*********************************************************************** Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem Cutscene Guide An In-Depth FAQ by CyricZ Version 1.0 E-mail: cyricz42@yahoo.com *********************************************************************** Table of Contents 1. Introduction to the Guide 2. The Players 3. Opening and Prelude 4. Chapter 1 - The Chosen One 5. Chapter 2 - The Binding of the Corpse God 6. Chapter 3 - Suspicions of Conspiracy 7. Chapter 4 - The Gift of Forever 8. Chapter 5 - The Lurking Horror 9. Chapter 6 - A Journey Into Darkness 10. Chapter 7 - Heresy! 11. Chapter 8 - The Forbidden City 12. Chapter 9 - A War to End All Wars 13. Chapter 10 - A Legacy of Darkness 14. Chapter 11 - Ashes to Ashes 15. Finale - Gateway to Destiny 16. Alex and Edward Scenes 17. Standard Guide Stuff *********************************************************************** 1. Introduction to the Guide Well, why the heck did I do this? Well, there are many people who don't have this game for an extended time, rental periods, or what have you. Also, I would put this in my full guide, but it'd take up faaaar too much space (known as "fluff"). I figured completely documenting each of the cutscenes will let people see what happens on different paths, as well as the "final" ending... Since some cutscenes are different for each of the paths you take, I've separated some completely for each path, and others I've put together, especially if they have minor differences. Oh, and also, when I capitalize "Color", it means that it's the color of the Ruling Ancient, the one Pious picked. *********************************************************************** 2. The Players ALEXANDRA ROIVAS: A graduate student out in Washington, studying abstract mathematics and number theory. DR. EDWARD ROIVAS: A clinical psychologist, and Alex's grandfather. INSPECTOR LEGRASSE: A police inspector in Rhode Island. PIOUS AUGUSTUS: A Roman Centurion sent to recover ancient artifacts, aka PIOUS THE LICHE, PAUL AUGUSTINE, PHILIPPE AUGUSTINE, MASKED WARLORD. ROMAN SOLDIERS: Members of Pious' battalion of warriors. ELLIA: A dancer in the court of Suvayarman in Cambodia, circa 1150 AD. TEMPLE GUARDS: Native guards in the temple in Cambodia. MAN: A strange man Ellia finds in the temple in Cambodia. CHATTUR'GHA: The Ancient of Body, obsessed with rule through force. XEL'LOTATH: The Ancient of Mind, living only to destroy those minds weaker than hers. ULYAOTH: The Ancient of Spirit, who wishes to control all planes of existence. ANTHONY: A page in service to Charlemagne the Frank. MONKS: Members of the monastery in Amiens, France. Also, attendants to Pious the Liche. KARIM: A warrior from ancient Persia, born of nobility and skilled in the sword. CHANDRA: The daughter of a wealthy family. DR. MAXIMILLIAN ROIVAS: A medical doctor in colonial America. DR. EDWIN LINDSEY: An archaeologist searching ancient temples in the 1980's. BLACK GUARDIAN: A large beast protecting the Essence of one of the Ancients. There is a different monster in each path. PAUL LUTHER: A Franciscan monk during the Inquisition. CUSTODIAN: The old caretaker of Oublie Cathedral. GIFTED SOLDIER: A soldier who can see Pious' true form. SOLDIERS: Enlisted men working for Pious. ROBERTO BIANCHI: An architect from Venice during the Renaissance. PETER JACOB: A journalist reporting from the field in World War I. PILOT: A helicopter pilot during the Desert Storm operation. MICHAEL EDWARDS: A Canadian firefighter working the cleanup during the Desert Storm operation. *********************************************************************** 3. Opening and Prelude ====================================== **The Precision of Flesh and Bone** (Stars float through space. A blue curve appears and highlights ancient writings, drawings, and symbols transposed on the stars. A blue Rune appears, the sign of Ulyaoth. Fade to a scene of a skeletal knight standing some miles from a castle. Return to space, with planets now involved. A red Rune appears, the sign of Chattur'gha. Fade to a house where a creature, a Red Zombie, stands before the door. It roars and more drawings and markings appear. Blood splatters on a wall and drips down. Torches flicker. Return to space, now with green lighting. The planets move and a Green Rune forms, the sign of Xel'lotath. A cut to a candlelit table swarming with flies and maggots. Bloodied tools are cluttered on the table, and another is dropped onto the table by an unseen hand. Once again in space, and all the planets align, while ancient equations are superimposed. An immense energy issues forth from the sun. The energy condenses onto a new scene, five monoliths in a circle. Pan back from the monoliths, and a smaller representation of the planetary alignment is seen. The title appears and is progressively lit from behind: Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem.) ====================================== **Introduction** (Various parts of the Tome of Eternal Darkness are focused in still throughout this cutscene, as the opening credits appear before it.) EDWARD (voice over): Flesh... Bone... Bound together with the oddest magickal incantation. This wretched book is where it all began so long ago... Before time...before humanity... I am Doctor Edward Roivas. I am a clinical psychologist. I am also dead... This is not my story, nor even the story of the Roivas family. It is the story of humanity. Like it or not, believe it or not as you will. Your perceptions will not change reality, but simply color it. Humanity has been on the edge of extinction for two millenia. Ignorant of so much, and dependent on so few. The Guardians grow restless. Their time, once again, near. Whether by fate or misfortune, my family has crossed their path, and they didn't take kindly to it. Their attention turns to be granddaughter, for she is the last of my line, and the last hope for humanity... (The book opens and focuses on a picture of ALEX.) ====================================== **Prelude: A Death in the Family** (ALEX rushes over to the barred door and bangs on it desparately) MAX (madly screaming from the other side of the door): May the rats eat your eyes!! The darkness comes!! (A spirit of EDWARD appears behind ALEX and walks up to her, as a ringing is heard.) EDWARD: Remember me, Alex? (ALEX wakes up in her room at school, hearing the phone ringing. The time on her dresser clock reads 3:33 AM. She picks up her phone.) ALEX (groggy): Uh...hello? LEGRASSE (on the other line): Miss Alexandra Roivas? ALEX: Uh, yeah? Who's this? LEGRASSE: This is Inspector Legrasse of the Rhode Island Police. I'm sorry to disturb you, but...there's been...an accident...with your grandfather... ALEX: (pause) I'll be on the next flight out... (Cut to exterior of Roivas Estate, with ambulance and police cars parked outside. Cut to library interior, with INSPECTOR LEGRASSE. ALEX enters.) LEGRASSE: Ahhh, Miss Roivas... (handshake) I'm pleased to meet you. I trust you had a pleasant trip? ALEX: Umm... Yes, I suppose so, considering... LEGRASSE: Yes, my condolences. This is most unpleasant. It's a shame we couldn't meet under brighter circumstances. ALEX (somberly): Yes, it is... Can we get this over with please? LEGRASSE: Of course. This way. But I must warn you. It's not a pleasant sight... I'm afraid there's not much to see.... (They walk further into the library. LEGRASSE motions for ALEX to go ahead. She looks around the corner. She reacts in horror, sobbing. A shot of the body, covered in a sheet, which blood covering the immediate area. Closeup of the ring on the body's hand.) LEGRASSE: Miss Roivas... Is...that your grandfather, Edward? ALEX (sobbing): Yes... It's him... He's wearing our family ring... (more sobbing) I don't understand. Why are you showing me this? Can't you check dental records or something? What is WRONG with you? LEGRASSE: I'm... I'm sorry... (annoyedly) It's my job, lady. You're the only living relative, and no, we can't check dental records... There's no head... (frustrated) Ah, none of this makes sense. There's no sign of intrusion, and there was certainly a lot of force used here. I have never seen anything like this in my twenty years on the force. We have no evidence, except for the body, and what's left doesn't say much. Ahh... We don't have a single clue... ALEX (darkly): Well, you better find out who did this. I'm not leaving Rhode Island until you do. There must be some clue in this old mansion revealing what happened. I want answers... LEGRASSE: So do I... I wish I had some... (Two weeks later...) *********************************************************************** 4. Chapter 1 - The Chosen One **Act 1 - The Chosen One** (The Tome opens onto a picture of three Roman soldiers.) PIOUS (voiceover): To think that once I could not see beyond the veil of our reality...to see those who dwell behind. My life now has purpose, for I have learned the frailty of flesh and bone... I was once a fool... (The picture comes to life.) PIOUS (in Latin): Rest the men, they will need their strength. Make sure they take enough water, and are in high spirits. Today's battle was but one of many, if we are to complete our mission. ROMAN SOLDIER #1: At once, Centurion Augustus. (transferring to English) I would like to compliment you once more on your battle tactics. Our enemies did not have a chance. (ROMAN SOLDIER #1 salutes and departs.) ROMAN SOLDIER #2: Do you believe that it really exists, Centurion? PIOUS: I do not doubt our Emperor's beliefs... or his orders, but if we are to retrieve the artifact, then we must be strong... and patient... (The two exchange salutes and ROMAN SOLIDER #2 departs.) VOICE (male, from distant): Come to us... Pious Augustus... (PIOUS hears the voice and follows its call into the desert. He draws his Gladius as he hears a second voice.) VOICE (female, from distant): Come to us... Pious Augustus... (After a trek in the desert, PIOUS comes upon a site with five monoliths arranged in a circle, with one bearing the Runes of the three Ancients. As he enters the circle, yellow light leaps from the stones, connecting them in a pentagon. PIOUS walks to the center of the ring. The light flies towards him and teleports him from the area.) ====================================== **Act 2 - The Eternal Darkness** --- Red Path: (PIOUS reaches towards the Claw of Chattur'gha. Suddenly, red lightning leaps out of the artifact and fills him. It bursts out his hands and eyes and he collapses to the ground, screaming. Some time later, Pious grabs one of the pedestals and struggles to his feet. He is now PIOUS THE LICHE. His skin is ravaged. His armor is black. The picture stills and pans out from the Tome, and it closes.) PIOUS (voiceover): Aeons have passed since then, and I have learned much. Chattur'gha's power filled me, invigorating my dead body. With a touch, I could level buildings, rend the ground asunder, and channel power such as mortal men could only dream. Face me and you shall surely perish! --- Green Path: (PIOUS reaches towards the Sigil of Xel'lotath. Suddenly, green lightning leaps out of the artifact and fills him. It bursts out his hands and eyes and he collapses to the ground, screaming. Some time later, Pious grabs one of the pedestals and struggles to his feet. He is now PIOUS THE LICHE. His skin is ravaged. His armor is black. The picture stills and pans out from the Tome, and it closes.) PIOUS (voiceover): Aeons have passed since then, and I have learned much. I was once as naive as a child, but now my mind is sharp. With the power of Xel'lotath, I can now read the thoughts of others, and make them raving mad with a mere suggestion. Face me and you shall surely perish! --- Blue Path: (PIOUS reaches towards the Veil of Ulyaoth. Suddenly, blue lightning leaps out of the artifact and fills him. It bursts out his hands and eyes and he collapses to the ground, screaming. Some time later, Pious grabs one of the pedestals and struggles to his feet. He is now PIOUS THE LICHE. His skin is ravaged. His armor is black. The picture stills and pans out from the Tome, and it closes.) PIOUS (voiceover): Aeons have passed since then, and I have learned much. All at once I understood. The forces of the multiverse all made sense, under the transcending power of Ulyaoth. No mountain too high. No city too far. Face me and you shall surely perish! *********************************************************************** 5. Chapter 2 - The Binding of the Corpse God **Act 1 - The Binding of the Corpse God** (The Tome opens to a picture of a girl reading a book) EDWARD (voiceover): I cannot say what was the true beginning, nor am I sure of its end, so perhaps here is the best place to start. I am reminded of ideas I first encountered in Sir James George Frazer's book, "The Golden Bough: A Study in Magic and Religion". We are overwhelmed by our very human need to weave a web of meaning where there may be none. Since time immemorial, ancient peoples have dressed up their lack of knowledge as gods and demons. I have discovered that sometimes, the fates of gods and mortals intertwine, and legends are born... (The picture comes to life, of ELLIA, sitting in a city temple, reading the Tome of Eternal Darkness.) ELLIA (reading): Thy time is done, Great Ancient. Forever in shadow will you be, Master of Chaos, and to fade to nothing in obscurity will be thy fate. My master has planned many millenia for this day. It is the true chaos of all things that you must now be entombed amongst the beings of flesh and bone... (The scene cuts to the reading when it happened, with PIOUS THE LICHE speaking the words that ELLIA is now reading to the Great Ancient, Mantorok.) PIOUS: ...You have a great monument here, Mantorok. It is a pity that no one will recognize it as yours... (PIOUS invokes a 9-Point Bind spell of the Mantorok Alignment.) PIOUS: May the darkness claim thee, crawling chaos and damned beast! No longer will thy reign be kept over the Ancients you have kept imprisoned. Thou hast seen the last of this world... (Purple lightning streaks from PIOUS to the pillars suspended above Mantorok. One by one, the gigantic pillars drop into Mantorok's mass of flesh, blood spouting at each impact, Mantorok roaring in pain. We return to ELLIA.) ELLIA (finished reading): Not even these mythical fables can keep me amused. There has to be something to do around here. I only wish that something that fantastic, and of higher purpose, could happen to me... ====================================== **Act 2 - Chaos Entombed** (ELLIA approaches Mantorok's body, as it continues to writhe in its death throes.) TEMPLE GUARD: Stop! Don't go near it! (ELLIA turns to see two TEMPLE GUARDS behind her. Suddenly, tentacles shoot out of the darkness and grab the two GUARDS, dragging them to their deaths. ELLIA gasps in horror.) (PIOUS THE LICHE approaches from out of view) PIOUS: So, you are reduced to feeding on flesh and bone, Mantorok. How the mighty have fallen. You will surely fester for millenia to come. A slow tortorous fate, for thee... (to ELLIA) You had best leave, young fool, or you will find yourself as food for the Dead God! (PIOUS leaves. ELLIA watches him. As she watches, purple light leaps from the statue in front of Mantorok, knocking her out. She slowly comes to and is vaguely aware of a man standing over her.) MAN: You are one of the chosen many, flesh and blood. (ELLIA's vision fades, and she's now reclining on the steps, stirring to consciousness.) MAN: It is now your destiny to fight the Eternal Darkness. (The MAN is holding a glowing object in his hands.) MAN: I give you a give in return for an obligation. The gift is your life, sweet dancer. The obligation is this. (ELLIA holds the object in her hands.) MAN: You hold one of Mantorok's hearts. The Essence of the Corpse God. To some it is a source of great power. From those people you must defend it, lest they use it to destroy what little brightness your world has left in it. Guard it well... (The MAN departs. The Heart of Mantorok is sucked into ELLIA's chest. She screams and purple light pours from her eyes. It soon subsides and she stands.) ====================================== **Act 3 - Death of a Dancing Girl** (ELLIA finds herself in a dead end. Her expression changes to horror as she finds PIOUS and two TEMPLE GUARDS advancing towards her.) PIOUS: Fool! You should have run! Instead you will die! Where is the Essence of Mantorok? (ELLIA says nothing as the GUARDS grab her, hissing inhumanly.) PIOUS (getting angrier): Where is it? I will not ask again, child! (ELLIA remains silent.) PIOUS: Very well, then. You will succumb to the horrors of oblivion... (PIOUS invokes Colored lightning, which sucks the life out of ELLIA dropping her to the ground, dead. PIOUS's face is stilled, then pans back into the Tome, which closes.) ====================================== **Act 4 - The Absent Horror** --- Red Path: (PIOUS stands in the portal chamber of his Ancient. He casts a 5-Point Magickal Pool, and a vision swims into view. Chattur'gha's visage is a combination of a mouth and several yellow eyes on a red background. His voice is deep, roaring, and guttural.) PIOUS: Your prescence is long missed, my liege. I feel that my power is weakening from your abscence. CHATTUR'GHA: Yes... Your power flows from me. Without me, you are nothing... PIOUS: My meditations reveal a flaw in our plan... CHATTUR'GHA: There is no flaw. Mantorok and the others move to slowly to counter our preparations. Once Mantorok is bound, its death will be prolonged for a thousand years. Its fate will assure that the balance of power over the opposing Ancients will remain in our favor. And with the Keeper nullifed, my power grows stronger still! PIOUS: And what of its Essence? CHATTUR'GHA: Mantorok has employed others to defend it. It is of no matter, for the power I will wield on my return will crush all that oppose me. Enough of this. What of this Charlemagne the Frank? Is he still a concern? PIOUS: His undoing has been planned in intricate detail. Those most loyal to him will be instrumental in his death. Nothing short of a miracle will keep him alive, and there hasn't been one of those for a long time. --- Green Path: (PIOUS stands in the portal chamber of his Ancient. He casts a 5-Point Magickal Pool, and a vision swims into view. Xel'lotath appears as a green eye on reddish skin, the lid of the eye closing sideways. The vision sometimes shatters like a window, with another behind it. She speaks in two voices. One calm and straightforward, the other whispering.) PIOUS: Your prescence is welcomed, majesty. As always I am honored. XEL'LOTATH 1: Our dealings are a pleasure to us both, then... XEL'LOTATH 2: He lies... XEL'LOTATH 1: As do we all... XEL'LOTATH 2: What is this flaw you wish to discuss with us? PIOUS: My concern is with the other Ancients... Ulyaoth... Chattur'gha... Should they unite with Mantorok, they would doubtlessly possess enough power to vanquish even thee... XEL'LOTATH 1: As darkness abhors light, and light abhors dark. The others will not, cannot join forces! XEL'LOTATH 2: Mantorok will bound and the others will seep into insanity when I return... XEL'LOTATH 1: ...as has been foretold... PIOUS: I was unaware... XEL'LOTATH 1: There is much you do not know... XEL'LOTATH 2: ...and much you never will... XEL'LOTATH 1: Be certain to retrieve Mantorok's Essence. It is necessary to cement our place in the world. PIOUS: Then what of Charlemagne the Frank? What do you intend for him? XEL'LOTATH 1: The Frank is an instrument of Light. He seeks to unite Europe under his banner. XEL'LOTATH 2: With this in place, my Guardians would be hard-pressed to perform the functions you require... XEL'LOTATH 1: ...for your own schemes, Pious... think of your future... PIOUS: Then Charlemagne will be removed from the picture. XEL'LOTATH 2: Make sure he is dead... Or...insane... XEL'LOTATH 1: Or perhaps one, then the other? Just make sure he is removed from power. PIOUS: Of course. He is as good as dead... --- Blue Path: (PIOUS stands in the portal chamber of his Ancient. He casts a 5-Point Magickal Pool, and a vision swims into view. Ulyaoth appears as a flowing veil of red electricity. He speaks in a smooth and haughty voice.) PIOUS: Thy prescence is long missed, my liege. ULYAOTH: The Universe is a yawning chasm, filled with emptiness and the purile meanderings of sentience. Why should you deserve special consideration within it, Augustus, above all else? PIOUS: I am your servant, my lord, as always. That, and nothing more... ULYAOTH: Yes, that and nothing more... What revelations do you bring me? PIOUS: My meditations reveal a flaw in our plan... ULYAOTH: OUR plan, Augustus? Mantorok is a shadow ebbing in the light of our glory. It and the others are slow... Weak... Bound by the realm of a Universe. Unable to unite against a common foe they will fall, one by one. Unfortunately, this is beyond your understanding. The binding of Mantorok will seal their fate as its power over us diminishes. Such an irony that the Keeper itself be imprisoned within the walls of its own magick. PIOUS: And what of its Essence? Is that not the core of its remaining power? ULYAOTH: Upon my seeping into the corporeal world, I will be the dominant over all, Mantorok included. Your worries are unfounded. You must turn your attention to Charlemagne the Frank. His continued prescence within the world is far more serious to our cause. PIOUS: As you wish, my Master. He will be dead before the week is out. *********************************************************************** 6. Chapter 3 - Suspicions of Conspiracy **Act 1 - Suspicions of Conspiracy** (The Tome opens to a picture of a young man kneeling before a monk.) EDWARD (voiceover): From my research, it is apparent that the endeavors of mankind are mere puppetry at the hands of the Ancients. Whenever a king vows reform, the Ancients move quickly to stifle it. Under the auspices of Emperor Charlemagne the Frank, the new Holy Roman Empire was at the height of its power. (The picture comes to life. ANTHONY is being given a message by a MONK.) MONK (in Latin for the beginning): Deliver this to our lord and Emperor, Charlemagne the Frank. No one but him must see it. There are words for his eyes only. At once! (ANTHONY takes the scroll and the MONK departs. ANTHONY takes a few steps, makes sure no one is looking, then ducks into a corner. He opens the scroll, sees mystical symbols on it, then is struck down by a bolt of yellow magick. He clutches his head.) ANTHONY (stunned): What sorcery is this? A spell? I am bewitched! If this was meant for Charlemagne... then what will become of him? I have to warn him of this treachery! (ANTHONY sets out down the path towards the monastery where Charlemagne is currently.) ====================================== **Act 2 - A Conspiracy Revealed** --- Red Path: (ANTHONY enters the visiting chamber and sees Charlemagne's blackened corpse on the ground, with several MONKS surrounding him.) ANTHONY (anguished): Nooo! Charlemagne! (The spell he is under ignites once again) ANTHONY: I have failed you... (ANTHONY collapes to the ground next to his lord. The MONK in charge speaks.) MONK: You are a fool for trying to save him, Anthony! His fate was decided many centuries ago, as is the fate of this world. Despite your faith, there is little to save you from the power of CHATTUR'GHA!! (As he speaks the name of his Ancient, a spindly evil creature, a Bonethief, bursts out of the MONK's chest. The creature becomes a still page and the Tome closes.) --- Green Path: (ANTHONY enters the visiting chamber and sees Charlemagne's blackened corpse on the ground, with several MONKS surrounding him.) ANTHONY (anguished): Nooo! Charlemagne! (The spell he is under ignites once again) ANTHONY: I have failed you... (ANTHONY collapes to the ground next to his lord. The MONK in charge speaks.) MONK: You are a fool for trying to save him, Anthony! His fate was decided many centuries ago, as is the fate of this world. Despite your faith, there is little to save you from the power of XEL'LOTATH!! (As he speaks the name of his Ancient, a spindly evil creature, a Bonethief, bursts out of the MONK's chest. The creature becomes a still page and the Tome closes.) --- Blue Path: (ANTHONY enters the visiting chamber and sees Charlemagne's blackened corpse on the ground, with several MONKS surrounding him.) ANTHONY (anguished): Nooo! Charlemagne! (The spell he is under ignites once again) ANTHONY: I have failed you... (ANTHONY collapes to the ground next to his lord. The MONK in charge speaks.) MONK: You are a fool for trying to save him, Anthony! His fate was decided many centuries ago, as is the fate of this world. Despite your faith, there is little to save you from the power of ULYAOTH!! (As he speaks the name of his Ancient, a spindly evil creature, a Bonethief, bursts out of the MONK's chest. The creature becomes a still page and the Tome closes.) *********************************************************************** 7. Chapter 4 - The Gift of Forever **Act 1 - The Gift of Forever** (The Tome opens to a picture of a man walking throuh the desert.) EDWARD (voiceover): Dreams... Modern psychology offers only unproven theories... Some see them as the meaningless tossing and turning of a brain settling into a restless sleep. Others see them as laden with symbols of our unconscious desires. To still others, dreams represent the upwelling of the archetypes, normally hidden deep within the recesses of the collective human unconscious... Of one thing I am certain. After a brush with the Ancients. Our dreams metamorphosize into nightmares... (KARIM trudges through the desert, half-exhausted. He glances up at the scorching sun, and recalls the events which brought him here. He remembers his encounter with CHANDRA in her audience room...) KARIM: I have implored you for years, yet you ignore all my advances. You dominate my dreams, and I can think of nothing else. I fear I desire you many hundred times more than you love me... CHANDRA: My life has become a waking dream, Karim. For weeks I have dreamed of an ancient treasure so precious that it changes all life around it. It must be mine, Karim. If you turly desire me, as you say, then you will find this for me. Bring this treasure to me, and I will be yours. Both our dreams will come true... KARIM: I need nothing more than you. You have enthralled me to the point where I can think of nothing else... Promise. If I leave, you will not forget about me... CHANDRA: You need not worry. I desire nothing more than the treasure that you seek. Leave now, Karim, and I shall await you. (With a closeup of CHANDRA's mysterious eyes, the scene fades back to the desert, as KARIM comes upon the circle of five monoliths that PIOUS had found centuries ago. VOICE (distant): Karim... (KARIM enters the circle of monoliths and is teleported away by yellow lightning from the stones.) ====================================== **Act 2 - The Shadow of Corruption** NOTE: The Artifact in this cutscene is different for each path, but it isn't important to the scene, so all paths are in one script. (KARIM approaches the remaining artifact. As he reaches out, he hears Chandra's voice...) CHANDRA: Karim... We will be together forever... KARIM: Chandra? (KARIM sees not the real CHANDRA, but a ghostly apparition) KARIM: What... What happened to you? CHANDRA: Things change, my dear Karim... But even though my body is ravaged, I await you... KARIM: Who did this to you? CHANDRA: You were gone so long... I...gave myself to a nobleman with a jealous mistress. She had me dragged from my bed, and in cruel revenge, flensed with knives!! (As CHANDRA speaks, her face changes to show what she looked like at the time of her death.) CHANDRA: As the last blades were drawn across my body, and my blood cooled upon the floor, she cursed that I would only be with another in death... KARIM: So much for thinking only of me! I should never have left... CHANDRA: I have seen my folly, and have paid dearly for it. I see so much more, now. In death, I know the true value of the artifact I asked you to find, and it is not for us to possess. If we are to be together again, you must make a sacrifice. Only when that is complete will we be together. KARIM: Sacrifice? Why should I do ANYTHING for you? You LIED to me! BETRAYED me! And you really don't look so good anymore... CHANDRA: You must forget the past. Despite who you are now, you will also become something more, just as I have. But the sacrifice must be made. We must remain here and guard the artifact. Dark things will come to claim it and you must be strong to keep it from them. Without your sacrifice, the world will fall into eternal darkness! KARIM: *pause* The things I do for love... (The spirit of CHANDRA approaches KARIM, and embraces him in a kiss. Blue lightning forms at their mouths. KARIM screams as the pictures stills and the Tome closes...) ====================================== **Act 3 - The Preparations Begin** NOTE: Although the Ancient is present in this scene, he/she does not speak, so there is no difference between the three paths, script-wise. (PIOUS stands in the portal chamber, and casts a Magickal Pool for an audience with his Ancient.) PIOUS: My liege, the future is yours. The Light in the Age of Darkness has been extinguished. The Pillar of Flesh has been constructed. The Master of Chaos, the "Keeper of the Ancients", is long dead. The planets will be in alignment soon. All is preared for your arrival. I will begin the final incantation that will bring you into our world within days. The next millenium will truly usher in a new age. Your Guardians now prepare the gate! *********************************************************************** 8. Chapter 5 - The Lurking Horror **Act 1 - The Lurking Horror** (The Tome opens on a picture of a distinguished man from colonial times.) EDWARD (voiceover): I will not argue that I was shocked by the sudden mention of one of my ancestors: the distinguished Dr. Maximillian Roivas. It chilled me to my bones. Where had this ancient book come from? How had my ancestors stumbled upon it? I feverishly began to read more, eager to learn his story. It seems that Maximillian had inherited his father's mansion, just as I had. Alone since the death of his wife, and since his children had their own adult lives, he explored the house to discover his family roots. (The picture comes to life, and we find MAXIMILLIAN writing in his journal in the mansion's study.) MAX (writing in journal): It has been two weeks since the death of my father. and it has finally come to me to look over the mansion. Now, I am truly alone, and forced to start a new life, here in Rhode Island. I intend to make the mansion mine, and live in it as my forefathers have, to continue the family traditon. The mansion has its secrets, I'm sure. In my time here, I have to make them mine... ====================================== **Act 2 - Insanity Prevails** (MAXIMILLIAN stands over the dead body of the slain Guardian, examining it for signs of life) MAX (voiceover): The accursed beast was dead, but not without its toll on me. That was but one, and there was an entire city of them. I could not hope to fight them all alone. I knew I had to get help... (MAX staggers up the stairs back to the mansion.) (Cut to MAX in the secret study, studying the Tome.) MAX (voiceover): I knew there was a way. I just had to find it... (Three months later. A filthy padded wall. A pan down reveals the room's occupant, MAXIMILLIAN, a prisoner of an asylum, looking dirty, and tied up in a straight jacket.) MAX (raving): I tried... I tried to tell them... But they wouldn't listen to me... Damn them... DAMN THEIR EYES!! They didn't believe me.... Strange creatures... The world in peril from unseen foes... The death... THE DARKNESS!!! (MAX slides down the wall and sits) MAX (feverishly): Instead they jeered and threw me into this forsaken place... A place of empty souls and fevered thoughts... reeking of foetor and decay! Thinking me mad with delirium! (chuckle) The fools cast away their hopes of salvation by locking me in this damned asylum!! (MAX stands, walks up to the barred door, and slams his shoulder against it.) MAX (screaming): MAY THE RATS EAT YOUR EYES!! I am now lost to your cause!! (sobbing) The Darkness comes!! It will damn us all!! (still picture, the Tome closes) *********************************************************************** 9. Chapter 6 - A Journey Into Darkness **Act 1 - Corrosion of the Dead God** --- Red Path: (PIOUS stands in the portal chamber and summons his Ancient once again.) PIOUS: Our Guardians have located the heart, master. Before the month is out, it shall be ours. CHATTUR'GHA: Do not underestimate the power of Mantorok, warlock! Its power cannot be defined in terms you understand. For seven centuries its cause has corroded your Universe. PIOUS: And during those seven, the denizens of the region have been either destroyed or driven away. There is nothing, no one, to stop us from collecting it. Manotork, and its Essence, lie unprotected in the jungle. CHATTUR'GHA: Then waste no more time. Retrieve it immediately, and pray to me that you do. Time is running short... And without me you are mere flesh and bone... Remember that... --- Green Path: (PIOUS stands in the portal chamber and summons his Ancient once again.) PIOUS: Your Guardians have located the heart of Mantorok. XEL'LOTATH 1: Yes, located within its grave... XEL'LOTATH 2: ...as we suspected. POIUS: It shall be retrieved at once. XEL'LOTATH 1: Be wary, the power of Mantorok lingers still, corroding the Universe around its tomb. It will be doubtlessly be guarded after these seven centuries... XEL'LOTATH 2: ...the beast has not been contained. PIOUS: I can assure you that my binding of Mantorok fueled by your very own power will be enough. XEL'LOTATH 1: It is not your sorcery that we doubt, Augustus, but the power of the Dead God. How can you, a mere mortal comprehend what that entity represents, or what power it can wield? XEL'LOTATH 2: We know not... XEL'LOTATH 1: And we know more than thou... PIOUS: Your future depends on me, majesty. Without me to open the gates... XEL'LOTATH 1: Yes, yes, be quick...lest our power and our faith in you wanes to oblivion... XEL'LOTATH 2: ...it will never happen. I have seen differently... --- Blue Path: (PIOUS stands in the portal chamber and summons his Ancient once again.) PIOUS: Soon the heart will be in our possession, my liege... ULYAOTH: Never underestimate the power of Mantorok. Even in death it corrodes all about itself. PIOUS: It is unguarded. The presence of the Corpse God causes fear in all who come near it. It has torn entire villages asunder, and made the region uninhabitable. Only the foolish would venture near it. ULYAOTH: Even so, what may be easy to take, may be easily taken away. PIOUS: Fear not. For centuries we have searched for something that was before us all the time. Mantorok's Essence never left the City Temple, and with it located, we are one step closer to your freedom, master... ULYAOTH: Yes, yes... Make... haste... ====================================== **Act 2 - A Journey Into Darkness** --- Red Path: (The Tome opens onto a picture of the City Temple, and two men) EDWARD (voiceover): The Ancients' influence was incredible. From all walks of life to all parts of the world, their tendrils crept and wrought their insidious damage. Their prisons decayed constantly, as their Guardian's work continued. I discovered mention of a breakthrough in satellite RADAR imaging that revealed the presence of a hitherto unknown temple mound in the Angkor Thom region of Cambodia. An archaeologist of some repute, Dr. Edwin Lindsey, took it upon himself to investigate the area, to reveal the secrets of history. Unfortunately, the local government at the time thought differently, requiring that Lindsey find other means into the country, and to finance the expedition. He found these in Paul Augustine, a collector of rare items, who professed an interest in the discovery and agreed to help. After a dysentery-riddled two week venture, Lindsey and Augustine located the remains of an ancient city temple, dating back to the twelfth century. (The picture comes to life as EDWIN LINDSEY and PAUL AUGUSTINE enter the temple.) LINDSEY (examining the area): Yes, this is it. It has to be. I hadn't expected the information to pan out, but here it is... The satellite data was correct! PAUL: For years I have searched for it without success, here, all along, clouded from us by the Great Ancient's insidious magick. I am very pleased with your performance, Dr. Lindsey... Very pleased... In fact... so pleased, that I will give you an early bonus. (PAUL draws a gun and points it at LINDSEY. LINDSEY knocks him over, then takes cover behind a pillar. PAUL fires, and LINDSEY gets off a shot, hitting PAUL in the arm.) LINDSEY: My God! (PAUL continues to fire as LINDSEY takes cover under a further pillar.) PAUL (voice changing): You are a scholar, Dr. Lindsey, not a warrior. In that regard, I have several centuries more experience than you... Don't be a fool, die quietly, and you will not suffer. (LINDSEY fires another shot. PAUL changes into PIOUS.) PIOUS: You cannot escape me, Lindsey! This place will be your tomb, just as it is Mantorok's! (A Reaper enters the room through a door.) PIOUS: Guardians of Chattur'gha! Kill him! (The Reaper spreads its wings and shrieks.) --- Green Path: (The Tome opens onto a picture of the City Temple, and two men) EDWARD (voiceover): The Ancients' influence was incredible. From all walks of life to all parts of the world, their tendrils crept and wrought their insidious damage. Their prisons decayed constantly, as their Guardian's work continued. I discovered mention of a breakthrough in satellite RADAR imaging that revealed the presence of a hitherto unknown temple mound in the Angkor Thom region of Cambodia. An archaeologist of some repute, Dr. Edwin Lindsey, took it upon himself to investigate the area, to reveal the secrets of history. Unfortunately, the local government at the time thought differently, requiring that Lindsey find other means into the country, and to finance the expedition. He found these in Paul Augustine, a collector of rare items, who professed an interest in the discovery and agreed to help. After a dysentery-riddled two week venture, Lindsey and Augustine located the remains of an ancient city temple, dating back to the twelfth century. (The picture comes to life as EDWIN LINDSEY and PAUL AUGUSTINE enter the temple.) LINDSEY (examining the area): Yes, this is it. It has to be. I hadn't expected the information to pan out, but here it is... The satellite data was correct! PAUL: For years I have searched for it without success, here, all along, clouded from us by the Great Ancient's insidious magick. I am very pleased with your performance, Dr. Lindsey... Very pleased... In fact... so pleased, that I will give you an early bonus. (PAUL draws a gun and points it at LINDSEY. LINDSEY knocks him over, then takes cover behind a pillar. PAUL fires, and LINDSEY gets off a shot, hitting PAUL in the arm.) LINDSEY: My God! (PAUL continues to fire as LINDSEY takes cover under a further pillar.) PAUL (voice changing): You are a scholar, Dr. Lindsey, not a warrior. In that regard, I have several centuries more experience than you... Don't be a fool, die quietly, and you will not suffer. (LINDSEY fires another shot. PAUL changes into PIOUS.) PIOUS: You cannot escape me, Lindsey! This place will be your tomb, just as it is Mantorok's! (A Reaper enters the room through a door.) PIOUS: Guardians of Xel'lotath! Kill him! (The Reaper spreads its wings and shrieks.) --- Blue Path: (The Tome opens onto a picture of the City Temple, and two men) EDWARD (voiceover): The Ancients' influence was incredible. From all walks of life to all parts of the world, their tendrils crept and wrought their insidious damage. Their prisons decayed constantly, as their Guardian's work continued. I discovered mention of a breakthrough in satellite RADAR imaging that revealed the presence of a hitherto unknown temple mound in the Angkor Thom region of Cambodia. An archaeologist of some repute, Dr. Edwin Lindsey, took it upon himself to investigate the area, to reveal the secrets of history. Unfortunately, the local government at the time thought differently, requiring that Lindsey find other means into the country, and to finance the expedition. He found these in Paul Augustine, a collector of rare items, who professed an interest in the discovery and agreed to help. After a dysentery-riddled two week venture, Lindsey and Augustine located the remains of an ancient city temple, dating back to the twelfth century. (The picture comes to life as EDWIN LINDSEY and PAUL AUGUSTINE enter the temple.) LINDSEY (examining the area): Yes, this is it. It has to be. I hadn't expected the information to pan out, but here it is... The satellite data was correct! PAUL: For years I have searched for it without success, here, all along, clouded from us by the Great Ancient's insidious magick. I am very pleased with your performance, Dr. Lindsey... Very pleased... In fact... so pleased, that I will give you an early bonus. (PAUL draws a gun and points it at LINDSEY. LINDSEY knocks him over, then takes cover behind a pillar. PAUL fires, and LINDSEY gets off a shot, hitting PAUL in the arm.) LINDSEY: My God! (PAUL continues to fire as LINDSEY takes cover under a further pillar.) PAUL (voice changing): You are a scholar, Dr. Lindsey, not a warrior. In that regard, I have several centuries more experience than you... Don't be a fool, die quietly, and you will not suffer. (LINDSEY fires another shot. PAUL changes into PIOUS.) PIOUS: You cannot escape me, Lindsey! This place will be your tomb, just as it is Mantorok's! (A Reaper enters the room through a door.) PIOUS: Guardians of Ulyaoth! Kill him! (The Reaper spreads its wings and shrieks.) ====================================== **Act 3 - In the Hands of Kali** (LINDSEY enters the tomb of Mantorok, and approaches the statue in front of it.) PIOUS (from behind LINDSEY): The power of Mantorok is not easily controlled! (PIOUS is standing by the door with two Reapers.) LINDSEY: What makes you think I want to control it? PIOUS: (laughs) Arrogant man! (to the Reapers) Kill him! And make sure you succeed this time! (Purple light forms at the statue in front of Mantorok, and expands into an energy blast that destroys the Reapers, and knocks PIOUS down. PIOUS stands shakily with his staff for support.) PIOUS: The Darkness shall prevail! (PIOUS disappears in a swirl of Colored light. Purple light continues to flow from the statue. It flows towards the door in the back of the hall, opening it.) ====================================== **Act 4 - Daughter of Light** (LINDSEY approaches the back room and finds the dried skeleton of ELLIA in the arms of the statue. The skeleton glows and speaks...) ELLIA: Do not touch the heart, flesh and bone, lest you become like me, a dead rotted husk. I have waited many centuries for you. It was not easy hiding from the dark ones as they searched for me. At first, they passed by not thinking that the heart was inside my dead body, but I was forced to find refuge here. You must seal the heart so it never contacts your flesh, and take it to the Gathering of Light. (LINDSEY receives a vision of a mansion in Rhode Island.) ELLIA: Take the heart there or the world shall fall under a reign of Eternal Darkness! (ELLIA's bones glow purple and she begins to move.) ELLIA: The veil of reality can only be pulled back so far, mortal! Take your stand, and fight the darkness! (As ELLIA removes the heart from her body, she disintegrates and the heart floats to the floor. The scene fades to the heart in a glass case, as LINDSEY gives the heart to EDWARD ROIVAS. EDWARD hides the heart in his bookcase. Still picture. The Tome closes.) *********************************************************************** 10. Chapter 7 - Heresy! **Act 1 - The Black Guardian** --- Red Path: (PIOUS stands in the Binding Hall of Oublie Cathedral and casts a 9-Point Summoning spell. The spell causes a great black creature with two claw-like arms and a three-lipped head to be summoned. PIOUS's attendants back away in fear.) PIOUS: I am not your food today! I am your master! Your task is to guard the artifact before you. Let no one touch it! (Behind the stained glass window is the Veil of Ulyaoth.) --- Green Path: (PIOUS stands in the Binding Hall of Oublie Cathedral and casts a 9-Point Summoning spell. After the completion of the spell, laughter is heard. A sinewy humanoid figure appears, with four arms, and a Rune of XEL'LOTATH in the place of a head. PIOUS's attendants back away in fear.) PIOUS: I am not your food today! I am your master! Your task is to guard the artifact before you. Let no one touch it! (Behind the stained glass window is the Claw of Chattur'gha.) --- Blue Path: (PIOUS stands in the Binding Hall of Oublie Cathedral and casts a 9-Point Summoning spell. The spell causes a large blue creature, with three long legs, and a midsection akin to a jellyfish, to be summoned. PIOUS's attendants back away in fear.) PIOUS: I am not your food today! I am your master! Your task is to guard the artifact before you. Let no one touch it! (Behind the stained glass window is the Sigil of Xel'lotath.) ====================================== **Act 2 - Heresy!** (The Tome opens onto a picture of a bald monk.) EDWARD (voiceover): In Europe, during the time of the Inquisition, paranoia and corruption ran deep. With the fear of devilry running rampant, the Ancients' corruption extended far beyond mortal knowledge, corrupting all that could be corrupted. My researches uncovered an interesting incident. A Franciscan monk named Paul Luther was travelling through the region of Amiens during the witch hunts of the Inquisition. Now under martial law, the Inquisition prevented anyone from leaving the town or its nearby cathedral, for everyone was suspect. (PAUL LUTHER enters the catehdral and shakes the rain from his robes. PHILIPPE AUGUSTINE, master of the cathedral, approaches.) PHILIPPE: Welcome to Oublie Cathedral, Brother Luther. I'm glad that our sacred order can bestow hospitality on our Franciscan brethren. PAUL: I shall not impose, Exellency. I merely request lodging, and a viewing of the sacred relic, the Hand of Jude... PHILIPPE: Many have traveled far, and even risked their lives for a glimpse of the hallowed relic's true splendor. Of course, it would be wise to keep quiet during your stay. The Inquisition is here for a reason, Brother. We seek to purge the deviancy from this town. PAUL: I'm sure that will not be a problem. Amiens appears to be a peaceful hamlet. PHILIPPE: It appears to be, but deviancy is secreted in the most deceptive places, which I believe is the case with Amiens... PAUL: Then I wish you luck in your search... PHILIPPE (tersely): The Inquisition does not need luck, Brother Luther. Faith and purity are our guides. ====================================== **Act 3 - A murder** (Something catches PAUL's eye as he walks by the pews. He looks and finds a ravaged dead body of a monk.) PAUL (panicked): For the love of God! Guards!! Help!! Come quickly! (PHILIPPE and two MONK attendants approach.) PHILIPPE (enraged): A murder! A murder most foul! What heresy is this? PAUL: I... I found him lying here... Dead... I called the guards... PHILIPPE: Ah, is this our first suspect? (to his attendants) Make sure no one touches the body. It must be examined for signs of devilry. As for this....man. Make sure he doesn't leave the Cathedral... We will question him later... PAUL: ...But!! PHILIPPE: Hold your tongue Franciscan, or it might bring my wrath upon thee! Who is to say that you did not commit this murder? If you trust in the Almighty, and you are indeed innocent, then you will have nothing to fear... (The MONKS remain as PHILIPPE exits.) ====================================== **Act 4 - Light within the Darkness** (A door opens behind PAUL...) PAUL: Are you here to pass sentence on me? CUSTODIAN: No, I'm here to free you... You are in incredible danger. This catherdal used to be a place of peace. Now, many strange things happen here. I don't want you to end up like the others... PAUL: What do you mean? CUSTODIAN: The body you found was Brother Andrew, and he was killed to protect a secret. We can't talk about it here. Find me in the bell tower later, and I shall aid thee further. PAUL: Why are you releasing me? CUSTODIAN: I don't want to see another innocent die like your Franciscan brethern. I have seen Brother Andrew make numerous entires into his journal This may contain the answers to the Cathedral's dark secrets... PAUL: What can I do? CUSTODIAN: If I were you, I'd run! PAUL: They will surely hunt men if I run! This has to stop! CUSTODIAN: Then be it on your own head, Luther. Find Brother Andrew's journal, if you can. He spent time in the Old Tower investigating. I believe I can find a key to the Old Tower in one of my stores. Later, come find me in the bell tower, and I will give it to you.. Be swift! We can't evade them forever... (The CUSTODIAN leaves the room.) ====================================== **Act 5 - Conversation in the Bell Tower** (The CUSTODIAN climbs the stairs of the bell tower to speak to PAUL.) CUSTODIAN: Ahh. Brother Luther... Not a moment too soon. As you have noticed, dread things inhabit this place. Shambling corpses, and worse! PAUL: There is darkness at work here! In the midst of the Inquisition! CUSTODIAN: I suspect it is worse than that, but I have no proof. Brother Andrew knew this also, and paid the price for it... PAUL: Why are you telling me this? CUSTODIAN: Perhaps you can finish off what Andrew started. Take this key. It unlocks the Old Tower. It has been sealed off since the Inquisition arrived... PAUL: I intend to uncover the truth behind this! CUSTODIAN: If you manage to uncover the source of darkness, return here, and I will do everything I can to help. Until then, Brother, may your faith protect you... ====================================== **Act 6 - Suspicions Confirmed** (PAUL returns to the tower to speak with the CUSTODIAN) PAUL: Brother Andrew suspected Augustine all along. I managed to find remnants of his journal, and it all points to Augustine's involvement with a paganistic cult operating inside the Cathedral! CUSTODIAN: Aye... The Cathedral's dark secret has been uncovered. I, too, suspected this, but was too afraid to act. Augustine himself is a heretic! PAUL: He has covered his tracks well, claiming that the sacred relic, the Hand of Jude, was stored here. He had those who came to see it murdered. The Hand of Jude never existed! CUSTODIAN: And with that realization, the trap closes, Brother. My days here are numbered. (The CUSTODIAN reaches into his robes and pulls out a twisted dagger.) CUSTODIAN: I awoke to find this cruel dagger placed on my pillow this morn. It can only mean one thing. I know too much, and they are moving to silence me. I can only hope that what little faith I have left is enough to save us all... Please, take this thing away from me. (he hands off the dagger) Its very sight troubles me to no end. May your faith protect thee, Brother Luther, for that's all you have. (As PAUL leaves, a Colored light begins to form behind the CUSTODIAN.) ====================================== **Act 7 - Heresy Revealed** --- Red Path: (PAUL finds his friend, the CUSTODIAN, dead on the sacrifical table. PHILIPPE appears behind him.) PHILIPPE: You are a clever man, Brother Luther. Wanting answers to clarify your new position as fugitive, you seek them out, and this is what you find... *laughs* Tell me, what does a man such as yourself think when he finds a viper's nest of heresy, when he finds the very source of corruption! PAUL: I think of irony... Irony of what you, masquerading as a member of the Inquisition stand for, and that you stand for evil! PHILIPPE: Evil is merely a perspective which no longer concerns me, Luther. You will be executed in the most plainful manner imaginable. After we have broken your frail body and mind, in the name of our true lord, Chattur'gha! Come my childern, feast on this morsel, and let us return to our preparations. (PHILIPPE leaves and strokes the heads of two Bonethieves. They advance...) --- Green Path: (PAUL finds his friend, the CUSTODIAN, dead on the sacrifical table. PHILIPPE appears behind him.) PHILIPPE: You are a clever man, Brother Luther. Wanting answers to clarify your new position as fugitive, you seek them out, and this is what you find... *laughs* Tell me, what does a man such as yourself think when he finds a viper's nest of heresy, when he finds the very source of corruption! PAUL: I think of irony... Irony of what you, masquerading as a member of the Inquisition stand for, and that you stand for evil! PHILIPPE: Evil is merely a perspective which no longer concerns me, Luther. You will be executed in the most plainful manner imaginable. After we have broken your frail body and mind, in the name of our true lord, Xel'lotath! Come my childern, feast on this morsel, and let us return to our preparations. (PHILIPPE leaves and strokes the heads of two Bonethieves. They advance...) --- Blue Path: (PAUL finds his friend, the CUSTODIAN, dead on the sacrifical table. PHILIPPE appears behind him.) PHILIPPE: You are a clever man, Brother Luther. Wanting answers to clarify your new position as fugitive, you seek them out, and this is what you find... *laughs* Tell me, what does a man such as yourself think when he finds a viper's nest of heresy, when he finds the very source of corruption! PAUL: I think of irony... Irony of what you, masquerading as a member of the Inquisition stand for, and that you stand for evil! PHILIPPE: Evil is merely a perspective which no longer concerns me, Luther. You will be executed in the most plainful manner imaginable. After we have broken your frail body and mind, in the name of our true lord, Ulyaoth! Come my children, feast on this morsel, and let us return to our preparations. (PHILIPPE leaves and strokes the heads of two Bonethieves. They advance...) ====================================== **Act 8 - The Black Guardian's Lair** --- Red Path: (PAUL walks through the great Binding Hall, looking over the reliefs of maddening images. He approaches the apse. He hears a rumbling and the BLACK GUARDIAN bursts through the floor. He cowers in terror at the sight of the horrible beast.) BLACK GUARDIAN: This... is the one that seeks to do combat... with me? (PHILIPPE appears and changes into PIOUS.) PIOUS: Your task, my liege, and Greater Guardian, is to guard this place. Do not worry about this worm. His kind yelps in terror at the sight of your mightiness. We will dispose of him ourselves... (The BLACK GUARDIAN pauses for a moment, then rears back and slams a claw onto PAUL, turning him into a stain on the floor.) BLACK GUARDIAN: If I am to guard this place, then I will do it as I see fit! Begone! Leave me! And I will guard the artifact, as you have instructed. --- Green Path: (PAUL walks through the great Binding Hall, looking over the reliefs of maddening images.) VOICE: Paul... (He approaches the apse.) VOICE: Brother Luther... (He hears a rumbling...) VOICE: Paul... (The BLACK GUARDIAN bursts through the floor. He is transifixed in fear at the sight of the maddening beast.) BLACK GUARDIAN: This... is the one that seeks to do combat... with me? (PHILIPPE appears and changes into PIOUS.) PIOUS: Your task, my liege, and Greater Guardian, is to guard this place. Do not worry about this worm. His kind yelps in terror at the sight of your mightiness. We will dispose of him ourselves... (The BLACK GUARDIAN concentrates lightning, lifting PAUL into the air. Sending a bolt into PAUL, it causes his head to explode. He collapses onto the floor, a widening pool of blood forming.) BLACK GUARDIAN: If I am to guard this place, then I will do it as I see fit! Begone! Leave me! And I will guard this artifact, as you have instructed. --- Blue Path: (PAUL walks through the great Binding Hall, looking over the reliefs of maddening images. He approaches the apse. He hears a noise coming from different directions and the BLACK GUARDIAN bursts through the floor. He is transfixed in fear at the sight of the graceful beast.) BLACK GUARDIAN: This... is the one that seeks to do combat... with me? (PHILIPPE appears and changes into PIOUS.) PIOUS: Your task, my liege, and Greater Guardian, is to guard this place. Do not worry about this worm. His kind yelps in terror at the sight of your mightiness. We will dispose of him ourselves... (The BLACK GUARDIAN pauses for a moment, then raises a giant foot and steps on PAUL, turning him into a stain on the floor.) BLACK GUARDIAN: If I am to guard this place, then I will do it as I see fit! Begone! Leave me! And I will guard the artifact, as you have instructed. *********************************************************************** 11. Chapter 8 - The Forbidden City **Act 1 - Flesh for the Pillar** (A desert scene. A MASKED WARLORD stands over a GIFTED SOLDIER. Two other SOLDIERS flank the man lying on the ground.) GIFTED SOLDIER *choking*: Who...are...you? WARLORD: I am your lord and conquerer! GIFTED SOLDIER: What manner of forsaken being are you? (The form of the WARLORD melts into the form of PIOUS) PIOUS: So, you can see me in my true form. You are a gifted man... *to his SOLDIERS* Take this one, and use him as the foundation for the pillar. He is special... and he should be given a special place among the suffering... ====================================== **Act 2 - The Forbidden City** (The Tome opens on a picture of an odd pillar) EDWARD (voiceover): Much has been written about the exploits of conquerors. In the context of history, one man's champion is another man's nemesis, hero or murderer. Much has been written, but what is not is far more inteserting... The Tome of Eternal Darkness mentions a Venetian artist of the Renaissance, named Roberto Bianchi. Roaming abroad to find inspiration, he was captured by a warlord expanding his empire. He forced Roberto to use his architectural and engineering skills to construct a monument to his greatness. To complete his task, he must survey the site... (The picture comes alive, and the scene goes to a hole at the base of the pillar, where two SOLDIERS are looking down a hole, and bullying ROBERTO BIANCHI.) SOLDIER #1: Survey the site quickly, dog, and maybe you'll live long enough to see the sacrament's construction! (ROBERTO is seen at the bottom of the hole, in the Forbidden City. He looks up at his captors, but says nothing...) SOLDIER #1: Did you think we would trust you, Bianchi? Even though you are graced with the generosity of our liege, you are still his prisoner! As I said, finish your work quickly, and maybe we'll drag you out of this hole... ====================================== **Act 3 - Guardian of the Temple** (ROBERTO approaches the chamber of the artifacts, but is stopped by the spirit of KARIM.) KARIM (holding his sword): Venture no further, or be struck down where you stand! ROBERTO: Who...? What...? KARIM (stepping forward): I am the Guardian of this Temple, the Forbidden City. (ROBERTO looks behind him and sees the spirit of CHANDRA, blocking his escape.) KARIM: None shall enter except the Chosen. SPEAK! (KARIM slashes ROBERTO with his Ram Dao, but to no effect.) KARIM: You... ARE the Chosen. For many years I have tested those who came here and all have failed. You are unaffected by the Power I wield, and thus must surely be the Chosen... ROBERTO: I...? KARIM: Once I was as you were, confused and wihtout answers. Yet, they came in time. Now, my duty is complete. I can finally rest. My sacrifice was not in vain. (KARIM looks over his shoulder, where the spirit of CHANDRA awaits him. The artifact reappears behind them, and they depart.) ====================================== **Act 4 - A Monument for All Time** (ROBERTO emerges and his seized by SOLDIERS. The MASKED WARLORD speaks to him.) WARLORD: And what news do you bring me, architect? ROBERTO: The... the foundations are infested! Demons and devils! Many lives will be lost if you try to build there... WARLORD: Hmm... You have done well to complete your goal, Bianchi. The construction will continue as planned... ROBERTO: But the DEMONS!! You'd be insane to build there! WARLORD: Silence, dog! What dwells beneath the Forbidden City is the very reason it was built! For you to understand, you must witness it firsthand. Let me educate you. Guards! Put this one with the others of the sacrifice... (The scene changes to the near completed pillar. The WARLORD stands atop the pillar with his guards, and several screaming people are being thrown into the pillar.) WARLORD: I am the Scourge of God, appointed to chastise you! Since no one knows the remedy for your iniquity, except me, you are wicked, but I am more wicked than you, so be silent! (ROBERTO is brought forth.) ROBERTO: Now for you, architect. You are about to make your largest contribution to this project... (ROBERTO is tossed into the hole. We see the same scene years later, with the completed pillar, made up of concrete and human bodies. Close-ups reveal ROBERTO among those in the pillar. Still picture. The Tome closes.) *********************************************************************** 12. Chapter 9 - A War to End All Wars **Act 1 - Binding the Black Guardian** (The sacrifice chamber in Oublie Cathedral. PIOUS is standing over the latest sacrifice, carving it up with a curved knife. A MONK approaches.) MONK: The Black Guardian grows restless, my liege. It's hunger increases, and the binding continues to weaken. We feed it flesh, but I fear it will not guard the relic too much longer... PIOUS: There is no choice in the matter. It must remain and guard the artifact until the time of planetary alignment. After that, the Guardian may return to its lair... Our Master does not like failure. It is imperative that we keep the binding intact! MONK: Then we have to find more flesh and bone... (PIOUS doesn't respond, but continues his work on the corpse.) ====================================== **Act 2 - A War to End all Wars** (The Tome opens onto a picture of a makeshift hospital.) EDWARD (voiceover): "The War to End all Wars" redefined how mankind looked at war, and the value of human life. Over 19,000 men lost their lives every day in the trenches of the Somme. Some say uselessly. Some invoke a higher cause. I read accounts of the slaughter from many journalists who spent time in the trenches, but I found the account of a certain Peter Jacob to the be the most horrible of all. His implication about the Ancient's involvement in the war was hideous, and so obvious. With the horror of the Battle of the Somme scant miles away, and the distant echoes of pounding artillery, a young journalist named Peter Jacob researched his latest story from the front lines. His grim task brought him to Oublie Cathedral, now transformed into a field hospital... (The pictures comes to life. Pan over the military hospital in Oublie Cathedral. PETER JACOB is seated, writing in his journal.) PETER (writing): I find no solace in the purpose behind all the senseless violence that surrounds me. Young men die at a rate unheard of in centuries of warfare. Shelling, machine guns and mustard gas, rip, pierce, and burn their flesh. Men soak gauze in their own urine to stop the insidious gas. The hospitals here cannot cope with the torrent of wounded. (As PETER writes, another wounded man who cannot be saved is dragged away by a soldier...) ====================================== **Act 3 - Food for the Beast** NOTE: The Guardians are different here, of course, for each path. But, there is no need for describing them, as I've done so in their introduction, and there's no real distinction between their actions, except, perhaps for the laughing of Xel'lotath's Guardian. (PETER walks through the Binding Hall, looking over all the grim reliefs on the walls. As he reaches the apse, and the massive hole in the ground, which is trailing smoke, he sees the artifact behind the stained glass window on the far end. As he draws closer, he hears a noise, and the BLACK GUARDIAN bursts through the hole in the floor. PETER reflexively draws his revolver and fires two shots at the beast, which seem to have no effect. The BLACK GUARDIAN creates four balls of Colored light, which shoot towards the back of the room. These balls created a Colored barrier, trapping PETER in the room with his enemy.) ====================================== **Act 4 - Memories that haunt** (69 years later) (The library of the Roivas Estate. An aged PETER is sitting and conversing with EDWARD ROIVAS. On the nearby table sits the Essence that PETER recovered, now sitting in a glass case.) PETER: ...and that was how I came by it. I know it sounds crazy, but there you have it. The only proof I have is that...statue... EDWARD (examining): Hmm... It's a strange one. I've see one like it before... PETER: You have? EDWARD: Yes. Very rare, though. Very obscure. PETER: I've had experts take a look at it, and none of them know what it is. And you do? EDWARD: I'm somewhat of an expert on these things, myself, an interest I developed a long time ago when I was a young man... PETER: Then you should keep it. Lord knows I have no interest in it. I'm sure it's the cause of my sleeplessness... I keep thinking about it, as if it's calling out to me... EDWARD (raising a glass): Then a drink, perhaps, for the gift? For an unusual objet d'art... (PETER picks up his glass as well. Still picture on the Essence. The Tome closes.) *********************************************************************** 13. Chapter 10 - A Legacy of Darkness **Act 1 - Dark Servants** --- Red Path: (The gates of the city of Ehn'Gha. PIOUS addresses one of Chattur'gha's Guardians.) PIOUS: You are not free to leave this plane, until you complete a task for me. You are to hunt and kill the master of this house. Do this one thing and you will be free, else fear the wrath of Chattur'gha! (The Guardian turns into a ball of light and floats up towards the mansion.) (Portal chamber. PIOUS speaks to CHATTUR'GHA.) POIUS: Everything is complete for your arrival, Master. Now, we must wait for the planets to align, and that is not too many years from now. Another Roivas has crossed our path. This time, we will not be so merciful. CHATTUR'GHA: Mercy has no place in this world... PIOUS: He will meet such a horrible death, that the rest of the line will never set foot in his house again! CHATTUR'GHA: Pray to me that they don't... --- Green Path: (The gates of the city of Ehn'Gha. PIOUS addresses one of Xel'lotath's Guardians.) PIOUS: You are not free to leave this plane, until you complete a task for me. You are to hunt and kill the master of this house. Do this one thing and you will be free, else fear the wrath of Xel'lotath! (The Guardian turns into a ball of light and floats up towards the mansion.) (Portal chamber. PIOUS speaks to XEL'LOTATH.) PIOUS: Everything is complete for your arrival, Master. Now, we must wait for the planets to align, and that is not too many years from now. Another Roivas has crossed our path. This time, we will not be so merciful. XEL'LOTATH 1: Mercy has no place in this world... XEL'LOTATH 2: It has only a place for me... PIOUS: He will meet such a horrible death, that the rest of the line will never set foot in his house again! XEL'LOTATH 1: Pray to me that they don't... XEL'LOTATH 2: Pray to me, anyway... --- Blue Path: (The gates of the city of Ehn'Gha. PIOUS addresses one of Ulyaoth's Guardians.) PIOUS: You are not free to leave this plane, until you complete a task for me. You are to hunt and kill the master of this house. Do this one thing and you will be free, else fear the wrath of Ulyaoth! (The Guardian turns into a ball of light and floats up towards the mansion.) (Portal chamber. PIOUS speaks to ULYAOTH.) POIUS: Everything is complete for your arrival, Master. Now, we must wait for the planets to align, and that is not too many years from now. Another Roivas has crossed our path. This time, we will not be so merciful. ULYAOTH: Mercy has no place in this world... PIOUS: He will meet such a horrible death, that the rest of the line will never set foot in his house again! ULYAOTH: Pray to me that they don't... ====================================== **Act 2 - A Legacy of Darkness** (The Tome opens on a picture of a man in a library. The pictures comes to life as EDWARD ROIVAS pores over his library in the Roivas Estate.) EDWARD (voiceover): My education in psychiatry did not prepare me. I would love to see how Freud's view of his mother would change with the knowledge of Chattur'gha. How Skinner would incorporate Xel'lotath into his behaviorist theories. How Jung would accommodate Ulyaoth into his theory on the collective unconscious. Like my ancestor, Maximillian, I too had an interest in my family tree. As a psychiatrist, I believed that science could provide answers into my family's sordid, bizzare past. It was with great excitement that I began my search. The mansion's history was filled with my colorful predecessors. Everything from convicted and hung witches to committed madmen, each laying their own peculiar mark on its character. I intended to find their secrets... ====================================== **Act 3 - Echo of the Past** (EDWARD explores the back of his library.) VOICE: Edward... (The ghost of MAXIMILLIAN ROIVAS appears behind EDWARD.) MAX: Edward...! (EDWARD turns around and is transfixed by the specter. He backs away slowly...) MAX: You know who I am, Edward... although you are doing your best not to believe it. I am, or was, Maximillian Roivas, your ancestor. I died in an asylum after trying to warn the world. The pain and anguish I felt in that cell has empowered me to linger after my death. I must complete what I started, Edward. The Darkness must be stopped or all of humanity may end! (EDWARD watches carefully as the spirit travels to the nearby grandfather clock...) MAX: Set the clock to the thirty-third minute of the third hour... (The spirit departs...) ====================================== **Act 4 - The Legacy Unveiled** (The secret passage in the library opens. The ghost of MAXIMILLIAN leads the way down the passage. EDWARD follows into the secret study. The Tome of Eternal Darkness sits on the desk.) MAX (gesturing): Take them, and use them. They are humanity's only hope. Destroy the Guardians, Edward, and avenge my wasted death... (The spirit departs...) ====================================== **Act 5 - Death Comes to us All** --- Red Path: (48 years later) (An aged EDWARD takes a book from his library, and sits down to read. A red light appears behind him, and a spidery Guardian stands behind him. The grandfather clock strikes three. EDWARD is obviously aware the creature is there, but does nothing. The creature lunges for his head as the scene goes black. The Tome closes.) --- Green Path: (48 years later) (An aged EDWARD takes a book from his library, and sits down to read. A green light appears behind him, and a grotesque Guardian hangs from the ceiling behind him. The grandfather clock strikes three. EDWARD is obviously aware the creature is there, but does nothing. The creature lunges for his head as the scene goes black. The Tome closes.) --- Blue Path: (48 years later) (An aged EDWARD takes a book from his library, and sits down to read. A blue light appears behind him, and a gossamer Guardian floats behind him. The grandfather clock strikes three. EDWARD is obviously aware the creature is there, but does nothing. The creature lunges for his head as the scene goes black. The Tome closes.) ====================================== **Act 6 - A Vision of Victory** --- Red Path: (Portal Chamber. PIOUS speaks to CHATTUR'GHA.) PIOUS: Master, I bring thee grave news. A colony of Guardians in the ruins of Ehn'Gha has been decimated. Without them, I fear we are lost... CHATTUR'GHA: Your fears are unfounded, servant. This news is irrelevant. I have seen the future that will come to pass. In this vision, I see myself crushing Xel'lotath, as I was destined to do. My many mouths consume its body from all sides. Gnawing at it until nothing remains. This I have seen. This is what will be... (As CHATTUR'GHA speaks, we catch glimpses of him rising.) PIOUS: You would place all our faith... in a vision? CHATTUR'GHA: Yes, just as I have placed all my faith... in you... --- Green Path: (Portal Chamber. PIOUS speaks to XEL'LOTATH.) XEL'LOTATH 1: Do you bring news of disaster, Augustus? XEL'LOTATH 2: And if not, we wonder why not, since disaster has struck... PIOUS: Yes, your colony of Guardians in the ruins of Ehn'Gha has been eradicated. A great magick wrought massive desturicion there. Not a single Guardian escaped... XEL'LOTATH 1: Your concern is touching, but out of place... XEL'LOTATH 2: There are other Guardian colonies. The loss of one is meaningless... XEL'LOTATH 1: That is the only disaster you report? PIOUS: Yes, my magnificence. There are no others... XEL'LOTATH 1: And what of your treachery to us? POIUS: Treachery? XEL'LOTATH 2: All in good time. It matters not that you bear us ill will, Augustus. It will come to no end. You lack the power to destroy me... XEL'LOTATH 1: Or even elevate yourself to our level. The future has unfolded before me, through a vision... XEL'LOTATH 2: ...one of my many visions... XEL'LOTATH 1: A vision of my conquering the Absent Horror, Ulyaoth, master of the planes. The magick of the planes is no match for the power of the mind and thus, it will be destroyed... (As XEL'LOTATH speaks, we catch glimpses of her rising...) PIOUS: Then the gates shall be opened, and you shall once again grace the earth with your prescence. --- Blue Path: (Portal Chamber. PIOUS speaks to ULYAOTH.) PIOUS: Master, I am saddened to report the destruction of the Guardian colony in the Ruin of Ehn'Gha... ULYAOTH: I am not without eyes, servant. I knew of their loss as it happened. It is not a conern of mine. The Guardians were merely tools to forward the greater cause. Think of them as casualties of war... PIOUS: But the balance of power has shifted with their loss! ULYAOTH: Nonsense! Balance? There has never been balance! If anything, we shall remove all balance. Our plan continues as predicted. I have seen the future, Pious, and it portends a great battle between myself and the great being of matter. Chattur'gha will fall to my superiority. The power of Chattur'gha is useless against me. (As ULYAOTH speaks, we catch glimpses of him rising.) PIOUS: Of course, as it was meant to be. The gates will be readied, just the same... ULYAOTH: We shall overcome. Be patient, my servant... Be patient... ====================================== **Act 7 - Maximillian's Dark Duty** (ALEX brings down her pickax on the weak wall, busting her way through. She enters the abandoned room. Suddenly, she looks at her hand, and she sees the vision of MAXIMILLIAN in the exact same position, looking at one of the flintlock pistols in his hand. He enters the servants' bedroom, and looks at the four servants sleeping in their beds. He fires one shot through the head of a sleeping servant, splattering blood and feathers from the pillow. As a second awakes, MAX fires a second shot at him. A third screams, and MAX draws his sabre, screaming himself, and slashing the servant across the chest. The fourth is on his feet, and MAX impales him through the chest. MAX stands and surveys the carnage, feathers still floating in the air...) *********************************************************************** 14. Chapter 11 - Ashes to Ashes **Act 1 - A Storm Rises** (PIOUS stands in the Portal Chamber. A MONK approaches from behind him.) MONK: A storm approaches, Augustus... A storm of Metal and Fire, and a torrent of souls along with it... Young and vibrant... PIOUS: Yes, I have seen in coming. A worthy sacrifice, I'm sure, and one that will allow the Greater Guardian that resides below to finish its channeling... (PIOUS invokes a Colored spell and speaks to the portal) PIOUS: With this sacrifice of souls I make unto thee, great one, the gates shall be readied to be open, and your freedom shall be at hand! ====================================== **Act 2 - Ashes to Ashes** (The Tome opens onto a picture of a burning oil field.) EDWARD (voiceover): Wherever disaster and death lurk, there is likely to be an Ancient, just beyond our senses, waiting. They prey on our misfortune, and exploit it toward their own twisted ends. When hundreds of oil fields are set ablaze on the heels of war, the Ancient's grip tightens, knowing that lives will be forfeit, and resources squandered. But, a few people make a difference. People like Michael Edwards, a Canadian industrial firefighter hired to put an end to the insanity at the end of the war. Ironically for him, the insanity was just beginning... (The picture comes to life, of a helicopter flying over burning oil fields. Firefighting trucks and towers spray water on the blaze. On the ground, MICHAEL EDWARDS is on the radio with the helicopter pilot.) PILOT: How's the temperature in there? MICHAEL: It's hotter than Hell here! I'm getting a little nervous about this one! It feels more out of control than the others! More powerful! I don't know how else to describe it! PILOT: This is the safest way to blow out these things. You've done this enough to know that. It's by the numbers. It's all good, so relax... MICHAEL: The silicon cloth and the water spray are there, so your probably right. We've got 500 pounds of 80 percent nitro-glycerin grade dynamite all in place. We're good to go! PILOT: Edwards! You can pull your team back now! Get your team to a safe distance and we'll try to kill the fire! MICHAEL: Sure thing! Coming back now! PILOT: We got a pressure increase at the well cap. It's gonna tear itself a part! Hurry! Get your team out of-- (The explosives explode prematurely, taking the firefighting team with it.) (We travel down a long shaft to find MICHAEL lying on the ground, at the base of the Pillar of Flesh. He stirs to consciousness and looks around at his fallen comrades...) MICHAEL: What the hell happened? They're all dead! McCormick! Patterson! All gone... (MICHAEL looks at the grotesque pillar.) MICHAEL: Looks like they've been buried alive... under tons of concrete... (A spirit of a man in robes appears from the pillar. ROBERTO's ghost holds an Essence and speaks.) ROBERTO: Take this. Guard it well. Many have perished for it. Take it. Take it to the ruins of Ehn'Gha. At the ruins, a Gathering of Light... (A vision appears of the Roivas Estate and the Ruins of Ehn'Gha.) MICHAEL: You want me to take this... to some ruins under a house in Rhode Island? ROBERTO: Take it! Save us... all! ====================================== **Act 3 - Back to Civilization** (A few years later...) (EDWARD ROIVAS stands beneath a streetlight. MICHAEL approaches, carrying a package.) MICHAEL: Thanks for coming. I didn't think you'd show... EDWARD: Look. I have no idea who you-- MICHAEL: I think you do. Just as much as I know, you know. Let's be quick. The Guardians know where I am and I won't last the night. But that's not the point. (MICHAEL hands EDWARD the package.) EDWARD: What's this? MICHAEL: Something you need. Don't open it here, only in privacy. They can sense it, if it's not shrouded. (MICHAEL turns around to leave.) EDWARD: Is it... one of the artifacts? MICHAEL: You must leave. There's something I have to do before they get to me... I can't protect you if they find us. Good luck! (MICHAEL turns and leaves. Still picture. The Tome closes.) *********************************************************************** 15. Finale - Gateway to Destiny **Gateway to Destiny** --- Red Path: (ALEX teleports to the Portal Chamber. PIOUS stands at the top of the stairway...) PIOUS: Ahhhhhh! Miss Roivas! You're just in time! The summoning spell I began two thousand years ago is finally complete. You will now have the honor of becoming the first morsel for my lord, Chattur'gha! An appetizer for the banquet your race shall provide! ALEX: You forget what it means to be human, Pious! The human race will never go quietly into the darkness, for as long as you have spent summoning your lord, people have struggled against you! Now, thanks to their efforts, I have three of the Ancients' Essences! Now, Pious! This is the end! PIOUS: (laughs) The end indeed! (The two prepare for combat.) --- Green Path: (ALEX teleports to the Portal Chamber. PIOUS stands at the top of the stairway...) PIOUS: Ahhhhhh! Miss Roivas! You're just in time! The summoning spell I began two thousand years ago is finally complete. You will now have the honor of becoming the first morsel for my lady, Xel'lotath! An appetizer for the banquet your race shall provide! ALEX: You forget what it means to be human, Pious! The human race will never go quietly into the darkness, for as long as you have spent summoning your lord, people have struggled against you! Now, thanks to their efforts, I have three of the Ancients' Essences! Now, Pious! This is the end! PIOUS: (laughs) The end indeed! (The two prepare for combat.) --- Blue Path: (ALEX teleports to the Portal Chamber. PIOUS stands at the top of the stairway...) PIOUS: Ahhhhhh! Miss Roivas! You're just in time! The summoning spell I began two thousand years ago is finally complete. You will now have the honor of becoming the first morsel for my lord, Ulyaoth! An appetizer for the banquet your race shall provide! ALEX: You forget what it means to be human, Pious! The human race will never go quietly into the darkness, for as long as you have spent summoning your lord, people have struggled against you! Now, thanks to their efforts, I have three of the Ancients' Essences! Now, Pious! This is the end! PIOUS: (laughs) The end indeed! (The two prepare for combat.) ====================================== **The Darkness Comes...** --- Red Path: (PIOUS concentrates his power and begins the final summoning spell. A great explosion rocks the Portal chamber.) (Red runes appear in the fabric of space. CHATTUR'GHA thrusts his claw out of it, and climbs up as if climbing through a hole, wiggling his tail out before the portal closes. He is a great black snake-like beast with a hideous three-jawed maw and two giant lobster-like claws.) --- Green Path: (PIOUS concentrates his power and begins the final summoning spell. A great explosion rocks the Portal chamber.) (Green runes appear in the fabric of space. XEL'LOTATH proceeds through the portal, wrapped up. She unfolds herself and is seen as a pink-skinned being with four arms and a long tail descending below her. In the center of her body is her one green eye. Green light dances from her hands and her insane laughter is heard.) --- Blue Path: (PIOUS concentrates his power and begins the final summoning spell. A great explosion rocks the Portal chamber.) (Blue runes appear in the fabric of space. ULYAOTH drops down through the portal. He is a shimmering jellyfish-like creature, with a veil surrounding red pulsating internal organs. Small blue globes of energy surround his apex and a pulse of power shoots from his being.) ====================================== **Chattur'gha's Maw** Round One: XEL'LOTATH laughs maniacally. She prepares a blast of green lightning with her four arms and shoots it towards CHATTUR'GHA. He blocks the lightning on his left claw. She draws nearer, pouring more energy into her attack. He waits until she gets close, then whips his right claw around, sending her flying. Round Two: XEL'LOTATH laughs again, and splits herself into three identical visions of herself. CHATTUR'GHA pauses for a moment, then strikes out at all three at once, hitting the correct one, and knocking her back again. He opens his left claw and a red beam issues forth, enveloping XEL'LOTATH and pulling her close to him... Round Three: Drawing XEL'LOTATH ever closer, CHATTUR'GHA brings his right claw around and traps her in it. She flails at him to let her go. Red lightning pours from the heavens, empowering CHATTUR'GHA. He closes his claw, slicing her in two. He drags her down below him, and begins disemboweling her, pulling off each of her arms individually. He finishes and roars his triumph, as the pieces of XEL'LOTATH float and trail green energy... ====================================== **The Grip of Insanity** Round One: ULYAOTH whips two of his tendrils, and with his power opens a portal above XEL'LOTATH, with the intent to fire a beam at her. She creates a shield above her to absorb the beam. She then creates a large green ball of electricity and fires it at ULYAOTH, harming him. Round Two: Focusing more power, ULYAOTH creates a larger portal, this time behind XEL'LOTATH. She enters the portal, and then appears behind ULYAOTH. With one of her lower arms, she grabs his apex, then with an upper arm, she summons green lightning, which travels through her and zaps him. Round Three: ULYAOTH creates another portal, firing a beam at XEL'LOTATH. She diverts the beam and it hits ULYAOTH instead. He tries with a second beam, this one also being diverted and hitting him. XEL'LOTATH is empowered by green lightning coming from the heavens. She then summons her own lightning storm, which fries ULYAOTH's internal organs, leaving him as nothing but a smoking veil. The veil plummets and XEL'LOTATH insanely laughs in her victory. ====================================== **The Power of the Planes** Round One: CHATTUR'GHA opens his right claw and creates a red beam. ULYAOTH conjures up a portal. The beam enters the portal and reappears behind CHATTUR'GHA, where it hits him. Round Two: Still smoking from the failure of his attack, CHATTUR'GHA decides for melee, and brings his left claw towards ULYAOTH. He intercepts the claw with a portal, which closes as the claw is halfway through, severing it. CHATTUR'GHA stares at the damaged claw trailing red energy and roars in pain. The remnants of the claw appear elsewhere. Round Three: Still defiant, CHATTUR'GHA roars at ULYAOTH. ULYAOTH creates a portal above him and shoots down a beam at CHATTUR'GHA's right arm, sucking it into oblivion. CHATTUR'GHA roars in pain and attempts to crawl away. Blue lightning envelops ULYAOTH, empowering him, and he creates a massive beam that sucks up all of CHATTUR'GHA's body, except for the head and severed claw. He then spins his globes about his body and a final portal is created, which vacuums up the remainder of CHATTUR'GHA. ====================================== **The Eternal Darkness Prevails** (ALEX lies motionless on the floor, her body smoking and writhed with Colored electricity. PIOUS walks up to her body.) PIOUS: Fool! (He spits.) PIOUS: I spit at thee! The Darkness shall be eternal! (PIOUS creates Colored lightning in his triumph.) ====================================== **The Darkness Vanquished** NOTE: Different scenes are shown with the visions of the other Ancient ruling the world, and the subsequent binding of that Ancient, but it's more necessary to document the lines spoken each time one finishes the game, so I've arranged these in that order. --- First Time: (PIOUS screams in pain and writhes on the ground. ALEX walks up to him, holding his staff.) PIOUS: The Darkness is not so easily destroyed! (ALEX raises back the staff) PIOUS: No! My death is just the beginning! (ALEX thrusts the staff deep into PIOUS' chest. He screams and his magickal energy shoots out from him as he dies. Once it is done, ALEX tosses the staff aside. Suddenly, with a close-up to her eye, she sees the visions of the Ancient she summoned wreaking havoc on the world.) ALEX (clutching her head): What have I done!? (In the Temple of Eternal Darkness, the ghost of EDWARD appears and touches the Tome. He appears at one of the spires in Ehn'Gha.) EDWARD: Quickly, Alex! We must bind this creature! It cannot be allowed to reamin in his Uinverse! (You change the Rune and the spires emanate power. This power ends up sucking the Ancient back through the portal.) (EDWARD's spirit appears next to ALEX.) EDWARD: It is finally over, my dear. The Ancient's plans are finished for now at least. You have proved to be an incredibly courageous young woman. Your mother and father would have proud of you, just as I am. I'm sorry it had to be like this. It's not quite the inheritance I had in mind for you, but there was so little time, and so much to do... Goodbye, Alex. I will miss you... (ALEX sadly watches her grandfather depart, and looks down at her feet, where the Tome of Eternal Darkness is now laying. Still picture. The Tome closes.) ALEX (voiceover): As I gazed up at the Ancient I had brought in this world to stop Pious, my mistake was made clear. This Ancient could lay waste to the world, just as easily as Pious' could have. And yet, as quickly as it began, it ended... To think that once I could not see beyond the veil of reality, to see those who dwell behind... I was once a fool... --- Second Time: (PIOUS screams in pain and writhes on the ground. ALEX walks up to him, holding his staff.) PIOUS: The Darkness is not so easily destroyed! (ALEX raises back the staff) PIOUS: No! My death is just the beginning! (ALEX thrusts the staff deep into PIOUS' chest. He screams and his magickal energy shoots out from him as he dies. Once it is done, ALEX tosses the staff aside. Suddenly, with a close-up to her eye, she sees the visions of the Ancient she summoned wreaking havoc on the world.) ALEX (clutching her head): What have I done!? (In the Temple of Eternal Darkness, the ghost of EDWARD appears and touches the Tome. He appears at one of the spires in Ehn'Gha.) EDWARD: Quickly, Alex! We must bind this creature! It cannot be allowed to reamin in his Uinverse! (You change the Rune and the spires emanate power. This power ends up sucking the Ancient back through the portal.) (EDWARD's spirit appears next to ALEX.) EDWARD: It is finally over, my dear. The Ancient's plans are finished for now at least. You have proved to be an incredibly courageous young woman. Your mother and father would have proud of you, just as I am. I'm sorry it had to be like this. It's not quite the inheritance I had in mind for you, but there was so little time, and so much to do... Goodbye, Alex. I will miss you... (ALEX sadly watches her grandfather depart, and looks down at her feet, where the Tome of Eternal Darkness is now laying. Still picture. The Tome closes.) ALEX (voiceover): There was something more, like a hole being opened in my mind, disguising the thoughts there... I can almost see it... I have a strong ally, but where? I must look to the future. My work is not yet done... --- Third Time: (PIOUS screams in pain and writhes on the ground. ALEX walks up to him, holding his staff.) PIOUS: The Darkness is not so easily destroyed! (ALEX raises back the staff) PIOUS: No! My death is just the beginning! (ALEX thrusts the staff deep into PIOUS' chest. He screams and his magickal energy shoots out from him as he dies. Once it is done, ALEX tosses the staff aside. Suddenly, with a close-up to her eye, she sees the visions of the Ancient she summoned wreaking havoc on the world.) ALEX (clutching her head): What have I done!? (In the Temple of Eternal Darkness, the ghost of EDWARD appears and touches the Tome. He appears at one of the spires in Ehn'Gha.) EDWARD: Quickly, Alex! We must bind this creature! It cannot be allowed to reamin in his Uinverse! (You change the Rune and the spires emanate power. This power ends up sucking the Ancient back through the portal.) (EDWARD's spirit appears next to ALEX.) EDWARD: It is finally over, my dear. The Ancient's plans are finished for now at least. You have proved to be an incredibly courageous young woman. Your mother and father would have proud of you, just as I am. I'm sorry it had to be like this. It's not quite the inheritance I had in mind for you, but there was so little time, and so much to do... Goodbye, Alex. I will miss you... (ALEX sadly watches her grandfather depart, and looks down at her feet, where the Tome of Eternal Darkness is now laying. Still picture. The Tome closes.) ALEX (voiceover): Where emptiness had been, new knowledge now seeped inside. Something happened then... I realized I was not the only one, that there were many others like me. In other places, other universes, fighting the same fight, all to serve the needs of the Great Ancient, and to have my world spared from Eternal Darkness. ====================================== **"Beyond the veil, things aren't as they seem..."** (Mantorok's Tomb.) EDWARD (voiceover): And so it comes to pass... Of the three Ancients, there is nothing... (Black and white stills of the Ancients fighting) EDWARD (voiceover): The mighty Chattur'gha has obliterated the insanity of Xel'lotath. The madness of Xel'lotath has overcome the power of Ulyaoth. The boundless Ulyaoth has decimated the power of Chattur'gha. (Mantorok's Tomb.) EDWARD (voiceover): All at once, separate and simultaneous, for the Universe is made of many timestreams, many possibilites, all in harmonious sychronicity. Only Mantorok remains, slowly dying. Mantorok... Keeper... Overseer... Warden of Ancients... Chaos, an entity trapped between the veils of reality and the enchanted stakes that impale its flesh. Unable to rally its Guardians, it could rely only on its subtle manipulations of the Roivas family to destroy its enemies. (Black and white stills of EDWARD and ALEX) EDWARD (voiceover): Knowing the nature of the Ancients, it used its pawns to play them against each other, resultying in their mutual annihilation... (Mantorok's Tomb.) EDWARD (voiceover): Now it will languish forever, festering in its tomb... plotting... *********************************************************************** 16. Alex and Edward Scenes NOTE: There are four of these scenes that occur at different points in the game. They're not listed in the Cutscene List, and they don't always happen at the same time. They can be seen (in sequence) in Karim's, Lindsey's, Roberto's, Peter's, or Michael's chapters. They're treated as Sanity Effects. ====================================== First Scene: (ALEX pores over the Tome of Eternal Darkness. A spirit of EDWARD appears behind her.) EDWARD: My dear Alex. I will always be at your side. There are times when insanity takes hold, and nothing seems right. During those times I will help you. Fear not, for I will keep the darkness away... ====================================== Second Scene: (ALEX pores over the Tome of Eternal Darkness. A spirit of EDWARD appears behind her.) EDWARD: Remember me, Alex? (ALEX turns to look at the spirit.) ALEX: How could I forget you, grandpa? You've always meant the most to me. Ever since... Ever since my parents died... EDWARD: Yes... Ever since they were killed... You've been my little girl... Yes... My little girl... ====================================== Third Scene: (ALEX pores over the Tome of Eternal Darkness. A spirit of EDWARD appears behind her.) ALEX: Help me, grandpa... I can't take this anymore... EDWARD(?): Don't be so weak, Alex... You have a stronger mind than this. I didn't bring up a weakling. Not a scared wretch of a girl! ALEX: You kept all this from me! You kept me alone! Shared nothing with me! EDWARD(?): I couldn't. I could never give you the burden. I just wanted you to grow up, to grow up and LEAVE ME ALONE! Why couldn't you have been killed with your parents... (ALEX turns from him and goes back to the Tome) ====================================== Fourth Scene: (ALEX pores over the Tome of Eternal Darkness. A spirit of EDWARD appears behind her.) EDWARD(?): Ahhhhh... Sweet Alex... (ALEX gasps and recoils at the ghost touches her.) EDWARD(?): Many centuries I've waited for you... You are mine! Don't disappoint me now... I've waited such a long time, Alex... ALEX: Never! I know what you are... I've seen what happened! (The ghost puts its arm around her and leans close to her. Electricity distorts its appearance.) EDWARD(?): You can try to fight me, but in the end you shall succumb to my desires... My foolish child... You don't even know your own destiny... (The ghost changes into the form of PIOUS.) ALEX: Get... away from me! (ALEX swings at PIOUS, but his form disappears... She leans her head down into her hand...) *********************************************************************** 17. Standard Guide Stuff --- A. Legal This FAQ was made 100% by me, and is Copyright © 2001-2002 Scott "CyricZ" Zdankiewicz. You may not take it in whole or in part and claim it as your own. You may not alter it in any way, even if you ask me first, and that includes putting it in HTML format. Please don’t post this on your site unless you have express consent by me. I’ve put a lot of time into this. Give me some credit... Currently, the following sites have permission to post my FAQ: www.gamefaqs.com www.gamewinners.com www.cheatcc.com I'm not going to allow people with small personal sites to post this FAQ. They may post the link on GameFAQs with all the ED guides, but, trying to keep updates, well, updated, I'll only allow large committed sites that I trust. --- B. E-mail Guidelines You shouldn't need to e-mail me for anything really. This is just a simple compilation for those who haven't seen all the cutscenes... --- C. Credits CJayC and Al Amaloo for having this on their sites. --- D. Version Updates Version 1.0 - Should be done, pretty much... --- E. The Final Word Despite the scariness, this is a fun game, and I get the feeling this will shut up the "kiddy" fanatics who bash Nintendo. Well, no, it probably won't shut 'em up completely, but I digress... Since we're now finished, you may offer whatever you want. Insights into the plot, better ways to take out enemies, what have you... My dear reader. I will always be at your side. There are times when insanity takes hold, and nothing seems right. During those times I will help you. Fear not, for I will keep the darkness away...