------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance-SUPPORT CONVERSATIONS FAQ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Table of Contents ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I. Introduction II. Version History III. Support Hotkeys IV. Supports V. Credits VI. Contact Information VII. Copyright ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I. Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome Fire Emblem fans, and thank you for stopping by! I doubt many of you will know me, but that's all right. This FAQ is my first one, after all. But I won't go into such unnecessary details; obviously, you did not come to hear me ramble. I assume you are here due to interest in the game Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance. Either that or you're bored beyond belief and decided to click on random FAQs. We'll assume the former though. This FAQ is geared towards a nifty gimmick the Fire Emblem series has coined. They're called support conversations. Although most of you probably know what support conversations are, I'll give a bit of background on what they are for the new players. Support conversations are a series of discussions certain characters can have with each other. It enhances character development and is quite interesting stuff... most of the time, anyway. Another nifty feature is that if the characters with supports are within three squares of each other, they raise each other's stats! This can be amazingly useful in battle. In the other two Fire Emblem games released in America, you were forced to sit two units side by side on the field for a certain amount of turns before they'd chat. This game has changed the procedure used though. Instead, it counts how many battles units have been in together. Once you have the correct amount, you can have the units speak to each other in the base. (The base is available by chapter eight.) You have to be careful with which people you pick to support with others though. Each character can only have five conversations. When you first talk with a character, they have a C support. The second time is a B. The third, A, and that's the best you can get. With only five conversations, your maximum potential is an A and a B on one character. Not all characters can support each other, mind you. Some have a lot of supports, while others have hardly any. Ike is the king of supports, having the potential of seven different people. Volke sits at the bottom of the list with a grand total of one. You will also acquire two units that will not get supports, but it should be fairly obvious who they are. I have neglected to even include their names on the list due to that. If you came here looking for statistics or how many battles are needed for supports, I wish to point you to the other support FAQ available. I am terrible at such things and will not be discussing those here. Then what is this FAQ for, you ask? Well, the other two Fire Emblem games had this cool feature that let you see any support conversations you had gotten. It also let you try to get one hundred percent for bragging rights. The catch? For a reason so brilliant I cannot even try to comprehend it, they took that option out for this game. You can assume how enthusiastic I was to realize this. Without a way to look back at conversations, I decided to write them all up. So why not share the wealth? For those who want to see the conversations again, or are simply too lazy to use certain characters to learn about them, they may read the supports here! They are copied word for word here, except for a few typos the game made that I felt fit to correct. Be warned that you might find spoilers if you read on! If you want to find out about a character for yourself, I highly advise not looking at any of these until you have done so. It might be a good idea to complete the game before looking at these too, or else you'll be spoiled on what units you get. If you don't care about that kind of thing, then that's perfectly fine. I'm just noting this for the ones picky about such matters. Know that this FAQ is not done yet. If a conversation you want is not available, please be patient. I will try to get it up quickly. Anyway, I've wasted enough of your time. Go ahead and read the conversations; that's what this FAQ is for! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II. Version History ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.28-11/5/05: First version of the FAQ. So far, it is pretty much a random scattering of many C Supports, some B Supports, and a handful of A Supports. 59 out of 204 of the C, B, or A conversations were taken in all. As I am replaying the game a second time, I will be taking measures to ensure I get several new supports this playthrough. Version 0.46-12/7/05: There was a delay in updating because I wanted to finish the game to get all the supports possible on that file. I got to chapter 27 a long time ago, but was forced to halt due to school work. I just finished getting the supports today. The supports people have collected for me are not in this version due to my e-mail being weird. If it is up again next time, they will be included and given credit for. Now there are 96 done, almost half the amount necessary. Version 0.65-9/11/06: Moving, having a busy summer, and having email troubles all contributed to this very late update. I am very regretful for how long it took and hope it can be forgiven. I was going to wait even longer, until I could uncover all of the emails, but decided to cover that next time and finally get this up. What is added are the ones I got from my third playthrough. Version 0.84-8/19/07: Can you believe my luck? Not only did I have a faulty email, but my disc glitched up! I literally could not play anymore. Recently, however, I have uncovered some old emails that had FAQ additions, so I added those. If anyone else can fill in the blank spaces, please, send them in! This is very close to being done! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- III. Support Hotkeys ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a long FAQ, and scrolling through all of these conversations to find a specific one you desire would not be fun. So I gave each conversation a hotkey of sorts. Press CTRL and F to bring up a search window, and then type in the specific word and number combination to find the one you want. Hopefully, this will make your life easier. If you search twice, note that you will indeed find the conversation a second time. There is a section for each character, and it will have all the supports that character can get in each. If you look for Ike and Titania, you'll find their conversation under both Ike and Titania's sections, for instance. So if you are interested in one particular character, search for the first support they have and just keep reading. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Support Pair: Hotkey ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ike/Titania: IT001 Ike/Oscar: IO002 Ike/Soren: IS003 Ike/Lethe: IL004 Ike/Reyson: IR005 Ike/Ranulf: IR006 Ike/Elincia: IE007 Titania/Ike: TI008 Titania/Boyd: TB009 Titania/Rhys: TR010 Titania/Mist: TM011 Oscar/Ike: OI012 Oscar/Kieran: OK013 Oscar/Janaff: OJ014 Oscar/Tanith: OT015 Boyd/Titania: BT016 Boyd/Mist: BM017 Boyd/Brom: BB018 Boyd/Ulki: BU019 Rhys/Titania: RT020 Rhys/Mia: RM021 Rhys/Rolf: RR022 Rhys/Kieran: RK023 Rhys/Ulki: RU024 Shinon/Gatrie: SG025 Shinon/Rolf: SR026 Shinon/Janaff: SJ027 Gatrie/Shinon: GS028 Gatrie/Ilyana: GI029 Gatrie/Marcia: GM030 Gatrie/Astrid: GA031 Soren/Ike: SI032 Soren/Stefan: SS033 Mia/Rhys: MR034 Mia/Ilyana: MI035 Mia/Largo: ML036 Ilyana/Gatrie: IG037 Ilyana/Mia: IM038 Ilyana/Mordecai: IM039 Ilyana/Zihark: IZ040 Ilyana/Lucia: IL041 Marcia/Gatrie: MG042 Marcia/Rolf: MR043 Marcia/Kieran: MK044 Marcia/Tanith: MT045 Mist/Titania: MT046 Mist/Boyd: MB047 Mist/Rolf: MR048 Mist/Mordecai: MM049 Mist/Jill: MJ050 Rolf/Rhys: RR051 Rolf/Shinon: RS052 Rolf/Marcia: RM053 Rolf/Mist: RM054 Rolf/Tauroneo: RT055 Lethe/Ike: LI056 Lethe/Jill: LJ057 Lethe/Muarim: LM058 Lethe/Ranulf: LR059 Mordecai/Ilyana: MI060 Mordecai/Mist: MM061 Mordecai/Stefan: MS062 Mordecai/Ulki: MU063 Mordecai/Ranulf: MR064 Volke/Bastian: VB065 Kieran/Oscar: KO066 Kieran/Rhys: KR067 Kieran/Marcia: KM068 Brom/Boyd: BB069 Brom/Nephenee: BN070 Brom/Zihark: BZ071 Nephenee/Brom: NB072 Nephenee/Devdan: ND073 Nephenee/Calill: NC074 Zihark/Ilyana: ZI075 Zihark/Brom: ZB076 Zihark/Muarim: ZM077 Sothe/Astrid: SA078 Sothe/Tormod: ST079 Jill/Mist: JM080 Jill/Lethe: JL081 Jill/Haar: JH082 Astrid/Gatrie: AG083 Astrid/Sothe: AS084 Astrid/Makalov: AM085 Makalov/Astrid: MA086 Makalov/Haar: MH087 Makalov/Bastian: MB088 Stefan/Soren: SS089 Stefan/Mordecai: SM090 Tormod/Sothe: TS091 Tormod/Devdan: TD092 Tormod/Reyson: TR093 Tormod/Calill: TC094 Muarim/Lethe: ML095 Muarim/Zihark: MZ096 Muarim/Largo: ML097 Devdan/Nephenee: DN098 Devdan/Tormod: DT099 Devdan/Largo: DL100 Reyson/Ike: RI101 Reyson/Tormod: RT102 Reyson/Tanith: RT103 Ulki/Boyd: UB104 Ulki/Rhys: UR105 Ulki/Mordecai: UM106 Janaff/Oscar: JO107 Janaff/Shinon: JS108 Janaff/Lucia: JL109 Tanith/Oscar: TO110 Tanith/Marcia: TM111 Tanith/Reyson: TR112 Calill/Nephenee: CN113 Calill/Tormod: CT114 Calill/Geoffrey: CG115 Tauroneo/Rolf: TR116 Tauroneo/Largo: TL117 Ranulf/Ike: RI118 Ranulf/Lethe: RL119 Ranulf/Mordecai: RM120 Haar/Jill: HJ121 Haar/Makalov: HM122 Lucia/Ilyana: LI123 Lucia/Janaff: LJ124 Lucia/Bastian: LB125 Bastian/Volke: BV126 Bastian/Makalov: BM127 Bastian/Lucia: BL128 Geoffrey/Calill: GC129 Geoffrey/Elincia: GE130 Largo/Mia: LM131 Largo/Muarim: LM132 Largo/Devdan: LD133 Largo/Tauroneo: LT134 Elincia/Ike: EI135 Elincia/Geoffrey: EG136 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IV. Support Conversations ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Ike* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ike/Titania (IT001) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Titania: Hey, Ike. Training? Ike: Yeah. You too, huh? Hey, do you want to spar? I learn a lot when we team up. Titania: Really? I'm glad to hear that. I thought you no longer needed my lessons. Ike: What are you talking about? You're the one who put the finishing touches on what swordsmanship I inherited from my father. Titania: Hmm. I'm honored to hear you say so. Ike: I mean it. Titania: But the talent you inherited from your father is one of a kind. I want you to cherish it. Ike: Huh... Hey, Titania? When did you meet my father? You used to be a Crimean knight, right? Titania: That's right... But it's a long story, and we need to train! Get ready! Focus! Ike: Fine... -B Support- Ike: Do you have a moment, Titania? Titania: Ike! How can I help you? Ike: Remember what we talked about the other day? About when you met my father? Titania: Um... Yeah... That... Ike: I know you don't want to talk about it, so I won't force you or anything. Titania: It's not like I don't want to. It's just... It's hard to talk about my past. Still... You deserve to know as much about your father as possible... All right, I'll tell you. Ike: Great! Titania: When I was a Crimean knight, I entered an officer exchange program and was sent to Gallia. Where your father was. On my first day, they held a joint training session in the royal hall. That's where I saw Commander Greil's might for the first time. He took on wave after wave of knights and defeated them like they were children. His swordsmanship was brilliant... The other knights barely had time to lift their weapons before Commander Greil had them on the ground. He was the mightiest warrior I had ever seen. My body... trembled at the thought of it. Ike: Whoa. Titania: I tried to cross swords with him, but he was so far out of my league... Ha! It was laughable! But I asked him to train me, and he agreed. After that, whenever we had a spare hour, we would meet and spar. We soon grew close, and after a few weeks, he invited me to his home. That's when I saw you. Ike: Me? Titania: Yes. You were sleeping in your mother's arms, and she was smiling. You were adorable. The Commander looked at you with such kind eyes... I saw a different person than the man who wielded a sword. Ike: I see. -A Support- Ike: Titania? I wish to thank you. Titania: W-what? What's with all the formality? Ike: There's no guarantee that any of us will see tomorrow, and I want to tell you this while it's still in my head. Will you listen? Titania: Um... All right, but... what's with you? And what have I done to deserve your thanks? Ike: You have done much. You helped my father build this company. He had lost his wife and had two young children to care for... I wish to thank you for that. Titania: ...Oh, Ike... Ike: I've taken everything in my life for granted, and it was all possible because of you. My thanks is far too late in coming. Titania: It's not necessary, Ike. What I did, I did because-- Ike: You loved him. Didn't you? Titania: ...!!! ...Um... Ike: Perhaps I'm wrong. Regardless... I stand here alive today because of you. And I still want to thank you for it. Had you not lent a helping hand, I would most likely be dead. And my father's life cut short as well. You helped to keep him alive until the Black Knight brought him down... You made his final years happy. Thank you. Titania: Oh, Ike... ...I don't... ...Sniff... ...Sniff... ...Sniff... Ike: Unlike my father, I lack both experience and strength, but... I'm learning. Please, keep aiding and supporting me. Please... Titania: ...Sniff... Of course... Of course I will, Ike. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ike/Oscar (IO002) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Ike: Hey, Oscar, can you spar with me for a sec... Wait! Where are you going? Oscar: Sorry, Ike! No time! I have to prepare the evening meal today. Ike: You? Where's Mist? Oscar: She's off practicing with her staff. It's been a while since I cooked. I hope I haven't lost my touch. Ike: I haven't had one of your suppers in ages! I'm looking forward to it. Oscar: Really? Ike: Yeah, of course! You're a great cook! Why do you ask? Oscar: Well... I never knew that. Mist, Shinon, and Rhys were the only ones who ever commented on the subtle spices and flavors that I use... I mean, my brothers are used to my cooking, and Soren hates everything. I think he'd stop eating if he could... Sure, Commander Greil, Titania, Gatrie, and you ate everything on the plate. But... I feel like you'd eat anything. Ike: Oscar, I didn't just shovel the food into my mouth. I enjoyed it! I really did! Remember the first day that Mist took over your cooking duties? Just thinking about it makes me ill... Heh! Even my father was having trouble choking it down! But I think Mist is finally starting to get the hang of it. Oscar: Just like you're training to improve your swordsmanship, Mist is training to improve her culinary skills. You should give her more support. Hearing someone say "Delicious!" is the best encouragement a cook can get. Ike: I see... Then I'll make sure to say "Delicious!" from now on. Oscar: Ha ha! Thanks. -B Support- Oscar: How's it going, Ike? Ike: Oh, hey, Oscar, I'm fine... Actually, I'm kind of worried about something. Oscar: Can I help? Ike: Well, I was trying to figure out how we should fight the laguz bird tribes. Oscar: That's odd... I was just thinking about the same thing. When they turn into their true selves, we are forced into a kind of battle that is difficult for us. Ike: You're right about that. The laguz are so strong. I've even seen them shatter boulders with a single blow. I feel like our weak points are as visible as a lit torch for the bird tribes. What's more, my sword is useless if they take to the sky... Oscar: My advice is to keep engaging them. The more we fight, the more we learn. Of course, it won't be easy. Ike: No, but I'm sure we can do it. That's a good idea! Thanks. Oscar: Ah... Well... sure. You're pretty amazing, Ike. You know that? Ike: Hey, come on now. You're the guy with all the experience and talent. Oscar: Everything I have accomplished comes from hard work and practice. You're the son of Commander Greil. You have... natural talent. I'd follow you anywhere. Ike: Uh... wow. Thanks, Oscar... -A Support- Oscar: Ike. Ike: Oscar? What is it? Oscar: ...Are you well, Ike? Ike: Yeah... yeah, I'm fine. Why? Did I worry you? Oscar: No, no. It's nothing that you did. It's just that... our battles are intensifying. I never imagined that we'd be involved in clashes of this magnitude. Ike: You're right. Ever since my father died, it's been one kind of chaos after another. It's a real challenge. Oscar: So... How are you doing? Well, I mean... are you as well as can be expected? Is there anything I can do? Ike: Ah, Oscar. I give you enough grief as is. Just stick with your helplessly green commander. That's all I ask. Oscar: Ike... Ike: Will you continue to believe in me? Oscar: Yes, of course! As Commander Greil said, we are family. This is my home. I will support you to the end. Ike: Listen... I have an urge for your cooking. Think you can give Mist a hand tonight? Oscar: Ha! You don't have to ask me twice! I'll put all of my culinary skills to work. I hope you're hungry! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ike/Soren (IS003) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Soren: So that's how much we spent... Supplies are running low. We need dried meat, fresh fruit... Ike? Are you listening? Ike: Huh? Oh, sorry. I wasn't paying attention. Soren: I would have never guessed. Ike: Sorry, Soren. Look, could you run the report by me again? Soren: You're tired, Ike. You need rest. Go find a cot somewhere. Ike: You can tell? Soren: Of course. When you're not feeling well, your left eye twitches. Ike: That's... odd. I never noticed. Soren: Get some sleep. I can manage things for a few hours. Ike: Well, I am pretty beat... Soren: Go. Ike: You know, Soren? You're not nearly as insensitive as the others say. Deep down, you're a big softie. Soren: Excuse me? Ike: Oh, nothing. I'm going. Soren: Mmm. Don't let the bedbugs bite. -B Support- Soren: ... Ike: Do you have a second, Soren? Soren: What is it, Ike? Ike: What's wrong? You've been quiet and moody for days. What's going on? Soren: Um... Well, it's... Ike: Yes? Soren: ...It's nothing. ... ...You've never worried about who you are, have you? Your family? Where you came from? Ike: Who I am...? Well, not really. No. I guess I don't understand what you're getting at. I had a father and a mother. I don't remember much about her, but otherwise, no complaints. Soren: It must be... nice to have loving parents. You need people to experience your childhood. To help shape the person you will become. Without an adult around to affirm and support them, a child can't know which path to take. Or who he really is. Ike: Don't you have any memory of your parents? Soren: No. The woman who raised me was not my birth mother. And she wasn't all that fond of me, anyway... My earliest memories are of her saying, "Why me? The world isn't fair!" or "Stay away from me, child!" No love. No affection. She took care of me out of some sense of duty that she didn't really possess. Ike: ... Soren: When I was about four, a nearby sage came by and asked to take me in. He said I possessed rare magical talent. I remember the day clearly. My caretaker was delighted to give me up. In fact, she seemed almost delirious with pleasure. Smiling like a madwoman as she handed me over... The sage even gave her gold as compensation. Not that it was necessary. Ike: Oh, Soren... I had no idea. Soren: The sage was old, and knew that death would soon come for him. His only goal was to teach his art to an apprentice. As time was short, he put me through terribly rigorous magic training. We worked day and night, without cease. I didn't even have time to think about who I really was. But it was still a better life than I had ever known. When the sage died two years later, I had acquired much magical skill. Perhaps too much for a child of my age... At any rate, once I had eaten all of the food in the sage's hovel, I left and walked for days to find help. Upon reaching civilization, I came to another grim realization... I couldn't speak. Not a word. Ike: Soren... Soren: Oh, I could read and write better than most of the villagers. And I could understand what they said. I just couldn't talk. I couldn't help it. The woman and the sage both used to hurl words at me. Unkind words, usually. But I never needed to answer, so-- Ike: Soren! Soren: Huh? Oh... I apologize, Ike. I should not have made you listen to such nonsense... Ike: Soren, it's no nonsense! It's awful! It's the most terrible thing I've ever heard! Where did this happen? Was it in Begnion? Soren: No... But, there's more. I haven't told you... About my parents... No, that's enough. I'm sorry. Excuse me... Ike: Wait, Soren? Soren! Blast! -A Support- Ike: Hey, Soren. Soren: ... Ike: I've been thinking a lot about what you said the other day, and there's something I still don't understand. You survived. You're strong. Why would you feel insecure about who you are? Tell me. Tell me everything. Soren: Curse you! Why can't you leave me be?! I don't have any friends, Ike! I don't have anyone else! If I tell you and you turn on me... I... I... I don't think I can survive it. Ike: That's why you have to tell me, Soren. You'll never tell anyone else. And if you don't tell anyone, you're just going to keep suffering. Look at you! You're a mess! Come on. Talk to me. Soren: Ike... I... I... Ike: Soren, it's me! Trust me. I don't give two figs who your parents are! I'll stand by you. Soren: Ike, I... sniff... No, I won't... sniff... Ah, Ike... ...I'm... Branded. I'm one of the Branded. Ike: A Branded? What's that? Soren: It's a cross between a beorc and a laguz. Such a taboo violates every teaching of the goddess. And of society. We are untouchables. Abominations. Condemned to a life of hatred and shunning from both races. Ike: Wait, wait. Hold it a second. Let me make sure that I follow you... You're part laguz? Soren: Yeah. This mark on my forehead is the proof. I learned about it while researching ancient books at the Mainal Cathedral. I always thought it was a birthmark. Others thought that it was the mark of a Spirit Charmer. Ike: What's a Spirit Charmer? Soren: Magic comes from interaction with spirits. If you let one into your body, it will give you tremendous power... for a price. That's why the old sage was so interested in me. He thought I had struck such a deal. But instead, I was just a filthy Branded. Ike: All right. I understand. So? Soren: ...What do you mean, "so?" Ike: So, you have laguz blood in your veins. So, you have a mark to prove it. So... What's the problem? Soren: What's the problem...? Don't you find me repugnant!? I work beside you, eat beside you. I'm nothing! I don't belong anywhere! Doesn't that sicken you? Ike: No. It doesn't change anything. You're still you, Soren! You're a capable officer of our army. And my friend. We can't keep going unless you are with us. Soren: ...Ike... I thought... I thought you... Ike: What? Soren: It was Gallia. The sage lived in Gallia. A few beorcs had settled there and... Ike: Gallia? Are you saying... Soren: When the sage died, no one would help me. I couldn't speak. Couldn't find food. I was dying. You were the only one who helped. You and your father. That's why you're my friend. My... only friend. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ike/Lethe (IL004) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Ike: Hiyaaaa! Haaaaaa! Hm? Who's there? Lethe: Training hard? Ike: Lethe. Were you watching me? Lethe: Yep. I'm curious... Our future success will depend in large part on how well you humans fight. We laguz can't afford to lag behind. Ike: You always need the upper hand, eh, Lethe? Lethe: Relax. It's not like I'm going to claw you in the back during a battle. There's no point in it. Besides, you humans are the only ones who use dirty tricks like that. Ike: Oh, I see. So every laguz fights fair and square? Lethe: Most of us. Not all. Although we know when a laguz is about to use a cheap trick. We can smell it. I can sniff out a trap from a mile away. Even in the dark. You can hide from my eyes, but not my nose. Ike: Lethe? Will you teach me how to fight like a laguz? Lethe: Sure, I'll take you on. But it's going to hurt! When I fight, it's with my claws out. Ike: Good. I look forward to it. -B Support- Lethe: Hey. Ike: Lethe. What's up? Lethe: You fought pretty well the other day. Better than I expected. Ike: What? Me? Lethe: You see anyone else? Ike: No, but... I didn't expect that from you. You laguz have such awesome natural power, I figure beorc look weak in comparison. Lethe: Totally different styles of fighting. You don't have the reactions or control that we do, but you're actually kind of graceful. It must be tough to use a weapon that's not actually connected to your body. No wonder you train so much. Ike: Without teeth or claws, we need our weapons to move like they're a part of us. So, yeah, that takes a lot of work. Lethe: Mmm... I see. I may have to train some more. Which reminds me... Do you remember our bargain? Ike: Of course! Will you do it? Lethe: I should ask you. Laguz training is hard. You're going to hurt. And bleed. Are you ready? Ike: Let's do it! -A Support- Lethe: Hello, Ike. Ike: Hey, Lethe! You ready to punish me some more? Lethe: You're taking to my training with remarkable skill. I need to keep up. Ike: You think so? Wow. A compliment from Lethe... Now that's a big deal! Lethe: What's that supposed to mean? You're not still holding a grudge about our first meeting, are you? Ike: No, nothing like that. It's just... Your powerful, you know? If you compliment me, that means something. Lethe: Bah! You give me too much credit. ...Um... Say, Ike? Ike: What? Lethe: When this war is over, you should... Why don't you come to Gallia? I mean, not like I care, but-- Ike: Gallia? Lethe: Right! Well, you could learn even more if you trained in Gallia. It's hard living for a beorc. But if you can handle it, you could take the swordsmanship that runs in your blood to another level. Ike: Only if you're my sparring partner! Lethe: Meh... Well, if that's what you want... I guess I'd be all right with that. Ike: Then life in Gallia may not be so bad. Lethe: Oh? Well, good. It's settled then. Come see us whenever you're ready. I might even... look forward to it. Ike: You have my word. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ike/Reyson (IR005) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Ike: Reyson. Reyson: Oh, Ike. What can I do for you? Ike: I just came to see how things are going. How are you doing? Reyson: Fine. No problems. Ike: No problems? Your face tells me otherwise. Reyson: Well... we herons are optimistic by nature. So it's hard for me to be on a battlefield where the air is thick with negative energy. It's... tiring. But I'm learning to adjust. I hope you'll let me fight beside you to the bitter end. Ike: As long as you take care of yourself, I have no complaints. But isn't there anything I can do to help? Maybe we could have a special supper. Certain foods tend to restore energy. Reyson: That's very kind, but my diet... Heh. It's fairly limited. You know, I used to be disgusted by my thin, frail body. So one time I performed a little experiment. I got all the goods that Tibarn likes--raw meat, cold fish, insects--and ate them. I ate them all. Ike: That doesn't sound good. What happened? Reyson: I stared death in the face for ten days. You've never seen a laguz so green! I guess we herons are just meant to eat fruits and nuts for our entire lives. Ike: ...I can't imagine. Raw meat? You must have been desperate! Reyson: I wanted so much to be like Tibarn. Big body, strong wings... With those features, I felt I could march into Begnion and revenge my brothers all by myself. I got on my knees and prayed to the goddess every night. Asking her for power... But to no avail. Ike: I think I know how you feel... But it's better this way. Reyson: How do you figure? Ike: You get sick from negative energy. Imagine if you tried to hurt someone! You'd lose your lunch! Reyson: Heh. I guess you're right... At one time, I was so angry about my lack of strength, so consumed by despair, that I considered forfeiting my life... But... I'm glad that I am alive. I got to see Leanne because I am alive. Ike: Huh. You surprise me, Reyson. You're stronger than you look. Reyson: If you're talking spiritual strength, I think I'm the best there is! -B Support- Ike: Reyson! Reyson: I'm here, Ike. Do you wish to talk strategy? Ike: Yes. Your participation in the next few battles will be critical... How are you feeling? Reyson: Well... I found that negative energy isn't so bad when I fly. Even feeling a breeze can be a huge help. I can hold up. Don't worry about me. Ike: You look tired. Exhausted, even. I think I know how King Phoenicis must feel... I'm sorry for pushing you like this. Reyson: Saying so is an insult. I choose to be here. Ike: Look, that's not what I meant... I apologize. I know that you hate having people fuss over you. It's just-- Reyson: Ike? Be quiet. If you were annoying else, I'd punch you in the nose and make you be quiet. Ike: Whoa, easy, Reyson! That's not necessary! And hey... I didn't think that herons could attack. Reyson: ...I know how to punch! Although... Ike: Yes? Reyson: I suffer more damage than my target. Ike: What?! Reyson: When I bashed Duke Tanas's face, he only suffered a bloody nose, but it cracked the bones in the back of my hand. Ike: Holy... Reyson: Indeed. Ike: ...But it felt good, right? Reyson: Oh, yeah. -A Support- Ike: Reyson? How are you holding up? You look like death warmed over. Reyson: I know, Ike! Believe me, I know that better than anyone. But, please. Let me do this. Let me fight to the end. Ike: Well, all right. But I don’t want you dropping dead the minute this war is over! Reyson: My body should return to normal once the medallion settles down... Don’t worry. My will is still strong. I have to confront Ashnard. I have to discover the truth. Ike: I’ll help you with that, Reyson. Reyson: I told you not to treat me spec— Ike: And I need you to help me, too. Reyson: ...R-really? Ike: We each posses unique powers. If we combine our might, it will lead to victory in future battles. Reyson: I see... Very well. I appreciate your help. Ike: Hang in there, Reyson. The end is in sight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ike/Ranulf (IR006) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Ranulf: Hey, Ike. Isn't it a little late to be training? Ike: I haven't had a chance to train today. I try to swing a sword every day, even if it's just for a little while. It helps me focus and keeps me calm. Plus it's good practice. Haaaa! Kyaaaaa! Ranulf: I see. So your strength doesn't just come from your bloodline. It's also a result of your persistence. No wonder you grow more powerful every time I see you... Nice. Very nice... Ike: Haaaaa! And one and... Hiyaaaa! Ranulf: Oh, sorry. I'm interrupting you. I'll see you la-- Ike: Wait. What do you want? I assume you came out here to tell me something. Ranulf: Not really. I'm just being a mother cat... No matter how many times we tell you to take it easy, you're always working. I thought you might take a break if I came over and talked to you, but... I can see that you're still crazy. I'll go now. Ike: You think I'm crazy? How so? Ranulf: Well... a little crazy, yeah! I've never worked for a leader who's as blunt and straightforward as you. It's pretty shocking to have a commander who doesn't care what anyone thinks, no matter how powerful they are. Ike: Well, that's just my style. I don't have to be like someone else, do I? Ranulf: Why are you so confident? I don't get it. Normal beorc just do what people tell them and try not to make a fuss. But not you. I heard you even yelled at the apostle! Ike: Yeah, that wasn't my brightest moment. Ranulf: Then again, worrying about a beorc like this is definitely not normal laguz behavior. I guess I'm a fish out of water myself... Wait, did I just call myself a fish? Ike: Wha--? Ha ha! You're a cat, remember!? I thought you ate fish! Ha ha ha! Ranulf: Hey! I made you laugh! That's good. That's a good first step. Ike: Fine, fine! I'll take a break. Um... so what do I do now? Am I supposed to drink tea or something? Ranulf: Tea is good. And eat something. Oh, and maybe you should take a... catnap! Wha ha ha ha! -B Support- Ike: Hey, Ranulf. Ranulf: Hm? Oh, hey, Ike. How goes it? Ike: Are you... training? Ranulf: Oh yeah! I love training! I’d hate to have the hardworking general Ike leave me in his dust! Ike: That’s a good attitude. Ranulf: Um... that was a joke, Ike. I hate training. Besides, training on two legs would be pretty useless for a laguz like me. Ike: So what were you doing? It looked like stretching. Ranulf: Just stretching. You know, to unwind? Ike: Hm. I was hoping that it was a kind of special laguz technique that I didn’t know about. Ranulf: Sorry to disappoint you, but you and I aren’t that different unless I change forms. As you can see. Ike: I just need a tail. Ranulf: Hey, a tail is a good thing to have! It’s what gives us such great balance in high places. You poor beorc... I can’t imagine living without a tail! Ike: Doesn’t it get in your way when you sleep? Ranulf: On the contrary! There’s a little trick we have... Ike: What kind of trick? Ranulf: Well, we take... Hey! You’re smooth, aren’t you? I almost fell for that one... Nice try, Commander! Ike: Huh? I just asked you a question. Ranulf: Listen, Ike. This is a secret that concerns the entire laguz species. I can’t just run around telling any old beorc that I know. Ike: Oh. I understand. I’m not that interested, anyway. Ranulf: Wha--? Hey, now, come on! You should be more persistant! It’s really interesting! -A Support- Ranulf: ! Ike: What’s wrong, Ranulf? Ranulf: Aaaah! Oh, it’s you, Ike... Phew! Don’t scare me like that! Ike: You all right? You’ve been pretty tense lately. Ranulf: The closer we get to the capital, the more the Daein King starts to worry me. Well, I suppose it’s more the medallion than the man... At any rate, all this negative energy is making my hair stand up on end. It’s hard to focus... Ike: I’m amazed at how sensitive you laguz are to such things. Ranulf: I’m amazed that you beorc don’t notice! How can you be so calm with these creepy auras all around us?! Ike: You want me to leave you alone? Ranulf: Yeah, would you? No, wait, Ike. Hold on. Stay here. I’ll calm down... Just gimme a second... ...Whooooo! Ike: Better? Ranulf: Yeah. I’m fine now. Although I can’t believe I let a beorc see me in such a vulnerable state. I’ll never live this down. Ike: Ranulf, what are you saying? Don’t you trust me? Ranulf: No, I do! I do. But...well, not entirely. Look, I trust you as much as any beorc, but... You know! The laguz are my brothers! It’s different. Ike: I trust you. Ranulf: And you say it with a straight face, too. You know something? You’re... Ike: ...I’m what? Ranulf: Dumb. Ike: What?! Ranulf: If you trust everybody, you’re going to get hurt in the end. Remember that! Ike: Hey, wait! Ranulf! Dang... Was that friendly advice or is he just angry? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ike/Elincia (IE007) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Ike: Is there something wrong, Princess? Elincia: Oh... my lord Ike. I was getting prepared for battle, but... I'm having a hard time attaching this scabbard to my belt. Ike: Hmm... let me see. Ah... here's the problem. The buckle on the scabbard isn't fastened. There's a little trick to this. Don't move for a second. ...All right. That should do it! Elincia: Thank you. I just can't seem to do anything right. I can't even get myself ready for battle! Everyone else is all suited up. Ike: Everyone here was the same way when they first started. In fact, it wasn't all that long ago when I was having a hard time fastening my scabbard... Elincia: Really? Ike: That's right. But my father drilled me hard and tested my swordsmanship and survival skills before I could eat breakfast. We come from different worlds, Princess. Elincia: So that's how you learned so much... Ike: Well, you don't need to practice so hard. You weren't born to be a mercenary like the rest of us war dogs. You'll just get yourself killed if you jump into this rough and nasty war unprepared. Elincia: I understand... Ike: Just don't worry about it. There's no shame in asking for help from the rest of us. We'll be there to back you up. Elincia: Thank you, my lord Ike. Ike: Anytime, Princess Elincia. -B Support- Ike: Princess Elincia? You're still here? Elincia: Oh, my lord Ike. W-well, I was getting a little practice in. I don't want to be a burden to everyone else. Ike: Wouldn't it be better to have a training partner? Elincia: I'd feel guilty asking someone to train with me. It would be a waste of time... I am no match for their skill. Ike: I meant what I said earlier... About not hesitating to ask for help? But I guess you decided to ignore me. Elincia: N-no, no... it's not like that at all. I heard what you said, but I still feel so... Ike: I know how powerless and frustrated you must feel. It was a terrifying feeling when I discovered my father had left me in command of the Greil Mercenaries. Elincia: ... Ike: But there's a huge difference between inheriting a country and a band of mercenaries, isn't there? Elincia: Not at all... You're absolutely right. It's hard... knowing what kind of responsibility I have, and just how unsuited I am to take it. Ike: Over the last year, I learned a lot from all those battles... Mostly, I learned that there are many things I can't do on my own. Everything I achieved was possible only because of the people around me. I trust them completely. And I'm not ashamed to ask for help. That goes for you, too. You're not alone. Elincia: That's a great way to look at it. Thank you! -A Support- Elincia: ... Ike: We finally reach the capital tomorrow. Elincia: Yes... Ike: How are you feeling about it? Elincia: More than a little anxious... But... We've finally made it. I'm home. More than anything, I feel relief. Ike: You've grown strong, Princess. Elincia: That's only because I had such a great role model. Ike: Hah! I think you meant to say bad role model, right? By the way, do you remember what you said to me on the southern sea? Elincia: W-what did I say? Hopefully, it was nothing too embarassing. Ike: You said, "Give them a sound thrashing!" Elincia: Oh... er... that? That was... um... I was trying to fit in, my lord Ike. To be rough and capable like the rest of you. Ike: You caught me off guard with that one. Elincia: Hee hee! It brings back memories. When I fled the capital and was told about Crimea's defeat in Gallia... I prepared myself to live in crushing, colorless despair for the rest of my days. But when I look back, I can see there were some warm rays of hope... poking through. Ike: You're right... Elincia: Tomorrow, I will face King Daein and reclaim Crimea... or die in the attempt. It is the only thing on my mind. Ike: You employed me as a mercenary. I'll give you your money's worth! ...No. It means more than that... To my last breath, I will do all that I can to ensure your dream... Elincia. Elincia: Oh, Ike... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Titania* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Titania/Ike (TI008) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Titania: Hey, Ike. Training? Ike: Yeah. You too, huh? Hey, do you want to spar? I learn a lot when we team up. Titania: Really? I'm glad to hear that. I thought you no longer needed my lessons. Ike: What are you talking about? You're the one who put the finishing touches on what swordsmanship I inherited from my father. Titania: Hmm. I'm honored to hear you say so. Ike: I mean it. Titania: But the talent you inherited from your father is one of a kind. I want you to cherish it. Ike: Huh... Hey, Titania? When did you meet my father? You used to be a Crimean knight, right? Titania: That's right... But it's a long story, and we need to train! Get ready! Focus! Ike: Fine... -B Support- Ike: Do you have a moment, Titania? Titania: Ike! How can I help you? Ike: Remember what we talked about the other day? About when you met my father? Titania: Um... Yeah... That... Ike: I know you don't want to talk about it, so I won't force you or anything. Titania: It's not like I don't want to. It's just... It's hard to talk about my past. Still... You deserve to know as much about your father as possible... All right, I'll tell you. Ike: Great! Titania: When I was a Crimean knight, I entered an officer exchange program and was sent to Gallia. Where your father was. On my first day, they held a joint training session in the royal hall. That's where I saw Commander Greil's might for the first time. He took on wave after wave of knights and defeated them like they were children. His swordsmanship was brilliant... The other knights barely had time to lift their weapons before Commander Greil had them on the ground. He was the mightiest warrior I had ever seen. My body... trembled at the thought of it. Ike: Whoa. Titania: I tried to cross swords with him, but he was so far out of my league... Ha! It was laughable! But I asked him to train me, and he agreed. After that, whenever we had a spare hour, we would meet and spar. We soon grew close, and after a few weeks, he invited me to his home. That's when I saw you. Ike: Me? Titania: Yes. You were sleeping in your mother's arms, and she was smiling. You were adorable. The Commander looked at you with such kind eyes... I saw a different person than the man who wielded a sword. Ike: I see. -A Support- Ike: Titania? I wish to thank you. Titania: W-what? What's with all the formality? Ike: There's no guarantee that any of us will see tomorrow, and I want to tell you this while it's still in my head. Will you listen? Titania: Um... All right, but... what's with you? And what have I done to deserve your thanks? Ike: You have done much. You helped my father build this company. He had lost his wife and had two young children to care for... I wish to thank you for that. Titania: ...Oh, Ike... Ike: I've taken everything in my life for granted, and it was all possible because of you. My thanks is far too late in coming. Titania: It's not necessary, Ike. What I did, I did because-- Ike: You loved him. Didn't you? Titania: ...!!! ...Um... Ike: Perhaps I'm wrong. Regardless... I stand here alive today because of you. And I still want to thank you for it. Had you not lent a helping hand, I would most likely be dead. And my father's life cut short as well. You helped to keep him alive until the Black Knight brought him down... You made his final years happy. Thank you. Titania: Oh, Ike... ...I don't... ...Sniff... ...Sniff... ...Sniff... Ike: Unlike my father, I lack both experience and strength, but... I'm learning. Please, keep aiding and supporting me. Please... Titania: ...Sniff... Of course... Of course I will, Ike. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Titania/Boyd (TB009) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Boyd: Ninety-eight... Ninety-nine... One hundred! Done! Bleh. What's the point in swinging an axe by myself? I should probably try to find Ike... But maybe a quick nap first-- Titania: Boyd! Boyd: Aaah! Titania! Titania: Where do you think you're going? Are you blowing off your training again? Boyd: No! I'm not slacking, I swear! I was just... uh... going to work out with Ike! You know me--I'm all about the fighting! Titania: Boyd, I know that training is tough. But if you make light of it, you're closer to death than you ever want to be. You're a mercenary. When you're confused or exhausted during a long battle, instincts make all the difference. Boyd: But, Titania... I just can't get into training when I don't have a partner. Titania: Can't get into it? Boyd? Don't make me chew you out again. Boyd: Joking! I-I'm just joking! What I just said? All a joke! Ha ha! Ha? Haaaaa... Oh, I'm just dying to do some practice swings! Hyaaa! Boy, training is so much fun! Isn't that right, Titania!? Whooo! I loooove training! Titania: Darn it, Boyd, why are you so lazy? You're a natural fighter, you know that? You could even be a better fighter than me if you just put your mind to it. Anyway... keep practicing. -B Support- Titania: Hello, Boyd. Boyd: T-Titania!? I'm not slacking! I've done my training! Look, I'll do more! Hiiiyaaa! Kiyaaaaa! Whaaaaaa! Titania: Boyd, I haven't said a word. Boyd: Oh, yeah, I guess not. I'm so used to all our conversations starting that way... Titania: I didn't come here to chew you out. You don't need that anymore. We're fighting intense battles now, and you can't let your guard down. But you know that, right? Boyd: I guess so. Titania: Your training has become instinct. That's all you need to survive. You've learned that lesson, Boyd. You'll be all right. Boyd: Shoot! Titania: W-what? Did I say something wrong? Boyd: This doesn't sound right, Titania. I feel like... like you're praising me. Titania: Well, I am. You're a true warrior now. One of our best. Boyd: Oh, man, this is making my head spin... It's like a bad omen or something. I think it's scarier than being chewed out. Titania: I see... So you want me to chew you out, huh? Great. I can do that. Boyd: Aaah! No, that's not what I meant, Titania! -A Support- Boyd: Titania! I couldn't find you anywhere! With all the war councils and everything, I never get to see you anymore. Titania: Hello, Boyd. You know, your recent performance has been superb. I can't even chew you out for old time's sake. Boyd: I don't want you to yell at me again. That's not why I'm here. I just... Is there anything you want, Titania? Titania: I can't think of anything in particular. Why do you ask? Boyd: We got a big reward the other day, you know? So I wanted to buy you something. As thanks for helping me. Titania: Aha! Now that you're a true warrior, you've learned some chivalry as well! Boyd: Heh. So, name it. Anything. New chain mail? Gauntlets? How about a killer axe? Titania: Thanks for the offer, Boyd. But you earned that money. You should spend it on yourself. Boyd: Don't you get it!? I want to give you a gift! Titania: Boyd? What are you-- Boyd: Every time I look at you, Titania... I think that you're the prettiest person I've ever seen! Titania: Uh... Um, thank you, Boyd... But I... Look, you and me, we're-- Boyd: You're like a really nice mom or something! Um... I mean... Titania: ... Boyd: Wait, that's not... Oh, man... Look, that's not what I meant. I mean, it is, but-- Titania: Boyd? Boyd: Yeah? Titania: How old do you think I am? Boyd: Well, let me see... Are you... younger than my mother? Titania: ...Um... Boyd: ...Yeah... Um... I gotta go! Titania: Boyd! Wait up! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Titania/Rhys (TR010) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Titania: How are you feeling, Rhys? Rhys: Good. No fevers or shaking today! Thanks for asking. Titania: You know, I was just thinking about the first time we met. It was almost a year ago to this very day. Rhys: Was it really...? Oh, you're right! My, time does fly. Titania: Of course, I don't remember much of the initial encounter, since I was unconscious and bleeding! Ha! Remember that? I don't know why we didn't bring a healer with us that day... Fighting bandits without a staff? Not smart! Rhys: It was lucky that I found you. I didn't usually venture that deep into the forest, but I was short on medicinal herbs. Titania: Yeah, those bandits were a rough lot... Their stomping ground was right near your village, actually. It's all coming back to me now... They were tougher than I'd thought. We took most of them out with ease, but one fled into the woods and I gave chase. Big mistake. My horse got hung up in the undergrowth, and that bandit got the drop on me... At least Shinon hit him before I was killed. Rhys: Gatrie and Shinon were both really worried when they brought you back to my parents' house. Titania: Really? I didn't know that. Hmm... I didn't think Shinon ever worried about anyone... But they stayed with me until my wounds were healed, I remember that. You know, if it wasn't for your good work, I wouldn't have been able to use an axe anymore! I really appreciate it. Rhys: No, I should thank you. You convinced Greil to hire me! And now I can send money back to my parents. They're both so old, and I'm their only source of income. Titania: Your parents were very kind. Especially your mother... And she made that great wildberry pie! To repay their kindness, I will protect their only son no matter what. Rhys: Oh, I appreciate that, Titania! -B Support- Rhys: Training again? Titania: Yep. I get antsy if I don't train every day... Kiyaaaa! Haaaaaa! Whew! Rhys: Would you mind if I joined you for a while? Titania: What? You want to train? Really? Well, no, of course I wouldn't mind. Um... why? Rhys: I was hoping to find some way to... defend myself. I hate being a burden on everyone. Titania: Rhys! You're a healer, not a fighter. That's not your fault. I don't even think you know which end of a sword to stick in someone! Maybe... Rhys: Yes, Titania? Titania: I just wondered if you'd be happier had you not rescued me. Perhaps living in peace with your parents is more your style. Rhys: Oh, I don't know. That life wasn't easy. I have a small, frail body, and there were few jobs for me in our village. My parents were always worried about me. I was sick all the time, and constantly getting bumps and scrapes. They only agreed to let me follow you because you were a strong mercenary group! They figured I would be safe. Titania: There must be safer jobs out there! You could be a fisherman, or a botanist! Do you like plants? Rhys: Oh, that would bore me to tears! ...Titania... I love this job. I don't want to quit. I was a sickly child, and I didn't get out much. I used to sit inside and listen to the other children play... In those years, my uncle took me under his wing. He was a mercenary, too. He used to spin unbelievable yarns about his exotic travels and fantastic battles... It inspired me. Titania: I had no idea! Rhys: Kinda funny, isn't it? You know, I shouldn't say this, but... Sometimes, when we fight one long battle after another... It makes me happy. I feel like I belong. Titania: You're a big part of our company, Rhys. I'm glad to hear you say so. -A Support- Rhys: Hello, Titania. Could I join your training again today? Titania: Sure, go ahead! Looks like you're getting your strength back. You look healthy. Rhys: Yes. Thanks to you. Titania: Oh, I didn't do much... Say, Rhys? What do you think of Ike? Rhys: Ike? Well, I'm not the person to be judging another's battle skills, so I guess you want to know my take of the man... Ike... Well, despite his appearance... and the occasional angry outburst... he can be very thoughtful. Most importantly, he has doggedness, determination, and grit. He possesses the strength to turn ideal into reality. I think he is the right choice to lead the Greil Mercenaries. Titania: I agree with you. But he is still young. He still has much to learn, and I wonder how those experiences will shape him. ...Frankly, I'm a little concerned. Rhys: Why is that? Titania: Our company is only going to grow, and he will soon face many hard choices... and also some temptations. Oh, we'll make money... But we're going to get job offers that will result in people getting hurt. Or worse. And to feed and equip a group of this size, we'll need jobs with a certain amount of risk. Rhys: Commander Greil faced those same problems, didn't he? Titania: He did, but Greil... He was different. The original Greil Mercenaries were famous for not being typical mercenaries. Sometimes we took on jobs for free... and we helped countless people at the expense of our own coffers. Rhys: I believe that Ike holds the same ideals as Commander Greil. Titania: I'm sure he does. ...Yes, I'm sure of it. Ike will definitely find reasons for us to fight and live. He'll pick the right path. I won't have to tell him anything. All we have to do is believe in Ike and follow him... to the end. Rhys: Agreed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Titania/Mist (TM011) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Titania: Doing the laundry, Mist? Here, let me give you a hand. Mist: Oh, no, no... Please, you've been fighting all day. I couldn't make you help! Titania: We've all had our hands full around here, and you're no exception. Now, give me some of those... Wow. Talk about a pile of laundry... Mist: Yeah. I know I can't wash up after the entire Crimean army, but I thought I could at least help the Greil Mercenaries. It's a good way to thank the others for all their help. Titania: Well, it's a thoughtful gesture, but make sure you don't turn it into a full-time job, all right? Oh, this one is ripped. Mist: Oh, that's my brother's. He's been fighting too long in these old things. Look at it! It's practically falling apart! Next time we're in a town, I'm going to make him buy a new shirt. If he's going to be general, he'd better look the part! Titania: Speaking of which... let me see that old thing you're wearing. The sleeve is coming apart. See? Mist: Hey, you're right! Titania: This is beyond repair. Your brother's not the only one who could benefit from a shopping trip. We'll go together, you and I. Mist: I don't know, Titania... There's so much work to be done around here. I'm not sure I've got the time, really... Titania: I'm telling you, Mist, you're pushing yourself too hard. Everyone appreciates your work, but you're leaving no time to relax! Mist: Yeah, but... doing the chores helps me relax! What? Don't look at me that way! Titania: Mist, that's nonsense. I mean it. You need to take some time off. Sometime soon, you and I will go into town, just the two of us. Mist: Oh, all right! -B Support- Mist: I’m sorry about the other day, Titania. I really did have a good time, even if I didn’t look like it… Titania: Don’t worry about it, Mist! You did look awfully serious the whole time, but that just proves to me how much you needed the time off. Mist: And I did enjoy seeing the town. I’d never seen anything quite like it! But I kept thinking about all the chores waiting here… Titania: You’re far too considerate of others, Mist. You’re always putting our needs before your own. You’re so much like Elena in that regard. Mist: My mother? Titania: Yes. You and she are very much alike. But you know, Mist, you are still young. You do not need to take on all the burdens of adulthood so soon. I worry about you. Mist: Oh, stop... Titania? Thank you... Titania: No, Mist. Thank you. -A Support- Titania: Come over here for a second, Mist. Mist: What is it, Titania? Titania: Here. It’s a little present from me. Mist: Hey, this is that dress I saw in town the other day. Oooo, I loved this dress! Titania: I thought so. Aren’t you glad we made that trip together? Mist: Oh, thank you, Titania. Titania: It’s nothing, Mist. Consider it a thank-you for all you’ve done. To tell the truth, I’ve been a little worried about you. You’ve been doing so many chores, and you’ve been helping us all on the battlefield. It’s a lot to ask of you. That’s why I’m trying to make sure you stop and take care of yourself, treat yourself to something nice once in a while. Mist: Titania... Titania: Listen, Mist. I know you and Ike are close, but if there’s ever anything you can’t talk to him about, I want you to know you can come to me. I may not be Elena, but I do care about you just the same. Mist: I... I will... Thank you... That’s very nice of you, Titania. Tee hee hee... Oh, this dress is too good for me... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Oscar* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oscar/Ike (OI012) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Ike: Hey, Oscar, can you spar with me for a sec... Wait! Where are you going? Oscar: Sorry, Ike! No time! I have to prepare the evening meal today. Ike: You? Where's Mist? Oscar: She's off practicing with her staff. It's been a while since I cooked. I hope I haven't lost my touch. Ike: I haven't had one of your suppers in ages! I'm looking forward to it. Oscar: Really? Ike: Yeah, of course! You're a great cook! Why do you ask? Oscar: Well... I never knew that. Mist, Shinon, and Rhys were the only ones who ever commented on the subtle spices and flavors that I use... I mean, my brothers are used to my cooking, and Soren hates everything. I think he'd stop eating if he could... Sure, Commander Greil, Titania, Gatrie, and you ate everything on the plate. But... I feel like you'd eat anything. Ike: Oscar, I didn't just shovel the food into my mouth. I enjoyed it! I really did! Remember the first day that Mist took over your cooking duties? Just thinking about it makes me ill... Heh! Even my father was having trouble choking it down! But I think Mist is finally starting to get the hang of it. Oscar: Just like you're training to improve your swordsmanship, Mist is training to improve her culinary skills. You should give her more support. Hearing someone say "Delicious!" is the best encouragement a cook can get. Ike: I see... Then I'll make sure to say "Delicious!" from now on. Oscar: Ha ha! Thanks. -B Support- Oscar: How's it going, Ike? Ike: Oh, hey, Oscar, I'm fine... Actually, I'm kind of worried about something. Oscar: Can I help? Ike: Well, I was trying to figure out how we should fight the laguz bird tribes. Oscar: That's odd... I was just thinking about the same thing. When they turn into their true selves, we are forced into a kind of battle that is difficult for us. Ike: You're right about that. The laguz are so strong. I've even seen them shatter boulders with a single blow. I feel like our weak points are as visible as a lit torch for the bird tribes. What's more, my sword is useless if they take to the sky... Oscar: My advice is to keep engaging them. The more we fight, the more we learn. Of course, it won't be easy. Ike: No, but I'm sure we can do it. That's a good idea! Thanks. Oscar: Ah... Well... sure. You're pretty amazing, Ike. You know that? Ike: Hey, come on now. You're the guy with all the experience and talent. Oscar: Everything I have accomplished comes from hard work and practice. You're the son of Commander Greil. You have... natural talent. I'd follow you anywhere. Ike: Uh... wow. Thanks, Oscar... -A Support- Oscar: Ike. Ike: Oscar? What is it? Oscar: ...Are you well, Ike? Ike: Yeah... yeah, I'm fine. Why? Did I worry you? Oscar: No, no. It's nothing that you did. It's just that... our battles are intensifying. I never imagined that we'd be involved in clashes of this magnitude. Ike: You're right. Ever since my father died, it's been one kind of chaos after another. It's a real challenge. Oscar: So... How are you doing? Well, I mean... are you as well as can be expected? Is there anything I can do? Ike: Ah, Oscar. I give you enough grief as is. Just stick with your helplessly green commander. That's all I ask. Oscar: Ike... Ike: Will you continue to believe in me? Oscar: Yes, of course! As Commander Greil said, we are family. This is my home. I will support you to the end. Ike: Listen... I have an urge for your cooking. Think you can give Mist a hand tonight? Oscar: Ha! You don't have to ask me twice! I'll put all of my culinary skills to work. I hope you're hungry! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oscar/Kieran (OK013) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Oscar: Hi, Kieran. How are you? Kieran: What the... Oscar! How I loathe that name! Don't give me such pleasant greetings! I care not for them! Oscar: What did I do now? Kieran: Oh ho! Don't tell me you've forgotten our second year of enlistment! The year we completed horsemanship? There was a final race at the end of the year... My beloved horse and I were flawless, but you beat us by the smallest of margins! Oscar: Huh? Oh, are you talking about that race you challenged me to? Yeah, that was fun... But I thought the distance between us was at least three lengths-- Kieran: Ha! LIAR! Deceitful, lying, squinty coward! That was the very moment I marked you as my archrival! Don't pretend not to care! Oscar: Uh... wow. I had no idea-- Kieran: But why!? I must know why you left the Crimean knighthood without a word of explanation! I devoted myself to training with my horse! I worked day and night so I could best my archrival... And thanks to my extreme devotion... I didn't realize you were gone until six months later! Delinquent! Reneger! Oscar: Wait a sec... Kieran. How is that my fault? -B Support- Kieran: Oscar!! Oscar: Hi, Kieran. Still hanging in there, huh? Kieran: I can't take it anymore! Come back! Rejoin the proud brotherhood of the Crimean knights! Oscar: This is sudden-- Kieran: As a former Crimean knight, surely you have some sense of loyalty! What say you!? Rejoin! For king and country! The homeland is in danger! Any who used to be Crimean knights should come rushing to her aid! Oscar: You have a point. And I'm glad I'm able to help rebuild the homeland, even if it's as a mercenary. Kieran: I'm not here to make you glad! I'm here to convince you to be a knight again! You're not fulfilling your allegiance to sweet Crimea by being a mercenary! How can you sleep at night? Oscar: I love Crimea, but I'm happy here. I want to serve Ike as a member of the Greil Mercenaries. Forever. Kieran: Darn! Why!? What draws you guys to such a life...? What could make the mercenary life so appealing that you would sell your loyalty to our glorious homeland, Crimea? A-ha! Could it be the nice fat salary!? That's it! I remember you saying you needed money! Ho! Loose lips sink ships! Oscar: If I wanted money, I would have stayed with the Crimean knights. I only get about half of that now. Kieran: What in the--!? Bah! Wake up, man! Can't you see you're being duped!? Honor! Fortune! Glory! It can be yours! Oscar: I doubt it. Kieran: Bah, I say! You're hopeless! Oscar: Who's hopeless...? -A Support- Kieran: Oscar!! Oscar: Hello, Kieran. Are you going to ask me to return to the Crimean knights again? Kieran: You guessed it! I'm a Crimean knight... and I'm very proud of that fact! No better friend! No worse enemy! A knight distinguishes himself in battle, returning in triumph to hear adulation from the people and praise from his lord! When you make your name as a knight, everyone knows you! The world is laid at your feet! And above all else, you can defend our beloved Crimea and her people with your own two hands!! Oscar: That certainly sounds nice. Kieran: It's better than the life of a mercenary, cavorting with outlaws and entering battles from which you never return! Why, Oscar? Why!? I just don't get it! Oscar: ... Kieran: You're my archrival! That's an honor! I know your true skills better than anyone. If you say you will come back, I'll do everything I can to recommend your honorable return to the knights! Oscar: Heh. Thanks, Kieran. But I'm not returning. After joining the mercenaries, I had a chance to see the world. I saw grief with my own eyes. People subjugated by the powerful, losing everything and dying alone... Countries can't save people like that. It's up to men like us--men who are in the thick of the action--to aid those who cannot aid themselves. Besides, I have no use for honor. As long as I can defend the family called the Greil Mercenaries, I'm happy. Kieran: Bla... Blast! You've outdone me again! How can this be? I don't know why or how, but... I feel you beat me yet again! Oscar: You didn't lose. There are many things that a brave knight like yourself can do that we mercenaries cannot. So let's both do our best. We may stand on different sides of the field, but we aspire to the same ideal. Kieran: I see... Then I will ask you no more!! Watch me! When Crimea is fully restored, my distinguished services will resonate throughout the ages! You'll hear about it wherever you are! I'll make sure of it! Oscar: ...Yes, I'm sure you will. And when I hear your brave tales, I'll toast your success! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oscar/Janaff (OJ014) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Oscar: Um... Hi there. Janaff: Yes? Oscar: Hello! ...Um... Nice weather today! Janaff: Can I help you with something? Oscar: No, not really. I'm just... Janaff: So, you want nothing from me then? What an odd fellow. Well then, I'll be going. I don't get these beorc at all. Oscar: Dangit, Oscar! You messed that up! Stupid! Stupid! Aw, how am I supposed to do this?! I've never dealt with these bird tribes before... But we're allies! We have to learn to communicate with each other... I'll do it right next time! -B Support- Oscar: Uh... hey there. Janaff: Yes? Oscar: We meet again! Ha ha! Haaa... Um... sorry about the other day. I don't have much... experience talking to laguz, so... Hey, is there anything you don't understand about our company?! Maybe I can help! Janaff: No, not particularly. Why? Oscar: Well, I just thought... I mean, I have a young brother that's just about your age... Come on, Oscar, get it together... Um... Wow, you laguz are just so incredible! I mean, even a small kid like yourself can fight so-- Janaff: Did you just call me a child?! Oscar: W-what's wrong? Janaff: See here! I'm not a child! I'm over 100 years old! Oscar: Wha...? A hundred... years...? Janaff: I don't know how old you are, but no one calls me a child to my face and lives to tell about it! Don't you EVER call me that again! Got it, human!? Oscar: Oh yeah, got it! Totally! Look, I'm really... Darn it, Oscar! Stupid! So stupid! Now you've really ticked him off! Man, what was I thinking? Now I have to go apologize. Again! Probably screw that up, too... Aaargh! So stupid! -A Support- Oscar: Uuuummm... Janaff: Yes? Oh. You. Oscar: Look, I'm really, really sorry about what I said the other day. Please forgive my ignorance. Janaff: Ha! Well... I guess it's all right. As long as you don't do it again. By the way, how old are you? I can never tell with you beorc. Oscar: I'm twenty-four. Janaff: Twenty-four!? TWENTY-FOUR?! You don't even have a full set of feathers yet! You're a child! A suckling babe! I can't believe that the beorc send children out to battle! How can you be so cold and heartless?! Oscar: Uh... well-- Janaff: What's your name, little one? Oscar: O-Oscar? Janaff: Janaff. But you can call me Uncle Janny. No wonder you said such rude things. Heck, I'm surprised you can even talk! Oscar: Yeah, it's... um... surprising all right. I'm pretty bright for my age. Janaff: Well, it's the duty of an elder to guide an ignorant child until he can fly. I forgive your rude remarks. If you ever need anything, come find me. If you have a bad nightmare or something, Unkie Janny will tuck you in. All right? Oscar: Y-yes. Of course. Thank you. That'll be... a real help. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oscar/Tanith (OT015) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Tanith: Oh, excuse me... Oscar: Yes? Tanith: Did you just drop this cloth? Oscar: Oops. Yes, that’s mine. Thank you for picking it up. I apologize for troubling you, Commander Tanith. Tanith: What is your name? Oscar: Silly me. I forgot to introduce myself! I am Oscar, of the Greil Mercenaries. It’s a pleasure to meet you, milady. Tanith: Hm. I hadn’t thought you were one of the mercenaries. That’s quite interesting. I am here with only a minimal retinue, but I hope that we can demonstrate the greatness of Begnion’s knights. Oscar: I am well aware of Begnion’s reputation. It’s an honor to meet the leader of such an esteemed force. Tanith: You’re too kind. Oscar: It was a pleasure meeting you, milady. Tanith: Hm... Such a well-mannered young man. I always thought mercenaries were rude, crude, and vulgar men... Ike certainly has some fine lads under his command. -B Support- Oscar: Tanith, I must say, the charge you lead the other day was spectacular. Tanith: We are knights of Begnion, after all. Anything less than a direct charge, knight against knight, would sully the honor of our apostle and our motherland. Oscar: I’d heard stories of your bravery before, but to see you in action was incredible! To see so many pegasus knights swooping onto the battlefield at once, it was like seeing the sun break through the clouds. Tanith: You over-romanticize us. Oscar: Oh, no milady. It was a sight to behold. But, and do not take offense to this, might I share an observation with you? It strikes me that your strategy works only if you have superior numbers. Tanith: Admittedly, in most battles, Begnion has the advantage of numbers. I can’t recommend this tactic in our current campaign. I agree. Our army is constantly undermanned. Sometimes, it’s a struggle just to get the basic necessities! It goes without saying that we’ll never have access to all the resources that Begnion enjoys. Well, you seem to understand how to fight well enough with few numbers. Tell me, what would you do? Oscar: We take advantage of our individual soldiers’ strengths. Where you would overwhelm your foes with numbers, we cannot risk the losses. We cannot afford to lose a single soldier, even if his sacrifice brings us victory. After all, we might win a battle that way, but we will not be able to last out the war. Do not let honor drag you into a duel you cannot win. Dishonor is better than death if withdrawing means you live to fight again. Tanith: Retreating from a fight is not an easy thing to do, but I must admit, your words make sense given our numbers. Oscar: And I would hate to lose your strength to preserve something as intangible as honor. Tanith: But you know, the pegasus knights can be stubborn. I’m not sure even I can convince them to change their tactics. Oscar: Then I’ll help you convince them. Maybe my experiences will be all the proof they need. Tanith: You’d do that? Oscar: Yes, of course. I don’t have even half the experience you do, but if there’s any chance I can help, I will. Tanith: Oh, I think you can be quite persuasive. You know, you’re not what I expected from a mercenary. Oscar: I’m glad to have surprised you then, milady. Tanith: We should be going. You’d best keep up with me. I have no intention of waiting for you and your horse! Oscar: Well, perhaps I’ll have to surprise you a second time! -A Support- Tanith: Are you going somewhere, Oscar? Oscar: Yes, milady. I was just about to prepare supper. Is there something you needed? Tanith: No, it’s nothing important... I just wanted to thank you. Your insights into mercenary tactics have been helpful. I feel like I’ve learned more here than I did at the academy! Why, I’m starting to wish that I could take you back to Begnion with me, so that we could all benefit from your wisdom. Oscar: That’s kind of you to say, milady. Tanith: By the way... you cook? Oscar: Yes, milady. As I’ve said, we’re a small company. Each of us handles a variety of tasks, from fighting to cooking to cleaning. Tanith: You are full of surprises! Oscar: You think so? Tanith: I may be a fine warrior, but... It’s embarrassing to admit, but I can’t even crack an egg without hurting someone. The last meal I prepared at the academy took three of our finest generals out of action for nearly a month. Oscar: Oh, my... Tanith: Shocking, isn’t it? Oscar: Oh, no. I take it as a testament to your skills as a warrior. Just... remind me never to accept an invitation to dinner. Or... you know, if you’d like, I could teach you a little... Tanith: You’d teach me how to cook? Oscar: Only if you’d like. Tanith: Hm. I’m sure you’re as good an instructor in the cooking arts as in the military ones. All right. I accept your offer! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Boyd* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Boyd/Titania (BT016) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Boyd: Ninety-eight... Ninety-nine... One hundred! Done! Bleh. What's the point in swinging an axe by myself? I should probably try to find Ike... But maybe a quick nap first-- Titania: Boyd! Boyd: Aaah! Titania! Titania: Where do you think you're going? Are you blowing off your training again? Boyd: No! I'm not slacking, I swear! I was just... uh... going to work out with Ike! You know me--I'm all about the fighting! Titania: Boyd, I know that training is tough. But if you make light of it, you're closer to death than you ever want to be. You're a mercenary. When you're confused or exhausted during a long battle, instincts make all the difference. Boyd: But, Titania... I just can't get into training when I don't have a partner. Titania: Can't get into it? Boyd? Don't make me chew you out again. Boyd: Joking! I-I'm just joking! What I just said? All a joke! Ha ha! Ha? Haaaaa... Oh, I'm just dying to do some practice swings! Hyaaa! Boy, training is so much fun! Isn't that right, Titania!? Whooo! I loooove training! Titania: Darn it, Boyd, why are you so lazy? You're a natural fighter, you know that? You could even be a better fighter than me if you just put your mind to it. Anyway... keep practicing. -B Support- Titania: Hello, Boyd. Boyd: T-Titania!? I'm not slacking! I've done my training! Look, I'll do more! Hiiiyaaa! Kiyaaaaa! Whaaaaaa! Titania: Boyd, I haven't said a word. Boyd: Oh, yeah, I guess not. I'm so used to all our conversations starting that way... Titania: I didn't come here to chew you out. You don't need that anymore. We're fighting intense battles now, and you can't let your guard down. But you know that, right? Boyd: I guess so. Titania: Your training has become instinct. That's all you need to survive. You've learned that lesson, Boyd. You'll be all right. Boyd: Shoot! Titania: W-what? Did I say something wrong? Boyd: This doesn't sound right, Titania. I feel like... like you're praising me. Titania: Well, I am. You're a true warrior now. One of our best. Boyd: Oh, man, this is making my head spin... It's like a bad omen or something. I think it's scarier than being chewed out. Titania: I see... So you want me to chew you out, huh? Great. I can do that. Boyd: Aaah! No, that's not what I meant, Titania! -A Support- Boyd: Titania! I couldn't find you anywhere! With all the war councils and everything, I never get to see you anymore. Titania: Hello, Boyd. You know, your recent performance has been superb. I can't even chew you out for old time's sake. Boyd: I don't want you to yell at me again. That's not why I'm here. I just... Is there anything you want, Titania? Titania: I can't think of anything in particular. Why do you ask? Boyd: We got a big reward the other day, you know? So I wanted to buy you something. As thanks for helping me. Titania: Aha! Now that you're a true warrior, you've learned some chivalry as well! Boyd: Heh. So, name it. Anything. New chain mail? Gauntlets? How about a killer axe? Titania: Thanks for the offer, Boyd. But you earned that money. You should spend it on yourself. Boyd: Don't you get it!? I want to give you a gift! Titania: Boyd? What are you-- Boyd: Every time I look at you, Titania... I think that you're the prettiest person I've ever seen! Titania: Uh... Um, thank you, Boyd... But I... Look, you and me, we're-- Boyd: You're like a really nice mom or something! Um... I mean... Titania: ... Boyd: Wait, that's not... Oh, man... Look, that's not what I meant. I mean, it is, but-- Titania: Boyd? Boyd: Yeah? Titania: How old do you think I am? Boyd: Well, let me see... Are you... younger than my mother? Titania: ...Um... Boyd: ...Yeah... Um... I gotta go! Titania: Boyd! Wait up! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Boyd/Mist (BM017) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Boyd: Hyaaa! Gyaaa! Hrrraaaa! ...Phew... That's enough for today. I just don't feel into it. Maybe I'll take a quick nap... Unknown: Done already, Boyd?! Boyd: Huh? Um... Gyaaaa! Hyaaa! Oh, Titania! I didn't see you there. I'm training so hard that... Huh? Mist: Tee hee! Boyd: Who the--? Mist! Ooo! What a jerk! Mist: Hey, you're the one who tried to blow off training! If you keep ignoring your drills, I'm going to become a better mercenary than you! Boyd: Better than me? Ha. HA! Dream on, kid! You've got some nerve saying that to me! Mist: Kid? You better remember who my father is! Fighting ability runs in the blood, you know. Boyd: Aw, that's a bunch of hooey! Survival on a battlefield depends on experience and luck. Nothing more! If you dive into battle with a conceited attitude, you'll end up dead no matter what blood is in your veins! Mist: Gee, sorry, Boyd. I was just joking... Hey, don't look so angry... Boyd: This is no game! We don't fight for fun! Now get out of here... I mean it! You're in my way! Mist: ...Sorry. Boyd: ...Mist, wait... Ah, heck. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Boyd/Brom (BB018) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Brom: Good morning! I'm Brom. I take it that you're with Greil Mercenaries? Boyd: Well, if it isn't the imprisoned papa! I'm Bord. And I'm one of the original Greil Mercenaries. Brom: Oh, that's sweet! You know, you fight pretty well for someone so young. Boyd: Young? Ha! You're one to talk! I mean, look at you, pops! We had to bust you out of a prison, and you're STILL a big fatty! How do you fight with a body like that? Doesn't all the jiggling slow you down? Brom: Aw, you're right...I know it could be trouble during a big battle. But this body has served me well! After all, you need a lot of girth to manage a mule and plow! Boyd: You're a farmer, pops? Brom: That's right! But I hate to think that my big belly would be a burden on you... Aw, now I feel terrible! Sniff... Sniff... Boyd: What--? Hey, don't cry, pops! Look, let's start working out together! I'll whip you into shape in no time! Brom: Really? Do you mean that? That would be great! Whip me into shape, Boyd! Oh, my wife will be so surprised! -B Support- Brom: Huff... huff... huff... Phew! Hey, Boyd... I'm sorry... for being... phew! Being such a drag. Boyd: You can't help being a slow walker. Don't worry! You're doing fine. Brom: You really think so? Aw, thanks, Boyd! You know, I may not be in the best shape, but I've got more tenacity than anyone. a farmer's work lasts all year 'round, after all. You've got to have patience. Boyd: All year, huh? Tell me, pops. Do you enjor working in the fields? Brom: You bet! Sure, I've got my share of worries, like bugs and animals and bad weather... But it's all worth it come harvest time! Boyd: Hmm... Brom: What's wrong? Boyd: Oh, I was just thinking... The farming life is the complete opposite of what we mercenaries do. I mean, a farmer gets to bring life to the world, and his work keeps everyone going. But mercenaries? We kill people, and we break things, and... Well, we bring death, not life. Brom: Aw, don't talk it down like that! You get to fight for what's right and protect people! Boyd: Hey, don't get me wrong. The Greil Mercenaries are my family, and I do my job becasue I like it. But.. you know that? Brom: What? Boyd: Break time's over! Up and at'em pops!! Back to the training! Brom: W-what? Wait, it's only been a... H-hold on! Aw, shucks! Phew... Huff... Puff... -A Support- Brom: whew! Aw, shucks! I give up! You got me! Phew! You're too much for me, Boyd. Boyd: You were close this time, pops. You've gotten a lot better. I think we can wrap up training soon. Brom: I've gotten better, huh? You really think so? Boyd: You're like a full-fledge soldier! There's not an enemy around that wouldn't be afraid of you! Brom: Oh, I'm so happy to hear that! I just didn't want to be a huge burden on everyone anymore. Boyd: Oh, stop it. Keep this up, and you could even be a royal guard after the war. Brom: No thank you! I'm done fighting. When this war is over, I'm going back to farming. Boyd: Listen, pops. Tell me the truth... How does we mercenaries seem to you? I mean, to farmers? Simple people. Brom: What? I don't get you, Boyd. Boyd: Well, the world is full of mercenaries, but most of them are just scoundrels who can't hold any other job, right? So when there's no war to fight, they wander then countryside without honest work. A lot of them end up stealing from villagers or just turn into common cutthroats. Brom: Boyd, you're not-- Boyd: Nah, we're not like them. I know that. But... you can't tell that just by looking at us. I hear it when I walk through towns. "Careful! The mercenaries are back." "They're scrounging for money." It kinda hurts, you know? I mean, I don't care what you say about me, but when you talk bad about my family... Brom: Well, Boyd. Here's what I think. Folks always judge, and they're usually wrong. That's just how they are, you know? You can't worry about it too much. But I like you. And I respect you, too. Shucks, everyone in this company has been just great! Anyway, that's what I think. Boyd: Thanks, pops. That's... good to hear. All right! Back to the training! Let's go the extra mile this time! Brom: Huh!? A-again? G-give me a second, Boyd! Phew! Huff...puff... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Boyd/Ulki (BU019) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Boyd: Hey, there's that big hawk laguz that joined our party. What's his name again? Ulki: ... Boyd: Oh, hey there! Ulki: Can I help you? Boyd: Huh? Ulki: I thought you called me. Is that not the case? Boyd: Wha--? Are you talking about what I just said? You heard that? Ulki: Clearly. Boyd: Th-that's incredible! I was just mumbling, and you were all the way over there! Ulki: So. What do you want from me? Boyd: Nothing. I was just noticing your features. You have such an interesting face! Ulki: ...Do you have a problem with my face? There's nothing special about it. Boyd: No, no problem! It's so tough! Manly! It's the best! I wish it was my face! Um... Ulki: ... Boyd: ... Ulki: Well, you seem... healthy. And you have good hair. For a beorc. I also like your large arms. Boyd: Really? Ulki: Oh, I have an errand to run. Good-bye. Boyd: Yeah, my arms are pretty tough, huh? You know what? I bet I'll get along with these laguz just fine! Yeah. -B Support- Boyd: Hey, it's you! What's up, my hawk brother? Ulki: Oh, it's the... large-armed beorc. I... um... haven't seen you lately. Unless we're in battle. Boyd: You got that right! Oh, I'm Boyd. We're buddies now, so you can call me by name. Ulki: Very well. I am Ulki. But I ask that you call me that name instead of... hawk brother. Boyd: Yeah, sure. Whatever you want. So, Ulki. What are you doing in a place like this? Ulki: I was listening to the little birds chirp. The song soothes me. Boyd: Really? ...Nope. I can't hear anything. You must have really good ears. Ulki: Mmm... Boyd: You know, I really envy you bird tribes. Being able to fly is the greatest thing ever! You're something else in a fight, too! I can't believe how you tear through guys. Oh, and it's weird how much we look alike! I mean, when you're not shifted. And except for the wings and stuff... Ulki: ... Boyd: Oh, hey, sorry. I'm doing all the talking. Sometimes I just start rambling on... If I'm bothering you, just say so. Ulki: ...Sorry... Boyd: What's wrong? Ulki: I am... the worst. Boyd: Huh? Hey! What's gotten into you? -A Support- Boyd: There you are! Wait a sec, Ulki! Ulki: ... Boyd: Why are you avoiding me? Did I make you mad or something? Ulki: Boyd... Boyd: I thought we were friends. I guess we can't be friends because I'm a beorc. Is that it? Ulki: No... You are... good. It's me. I'm the worst. Boyd: You called yourself that the other day, too. What are you getting at? Ulki: Mmm... When you first spoke to me... I was suspicious. When a beorc like you speaks to a laguz like me... I thought you were plotting something. Boyd: Er... But you said nice things about me when we first met! Were you lying? Ulki: I thought the exchanging of lies upon a first meeting was a beorc tradition. You also gave me a series of flattering compliments that were not true, no? Boyd: No, they were true! Well, mostly... Look, I was nervous! I'm not that good at talking to new people. Ulki: I checked you out when we parted company. I investigated your name. Your background. I checked everything. Boyd: Yowza! Really? So what did you find? Ulki: Boyd of the Greil Mercenaries. You are a skilled fighter who says what's on his mind. It is just as you seemed. Boyd: ... Ulki: Even though you showed me goodwill from the very beginning... I had no trust in you. I thought you were... mocking me. Or setting me up for a trap. That's why I am the worst. I am not worthy of being your friend. Boyd: Ha ha ha! Ulki: What is it? Boyd: We're so alike! At first, I was sure that you would hate me, or claw out my eyes, or... something. I didn't think I could just hang out with you like Ike does. He's just so darn natural about everything! But then I happened to talk to you, and it was really easy! That made me pretty happy. So after that, I tried to get to know you. I even followed you around the battlefield. Ulki: I see. Boyd: Look, beorc can be a bunch of jerks. I don't blame you for checking me out. Heck, I know what we did to your people. But now it's gotta stop. Now that you know I'm clean, you have to stop putting up walls. We'll never understand each other if you're like that. So tell me straight, yes or no? Are we friends or what, Ulki? Ulki: Yes. I'm sorry, Boyd. If you can forgive me, I want to be your friend. Boyd: Forgive you? Pah! I wasn't even mad! I was going to be your friend from the very beginning! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Rhys* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rhys/Titania (RT020) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Titania: How are you feeling, Rhys? Rhys: Good. No fevers or shaking today! Thanks for asking. Titania: You know, I was just thinking about the first time we met. It was almost a year ago to this very day. Rhys: Was it really...? Oh, you're right! My, time does fly. Titania: Of course, I don't remember much of the initial encounter, since I was unconscious and bleeding! Ha! Remember that? I don't know why we didn't bring a healer with us that day... Fighting bandits without a staff? Not smart! Rhys: It was lucky that I found you. I didn't usually venture that deep into the forest, but I was short on medicinal herbs. Titania: Yeah, those bandits were a rough lot... Their stomping ground was right near your village, actually. It's all coming back to me now... They were tougher than I'd thought. We took most of them out with ease, but one fled into the woods and I gave chase. Big mistake. My horse got hung up in the undergrowth, and that bandit got the drop on me... At least Shinon hit him before I was killed. Rhys: Gatrie and Shinon were both really worried when they brought you back to my parents' house. Titania: Really? I didn't know that. Hmm... I didn't think Shinon ever worried about anyone... But they stayed with me until my wounds were healed, I remember that. You know, if it wasn't for your good work, I wouldn't have been able to use an axe anymore! I really appreciate it. Rhys: No, I should thank you. You convinced Greil to hire me! And now I can send money back to my parents. They're both so old, and I'm their only source of income. Titania: Your parents were very kind. Especially your mother... And she made that great wildberry pie! To repay their kindness, I will protect their only son no matter what. Rhys: Oh, I appreciate that, Titania! -B Support- Rhys: Training again? Titania: Yep. I get antsy if I don't train every day... Kiyaaaa! Haaaaaa! Whew! Rhys: Would you mind if I joined you for a while? Titania: What? You want to train? Really? Well, no, of course I wouldn't mind. Um... why? Rhys: I was hoping to find some way to... defend myself. I hate being a burden on everyone. Titania: Rhys! You're a healer, not a fighter. That's not your fault. I don't even think you know which end of a sword to stick in someone! Maybe... Rhys: Yes, Titania? Titania: I just wondered if you'd be happier had you not rescued me. Perhaps living in peace with your parents is more your style. Rhys: Oh, I don't know. That life wasn't easy. I have a small, frail body, and there were few jobs for me in our village. My parents were always worried about me. I was sick all the time, and constantly getting bumps and scrapes. They only agreed to let me follow you because you were a strong mercenary group! They figured I would be safe. Titania: There must be safer jobs out there! You could be a fisherman, or a botanist! Do you like plants? Rhys: Oh, that would bore me to tears! ...Titania... I love this job. I don't want to quit. I was a sickly child, and I didn't get out much. I used to sit inside and listen to the other children play... In those years, my uncle took me under his wing. He was a mercenary, too. He used to spin unbelievable yarns about his exotic travels and fantastic battles... It inspired me. Titania: I had no idea! Rhys: Kinda funny, isn't it? You know, I shouldn't say this, but... Sometimes, when we fight one long battle after another... It makes me happy. I feel like I belong. Titania: You're a big part of our company, Rhys. I'm glad to hear you say so. -A Support- Rhys: Hello, Titania. Could I join your training again today? Titania: Sure, go ahead! Looks like you're getting your strength back. You look healthy. Rhys: Yes. Thanks to you. Titania: Oh, I didn't do much... Say, Rhys? What do you think of Ike? Rhys: Ike? Well, I'm not the person to be judging another's battle skills, so I guess you want to know my take of the man... Ike... Well, despite his appearance... and the occasional angry outburst... he can be very thoughtful. Most importantly, he has doggedness, determination, and grit. He possesses the strength to turn ideal into reality. I think he is the right choice to lead the Greil Mercenaries. Titania: I agree with you. But he is still young. He still has much to learn, and I wonder how those experiences will shape him. ...Frankly, I'm a little concerned. Rhys: Why is that? Titania: Our company is only going to grow, and he will soon face many hard choices... and also some temptations. Oh, we'll make money... But we're going to get job offers that will result in people getting hurt. Or worse. And to feed and equip a group of this size, we'll need jobs with a certain amount of risk. Rhys: Commander Greil faced those same problems, didn't he? Titania: He did, but Greil... He was different. The original Greil Mercenaries were famous for not being typical mercenaries. Sometimes we took on jobs for free... and we helped countless people at the expense of our own coffers. Rhys: I believe that Ike holds the same ideals as Commander Greil. Titania: I'm sure he does. ...Yes, I'm sure of it. Ike will definitely find reasons for us to fight and live. He'll pick the right path. I won't have to tell him anything. All we have to do is believe in Ike and follow him... to the end. Rhys: Agreed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rhys/Mia (RM021) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Mia: Oh... It's you? YOU!? RHYS!? Well, can't be picky, I guess... Hiyaaa! Take this weapon, cur! Rhys: Um... Oh, hello, Mia. What is this? A sword? Yes, I think that's right... Ooof! It's heavy! Mia: Yessir! Who would have thought it was gonna be you!? Funny, that. Now... Get ready! En guarde! Rhys: Yaaaa! Wait! S-stop, please! I don't know what's going on! I c-can't use weapons! Mia: Whaaat!? Oh, come on. You can use them a little, right? Riiiight? Rhys: No! I've never even touched one before... B-but if you just want me to hold it, I can. Hmmm... I hold this end, right? Mia: ...Oh, this is so disappointing! I had my fortune read the other day, and the old crone told me that I'd soon come across my one true foe! "With white robes flowing in the breeze, your archrival rides toward you..." Oh, I was so looking forward to it! Rhys: Um... sorry to disappoint you. I'm pretty sure that it's not me. Mia: Aw, it's not your fault, Rhys. I was just prepped for a big fight with my archrival, and then you came walking by... Thought maybe it was you, you know? Rhys: Um... I can just stand here and hold the sword if you want to hit it a few times. Mia: Nah, forget it. I don't want you to get hurt. I'll give up for today... Shucks. -B Support- Rhys: Oh, hello, Mia. Um... You're not going to throw a sword at me again, are you? Mia: Huh? Oh, heya, Rhys. I was hoping to run into someone today... And guess what? You showed up! Rhys: Ahhh! Not that fortune-telling again! L-look, I d-didn't mean to interrupt you... Let me just back away now... Mia: No! Stick around! I could be wrong. Maybe fortune-telling can't predict the future after all... Too bad! That crone had a great reputation. Wait... Maaaaaybe... Rhys: Yes? Mia: Do you want to train with me, Rhys? Rhys: Huh? Mia: Oh, why didn't I see it before! You have what it takes to be a legendary swordsman! You just don't realize it yet. There is awesome potential within you. And when you finally realize it, you'll end up clashing with me as my grand archrival! Rhys: Hah! Haaa... Um... I don't think that's likely to happen, Mia. Although... it's true that I once wanted to be a fighter, back when I was a frail child. Mia: Aha! I knew it! You can't give up unharnessed talent like yours just because you're frail! Give it a try. C'mon! I'll train you myself! We'll start with the basics. Rhys: You... will? Mia: Of course... even if I am training the man that will one day be my most hated rival! We better get cracking! -A Support- Mia: Uhhh... look, I'm really sorry. It looks like I pushed you a little hard. Rhys: No... I wanted to be a myrmidon. And I had fun... Well... before the cramps started. Oooh, the cramps... Yaaaaa... Mia: Are you sure you're well? You've been running a fever for days! Are you really going to battle like this? Rhys: It'll be fine. I'm not overdoing it. I'll just support everyone from the rearguard. And I'll have you looking out for me, right? Mia: Of course! I feel responsible for your safety. I always try to look out for you and make sure you're holding up. You know, I've been thinking for a bit... And... Um... And I've decided to stop believing in fortune-telling. Rhys: Well... maybe the fortune's meaning was just mixed up-- Mia: Hogwash! No more excuses! It's all a bunch of hooey! But hey, wait a second... "With white robes flowing in the breeze, your archrival rides toward you..." ...RIDES toward you... Could he be a mounted soldier and not a myrmidon? Rhys: Huh? Mia: You may be horse-riding material, Rhys. Yeah, that's it! Marching is a lot easier on horseback. Wouldn't that be better for you? Rhys: What!? Me on h-horseback!? Mia: Yeah! You wear white, too! Don't you think you'd look dashing on horseback!? Swing your staff from the top of a horse and I'll fight in style beside you! Rhys: Whoa... hold it right there, Mia... Mia: All right! It's settled, then! We've got to get you training! Rhys: Hold it! You've got the wrong guy... Mia: No, I don't. We're destined to meet! Rhys: We are? Mia: Yes! I can't think of anyone else that could be the man of my destiny! Rhys: D-destiny!? Wait a second... I thought I was your archrival! Mia: Never mind the details! I am counting on you, Rhys! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rhys/Rolf (RR022) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Rolf: Rhys! Rhys: Hello, Rolf. Oof! Thanks for the hug! Why are you running like that? Did something happen? Rolf: Nope. I just ran because I saw you! Say, how are you feeling? Rhys: Today I feel fine, thanks. I did light exercise this morning and finished all my breakfast. Rolf: Oh, I'm glad to hear that! When it's hard for you, let me know! I remember when you used to get sick and stay in bed all the time! But here you are, fighting every day. Rhys: Ha! I remember those days... This new job is hard sometimes, but it's nice to be with everyone. Rolf: I know! All that you and me and Mist ever did was stay behind at the stupid fort while everyone else was fighting. Being left alone was sad and scary, huh? Rhys: Yes, I suppose it was... Remember the time we heard Commander Greil discussing that dangerous mission in the strategy room? When our friends left the fort, the three of us prayed so hard for their safe return... Those were the longest days of my life. Rolf: That's why I'm scared to fight sometimes... But I still think it's good that we're fighting together now! Rhys: Positive thoughts are always a help. It's pointless to focus on the negative all the time. Rolf: You said it, Rhys! Let's think positively! Otherwise, I... Rhys: Otherwise what, Rolf? Rolf: Oh, um... nothing! I gotta go see Mist now. See you later, Rhys! Rhys: Hmm... -B Support- Rolf: Oh, Rhys! What's wrong? Rhys: Hm? Nothing, Rolf. Rolf: Are you feeling sick? Are you gonna barf? Rhys: No, no. What makes you think that? Rolf: Don't lie! I can tell! Your hands and face always turn pale when you're sick! Let me see your hands! Rhys: Hey, stop that! I'm only wearing gloves because they're fashionable right now! Don't take those... Rolf: AHA! They're cold! Cold as ice! You're supposed to tell me when you're having a rough time of it! Rhys: ...Sorry, Rolf. But I'm well enough to move around a battlefield, so I'll be all right. Rolf: You're talking about a battlefield, Rhys! Not some fort! Don't pretend to be fine if you're not! You'll end up dead if you keep doing stuff like that! Rhys: Rolf... I... I'm sorry... Rolf: Hmph! Rhys: I'm really sorry, Rolf. I wish... Cough! I wish I wasn't so frail. It would be nice to be strong. Rolf: Well, I wish your staff could heal sicknesses and not just big gaping axe wounds! Rhys: So do I... Sigh... I wish I had a better plan than just waiting for it to pass. Rolf: Well, I'll ask Ike to let us fight together. At least then I can keep an eye on you. Rhys: Thanks, Rolf... -A Support- Rolf: Rhys? Rhys: Rolf? What's up? Rolf: You're feeling better today, huh? I'm glad. You were so sick last time... Rhys: All I ever do is cause you to worry... Maybe I should just leave the mercenaries. I don't want to be a burd-- Rolf: No! You're wrong! That's not what I meant at all! Rhys: I know, Rolf. But... It's hard for me. The fighting is difficult enough, but to cause everyone grief on top of it... And it's not just you, either. I cause Ike and Titania trouble, too. Maybe I'll just pack my things-- Rolf: N-no! I don't want you to go! If you leave, I'll cry! I wasn't blaming you, you know? You can't help being barfy all the time. Rhys: Rolf... Rolf: Oh, that's not what I meant. Listen, just count on me, all right? I'll help you. Rhys: What did you say? Rolf: Fighting our enemies is really scary! In fact, once I almost wet my... Anyway! I don't want anyone to die. Before, all I could do was wait and pray, but now I can fight and defend everyone! That makes it easier to focus. Rhys: I understand. Rolf: That's why I want to defend you, Rhys! If I know that I always have to defend you, it will make me less scared. And the more I do it, the stronger I get! So don't you dare leave us! Rhys: Rolf... You... You've really grown up. All right, it's a deal! I won't hide anything from now on. And I'll count on you, too! You can be my very own knight in leather armor! Rolf: Yeah, that'll be great! ...Um, hey, Rhys? Don't tell anyone that I almost... All right? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rhys/Kieran (RK023) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Kieran: Hey, Rhys! Nice day, isn't it. Rhys: Oh, hello Kier... Yaaaa! What happened to you!? Kieran: Huh? What is it? Rhys: Th-there's blood gushing down the side of your head! Kieran: Hm? Why, so there is... Isn't that odd? Rhys: Odd? Please, hold still! Just stay there! Let me get my heal staff and-- Kieran: Heal staff? Bah! I'm fine! A scratch like this will heal itself! You should have seen the time I fought the Giant Scorpions of-- Rhys: Oh, my goodness! Are you kidding!? Please! Hold still... ...Phew! That should do it. But... how did you hurt yourself? Kieran: Oh, I was just training over there... Must have gotten a little crazy! Hiyaaaaaa! Whaaaaaaa! Rhys: Who were you sparring with? And why did they hit you hard enough to draw blood? Kieran: Sparring? Ha! No one spars with Kieran! I'm too much man for them! No, I was just swinging my axe around. Rhys: H-how do you cut yourself swinging-- Kieran: Rhys? I'm a Crimean knight! We fear neither blood, nor pain, nor terribly sharp implements being inserted into our... Rhys: Ooooooohhh... Kieran: ...Eh? What's wrong, Rhys? Rhys: I... I'm sorry. I just got a little lightheaded there... Do you always put yourself through such harsh training? Kieran: Of course! I'm a Crimean knight! I never cut corners in my training! Why, even if the enemy were to lance me with a thousand barbed and poisoned needles, I would never stop! Rhys: Well, that's an... admirable attitude... But I'm still concerned... Oh, dear me. -B Support- Rhys: Ah, Kieran. There you are. Kieran: Oh, hello, Rhys! What brings you here? Rhys: May I watch you train? I figured someone with a heal staff should be around, just in case an accident happens. Kieran: Ha ha ha! Aren't you a worrywart! But being watched is good! Now I can take my training to the next level! All right! Watch this! Rhys: Oh, er... I'm just here to see that you don't get hurt... Oh, do be careful... No! Don't juggle the lance, too! Kieran: Behold the awesome power of Crimean Royal Knight Fifth Platoon Captain Kieran! Now I call this little trick-- Nnngg...! Gaaaaa! Whaaaaaaaa! ...Ah, nuts. Rhys: Oh, dear heavens! Oh, this is terrible. Stay right there! Let me take care of you... Kieran: Ho, I'm fine! Don't worry about old Kieran! I just need to pull this axe out of my head here... Whooo, that's sharp! -A Support- Rhys: Are you... training again, Kieran? Kieran: Oh, Rhys! Say, thanks for helping me out the other day! Who knew that head wounds bled so much? Of course, this one time a sellsword tried to jam hot coals inside my-- Rhys: Please, Kieran! Stop! You have to think about your own safety! Kieran: Safety? Ha ha ha! I'm not a coward! Crimean knights fear nothing! Never! Why, not even the threat of merciless-- Rhys: I know! I know, but... If something happens to you, it will ruin your reputation. Kieran: My reputation? Rhys: Your gravestone is going to say: "Here lies Kieran the knight! He suffered a massive hemorrhage in training and died cold and alone." Are you all right with that? Kieran: Hmm... Y-yes, that could be bad... Why, no one would ever remember the time that I fought the Mad Crocodile of Upper-- Rhys: Please! Promise me that you won't do any more dangerous training. Kieran: Wha--?! Oh, that's a hard pill to swallow! But if I die in training before hitting the battlefield, it would be a shame... Oh, what to do... Rhys: We'd be in trouble if we lose you, Kieran! Er... Oh! Yes! You see, we can't achieve victory without our greatest soldier--that would be you--in our army! Kieran: I see. Yes, you're right! You're absolutely right! Our army's finest warrior cannot afford to push it too far! Very well. I'm not sure how this will work, but I will take better care of myself! From now on... simple training! Rhys: Phew... Thanks for your understanding. I'll come check on you from time to time. Remember! Take it easy! Kieran: Sure, no problem! Hmmm... I guess I'll just... sit down here and... knit... something... Ooo, look! A bear! Rhys: No, Kieran! Noooooooo! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rhys/Ulki (RK024) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Rhys: Um... H-hello! Hello there! Ulki: Mmm? Rhys: Er... I'm... I'm sorry! I didn't mean to make you mad! I just wanted to talk to-- Ulki: I'm not mad. Can I help you with something? Rhys: Ooh! Oooooh! I'm so glad! I'm Rhys! N-nice to meet you! Ulki: Er... hello. I am Ulki. Rhys: Er... Well... Say, you can really fly with those wings, huh?! I saw you turn into a hawk before... It was amazing! I envy you! Ulki: Mrrr? Rhys: Oh, sorry... That probably sounds weird. I've always been sickly. When I was little, I spent a lot of time in bed. So... I used to gaze out the window and see all the little birds flying around the sky... It must be fantastic! Flying wherever you want, whenever you want?! Ulki: Um... Fantastic. Yes. I suppose. I never thought of it. Rhys: Oh, I don't blame you! After all, you've been flying since you were born... Soaring through the skies like a puffy cloud! Ulki: Mmm? Clouds do not soar... I am confused. -B Support- Rhys: Ulki! Ulki: Oh, the sickly beorc. Hello. Rhys: I had the honor of seeing you battle the other day! Your 360-degree loops were extraordinary! Ulki: ...I did a loop? Rhys: And right after that, you circled many times and then dived at that soldier... BLAM!! Hee hee! Oh, you're something else! Ulki: Well... I suppose... Rhys: Oh, how I wish I could soar through the air like that! Ulki: Er, yes. You mentioned that. Rhys: On sunny days, I'd take to the skies and land on a high mountain peak, then gaze down on the villages below... Oh, just thinking about it makes me so happy! Ahhhhhh... Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhh... Ulki: Er... yes. I suppose... Flying could also help you take care of injured people. Rhys: Hey, that's a great thought! I could just zoom right over and treat the victim! I'd love to do it! Ulki: Hmm... Well... Do you want to... give it a try? Rhys: Huh!? But h-how!? I don't have wings or anything... Oh, wait... Are you serious?! Ulki: ... -A Support- Rhys: Ulki! Oh, my dear friend Ulki! I'm so looking forward to the next battle! I mean, fighting is terrifying and I'd like to avoid it and all that... But I'm going to be so useful! Ulki: I'm glad to hear-- Rhys: But I have to hang on to your back! No matter what... Oh, may I practice with you just one more time? Please? Pleeeeease? Ulki: Er... No. I can't use up any more energy before battle... Rhys: Oh, I see... I apologize... Yes, very sorry... Um... Say... Does shifting tire you? Ulki: Yes. Rhys: What!? Oh no! But... You let me practice with you! For days! Yesterday we flew for nine hours! Ulki: Well... It was my fault for not saying anything. You looked so happy that... I didn't have a chance to bring it up. Rhys: You know what? I think you're pale... And your eyes are all bloodshot... ... I'm sorry... Let's just forget it... Ulki: Perhaps we should. It might be dangerous for me to go into battle like this. Rhys: I agree... Ulki: But... if we ever have some free time, I will take you on a ride. Rhys: Whooo-hoooo! Yes, thank you! That would be great, Ulki!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Shinon* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shinon/Gatrie (SG025) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Gatrie: ...Huff... ...Puff... Maybe I should... Oh! Or then again, I could... Hmm... No, I won't do that... Shinon: Hey. Gatrie: Hm? Oh, hey, Shinon! Shinon: What in the heck are you doing? It's really annoying. Gatrie: Shhh! It's a secret! Shinon: Whatever. See you around. Gatrie: W-wait! I'm just joking! Stop being so mean and listen for a second! Shinon: I will if you buy dinner tonight. Gatrie: Mmmm... Oh, all right. But you better give me good advice! Shinon: Of course, of course. So, what's on your mind? Gatrie: I'm thinking about the reward that we're going to get. I'm not sure what to do with it. Shinon: Up to you. Spend it however you please. Gatrie: But every time I spend money, you give me a hard time! Shinon: I do? How? Gatrie: What about the other day, when I bought the Ultimate Shield?! Shinon: Gatrie, that was a castle gate. Hey, did you ever give that back? That guard thought you were a thief. Gatrie: And remember the SpeedBring 4000? That secret elixir that boosts speed just by sprinkling it all over your body-- Shinon: You mean that putrid snake oil? You dumped the whole bottle on your head without smelling it first. Gatrie: But that wonderful little potion worked! I DID move faster! Shinon: You moved faster because thirty stray dogs were chasing you. Gatrie: See! You're giving me a hard time again! Shinon: Oh, did I hurt your feelings? Wow, it sure is fun to tell you the truth and have you grumble at me in return. Gatrie: No, no! I didn't mean to... Er... Sorry. Shinon: Hmm... You're too honest sometimes... Gatrie: Hee hee! You're embarrassing me! Shinon: All right, let's go eat! Now that's spending wisely! Gatrie: Yeah, let's... Wait a minute, Shinon! You didn't help me at all! This isn't part of the deal! -B Support- Gatrie: Say, Shinon! Shinon: I’m busy. Come back later. Gatrie: I really want to ask you something. Right now! Shinon: No, Gatrie. Gatrie: I’ll pay for dinner again. Shinon: Get lost. Gatrie: We’ll eat somewhere more expensive tonight. Shinon: Appetizers? Gatrie: Sure! You can order anything you want! Shinon: All right, then. I think can spare some time for my brother-in-arms. Gatrie: Aw, thanks Shinon! I owe you one! Shinon: ...Well? What do you want? Gatrie: Well, actually... What I need to ask you is... Shinon: Spit it out! Gatrie: Well, it’s... Oh, I don’t know. Do you really want to hear it? Shinon: Do that one more time, and I’ll put an arrow through your eye! Gatrie: W-wait! Just a minute! I’ll tell you now... Are you ready? Shinon: Aaaaaarrrgh! Gatrie: Ihaveanewgirlfriend!!!! Shinon: A new girlfriend? Is she blind or something? Gatrie: I met her in town yesterday! She’s soooo cute! I’m telling you, she’s the one for me! Shinon: Well, I’m happy for you. Oh, I see. You want to ask me what kind of gift to give her, right? Gatrie: Tee hee hee! Yeah, that’s right! What should I give her? Shinon: I know everything there is to know about gift giving, my friend. I’ll tell you all about it over a fine meal. Gatrie: Please do, romance master! -A Support- Gatrie: ... Shinon: What the...? Gatrie: ... Shinon: Why are you standing out here like a scarecrow? Gatrie: Hey, Shinon. I’m just waiting for my girlfriend. Shinon: Oh. Her. Right. You’re still dating? Gatrie: Yep! And when I gave her the gift that you picked out for me... boy, was she happy! In fact, I’ll tell you a secret... we’re getting married! Shinon: Aren’t you rushing it a little? Gatrie: Oh, no! You see, she’s terminally ill. She has Brain Stones. It’s really bad. She only had a few days left to live. And since she didn’t have enough money to pay for the treatment... I thought it was time to spend my gold! Shinon: You paid for it? Gatrie: Yep! Every last gold piece! And guess what? The treatment cost exactly as much as I had! It’s fate, isn’t it? Oh, with a coincidence like this, I know that we’re meant for each other! Shinon: ...You’ve got to be kidding me. Gatrie: Between the war and her illness, times are pretty rough, so we decided to have the wedding right away. I was supposed to meet her here and then introduce her to the company. I wanted to do it in style, you know? But she’s not here yet... Oh, wait is that... No, that’s a horse. Hmmm... I’m a little worried. I went to her house this morning, but I think I got the address wrong. All I found was an abandoned shack. But it’ll be all right! She knows I’m with this army, and... And... Shinon: Gatrie? She’s not coming. You’ve been conned. Gatrie: Whaaat!? No, I don’t believe it! She’s such a fine girl! So pure and kind! She’d never hornswoggle ol’ Gatrie! Shinon: How can someone with only days left to live manage to walk the s treets looking for a knight with lots of money? Gatrie: Because... Because she needed to meet me! It’s fate! Remember? Shinon: Then whey isn’t she here? Gatrie: B-because... Um... Wolves? Shinon: No, Gatrie. It’s not wolves. Gatrie: Oh... Hee hee! Hee hee hee! I guess ol’ Gatrie... Whaa ha ha! I guess I got taken again! Whaa ha ha ha... Whooo! Oh man, I’ll never learn. Shinon: Tell me what she looks like. Gatrie: Huh? Why? Shinon: All your money? That’s going too far. I’ll find her and... get it back. Gatrie: Well... Nah, that’s all right. I mean, it’s my fault anyway. Shinon: Are you sure? She must be laughing her head off by now. Gatrie: Well, at least it was a cute little head. Shinon: Sigh... You’re hopeless, Gatrie. You know that? Gatrie: Yeah, I know. But I don’t mind so much. It makes me kinda charming, right? Shinon: Well, I guess you don’t have to worry about what to do with your money anymore. Gatrie: Yeah, that’s right. Hey, if you look at it that way, it’s a blessing in disguise! Shinon: Let’s go find a watering hole with some cute waitresses. What do you say? Gatrie: Hey, that’s a great idea! Oh, but... I don’t have any money. Sorry, Shinon. Maybe some other time. Shinon: Forget it. It’s my treat. Gatrie: Are...are you sure? Shinon: Yep. Gatrie: Hee hee hee! Shinon: What’s so funny? Gatrie: Supper on your gold piece? This is my lucky day! Shinon: Hopeless. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shinon/Rolf (SR026) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Rolf: Uncle Shinon! Wait, Uncle Shinon! Shinon: What do you want, Rolf? Rolf: Tee hee hee! Look at this! Shinon: Why are you showing me this? It's just a piece of bent wood. Rolf: No, Shinon. It's a bow! You gave me my first bow, and I wanted to return the favor! I'm making it one whittle at a time. I know it's not exactly the best-looking weapon out there, but... I hope you'll use it! Shinon: Meh. Maybe if I overhauled it... I may be able to... call it a... bow. This thing is going to break the first time I fire it! You want me to be unarmed on the battlefield? Is that it? Rolf: I... I don't-- Shinon: Look, to begin with, you used the wrong kind of wood. This is much too hard and inflexible. Remember the bow I made for you? It didn't look like this, did it? Rolf: B-but... I worked so hard! It should be just like yours! Shinon: Not even close. Rolf: N-not... not even... Wh... Whaaaaaaa! Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Shinon: Ah, crud. Don't start bawling! Look, let me give you a quick lesson. Rolf: Whaaaaa... Really!? Promise? Oh, I'm so happy! Yay! Yay! I love you, Unkie Shinon! Shinon: Yeah, yeah, it's a promise. Now quit clinging to me like a lost dog. Hey, seriously! Rolf...! -B Support- Rolf: Look, look, Uncle Shinon! Doesn't it look like a bow now? Shinon: I guess you could... categorize it as a bow. Maybe. If you closed your eyes. Rolf: So will you use-- Shinon: No way! I don't want to die just yet. Rolf: Wha... Whaaa... Oh, fine! I'll just use it myself. Shinon: Oh, for the love of... Rolf! Wait! Rolf: What? Shinon: Give me the bow. Rolf: Did you change your mind? Shinon: Yeah. I suddenly got this... uh... weird urge to take it. Rolf: Really? All right! Whooooo! Here you go, Uncle Shinon! Shinon: Thanks. Um... see you later. Rolf: Wow. I bet Uncle Shinon will just love my bow! It'll be his favorite bow ever! But I wanna see him fire it... I know! I'll follow him. Tee hee hee! Here I come, Uncle Shinon! -A Support- Shinon: Get over it, Rolf. Rolf: ... Shinon: Oh, come on! It was in your best interest. Rolf: ... Shinon: Psh! What a stubborn brat. If you're going to be like that, I'll just leave. Rolf: YOU THREW MY BOW AWAY!! Shinon: Listen, Rolf. If I had let you onto a battlefield with that bow, you would have been killed. I prevented your death in advance... Heck, I saved your life! You should be thanking me. Rolf: I know that, Uncle Shinon, but... I put my whole heart into that bow! I just wanted you to be happy. The first time I went into battle, my feet were shaking because I was so scared. But then I held the bow that you made for me, and it gave me strength. And I said, "Rolf! You can do this!" I learned absolutely everything from you! That's how I've stayed alive this whole time. Shinon: ...But why on earth... Why would you depend on me like that? I mean, I just taught you how to fire the bow on a whim. Rolf: But it still made me happy! My brothers never let me do anything. They still treat me like a baby. If you hadn't taught me archery, I'd be sitting at home right now! I hate waiting around while everyone is fighting for their lives. I mean, we all made it back yesterday but... What about today? Or tomorrow? At home, all you do is wait and wait and feel terrible. I hate it! Shinon: Rolf, I know how you feel, but... adults don't want to send kids to a battlefield if they can help it. Only a complete madman wants to be involved in the death of someone else. Especially if it's a kid. But the sad thing is, it's more about making ourselves feel better than saving the life of another. The fear of being responsible for a death is always in the back of our minds, so we try to lessen the guilt as much as possible. Humans... most humans... feel the pain of others. Holding that back is a lot harder than you think. Rolf: Wow. I never thought about that. Shinon: It's a rough lesson to learn. Bah! I hate adults like nothing else. All ego and pride... Kids live a more honorable existance. But you're growing up fast. So the sooner you learn to survive, the better. Rolf: So that's why you taught me archery, isn't it? It wasn't just a whim! Shinon: ...Well... Maybe... But if that's what you want to think, and it puts you in a good mood, it's fine by me. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shinon/Janaff (SJ027) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Janaff: Ho! You there! Halt! Shinon: ... Janaff: Hey, did you hear me? I said halt! Shinon: Who are you? Janaff: I'll ask the questions, thanks. Hmmm... I haven't seen your face around here before. Are you a new recruit? State your name and unit. Shinon: I don't have time to answer questions from ignorant half-breeds. Janaff: W-what? What did you call me!? Hey! I'm talking to you, jerk! Shinon: Say that again... Go ahead. It'll be the last thing you ever say. Janaff: I'm not afraid of you, human! Crossing me is the worst decision you'll ever make. Shinon: ... Janaff: ... Shinon: You're lucky, half-breed. I'll let you go this time. Janaff: Pah! It's me who's letting you go. And don't forget it, human! -B Support- Shinon: Oh, look, it's the half-breed birdbrain. What a pleasant surprise. Peck anyone lately? Janaff: Don't start with me, you human jerk. Shinon: I hear you're a bodyguard for the king of Phoenicis. Not a bad gig... considering how scrawny you are. Janaff: I hear you knew Greil for ages. They say he betrayed his men and aided Daein before fleeing to Crimea. Shinon: Are you calling him a traitor?! Dastard! You'll die for that! No... I'm not going to do this. I'm a true mercenary. I won't give you the satisfaction of a free fight. Janaff: ...I don't get you, human. You have no clan and no master... What are you fighting for? Shinon: I fight to live. That's all. Doesn't everyone? It's not like people kill each other for fun. Janaff: You don't? Shinon: What? Janaff: You don't kill for fun? You don't enjoy it? Shinon: No. Why, do you? Janaff: I thought you humans... liked to kill. That's why you make weapons. Why you hunt animals for sport. Shinon: Ha! We make weapons to protect ourselves from you half-breeds! Only wealthy bluestockings with too much time on their hands hunt for sport! Janaff: ... Shinon: Man, what an idiot... Janaff: Wait! I have more questions! Rrrr! Human jerk! -A Support- Janaff: Oh. There you are. Shinon: ... Janaff: Shinon, right? Do you have a moment? Shinon: Huh? Oh, it's the half-breed birdbrain! Life is full of surprises, and not all of them are the good kind. Janaff: Don't lash out at me, you huma... Er... I'm sorry about the other day. Shinon: Y-you're what? Janaff: I misunderstood the beorc. I thought all beorcs liked killing, and that we could never learn to live with one another. Shinon: Why did you join Ike's army if you feel that way? Did the king order it? Janaff: No. The relationship with our king is not one-sided like that. If we do not deem the king's orders to be right and just, we will not obey them. Shinon: Then why did you join? Janaff: Commander Ike saved one of my friends in Serenes. Though my first duty is always as Prince Reyson's bodyguard, I also hope to return the favor. I trust the commander. I... like him. Shinon: Ha! At least someone does. Janaff: Hm? Shinon: I've always hated Ike. He gets everything handed to him and takes it all for granted. Janaff: But that's not his fault, is it? One can't decide their parentage. Shinon: ...Nah, I suppose it's not his fault. But you know what? It's my choice to feel this way, so I'll keep doing it. Janaff: Heh. You've got that right. Shinon: Wait, wait. Why am I talking about this stuff with you? Janaff: You know what, Shinon? You kind of... You remind me of me when I was young. Shinon: Huh? Janaff: I used to be quite the daredevil before I grew into adulthood. Nothing ever seemed to please me. Shinon: How old are you, anyway? Janaff: I'm a bit over 110 years old. Shinon: Wha--?! You half-br... you guys must have a different way of counting than us humans. Janaff: Don't spring, summer, fall, and winter make a year in your calendar, too? Shinon: So if I'm twenty-seven, you must be at least... eighty-five years older than me! Janaff: Indeed. So give me some respect, you young pup. If you run into trouble in the future, come see me. I'll give you the kind of advice that only an elder can give. Shinon: Oh, hey! Hold on! Um... tell me more about your life. You've seen a lot, you know? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Gatrie* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gatrie/Shinon (GS028) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Gatrie: ...Huff... ...Puff... Maybe I should... Oh! Or then again, I could... Hmm... No, I won't do that... Shinon: Hey. Gatrie: Hm? Oh, hey, Shinon! Shinon: What in the heck are you doing? It's really annoying. Gatrie: Shhh! It's a secret! Shinon: Whatever. See you around. Gatrie: W-wait! I'm just joking! Stop being so mean and listen for a second! Shinon: I will if you buy dinner tonight. Gatrie: Mmmm... Oh, all right. But you better give me good advice! Shinon: Of course, of course. So, what's on your mind? Gatrie: I'm thinking about the reward that we're going to get. I'm not sure what to do with it. Shinon: Up to you. Spend it however you please. Gatrie: But every time I spend money, you give me a hard time! Shinon: I do? How? Gatrie: What about the other day, when I bought the Ultimate Shield?! Shinon: Gatrie, that was a castle gate. Hey, did you ever give that back? That guard thought you were a thief. Gatrie: And remember the SpeedBring 4000? That secret elixir that boosts speed just by sprinkling it all over your body-- Shinon: You mean that putrid snake oil? You dumped the whole bottle on your head without smelling it first. Gatrie: But that wonderful little potion worked! I DID move faster! Shinon: You moved faster because thirty stray dogs were chasing you. Gatrie: See! You're giving me a hard time again! Shinon: Oh, did I hurt your feelings? Wow, it sure is fun to tell you the truth and have you grumble at me in return. Gatrie: No, no! I didn't mean to... Er... Sorry. Shinon: Hmm... You're too honest sometimes... Gatrie: Hee hee! You're embarrassing me! Shinon: All right, let's go eat! Now that's spending wisely! Gatrie: Yeah, let's... Wait a minute, Shinon! You didn't help me at all! This isn't part of the deal! -B Support- Gatrie: Say, Shinon! Shinon: I’m busy. Come back later. Gatrie: I really want to ask you something. Right now! Shinon: No, Gatrie. Gatrie: I’ll pay for dinner again. Shinon: Get lost. Gatrie: We’ll eat somewhere more expensive tonight. Shinon: Appetizers? Gatrie: Sure! You can order anything you want! Shinon: All right, then. I think can spare some time for my brother-in-arms. Gatrie: Aw, thanks Shinon! I owe you one! Shinon: ...Well? What do you want? Gatrie: Well, actually... What I need to ask you is... Shinon: Spit it out! Gatrie: Well, it’s... Oh, I don’t know. Do you really want to hear it? Shinon: Do that one more time, and I’ll put an arrow through your eye! Gatrie: W-wait! Just a minute! I’ll tell you now... Are you ready? Shinon: Aaaaaarrrgh! Gatrie: Ihaveanewgirlfriend!!!! Shinon: A new girlfriend? Is she blind or something? Gatrie: I met her in town yesterday! She’s soooo cute! I’m telling you, she’s the one for me! Shinon: Well, I’m happy for you. Oh, I see. You want to ask me what kind of gift to give her, right? Gatrie: Tee hee hee! Yeah, that’s right! What should I give her? Shinon: I know everything there is to know about gift giving, my friend. I’ll tell you all about it over a fine meal. Gatrie: Please do, romance master! -A Support- Gatrie: ... Shinon: What the...? Gatrie: ... Shinon: Why are you standing out here like a scarecrow? Gatrie: Hey, Shinon. I’m just waiting for my girlfriend. Shinon: Oh. Her. Right. You’re still dating? Gatrie: Yep! And when I gave her the gift that you picked out for me... boy, was she happy! In fact, I’ll tell you a secret... we’re getting married! Shinon: Aren’t you rushing it a little? Gatrie: Oh, no! You see, she’s terminally ill. She has Brain Stones. It’s really bad. She only had a few days left to live. And since she didn’t have enough money to pay for the treatment... I thought it was time to spend my gold! Shinon: You paid for it? Gatrie: Yep! Every last gold piece! And guess what? The treatment cost exactly as much as I had! It’s fate, isn’t it? Oh, with a coincidence like this, I know that we’re meant for each other! Shinon: ...You’ve got to be kidding me. Gatrie: Between the war and her illness, times are pretty rough, so we decided to have the wedding right away. I was supposed to meet her here and then introduce her to the company. I wanted to do it in style, you know? But she’s not here yet... Oh, wait is that... No, that’s a horse. Hmmm... I’m a little worried. I went to her house this morning, but I think I got the address wrong. All I found was an abandoned shack. But it’ll be all right! She knows I’m with this army, and... And... Shinon: Gatrie? She’s not coming. You’ve been conned. Gatrie: Whaaat!? No, I don’t believe it! She’s such a fine girl! So pure and kind! She’d never hornswoggle ol’ Gatrie! Shinon: How can someone with only days left to live manage to walk the s treets looking for a knight with lots of money? Gatrie: Because... Because she needed to meet me! It’s fate! Remember? Shinon: Then whey isn’t she here? Gatrie: B-because... Um... Wolves? Shinon: No, Gatrie. It’s not wolves. Gatrie: Oh... Hee hee! Hee hee hee! I guess ol’ Gatrie... Whaa ha ha! I guess I got taken again! Whaa ha ha ha... Whooo! Oh man, I’ll never learn. Shinon: Tell me what she looks like. Gatrie: Huh? Why? Shinon: All your money? That’s going too far. I’ll find her and... get it back. Gatrie: Well... Nah, that’s all right. I mean, it’s my fault anyway. Shinon: Are you sure? She must be laughing her head off by now. Gatrie: Well, at least it was a cute little head. Shinon: Sigh... You’re hopeless, Gatrie. You know that? Gatrie: Yeah, I know. But I don’t mind so much. It makes me kinda charming, right? Shinon: Well, I guess you don’t have to worry about what to do with your money anymore. Gatrie: Yeah, that’s right. Hey, if you look at it that way, it’s a blessing in disguise! Shinon: Let’s go find a watering hole with some cute waitresses. What do you say? Gatrie: Hey, that’s a great idea! Oh, but... I don’t have any money. Sorry, Shinon. Maybe some other time. Shinon: Forget it. It’s my treat. Gatrie: Are...are you sure? Shinon: Yep. Gatrie: Hee hee hee! Shinon: What’s so funny? Gatrie: Supper on your gold piece? This is my lucky day! Shinon: Hopeless. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gatrie/Ilyana (GI029) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Gatrie: You there, young lady! Ilyana: ... Gatrie: Hello? Yes, you... the cute one! Ilyana: ... Gatrie: Oooh, I get it. Playing hard to get, eh? Tee hee hee! Ilyana: Um... Are you... talking to me? Gatrie: Phew, I finally got your attention. Aren't you a sly little minx! Ilyana: Oh... Gatrie: So... what's your name, cutie? Ilyana: My name? Well... It's Ilyana, but... Gatrie: Ilyana, eh? That's a cute name. Ilyana: Oh... it is? Gatrie: I'm Gatrie. But I'm sure you already knew that. Ilyana: Um... well, actually... Gatrie: Of course, I'm sure you've heard all about my victories on the battlefield. Oh, there was that business with the dragon... Ilyana: Excuse me, I have to go. Gatrie: I know she'll never forget me! Ilyana... You will be mine! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gatrie/Marcia (GI030) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gatrie/Astrid (GA031) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Gatrie: Hey there, Astrid! Have I told you yet just how glad I am that you've joined our little band of warriors? Astrid: No, but I'm flattered that you say so. I'm glad to be riding with you as well. I heard you were once among Ike's band of mercenaries. Is that true? Gatrie: Oh, yeah... We go way back. I've been through a lot with them. Is there anything I can help you out with? I'm always glad to assist such a beautiful girl. Astrid: Oh... Thank you, Gatrie. Actually... Will you teach me how to fight like a mercenary? Gatrie: Eh? You want to fight like a mercenary? Astrid: I don't have much fighting experience. I want to learn so I can hold my own in a battle. I don't want to be a burden. Gatrie: Oh, I get it! That's very admirable, Astrid! Er... But now isn't the best time for that. I'm a little sore from... uh... lifting heavy things... Blast! Where's Titania when you need her? I don't know the first thing about training people... Astrid: Sorry? I didn't catch that. Gatrie: Ha ha! No, nothing at all! Let's train some other day! I want to make sure I'm totally prepared! Astrid: Perhaps next time, then. I'm looking forward to it! Gatrie: She's so cute... And she asked me to teach her how to fight! That must mean... Yes! I knew it! She wants me! She's crazy for me! This is going to be fun. -B Support- Astrid: Gatrie? I'm here for my lesson. Are you ready? Gatrie: Of course, of course! Er... ahem. All right then. Let's begin! Astrid: I'm eagerly awaiting your first instruction. Gatrie: Er... Every soldier has a role, and it's important that everyone does what everyone is best at. With the right strategy, three soldiers can fight with the strength of ten! Astrid: I see... So everyone must fight to their strength. All right, I got it. Gatrie: My job as a knight is to bravely step up and shield my allies from vicious, marauding attackers! I'm like an armored wall! Then, the others can launch an attack from behind my impenetrable frame. Archers wait safely behind me and strike from a distance, while mounted units can ride in and crush the enemy. Well, that's what I hear... Er, I mean... that's pretty much how it all goes down in the heat of combat! Astrid: I see, but... Gatrie: Don't worry! You can stay safely behind me. It's far too dangerous for you to venture away from me. Stay close... Yes, VEEERY close! Go on, don't be shy! Astrid: All right... I'll stay close. Oh, may I ask you just one more question? Gatrie: Ask anything! Astrid: Since I'm on horseback and you're on foot, won't we move at different speeds? What should I do? Gatrie: Hmmm... In that case... Um... Yaaaaa! I can't remember what Titania said... Astrid: Pardon me? Gatrie: Oh, nothing! Nothing at all. Hah! Just talking to myself! We'll get into that in your next lesson. Astrid: Right, of course. I sure learned a lot today. You'll coach me again, won't you? Thank you, Gatrie! Good-bye. Gatrie: She wants me to teach her again! I knew she was crazy about me! And why not... these muscles are breathtaking! I can't wait to see her again! -A Support- Astrid: I'm ready for today's lesson, Gatrie! Gatrie: Great! Er... right. Let's begin where we left off last time. Do you know what adaptation means? Astrid. I certainly do. Gatrie: See adaptation is... Wait... you do? Astrid: It means changing your strategy to take advantage of different circumstances. Gatrie: Ahhh... So that's what it means... Er, yes! That's exactly right! You're smart AND beautiful, Astrid! I knew what adaptation meant. I just wanted to test my favorite student, and she passed! Astrid: Oh, you flatter me! Thank you for your kind words. Gatrie: Well, I do have one more test question... Er... do you... have a boyfriend? Astrid: A boyfriend? Gatrie: That's right! Oh, don't worry! I don't happen to have a girlfriend. You know... for the moment. Astrid: I don't have a boyfriend. But... I do have a fiance. Gatrie: What?! A fiance?! Astrid: Yes. Gatrie: Well, er... Congratulations! Astrid: Gatrie! Do you have something in your eye? Gatrie: Oh... Don't worry about me. ...Sniff... Sniff... As long as you're happy... Sniiiifff... Astrid: Gatrie! Where are you going? Gatrie: I screwed up again! I thought I had a chance this time, too. Hmmm... Wait... She said she had a fiance, didn't she? Going out of her way to tell me that... She must want me to swoon her off her feet and steal her away! That's it! She should have just said so! Wait for me, Astrid! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Soren* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Soren/Ike (SI032) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Soren: So that's how much we spent... Supplies are running low. We need dried meat, fresh fruit... Ike? Are you listening? Ike: Huh? Oh, sorry. I wasn't paying attention. Soren: I would have never guessed. Ike: Sorry, Soren. Look, could you run the report by me again? Soren: You're tired, Ike. You need rest. Go find a cot somewhere. Ike: You can tell? Soren: Of course. When you're not feeling well, your left eye twitches. Ike: That's... odd. I never noticed. Soren: Get some sleep. I can manage things for a few hours. Ike: Well, I am pretty beat... Soren: Go. Ike: You know, Soren? You're not nearly as insensitive as the others say. Deep down, you're a big softie. Soren: Excuse me? Ike: Oh, nothing. I'm going. Soren: Mmm. Don't let the bedbugs bite. -B Support- Soren: ... Ike: Do you have a second, Soren? Soren: What is it, Ike? Ike: What's wrong? You've been quiet and moody for days. What's going on? Soren: Um... Well, it's... Ike: Yes? Soren: ...It's nothing. ... ...You've never worried about who you are, have you? Your family? Where you came from? Ike: Who I am...? Well, not really. No. I guess I don't understand what you're getting at. I had a father and a mother. I don't remember much about her, but otherwise, no complaints. Soren: It must be... nice to have loving parents. You need people to experience your childhood. To help shape the person you will become. Without an adult around to affirm and support them, a child can't know which path to take. Or who he really is. Ike: Don't you have any memory of your parents? Soren: No. The woman who raised me was not my birth mother. And she wasn't all that fond of me, anyway... My earliest memories are of her saying, "Why me? The world isn't fair!" or "Stay away from me, child!" No love. No affection. She took care of me out of some sense of duty that she didn't really possess. Ike: ... Soren: When I was about four, a nearby sage came by and asked to take me in. He said I possessed rare magical talent. I remember the day clearly. My caretaker was delighted to give me up. In fact, she seemed almost delirious with pleasure. Smiling like a madwoman as she handed me over... The sage even gave her gold as compensation. Not that it was necessary. Ike: Oh, Soren... I had no idea. Soren: The sage was old, and knew that death would soon come for him. His only goal was to teach his art to an apprentice. As time was short, he put me through terribly rigorous magic training. We worked day and night, without cease. I didn't even have time to think about who I really was. But it was still a better life than I had ever known. When the sage died two years later, I had acquired much magical skill. Perhaps too much for a child of my age... At any rate, once I had eaten all of the food in the sage's hovel, I left and walked for days to find help. Upon reaching civilization, I came to another grim realization... I couldn't speak. Not a word. Ike: Soren... Soren: Oh, I could read and write better than most of the villagers. And I could understand what they said. I just couldn't talk. I couldn't help it. The woman and the sage both used to hurl words at me. Unkind words, usually. But I never needed to answer, so-- Ike: Soren! Soren: Huh? Oh... I apologize, Ike. I should not have made you listen to such nonsense... Ike: Soren, it's no nonsense! It's awful! It's the most terrible thing I've ever heard! Where did this happen? Was it in Begnion? Soren: No... But, there's more. I haven't told you... About my parents... No, that's enough. I'm sorry. Excuse me... Ike: Wait, Soren? Soren! Blast! -A Support- Ike: Hey, Soren. Soren: ... Ike: I've been thinking a lot about what you said the other day, and there's something I still don't understand. You survived. You're strong. Why would you feel insecure about who you are? Tell me. Tell me everything. Soren: Curse you! Why can't you leave me be?! I don't have any friends, Ike! I don't have anyone else! If I tell you and you turn on me... I... I... I don't think I can survive it. Ike: That's why you have to tell me, Soren. You'll never tell anyone else. And if you don't tell anyone, you're just going to keep suffering. Look at you! You're a mess! Come on. Talk to me. Soren: Ike... I... I... Ike: Soren, it's me! Trust me. I don't give two figs who your parents are! I'll stand by you. Soren: Ike, I... sniff... No, I won't... sniff... Ah, Ike... ...I'm... Branded. I'm one of the Branded. Ike: A Branded? What's that? Soren: It's a cross between a beorc and a laguz. Such a taboo violates every teaching of the goddess. And of society. We are untouchables. Abominations. Condemned to a life of hatred and shunning from both races. Ike: Wait, wait. Hold it a second. Let me make sure that I follow you... You're part laguz? Soren: Yeah. This mark on my forehead is the proof. I learned about it while researching ancient books at the Mainal Cathedral. I always thought it was a birthmark. Others thought that it was the mark of a Spirit Charmer. Ike: What's a Spirit Charmer? Soren: Magic comes from interaction with spirits. If you let one into your body, it will give you tremendous power... for a price. That's why the old sage was so interested in me. He thought I had struck such a deal. But instead, I was just a filthy Branded. Ike: All right. I understand. So? Soren: ...What do you mean, "so?" Ike: So, you have laguz blood in your veins. So, you have a mark to prove it. So... What's the problem? Soren: What's the problem...? Don't you find me repugnant!? I work beside you, eat beside you. I'm nothing! I don't belong anywhere! Doesn't that sicken you? Ike: No. It doesn't change anything. You're still you, Soren! You're a capable officer of our army. And my friend. We can't keep going unless you are with us. Soren: ...Ike... I thought... I thought you... Ike: What? Soren: It was Gallia. The sage lived in Gallia. A few beorcs had settled there and... Ike: Gallia? Are you saying... Soren: When the sage died, no one would help me. I couldn't speak. Couldn't find food. I was dying. You were the only one who helped. You and your father. That's why you're my friend. My... only friend. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Soren/Stefan (SS033) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Stefan: ... Soren: Who goes there? Stefan: Don't be so alarmed. I'm... one of yours. Soren: One of ours? Unlikely. Stefan: Yes, one of your kind. I see that you pretend to be something you aren't and have lived among foreigners. Soren: ...I, I... Stefan: Hmmm... I see that I've puzzled you. I'll let you stew on what I have said. Let's sit and talk next time our paths cross. Soren: ... -B Support- Soren: ... Stefan: You don't fit in with this roving band of beorc, do you? Your stone sticks out from the wall. Soren: Oh. It's you again. Stefan: Come down to the colony in Grann Desert. Others live there. Others like you. You know... the Branded. Soren: I don't know what you're babbling about, but you're embarrassing yourself. I belong here, thank you. Stefan: I see... Well, if that's the case, I won't twist your arm. Soren: ... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Mia* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mia/Rhys (MR034) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Mia: Oh... It's you? YOU!? RHYS!? Well, can't be picky, I guess... Hiyaaa! Take this weapon, cur! Rhys: Um... Oh, hello, Mia. What is this? A sword? Yes, I think that's right... Ooof! It's heavy! Mia: Yessir! Who would have thought it was gonna be you!? Funny, that. Now... Get ready! En guarde! Rhys: Yaaaa! Wait! S-stop, please! I don't know what's going on! I c-can't use weapons! Mia: Whaaat!? Oh, come on. You can use them a little, right? Riiiight? Rhys: No! I've never even touched one before... B-but if you just want me to hold it, I can. Hmmm... I hold this end, right? Mia: ...Oh, this is so disappointing! I had my fortune read the other day, and the old crone told me that I'd soon come across my one true foe! "With white robes flowing in the breeze, your archrival rides toward you..." Oh, I was so looking forward to it! Rhys: Um... sorry to disappoint you. I'm pretty sure that it's not me. Mia: Aw, it's not your fault, Rhys. I was just prepped for a big fight with my archrival, and then you came walking by... Thought maybe it was you, you know? Rhys: Um... I can just stand here and hold the sword if you want to hit it a few times. Mia: Nah, forget it. I don't want you to get hurt. I'll give up for today... Shucks. -B Support- Rhys: Oh, hello, Mia. Um... You're not going to throw a sword at me again, are you? Mia: Huh? Oh, heya, Rhys. I was hoping to run into someone today... And guess what? You showed up! Rhys: Ahhh! Not that fortune-telling again! L-look, I d-didn't mean to interrupt you... Let me just back away now... Mia: No! Stick around! I could be wrong. Maybe fortune-telling can't predict the future after all... Too bad! That crone had a great reputation. Wait... Maaaaaybe... Rhys: Yes? Mia: Do you want to train with me, Rhys? Rhys: Huh? Mia: Oh, why didn't I see it before! You have what it takes to be a legendary swordsman! You just don't realize it yet. There is awesome potential within you. And when you finally realize it, you'll end up clashing with me as my grand archrival! Rhys: Hah! Haaa... Um... I don't think that's likely to happen, Mia. Although... it's true that I once wanted to be a fighter, back when I was a frail child. Mia: Aha! I knew it! You can't give up unharnessed talent like yours just because you're frail! Give it a try. C'mon! I'll train you myself! We'll start with the basics. Rhys: You... will? Mia: Of course... even if I am training the man that will one day be my most hated rival! We better get cracking! -A Support- Mia: Uhhh... look, I'm really sorry. It looks like I pushed you a little hard. Rhys: No... I wanted to be a myrmidon. And I had fun... Well... before the cramps started. Oooh, the cramps... Yaaaaa... Mia: Are you sure you're well? You've been running a fever for days! Are you really going to battle like this? Rhys: It'll be fine. I'm not overdoing it. I'll just support everyone from the rearguard. And I'll have you looking out for me, right? Mia: Of course! I feel responsible for your safety. I always try to look out for you and make sure you're holding up. You know, I've been thinking for a bit... And... Um... And I've decided to stop believing in fortune-telling. Rhys: Well... maybe the fortune's meaning was just mixed up-- Mia: Hogwash! No more excuses! It's all a bunch of hooey! But hey, wait a second... "With white robes flowing in the breeze, your archrival rides toward you..." ...RIDES toward you... Could he be a mounted soldier and not a myrmidon? Rhys: Huh? Mia: You may be horse-riding material, Rhys. Yeah, that's it! Marching is a lot easier on horseback. Wouldn't that be better for you? Rhys: What!? Me on h-horseback!? Mia: Yeah! You wear white, too! Don't you think you'd look dashing on horseback!? Swing your staff from the top of a horse and I'll fight in style beside you! Rhys: Whoa... hold it right there, Mia... Mia: All right! It's settled, then! We've got to get you training! Rhys: Hold it! You've got the wrong guy... Mia: No, I don't. We're destined to meet! Rhys: We are? Mia: Yes! I can't think of anyone else that could be the man of my destiny! Rhys: D-destiny!? Wait a second... I thought I was your archrival! Mia: Never mind the details! I am counting on you, Rhys! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mia/Ilyana (MI035) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Mia: Hah! Today is a good day. I'm feeling lucky! Maybe I'll meet someone to duel... Maybe my true archrival! Ilyana: ... Mia: Ack! You scared me! Hah! Sneaking up behind me like that... You're a crafty one! Ilyana: Um... sorry. Please let me pass... Mia: Huh? Oh, sure... Ilyana: Excuse me... Mia: So, do you want to duel? At dawn, perhaps? I love dueling at dawn! Awww... never mind. It wouldn't be much of a challenge. You're looking a bit sickly. Ilyana: Sorry... I'm just feeling weak. Mia: She looks so... fragile. Maybe I should watch her back. Just to make sure nothing bad happens to her... Oh well... back to sword practice! -B Support- Mia: Oh, I remember you from the other day. Ilyana: Hello... Mia: You're staggering again. Is there something wrong with you? Ilyana: No... I'm fine. Really. Mia: But you look sickly and ill. Why don't you go and see a priest? Ilyana: I'm quite all right. The last time I saw a priest, he said I wasn't sick. Mia: Hmm... Are you sure you weren't being bilked? Was he a real priest? You look like you're about to keel over. Ilyana: I'm fine. Mia: Meh. Have it your way... Can you even walk? Ilyana: Yes, of course... I'll see you later. Mia: Where are you going? That's a dead end! Hold up for a moment. I'll come with you! You'll never find anything without me. Ilyana: Thank you... -A Support- Mia: I can't seem to focus today. I sense my foes out there, hiding in the trees and snickering at me! Haaaa! Take that, foe! You know, I haven't seen Ilyana lately. I hope she's all right. Hmm... Well, can't do anything about it now... I need to get back to practice. One... two... strike! One... two... stab! Hey! What was that? Ugh! What did I just step on? It feels... squishy. Ilyana: ... Mia: Aaaack! Why are you on the ground?! Are you dead? Gravely injured? Perhaps slightly wounded? Ilyana: No, no... Mia: Well? What's wrong? Ilyana: I'm just... hungry. Mia: Huh? Hungry? Why don't you quit your whining and have a biscuit? Ilyana: So... hungry. Please... if you have anything... Mia: Hold on a minute! Don't tell me you're always staggering around and fainting because you need a snack! Ilyana: Yes... As soon as I finish eating, I get hungry again. That's why I faint. Mia: Well, I don't have any food on me right now. I'll go get you something right away, though. We can't have you passed out on the ground like this! Ilyana: Please... don't leave... Mia: Whoa there! Let go! Hey! Stop trying to eat my foot! Ilyana: Mmmm... so... tasty... Mia: No, no, no! I can't have you feasting on my limbs! Somebody bring this girl some food! Anything, people! Old leather shoes, fruitcake... anything! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mia/Largo (ML036) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Ilyana* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ilyana/Gatrie (IG037) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Gatrie: You there, young lady! Ilyana: ... Gatrie: Hello? Yes, you... the cute one! Ilyana: ... Gatrie: Oooh, I get it. Playing hard to get, eh? Tee hee hee! Ilyana: Um... Are you... talking to me? Gatrie: Phew, I finally got your attention. Aren't you a sly little minx! Ilyana: Oh... Gatrie: So... what's your name, cutie? Ilyana: My name? Well... It's Ilyana, but... Gatrie: Ilyana, eh? That's a cute name. Ilyana: Oh... it is? Gatrie: I'm Gatrie. But I'm sure you already knew that. Ilyana: Um... well, actually... Gatrie: Of course, I'm sure you've heard all about my victories on the battlefield. Oh, there was that business with the dragon... Ilyana: Excuse me, I have to go. Gatrie: I know she'll never forget me! Ilyana... You will be mine! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ilyana/Mia (IM038) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Mia: Hah! Today is a good day. I'm feeling lucky! Maybe I'll meet someone to duel... Maybe my true archrival! Ilyana: ... Mia: Ack! You scared me! Hah! Sneaking up behind me like that... You're a crafty one! Ilyana: Um... sorry. Please let me pass... Mia: Huh? Oh, sure... Ilyana: Excuse me... Mia: So, do you want to duel? At dawn, perhaps? I love dueling at dawn! Awww... never mind. It wouldn't be much of a challenge. You're looking a bit sickly. Ilyana: Sorry... I'm just feeling weak. Mia: She looks so... fragile. Maybe I should watch her back. Just to make sure nothing bad happens to her... Oh well... back to sword practice! -B Support- Mia: Oh, I remember you from the other day. Ilyana: Hello... Mia: You're staggering again. Is there something wrong with you? Ilyana: No... I'm fine. Really. Mia: But you look sickly and ill. Why don't you go and see a priest? Ilyana: I'm quite all right. The last time I saw a priest, he said I wasn't sick. Mia: Hmm... Are you sure you weren't being bilked? Was he a real priest? You look like you're about to keel over. Ilyana: I'm fine. Mia: Meh. Have it your way... Can you even walk? Ilyana: Yes, of course... I'll see you later. Mia: Where are you going? That's a dead end! Hold up for a moment. I'll come with you! You'll never find anything without me. Ilyana: Thank you... -A Support- Mia: I can't seem to focus today. I sense my foes out there, hiding in the trees and snickering at me! Haaaa! Take that, foe! You know, I haven't seen Ilyana lately. I hope she's all right. Hmm... Well, can't do anything about it now... I need to get back to practice. One... two... strike! One... two... stab! Hey! What was that? Ugh! What did I just step on? It feels... squishy. Ilyana: ... Mia: Aaaack! Why are you on the ground?! Are you dead? Gravely injured? Perhaps slightly wounded? Ilyana: No, no... Mia: Well? What's wrong? Ilyana: I'm just... hungry. Mia: Huh? Hungry? Why don't you quit your whining and have a biscuit? Ilyana: So... hungry. Please... if you have anything... Mia: Hold on a minute! Don't tell me you're always staggering around and fainting because you need a snack! Ilyana: Yes... As soon as I finish eating, I get hungry again. That's why I faint. Mia: Well, I don't have any food on me right now. I'll go get you something right away, though. We can't have you passed out on the ground like this! Ilyana: Please... don't leave... Mia: Whoa there! Let go! Hey! Stop trying to eat my foot! Ilyana: Mmmm... so... tasty... Mia: No, no, no! I can't have you feasting on my limbs! Somebody bring this girl some food! Anything, people! Old leather shoes, fruitcake... anything! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ilyana/Mordecai (IM039) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Ilyana: Ah... Mordecai: You look sickly. Ilyana: I... I... know you... Mordecai: I am Mordecai. You are Ilyana. We have not met. Ilyana: You're right... I keep to myself, mostly... Even though we're on the same side, I'm often forgotten. Ahhh... Whoa... Mordecai: Mmm? What is wrong? Ilyana: I'm... I'm sorry. I got a little dizzy, there. Don't worry about it. It happens all the time. Mordecai: Hmmm... You are skinny. Even for a beorc. Can you fight? Ilyana: I can... Somehow. Mordecai: But you are as thin as a paper. Won't the enemy tear you to shreds? Ilyana: There's nothing I can do about my size. When that happens... I'm ready... Mordecai: Grrr... I don't like the sound of that. Stay close to my side. I will keep your skinny beorc body safe. Ilyana: R-really? Thank you, Mordecai. -B Support- Mordecai: Urrrrggh! Ilyana: Hello, Mordecai. Wow, are you carrying all those crates by yourself? That's incredible! Mordecai: Grrrrr! Count on me for a strong back and a pair of paws. Uuuuuurrrrrrffffff! These are the last ones. Ilyana: How can you carry all those at once? I could never do that. Mordecai: Eat big meals and get meat on your bones. Then you can lift crates like me. Ilyana: I would love to eat big meals... But I can't. Because... well... I have no money... That's why I faint all the time. Mordecai: Mmm? You go hungry because you don't have money for food? That shames us all. It will end now. Take my gold... Go! Feast! Eat as much as you want. Become fat and happy, little beorc. Ilyana: Really? Are you... sure? Mordecai: Yes. Ilyana: Anything? Anything at all? Mordecai: I would not lie to a hungry beorc. Ilyana: Thank you, Mordecai... I don't know what to say... You're like an angel. Mordecai: Me? No... stop. You embarrass me. -A Support- Ilyana: Thank you for your generosity the other day, Mordecai... Nobody has ever done anything like that for me... Mordecai: Do not thank me. We are friends. But you ate like a starved bear! A dozen of me could not eat that much mutton stew! Ilyana: The food was delicious. I could have eaten more! Mordecai: I would feed you again, but you ate through all my beorc money. Where do you put all that food? Ilyana: Well... in my stomach... Mordecai: You are like the furry little squirrels that live with us in the woods. Always stuffing food in their mouths. Half beorc, half squirrel. That's you. Ilyana: Haha! Maybe you're right! Squirrels, huh? That's cute. Mordecai: So... when do you hibernate? Ilyana: Hibernate? I don't hibernate! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ilyana/Zihark (IZ040) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Zihark: Uh... Ilyana? What are you staring at? Ilyana: Oh? Er... The bag on your hip. Zihark: It's nothing special. I just carry a vulnerary and some snacks in there. Why? Is there something wrong with it? Ilyana: Oooh... It smells delicious... Zihark: Really? That's odd. It's just some dried meat. Ilyana: Dried meat! So... savory... I'm just... you know. I'm hungry. Zihark: You're hungry? But I just saw you shoveling down some roast rabbit a few minutes ago! You may look frail, but you can sure throw down the chow! Well, I'm off. Talk to you later! Ilyana: Oh... goodbye. What am I going to do? I should have told him I'm starving and nearly ready to collapse from hunger pains. Maybe then he would have given me some of his delicious-smelling snacks. I need food! -B Support- Ilyana: Er... Hello... Zihark: Hello, Ilyana. You're hungry again, aren't you? Ilyana: No. Maybe. Fine... yes. I'm starving! Zihark: How can you possibly eat so much and still be hungry? Last night you swiped the chicken wing right out of my hands! Does casting a few spells really make you that hungry? Ilyana: To be honest, I don't know why I'm so hungry. I'm never full. I always get hungry as soon as I eat. Normally, I eat about as much food as five people. Today was tough because I only got enough food for three. Zihark: What?! That's just... incredible! That sounds like a serious problem. Well... good luck with that. Ilyana: Er... Excuse me? Can you wait a moment? Zihark: What? Ilyana: Er... Haven't you forgotten something? Zihark: Now, let me think... Nope! Didn't forget anything. Ilyana: Oh... my mistake, then. Zihark: See you later! Ilyana: ...Everyone gave me something to eat but him... -A Support- Ilyana: Oh... Zihark: Hi, Ilyana. I'm bumping into you all over the place these days. Ilyana: Yes, you're right. ... Zihark: What's wrong? You look a little... different today. Ilyana: Really? How so? Zihark: Yes, definitely. You're looking cuter than usual. Ilyana: Really?! Zihark: Yeah, definitely a little cuter. Ilyana: ... Zihark: You're hungry, though. I can tell from the feral look in your eyes. Ilyana: Feral?! Excuse me? Zihark: You're a bit of a celebrity among the men in the unit. They say you lure them in with your cute face and then run off with their snacks. Ilyana: They do? Zihark: Oh, yes they do! You're a beef jerky thief, aren't you? I know about the apple pie incident, too. Yeah... I know your tricks. Is it true that you don't remember their names, even after they buy you an expensive meal? That's just terrible. Ilyana: No! It's just that... I collapse into a coma when I get too hungry! That's why I've got to accept everyone's generous food offers. Zihark: Then at least remember their names! Even if you had ulterior motives, everyone likes... Er... Is kind to you. Ilyana: Sorry... Zihark: Don't apologize to me. You didn't take my apple tart. Ilyana: All right. Zihark: Well, shall we get going? Ilyana: Pardon me? Zihark: You're hungry, right? I feel bad about preaching to you, so this dinner is on me. Ilyana: Are you sure? Zihark: I'm sure. I can't have you going hungry on me. However, I'm not rich. All I can afford is two dinners. Ilyana: That's... so kind. That should be enough. I'm so happy! Oh, thank you so much... Um... Er... Ike? No, wait! Um... Bill? Lance? Sword guy? Zihark: Zihark. Ilyana: Zihark! Oh, I really appreciate it... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ilyana/Lucia (IL041) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Lucia: Well, well... Look at this cute little thing. So you're a mage, huh? I'm Lucia. I'm a soldier in the royal Crimean army, and I thank you for joining our cause. Ilyana: I'm Ilyana... I'm with Greil's Merc... Oh... Lucia: What's wrong? Are you all right? Ilyana: Yes, don't mind me... Lucia: Look at you! You're skinnier than a sword edge! All this marching must be hard on you. Ilyana: I fall down sometimes... I just can't keep up. Lucia: That's no good! If that happens on the battlefield, you're as good as meat. You've got to stay fit and battle ready. Ilyana: Yes... ma'am. Lucia: You're sounding faint. Hang on. Don't collapse on me! Here, let me help you. Let's get you back to your tent. Ilyana: I can't move... Hungry... so hungry... Lucia: Wait here. Let me go fetch some food. Ilyana: Really...? You'd do that? Lucia: Of course. What do you think you can eat? Ilyana: I'll take anything... Lucia: All right. I'll try to find something big and hearty to give you strength. Stay where you are until I come back. Ilyana: Thank you so much... -B Support- Lucia: All right, Ilyana. Start now. Ilyana: Let me give this a try... Huuuufff... Haaaaaa... Huuuffff... Puuufffff... Lucia: ...Wait, Ilyana. Can you come back here for a moment? Ilyana: Yes? What is it? Lucia: I know you're not feeling great... But I still want you to do some running. Exercise is important. Why not start out slowly? Ilyana: Yes... I'll try. I... I ran the best I could... Lucia: Hah! That was supposed to be running?! Ilyana: Well... Lucia: Er... Listen, Ilyana. I didn't mean to be so harsh. Nobody is born great at everything. It takes hours and hours of practice to get better at something. So don't feel bad when you don't excel at something right away. Is that clear? Ilyana: Yes... Lucia: Don't worry. I'll work on it with you. Go and give it another try. Ilyana: All right... I'll do my best... Lucia: Then we can take a break. Perhaps you'd like some water before you try again. Ilyana: Actually, I'm a little hungry... Lucia: Food? No problem at all. What would you like to eat? Ilyana: Do you remember that meal you made me the other day? That was so tasty... I'd love that again! Lucia: You liked it that much, huh? Then I'll set to work making you another big helping! But... you'll have to run for it! Ilyana: It's a deal. Thank you... for everything. -A Support- Lucia: Where's Ilyana? I told her to wait right here! Where did she run off to? Ilyana: Lu... Lucia... Lucia: Ilyana!? Did something happen? Ilyana: No... Just so... Hungry... So hungry... Lucia: Hungry? Haven't you been eating? Ilyana: No... Not enough... I just had five helpings... Lucia: What?! Five helpings?! Ilyana: Yes... Oh, and I took Soren's lamb shank when he wasn't looking. Lucia: How much do you usually eat? Ilyana: When I cook, I usually make... six or seven helpings... Lucia: Er... You're not a laguz, are you? Ilyana: No... Lucia: Listen, Ilyana. I've put you through some hard training over the last few days, and it got me thinking... There is something seriously wrong with you!! But I can't leave you like this. You've made it this far, and we'll get through whatever it is together. Ilyana: Yes... That makes me happy. You make me delicious meals... You're so beautiful and strong... I want to be with you, Lucia... Lucia: Oh, fine. We might as well go get some food! Ilyana: Your cooking... I can almost taste it... Lucia: You're always so hungry... All right, I'll make whatever you want. But you had better train hard! Ilyana: Yes! Oh, I'm so happy! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Marcia* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Marcia/Gatrie (MG042) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Marcia/Rolf (MR043) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Rolf: Ready... aim... Marcia: Hey! You're Rolf, right? What are you doing out here all alone? Rolf: I'm practicing my archery skills! See? I just nail a target to a tree and fire away. I cover my arrow tips with burlap to prevent accidents. You see... there was this one incident with a marmot... Well, I just try to stay close to the target now. It's not the best way to train, but at least it gets me some practice. Marcia: Aw, that's so cute! You're trying hard, even though you're such a little guy! Rolf: Hey! I'm not small! I'm a dangerous mercenary! Marcia: Yeah, of course you are. Say, you mind if I practice with you? Rolf: That's all right. I can take care of myself. Marcia: Pfff! I know! I'm just offering to help. You know... I was once a knight in the service of the world's greatest country. I also know how to handle a bow. Us pegasus knights fear archers more than anything else, you know. Rolf: Yeah? Well... you better watch out or I'll feather you like a quill! Marcia: Hah! Big words from a little guy! I like you! Hey, you should take a look around and make sure nobody else is around before you start shooting arrows. Rolf: I KNOW that! Don't talk to me like a baby! Marcia: Sheesh! All right! Touchy... -B Support- Marcia: Incredible! You hit the target twenty-six times in a row! Rolf: Well, my goal was thirty. Marcia: That's a lofty goal, and you came close! You're becoming an impressive archer, Rolf! Rolf: But I can't afford to miss a single shot in battle. The man who taught me how to fire a bow told me that once... I can't be happy with just twenty-six hits. Marcia: You push yourself hard, Rolf. That's admirable. Rolf: Aren't you strict with yourself, Marcia? Marcia: Hm? What, me? Pfff! Of course! I'm stricter than a poached egg on toast! "Be firm with yourself and others!" That's what the first officer in my old unit told me. But you're still... Rolf: A child? I'm not a child. Those days ended the instant I took my first life. Marcia: ...I suppose you're right. You've had to grow up fast traveling with a group of hardened sellswords like this. Rolf: Do you worry about me because I'm young? Marcia: Well... sure. Who wouldn't? Rolf: Well, stop it. I can take care of myself. I've grown strong. Marcia: True enough. Sorry if I underestimated you. -A Support- Marcia: You landed every one of your shots! Rolf: Hitting the target isn't good enough. My instructor once told me that I should be able to strike the gaps between armor plates. Marcia: That's nearly impossible... but maybe you'll be that good one day. Hold on... Rolf, let me see your hands. Rolf: My hands? Marcia: Oh, barnacles! Your hands are covered with blisters! And you're bleeding! Why are you still practicing like this? What's wrong with you!? Rolf: It hurt at first, but my hands went numb after a while--so I just kept plucking arrows out of my quiver. Marcia: Holy crow, Rolf... You're tough, I'll give you that. Hold still. I know I have a vulnerary around here... There, found it. This may sting a little. Rolf: Thank-YOOOOWWWCCHHH!!! Hey, that hurt! Marcia: That's nothing for a deadly mercenary like you. Right, Rolf? Rolf: A deadly mercenary? You really think so? Marcia: Yes, and it's not just your bowmanship. You're quite tenacious. You're so focused on hitting your targets that you don't even feel pain. Few people are that determined. Rolf: Does that mean I'll be able to make a difference? Will I be able to protect them when they're in danger? Marcia: I'll tell you one thing... the enemy better stay out of bowshot, or you'll turn him into a porcupine! Rolf: Thanks, Marcia. I promise to protect you, too. Marcia: Rolf... I'll look out for you, too. Why... Aw, nuts. ...Did you have to grow up so fast? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Marcia/Kieran (MK044) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Kieran: Ho ho! I would love to have a chance to train with a pegasus knight. It could only increase my already mighty skills... Oh, here comes one now! Marcia! Marcia: Huh? Kieran: Ahem! Er... I would like to have the pleasure of... Oh, pardon me. I forgot to introduce myself. My name-- Marcia: I already know who you are. Crimean Royal Knight Fifth Platoon Captain Kieran. Did I get that right? Kieran: How do you know my name? Not to mention my post... Maybe it was the fame I won during our last battle? No, I was only semi-glorious... Marcia: Um... Kieran: Or perhaps I have injured you and yours with a past transgression? Are you here to revenge yourself on me?! Marcia: Noooo... Kieran: Oh ho! Then tales of my valor must have spread to other countries! Perhaps you know of the time I slew the Giant Spider of... Naah... That's pushing it. But it is possible... Let's see... It's also possible that... Marcia: Hey! Meathead! Kieran: Yaaaa! W-what?! Don't scare me like that! Marcia: We all know your name. You announce yourself every time we fight. "I am Crimean Royal Knight, Fifth Platoon Captain Kieran! See me and tremble!" Kieran: Hmm... Well, that explains it... Marcia: So. How can I help you? Kieran: Huh? Marcia: Didn't you want to ask me something? Kieran: Oh, that's right. Er... Hm? What did I want to ask you? Blast! Was it... No, that's not it... Marcia: Riiiight. Well, you come find me whenever you remember... Sheesh! I think this guy's helmet is on too tight... -B Support- Kieran: Marcia! Marcia: Oh, hiya, Kieran. How's your horse? Kieran: Oh, he's much better! And it's all thanks to you! When he took ill, I didn't know what to do, but... Your first aid saved the day! Marcia: Poor guy was exhausted from the constant marching. We've been fighting everywhere. I don't blame him for collapsing. Let him rest until he gets used to this new land. I'm sure he'll get better. Kieran: I had no such knowledge, for I had never fought beyond the borders of sweet Crimea. I thank you with all my heart! Marcia: Pfff! Please! It's no big deal. I've seen much worse. Kieran: Nevertheless, I, Crimean Royal Knight Fifth Platoon Captain Kieran, shall return the favor no matter-- Marcia: Hey! Big fella! I told you, thanks aren't necessary. I'm sure that we'll run into something that you can help me with... Er... at least, I guess that might happen... So you can just help me out when that situation arrives. ...If it arrives. Kieran: Say no more! I will do so with my life! Marcia: Please! Keep your life! Oh, that reminds me... Didn't you want to ask me something the other day? Kieran: Oh, that... Well, with my horse's illness and all, I've forgotten what it was... But, by my axe, I swear that I will-- Marcia: Keep your axe too! Good gravy, I can't deal with this guy! -A Support- Marcia: Kieran! Kieran: Oh, Marcia! Marcia: Your horse looks completely healed! I'm so glad. Kieran: Yes, thanks to you. Let me thank you again! I, Crimean Roy-- Marcia: Oh, jerky! Not again! Stop doing that! Sheesh... Say, what's with the bucket? Kieran: I was going to wash my horse. He hasn't been scrubbed down in a while, and he could use it. Besides, with all of my amazing adventures, my poor horse gets quite the workout. I try to treat him well. Marcia: Aw, that's sweet! Kieran: What is? Marcia: You love your horse! That's so nice! I figured you'd be too busy flexing or something to notice... Kieran: He is more than just a simple horse... He is my brother-in-arms! Some knights, some Crimean knights even, treat their horses like mere transportation... but I don't feel that way. And it's not just horses. Armor! Axes! Gauntlets! Boots! Er... this canteen! All fighting tools are my brothers-in-arms! Marcia: How admirable. Kieran: No, Marcia, it is not admirable. It is simply common sense. Marcia: Ha ha! I wasn't sure that you had common sense! You're always so forgetful and distracted when it comes to other things... Kieran: Huh! Well, I can't say that I can agree! In fact, once while I was fighting the Giant Whippoorwill of Southern Crimea-- Marcia: Good-bye, Kieran! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Marcia/Tanith (MT045) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Marcia: ...Oh! Tanith: Marcia. It's been a while. Marcia: Oh, chestnuts! D-Deputy Commander Tanith!? What... are you doing here? Tanith: I was just about to ask you the same thing. As deputy commander of the Holy Guard, I took this position on imperial orders. I never would have thought I'd run into one of my former subordinates so soon... Marcia: W-we've been together since we crossed into Daein?! Oh, I had no idea! Talk about strange luck! Heh... Tanith: It certainly is. I'm so glad I've come across my... special subordinate. I've been looking for you for a long time, you know... Marcia: D-Deputy Commander, your eyes... why are you squinting at me like that? Are you... angry? Tanith: Oh, I'm angry. I am very angry. Very angry indeed. Right now I'm weighing my options... Which penalty should I inflict on you for deserting the Begnion Holy Guard? Marcia: I'm... I'm no deserter! Didn't you read the letter of resignation I wrote? Tanith: Did you think you could cast off your sworn duty by scribbling on a piece of paper? You should know the weight of being a soldier in the service of the Begnion Holy Guard. Marcia: I'm... I'm sorry! But I was in such a hurry... Tanith: ...Commander Sigrun is a charitable person. She says she is willing to overlook your desertion. Marcia: Phew... Tanith: However! I put an end to that nonsense! I told her that I would bring you back at any cost and deliver the appropriate penalty. I hope you're ready! Marcia: Oh! I just remembered I have to be somewhere! Somewhere really far away... Excuse me, ma'am! Yaaaaa! Tanith: Stop right there! You're not going to get away this time! -B Support- Tanith: Marcia! Marcia: Eeeeeek! D-Deputy Commander! Tanith: What a disgraceful little scream! You should know how to behave in front of your former superior. Marcia: But... Deputy Commander... Are you still upset with me? Tanith: I certainly am! State your reason for deserting your duty as a pegasus knight! You were never one to run away! Even during the most intense missions... You were no coward, Marcia. I've even seen some knights leave because of a silly romantic distraction... but not you. Marcia: Well, if you must know... My brother went missing after he accrued a massive debt. Tanith: Debt? Marcia: Yes. Men began coming to my barracks to collect their money instead of hunting down my brother. That's why I went to find him. I met Ike and his company during my search, and I joined after they saved me from a vicious band of boat monkeys. But I still didn't find my brother. Tanith: ... Marcia: I figured that if I travelled with Ike, I'd eventually find my brother. That's why I'm still with them. Tanith: I see... So he skipped town because of his debts. As your superior officer, I do feel some sympathy for you. Marcia: Then-- Tanith: Nevertheless! You are still a deserter. It makes no difference why. You will still be punished once my mission is complete. Marcia: Awww... Come on! -A Support- Marcia: So, you know... I was thinking... If possible...It would be great if you could overlook my punishment. Tanith: Punishing deserters to the harshest degree of the law has always been an iron rule. I cannot make a special exception for you. Marcia: Deputy Commander... Why do you have to be so mean?! Tanith: Why am I mean!? Because you deserted, I had to-- Marcia: You were always like that. Unlike Commander Sigrun, you never once commended our unit. You think you understand us, but you don't. You're just heartless and frigid. Tanith: Don't you get it? Why do you think I'm coming down on you so hard!? Marcia: Excuse me? Tanith: I wouldn't normally say this, but...I had high expectations for you, Marcia. I thought you could take the reins and someday lead the Holy Guard. Marcia: What!? Where did that come from? Back in Begnion, you said nothing about any of this. Tanith: Do you think I would say something like that on my own? I have no choice now. I'll offer counsel to the commander, and see to it that you have a place back on the Guard. If you come back, I might just forget all about your desertion. Marcia: Deputy Commander... I... I appreciate it! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Mist* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mist/Titania (MT046) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Titania: Doing the laundry, Mist? Here, let me give you a hand. Mist: Oh, no, no... Please, you've been fighting all day. I couldn't make you help! Titania: We've all had our hands full around here, and you're no exception. Now, give me some of those... Wow. Talk about a pile of laundry... Mist: Yeah. I know I can't wash up after the entire Crimean army, but I thought I could at least help the Greil Mercenaries. It's a good way to thank the others for all their help. Titania: Well, it's a thoughtful gesture, but make sure you don't turn it into a full-time job, all right? Oh, this one is ripped. Mist: Oh, that's my brother's. He's been fighting too long in these old things. Look at it! It's practically falling apart! Next time we're in a town, I'm going to make him buy a new shirt. If he's going to be general, he'd better look the part! Titania: Speaking of which... let me see that old thing you're wearing. The sleeve is coming apart. See? Mist: Hey, you're right! Titania: This is beyond repair. Your brother's not the only one who could benefit from a shopping trip. We'll go together, you and I. Mist: I don't know, Titania... There's so much work to be done around here. I'm not sure I've got the time, really... Titania: I'm telling you, Mist, you're pushing yourself too hard. Everyone appreciates your work, but you're leaving no time to relax! Mist: Yeah, but... doing the chores helps me relax! What? Don't look at me that way! Titania: Mist, that's nonsense. I mean it. You need to take some time off. Sometime soon, you and I will go into town, just the two of us. Mist: Oh, all right! -B Support- Mist: I’m sorry about the other day, Titania. I really did have a good time, even if I didn’t look like it… Titania: Don’t worry about it, Mist! You did look awfully serious the whole time, but that just proves to me how much you needed the time off. Mist: And I did enjoy seeing the town. I’d never seen anything quite like it! But I kept thinking about all the chores waiting here… Titania: You’re far too considerate of others, Mist. You’re always putting our needs before your own. You’re so much like Elena in that regard. Mist: My mother? Titania: Yes. You and she are very much alike. But you know, Mist, you are still young. You do not need to take on all the burdens of adulthood so soon. I worry about you. Mist: Oh, stop... Titania? Thank you... Titania: No, Mist. Thank you. -A Support- Titania: Come over here for a second, Mist. Mist: What is it, Titania? Titania: Here. It’s a little present from me. Mist: Hey, this is that dress I saw in town the other day. Oooo, I loved this dress! Titania: I thought so. Aren’t you glad we made that trip together? Mist: Oh, thank you, Titania. Titania: It’s nothing, Mist. Consider it a thank-you for all you’ve done. To tell the truth, I’ve been a little worried about you. You’ve been doing so many chores, and you’ve been helping us all on the battlefield. It’s a lot to ask of you. That’s why I’m trying to make sure you stop and take care of yourself, treat yourself to something nice once in a while. Mist: Titania... Titania: Listen, Mist. I know you and Ike are close, but if there’s ever anything you can’t talk to him about, I want you to know you can come to me. I may not be Elena, but I do care about you just the same. Mist: I... I will... Thank you... That’s very nice of you, Titania. Tee hee hee... Oh, this dress is too good for me... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mist/Boyd (IT047) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Boyd: Hyaaa! Gyaaa! Hrrraaaa! ...Phew... That's enough for today. I just don't feel into it. Maybe I'll take a quick nap... Unknown: Done already, Boyd?! Boyd: Huh? Um... Gyaaaa! Hyaaa! Oh, Titania! I didn't see you there. I'm training so hard that... Huh? Mist: Tee hee! Boyd: Who the--? Mist! Ooo! What a jerk! Mist: Hey, you're the one who tried to blow off training! If you keep ignoring your drills, I'm going to become a better mercenary than you! Boyd: Better than me? Ha. HA! Dream on, kid! You've got some nerve saying that to me! Mist: Kid? You better remember who my father is! Fighting ability runs in the blood, you know. Boyd: Aw, that's a bunch of hooey! Survival on a battlefield depends on experience and luck. Nothing more! If you dive into battle with a conceited attitude, you'll end up dead no matter what blood is in your veins! Mist: Gee, sorry, Boyd. I was just joking... Hey, don't look so angry... Boyd: This is no game! We don't fight for fun! Now get out of here... I mean it! You're in my way! Mist: ...Sorry. Boyd: ...Mist, wait... Ah, heck. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mist/Rolf (MR048) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Mist: Rolf! Oh, there you are! Rolf: Mist! Were you looking for me? Mist: Yes. I've been meaning to talk to you. We haven't had a chance to talk since that day we fought for the first time. Rolf: I'm glad you're safe... Somehow, we're both still alive. Mist: Yes... we've been so lucky. Rolf: My head was pounding and my hands were shaking so badly that I almost shot an arrow into Boyd's backside. Mist: Tee hee! Good thing you didn't, or he would have given you a smacking! I was so... scared. I heard yelling... screaming... and the most awful howls of agony. I felt dizzy and sick. Rolf: I wasn't scared at all. Maybe I was a little nervous... But by the end, I was almost hitting my targets! Mist: You weren't even a little scared? Rolf: No way. I can't wait for the next battle. I'll fight better next time. You'll see. I'll feather a horde of slobbering enemies! See you later, Mist. I've got to go practice! Mist: Oh, Rolf! Rolf... -B Support- Rolf: Aim... and release! Mist: Can I talk to you for a moment, Rolf? Rolf: Sure. Just hold on and let me tighten my bowstring. I've got to be ready... You know, just in case some Daein thugs try to jump us. Mist: ... Rolf: So... What do you need, Mist? Mist: Let's not fight in any more battles, Rolf. I really don't think we children should be fighting in wars. Rolf: Huh? Why are you saying this now? Mist: Let's go back to being kids. If this is what it is like to be an adult, I don't want any part of it. Rolf: You're right, Mist. Fighting scares you. You don't have to fight. Don't worry... I'll fight for you! Mist: That's not what I meant, and you know it! You've got to stop fighting, or it's all meaningless. Rolf: I can't do that. I have to slay our enemies and defend our own. I'm a man, now... Mist: Slaying your enemies? Is it that meaningless to you? Like picking a flower or squishing a spider. They're human, too. Rolf: ... Mist: Do you understand that, Rolf? The enemy... They're human, just like us. They're not paper targets pinned to a tree. Rolf: I don't want to hear it. Mist: Rolf! Rolf: I don't want to hear it!! Got it?! They're trying to hurt us! Kill us! I'm just stopping them. I'm protecting all of you. Mist: Wait... Rolf! Oh... please understand... -A Support- Mist: Rolf. Rolf: ... Mist: Stop ignoring me! Can we please talk? Please? Rolf: ... Mist: I don't blame you. I just wanted you to know that... Not everyone we run into is evil. Some of them might just be caught up on the wrong side. Rolf: So I wasn't thinking about that? Is that what you mean? Mist: What? No... Rolf: We're not fighting targets. I know the difference. Targets don't squirm on the ground and gurgle in pain. Targets don't make the grass slippery with blood. I learned that lesson the first time I took a man down. They're fighters, just like us. Mist: Rolf... Rolf: But there's a difference. They're trying to hurt the people I love. Anyone that tries that is an enemy of mine. That's why I won't hesitate to feather them. If I let even one of them live, they will do everything they can to kill one of our own. I... I'm afraid of that. I won't stop spilling blood until it's over. Mist: Rolf! Rolf: I don't want you to die! I... I... I don't want to lose anyone else... ...Whaaaa... Mist: I'm sorry, Rolf! I'm so sorry... Rolf: Whaaaaaaaaa... Sniff... Sniff... Mist: I thought you had changed. You used to be such a sweet boy. I thought you'd turned hard and didn't understand about death. I'm sorry... I didn't understand how you felt. You've been so desperate to protect everyone else. Rolf: This will be over one day. I just want everyone to see that day. Mist: Me, too, Rolf. Me, too... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mist/Mordecai (MM049) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Mist: Oh, no! Come back here, you! Hm. Where did that thing go? I could have sworn it fell around here somewhere... Mordecai: Looking for this? Mist: Wow! M-Mordecai... You scared me. Mordecai: I am sorry to frighten you. I found this. Is it something you lost? Mist: Oh, I... Yes, that's... Some of my clothes were drying on the line, and a breeze carried one of my scarves away... Thank you, Mordecai. Mordecai: You are welcome. Mist: Uh... Mordecai? Mordecai: Yes? Mist: Oh, uh... Well... I'm sorry; it's nothing. Mordecai: If you say so. I will take my leave of you now. Mist: Ahhh... What's wrong with me? I can't believe I couldn't do it. Why can't I be more like Ike? He's so casual, so calm all the time. I can't keep panicking like that. -B Support- Mist: Hello, Mordecai! Mordecai: You are quite an energetic girl, are you not? Mist: Yep! I'm in a good mood today. Mordecai: I am glad to hear it. Mist: Well, I like to think I have a cheery disposition. I don't like to be a Complainy Janey, you know? Ha ha... Um... And I like cooking, too. Oh, but I'm not so good at sewing, but my mother was. Mordecai: Is that so. Mist: And... And... Um... I forgot what else I was going to say. Um, er... Uh... Mordecai: Mist. You must breathe. Mist: ...HAAAAAA! Whew! Sorry! I'm better now... Mordecai: You are nervous. You have not spoken to many laguz before. I can tell. But in your heart, you are trying to be my friend. That much is clear to me. Most clear. Mist: ... Mordecai: Do not be nervous. In time, we will grow to be friends. To speak true, Mordecai feels as nervous as you do. Mist: Oh, Mordecai... Yes... Thank you. I feel a lot better now, kind of. You're right. I shouldn't try so hard, should I? Mordecai: Graow. -A Support- Mist: Oh, Mordecai. Is something wrong? Mordecai: Have you seen your brother, Mist? Mist: Oh, he's with Titania and others. But I think he'll be here soon. Mordecai: Ah. Do you... and your brother get along well? Mist: I think so... I mean, just about as well as any brother and sister do, you know? Mordecai: Ike is a good beorc. He was kind to me, even though we had just met. He is a beorc, but I feel for him as though he is a brother laguz. Mist: Ha ha ha. Yeah, he always has been a little weird, hasn't he? Mordecai: Is that so? It does not matter. I am fond of Ike. Mist... I do not want you to laugh, but I would like to tell you something. Mist: What's that? Mordecai: When I returned your scarf, my hand was shaking with fear. Mist: You? Were scared? Mordecai: Yes. I was afraid that I made you afraid. I was afraid that you would run. I... was afraid. Mist: Wow... I didn't know that. Tee hee. It IS kind of funny. You and I have a lot in common, don't you think? Mordecai: Yes. We share much between us. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mist/Jill (MJ050) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Mist: Oh, there you are. Jill: Back again, Mist? Mist: Uh-huh. Because you didn't join us for supper. Again. Jill: No one wants to share the table with a Daein soldier. It would ruin the meal. Mist: My brother says he doesn't care. Jill: He says that... Mist: And I'm just glad to have someone close to my age traveling with us! So come on, let's go eat something. Jill: I... I can't. Sorry. Mist: I see. Well then... I'll just have to bring the food to you! I'll be right back! Jill: B-but... Hold it a second! -B Support- Mist: Does that taste good, Jill? Jill: Mmrph... Yeah, it's really good. Why? Mist: Because I made it! I'm glad you like it. Jill: You made this? Mist: Yep. I call it Mist's Magical Meatloaf! It's chock full of stuff that's good for you, especially when you're sick. You look real sad and you never eat, so I thought this would make you feel better. Jill: You're worried about me? Why are you so... nice to me? I'm a Daein sol-- Mist: Stop. Please stop saying that. Jill: Why? It's true. Mist: Because it makes me feel bad, that's why! You're always saying, "I'm a Daein soldier! Everyone should hate me! Blah blah blah!" You're not a bad person, Jill. I want to be your friend. And you make it really hard! Jill: M-my friend...? -A Support- Jill: Can I talk to you for a second, Mist? Mist: Sure, Jill. Jill: Um... I don't really have anything to say... I... uh... just wanted to be with you. I'm kinda lonely. Tell me if I'm bothering you! Mist: No! No! Actually, I was hoping to see you! 'Cause I'm... I'm kinda lonely too. I'm glad you're here. Jill: Great! Mist: Tee hee! Jill: Hmm... Mist: Er... Jill: Um... Mist: ...Oh, hey! Wasn't that something? Jill: Yeah, it sure was! Um... what? Mist: The Serenes Forest! The way that Reyson and Leanne sang and made those shiny lights and brought the whole forest back to life! Jill: Y... yeah... That was... sniff... Sniff... Whaaaaaaaa! Mist: Oh, no! Jill! Why are you crying? Jill: B-because... that made me understand... The l-laguz... aren't bad! I am! I was the one who was wrong! Wrong about... what I believed... Wrong about everything! Whaaaaaaaa!! Mist: Oh, Jill, no! Don't cry! Don't... sniff... oh no! Whaaaaaaaa! Jill: Why... Why did you lie to me, Father? I've had to endure so much pain... I wish I'd known the truth from the start. My father lied to me, Mist. He lied to build me into a heartless warrior, a soldier worthy of Daein. Mist: That can't be! Jill: It is. Mist: No father could treat his child like a tool. There must be another reason! If he lied to you... he must have thought that it would be for the best!! Jill: Mist, you don't-- Mist: You're a fool, Jill! A blind fool! I know you're feeling down, but questioning a father's love is ridiculous! Because a father wouldn't... A father wouldn't... Oh, Dad... Sniff... Jill: Mist! Oh, Mist... I know... It's all right... Mist: Father... Dad! ...Whaaaaa! Jill: Mist, no! Don't cry! Don't cry, Mist! ...Mist...? Mist: ...Whaaa... Sniff... Oh, s-sorry... Jill: Mist... thanks for talking about my father like that. I appreciate it... Mist: Jill... Jill: Maybe I am a fool... Maybe you're right... Doubting even for a second the man who raised me with love and devotion...... Something must be wrong with me... But I... I have to choose my own path. I have to choose a path that I believe in! I'm sure... Father will understand me. Mist: I'm sure he will, Jill. I know it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Rolf* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rolf/Rhys (RR051) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Rolf: Rhys! Rhys: Hello, Rolf. Oof! Thanks for the hug! Why are you running like that? Did something happen? Rolf: Nope. I just ran because I saw you! Say, how are you feeling? Rhys: Today I feel fine, thanks. I did light exercise this morning and finished all my breakfast. Rolf: Oh, I'm glad to hear that! When it's hard for you, let me know! I remember when you used to get sick and stay in bed all the time! But here you are, fighting every day. Rhys: Ha! I remember those days... This new job is hard sometimes, but it's nice to be with everyone. Rolf: I know! All that you and me and Mist ever did was stay behind at the stupid fort while everyone else was fighting. Being left alone was sad and scary, huh? Rhys: Yes, I suppose it was... Remember the time we heard Commander Greil discussing that dangerous mission in the strategy room? When our friends left the fort, the three of us prayed so hard for their safe return... Those were the longest days of my life. Rolf: That's why I'm scared to fight sometimes... But I still think it's good that we're fighting together now! Rhys: Positive thoughts are always a help. It's pointless to focus on the negative all the time. Rolf: You said it, Rhys! Let's think positively! Otherwise, I... Rhys: Otherwise what, Rolf? Rolf: Oh, um... nothing! I gotta go see Mist now. See you later, Rhys! Rhys: Hmm... -B Support- Rolf: Oh, Rhys! What's wrong? Rhys: Hm? Nothing, Rolf. Rolf: Are you feeling sick? Are you gonna barf? Rhys: No, no. What makes you think that? Rolf: Don't lie! I can tell! Your hands and face always turn pale when you're sick! Let me see your hands! Rhys: Hey, stop that! I'm only wearing gloves because they're fashionable right now! Don't take those... Rolf: AHA! They're cold! Cold as ice! You're supposed to tell me when you're having a rough time of it! Rhys: ...Sorry, Rolf. But I'm well enough to move around a battlefield, so I'll be all right. Rolf: You're talking about a battlefield, Rhys! Not some fort! Don't pretend to be fine if you're not! You'll end up dead if you keep doing stuff like that! Rhys: Rolf... I... I'm sorry... Rolf: Hmph! Rhys: I'm really sorry, Rolf. I wish... Cough! I wish I wasn't so frail. It would be nice to be strong. Rolf: Well, I wish your staff could heal sicknesses and not just big gaping axe wounds! Rhys: So do I... Sigh... I wish I had a better plan than just waiting for it to pass. Rolf: Well, I'll ask Ike to let us fight together. At least then I can keep an eye on you. Rhys: Thanks, Rolf... -A Support- Rolf: Rhys? Rhys: Rolf? What's up? Rolf: You're feeling better today, huh? I'm glad. You were so sick last time... Rhys: All I ever do is cause you to worry... Maybe I should just leave the mercenaries. I don't want to be a burd-- Rolf: No! You're wrong! That's not what I meant at all! Rhys: I know, Rolf. But... It's hard for me. The fighting is difficult enough, but to cause everyone grief on top of it... And it's not just you, either. I cause Ike and Titania trouble, too. Maybe I'll just pack my things-- Rolf: N-no! I don't want you to go! If you leave, I'll cry! I wasn't blaming you, you know? You can't help being barfy all the time. Rhys: Rolf... Rolf: Oh, that's not what I meant. Listen, just count on me, all right? I'll help you. Rhys: What did you say? Rolf: Fighting our enemies is really scary! In fact, once I almost wet my... Anyway! I don't want anyone to die. Before, all I could do was wait and pray, but now I can fight and defend everyone! That makes it easier to focus. Rhys: I understand. Rolf: That's why I want to defend you, Rhys! If I know that I always have to defend you, it will make me less scared. And the more I do it, the stronger I get! So don't you dare leave us! Rhys: Rolf... You... You've really grown up. All right, it's a deal! I won't hide anything from now on. And I'll count on you, too! You can be my very own knight in leather armor! Rolf: Yeah, that'll be great! ...Um, hey, Rhys? Don't tell anyone that I almost... All right? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rolf/Shinon (RS052) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Rolf: Uncle Shinon! Wait, Uncle Shinon! Shinon: What do you want, Rolf? Rolf: Tee hee hee! Look at this! Shinon: Why are you showing me this? It's just a piece of bent wood. Rolf: No, Shinon. It's a bow! You gave me my first bow, and I wanted to return the favor! I'm making it one whittle at a time. I know it's not exactly the best-looking weapon out there, but... I hope you'll use it! Shinon: Meh. Maybe if I overhauled it... I may be able to... call it a... bow. This thing is going to break the first time I fire it! You want me to be unarmed on the battlefield? Is that it? Rolf: I... I don't-- Shinon: Look, to begin with, you used the wrong kind of wood. This is much too hard and inflexible. Remember the bow I made for you? It didn't look like this, did it? Rolf: B-but... I worked so hard! It should be just like yours! Shinon: Not even close. Rolf: N-not... not even... Wh... Whaaaaaaa! Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Shinon: Ah, crud. Don't start bawling! Look, let me give you a quick lesson. Rolf: Whaaaaa... Really!? Promise? Oh, I'm so happy! Yay! Yay! I love you, Unkie Shinon! Shinon: Yeah, yeah, it's a promise. Now quit clinging to me like a lost dog. Hey, seriously! Rolf...! -B Support- Rolf: Look, look, Uncle Shinon! Doesn't it look like a bow now? Shinon: I guess you could... categorize it as a bow. Maybe. If you closed your eyes. Rolf: So will you use-- Shinon: No way! I don't want to die just yet. Rolf: Wha... Whaaa... Oh, fine! I'll just use it myself. Shinon: Oh, for the love of... Rolf! Wait! Rolf: What? Shinon: Give me the bow. Rolf: Did you change your mind? Shinon: Yeah. I suddenly got this... uh... weird urge to take it. Rolf: Really? All right! Whooooo! Here you go, Uncle Shinon! Shinon: Thanks. Um... see you later. Rolf: Wow. I bet Uncle Shinon will just love my bow! It'll be his favorite bow ever! But I wanna see him fire it... I know! I'll follow him. Tee hee hee! Here I come, Uncle Shinon! -A Support- Shinon: Get over it, Rolf. Rolf: ... Shinon: Oh, come on! It was in your best interest. Rolf: ... Shinon: Psh! What a stubborn brat. If you're going to be like that, I'll just leave. Rolf: YOU THREW MY BOW AWAY!! Shinon: Listen, Rolf. If I had let you onto a battlefield with that bow, you would have been killed. I prevented your death in advance... Heck, I saved your life! You should be thanking me. Rolf: I know that, Uncle Shinon, but... I put my whole heart into that bow! I just wanted you to be happy. The first time I went into battle, my feet were shaking because I was so scared. But then I held the bow that you made for me, and it gave me strength. And I said, "Rolf! You can do this!" I learned absolutely everything from you! That's how I've stayed alive this whole time. Shinon: ...But why on earth... Why would you depend on me like that? I mean, I just taught you how to fire the bow on a whim. Rolf: But it still made me happy! My brothers never let me do anything. They still treat me like a baby. If you hadn't taught me archery, I'd be sitting at home right now! I hate waiting around while everyone is fighting for their lives. I mean, we all made it back yesterday but... What about today? Or tomorrow? At home, all you do is wait and wait and feel terrible. I hate it! Shinon: Rolf, I know how you feel, but... adults don't want to send kids to a battlefield if they can help it. Only a complete madman wants to be involved in the death of someone else. Especially if it's a kid. But the sad thing is, it's more about making ourselves feel better than saving the life of another. The fear of being responsible for a death is always in the back of our minds, so we try to lessen the guilt as much as possible. Humans... most humans... feel the pain of others. Holding that back is a lot harder than you think. Rolf: Wow. I never thought about that. Shinon: It's a rough lesson to learn. Bah! I hate adults like nothing else. All ego and pride... Kids live a more honorable existance. But you're growing up fast. So the sooner you learn to survive, the better. Rolf: So that's why you taught me archery, isn't it? It wasn't just a whim! Shinon: ...Well... Maybe... But if that's what you want to think, and it puts you in a good mood, it's fine by me. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rolf/Mist (RM053) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Mist: Rolf! Oh, there you are! Rolf: Mist! Were you looking for me? Mist: Yes. I've been meaning to talk to you. We haven't had a chance to talk since that day we fought for the first time. Rolf: I'm glad you're safe... Somehow, we're both still alive. Mist: Yes... we've been so lucky. Rolf: My head was pounding and my hands were shaking so badly that I almost shot an arrow into Boyd's backside. Mist: Tee hee! Good thing you didn't, or he would have given you a smacking! I was so... scared. I heard yelling... screaming... and the most awful howls of agony. I felt dizzy and sick. Rolf: I wasn't scared at all. Maybe I was a little nervous... But by the end, I was almost hitting my targets! Mist: You weren't even a little scared? Rolf: No way. I can't wait for the next battle. I'll fight better next time. You'll see. I'll feather a horde of slobbering enemies! See you later, Mist. I've got to go practice! Mist: Oh, Rolf! Rolf... -B Support- Rolf: Aim... and release! Mist: Can I talk to you for a moment, Rolf? Rolf: Sure. Just hold on and let me tighten my bowstring. I've got to be ready... You know, just in case some Daein thugs try to jump us. Mist: ... Rolf: So... What do you need, Mist? Mist: Let's not fight in any more battles, Rolf. I really don't think we children should be fighting in wars. Rolf: Huh? Why are you saying this now? Mist: Let's go back to being kids. If this is what it is like to be an adult, I don't want any part of it. Rolf: You're right, Mist. Fighting scares you. You don't have to fight. Don't worry... I'll fight for you! Mist: That's not what I meant, and you know it! You've got to stop fighting, or it's all meaningless. Rolf: I can't do that. I have to slay our enemies and defend our own. I'm a man, now... Mist: Slaying your enemies? Is it that meaningless to you? Like picking a flower or squishing a spider. They're human, too. Rolf: ... Mist: Do you understand that, Rolf? The enemy... They're human, just like us. They're not paper targets pinned to a tree. Rolf: I don't want to hear it. Mist: Rolf! Rolf: I don't want to hear it!! Got it?! They're trying to hurt us! Kill us! I'm just stopping them. I'm protecting all of you. Mist: Wait... Rolf! Oh... please understand... -A Support- Mist: Rolf. Rolf: ... Mist: Stop ignoring me! Can we please talk? Please? Rolf: ... Mist: I don't blame you. I just wanted you to know that... Not everyone we run into is evil. Some of them might just be caught up on the wrong side. Rolf: So I wasn't thinking about that? Is that what you mean? Mist: What? No... Rolf: We're not fighting targets. I know the difference. Targets don't squirm on the ground and gurgle in pain. Targets don't make the grass slippery with blood. I learned that lesson the first time I took a man down. They're fighters, just like us. Mist: Rolf... Rolf: But there's a difference. They're trying to hurt the people I love. Anyone that tries that is an enemy of mine. That's why I won't hesitate to feather them. If I let even one of them live, they will do everything they can to kill one of our own. I... I'm afraid of that. I won't stop spilling blood until it's over. Mist: Rolf! Rolf: I don't want you to die! I... I... I don't want to lose anyone else... ...Whaaaa... Mist: I'm sorry, Rolf! I'm so sorry... Rolf: Whaaaaaaaaa... Sniff... Sniff... Mist: I thought you had changed. You used to be such a sweet boy. I thought you'd turned hard and didn't understand about death. I'm sorry... I didn't understand how you felt. You've been so desperate to protect everyone else. Rolf: This will be over one day. I just want everyone to see that day. Mist: Me, too, Rolf. Me, too... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rolf/Marcia (RM054) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Rolf: Ready... aim... Marcia: Hey! You're Rolf, right? What are you doing out here all alone? Rolf: I'm practicing my archery skills! See? I just nail a target to a tree and fire away. I cover my arrow tips with burlap to prevent accidents. You see... there was this one incident with a marmot... Well, I just try to stay close to the target now. It's not the best way to train, but at least it gets me some practice. Marcia: Aw, that's so cute! You're trying hard, even though you're such a little guy! Rolf: Hey! I'm not small! I'm a dangerous mercenary! Marcia: Yeah, of course you are. Say, you mind if I practice with you? Rolf: That's all right. I can take care of myself. Marcia: Pfff! I know! I'm just offering to help. You know... I was once a knight in the service of the world's greatest country. I also know how to handle a bow. Us pegasus knights fear archers more than anything else, you know. Rolf: Yeah? Well... you better watch out or I'll feather you like a quill! Marcia: Hah! Big words from a little guy! I like you! Hey, you should take a look around and make sure nobody else is around before you start shooting arrows. Rolf: I KNOW that! Don't talk to me like a baby! Marcia: Sheesh! All right! Touchy... -B Support- Marcia: Incredible! You hit the target twenty-six times in a row! Rolf: Well, my goal was thirty. Marcia: That's a lofty goal, and you came close! You're becoming an impressive archer, Rolf! Rolf: But I can't afford to miss a single shot in battle. The man who taught me how to fire a bow told me that once... I can't be happy with just twenty-six hits. Marcia: You push yourself hard, Rolf. That's admirable. Rolf: Aren't you strict with yourself, Marcia? Marcia: Hm? What, me? Pfff! Of course! I'm stricter than a poached egg on toast! "Be firm with yourself and others!" That's what the first officer in my old unit told me. But you're still... Rolf: A child? I'm not a child. Those days ended the instant I took my first life. Marcia: ...I suppose you're right. You've had to grow up fast traveling with a group of hardened sellswords like this. Rolf: Do you worry about me because I'm young? Marcia: Well... sure. Who wouldn't? Rolf: Well, stop it. I can take care of myself. I've grown strong. Marcia: True enough. Sorry if I underestimated you. -A Support- Marcia: You landed every one of your shots! Rolf: Hitting the target isn't good enough. My instructor once told me that I should be able to strike the gaps between armor plates. Marcia: That's nearly impossible... but maybe you'll be that good one day. Hold on... Rolf, let me see your hands. Rolf: My hands? Marcia: Oh, barnacles! Your hands are covered with blisters! And you're bleeding! Why are you still practicing like this? What's wrong with you!? Rolf: It hurt at first, but my hands went numb after a while--so I just kept plucking arrows out of my quiver. Marcia: Holy crow, Rolf... You're tough, I'll give you that. Hold still. I know I have a vulnerary around here... There, found it. This may sting a little. Rolf: Thank-YOOOOWWWCCHHH!!! Hey, that hurt! Marcia: That's nothing for a deadly mercenary like you. Right, Rolf? Rolf: A deadly mercenary? You really think so? Marcia: Yes, and it's not just your bowmanship. You're quite tenacious. You're so focused on hitting your targets that you don't even feel pain. Few people are that determined. Rolf: Does that mean I'll be able to make a difference? Will I be able to protect them when they're in danger? Marcia: I'll tell you one thing... the enemy better stay out of bowshot, or you'll turn him into a porcupine! Rolf: Thanks, Marcia. I promise to protect you, too. Marcia: Rolf... I'll look out for you, too. Why... Aw, nuts. ...Did you have to grow up so fast? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rolf/Tauroneo (RT055) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Tauroneo: ...Josh? Rolf: Huh? Tauroneo: No... you can’t be. Sorry, I thought you were someone else. What’s your name, young man? Rolf: Rolf. Tauroneo: Rolf, eh? What’s a child like you doing in a place like this? The battlefield is no place for children. Why do your parents allow this? Rolf: I... don’t have any parents. My dad left us... and my mom died. Tauroneo: Oh, no... I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to drag up such a painful memory. Rolf: That’s all right. This group of mercenaries is my family now. So... I look like someone you know? Tauroneo: My... son. Josh. My oldest. Josh is an adult now. But he looked so much like you, once. Long ago... I can’t believe I thought you were my own son. I’ve grown old and senile. Ha! Foolish old man... Rolf: Where’s Josh now? Tauroneo: I don’t know. Rolf: What? Tauroneo: I divorced my wife, and she took the children with her. I haven’t seen them since. That was years ago. -B Support- Tauroneo: For generations, we made a reputation for ourselves in Daein as a famed warrior family. Both my father and I had the honor of serving the royal family as field generals. We were a proud family... Rolf: What happened with Josh? Tauroneo: I raised him to serve the Daein army, as my father raised me. He tried to live up to my high expectations. He became a decorated knight at a young age and was assigned to the palace guard. However... Rolf: What happened? Tauroneo: He took to the field as Ashnard’s personal aide. And he came home on a litter, grievously wounded. He escaped death, but he didn’t escape his wounds. He’ll never walk again. Rolf: Oh, no... Tauroneo: My wife nearly lost her mind. She cried day and night, swearing that she couldn’t live if something like that were to ever happen again. She wanted to live in peace... with her mind at ease. She pleaded with me to leave the army. But I couldn’t accept her plea. Our family house was built on generations of proud military command. Our ancient name as a warrior family would not allow me to simply abandon my sworn duty. I tried to salvage our honor by training my younger son. He was just a boy, really. I wanted him to become a Daein general. Rolf: You did what?! Tauroneo: I know... I was a fool. I was blinded by tradition and family reputation. By the time I realized my error, my wife and children had left me. Since then... I’ve been living alone in my great mansion, surrounded by countless medals and memories... Alone... for years... -A Support- Tauroneo: Ah, I was wrong... I wish I could apologize to my family. Rolf: Do you have any idea where your family is? Any clues? Anything? Tauroneo: ...I’ve heard my wife left Daein and went to live with relatives in Crimea. I suppose she is still there. Rolf: Then why don’t you go see her! Tauroneo: I’m sure they don’t want to have anything to do with me. Even if I did find them, reappearing now would just reopen old wounds. I don’t want to cause any more pain. Rolf: That’s just crazy! I mean... I wish I could see my dad! Tauroneo: ... Rolf: I’ve always told my brothers that I’m all right and I’m not lonely. But the truth is I want to see my dad. We’ve got so much to talk about. Tauroneo: Oh, son... Rolf: My dad is dead. I can’t see him again. But your boy can. You’re still alive. Tauroneo: You’re... right. But it is simply too late. Rolf: It’s NOT too late! As long as you’re still alive, it’s never too late. Go on! Go see them! I’m sure they’re waiting for you. Tauroneo: Maybe you’re right, Rolf. Maybe I should... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Lethe* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lethe/Ike (LI056) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Ike: Hiyaaaa! Haaaaaa! Hm? Who's there? Lethe: Training hard? Ike: Lethe. Were you watching me? Lethe: Yep. I'm curious... Our future success will depend in large part on how well you humans fight. We laguz can't afford to lag behind. Ike: You always need the upper hand, eh, Lethe? Lethe: Relax. It's not like I'm going to claw you in the back during a battle. There's no point in it. Besides, you humans are the only ones who use dirty tricks like that. Ike: Oh, I see. So every laguz fights fair and square? Lethe: Most of us. Not all. Although we know when a laguz is about to use a cheap trick. We can smell it. I can sniff out a trap from a mile away. Even in the dark. You can hide from my eyes, but not my nose. Ike: Lethe? Will you teach me how to fight like a laguz? Lethe: Sure, I'll take you on. But it's going to hurt! When I fight, it's with my claws out. Ike: Good. I look forward to it. -B Support- Lethe: Hey. Ike: Lethe. What's up? Lethe: You fought pretty well the other day. Better than I expected. Ike: What? Me? Lethe: You see anyone else? Ike: No, but... I didn't expect that from you. You laguz have such awesome natural power, I figure beorc look weak in comparison. Lethe: Totally different styles of fighting. You don't have the reactions or control that we do, but you're actually kind of graceful. It must be tough to use a weapon that's not actually connected to your body. No wonder you train so much. Ike: Without teeth or claws, we need our weapons to move like they're a part of us. So, yeah, that takes a lot of work. Lethe: Mmm... I see. I may have to train some more. Which reminds me... Do you remember our bargain? Ike: Of course! Will you do it? Lethe: I should ask you. Laguz training is hard. You're going to hurt. And bleed. Are you ready? Ike: Let's do it! -A Support- Lethe: Hello, Ike. Ike: Hey, Lethe! You ready to punish me some more? Lethe: You're taking to my training with remarkable skill. I need to keep up. Ike: You think so? Wow. A compliment from Lethe... Now that's a big deal! Lethe: What's that supposed to mean? You're not still holding a grudge about our first meeting, are you? Ike: No, nothing like that. It's just... Your powerful, you know? If you compliment me, that means something. Lethe: Bah! You give me too much credit. ...Um... Say, Ike? Ike: What? Lethe: When this war is over, you should... Why don't you come to Gallia? I mean, not like I care, but-- Ike: Gallia? Lethe: Right! Well, you could learn even more if you trained in Gallia. It's hard living for a beorc. But if you can handle it, you could take the swordsmanship that runs in your blood to another level. Ike: Only if you're my sparring partner! Lethe: Meh... Well, if that's what you want... I guess I'd be all right with that. Ike: Then life in Gallia may not be so bad. Lethe: Oh? Well, good. It's settled then. Come see us whenever you're ready. I might even... look forward to it. Ike: You have my word. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lethe/Jill (LJ057) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Jill: Um... Lethe: Can I help you? Jill: I, I have a q-question. Is that all right? Lethe: It depends on what you're going to ask. Jill: Why don't half-bree... No, that's not right... Why don't the laguz use weapons? Lethe: ...We laguz are born ready to fight. Weapons are something that you powerless beorc created to counter our claws. We have no use for them. Jill: I, I see... Lethe: Is that all you wanted to ask? Jill: Um... no. There's more. Why do you detest us... humans so much? Lethe: That's a good question. But I would hear you answer first. Why do you beorc hate the laguz? Jill: It's because the half-bree... The laguz are our enemy. Lethe: Enemy...? If that's the case, we hate you, too. As we hate all our enemies. We're done here. Jill: Wait... -B Support- Jill: Le... Lethe? Lethe: Oh, look what the cat dragged in... It's you again. Jill: Jill... My name is... Jill. Lethe: Fine. Jill. What brings you here today? More stupid questions? Jill: I've been thinking about things, and I haven't been able to figure out... See, in Daein we were taught that you attack humans indiscriminately and without mercy. That you are just savage animals. Lethe: Laguz attacking humans? Grrrrawl! What garbage! We dislike even the company of humans and want nothing to do with them. Even mauling you would be... unpleasant. Jill: But in Daein, everyone believes that to be the truth! That's why... That's why I never questioned it. But when I saw you fight beside Ike and other humans on the South Sea, I knew that something was wrong. You were so different from what I imagined! Ever since I was young, they filled my head with tales of your terrible claws and teeth... But you stand on two legs. And you talk... You even make jokes! ...Sometimes... You're much closer to us than a beast! Lethe: So glad to hear it. Jill: I wonder why humans and sub-humans started fighting in the first place? Maybe we're just destined for war. Lethe: Well, I don't know much about that. It's not for me to say if the goddess made us a certain way or if we're just two races that don't like each other very much. But I know that Gallia, Phoenicis, and Kilvas all have a reason to hate humans. Jill: W-what reason? Lethe: ...Are you serious? I take it humans aren't interested in passing history down to their children... ...Typical. All right... Centuries ago, when Begnion was still a monarchy, the only countries were Begnion and Goldoa. Goldoa was as it is today: a reclusive nation inhabited only by dragon tribes. All the other laguz lived in Begnion with the humans. Jill: Humans and sub-humans used to live together in Begnion?! I had no idea... Lethe: A human was named as the first king, although the laguz's superior strength led us to rule more often than not. Despite the harmony that most felt about this arrangement, the senators wanted nothing to do with it. In the name of the "apostle," they claimed that only a human could be the true ruler of Begnion... and started a civil war. Like blind, mewling kittens, the laguz kings underestimated the situation... We never had a chance. Caught by surprise, my brothers suffered defeat after defeat in the face of superior human weapons and magic. ...That was the start of long, dark days... The start of laguz slavery. Jill: ... Lethe: After nearly 200 years, a small number of enslaved laguz managed to escape their human captors in Begnion. The beast tribe fled to the mountains and unexplored forest areas--places where humans were loathe to tread. The bird tribes, on the other hand, escaped to the distant southern islands. This is how our laguz kingdoms began. It took another eighty years, and the blood of many brother laguz, until we were formally recognized as nations. This is why we fight. Why we hate. Humans don't want former slaves to have countries and be treated as equals. Laguz carry the shame of the past deep in their hearts, and struggle still for the freedom that you take for granted. This is the true history of Tellius... No wonder humans would bury it. Jill: I don't know wh-- Lethe: What to say? Idiot! Think! Think about what I have said. Think about what you have seen with your eyes and heard with your ears. If you don't even have the guts to do that, never show yourself in my presence again! Jill: Um... all right... -A Support- Lethe: ... Jill: Oh, Lethe! I thought about what you said, and I deci-- Lethe: I hear the dragon knight we fought in Talrega was your father. Why? Why did you stay with us? Choosing a band of mercenaries over your own father? Jill: ...Fate works in strange ways. Had I not known about Commander Ike and the mercenaries... Had I not known about you laguz... I'm sure I would be with Daein even now. Taking pride in my work as a Daein soldier and offering my life for Ashnard. I wouldn't have hesitated to smite you all. But now I have learned the truth... Lethe: ...And? Jill: This isn't like the time I chased your ship from Port Toha, hoping to win fame and approval from my father. When I joined you, I acted on my own accord. For the first time. I chose what I thought was a righteous path. Even if my decision forced me to face my own father... It's too late to change things now. That's why... I'm here. Lethe: Will you... shake my hand, Jill? Jill: Wha...? Lethe: I have heard of a huma... a beorc custom where the shaking and holding of hands shows friendship. ...I... understand you, now. I empathize with your choice and admire the strength it took to make it. Jill: Lethe... Uh... Yes. Of course. Please, let us shake. Lethe: If we listen to each other and are willing to compromise... I know the beorc and laguz can come to live with each other. I'm sure of it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lethe/Muarim (LM058) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lethe/Ranulf (LR059) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Ranulf: Hey there, Lethe. Lethe: Ah, Ranulf. Glad you could finally join us. Ranulf: Yes, the tide has finally turned. How are you holding up, Lethe? You and Mordecai have shouldered all of the burden until now. I'm glad I can finally take some of the responsibility. Lethe: Apologies are meaningless unless they are backed up with deeds. Ranulf: Ha! I see you're as friendly as ever. By the way, have you finally warmed up to this band of mercenaries? Lethe: ...In my own way. But there is still some occasional friction. I know they are beasts of habit, but must they always wear so much armor? They overwhelm our noses with the stink of iron and make it difficult to sniff out the enemy. Ranulf: Well, there's nothing you can do about that. You could go to Ike and ask them to fight in the buff, but you won't have much luck. Lethe: And their eyes are so useless! I'm amazed the species has lived this long. Being blind in the dark is lethal. Ranulf: There's nothing they can do about that, Lethe. Lethe: I suppose not. Still, they've done better than I expected. Ranulf: I'm glad to hear they haven't completely let you down. You had quite the tragic look on your face when you first learned you'd have to travel with Ike and his merry band! Lethe: Pah! Can you blame me? -B Support- Lethe: Ranulf, are my soldiers back in Gallia training hard in my absence? Ranulf: Of course they are! They're Gallian fighters! You can trust the defense of the country to them. Lethe: I'm not nearly so confident. They train hard, but they also lack discipline. They are often at each other's throats. Ranulf: Well, they're just... passionate. Don't worry. It'll work out in time. Lethe: How can you be so sure? Ranulf: Oh, relax. You shouldn't be so uptight all the time. Why don't you relax once in a while? Lethe: Relaxing on the battlefield will get you killed. So... is Lyre in your unit now? Ranulf: Yes, she is. She and her friend Kysha are giving me quite a hard time. Lethe: Kysha is big and strong. You'll have your hands full if they decide to give you trouble. Regardless, I'd still like you to show them the ropes. Ranulf: So you haven't seen Lyre in a long time? Lethe: ... Ranulf: I see you'd rather not discuss it. Fine. But you should still try to settle your differences. She's your only sister. Lethe: Mind your business. Ranulf: Fine, fine. Have it your way. Lethe: My sister aside, I am a little worried about the unit back home. While you and I are here, the country is poorly defended. Ranulf: You may have a point. Maybe I'll mention it to my superior officer. -A Support- Ranulf: Hey, Lethe, about what we discussed the other day? Plans are in the works to bring some unit commanders back to Gallia. It's not a done deal, but... I may be able to put in a word if you want to be transferred back to Gallia. Lethe: Back to... No. I will stay here. Ranulf: Stay here? Are you sure? Lethe: ...Er... I wouldn't want something gruesome to happen to the humans as soon as I left. I think I'll stay behind. Ranulf: Heh... Lethe: What?! What's with that smirk?! You have something to say?! Ranulf: Oh, nothing. It's just that... when you used to say "human," you'd curl your lip in disgust. Lethe: Well, they are disgusting! I can't stand them... Ranulf: Hah! You always thrash your tail when you lie! It's a dead giveaway. Don't worry. I understand why you want to stay. Lethe: ...I have to get back to my training. I have to chew some straw out of a target dummy. Ranulf: Whew! Must have hit a nerve. Lethe: ...Ranulf? Ranulf: Yeeeees? Lethe: I admit it. My feelings have changed. Ranulf: They have, huh? Lethe: I once thought your opinion about humans was weak and disgraceful... But now I see your viewpoint. They are strong allies. They fight by our side. That's why I'll stay with Ike. Ranulf: I see... Well then, we'll be here to party with Ike and his ragtag mercenary crew when they win this war! Lethe: We can't let our guard down yet. But... you're right. I hope to celebrate with them one day. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Mordecai* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mordecai/Ilyana (MI060) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Ilyana: Ah... Mordecai: You look sickly. Ilyana: I... I... know you... Mordecai: I am Mordecai. You are Ilyana. We have not met. Ilyana: You're right... I keep to myself, mostly... Even though we're on the same side, I'm often forgotten. Ahhh... Whoa... Mordecai: Mmm? What is wrong? Ilyana: I'm... I'm sorry. I got a little dizzy, there. Don't worry about it. It happens all the time. Mordecai: Hmmm... You are skinny. Even for a beorc. Can you fight? Ilyana: I can... Somehow. Mordecai: But you are as thin as a paper. Won't the enemy tear you to shreds? Ilyana: There's nothing I can do about my size. When that happens... I'm ready... Mordecai: Grrr... I don't like the sound of that. Stay close to my side. I will keep your skinny beorc body safe. Ilyana: R-really? Thank you, Mordecai. -B Support- Mordecai: Urrrrggh! Ilyana: Hello, Mordecai. Wow, are you carrying all those crates by yourself? That's incredible! Mordecai: Grrrrr! Count on me for a strong back and a pair of paws. Uuuuuurrrrrrffffff! These are the last ones. Ilyana: How can you carry all those at once? I could never do that. Mordecai: Eat big meals and get meat on your bones. Then you can lift crates like me. Ilyana: I would love to eat big meals... But I can't. Because... well... I have no money... That's why I faint all the time. Mordecai: Mmm? You go hungry because you don't have money for food? That shames us all. It will end now. Take my gold... Go! Feast! Eat as much as you want. Become fat and happy, little beorc. Ilyana: Really? Are you... sure? Mordecai: Yes. Ilyana: Anything? Anything at all? Mordecai: I would not lie to a hungry beorc. Ilyana: Thank you, Mordecai... I don't know what to say... You're like an angel. Mordecai: Me? No... stop. You embarrass me. -A Support- Ilyana: Thank you for your generosity the other day, Mordecai... Nobody has ever done anything like that for me... Mordecai: Do not thank me. We are friends. But you ate like a starved bear! A dozen of me could not eat that much mutton stew! Ilyana: The food was delicious. I could have eaten more! Mordecai: I would feed you again, but you ate through all my beorc money. Where do you put all that food? Ilyana: Well... in my stomach... Mordecai: You are like the furry little squirrels that live with us in the woods. Always stuffing food in their mouths. Half beorc, half squirrel. That's you. Ilyana: Haha! Maybe you're right! Squirrels, huh? That's cute. Mordecai: So... when do you hibernate? Ilyana: Hibernate? I don't hibernate! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mordecai/Mist (MM061) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Mist: Oh, no! Come back here, you! Hm. Where did that thing go? I could have sworn it fell around here somewhere... Mordecai: Looking for this? Mist: Wow! M-Mordecai... You scared me. Mordecai: I am sorry to frighten you. I found this. Is it something you lost? Mist: Oh, I... Yes, that's... Some of my clothes were drying on the line, and a breeze carried one of my scarves away... Thank you, Mordecai. Mordecai: You are welcome. Mist: Uh... Mordecai? Mordecai: Yes? Mist: Oh, uh... Well... I'm sorry; it's nothing. Mordecai: If you say so. I will take my leave of you now. Mist: Ahhh... What's wrong with me? I can't believe I couldn't do it. Why can't I be more like Ike? He's so casual, so calm all the time. I can't keep panicking like that. -B Support- Mist: Hello, Mordecai! Mordecai: You are quite an energetic girl, are you not? Mist: Yep! I'm in a good mood today. Mordecai: I am glad to hear it. Mist: Well, I like to think I have a cheery disposition. I don't like to be a Complainy Janey, you know? Ha ha... Um... And I like cooking, too. Oh, but I'm not so good at sewing, but my mother was. Mordecai: Is that so. Mist: And... And... Um... I forgot what else I was going to say. Um, er... Uh... Mordecai: Mist. You must breathe. Mist: ...HAAAAAA! Whew! Sorry! I'm better now... Mordecai: You are nervous. You have not spoken to many laguz before. I can tell. But in your heart, you are trying to be my friend. That much is clear to me. Most clear. Mist: ... Mordecai: Do not be nervous. In time, we will grow to be friends. To speak true, Mordecai feels as nervous as you do. Mist: Oh, Mordecai... Yes... Thank you. I feel a lot better now, kind of. You're right. I shouldn't try so hard, should I? Mordecai: Graow. -A Support- Mist: Oh, Mordecai. Is something wrong? Mordecai: Have you seen your brother, Mist? Mist: Oh, he's with Titania and others. But I think he'll be here soon. Mordecai: Ah. Do you... and your brother get along well? Mist: I think so... I mean, just about as well as any brother and sister do, you know? Mordecai: Ike is a good beorc. He was kind to me, even though we had just met. He is a beorc, but I feel for him as though he is a brother laguz. Mist: Ha ha ha. Yeah, he always has been a little weird, hasn't he? Mordecai: Is that so? It does not matter. I am fond of Ike. Mist... I do not want you to laugh, but I would like to tell you something. Mist: What's that? Mordecai: When I returned your scarf, my hand was shaking with fear. Mist: You? Were scared? Mordecai: Yes. I was afraid that I made you afraid. I was afraid that you would run. I... was afraid. Mist: Wow... I didn't know that. Tee hee. It IS kind of funny. You and I have a lot in common, don't you think? Mordecai: Yes. We share much between us. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mordecai/Stefan (MM062) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Mordecai: Stefan! There you are. Stefan: Yeah... Mordecai: Do you still want to hear about Gallia? There are many things I can tell you. Stefan: I was wondering... Do you like Gallia, Mordecai? Mordecai: I do. Gallia is a good country. Strong. Plentiful. Very good for me and for my friends. Stefan: It is, huh? Mordecai: And do you like Begnion? Stefan: I detest it. Mordecai: Detest? I do not know this word. Stefan: Then you're lucky. Sometimes, being ignorant can be a blessing. Mordecai: Ignorant? ...I have a difficult time with beorc words. They are strange to me. -B Support- Mordecai: Stefan! Stefan: What is it, Mordecai? You seem upset. Mordecai: Detest means hatred. Ignorant means dumb. Why do you hate your country? Why do you insult me? Stefan: You've been studying? Impressive. Listen, I didn't mean to say you were dumb. I just meant that sometimes, it's better not to know some things... Like what it means to hate... Mordecai: Stefan, you do not answer my questions. Stefan: Since you've been studying so much, I've got another thing for you to look up. I'm one of the Branded. Perhaps that will explain why I detest my country and why ignorant laguz detest me. Mordecai: Laguz... hate you? Because you are... branded? Stefan, your words confuse me. -A Support- Mordecai: Stefan... Stefan: Have you found your answer? Mordecai: You are one of the Branded. You are the child of beorc and laguz. Stefan: I believe so, at least. My proof is this mark upon my forehead. Mordecai: ... Stefan: You don't need to talk to me if you're afraid. Now that you know what I am, I make you uncomfortable, don't I? Mordecai: I am unsure. A legend in Gallia speaks of the parentless. They are bad omens. When a parentless one comes into being, a century of destruction follows... Stefan: Yes, that's it. The laguz do call us that. "Parentless," as if to deny our heritage. As if to deny that we are their kin. That's how the laguz treat us--as if we should never have been born. The beorc may tremble when they see the brands we bear, but at least they do not deny that we share blood. That is why so many of the Branded hate the laguz--because they have rejected our very existence. Mordecai: But how? How is it that you came to be? Laguz and beorc are different. They cannot bear children. This is how Ashera has made our world... It is her law. Stefan: I don't know. The laguz tribes cannot interbreed, I know that much. However, it seems possible, though rare, for a child to be born to beorc and laguz parents. But once the bloodlines have mingled, the trace of it can remain hidden for countless generations. Have I violated the goddess's laws? Have my parents? No. Whatever happened was done by some forgotten ancestor. My parents are beorc, as were their parents before them. I do not know who is responsible for what I am. But now, after many generations, their sin has appeared in me. I bear no guilt, but the badge of impurity is mine to wear. Mordecai: ... Stefan: My laguz blood gives me great power. I thought about using my power to gain revenge against the people who scorned me, but I decided against it. I have found friends, people who live outside the normal worlds of the beorc and the laguz. People who bear the brand. Mordecai: What did you want from me, Stefan? Why did you ask about Gallia? Stefan: I was curious about Gallia's beast tribes. They looked different than those that live in Begnion. There are those among the Branded who think that a country willing to join hands with beorc... Might find a place for us as well. We thought we might at least find acceptance in Gallia and Crimea... Of course, it didn't work out that way... Mordecai: Stefan... Stefan: Well, I guess that's the end of our little "friendship" now, isn't it? I intend to stick around until this war is over, but I won't bother you anymore. I know how you laguz are about us. Mordecai: No! I will not pretend that you are not among us. I will not pretend that I do not see what is in front of me! Stefan: What will you do, Mordecai? Am I so wretched to you that you feel you must take direct action against me? You laguz are closer to nature than the beorc. Are you going to enforce the goddess's law? Is that it? Mordecai: I have not met the goddess. But if her laws make you unwanted, then I will have nothing to do with her. You have taught me much, and I would not like to lose your friendship. Stefan: Hm. You'd want nothing to do with the goddess? Funny, but for the first time in my life, I'm grateful to her. Mordecai: Why? Stefan: If someone like you can be so sincere a friend, then perhaps she's not to blame. Perhaps her laws aren't what we think. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mordecai/Ulki (MU063) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Mordecai: I have a question, Ulki. Ulki: Yes? What is it? Mordecai: The bird tribes fly the sky. How does it feel to fly? Ulki: Huh... I never think about it. It's just something that I do. Mordecai: Hrrrrmm... I see. It is for you like running is for me. I have never flown. I wanted to know if it was different. Ulki: That's what I figured... Mordecai: What kind of place is your home? Do you have to fly there? Ulki: Well... Even if you were to arrive by ship, Phoenicis has no ports and no docks. We have no need for them. Without our help, it would be hard for you to visit Phoenicis. Mordecai: I see... That is a shame. Ulki: Do you want to come to Phoenicis? Mordecai: I do indeed! I have met many beorc and laguz throughout this war. Our world is big, and I would see more of it. Ulki: You would, huh? -B Support- Ulki: Mordecai... Mordecai: Is something troubling you, Ulki? Ulki: I want to ask you something. Mordecai: Hm? What is it? Ulki: I understand you beast tribes can see well even at night. With the exception of Janaff, my kind cannot see at all at night. Even with my eyes wide open, all I can see is the darkness. Mordecai: In perfect darkness, I cannot see. If there is but a little light, however, I can see as clearly as in the day. I use the moonlight, as should you. Ulki: I wish I could, but that is exactly what I mean. Your kind can see by moonlight, but the bird clans... Mordecai: They cannot? Ulki: I long to soar in the sky, looking down upon the moonlit world... I would love to see the forest at night. What do the trees look like as night falls? Why are there dewdrops on the leaves in the morning even when there's no rain? The forest at night has so many mysteries. What light can you shed on them? Mordecai: During the day, the forest teems with life. It is very different from the night forest. But the night forest is also alive in its way. Ulki: Is that so? I would love to see that, even once. -A Support- Mordecai: I have an idea, Ulki. Ulki: What is it? Mordecai: Janaff is your king's eyes. I will be yours. Carry me on your back. You will help me fly, and I will show you the night forest. Ulki: ...No, you'd be too heavy. I can't carry you. Mordecai: Hrrrm... I see. I am sorry to trouble you. I can see at night, and you can fly in the sky. I thought it was a good idea... Ulki: ... Mordecai: It was a foolish thought. Ulki: No, it was very kind. Well, what if... Yes, suppose I grow stronger, and you, well, lost some weight... Then we could give your idea a try. Mordecai: I will! Then, you can take me to Phoenicis, and I will see your home! I will do what you have asked! Except... I must lose some weight. I do not like that. I like to eat... No! It will be worth not eating! I will see Phoenicis! Ulki: ...Uh... It was just a thought. Let's not go overboard here... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mordecai/Ranulf (MR064) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Ranulf: Heya, Mordecai! What's up, ya' big cat?! Mordecai: Ranulf! It's been a while. Ranulf: Yes, it has. Thanks for all your work. I heard about how fiercely you've fought alongside these mercenaries. Mordecai: Is that so? I am glad to help. Ike is a good beorc... strong and loyal. He is worth fighting for. Ranulf: Did you get a chance to know some of the other mercenaries? Mordecai: Some. Grrr... I have a question, Ranulf. Do I speak well in this tongue? Ranulf: You're fine, Modecai. Sure, you have an accent, and you tend to growl a lot, but the beorc can understand. Mordecai: These words are hard to me. As a cat, I need no hard words. One roar is enough for all the forest to understand. Ranulf: That may be true, but the beorc can't begin to understand the nuance of our roars. We would only scare them. Mordecai: Yes. You are right. There are good beorcs here. Scaring them would be... bad. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Volke* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Volke/Bastian (VB065) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Volke: You there, in the bushes. You have until the count of five to show yourself before I start throwing sharp objects. One... two... four... Bastian: Oh, dear! Keep those daggers sheathed, dearest Volke! I can see why you've earned such a reputation. Volke: Oh. Hello, Bastian. Bastian: You weren't the fellow I was expecting to see. Indulge my curiosity for a moment... Who are you working for? Volke: Knowing you, I'm surprised you haven't already checked on what I had for breakfast. Bastian: So, it's true, then... You are working for Crimea under Commander Ike? Volke: I serve no nation. I work for Ike himself. Bastian: And why is that? Volke: Ten thousand. Bastian: Ten thousand? Volke: Pay me, and I'll answer that question. Bastian: Ta ha ha! You had no intention of answering my question, so you came up with some outrageous sum. Very well. Volke: I'm not a charity. Get lost if you can't afford my fee. Bastian: Hmmm... what has Ike got brewing in that brain of his that involves this scurrilous man of the shadows? Methinks I should look into this forthwith! -B Support- Volke: Back already? Bastian: A little bird landed on my shoulder and whispered some very juicy information in my ear. Most of it matches perfectly with what I've heard Ike tell the princess. Yes, the information I'm not sharing with you is most interesting indeed. Delectable, even. Volke: You never could resist a tasty morsel of gossip. Bastian: We all our habits have. In any case, my doubts about you and Commander Ike have been put to rest. Volke: How kind of you. Bastian: That's all I need say. I just thought I'd ease your concerns. Consider it a professional courtesy. Volke: Bastian? Bastian: Yeeeees? Volke: You're well suited to sulking behind the scenes and playing the puppeteer. Have you considered a change in employer? Bastian: My allegiance is with the Crimean royal family. I'm sure you understand. Volke: Suit yourself. -A Support- Volke: You still want something from me. Otherwise, you wouldn't be here. Bastian: When does your contract with Commander Ike expire? Volke: Heh. Why do you ask? Bastian: There is a very delicate matter I'd like you to attend to. It's something only you are suited to... address. Volke: I've known you for a long time now, and I've never seen such a desperate glimmer in your eye. Bastian: Twenty thousand. Volke: Eh? Bastian: I'll get you twenty thousand. But you'll have to attend to it right away. Volke: That sounds... tasty. Unfortunately, I have a policy against taking two jobs at once. It will have to wait until this one is over. Bastian: ... Volke: Don't fret, Bastian. My contract with Ike will only last as long as this war, and it's already coming to an end. It's not clear yet who will win, but it's certainly coming to a head. When my plate is clean, I'll find you. Bastian: This is absurd! You won't take the job? Volke: Oh, I'll take it. I never pass up a lucrative offer. Plus, I've come to think you're not so bad,Bastian. You've always paid in full and on time. I like that in an employer. Bastian: So I'm an excellent employer? Perhaps I should set you up with a pension! Ta ha ha! In any case, it appears that I will have to wait until the end of this miserable war to secure your services. But do not dawdle, Volke. It is a matter of utmost urgency. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Kieran* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kieran/Oscar (KO066) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Oscar: Hi, Kieran. How are you? Kieran: What the... Oscar! How I loathe that name! Don't give me such pleasant greetings! I care not for them! Oscar: What did I do now? Kieran: Oh ho! Don't tell me you've forgotten our second year of enlistment! The year we completed horsemanship? There was a final race at the end of the year... My beloved horse and I were flawless, but you beat us by the smallest of margins! Oscar: Huh? Oh, are you talking about that race you challenged me to? Yeah, that was fun... But I thought the distance between us was at least three lengths-- Kieran: Ha! LIAR! Deceitful, lying, squinty coward! That was the very moment I marked you as my archrival! Don't pretend not to care! Oscar: Uh... wow. I had no idea-- Kieran: But why!? I must know why you left the Crimean knighthood without a word of explanation! I devoted myself to training with my horse! I worked day and night so I could best my archrival... And thanks to my extreme devotion... I didn't realize you were gone until six months later! Delinquent! Reneger! Oscar: Wait a sec... Kieran. How is that my fault? -B Support- Kieran: Oscar!! Oscar: Hi, Kieran. Still hanging in there, huh? Kieran: I can't take it anymore! Come back! Rejoin the proud brotherhood of the Crimean knights! Oscar: This is sudden-- Kieran: As a former Crimean knight, surely you have some sense of loyalty! What say you!? Rejoin! For king and country! The homeland is in danger! Any who used to be Crimean knights should come rushing to her aid! Oscar: You have a point. And I'm glad I'm able to help rebuild the homeland, even if it's as a mercenary. Kieran: I'm not here to make you glad! I'm here to convince you to be a knight again! You're not fulfilling your allegiance to sweet Crimea by being a mercenary! How can you sleep at night? Oscar: I love Crimea, but I'm happy here. I want to serve Ike as a member of the Greil Mercenaries. Forever. Kieran: Darn! Why!? What draws you guys to such a life...? What could make the mercenary life so appealing that you would sell your loyalty to our glorious homeland, Crimea? A-ha! Could it be the nice fat salary!? That's it! I remember you saying you needed money! Ho! Loose lips sink ships! Oscar: If I wanted money, I would have stayed with the Crimean knights. I only get about half of that now. Kieran: What in the--!? Bah! Wake up, man! Can't you see you're being duped!? Honor! Fortune! Glory! It can be yours! Oscar: I doubt it. Kieran: Bah, I say! You're hopeless! Oscar: Who's hopeless...? -A Support- Kieran: Oscar!! Oscar: Hello, Kieran. Are you going to ask me to return to the Crimean knights again? Kieran: You guessed it! I'm a Crimean knight... and I'm very proud of that fact! No better friend! No worse enemy! A knight distinguishes himself in battle, returning in triumph to hear adulation from the people and praise from his lord! When you make your name as a knight, everyone knows you! The world is laid at your feet! And above all else, you can defend our beloved Crimea and her people with your own two hands!! Oscar: That certainly sounds nice. Kieran: It's better than the life of a mercenary, cavorting with outlaws and entering battles from which you never return! Why, Oscar? Why!? I just don't get it! Oscar: ... Kieran: You're my archrival! That's an honor! I know your true skills better than anyone. If you say you will come back, I'll do everything I can to recommend your honorable return to the knights! Oscar: Heh. Thanks, Kieran. But I'm not returning. After joining the mercenaries, I had a chance to see the world. I saw grief with my own eyes. People subjugated by the powerful, losing everything and dying alone... Countries can't save people like that. It's up to men like us--men who are in the thick of the action--to aid those who cannot aid themselves. Besides, I have no use for honor. As long as I can defend the family called the Greil Mercenaries, I'm happy. Kieran: Bla... Blast! You've outdone me again! How can this be? I don't know why or how, but... I feel you beat me yet again! Oscar: You didn't lose. There are many things that a brave knight like yourself can do that we mercenaries cannot. So let's both do our best. We may stand on different sides of the field, but we aspire to the same ideal. Kieran: I see... Then I will ask you no more!! Watch me! When Crimea is fully restored, my distinguished services will resonate throughout the ages! You'll hear about it wherever you are! I'll make sure of it! Oscar: ...Yes, I'm sure you will. And when I hear your brave tales, I'll toast your success! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kieran/Rhys (KR067) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Kieran: Hey, Rhys! Nice day, isn't it. Rhys: Oh, hello Kier... Yaaaa! What happened to you!? Kieran: Huh? What is it? Rhys: Th-there's blood gushing down the side of your head! Kieran: Hm? Why, so there is... Isn't that odd? Rhys: Odd? Please, hold still! Just stay there! Let me get my heal staff and-- Kieran: Heal staff? Bah! I'm fine! A scratch like this will heal itself! You should have seen the time I fought the Giant Scorpions of-- Rhys: Oh, my goodness! Are you kidding!? Please! Hold still... ...Phew! That should do it. But... how did you hurt yourself? Kieran: Oh, I was just training over there... Must have gotten a little crazy! Hiyaaaaaa! Whaaaaaaa! Rhys: Who were you sparring with? And why did they hit you hard enough to draw blood? Kieran: Sparring? Ha! No one spars with Kieran! I'm too much man for them! No, I was just swinging my axe around. Rhys: H-how do you cut yourself swinging-- Kieran: Rhys? I'm a Crimean knight! We fear neither blood, nor pain, nor terribly sharp implements being inserted into our... Rhys: Ooooooohhh... Kieran: ...Eh? What's wrong, Rhys? Rhys: I... I'm sorry. I just got a little lightheaded there... Do you always put yourself through such harsh training? Kieran: Of course! I'm a Crimean knight! I never cut corners in my training! Why, even if the enemy were to lance me with a thousand barbed and poisoned needles, I would never stop! Rhys: Well, that's an... admirable attitude... But I'm still concerned... Oh, dear me. -B Support- Rhys: Ah, Kieran. There you are. Kieran: Oh, hello, Rhys! What brings you here? Rhys: May I watch you train? I figured someone with a heal staff should be around, just in case an accident happens. Kieran: Ha ha ha! Aren't you a worrywart! But being watched is good! Now I can take my training to the next level! All right! Watch this! Rhys: Oh, er... I'm just here to see that you don't get hurt... Oh, do be careful... No! Don't juggle the lance, too! Kieran: Behold the awesome power of Crimean Royal Knight Fifth Platoon Captain Kieran! Now I call this little trick-- Nnngg...! Gaaaaa! Whaaaaaaaa! ...Ah, nuts. Rhys: Oh, dear heavens! Oh, this is terrible. Stay right there! Let me take care of you... Kieran: Ho, I'm fine! Don't worry about old Kieran! I just need to pull this axe out of my head here... Whooo, that's sharp! -A Support- Rhys: Are you... training again, Kieran? Kieran: Oh, Rhys! Say, thanks for helping me out the other day! Who knew that head wounds bled so much? Of course, this one time a sellsword tried to jam hot coals inside my-- Rhys: Please, Kieran! Stop! You have to think about your own safety! Kieran: Safety? Ha ha ha! I'm not a coward! Crimean knights fear nothing! Never! Why, not even the threat of merciless-- Rhys: I know! I know, but... If something happens to you, it will ruin your reputation. Kieran: My reputation? Rhys: Your gravestone is going to say: "Here lies Kieran the knight! He suffered a massive hemorrhage in training and died cold and alone." Are you all right with that? Kieran: Hmm... Y-yes, that could be bad... Why, no one would ever remember the time that I fought the Mad Crocodile of Upper-- Rhys: Please! Promise me that you won't do any more dangerous training. Kieran: Wha--?! Oh, that's a hard pill to swallow! But if I die in training before hitting the battlefield, it would be a shame... Oh, what to do... Rhys: We'd be in trouble if we lose you, Kieran! Er... Oh! Yes! You see, we can't achieve victory without our greatest soldier--that would be you--in our army! Kieran: I see. Yes, you're right! You're absolutely right! Our army's finest warrior cannot afford to push it too far! Very well. I'm not sure how this will work, but I will take better care of myself! From now on... simple training! Rhys: Phew... Thanks for your understanding. I'll come check on you from time to time. Remember! Take it easy! Kieran: Sure, no problem! Hmmm... I guess I'll just... sit down here and... knit... something... Ooo, look! A bear! Rhys: No, Kieran! Noooooooo! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kieran/Marcia (KM068) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Kieran: Ho ho! I would love to have a chance to train with a pegasus knight. It could only increase my already mighty skills... Oh, here comes one now! Marcia! Marcia: Huh? Kieran: Ahem! Er... I would like to have the pleasure of... Oh, pardon me. I forgot to introduce myself. My name-- Marcia: I already know who you are. Crimean Royal Knight Fifth Platoon Captain Kieran. Did I get that right? Kieran: How do you know my name? Not to mention my post... Maybe it was the fame I won during our last battle? No, I was only semi-glorious... Marcia: Um... Kieran: Or perhaps I have injured you and yours with a past transgression? Are you here to revenge yourself on me?! Marcia: Noooo... Kieran: Oh ho! Then tales of my valor must have spread to other countries! Perhaps you know of the time I slew the Giant Spider of... Naah... That's pushing it. But it is possible... Let's see... It's also possible that... Marcia: Hey! Meathead! Kieran: Yaaaa! W-what?! Don't scare me like that! Marcia: We all know your name. You announce yourself every time we fight. "I am Crimean Royal Knight, Fifth Platoon Captain Kieran! See me and tremble!" Kieran: Hmm... Well, that explains it... Marcia: So. How can I help you? Kieran: Huh? Marcia: Didn't you want to ask me something? Kieran: Oh, that's right. Er... Hm? What did I want to ask you? Blast! Was it... No, that's not it... Marcia: Riiiight. Well, you come find me whenever you remember... Sheesh! I think this guy's helmet is on too tight... -B Support- Kieran: Marcia! Marcia: Oh, hiya, Kieran. How's your horse? Kieran: Oh, he's much better! And it's all thanks to you! When he took ill, I didn't know what to do, but... Your first aid saved the day! Marcia: Poor guy was exhausted from the constant marching. We've been fighting everywhere. I don't blame him for collapsing. Let him rest until he gets used to this new land. I'm sure he'll get better. Kieran: I had no such knowledge, for I had never fought beyond the borders of sweet Crimea. I thank you with all my heart! Marcia: Pfff! Please! It's no big deal. I've seen much worse. Kieran: Nevertheless, I, Crimean Royal Knight Fifth Platoon Captain Kieran, shall return the favor no matter-- Marcia: Hey! Big fella! I told you, thanks aren't necessary. I'm sure that we'll run into something that you can help me with... Er... at least, I guess that might happen... So you can just help me out when that situation arrives. ...If it arrives. Kieran: Say no more! I will do so with my life! Marcia: Please! Keep your life! Oh, that reminds me... Didn't you want to ask me something the other day? Kieran: Oh, that... Well, with my horse's illness and all, I've forgotten what it was... But, by my axe, I swear that I will-- Marcia: Keep your axe too! Good gravy, I can't deal with this guy! -A Support- Marcia: Kieran! Kieran: Oh, Marcia! Marcia: Your horse looks completely healed! I'm so glad. Kieran: Yes, thanks to you. Let me thank you again! I, Crimean Roy-- Marcia: Oh, jerky! Not again! Stop doing that! Sheesh... Say, what's with the bucket? Kieran: I was going to wash my horse. He hasn't been scrubbed down in a while, and he could use it. Besides, with all of my amazing adventures, my poor horse gets quite the workout. I try to treat him well. Marcia: Aw, that's sweet! Kieran: What is? Marcia: You love your horse! That's so nice! I figured you'd be too busy flexing or something to notice... Kieran: He is more than just a simple horse... He is my brother-in-arms! Some knights, some Crimean knights even, treat their horses like mere transportation... but I don't feel that way. And it's not just horses. Armor! Axes! Gauntlets! Boots! Er... this canteen! All fighting tools are my brothers-in-arms! Marcia: How admirable. Kieran: No, Marcia, it is not admirable. It is simply common sense. Marcia: Ha ha! I wasn't sure that you had common sense! You're always so forgetful and distracted when it comes to other things... Kieran: Huh! Well, I can't say that I can agree! In fact, once while I was fighting the Giant Whippoorwill of Southern Crimea-- Marcia: Good-bye, Kieran! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Brom* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Brom/Boyd (BB069) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Brom: Good morning! I'm Brom. I take it that you're with Greil Mercenaries? Boyd: Well, if it isn't the imprisoned papa! I'm Bord. And I'm one of the original Greil Mercenaries. Brom: Oh, that's sweet! You know, you fight pretty well for someone so young. Boyd: Young? Ha! You're one to talk! I mean, look at you, pops! We had to bust you out of a prison, and you're STILL a big fatty! How do you fight with a body like that? Doesn't all the jiggling slow you down? Brom: Aw, you're right...I know it could be trouble during a big battle. But this body has served me well! After all, you need a lot of girth to manage a mule and plow! Boyd: You're a farmer, pops? Brom: That's right! But I hate to think that my big belly would be a burden on you... Aw, now I feel terrible! Sniff... Sniff... Boyd: What--? Hey, don't cry, pops! Look, let's start working out together! I'll whip you into shape in no time! Brom: Really? Do you mean that? That would be great! Whip me into shape, Boyd! Oh, my wife will be so surprised! -B Support- Brom: Huff... huff... huff... Phew! Hey, Boyd... I'm sorry... for being... phew! Being such a drag. Boyd: You can't help being a slow walker. Don't worry! You're doing fine. Brom: You really think so? Aw, thanks, Boyd! You know, I may not be in the best shape, but I've got more tenacity than anyone. a farmer's work lasts all year 'round, after all. You've got to have patience. Boyd: All year, huh? Tell me, pops. Do you enjor working in the fields? Brom: You bet! Sure, I've got my share of worries, like bugs and animals and bad weather... But it's all worth it come harvest time! Boyd: Hmm... Brom: What's wrong? Boyd: Oh, I was just thinking... The farming life is the complete opposite of what we mercenaries do. I mean, a farmer gets to bring life to the world, and his work keeps everyone going. But mercenaries? We kill people, and we break things, and... Well, we bring death, not life. Brom: Aw, don't talk it down like that! You get to fight for what's right and protect people! Boyd: Hey, don't get me wrong. The Greil Mercenaries are my family, and I do my job becasue I like it. But.. you know that? Brom: What? Boyd: Break time's over! Up and at'em pops!! Back to the training! Brom: W-what? Wait, it's only been a... H-hold on! Aw, shucks! Phew... Huff... Puff... -A Support- Brom: whew! Aw, shucks! I give up! You got me! Phew! You're too much for me, Boyd. Boyd: You were close this time, pops. You've gotten a lot better. I think we can wrap up training soon. Brom: I've gotten better, huh? You really think so? Boyd: You're like a full-fledge soldier! There's not an enemy around that wouldn't be afraid of you! Brom: Oh, I'm so happy to hear that! I just didn't want to be a huge burden on everyone anymore. Boyd: Oh, stop it. Keep this up, and you could even be a royal guard after the war. Brom: No thank you! I'm done fighting. When this war is over, I'm going back to farming. Boyd: Listen, pops. Tell me the truth... How does we mercenaries seem to you? I mean, to farmers? Simple people. Brom: What? I don't get you, Boyd. Boyd: Well, the world is full of mercenaries, but most of them are just scoundrels who can't hold any other job, right? So when there's no war to fight, they wander then countryside without honest work. A lot of them end up stealing from villagers or just turn into common cutthroats. Brom: Boyd, you're not-- Boyd: Nah, we're not like them. I know that. But... you can't tell that just by looking at us. I hear it when I walk through towns. "Careful! The mercenaries are back." "They're scrounging for money." It kinda hurts, you know? I mean, I don't care what you say about me, but when you talk bad about my family... Brom: Well, Boyd. Here's what I think. Folks always judge, and they're usually wrong. That's just how they are, you know? You can't worry about it too much. But I like you. And I respect you, too. Shucks, everyone in this company has been just great! Anyway, that's what I think. Boyd: Thanks, pops. That's... good to hear. All right! Back to the training! Let's go the extra mile this time! Brom: Huh!? A-again? G-give me a second, Boyd! Phew! Huff...puff... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Brom/Nephenee (BN070) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Brom: Well, howdy, Nephenee! Isn't it a beautiful day? Nephenee: Mmm-hmm. It sure is! Brom: I bet your hometown is real busy now, what with harvest season approaching and all. Nephenee: Yeah, I bet. I'm sure my brothers and sisters are grumblin' at Ma for making them help in the fields. Brom: Ho ho! All kids ever want to do is play. I should know! Say, how many people are in your family, Nephenee? Nephenee: I have two younger sisters and three younger brothers. The boys are triplets. They just turned six years old. Brom: That's too much for your mom to handle all on her own! Nephenee: Yep, I'm sure Ma chews 'em out every day. What about you, Brom? Brom: My kids are a little older. I hope they're helping Mother like they're supposed to... Nephenee: Don't worry 'bout it, Brom. I'm sure they are. -B Support- Brom: Where are those barracks anyway? Nephenee: Hmm... I'm not sure. Brom: How do these guys know where to go without getting lost? Moving from one camp to the next every day, never resting, bad food... Oh, it's got me all worked up! Nephenee: It's a war. There ain't nothin' you can do. We just have to get used to it. Brom: I guess you're right. You and I were strangers to war before. Nephenee: I know. That's why I don't quite understand what passes for normal around here. Brom: I tell ya, it sure was tough when I first volunteered! For one thing, we militiamen are nothing but a bunch of farmers and villagers. We had courage and determination to spare, but we sure lacked talent! Nephenee: I know what ya mean, Brom! There weren't even enough gear for us! They gave me a bow and told me to share it with another gal. But neither of us knew how how to use it, anyhow. Brom: Yup! I hear you well! The war broke out so suddenly, the only decent training we got was how to stand for roll call! Every time we marched, people got lost or strayed or fled. We were losing soldiers before we even saw the enemy. That's why I don't feel bad about being taken prisoner... But this army is real good compared to my last one! Nephenee: Well, what did you expect? We're in a real army now. Horsefeathers! Where are those barracks? Brom: Oh, enough walking! My feet hurt! And my back is sore. Let's just ask someone. Nephenee: A-ask someone? Um... Fine. You do it! Brom: What? What's wrong? Nephenee: I... I'm not used to talkin' with city folk. Brom: What are you afraid of? Just talk like you always do. Nephenee: Oh no! I-I'm a country girl! They'll all set to laughin'... -A Support- Brom: Howdy, Nephenee. Nephenee: Well, hello there, Brom. Brom: I was just talking to one of those younger fellas. He said you don't talk much to other people. Nephenee: Th-that's because I'm a country girl and... I'm embarrassed. Brom: What are you embarrassed about? There's nothing wrong with country! Nephenee: You know I have a heavy accent! They'll make fun of me. I can't talk well like you, Brom. Brom: Oh, that's cow plop and you know it! Everyone in this army is so danged nice! They wouldn't ever laugh at you! Don't be so uptight. Just pretend you're back in your own village. Nephenee: ... Brom: You smile whenever we talk, right? Aw, you have a beautiful smile. It's a shame that you hide it. Come on, try smiling now. Nephenee: Um... all... All right. Brom: Come on now, smile... Smiiiiile... Nephenee: Aw, Brom! It's embarrassing. Like... like this? Brom: That's right! That's it! Yee haw! That's the smile I want to see. You're a good-looking girl, Nephenee! The young fellas in the company won't leave you alone if you keep doing that! Say, why don't you find a nice guy here and take him back to the village! Nephenee: S-stop Brom! I'm embarrassed! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Brom/Zihark (BZ071) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Brom: Hmm...? Hey, what are you doing? Zihark: Hi, Brom. I'm just fixing my shoulder guard. See? It's starting to rip right here. Brom: Oh, yeah. You don't want to go into battle like that! This one time, I had a... Hey! How do you know my name? Zihark: Hm? Oh, I'm just good at remembering names and faces. Natural talent, I suppose. Sorry if I got a little fresh with you! Let me introduce myself. I'm Zihark. How do you do, Brom? Brom: Howdy! Nice to meet you! Fixing a shoulder guard is tough work. What do you do when you're not at war? You work in leather? Zihark: Nope. Just a swordsman. Brom: Huh... I didn't know swordsmen could fix something like this. That's quite a skill! Zihark: I taught myself. Mercenaries don't make good money, you know. I can't afford to visit a tradesman... And... done! All right, that should hold. Brom: Wow... Isn't that something? I have to teach my youngest son how to do that! Zihark: How many children do you have, Brom? Brom: I've got five sons and three daughters. In fact... my oldest girl is just about your age. Zihark: I figured you would have lots of children. Brom: How did you figure that? Zihark: Just look at you, Brom. You're a big man with a big heart. The perfect daddy! Brom: Y-you think so? Oh, stop! You're embarrassing me! -B Support- Brom: Howdy, Zihark. I had a good time with you the other day. Zihark: Heya, Brom! You're quite the talker! You made me laugh the whole time. I haven't had such a fun meal in a long time. Brom: Aw, shucks! That makes me happy that I invited you out. Zihark: Oh, yeah. This is my share. Take it. Brom: Don't worry about it. I invited you, remember? It's on me. Zihark: I can't let you do that, big guy. You invited me on short notice, and I didn't have any cash on me. But today I'm ready, so let me pay for my half. Brom: Well, even if you want to, I don't even remember how much I paid. Zihark: The total came to four fifty. I'll give you two and a quarter, and we can call it even. Brom: Well, aren't you a fine young man! You've got a good memory, and you can do math! Zihark: That's just my nature. Most mercenaries are basically lazy and sloppy... I think I drive them crazy. Brom: Nah. That just makes you even more of a true man! I bet you're pretty popular with the young lasses, eh? Eh?! Zihark: Um... not... really. It would take an... eccentric girl to love a guy like me. Brom: I tell you, Zihark, sometimes I don't get this world. I mean, even a simpleton like me has a family! Zihark: Ha! I'm telling you, Brom, you're a good man. Trust me on this one. Brom: Oh, I have an idea! And it's a humdinger! You should marry my daughter! Zihark: Um... Er... I should what? Brom: I don't mean to sound like a proud poppa, but they're all great girls! And if I like you this much, I'm sure that my daughters will like you, too. Zihark: Heh... Hey, enough with the jokes, Brom... Brom: How about it? I think you'd be a great match for the oldest one! You're both the same age! Zihark: Oh, boy... -A Support- Brom: So, anyway... My oldest girl is well built! Actually, she's about my size. But don't worry! She can still work the fields like a man! I'm sure you'll love her! Zihark: Um... she sounds... lovely. Brom: Stop giving me such halfhearted answers and start listening! I'm talking about the girl who is going to be your future wife! Zihark: Brom, listen... I didn't tell you this the other day, but... I have no intentions of getting married now. Brom: What? Aw, shucks! Why not? Zihark: I had... I had an important girlfriend before. We couldn't be together because of... complicated reasons... But even now I still think about her. I can't get her out of my mind. I appreciate your kindness, but... Anyway, that's why. Brom: I see. That's a real shame... Zihark: But I tell you what! The idea of joining your family was quite appealing. Brom: Hmm... Then how about my second-oldest girl?! She's a little younger, but don't let that worry you too much! She's a sweetheart, I tell ya! Why, once when the cow got loose, she lifted it right up and hauled it back... Zihark: No! Wait! That isn't what I meant... Aw, nuts. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Nephenee* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nephenee/Brom (NB072) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Brom: Well, howdy, Nephenee! Isn't it a beautiful day? Nephenee: Mmm-hmm. It sure is! Brom: I bet your hometown is real busy now, what with harvest season approaching and all. Nephenee: Yeah, I bet. I'm sure my brothers and sisters are grumblin' at Ma for making them help in the fields. Brom: Ho ho! All kids ever want to do is play. I should know! Say, how many people are in your family, Nephenee? Nephenee: I have two younger sisters and three younger brothers. The boys are triplets. They just turned six years old. Brom: That's too much for your mom to handle all on her own! Nephenee: Yep, I'm sure Ma chews 'em out every day. What about you, Brom? Brom: My kids are a little older. I hope they're helping Mother like they're supposed to... Nephenee: Don't worry 'bout it, Brom. I'm sure they are. -B Support- Brom: Where are those barracks anyway? Nephenee: Hmm... I'm not sure. Brom: How do these guys know where to go without getting lost? Moving from one camp to the next every day, never resting, bad food... Oh, it's got me all worked up! Nephenee: It's a war. There ain't nothin' you can do. We just have to get used to it. Brom: I guess you're right. You and I were strangers to war before. Nephenee: I know. That's why I don't quite understand what passes for normal around here. Brom: I tell ya, it sure was tough when I first volunteered! For one thing, we militiamen are nothing but a bunch of farmers and villagers. We had courage and determination to spare, but we sure lacked talent! Nephenee: I know what ya mean, Brom! There weren't even enough gear for us! They gave me a bow and told me to share it with another gal. But neither of us knew how how to use it, anyhow. Brom: Yup! I hear you well! The war broke out so suddenly, the only decent training we got was how to stand for roll call! Every time we marched, people got lost or strayed or fled. We were losing soldiers before we even saw the enemy. That's why I don't feel bad about being taken prisoner... But this army is real good compared to my last one! Nephenee: Well, what did you expect? We're in a real army now. Horsefeathers! Where are those barracks? Brom: Oh, enough walking! My feet hurt! And my back is sore. Let's just ask someone. Nephenee: A-ask someone? Um... Fine. You do it! Brom: What? What's wrong? Nephenee: I... I'm not used to talkin' with city folk. Brom: What are you afraid of? Just talk like you always do. Nephenee: Oh no! I-I'm a country girl! They'll all set to laughin'... -A Support- Brom: Howdy, Nephenee. Nephenee: Well, hello there, Brom. Brom: I was just talking to one of those younger fellas. He said you don't talk much to other people. Nephenee: Th-that's because I'm a country girl and... I'm embarrassed. Brom: What are you embarrassed about? There's nothing wrong with country! Nephenee: You know I have a heavy accent! They'll make fun of me. I can't talk well like you, Brom. Brom: Oh, that's cow plop and you know it! Everyone in this army is so danged nice! They wouldn't ever laugh at you! Don't be so uptight. Just pretend you're back in your own village. Nephenee: ... Brom: You smile whenever we talk, right? Aw, you have a beautiful smile. It's a shame that you hide it. Come on, try smiling now. Nephenee: Um... all... All right. Brom: Come on now, smile... Smiiiiile... Nephenee: Aw, Brom! It's embarrassing. Like... like this? Brom: That's right! That's it! Yee haw! That's the smile I want to see. You're a good-looking girl, Nephenee! The young fellas in the company won't leave you alone if you keep doing that! Say, why don't you find a nice guy here and take him back to the village! Nephenee: S-stop Brom! I'm embarrassed! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nephenee/Devdan (ND073) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nephenee/Calill (ND074) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Calill: Hm? Hey, you there! Hold on! Nephenee: ...? Calill: Why is a pretty girl like you covering her face with an unfashionable helmet like that? The world should see your beauty! It's a travesty, I tell you! A veritable crime against nature! Oh, and where is your makeup? Nephenee: Well, I ain't really... a makeup kind of gal. Calill: ...Ain't? Where are you from, missy? Nephenee: I'm from... around. Calill: Such an unsociable girl! Well, you can't fool Calill! I know why you're not much of a talker. You're embarrassed about your country accent and low speech, are you not? Nephenee: H-how do you... Calill: How do I know that? Well, I used to have a... friend with the same problem. Nephenee: You? But you're from the city! And you're so-- Calill: Elegant? Yes, indeed. Quite so. Oh, but I have an absolutely splendid idea... I'll teach you to talk like a true lady! Having a rube like you around will just make me miss the city, anyway. I'll even show you how to put on makeup! Nephenee: I... I ain't-- Calill: Tsk! A lady never says such things! I can see this will be a bit of work... Well, you leave everything to me, missy! Nephenee: ... -B Support- Calill: Oh, hello again! How are you? Have you been studying your grammar? Hmm... Let's check your makeup. Nephenee: Calill-- Calill: Shush! Now look up... Higher! Hmm... Not bad. A little light perhaps... But this helmet has got to go! Nephenee: Aw, that's all right. Everyone'll stare if I take it off. Calill: Why, my dear missy! Are you finally starting to believe in your own beauty? Nephenee: Oh, I ain't-- Calill: Tsk! True ladies don't say "ain't"! And it's a dastardly lie, anyway. Look at you! You're gorgeous! A splendid face, plus that fantastic figure, and yet you hide it under armor? Oooh! I'm so jealous I could scream! Nephenee: But I ain-- I mean, I can't hold my head up like you. I'm just a country girl. Calill: Yes, it seems like a burden to always worry about how others see you. But I'll tell you a secret... People in the city are cold! They don't care about anyone but themselves! Nephenee: Not you, Calill! You're kind. Calill: Me? Oh. Hm... I guess I am. Well, perhaps not everyone from the city is so cold... Don't you give up, Nephenee! Trust me! You have charm! You'll be the talk of the society pages in no time! Nephenee: Thank you. -A Support- Calill: Oh? What's in the bag? Did you run an errand, Nephenee? Nephenee: I saw some beedle nuts on the trees near here so... Calill: Oh, I see. And what, pray tell, is a beedle nut? Nephenee: Oh, they're swell! We use the oil on the shell to treat insect bites. Calill: Oh? I had no idea there was such a thing. We don't have such trees in the city... My, country wisdom is amazing! Oh, but listen to me ramble! May I sample one of your nuts? Nephenee: Well, sure but... Oh, be careful, Calill! The shell is real sticky! Don't touch it with your bare hands. Calill: Ah, I see. But perhaps if I hold the top and bottom edges of the shell like so... The oil won't contact my skin. Nephenee: W-what? How did you...? Calill: Mmm... Delicious! Nephenee: ...You're not from the city at all! Calill: Shush! You didn't see anything! I'm a sophisticated urbanite, right? Nephenee: ... Calill: What? Surprised? Oh, come now. You're not the only one who doesn't want to be known as a country bumpkin. That's why I know how you feel. Nephenee: Oh... But... now I know that I can be like you if I work hard. That makes me happy. I will... I will work hard, Calill. Calill: Hallelujah! She sees the light! Now you just have to find a good man to bring back to your village! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Zihark* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zihark/Ilyana (ZI075) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Zihark: Uh... Ilyana? What are you staring at? Ilyana: Oh? Er... The bag on your hip. Zihark: It's nothing special. I just carry a vulnerary and some snacks in there. Why? Is there something wrong with it? Ilyana: Oooh... It smells delicious... Zihark: Really? That's odd. It's just some dried meat. Ilyana: Dried meat! So... savory... I'm just... you know. I'm hungry. Zihark: You're hungry? But I just saw you shoveling down some roast rabbit a few minutes ago! You may look frail, but you can sure throw down the chow! Well, I'm off. Talk to you later! Ilyana: Oh... goodbye. What am I going to do? I should have told him I'm starving and nearly ready to collapse from hunger pains. Maybe then he would have given me some of his delicious-smelling snacks. I need food! -B Support- Ilyana: Er... Hello... Zihark: Hello, Ilyana. You're hungry again, aren't you? Ilyana: No. Maybe. Fine... yes. I'm starving! Zihark: How can you possibly eat so much and still be hungry? Last night you swiped the chicken wing right out of my hands! Does casting a few spells really make you that hungry? Ilyana: To be honest, I don't know why I'm so hungry. I'm never full. I always get hungry as soon as I eat. Normally, I eat about as much food as five people. Today was tough because I only got enough food for three. Zihark: What?! That's just... incredible! That sounds like a serious problem. Well... good luck with that. Ilyana: Er... Excuse me? Can you wait a moment? Zihark: What? Ilyana: Er... Haven't you forgotten something? Zihark: Now, let me think... Nope! Didn't forget anything. Ilyana: Oh... my mistake, then. Zihark: See you later! Ilyana: ...Everyone gave me something to eat but him... -A Support- Ilyana: Oh... Zihark: Hi, Ilyana. I'm bumping into you all over the place these days. Ilyana: Yes, you're right. ... Zihark: What's wrong? You look a little... different today. Ilyana: Really? How so? Zihark: Yes, definitely. You're looking cuter than usual. Ilyana: Really?! Zihark: Yeah, definitely a little cuter. Ilyana: ... Zihark: You're hungry, though. I can tell from the feral look in your eyes. Ilyana: Feral?! Excuse me? Zihark: You're a bit of a celebrity among the men in the unit. They say you lure them in with your cute face and then run off with their snacks. Ilyana: They do? Zihark: Oh, yes they do! You're a beef jerky thief, aren't you? I know about the apple pie incident, too. Yeah... I know your tricks. Is it true that you don't remember their names, even after they buy you an expensive meal? That's just terrible. Ilyana: No! It's just that... I collapse into a coma when I get too hungry! That's why I've got to accept everyone's generous food offers. Zihark: Then at least remember their names! Even if you had ulterior motives, everyone likes... Er... Is kind to you. Ilyana: Sorry... Zihark: Don't apologize to me. You didn't take my apple tart. Ilyana: All right. Zihark: Well, shall we get going? Ilyana: Pardon me? Zihark: You're hungry, right? I feel bad about preaching to you, so this dinner is on me. Ilyana: Are you sure? Zihark: I'm sure. I can't have you going hungry on me. However, I'm not rich. All I can afford is two dinners. Ilyana: That's... so kind. That should be enough. I'm so happy! Oh, thank you so much... Um... Er... Ike? No, wait! Um... Bill? Lance? Sword guy? Zihark: Zihark. Ilyana: Zihark! Oh, I really appreciate it... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zihark/Brom (ZB076) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Brom: Hmm...? Hey, what are you doing? Zihark: Hi, Brom. I'm just fixing my shoulder guard. See? It's starting to rip right here. Brom: Oh, yeah. You don't want to go into battle like that! This one time, I had a... Hey! How do you know my name? Zihark: Hm? Oh, I'm just good at remembering names and faces. Natural talent, I suppose. Sorry if I got a little fresh with you! Let me introduce myself. I'm Zihark. How do you do, Brom? Brom: Howdy! Nice to meet you! Fixing a shoulder guard is tough work. What do you do when you're not at war? You work in leather? Zihark: Nope. Just a swordsman. Brom: Huh... I didn't know swordsmen could fix something like this. That's quite a skill! Zihark: I taught myself. Mercenaries don't make good money, you know. I can't afford to visit a tradesman... And... done! All right, that should hold. Brom: Wow... Isn't that something? I have to teach my youngest son how to do that! Zihark: How many children do you have, Brom? Brom: I've got five sons and three daughters. In fact... my oldest girl is just about your age. Zihark: I figured you would have lots of children. Brom: How did you figure that? Zihark: Just look at you, Brom. You're a big man with a big heart. The perfect daddy! Brom: Y-you think so? Oh, stop! You're embarrassing me! -B Support- Brom: Howdy, Zihark. I had a good time with you the other day. Zihark: Heya, Brom! You're quite the talker! You made me laugh the whole time. I haven't had such a fun meal in a long time. Brom: Aw, shucks! That makes me happy that I invited you out. Zihark: Oh, yeah. This is my share. Take it. Brom: Don't worry about it. I invited you, remember? It's on me. Zihark: I can't let you do that, big guy. You invited me on short notice, and I didn't have any cash on me. But today I'm ready, so let me pay for my half. Brom: Well, even if you want to, I don't even remember how much I paid. Zihark: The total came to four fifty. I'll give you two and a quarter, and we can call it even. Brom: Well, aren't you a fine young man! You've got a good memory, and you can do math! Zihark: That's just my nature. Most mercenaries are basically lazy and sloppy... I think I drive them crazy. Brom: Nah. That just makes you even more of a true man! I bet you're pretty popular with the young lasses, eh? Eh?! Zihark: Um... not... really. It would take an... eccentric girl to love a guy like me. Brom: I tell you, Zihark, sometimes I don't get this world. I mean, even a simpleton like me has a family! Zihark: Ha! I'm telling you, Brom, you're a good man. Trust me on this one. Brom: Oh, I have an idea! And it's a humdinger! You should marry my daughter! Zihark: Um... Er... I should what? Brom: I don't mean to sound like a proud poppa, but they're all great girls! And if I like you this much, I'm sure that my daughters will like you, too. Zihark: Heh... Hey, enough with the jokes, Brom... Brom: How about it? I think you'd be a great match for the oldest one! You're both the same age! Zihark: Oh, boy... -A Support- Brom: So, anyway... My oldest girl is well built! Actually, she's about my size. But don't worry! She can still work the fields like a man! I'm sure you'll love her! Zihark: Um... she sounds... lovely. Brom: Stop giving me such halfhearted answers and start listening! I'm talking about the girl who is going to be your future wife! Zihark: Brom, listen... I didn't tell you this the other day, but... I have no intentions of getting married now. Brom: What? Aw, shucks! Why not? Zihark: I had... I had an important girlfriend before. We couldn't be together because of... complicated reasons... But even now I still think about her. I can't get her out of my mind. I appreciate your kindness, but... Anyway, that's why. Brom: I see. That's a real shame... Zihark: But I tell you what! The idea of joining your family was quite appealing. Brom: Hmm... Then how about my second-oldest girl?! She's a little younger, but don't let that worry you too much! She's a sweetheart, I tell ya! Why, once when the cow got loose, she lifted it right up and hauled it back... Zihark: No! Wait! That isn't what I meant... Aw, nuts. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zihark/Muarim (ZM077) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Zihark: That's strange. I could swear I had it just a second ago. Where did I put... Muarim: Something wrong? Zihark: Oh, Muarim. No, not really. I just... I seem to have lost my sword powder. Muarim: Sword powder? Zihark: It's used to maintain swords. Swords rust quickly if you don't take care of them. A little powder, a little oil, and a little scrubbing does the trick. Muarim: Does it come in a small bag attached to a stick? Zihark: Yeah, that's it! Did you pick it up? Muarim: No, but... I have seen it before. I did not know that was its name. Zihark: Hm. Well, it doesn't look like I dropped it anywhere around here. Maybe I lost it when we were marching... Ah, well. Maybe Commander Ike will have some he can share. Muarim: Being a beorc has its troubles, does it not? Zihark: You said it. You know its times like these I really envy you laguz. You've always got your weapons, and they're always at the ready. Muarim: ... -B Support- Muarim: Zihark. Zihark: Oh, Muarim. What brings you here? Muarim: Did you find the sword powder? Zihark: Unfortunately, no. I'll need to replace it, I think. I hate to keep borrowing from the others. Muarim: Can you use this? Zihark: What's this? Oh, wow... This sword powder looks expensive... You're a laguz. How did you come to have this? Muarim: Force of habit. Zihark: I don't follow you. Muarim: I was once a slave. The nobleman who was my master made me sharpen his blades for him. I was quite adept at it. He would bring them to me unannounced. If I did not have the proper materials to sharpen his swords, he would beat me. I still do not feel comfortable unless I have these materials near me. Zihark: I'm sorry to have brought up such a painful memory. Muarim: It is the past now. Would you like me to sharpen your sword? Zihark: Thank you, but a true swordsman takes care of his own blade. I appreciate your offer, though. Muarim: Then at least take this powder. I no longer have any use for it. Zihark: Muarim... Thanks. You saved me. I'm not just saying this out of gratitude, but... would you care to join me for dinner? Muarim: I would like that very much. -A Support- Zihark: Muarim. Muarim: What is it, Zihark? Zihark: I picked this for you. Muarim: This is... Zihark: I've heard the beast tribes are fond of the leaves of this kind of herb. It's fairly uncommon, but I've learned how to spot it. Muarim: Um... Zihark: I picked the wrong herb, didn't I? Muarim: No, no... It's fine. Unfortunately, it is not something that we tigers have a nose for. Zihark: Oh... I didn't know that. Sorry. An old girlfriend of mine loved the scent of it. I guess I just assumed that all laguz liked the smell as much as she did. Muarim: You... were involved with a laguz? Zihark: Yeah. Muarim: That is very uncommon. I've heard stories of love affairs between beorc and laguz. It must have been difficult. I do not imagine either society would have accepted it with ease. Zihark: It... was too much for her. We couldn't be married, and the pressure was too much for her to stay with me. But I've never loved another woman. To this day, I think that I never shall. Muarim: Can I have that bundle of herbs? Zihark: What? But I thought... Muarim: It has no effect on me, it's true, but I accept the gesture of kindness you have shown in bringing it to me. And I apologize for bringing up a painful memory of your own. Zihark: Thanks. You're very kind. Heh. I guess that makes us even, doesn't it? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Sothe* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sothe/Astrid (SA078) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Astrid: Taking care of your weapons, Sothe? Sothe: Yeah, that's right. Astrid: Ahhh... splendid. May I speak to you for a moment? Sothe: What do you want? Astrid: You are quite skilled with a dagger. If my memory serves, swords are very effective against axes. But, can you tell me which weapon axes are most suited to attack? Sothe: Hah! You don't even know that? I thought you were a mercenary! Atrid: Oh... I'm sorry. Please forgive my ignorance. It's been only a short while since I became a mercenary. What's more, I wield a bow. Sothe: What did you do before? Astrid: I wasn't doing... anything. Nothing at all, really. Sothe: Nothing? It's hard to fill your stomach doing nothing! Ahh, I get it. You're a noble, aren't you? I can tell from all that poncy talk of yours! Peh! You couldn't tell a hatchet from a pot of rat stew! Not that you'd ever eat rat stew... But why is a soft-hand like you in this war? Astrid: ... Sothe: Ah, well... Who am I to judge? As long as you feather some Daein scum, you're all right with me. -B Support- Astrid: Oh... Where am I...? Sothe: ... Astrid: What... What happened? Sothe: You passed out. I thought about just leaving you there, but that would have left a bad taste in my mouth. Astrid: I'm sorry... Sothe: I know it's not my worry, but aren't you pushing yourself a bit hard? You're having a rough time just keeping up with the pack. You're a wreck! Astrid: I had no idea... how cruel and unforgiving war would actually be. Grueling marches... day in and day out. I can't even sleep at night because I'm terrified of surprise attacks. It's made me painfully aware of my frailty. Sothe: Nobles aren't cut out for war. As you can see, there are no chambermaids to attend to your every whim out here! I'm sure you've got a lavish and free life waiting for you back home. Astrid: Lavish and free? Lavish, maybe... but certainly not free. I have no freedom. Sothe: No freedom? What are you talking about? Astrid: My parents have already chosen and arranged a fiance for me. I've heard he is thirty years older than me. Sothe: ... Astrid: I volunteered for service with the knights of Begnion to live on my own terms. Of course, my family vehemently opposed the idea, but they figured it was merely a phase. They thought I would come home crying. I won't give them that satisfaction. Sothe: ...Wasn't trying to pry. Just asking, is all. Astrid: I know... Thank you. -A Support- Astrid: Hello, Sothe. Thank you... for the other day. Sothe: What, for talking? That isn't worth thanking me for. Astrid: No, you deserve thanks. I feel better. Sothe: I thought you noble types were too good to thank anyone, but... You're different... Astrid: Am I? Sothe: You are. Most nobles get rich by trampling on the commoners, then spend their lives basking in filthy luxury. I've known them to be that way since the day I was born. They've never seen a blister or sweat for a day's meal in their lives. Do you know how lucky you are? Astrid: But there's no freedom! My brothers are the pride of the house. As soldiers, they lead glorious lives. But my sisters are traded like commodities, promised to fiances they don't even know. They don't know love. I receive letters from them once every few years. The pages are warped and stained from tears. Sothe: You didn't want to end up like them. Astrid: No, I didn't. That's why I have no intention of leaving this war until I see it to the end. Sothe: I see... You're nothing like the nobles I've known. You worked hard... You're just like the rest of us. Sorry for thinking you were just another pampered noble. Astrid: Thank you... Sothe: Keep up the good work. You've earned your freedom. Never let them take that away! Astrid: I won't! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sothe/Tormod (ST079) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Tormod: Hey, you! You were with us during the attack the other day, right? Sothe: I don't know what you're talking about. Tormod: No, I remember you! I saw you shanking enemy soldiers with that tiny little blade of yours. You were amazing! By the way, did you know we're almost the same age? Oh, sorry... I'm Tormod. I may not look like it, but I'm pretty much the most dangerous mage around. Sothe: ... Tormod: And you are? Sothe: Sothe. Tormod: It's nice to meet you, Sothe! By the way, why are you working as a mercenary with this army? Sothe: You don't need to know that. Tormod: Hey! What's with you?! No need to be rude! -B Support- Tormod: Hello, Sothe! Sothe: ... Tormod: I was thinking... We're both lethal mercenaries and we're both about the same age, so we should be friends! Sothe: I don't think so. Tormod: No? Well, you can say that, but I'm still going to be your friend. You'll see! Sothe: You're insane. Tormod: Yeah...? Well... maybe I am! But it's not like being my friend is going to hurt you! -A Support- Tormod: Hello, friend! Sothe: Give it up. We're not friends. Tormod: You're going to be my friend whether you like or not. Sothe: Why are you so determined? Tormod: It's Muarim. Sothe: Muarim? You mean that tiger? What about him? Tormod: Well, he looks sad every time I see him... He thinks it's his fault that I don't have any beorc friends. That's why I wanted you to be my friend--to make him feel better. Sothe: You should have said as much. Then I wouldn't have thought you were crazy. Tormod: That changes things? Sothe: Sure. Tormod: Why? Sothe: He's like a father to you. I understand why you don't want to cause him grief. I also have... someone... who is like a parent to me. Tormod: Oh, I get it! Hey, you grew up a lot like me, then! We're going to be best friends forever! Sothe: Er... well... We'll talk. Sometimes. But don't get the idea that we're best friends! Tormod: Why? We have so much in common! Sothe: No offense, Tormod, but thieves are loners. I can't have you tagging along, snapping twigs and making lots of noise! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Jill* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jill/Mist (JM080) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Mist: Oh, there you are. Jill: Back again, Mist? Mist: Uh-huh. Because you didn't join us for supper. Again. Jill: No one wants to share the table with a Daein soldier. It would ruin the meal. Mist: My brother says he doesn't care. Jill: He says that... Mist: And I'm just glad to have someone close to my age traveling with us! So come on, let's go eat something. Jill: I... I can't. Sorry. Mist: I see. Well then... I'll just have to bring the food to you! I'll be right back! Jill: B-but... Hold it a second! -B Support- Mist: Does that taste good, Jill? Jill: Mmrph... Yeah, it's really good. Why? Mist: Because I made it! I'm glad you like it. Jill: You made this? Mist: Yep. I call it Mist's Magical Meatloaf! It's chock full of stuff that's good for you, especially when you're sick. You look real sad and you never eat, so I thought this would make you feel better. Jill: You're worried about me? Why are you so... nice to me? I'm a Daein sol-- Mist: Stop. Please stop saying that. Jill: Why? It's true. Mist: Because it makes me feel bad, that's why! You're always saying, "I'm a Daein soldier! Everyone should hate me! Blah blah blah!" You're not a bad person, Jill. I want to be your friend. And you make it really hard! Jill: M-my friend...? -A Support- Jill: Can I talk to you for a second, Mist? Mist: Sure, Jill. Jill: Um... I don't really have anything to say... I... uh... just wanted to be with you. I'm kinda lonely. Tell me if I'm bothering you! Mist: No! No! Actually, I was hoping to see you! 'Cause I'm... I'm kinda lonely too. I'm glad you're here. Jill: Great! Mist: Tee hee! Jill: Hmm... Mist: Er... Jill: Um... Mist: ...Oh, hey! Wasn't that something? Jill: Yeah, it sure was! Um... what? Mist: The Serenes Forest! The way that Reyson and Leanne sang and made those shiny lights and brought the whole forest back to life! Jill: Y... yeah... That was... sniff... Sniff... Whaaaaaaaa! Mist: Oh, no! Jill! Why are you crying? Jill: B-because... that made me understand... The l-laguz... aren't bad! I am! I was the one who was wrong! Wrong about... what I believed... Wrong about everything! Whaaaaaaaa!! Mist: Oh, Jill, no! Don't cry! Don't... sniff... oh no! Whaaaaaaaa! Jill: Why... Why did you lie to me, Father? I've had to endure so much pain... I wish I'd known the truth from the start. My father lied to me, Mist. He lied to build me into a heartless warrior, a soldier worthy of Daein. Mist: That can't be! Jill: It is. Mist: No father could treat his child like a tool. There must be another reason! If he lied to you... he must have thought that it would be for the best!! Jill: Mist, you don't-- Mist: You're a fool, Jill! A blind fool! I know you're feeling down, but questioning a father's love is ridiculous! Because a father wouldn't... A father wouldn't... Oh, Dad... Sniff... Jill: Mist! Oh, Mist... I know... It's all right... Mist: Father... Dad! ...Whaaaaa! Jill: Mist, no! Don't cry! Don't cry, Mist! ...Mist...? Mist: ...Whaaa... Sniff... Oh, s-sorry... Jill: Mist... thanks for talking about my father like that. I appreciate it... Mist: Jill... Jill: Maybe I am a fool... Maybe you're right... Doubting even for a second the man who raised me with love and devotion...... Something must be wrong with me... But I... I have to choose my own path. I have to choose a path that I believe in! I'm sure... Father will understand me. Mist: I'm sure he will, Jill. I know it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jill/Lethe (JL081) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Jill: Um... Lethe: Can I help you? Jill: I, I have a q-question. Is that all right? Lethe: It depends on what you're going to ask. Jill: Why don't half-bree... No, that's not right... Why don't the laguz use weapons? Lethe: ...We laguz are born ready to fight. Weapons are something that you powerless beorc created to counter our claws. We have no use for them. Jill: I, I see... Lethe: Is that all you wanted to ask? Jill: Um... no. There's more. Why do you detest us... humans so much? Lethe: That's a good question. But I would hear you answer first. Why do you beorc hate the laguz? Jill: It's because the half-bree... The laguz are our enemy. Lethe: Enemy...? If that's the case, we hate you, too. As we hate all our enemies. We're done here. Jill: Wait... -B Support- Jill: Le... Lethe? Lethe: Oh, look what the cat dragged in... It's you again. Jill: Jill... My name is... Jill. Lethe: Fine. Jill. What brings you here today? More stupid questions? Jill: I've been thinking about things, and I haven't been able to figure out... See, in Daein we were taught that you attack humans indiscriminately and without mercy. That you are just savage animals. Lethe: Laguz attacking humans? Grrrrawl! What garbage! We dislike even the company of humans and want nothing to do with them. Even mauling you would be... unpleasant. Jill: But in Daein, everyone believes that to be the truth! That's why... That's why I never questioned it. But when I saw you fight beside Ike and other humans on the South Sea, I knew that something was wrong. You were so different from what I imagined! Ever since I was young, they filled my head with tales of your terrible claws and teeth... But you stand on two legs. And you talk... You even make jokes! ...Sometimes... You're much closer to us than a beast! Lethe: So glad to hear it. Jill: I wonder why humans and sub-humans started fighting in the first place? Maybe we're just destined for war. Lethe: Well, I don't know much about that. It's not for me to say if the goddess made us a certain way or if we're just two races that don't like each other very much. But I know that Gallia, Phoenicis, and Kilvas all have a reason to hate humans. Jill: W-what reason? Lethe: ...Are you serious? I take it humans aren't interested in passing history down to their children... ...Typical. All right... Centuries ago, when Begnion was still a monarchy, the only countries were Begnion and Goldoa. Goldoa was as it is today: a reclusive nation inhabited only by dragon tribes. All the other laguz lived in Begnion with the humans. Jill: Humans and sub-humans used to live together in Begnion?! I had no idea... Lethe: A human was named as the first king, although the laguz's superior strength led us to rule more often than not. Despite the harmony that most felt about this arrangement, the senators wanted nothing to do with it. In the name of the "apostle," they claimed that only a human could be the true ruler of Begnion... and started a civil war. Like blind, mewling kittens, the laguz kings underestimated the situation... We never had a chance. Caught by surprise, my brothers suffered defeat after defeat in the face of superior human weapons and magic. ...That was the start of long, dark days... The start of laguz slavery. Jill: ... Lethe: After nearly 200 years, a small number of enslaved laguz managed to escape their human captors in Begnion. The beast tribe fled to the mountains and unexplored forest areas--places where humans were loathe to tread. The bird tribes, on the other hand, escaped to the distant southern islands. This is how our laguz kingdoms began. It took another eighty years, and the blood of many brother laguz, until we were formally recognized as nations. This is why we fight. Why we hate. Humans don't want former slaves to have countries and be treated as equals. Laguz carry the shame of the past deep in their hearts, and struggle still for the freedom that you take for granted. This is the true history of Tellius... No wonder humans would bury it. Jill: I don't know wh-- Lethe: What to say? Idiot! Think! Think about what I have said. Think about what you have seen with your eyes and heard with your ears. If you don't even have the guts to do that, never show yourself in my presence again! Jill: Um... all right... -A Support- Lethe: ... Jill: Oh, Lethe! I thought about what you said, and I deci-- Lethe: I hear the dragon knight we fought in Talrega was your father. Why? Why did you stay with us? Choosing a band of mercenaries over your own father? Jill: ...Fate works in strange ways. Had I not known about Commander Ike and the mercenaries... Had I not known about you laguz... I'm sure I would be with Daein even now. Taking pride in my work as a Daein soldier and offering my life for Ashnard. I wouldn't have hesitated to smite you all. But now I have learned the truth... Lethe: ...And? Jill: This isn't like the time I chased your ship from Port Toha, hoping to win fame and approval from my father. When I joined you, I acted on my own accord. For the first time. I chose what I thought was a righteous path. Even if my decision forced me to face my own father... It's too late to change things now. That's why... I'm here. Lethe: Will you... shake my hand, Jill? Jill: Wha...? Lethe: I have heard of a huma... a beorc custom where the shaking and holding of hands shows friendship. ...I... understand you, now. I empathize with your choice and admire the strength it took to make it. Jill: Lethe... Uh... Yes. Of course. Please, let us shake. Lethe: If we listen to each other and are willing to compromise... I know the beorc and laguz can come to live with each other. I'm sure of it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jill/Haar (JH082) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Jill: Captain Haar! Where are you? Captain Haar!!! Haar: Zzzzzzzzzz... huh?! Wha--?! Who?! Oh, Jill. Yaaaawn... Simmer down, Jill. Can't you see I'm sleeping? And do you need to shout my name like that? You're louder than a meat salesman in a crowded market! Jill: Maybe you should try responding when I call you! Haar: I'll do that as soon as you stop calling me captain. Jill: How should I address you, then? Haar: Whatever works for you. Jill: Sir Haar, maybe? Haar: Do I look like a knight to you? Jill: All right. Mr. Haar. Haar: Hah! That doesn't sound right at all. Jill: Fine. Just Haar, then. Haar: Hey! That's pretty good. Jill: Sorry. I can't address my superior officer like that. I'll just call you Mr. Haar. Haar: Well, I can live with that. Now, let me get back to my nap... -B Support- Jill: Mr. Haaaaaaaaar! Where are you? Mr. Haar!!! Haar: I'm right behind you. Jill: Why can't you just respond the first time I call for you? And didn't you promise that you'd respond right away if I stopped calling you Captain? Haar: That was only if I wasn't sleeping. Jill: Well, that's most of the time! By the way it seems like the only time you acted like a professional soldier was when you were in front of my father. Haar: And I recall the only time when you weren't so uptight was when you were around Lord Shiharam. Jill: I... I couldn't help it. He was my father. He was different. Haar: I'm with you on that. Lord Shiharam was something special. I didn't want him to see me as hopelessly lazy. Jill: Mr. Haar... Haar: Mmm... I think I'll just stretch out here... Yeah... that's it. This moss is nice and squishy. Leave me alone. It's nap time. -A Support- Jill: Mr. Haar? Haar: Yes? Jill: That's strange. I didn't have to call for you a hundred times before you answered! Haar: Well, I figured this way I don't have to listen to your whining. Jill: Oh, so that's how it is? Well, whatever... Haar: What are you going to do when this was is over, Jill? Jill: Hopefully go back to Daein. I want to be near my father's grave. Haar: I see. Jill: What about you? Haar: If I survive sparring with Ashnard... I don't know what I'll do. I've already thought about guarding Lord Shiharam's grave. Jill: Does that mean you're not happy being with me? Haar: That's not it. I was just thinking you probably don't like being with me. Jill: Why would I not like that? Haar: Then if we both survive this war, let's start a wyvern courier service. We'll make a lot of loot. Jill: Sure... If we survive. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Astrid* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Astrid/Gatrie (AG083) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Gatrie: Hey there, Astrid! Have I told you yet just how glad I am that you've joined our little band of warriors? Astrid: No, but I'm flattered that you say so. I'm glad to be riding with you as well. I heard you were once among Ike's band of mercenaries. Is that true? Gatrie: Oh, yeah... We go way back. I've been through a lot with them. Is there anything I can help you out with? I'm always glad to assist such a beautiful girl. Astrid: Oh... Thank you, Gatrie. Actually... Will you teach me how to fight like a mercenary? Gatrie: Eh? You want to fight like a mercenary? Astrid: I don't have much fighting experience. I want to learn so I can hold my own in a battle. I don't want to be a burden. Gatrie: Oh, I get it! That's very admirable, Astrid! Er... But now isn't the best time for that. I'm a little sore from... uh... lifting heavy things... Blast! Where's Titania when you need her? I don't know the first thing about training people... Astrid: Sorry? I didn't catch that. Gatrie: Ha ha! No, nothing at all! Let's train some other day! I want to make sure I'm totally prepared! Astrid: Perhaps next time, then. I'm looking forward to it! Gatrie: She's so cute... And she asked me to teach her how to fight! That must mean... Yes! I knew it! She wants me! She's crazy for me! This is going to be fun. -B Support- Astrid: Gatrie? I'm here for my lesson. Are you ready? Gatrie: Of course, of course! Er... ahem. All right then. Let's begin! Astrid: I'm eagerly awaiting your first instruction. Gatrie: Er... Every soldier has a role, and it's important that everyone does what everyone is best at. With the right strategy, three soldiers can fight with the strength of ten! Astrid: I see... So everyone must fight to their strength. All right, I got it. Gatrie: My job as a knight is to bravely step up and shield my allies from vicious, marauding attackers! I'm like an armored wall! Then, the others can launch an attack from behind my impenetrable frame. Archers wait safely behind me and strike from a distance, while mounted units can ride in and crush the enemy. Well, that's what I hear... Er, I mean... that's pretty much how it all goes down in the heat of combat! Astrid: I see, but... Gatrie: Don't worry! You can stay safely behind me. It's far too dangerous for you to venture away from me. Stay close... Yes, VEEERY close! Go on, don't be shy! Astrid: All right... I'll stay close. Oh, may I ask you just one more question? Gatrie: Ask anything! Astrid: Since I'm on horseback and you're on foot, won't we move at different speeds? What should I do? Gatrie: Hmmm... In that case... Um... Yaaaaa! I can't remember what Titania said... Astrid: Pardon me? Gatrie: Oh, nothing! Nothing at all. Hah! Just talking to myself! We'll get into that in your next lesson. Astrid: Right, of course. I sure learned a lot today. You'll coach me again, won't you? Thank you, Gatrie! Good-bye. Gatrie: She wants me to teach her again! I knew she was crazy about me! And why not... these muscles are breathtaking! I can't wait to see her again! -A Support- Astrid: I'm ready for today's lesson, Gatrie! Gatrie: Great! Er... right. Let's begin where we left off last time. Do you know what adaptation means? Astrid. I certainly do. Gatrie: See adaptation is... Wait... you do? Astrid: It means changing your strategy to take advantage of different circumstances. Gatrie: Ahhh... So that's what it means... Er, yes! That's exactly right! You're smart AND beautiful, Astrid! I knew what adaptation meant. I just wanted to test my favorite student, and she passed! Astrid: Oh, you flatter me! Thank you for your kind words. Gatrie: Well, I do have one more test question... Er... do you... have a boyfriend? Astrid: A boyfriend? Gatrie: That's right! Oh, don't worry! I don't happen to have a girlfriend. You know... for the moment. Astrid: I don't have a boyfriend. But... I do have a fiance. Gatrie: What?! A fiance?! Astrid: Yes. Gatrie: Well, er... Congratulations! Astrid: Gatrie! Do you have something in your eye? Gatrie: Oh... Don't worry about me. ...Sniff... Sniff... As long as you're happy... Sniiiifff... Astrid: Gatrie! Where are you going? Gatrie: I screwed up again! I thought I had a chance this time, too. Hmmm... Wait... She said she had a fiance, didn't she? Going out of her way to tell me that... She must want me to swoon her off her feet and steal her away! That's it! She should have just said so! Wait for me, Astrid! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Astrid/Sothe (AS084) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Astrid: Taking care of your weapons, Sothe? Sothe: Yeah, that's right. Astrid: Ahhh... splendid. May I speak to you for a moment? Sothe: What do you want? Astrid: You are quite skilled with a dagger. If my memory serves, swords are very effective against axes. But, can you tell me which weapon axes are most suited to attack? Sothe: Hah! You don't even know that? I thought you were a mercenary! Atrid: Oh... I'm sorry. Please forgive my ignorance. It's been only a short while since I became a mercenary. What's more, I wield a bow. Sothe: What did you do before? Astrid: I wasn't doing... anything. Nothing at all, really. Sothe: Nothing? It's hard to fill your stomach doing nothing! Ahh, I get it. You're a noble, aren't you? I can tell from all that poncy talk of yours! Peh! You couldn't tell a hatchet from a pot of rat stew! Not that you'd ever eat rat stew... But why is a soft-hand like you in this war? Astrid: ... Sothe: Ah, well... Who am I to judge? As long as you feather some Daein scum, you're all right with me. -B Support- Astrid: Oh... Where am I...? Sothe: ... Astrid: What... What happened? Sothe: You passed out. I thought about just leaving you there, but that would have left a bad taste in my mouth. Astrid: I'm sorry... Sothe: I know it's not my worry, but aren't you pushing yourself a bit hard? You're having a rough time just keeping up with the pack. You're a wreck! Astrid: I had no idea... how cruel and unforgiving war would actually be. Grueling marches... day in and day out. I can't even sleep at night because I'm terrified of surprise attacks. It's made me painfully aware of my frailty. Sothe: Nobles aren't cut out for war. As you can see, there are no chambermaids to attend to your every whim out here! I'm sure you've got a lavish and free life waiting for you back home. Astrid: Lavish and free? Lavish, maybe... but certainly not free. I have no freedom. Sothe: No freedom? What are you talking about? Astrid: My parents have already chosen and arranged a fiance for me. I've heard he is thirty years older than me. Sothe: ... Astrid: I volunteered for service with the knights of Begnion to live on my own terms. Of course, my family vehemently opposed the idea, but they figured it was merely a phase. They thought I would come home crying. I won't give them that satisfaction. Sothe: ...Wasn't trying to pry. Just asking, is all. Astrid: I know... Thank you. -A Support- Astrid: Hello, Sothe. Thank you... for the other day. Sothe: What, for talking? That isn't worth thanking me for. Astrid: No, you deserve thanks. I feel better. Sothe: I thought you noble types were too good to thank anyone, but... You're different... Astrid: Am I? Sothe: You are. Most nobles get rich by trampling on the commoners, then spend their lives basking in filthy luxury. I've known them to be that way since the day I was born. They've never seen a blister or sweat for a day's meal in their lives. Do you know how lucky you are? Astrid: But there's no freedom! My brothers are the pride of the house. As soldiers, they lead glorious lives. But my sisters are traded like commodities, promised to fiances they don't even know. They don't know love. I receive letters from them once every few years. The pages are warped and stained from tears. Sothe: You didn't want to end up like them. Astrid: No, I didn't. That's why I have no intention of leaving this war until I see it to the end. Sothe: I see... You're nothing like the nobles I've known. You worked hard... You're just like the rest of us. Sorry for thinking you were just another pampered noble. Astrid: Thank you... Sothe: Keep up the good work. You've earned your freedom. Never let them take that away! Astrid: I won't! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Astrid/Makalov (AM085) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Astrid: Good day, sir. Makalov: Huh? You talking to me? Astrid: Yes, sir. My name is Astrid. May I ask you your name, good sir? Makalov: I'm not really a knight, so you can drop the whole sir thing. I'm Makalov. Nice to meet you. Astrid: The feeling is mutual, Makalov. By the way, you dropped these flowers. Makalov: Ah! I didn't even notice... Astrid: They are so pretty! Makalov: Not bad for some wildflower growing in a ditch, right? Astrid: You pick them yourself? That's very sweet, Makalov. Makalov: Um... well... how should I put this? I picked them to butter up to my sister. Astrid: You're such a thoughtful brother! I'd better give them back you, then... There you go! Makalov: Go ahead and take a couple. Astrid: Some flowers? Are you certain? Makalov: It's my way of saying thanks for picking them up. Besides, they look good on you. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to run along now... Astrid: Thank you! Oh, Makalov... -B Support- Astrid: Good day, Makalov. Makalov: Hi, Astrid. We sure bump into each other a lot, don't we? Do you think we're linked by fate? Astrid: I'm not sure. Though... I'd be honored if that was the case. Makalov: Speaking of fate... I have a little favor to ask of you. Astrid: What is it? If there's anything I can do for you, I'd be glad to help! Makalov: Um... Well, the thing is... You see... Can you lend me some money? Astrid: M-money? Makalov: Yeah! Just a few hundred! That's it! Astrid: I don't think I can help you...I don't have a single gold piece to my name. Makalov: What!? Not even one gold? What did you spend it all on!? Astrid: The last time I went to town, I stumbled upon a destitute family. They hadn't eaten in days... So, I gave it all to them. Makalov: WHAT!? That's madness!! If you're feeling charitable, maybe you should think about helping out one of your comrades, and not some stranger! What were you thinking!? Astrid: I'm sorry. I had no idea you were in need of aid. Makalov: Arrgg! Fine. I'll go hit up someone else. Astrid: Wait... just a moment. Makalov: Hmmm? Astrid: Will this help? Makalov: Whoooo! Hey, look at that beauty! This pendant looks expensive... Are you sure I can take it? Astrid: Please do. Anything that will help. Makalov: Wahooooo! Thanks, Astrid! You're the best! I'll see ya later! Astrid: ... -A Support- Astrid: ... Makalov: Hey! Astrid! Astrid: ...Hello, Makalov. Makalov: Uh...yeah...look...Lemme give this back to you. Astrid: Was there something wrong with my pendant? Makalov: No! Not at all! That big gem alone could have fetched 5,000 gold, easy. Astrid: Then why are you giving it back? Aren't you desperately in need? Makalov: Well, it's like this...Just as I was walking into the pawnshop, guess who I see? My stupid sister! She demanded to know where I got it! She got all angry and started yelling at me! Again!! She though I stole it... Astrid: But I gave it to you, Makalov. Makalov: Of course! And I told her that! But then she started crying and stuff. Said that I ripped you off and I was a big swindler... So I thought I should give it back before she hits me on the head with her big lance again. Astrid: I see. Makalov: You're quite luck, you know. You can give away an expensive pendant like other people give away a sandwich! My sister doesn't even have a cheap necklace, much less a huge whopper like that. The goddess is so unjust. She only favors the aristocracy. Astrid: I'm... I'm sorry... Makalov: Hey, I wasn't asking for you to apologize. Astrid: My pendant was really worth that much? I... I only wore it because my beloved grandmother gave it to me when I was just a girl. I had no idea... Makalov: Whoa! It's a memento!? Why the heck did you give me something so important? Astrid: That pendant is just an object. Memories of my grandmother always remain in my heart, even if I let the pendant go. I suppose I thought it would do more good if I gave it to someone in need. Makalov: You... You're so... good. Look, I'm really sorry!! I'm just a crook. I tried to bum some money off of you so I could go gambling. Ah, Astrid! I'm a dirty, flea-ridden cur! I'm nothing more than a wet sack of trash! Please forgive me!! Astrid: Oh Makalov... I'm not upset. Makalov: You're more forgiving than the goddesss herself! Astrid: Oh... That's nonsense. Makalov: I'm serious. You're pratically a blinding beacon of moral greatness! Astrid: Please, stop teasing me. When a fine gentleman like you stares at me like that... Oh,it makes me so... ...I'm so embarrassed. Makalov: Huh? A fine gentleman? Me? Astrid: Oh, no...I can't believe I said that...Excuse me! I've got to go! Makalov: What was that all about? When you're raised like she was, I bet you don't even learn to like me. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Makalov* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Makalov/Astrid (MA086) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Astrid: Good day, sir. Makalov: Huh? You talking to me? Astrid: Yes, sir. My name is Astrid. May I ask you your name, good sir? Makalov: I'm not really a knight, so you can drop the whole sir thing. I'm Makalov. Nice to meet you. Astrid: The feeling is mutual, Makalov. By the way, you dropped these flowers. Makalov: Ah! I didn't even notice... Astrid: They are so pretty! Makalov: Not bad for some wildflower growing in a ditch, right? Astrid: You pick them yourself? That's very sweet, Makalov. Makalov: Um... well... how should I put this? I picked them to butter up to my sister. Astrid: You're such a thoughtful brother! I'd better give them back you, then... There you go! Makalov: Go ahead and take a couple. Astrid: Some flowers? Are you certain? Makalov: It's my way of saying thanks for picking them up. Besides, they look good on you. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to run along now... Astrid: Thank you! Oh, Makalov... -B Support- Astrid: Good day, Makalov. Makalov: Hi, Astrid. We sure bump into each other a lot, don't we? Do you think we're linked by fate? Astrid: I'm not sure. Though... I'd be honored if that was the case. Makalov: Speaking of fate... I have a little favor to ask of you. Astrid: What is it? If there's anything I can do for you, I'd be glad to help! Makalov: Um... Well, the thing is... You see... Can you lend me some money? Astrid: M-money? Makalov: Yeah! Just a few hundred! That's it! Astrid: I don't think I can help you...I don't have a single gold piece to my name. Makalov: What!? Not even one gold? What did you spend it all on!? Astrid: The last time I went to town, I stumbled upon a destitute family. They hadn't eaten in days... So, I gave it all to them. Makalov: WHAT!? That's madness!! If you're feeling charitable, maybe you should think about helping out one of your comrades, and not some stranger! What were you thinking!? Astrid: I'm sorry. I had no idea you were in need of aid. Makalov: Arrgg! Fine. I'll go hit up someone else. Astrid: Wait... just a moment. Makalov: Hmmm? Astrid: Will this help? Makalov: Whoooo! Hey, look at that beauty! This pendant looks expensive... Are you sure I can take it? Astrid: Please do. Anything that will help. Makalov: Wahooooo! Thanks, Astrid! You're the best! I'll see ya later! Astrid: ... -A Support- Astrid: ... Makalov: Hey! Astrid! Astrid: ...Hello, Makalov. Makalov: Uh...yeah...look...Lemme give this back to you. Astrid: Was there something wrong with my pendant? Makalov: No! Not at all! That big gem alone could have fetched 5,000 gold, easy. Astrid: Then why are you giving it back? Aren't you desperately in need? Makalov: Well, it's like this...Just as I was walking into the pawnshop, guess who I see? My stupid sister! She demanded to know where I got it! She got all angry and started yelling at me! Again!! She though I stole it... Astrid: But I gave it to you, Makalov. Makalov: Of course! And I told her that! But then she started crying and stuff. Said that I ripped you off and I was a big swindler... So I thought I should give it back before she hits me on the head with her big lance again. Astrid: I see. Makalov: You're quite luck, you know. You can give away an expensive pendant like other people give away a sandwich! My sister doesn't even have a cheap necklace, much less a huge whopper like that. The goddess is so unjust. She only favors the aristocracy. Astrid: I'm... I'm sorry... Makalov: Hey, I wasn't asking for you to apologize. Astrid: My pendant was really worth that much? I... I only wore it because my beloved grandmother gave it to me when I was just a girl. I had no idea... Makalov: Whoa! It's a memento!? Why the heck did you give me something so important? Astrid: That pendant is just an object. Memories of my grandmother always remain in my heart, even if I let the pendant go. I suppose I thought it would do more good if I gave it to someone in need. Makalov: You... You're so... good. Look, I'm really sorry!! I'm just a crook. I tried to bum some money off of you so I could go gambling. Ah, Astrid! I'm a dirty, flea-ridden cur! I'm nothing more than a wet sack of trash! Please forgive me!! Astrid: Oh Makalov... I'm not upset. Makalov: You're more forgiving than the goddesss herself! Astrid: Oh... That's nonsense. Makalov: I'm serious. You're pratically a blinding beacon of moral greatness! Astrid: Please, stop teasing me. When a fine gentleman like you stares at me like that... Oh,it makes me so... ...I'm so embarrassed. Makalov: Huh? A fine gentleman? Me? Astrid: Oh, no...I can't believe I said that...Excuse me! I've got to go! Makalov: What was that all about? When you're raised like she was, I bet you don't even learn to like me. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Makalov/Haar (MH087) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Makalov/Bastian (MB088) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Stefan* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stefan/Soren (SS089) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Stefan: ... Soren: Who goes there? Stefan: Don't be so alarmed. I'm... one of yours. Soren: One of ours? Unlikely. Stefan: Yes, one of your kind. I see that you pretend to be something you aren't and have lived among foreigners. Soren: ...I, I... Stefan: Hmmm... I see that I've puzzled you. I'll let you stew on what I have said. Let's sit and talk next time our paths cross. Soren: ... -B Support- Soren: ... Stefan: You don't fit in with this roving band of beorc, do you? Your stone sticks out from the wall. Soren: Oh. It's you again. Stefan: Come down to the colony in Grann Desert. Others live there. Others like you. You know... the Branded. Soren: I don't know what you're babbling about, but you're embarrassing yourself. I belong here, thank you. Stefan: I see... Well, if that's the case, I won't twist your arm. Soren: ... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stefan/Mordecai (SM090) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Mordecai: Stefan! There you are. Stefan: Yeah... Mordecai: Do you still want to hear about Gallia? There are many things I can tell you. Stefan: I was wondering... Do you like Gallia, Mordecai? Mordecai: I do. Gallia is a good country. Strong. Plentiful. Very good for me and for my friends. Stefan: It is, huh? Mordecai: And do you like Begnion? Stefan: I detest it. Mordecai: Detest? I do not know this word. Stefan: Then you're lucky. Sometimes, being ignorant can be a blessing. Mordecai: Ignorant? ...I have a difficult time with beorc words. They are strange to me. -B Support- Mordecai: Stefan! Stefan: What is it, Mordecai? You seem upset. Mordecai: Detest means hatred. Ignorant means dumb. Why do you hate your country? Why do you insult me? Stefan: You've been studying? Impressive. Listen, I didn't mean to say you were dumb. I just meant that sometimes, it's better not to know some things... Like what it means to hate... Mordecai: Stefan, you do not answer my questions. Stefan: Since you've been studying so much, I've got another thing for you to look up. I'm one of the Branded. Perhaps that will explain why I detest my country and why ignorant laguz detest me. Mordecai: Laguz... hate you? Because you are... branded? Stefan, your words confuse me. -A Support- Mordecai: Stefan... Stefan: Have you found your answer? Mordecai: You are one of the Branded. You are the child of beorc and laguz. Stefan: I believe so, at least. My proof is this mark upon my forehead. Mordecai: ... Stefan: You don't need to talk to me if you're afraid. Now that you know what I am, I make you uncomfortable, don't I? Mordecai: I am unsure. A legend in Gallia speaks of the parentless. They are bad omens. When a parentless one comes into being, a century of destruction follows... Stefan: Yes, that's it. The laguz do call us that. "Parentless," as if to deny our heritage. As if to deny that we are their kin. That's how the laguz treat us--as if we should never have been born. The beorc may tremble when they see the brands we bear, but at least they do not deny that we share blood. That is why so many of the Branded hate the laguz--because they have rejected our very existence. Mordecai: But how? How is it that you came to be? Laguz and beorc are different. They cannot bear children. This is how Ashera has made our world... It is her law. Stefan: I don't know. The laguz tribes cannot interbreed, I know that much. However, it seems possible, though rare, for a child to be born to beorc and laguz parents. But once the bloodlines have mingled, the trace of it can remain hidden for countless generations. Have I violated the goddess's laws? Have my parents? No. Whatever happened was done by some forgotten ancestor. My parents are beorc, as were their parents before them. I do not know who is responsible for what I am. But now, after many generations, their sin has appeared in me. I bear no guilt, but the badge of impurity is mine to wear. Mordecai: ... Stefan: My laguz blood gives me great power. I thought about using my power to gain revenge against the people who scorned me, but I decided against it. I have found friends, people who live outside the normal worlds of the beorc and the laguz. People who bear the brand. Mordecai: What did you want from me, Stefan? Why did you ask about Gallia? Stefan: I was curious about Gallia's beast tribes. They looked different than those that live in Begnion. There are those among the Branded who think that a country willing to join hands with beorc... Might find a place for us as well. We thought we might at least find acceptance in Gallia and Crimea... Of course, it didn't work out that way... Mordecai: Stefan... Stefan: Well, I guess that's the end of our little "friendship" now, isn't it? I intend to stick around until this war is over, but I won't bother you anymore. I know how you laguz are about us. Mordecai: No! I will not pretend that you are not among us. I will not pretend that I do not see what is in front of me! Stefan: What will you do, Mordecai? Am I so wretched to you that you feel you must take direct action against me? You laguz are closer to nature than the beorc. Are you going to enforce the goddess's law? Is that it? Mordecai: I have not met the goddess. But if her laws make you unwanted, then I will have nothing to do with her. You have taught me much, and I would not like to lose your friendship. Stefan: Hm. You'd want nothing to do with the goddess? Funny, but for the first time in my life, I'm grateful to her. Mordecai: Why? Stefan: If someone like you can be so sincere a friend, then perhaps she's not to blame. Perhaps her laws aren't what we think. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Tormod* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tormod/Sothe (TS091) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Tormod: Hey, you! You were with us during the attack the other day, right? Sothe: I don't know what you're talking about. Tormod: No, I remember you! I saw you shanking enemy soldiers with that tiny little blade of yours. You were amazing! By the way, did you know we're almost the same age? Oh, sorry... I'm Tormod. I may not look like it, but I'm pretty much the most dangerous mage around. Sothe: ... Tormod: And you are? Sothe: Sothe. Tormod: It's nice to meet you, Sothe! By the way, why are you working as a mercenary with this army? Sothe: You don't need to know that. Tormod: Hey! What's with you?! No need to be rude! -B Support- Tormod: Hello, Sothe! Sothe: ... Tormod: I was thinking... We're both lethal mercenaries and we're both about the same age, so we should be friends! Sothe: I don't think so. Tormod: No? Well, you can say that, but I'm still going to be your friend. You'll see! Sothe: You're insane. Tormod: Yeah...? Well... maybe I am! But it's not like being my friend is going to hurt you! -A Support- Tormod: Hello, friend! Sothe: Give it up. We're not friends. Tormod: You're going to be my friend whether you like or not. Sothe: Why are you so determined? Tormod: It's Muarim. Sothe: Muarim? You mean that tiger? What about him? Tormod: Well, he looks sad every time I see him... He thinks it's his fault that I don't have any beorc friends. That's why I wanted you to be my friend--to make him feel better. Sothe: You should have said as much. Then I wouldn't have thought you were crazy. Tormod: That changes things? Sothe: Sure. Tormod: Why? Sothe: He's like a father to you. I understand why you don't want to cause him grief. I also have... someone... who is like a parent to me. Tormod: Oh, I get it! Hey, you grew up a lot like me, then! We're going to be best friends forever! Sothe: Er... well... We'll talk. Sometimes. But don't get the idea that we're best friends! Tormod: Why? We have so much in common! Sothe: No offense, Tormod, but thieves are loners. I can't have you tagging along, snapping twigs and making lots of noise! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tormod/Devdan (TD092) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tormod/Reyson (TR093) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Tormod: Mighty prince of the heron clan! Reyson: Yes, I am Reyson. Who are you? Tormod: I'm Tormod. I was hoping to ask you something. Reyson: I apologize--you caught me off guard. What do you require? Tormod: That song of yours... does it work on everything? Reyson: You mean the chant? Tormod: Yeah, whatever it was that made that drab forest bloom with color. Reyson: You speak of the galdr, the seid magic. What of it? Tormod: Would you please sing it for all of us? Reyson: All of you? Tormod: Yes... For my laguz friends back in Grann Desert. Reyson: So you're the leader of the laguz liberation force. But you're... not much older than a child. Tormod: Do you have a problem with that? Reyson: No problem at all. It's just... ever since I heard whispers of a beorc fighting to free the Begnion slaves, I wondered what manner of man he was. You're... different than I had envisioned. Tormod: So I'm young? So what! It doesn't make what I'm doing any less important. So... are you going to help us or not? Reyson: I'll gladly lend whatever support I can give you, but... What would you have me do? Tormod: I knew you'd come through! Hmm, let's see... Oh, wait... Reyson: What is it? Tormod: I'm not quite ready, yet. The time isn't right. I'd like to talk to you about it more in detail, so please allow me to come back later when I have more time! See you later! Reyson: Beorc children are so restless. -B Support- Tormod: Hello there, great prince of the heron! Reyson: Please call me Reyson. Tormod: Are you sure? All right, Reyson it is. Can you spare a moment? Reyson: Certainly. This is about chanting for your laguz friends, isn't it? Tormod: That's right! You remembered! Reyson: Why don't you tell me more about what you have in mind? Tormod: Well, I was hoping you would... you know... use your magic chant to transform all that sand into soil. Reyson: Sand into soil? Tormod: Exactly! Rich, fertile soil that will yield a bountiful harvest. We'll build our village there. Reyson: That is... utterly absurd! Tormod: Hmmm, he sure stormed off in a huff. For someone that has such kind-looking eyes, he sure has a short temper. -A Support- Tormod: Please, Reyson! You've got to help! Reyson: ... Tormod: I know you can do it! I'm... begging you. Reyson: I'm sorry. I can't. Tormod: Is it because we're poor? Is that why you won't help us? Reyson: Are you suggesting that I'm only willing to help the rich?! Tormod: No... I mean... It was just incredible how you forgave the apostle like that and breathed new life back into the forest. Reyson: That was only possible under very special circumstances. Tormod: Why? I don't get it. Reyson: It was Serenes Forest. For my people, there is no more sacred a place. And the galdr I chanted was a part of an ancient clan ritual performed on a very holy altar. Most importantly, my seid magic succeeded because Leanne was by my side. That galdr holds little force when I chant it alone. Tormod: Then all we need is Leanne! Reyson: You're not very quick, are you? Even if both of us chanted the galdr until we collapsed from exhaustion, there's no way we could turn sand into soil. Even if the desert was a fertile valley eons ago, I don't have the power to restore it. Have I made myself clear? Tormod: Hmmpph... Reyson: What need do you have for such magic? Ike has told me that you are now under the protection of the apostle. Tormod: The apostle said she would do something about the slavery of the laguz. But the laguz still live among the beorc. It's bound to cause hard feelings. Think about it. Even if the apostle frees the laguz, the average beorc will still loathe them. I just don't want to see my friends live under a cloud of hatred, fearing for their lives. Reyson: Beorc and laguz living in harmony? It's hard to imagine that. Tormod: That's why I wanted you to do something about the desert. If I could build a village for the laguz there, they'd be able to get a fresh start. Reyson: This may be a long way off, but if Serenes Forest returns to our control, would you like to come live with us there? Tormod: Are you sure!? Reyson: Of course. Tormod: This is... unbelievable news! Everyone will be ecstatic! Reyson: You should know that hunting animals for food is forbidden in the sacred forest. Tormod: It is? Then how will we eat? Reyson: Fresh stream water is plentiful, and there are more than enough nuts and berries. Tormod: But many of my laguz friends are from the great beast tribes--they eat meat! Reyson: They'll have to get used to it. Tormod: I will talk to everyone. But they might decide the desert is fine with them. They do love eating meat! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tormod/Calill (TC094) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Muarim* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Muarim/Lethe (ML095) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Muarim/Zihark (MZ096) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Zihark: That's strange. I could swear I had it just a second ago. Where did I put... Muarim: Something wrong? Zihark: Oh, Muarim. No, not really. I just... I seem to have lost my sword powder. Muarim: Sword powder? Zihark: It's used to maintain swords. Swords rust quickly if you don't take care of them. A little powder, a little oil, and a little scrubbing does the trick. Muarim: Does it come in a small bag attached to a stick? Zihark: Yeah, that's it! Did you pick it up? Muarim: No, but... I have seen it before. I did not know that was its name. Zihark: Hm. Well, it doesn't look like I dropped it anywhere around here. Maybe I lost it when we were marching... Ah, well. Maybe Commander Ike will have some he can share. Muarim: Being a beorc has its troubles, does it not? Zihark: You said it. You know its times like these I really envy you laguz. You've always got your weapons, and they're always at the ready. Muarim: ... -B Support- Muarim: Zihark. Zihark: Oh, Muarim. What brings you here? Muarim: Did you find the sword powder? Zihark: Unfortunately, no. I'll need to replace it, I think. I hate to keep borrowing from the others. Muarim: Can you use this? Zihark: What's this? Oh, wow... This sword powder looks expensive... You're a laguz. How did you come to have this? Muarim: Force of habit. Zihark: I don't follow you. Muarim: I was once a slave. The nobleman who was my master made me sharpen his blades for him. I was quite adept at it. He would bring them to me unannounced. If I did not have the proper materials to sharpen his swords, he would beat me. I still do not feel comfortable unless I have these materials near me. Zihark: I'm sorry to have brought up such a painful memory. Muarim: It is the past now. Would you like me to sharpen your sword? Zihark: Thank you, but a true swordsman takes care of his own blade. I appreciate your offer, though. Muarim: Then at least take this powder. I no longer have any use for it. Zihark: Muarim... Thanks. You saved me. I'm not just saying this out of gratitude, but... would you care to join me for dinner? Muarim: I would like that very much. -A Support- Zihark: Muarim. Muarim: What is it, Zihark? Zihark: I picked this for you. Muarim: This is... Zihark: I've heard the beast tribes are fond of the leaves of this kind of herb. It's fairly uncommon, but I've learned how to spot it. Muarim: Um... Zihark: I picked the wrong herb, didn't I? Muarim: No, no... It's fine. Unfortunately, it is not something that we tigers have a nose for. Zihark: Oh... I didn't know that. Sorry. An old girlfriend of mine loved the scent of it. I guess I just assumed that all laguz liked the smell as much as she did. Muarim: You... were involved with a laguz? Zihark: Yeah. Muarim: That is very uncommon. I've heard stories of love affairs between beorc and laguz. It must have been difficult. I do not imagine either society would have accepted it with ease. Zihark: It... was too much for her. We couldn't be married, and the pressure was too much for her to stay with me. But I've never loved another woman. To this day, I think that I never shall. Muarim: Can I have that bundle of herbs? Zihark: What? But I thought... Muarim: It has no effect on me, it's true, but I accept the gesture of kindness you have shown in bringing it to me. And I apologize for bringing up a painful memory of your own. Zihark: Thanks. You're very kind. Heh. I guess that makes us even, doesn't it? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Muarim/Largo (ML097) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Largo: Whoa there! Your arms are huge!! How'd you get that big? Muarim: ...? Largo: I mean, my arms are pretty massive... but those babies are something else! Muarim: You have big muscles, too... Largo: Ba ha ha ha! Brute force is about the only thing I've got going for me! Hey, why are you carrying those water jugs? Muarim: I'm taking them to the well. Largo: You're filling all those jugs? They've got to weigh as much as an ox once you get water in them! One, two, three, four, five... You've got quite a handful there. Let me give you a hand. Muarim: You don't have to do that. Largo: Aw, heck! It's no problem! I may not be able to cast a bunch of fancy spells, but I can carry heavy stuff as well as any man or beast! Muarim: ...All right, then. Let us go. -B Support- Largo: How goes it, Muarim? Muarim: Largo. Thanks for your help the other day. Largo: Bwa ha ha ha! That was nothing. You know, I've traveled all around the world, and I've never seen someone as burly as you. I'm pretty stout, but I bet you could mop the floor with me... So who do you think could lift the most? Muarim: It's hard to say... Largo: The heaviest thing I ever lifted was this tree I cut down. It was three times my size! What about you? Muarim: Well... One time, I chiseled rocks from a mountain and carried them up to repair a castle wall. Largo: Rocks?! How big were they? Muarim: Mmm... big. Taller than me. Largo: That's incredible! ...Hey, how do you feel about a little strength competition? I bet we'd be pretty evenly matched! Muarim: No, that's just... Largo: Don't be so uptight! Come on! It'll be fun! Muarim: ...Hmmm... All right... But just this once! -A Support- Largo: Hey, Muarim! That lifting competition we had the other day was epic! Muarim: Yes. It was a good time. Largo: People got interested when we were seeing who could lift the most cured hams! That crowd was huge! Muarim: Mmm... It got a bit out of hand when we started lifting people. Largo: Bwa ha ha! We were neck and neck right until the end. The last thing I stacked on my back was that big smoked ham, but then you picked up that girl! What was her name again? Muarim: Mist. Largo: Yeah, that's her. We could have settled the competition if we had known which was heavier. Huh! I still think it was the ham... Muarim: You were quite amazing. Largo: Amazing? Me? Naw, not Largo! You were the incredible one! Muarim: I'm not talking about how many hams you lifted. You were able to draw everyone together. It gave them a laugh, despite the stress of battle. Everyone had a chance to relax and blow off some steam. Largo: Well, everyone deserves a good belly laugh! Bwaaaaa haa haa haaaaaa!! Muarim: You also treat me and everyone else the same. You are a good beorc. Largo: Bwa ha ha! I just call it like I see it! I don't deserve any credit for that. For now, let's call our match a tie. How about some arm wrestling next time? There's no way you can beat me at that! Muarim: Hah! We shall see! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Devdan* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Devdan/Nephenee (DN098) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Devdan/Tormod (DT099) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Devdan/Largo (DL100) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Devdan: Ladies and gentlemen! Gather ‘round! Get ready for Devdan’s fantastic show! Largo: Ah, a street performer! Could be fun. Hmm... Looks like I’m the only one here... Well, I’ll check out the show, anyway. Devdan: Ho ho! Step right up... and be amazed! First, Devdan draws a picture like so... Hum de dum... Voila! All done! This is Devdan’s friend... Nadved! Largo: Nadved? Waaaait a minute. This is just a sketch of some stupid stick figure! Devdan: Ah, you are wrong, young one. Listen carefully...and be amazed! Largo: Huh? Listen to what? ...Aw, you’re crazy! Nadved: Helloooooooooo... Largo: What the...? W-who was that?! Your lips didn’t move, but I heard something! What’s going on here? Devdan: That was Nadved! Say hello to Largo, Nadved! Nadved: Hellooooo, Laaaaaargooooo... Whoooooooooo! Largo: Yaaaaaaa! I mean... um... Wow! That’s pretty incredible! Can it do anything else? Devdan: But of course! For Nadved’s next trick... -B Support- Largo: Ah, what a great day! I think I’ll wander the streets and see what trouble I can... Hello? What’s this? Hm? Well, if it isn’t Devdan’s friend, Nadved! Why are you just lying in the street? Here, let me pick you up... Hey, Nadved! Speak! ...Speak! Speak, Nadved! I command it! Nadved: ... Largo: Oh, this is nonsense! Bah! How could a piece of paper talk, anyway... Speak, Nadved! Speeeeak! Grrrrr! This makes me so mad! Fine, then! You don’t want to talk? I’ll just crumble you up instead! Nadved: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! GYYYYAAAAAAHAAAAAAAAAA!!!! Largo: Yaaaaa! What the...?! N-no way! It screamed! Oh, I’m sorry! Are you all right, Nadved!? Nadved: ... Largo: Oh, by the goddess... What have I done? I’m a monster! A monster! ...I gotta dispose of the body! Devdan: Oh, hello Largo! How are you today? Largo: Wha--?! Oh, Devdan! Um...how are you? I-it’s such a nice day, and I was just... AH! F-forgive me! Yaaaaaaaaaa! Devdan: He ran away... Oh, poor young one. Perhaps Devdan is to blame for showing you his trick. But Devdan can’t tell you how it’s done, because it is a... secret... Oh, the shame of it all... -A Support- Largo: Um... Devdan? Do you have a moment? Devdan: Devdan always has time for you. Largo: Look... I’m... sorry that I got scared and ran off the other day. I’ve been agonizing over how to make it up to you, but I can’t think of anything that’ll make it right. So I’ll just...apologize. Sorry, Devdan. Sorry, Nadved. Devdan: You worried that much for us? Poor Largo! Nadved is fine! Largo: R-really!? Devdan: I am Nadved’s friend. And friends are always close by! I just have to draw a picture like so... Hum de dum... See! It’s Nadved!! Unknown: Laaaaaaargoooooo! I miiiiiised yoooooou! Whoooooooooooo! Largo: Oh! It’s you! I’m so sorry, Nadved! I put you through pain just because I lost my temper. Nadved: Thaaaaat’s all riiiiiight, Laaaaaargoooooooooo! Devdan: Nadved is right, Largo. We are all friends. Friends forgive each other! Largo: Whew! I’m so glad. Thanks, you two! You’re both good people! The best! Bwaaah ha ha ha haaaa! Devdan: No, no. You’re the best, Largo. Let’s stay friends! But first... come closer... Nadved wants to tell you something... Largo: Um...yeah, all right. Let me just take a step closer here, and... YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Reyson* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reyson/Ike (RI101) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Ike: Reyson. Reyson: Oh, Ike. What can I do for you? Ike: I just came to see how things are going. How are you doing? Reyson: Fine. No problems. Ike: No problems? Your face tells me otherwise. Reyson: Well... we herons are optimistic by nature. So it's hard for me to be on a battlefield where the air is thick with negative energy. It's... tiring. But I'm learning to adjust. I hope you'll let me fight beside you to the bitter end. Ike: As long as you take care of yourself, I have no complaints. But isn't there anything I can do to help? Maybe we could have a special supper. Certain foods tend to restore energy. Reyson: That's very kind, but my diet... Heh. It's fairly limited. You know, I used to be disgusted by my thin, frail body. So one time I performed a little experiment. I got all the goods that Tibarn likes--raw meat, cold fish, insects--and ate them. I ate them all. Ike: That doesn't sound good. What happened? Reyson: I stared death in the face for ten days. You've never seen a laguz so green! I guess we herons are just meant to eat fruits and nuts for our entire lives. Ike: ...I can't imagine. Raw meat? You must have been desperate! Reyson: I wanted so much to be like Tibarn. Big body, strong wings... With those features, I felt I could march into Begnion and revenge my brothers all by myself. I got on my knees and prayed to the goddess every night. Asking her for power... But to no avail. Ike: I think I know how you feel... But it's better this way. Reyson: How do you figure? Ike: You get sick from negative energy. Imagine if you tried to hurt someone! You'd lose your lunch! Reyson: Heh. I guess you're right... At one time, I was so angry about my lack of strength, so consumed by despair, that I considered forfeiting my life... But... I'm glad that I am alive. I got to see Leanne because I am alive. Ike: Huh. You surprise me, Reyson. You're stronger than you look. Reyson: If you're talking spiritual strength, I think I'm the best there is! -B Support- Ike: Reyson! Reyson: I'm here, Ike. Do you wish to talk strategy? Ike: Yes. Your participation in the next few battles will be critical... How are you feeling? Reyson: Well... I found that negative energy isn't so bad when I fly. Even feeling a breeze can be a huge help. I can hold up. Don't worry about me. Ike: You look tired. Exhausted, even. I think I know how King Phoenicis must feel... I'm sorry for pushing you like this. Reyson: Saying so is an insult. I choose to be here. Ike: Look, that's not what I meant... I apologize. I know that you hate having people fuss over you. It's just-- Reyson: Ike? Be quiet. If you were annoying else, I'd punch you in the nose and make you be quiet. Ike: Whoa, easy, Reyson! That's not necessary! And hey... I didn't think that herons could attack. Reyson: ...I know how to punch! Although... Ike: Yes? Reyson: I suffer more damage than my target. Ike: What?! Reyson: When I bashed Duke Tanas's face, he only suffered a bloody nose, but it cracked the bones in the back of my hand. Ike: Holy... Reyson: Indeed. Ike: ...But it felt good, right? Reyson: Oh, yeah. -A Support- Ike: Reyson? How are you holding up? You look like death warmed over. Reyson: I know, Ike! Believe me, I know that better than anyone. But, please. Let me do this. Let me fight to the end. Ike: Well, all right. But I don’t want you dropping dead the minute this war is over! Reyson: My body should return to normal once the medallion settles down... Don’t worry. My will is still strong. I have to confront Ashnard. I have to discover the truth. Ike: I’ll help you with that, Reyson. Reyson: I told you not to treat me spec— Ike: And I need you to help me, too. Reyson: ...R-really? Ike: We each posses unique powers. If we combine our might, it will lead to victory in future battles. Reyson: I see... Very well. I appreciate your help. Ike: Hang in there, Reyson. The end is in sight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reyson/Tormod (RT102) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Tormod: Mighty prince of the heron clan! Reyson: Yes, I am Reyson. Who are you? Tormod: I'm Tormod. I was hoping to ask you something. Reyson: I apologize--you caught me off guard. What do you require? Tormod: That song of yours... does it work on everything? Reyson: You mean the chant? Tormod: Yeah, whatever it was that made that drab forest bloom with color. Reyson: You speak of the galdr, the seid magic. What of it? Tormod: Would you please sing it for all of us? Reyson: All of you? Tormod: Yes... For my laguz friends back in Grann Desert. Reyson: So you're the leader of the laguz liberation force. But you're... not much older than a child. Tormod: Do you have a problem with that? Reyson: No problem at all. It's just... ever since I heard whispers of a beorc fighting to free the Begnion slaves, I wondered what manner of man he was. You're... different than I had envisioned. Tormod: So I'm young? So what! It doesn't make what I'm doing any less important. So... are you going to help us or not? Reyson: I'll gladly lend whatever support I can give you, but... What would you have me do? Tormod: I knew you'd come through! Hmm, let's see... Oh, wait... Reyson: What is it? Tormod: I'm not quite ready, yet. The time isn't right. I'd like to talk to you about it more in detail, so please allow me to come back later when I have more time! See you later! Reyson: Beorc children are so restless. -B Support- Tormod: Hello there, great prince of the heron! Reyson: Please call me Reyson. Tormod: Are you sure? All right, Reyson it is. Can you spare a moment? Reyson: Certainly. This is about chanting for your laguz friends, isn't it? Tormod: That's right! You remembered! Reyson: Why don't you tell me more about what you have in mind? Tormod: Well, I was hoping you would... you know... use your magic chant to transform all that sand into soil. Reyson: Sand into soil? Tormod: Exactly! Rich, fertile soil that will yield a bountiful harvest. We'll build our village there. Reyson: That is... utterly absurd! Tormod: Hmmm, he sure stormed off in a huff. For someone that has such kind-looking eyes, he sure has a short temper. -A Support- Tormod: Please, Reyson! You've got to help! Reyson: ... Tormod: I know you can do it! I'm... begging you. Reyson: I'm sorry. I can't. Tormod: Is it because we're poor? Is that why you won't help us? Reyson: Are you suggesting that I'm only willing to help the rich?! Tormod: No... I mean... It was just incredible how you forgave the apostle like that and breathed new life back into the forest. Reyson: That was only possible under very special circumstances. Tormod: Why? I don't get it. Reyson: It was Serenes Forest. For my people, there is no more sacred a place. And the galdr I chanted was a part of an ancient clan ritual performed on a very holy altar. Most importantly, my seid magic succeeded because Leanne was by my side. That galdr holds little force when I chant it alone. Tormod: Then all we need is Leanne! Reyson: You're not very quick, are you? Even if both of us chanted the galdr until we collapsed from exhaustion, there's no way we could turn sand into soil. Even if the desert was a fertile valley eons ago, I don't have the power to restore it. Have I made myself clear? Tormod: Hmmpph... Reyson: What need do you have for such magic? Ike has told me that you are now under the protection of the apostle. Tormod: The apostle said she would do something about the slavery of the laguz. But the laguz still live among the beorc. It's bound to cause hard feelings. Think about it. Even if the apostle frees the laguz, the average beorc will still loathe them. I just don't want to see my friends live under a cloud of hatred, fearing for their lives. Reyson: Beorc and laguz living in harmony? It's hard to imagine that. Tormod: That's why I wanted you to do something about the desert. If I could build a village for the laguz there, they'd be able to get a fresh start. Reyson: This may be a long way off, but if Serenes Forest returns to our control, would you like to come live with us there? Tormod: Are you sure!? Reyson: Of course. Tormod: This is... unbelievable news! Everyone will be ecstatic! Reyson: You should know that hunting animals for food is forbidden in the sacred forest. Tormod: It is? Then how will we eat? Reyson: Fresh stream water is plentiful, and there are more than enough nuts and berries. Tormod: But many of my laguz friends are from the great beast tribes--they eat meat! Reyson: They'll have to get used to it. Tormod: I will talk to everyone. But they might decide the desert is fine with them. They do love eating meat! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reyson/Tanith (RT103) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Ulki* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ulki/Boyd (UB104) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Boyd: Hey, there's that big hawk laguz that joined our party. What's his name again? Ulki: ... Boyd: Oh, hey there! Ulki: Can I help you? Boyd: Huh? Ulki: I thought you called me. Is that not the case? Boyd: Wha--? Are you talking about what I just said? You heard that? Ulki: Clearly. Boyd: Th-that's incredible! I was just mumbling, and you were all the way over there! Ulki: So. What do you want from me? Boyd: Nothing. I was just noticing your features. You have such an interesting face! Ulki: ...Do you have a problem with my face? There's nothing special about it. Boyd: No, no problem! It's so tough! Manly! It's the best! I wish it was my face! Um... Ulki: ... Boyd: ... Ulki: Well, you seem... healthy. And you have good hair. For a beorc. I also like your large arms. Boyd: Really? Ulki: Oh, I have an errand to run. Good-bye. Boyd: Yeah, my arms are pretty tough, huh? You know what? I bet I'll get along with these laguz just fine! Yeah. -B Support- Boyd: Hey, it's you! What's up, my hawk brother? Ulki: Oh, it's the... large-armed beorc. I... um... haven't seen you lately. Unless we're in battle. Boyd: You got that right! Oh, I'm Boyd. We're buddies now, so you can call me by name. Ulki: Very well. I am Ulki. But I ask that you call me that name instead of... hawk brother. Boyd: Yeah, sure. Whatever you want. So, Ulki. What are you doing in a place like this? Ulki: I was listening to the little birds chirp. The song soothes me. Boyd: Really? ...Nope. I can't hear anything. You must have really good ears. Ulki: Mmm... Boyd: You know, I really envy you bird tribes. Being able to fly is the greatest thing ever! You're something else in a fight, too! I can't believe how you tear through guys. Oh, and it's weird how much we look alike! I mean, when you're not shifted. And except for the wings and stuff... Ulki: ... Boyd: Oh, hey, sorry. I'm doing all the talking. Sometimes I just start rambling on... If I'm bothering you, just say so. Ulki: ...Sorry... Boyd: What's wrong? Ulki: I am... the worst. Boyd: Huh? Hey! What's gotten into you? -A Support- Boyd: There you are! Wait a sec, Ulki! Ulki: ... Boyd: Why are you avoiding me? Did I make you mad or something? Ulki: Boyd... Boyd: I thought we were friends. I guess we can't be friends because I'm a beorc. Is that it? Ulki: No... You are... good. It's me. I'm the worst. Boyd: You called yourself that the other day, too. What are you getting at? Ulki: Mmm... When you first spoke to me... I was suspicious. When a beorc like you speaks to a laguz like me... I thought you were plotting something. Boyd: Er... But you said nice things about me when we first met! Were you lying? Ulki: I thought the exchanging of lies upon a first meeting was a beorc tradition. You also gave me a series of flattering compliments that were not true, no? Boyd: No, they were true! Well, mostly... Look, I was nervous! I'm not that good at talking to new people. Ulki: I checked you out when we parted company. I investigated your name. Your background. I checked everything. Boyd: Yowza! Really? So what did you find? Ulki: Boyd of the Greil Mercenaries. You are a skilled fighter who says what's on his mind. It is just as you seemed. Boyd: ... Ulki: Even though you showed me goodwill from the very beginning... I had no trust in you. I thought you were... mocking me. Or setting me up for a trap. That's why I am the worst. I am not worthy of being your friend. Boyd: Ha ha ha! Ulki: What is it? Boyd: We're so alike! At first, I was sure that you would hate me, or claw out my eyes, or... something. I didn't think I could just hang out with you like Ike does. He's just so darn natural about everything! But then I happened to talk to you, and it was really easy! That made me pretty happy. So after that, I tried to get to know you. I even followed you around the battlefield. Ulki: I see. Boyd: Look, beorc can be a bunch of jerks. I don't blame you for checking me out. Heck, I know what we did to your people. But now it's gotta stop. Now that you know I'm clean, you have to stop putting up walls. We'll never understand each other if you're like that. So tell me straight, yes or no? Are we friends or what, Ulki? Ulki: Yes. I'm sorry, Boyd. If you can forgive me, I want to be your friend. Boyd: Forgive you? Pah! I wasn't even mad! I was going to be your friend from the very beginning! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ulki/Rhys (UR105) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Rhys: Um... H-hello! Hello there! Ulki: Mmm? Rhys: Er... I'm... I'm sorry! I didn't mean to make you mad! I just wanted to talk to-- Ulki: I'm not mad. Can I help you with something? Rhys: Ooh! Oooooh! I'm so glad! I'm Rhys! N-nice to meet you! Ulki: Er... hello. I am Ulki. Rhys: Er... Well... Say, you can really fly with those wings, huh?! I saw you turn into a hawk before... It was amazing! I envy you! Ulki: Mrrr? Rhys: Oh, sorry... That probably sounds weird. I've always been sickly. When I was little, I spent a lot of time in bed. So... I used to gaze out the window and see all the little birds flying around the sky... It must be fantastic! Flying wherever you want, whenever you want?! Ulki: Um... Fantastic. Yes. I suppose. I never thought of it. Rhys: Oh, I don't blame you! After all, you've been flying since you were born... Soaring through the skies like a puffy cloud! Ulki: Mmm? Clouds do not soar... I am confused. -B Support- Rhys: Ulki! Ulki: Oh, the sickly beorc. Hello. Rhys: I had the honor of seeing you battle the other day! Your 360-degree loops were extraordinary! Ulki: ...I did a loop? Rhys: And right after that, you circled many times and then dived at that soldier... BLAM!! Hee hee! Oh, you're something else! Ulki: Well... I suppose... Rhys: Oh, how I wish I could soar through the air like that! Ulki: Er, yes. You mentioned that. Rhys: On sunny days, I'd take to the skies and land on a high mountain peak, then gaze down on the villages below... Oh, just thinking about it makes me so happy! Ahhhhhh... Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhh... Ulki: Er... yes. I suppose... Flying could also help you take care of injured people. Rhys: Hey, that's a great thought! I could just zoom right over and treat the victim! I'd love to do it! Ulki: Hmm... Well... Do you want to... give it a try? Rhys: Huh!? But h-how!? I don't have wings or anything... Oh, wait... Are you serious?! Ulki: ... -A Support- Rhys: Ulki! Oh, my dear friend Ulki! I'm so looking forward to the next battle! I mean, fighting is terrifying and I'd like to avoid it and all that... But I'm going to be so useful! Ulki: I'm glad to hear-- Rhys: But I have to hang on to your back! No matter what... Oh, may I practice with you just one more time? Please? Pleeeeease? Ulki: Er... No. I can't use up any more energy before battle... Rhys: Oh, I see... I apologize... Yes, very sorry... Um... Say... Does shifting tire you? Ulki: Yes. Rhys: What!? Oh no! But... You let me practice with you! For days! Yesterday we flew for nine hours! Ulki: Well... It was my fault for not saying anything. You looked so happy that... I didn't have a chance to bring it up. Rhys: You know what? I think you're pale... And your eyes are all bloodshot... ... I'm sorry... Let's just forget it... Ulki: Perhaps we should. It might be dangerous for me to go into battle like this. Rhys: I agree... Ulki: But... if we ever have some free time, I will take you on a ride. Rhys: Whooo-hoooo! Yes, thank you! That would be great, Ulki!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ulki/Mordecai (UM106) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Mordecai: I have a question, Ulki. Ulki: Yes? What is it? Mordecai: The bird tribes fly the sky. How does it feel to fly? Ulki: Huh... I never think about it. It's just something that I do. Mordecai: Hrrrrmm... I see. It is for you like running is for me. I have never flown. I wanted to know if it was different. Ulki: That's what I figured... Mordecai: What kind of place is your home? Do you have to fly there? Ulki: Well... Even if you were to arrive by ship, Phoenicis has no ports and no docks. We have no need for them. Without our help, it would be hard for you to visit Phoenicis. Mordecai: I see... That is a shame. Ulki: Do you want to come to Phoenicis? Mordecai: I do indeed! I have met many beorc and laguz throughout this war. Our world is big, and I would see more of it. Ulki: You would, huh? -B Support- Ulki: Mordecai... Mordecai: Is something troubling you, Ulki? Ulki: I want to ask you something. Mordecai: Hm? What is it? Ulki: I understand you beast tribes can see well even at night. With the exception of Janaff, my kind cannot see at all at night. Even with my eyes wide open, all I can see is the darkness. Mordecai: In perfect darkness, I cannot see. If there is but a little light, however, I can see as clearly as in the day. I use the moonlight, as should you. Ulki: I wish I could, but that is exactly what I mean. Your kind can see by moonlight, but the bird clans... Mordecai: They cannot? Ulki: I long to soar in the sky, looking down upon the moonlit world... I would love to see the forest at night. What do the trees look like as night falls? Why are there dewdrops on the leaves in the morning even when there's no rain? The forest at night has so many mysteries. What light can you shed on them? Mordecai: During the day, the forest teems with life. It is very different from the night forest. But the night forest is also alive in its way. Ulki: Is that so? I would love to see that, even once. -A Support- Mordecai: I have an idea, Ulki. Ulki: What is it? Mordecai: Janaff is your king's eyes. I will be yours. Carry me on your back. You will help me fly, and I will show you the night forest. Ulki: ...No, you'd be too heavy. I can't carry you. Mordecai: Hrrrm... I see. I am sorry to trouble you. I can see at night, and you can fly in the sky. I thought it was a good idea... Ulki: ... Mordecai: It was a foolish thought. Ulki: No, it was very kind. Well, what if... Yes, suppose I grow stronger, and you, well, lost some weight... Then we could give your idea a try. Mordecai: I will! Then, you can take me to Phoenicis, and I will see your home! I will do what you have asked! Except... I must lose some weight. I do not like that. I like to eat... No! It will be worth not eating! I will see Phoenicis! Ulki: ...Uh... It was just a thought. Let's not go overboard here... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Janaff* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Janaff/Oscar (JO107) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Oscar: Um... Hi there. Janaff: Yes? Oscar: Hello! ...Um... Nice weather today! Janaff: Can I help you with something? Oscar: No, not really. I'm just... Janaff: So, you want nothing from me then? What an odd fellow. Well then, I'll be going. I don't get these beorc at all. Oscar: Dangit, Oscar! You messed that up! Stupid! Stupid! Aw, how am I supposed to do this?! I've never dealt with these bird tribes before... But we're allies! We have to learn to communicate with each other... I'll do it right next time! -B Support- Oscar: Uh... hey there. Janaff: Yes? Oscar: We meet again! Ha ha! Haaa... Um... sorry about the other day. I don't have much... experience talking to laguz, so... Hey, is there anything you don't understand about our company?! Maybe I can help! Janaff: No, not particularly. Why? Oscar: Well, I just thought... I mean, I have a young brother that's just about your age... Come on, Oscar, get it together... Um... Wow, you laguz are just so incredible! I mean, even a small kid like yourself can fight so-- Janaff: Did you just call me a child?! Oscar: W-what's wrong? Janaff: See here! I'm not a child! I'm over 100 years old! Oscar: Wha...? A hundred... years...? Janaff: I don't know how old you are, but no one calls me a child to my face and lives to tell about it! Don't you EVER call me that again! Got it, human!? Oscar: Oh yeah, got it! Totally! Look, I'm really... Darn it, Oscar! Stupid! So stupid! Now you've really ticked him off! Man, what was I thinking? Now I have to go apologize. Again! Probably screw that up, too... Aaargh! So stupid! -A Support- Oscar: Uuuummm... Janaff: Yes? Oh. You. Oscar: Look, I'm really, really sorry about what I said the other day. Please forgive my ignorance. Janaff: Ha! Well... I guess it's all right. As long as you don't do it again. By the way, how old are you? I can never tell with you beorc. Oscar: I'm twenty-four. Janaff: Twenty-four!? TWENTY-FOUR?! You don't even have a full set of feathers yet! You're a child! A suckling babe! I can't believe that the beorc send children out to battle! How can you be so cold and heartless?! Oscar: Uh... well-- Janaff: What's your name, little one? Oscar: O-Oscar? Janaff: Janaff. But you can call me Uncle Janny. No wonder you said such rude things. Heck, I'm surprised you can even talk! Oscar: Yeah, it's... um... surprising all right. I'm pretty bright for my age. Janaff: Well, it's the duty of an elder to guide an ignorant child until he can fly. I forgive your rude remarks. If you ever need anything, come find me. If you have a bad nightmare or something, Unkie Janny will tuck you in. All right? Oscar: Y-yes. Of course. Thank you. That'll be... a real help. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Janaff/Shinon (JS108) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Janaff: Ho! You there! Halt! Shinon: ... Janaff: Hey, did you hear me? I said halt! Shinon: Who are you? Janaff: I'll ask the questions, thanks. Hmmm... I haven't seen your face around here before. Are you a new recruit? State your name and unit. Shinon: I don't have time to answer questions from ignorant half-breeds. Janaff: W-what? What did you call me!? Hey! I'm talking to you, jerk! Shinon: Say that again... Go ahead. It'll be the last thing you ever say. Janaff: I'm not afraid of you, human! Crossing me is the worst decision you'll ever make. Shinon: ... Janaff: ... Shinon: You're lucky, half-breed. I'll let you go this time. Janaff: Pah! It's me who's letting you go. And don't forget it, human! -B Support- Shinon: Oh, look, it's the half-breed birdbrain. What a pleasant surprise. Peck anyone lately? Janaff: Don't start with me, you human jerk. Shinon: I hear you're a bodyguard for the king of Phoenicis. Not a bad gig... considering how scrawny you are. Janaff: I hear you knew Greil for ages. They say he betrayed his men and aided Daein before fleeing to Crimea. Shinon: Are you calling him a traitor?! Dastard! You'll die for that! No... I'm not going to do this. I'm a true mercenary. I won't give you the satisfaction of a free fight. Janaff: ...I don't get you, human. You have no clan and no master... What are you fighting for? Shinon: I fight to live. That's all. Doesn't everyone? It's not like people kill each other for fun. Janaff: You don't? Shinon: What? Janaff: You don't kill for fun? You don't enjoy it? Shinon: No. Why, do you? Janaff: I thought you humans... liked to kill. That's why you make weapons. Why you hunt animals for sport. Shinon: Ha! We make weapons to protect ourselves from you half-breeds! Only wealthy bluestockings with too much time on their hands hunt for sport! Janaff: ... Shinon: Man, what an idiot... Janaff: Wait! I have more questions! Rrrr! Human jerk! -A Support- Janaff: Oh. There you are. Shinon: ... Janaff: Shinon, right? Do you have a moment? Shinon: Huh? Oh, it's the half-breed birdbrain! Life is full of surprises, and not all of them are the good kind. Janaff: Don't lash out at me, you huma... Er... I'm sorry about the other day. Shinon: Y-you're what? Janaff: I misunderstood the beorc. I thought all beorcs liked killing, and that we could never learn to live with one another. Shinon: Why did you join Ike's army if you feel that way? Did the king order it? Janaff: No. The relationship with our king is not one-sided like that. If we do not deem the king's orders to be right and just, we will not obey them. Shinon: Then why did you join? Janaff: Commander Ike saved one of my friends in Serenes. Though my first duty is always as Prince Reyson's bodyguard, I also hope to return the favor. I trust the commander. I... like him. Shinon: Ha! At least someone does. Janaff: Hm? Shinon: I've always hated Ike. He gets everything handed to him and takes it all for granted. Janaff: But that's not his fault, is it? One can't decide their parentage. Shinon: ...Nah, I suppose it's not his fault. But you know what? It's my choice to feel this way, so I'll keep doing it. Janaff: Heh. You've got that right. Shinon: Wait, wait. Why am I talking about this stuff with you? Janaff: You know what, Shinon? You kind of... You remind me of me when I was young. Shinon: Huh? Janaff: I used to be quite the daredevil before I grew into adulthood. Nothing ever seemed to please me. Shinon: How old are you, anyway? Janaff: I'm a bit over 110 years old. Shinon: Wha--?! You half-br... you guys must have a different way of counting than us humans. Janaff: Don't spring, summer, fall, and winter make a year in your calendar, too? Shinon: So if I'm twenty-seven, you must be at least... eighty-five years older than me! Janaff: Indeed. So give me some respect, you young pup. If you run into trouble in the future, come see me. I'll give you the kind of advice that only an elder can give. Shinon: Oh, hey! Hold on! Um... tell me more about your life. You've seen a lot, you know? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Janaff/Lucia (JL109) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Lucia: You must be a Phoenicis knight. Janaff: Eh? Lucia: I don’t believe I’ve had the pleasure. I am Lucia of Crimea, a vassal of Princess Elincia. I wish to tender my cordial thanks for the aid and succor your country has granted us. Will you accept it? Janaff: Uh... Sure, why not? Lucia: ... Janaff: ...I mean, um... Thanks for your courtesy. I’m Janaff. I am here at the command of our king. So if you really want to thank someone, you should thank our king. Lucia: Very well. Although telling him in person would give me much pleasure, such luxuries are not feasible under the circumstances. Please give my regards to King Tibarn. Long life to him! Huzzah! Janaff: ...All righty then... Lucia: What is it? Janaff: Well, I don’t know that we need the formality. I mean, we’re fighting in the same army, right? Right...? Hey, I’ve got a better idea! Let’s go have a wild night on the town to fortify our new friendship! I’m buying! Lucia: Oh, I could not. My father would not approve of me going out without a chaperon. Janaff: What? Such a shame! You look like a gorgeous woman, but you’re still a child? I can never tell how old you beorcs are! Lucia: … -B Support- Janaff: My homeland of Phoenicis is bordered by South Sea. It’s a wonderful place to live. There aren’t that many of us, and everyone gets along... I’ve seen many countries with my own eyes, but Phoenicis is the best! Lucia: Did Phoenicis have diplomatic relations with other countries? Janaff: No, we don’t associate with the others. We used to be allied with Serenes... until those cursed humans destroyed it. And Kilvas is ruled by a cunning and heartless king. We have no trust for him. Lucia: Did you ever associate with beorc countries? Janaff: Ha! That’ll never happen! After the slaughter of Serenes, the beorc became our enemy. Lucia: I do not blame you for your anger... But as I have said, Crimea wishes to establish diplomatic relations with you. Our late king advocated friendship with the laguz, and enjoyed a good rapport with King Caineghis of Gallia. Janaff: So I hear. Look, most Phoenicians would be perfectly happy living their entire lives without outside contact... But I suppose a friendship with Crimea is possible. If our king so decides. Lucia: And what do you think? Janaff: What do I think? Huh... I used to loathe huma... beorc. Even hearing the word made me angry. But... Now I think friendship is possible. That’s all because I met you. Lucia: Oh... Well... Thank you. I am glad to be of assistance. -A Support- Lucia: In Crimea, we dream of peace for all people. Friendship that transcends nation, creed, and race. Beorc and laguz, living in harmony. Janaff: Transcending race, huh? Crimea is an odd country. I heard you even let laguz live within your borders! Lucia: Yes, due to our bond with King Caineghis. And now, Prince Elincia hopes to establish such alliances with other laguz nations. Janaff: It’s a pretty thought. But do you think that a friendship which transcends nation, creed, and race will come so easily? Lucia: It will not be easy, but it can be— Janaff: For example. You know that Phoenicis and Begnion used to be bitter enemies, right? Lucia: Yes, I know. Janaff: The apostle finally recognized the Serenes massacre, but who knows how long it’ll take that news to spread over the country? Before that happens, there could be more fighting. War might erupt anew. If so, whose side will you choose? Lucia: I would— Janaff: It’ll be Begnion. Come on! Am I wrong? And in the eyes of Phoenicis, Crimea is nothing more that a Begnion colony. Which means I’ll fight against you. Lucia: Princess Elincia would do everything in her power to avoid such a war. However, I am her loyal vassal. In the event of conflict, my path is clear. Janaff: Same here. The king’s ally is my ally. And the king’s enemy... But if I can help it, I’d rather not fight a good-looking woman like you! Dinner would be much more enjoyable. Lucia: I agree, Janaff. When this war is over and Crimea rebuilt... let’s meet again. Not as enemies, but as friends. Janaff: I hope you’ll be old enough to go out without a chaperon by then! Lucia: I hope so as well. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Tanith* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tanith/Oscar (TO110) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Tanith: Oh, excuse me... Oscar: Yes? Tanith: Did you just drop this cloth? Oscar: Oops. Yes, that’s mine. Thank you for picking it up. I apologize for troubling you, Commander Tanith. Tanith: What is your name? Oscar: Silly me. I forgot to introduce myself! I am Oscar, of the Greil Mercenaries. It’s a pleasure to meet you, milady. Tanith: Hm. I hadn’t thought you were one of the mercenaries. That’s quite interesting. I am here with only a minimal retinue, but I hope that we can demonstrate the greatness of Begnion’s knights. Oscar: I am well aware of Begnion’s reputation. It’s an honor to meet the leader of such an esteemed force. Tanith: You’re too kind. Oscar: It was a pleasure meeting you, milady. Tanith: Hm... Such a well-mannered young man. I always thought mercenaries were rude, crude, and vulgar men... Ike certainly has some fine lads under his command. -B Support- Oscar: Tanith, I must say, the charge you lead the other day was spectacular. Tanith: We are knights of Begnion, after all. Anything less than a direct charge, knight against knight, would sully the honor of our apostle and our motherland. Oscar: I’d heard stories of your bravery before, but to see you in action was incredible! To see so many pegasus knights swooping onto the battlefield at once, it was like seeing the sun break through the clouds. Tanith: You over-romanticize us. Oscar: Oh, no milady. It was a sight to behold. But, and do not take offense to this, might I share an observation with you? It strikes me that your strategy works only if you have superior numbers. Tanith: Admittedly, in most battles, Begnion has the advantage of numbers. I can’t recommend this tactic in our current campaign. I agree. Our army is constantly undermanned. Sometimes, it’s a struggle just to get the basic necessities! It goes without saying that we’ll never have access to all the resources that Begnion enjoys. Well, you seem to understand how to fight well enough with few numbers. Tell me, what would you do? Oscar: We take advantage of our individual soldiers’ strengths. Where you would overwhelm your foes with numbers, we cannot risk the losses. We cannot afford to lose a single soldier, even if his sacrifice brings us victory. After all, we might win a battle that way, but we will not be able to last out the war. Do not let honor drag you into a duel you cannot win. Dishonor is better than death if withdrawing means you live to fight again. Tanith: Retreating from a fight is not an easy thing to do, but I must admit, your words make sense given our numbers. Oscar: And I would hate to lose your strength to preserve something as intangible as honor. Tanith: But you know, the pegasus knights can be stubborn. I’m not sure even I can convince them to change their tactics. Oscar: Then I’ll help you convince them. Maybe my experiences will be all the proof they need. Tanith: You’d do that? Oscar: Yes, of course. I don’t have even half the experience you do, but if there’s any chance I can help, I will. Tanith: Oh, I think you can be quite persuasive. You know, you’re not what I expected from a mercenary. Oscar: I’m glad to have surprised you then, milady. Tanith: We should be going. You’d best keep up with me. I have no intention of waiting for you and your horse! Oscar: Well, perhaps I’ll have to surprise you a second time! -A Support- Tanith: Are you going somewhere, Oscar? Oscar: Yes, milady. I was just about to prepare supper. Is there something you needed? Tanith: No, it’s nothing important... I just wanted to thank you. Your insights into mercenary tactics have been helpful. I feel like I’ve learned more here than I did at the academy! Why, I’m starting to wish that I could take you back to Begnion with me, so that we could all benefit from your wisdom. Oscar: That’s kind of you to say, milady. Tanith: By the way... you cook? Oscar: Yes, milady. As I’ve said, we’re a small company. Each of us handles a variety of tasks, from fighting to cooking to cleaning. Tanith: You are full of surprises! Oscar: You think so? Tanith: I may be a fine warrior, but... It’s embarrassing to admit, but I can’t even crack an egg without hurting someone. The last meal I prepared at the academy took three of our finest generals out of action for nearly a month. Oscar: Oh, my... Tanith: Shocking, isn’t it? Oscar: Oh, no. I take it as a testament to your skills as a warrior. Just... remind me never to accept an invitation to dinner. Or... you know, if you’d like, I could teach you a little... Tanith: You’d teach me how to cook? Oscar: Only if you’d like. Tanith: Hm. I’m sure you’re as good an instructor in the cooking arts as in the military ones. All right. I accept your offer! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tanith/Marcia (TM111) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Marcia: ...Oh! Tanith: Marcia. It's been a while. Marcia: Oh, chestnuts! D-Deputy Commander Tanith!? What... are you doing here? Tanith: I was just about to ask you the same thing. As deputy commander of the Holy Guard, I took this position on imperial orders. I never would have thought I'd run into one of my former subordinates so soon... Marcia: W-we've been together since we crossed into Daein?! Oh, I had no idea! Talk about strange luck! Heh... Tanith: It certainly is. I'm so glad I've come across my... special subordinate. I've been looking for you for a long time, you know... Marcia: D-Deputy Commander, your eyes... why are you squinting at me like that? Are you... angry? Tanith: Oh, I'm angry. I am very angry. Very angry indeed. Right now I'm weighing my options... Which penalty should I inflict on you for deserting the Begnion Holy Guard? Marcia: I'm... I'm no deserter! Didn't you read the letter of resignation I wrote? Tanith: Did you think you could cast off your sworn duty by scribbling on a piece of paper? You should know the weight of being a soldier in the service of the Begnion Holy Guard. Marcia: I'm... I'm sorry! But I was in such a hurry... Tanith: ...Commander Sigrun is a charitable person. She says she is willing to overlook your desertion. Marcia: Phew... Tanith: However! I put an end to that nonsense! I told her that I would bring you back at any cost and deliver the appropriate penalty. I hope you're ready! Marcia: Oh! I just remembered I have to be somewhere! Somewhere really far away... Excuse me, ma'am! Yaaaaa! Tanith: Stop right there! You're not going to get away this time! -B Support- Tanith: Marcia! Marcia: Eeeeeek! D-Deputy Commander! Tanith: What a disgraceful little scream! You should know how to behave in front of your former superior. Marcia: But... Deputy Commander... Are you still upset with me? Tanith: I certainly am! State your reason for deserting your duty as a pegasus knight! You were never one to run away! Even during the most intense missions... You were no coward, Marcia. I've even seen some knights leave because of a silly romantic distraction... but not you. Marcia: Well, if you must know... My brother went missing after he accrued a massive debt. Tanith: Debt? Marcia: Yes. Men began coming to my barracks to collect their money instead of hunting down my brother. That's why I went to find him. I met Ike and his company during my search, and I joined after they saved me from a vicious band of boat monkeys. But I still didn't find my brother. Tanith: ... Marcia: I figured that if I travelled with Ike, I'd eventually find my brother. That's why I'm still with them. Tanith: I see... So he skipped town because of his debts. As your superior officer, I do feel some sympathy for you. Marcia: Then-- Tanith: Nevertheless! You are still a deserter. It makes no difference why. You will still be punished once my mission is complete. Marcia: Awww... Come on! -A Support- Marcia: So, you know... I was thinking... If possible...It would be great if you could overlook my punishment. Tanith: Punishing deserters to the harshest degree of the law has always been an iron rule. I cannot make a special exception for you. Marcia: Deputy Commander... Why do you have to be so mean?! Tanith: Why am I mean!? Because you deserted, I had to-- Marcia: You were always like that. Unlike Commander Sigrun, you never once commended our unit. You think you understand us, but you don't. You're just heartless and frigid. Tanith: Don't you get it? Why do you think I'm coming down on you so hard!? Marcia: Excuse me? Tanith: I wouldn't normally say this, but...I had high expectations for you, Marcia. I thought you could take the reins and someday lead the Holy Guard. Marcia: What!? Where did that come from? Back in Begnion, you said nothing about any of this. Tanith: Do you think I would say something like that on my own? I have no choice now. I'll offer counsel to the commander, and see to it that you have a place back on the Guard. If you come back, I might just forget all about your desertion. Marcia: Deputy Commander... I... I appreciate it! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tanith/Reyson (TR112) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Calill* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Calill/Nephenee (CN113) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Calill: Hm? Hey, you there! Hold on! Nephenee: ...? Calill: Why is a pretty girl like you covering her face with an unfashionable helmet like that? The world should see your beauty! It's a travesty, I tell you! A veritable crime against nature! Oh, and where is your makeup? Nephenee: Well, I ain't really... a makeup kind of gal. Calill: ...Ain't? Where are you from, missy? Nephenee: I'm from... around. Calill: Such an unsociable girl! Well, you can't fool Calill! I know why you're not much of a talker. You're embarrassed about your country accent and low speech, are you not? Nephenee: H-how do you... Calill: How do I know that? Well, I used to have a... friend with the same problem. Nephenee: You? But you're from the city! And you're so-- Calill: Elegant? Yes, indeed. Quite so. Oh, but I have an absolutely splendid idea... I'll teach you to talk like a true lady! Having a rube like you around will just make me miss the city, anyway. I'll even show you how to put on makeup! Nephenee: I... I ain't-- Calill: Tsk! A lady never says such things! I can see this will be a bit of work... Well, you leave everything to me, missy! Nephenee: ... -B Support- Calill: Oh, hello again! How are you? Have you been studying your grammar? Hmm... Let's check your makeup. Nephenee: Calill-- Calill: Shush! Now look up... Higher! Hmm... Not bad. A little light perhaps... But this helmet has got to go! Nephenee: Aw, that's all right. Everyone'll stare if I take it off. Calill: Why, my dear missy! Are you finally starting to believe in your own beauty? Nephenee: Oh, I ain't-- Calill: Tsk! True ladies don't say "ain't"! And it's a dastardly lie, anyway. Look at you! You're gorgeous! A splendid face, plus that fantastic figure, and yet you hide it under armor? Oooh! I'm so jealous I could scream! Nephenee: But I ain-- I mean, I can't hold my head up like you. I'm just a country girl. Calill: Yes, it seems like a burden to always worry about how others see you. But I'll tell you a secret... People in the city are cold! They don't care about anyone but themselves! Nephenee: Not you, Calill! You're kind. Calill: Me? Oh. Hm... I guess I am. Well, perhaps not everyone from the city is so cold... Don't you give up, Nephenee! Trust me! You have charm! You'll be the talk of the society pages in no time! Nephenee: Thank you. -A Support- Calill: Oh? What's in the bag? Did you run an errand, Nephenee? Nephenee: I saw some beedle nuts on the trees near here so... Calill: Oh, I see. And what, pray tell, is a beedle nut? Nephenee: Oh, they're swell! We use the oil on the shell to treat insect bites. Calill: Oh? I had no idea there was such a thing. We don't have such trees in the city... My, country wisdom is amazing! Oh, but listen to me ramble! May I sample one of your nuts? Nephenee: Well, sure but... Oh, be careful, Calill! The shell is real sticky! Don't touch it with your bare hands. Calill: Ah, I see. But perhaps if I hold the top and bottom edges of the shell like so... The oil won't contact my skin. Nephenee: W-what? How did you...? Calill: Mmm... Delicious! Nephenee: ...You're not from the city at all! Calill: Shush! You didn't see anything! I'm a sophisticated urbanite, right? Nephenee: ... Calill: What? Surprised? Oh, come now. You're not the only one who doesn't want to be known as a country bumpkin. That's why I know how you feel. Nephenee: Oh... But... now I know that I can be like you if I work hard. That makes me happy. I will... I will work hard, Calill. Calill: Hallelujah! She sees the light! Now you just have to find a good man to bring back to your village! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Calill/Tormod (CT114) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Calill/Geoffrey (CG115) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Calill: Mmm... Such a drab locale. Not like the city at all-- Aaaaah! Geoffrey: Oof! Look out! Calill: Ah! My face! My beautiful face! No, no... I think it’s still there. Geoffrey: Are you all right, my lady? Calill: Well... Oh my! He called me a lady. And such a handsome devil! Y-yes, good sir! Thanks to you, I appear to be unhurt. Geoffrey: Really? Well, that’s good. I know that you were lost in thought, but do try to watch your step. Calill: W-wait! Just a moment! Geoffrey: Yes? What is it? Calill: I’m... My name is Calill. What is your name, gentle sir? Geoffrey: I am Geoffrey. Calill: Geoffrey... Such a nice name. A fine gent like Geoffrey is just right for me! Oh... Love always comes when you least expect it. Sweet Sir Geoffrey! You will be mine! -B Support- Calill: Oh, there you are, Sir Geoffrey! You look especially rugged and dashing today! Geoffrey: Hm? Oh, hello, Calill. How are you? Calill: Hmm! How nice! You remember me... Perhaps love dares to speak its name! Geoffrey: Eh? What are you talking about? Calill: No, no, I’m just talking to myself. Say, you’re a knight escorting the princess of Crimea, no? It’s such an honor to meet someone like you! Such a noble bearing! Such grace! Geoffrey: Um...it’s actually not a big deal. You and I are on the same team, after all. We shouldn’t worry about class or social standing. Calill: Oh! He’s even more debonair than I first imagined! Thank you for being so kind. So...decent. So handsome and strong. So filled with manly virility... Geoffrey: Um...you’re welcome? Calill: By the way, Sir Geoffrey. I don’t know Princess Elincia very well. What manner of person is she? Geoffrey: Oh! Are you interested in the princess? Calill: Oh course! I’m interested in any woman who could become my romantic rival! Geoffrey: What did you just-- Calill: Nothing! Nothing at all! Just talking to myself. La da dum de dum... I just want to know her because she’s...a dear person that we must protect! Could you tell me about her? Geoffrey: I can. Although...putting it into words is hard... Calill: Why is that? Geoffrey: The words always sound false, yet... Hmmm... The princess is like-- Calill: Yes? Yes?! Geoffrey: Everything about her is perfect. As her retainer, some might accuse me of bias, but it is not so! She is...invaluable. She is the treasure of Crimea... Calill: Ooooh, I see how it is. You’re in love with her! Blast! Blast and double blast! I’m always so unlucky with men! Oh, vile cupid! Why do you mock me! Geoffrey: Wait! Wait! Calill! You misunderstood! I...er... Calill: No, no, good sir knight! Spare me your wicked tongue! I cannot bear another lashing across my heart! ...Ah, well. It’s a shame I can’t have him for my own, but...I enjoy a good love story all the same! I’ll lend a helping hand to this naïve knight and lead him to his one true love! Princess Elincia, your man is coming! -A Support- Calill: Ah! I see! Geoffrey: So that’s why her existence was never made public. Instead, she was taken to the royal villa and raised in secret. Calill: It’s a rather complicated story for a... commoner like me to understand. To grow up like that... Hidden from the eyes of the world. Geoffrey: I don’t think the princess minded. She grew up with the love of her parents and Lord Renning. She didn’t have to inherit the throne. She lived happy and free, like a country aristocrat. Calill: She would probably still be happy if it weren’t for that Daein attack! Geoffrey: ... Calill: Oh, I’m sorry, Sir Geoffrey. I was careless with my words. Geoffrey: No, you speak the truth. Calill: I think your earlier story was even more fascinating, though! I can’t believe that you are the son of Elincia’s foster mother and have known Her Highness since childhood. Geoffrey: Those early days were the best of my life. Crimea was at peace, and the whole land was filled with such beauty. The princess was especially beautiful... I remember chasing her and my sister, Lucia, around the villa... But alas! She is above my station! I can never have her, and yet... I cannot forget the past. Calill: Shush! You can’t wallow in your own memories like that! You have to live in the here and now! It’s true that times are hard. We spend every day fighting, covered in sweat and blood... But there is always hope! You must find what...pleasures you can whenever possible. Geoffrey: Calill. You are right. I must not lose hope. I regret my outburst. Calill: Oh, that’s all right. Actually, I prefer a man who’s a couple links short of a full chain. Makes him more interesting. Geoffrey: Thank you. For now, I will devote myself to rebuilding Crimea. Though I think fondly on the princess, I know that our time together will never be as it once was. To serve her for life and watch her happiness from a distance... I can live with that. Calill: Or you could just elope! Kidding! I’m kidding. Besides, you’re too straightlaced for that. I know you. It’s a shame. The two of you would make a nice couple. Geoffrey: ...You’re a good person, Miss Calill. Calill: Oh, I know it! You can’t just find a smart, attractive woman like this on every corner, you know? Geoffrey: You are indeed a gem among stones. Calill: Oh, no! Don’t try to sweet talk me now! It’s far too late for such flattery! I know how you feel about the princess. I wouldn’t want to compete. Geoffrey: Mmm... That’s unfortunate. Calill: Ha ha ha! Well, at least we became good friends. Expose your heart to me without fear, brave Sir Geoffrey! I’ll stand by you to the end. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Tauroneo* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tauroneo/Rolf (TR116) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Tauroneo: ...Josh? Rolf: Huh? Tauroneo: No... you can’t be. Sorry, I thought you were someone else. What’s your name, young man? Rolf: Rolf. Tauroneo: Rolf, eh? What’s a child like you doing in a place like this? The battlefield is no place for children. Why do your parents allow this? Rolf: I... don’t have any parents. My dad left us... and my mom died. Tauroneo: Oh, no... I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to drag up such a painful memory. Rolf: That’s all right. This group of mercenaries is my family now. So... I look like someone you know? Tauroneo: My... son. Josh. My oldest. Josh is an adult now. But he looked so much like you, once. Long ago... I can’t believe I thought you were my own son. I’ve grown old and senile. Ha! Foolish old man... Rolf: Where’s Josh now? Tauroneo: I don’t know. Rolf: What? Tauroneo: I divorced my wife, and she took the children with her. I haven’t seen them since. That was years ago. -B Support- Tauroneo: For generations, we made a reputation for ourselves in Daein as a famed warrior family. Both my father and I had the honor of serving the royal family as field generals. We were a proud family... Rolf: What happened with Josh? Tauroneo: I raised him to serve the Daein army, as my father raised me. He tried to live up to my high expectations. He became a decorated knight at a young age and was assigned to the palace guard. However... Rolf: What happened? Tauroneo: He took to the field as Ashnard’s personal aide. And he came home on a litter, grievously wounded. He escaped death, but he didn’t escape his wounds. He’ll never walk again. Rolf: Oh, no... Tauroneo: My wife nearly lost her mind. She cried day and night, swearing that she couldn’t live if something like that were to ever happen again. She wanted to live in peace... with her mind at ease. She pleaded with me to leave the army. But I couldn’t accept her plea. Our family house was built on generations of proud military command. Our ancient name as a warrior family would not allow me to simply abandon my sworn duty. I tried to salvage our honor by training my younger son. He was just a boy, really. I wanted him to become a Daein general. Rolf: You did what?! Tauroneo: I know... I was a fool. I was blinded by tradition and family reputation. By the time I realized my error, my wife and children had left me. Since then... I’ve been living alone in my great mansion, surrounded by countless medals and memories... Alone... for years... -A Support- Tauroneo: Ah, I was wrong... I wish I could apologize to my family. Rolf: Do you have any idea where your family is? Any clues? Anything? Tauroneo: ...I’ve heard my wife left Daein and went to live with relatives in Crimea. I suppose she is still there. Rolf: Then why don’t you go see her! Tauroneo: I’m sure they don’t want to have anything to do with me. Even if I did find them, reappearing now would just reopen old wounds. I don’t want to cause any more pain. Rolf: That’s just crazy! I mean... I wish I could see my dad! Tauroneo: ... Rolf: I’ve always told my brothers that I’m all right and I’m not lonely. But the truth is I want to see my dad. We’ve got so much to talk about. Tauroneo: Oh, son... Rolf: My dad is dead. I can’t see him again. But your boy can. You’re still alive. Tauroneo: You’re... right. But it is simply too late. Rolf: It’s NOT too late! As long as you’re still alive, it’s never too late. Go on! Go see them! I’m sure they’re waiting for you. Tauroneo: Maybe you’re right, Rolf. Maybe I should... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tauroneo/Largo (TL117) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Largo: That's strange... Tauroneo: ... Largo: Hey, Tauroneo! Tauroneo: Hmm! Largo: Don't you think this army is a little odd? I mean, heck! It's not every day that you see soldiers from this many countries all mixed into one army. I've traveled and fought in a lot of strange places, but this is the first time I've seen anything quite like this. Tauroneo: You're right. There are even former Daein soliders in this army. There is no shortage of nationalities, to be sure. Largo: My favorite part about it is we get to sample all kinds of exotic dishes. Gwa! I've never snacked so well in my life. Tauroneo: What are you holding? Largo: This quill? Oh, I use it to jot down ideas so I won't forget them later. If I don't, I just completely forget them! But back to food... I've noticed that the laguz sure like their food spicy! And now they've started drinking with us! Bwaa ha ha! That's great! By the way, what's your drink of choice? Tauroneo: Drinks? I'm not picky. The stronger the better! Largo: And flavor? Tauroneo: Doesn't matter. Largo: Bwaaaa ha ha haaaa!! I like your answer! I better write that down so I don't forget. -B Support- Largo: Hmmmm... Tauroneo: ... Largo: Ahhhh... er... Naaaaaaah... Tauroneo: Is something wrong? Largo: Hmmm? Oh, it's you. Tauroneo: You've done nothing but stare at that piece of paper for hours. Are you crazy, man? Largo: Oh, you have a point... Crazy... Craaaazy... You may be onto something. I'll have to write that down. But it'll have to wait until later, I can't think about two things at the same time. Tauroneo: You can't? Well, what are you thinking about now? Largo: I'm saving up the money I make here to open my own little place. I'm thinkin' a pub would be nice... Is that a good idea? Tauroneo: A pub? Yes, pubs are nice. Will you make savory meat pies? With buttery crusts? Largo: Savory! Oh, yeah. They'll be the savoriest! They'll make your head explode! ...I don't want my customers dropping dead, though... I want everyone to be happy. Hmmm... Hey, people like butter, right? There'll be free sticks of butter on every table! Tauroneo: That's a great dream. Where are you going to open your place? Largo: Well, uh... it may not look like it, but I'm actually from Begnion. So I'll probably open my pub back home. But from what I hear, Crimea and Daein are nice places, too... This is going to be a hard choice... Tauroneo: ...Do you want me to help you with the pub? Largo: Oh, yeah! That would be great! Two people can think about two things at once. That will help for sure. All right, so we'll have savory meat pies... But what about the rest of the menu? -A Support- Largo: Hmmm... That's not it. That's no good, either... Tauroneo: Are you thinking about your pub again? Largo: Hey, Tauroneo! Can you dish me up some more of your good advice? Tauroneo: Glad to. Largo: I'm trying to come up with a name for my pub. Tauroneo: What do you have so far? Largo: How about "Savory Pies And Stuff"? Tauroneo: Hmmm. It's a bit... odd. Largo: Maybe you're right. Let me think... I want this to be a pub where both beorc and laguz can walk on in, get a meat pie and a frosty beverage, and be happy. So how about we name it the "All You Beorc And Laguz Come On Down And Get Yourself A Meat Pie Pub"! Tauroneo: That's a little long. Largo: No good, eh? Nuts. What am I gonna do? I'm no good at thinking up stuff like this. Tauroneo: Maybe you're thinking too hard. How about naming it after something you think is important? Largo: Hey, yeah! I'll call it "Calill." She's always been my favorite. Tauroneo: Naming it after an old flame, eh? I say go with that. I'll be sure to drop in for a pie and a brew when you open your place. Largo: You better! I'll have your favorite drink waiting for you! Your favorite drink is... Wait, I know this... I wrote it down somewhere... Oh, here it is... Strong! Tauroneo: Yep. Largo: Bwaaa ha ha haaaa!!! Leave it to me! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Ranulf* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ranulf/Ike (RI118) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Ranulf: Hey, Ike. Isn't it a little late to be training? Ike: I haven't had a chance to train today. I try to swing a sword every day, even if it's just for a little while. It helps me focus and keeps me calm. Plus it's good practice. Haaaa! Kyaaaaa! Ranulf: I see. So your strength doesn't just come from your bloodline. It's also a result of your persistence. No wonder you grow more powerful every time I see you... Nice. Very nice... Ike: Haaaaa! And one and... Hiyaaaa! Ranulf: Oh, sorry. I'm interrupting you. I'll see you la-- Ike: Wait. What do you want? I assume you came out here to tell me something. Ranulf: Not really. I'm just being a mother cat... No matter how many times we tell you to take it easy, you're always working. I thought you might take a break if I came over and talked to you, but... I can see that you're still crazy. I'll go now. Ike: You think I'm crazy? How so? Ranulf: Well... a little crazy, yeah! I've never worked for a leader who's as blunt and straightforward as you. It's pretty shocking to have a commander who doesn't care what anyone thinks, no matter how powerful they are. Ike: Well, that's just my style. I don't have to be like someone else, do I? Ranulf: Why are you so confident? I don't get it. Normal beorc just do what people tell them and try not to make a fuss. But not you. I heard you even yelled at the apostle! Ike: Yeah, that wasn't my brightest moment. Ranulf: Then again, worrying about a beorc like this is definitely not normal laguz behavior. I guess I'm a fish out of water myself... Wait, did I just call myself a fish? Ike: Wha--? Ha ha! You're a cat, remember!? I thought you ate fish! Ha ha ha! Ranulf: Hey! I made you laugh! That's good. That's a good first step. Ike: Fine, fine! I'll take a break. Um... so what do I do now? Am I supposed to drink tea or something? Ranulf: Tea is good. And eat something. Oh, and maybe you should take a... catnap! Wha ha ha ha! -B Support- Ike: Hey, Ranulf. Ranulf: Hm? Oh, hey, Ike. How goes it? Ike: Are you... training? Ranulf: Oh yeah! I love training! I’d hate to have the hardworking general Ike leave me in his dust! Ike: That’s a good attitude. Ranulf: Um... that was a joke, Ike. I hate training. Besides, training on two legs would be pretty useless for a laguz like me. Ike: So what were you doing? It looked like stretching. Ranulf: Just stretching. You know, to unwind? Ike: Hm. I was hoping that it was a kind of special laguz technique that I didn’t know about. Ranulf: Sorry to disappoint you, but you and I aren’t that different unless I change forms. As you can see. Ike: I just need a tail. Ranulf: Hey, a tail is a good thing to have! It’s what gives us such great balance in high places. You poor beorc... I can’t imagine living without a tail! Ike: Doesn’t it get in your way when you sleep? Ranulf: On the contrary! There’s a little trick we have... Ike: What kind of trick? Ranulf: Well, we take... Hey! You’re smooth, aren’t you? I almost fell for that one... Nice try, Commander! Ike: Huh? I just asked you a question. Ranulf: Listen, Ike. This is a secret that concerns the entire laguz species. I can’t just run around telling any old beorc that I know. Ike: Oh. I understand. I’m not that interested, anyway. Ranulf: Wha--? Hey, now, come on! You should be more persistant! It’s really interesting! -A Support- Ranulf: ! Ike: What’s wrong, Ranulf? Ranulf: Aaaah! Oh, it’s you, Ike... Phew! Don’t scare me like that! Ike: You all right? You’ve been pretty tense lately. Ranulf: The closer we get to the capital, the more the Daein King starts to worry me. Well, I suppose it’s more the medallion than the man... At any rate, all this negative energy is making my hair stand up on end. It’s hard to focus... Ike: I’m amazed at how sensitive you laguz are to such things. Ranulf: I’m amazed that you beorc don’t notice! How can you be so calm with these creepy auras all around us?! Ike: You want me to leave you alone? Ranulf: Yeah, would you? No, wait, Ike. Hold on. Stay here. I’ll calm down... Just gimme a second... ...Whooooo! Ike: Better? Ranulf: Yeah. I’m fine now. Although I can’t believe I let a beorc see me in such a vulnerable state. I’ll never live this down. Ike: Ranulf, what are you saying? Don’t you trust me? Ranulf: No, I do! I do. But...well, not entirely. Look, I trust you as much as any beorc, but... You know! The laguz are my brothers! It’s different. Ike: I trust you. Ranulf: And you say it with a straight face, too. You know something? You’re... Ike: ...I’m what? Ranulf: Dumb. Ike: What?! Ranulf: If you trust everybody, you’re going to get hurt in the end. Remember that! Ike: Hey, wait! Ranulf! Dang... Was that friendly advice or is he just angry? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ranulf/Lethe (RI119) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Ranulf: Hey there, Lethe. Lethe: Ah, Ranulf. Glad you could finally join us. Ranulf: Yes, the tide has finally turned. How are you holding up, Lethe? You and Mordecai have shouldered all of the burden until now. I'm glad I can finally take some of the responsibility. Lethe: Apologies are meaningless unless they are backed up with deeds. Ranulf: Ha! I see you're as friendly as ever. By the way, have you finally warmed up to this band of mercenaries? Lethe: ...In my own way. But there is still some occasional friction. I know they are beasts of habit, but must they always wear so much armor? They overwhelm our noses with the stink of iron and make it difficult to sniff out the enemy. Ranulf: Well, there's nothing you can do about that. You could go to Ike and ask them to fight in the buff, but you won't have much luck. Lethe: And their eyes are so useless! I'm amazed the species has lived this long. Being blind in the dark is lethal. Ranulf: There's nothing they can do about that, Lethe. Lethe: I suppose not. Still, they've done better than I expected. Ranulf: I'm glad to hear they haven't completely let you down. You had quite the tragic look on your face when you first learned you'd have to travel with Ike and his merry band! Lethe: Pah! Can you blame me? -B Support- Lethe: Ranulf, are my soldiers back in Gallia training hard in my absence? Ranulf: Of course they are! They're Gallian fighters! You can trust the defense of the country to them. Lethe: I'm not nearly so confident. They train hard, but they also lack discipline. They are often at each other's throats. Ranulf: Well, they're just... passionate. Don't worry. It'll work out in time. Lethe: How can you be so sure? Ranulf: Oh, relax. You shouldn't be so uptight all the time. Why don't you relax once in a while? Lethe: Relaxing on the battlefield will get you killed. So... is Lyre in your unit now? Ranulf: Yes, she is. She and her friend Kysha are giving me quite a hard time. Lethe: Kysha is big and strong. You'll have your hands full if they decide to give you trouble. Regardless, I'd still like you to show them the ropes. Ranulf: So you haven't seen Lyre in a long time? Lethe: ... Ranulf: I see you'd rather not discuss it. Fine. But you should still try to settle your differences. She's your only sister. Lethe: Mind your business. Ranulf: Fine, fine. Have it your way. Lethe: My sister aside, I am a little worried about the unit back home. While you and I are here, the country is poorly defended. Ranulf: You may have a point. Maybe I'll mention it to my superior officer. -A Support- Ranulf: Hey, Lethe, about what we discussed the other day? Plans are in the works to bring some unit commanders back to Gallia. It's not a done deal, but... I may be able to put in a word if you want to be transferred back to Gallia. Lethe: Back to... No. I will stay here. Ranulf: Stay here? Are you sure? Lethe: ...Er... I wouldn't want something gruesome to happen to the humans as soon as I left. I think I'll stay behind. Ranulf: Heh... Lethe: What?! What's with that smirk?! You have something to say?! Ranulf: Oh, nothing. It's just that... when you used to say "human," you'd curl your lip in disgust. Lethe: Well, they are disgusting! I can't stand them... Ranulf: Hah! You always thrash your tail when you lie! It's a dead giveaway. Don't worry. I understand why you want to stay. Lethe: ...I have to get back to my training. I have to chew some straw out of a target dummy. Ranulf: Whew! Must have hit a nerve. Lethe: ...Ranulf? Ranulf: Yeeeees? Lethe: I admit it. My feelings have changed. Ranulf: They have, huh? Lethe: I once thought your opinion about humans was weak and disgraceful... But now I see your viewpoint. They are strong allies. They fight by our side. That's why I'll stay with Ike. Ranulf: I see... Well then, we'll be here to party with Ike and his ragtag mercenary crew when they win this war! Lethe: We can't let our guard down yet. But... you're right. I hope to celebrate with them one day. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ranulf/Mordecai (RM120) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Ranulf: Heya, Mordecai! What's up, ya' big cat?! Mordecai: Ranulf! It's been a while. Ranulf: Yes, it has. Thanks for all your work. I heard about how fiercely you've fought alongside these mercenaries. Mordecai: Is that so? I am glad to help. Ike is a good beorc... strong and loyal. He is worth fighting for. Ranulf: Did you get a chance to know some of the other mercenaries? Mordecai: Some. Grrr... I have a question, Ranulf. Do I speak well in this tongue? Ranulf: You're fine, Modecai. Sure, you have an accent, and you tend to growl a lot, but the beorc can understand. Mordecai: These words are hard to me. As a cat, I need no hard words. One roar is enough for all the forest to understand. Ranulf: That may be true, but the beorc can't begin to understand the nuance of our roars. We would only scare them. Mordecai: Yes. You are right. There are good beorcs here. Scaring them would be... bad. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Haar* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Haar/Jill (HJ121) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Jill: Captain Haar! Where are you? Captain Haar!!! Haar: Zzzzzzzzzz... huh?! Wha--?! Who?! Oh, Jill. Yaaaawn... Simmer down, Jill. Can't you see I'm sleeping? And do you need to shout my name like that? You're louder than a meat salesman in a crowded market! Jill: Maybe you should try responding when I call you! Haar: I'll do that as soon as you stop calling me captain. Jill: How should I address you, then? Haar: Whatever works for you. Jill: Sir Haar, maybe? Haar: Do I look like a knight to you? Jill: All right. Mr. Haar. Haar: Hah! That doesn't sound right at all. Jill: Fine. Just Haar, then. Haar: Hey! That's pretty good. Jill: Sorry. I can't address my superior officer like that. I'll just call you Mr. Haar. Haar: Well, I can live with that. Now, let me get back to my nap... -B Support- Jill: Mr. Haaaaaaaaar! Where are you? Mr. Haar!!! Haar: I'm right behind you. Jill: Why can't you just respond the first time I call for you? And didn't you promise that you'd respond right away if I stopped calling you Captain? Haar: That was only if I wasn't sleeping. Jill: Well, that's most of the time! By the way it seems like the only time you acted like a professional soldier was when you were in front of my father. Haar: And I recall the only time when you weren't so uptight was when you were around Lord Shiharam. Jill: I... I couldn't help it. He was my father. He was different. Haar: I'm with you on that. Lord Shiharam was something special. I didn't want him to see me as hopelessly lazy. Jill: Mr. Haar... Haar: Mmm... I think I'll just stretch out here... Yeah... that's it. This moss is nice and squishy. Leave me alone. It's nap time. -A Support- Jill: Mr. Haar? Haar: Yes? Jill: That's strange. I didn't have to call for you a hundred times before you answered! Haar: Well, I figured this way I don't have to listen to your whining. Jill: Oh, so that's how it is? Well, whatever... Haar: What are you going to do when this was is over, Jill? Jill: Hopefully go back to Daein. I want to be near my father's grave. Haar: I see. Jill: What about you? Haar: If I survive sparring with Ashnard... I don't know what I'll do. I've already thought about guarding Lord Shiharam's grave. Jill: Does that mean you're not happy being with me? Haar: That's not it. I was just thinking you probably don't like being with me. Jill: Why would I not like that? Haar: Then if we both survive this war, let's start a wyvern courier service. We'll make a lot of loot. Jill: Sure... If we survive. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Haar/Makalov (HM122) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Lucia* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lucia/Ilyana (LI123) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Lucia: Well, well... Look at this cute little thing. So you're a mage, huh? I'm Lucia. I'm a soldier in the royal Crimean army, and I thank you for joining our cause. Ilyana: I'm Ilyana... I'm with Greil's Merc... Oh... Lucia: What's wrong? Are you all right? Ilyana: Yes, don't mind me... Lucia: Look at you! You're skinnier than a sword edge! All this marching must be hard on you. Ilyana: I fall down sometimes... I just can't keep up. Lucia: That's no good! If that happens on the battlefield, you're as good as meat. You've got to stay fit and battle ready. Ilyana: Yes... ma'am. Lucia: You're sounding faint. Hang on. Don't collapse on me! Here, let me help you. Let's get you back to your tent. Ilyana: I can't move... Hungry... so hungry... Lucia: Wait here. Let me go fetch some food. Ilyana: Really...? You'd do that? Lucia: Of course. What do you think you can eat? Ilyana: I'll take anything... Lucia: All right. I'll try to find something big and hearty to give you strength. Stay where you are until I come back. Ilyana: Thank you so much... -B Support- Lucia: All right, Ilyana. Start now. Ilyana: Let me give this a try... Huuuufff... Haaaaaa... Huuuffff... Puuufffff... Lucia: ...Wait, Ilyana. Can you come back here for a moment? Ilyana: Yes? What is it? Lucia: I know you're not feeling great... But I still want you to do some running. Exercise is important. Why not start out slowly? Ilyana: Yes... I'll try. I... I ran the best I could... Lucia: Hah! That was supposed to be running?! Ilyana: Well... Lucia: Er... Listen, Ilyana. I didn't mean to be so harsh. Nobody is born great at everything. It takes hours and hours of practice to get better at something. So don't feel bad when you don't excel at something right away. Is that clear? Ilyana: Yes... Lucia: Don't worry. I'll work on it with you. Go and give it another try. Ilyana: All right... I'll do my best... Lucia: Then we can take a break. Perhaps you'd like some water before you try again. Ilyana: Actually, I'm a little hungry... Lucia: Food? No problem at all. What would you like to eat? Ilyana: Do you remember that meal you made me the other day? That was so tasty... I'd love that again! Lucia: You liked it that much, huh? Then I'll set to work making you another big helping! But... you'll have to run for it! Ilyana: It's a deal. Thank you... for everything. -A Support- Lucia: Where's Ilyana? I told her to wait right here! Where did she run off to? Ilyana: Lu... Lucia... Lucia: Ilyana!? Did something happen? Ilyana: No... Just so... Hungry... So hungry... Lucia: Hungry? Haven't you been eating? Ilyana: No... Not enough... I just had five helpings... Lucia: What?! Five helpings?! Ilyana: Yes... Oh, and I took Soren's lamb shank when he wasn't looking. Lucia: How much do you usually eat? Ilyana: When I cook, I usually make... six or seven helpings... Lucia: Er... You're not a laguz, are you? Ilyana: No... Lucia: Listen, Ilyana. I've put you through some hard training over the last few days, and it got me thinking... There is something seriously wrong with you!! But I can't leave you like this. You've made it this far, and we'll get through whatever it is together. Ilyana: Yes... That makes me happy. You make me delicious meals... You're so beautiful and strong... I want to be with you, Lucia... Lucia: Oh, fine. We might as well go get some food! Ilyana: Your cooking... I can almost taste it... Lucia: You're always so hungry... All right, I'll make whatever you want. But you had better train hard! Ilyana: Yes! Oh, I'm so happy! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lucia/Janaff (LJ124) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Lucia: You must be a Phoenicis knight. Janaff: Eh? Lucia: I don’t believe I’ve had the pleasure. I am Lucia of Crimea, a vassal of Princess Elincia. I wish to tender my cordial thanks for the aid and succor your country has granted us. Will you accept it? Janaff: Uh... Sure, why not? Lucia: ... Janaff: ...I mean, um... Thanks for your courtesy. I’m Janaff. I am here at the command of our king. So if you really want to thank someone, you should thank our king. Lucia: Very well. Although telling him in person would give me much pleasure, such luxuries are not feasible under the circumstances. Please give my regards to King Tibarn. Long life to him! Huzzah! Janaff: ...All righty then... Lucia: What is it? Janaff: Well, I don’t know that we need the formality. I mean, we’re fighting in the same army, right? Right...? Hey, I’ve got a better idea! Let’s go have a wild night on the town to fortify our new friendship! I’m buying! Lucia: Oh, I could not. My father would not approve of me going out without a chaperon. Janaff: What? Such a shame! You look like a gorgeous woman, but you’re still a child? I can never tell how old you beorcs are! Lucia: ... -B Support- Janaff: My homeland of Phoenicis is bordered by South Sea. It’s a wonderful place to live. There aren’t that many of us, and everyone gets along... I’ve seen many countries with my own eyes, but Phoenicis is the best! Lucia: Did Phoenicis have diplomatic relations with other countries? Janaff: No, we don’t associate with the others. We used to be allied with Serenes... until those cursed humans destroyed it. And Kilvas is ruled by a cunning and heartless king. We have no trust for him. Lucia: Did you ever associate with beorc countries? Janaff: Ha! That’ll never happen! After the slaughter of Serenes, the beorc became our enemy. Lucia: I do not blame you for your anger... But as I have said, Crimea wishes to establish diplomatic relations with you. Our late king advocated friendship with the laguz, and enjoyed a good rapport with King Caineghis of Gallia. Janaff: So I hear. Look, most Phoenicians would be perfectly happy living their entire lives without outside contact... But I suppose a friendship with Crimea is possible. If our king so decides. Lucia: And what do you think? Janaff: What do I think? Huh... I used to loathe huma... beorc. Even hearing the word made me angry. But... Now I think friendship is possible. That’s all because I met you. Lucia: Oh... Well... Thank you. I am glad to be of assistance. -A Support- Lucia: In Crimea, we dream of peace for all people. Friendship that transcends nation, creed, and race. Beorc and laguz, living in harmony. Janaff: Transcending race, huh? Crimea is an odd country. I heard you even let laguz live within your borders! Lucia: Yes, due to our bond with King Caineghis. And now, Prince Elincia hopes to establish such alliances with other laguz nations. Janaff: It’s a pretty thought. But do you think that a friendship which transcends nation, creed, and race will come so easily? Lucia: It will not be easy, but it can be— Janaff: For example. You know that Phoenicis and Begnion used to be bitter enemies, right? Lucia: Yes, I know. Janaff: The apostle finally recognized the Serenes massacre, but who knows how long it’ll take that news to spread over the country? Before that happens, there could be more fighting. War might erupt anew. If so, whose side will you choose? Lucia: I would— Janaff: It’ll be Begnion. Come on! Am I wrong? And in the eyes of Phoenicis, Crimea is nothing more that a Begnion colony. Which means I’ll fight against you. Lucia: Princess Elincia would do everything in her power to avoid such a war. However, I am her loyal vassal. In the event of conflict, my path is clear. Janaff: Same here. The king’s ally is my ally. And the king’s enemy... But if I can help it, I’d rather not fight a good-looking woman like you! Dinner would be much more enjoyable. Lucia: I agree, Janaff. When this war is over and Crimea rebuilt... let’s meet again. Not as enemies, but as friends. Janaff: I hope you’ll be old enough to go out without a chaperon by then! Lucia: I hope so as well. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lucia/Bastian (LB125) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Lucia: Good day, Count Bastian! Bastian: Ahhh... Lady Lucia. What an exquisite pleasure. Would you allow me to place a kiss upon your creamy white hand? Lucia: Sorry, my lord. I've been sharpening my blade, and my hands are covered in grime. Bastian: Nonsense! I have no objections, milady. The grime merely accentuates your beauty. Lucia: I have objections, Bastian. Bastian: Ahhh... She addresses me so curtly, but it only stokes my furnace of attraction! It is only in my nature to hunt and pursue a tantalizing beast that flees me! You have such a devious grip on my heart! Lucia: Don't even think I'm going to fall for that trick! It might work with the others, but I'm no doe-eyed fawn! Why don't you just give up already? Bastian: Ahhh, splendid! This fawn has sharp hooves! But still she spurns my advance... Next time, I shall woo her with words! -B Support- Lucia: Count Bastian! Where are you?! Bastian: Lady Lucia... It's not like you to be looking for me. Or even acknowledge my existence, for that matter! Ta ha ha! Lucia: How badly are you hurt? Do I need to tie a tourniquet? Bastian: A tourniquet? Ta ha ha, aha! No, my dear. I'm not injured. Unless you include the heart which you have so eagerly stomped! Lucia: You aren't hurt? Really? I heard a funny-looking man with a mustache suffered a severe injury. Naturally, I assumed it was you. But I see that wasn't the case. Bastian: Lady Lucia! You were so concerned with my welfare that you rushed to my aid! Ah! You are a true delight! A magestic-- Lucia: That isn't the case at all. Bastian: There's no use in fighting your feelings! I have already given in to the bottomless pit that is my love for you! Lucia: Did you not hear me? I already told you how I felt. Bastian: The more you try to hide it, the more your true feelings show through! You cannot fight true romance any more than you can fight the tides, milady. Lucia: Arrrggg... Count! Will you please listen to me?! -A Support- Bastian: Lady Lucia, I'm not going away until you declare the true, roaring-hot passion you feel for me! Lucia: Count Bastian... You may talk like you're completely psychotic, but I know it's just an act. And as much as I hate to admit it... I don't think you're all that bad. Bastian: Then you feel the same? Lucia: Well... When the war is over... and Crimea is once again back on her feet... I might consider it. Might. Bastian: Oh, my beloved! Lucia: As hard as I've tried, you're just impossible to hate. Oh no... I completely forgot! I need to go help Princess Elincia. Bastian: W-wait, my love! What are your plans tonight? I'd like to spend it gazing into your sweet-- Lucia: --Sorry! I need to be with the princess. I won't be free for a long time. Bastian: Oh, dear... I see the road ahead will be bumpy indeed! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Bastian* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bastian/Volke (BV126) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Volke: You there, in the bushes. You have until the count of five to show yourself before I start throwing sharp objects. One... two... four... Bastian: Oh, dear! Keep those daggers sheathed, dearest Volke! I can see why you've earned such a reputation. Volke: Oh. Hello, Bastian. Bastian: You weren't the fellow I was expecting to see. Indulge my curiosity for a moment... Who are you working for? Volke: Knowing you, I'm surprised you haven't already checked on what I had for breakfast. Bastian: So, it's true, then... You are working for Crimea under Commander Ike? Volke: I serve no nation. I work for Ike himself. Bastian: And why is that? Volke: Ten thousand. Bastian: Ten thousand? Volke: Pay me, and I'll answer that question. Bastian: Ta ha ha! You had no intention of answering my question, so you came up with some outrageous sum. Very well. Volke: I'm not a charity. Get lost if you can't afford my fee. Bastian: Hmmm... what has Ike got brewing in that brain of his that involves this scurrilous man of the shadows? Methinks I should look into this forthwith! -B Support- Volke: Back already? Bastian: A little bird landed on my shoulder and whispered some very juicy information in my ear. Most of it matches perfectly with what I've heard Ike tell the princess. Yes, the information I'm not sharing with you is most interesting indeed. Delectable, even. Volke: You never could resist a tasty morsel of gossip. Bastian: We all our habits have. In any case, my doubts about you and Commander Ike have been put to rest. Volke: How kind of you. Bastian: That's all I need say. I just thought I'd ease your concerns. Consider it a professional courtesy. Volke: Bastian? Bastian: Yeeeees? Volke: You're well suited to sulking behind the scenes and playing the puppeteer. Have you considered a change in employer? Bastian: My allegiance is with the Crimean royal family. I'm sure you understand. Volke: Suit yourself. -A Support- Volke: You still want something from me. Otherwise, you wouldn't be here. Bastian: When does your contract with Commander Ike expire? Volke: Heh. Why do you ask? Bastian: There is a very delicate matter I'd like you to attend to. It's something only you are suited to... address. Volke: I've known you for a long time now, and I've never seen such a desperate glimmer in your eye. Bastian: Twenty thousand. Volke: Eh? Bastian: I'll get you twenty thousand. But you'll have to attend to it right away. Volke: That sounds... tasty. Unfortunately, I have a policy against taking two jobs at once. It will have to wait until this one is over. Bastian: ... Volke: Don't fret, Bastian. My contract with Ike will only last as long as this war, and it's already coming to an end. It's not clear yet who will win, but it's certainly coming to a head. When my plate is clean, I'll find you. Bastian: This is absurd! You won't take the job? Volke: Oh, I'll take it. I never pass up a lucrative offer. Plus, I've come to think you're not so bad,Bastian. You've always paid in full and on time. I like that in an employer. Bastian: So I'm an excellent employer? Perhaps I should set you up with a pension! Ta ha ha! In any case, it appears that I will have to wait until the end of this miserable war to secure your services. But do not dawdle, Volke. It is a matter of utmost urgency. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bastian/Makalov (BM127) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bastian/Lucia (BL128) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Lucia: Good day, Count Bastian! Bastian: Ahhh... Lady Lucia. What an exquisite pleasure. Would you allow me to place a kiss upon your creamy white hand? Lucia: Sorry, my lord. I've been sharpening my blade, and my hands are covered in grime. Bastian: Nonsense! I have no objections, milady. The grime merely accentuates your beauty. Lucia: I have objections, Bastian. Bastian: Ahhh... She addresses me so curtly, but it only stokes my furnace of attraction! It is only in my nature to hunt and pursue a tantalizing beast that flees me! You have such a devious grip on my heart! Lucia: Don't even think I'm going to fall for that trick! It might work with the others, but I'm no doe-eyed fawn! Why don't you just give up already? Bastian: Ahhh, splendid! This fawn has sharp hooves! But still she spurns my advance... Next time, I shall woo her with words! -B Support- Lucia: Count Bastian! Where are you?! Bastian: Lady Lucia... It's not like you to be looking for me. Or even acknowledge my existence, for that matter! Ta ha ha! Lucia: How badly are you hurt? Do I need to tie a tourniquet? Bastian: A tourniquet? Ta ha ha, aha! No, my dear. I'm not injured. Unless you include the heart which you have so eagerly stomped! Lucia: You aren't hurt? Really? I heard a funny-looking man with a mustache suffered a severe injury. Naturally, I assumed it was you. But I see that wasn't the case. Bastian: Lady Lucia! You were so concerned with my welfare that you rushed to my aid! Ah! You are a true delight! A magestic-- Lucia: That isn't the case at all. Bastian: There's no use in fighting your feelings! I have already given in to the bottomless pit that is my love for you! Lucia: Did you not hear me? I already told you how I felt. Bastian: The more you try to hide it, the more your true feelings show through! You cannot fight true romance any more than you can fight the tides, milady. Lucia: Arrrggg... Count! Will you please listen to me?! -A Support- Bastian: Lady Lucia, I'm not going away until you declare the true, roaring-hot passion you feel for me! Lucia: Count Bastian... You may talk like you're completely psychotic, but I know it's just an act. And as much as I hate to admit it... I don't think you're all that bad. Bastian: Then you feel the same? Lucia: Well... When the war is over... and Crimea is once again back on her feet... I might consider it. Might. Bastian: Oh, my beloved! Lucia: As hard as I've tried, you're just impossible to hate. Oh no... I completely forgot! I need to go help Princess Elincia. Bastian: W-wait, my love! What are your plans tonight? I'd like to spend it gazing into your sweet-- Lucia: --Sorry! I need to be with the princess. I won't be free for a long time. Bastian: Oh, dear... I see the road ahead will be bumpy indeed! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Geoffrey* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Geoffrey/Calill (GC129) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Calill: Mmm... Such a drab locale. Not like the city at all-- Aaaaah! Geoffrey: Oof! Look out! Calill: Ah! My face! My beautiful face! No, no... I think it’s still there. Geoffrey: Are you all right, my lady? Calill: Well... Oh my! He called me a lady. And such a handsome devil! Y-yes, good sir! Thanks to you, I appear to be unhurt. Geoffrey: Really? Well, that’s good. I know that you were lost in thought, but do try to watch your step. Calill: W-wait! Just a moment! Geoffrey: Yes? What is it? Calill: I’m... My name is Calill. What is your name, gentle sir? Geoffrey: I am Geoffrey. Calill: Geoffrey... Such a nice name. A fine gent like Geoffrey is just right for me! Oh... Love always comes when you least expect it. Sweet Sir Geoffrey! You will be mine! -B Support- Calill: Oh, there you are, Sir Geoffrey! You look especially rugged and dashing today! Geoffrey: Hm? Oh, hello, Calill. How are you? Calill: Hmm! How nice! You remember me... Perhaps love dares to speak its name! Geoffrey: Eh? What are you talking about? Calill: No, no, I’m just talking to myself. Say, you’re a knight escorting the princess of Crimea, no? It’s such an honor to meet someone like you! Such a noble bearing! Such grace! Geoffrey: Um...it’s actually not a big deal. You and I are on the same team, after all. We shouldn’t worry about class or social standing. Calill: Oh! He’s even more debonair than I first imagined! Thank you for being so kind. So...decent. So handsome and strong. So filled with manly virility... Geoffrey: Um...you’re welcome? Calill: By the way, Sir Geoffrey. I don’t know Princess Elincia very well. What manner of person is she? Geoffrey: Oh! Are you interested in the princess? Calill: Oh course! I’m interested in any woman who could become my romantic rival! Geoffrey: What did you just-- Calill: Nothing! Nothing at all! Just talking to myself. La da dum de dum... I just want to know her because she’s...a dear person that we must protect! Could you tell me about her? Geoffrey: I can. Although...putting it into words is hard... Calill: Why is that? Geoffrey: The words always sound false, yet... Hmmm... The princess is like-- Calill: Yes? Yes?! Geoffrey: Everything about her is perfect. As her retainer, some might accuse me of bias, but it is not so! She is...invaluable. She is the treasure of Crimea... Calill: Ooooh, I see how it is. You’re in love with her! Blast! Blast and double blast! I’m always so unlucky with men! Oh, vile cupid! Why do you mock me! Geoffrey: Wait! Wait! Calill! You misunderstood! I...er... Calill: No, no, good sir knight! Spare me your wicked tongue! I cannot bear another lashing across my heart! ...Ah, well. It’s a shame I can’t have him for my own, but...I enjoy a good love story all the same! I’ll lend a helping hand to this naïve knight and lead him to his one true love! Princess Elincia, your man is coming! -A Support- Calill: Ah! I see! Geoffrey: So that’s why her existence was never made public. Instead, she was taken to the royal villa and raised in secret. Calill: It’s a rather complicated story for a... commoner like me to understand. To grow up like that... Hidden from the eyes of the world. Geoffrey: I don’t think the princess minded. She grew up with the love of her parents and Lord Renning. She didn’t have to inherit the throne. She lived happy and free, like a country aristocrat. Calill: She would probably still be happy if it weren’t for that Daein attack! Geoffrey: ... Calill: Oh, I’m sorry, Sir Geoffrey. I was careless with my words. Geoffrey: No, you speak the truth. Calill: I think your earlier story was even more fascinating, though! I can’t believe that you are the son of Elincia’s foster mother and have known Her Highness since childhood. Geoffrey: Those early days were the best of my life. Crimea was at peace, and the whole land was filled with such beauty. The princess was especially beautiful... I remember chasing her and my sister, Lucia, around the villa... But alas! She is above my station! I can never have her, and yet... I cannot forget the past. Calill: Shush! You can’t wallow in your own memories like that! You have to live in the here and now! It’s true that times are hard. We spend every day fighting, covered in sweat and blood... But there is always hope! You must find what...pleasures you can whenever possible. Geoffrey: Calill. You are right. I must not lose hope. I regret my outburst. Calill: Oh, that’s all right. Actually, I prefer a man who’s a couple links short of a full chain. Makes him more interesting. Geoffrey: Thank you. For now, I will devote myself to rebuilding Crimea. Though I think fondly on the princess, I know that our time together will never be as it once was. To serve her for life and watch her happiness from a distance... I can live with that. Calill: Or you could just elope! Kidding! I’m kidding. Besides, you’re too straightlaced for that. I know you. It’s a shame. The two of you would make a nice couple. Geoffrey: ...You’re a good person, Miss Calill. Calill: Oh, I know it! You can’t just find a smart, attractive woman like this on every corner, you know? Geoffrey: You are indeed a gem among stones. Calill: Oh, no! Don’t try to sweet talk me now! It’s far too late for such flattery! I know how you feel about the princess. I wouldn’t want to compete. Geoffrey: Mmm... That’s unfortunate. Calill: Ha ha ha! Well, at least we became good friends. Expose your heart to me without fear, brave Sir Geoffrey! I’ll stand by you to the end. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Geoffrey/Elincia (GE130) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Elincia: Hmmm... Geoffrey: Are you looking for someone, Your Highness? Elincia: Geoffrey. I'm glad you're here. Geoffrey: Is there anything I can do for you? Elincia: Yes, actually. I have a small favor to ask of you. Geoffrey: Ask anything of me, Your Highness, and I shall make it so. Elincia: Really? You would do anything? Geoffrey: Anything at all. Elincia: Well, then here goes... Geoffrey... I need you to leave me alone while I fight on the battlefield. Geoffrey: What?! Without protection? But, you know that is the one thing I cannot-- Elincia: I don't want to hear any objections. This is... an order. You must obey. Geoffrey: But... Princess Elincia... -B Support- Geoffrey: Your Highness... Please, I beg you to reconsider. Elincia: ... Geoffrey: I am aware that you took offense to my disobeying your order... But... You cannot ask me to leave you alone and undefended! I am a royal knight. It is my duty and honor to ride by your side and defend you on the field of battle. Elincia: ... Geoffrey: Your Highness, please! On bended knee, I beg this of you. Elincia: Would you stop defending me if I stripped you of your title? Geoffrey: ...T-take away my knighthood? Elincia: ... Geoffrey: I see. I had no idea you wanted to avoid me this badly. Elincia: No, Geoffrey. That's not-- Geoffrey: I may have spoken out of turn, but all I wanted was to honor my oath and shield you from harm. I'm sorry... Elincia: Wait... Geoffrey! Geoffrey! -A Support- Elincia: I've listened to all that you've had to say, Geoffrey. Now it's time for you to hear me out. Geoffrey: By your command. Elinica: You fight too hard and take too many risks to protect me in combat. Geoffrey: Is that not what a knight is sworn to do? Elincia: But you put yourself at grave risk! Geoffrey: It is true. I have felt the bite of steel several times while protecting you... But I would do so again without a thought! Elincia: You promised me long ago that you wouldn't needlessly jeopardize your life for my sake. I guess you don't value your life after all. Geoffrey: Your Highness... Elincia: I know you think I should stay at camp and rest on silken pillows without suiting up for battle. But... There's no way I could stand... Stand seeing someone so dear to me die just beyond my grasp. So... now you know why I asked this of you. Geoffrey: I don't know if you realize all that you've done for the soldiers. Do you see how you have raised the spirits of the Crimean soldiers since you began fighting alongside them? Their princess herself leads the charge! She doesn't ask the soldiers to risk their lives without risking her own. They adore you. And that is why we win our battles. They fight with a ferocity no other force could possibly match. They will win at any cost. Elincia: ... Geoffrey: I admit I have been fighting recklessly. ...I did so knowing you were near me. I knew you'd be by my side if I were gravely wounded. Elincia: Yet... You feel me a burden. Geoffrey: I can't imagine fighting without you anymore. If you do hold my life dear, please keep fighting. Lead us to victory! Elincia: Oh, Geoffrey. I'm so sorry I brought you so much torment. I misunderstood you. I am... so immature. Geoffrey: I disobeyed your direct orders. That's no badge of honor, either. Elincia: I'm sure I'll keep causing you troubles... but please... never leave my side, Geoffrey. Geoffrey: Princess Elincia... My life and blade are yours. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Largo* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Largo/Mia (LM131) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Largo/Muarim (LM132) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Largo: Whoa there! Your arms are huge!! How'd you get that big? Muarim: ...? Largo: I mean, my arms are pretty massive... but those babies are something else! Muarim: You have big muscles, too... Largo: Ba ha ha ha! Brute force is about the only thing I've got going for me! Hey, why are you carrying those water jugs? Muarim: I'm taking them to the well. Largo: You're filling all those jugs? They've got to weigh as much as an ox once you get water in them! One, two, three, four, five... You've got quite a handful there. Let me give you a hand. Muarim: You don't have to do that. Largo: Aw, heck! It's no problem! I may not be able to cast a bunch of fancy spells, but I can carry heavy stuff as well as any man or beast! Muarim: ...All right, then. Let us go. -B Support- Largo: How goes it, Muarim? Muarim: Largo. Thanks for your help the other day. Largo: Bwa ha ha ha! That was nothing. You know, I've traveled all around the world, and I've never seen someone as burly as you. I'm pretty stout, but I bet you could mop the floor with me... So who do you think could lift the most? Muarim: It's hard to say... Largo: The heaviest thing I ever lifted was this tree I cut down. It was three times my size! What about you? Muarim: Well... One time, I chiseled rocks from a mountain and carried them up to repair a castle wall. Largo: Rocks?! How big were they? Muarim: Mmm... big. Taller than me. Largo: That's incredible! ...Hey, how do you feel about a little strength competition? I bet we'd be pretty evenly matched! Muarim: No, that's just... Largo: Don't be so uptight! Come on! It'll be fun! Muarim: ...Hmmm... All right... But just this once! -A Support- Largo: Hey, Muarim! That lifting competition we had the other day was epic! Muarim: Yes. It was a good time. Largo: People got interested when we were seeing who could lift the most cured hams! That crowd was huge! Muarim: Mmm... It got a bit out of hand when we started lifting people. Largo: Bwa ha ha! We were neck and neck right until the end. The last thing I stacked on my back was that big smoked ham, but then you picked up that girl! What was her name again? Muarim: Mist. Largo: Yeah, that's her. We could have settled the competition if we had known which was heavier. Huh! I still think it was the ham... Muarim: You were quite amazing. Largo: Amazing? Me? Naw, not Largo! You were the incredible one! Muarim: I'm not talking about how many hams you lifted. You were able to draw everyone together. It gave them a laugh, despite the stress of battle. Everyone had a chance to relax and blow off some steam. Largo: Well, everyone deserves a good belly laugh! Bwaaaaa haa haa haaaaaa!! Muarim: You also treat me and everyone else the same. You are a good beorc. Largo: Bwa ha ha! I just call it like I see it! I don't deserve any credit for that. For now, let's call our match a tie. How about some arm wrestling next time? There's no way you can beat me at that! Muarim: Hah! We shall see! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Largo/Devdan (LD133) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Devdan: Ladies and gentlemen! Gather ‘round! Get ready for Devdan’s fantastic show! Largo: Ah, a street performer! Could be fun. Hmm... Looks like I’m the only one here... Well, I’ll check out the show, anyway. Devdan: Ho ho! Step right up... and be amazed! First, Devdan draws a picture like so... Hum de dum... Voila! All done! This is Devdan’s friend... Nadved! Largo: Nadved? Waaaait a minute. This is just a sketch of some stupid stick figure! Devdan: Ah, you are wrong, young one. Listen carefully...and be amazed! Largo: Huh? Listen to what? ...Aw, you’re crazy! Nadved: Helloooooooooo... Largo: What the...? W-who was that?! Your lips didn’t move, but I heard something! What’s going on here? Devdan: That was Nadved! Say hello to Largo, Nadved! Nadved: Hellooooo, Laaaaaargooooo... Whoooooooooo! Largo: Yaaaaaaa! I mean... um... Wow! That’s pretty incredible! Can it do anything else? Devdan: But of course! For Nadved’s next trick... -B Support- Largo: Ah, what a great day! I think I’ll wander the streets and see what trouble I can... Hello? What’s this? Hm? Well, if it isn’t Devdan’s friend, Nadved! Why are you just lying in the street? Here, let me pick you up... Hey, Nadved! Speak! ...Speak! Speak, Nadved! I command it! Nadved: ... Largo: Oh, this is nonsense! Bah! How could a piece of paper talk, anyway... Speak, Nadved! Speeeeak! Grrrrr! This makes me so mad! Fine, then! You don’t want to talk? I’ll just crumble you up instead! Nadved: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! GYYYYAAAAAAHAAAAAAAAAA!!!! Largo: Yaaaaa! What the...?! N-no way! It screamed! Oh, I’m sorry! Are you all right, Nadved!? Nadved: ... Largo: Oh, by the goddess... What have I done? I’m a monster! A monster! ...I gotta dispose of the body! Devdan: Oh, hello Largo! How are you today? Largo: Wha--?! Oh, Devdan! Um...how are you? I-it’s such a nice day, and I was just... AH! F-forgive me! Yaaaaaaaaaa! Devdan: He ran away... Oh, poor young one. Perhaps Devdan is to blame for showing you his trick. But Devdan can’t tell you how it’s done, because it is a... secret... Oh, the shame of it all... -A Support- Largo: Um... Devdan? Do you have a moment? Devdan: Devdan always has time for you. Largo: Look... I’m... sorry that I got scared and ran off the other day. I’ve been agonizing over how to make it up to you, but I can’t think of anything that’ll make it right. So I’ll just...apologize. Sorry, Devdan. Sorry, Nadved. Devdan: You worried that much for us? Poor Largo! Nadved is fine! Largo: R-really!? Devdan: I am Nadved’s friend. And friends are always close by! I just have to draw a picture like so... Hum de dum... See! It’s Nadved!! Unknown: Laaaaaaargoooooo! I miiiiiised yoooooou! Whoooooooooooo! Largo: Oh! It’s you! I’m so sorry, Nadved! I put you through pain just because I lost my temper. Nadved: Thaaaaat’s all riiiiiight, Laaaaaargoooooooooo! Devdan: Nadved is right, Largo. We are all friends. Friends forgive each other! Largo: Whew! I’m so glad. Thanks, you two! You’re both good people! The best! Bwaaah ha ha ha haaaa! Devdan: No, no. You’re the best, Largo. Let’s stay friends! But first... come closer... Nadved wants to tell you something... Largo: Um...yeah, all right. Let me just take a step closer here, and... YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Largo/Tauroneo (LT134) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Largo: That's strange... Tauroneo: ... Largo: Hey, Tauroneo! Tauroneo: Hmm! Largo: Don't you think this army is a little odd? I mean, heck! It's not every day that you see soldiers from this many countries all mixed into one army. I've traveled and fought in a lot of strange places, but this is the first time I've seen anything quite like this. Tauroneo: You're right. There are even former Daein soliders in this army. There is no shortage of nationalities, to be sure. Largo: My favorite part about it is we get to sample all kinds of exotic dishes. Gwa! I've never snacked so well in my life. Tauroneo: What are you holding? Largo: This quill? Oh, I use it to jot down ideas so I won't forget them later. If I don't, I just completely forget them! But back to food... I've noticed that the laguz sure like their food spicy! And now they've started drinking with us! Bwaa ha ha! That's great! By the way, what's your drink of choice? Tauroneo: Drinks? I'm not picky. The stronger the better! Largo: And flavor? Tauroneo: Doesn't matter. Largo: Bwaaaa ha ha haaaa!! I like your answer! I better write that down so I don't forget. -B Support- Largo: Hmmmm... Tauroneo: ... Largo: Ahhhh... er... Naaaaaaah... Tauroneo: Is something wrong? Largo: Hmmm? Oh, it's you. Tauroneo: You've done nothing but stare at that piece of paper for hours. Are you crazy, man? Largo: Oh, you have a point... Crazy... Craaaazy... You may be onto something. I'll have to write that down. But it'll have to wait until later, I can't think about two things at the same time. Tauroneo: You can't? Well, what are you thinking about now? Largo: I'm saving up the money I make here to open my own little place. I'm thinkin' a pub would be nice... Is that a good idea? Tauroneo: A pub? Yes, pubs are nice. Will you make savory meat pies? With buttery crusts? Largo: Savory! Oh, yeah. They'll be the savoriest! They'll make your head explode! ...I don't want my customers dropping dead, though... I want everyone to be happy. Hmmm... Hey, people like butter, right? There'll be free sticks of butter on every table! Tauroneo: That's a great dream. Where are you going to open your place? Largo: Well, uh... it may not look like it, but I'm actually from Begnion. So I'll probably open my pub back home. But from what I hear, Crimea and Daein are nice places, too... This is going to be a hard choice... Tauroneo: ...Do you want me to help you with the pub? Largo: Oh, yeah! That would be great! Two people can think about two things at once. That will help for sure. All right, so we'll have savory meat pies... But what about the rest of the menu? -A Support- Largo: Hmmm... That's not it. That's no good, either... Tauroneo: Are you thinking about your pub again? Largo: Hey, Tauroneo! Can you dish me up some more of your good advice? Tauroneo: Glad to. Largo: I'm trying to come up with a name for my pub. Tauroneo: What do you have so far? Largo: How about "Savory Pies And Stuff"? Tauroneo: Hmmm. It's a bit... odd. Largo: Maybe you're right. Let me think... I want this to be a pub where both beorc and laguz can walk on in, get a meat pie and a frosty beverage, and be happy. So how about we name it the "All You Beorc And Laguz Come On Down And Get Yourself A Meat Pie Pub"! Tauroneo: That's a little long. Largo: No good, eh? Nuts. What am I gonna do? I'm no good at thinking up stuff like this. Tauroneo: Maybe you're thinking too hard. How about naming it after something you think is important? Largo: Hey, yeah! I'll call it "Calill." She's always been my favorite. Tauroneo: Naming it after an old flame, eh? I say go with that. I'll be sure to drop in for a pie and a brew when you open your place. Largo: You better! I'll have your favorite drink waiting for you! Your favorite drink is... Wait, I know this... I wrote it down somewhere... Oh, here it is... Strong! Tauroneo: Yep. Largo: Bwaaa ha ha haaaa!!! Leave it to me! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Elincia* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Elincia/Ike (EI135) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Ike: Is there something wrong, Princess? Elincia: Oh... my lord Ike. I was getting prepared for battle, but... I'm having a hard time attaching this scabbard to my belt. Ike: Hmm... let me see. Ah... here's the problem. The buckle on the scabbard isn't fastened. There's a little trick to this. Don't move for a second. ...All right. That should do it! Elincia: Thank you. I just can't seem to do anything right. I can't even get myself ready for battle! Everyone else is all suited up. Ike: Everyone here was the same way when they first started. In fact, it wasn't all that long ago when I was having a hard time fastening my scabbard... Elincia: Really? Ike: That's right. But my father drilled me hard and tested my swordsmanship and survival skills before I could eat breakfast. We come from different worlds, Princess. Elincia: So that's how you learned so much... Ike: Well, you don't need to practice so hard. You weren't born to be a mercenary like the rest of us war dogs. You'll just get yourself killed if you jump into this rough and nasty war unprepared. Elincia: I understand... Ike: Just don't worry about it. There's no shame in asking for help from the rest of us. We'll be there to back you up. Elincia: Thank you, my lord Ike. Ike: Anytime, Princess Elincia. -B Support- Ike: Princess Elincia? You're still here? Elincia: Oh, my lord Ike. W-well, I was getting a little practice in. I don't want to be a burden to everyone else. Ike: Wouldn't it be better to have a training partner? Elincia: I'd feel guilty asking someone to train with me. It would be a waste of time... I am no match for their skill. Ike: I meant what I said earlier... About not hesitating to ask for help? But I guess you decided to ignore me. Elincia: N-no, no... it's not like that at all. I heard what you said, but I still feel so... Ike: I know how powerless and frustrated you must feel. It was a terrifying feeling when I discovered my father had left me in command of the Greil Mercenaries. Elincia: ... Ike: But there's a huge difference between inheriting a country and a band of mercenaries, isn't there? Elincia: Not at all... You're absolutely right. It's hard... knowing what kind of responsibility I have, and just how unsuited I am to take it. Ike: Over the last year, I learned a lot from all those battles... Mostly, I learned that there are many things I can't do on my own. Everything I achieved was possible only because of the people around me. I trust them completely. And I'm not ashamed to ask for help. That goes for you, too. You're not alone. Elincia: That's a great way to look at it. Thank you! -A Support- Elincia: ... Ike: We finally reach the capital tomorrow. Elincia: Yes... Ike: How are you feeling about it? Elincia: More than a little anxious... But... We've finally made it. I'm home. More than anything, I feel relief. Ike: You've grown strong, Princess. Elincia: That's only because I had such a great role model. Ike: Hah! I think you meant to say bad role model, right? By the way, do you remember what you said to me on the southern sea? Elincia: W-what did I say? Hopefully, it was nothing too embarassing. Ike: You said, "Give them a sound thrashing!" Elincia: Oh... er... that? That was... um... I was trying to fit in, my lord Ike. To be rough and capable like the rest of you. Ike: You caught me off guard with that one. Elincia: Hee hee! It brings back memories. When I fled the capital and was told about Crimea's defeat in Gallia... I prepared myself to live in crushing, colorless despair for the rest of my days. But when I look back, I can see there were some warm rays of hope... poking through. Ike: You're right... Elincia: Tomorrow, I will face King Daein and reclaim Crimea... or die in the attempt. It is the only thing on my mind. Ike: You employed me as a mercenary. I'll give you your money's worth! ...No. It means more than that... To my last breath, I will do all that I can to ensure your dream... Elincia. Elincia: Oh, Ike... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Elincia/Geoffrey (EG136) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -C Support- Elincia: Hmmm... Geoffrey: Are you looking for someone, Your Highness? Elincia: Geoffrey. I'm glad you're here. Geoffrey: Is there anything I can do for you? Elincia: Yes, actually. I have a small favor to ask of you. Geoffrey: Ask anything of me, Your Highness, and I shall make it so. Elincia: Really? You would do anything? Geoffrey: Anything at all. Elincia: Well, then here goes... Geoffrey... I need you to leave me alone while I fight on the battlefield. Geoffrey: What?! Without protection? But, you know that is the one thing I cannot-- Elincia: I don't want to hear any objections. This is... an order. You must obey. Geoffrey: But... Princess Elincia... -B Support- Geoffrey: Your Highness... Please, I beg you to reconsider. Elincia: ... Geoffrey: I am aware that you took offense to my disobeying your order... But... You cannot ask me to leave you alone and undefended! I am a royal knight. It is my duty and honor to ride by your side and defend you on the field of battle. Elincia: ... Geoffrey: Your Highness, please! On bended knee, I beg this of you. Elincia: Would you stop defending me if I stripped you of your title? Geoffrey: ...T-take away my knighthood? Elincia: ... Geoffrey: I see. I had no idea you wanted to avoid me this badly. Elincia: No, Geoffrey. That's not-- Geoffrey: I may have spoken out of turn, but all I wanted was to honor my oath and shield you from harm. I'm sorry... Elincia: Wait... Geoffrey! Geoffrey! -A Support- Elincia: I've listened to all that you've had to say, Geoffrey. Now it's time for you to hear me out. Geoffrey: By your command. Elinica: You fight too hard and take too many risks to protect me in combat. Geoffrey: Is that not what a knight is sworn to do? Elincia: But you put yourself at grave risk! Geoffrey: It is true. I have felt the bite of steel several times while protecting you... But I would do so again without a thought! Elincia: You promised me long ago that you wouldn't needlessly jeopardize your life for my sake. I guess you don't value your life after all. Geoffrey: Your Highness... Elincia: I know you think I should stay at camp and rest on silken pillows without suiting up for battle. But... There's no way I could stand... Stand seeing someone so dear to me die just beyond my grasp. So... now you know why I asked this of you. Geoffrey: I don't know if you realize all that you've done for the soldiers. Do you see how you have raised the spirits of the Crimean soldiers since you began fighting alongside them? Their princess herself leads the charge! She doesn't ask the soldiers to risk their lives without risking her own. They adore you. And that is why we win our battles. They fight with a ferocity no other force could possibly match. They will win at any cost. Elincia: ... Geoffrey: I admit I have been fighting recklessly. ...I did so knowing you were near me. I knew you'd be by my side if I were gravely wounded. Elincia: Yet... You feel me a burden. Geoffrey: I can't imagine fighting without you anymore. If you do hold my life dear, please keep fighting. Lead us to victory! Elincia: Oh, Geoffrey. I'm so sorry I brought you so much torment. I misunderstood you. I am... so immature. Geoffrey: I disobeyed your direct orders. That's no badge of honor, either. Elincia: I'm sure I'll keep causing you troubles... but please... never leave my side, Geoffrey. Geoffrey: Princess Elincia... My life and blade are yours. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- V. Credits ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I wish to give thanks to the following people: CJayC: For Gamefaqs, hosting this FAQ, and such. People who made this game: I do not think an explanation is needed. Chris Williams: For providing supports. CTA: For format advice, such as hotkeys. DCW: For providing supports. Eric Gunter: For providing supports. Inyou: For looking for errors that I might have missed. Also for providing me with information on how long it takes to get certain supports. JR: For helping me with formatting this thing on Word. Master Epyon: For actually making me turn these conversations into an FAQ. Anyone who uses this FAQ: You made this thing actually worth writing! Yay! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VI. Contact Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Although I am often on the board for this game, a more direct way to contact me is through email. My address is celtic7guardian@gmail.com. I will gladly look at any comments you may have to give and will try to respond quickly. It can be a bit weird at times though, so if I do not reply at once, please do not think I am ignoring you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VII. Copyright ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright 2005 All rights reserved to Celtic7Guardian. Unless I give permission (which I will note in this section if I do), nobody has permission to host this FAQ except Gamefaqs.