Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem Frequently Asked Questions (With Hints!) v1.9 - secrets section added Last Updated: July 4, 2002 Author: DGow _______________________________________________________________________ INTRODUCTION: Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem is a fantastic "psychological thriller" action/adventure game developed by Silicon Knights for the Nintendo GameCube. The game has been rated 'Mature (17+)' by the ESRB ( Since the release of Eternal Darkness, I've noticed a lot of the same questions being asked on message boards and forums over and over again. In an effort to help these players, I've attempted to compile and answer as many of the frequently asked questions as possible. Below you'll find a list of the questions along with my detailed answers. I've also added in some hints, in order to try to help players figure out the answers for themselves without having the puzzles spoiled for them. If you're stuck, glance at the hints and try playing some more. Resort to the answers only as a last act of desperation. The questions are sorted by chapter and character (in captial letters) for easy access. That said, you should be able to figure out all of the answers for yourself by following just a few simple tips. _______________________________________________________________________ GENERAL TIPS: 1) Check your inventory. At the beginning of each chapter, look through your inventory to see which unique items that particular character starts out with. Use the "Check" command and read each description carefully. Try to think of ways that you may be able to use these items to help you. If you get stuck somewhere later on, go back and check your inventory again. You may already have the item you need, you just didn't realize it yet. 2) Think of what you've just learned. The game will usually teach you any spells or techniques you need to know just before you need to use them. This is particularly true between chapters when playing as Alex. If you're having trouble finding the next Chapter Page, think about which spells Alex has learned from reading the last chapter. Consider the kinds of puzzles that were solved by the previous character. By keeping these things in mind, the solutions to the next puzzles should come to you rather quickly. 3) Examine everything. Sometimes clues are hidden where you least expect them. Examine every object in the rooms and read all of the details carefully. Otherwise you may miss something important. Check every item that is placed in your inventory. Read every document you find, and pay close attention to what they say. Be alert during all of the cinema scenes. Clues appear everywhere. Pay attention. 4) Take your time. If you rush through the game you're bound to miss important details. Slow down and enjoy the experience. If you're not sure of what to do at a given point, go back and look at everything again. You will figure it out, eventually. 5) Avoid spoilers at all costs. They *will* diminish your enjoyment of the game. Work things out for yourself -- it's much more satisfying that way. Consult FAQs only as a last resort. You're much better off without them. If you follow the above tips, you shouldn't need the rest of this FAQ. But just in case you do need some help, here it comes... _______________________________________________________________________ FAQ: _______________________________________________________________________ PRELUDE: A Death in the Family (ALEXANDRA ROIVAS) Question: Where do I go? Hint: Something's odd about that grandfather clock. Maybe it relates somehow to the carriage clock in the main hall? ***Answer: In a back room of the library is a grandfather clock. Set the time to 3:33 to open a secret passage.*** Question: How do I use the telescope and/or adjust the mirrors in the observatoy? Hint: It may not be necessary to solve this puzzle yet. Have you tried looking around elsewhere? ***Answer: The telescope will not be used until much, much later in the game. And it will be absolutely obvious as to when you need to use it. So, for the sake of your own personal sanity, you should probably stay out of the observatory until then.*** _______________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER 1: The Chosen One (PIOUS AUGUSTUS) Question: What am I supposed to do in this chapter? Hint: What's with those granite blocks and the symbols carved on them? ***Answer: Collect the four granite blocks and proceed to the room with the matching carvings on the walls. Place each granite block in the slot with the matching symbol above it.*** Question: I'm in a room with three plinths, each with a glowing artifact on top of it. Does it matter which one of these I choose to take? Hint: The artifact chosen by Pious will determine the path your characters will follow for the rest of the game. The three paths are pretty much the same, with the main difference being that the majority of the zombies you fight will be of the type matching that particular artifact (some of the cinemas will also be slightly different). It doesn't really matter which one you choose, so just go with whichever one you like the best. ***Answer: Pious will become possessed by whichever artifact he touches, and will serve the corresponding Ancient for the rest of the game (either Chattur'gha, Ulyaoth, or Xel'lotath). As a result, most of the enemies you fight will be of that Ancient's alignment (red, blue, or green, respectively). This choice will affect the gameplay to some extent. The red zombies tend to be much stronger, and will regrow their limbs if you cut them off (you'll generally have to worry more about your health if you take the red path). The green zombies will have phantom limbs appear in the place of the lopped off ones, taking a terrible toll on your character's sanity (you'll generally have to worry more about your sanity if you take the green path). The blue zombies will sap your magick with their attacks, and will also explode if you don't kill them quickly enough (you'll generally have to worry more about your magick if you take the blue path). Some of the cinemas will also be different, and you'll want to play through all three paths to experience everything the game has to offer.*** _______________________________________________________________________ INTERLUDE 1: (ALEX) Question: Where's the next Chapter Page? Hint: Observe your surroundings carefully, it shouldn't be hard to locate. ***Answer: It's in a picture frame on the wall right behind the desk in Edward's secret study (it's visible behind Alex immediately after finishing chapter 1).*** _______________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER 2: The Binding of the Corpse God (ELLIA) Question: What do I do with the candles? Hint: Examine the engravings on the floor or any pictures in the room, and read all of the details. ***Answer: If the sun in the picture is at midday, make sure only the middle candle is lit. If the picture is of night, extinguish all of the candles.*** Question: The doors only opened part way. How do I get through them? Hint: Keep exploring. Don't be afraid to backtrack. ***Answer: Take the Bronze Necklace back to the first room and put it around the statue's neck. Doing this will allow you entrance into another room where you can solve a second candle puzzle to open the doors the rest of the way.*** Question: I've been given the Essence of Mantorok, but now I'm stuck. Where do I go? Hint: Search your surroundings. Particularly that statue and the weird stone in an earlier room. ***Answer: Take the Metal Bar from the statue and backtrack to the room that has the large mural on the wall and the stone with the slanted sides in the middle of it. Search the stone to find a slot. Put the Metal Bar in the slot.*** _______________________________________________________________________ INTERLUDE 2: (ALEX) Question: Where's the next Chapter Page? Hint: Think of what you learned in the last chapter and the puzzles you solved. Recognize anything in the secret study? ***Answer: Walk over to the set of candles. The picture on the wall shows the sun during dawn, so light only the left candle. Open the Message Tube to find the next Chapter Page.*** _______________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER 3: Suspicions of Conspiracy (ANTHONY) Question: How do I get through the secret door? It closes before I can get there. Hint: You'll need to find something to hold the iron plate down for you. Examine the plate for clues. ***Answer: Collect the three shards of the Broken Green Urn and "Mix" them together. Cast "Enchant Item" on the urn to repair it. Fill the Green Urn and Blue Urn (after fixing it as well) with water. Place them, along with the Red Urn (already filled), onto the iron plate to open the secret door.*** _______________________________________________________________________ INTERLUDE 3: (ALEX) Question: Where's the next Chapter Page? Hint: Which magick spell has Alex learned from reading the last chapter? ***Answer: Trying to use the Second Floor Key in the lock has broken it. Cast "Enchant Item" on it to fix it. Search the bedrooms on the second floor. In one of them you'll find a painting of someone who looks a bit like Napoleon. Behind the painting is the next Chapter Page.*** _______________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER 4: The Gift of Forever (KARIM) Question: How do I get through the door that has a picture of a sword and a strange Rune on it? Hint: Find the sword that looks like the one on the door. Also, that Rune must be meaningful somehow... ***Answer: Proceed through the level until you've found the wicked Ram Dao sword. Cast "Enchant Item" on the Ram Dao (remember to enchant it with the same type of magick that appears on the door -- the Rune will be different depending on which artifact you chose with Pious). Stand in front of the door and bring up the inventory screen. Highlight the Ram Dao and select "Use" to insert the weapon into the slot.*** Question: What's with this red statue thingy (Ruby Effigy) that I found with Karim? I can't seem to do anything with it. Hint: Don't worry about it yet. Karim will want to collect it, but he's not the one who will use it. More will be revealed in later chapters. (Collecting the Ruby Effigy is not necessary to completing the game.) ***Answer: The Ruby Effigy is one of three Effigies that can be found throughout the game. By collecting all three, you will be able to find a powerful secret weapon in chapter 11. More on that later.*** _______________________________________________________________________ INTERLUDE 4: (ALEX) Question: Where's the next Chapter Page? Hint: Think about the puzzles Karim solved in the last chapter. Does anything in the Estate seem familiar? ***Answer: Take the Gladius down to the kitchen and enchant it with the appropriate magick. Slide it into the seal on the pantry door to open it up. Grab the Spice Jar and open it to find the next Chapter Page.*** _______________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER 5: The Lurking Horror (DR. MAXIMILLIAN ROIVAS) Question: What's with that sigil on the wall? I know I'm supposed to do something but I can't figure out what. Hint: Read Letter #3 again and carefully observe the paintings on the walls beside the sigil. ***Answer: This is one of the most commonly asked questions. Make sure you've gone back to the second floor and found the hidden envelope near the stained-glass window (it has fallen down besdie the left table). When returning to the main hall, Max will suffer a strange hallucination (the world will seem to turn black and white) and he will have to fight a Horror to obtain the third Alignment Rune (this will be the second Horror you fight in the main hall -- they will each have a Rune and you will need them both). Approach the sigil and cast "Reveal Invisible" using the new Rune (you have to use the Alignment Rune that opposes the one on the wall -- this Rune will be different depending on which artifact Pious chose). The basement door will be revealed.*** Question: Holy crap, how do I kill the boss? Hint: I suggest an augmented ranged attack. Don't forget to dodge. ***Answer: Use the Dual Flintlocks and enchant them with the "Enchant Item" spell. Pick the Alignment Rune that the boss is weak to (it'll be the same as the one you used for the "Reveal Invisible" spell earlier). You shouldn't have too much trouble here. It only takes about four hits to kill the Guardian with the Dual Flintlocks. However, the Guardian may cast a shield spell in order to block some of them. Just keep blasting away and you'll eventually destroy the shield and resume hitting it. The Guardian will also cast summon zombie and magickal attack spells. Keep moving in order to avoid being hit by them (you could cast a "Damage Field" spell to protect yourself from the zombies, but you'd still be susceptible to the magickal attack, so you might as well just dodge or kill them). After enough enchanted flintlock shots, the Guardian will die.*** _______________________________________________________________________ INTERLUDE 5: (ALEX) Question: Where's the next Chapter Page? Hint: Which spells did Alex learn after reading Max's chapter? Which items in your inventory haven't you used yet? Could any benefit from a new spell? ***Answer: Return to the master bedroom and cast "Reveal Invisible" on the dresser. Use the Dresser Key (found in the carriage clock) to open the dresser and reveal the next Chapter Page.*** _______________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER 6: A Journey into Darkness (DR. EDWIN LINDSEY) Question: I can't seem to find certain items, Runes, Codices, or Spell Scrolls. Where are they? Hint: Look over the items that Lindsey starts with and consider their possible uses. There might be something that will help you. ***Answer: Many items are hidden behind cobwebs. Use the Archaeologist's Brush to reveal them (the controller should rumble when you're near a hidden item).*** Question: I can see the Silver Necklace but it's guarded by a monster behind a magickal barrier. How do I get to it? Hint: You'll need to remove that barrier. Do you have any spells that might help? ***Answer: The barrier is actually a "Damage Field" that has presumably been cast by the Horror in order to help protect the necklace. Cast the "Dispel Magick" spell to get rid of it. Make sure you cast it using the Alignment Rune that is superior to the one used to create the barrier (Red beats Green, Green beats Blue, Blue beats Red).*** Question: I can't find the Gold Necklace. Where is it? Hint: Examine the items in your inventory and the areas you've explored. You may already have what you need... ***Answer: Find the Necklace and then locate the fountain that spews acid. Notice that the Necklace is heavily corroded? Place the Necklace in the basin and soak it in acid. It will turn into the Gold Necklace.*** Question: In certain rooms I can push in these strange stone panels, but it doesn't seem to do anything and they just slide back out after a few seconds. What are they for? Hint: They will affect your surroundings somehow, but only for a short period of time... ***Answer: Pushing in the panels will disable all the traps in the nearby corridors for the short time it takes the panels to slide back out. That's all. It's only a small benefit, especially if you're pretty good at avoiding the traps anyway. And it only lasts a few seconds, so get on your horse and hurry down out of the room if you want to take advantage of it. You can expect to make it about halfway down the corridor before the traps kick back in, so be wary of their return. No use getting sloppy and finding yourself sliced in half.*** Question: I removed those red, green, and blue damage fields throughout the temple using the "Dispel Magick" spell, and it caused a purple energy field to disappear from a wall in one of the corridors. I examined the spot where the energy field used to be and it said something about a hole that a small dog could fit through. What does that mean? What was the point of removing the purple energy field? Hint: You won't be able to solve this puzzle until a little later in the chapter. As you play, think about the kinds of things that might fit through a hole like that. You should be able to find something you can use. (Note: solving this puzzle is not necessary to completing the game.) ***Answer: You need to first acquire the Runes necessary to cast the "Summon Trapper" spell. You'll find these and the Spell Scroll all within the chapter (but not until near the end). Once you have Tier (Summon) and Aretak (Creature), you're ready to bring forth your own pet Trapper. Backtrack to the area with the small hole (it'll be pretty far away by now) and cast "Summon Trapper". Guide the little critter through the hole, then walk it across the small bridge and over to the runic symbol on the floor. Make it stand on this symbol (the sign of the Corpse God Mantorok) to open a small alcove behind Lindsey that contains the Mantorok Alignment Rune. This Rune will be your new best friend, since spells cast with it will generally have a more powerful effect than those cast with Runes of the other three alignments. For instance, many of Mantorok's spells have the added bonus of poisoning enemies, and you can also use the Rune to turn yourself invisible (among other benefits). Experiment and have fun! (Please note that using this Rune will probably make the game easier for you. If you're already finding the game to be easy enough, you may wish to avoid it. Although if this is your second or third time through, you'll definitely want to grab it to have some fun.) Warning: There appears to be a glitch in the game that can prevent you from completing the chapter if you go back for the Mantorok Rune AFTER watching the cutscene with Pious in Mantorok's lair. It doesn't always happen, but I've heard multiple complaints, so you should keep it in mind. If you want to get the Mantorok Rune I suggest doing it as soon as you've acquired the "Summon Trapper" spell. No use risking any problems (and it's a shorter trip back at that point anyway).*** _______________________________________________________________________ INTERLUDE 6: (ALEX) Question: Where's the next Chapter Page? Hint: Which spells did Alex learn from reading Lindsey's chapter? Where might they be used? ***Answer: Head up to the second floor and approach the stained-glass window. Cast "Dispel Magick" to remove the magickal barrier and retrieve the next Chapter Page (don't forget to pick the appropriate alignment).*** _______________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER 7: Heresy! (PAUL LUTHER) Question: I've just started the chapter and I've searched around, but I can't figure out where to go. Did I miss something? Hint: Keep looking around, particularly in the main area of the Cathedral. ***Answer: Walk down the middle aisle in the main area of the Cathedral. Paul will find a dead body between the pews.*** Question: I've got the Podium Key, but where's the podium? I can't find it! Hint: Pretty much where you'd expect it to be. Look carefully, it can be easily missed. ***Answer: The podium is at the end of the aisle in the main area of the Cathedral. It's slightly in front of the altar and just off to the right side. Approach it by standing at the front of the altar and walking directly to your right. It can be hard to notice if you're not looking, so pay close attention.*** Question: Okay, I've got the Emerald and the Sapphire, but where's the Ruby? Hint: It's in one of the rooms in the Old Tower. Have you searched the Cathedral thoroughly? ***Answer: It's in the Bishop's Room. If you don't have the Old Tower key, return to the bell tower and ring the bell. The Custodian will speak with you and give you the key. You can find the door to the Bishop's Room between the pews in the Old Tower. Once inside you'll have a fight on your hands, but the winner gets the Ruby so it's definitely worth the trouble.*** Question: I've got the Ruby and the Emerald but now I'm stuck. Where do I go from here? Hint: Maybe you'd be interested in a little wine... ***Answer: Go to the wine cellar and examine the casks of wine. One of them is empty and is actually a trigger for a secret passage at the back of the wine cellar. Turn the spigot of the second cask on the right side.*** Question: I've got all three Diary Pages and the Book of Reliquaries but I don't know what to do next. Does it have something to do with that sacrificial altar? Hint: What has been the purpose of collecting the Diary Pages, anyway? Is there anyone that could help you? ***Answer: Return to the Custodian in the bell tower to show him the evidence of the heresy. He'll give you a Sacrificial Knife which you can use in the sacrificial altar to open a secret door.*** Question: I can't find the 5 Point Circle of Power anywhere. Where is it? Hint: It's hidden, so you'll have to do some work to find it. Maybe a little music would soothe your soul and help you search? ***Answer: The 5 Point Circle of Power is hidden in the tabernacle to the right of the altar. In order to open it, you need to play the proper notes on the organ using the Sheet of Music. The Sheet of Music can be found in the library at the top of the Old Tower.*** Question: I know I need to cast a spell using the 5 Point Circle of Power, but I can't figure out how to do it. How does it work? Hint: Do you remember how the 5 Point Circle of Power was described when you picked it up? Or what the Pargon Codex said? A 5 Point spell boosts the power of a 3 Point spell. ***Answer: You need to cast a regular 3 Point spell, but add two Pargon (Power) Runes to it in order to increase its power.*** _______________________________________________________________________ INTERLUDE 7: (ALEX) Question: Where's the next Chapter Page? Hint: Read the Note from Edward. What could possibly have "88 keys" in the Estate? Does anything relate to any of the puzzles that Paul solved? ***Answer: Proceed to the dining room and examine the piano. Play the notes in the correct order to discover the next Chapter Page.*** _______________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER 8: The Forbidden City (ROBERTO BIANCHI) Question: I can see the key I need on a pedestal that is surronded by some lava rocks. But just how do I get to it? Hint: Examine the sigil on the pedestal. That should give you a clue. ***Answer: You need to cast a 5 Point "Reveal Invisible" spell of the opposing alignment in front of the pedestal. Doing so will reveal a path across the lava, and allow you access to the key.*** Question: What's this Sapphire Effigy I've heard of? Where do I get it and what do I do with it? Hint: The rumble function of your controller will come in handy here (it rumbles when there's a secret nearby). Explore carefully while holding your controller tightly. Also, be observant. You can actually see it if you're paying close enough attention. As for its use, don't worry about that yet. Roberto will want to collect it, but he's not the one who will put it to use. More will be revealed in later chapters. (Collecting the Sapphire Effigy is not necessary to completing the game.) ***Answer: The Sapphire Effigy is one of three Effigies that can be found throughout the game. You should have already collected the Ruby Effigy during Karim's chapter (chapter 4). The Sapphire Effigy is located in the corridor outside the room that contains the key on a pedestal surrounded by a moat of lava. The only problem is that it's invisible. However, when you cast the "Reveal Invisible" spell to gain access to the key, you also make the Sapphire Effigy visible. It is sitting on a small ledge, right near the bottom of the ladder (your controller should rumble each time you walk past it). You should search this area after you've grabbed the key (alternately, you could cast the appropriate "Reveal Invisible" spell on your first trip past in order to uncover it). If you run by quickly on your way back you may miss it, so stay sharp. Collect this Effigy and proceed onward. When Roberto visits Karim's spirit near the end of this chapter, he will be given the Ruby Effigy that Karim found nearly 900 years ago. Roberto will in turn need to pass on both of these to the character that will ultimately use them. By collecting all three, you will be able to find a powerful secret weapon in chapter 11. More on that later.*** Question: I've surveyed all of the rooms but one. The map says it's on a floor below me, but I can't get to it. How do I get down there? Hint: What spells have you learned with Roberto? Do any of them remind you of anything that you've experienced during the chapter? What's with that metal gate that you can't open? ***Answer: Return to the room where you saw the zombie get crushed by a giant stone block. A metal gate closed when that happened, and you haven't been able to open it. Cast "Summon Zombie" and walk the poor creature onto the touch plate where the other zombie got smashed. The stone block will pulverize this zombie as well, and open up the metal gate allowing you access to the ladder behind it.*** Question: Okay, I'm finally done surveying everything. Now what? Hint: Think back to the beginning of the chapter and why you're surveying the ruins in the first place. ***Answer: Return to the guards at the beginning of the site and report your findings to them. They said they'd let you go, right..?*** _______________________________________________________________________ INTERLUDE 8: (ALEX) Question: Where's the next Chapter Page? Hint: Does anything around here seem familiar after reading Roberto's chapter? That crumbling sound might be a clue... ***Answer: Examine the painting of the gruesome tower of bodies in the secret study. You'll be able to "survey the area" and locate the next Chapter Page.*** _______________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER 9: A War to End all Wars (PETER JACOB) Question: I've searched the area, but the guards are blocking all the doors. How do I get past them? Hint: If only you could convince one of the soldiers to leave. Maybe one should be outside instead? ***Answer: Collect the Soldier's Orders from the podium. Return to the first room of the Cathedral (where the entrance is). Go up to the soldier that's blocking the door and give him the orders. He'll go out to the rallying point as instructed, which will allow you access to the door.*** Question: Help! The power's out and I can't get it back on. There's a fuse missing and I can't seem to find it. What do I do? Hint: Carefully check the items that Peter has in his inventory. Maybe he already has something that could help you... ***Answer: Take the Lucky Penny and jam it into the empty slot in the fusebox. The copper penny is conductive and will complete the circuit. Now pull the lever to turn the generator on, and power will be restored to the Cathedral (make sure you've turned on the steam generator in the boiler room first).*** Question: I've seen the magick sigil on the wall, but I can't find the 7 Point Circle of Power anywhere. Where the heck is it? Hint: There's a door you can't open in the boiler room, but you need to get in there somehow. What's with that hole in the wall beside it? Can you think of anything that might fit through there, and how it might affect things on the other side? ***Answer: Cast "Summon Trapper" and guide the little fellow through the hole. Once on the other side you'll notice that a body is blocking the door. Target the body and use the Trapper's powers to banish it to the Trapper Dimension. Problem solved. You can now open the door and find the 7 Point Circle of Power.*** Question: How do I defeat the Black Guardian boss?! [Possibly the most asked question about the game.] Hint: Timing is the key. You may've guessed what to attack with, just not when to do it. ***Answer: Depending on which artifact you chose with Pious, the Black Guardian you fight here will be different. But the strategy for defeating each one is much the same. The key here is to time your attack to when the Black Guardian is vunerable -- and it's only vunerable while it's glowing. It will cast a number of spells at you, and eventually decide to rest and recharge itself. You'll see it glow either red, green, or blue (depending on your path) and this is when you need to hit it. What's the best thing to hit it with? I suggest you start with a 3 Point "Magickal Attack" spell (of the opposing alignment, of course) until you have the timing down. You can then upgrade to casting a 5 Point or 7 Point "Magickal Attack" spell to kill the boss faster, but keep in mind that the timing will be trickier. The Black Guardian is only vunerable for a short period of time, so you'll have to cast a 7 Point spell well in advance in order to land the hit. Of course, once you learn the Black Guardian's attack patterns, you should be able to nail it with your bigger spells fairly consistently (just watch out for distractions like summoned zombies). Please note: if the boss never seems to glow, you may be standing too close to it. It's not particularly interested in being vunerable when you're right in its face. Keep your distance so that it will feel more confident about trying to recharge itself. You can still hit it with magick even from pretty far away, so there's really no reason to be that close (and staying back will help your ability to dodge as well). On the defensive side, you'll want to come into the battle with a 7 Point "Shield Spell" around you. If you find that you're getting hit a lot, you may need to cast additional shield spells (probably 3 or 5 Point, depending on how much time you have) when there's a break in the action. Also, casting a "Damage Field" can help keep the zombies at bay during the second phase (don't bother to attack the zombies directly, just let them bang into your shield -- they'll die anyway when you cast your attack magick). As long as you dodge most of the Black Guardian's attacks and time your counter-attacks properly, you shouldn't have too much trouble with this boss. Good luck.*** _______________________________________________________________________ INTERLUDE 9: (ALEX) Question: Where's the next Chapter Page? Hint: What puzzles did Peter solve in the last chapter? Come on, this one's easy... ***Answer: Pick up the Basement Key and proceed to the basement. Put the Lucky Penny in the fuse box to complete the circuit. This will restore power to the second floor bathroom. Head up there and open the medicine cabinet to find the next Chapter Page.*** _______________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER 10: A Legacy of Darkness (EDWARD ROIVAS) Question: How do I get the Elephant Gun? I can't seem to find the key to the gun case. Hint: Someone in the Estate has the key, but he will only give it to you under a special circumstance. And if you miss your opportunity, you won't be able to acquire it later. ***Answer: The servant in the master bedroom has the Gun Cabinet Key. This is the first servant that will be attacked by the nasty vampire creature (not counting the one you fight in the library). But the servant will only give you the key if the monster attacks him and you save his life. If the servant dies, you cannot get the key. Additionally, if you defeat the monster before it attacks the servant, you will also not get the key. It is only given as a reward for saving the servant's life, so you'll have to time it carefully. Of course, you can certainly survive the chapter without the Elephant Gun. Sure it's slightly more powerful than the Double Shotgun, but the wicked recoil will literally knock Edward off his feet, so it's not always the most useful weapon (at adds quite a bit to your recovery time). You should be just fine using the Double Shotgun for all your ranged attacks.*** Question: Some crazy monster tried to kill my servants, and now I can't seem to kill it. It keeps recharging itself and I eventually die. What do I do? Hint: It keeps drawing power from that stone obelisk with the Rune on it, so you'll need to prevent it from doing so, one way or another... ***Answer: You need to destroy the obelisk with the Rune on it so that the creature won't be able to recharge anymore. Target it with your weapons (any gun will do) and let fly! After it's destroyed, you'll be able to kill off the vampire creature once and for all (also note that you can cast "Reveal Invisible" during the battle to make the monster visible at all times).*** Question: Holy crap! A giant Guardian creature like the one Max fought just appeared and I can't kill it! What do I do? Hint: Observe the spells it casts if you can't do any damage to it. If you have figured out how to hit it, just keep piling on the hurt. It will die eventually, if you choose to kill it... ***Answer: The Guardian frequently casts a 5 Point "Damage Field" to protect itself. Cast a 5 Point "Dispel Magick" spell of the opposing alignment to dissipate it. Once the barrier is down you can either cast "Magickal Attack" or fire on it with your weapons. After a decent amount of punishment the creature will die. However, you don't necessarily need to kill it. If it's blocking a door you need to access then you'll have to hit it at least once, but after it moves away you can just ignore it and proceed on with your quest.*** Question: I've found the giant stone magick array in the Guardian City, but I don't know which Runes to cast. Which should I choose? Hint: Examine the array for clues. Alternately, you should be able to use a little bit of intuition to figure out which spell you're trying to cast. And don't forget to enscribe all of the Runes. You need a lot of 'em for a spell this big. ***Answer: Using the massive array you're going to cast the mother of all "Dispel Magick" spells. You'll need to enscribe nine Runes total in order to pull it off. Six of those will be Pargon (Power), one will be Nethlek (Dispel), one will be Redgormor (Area), and the last will be the Alignment Rune that opposes the one Pious chose (either Chattur'gha (red), Ulyaoth (blue), or Xel'lotath (green) -- you should know which one to pick by now!). You won't want to be around when a 9 Point spell goes off, so once you've entered all of the Runes correctly, get the heck out of there!*** _______________________________________________________________________ INTERLUDE 10: (ALEX) Question: Where's the next Chapter Page? Hint: Read the Hidden Note from Edward again. What was that he said about "tipple"? ***Answer: Head down to the basement and examine Edward's wine casks. You'll find a Pickax hidden among them. Take the Pickax to the second floor and smash down the wall that seals off the old servants' quarters. After the somewhat disturbing (yet enlightening) cinema, cast a 3 Point "Dispel Magick" spell to gain access to the Stethoscope. Use the Stethoscope on the safe in the basement to find the next Chapter Page hidden within (the combination is 59 right, 81 left, 46 right -- just in case your safecracking skills aren't up to snuff).*** _______________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER 11: Ashes to Ashes (MICHAEL EDWARDS) Question: Where do I get the Tome of Eternal Darkness with Michael? Hint: It's actually pretty far into the chapter, but you can't miss it, so don't worry too much about it. ***Answer: The Tome won't appear until you've ventured deep into the ruins. You'll need to solve a puzzle in the room with the miniature city model and the dais bathed in sunlight. Once you've succeeded in that task, a trap door will open near the back of the room. Attempt to climb down the ladder and you'll finally be granted the Tome of Eternal Darkness. Hopefully you won't have too much trouble getting to this point without dying (it can be difficult). Since you won't be able to heal until after you get the Tome, make sure to take out most of the enemies you encounter from long range with the Assault Rifle. Mike starts out with plenty of ammo, so you should use the Fire Ax only as a last resort (at least until you get the Tome, then it's up to you).*** Question: What do I do with this Emerald Effigy (and any other Effigies that I found)? I tried to use it in the room with the large bas- reliefs, but I couldn't get it to do anything (and/or I keep getting attacked by Horrors). What's the point? Hint: You will need to have all three Effigies in your possession in order to do anything with them (only the Emerald Effigy can be found in this chapter -- the others must be found in earlier chapters). If you have all three, you need to use them in the room with the bas-reliefs of the warrior, sorcerer, and scholar. But you need to pay careful attention to how you use them. Examine each bas-relief and each of the Effigies closely for clues. If you try to use them and a Horror appears, you've done something wrong. (Note: collecting and using the Effigies is not necessary to completing the game.) ***Answer: The Effigies are all in submissive postures, indicating defeat at the hands of their eternal enemies. So keep the alignment relationship in mind when placing them on the ledges (the sorcerer gets the Ruby Effigy, the warrior gets the Emerald Effigy, and the scholar gets the Sapphire Effigy). If a Horror appears, that means you chose the wrong Effigy for that ledge. Try again. Once you put the correct Effigies on the correct ledges a secret staircase will appear in a nearby room. (Note: the previous Effigies can be found in chapter 4 (Karim) and chapter 8 (Roberto) -- the Emerald Effigy in this chapter is protected by a damage field and is located at the juncture of two corridors that can be found after exiting the room containing a pair of Horrors.) Backtrack to the staircase and take it down to a hidden room with a stone display plinth. Waiting gloriously on this plinth is the Enchanted Gladius (the coolest melee weapon in the game). Take it. Unfortunately for Mike, he can't actually wield the Enchanted Gladius. That priviledge is reserved for its destined owner -- the Guardian of Light. But Mike will kindly deliver the sword to this person later in the game, so you needn't worry about it again until then.*** Question: How do I get past the large stone with the symbols on it? It's blocking a ladder that I want to get to. Hint: Examine the stone closely. You should be able to make out some markings which will give you a clue. ***Answer: The Runes Tier (Summon) and Aretak (Creature) are carved into the stone obelisk, as well as the mark of the 3 Point Circle of Power. Following this recipe, you'll need to cast the "Summon Trapper" spell. Walk the Trapper over to the stone and target it. Once it's targetted, banish it to the Trapper Dimension.*** Question: I'm stuck and don't know where to go. What's with that weird door outline on the wall? Hint: Think about this carefully. You'll want some powerful magick to help you out. ***Answer: Cast a 7 Point "Reveal Invisible" spell on the door outline (and be sure to use the appropriate alignment, as usual). Once the spell is cast, a large door will appear in the wall.*** Question: I've got the Detonator Caps, but where in the world are the explosives? Hint: Make sure you've searched the area thoroughly. You might miss something if you're not careful. Have you dealt with that obelisk yet? ***Answer: Once you've banished the stone obelisk (by summoning the Trapper to deal with it -- see an earlier question for more detail), you'll find the "Bind" Spell Scroll in a room a couple floors down. Across from this room are two Horrors who've created a magickal barrier against you. "Dispel Magick" won't work this time, so instead cast "Bind" to bring one of the creatures under your control. The two Horrors will then duke it out until one wins. At this point the barrier will dissipate. Kill the other Horror and retrieve the Plastic Explosive from the broken Ulyaoth plinth at the back of the room.*** Question: I've got the Plastic Explosive but I can't find the Detonator Caps. Where are they? Hint: Explore the area carefully. Is there somewhere else you might be able to go? Try to remember what the area looked like during previous chapters. ***Answer: The Detonator Caps are in plain view, but first you'll need to uncover a secret door to gain access to the area (cast "Reveal Invisible" on the wall with the big door outline -- see an earlier question for more detail). Once you've gone through the door and down the hall a little ways, you'll see the Detonator Caps lying on the floor near the outstretched arm of a dead body (it's right near the area with the yellow energy field on the floor).*** Question: I've assembled the C4 Bomb but it's not powerful enough to destroy the city. What do I do? Hint: There must be some way to make it more powerful. Maybe magick? ***Answer: Cast a 7 Point "Enchant Item" spell on the C4 Bomb and plant it on the bridge. That'll make sure the whole area goes up in flames bigtime. Oh yeah, you've now got just three minutes before it goes off -- run.*** _______________________________________________________________________ INTERLUDE 11: (ALEX) Question: No more Chapter Pages? Where do I go next? Hint: This one should be easy. You've been waiting for this the whole game! ***Answer: It's the telescope! At last! Adjust the mirrors (up and down, left and right) until the light has been reflected around the room and into the small globe on the floor. A secret passage will now open up in the basement. It's finally time for Alex to take part in the fight against the Eternal Darkness.*** _______________________________________________________________________ FINALE: Gateway to Destiny (ALEX ROIVAS) Question: Okay, I've found my way down into the Guardian City, but I can't make it across the enchanted yellow floor. How do I cross this area? Hint: You can't get rid of the yellow energy, so you'll have to find some way to protect yourself. ***Answer: First, cast a 7 Point "Shield Spell" around yourself for protection. The door at the end of this 'yellow energy road' is blocked by a 7 Point "Damage Field", so you'll need to cast a 7 Point "Dispel Magick" spell (of the opposing alignment) to remove it. You can cast this anywhere you like in this area, so do it as soon as you can. Now that the damage field's gone and your spell shield is up, you can run straight across the yellow floor and exit through the door. If you run fast enough your shield should last the whole way, and you won't even get hurt.*** Question: I've returned to the massive power arrays, but I don't know which Runes to cast. Is it the same as last time? Hint: What would be the fun in that? You don't need "Dispel Magick" this time, but you will need to cast something in order to counter Pious' spell. Wait, just what was Pious casting, again? ***Answer: Pious has been casting a giant summon spell to bring his god into the world, so maybe you'd better summon a god (Ancient) of your own to counter it. I think you know which Alignment Rune to pick by now. Choose the Tier (Summon) Rune, Aretak (Creature) Rune, and a whole whack of Pargon (Power) Runes to go with it, and you've got one seriously impressive 9 Point summon spell (I like to call it, "Summon God"). Bet you can't wait to see the result...*** Question: The floor is glowing purple and every time I step on it a giant worm creature pops up and zaps my sanity. How do I get out of this room? Hint: If the creature doesn't know you're there, it probably won't attack you... ***Answer: Tip-toe softly across the floor to avoid detection. Use the 'X' button or press the analog stick gently to make your way quietly to the exit.*** Question: I'm in a room with three magickal obelisks (red, blue, and green) and I can't get out. If I destroy one, it immediately respawns and I get attacked by a Horror. How the heck am I supposed to get past the purple barrier? Hint: Taking them out individually doesn't work, since the other two will just replenish the first. Maybe there's a different approach? ***Answer: You need to destroy all three obelisks at the same time. Cast a 7 Point "Magickal Attack" spell to blast them simultaneously into oblivion.*** Question: Help, there's a hole in the floor filled with molten rocks and I can't get past. What do I do? Hint: There's gotta be some way to get across. Check your spells. ***Answer: Cast a 7 Point "Reveal Invisible" spell to make the floor appear over the molten rocks. Now you can simply walk across.*** Question: I'm fighting the major boss and I can't hit him. How do I cause him damage? Hint: He's got some serious defense spells running, but there is a way to hit him through them. Experiment a bit. ***Answer: Enchant your Gladius using the appropriate Alignment Rune and smack Pious with it. Pious won't take any actual damage, but if you land a successful hit the Essence of his master will appear (the artifact that he chose all those years ago). Run over and whack it with your sword. Continue to beat on the Essence at every opportunity you get until it has been destoryed (it will keep disappearing, but just smack Pious again to make it visible). Without its protection Pious is now vunerable to your attacks. Enchant whichever weapon you feel most comfortable with and take it to him (a 7 Point enchanted shotgun will make short work of him). Victory is not far off...*** Question: I just beat the boss, and now Edward wants me to cast another spell. Which Rune do I pick? Can I screw this up? Hint: You can't screw it up, so don't worry. Think about which Rune to use (remember that Aretak (Creature) is still scribed on another tower, so consider which Rune might go with that) or just guess until you get it right. ***Answer: You want to banish your summoned Ancient, so change the Tier (Summon) Rune to the Bankorok (Protect) Rune to complete the "Bind" spell. That's all it takes. Although I do suggest getting it wrong a few times first, just to hear Edward's amusing reactions.*** _______________________________________________________________________ SECRETS Question: Where is the purple Mantorok Rune? Is that the fourth Alignment Rune? Hint: It's hidden somewhere in chapter 6 (Lindsey). It should be much easier to find the second time you play through the game. ***Answer: You will find the Mantorok Alignment Rune in chapter 6 with Edwin Lindsey. In order to get it you will first need to disrupt the purple magickal barrier that protects a crumbled section of wall. The barrier is powered by each of the other three alignments and you will need to locate three different damage fields protecting the three different alignment symbols throughout the temple. Once you've found and destroyed each field using "Dispel Magick" (with the opposing alignments, of course), the purple barrier will disappear. However, you still can't access this area due to the rubble blocking the way. There is only a hole big enough for a small dog (or Trapper) to fit through. Now, continue through the temple until you've acquired all the Runes necessary to cast the "Summon Trapper" spell. You'll find these and the Spell Scroll all within this chapter (but not until near the end). Once you have Tier (Summon) and Aretak (Creature), you're ready to bring forth your own pet Trapper. Backtrack to the area with the small hole (it'll be pretty far away by now) and cast "Summon Trapper". Guide the little critter through the hole, then walk it across the small bridge and over to the runic symbol on the floor. Make it stand on this symbol (the sign of the Corpse God Mantorok) to open a small alcove behind Lindsey that contains the Mantorok Alignment Rune. This Rune will be your new best friend, since spells cast with it will generally have a more powerful effect than those cast with Runes of the other three alignments. For instance, many of Mantorok's spells have the added bonus of poisoning enemies, and you can also use the Rune to turn yourself invisible (among other benefits). Experiment and have fun! (Please note that using this Rune will probably make the game easier for you. If you're already finding the game to be easy enough, you may wish to avoid it. Although if this is your second or third time through, you'll definitely want to grab it to have some fun.) Warning: There appears to be a glitch in the game that can prevent you from completing the chapter if you go back for the Mantorok Rune AFTER watching the cutscene with Pious in Mantorok's lair. It doesn't always happen, but I've heard multiple complaints, so you should keep it in mind. If you want to get the Mantorok Rune I suggest doing it as soon as you've acquired the "Summon Trapper" spell. No use risking any problems (and it's a shorter trip back at that point anyway).*** Question: Where is the Enchanted Gladius? And what do I do with the three Effigies? Hint: The three Effigies won't be used until late in the game. But make sure to collect them all as you go along. They will help reveal the path to the Enchanted Gladius, the coolest melee weapon in the game. ***Answer: The Enchanted Gladius is hidden in chapter 11 (Michael). It is a permanently enchanted sword that can be swung normally or thrown from a distance (target an enemy and press the attack button to chuck your sword at it -- very cool). In order to discover it you must collect the three Effigies throughout the game: the Ruby Effigy (chapter 4 - Karim), the Sapphire Effigy (chapter 8 - Roberto), and the Emerald Effigy (chapter 11 - Michael). As Michael, take the Effigies to the room with the three large bas-reliefs. You will see a red warrior, a blue sorcerer, and a green scholar. Now, the Effigies are all in submissive postures, indicating defeat at the hands of their eternal enemies. So keep the alignment relationship in mind and place them on the appropriate ledges (the warrior gets the Emerald Effigy, the sorcerer gets the Ruby Effigy, and the scholar gets the Sapphire Effigy). If a Horror appears, that means you chose the wrong Effigy for that ledge. Try again. Once you put the correct Effigies on the correct ledges a secret staircase will appear in a nearby room. Backtrack to the staircase and take it down to a hidden room with a stone display plinth. Waiting gloriously on this plinth is the Enchanted Gladius. Take it. The Enchanted Gladius can only be used by the Guardian of Light, so Mike will just have to hang onto it for a bit (hey, he's got the Assault Rifle anyway, so no worries). He'll eventually deliver the Gladius to its destined owner later in the game, so you needn't worry about it again until then.*** Question: Where are the three Effigies? Hint: Chapters 4, 8, and 11. ***Answer: Ruby Effigy (chapter 4 - Karim): Progress until you reach the point where Karim must climb over a pile of rubble that is blocking the corridor. Before you climb over, take the nearby ladder up to a small room. This room contains the Ruby Effigy. Sapphire Effigy (chapter 8 - Roberto): Progress until you reach the room where Roberto must cast the "Reveal Invisible" spell to claim a key from a pedestal. After casting the spell, leave this room and check a ledge in the corridor. The Sapphire Effigy should now be visible on the ledge (if not, cast another reveal spell). Emerald Effigy (chapter 11 - Michael): Progress until you reach a room with a pair of Horrors in it. Deal with them and then take the ladder down and follow the corridor as far as you can go. A damage field will eventually block your path (and you'll meet a few Worms). Cast "Dispel Magick" to remove the damage field and claim the Emerald Effigy. Now, what does collecting these Effigies do for you? See the above question for that answer.*** Question: What do I get for beating the game? Hint: Hmm, can't really give a hint for this one. Rhymes with schmredits? ***Answer: Besides a certain sense of satisfaction, completing the game once will unlock a "Credits" option from the title screen. Use this option to watch the credits anytime you please.*** Question: What do I get for beating the game twice? Hint: More satisfaction and another title screen option. ***Answer: Completing the game twice will unlock the "Jump to Game" option from the title screen (make sure to use the save data from the previous completion). Use this option to replay any of the chapters in the game. Liked a particular chapter a lot? Go back and enjoy it again.*** Question: What do I get for beating the game three times? Hint: Want to know how the game really ends? ***Answer: Completing the game three times will show you the game's true ending (make sure to use the save data from the previous two completions). After the normal ending you will get to watch an Epilogue cutscene that explains what's really going on. It's short, but still fairly enlightening. You will also unlock "Eternal Mode", which can be selected when using the "Jump to Game" option. Eternal Mode will give you unlimited health, magick, sanity, stamina, and ammo when replaying any of the chapters in the game. Found one too difficult? Use your invincibility to take unlimited revenge (or just play around with the Assault Rifle...).*** Question: Are there any more secrets in the game? Hint: Good question. ***Answer: Not that anyone has currently found. But if you happen to find something, be sure to e-mail me and let me know.*** _______________________________________________________________________ COPYRIGHT NOTICE This FAQ is copyright (c) 2002 Dallas Gow. Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem is copyright (c) 2002 Nintendo. All Rights Reserved. The most recent version of this FAQ can be found at GameFAQs ( Please do not copy or redistribute this FAQ in any manner whatsoever. _______________________________________________________________________ CONTACT INFORMATION If you would like to contact me or if you have any Eternal Darkness questions you'd like answered, e-mail me at (include "ED FAQ" in the subject line or I may not see it). If your questions are common enough they may be answered in a future update to this FAQ. Suggestions/corrections/compliments are also welcome. _______________________________________________________________________ SPECIAL THANKS -CJayC (for hosting the FAQ) -Nyetsuu (for a Dispel Magick tip and some FAQ suggestions) -Nintendomaster13 (for some insight regarding the Black Guardian boss battle) -Ominous Grin (for informing me of the chapter 6 glitch) -Kith (for a weapons tip on the final battle) _______________________________________________________________________ VERSION HISTORY 2002.07.04 - v1.9 Added the promised secrets section, revised some questions, added a question (finale). 2002.07.01 - v1.7 Revised some questions, revised the ch. 9 boss strategy, finished adding info about the effigies, added new questions (prelude, ch. 10, 11), etc. A secrets section is planned for the next update. 2002.06.30 - v1.5 Revised some questions, added new questions (ch. 6, 8). 2002.06.29 - v1.2 Added boss strategy questions (ch. 5, 9), revised some questions, added new questions (ch. 1, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9). 2002.06.28 - v1.0 First batch of frequently asked questions added (all chapters).