--------- | | |--- | | | ----- | ----- | --- ----- | ---- | | ----- |--- | | | | | | | | | |--- | | | | | |--- --------- ----- | ---- ---- | | |--- |----| ---- / --/ ---------------Rouge Agent---------------- *-------------------------------------*--------------------------------------* | Game | | Script | *-------------------------------------*--------------------------------------* / | \ | GameCube----Rated T | Version 1.2 | | | | |-------------------------------------|--------------------------------------| | | | | Written by LedZeppelin19 | 2006 Copyright Kevin Dill | | | | *-------------------------------------*--------------------------------------* *-------------------------------------*--------------------------------------* | | | T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S | | | *-------------------------------------*--------------------------------------* / \ | Introduction......................................................(INTRO) | | Plot Summary......................................................(PTSUM) | | Fort Knox.........................................................(FTKNX) | | Auric Enterprises.................................................(ACENT) | | Hong Kong.........................................................(HGKNG) | | Midas Casino......................................................(MSCSO) | | Hoover Dam........................................................(HERDM) | | The Octopus.......................................................(OCTO1) | | Crab Key..........................................................(CBKEY) | | Volcano Lair......................................................(VLOLR) | | Conclusion/Legal Info/Version History.............................(CONCL) | \ / ------------------------------------*-------------------------------------- This guide is 2006 Copyright Kevin Dill. You cannot reproduce it in anyway. Any reproduction would be considered a violation of copyright, and will be dealt with. Giving credit to someone else is known as plagiarism, and is against the law. The only website allowed to host this FAQ is www.gamefaqs.com The only website allowed to link to this FAQ is www.gamespot.com *-------------------------------------*--------------------------------------* | | | I N T R O D U C T I O N (INTRO) | | | *-------------------------------------*--------------------------------------* Note: This guide WILL contain MAJOR spoilers. If you do not wish to spoil the game it is advisable that you leave this guide. So, what's the purpose of this guide? Simple, the story is what's important here. This guide is basically going to script all of the cut-scenes in this game. This is my first GameFAQs guide, so it probably won't be perfect. So, without further introduction, I bring you, GoldenEye: Rouge Agent Story FAQ! How, you say, do you use this guide? It's actually quite simple, you read this the same way you would read a movie script. *-------------------------------------*--------------------------------------* | | | P L O T S U M M A R Y (PTSUM) | | | *-------------------------------------*--------------------------------------* Looking for a quick summary of this game's plot? Look no farther. The game starts off with you and 007 headed off to Fort Knox to stop a nuclear device from going off. However 007 dies and so do you when you fail to turn off the nuclear device in time. However, you find out it was all a computer simulation. You are fired from MI6 for letting 007 die in the simulation. Auric Goldfinger offers you a job, and you accept. You inadvertently get in the middle of a huge war between Dr. No and Golfdinger. Shortly after joining you get shown the OMEN, a very powerful weapon. Of course, Dr. No finds out and launches an attack on Goldfinger's base. After escaping, you get taken to the lair, Goldfinger's base of of operations There, you meet Francisco Scaramanga, who upgrades your eye from time to time. Your next job is to assassinate Dr. No. You, however, fail, and must race across the rooftops of Hong Kong to stay alive. Next you find out that the Midas Casino is being attacked, where the OMEN device is being held. You quickly rush there, and use the OMEN on all of Dr. No's people there. To stop something like that happening again, you head over to the Hoover Dam, where a lot of Dr. No's troops are. You succeed in blowing up the dam, barely escaping. You are now ready to launch an assault on Dr. No's main base: Crab Key. First, however, you must find out where it is. You infiltrate The Octopus, where you get to the main computer, and find the coordinates for Crab Key. You go there, sabotage the nuclear reactor, and kill Dr. No. There's just one catch-Goldfinger betrays you. You get to the lair, and end up killing Goldfinger. There it is-the plot in a nutshell. *-------------------------------------*--------------------------------------* | | | F O R T K N O X (FTKNX) | | | *-------------------------------------*--------------------------------------* *------------------* |Opening Cut-Scene | *------------------*-* |Approximately: 1:01 | *--------------------* (black screen) M: Three years ago, while on an assignment, the agent was severely wounded in an encounter with Dr. No and subsequently lost the use of his right eye. Consumed with vengeance, he frequently resorts to violence and brutality, and is no longer fit for service with MI6 (Three Days Earlier, helicopters fly overhead) M: Auric Goldfinger a member of the most powerful criminal organizations in the world has seized the gold depository at Fort Knox. He intends to radiate the reserve with a nuclear device, which would devastate the global economy. As his crimes threaten the security of the bank of England itself you and 007 will work in concert with army commandos to neutralize Goldfinger's men, then locate and defuse the bomb. Good luck, gentleman. (fades into level) *------------------* |Crash Sequence | *------------------*--* | Approximately: 0:20 | *---------------------* (The plane shakes violently and starts to head towards the ground) PILOT: Mayday! Mayday! Mayday! I'm losing it! (The plane hits the ground, and falls into Fort Knox) (Fades into level) *-------------------* |Fall Sequence | *-------------------*--* | Approximately: 0:04 | *----------------------* (Bond falls from the plane) 007: Ahh! (The plane falls on Bond, killing him) *--------------------* |Closing Sequence | *--------------------*--* |Approximately: 0:36 | *-----------------------* (You see the nuclear device, but it explodes as you step up to it. All of Fort Knox explodes, however, the screen 'melts away' as you discover it was a computer simulation) COMPUTER: Reset, program (You see two pods opening up, seeing both 007 and GoldenEye in them) M: You are directly responsible for the death of 007. Your tactics are inexcusable. There is no place at MI6 for an agent like you. You're dismissed. (Now you see GolenEye outside reading a card that reads: The offer still stands. Goldfinger.) *-------------------------------------*--------------------------------------* | | | A U R I C E N T E R P R I S E S (ACENT) | | | *-------------------------------------*--------------------------------------* *----------------------* |Opening Sequence | *----------------------*--* |Approximately: 0:45 | *-------------------------* (Several of Dr. No's troops are shown standing around Goldfinger's base. Dr. No is shown) DR. NO: Bring me the OMEN (Helicopters rise and go towards the base. Scene shifts to you, oddjob, and Goldfinger standing around a suspended capsule.) GOLDFINGER: My engineers here at Auric Enterprises have designed many weapons. But this is their greatest achievement. This is the OMEN. The Organic Mass Energy Neautralizer. It virtually disassembles the atoms of living matter. A new era is upon us. And no one who stands against me will survive. (Dr. No's soldiers are shown breaking into the compound. They shoot down most of Goldfigner's men. Oddjob jumps in front of Goldfinger to protect him.) GOLDFINGER: Protect the Omen! (fades into level) *------------------------* |Closing Sequence | *------------------------* |Approximately: 0:58 | *------------------------* (A helicopter lands, with a girl walking out of it. The camera focuses on different parts of the body.) PUSSY GALORE: My name is Pussy Galore. You look like you could use a ride. Climb aboard, GoldenEye. (The plane flies towards a volcano, which opens up as they grow closer. The plane proceeds to go inside.) PUSSY GALORE: Welcome to the capitol of global operations! We call it the lair. We have powerful friends here. One man in particular, he is our pipeline for special weapons and technology. He's waiting to meet you. FRANSISCO SCARAMANGA: I'm Fransisco Scaramanga. You're GoldenEye. I've arranged for periodic upgrades as well, which you'll find useful, for your service to Goldfinger. (you walk away) *-------------------------------------*--------------------------------------* | | | H O N G K O N G (HGKNG) | | | *-------------------------------------*--------------------------------------* *-------------* |Opening Scene| *-------------*-----* |Approximately: 0:56| *-------------------* (You are shown in a briefing room with Goldfinger) GOLDFINGER: Dr. No will stop at nothing to obtain the OMEN. We must act now before he launches another attack! (You get in a helicopter with Pussy Galore and take off) GOLDFINGER: I've hired an informant near our Eastern Base. I'm sending you to Hong Kong. Your mission is to assassinate Dr. No. Our contact will provide an appropriate weapon. Ms. Galore will fly you out when the job is done. Dr. No's tower is impossibly secure, but you will have a clear shot from the neighboring construction site. Don't miss! (Camera flies past the site showing many of Dr. No's men. It flies to a shot of an elevator you're in, reaching the level you want. The door opens and the level begins) *-------------* |Gun Scene | *-------------*------* |Approximately: 0:19 | *--------------------* (You open the case but it is empty. You see the contact standing across from you holding the gun you were supposed to have.) CONTACT: Goldfinger pays me well, but Dr. No pays me better. (Dr. No's helicopter appears, as the Contact gets away. Dr. No destroys the building, setting it into flames, but you live.) *-------------* |Closing Scene| *-------------*-----* |Approximately: 0:15| *-------------------* (You run off the building, grabbing onto a ladder Pussy Galore has on her plane. You fly off into the distance shooting off enemies who were on the rooftop.) *-------------------------------------*--------------------------------------* | | | M I D A S C A S I N O (MSCSO) | | | *-------------------------------------*--------------------------------------* *--------------* |Opening Scene | *--------------*-----* |Approximately: 0:50 | *--------------------* (You are shown in a room with Goldfinger) GOLDFINGER: To safeguard the OMEN against Dr. No, I have moved it to my most secure vault beneath my casino in Las Vegas. However my agents have already spotted the treacherous Xenia Onnatop. She can be there for only one reason. To steal the OMEN! It's very likely her attack will begin by the time you arrive. (You are shown in Pussy Galore's airplane on a way to a building under attack) PUSSY GALORE: I'm eavesdropping on Dr. No's frequency. It sounds like the action is concentrated on the lowest levels near the vault. GOLDFINGER: Oddjob is already on the ground. Your fastest entrance will be through the sky lounge. You must begin there and work your way down. Protect the OMEN at all costs! (You are in an elevator and you get off at floor 40) *---------------* |Closing Scene | *---------------*----* |Approximately: 0:19 | *--------------------* (A rope drops down, you grab it and you start to get pulled up. You fire at the enemies as you go up. After you've been pulled into the plane, Pussy Galore turns the plane away from the casino. The OMEN activates and everyone still in the casino dies.) *-------------------------------------*--------------------------------------* | | | H O O V E R D A M (HERDM) | | | *-------------------------------------*--------------------------------------* *-----------------* |Opening Scene | *-----------------*-* |Approximately: 0:25| *-------------------* (In helicopter, flying away from city) PUSSY GALORE: Give Dr. No points for originality, the Midas assault was staged from Hoover Dam. He's got a seismic bomb in there. The U.S security forces don't dare approach for fear he'll blow the whole thing! GOLDFINGER: Dr. No's attack is not over GoldenEye, You and Oddjob must infiltrate the dam and find the seismic bomb. Detonate it, and Dr. No's army will be swept into the water. (The helicopter flies over a dam that has many tanks on top of it) *----------------* |Bomb Scene | *----------------*--* |Approximately: 0:12| *-------------------* (You release the bomb into the dam. Oddjob comes running after you, getting ready to punch you into the shaft where you dropped the bomb. However, you pull a move on him, and send him into the shaft.) --- Note: Some people wonder why Oddjob did this. This is just my view on it: Oddjob was mad that Goldfinger was using you more than him. Therefore, he wanted to kill you to redeem himself in Goldfinger's eyes. *--------------* |Xenia's Intro | *--------------*-----* |Approximately: 0:27 | *--------------------* (You walk out of the elevator and you're on the roadway above the damn. There is a greenish fog in front of you. Two poison-projectiles come out of the fog towards you. They hit you and you fall on the ground. Xenia Onnatop comes out of the fog. She sits on you in her...signature...position. ONNATOP: Don't die yet. I have not kept my promise. (fades into level) *--------------* |Closing Scene | *--------------*----* |Approximately: 0:25| *-------------------* (You punch Xenia off the dam) ONNATOP: Ahhh! (The dam starts to fall apart, water gushing through it. You hop into one of the planes that are on the roadway. You take off just as the whole thing falls apart) *-------------------------------------*--------------------------------------* | | | T H E O C T O P U S (OCTO1) | | | *-------------------------------------*--------------------------------------* *--------------* |Opening Scene | *--------------*----* |Approximately: 0:33| *-------------------* (Looking at large photograph of island with mountain) GOLDFINGER: This is the only known photograph of the infamous Crab Key. Dr. No's private base of operations. Its location is guarded like a state secret. We don't even know where the coordinates might be. (person holding cat walks into screen) UNKNOWN PERSON: Actually Auric there is one place. GOLDFINGER: Of course! The octopus! It is our auction house, bank, and blackmarket all in one! (Underwater sub heading towards an odd looking base) GOLDFINGER: Its computer core holds Dr. No's most secure data. Getting in will be the easy part. *--------------* |Security Alert| *--------------*----* |Approximately: 0:09| *-------------------* (You walk up to the computer, guns get lowered and enemies come up). *--------------* |Closing Scene | *--------------*----* |Approximately: 0:24| *-------------------* (You jump into the submarine you bought, while being pounded with enemy bullets. Thankfully, your submarine comes equipped with missiles, and you blow up all the enemies as you get away.) *-------------------------------------*--------------------------------------* | | | C R A B K E Y (CBKEY) | | | *-------------------------------------*--------------------------------------* *-------------* |Opening Scene| *-------------*-----* |Approximately: 0:32| *-------------------* (You are in your submarine, going through a sea of mines) GOLDFINGER: I'm certain Dr. No has been made aware of your attack on the Octopus. Therefore, I can not deploy the OMEN on Crab Key and risk making it a target. Instead, you must infiltrate the island and find your way to the central compound. Your objective is the nuclear reactor. Sabotage it, and it should destroy the entire island. Dr. No's fortress will be heavily defended. A diversion might help to slip past the gates. Use the explosives you so generally charged to my account at the Octopus. *-------------* |Infiltration | *-------------*-----* |Approximately: 0:16| *-------------------* (The explosives you set go off. The main gate opens as tanks and enemies head over to where the explosion occurred. You sneak in without them noticing) *--------------* |Dr. No's Death| *--------------*----* |Approximately: 0:17| *-------------------* (The sabotaged nuclear reactor kills Dr. No) *--------------* |Closing Scene | *--------------*----* |Approximately: 0:50| *-------------------* (You get inside Dr. No's helicopter and take off just as the nuclear reactor starts to meltdown. The island explodes in a nuclear explosion just as you have left the island. *-------------------------------------*--------------------------------------* | | | V O L C A N O L A I R (VLOLR) | | | *-------------------------------------*--------------------------------------* *---------------* |Opening Scene | *---------------*---* |Approximately: 0:26| *-------------------* (As your helicopter flies towards the Lair) PUSSY GALORE: GoldenEye! Goldfinger said you were killed! He's used the OMEN everyone has been wiped out. He's taken control of the lair. But Scaramanga has a plan. SCARAMANGA: I've made a virus that can overload the OMEN. But you'll never get close enough to use it on your own. You must free the captives in the Lair's detention center. You have their allegiance. They will fight for you against Goldfinger. *-------------* |Closing Scene| *-------------*-----* |Approximately: 0:32| *-------------------* (The virus completely uploads) GOLDFINGER: The OMEN! (A shield goes down around your room as the OMEN activates, kill everyone but you. You leave the area and get into Pussy Galore's helicopter) PUSSY GALORE: Ready to ride? *--------------* |Game End | *--------------*----* |Approximately: 0:45| *-------------------* (In Pussy Galore's plane flying over the sea, she appears naked hunching over you.) PUSSY GALORE: I love auto-pilot. (Scaramanga and 'Number 1' (the person that told Goldfinger about the Octopus) are shown in a conference room) NUMBER ONE: A splendid effort Fransicso. My compliments FRANSICSO: Thank you, number one. Of course your plan was perfectly conceived. The rival devoured one another, as you predicted. NUMBER ONE: Yes, but in removing Auric and Sirius, we may have created a third threat to the organization. FRANSICSO: So about this GoldenEye? NUMBER ONE: I will keep an eye of my own on this one. (fades to credits) ---- Note: This practically screams "Sequel!" but due to bad reviews and sales, I doubt it will happen. *-------------------------------------*--------------------------------------* | | | C O N C L U S I O N (CONCL) | | | *-------------------------------------*--------------------------------------* I hope you have enjoyed this FAQ. It's my first one submitted to GameFAQs, and I don't know how people will react to it. CONTACT INFORMATION My email is ledzeppelin19@gmail.com Feel free to email as long as you don't... 1. SPAM. I hate spam so don't email me. 2. Hate Mail. Just don't do it. 3. Stupid Messages like Your guide rox lol. Otherwise feel free to email me. As stated at the top of this guide... This guide is 2006 Copyright Kevin Dill. You cannot reproduce it in anyway. Any reproduction would be considered a violation of copyright, and will be dealt with. Giving credit to someone else is known as plagiarism, and is against the law. The only website allowed to host this FAQ is www.gamefaqs.com The only website allowed to link to this FAQ is www.gamespot.com VERSION HISTORY Version 1.20: Guide got major facelift, looks much nicer. Some minor minor corrections to the scripts, added a plot summary section. Version 1.00: All scripts done. Not much more will probably be added. Version 0.42: First version submitted to GameFAQs. Some grammer revisions. Auric's name changed to Goldfinger to prevent confusion. Version 0.41: First official version. All scripts up to Hoover Damn completed. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: I would like to thank EA for making this well-done game I would like to thank my parents for, well, being my parents =) I would like to thank Patrick for getting me into James Bond I would like to thank all my friends for being their I would like to thank Nintendo for making great consoles I would like to thank everyone who read this guide! -------------End of Document----------