Harvest moon FAQ- The beginning- At the start of the game, you will be forced to choose your gender and your favorite season. Keep in mind that no matter which season you choose, you will not start out at this time, it just determines the time you were born. You will always start out at spring. After that, you will be confronted by the Theodore, the mayor of Flower Bud Village, at the town square who asks you your name, and then you will ultimately be made to make one of the most important decisions in the game, properties. Riverside Village center Oceanside Riverside: A decently spacious piece of land that has both fertile land and enough room for a barn or a chicken coop and room for some crops. However, lo and behold despite my efforts, I could not manage to place both of them, so you will have to either buy a decent piece of land to place a barn or chicken coop, or just live without it for the time being. Evidently, if you play like you’re made of money, which is my personal style of playing; the first option is your obvious choice. Also, the need for fertilizer will not be as urgent if you choose this property, tripling your potential profit if you use the fertility correctly. You also start out right next to the river, which is convenient for fishing for fish, which can be cut up for sashimi and given as gifts or just sold. The village is a long ways away, but the Blue sky ranch is right next to you. Also, one of the most important places in the game, the spring farm, is directly south of you. Village center: A cozy, convenient little piece of land placed in the direct center of town. If it is location you want, then this is the property for you, however, you will have to steal a piece of public property to make crops worth having, and buy more land for livestock. The moonlight mine is conveniently north of you. The clinic is above you and the junk shop is south of you and it is also convenient for the festivals, which are usually at the square. Later, the Callaway café will be right below the Junk shop. The workshop and the Spring farm are the furthest away. Also, you might want to make friends with the mayor before buying extra land, as your heart level with Theodore determines the properties that are available for purchase. Getting three hearts with Theodore will unlock all twenty properties in the game. Oceanside: A large, spacious piece of land that has enough room for a barn and a chicken coop, and still enough to plant crops! It is also placed right next to Woody’s workshop and the Spring Farm and also convenient for salt water fishing and clams. The only drawback is that the land has terrible soil at best, making a decent healthy crop next to impossible for first season farmers. It is an incredible hike to the village, however, and you’ll need to get to know your way around the place first. It is also near the Woodsman forest 1 property, which is right above the Oceanside property, which is both good for crops and, if you clear the land out a good deal with an upgraded axe, you can make a fruit orchard. There is a full section about making an orchard later in the guide. Quick reminder: Despite the availability of the public properties for planting crops, it is best to do most of your crops on your own property. The only time you should plant on public property is when it is just across the street. Distance can really take a toll on your time since it will waist easily if you take to much time traveling and harvesting. However, it is smarter to make and orchard on public properties as they are far less work than crops. They only require you to visit them when they are in season to occasionally weed the place and collect the fruit. Obviously, the chosen property depends on the player’s style and preference, but I would strongly suggest the Oceanside property, as in the beginning of the game, your only real source of income is crops. Despite the lackage of fertility, size will take over that fact, and will leave you well prepared for animals, and there is always fertilizer. Also, another quick way to make money on the first week is clams, as I will give you directions for momentarily. Quick reminder: Digging for clams is easy, but it does take some practice. First step: get your hoe and go out to the beach where the tide comes in and face to the SIDE, not towards the water! Your will hoe will be deflected off the water almost every time. Step two: hoe just after the tide washes in, or until the white foamy part just passes you. About eighty-five percent of the time, you will get a clam. Step three: After some collecting, make sure that you set a bonfire to cook a clam or two to regain your stamina. At 80g apiece, this will be a profitable pastime if you have an empty rucksack with nothing but your hoe and bonfire set. Step four: before you go in at maybe seven-o-clock, you might want to put out your fire. I forgot to mention that. Take out your watering can and put it out. This will give you the fire-prevention note. You only need to do this once. Step five: if you own a ranch that has the fat and profitable heifer (see the cow section), also be sure to purchase a butter maker and a frying pan at your local junk shop. Just add butter and a clam to your frying pan and you will come out with grilled clams! Very healthy and tasty and will restore a lot of stamina:)! Step six: (final step): store the leftovers in the fridge! Keep these to make grilled clams to sell or to eat! Best to stuff your fridge with them as you loose less money than using valuable produce from your garden! Priorities: This list on priorities is not listed requirements but they will help earn a few notes later in the game. Don’t try to rush into these to quickly. 1. Ship enough ore for Tai to move in. Get the smithy about before the end of summer if possible. Going to the mines frequently will get him about before the end of spring. a. Get Tim so that he will give you a power berry when you reach the bottom of the moonlight mine. b. Get Tai so that you can upgrade your tools to make work more efficient. 2. Ship good clay so that Saibara will move in. a. Get two hearts with him to get the aging pot. However, you can also get two hearts with Theodore to get the recipe Potato Gratin. Make sure that you go to Saibara after you do the above and that you have shipped five good clay in advance at least. Going to his place will trigger the event wherein you will receive the aging pot. Make yogurt, soda and deviled eggs. Get the mixing pot in a similar way. Get five hearts with Saibara and ship about nine good clay. 3. Get all of the cooking implements at the junk shop to get the super chef note. 4. Make friends with Alex to get Martha and ship thirty herbs to get the sanatorium. This will get Dia and Gina. 5. Get five hearts with Michael at the junk shop so that he will upgrade the junk shop. This will get Louis to move in and you will know where to find him. 6. Ship ten limestone to unlock fertilizer. Going to the mine frequently will ensure that this happens before the end of spring. You want fertilizer before summer because all of the expensive crops are available. 7. Ship fifty cabbages to unlock strawberries. Strawberries are worth 200g a pop and 400g fertilized. The seeds are 300g. 8. Ship fifty pumpkins to unlock the seeds for the Blue mist flowers. Can be found in the wild, but it is much easier to track down when you can plant them. Fertility has no effect on flowers, herbs and spuds. 9. Raise a horse to train and win a horse race to sell it for 50000g. Will get you the horse racing note. Your tools: Your tools are an essential part of farming, even if you’re not the crop person. When your tools are used frequently, the experience bar will eventually get high enough for you to upgrade them. Don’t worry about this fact in the beginning of the game, but do prepare for it. Use all of the tools frequently until Tai the blacksmith opens up his shop. It is, however, most important that you supply the ore needed for the upgrade as well as the tool. You will get Tai by shipping tons of ore. One of the tools that are new is the bonfire set. There are buyable tools from the Blue sky ranch, which I will tell you about as well. Your hoe: Your hoe is probably the second most important tool in the game, as it is needed to plant crops. Use with the x button to hoe one square or charge up for a more efficient hoe. Use this also to search for good clay, roots and money. Also, use the hoe to look for the stairs on the way down. This is useful as you will encounter difficulties anywhere past the 70th floor. Charge this for maximum results. As the rest, it can be upgraded four times: Copper hoe Silver hoe Gold hoe Goddess hoe Your watering can: This is defiantly the most used tool in the game, as it is, it is necessary to use it to water plants. Water your plants every day but be sure to not water one space more than once, as this will be an unnecessary waist of both energy and water. As you progress and upgrade your watering can this will no longer be an issue, but at the beginning, it is smart to conserve your energy and focus it on making money. Also use it to put out your bonfire, which will give you a note. At goddess level, it will become the most effective as it can water four plots of nine on one full charge! Leave a space in the center to stand in. Use this to water trees as well. You do not need to water trees, but if you’re in a hurry to get produce out of your trees, then water them daily. Your axe: Your axe’s use is self evident as you might see, it is used for the sole purpose of chopping wood for your wood box. The logs that you split will be instantly transported to the wood box. If you don’t want to take the time and energy to do this, you will be obliged to buy the wood from the workshop on the account of your laziness, and will spend thousands on the necessary wood for your constructions. As you can see, it is more costly to buy than to supply your own wood. When you upgrade your axe, the only thing that it will benefit is the amount of charged chops it will take to split stumps and cut trees. When you upgrade your axe, cutting down trees will be far more easier, especially if you need to clear the woodsman forest property of trees. Your fishing rod: Your fishing rod is used to catch both fresh and salt water fish. Salt water fish are way more expensive than most fresh water fish. Incidentally, I have noticed that the blowfish, one that you might know better as the puffer fish, ships for only 3g. However, when prepared with your knife set, it is worth 119g. This also applies with squid. Give fish to the dolphin and make friends with it. Ray loves practically all fish except for squid, who will give you a shaky response. Your sickle: For the time being, if you happen to be a beginner, keep this inside your tool box for the time being, as you will not use it until you plant grass, then cut it for fodder, which will ultimately be used to feed your animals, and since you will not have the funds for the barn anytime soon, assuming you are a beginner, I would leave it. You can use this also to cut any unnecessary crops or weeds if you want. Use this also to cut any misplaced seedling. Your hammer: Your hammer is used for mining in the moonlight mine. In the winter, however, it would be futile to go there when you can go to the sunny lake mine, and since it is exclusive only to winter, I would go there almost every day. Your hammer is also useful for clearing the larger boulders that have been blown into the yard. Your reign: Your reigns are given to you by Hank when you first get your barn animals. He will forget to give them to you at first, but at the next morning he will give them to you. The reigns are practically useless at first; they are used to take one animal outside at a time to graze. However, later in the game, you will use it to lead your horse outside to ride. This is the only practical use for the reigns. Your bell: Your bell is the same as the reigns, only, when used near the door, the animals will herd around the door and go outside to graze. Actually, it is not required to even take any animals out of the barn just feed them. After you get the note received for ringing the bell 20 times, it isn’t necessary to use it any more. Your brush: Your brush is used only for grooming your animals to raise their heart level. As I will mention later in the guide, it is also useful for grooming your sheep. If your brush your sheep right before shearing, you will increase the chances of receiving the highest quality wool. Also, use this to brush your horse when you get him. This will almost completely ensure two hearts with your horse before or right when he grows up; as long as you hand-feed him and talk to him along with brushing him. Your stuff around the house: Things that either are life shatteringly useful, or mind bogglingly not-useful. Your cabinet: While simple, it is used to store the other non food items, like the ore set aside for upgrading tools, and coral for Tai to make things out of. Quick reminder: Remember, when you give your ore or coral to Tai, give him your cheapest items first, as you will gain more profit off of it. For instance, ordinary coral ships for 35g, but it costs 500g to make a 1135g coral brooch! This gives you a profit of 635g! Your wood box: Holds your wood. If you push A while facing it, you will pull out a stake, which can be used for fences or mushroom and toadstool farms. After an amount of time, not a particularly set amount of time, the stake will turn into an old stake, and after another period of time, the old stakes will disappear, which might explain to shortage of stakes after a few years. Your couch: Sits there. The sofa will not recover any stamina at all, no matter what size you get. Crops: As you might know, different crops grow in different seasons. As you also know, you wouldn’t see potatoes growing in the winter, nor pumpkins in the spring. One handful of seeds will cover a 3x3 lot of land. While some farmers respectively prefer to plant in rows, I prefer to plant in the traditional “U” formation. I will give a diagram below: O= tilled soil. S= stand to sow seeds O O O O OSO OSO OOO OOO ect. Planting in this formation, when standing in the exact center, will bring the most out of your seeds and the most money. I will give a comparison: X= plants. S= stand to sow seeds X X X X XSX XSX X X XXX Note- the one with the “U” formation has tilled land on the ground on which he’s standing. As you can see, if you plant in rows, you not only waist room, but your seeds, especially since the 3x3 space includes under you as well. See as the “U” formation gets eight out of his bag while the one with the rows gets only six per bag. If the plants were turnips, the one with the “U” formation would get 240g more off the same bag of seeds, maximizing the profit. As usual, your style of playing greatly affects this, and the only con to the “U” formation is difficult watering, as opposed to the greater efficiency of watering rows at the beginning of the game. When you get your silver watering can, however, this waters a 3x3 space in front of you, making watering this style of crops far easier. Quick reminder: If you make a lot of a complete 3x3 tilled area so that all nine seeds get sown, be aware that you will not be able to harvest or water the middle square if it takes more than four days to grow. The only possible way to water it is to upgrade your watering can, which can water crops further away, even still, this only works on crops harvested once. For crops harvested more than once, when not harvested in a certain number of days will eventually die, even when constantly watered:(. When upgrading my watering can, I only upgrade up to the silver level, as it waters the 3x3 space in front of you. While the gold watering can waters twenty-five squares, it gets a bit hard to keep track of after a while, and if you don’t manipulate it right, it can become very inefficient. The only time I level it up after the silver level is the goddess level, which requires rare ore. For any upgrade, the cost will be: 1 level: 700g + required ore + 2 days. 2 levels: 1500g + required ore + 3 days. 3 levels: 3000g + required ore + 4 days. I could go to the fourth and final level, but I don’t see how anyone can get far enough in the game with that much experience on the bar and have a successful crop. While possible to wait for an upgrade until goddess level, it is not very strongly advised as it is very inefficient, as the diagram shows above. As you can see, it costs 100g more to upgrade two levels in one sitting than to upgrade separately, but it takes less time. Upgrading must be planned carefully, especially with your watering can. Turn it in only after you finished watering your plants. Going for much more than three days without water, and your crops will dry up into “dry grass,” and will become a worthless investment. If possible, turn on the ol’ tube and check out the weather every day. If it is scheduled to rain the next day, then turn in your watering can along with the required ore. Moles: Moles are nearly impossible to hunt down, so take your hammer where ever you go. However, if you run into a mole and you have your hoe or axe, this will count as a hit as well, and you will get the mole whacking note. Whacking ten of these pests are very vital, especially if you choose the Oceanside property. Even after you get the mole whacking note, you must whack the moles as they appear near Tai’s property most of the time, as I will mention in a later section. The property that they burrow around in will turn every tilled land into untilled soil. However, if you turn this to your advantage before you whack it, it may solve some of your problems. As you might know, practically all of the wild animals will be frightened of you and will always go in the direction that you are going if you are behind it. So if you accidentally make a mistake in your hoeing and you are a neat freak, like me, you can “herd” a mole in the place that you mis-hoed and start all over again. Cost/benefit: For beginners, maximum profit is key, whether 10g or 100g more, this is essential for a quick and easy success. For example, if you plant turnips in normal soil, you will get 700g in gross profit for each set, assuming you are planting in the “U” formation, but for potatoes, while the seeds are just slightly more expensive, you will get 770g off of a harvest, 70g more than turnips. However, there are some exceptions, for instance again, turnips planted in fertile dark soil is sold for, still assuming that you’re planting in the “U” formation, is worth a gross grand total of 1420 big ones! But potatoes are still worth 100g each, as opposed to the turnip’s 180g each, and the potato’s value is not affected by the fertilization of the soil, keeping the value at a gross 770g. This is strange but profitable and is good to know if you have fertile soil and are looking for the maximum profit. Another example is cocoa, which can be harvested more than once, and planted in the summer, and if on normal soil, they are shipped for 150g each or 1200g for the whole bunch, still assuming that you are using the “U” method of planting. Before I explain the special aspect of the cocoa’s character, I will quickly explain the special aspect of plants with multi-harvests. These special plants are harvested more then once, but only once every other day, assuming that you water them once a day and they are on decent fertile soil. Anyway, cocoa, instead of being 300g, which would be the norm for most fertilized plants worth 150g in normal soil; it is worth 320 for each. Incidentally, tomatoes are as well worth 50g for each bag as well as cocoa, and are still worth 150g on normal soil, and 300g on fertilized soil instead of cocoa’s 320g, giving you an extra 160g for each harvest. This is strange as well with corn, also planted in summer and is worth the same as the tomato, but is worth only 40g a bag as opposed 50g for tomatoes, giving you and extra 10g worth in profit for each harvest. Coincidently, yams are the same with potatoes, they are unaffected by any extra fertility on the land, therefore, it is most profitable to plant your spuds on the least fertile land you have. Green peppers are also worth 140g fertilized, but 49g at normal soil! This shows the unique characteristics of some of the different plants. Also, this is the same with your cows, sheep and chickens. With your cows, just turn the milk into something better. You can put two non- special milks into an ageing pot and turn it into yogurt. When you get eggs and you get an inferior product, you can quickly turn it into mayonnaise for a quick and easy 30g product, but if you take the time, you can boil it in a pot to make a boiled egg and ship it for almost 150g, but if you put the boiled egg into an ageing pot, you will get 250g out of one product! This would upgrade a 56g egg almost 200g without adding anything else! If you really took the time and filled your chicken coop and collected the eggs, boiled them and put them into the ageing pot, you could get 1250g every day at the minimum! That is a lot of money. With your sheep, put the wool into the yarn maker and dye anything below shiny level. Take the extra three seconds to brush your sheep right before you shear it. Quick reminder: In case you didn’t notice, crops grown in fertilized soil are worth twice as much as opposed to normal soil. As for the worst light soil, I did some calculations, and there is no apparent pattern for the deductions percentage wise. Crops are worth the normal amount when planted in normal soil. Your barn: Your barn is very important and should be obtained before the end of fall in order to succeed in the animal festivals. The barn can be bought and built by Woody, the owner of the workshop, costing you 40 wood and 3500g. if you don’t have a barn at the moment, you will be given the option to build a level 2 barn, which can hold up to eight animals, instead of a level 1 barn, which can hold up to four. At the first year and a decent amount of the second, four animals are all you need until you upgrade, unless you are the efficient type and save a few thousand and buy the larger, 10,000g building first. However, although less costly in the future, as it will still be 10,000g for the upgrade if you already bought the level 1 barn, it will remove any sort of temptation to buy more than four until you have enough money to feed all of them. Also, unless you want to sell all your livestock back, it is strongly suggested that you plant a large amount of grass to cut beforehand as to save the trouble of panicking when you realize that you didn’t have any fodder beforehand. Your cow: Your cow is the most expensive animal you will ever encounter; it takes more time to grow, and more work, but with hard work comes reward. However, to make the maximum profit, it is suggested that you buy the cheese or the butter maker after getting the cow as not to forget and as well maximizing the net profit. I did a quick calculation, assuming that you bought the cheese maker worth 5000g, or the butter maker, 3000g, about how long it would take to make back the money for the cheese and butter maker: Butter- approx. 37 times milking/58 days from the point of purchase Cheese- approx. 45 times milking/66 days from point of purchase. After a few short calculations, I have given you the verdict, a rough approximation that shows that, butter is the better choice, but this is not so, for after you have paid off the cow and the cheese maker, it would take just over two seasons worth of time, assuming that you milk your cow daily, to catch up and begin making more money than butter. Still, when you have the antiquate funds I would suggest that you purchase a cheese and butter machine as butter plays a large part in cooking, therefore increasing the value of everything. Your sheep: Your sheep is probably the easiest barn animal to deal with, as you are not required to be sheared every day, but to be fed and talked to it once every day. After buying a yarn maker, and two or more sheep, you can easily become rich. But it is also very much suggested that you save the worst wool and make it into yarn for Martha, an old lady who moves in after you befriend Alex. Once you get two hearts with Martha, she will give you a large rucksack, which will hold up to fifteen items when you supply the yarn for her when she requests it. If you brush your sheep just before you shear it you will have an increased chance of getting shiny wool, which can then be made into yarn and shipped for 2400g in one sitting! Evidently, if you have a barn full of sheep with high heart levels and a crown for each giving wool on the same day, you could make tens of thousands in one day! This will take a lot of time though, and it will take even more time to get a barn full of sheep that are at their life expectancy! Quick reminder: When you buy a dye pot, it is necessary that you dye the least quality yarn to get the maximum profit off of your investment, for instance, special yarn is shipped for 2400g, but dyed orange yarn only ship’s for around 1300g! This gives you a loss of 1100g for each special yarn you dye! It is best to leave the special yarn alone, as dyeing it removes its special quality. In a sense, anything made into a recipe looses it’s special aspect. Your horse: Your horse’s sole purpose is to win the horse race. You can’t sheer it, or get any products off of it, but it is very little work, and the only requirement is to feed it, love it, and ride it. Riding it for twelve hours gets a training star. This is unique and is strictly exclusive to horses. The more training stars you have, the fuller the stamina bar will be at the beginning of a horse race. If you are faithful to the requirements, you should win your first horse race and get a crown for your horse. This raises your horses sell back value from less than 2000g to 50000g! This is the one and only benefit to having a horse, quick and easy money, and fortunately, there are two horse races a year, each in spring and in fall, both on the seventeenth! If you work, you can make horse raising a very profitable career. However, there are four different races, making maneuvering a bit tricky. On the rank B cup, the prize is a power berry, and a crown for your horse, but the rank is dependant on your heart level with your horse. It is vital that on the first horse race, you have at least six hearts to enter the rank B cup. If, by some small chance you have nine to ten hearts with your horse, there is a certain strategy to fixing this, if you want to do it the painless way and you want to race in the rank B cup, simply don’t feed the horse for two days, any past this time and you will have a very sick and unhappy horse. This is a downer and is not to be taken lightly. I would advise anyone who is able to afford it, to buy at least two animal medicines for 800g each for emergencies. Your chicken coop: If you want some quick cash and you have the money, take advantage of the chicken coop. For 30 wood and 3000g, this isn’t that bad of a bargain. However, it can only hold up to five birds, and can become pain after a while. If you like chickens, buy a mill and plant corn in the summer and put it in for cost free feed. For fifteen units of bird feed for each ear of corn, this will give you the most for your money. Chicken coops are a must for a starter and should be bought before the barn to save up, as it is useless to buy a barn and waist money when you haven’t enough money for any animals. Quick reminder: While the first heart of affection with your chicken, as with all other animals, will be very hard to get, you will realize that after the first heart, the remaining hearts will be easier to get. Your chickens: Your chickens are worth 1200g each, or you could save over 1000g and wait two weeks for the egg to hatch and wait for the chick to grow up. Normal eggs are worth 56g each. Not as much as desired. But this is a daily profit, and for all five chickens at work laying eggs each morning, you would receive a minimum profit of 280g a day, and much more if you purchase a mayonnaise machine from the Junk shop for 3000g. This will help maximize the daily profit as well a help complete your shipping list. Make sure that they are fed every day, and pick them up. Also, a weed for an after meal treat will help keep it happy as well as raise the heart level, and it is so difficult to increase the heart level of a grumpy chicken. Also, keep in mind that if you buy a chicken that if you feed it the day you got it, it will give you an egg the next morning. As you can see, there is no waiting for your chicken to start making money for you unlike other barn yard animals. They will not give an egg the next morning if not fed the previous day. Getting a chicken before the end of spring will mostly ensure the success of your chicken winning the contest. Feed the one that you want to win a weed every day, hand feed it and pick it up every day to ensure its happiness and heart level. If it gets a crown, you will most likely not see a normal egg again from that chicken. A mayo maker is worth 3000g, which will pay off in a decent amount of time. However, later in the game, when the maximum profit isn’t necessary, you will become bored with the maker as it takes too much time. Instead of selling all of the eggs, keep a few of them as gifts, as almost everyone loves or at least likes eggs. When in doubt, give the person that you want to raise the heart level an egg. The higher quality the product, the more the special someone will appreciate it! Keep the normal eggs in the fridge to make into deviled eggs, use in sandwiches, breads, cakes and other more profitable recipes. Or turn them into boiled eggs and take one wherever you go, along with a raw good or special egg. This way, you will be able to have something to restore your health with, and a gift for someone along the way. Always be prepared when it comes to raising heart levels. Miracle potions: Use on any barn yard animal and you’re on your way to having a barn full of family! Giving any animal a miracle potion will increase your heart level by one and make it as happy as a clam! While it is less expensive, you might find yourself waiting over a full season before getting any profit off of your baby animal, most likely longer than you expected. You also cannot enter it into a contest, so be sure to plan ahead when using this impregnating medication on your animals! A miracle potion for your chicken is it’s egg that it lays every morning, considering that you’ve fed it and taken care of it:). Sickness: If you don’t feed your animals for more than two days, whether chickens or barn animals, they will get sick, so don’t neglect them. If they do fall into sickness, you will get a visit from Hank at the Blue Sky Ranch to say that your animal is sick and his isn’t going to make it. Then you are standing by your animals’ grave. Finally, you wake up and find that is only was a bad dream. However, Hank will come and say that your animal is sick. He will cure it with his own medicine the first time but he will not do this again. It is good to keep some medicine on hand at all times in case your animals fall ill. Also, your animals will get sick if you leave them out in the rain. Or take them out in the rain for that matter. Your horse, however, is able to be taken out in the rain and ridden without much trouble. I would suggest that you don’t take any animals except your horse outside at all as it isn’t required and it is way to much work. Quick reminder: Feeding your animals by hand is smartest as it increases your heart level and takes less time. Talking to them will help as well, and it will also tell you how they’re doing. Buy a brush at the Blue sky ranch and groom your animals every day to raise your heart level as well. Also, when you milk your cow, you will see a little, pink heart floating over its head, so milk it every day:)! This is not the same with sheep, however… Your pig: Your pig is more like a pet than anything else, and you will receive it when you first get a barn, assuming that you went to the egg festival and talked to Gourmet. He’s the fat guy with a very large top hat who says, “Hey, are you eating?” You get the pig free of charge, and after you name him, Gourmet will say: “He can find very rare mushrooms!” For in this game, it is the pig who finds the truffles. It is unconfirmed, but it is possible that your heart level with your pig will increase the likely hood of him finding the rare truffle near trees and possibly stumps. Your dog: Your dog is a gift from Ellen on Spring 2 at the beginning of the game. It does no financial good and is only there for company. However, if you pick it up and feed it everyday, you will get the bow- wow note. Three hearts will get the note from your dog. Quick reminder: Truffles are found at trees, so go to the woodsman forest properties to find truffles first. Mora trees are one of the best places to look for truffles. Truffles: Truffles are a fall delicacy which is found by your pig. However, if you have observed your pig for more than ten seconds, you will notice he will often go to sleep. This makes truffle hunting tedious and time consuming, so be sure to only hunt for them after all of your chores have been completed. Despite the long hours of hunting, truffles, when sold, are worth a tidy sum of 1000g each! They can also be stewed and given as a gift to Gourmet, but it is more efficient to just give him a plain truffle, as you loose both the value of the truffle and the value of the milk used to make the stew as well! Ship the first truffle you find as it will give you the Oink-oink note. Mushrooms/toadstools: Mushrooms and toadstools are a unique kind of wild plant as the truffle; it cannot be eaten on the spot. They are usually found next to stakes, and not in the middle of a property. I tested this theory out myself and built a fence made of stakes, and in a couple days, I had a toadstool sitting in the inside center of the fence. Mushrooms can be stewed or sautéed. However, it is strange that mushroom sauté is only worth about 150g, which is less than even the worst butter used for this recipe! If you use the worst butter and a mushroom in the frying pan to ship, you will loose a net total of about 61g! But mushroom soup to ship is worth over 400g! This is ironic as butter is a milk product. I would advise that you only make mushroom sauté as a gift or to eat. It is not conformed, but it might be possible to cook toadstools, as when I tried to eat the toadstool raw, it said it must be cooked first, giving me the hint that it might be possible to cook and possibly eaten. However, if you can cook a toadstool, it might be fool-hearty to eat it as it may be poisonous. Just be very careful when handling toadstools. Lumber: Lumber can be obtained in three ways, but the least expensive way is to chop it. Upgrade your axe to at least the silver level and go into the woodsman forest property, the one just above the Oceanside property. Chop down all of the trees and split all of the branches before you chop the stumps. This will give more room for more branches that you get out of the stump when you split it. You can find about fifty to seventy branches and stumps laying around the town, but this is the most efficient way the one that is described above. If you remove a piece of lumber it will come out as a stake. If you place the stakes in a line, you can even make your own mushroom farm, as mushrooms and toadstools grow next to stakes. The second way is to buy it from Woody at 50g apiece. If you sell it back as a stake it will be worth 30g apiece. The third way is to win it at a festival. If you win the beach festival a second time, you will get 30 lumber. Also use these as fences to keep grazing animals in your ranch and keep them from the wild dog. If you don’t know the difference between the old stakes and the fresh stakes, the old stakes will disappear after a while, so if you want to start a mushroom farm, use the fresh stakes. If you are going to make an orchard and you have cleared a good plot of land for fruit trees, you can use the old stakes to mark where you put the trees as not to forget when you go and buy it. Here is a diagram below: S- Stake to mark for tree. O- Spaces required to get fruit and room for planting. OOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOO OOSOOOOSOO OOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOO As you can see, the tree needs to be in the center of a 3x3 space and an outline of one space’s length for the fruit to fall. Putting each tree four spaces away and at least two spaces in every direction from the point of the tree. This is very vital and will guarantee the production of at least five fruits per tree if it starts producing fruit at the beginning of the season. Make sure that you plant in the way displayed above to ensure the production. Marriage:): Marriage is an incredibly strong aspect of this harvest moon game, and is certainly due to complete the game. Unfortunately, I flew into a panic when I couldn’t find the level three house anywhere! It was in my state of insanity that I made friends with Woody and therefore unlocked the level three house and relieved me of my madness:)! However, there is one aspect of marriage, despite all of the choices of a spouse, it really doesn’t matter who you marry except for the exception attitude and looks! For instance, when I played as a boy, I married Nina for the sole purpose of, except for the fact that she’s cute:) that I would get a family discount on the seeds! Alas and alack, my theory failed, as the price had not changed. In fact, the wife or husband is practically useless as she doesn’t help with the farm work, but instead walks around the house and plays cute until you throw up! So it is only a matter of opinion as to who you marry. Incidentally, the level three house is outrageously expensive, and at this stage, you might be able to afford to buy your own lumber, but after summing it up, the total cost would be almost twenty thousand between the bed and the house and lumber to build it! This is an extreme set back and will cost you even if you supply the lumber for Woody. Glitches: Actually, some of these are not glitches but mere “plot holes”. If you manipulate some of these, you may use them to your advantage. For instance, if you have seen the bell pepper prices at the spring farm, they are worth 145g. But fried veggies made in the frying pan are worth 310g, and you can make this with just the bell pepper! So if you buy ten bell peppers and fry and sell them, this will give you a profit of 1650g the next day! However, this makes the game no fun and this method should only be used if you are in desperate need of money. Of course, if you were desperate money you wouldn’t be able to afford ten bell peppers! Another example is multiple locations. For instance, if you haven’t noticed, Bob the shipper works at the Blue Sky Ranch, and he is also Tai the blacksmith’s grandson! This gives him six locations to be at! He is either outside the barn in the back, inside the barn, tool shed, chicken coop, Blue sky ranch, or at Tai’s blacksmith! Quick reminder: If you go into the tool shed, chicken coop, or barn at the back of the Blue sky ranch, 90 percent of the time, Bob will be there, but when you go out of the barn or wherever, Bob, 90 percent of the time will be outside as well! This is a very interesting aspect of Bob as he has the most possible places and locations that he can be at, at the exact same time! This is very strange and is not exclusive to Bob. It is not unusual for someone to be inside their shop at one moment, and outside a mile away at the same time! Another “plot hole” is the most interesting one in the game. Apparently all the additional stuff that you can buy like the couch, chair, or wood or kerosene stove and any other thing for your home, you can spend tens of thousands of dollars on things that do absolutely nothing! You cannot sit on the chairs or couches; you cannot cook on the wood and kerosene stoves either! That was a big disappointer for me, as I had squandered all my money on junk! Unlockables: If any of you have bought the spring seed pack, you might notice that about one out of every ten or so spaces will have strawberries. However, there is a way to get individual strawberry seeds. All you must do is ship 50 cabbages to unlock the most expensive plant in the game, which is restricted to spring only. They can be harvested more than once and when planted in the “U” formation and in normal soil; one harvest will be worth 1600g! As well, if on fertilized soil, it will be worth 3200g, or 400g each for every harvest! However, the seeds cost 300g as the most expensive crop in the game! Fertilizer is very important if you want to buy the ocean side property, and you must find ten limestone, a completely worthless rock that ships for 5g apiece, if you want fertilizer early in the game. Fertilizer is worth 150g per bag. While expensive, it is smart to always have some on hand for maximum profit. A full section is devoted to fertilizer later in the guide. (unverified) Blue mist flowers are one of the rarest in the game due to their very seasonal growth period. Shipping fifty pumpkins will unlock the blue mist flower seeds? Walk through: This will give you not a day by day walkthrough, but a bit of advice through about the first year. On the first day of spring, which you will have no control, you will choose your property, and ultimately the next morning, see a vision of the harvest goddess bidding farewell to her unhappy sprites, three tiny men who must have a hard time getting their comparatively large head around. After a short farewell speech, she will turn into a stone statue. A short time later, Jamie, not either a boy or a girl, but always the opposite gender, will be shocked at what his eyes see, and promise to free the harvest goddess. Afterwards, you will wake up and comment on the strange dream. You will hear a scratch on the door and the harvest sprites will invite you to the spring and you will gaze upon the statue of the harvest goddess. It is a short time after you will meet a furious Jamie, who will scold the sprites for picking someone else, and will walk away. Arthur will give you the pedometer and you will gain your first musical note, and he will say that you need ninety-nine more of these to free the harvest goddess. The next day, Ellen, a girl who works at the Blue sky ranch will come with a puppy and ask you to take and name it. Afterwards, you’re on your own. As you have a very small rucksack, five spaces, it is necessary to mine for ore as you will have no other source of income at the first day, unless you take the cheaper alternative and fish. Quick reminder: If you took my advice and bought the Oceanside property, it is smartest to mine for at least one limestone a day. In about eleven days, you should have unlocked fertilizer and begin making crops that count. At the third day, it is good to start clearing the land of weeds, stumps and trees to make room for crops and buildings. Also by this time, you should have shipped at least 2 limestone. If not, than I would suggest doing so. Also, you might want to get the large rucksack. Also, a mistake that I made at my first try was not taking meals for the first season. This was a major set back and it took a full season to catch up to the normal standards. Also, watch your shipping percentage with Jamie. It is good to have at least a 20 daily percent by fall of the first year. Any less than this means that you must do more in order to get new characters and keep the old ones. If you have a ranch, ship milk products to keep Carl, Katie and Eve in business. Also, ship plenty of ore to keep Tim and Louis in. Sell yarn and fruits to keep Lyla, Dan and Ronald. As well, ship herbs to get and keep Gina and Dia. Another way to keep this wide assortment of characters is to make friends with everyone. Talk to everyone along the way, even if you don’t like them as much. This is useful as everyone will give you a gift eventually if you increase their heart level. Getting at least one heart with a person will help though not guarantee everyone’s stay. You must still busily ship a wide assortment of items to keep your friends or your future spouse. Even if you have ten hearts with someone, they will still come to your door and say that they will leave if you ignore them for some time, so say hi to everyone, especially Louis as he is harder to find. Also, you will find the need for more working space for both crops and buildings later in the game. At about fall in the first year, when you’ve raised a steady income for your products, you will need both different locations to save and rest, and also to make more crops. Just the same, you might want to build some nearby houses to ship your products in, as you might know, if you have a large, successful ranch, it is a pain and may take hours to get all your stuff shipped, leaving little gift-giving, socializing-you time. If this still doesn’t solve your problem, build or relocate a barn or a chicken coop on a nearby property. Then you can ship all of your goods inside the building, as time is frozen when you’re inside, without using up all of that time that could be directed to making friends and courting your future spouse. When making friends, just by talking to them will increase their heart level. But if you want to insert a little extra time and research, you can give them gifts. Some of their favorites are pretty easy to figure out, and not all of them are expensive. For instance, while Dr. Alex, being a doctor, likes herbs and roots from the mines, he also loves the nutritious veggie juice. This is made out of spinach and carrots in a mixer. Another one of his favorites is a fertilized turnip. Some people have mixed up fertilized and non-fertilized turnip and got two very different responses. However, Ellen likes both normal and fertilized cocoa! This gives you a little bit more variety, as it can be a fertilized or non-fertilized as you choose. Obviously, it is smartest to give the least expensive gift out of them all, so experiment on their profession and interests. Quick reminder: If you play as a boy, you might want to either marry Ann or Lyla. Ann, while her favorites are slim, she likes any kind of corn, and one of Lyla’s favorites are pinkcat flowers. Of course, some spouses might drain you dry if you try to find their most favorite items, and may take a few games before you stumble upon something! Eve likes fertilized strawberries but that would make you lose 400g! This will make it very hard to court her quickly. By the end of fall, it would be wise to upgrade your hammer as far as it can before winter. At winter, the sunny lake freezes over, and unlocks the entrance to the lake mine, the best mine you will find in the game. Even on the first level, you can find some of the most valuable gems in the whole game, even diamonds, which are worth 500g each! If you reach the bottom you will be able to fish for the squid prince and get a musical note. However, should you run into the tenth level, you will be forced to either go back up, or hoe for the stairs, which is very hard to find. Also, if you reach the tenth level of the moonlight mine, don’t waist your energy, as it will be futile since there is not a junk ore down here. However, in the lake mine, at the tenth floor, there is a nearly inexhaustible amount of roots to keep your strength while searching for the stairs. Quick reminder: If you go to any mine for the sole purpose of hoeing for roots and clay, keep in mind that you must bring a hammer to go into the lower floors. The sign at the entrance will say: “Don’t forget to bring your hammer in your rucksack!” Obviously, if you come with just your hoe, you will only turn back to get your hammer from your nearest tool box. As well, you may find that you don’t have the funds or time to go fishing or eat at a café. You will then be forced to forage for food. Fruits and herbs like very berries and honey can be found just about anywhere, but if you want to save time searching, just go up into the mountains where wild plants and fruits grow in abundance. When you have the money, go to the Callaway café for some cakes and tea. When you first speak to Katie, she will say: “Sweets are great when you’re tired!” And truer words were never spoken. One piece of cake will fully restore your stamina bar and herb tea will dissipate your fatigue. At night, you can go to the moonlight café for some small talk and some food. But sodas will actually make you tired so be careful. However, drinking 10 sodas in one sitting at the moonlight café will give you a musical note, and staying up until dawn will give you another. At the perch inn, you will meet Doug and his dog. His helper, Gwen also stays there. At certain seasons, several different characters will stay at the Perch inn. Nami, the red-headed weather girl that you always see on the TV, stays on the top floor in the summer. As well, Gourmet will stay on the top floor in the fall. He will only show up out of the perch inn at festivals when there is good food, unlike Nami, who can be found outside of the inn every now and then. Henry the artist can be found there too when you get him. The spring farm, if you don’t want to fish or buy cake or other foods at the cafés, as well as seasonal seeds for your crops, also sells fresh cooking ingredients for all of the recipes that you need. However, it is most unusual that they sell potatoes and veggies in the dead of winter! Buying this fresh produce is essential for making thanksgiving cakes, as well as stewed spuds for Theodore:). However, the produce at the spring farm’s prices will change from season to season. In summer, corn costs 235g per unit, but in spring, it costs 275g per unit. Quick reminder: At the start of the game, you will find that the properties at Woody’s are very small selection-wise. This is because your heart level with Theodore is very low. You will have unlocked all of the properties when you get three hearts with him. He likes his spuds stewed. Once you collect fifty notes and turn them into instruments, you will leave the place as usual. But instead of your normal intention to leave the place, go back in and you experience the scene of which the harvest goddess comes back to life. Without a word, the final credits will roll. But afterwards, the harvest goddess will say for you to collect the final fifty notes. When I said to talk to everyone that you see, I wasn’t just flapping my lip to make unnecessary friends. All of the eligible bachelors and girls are required for at least one note. Therefore, should Carl and/or Katie leave, you should ship more ingredients for sweets like eggs and milk to get them back as it is impossible to beat the game without gaining at least two hearts with each eligible spouse whether boy or girl. Giving everyone a gift is vital to achieving this goal. If you get five hearts with someone the opposite gender, then you will receive a more expensive gift:). If you get five hearts with the same gender, you will, instead, receive a note in the mail. If you want some big, easy money the next day without much work, crops are your only option. As you might know, crops that are harvested more than once are most profitable. A crop of a total of about 45 decent squares of the most fertile ground will yield a profit of about 9000g every two to three days! Also, comparing prices is a good thing to do too. While eggplant and bell pepper seeds are worth 40g a bag, eggplant is worth almost twice as much! There is a section about the costs and benefits of different crops and getting the largest amount for your efforts. Of course, the best way to raise your bottom dollar by far is raising horses for the first few years and getting other livestock later in the game. If you enter Jamie’s ranch for the first time, you will get the picture that he doesn’t like you very much. As all Sim games, there is always a rival and Jamie is one of the most determined farmers I have seen. But while you would expect him to be best at everything, there are some exceptions. For instance, in the horse race, Jamie, if you have a decent horse entered in the race, he will come in third. Instead of Gwen coming in first or second, it is Bob who will be most likely to win, and Gwen will most likely come in last! Also, while Jamie will win the animal festivals every time the first year unless you work really hard, you will win if you enter an animal with a heart level above eight. The different seasons are also vital for getting notes and success. At the beginning of spring, planting turnips in fertilized ground will take only three days to grow. It will be cloudy and rainy for most of the days. Summer is the season to plant, as some of the most valuable crops will be sold at the spring farm. In an earlier section, it showed that cocoa was the most valuable multi-harvested crop in the game when fertilized. Also, at ten-o-clock, your vision will be replaced by the “desert” view, where everything looks like you’re seeing through smoke. You can also get notes from staying out in the sun for ten hours. This is the same with rain and other different weather. When you see a wild animal, don’t just pass it by, but take the three seconds to pick it up. Cuddle time is important in this game, and since the animals are hard to track down, just wait awhile and you’ll run into one. Picking an animal up will display three pink hearts. At the library, they will have a book in spring on weeds. It will say that wild animals like weeds. The squirrel likes weeds as well as many other animals. But not all of the animals like weeds. The sparrow and the duck enjoy bird seed from your chicken coop. Also, the bunny will most likely like carrots! The raccoon likes fruits and maybe fish, which I haven’t tried on him yet. The dolphin, not necessarily a wild animal, but considered one, loves fish. He likes more fish than others, but wave to it and feed it fish every day until you are given the option: Ride, Don’t ride. He will take you to the island where the fishing there is superb. If you get six hearts with any animal besides the dolphin, you will receive a visit from that wild animal like any visitor, and you will receive a note for befriending a wild animal. If you find a squirrel and you want to feed it a weed, be careful, for the squirrel will be startled and will run faster than any other animal. If you are trying to feed him, be especially careful not to drop the weed by mistake if you are on the road or on another person’s property! Dropping the weed on any property that isn’t public or yours will result in you lowering your heart level with everyone! Also, watch for the mole, as you also don’t see it very often, and whack it right on the head with your hammer! Doing this ten times will give you the mole-whacking note. Managing money: If you are at the beginning of the game, I painfully discovered on my first try that spending money willy nilly is a big no no. Therefore, it is necessary that you make a goal, save up, spending only when mandatory. For instance, when I was eyeing my future chicken coop, it was floored at the price. Immediately, I was saving up, buying only seeds and the occasional gift. But I knew that even if I did have a chicken coop, it would be useless without a chicken! So, I factored that detail in and found myself saving for 5400g, for the chickens were 1200g each, and I wanted at lest two chickens to start out with. Then came chicken feed... At 20g each serving, I knew that I would have to buy that too, and wait till summer to buy a mill. I was going to buy fifty-bird-feed, so I was now saving 6400g! This didn’t require much planning, but I was struck by it at the first game as well. This is the same as a barn, which is more expensive, and the animals are more costly, when you factor in the animal, the barn and the grass or feed required, along with the proper tools for gaining profit out of it, you could be looking at a 10000g investment! Plus the time that you have to take to care for it and get your daily or weekly profit can be time consuming, but after a while, it pays off. Time management: In this game, time passes very quickly, and for you to waist any of it is vital. It takes about 40 seconds for an hour to pass. One of the first mistakes I made was just doing my chores and going to bed. After a few days of this, I got the lone wolf note, but this wasted valuable time that could’ve been used for socializing, gift-giving, or even using the extra stamina for mining or collecting wood. If there’s a festival coming up, brush and milk your cow everyday as well as talking and hand-feeding it. All you have to do is take the extra five seconds to brush it and love it. Same with the sheep. This game isn’t about rushing, but making the most out of your time. Even though there isn’t a time limit, it is smart to do everything at one time instead of rushing through for an event that gives you something. It will always come, but you can’t gain back the time that you slept through. The only time that you should go to bed without doing anything what so ever is when there is a storm outside and you can’t go out. Even still, you should pick up you pets and prepare your rucksack for the next day, or prepare any gifts. Fertilizer: Fertilizer is something that is needed in every point of the game. It will not be needed as much for certain properties, but get it as soon as possible as to be prepared for anything. You must have this if you are a crop person and you will get the maximum profit for every crop you have. This is essential especially for the fall season where the available crops are not nearly as worth the trouble as in the spring and summer. In fertilized ground, things grow at the maximum speed. A turnip will grow at a rate of three days for each. One unit of turnips, a full tilled lot of a 3x3 would yield a profit of 1620g per unit. If you upgraded your watering can, it will make this possible and if upgraded to the goddess level and you have planted a full tilled lot of four 3x3 lots, you will get 4860g every three days with only a few seconds of work per day! You will rarely find enough room for this with the needed fertilized soil to make this possible. Even in the next best soil, it would reduce the product’s value down to 2430g for each instead of the former. A lot of money is needed for many notes like the animal kingdom notes. Filling an upgraded barn with all eight animals and filling a chicken coop with all five birds at the same time will give you the animal kingdom note. The chicken coop will cost about 10000g to fill and build and the barn and all of the animals will equal about a total of over 30000g! That’s a lot of money to burn! You could be looking at a 50000g investment! Wheeeew wee! Fertility: Fertility not only affects the price of the item, but the rate of growth as well. For instance, strawberries, which are unlocked by shipping fifty cabbages(see the priorities section), take seven days to grow and produce fruit, as Liz will say in the description. If you plant them in normal soil, this will be true; however, if planted in the best dark soil, they will take only six days to fully grow. If in the worst light soil, they will take eight days to be fully grown. Also, for instance, breadfruit, which is planted in spring, the normal value for breadfruit when shipped is 150g, a decent profit. But in worst light soil, one breadfruit is worth only 105g! In fertile dark soil, it is worth 300g, almost three times as much as the worst light soil, and twice as much as in normal soil! This is why fertilizer is important and should be unlocked as quickly as possible if you have the Oceanside property. While in the short run, the Oceanside will be a lot of work in the beginning, it will be worth it as the space is incredible for growing crops, and it will take very little time for the money for the fertilizer to pay off. Foraging: If you aren’t done with the day and there are still things to do, go to the mountain properties where foraging is the best. Herbs and berries and honey and even flowers if you need some for the festival. Weeding just before the next season in the mountains will increase the odds of wild items appearing. Don’t drop weeds on the road though, unless you want to lower the heart levels with everyone. While you can plant two herbs in two different seasons, there are some rare herbs exclusive to certain seasons like the purple herb and the red herb, the pink one. It is plants like these that make Basil happy, the rarer the better for him. But don’t give him blue mist flowers! Rare items: Of all the items for you to find, only two of them give you a very hard to find note. Here are a few strategies on how to get these. Be careful, because both of these items are found in the fall. I gave a short description of one of them in the guide. One of the notes that you will have to find by finding rare items is the gardening note. This will require you the find the rarest flower in the game. Just before fall, summer 30, go out into the mountains and weed every weed that you can find. This will clear space for the blue mist flower, the rarest flower in the game, allowing it to be loaded into the game. The more spaces that are available, the more blue mist flowers there will be, and most likely to be. The blue mist flower is worth 500g, and you should ship at least one before you turn it into a balm or use it to dye. If you ship all three types of flowers, you will get the flower garden note. The next rare item is the truffle, which is found by the pig. This is also found in fall. Talk to Gourmet at the egg festival and get a barn. In the morning, you will experience a cut-scene when Gourmet will give you his pig. Also, just like the blue mist flower, go out and weed around areas with lots of trees, giving the truffle a higher chance of being loaded into the game and a higher chance of your pig finding a truffle. Drop your pig in an available spot. If you don’t weed, he will take most of his time eating. Keep an eye on him, for if he does find a truffle, he will eat it if you don’t gather them quickly, as Gourmet will say if you raise his heart level. Ship your first truffle for 1000g. This will give you the oink-oink note. These are the hardest notes to get. D’ characters: For those of you who want a description of your possible spouse, here they are! The ladies: Ann: Works at the Junk shop with her dad, Michael. She is always trying to invent a new product for the shop with Louis in the backroom. She can be found at the moonlight mine on off hours and days. She loves corn. You first meet her when you enter the shop. Get three hearts with her to get the explosive girl note. Dia: Moves in after Alex expands his place to the Sanatorium, a building north the clinic. You get her when you make friends with Alex and have shipped thirty herbs. She is usually on the top floor of the Sanatorium with Gina, her care taker who moves in along with her. She can be found outside of the workshop too. Ship plenty of herbs after you get her so that she can get her medicine or else she will leave. She is terrified of strangers, but you will win her over by giving her blueberry juice or jam. It is best to give her juice, as it is less expensive. Get three hearts with her and get the princess note. Ellen: She works at the Blue sky ranch as an only child with her dad, Henry, the owner of the Blue sky ranch. You meet her when you first enter the shop. You will usually find her in the back in one of the buildings or outside. Every now and then on her day off you will find her by the river near the ranch or at the square. She likes any kind of cocoa, so if you want to marry her, give her her favorite item! Getting three hearts with her will give you the apron-girl note. Quick reminder: By this time, you should have figured out that getting three hearts with anyone who is an eligible spouse, whether boy or girl, will give you a musical note. I have mentioned this in another part of this guide, and will continue to mention as a fifth of the notes required are found by making friends with all of these people! Eve: She moves in when Doug opens the moonlight café. Doug is her uncle, and Terry is her grandpa. She likes flowers, but if you want a less expensive gift, you can give her moonstone. She can be found about any where in the village on the off hours. Gina: A girl who looks after Dia after she moves in. She is very quiet, and asks that you say hello to Dia when ever in the area. She loves shiny wool. She comes expensive. Getting three hearts will result in the girl with glasses note. You can find her inside and outside of the clinic as well on both floors of the sanatorium as well. Visit her and Dia often. Gwen: You first meet her at your first horse race, hopefully the spring race. Her uncle will run the Perch inn at about the first summer if you go to the race and ship any goods. They sell foods and a few drinks. Gwen works there as a cook. Getting two hearts with her will result in the pony-tail note. Giving her fertilized carrots frequently will make this easy. Find her outside of the workshop, as Woody is her grandfather. Katie: A loud and spunky girl who works as waitress and cook at Carl’s Callaway café. Here they serve tea and cake that will serve to be very useful. She likes special eggs and diamond rings, but the best thing to give her is yams, an inexpensive pleasure that you can easily win her over with. Lyla: You first meet this character at the flower festival in spring. After you ship enough flowers, she will open up her “Hearty Lyla’s gift shop,” at which you can buy yarn, jams and vases for decoration. Giving her her favorite pink-cat flowers will win her heart:). She can be found at her shop when it opens and at the moonlight café at night. Every now and then she is at the square on the off hours. Maria: A girl who works at the library right near the square. Her books change from season to season. Most of them say things that you can hear from almost anyone, but some of them contain some good information. Going there every season to read or just look at all the books as well as all of the note books that people give you at the start of the game will result in a musical note. Like her dad, Theodore, she love her spuds stewed. She can be found anywhere, but she is usually at her dad’s or at the library. The guys: Alex: A serious doctor who is always pressing to keep yourself in shape. You first meet him at the clinic. Befriending him will get Martha to move in, and shipping thirty herbs will cause him to build the Sanatorium. Giving him veggie juice and turnips will brighten his day. He will be at the mines or outside the clinic on the off days and hours. He is also found at the river every now and then. Blue: Blue works on the farm behind the Blue sky ranch. He is a very serious man, but takes his work seriously. He isn’t the friendliest character you meet in this game. On occasion, you’ll find him in the shop that Hank owns. You never see him smile. However, giving him cheese might bring the rare smile on his face. Priceless:). Basil: A wandering observer who likes plants and nature. You first meet him at sunny lake looking at an invisible plant near the lake where Ray usually fishes. He will like pretty much any type of plant, but don’t take a chance on giving him a weed, he might not like it. Giving him the most delicate and rare plants are his favorite, and tomato juice just tickles his taste buds! Red herbs are one of his favorites. Find him staring at the spring farm’s plants, the sunny lake or just outside of the entrance of sunny lake. Ever now and then in the mountains. Bob: Bob the shipper spends most of his hours at the Blue sky ranch. When his grandfather, Tai and his brother, Tim, move in, you might occasionally find him at the blacksmith. His true dream is to raise horses. He is a fun, hearty man. His favorites are cakes, but if you want to win him over quickly, give him a few special eggs. It’ll make him feel just as special. He can be found just about anywhere, so look inside buildings if is face isn’t on the map. Carl: Tends the bar at the moonlight café, but his true dream is to open his own café full of sweets and tea. When he accomplishes this goal, Katie will move in as well as a waitress and a cook. On his off days, you will most likely see him at the flower bud square. Giving him herb tea will make him even happier. He can be found at the square on his off days and hours and can be occasionally found outside of the Blue sky ranch’s ranch. Dan: Dan is a cool, easy going drifter who goes wherever. You will first be introduced to him at the first horse race, where he asks you to lend him a thousand smackers. You will have two choices, but both of them are the same, except for the way you turn down his offer, money for nothing? After Ronald opens up his Paradise Orchard, he will employ Dan, making him easier to find. Giving him gold is obviously the choice, but giving him soda will make him feel a bit better after gambling away all of his money! Find him outside of the orchard at the off times, but he also likes to hang out at the beach. He might be at the square, Joe: And easy going, fun loving fisher man who works as an apprentice for Woody with his brother, Kurt. At lunch time, he can be found at a café, but on his off hours, he will be eagerly fishing at the rivers as a pastime. He is his brother’s antonym. He likes fish, but corn is his greatest preference. Kurt: Kurt is a no-nonsense, get-this-done-properly kind of guy. On his off days, you will find him at the mines, walking around. He will tell you at the mines: “You’ll find nothing but clay near the stairs.” When it’s true it’s true, the good clay that Saibara needs to open and stay open can be found more than any where else near the stairs. He can be found with his brother at lunch, and you first meet them together at Woody’s the first time you enter. He loves the rare Blue mist flowers, but if you cannot afford to give it to him, instead, present to him herb tea if you need to give him a cheaper gift. He can be found at the sanatorium most of the time. He might be at the mines, too. Louis: Not very much is known about him as he is very hard to find. When you first meet him, it will be at the fireworks festival. Later, you might find him in the square or at the Junk shop when it is expanded. Be sure to talk to him when he is out, and if you happen to have a moonstone with you, dump the extra 50g and give it to him. Ray: And lastly, but certainly not least is Ray the angler. You will see him either near the river or at sunny lake, which is where you also will first meet him. Not so much is known about him, but his main base is at the lake fishing his life away. While he is partial to fish, giving him a moonstone will make him forget all about fish. He also has a taste for the best onions in the crop. Festivals: Festivals are a big part of this game, and you get quite a few of your notes from them. Be sure to check your calendar every day or so to keep up with the festivals. Be sure to place into the shipping box the required item before the festival. There is no time limit as to how soon you have to place your item into the box as long it is before the day of the festival. However, it is advised to put it in when you have it unless you have an impeccable memory. You cannot put your item in the day of the festival. Also, Carl will only supply the eggs for the spring egg festival the first year, so you should take into consideration about shipping your egg the second year and so on if you want it to exist. Also, for whatever event at the festival to happen, you must talk to everyone except the mayor; this includes Jamie, who will most likely say something very nasty to or about you or people. You also must talk to everyone to end the festival like the Flower festival, where there are no special events but just a time to talk and socialize. Also, for instance the sheep festival will require you to talk to everyone before Theodore will announce the winner. Animal festivals: In animal festivals, everyone will gather at the square, as well with the top five people with hearts. Jamie will always be there, as well as the mayor. The animal you enter must have nine or more hearts in order to guarantee a win. Winning these festivals will give you a note for the first time your animal wins. The animal that wins will gain fame and a crown, which you will see right next to their name in the menu. This both raises their sell back value, and increases the chances of getting a superior product form them. If a cow gets a crown, you probably won’t see normal milk from him ever again. However, for a sheep festival, there is a restriction. To enter a sheep, it must: 1) Have a full coat of wool 2) Be healthy, not sick 3) Must not be pregnant and grown up As you might see, you must plan carefully if you want to enter your sheep. Making sure that your sheep has a full coat of wool is very hard, especially for me, which is why I check the calendar about every other day. Your cow must not be pregnant or sick, same with your horse. Harvest spring: The harvest spring is across the bridge in the mountain echo area. At about the second or third year, you might want to consider buying one of those properties and building a house there. This is primo real-estate as foraging will allow you to stuff your fridge quickly and allow you to save your game at one of the most important places in the game. When you enter the harvest springs, you will be greeted by the sprites. If you have five notes, they will form an instrument in a very ceremonial and time consuming way. However, when you have collected the fifty required notes, the sprites will stop making the instruments. Collecting fifty notes will free the harvest goddess and the need for instruments will no longer be there. After the closing credits, Jamie will enter the spring, and say: “I- I couldn’t help you!” He will then turn and exit. Then the harvest goddess will tell you to collect the remaining notes. This was a relief to me as I thought the game was over and I wasn’t even married. It’s that feeling that you get after you beat a really good game and feel sorry that it ended. Strange notes: Of all of the serious notes that require for you to be sophisticated and smart, there are some that require you to be a little crazy and strange, and not to mention having a lot of money. For instance, the very rich note can be obtained by having 100,000g! This is very difficult. However, you can get half of this by selling a horse with a crown, which is worth 50,000g. If you have a lot of fertilized land and a lot of land tilled, you should be able to get the other half in about a season if you go on a controlled budget. This will require very careful planning, and it is satisfying to have that 100,000g after you get the note! This will be a huge accomplishment financially and will help with those trigger happy spending needs. This will allow you to take a long break from the pressures of having to work your tail off trying to make a living, and will last you a few weeks. This will also give you the sufficient funds to get a crazy note that requires you to drink ten sodas in one sitting! It is best to do this at the moonlight café, as, since it makes you tired, and the café is only open at night. It is good to do after all of your chores ahead of time, as it will take a seemingly Herculean effort to even water a single plant! This note is quite costly. Another strange note is the stationary note. Do this if you are waiting for a late store to open. Just set the controller down and wait. It will take about two and a half virtual hours for you to get this note. Don’t kick the controller accidentally or else you might have to wait an extra two and a half hours! These next notes aren’t necessarily strange, but they can be frustrating, as this will require you to get only the minimum profit. You will basically have to ship unimproved products. For instance, if you have a cheese maker, you will have to go through the pains of shipping ten plain jugs of milk in order to get the milking note! This is the same with the shearing note, which is a real pain as yarn is way more expensive than plain yarn! It is also advised, assuming that you have the 100,000g note, that you do the shearing note after the very rich note as maximum profit will not be quite as necessary. You do, however, get the same for your chickens, as eggs are not as expensive as all of the other products, and it is not as painful as a 200g difference! But perhaps the most tedious note is the oink-oink note, where you must get a truffle and ship it. The best place to look is probably the Mora tree, the pink ones in the spring that turn darker in the fall. Also, the whack-a-mole note is the most frustrating, so keep a hammer with you wherever you go. You can hit a mole with any swing-able tool, however, so keep one, walk around the village on a daily basis and you’ll run into a few. However, the property that the blacksmith moves in on will have the most moles for some odd reason. Conserving energy: Conserving energy is one of the most difficult things to do at the beginning of the game and still make a respectable income. For instance, if you have a gold watering can and you planted in the “U” formation earlier in the guide, you might find that is an unnecessary waist of water and energy to charge it up to the gold level. Instead, only charge up to the silver level as watering will not take as much energy and it will conserve water. When you get to the later stages of the game, you might want to buy a well from Woody’s, as later in the game, you should make more crops, probably requiring you to fill your watering can more than once a day. Your watering hole can hold up to about ten re-fills. If it doesn’t rain, then you might have a problem on your hands as it collects rain water, as opposed to the well where it collects ground water. Also, if you have any spare energy, use it instead of waiting for tomorrow to waist it on something that you could’ve done the previous day. If you have the energy and you need to chop down a tree, chop it even if you can’t cut it down in one sitting. Also, buy other kitchen utensils as more complicated foods restore more energy. If you chose the Oceanside property, collect clams and cook them in a bonfire for a quick and non-costly snack. If you chose the riverside, catch a fish and chop it up for sashimi or cook it in your bonfire. Or you could cook it in the oven with an herb. If you chose the village center, go to the mountain and forage for herbs, honey and berries. Foraging, fishing and hunting for clams are one of the most affordable ways to restore stamina. Also, if you have some money to burn, and you have chores to do but you don’t have the energy, stop by the Callaway café for some cakes. It is always best to get a fresh start when starting a vital chore. Or, if you want to, get some cheese or milk from your cow, or a boiled egg from your chicken(s). Another way to save energy and money is to do all of your chores first as you won’t panic when you find out that you don’t have the energy when you goofed off and found that you used up to much energy. Use your bonfire set and bring a fishing pole for a quick bite to eat. This is a both cheap and efficient way to regain any energy when needed. Also you can go to a café, preferably the perch inn if you really need a lot of health restored, for they sell stew, which will restore all of the health that you need. Quick reminder: While mostly all of the cooked or chopped up fish are worth at least 10g more, like sashimi, there is one exception, the strangest shellfish in the game, the clam. It is advised by common sense to cook your fish on the spot right before shipping them to raise the value and get a total of about 100g extra. This is vital at the beginning of the game as maximum profit is the key to success. But when you ship your clams, don’t even consider cooking them over the bonfire as this will decrease the value of the clam by 20g, giving you 60g instead of 80g! If you broil all of them before checking out the price, this could result in over a 100g set-back! However, cooking clams inside the frying pan from your local Junk Shop, along with a little butter, preferably the worst butter for max profit, you will get a gross profit of about 160g, doubling the clams value with the help of butter, a net profit of 400g, another reason to first get a butter machine along with your cow. The two mines: In this game, only one mine is accessible all year round, but one mine is open only in winter, the sunny lake mine. When the river freezes over, walk across it to get to the lake mine. The moonlight mine is where a majority of people hang out on their off days and hours. Here, good clay, money and roots abound. Going deeper and deeper into the mine will give you more chance to find rarer things. If you need moonstone, go to the fourth floor. Carrying one at all times as well as a good egg will allow you to be prepared for anything and anyone that you pass by and you would like to give a gift. If you find Louis at the square, you can give him a moonstone as it is one of his favorites. You can wait for the junk shop to expand when you get five hearts with Michael, but it is best to get a head start. The tenth floor has rocks to split, but only one of them have something worth keeping. If you are feeling lucky, hammer here for a rare ore. Be aware that only one rock has one, so come with an upgraded hammer to at least the gold level. The lake mine has its special floors too. On the tenth floor, however, you will hit a dead end and be forced to either hoe for the stairs down or go back up and start again. After a while you will manage to get past the tenth floor, but it is advised that you hoe instead of start over again. If you have and upgraded hoe to at least the silver level and you charge it a few times, you should have no problem finding the stairs, and you can regain your energy using all of the roots that you find. For some odd reason, roots are found more on the tenth floor of the lake mine than anything else. Hoeing at least three squares distance from the stairs will give you the stairs down. If you go on a crack and your character reacts, you can tell whether or not he is falling or ascending by his reaction. If he has a question mark over his head, he is going up; but if he has an exclamation point above his head, he is going down. Reaching the bottom of either of these mines will give you a reward. If you reach the bottom of the lake mine, you will get a note and a chance for the squid prince the jamasquid, so bring your fishing pole and a lot of food as well as your hammer and hoe. If you reach the bottom of the moonlight mine, you will get a power berry from Tim provided that the blacksmith has moved into town as well as the chance to dig for gold. Using your hoe around the monument in the center of the hundredth floor will get you at least a thousand and enough to get you a note and some extra cash! Local businesses: All of the local businesses have something to do with obtaining at least one musical note or a power berry. I will give a description of all of these businesses and what their use is and how to get them. Clinic: The only business that doesn’t really impact your life as much. When you first go there, you will meet Dr. Alex. When you get a heart with him, Martha will move in. Getting two hearts with her will result in her giving you a new and largest rucksack in the game. The notes that the clinic is responsible for is: 1) Limitation note: obtained when you first faint and end up at the clinic the next day. 2) Doctor note: received when you receive a gift from Dr. Alex. 3) Princess note: while the clinic isn’t actually responsible for this note, it does play a small role. Received when you receive a gift from Dia. 4) Girl with glasses note: received when you obtain a gift from Gina. Blacksmith: The blacksmith moves in when you have shipped enough ore for them to consider establshing a business here. They will upgrade your tools for a price. Tai lives there and on occasion you will see Bob there. Tim will give you a power berry when you reach the lowest level of the moonlight mine, the 100th level. They are not really responsible for any notes, just for upgrading your tools and for one power berry. 1) Lost child note: received when you rescue Tim and Meyrl from the wild dog. Spring farm: This business is probably one of the most important businesses. They are the ones who sell you produce, tree and vine seedlings, and seeds for crops. Liz and Nina, her daughter, live there. You might find Liz outside of the building at off days. You will find Nina at either around the crops or inside. 1) Flower girl note: received when you get a gift from Nina. 2) Harvest note: received when you attend the harvest festival. 3) Pumpkin note: received when you attend the pumpkin festival. 4) Flower note: received when you go to the flower festival. 5) Forest note: received when you plant your first tree. 6) Fodder note: received when you cut twenty squares of grass. 7) Garden note: received when you have five or more flowers blooming at once. Junk shop: A business that sells additional decorative stuff that lies around the house. Michael owns the place and his daughter Ann invents things in the back room. However, they never really invent anything. 1) Explosive girl note: received when you get a gift from Ann. 2) Yarn note: received when you ship your first dyed yarn. 3) Super chef note: received for collecting over 100 recipes. Blue Sky Ranch: A business right across the street from the riverside property at the start of the game. Bob works there and can be found there almost all day. Ellen, an only child who works there can also be found either in the building or outside, along with Blue, a distant relative. Henry owns the place. 1) Apron girl note: received when Ellen gives you a gift. 2) Farmer note: received when Blue gives you a gift. 3) Male note: received when Bob gives you a gift. 4) Birth of life note: received when one of your animals give birth. 5) Bell ringing note: received when you ring the bell twenty times. 6) Bow-wow note: received when you get three hearts with your dog. 7) Milking note: received when you ship ten jugs of milk. 8) Shearing note: received you ship ten parcels of wool. 9) Egg note: received when you ship ten eggs. 10) Racing note: received when your horse wins the horse race. 11) Brushing note: received for brushing your animals twenty times. 12) Cock-a-doodle-doo note: received when your chicken first wins the chicken festival. 13) Moo note: received when your cow wins the cow festival. 14) Baa note: received when your sheep wins the sheep festival. Quick reminder: With quite a few notes, several businesses are responsible for the same notes, so don’t be surprised when you see two or even three businesses responsible for a note. Workshop: The workshop is located just north of the Oceanside property at the beginning of the game. Joe and his brother Kurt are apprentices to Woody, the owner of the workshop. They are responsible for building barns and play a strong second-hand part in many of the notes. 1) Cool crafts-man note: received when you get a gift from Kurt. 2) ? note: received when you get a gift from Joe. 3) Birth of life note: received when an animal gives birth. 4) Milking note: received when you ship ten jugs of milk. 5) Shearing note: received when you ship ten parcels of wool. 6) Egg note: received when you have shipped ten eggs. 7) Racing note: received when your horse wins the horse race. 8) Moo note: received when your cow wins the cow festival. 9) Baa note: received when your sheep wins the sheep festival. 10) Cock-a-doodle-doo note: received when your chicken wins the chicken festival. 11) Wedding day note: received when you get married. 12) Blue bird note: received when you get the blue feather. 13) You can walk! Note: received when your baby take his first step. 14) Pregnant note: received when a baby is on the way. 15) Birth note: received when your baby arrives. 16) Second house note: received when you get a second house. 17) Oink-oink note: received when your pig finds a truffle and you ship it. Sanatorium: The sanatorium will open when you raise the heart level of Dr. Alex and ship thirty herbs. This will result in the arrival of Dia, who is just recovering from surgery, Gina, who looks after Dia, and Martha, who moves in after you raise the heart level of Dr. Alex. 1) Princess note: received when you get a gift from Dia. 2) Girl with glasses note: received when you get a gift from Gina. Paradise orchard: The paradise orchard is opened by Ronald when you plant your first trees and ship your first fruits. You first meet Ronald at your first horse race, who bets on the horses who win. He will be gambling with Dan, who will later become his employee. 1) Drifter note: received when you get a gift from Dan. 2) Lost child note: received when you rescue Meyrl and Tim from the wild dog. Hearty Lyla’s gift shop: This shop will not be here in the beginning and will only be unlocked if you go the flower festival. Obviously, if you don’t go to the first flower festival, you will have to wait another year to get her! Shipping flowers and berries early in the game will ensure her arrival before the first year has ended. Also, you can buy the yarn from her shop to give to Martha, who will later give you the largest rucksack. 1) ? note: received when you get a gift from Lyla. Quick reminder: If you see the ? note, it is because I have you to go to the menu and actually dot them down. Also, some of the notes may not have the correct name. This is for the same reason. As you might have guessed, Woody’s workshop plays a part in a large majority of the required notes. However, you will have to also rely on your own efforts to make the money necessary and to court your bride or groom, and train your animals and love them. Also, you might notice that the animals are responsible for most of the notes. Power berries: At the beginning of the game, you will have only just enough energy to get by. Just enough for a few crops, maybe some left over to go fishing or go mine for limestone or ore. If you’re lucky, you might even be able to chop some wood and clear some trees. Also, you will be equipped with heavy, iron tools that drain stamina, making efficient the last word that you would use to describe your tools. However, after a few weeks of hard work, about the middle of the second season, you should’ve been able to afford a few upgrades to make watering, mining, hoeing and chopping for wood more efficient. But, as you could see, the beginning will be rough, no matter how good you are. But as you progress in the game, you might stumble upon the power berry, a fruit that you can win or stumble upon someone that has one. It must be eaten on the spot when you get it. What a power berry does is essential to gaining the power to expand your practice and your business, giving you the ability to plant multiple crops at multiple locations. That coupled with upgraded tools will make your work much easier. At about half way through the second year, maybe a bit more depending on how much work you have done, you will have obtained and eaten all five of the power berries. When you eat your first power berry, you will notice the difference instantly. When you collect all five, energy will hardly be an issue unless you seriously expanded your business. I have listed all of the power berries, how to get them, and what to look out for in the process. 1) The first power berry that you will encounter is the one at the third of summer, the beach festival! Any where from 6:00 A.M to 12:00 P.M at them moonlight beach. Winning the swimming competition will result in Theodore giving you a power berry. Be aware that you probably won’t win the first one, so prepare for the other one the next year on the mini- game section. 2) The next one that you will get the latest in the game is the one that you receive from Tim, the blacksmith’s grandson. You will get this once you get to the 100th floor in the moonlight mine provided that you have gotten the blacksmith. Also, make sure that Tim isn’t going on a trip when you are making this attempt. Take some boiled eggs or cake if you can get your hands on some. Boiled eggs are great for replenishing stamina! Tim will say that he found the berry and gives it to you. Take some food along with your hoe, for you will be in need of digging for the stairs at the 99th or the 98th floor. Also, at the 100th floor, when you get the power berry, dig with your hoe around the structure in the center of the area; the one with the steps but not the stairs. You will find an abundance of buried coins that could make you rich if you have the patience. This is the most likely place that you will get the lucky note. This will be received when you have found 1000g in buried coins:)! 3) The last one you will most likely get is the power berry that you will receive as a prize in the “Rank B” horse race cup. The prize is a power berry. Get six hearts with your horse to be eligible for the “Rank B.” 4) One of the first power berries that you’ll get is the one that you receive from Theodore at the pumpkin festival. Be sure to ship a pumpkin after the harvest festival and before winter. 5) The last power berry that will take the most time in receiving depending on how you take your time. Don’t be pushed into achieving this goal so quickly. Get thirty notes and turn them into instruments and you will get a power berry from the sprites. Food & cooking: When it comes to stamina, nothing is more delicate, especially in the beginning of the game. Even if you collect all of the power berries, you will find that keeping track of everything, your crops, animals and mining, energy is still an issue. This is why you are obliged to spend a little bit of extra money for kitchen improvements. Something cooked will restore more stamina than a plain food item. If you eat an egg raw, it will restore only about two-thirds of the boiled egg. If you are going to eat something raw, eat the highest quality of your crop to make it worth your while. For instance, a turnip grown in the worst soil won’t even restore half of the amount that a turnip grown in the best soil will. Also, if your turnip is grown in fertilized soil, your character will say that the turnip is yummy, as opposed to no comment for a lesser product. Another way to watch out for maximum profit in recipes is using the least ingredients of its class. Later, Gourmet will say: “It doesn’t matter the quality of the ingredients used for the recipe.” If you start out with the Oceanside property, you will want to add some new means of cooking. This is important as fertilizer will not be sold until you ship ten limestone. A frying pan will make fried veggies out of your vegetables and a pot will stew your potatoes. These are only a few examples of cooking. Also, if you do start out with the Oceanside property, mine until you get fertilizer. Items grown in worst soil will barely be a third of the value of a fertilized item. Wild animals: If you see any wild animal, pick it up. You should always make time for this unless you are in a desperate rush. Feeding them is not advised by Terry, the old mountain man, but if you just do a little research at the library, you can find the animal’s favorite foods. The squirrel loves weeds, but giving the duck bird feed is a big no-no. The sparrow likes it though. The raccoon likes fruits and fish. The duck might like fish. Getting six hearts with a wild animal will result in getting the wild animals note when you receive a visit. This is very important. Planting trees: Planting trees are both a profitable investment, and an essential part of getting the paradise orchard. If you devote a large plot of land to an orchard of fruit trees, you can make a very large profit off of this. Devoting one piece of land to a single type fruit tree for each property will be even smarter. Chest nut trees are larger than fruit trees and bear more fruit. However, the by-products are worth only 50g each. Trees need to be in the center of a 3x3 area, and have extra room next to that 3x3 space for fruit to fall. Plant these before winter to give them time to grow. They will give as many harvests as possible as long as it is in season. Plant in a wide-open area and leave your seedling plenty of room for fruits. Use one fruit in a mixer to make juice, and two fruits in a pot to make jam. Using two fruits in an aging pot will make soda. Tips: 1) Remember to take your animals in after grazing. If you leave them, they’ll be attacked by the wild dog. 2) On thanksgiving, talk to anyone who has three or more hearts, and you will receive a cake. Sell or give to another. Or you could keep them for a project that you are going to do like chopping wood or going to the mines. 3) Don’t give more than one gift per day. To raise the heart level, talk to them as well as give them a gift. 4) Get at least one heart with everyone and be sure to visit their business often to keep them. The only ones that won’t leave are the ones that you get at the beginning. The blacksmith is an exception as, if you don’t ship enough ore, only Tim will leave for his relatives like anyone else. 5) Always check the bulletin at the square as Theodore suggests. They say the where, the time, and what to put in the blue shipping box next to it in order to keep the festival going. If you see the mayor on the radar on any festival day except for thanksgiving, which isn’t really an event but a festival but a gift giving time, this will mean that the festival was cancelled. If you talk to him, he will say: “Unfortunately, the ________ festival was cancelled…” 6) Fill the largest barn and get five chickens for your chicken coop and you will get the animal kingdom note. 7) If you cannot find the level three house, make friends with someone at the workshop. 8) Use the least valuable items in your recipes. Getting 100 recipes will give you the super chef note. 9) Save your game after your chores and before the horse race. This way, if you lose, you can re-load your game and try again. 10) Don’t litter! Littering anything will lower your heart level with everyone. This includes dropping things on the road and the yellow lots when you push the z button. 11) Get three hearts with the mayor to unlock all of the properties. Stewed potatoes and yams are his favorite. 12) Fall is the only time you can get truffles! Hunt for them as much as possible. Sell your first one. 13) Don’t rush into marriage! You need at least eight hearts to propose. 14) The blast from charged tools will affect all people and animals in the blast area, so clear all of them before you do your duties! 15) Get five hearts with anyone to get a special gift or a loving note. Even those who you cannot marry. Closing statements: I have given you all of the most useful information that I can muster in the guide. Ship a variety of things to keep the businesses going. Plant quickly, or you will waist time. Get notes as much as possible and collect all of the power berries. And talk to everyone and pick up all of the wild animals on the way and visit the businesses every day or so. Read the crop section of the guide to get the buzz on the benefits and cost, also included in the cost/benefit section. This will give the prices for a few unique plants and the unique properties of multi-harvestable plants. Get fertilizer as soon as possible, and raise the heart level with Theodore to get the properties. Ship good clay to get Saibara and ship more clay to get the ageing pot and the mixing pot. Visiting him when you have two hearts with Saibara will give you the ageing pot, provided that you have at least two hearts with the mayor. Any more hearts with Saibara than two will cancel the action. Get the mixing pot in a similar way. Five hearts with Saibara and at least two with the mayor. Give Saibara good clay to win him over quickly. Give Henry gold and herbs to raise the heart level and get the picture he will paint. You meet him at the sunny lake, as well as Ray, Basil, and Terry, the old mountaineer. Getting five hearts will result in his death and he will ask you to take care of Eve, his granddaughter. Ship flowers to get Lyla and ship cake goods to open up the Callaway café. Just a few reminders and some other stuff that I didn’t mention. I hope this guide will be helpful in your success with beating it. Remember, getting fifty notes and freeing the Harvest Goddess will not end the game, she will just tell you to collect all of the other musical notes. Go to the spring after you have freed her and she will fill your stamina bar. After you get 99 notes, visit the springs and you will receive the final note, the meek note. Hope I’ve been helpful:)!!!!. Good luck! Can you help me?: No one is perfect, and I am defiantly not an exception. Did I miss anything? How about a section that you would like me to add? Is there any misinformation? Are there a few typos that I missed? Is there something that I didn’t add, or isn’t clear? Are there any tips or hints that I forgot to add? If you feel that you can help me improve this guide a lot or just a little, I’m open to any suggestions! Don’t be afraid to give me a ring at adam@mustardseedtech.com and give me your thoughts! Thanks! Legal stuff: This guide is restricted to Adam and only Adam. Contact me if you want to use this guide in part or in whole.