__ ___ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ |_ | |_ |__) |\ | /\ | | \ /\ |__) |_/ |\ | |_ (__ (__ |__ | |__ | \ | \| /--\ |__ |__/ /--\ | \ | \ | \| |__ __) __) S A N I T Y ' S R E Q U I E M =================================== || Eternal Darkness Weapons FAQ || =================================== || By: David "Viper915" Brown || || E-mail: herraxel@aol.com || || Version: 0.5 || || Last updated: 8/31/02 || =================================== ======================================================================= Table of Contents: 1. Introduction 2. Weapons A. Melee Weapons - Gladius - Short Sword - Scramasax - Two-Edged Sword - Torch - Tulwar - Double Tulwars - Ram Dao - Sabre - Kukri - Mace - Saif - Fire Ax - Enchanted Gladius B. Ranged Weapons - Blowgun - Chakrams - Flintlock Pistol - Dual Flintlock Pistols - Automatic Pistol - Shotgun (Lindsey Version) - Crossbow - Flash Pan - Revolver (Peter Version) - Rifle - Revolver (Edward Version) - Elephant Gun - Double Shotgun - Flashlight - Pistol - Assault Rifle - Revolver (Alex Version) - Shotgun (Alex Version) - Enchanted Gladius 3. Enemies 4. Version History A. Versions B. Plans for future updates 5. Credits 6. Stuff about the FAQ A. Legal Info B. Contact Info ======================================================================= 1. Introduction Well, this is the first FAQ I've ever written. It covers the weapons in the game Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem, developed by Silicon Knights and published by Nintendo. I've covered where to find each weapon, and my personal comments about each one. I hope that everyone enjoys this, and maybe I'll continue to write FAQs in the future. Feel free to e-mail me with comments, suggestions, and critique about this FAQ. This game is one of the most fun games I have ever played, and the weapons were immediately one of my favorite features. Each one is historically accurate, and recreated to function as it would have in its respective time period. Also, each character wields his or her weapons in a manner that is accurate for the time period. I hope you all have fun playing Eternal Darkness! ======================================================================= 2. Weapons: Note: All weapons (yes, weapons, I don't want any e-mails about how you can't enchant your fists when you punch) can be enchanted via the "Enchant Item" spell to deal extra damage. The damage is further increased if the weapon is enchanted with the color of magick that's strong against the color of enemy you're fighting. Enchanting a weapon with purple magick also poisons the enemy. Increasing the power of the "Enchant Item" spell using 5 and 7 point Circles of Power makes the weapon stay enchanted longer. One thing that bothered me, though: Why does enchanting a ranged weapon increase the damage it does? Wouldn't it make more sense to enchant the ammunition? The Basic Punch: Everyone can do it, all you have to do is unequip your weapons. Although you CAN kill with it, I highly recommended that you do not attempt to do so, as it's a slow, extremely weak attack that requires you to get very close to hit with it. You should almost always have a melee weapon on hand, so this is really only for fun in Eternal Mode. *********************************************************************** A. Melee Weapons: Gladius: "This is a Gladius, the standard weapon of the Roman army. A short double-edged sword with a sharp, triangular point, the Gladius was designed primarily for hacking and chopping at the enemy, but could be used to pierce armor as well." Used by: Alex and Pious Where to find it: -Alex: It's hanging on the wall in the room where you find the Tome of Eternal Darkness. It's the only thing in the room that flashes other than the Tome, so it's pretty hard to miss. -Pious: You start out with it. Heck, it's even equipped for you already. How nice of Silicon Knights. :) Special requirements to get it: None Combo with normal attack: -Alex: Slash from right to left, then from left to right, then impales the enemy in the chest, and steps forward to push the enemy off of the blade with her shoulder. -Pious: Slash from right to left, then diagonally from upper left to slightly lower right, then impales the enemy in the abdomen, and kicks the enemy off the blade. Finishing move: -With Alex, she kneels down, holds the Gladius upside down, and stabs the enemy twice. -With Pious, he bends down and impales the enemy with the Gladius at about a 45 degree angle with the ground, then tries to pull it out, but it's stuck, so he pulls a bit harder and it comes free. Special notes: Does decent damage, good all around weapon. Very similar to Anthony's Scramasax, except with a shorter blade, which means you'll have to be closer to your enemies to hit them. If you collect all three Effigies, Alex gets an upgraded version at the end of the game that also functions as a ranged weapon. :) Short Sword: "A Short Sword with a wooden grip - light and durable. A small curve running from the handle makes it better for hacking rather than stabbing." Used by: Ellia Where to find it: She starts out with it Special requirements to get it: None Combo with normal attack: Slash from right to left, then left to right, then impales the enemy in the gut, and takes a step forward while pulling it back out. Finishing move: Ellia kneels down, brings the blade back over her left shoulder with both hands, and then chops the enemy once. Special notes: I think this is even shorter than the Gladius, and is also a bit weaker. Not the best of weapons, but way better than Ellia's other weapon. Immediately after obtaining the blowgun, this sword will break. Remember to pick up the shards when you regain control of Ellia, and save that guard! If you kill his two assailants without him dying, he'll repair your sword if you talk to him. I strongly suggest doing this, as the blowgun kind of sucks. Scramasax: "This Frank and Saxon weapon relies on a hefty blade to deliver deadly cutting and slashing attacks. It does not have a hand guard, as it was designed for offensive, rather than defensive, fighting." Used by: Anthony Where to find it: A monk will give it to you in the room Anthony starts in. Special requirements to get it: You have to open up that coffin in the front of the room before the monk will arm you. Combo with normal attack: Slash from right to left, then from left to right, then impales the enemy in the chest, and kicks them off the blade. Finishing move: First version - Anthony kind of flings the sword into the enemy really hard, then reaches down and pulls it back out. Second version - Anthony kneels down and impales the enemy, then steps on them to pull the blade back out. Special notes: This thing is alright. It's like a Gladius, only the blade is a bit longer. I also think it deals more damage, but I have to check on that. You won't have had it too long, though, before you acquire a better sword. Lakers642@aol.com let me know that Anthony's finishing move with the Scramasax changes after the second time that Anthony is affected by the curse. Two-Edged Sword: "A heavy single-handed sword with two cutting edges, it is commonly known as a Bastard Sword, or "Hand and a Half" sword for the length of the hilt, which can fit in one hand, with the other for support. Used by: Anthony, Paul, and Peter Where to find it: -With Anthony: Upon entering one of the rooms in Anthony's chapter, you'll see a monk being attacked by zombies, one of which the monk will set ablaze with a torch. When you regain control of Anthony, kill the zombies to save the monk. Talk to him to receive this sword. -With Paul: Go into the room where Charlemagne was as Anthony, and Anthony will attack you. Kill him to get his sword. -With Peter: Hanging on the wall in the room where you got the 3-point Circle of Power with Anthony, in the right (when facing the altar from the aisle) wing of the Cathedral. Special requirements to get it: -With Anthony: If the monk dies, no sword for you! -With Paul: You have to kill Anthony to get the sword. Note: If you didn't get the sword with Anthony, you can't get it with Paul, either. -With Peter: You can't enter that wing of the Cathedral until the power goes out. Combo with normal attack: -Anthony: Slash from right to left, then diagonally down from upper left to lower right, then impales the enemy in the upper chest at a slight upward angle, before pulling the sword back out. -Paul: Slash from right to left, then left to right, then impales the enemy in the chest, and kicks them off the blade. -Peter: Slash from right to left, then left to right, then impales the enemy in the chest, and kicks them off the blade. Finishing move: -Anthony: Anthony bends down, flips the sword upside down, and impales the enemy with the blade, then pulls it back out and flips it right side up. -Paul: Bends down, chops the enemy three times. -Peter: Bends down, chops the enemy three times. Special notes: This is a pretty nice weapon, which is good, since you use it in three chapters. On normal sized zombies (not the really big ones, or the little kiddies) this weapon will let you perform a two hit kill on brown and blue zombies. Go for the head, and once the first slice takes off your opponents noggin, perform another head attack (yes, I know it doesn't have a head anymore, don't worry, you still do the same slash). This slash should sever your opponent at the waist, which kills it. Red zombies take a few more "head" slices to the torso to go down, while green zombies don't even need the second hit. Torch: "The Torch, or brand, is a common source of illumination from ancient times. The Torch can be used to light Anthony's way or set fire to enemies." Used by: Anthony, Karim, Lindsey, Paul, Roberto, and Peter. Where to find it: -Anthony: Dropped by the monk who gives you the two-edged sword. -Karim: Found on a wall just as you come down the ladder behind the rune barrier from the room where you have to place the statuettes. -Lindsey: Starts with it -Paul: Facing the altar, turn left and walk down the left wing. Across the carpet from the organ is the torch. -Roberto: Starts with it -Peter: In the room where you fought Anthony as Paul. Special requirements to get it: None Combo with normal attack: None Finishing move: None Special notes: Against anything but green and brown zombies, this weapons absolutely sucks. It has a slow swing, no combo, the swing doesn't change when you target body parts, it's extraordinarily weak (It can take upwards of 20 hits to kill a red zombie), and you can't use it to finish enemies and regain your sanity. Against green and brown zombies, though, it's a whole different story. The torch dominates them like no other, offering not only a one hit kill, but a cool animation of the zombie catching on fire, falling over, and burning to death while writhing in agony on the floor. Make sure that you quickly equip another weapon to finish the zombie if you want to regain sanity. Also, this weapon provides light while it's equipped, and can burn tapestries. Tulwar: "The Tulwar is a curved blade with a heavy chopping edge. Most Tulwars had a circular hilt and pommel, making them easy to recognize." Used by: Karim Where to find it: Karim starts with it. Special requirements to get it: None Combo with normal attack: Slash from right to left, then diagonally from lower left to upper right, then whirls the sword around in his hand before impaling the enemy in the upper chest, and kicking them off the blade. Finishing move: Karim bends down, chops the enemy once in the back, then slices them across the back, then chops them once more. Special notes: This is a version of a scimitar, for those of you more familiar with that term. It's length seems to be somewhere in-between the Gladius and the scramasax. It deals nice damage, and seems to slice very well. Later in Karim's chapter, you can pick up another for a little "Florentine" action. Adrian D.v. Schmook sent me some info regarding Florentine-style fighting: "Florentine-style fighting comes from the city of Florence, in Italy. In the late-Medieval Era & into the early Rennaisance, the men of the city had a reputation for using two large swords in melee combat with reasonable skill, a talent that is not very intuitive & requires some practice (the common sword of the time was a rapier, although later a traditional sabre like Max Roivas' was not unknown)." Jeff S also sent information: "Florentine is a style of fencing that uses two weapons, typically two epees. It got its name from the city of Florence, Italy, where it supposedly originated." Thanks Adrian and Jeff! Double Tulwars: "The Tulwar is a curved blade with a heavy chopping edge. Most Tulwars had a circular hilt and pommel, making them easy to recognize. Karim can now fight "Florentine" with a Tulwar in each hand!" Used by: Karim Where to find it: You start with the first one, the second one is stuck in some poor guy's back later in his chapter. Yank it out, but beware, it was more comfortable where it was. Special requirements to get it: Pull it out of the back of that corpse. You get a chance to use it immediately. Combo with normal attack: Karim swings both Tulwars together from outwards in, like scissors, then swings the Tulwar in his right hand diagonally upwards from lower left to upper right, then swings both Tulwars around in his hands before bringing them down simultaneously on the enemy's shoulders. Finishing move: Karim flips both Tulwars around in his hands in a rather extravagant manner, then stabs them both into the enemy simultaneously, before pulling them back out again. Special notes: The second Tulwar only changes your normal attack combo and your finishing move, Karim still only uses one Tulwar for targeted attacks. :( Someone on the GameFAQs message board noticed a glitch involving the Double Tulwars and Double Flintlock Pistols. If you enchant the first one before you pick up the second, and then you pick up the second, the second one is suddenly enchanted, even though you never did a thing to it. (Whoever it was who posted about this, e-mail me, I'll give you credit.) Ram Dao: "This is a Ram Dao broadsword, typified by its long broad blade an heavy cutting edge. A formidable weapon, it enables its use to strike at many enemies at once and still keep distance. With a sweep Karim can knock down enemies, and can cause extreme damage with an overhead attack." Used by: Karim Where to find it: Stuck in a rock in the room where Pious put the colored blocks in the walls. Special requirements to get it: You have to pull it out. Think King Arthur, and that whole "Sword in the Stone" thing. Combo with normal attack: No combo, but the normal swing is really good in it's own right. The swing will knock down multiple enemies, while still doing moderate damage. Finishing move: Karim inverts the sword, then impales the enemy, then pulls it back out. Special notes: Now THIS is a pretty sweet sword. One slash to the head not only looks really cool, but will also kill any zombie except for a red zombie in one hit, and the red zombies only take two. It takes off not only the head, but the entire torso as well, in just one swing! Also, when its enchanted with any type of magick at all, it will kill any kind of Horror with one slash to the head. Sabre: "Cavalry swords, like this Sabre, were used chiefly as an item of ceremonial dress for officers. The brass knuckle guard was a style popular with both American and English cavalry officers in the second half of the Eighteenth Century." Used by: Max and Edward Where to find it: -Max: Hanging on the wall in the room where he finds the Tome of Eternal Darkness -Edward: Hanging on the wall in the room with the piano. Special requirements to get it: None Combo with normal attack: -Max: Slash from right to left, then left to right. -Edward: Slash from right to left, then left to right, then impale the enemy in the chest, and kick them off the blade. Finishing move: -Max: Bends over and chops the enemy, then kicks it. -Edward: Kneels down and chops the enemy three times. Special notes: Does pretty good damage, and the blade is pretty long, so you can slice and dice the zombies from a safe distance. Its pretty essential that you get this in Max and Edward's chapters, since their guns have pretty lengthy reload times, and don't hold much ammo. (Max's is a single shot, and both of Edward's only hold two rounds) Kukri: "The unusual 'L' shape of the Kukri gives the weapon a significant advantage in close quarters. The combination of a cutting edge on the inside curve of the blade and heavy weight of the blade tip gives the Kukri immense chopping power." Used by: Edwin Lindsey Where to find it: Lindsey starts with it Special requirements to get it: None Combo with normal attack: Slash from right to left, then diagonally from upper left to waist-level right, then impales the enemy and kicks them off the blade. Finishing move: The "Fling into the ground" technique, first demonstrated by Anthony with the Scramasax. The two moves are virtually identical. Special notes: Finally, you get some good ranged weapons, but not enough ammo, so you'll be using this often as Lindsey. It's about as long as a Gladius, slices as well as a Tulwar, and seems to deal as much damage as a Gladius. Mace: "A weapon covered with spikes and flanges that focus force upon striking. The Mace was effective against an enemy wearing chain mail. Although usually directed against the head, a Mace blow to a limb could break bones even if the armor was not pierced." Used by: Paul Where to find it: Hanging on a wall downstairs near the organ bellows. Special requirements to get it: None Combo with normal attack: Swing from right to left, then left to right, then again from right to left. Finishing move: Paul chops the enemy with the mace three times. Special notes: This is a fun change of pace from all the swords, but you barely have to use it before you obtain the Two-Edged Sword, which seems to be superior. Still, this seems to do a good amount of damage, so it's really just a matter of preference. I highly recommend using the Two-Edged Sword against Horrors, though, because of its longer reach. Saif: "This is a Saif - a curved Arabic sword with a distinctive pommel. The Saif is the standard weapon of most Middle Eastern armies." Used by: Roberto Where to find it: On a rock slab in the first room that you have to survey. Special requirements to get it: None Combo with normal attack: Slash from right to left, then from left to right, then impales the enemy in the gut, then Roberto steps forwards to push the enemy off the blade. Finishing move: Roberto slashes the enemy once, then impales it... lengthwise. :) Special notes: This is a lot like the sabre, except better. It's longer, deals more damage, and Roberto wields it with style. In my opinion, this weapon has the coolest finishing move in the game, followed by Karim's Double Tulwars in second place, and Anthony's Two- Edged Sword in third. (Only Anthony's finishing move, Paul and Peter's aren't nearly as cool.) Fire Ax: "A multipurpose Fire Ax made from molybdenum alloy for extra strength and heat resistance." Used by: Michael Where to find it: Michael starts with it Special requirements to get it: None Combo with normal attack: Swing from right to left, then from left to right, then impales the enemy with the head of the axe, and pulls the axe free. Finishing move: Michael takes a hefty swing, slamming the axe into the enemy's body, just like wood on a chopping block. It takes Michael a good deal of strength to get it out, since he planted it in there so well. Special notes: I didn't use this much. You start the level with this, and about 3 steps away on the floor, you find an assault rifle with 510 rounds of ammo that kind of steals the spotlight. Just be careful wielding this thing, since it's on the slow side, and the finishing move takes some time to pull off. Amazingly enough, the axe is only slow when used in targeted attacks. Michael swings that thing darn fast for the normal attack and combo. Enchanted Gladius: "This Gladius carries a powerful enchantment. This unique weapon can only be wielded by its destined owner - the Guardian of Light." Used by: Alex Where to find it: Under a room in Michael's chapter, via a secret staircase. As Alex, a package will be delivered to the front door of the Mansion late in the game. Open it to get the Enchanted Gladius. Special requirements to get it: You need to collect the Ruby Effigy in Karim's chapter and the Sapphire Effigy in Roberto's chapter, and finally the Emerald Effigy in Michael's chapter to get this secret weapon. In a room in Michael's chapter, you'll find three colored Bas- reliefs on the walls, each with a protruding ledge. Put the Ruby Effigy on the blue Bas-relief, the Sapphire Effigy on the green Bas-relief, and the Emerald Effigy on the red Bas-relief. A cinema will reveal a secret passage two rooms back. Go down the stairs to find the Enchanted Gladius. Combo with normal attack: Same as Alex's normal Gladius. Finishing move: Same as Alex's normal Gladius. Special notes: Even though Michael finds this weapon, he doesn't get to use it, Alex does. (No problem, after all, who wants a Gladius when you've got an assault rifle?) This is the same as Alex's normal Gladius, except it's permanently enchanted with the color of magick that's strong against the color Artifact you chose with Pious. This weapon also functions as a ranged weapon. If you target an enemy that's well out of arm reach, Alex will throw the Gladius at them when you attack, and the Gladius will magically reappear in your hand after you throw it. Pretty useful if you ask me, even though you barely get to use it. *********************************************************************** B. Ranged Weapons: Note: For all ranged weapons, the finishing move is nothing more than the character shooting/throwing something at the enemy again, so I'd recommend using a melee weapon for finishing moves in order to conserve ammo. Note: If a weapon runs out of ammo, hitting B will reload the weapon. If the weapon isn't empty, but isn't fully loaded either, holding Z will reload your gun up to full capacity. You can also select either the ammo or the gun in the pause menu, choose "Mix", and then select the other item (ammo or gun). Always make sure your weapons are fully loaded before entering a room! Blowgun: "An ancient weapon, the Blowgun propels a poison dart at an enemy, causing death within several seconds. Ammo Type: Poison Darts Ammo Capacity: 100 Used by: Ellia Where to find it: On a pedestal in a hallway after you open the doors via the candle puzzles. Special requirements to get it: You have to beat both candle puzzles to open the doors to the hallway containing the blowgun. Special notes: This gun isn't much. It's slow, and doesn't do much damage. As an upside, it poisons enemies, which turns them green and deals some damage every few seconds, and it doesn't need to be reloaded. Also, you have more than enough ammo to handle everything you encounter after getting this, since it comes with 100 rounds. Chakrams: "The Chakram was a favored throwing weapon through Central Asia in medieval times. A balanced ring of metal, sometimes beautifully decorated, it would be hurled at an attacker. Heavy Chakrams could sever limbs or heads. However, they were not designed to return to the thrower. Ammo Type: It IS the ammo. It's the little metal Frisbee from Xena: Warrior Princess, except it doesn't come back after you throw it. Ammo Capacity: 19 Used by: Karim Where to find it: Karim starts with it. Special requirements to get it: None Special notes: Kinda sucks. It doesn't do much damage, and you run out of them before you know it. Save them for the trappers in the room with the Ruby Effigy. Even enchanted, they don't do enough damage. However, they stick in walls, so feel free to make little decorations when you're not being bothered by enemies. Flintlock Pistol: "The French Flintlock Holster pistol was in use from the 1680s. As a muzzle-loaded pistol, its rate of fire is rather low, but it packs a powerful punch." Ammo Type: Flintlock Pistol Balls "A bag of Flintlock Pistol Balls" Ammo Capacity: 1 Used by: Max Where to find it: You start with it Special requirements to get it: None Special notes: Although these do plenty of damage (I killed the green Guardian with only 5 shots!), they only hold one round at a time and take forever to reload. Use it to hit a Horror, then immediately equip your sabre to run in for the kill. (Well, maybe just jog in for the kill) You only start of with one round of ammo, but there are bags of ammo all over the mansion. A bag of Flintlock Pistol Ammo holds 5 rounds. These are way more fun in Eternal Mode. Dual Flintlock Pistols: "Dual Flintlocks pistols for those who wish to fight "akimbo" style. The French Flintlock Holster pistol was in use from the 1680s. As a muzzle-loaded pistol, its rate of fire is rather low, but it packs a powerful punch." Ammo Type: Flintlock Pistol Balls "A bag of Flintlock Pistol Balls" Ammo Capacity: 1 per pistol Used by: Max Where to find it: You start with one, and can find another on the wall in the same room with the Sabre and the Tome of Eternal Darkness Special requirements to get it: None Special notes: You get an extra shot in before you reload, at the expense of taking twice as long to reload. Even better to soften up a Horror with, especially when enchanted. Automatic Pistol: "Since 1907 this weapon has been a trusted sidearm to U.S. armed forces. Through two World Wars, Korea, and Vietnam, the Colt M1911 Automatic Pistol has proven itself to be a reliable firearm with good stopping power." Ammo Type: Clips .45 Pistol Ammo "A clip of .45 Pistol Ammunition" Ammo Capacity: 8 Used by: Lindsey Where to find it: Lindsey starts with it Special requirements to get it: None Special notes: Finally! A good ranged weapon! This weapon holds multiple rounds, and is clip-based, so reloading is quick. It does moderate damage, and you start of with a good amount of ammo (56 rounds), so feel free to use this weapon a lot during Lindsey's chapter, it's fun. Unfortunately, even with this AND the shotgun, you'll still need to use Lindsey's Kukri for some of the chapter, do a lack of ammunition. Shotgun: "A Remington M-870 Shotgun, slightly modified with an extended tube magazine, choke barrel, rifle sights, and bayonet lug. This is the same shotgun used by the U.S. Marine Corps since 1970." Ammo Type: 12 Gauge Shotgun Shells "A box of 12-Gauge Shotgun Shells. These will fit any cartridge-firing shotgun." Ammo Capacity: 7 Used by: Lindsey Where to find it: Lindsey starts with it Special requirements to get it: None Special notes: Lindsey's shotgun does more damage than his pistol, but it holds less ammo, shoots slower and takes more time to reload. Also, you don't get as many shotgun shells as you do pistol rounds (37 as opposed to 56), so save this for the tougher enemies you encounter. When reloading Lindsey's shotgun, he has to load each shell individually, so if you get attacked in mid-reload, you'll still probably have ammo in the gun to defend yourself. Crossbow: "The Crossbow is a powerful and accurate weapon that shoots a wooden bolt." Ammo Type: Crossbow bolts "A quiver of Crossbow Bolts." Ammo Capacity: 1 Used by: Paul and Roberto Where to find it: -Paul: In a chest in the left (when facing the altar from the aisle) room off of the room with all the pews in the cathedral. -Roberto: On a rock slab in the second room you have to survey Special requirements to get it: None Special notes: This is even worse than the blowgun. It only holds one shot, takes a while to reload, doesn't do much damage, and you barely find any ammo for it in the levels it's in. Luckily, there are two redeeming qualities of the Crossbow. For one, the bolts remain stuck in whatever you shoot, so have fun making pincushions out of Roberto's fellow workers. Two, Eternal Mode makes this thing usable. Flash Pan: "This is a photographer's Flash Pan, used to hold combustible powders that when ignited create a large white flash. This can be used to stun some enemies." Ammo Type: Flash Powder "A pouch of Flash Powder for use with a photographic Flash Pan." Ammo Capacity: 1 Used by: Peter Where to find it: Peter starts with it Special requirements to get it: None Special notes: This can't kill anything. When you use it, any enemies you point it at will become stunned and won't move for a little while, long enough for you to run away. Only comes with enough powder for 6 uses, so only use it when you really need to. Revolver: "This Lebel Modele 1892 Revolver was introduced prior to World War One. A double-action pistol with a six-shot swing-out cylinder chambered for 8mm French Service ammunition." Ammo Type: 8mm Revolver bullets "A box of 8mm Revolver Shells." Ammo Capacity: 6 Used by: Peter Where to find it: On a bench in the room with all the body bags Special requirements to get it: Give the soldier's orders to the guard to gain access to the room where this is in. Special notes: Would be ok, except for the fact that you fight a lot of Bonethieves in Peter's chapter, and they can dodge bullets, and the fact that Peter has to reload each bullet individually, which takes too long for this to be useful in combat. Once you pick up the revolver, enemies start to appear in the cathedral, so beware. Rifle: "The Lee-Enfield Mk III bolt-action rifles are legends in their own time. Completely reliable even under adverse conditions over three million were produced in Britain, India and Australia." Ammo Type: .303 Rifle Ammo Ammo Capacity: 10 "A box of .303 Rifle Ammunition." Used by: Peter Where to find it: On the altar Special requirements to get it: The Rifle doesn't appear on the altar until after the power goes out. Special notes: Another nice gun. Does plenty of damage, holds a nice amount of ammo, and is clip based for quick reloads. You should find enough ammo in the cathedral to let you use this without having to worry too much. Revolver: "This is an Enfield Mk1 Star Revolver, introduced prior to World War I. It is a double-action pistol with a six-shot top-break cylinder. The Enfield is chambered for .380 revolver ammunition." Ammo Type: .38 Revolver Ammunition "A box of .38 Caliber Revolver Ammunition." Ammo Capacity: 6 Used by: Edward Where to find it: In the room with the Tome of Eternal Darkness Special requirements to get it: Find the clock hands, put them on, and set the clock to 3:33 to gain access to the room containing the revolver. Special notes: Much like Peter's revolver. Since both of Edward's other guns only hold 2 shots apiece, you can use this to finish off enemies when you don't have time to reload your better weapons. This has a long reload time itself, though, so this is mainly for trappers. Elephant Gun: "The Holland and Holland Double Rifle fires an enormous .50 x 3" nitro slug, quite capable of stopping rhino or elephants dead in their tracks. Only a crazy man would feel comfortable facing a "Holland and Holland."" Ammo Type: .50 x 3" Nitro slugs "A box of .50 x 3" Nitro cartridges. These shells are for the Elephant Gun." Ammo Capacity: 2 Used by: Edward Where to find it: The Elephant Gun is in the gun case upstairs, in the same room you started in as Max. Special requirements to get it: Save the servant in the master bedroom from the vampire-thing, then talk to him to receive the key to the gun case. Special notes: This gun is REALLY powerful. Unfortunately, it only holds two shots at a time, but the reload is relatively quick. It's also your first gun that uses firing modes. To switch between firing the barrels individually or simultaneously, go to the pause menu, select the gun, then press the "Mode" button. The number of shells displayed represents how many rounds you'll fire with each pull of the trigger. I'd recommend single shot for everything short of Guardians, since it's so powerful in the first place. It's more ammo efficient that way. You can find a total of 50 rounds of ammo lying around before you descend into the city of Ehn'Gha, although some servants will give you a little extra ammo if you save their life from the vampire, and then talk to them. This gun is so powerful, it can knock Edward to the ground when he fires. When you target an enemy, Edward will raise the gun to his shoulder, and you'll see the gun wobble a bit before Edward stabilizes it. If you fire before Edward stabilizes the rifle, he'll be knocked to the ground. If you fire after Edward stabilizes the rifle, he'll just take a huge step backwards. What a pansy ;) Double Shotgun: "The Ithaca Model 'A' Shotgun was also known as the Auto or Home Burglar Gun. A double-barreled, breech-loaded shotgun, it is capable of firing one or both barrels simultaneously." Ammo Type: 12 Gauge Shotgun Shells "A box of 12-gauge Shotgun Shells. These will fit any cartridge-firing shotgun." Ammo Capacity: 2 Used by: Edward Where to find it: In the basement of the mansion, where you kill the vampire. Special requirements to get it: You need to fight the vampire until you have both halves of the basement key, which you then need to mix and fix (enchant) to enter the basement. Special notes: This is the main weapon you'll use as Edward. Unlike the other two shotguns in the game, this one is a break-barrel shotgun, which limits it two holding two shells at a time. Fortunately, the reload is pretty quick. This gun also features firing modes. Just like the Elephant Gun, you can fire the barrels individually or simultaneously. Edward's mansion is like a small armory, since if you collect it all, you'll have two shells in the shotgun, and 96 that you collect in the mansion, for a grand total of 98 shotgun shells. And unlike the blowgun, each round packs quite a punch. Use this liberally, since you won't run out of ammo between this, the Elephant Gun, and the Revolver. Flashlight: "A durable emergency flashlight equipped with a long-endurance battery." Ammo Type: Batteries, I guess. Unless you count the light rays being emitted. Ammo Capacity: However many batteries it takes to work Used by: Michael Where to find it: Michael starts with it Special requirements to get it: None Special notes: This isn't really a weapon, but you can equip it, so I'm counting it. This is the only thing in the game that you can equip in addition to a weapon, so there's no reason you shouldn't turn it on. Don't worry, the batteries won't run out. ;) It's actually useful, since some of the rooms in Michael's chapter are kind of dark. Plus, it shows off the cool lighting effects in Eternal Darkness. :) Equip this right at the start. Pistol: "The Glock 17 is a semi-automatic pistol, renowned for its resilience under harsh firing conditions - the Glock can even fire underwater! The lock fires 9mm pistol ammunition." Ammo Type: 9mm Pistol Rounds "A magazine of 9mm Pistol Ammunition." Ammo Capacity: 17 Used by: Michael Where to find it: The Pistol is found on the dead body of a soldier near the door in the room you start in. Special requirements to get it: None Special notes: This pistol holds a whopping 17 rounds, unfortunately, you only get 34 extra rounds, which amounts to 2 reloads. This does slightly less damage than Lindsey's pistol, due to the ammo being smaller. (This fires 9mm rounds, while Lindsey's fires .45 caliber rounds, which are larger.) Save this to finish off enemies, and for use on trappers. Assault Rifle: "The Objective Individual Combat Weapon (OICW) is a Heckler & Koch G-36 rifle mounted under a 20mm grenade cannon. It is commonly assigned to Special Forces units. The rifle uses a 30-round clip and is chambered for 5.56mm NATO ammunition." Ammo Type: -Rifle: 5.56 NATO Standard rifle ammo "A magazine of NATO 5.56mm Ammunition." -Grenade Launcher: 20mm grenade rounds "These are 20mm air-fused Grenade Shells for use with the OICW rifle." Ammo Capacity: -Rifle: 30 -Grenade Launcher: 5 Used by: Michael Where to find it: The assault rifle is found on the dead body of a soldier near the door in the room you start in. Special requirements to get it: None Special notes: This is by far my favorite weapon in the entire game. It comes with a total of 510 rounds of ammunition, allowing you to shoot everything in the level and still have ammo left over. It comes with 4 firing modes: single shot, represented by a single bullet; 3-round burst, represented by three bullets; full-auto, represented by a clip; and grenade launcher, represented by a grenade. (It looks like a bullet with a bright orange tip) Although you only start with 10 grenade rounds, that's enough to blow up all the Horrors in the chapter, as long as you conserve them, and if you don't, the rifle itself is still plenty sufficient to take those things down. One interesting thing I noticed was that when you fire on single shot, 3-round burst, and grenade launcher mode, Michael raises the rifle to his shoulder to fire, however, if you put the rifle on full-auto, Michael fires the rifle from the hip. Personally, I like using 3-round burst on red and blue zombies (one burst to the head, another to the chest, for blue, a few more to the chest for red), single shot for green zombies (one to the head is enough, but use the 3-round burst strategy on the LARGE green zombies), and full-auto for the Horrors (although bursts to the head work, full auto to the chest is faster and more fun). Revolver: "This is a Smith & Wesson Model 37, one of the smaller revolvers in the Smith & Wesson family. This double-action revolver is capable of firing .38 Special ammunition, which allows for extra stopping power." Ammo Type: .38 Revolver Bullets "A box of .38 Caliber Revolver Ammunition." Ammo Capacity: 5 Used by: Alex Where to find it: In the dresser drawer in the master bedroom along with the "A Journey into Darkness" Chapter Page. Special requirements to get it: Use "Reveal Invisible" magick to find the keyhole, and open the drawer with the dresser key, which is found by examining the small clock in the main room of the mansion. (Where the stairs are) Special notes: This revolver is even more useless than the other two since it only holds 5 rounds instead of six. At least it kills trappers, which lets you save your shotgun ammo for the final battle if you didn't get the Enchanted Gladius. You barely fight anything else with Alex, so this is kind of a waste. Shotgun: "The Winchester Model 1300 Defender is quite possibly one of the finest pump-action shotguns available. The unique slide action operates a rotating bolt, and unlocking is recoil-assisted, making it very fast and smooth to cycle." Ammo Type: 12 Gauge Shotgun Shells "A box of 12-gauge Shotgun Shells. These will fit any cartridge-firing shotgun." Ammo Capacity: 7 Used by: Alex Where to find it: In the basement of the mansion, near Edward's barrels of liquor, hanging on a wall. Special requirements to get it: You have to unlock the basement door with the basement key, which you get from a cinema later in the game. Special notes: This is the same shotgun you used in the very beginning of the game during Alex's dream. It's a lot like Lindsey's Shotgun, except Alex reloads hers in a much cooler way. (One-handed-Arnold Schwarzenegger-style!) If you got the Enchanted Gladius, then this Shotgun won't do much. You'll get to kill maybe one or two zombies, if that. If you didn't get the Enchanted Gladius, then this is what you'll be using to beat the final boss. Enchant this thing with the color of magick that beats the color of the artifact you chose in the beginning with Pious, then hammer away at the final boss. Good Luck! Enchanted Gladius: "This Gladius carries a powerful enchantment. This unique weapon can only be wielded by its destined owner - the Guardian of Light." Ammo Type: Itself Ammo Capacity: Infinite Used by: Alex Where to find it: Under a room in Michael's chapter, via a secret staircase. As Alex, a package will be delivered to the front door of the Mansion late in the game. Open it to get the Enchanted Gladius. Special requirements to get it: You need to collect the Ruby Effigy in Karim's chapter and the Sapphire Effigy in Roberto's chapter, and finally the Emerald Effigy in Michael's chapter to get this secret weapon. In a room in Michael's chapter, you'll find three colored Bas- reliefs on the walls, each with a protruding ledge. Put the Ruby Effigy on the blue Bas-relief, the Sapphire Effigy on the green Bas-relief, and the Emerald Effigy on the red Bas-relief. A cinema will reveal a secret passage two rooms back. Go down the stairs to find the Enchanted Gladius. Special notes: Even though Michael finds this weapon, he doesn't get to use it, Alex does. (No problem, after all, who wants a Gladius when you've got an assault rifle?) This is the same as Alex's normal Gladius, except it's permanently enchanted with the color of magick that's strong against the color Artifact you chose with Pious. This weapon also functions as a ranged weapon. If you target an enemy that's well out of arm reach, Alex will throw the Gladius at them when you attack, and the Gladius will magically reappear in your hand after you throw it. Pretty useful if you ask me, even though you barely get to use it. ======================================================================= 3. Enemies ======================================================================= During the game, you will encounter various enemies bent on your destruction, which are in the service of the three Ancients (and Mantorok). Here, I will describe each type of enemy, and how to defeat them. ~~~~~~~~~~~ | Zombies | ~~~~~~~~~~~ These are your most numerous foes. They come in four flavors, red, blue, green, and brown. They're slow, and they aren't very strong, but they come in large groups, and can give you a real problem if you get in too close. Zombies will either slash at you with their arms, or, if you have your back to them, they will grab you and start gnawing on you. To break free, move the control stick around. Cutting off a zombie's arms renders it incapable of doing damage, and if you chop off their heads, they can't see you, and will just attack randomly. Red - alligned with Chattur'gha, these zombies are the strongest variety. They will slowly regenerate lost limbs, which can be very troublesome when they attack in swarms. They have a high attack rate, and less of a "stun" time after you lop off a limb. They can take the most damage of any type of zombie. If you get the opportunity to finish it, you'd better take the time to do it, as these zombies will actually get back up and keep fighting. However, if you "kill" it enough, it will finally get to the point where it will disintegrate. Blue - alligned with Ulyaoth, these zombies are weaker than red zombies, yet stronger than green or brown ones. To kill one, just take off it's head and one arm. If you deal lethal damage to a blue zombie without taking off it's head, it will start making a humming noise, and it's chest will start glowing. This will start a chain reaction, causing other blue zombies in the room to do the same. If you don't decapitate the original zombie quickly, all the blue zombies will explode, draining a good chunk of health, and a lot of your magick. Green - alligned with Xel'lotath, these zombies are very weak. They are shrouded in highly flammable wrappings, which makes them very vulnerable to torches. Dismembering a green zombie's arms or head leaves a glowing green ghost limb, and if you get hit by a ghost limb, you'll lose sanity instead of taking damage. Except for the big versions, decapitating a green zombie will kill it. It seems like they actually have a very strong torso, though. Like the red zombies, the green zombies will get up again if you don't finish them, although they only get up once, or in rare occasions, twice. Also, green zombies don't regrow limbs. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | Bonethieves | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bonethieves tend to be a lot more formidable than zombies. You'll first encounter Bonethieves in Karim's chapter. Bonethieves are especially numerous in the chapters taking place in the Roivas mansion or the Oublie Cathedral. Most of the time, bonethieves hide inside of humans or zombies. If a servant or some other type of human starts to attack you, it has a bonethief in it. After killing the human, the bonethieve will emerge, and you have to kill it, too. They will either slash at you, or jump on your shoulders, and try to burrow into you. To get them off of you, move the control stick around. This attack makes bonethieves especially hard to fight in groups. Also, ranged weapons are almost useless against bonethieves, since 9 times out of 10, the bonethief will dodge the bullet like the Agent on the rooftop in the Matrix. If you only have ranged weapons, stay at a distance, and wait until the bonethief jumps at you. The bonethieves can't dodge bullets in mid air, and if you hit it, it will fall to the ground. Red - these bonethieves are the strongest type of bonethieves in terms of the amount of damage they can deal and take, although they aren't the hardest type to kill. The best way to deal with bonethieves is to decapitate them. Two hits to the head should take care of any red bonethieves you find. Blue - these bonethieves are just like the red bonethieves, except they don't do as much damage, can't take as much damage, and only require one hit to the head to put them out of commision. Green - these bonethieves are the hardest kind to deal with. This is because they have no head, so you can't decapitate them. However, you can still hold up on the control stick while targeting to perform an overhead slash, which seems to do more damage. If you find yourself facing multiple green zombies, I would suggest hit and run tactics. Or just run tactics. ======================================================================= 4. Version History ======================================================================= *********************************************************************** A. Versions *********************************************************************** Version 0.1 7/16/02 I decided to write a Weapons FAQ for ED. I got all the weapons in, along with where to find all of them, comments on all of them, and some other stuff. Version 0.2 7/17/02 I added quotes for each weapon, based on what the in-game menu says when you choose the "Check" option for each weapon. I also added the combo attacks for melee weapons. Version 0.3 7/18/02 I finished up quotes and combos for Edward and Alex's weapons, and added info on the Two-Edged Sword for Paul. Version 0.4 8/16/02 I fixed up some formatting issues, and added some info on Anthony, Paul, the Two-Edged Sword, and Florentine-style fighting. Added a section on enemies, which I hope to add to soon. I also added a nice little logo up top. :) Version 0.5 8/31/02 Added Paul to the list of people who can get a Torch. Updated enemies section. I just got Mario Sunshine, and a friend of mine wants to borrow Eternal Darkness, so the damage charts I had planned (see below) might not be here for a while, unless someone wants to research it and send me their results. I'll be sure to credit you! *********************************************************************** B. Plans for future updates: *********************************************************************** -ASCII Art :) I've never done any before, so this part might take awhile to do. Eventually, I'll replace the logo up top with something nicer looking. -Continuing work on the enemies section. Next update, I hope to have Horrors and Guardians covered, possibly more if I can tear myself away from Mario Sunshine. -A chart that shows how many hits it takes each weapon to kill each type of enemy. These charts may take awhile, so be patient. :) If you'd like to help me out here, feel free to research this and send me the results, and I'll be sure to credit you! ======================================================================= 5. Credits ======================================================================= Thanks to Nintendo for making awesome video game consoles and games. Thanks to Silicon Knights for making this great game. Thanks to CJayC for running such a great site. Thanks to Dgow's FAQ for helping me when I was stuck without spoiling the game. Thanks to CyricZ's FAQ for helping me when I got REALLY stuck. Thanks to all the FAQ writers on GameFAQs for inspiring me to finally write a FAQ of my own. Thanks to the inhabitants of GameFAQs' message boards for providing a fun place to hang around, and providing all sorts of information that would otherwise go unnoticed. Thanks to Lakers642@aol.com for information about Anthony's finishing move. Thanks to Adrian D.v. Schmook for information about Florentine-style fighting, and letting me know that Paul also recieves the torch. Thanks to Jeff S for information about Florentine fighting. ======================================================================= 6. Stuff about the FAQ ======================================================================= A. Legal Info --- This FAQ is (c) 2002 by David "Viper915" Brown. You may not reproduce or redistribute this document in any way without my permission. You may not alter this document at all. If you wish to use this FAQ on your website, ask my permission first. Currently, these are the only sites that have my permission to post this FAQ: www.gamefaqs.com sanitysrevelation.fateback.com *********************************************************************** B. Contact Info: --- Please only e-mail me with suggestions about the FAQ or strategies and techniques for the weapons in the game. If you believe you have found a weapon that I didn't include in this FAQ, please e-mail me. If you are having trouble locating or using a particular weapon, I would be glad to help you. I do not want any questions on how to beat the game, questions about how to beat the story, etc. Please be sure to include "ED Weapons" somewhere in the subject of your e-mail. Also, do not send me any attachments. All e-mail with attachments will simply be deleted.