun Shot []+Forward Strong Gun Shot []+Up Energy Balls [],[] Two-hit Combo [],[],[] Three-hit Combo []+Down (Air) Energy Kick []+Up (Air) Energy Shield X (Air) Jetpack - Gun Shot: Microman fires a gun, obviously. Howver, it's not a bullet, but a big blast of fire from the gun, that doesn't go anywhere; So it's really a melee attack. For a basic attack it does good damage, but it's so easy for your opponent to just attack you afterwards. The Strong Gun Shot is recommended over this for all situations. - Strong Gun Shot: This is similair to the normal Gun Shot, except it does more damage, has a longer range, and is surprisngly faster. Not only this, it will knock your opponents back. This is a great attack, and leaves absolutely no use for the regular Gun Shot. - Energy Balls: This is a short range attack, that attacks opponents directly in front of you, or directly above you. Microman creates three energy balls, that disappear a few seconds after being created. They don't move, but any opponent that touches them will be blasted into the air, and will take damage. - Two-hit Combo: This is one Gun Shot, followed by another Gun Shot. It will knock your opponent onto the ground, but the Strong Gun Shot is superior in every category, reguardless; It's stronger, faster, and knocks your opponent further away. - Three-hit Combo: This is not three Gun Shots as you might think. In fact this combo is quite powerful and useful. The only catch is, it's not very fast, and it's pretty easy for an opponent to get a block in, which will leave you open for taking damage. As for the actuall move, Microman will fire two gun shots, and follow them up by doing a single energy ball from his hands. If it connects your opponent will be sent flying. - Energy Kick: Microman's kick isn't very fast, as he does a spin at the start just for show, but after that, he'll do a pretty powerful kick which is very useful for opponents on a platform below you. - Energy Shield: Like Most Up Square attacks, this can be used to attack opponents on a platform above you. However, this attack in particular has horrid range, and you'll have to be centered on your opponent as you use it for it to be effective at all. This move you should consider passing on. It's very sub-par. - Jetpack: This is not a move, per say, but it's an interesting maneuver that only Microman has. Press the X button while you're in the air, and Microman will activate his Jetpack. You'll then be able to move left and right without being affected by gravity. You can press the X button a second to to deactivate the Jetpack, and fall to the ground. Special Attack Type: Giant Robot -------------------------------- () Transform Kick ()+Forward Transform Chop ()+Up Transform Spin Attack - Transform Kick: Microman will transform into a giant robot, deliver a kick, and then transform back into his original form. It's pretty good damage, but only hits people on the ground directly in front of you. It may or may not knock them into the air as well. - Transform Chop: Just like transforming to do a kick, Microman can also transform to do a chop. This attack goes much higher into the air, and will go right over the heads of opponents on the ground. Thus, the situations in which it is useful decreases. That being said, if you happen to have an opponent on a platform next to you, it might help. - Transform Spin Attack: Similar to his other transformations, Microman will take the form of a giant robot. In this attack, he will then jump into the air, and spin around as he rises upward. Any enemies directly above you will take damage, but this move still isn't great. It's even less useful when you take into account the time it takes for Microman to start fighting again after the attack. --|-|------------------------------------------------------------------|-|-- | | Asuka | | --|-|------------------------------------------------------------------|-|-- Basic Attack Type: Sword ------------------------ [] Punch []+Forward Sword Slash []+Up Jumping Sword Slash [],[] Two-hit Combo [],[],[] Three-hit Combo [] (Air) Diving Kick []+Down (Air) Diving Slash - Punch: To be fair, the range is not terrible. Other than that though, this is a horrible move. It's weak, and it doesn't even stun your opponent. You will be hit afterward, without question. - Sword Slash: Now this attack makes up for the lame punch Asuka has. She'll get in a sword slash that is both quick, and powerful. It will knock your opponents back, and even more, the recovery time is very low, so you'll be right back into the fight after using it. - Jumping Slash: Asuka will do a spinning slash with her sword, in the air. Not only is it a 360 degree attack, but it gets her a decent amount of extra height for the jump as well. This is great for attacking opponents on a platform above, or opponents in the air. It is also very flexible for being used to grab hearts that are above your head. - Two-hit Combo: This is an extension of the basic punch: A second punch. Like the first one, this is weak and should be avoided. Even the third hit of the combo is almost worthless. - Three-hit Combo: The final hit of the combo, is a slash of the sword, that will send your opponent into the air. It's actually not the worst combo finisher, but it's just easier, and makes more sense to directly do a Sword Slash, instead of getting in a weaker version, that may end up being blocked before you finish the combo. - Diving Kick: This is actually more of a diving kick "Position" then a diving kick, since Asuka makes the pose without moving. However, if you jump towards an opponent before pressing the button to do the kick, you'll be able to connect. It's not a bad attack. It's weaker than the Diving Slash, but it's quicker. - Diving Slash: Asuka will take out two swords, and swing them around, as she dives at a 45 degree angle, towards the ground. This is a really great diving attack for opponents on the ground, or on a platform below where you are. Special Attack Type: Fire Bombs ------------------------------- () Low Toss ()+Up High Toss ()+Forward Wall Bomb - Low Toss: Asuka will toss a fire bomb a few feet in front of her onto the ground. If it hits the ground, 6 spouts of fire will burst up, in a straight line in the direction she threw the bomb in. Any opponent hit by a flame will be damaged, but if you hit them with the first bomb, sometimes you'll cause them to "ride" the flames, and take huge damage, as the flames keep spouting onto the opponent. Note that you can only have one fire bomb on screen at a time. This flame is not dangerous to the user. - High Toss: This works virtually the same as the Low Toss, except the bomb will be tossed upward. This can be used to hit opponents on a platform above you. - Wall bomb: This will send a spear-like flame straight ahead. Even if it hits an opponent, they will not take damage. The spear keeps moving until it hits a wall, at which point a large burst of flame will shoot from the wall. Any opponent standing in front of the wall will take damage, but like the other fire bomb attacks, the user will not. --|-|------------------------------------------------------------------|-|-- | | Megatron | | --|-|------------------------------------------------------------------|-|-- Basic Attack Type: Unarmed -------------------------- [] Low Kick []+Forward Punch []+Up High Kick [],[] Two-hit Combo []+Down (Air) Knee Drop - Low Kick: Unlike Optimus, Megatron's kick is quite weak, and will do very little damage. However, it's the basis of a decent two-hit combo, so you may be using it more often than you'd think. - Punch: Also different from Optimus, is Megatron's punch. It's actually quite powerful, and will send your opponents backwards through the air. - High Kick: This move is essentially useless on the ground, but if you use it while jumping, it becomes quite dangerous. It is one of the many moves used to attack opponents either in the air, or on a platform above where you are standing. - Two-hit Combo: Megatron's two-hit combo is a basic Low Kick, followed by a shoulder thrust, that will send your opponent backwards. It's pretty good damage, and can be mixed in with Punches to deliver quite a bit of damage. Special Attack Type: Gun ------------------------ () Gun Transformation - Gun Transformation: Now this is a very interesting attack. Megatron will transform into a gun, that will float in the air. You can then use the D-pad to rotate it. It can't face directly up or down, however. Moving it past the 0 or 180 degree line will cause the Gun to face the other way. Once you're done aiming, press circle again to fire a bolt of energy. Fire it twice, and you'll transform back into Megatron. The energy balls will bounce of the ceiling walls and floors for a while or until they hit someone, but the user will not be damaged. ____ ____ | | | | | /\ |/\/\/\-----------------------------------------------------/\/\/\| /\ | |< >| > 05. Hudson Movelists [HMOV] < |< >| | \/ |\/\/\/-----------------------------------------------------\/\/\/| \/ | |____| |____| --|-|------------------------------------------------------------------|-|-- | | Bomberman | | --|-|------------------------------------------------------------------|-|-- Basic Attack Type: Unarmed -------------------------- [] Punch []+Up Uppercut []+Up (Air) Jumping Kick []+Forward Shoulder Block []+Down (Air) Head Stomp [],[] Two-hit Combo [],[],[] Three-hit Combo - Punch: This is Bomberman's weakest, and most basic attack: The Punch. It's short range, and like most characters' Punch attack, it's really only useful when it's being used as the basis for longer combos. - Uppercut: The Uppercut is quite strong, and will send your opponent high into the air -- You may even be able to juggle them. However, this attack has the worst range you can get. Not only do you have to be touching your opponent, you have to actually be _on_ them. This attack can be useful, if you run into your opponent, and pull it, but don't make it a pattern. It's very easy to beat an opponent senseless, if they try to get that close, too often. - Jumping Kick: With this attack, Bomberman will jump into the air, and do a high kick. This attack is great for targetting an opponent on a platform above you, and is great for juggling. However, this attack's speed, and ease of use, will allow you to easily kick people jumping at you as well. It's also a great tool to launch you in the air, to grab a heart, when necessary. - Shoulder Block: Like most other characters, Bomberman has a strong melee attack as well as a quick one. Although, Bomberman's strong one, is quick as well, which is a plus. This attack will launch your opponent away, and has a decent range too. This attack is good for frontal attacks, but you'll probably find yourself focusing on bombs more often. Still, try to toss it in the mix when possible. - Head Stomp: This interesting attack, allows Bomberman to drop to the ground quickly, and hit opponents below them. Although it's hard to set out to nail it, if you're opponent isn't expecting it -- As this is indeed a unique attack -- you can drop down on them for easy damage. You can also take advantage of opponents stuck in a crowd. If you Stomp onto a group of fighters who are busy with eachother, you'll likely be the star of the show. - Two-hit Combo: This attack isn't much better than a normal punch. In fact, for all intents and purposes, that's exactly what it is: Two punches. The only difference, is that the second punch may knock over your opponent. This is best used as a basis for the Three-hit combo. - Three-hit Combo: This is the melee attack that makes it all worthwhile. You'll start off with two punches, but you'll finish off with a kick that does big damage, and sends your opponents flying. This attack is a must for melee brawls, where bombs are out of the question, and when a Jumping Kick just won't hit your opponent. Special Attack Type: Bomb ------------------------- () Bomb - Bomb: This is, perhaps, the most flexable move in the game. Pressing the button will create a bomb (and you can have up to three bombs at any time.) that is fully interactive. You can pick it up and throw it, you can punch it -- which will send it flying forward -- or you could just wait for them to explode. In most cases, this will be used as your basic attack, by means of punching it into your enemies. A few words of advice though, you can take damage if you are caught in the explosion, and your opponents will be able to toss, or knock the bombs back into you. Use these with caution. And be aware, that they will explode on contact, if they are knocked into a player. --|-|------------------------------------------------------------------|-|-- | | Momotarou | | --|-|------------------------------------------------------------------|-|-- Basic Attack Type: Sword ------------------------ [] Slash []+Up Upward Slash []+Forward Sliding Slash [],[] Two-hit Combo [],[],[] Three-hit Combo []+Down (Air) Diving Slash - Slash: This is your basic slash, not much to say. It doesn't do good damage, but it's the first step in performing a good combo. - Upward Slash: This slash will attack opponents above you. If you jump while using it, it can be effective for taking out enemies on a platform above you. - Sliding Slash: Momotarou will do a quick and powerful sword strike as he does a dash forward. The range for this move is quite good, and it will almost always knock your opponents back. This move will be your most used move, as it's even more effective than Momotarou's special attacks (which aren't very good at all.) - Two-hit Combo: This is one slash, followed by another. Although the second slash will usually knock your opponent down, it's still best to follow this up with the third hit of the combo. - Three-hit Combo: This is a headbutt following two strikes of the sword. Now I don't know how much calcium this guy's been eating to make his head more damaging than a steel blade, but this attack will send your opponent flying through the air, and deliver big damage. - Diving Slash: Pressing down and X while in the air, will cause Momotarou to dive towards the ground at a 45 degree angle, while using his sword. This is the quickest diving attack in the game by far, and you can easily score hits on your opponents with this move, before they have time to react to it. Special Attack Type: Animals ---------------------------- () Cat () (Air) Bird - Cat: Momotarou will pull a cat out of somehwere, and let it loose. The cat will then run back and forth for a while (About 15 or 20 seconds) or until it hits an opponent. When it hits an opponent, it will do damage. Nothing too complicated, although it can create quite a bit of chaos in the middle of a battle. - Bird: Press circle while you're in the air, and a bird will appear, and begin flying around Momotarou. If it hits an opponent, it will do damage, but honestly, if it does hit an opponent it will be by accident. It couldn't hurt to have the bird out, but don't count on it to save you. --|-|------------------------------------------------------------------|-|-- | | Master Higgins | | --|-|------------------------------------------------------------------|-|-- Basic Attack Type: Unarmed -------------------------- [] Finger Poke []+Forward Scream []+Up Headbutt [],[]... Poke Combo []+Down (Air) Diving Headbutt - Finger Poke: This is a basic poke. I guess it could sting a little... It's really only useful for the Poke Combo that you can do. - Scream: This is a heavy hitter attack. Master Higgins will scream, and any opponent standing directly in front of him will be hit by a sound wave with the word "AHHH" in it. This will do decent damage, and knock your opponent back, but it doesn't have a good recovery time at all. - Headbutt: This isn't a normal headbutt, it's more of a jumping headbutt. Master Higgins will jump into the air, and stick his head out. It's rare that you'll be in a situation to use it effectively, but if an opponent jumps at you at a 45 degree angle from above, it could be used. - Poke Combo: After you do one poke, you can continue to press square three or four more times, to turn it into a combo. Master Higgins will keep nailing his opponents with pokes. And although it looks more annoying then painful, a four or five-hit combo is pretty dangerous. - Diving Headbutt: This looks more like a pelvic thrust actually, and it doesn't look at all painful. It is though, evidently. Master Higgins will pelvic thrust himself at the ground, and if he happens to hit an opponent, they'll take damage. Special Attack Type: Various ---------------------------- () Tomahawk ()+Up Flaming Club ()+Forward Spear - Tomahawk: Master Higgins will toss a hammer-like Tomahawk in front of him at a 45 degree angle. It doesn't seem to be affected by gravity though, as it sort of slides through the air. It goes at an arc downwards though, and will bounce of walls. If it hits an opponent they will take damage. You can only use two Tomahawks at a time. - Flaming Club: Master Higgins throws the Flaming Club just like the Tomahawk, but it is not affected by gravity at all, and will continue to drive forward until it hits a wall or an opponent. If an opponent touches it, they will take damage. You can only have one Flaming Club on the screen at any given moment. - Spear: Master Higgins will throw a spear directly in front of him, and it will slice through the air until it hits an opponent or a wall. Like the Flaming Club and the Tomahawk, an opponent will take damage if they hit it, but the user will not. You can use two Spears at once. --|-|------------------------------------------------------------------|-|-- | | Hugo | | --|-|------------------------------------------------------------------|-|-- Basic Attack Type: Unarmed -------------------------- [] Punch []+Up Uppercut []+Forward Double Punch [],[] Two-hit Combo [],[],[] Three-hit Combo []+Down (Air) Diving Kick - Punch: This is a basic punch, that does little damage, and does not knock your opponent down. As usuall, it's only good when used for a combo. - Uppercut: This move's range is very shoot, so you'll have to be right up in your opponents face, but if you can connect it, your opponent will be sent high up into the air, and will take a fair amount of damage. - Double Punch: This is nothing more than a basic left-right combo. It should be avoided at all costs, since not only does it do little damage, it won't even stun your opponents. This kind of useless move is not what you'd expect from a forward-square attack, but it's here. - Two-hit Combo: For all intents and purposes, this is the same move as the Double-Punch, it just looks sligtly different. It can get away with it though, as it can be used to lead into the Three-hit combo. - Three-hit Combo: This is the double punch, followed by a third punch. And although the first two may be weak, the third one is a different story entirely. It will do a decent amount of damage, and will probably knock your opponent backwards. Still, it's best to stick with Hugo's special attacks if you want to see the big damage. - Diving Kick: This is your basic kick to the ground. Hugo's is exceptionally slow, which makes it less useful, but besides that, there's not much difference between his and other characters'. Special Attack Type: Energy Attacks ----------------------------------- () Energy Scratches ()+Forward Energy Punch ()+Up Energy Uppercut - Energy Scatches: This is a two-in-one attack, that gets any opponent directly in front of or above you. You'll do two scratches, that release waves of energy. The outcome, is a damaging attack with a range that isn't too shabby at all. - Energy Punch: This is a punch that has absolutely great range. Hugo will slide forward as he uses it. It does good damage, and will easily send your opponents flying. This will probably be one of your main attacks when playing as Hugo. - Energy Attack: Hugo will create a huge pillar of energy around him, and then do an uppercut through it. Anyone who happens to be directly above you -- Perhaps on a platform -- will be hit, and will take big damage. This attack does not send them flying though, it will just knock them down. --|-|------------------------------------------------------------------|-|-- | | Manjimaru | | --|-|------------------------------------------------------------------|-|-- Basic Attack Type: Sword ------------------------ [] Punch []+Up Upward slash []+Forward Jumping Slash [] (Air) Double Slash [],[] Two-hit Combo [],[],[] Three-hit Combo - Punch: Manjimaru's punch is very short range, and does not do much damage at all. You shouldn't set out to use it at all, unless you are attempting to link it into a Two or Three-hit combo. If you need to get in a single hit, stick with either the Upward Slash, or a special attack. - Upward Slash: This is a dangerous attack. It's also an attack that has two versions, depending on if you are in your Lightning or Fire style (you can press () to change it.) In your Fire style, you'll do damage, and knock your opponent over your head, in the opposite direction that you attacked from. In your Lightning style, you'll launch them high into the air. The Lightning version is much more effective, in most cases, because not only will your opponent be down longer, you can slash them again as they come down, to juggle them. Both versions of this attack can be used effectively, to attack a person on a platform above, as you jump to them. - Jumping Slash: This move, is similair to the the second strike of the combo that Manjimaru has. That is, it does decent damage, and knocks your opponent over. You can use this to it's fullest effect, whenever your opponet is in front of you. However, you need to be aware, that it is called a jumping slash for a reason. You'll dive forward, before you actually attack, and you'll go right over anyone directly in front of you. This is for attack opponents from a distance, or getting an enemy who's hiding behind someone else. - Double Slash: This move is nothing more than two quick sword slashes. However, it's a combo that can't be done on the ground. It's not even a real attack, as it does virtually no damage, but it can be used effectively, for say, hitting an opponent who's climbing, just to keep them from grabbing a heart. It's also an easy way to hit an obstacle in a level, such as the spiders on Adventure Island. - Two-hit Combo: This is a punch, followed up with a fairly weak sword slash. This attack is not very strong, but it's much more useful than a basic punch on its own. This combo also serves as the basis for the Three-hit Combo, as long as you don't stop. - Three-hit Combo: Now this is a worthwhile attack, and should be your main method for taking care of anyone that gets close to you. You'll do a basic punch, followed by a weak sword slash, but then you'll end it with a powerful swordslash, that will give your opponent damage, and knock them away from you at the same time. Special Attack Type: Lightning/Fire ----------------------------------- () Change Style ()+Forward(F) Fire Ball ()+Forward(L) Lightning Strikes ()+Up(F) Fire Column ()+Up(L) Lightning Bolts - Change Style: Manjimaru has two very different types of specials: Fire, and Lightning. He can only do one type of these at a time, but you can switch between these styles any time you like. It takes no extra time to do this move -- you can even do it in the air. So, whenever you feel the need to do a different type of move, just make a quick switch. - Fire Ball: This attack is dangerous. Beyond the fact that it does good damage, and knocks your opponent down, this is a homing attack! The ball of fire will make large turns if necessary, and will target in on the enemy closest to it. Be aware though, that sometimes it is not someone you are tying to defeat -- For example, it will sometimes target a Medusa Head in the Castlevania stage. You can only fire these one at a time, but as soon as it hits an enemy, you can fire another one -- even if the dust hasn't cleared yet. You can keep a whole group of opponents at bay, if you keep blasting these into them. - Lightning Strikes: This attack, will cause three balls of lightning to appear in the air, in front of you. All three than strike down, as a bolt of lightning, to the platforms below them. This attack can be used efficiently in a variety of situations. For example, you could be attacking a group of opponents on a platform above, or you could be tring to keep an opponent -- or two or three -- in front of you back. - Fire Column: This attack's range isn't very good, but the attack itself is a neat trick. You'll shoot a blast of fire directly upwards, and the attack ranges about a body's height. It's a good way to hit someone on a ledge directly above you, or someone jumping at you, but in most situations, there won't be a good enough set-up to use this. As unlike some other upwards attack, this one can't be used in the air. - Lightning Bolts: This is the Lightning version of the Fire Column upward attack. It's also more useful. You'll send out two lightning bolts. One goes north-east, and the other, north-west. The range is extremely good; They won't stop until they hit a wall, or platform! This attack can also be used very quickly, and is much more effective than the Fire Column, when being used on someone jumping at you. Sometimes, you'll also be able to nail opponents standing on the edge of a platform above you. --|-|------------------------------------------------------------------|-|-- | | Bimbougami | | --|-|------------------------------------------------------------------|-|-- Basic Attack Type: Unarmed -------------------------- [] Slap []+Forward Belly Bash []+Up Fart [],[] Two-hit Combo [],[],[] Three-hit Combo [] (Air) Roundhouse []+Down (Air) Butt Stomp - Slap: Another basic, short range attack that's only useful for a combo. - Belly Bash: In this attack, Bimbougami will launch himself forward, and into the air. Due to having a weight that makes E. Honda look like Olive Oil, this does quite a bit of damage. However, since he jumps, it can be a little tricky hitting your opponent; Anyone standing directly in front of you will take no damage from this attack. - Fart: As strange as it sounds, I'm not joking with this move. Bimbougami will jump up into the air, turn his body, and let out a brown gas cloud from his butt. This move is not really meant to be taken seriously though, from what I can tell. It's incredibly hard to have an opponent next to you when you do it, and even when you do, it doesn't do a whole lot of damage. - Two-hit Combo: This is a set of two slaps. Like the regular Slap, this should only be used to lead into the Three-hit combo. - Three-hit Combo: This is a pair of slaps, followed by a double-slap, that will send your opponent into the air. It's kind of hard to get all three hits in, and the pay off isn't great, but then again, Bimbougami doesn't have any great moves. - Roundhouse: Bimbougami will do a full roundhouse kick in the air. This is strange, as he doesn't look like he can stretch that way. Reguardless, it can be used to hit opponents in the air, or on a platform above you. This is pretty much added to his move set to make up for the joke "Fart" move. - Butt Stomp: This will cause Bimbougami to drop onto the ground directly below him on his butt. Any opponent who happens to be standing there is about to experience hell. Special Attack Type: Dice ------------------------- () Dice - Dice: This is a gamble attack, that's quite fun. You'll toss a dice, and it will bounce around for about 10 seconds, or until it hits someone. In this state, you can pick it up and toss it. Once it hits someone, a die will appear above their head, and it will spin. There are different possible outcomes. The most popular, are red, green, and blue question marks. Red causes damage and sends the opponent into the air. Green and blue gives them the "reverse" status ailment that certain items do. More rarely, yellow will appear. This will put the character in slow motion, and will disable them to jump. There's also two faces: One of Bimbougami, and one of a baby. If Bimbougami appears, your opponent takes damage just as a red question mark causes him to. If a baby appears, the attack will backfire, and the user will become a baby for about 15-20 seconds. In this form, you're faster, but you can't use the Dice attack or jump as high as you normally would. You can still use regular attacks though. ____ ____ | | | | | /\ |/\/\/\-----------------------------------------------------/\/\/\| /\ | |< >| > 06. Stages [STAG] < |< >| | \/ |\/\/\/-----------------------------------------------------\/\/\/| \/ | |____| |____| --|-|------------------------------------------------------------------|-|-- | | Power Pro Stadium | | --|-|------------------------------------------------------------------|-|-- |---------------------------| | Key: | | xx = Solid | | oo = Jump-Through | | && = Grabbable | | <3 = Heart Generator | |---------------------------| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| ooooooooooooo |xxx| |xxx| &&&&&&&&&&&&& |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| ooooooooooooo ooooooooooooo |xxx| |xxx| &&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&& |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| ooooooooooooo |xxx| |xxx| &&&&&&&&&&&&& |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| <3 |xxx| |xxx|_______________________________________________________________|xxx| |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx| |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx| Special Features ---------------- - Scoreboard: Although it serves no purpose whatsoever, in gameplay, an interesting note, is that there's a scoreboard in the background. If you watch it, you'll actually see a televised version of the fight. And what's more: Look at the scoreboard _in_ the scoreboard. It will be blurry, but that's yet another televised version of the fight. Attacks like Bomberman's bomb are easily visible on it. --|-|------------------------------------------------------------------|-|-- | | Castlevania | | --|-|------------------------------------------------------------------|-|-- |---------------------------| | Key: | | xx = Solid | | oo = Jump-Through | | && = Grabbable | | <3 = Heart Generator | |---------------------------| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| <3 |xxx| |xxx| &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| oooooooooooooooo|xxx| |xxx| oooooooooooooooo|xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx|oooooooooooooooo |xxx| |xxx|oooooooooooooooo |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| oooooooooooooooo |xxx| |xxx| oooooooooooooooo |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx|_______________________________________________________________|xxx| |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx| |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx| Special Features ---------------- - Medusa Head: From any part of the wall, on either side of the arena, at any time during the fight, one, or several, Medusa heads may form. Just as they do in all Castlevania games, they will then move across the arena, in the direction opposite the wall they came from, hovering up and down in the air. They will not make a direct attempt to attack any of the fighters, however, they will do damage if you tocuh them. If you hit them before they hit you, they'll drop some hearts. --|-|------------------------------------------------------------------|-|-- | | Sky Fortress | | --|-|------------------------------------------------------------------|-|-- |---------------------------| | Key: | | xx = Solid | | oo = Jump-Through | | && = Grabbable | | <3 = Heart Generator | |---------------------------| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| oooooo oooooo |xxx| |xxx| &&&&&& &&&&&& |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| <3 |xxx| |xxx| oooooooo oooooooo |xxx| |xxx| &&&&&&&& &&&&&&&& |xxx| |xxx| oooooooo |xxx| |xxx| &&&&&&&& |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| oooooooo oooooooo |xxx| |xxx| &&&&&&&& &&&&&&&& |xxx| |xxx|_______ |xxx| |xxxxxxxxxxx|_ |xxx| |xxxxxxxxxxxxx| |xxx| |xxxxxxxxxxxxx| |xxx| |xxxxxxxxxxxxx| |xxx| |xxxxxxxxxxxxx|_ |xxx| |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx| |xxx| |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|___________________________________________________|xxx| |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx| |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx| Special Features ---------------- - Sword Rain: Frequently, small black portals will open in the sky, above the two highest clouds. Then, four swords will come out in a row, and will shoot down in an arc, towards the ground. They will keep going until they either fall off the bottom of the stage, or hit someone. You'll be damaged if you touch them, but if you can hit them before they can hit you, they'll drop a heart. Be careful though, because if you are hit by one, you will likely be hit by all of the ones following behind it. --|-|------------------------------------------------------------------|-|-- | | Big Shell | | --|-|------------------------------------------------------------------|-|-- |---------------------------| | Key: | | xx = Solid | | oo = Jump-Through | | && = Grabbable | | <3 = Heart Generator | | () = Stationary Heart| |---------------------------| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| ____ ____ |xxx| |xxx| |xxxx| |xxxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxxx| |xxxx| |xxx| |xxx|ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo|xxx| |xxx|oooo&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&oooo|xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| <3 |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx|oooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooo |xxx| |xxx|oooooooooo &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&oo |xxx| |xxx| &&oo |xxx| |xxx| && |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| ____ |xxx| |xxx| |xxxx| |xxx| |xxx|____________|xxxx|__ ___________________________________|xxx| |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\______/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx| |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx| Special Features ---------------- - Harrier Gun Fire: This is not very often at all, but it does happen, and can be very dangerous. If the music changes, and the camera scrolls to a strange 3/4 top-down view, you'll know it's coming. A Harrier will fly by, and shoot machine gun fire along the top platform, and may switch to lower platforms soon after. If you are caught in the fire, you'll take from decent to crazy damage, depending on how many bullets you take. It's best to jump to another platform as quickly as possible, if you see the bullets starting to land near you. --|-|------------------------------------------------------------------|-|-- | | Artificial Sun | | --|-|------------------------------------------------------------------|-|-- |---------------------------| | Key: | | xx = Solid | | oo = Jump-Through | | && = Grabbable | | <3 = Heart Generator | |---------------------------| |xxx| <3 |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| ooooooooooo |xxx| |xxx| ooooooooooooooooooooooo |xxx| |xxx| oooooooooo oooooooooooo |xxx| |xxx| oooooooooooooooooooo |xxx| |xxx| oooooooooo |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| ooooooooo |xxx| |xxx| oooooooooooooooooooo |xxx| |xxx|_________ ooooooooooooooooooooo |xxx| |xxxxxxxxxxxxx| oooooooooo |xxx| |xxxxxxxxxxxxx| |xxx| |xxxxxxxxxxxxx| _________|xxx| |xxxxxxxxxxxxx| |xxxxxxxxxxxxx| |xxxxxxxxxxxxx|___________________________________________|xxxxxxxxxxxxx| |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx| |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx| Special Features ---------------- - Chain of Blades: Every so often, on the side of the screen -- the side itself, is chosen randomly -- will have a small portal open up on it. From the portal, six spinning blades will come out. Then, in a line, they will make a small curve, and shoot off the screen, on the same side that they came from. They will damage you if they hit you, an getting hit by one, often means getting hit by the rest, but if you take them down by hitting them, you'll get a few hearts. --|-|------------------------------------------------------------------|-|-- | | Licca-Chan's House | | --|-|------------------------------------------------------------------|-|-- |---------------------------| | Key: | | xx = Solid | | oo = Jump-Through | | && = Grabbable | | <3 = Heart Generator | |---------------------------| |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx| |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx| |xxx|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| <3 |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx|ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo|xxx| |xxx|ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo|xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| _______ |xxx| |xxx| _______ |xxxxxxx| |xxx| |xxx|________/xxxxxxx\__________________________|xxxxxxx|___________|xxx| |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx| |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx| Special Features ---------------- - Toys: In the bathroom section of the house (the upper-left corner) a red bucket will form, soon after the start of the fight. This bucket can be picked up, and used as a weapon to hit someone. A few seconds after it is tossed, and it breaks, be it on your opponent's head, or on the wall, a new bucket will form in its place. There are Teddy Bears that act the same way. They will form in the bedroom (upper-right corner) and living room (lower-left corner). All of these toys can also be destroyed, with attacks. --|-|------------------------------------------------------------------|-|-- | | Giant Soldier Devestator | | --|-|------------------------------------------------------------------|-|-- |---------------------------| | Key: | | xx = Solid | | oo = Jump-Through | | && = Grabbable | | <3 = Heart Generator | | () = Stationary Heart| |---------------------------| |xxx| () |xxx| |xxx| () |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&|xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx|&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| oooooooooo oooooooooo |xxx| |xxx| oooooooooooooooooooooooooo |xxx| |xxx| oooooo |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx|ooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooo|xxx| |xxx|ooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooo|xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| ______ |xxx| |xxx| |xxxxxx| |xxx| |xxx|______________________________________|xxxxxx|_________________|xxx| |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx| |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx| Special Features ---------------- - None --|-|------------------------------------------------------------------|-|-- | | Tree House | | --|-|------------------------------------------------------------------|-|-- |---------------------------| | Key: | | xx = Solid | | oo = Jump-Through | | && = Grabbable | | <3 = Heart Generator | |---------------------------| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| oooooooo |xxx| |xxx| oooooooooooooooooo |xxx| |xxx| ooooo ooooo |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| oooooooooo|xxx| |xxx| &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&|xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx|oooooooooo |xxx| |xxx|&&&&&&&&&& <3 |xxx| |xxx| oooooooooooooooooooooo |xxx| |xxx| &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& _____________|xxx| |xxx| |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx| |xxx| |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx| |xxx| |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx| |xxx| |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx| |xxx|_________________________________________________|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx| |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx| |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx| Special Features ---------------- - None --|-|------------------------------------------------------------------|-|-- | | Night City | | --|-|------------------------------------------------------------------|-|-- |---------------------------| | Key: | | xx = Solid | | oo = Jump-Through | | && = Grabbable | | <3 = Heart Generator | |---------------------------| |xxx|&&&&&&& &&&&&&&|xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| oooooo |xxx| |xxx| oooooo&&&&&& |xxx| |xxx| oooooo&&&&&& <3 ooooooooo |xxx| |xxx|oooooo&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&ooooooooo |xxx| |xxx|&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&ooooooooo |xxx| |xxx| &&&&&&&&&ooooooooo|xxx| |xxx| &&&&&&&&&|xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx|_________________ |xxx| |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx| |xxx| |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx| oooooooooo |xxx| |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx| oooooooooo |xxx| |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx| |xxx| |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx| _________|xxx| |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx| |xxxxxxxxxxxxx| |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|___________________________________|xxxxxxxxxxxxx| |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx| |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx| Special Features ---------------- - Free Heart: Every so often, a stationary heart will appear on the crane, on the left -- in the same spot the original heart generator was. --|-|------------------------------------------------------------------|-|-- | | Micro Earth | | --|-|------------------------------------------------------------------|-|-- |---------------------------| | Key: | | xx = Solid | | oo = Jump-Through | | && = Grabbable | | <3 = Heart Generator | | () = Stationary Heart| |---------------------------| |xxx| __<3__ |xxx| |xxx| () |XXXXXX| () |xxx| |xxx| |XXXXXX| |xxx| |xxx|&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& ¯¯¯¯¯¯ &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&|xxx| |xxx| () () () () () () |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| oooooooooooo |xxx| |xxx|&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&oooooooooooo&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&|xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| oooooooooooo |xxx| |xxx| oooooooooooo oooooooooooo|xxx| |xxx| oooooooooooo|xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| oooooooooooo |xxx| |xxx| oooooooooooo |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx|_______________________________________________________________|xxx| |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx| |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx| Special Features ---------------- - None --|-|------------------------------------------------------------------|-|-- | | Devil's Orchard | | --|-|------------------------------------------------------------------|-|-- |---------------------------| | Key: | | xx = Solid | | oo = Jump-Through | | && = Grabbable | | <3 = Heart Generator | | () = Stationary Heart| |---------------------------| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| () () () () () () () () () () |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx|&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&|xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| <3 |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx|oooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooo|xxx| |xxx|oooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooo|xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx|_______________________________________________________________|xxx| |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx| |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx| Special Features ---------------- - Yawning: You may notice that there's a giant face in the middle of the stage, in the background. Although he's not an actuall threat, every so often he'll yawn, and occasionally, it's a really big yawn. These big yawns will cause the screen to shake for about 5 or 6 seconds. - Demon: Rarely, a demon will fly by, just as the Medusa Heads do in the Castlevania stage. As always, hitting them kills them, but touching them causes you to take damage. --|-|------------------------------------------------------------------|-|-- | | Floating Continent | | --|-|------------------------------------------------------------------|-|-- |---------------------------| | Key: | | xx = Solid | | oo = Jump-Through | | && = Grabbable | | <3 = Heart Generator | |---------------------------| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx|oooooooooooooooo |xxx| |xxx|&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&|xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| <3 ooooooooooooo|xxx| |xxx|&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&|xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx|oooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooo|xxx| |xxx|&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&|xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx|_______________________________________________________________|xxx| |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx| |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx| Special Features ---------------- - Giant Face: Every so often, a giant floating blue face will appear in the background of the stage. It will then float around, and toss a few blue energy balls from its mouth. You can be hit by them safely, but if you are hit by them at the same time as they hit the floor, or the ground, you'll be knocked over, and you'll take big damage. - Flying Mines: Throughout the match, small floating mines, which look like discs will float around in different directions. If you touch them, you'll destroy them, but you'll take some damage. If you hit them before they can hit you, you'll destroy them without taking any damage. --|-|------------------------------------------------------------------|-|-- | | Bomberman Battle | | --|-|------------------------------------------------------------------|-|-- |---------------------------| | Key: | | xx = Solid | | oo = Jump-Through | | && = Grabbable | | <3 = Heart Generator | |---------------------------| |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx| |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx| |xxx|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|xxxxxx|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|xxxxxxxxxx| |xxx| |xxxxxx| |xxxxxxxxxx| |xxx| ¯¯¯¯¯¯ |xxxxxxxxxx| |xxx|oooooo ______ |xxxxxxxxxx| |xxx|oooooo |xxxxxx| |xxxxxxxxxx| |xxx| |xxxxxx| ______ ¯¯¯¯¯¯|xxx| |xxx| |xxxxxx|oooooooooooo|xxxxxx|ooooooo |xxx| |xxx| ______ |xxxxxx|oooooooooooo|xxxxxx|ooooooo |xxx| |xxx| |xxxxxx| ¯¯¯¯¯¯ |xxxxxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxxxxx| |xxxxxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxxxxx| |xxxxxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxxxxx| |xxxxxx| |xxx| |xxx|oooooo ¯¯¯¯¯¯ ______ ¯¯¯¯¯¯ oooooo|xxx| |xxx|oooooo |xxxxxx| oooooo|xxx| |xxx| |xxxxxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxxxxx| |xxx| |xxx| oooooo|xxxxxx| |xxx| |xxx| oooooo|xxxxxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxxxxx| |xxx| |xxx|ooooooooooooooo ¯¯¯¯¯¯ ooooooooooooooo oooooo|xxx| |xxx|ooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooo oooooo|xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx|_______________________________________________________________|xxx| |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx| |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx| Special Features ---------------- - Orange Circles: Orange Circles will be constantly in motion around the arena. There will be about ten at any given time, and they will be moving in random directions, that will change whenever they hit the wall or a floor. They will explode if you touch them, causing big damage. However, if you hit them before they can hit you, you'll be able to dispose of them safely. --|-|------------------------------------------------------------------|-|-- | | Electric Railway | | --|-|------------------------------------------------------------------|-|-- |---------------------------| | Key: | | xx = Solid | | oo = Jump-Through | | && = Grabbable | | <3 = Heart Generator | |---------------------------| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo|xxx| |xxx| ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo|xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx|_________________ |xxx| |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx| |xxx| |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|___________<3 |xxx| |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx| |xxx| |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|_________________________________|xxx| |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx| |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx| Special Features ---------------- - Golden Lumps: Every so often, a yellow terd-shaped object with a face on it will fall from the sky and land on the train. Touching it will damage you. I guess it smells really bad. --|-|------------------------------------------------------------------|-|-- | | Adventure Island | | --|-|------------------------------------------------------------------|-|-- |---------------------------| | Key: | | xx = Solid | | oo = Jump-Through | | && = Grabbable | | <3 = Heart Generator | |---------------------------| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| oooooooooo |xxx| |xxx| &&&&&&&&&& <3|xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| oooooooooo |xxx| |xxx| &&&&&&&&&& |xxx| |xxx| ooooooooo |xxx| |xxx| &&&&&&&&& |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| ooooooo |xxx| |xxx| &&&&&&& |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxx| _______ |xxx| |xxx| |xxxxxxx| |xxx| |xxx| |xxxxxxx| |xxx| |xxx|__________________________________________|xxxxxxx|____________|xxx| |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx| |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx| Special Features ---------------- - Spiders: At any time, a Spider can form in one of the trees on the ground. It will then drop to the ground on it's web and stay their for a moment before leaving. If you touch it, you'll take damage. If you hit it, you can kill it though. Spiders can also form on the clouds. - Snakes: Snakes can form on the ground, and walk around a bit. Just like the Spiders, if you touch them, you'll take damage. However, also like the spiders (and most features of the stages) you can take them out by hitting them before they hit you. ____ ____ | | | | | /\ |/\/\/\-----------------------------------------------------/\/\/\| /\ | |< >| > 07. Story Mode Ladders [STOR] < |< >| | \/ |\/\/\/-----------------------------------------------------\/\/\/| \/ | |____| |____| Power-Pro Kun -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Licca-Chan (Power Pro Stadium) 2. Bomberman (Bomberman Battle) 3. Simon Belmont, Momotarou (Castlevania) 4. Microman (Micro Earth) 5. Licca-Chan, Hugo (Night City) 6. Twinbee, Master Higgins, Tyson Granger (Sky Fortress) 7. Mujoe (Dream Mix TV Studio) Simon Belmont -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Hugo (Castlevania) 2. Microman (Night City) 3. Twinbee, Bomberman (Sky Fortress) 4. Master Higgins (Adventure Island) 5. Optimus Prime, Tyson Granger (Giant soldier Devestator) 6. Power Pro-Kun, Licca-Chan, Momotarou (Power Pro Stadium) 7. Mujoe (Dream Mix TV Studio) Twinbee -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Momotarou (Sky Fortress) 2. Tyson Granger (Night City) 3. Power Pro-Kun, Master Higgins (Power Pro Stadium) 4. Bomberman (Bomberman Battle) 5. Licca-Chan, Optimus Prime (Giant soldier Devestator) 6. Simon Belmont, Microman, Hugo (Castlevania) 7. Mujoe (Dream Mix TV Studio) Solid Snake -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Simon Belmont (Big Shell) 2. Hugo (Night City) 3. Tyson Granger, Licca-Chan (Licca-Chan's House) 4. Twinbee (Sky Fortress) 5. Bomberman, Master Higgins (Adventure Island) 6. Optimus Prime, Microman, Momotarou (Giant Soldier Devestator) 7. Mujoe (Dream Mix TV Studio) Moai -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Licca-Chan (Artificial Sun) 2. Bomberman (Bomberman Battle) 3. Twinbee, Optimus Prime (Sky Fortress) 4. Tyson Granger (Night City) 5. Momotarou, Master Higgins (Electric Railway) 6. Solid Snake, Simon Belmont, Hugo (Big Shell) 7. Mujoe (Dream Mix TV Studio) Licca-Chan -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Bomberman (Licca-Chan's House) 2. Simon Belmont (Castlevania) 3. Power Pro-Kun, Tyson Granger (Night City) 4. Momotarou (Electric Railway) 5. Twinbee, Microman (Sky Fortress) 6. Optimus Prime, Hugo, Master Higgins (Giant Soldier Devestator) 7. Mujoe (Dream Mix TV Studio) Tyson Granger -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Simon Belmont (Night City) 2. Momotarou (Electric Railway) 3. Optimus Prime, Licca-Chan (Licca-Chan's House) 4. Power Pro-Kun (Power Pro Stadium) 5. Hugo, Bomberman (Bomberman Battle) 6. Master Higgins, Twinbee, Microman (Micro Earth) 7. Mujoe (Dream Mix TV Studio) Optimus Prime -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Hugo (Giant Soldier Devestator) 2. Twinbee (Sky Fortress) 3. Microman, Momotarou (Micro Earth) 4. Master Higgins (Adventure Island) 5. Simon Belmont, Power Pro-kun (Castlevania) 6. Bomberman, Licca-chan, Tyson Granger (Night City) 7. Mujoe (Dream Mix TV Studio) Microman -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Power Pro-kun (Micro Earth) 2. Bomberman (Bomberman Battle) 3. Optimus Prime, Tyson Granger (Giant Soldier Devestator) 4. Twinbee (Sky Fortress) 5. Momotarou, Master Higgins (Electric Railway) 6. Hugo, Simon Belmont, Licca-Chan (Licca-Chan's House) 7. Mujoe (Dream Mix TV Studio) Asuka -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Hugo (Night City) 2. Simon Belmont (Castlevania) 3. Optimus Prime, Microman (Giant Soldier Devestator) 4. Bomberman (Bomberman Battle) 5. Twinbee, Momotarou (Sky Fortress) 6. Power Pro-kun, Licca-Chan, Master Higgins (Licca-Chan's House) 7. Mujoe (Dream Mix TV Studio) Megatron -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Optimus Prime (Giant Soldier Devestator) 2. Bomberman (Bomberman Battle) 3. Twinbee, Hugo (Sky Fortress) 4. Licca-Chan (Licca-Chan's House) 5. Simon Belmont, Master Higgins (Adventure Island) 6. Momotarou, Tyson Granger, Asuka (Night City) 7. Mujoe (Dream Mix TV Studio) Bomberman -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Power Pro-Kun (Bomberman Battle) 2. Licca-Chan (Licca-Chan's House) 3. Simon Belmont, Master Higgins (Adventure Island) 4. Twinbee (Sky Fortress) 5. Hugo, Tyson Granger (Night City) 6. Optimus Prime, Momotarou, Microman (Electric Railway) 7. Mujoe (Dream Mix TV Studio) Momotarou -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Microman (Electric Railway) 2. Simon Belmont (Castlevania) 3. Hugo, Licca-Chan (Night City) 4. Optimus Prime (Giant Soldier Devestator) 5. Twinbee, Bomberman (Sky Fortress) 6. Master Higgins,Tyson Granger,Power Pro-kun (Adventure Island) 7. Mujoe (Dream Mix TV Studio) Master Higgins -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Twinbee (Adventure Island) 2. Optimus Prime (Giant Soldier Devestator) 3. Bomberman, Momotarou (Bomberman Battle) 4. Simon Belmont (Castlevania) 5. Microman, Licca-Chan (Micro Earth) 6. Tyson Granger, Hugo, Power Pro-kun (Night City) 7. Mujoe (Dream Mix TV Studio) Hugo -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Tyson Granger (Night City) 2. Twinbee (Sky Fortress) 3. Momotarou, Power-pro Kun (Electric Railway) 4. Microman (Micro Earth) 5. Simon Belmont, Optimus Prime (Castlevania) 6. Bomberman, Licca-chan, Master Higgins (Bomberman Battle) 7. Mujoe (Dream Mix TV Studio) Manjimaru -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Momotarou (Devil's Orchard) 2. Microman (Micro Earth) 3. Twinbee, Optimus Prime (Sky Fortress) 4. Tyson Granger (Night City) 5. Bomberman, Power Pro-Kun (Power Pro Stadium) 6. Master Higgins, Licca-Chan, Simon Belmont (Adventure Island) 7. Mujoe (Dream Mix TV Studio) Bimbougami -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Momotarou (Electric Railway) 2. Simon Belmont (Castlevania) 3. Optimus Prime, Power Pro-kun (Giant Soldier Devestator) 4. Twinbee (Sky Fortress) 5. Licca-Chan, Bomberman (Licca-Chan's House) 6. Hugo, Manjimaru, Master Higgins (Devil's Orchard) 7. Mujoe (Dream Mix TV Studio) ____ ____ | | | | | /\ |/\/\/\-----------------------------------------------------/\/\/\| /\ | |< >| > 08. Unlockables [UNLK] < |< >| | \/ |\/\/\/-----------------------------------------------------\/\/\/| \/ | |____| |____| Beat the Game With... To Unlock... ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Simon or Twinbee or Power Pro-kun Solid Snake (Character) Snake, Simon, Twinbee, and Power Pro-kun Moai (Character) Optimus, Licca, or Tyson Grange Asuka (Character) Bomberman,Momotarou,Master Higgins, or Hugo Manjimaru (Character) Hugo,Manjimaru,Momotarou,Higgins & Bomberman Bimbougami (Character) Solid Snake Big Shell (Stage) Moai Artificial Sun (Stage) Manjimaru Devil's Orchard (Stage) Megatron Tree House (Stage) Bimbougami Floating Continent (Stage) ____ ____ | | | | | /\ |/\/\/\-----------------------------------------------------/\/\/\| /\ | |< >| > 09. Credits [CRED] < |< >| | \/ |\/\/\/-----------------------------------------------------\/\/\/| \/ | |____| |____| Chris Quigley - Author of FAQ, and creator of ASCII art. PAcevedo/Phoenix Roberts - I got some name translations from their FAQ. Psycho Penguin - Telling me Master Higgins throws Tomahawks. (He also demanded a long credits insert. ) (So here are some adjectives about him: ) (Psycho and Penguiny. ) (Penguin is a noun. Couldn't use that! )