============= TABLE CONTENT ============= - CONTACT ME - LEGAL - VERSION HISTORY - CONTROLS - STARTING LOTS - VILLAGE TOUR - STAMINA & FATIGUE - STRATEGIES - UPGRADES - SHOPS - EXTENSIONS - OPENING TIMES - MARRIAGE & PREGNANCY - THE GIRLS - THE GUYS - THE VILLAGERS - VILLAGER LOCATIONS - MOVE INS - MOVE OUTS - MORNING VISITS - MINING - FORAGING - SHIPPING LISTS - FESTIVALS - ANIMALS - TIPS & TRICKS - CHEATCODES - NOTES - FAQ ========== CONTACT ME ========== Send me e-Mails at: louisaUNDERSCOREbeutlerATlouisabeutlerDOTnet If you want to add something, ask a question or correct me on something. Mostly send me an e-Mail if you have a Strategy you want me to list. ===== LEGAL ===== This FAQ may be uploaded on GameFAQs, SuperCheats and NeoSeeker but not on any other Page. =============== VERSION HISTORY =============== Version 1.0 - February 19th, Publishes Version 2.0 - February 21st, Completely rewritten Version 2.1 - April 10th, Corrected some Typos Version 2.2 - April 14th, More Information on Villagers and Lots ======== CONTROLS ======== A Button - Talk, Pick up/Drop Things B Button - Cancel, Put things into Backpack X Button - Use Tools, Eat, Ride Horse Y Button - Open Menu Cursor - Move Character D-Pad - Up Zoom In, Down Zoom Out C-Pad - Wheel through Backpack ============= STARTING LOTS ============= VILLAGE CENTER Very convenient in the Village, but not big. Your 1st priority with this Lot is to get Theodore's heartlevel up, so you can buy the land next to this lot. Your main income source would be Mining. PRO - Convenient for Mining & Festivals - Convenient for meeting People CON - Very Small Size - No Space for Crops/Livestock RIVER SIDE Located next to the River, a good starting Place. You can use this Lot if you want to challenge yourself to a "Survive on Fishing Only for X Months" try-out. You'd use foraging as your income for most parts, but can get some Crops, too. PRO - Convenient for Fishing - Right Next to Blue Sky Ranch - Room for Crops or Livestock - Mostly Very Fertile/Fertile land CON - Can't get Crops and Livestock - extending House may be troublesome (must move Watering Hole first) OCEAN SIDE Right at the Beach, but not good for Crops. Big place, but your 1st Priority is to unlock Fertilizer (Ship 10 Limestones) and to get some space on this lot, since there are Trees in the way. PRO - Big Land - Enough Room for Crops Or Livestock and Pasture - Right next to Spring Farm and Blacksmith CON - No fertility (Some Fertile Land, mostly Unfertile, though) - Lots of Trees blocking Space - Long Hike to Village and Mountains ============ VILLAGE TOUR ============ Main Pointers in Flower Bud Village: North - Mountains East - Square South - Beach West - Sunny Lake The Mountains cover the whole North Screen, the West Screen Exit brings you to the Godess Pond, where you bring the Notes you collect. Under the Mountains are, from West to East, Atellier Saibara, Paradise Orchard, Jamie's Ranch, Moonlight Cafe, the Sanatorium and the Moonlight Mine Entrance. The Riverside Lot is under Atellier Saibara, next to it is the Blue Sky Ranch, a big free Space next to the Village Center Lot, the Clinic, the Mayor's House and Hearty Lyla. Right next to Hearty Lyla is the Square, next to that the Junk Shop. Underneath the Square is the Library, to the West, under the Junk Shop is the Cafe Callaway. Further West is the Perch Inn, then the Spring Farm. West of the Spring Farm is the Oceanside Lot, then the Blacksmith. North of the Oceanside Lot is Woody's Workshop. The West Screen Exit next to the Blacksmith is Sunny Lake and the Lake Mine. ================= STAMINA & FATIGUE ================= STAMINA There's a green Stamina Bar at the bottom of the Screen, which decreases when you use a Tool or Pick something up. In the beginning you don't have a lot of Stamina and you will watch your Bar constantly. Eat Sweets or Berries to regenerate some Stamina. Sleeping will regenerate your whole Stamina Bar, but you lose a day. FATIGUE At the Stamina Bar is a face of your Character. If the eyes are half-closed or closed, your Character is very tired. The tireder it is, the more often the Character will stop and stretch. Eat Pontata Roots or Herbs to get rid of some Fatigue. Sleeping will regenerate your whole Fatigue Level back to 0. Eat Toadstool Saute to lower your Fatigue Level to 0 and to fill your Stamina Bar to full. Toadstool + Butter + Frying Pan = Toadstool Saute POWER BERRIES Power Berries are red, heartshaped Berries that might remind you of apples. You get these, if you win at a Festival or by doing other things. There are five in the Game. Once you ate one, you will notice that you can do more things and don't have to focus on your Stamina Bar that much. - Reach Level 100 of the Moonlight Mine, after Tim and Tai moved in - Collect 30 Notes and bring them to the Godess Pond - Donate a Pumpkin for the Pumpkin Festival - Win the Swimming Festival - Win the Rank B Cup at the Horse Race ========== STRATEGIES ========== Everyone has a certain play-style or idea on how to get through this game easily. Please send some of your ideas/strategies in, so they can be listed for others, who might like to try them. Busy "Note-Collecting" Bee (My Strategy) Before I even really START the Game I refuse to do things until I have the Stationary Note, the Diary Note and the 10.000 Steps Note. For the last one I just tie a rubber band to the controller, tilt it and leave it for about 30 or 45 minutes. Depending on where I start I clear the Farm's space, eating some stuff on the sides. I try to eat Honey, because I use Herbs, Flowers and Berries to get Gina, Dia & Lyla as soon as possible, although Lyla still opens her shop on Spring 30th or Summer 1st. I also go mining to get the Treasure Horde Note and Gem Note, using a Moonlight Stone. I also try to ship at least 3 or maybe even 5 Limestones, so I can fertilize my crops asap. (The Turnips you get for free at the Spring Farm I usually use to up Alex' and Joe's Heartlevel - for the Notes and for the Level 3 house) I go all out and buy 8 bags of Cabbage - to unlock Strawberries - and as presents to Maria. Ann I give a Rare Ore every now and then, the rest gets shipped for Louis, anything concerning a Barn, Coop or Animals I completely neglect until I have about 50.000 G - which is what I usually have after 50 Cabbages. Fishing is only a time-waster, I only try to get the Spring Fish, especially the Huchen after Rain. (I also get the Right Boot by Summer but no Left Boot for some odd reason) That's pretty much my strategy - get Strawberries unlocked asap, plant them and rejoice for 400 G per Strawberry. ======== UPGRADES ======== TOOL UPGRADES Your Tools have a Bar in the Menu at the Bottom, divided in 4 Colors. Iron - Copper - Silver - Gold Those are the five Levels your Tools can have, all starting at the Iron Level. Using your Tool about 100 Times will line the Tool Bar to the Copper Level. At the Iron Level your Tools only till, cut or water one Square. The higher the Level, the more Squares you till, cut or water or it takes you less time to destroy, water or stomp things. To upgrade them, use them until the line in the Tool Bar reaches the next level and then ask Tai to upgrade it. You will have to supply the Ore and Tool. Or, if you have enough money, buy the Tool at the Junk Shop. Watering Can - needed to water your Crops, if you don't water your Crops for three or four days in a row, your Crops will wither and die. Iron Level - waters 1 Square in front of you Copper Level - waters 3 Squares in front of you Silver Level - waters 9 Squares in front of you Hoe - needed to Till the ground for planting Crops Iron Level - tills 1 Square in front of you Copper Level - tills 4 horizontal Squares in front of you Silver Level - tills 9 Squares in front of you Hammer - needed to destroy Boulders and Stones in the Mine Iron Level - takes 5 Hits to destroy small Stones Copper Level - takes 3 Hits to destroy small Stones Silver Level - takes 3 Hits to destroy small Stones, destroys 3 Squares around you Gold Level - takes 2 Hits to destroy small Stones, destroys 9 Squares around you Godess Level - takes 1 Hit to destroy small Stones, destroys 24 Squares around you Sickle - needed to cut withered Crops and Weeds Iron Level - cuts 1 Square in front of you Copper Level - cuts 3 Squares in front of you Silver Level - cuts 6 Squares around you Gold Level - cuts 9 Squares around you Godess Level - cuts 24 Squares around you Axe - needed to cut down Trees, Treestumps and Branches to turn into Lumber Iron Level - takes 5 Hits to stomp medium Treestumps to Branches Copper Level - takes 5 Hits to stomp medium Treestumps to Branches Silver Level - takes 3 Hits to stomp medium Treestumps to Branches Gold Level - takes 3 Hits to stomp medium Treestumps to Branches Iron Pole - needed to catch Fish in the River, the Lake and on the Island, the higher your Level the heavier your Fish Iron Level - can catch any kind of Fish, including Kings Copper Level - can catch any kind of Fish, including Kings Silver Level - can catch any kind of Fish, including Kings Gold Level - can catch any kind of Fish, including Kings Godess Level - can catch any kind of Fish, including Kings Bonfire - grills Fish and Clams This Tool cannot be upgraded Pedometer - counts your Steps This Tool cannot be upgraded Bells - needed to call all your Animals around you This Tool cannot be upgraded Reins - needed to lead one Animal This Tool cannot be upgraded Milker - needed to Milk your Grown Cow This Tool cannot be upgraded Clippers - needed to Shear your Grown Sheep This Tool cannot be upgraded BACKPACK UPGRADES Your Backpack can hold a maximum of 15 Items, but in the beginning you can only access 5 Slots. SECOND BACKPACK The Second Backpack can be bought right away for 1.000 G at the Junk Shop. It unlocks another 5 Slots, which will be a great help to get more Money. BIGGEST BACKPACK The last Upgrade you get once Martha moves into the Clinic and get her up to 3 Hearts. You will get a Cutscene where she tells you that, if you bring her some Yarn, she'll restore your Backpack. That will unlock the last 5 Slots in your Backpack. You can get Yarn by building a Barn, getting a Sheep and shear it once it's grown and turn the Wool into Yarn with a Yarn Maker. This takes a long time and would cost over 10.000 G. You can also wait for Lyla to move in, who sells colored Yarn, and give it to Martha. Be warned, colored Yarn costs from 1.300 G to 1.850 G, but, in retrospect, it's easier to go for this way. ===== SHOPS ===== JUNK SHOP Located: Left of the Square Open: 9am - 6pm Closed: Tuesdays + Holidays The Junk Shop sells a Rattle and Picture Book, you won't need these until your Baby is about to be born. Rattle - 600 G Picture Book - 500 G Rucksack - 1.000 G The Tools get more and more expensive the higher the Level. Copper Tools - 2.000 G Silver Tools - 6.000 G Gold Tools - 18.000 G Godess Tools - 48.000 G They also sell Cooking Utensils, some Decoration Items for your House and Makers, which turn Animal Products into Products, that sell for more Money. Frying Pan - 500 G Pot - 500 G Oven - 700 G Mixer - 400 G Wood Stove - 300 G Kerosene Stove - 700 G Sofa (S) - 500 G Sofa (L) - 900 G Log Chair - 200 G Dye Pot - 500 G Yarn Maker - 4.000 G Butter Maker - 3.000 G Cheese Maker - 5.000 G Mayonnaise Maker - 3.000 G The Dye Pot is used to dye Yarn into different colors. The Makers you can buy once you buy the Animal for those Products. Once you upgraded your House to Level 3 or Higher, the Junk Shop will get some Furniture to sell. Old Clock - 1.000 G Fridge, Light Blue - 700 G Fridge (L), Light Green - 1.200 G Fridge (L), Dark Blue - 1.200 G Fridge (L), Beige - 1.200 G Fridge (L), Silver Pro - 4.000 G Good TV - 3.000 G The (L) Fridges hold up to 36 Items, the Pro Fridge up to 54 Items. BLUE SKY RANCH Located: Right of Riverside Lot Open: 6am - 6pm Closed: Thursdays + Holidays The Blue Sky Ranch is the place to go, where you buy your Animals for your Barn or Coop. Brush - 800 G Milker - 1.000 G Clippers - 800 G Bell - 500 G Animal Medicine - 800 G Good Egg - 120 G Good Milk - 300 G Good Cheese - 380 G Good Mayonnaise - 180 G Good Butter - 350 G Fodder - 30 G Bird Feed - 20 G Chicken - 1.200 G Lamb - 2.500 G Calf - 3.500 G Foal - 3.200 G HEARTY <3 LYLA Located: Right of the Square Open: 9am - 6pm Closed: Mondays + Holidays Hearty Lyla will open earliest at the Start of the Summer, she sells specialities of the Village as Gifts, which include Yarn, Jams and Accessoires. Pink Yarn - 1.500 G Yellow Yarn - 1.300 G Blue Yarn - 1.800 G Orange Yarn - 1.400 G Red Yarn - 1.300 G Green Yarn - 1.400 G Purple Yarn - 1.300 G Silver Brooch - 1.050 G Gold Brooch - 1.600 G Aquamarine Brooch - 1.850 G Amethyst Brooch - 1.800 G Silver Ring - 1.700 G Gold Ring - 1.750 G Strawberry Jam - 480 G Very Berry Jam - 260 G Blueberry Jam - 300 G Marmalade - 500 G Apple Jam - 700 G Hanging Clock - 700 G Once you ship 10 Good Clays, Lyla will start selling Vases, which you can put onto your Tables. Purple Vase - 300 G Slim Vase - 350 G Japanese Vase - 250 G Wavy Vase - 730 G Yellow Vase - 450 G Snow Field Summer Breeze Clay Plate Marble Plate Grass Tinted Vase Mystic Blue Plate SPRING FARM Located: Right of the Oceanside Lot Open: 9am - 6pm Closed: Mondays + Holidays Your only place to get Seeds to plant for Crops, Grass and Tree Saplings. The Prices and Growing Times listed are in Normal Fertility. Aside from Seeds and Tree Saplings, Liz also sells Normal Quality Crops. The Crop prices change with the season. Potatoes Breadfruit Corn Onion Cocoa Pumpkin Bell Pepper Carrot Spinach Fertilizer Cost per Bag: 150 G Unlocked: ship 10 Limestones SPRING CROPS Turnips Cost per Bag: 20 G Growing Time: 4 Days Regrows: No Cost per Crop: 90 G Potatoes Cost per Bag: 30 G Growing Time: 6 Days Regrows: No Cost per Crop: 100 G Cabbages Cost per Bag: 40 G Growing Time: 7 Days Regrows: No Cost per Crop: 170 G Breadfruit Cost per Bag: 60 G Growing Time: 7 Days Regrows: every 2nd Day Cost per Crop: 150 G Strawberries Cost per Bag: 300 G Growing Time: 7 Days Regrows: every 2nd Day Cost per Crop: 200 G Unlocked: ship 50 Cabbages SUMMER CROPS Onions Cost per Bag: 20 G Growing Time: 4 Days Regrows: No Cost per Crop: 90 G Corn Cost per Bag: 40 G Growing Time: 9 Days Regrows: every 2nd Day Cost per Crop: 150 G Tomatoes Cost per Bag: 50 G Growing Time: 8 Days Regrows: every 4th Day Cost per Crop: 150 G Cocoa Cost per Bag: 50 G Growing Time: 9 Days Regrows: every 4th Day Cost per Crop: 160 G FALL CROPS Yams Cost per Bag: 30 G Growing Time: 6 Days Regrows: every 2nd Day Cost per Crop: 80 G Bell Peppers Cost per Bag: 40 G Growing Time: 5 Days Regrows: every 3rd Day Cost per Crop: 70 G Carrots Cost per Bag: 40 G Growing Time: 5 Days Regrows: No Cost per Crop: 110 G Eggplants Cost per Bag: 40 G Growing Time: 6 Days Regrows: every 3rd Day Cost per Crop: 120 G Spinach Cost per Bag: 40 G Growing Time: 5 Days Regrows: No Cost per Crop: 130 G Pumpkins Cost per Bag: 70 G Growing Time: 8 Days Regrows: No Cost per Crop: 180 G ========== EXTENSIONS ========== Woody and his two Apprentices take care of your Extensions on your House and the Barn. They mostly sell Furniture, Lumber and Land Properties. WOODY'S WORKSHOP Located: North of Oceanside Lot Open: 6am - 6pm Closed: Tuesdays + Holidays HOUSE EXTENSIONS Level 1 House Woody/Red - 4.000 G; 40 Lumber Level 2 House Woody/Green - 7.000 G; 80 Lumber Barn Level 1 - 3.500 G; 40 Lumber Barn Level 2 - 13.000 G; 80 Lumber Chicken Coop - 3.000 G; 30 Lumber Windmill - 4.000 G; 40 Lumber Watering Hole - 600 G; 20 Lumber Well - 700 G; 20 Lumber Lumber - 50 G a Piece Once you build a Barn, upon entering, you will see a Cutscene and Gourmet will give you your Pet-Pig. To unlock the Level 3 House, you will have to get either Woody, Kurt or Joe up to one Heart. The level 4 and 5 Houses are unlocked, after you upgraded your House to the next highest Level. Level 3 House Woody/Blue/Brick - 15.000 G; 120 Lumber Level 4 House Woody/Orange/Brick - 30.000 G; 200 Lumber Level 5 House Woody/Green/Stone - 80.000 G; 300 Lumber FURNITURE Bed (S), Polka Dots - 1.000 G Bookshelf, Green - 800 G Bookschelf, White - 800 G Dressing Table - 900 G Polka Dot Table - 600 G Simple Table - 600 G Heart Table - 700 G Round Table, Simple - 1.500 G Round Table, Chic - 1.500 G Kitchen (XS), Pink - 1.000 G Kitchen (S), Chic - 2.000 G Kitchen (S), Flower - 2.000 G Chest (S), Fancy - 600 G Shelf, Woody - 900 G Shelf, Fancy - 900 G Shelf, Gorgeous - 1.000 G Cabinet, Woody - 1.500 G Cabinet, Chic - 1.500 G Cabinet, Gorgeous - 2.000 G Cabinet, Modern - 2.000 G Round Chair - 200 G Chair - 250 G Rocking Chair - 500 G Log Table - 400 G Dining Table - 300 G Once you upgrade your House to Level 3, Woody will sell more Furniture. Bed (L), Simple - 3.500 G Bed (L), Heart - 3.800 G Bed (L), Gorgeous - 4.000 G Bed (L), Down - 5.000 G Bookshelf (L), Blue - 1.000 G Bookshelf (L), Wood - 1.000 G Library, Chic - 3.000 G Library, Pink - 3.000 G Library, Gorgeous - 3.000 G Dresser - 2.000 G Round Table, Modern - 2.500 G Round Table, Gorgeous - 4.000 G Kitchen (M), Woody - 3.500 G Kitchen (M), Pink - 3.500 G Kitchen (M), Marble - 4.000 G Kitchen (L), Woody - 3.500 G Kitchen (L), Marble - 5.000 G Kitchen (XL), Woody - 5.500 G Kitchen (XL), Cream - 5.500 G Kitchen (XL), Marble - 5.500 G Kitchen (XL), Pro - 6.000 G LAND PURCHASE The first two Properties you can purchase are the Starting Lots. Whichever one you started on will not be for sale again. 3-1 Flower Bud - 5.000 G (Village Center Lot) 2 Sea Breeze - 5.000 G (Oceanside Lot) 4 River Song Heights - 5.000 (Riverside Lot) Get 1 Heart with Theodore and you'll unlock the next 4 Lots. 2 Mountain Echo Forest - 7.000 G 3 Mountain Echo Forest - 7.000 G Flower Bud Point - 7.000 G 1 Sea Breeze - 7.000 G Get 2 Hearts with Theodore and you'll unlock the next 5 Lots. 1 River Song Heights - 10.000 G 1 Mountain Echo Forest - 10.000 G 1 Woodman's Forest - 10.000 G 3-2 Flower Bud - 10.000 G 3-3 Flower Bud - 10.000 G Get 3 Hearts with Theodore and you'll unlock the next 5 Lots. 1 Flower Bud Riverside - 15.000 G 2 Flower Bud Riverside - 15.000 G 3 River Song Heights - 15.000 G 1 Forest of Fountains - 30.000 G 2 Forest of Fountains - 30.000 G ============= OPENING TIMES ============= WOODY'S WORKSHOP Located: North of Oceanside Lot Open: 6am - 6pm Closed: Tuesdays + Holidays Inhabitants: Woody, Joe, Kurt SPRING FARM Located: Right of Oceanside Lot Open: 9am - 6pm Closed: Mondays + Holidays Inhabitants: Liz, Nina BLACKSMITH Located: Left of Oceanside Lot Open: 6am - 6pm Closed: Wednesdays + Holidays Inhabitants: Tai, Tim PERCH INN Located: Left of Cafe Callaway Open: 9am - 0am Closed: Holidays Inhabitants: Gwen, Doug, John LIBRARY Located: South of Square Open: 9am - 6pm Closed: Mondays + Holidays Inhabitants: Maria CAFE CALLAWAY Located: Right of Perch Inn Open: 9am - 6pm Closed: Tuesdays + Holidays Inhabitants: Carl, Katie JUNK SHOP Located: Left of Square Open: 9am - 6pm Closed: Tuesdays + Holidays Inhabitants: Michael, Ann, Louis HEARTY <3 LYLA Located: Right of Square Open: 9am - 6pm Closed: Mondays + Holidays Inhabitants: Lyla CLINIC Located: North of Junk Shop Open: 6am - 6pm Closed: Wednesdays + Holidays Inhabitants: Alex, Martha SANATORIUM Located: Next to Clinic Open: 6am - 6pm Closed: Holidays Inhabitants: Dia, Gina MOONLIGHT CAFE Located: South of Jamie's Ranch Open: 6pm - 5am Closed: Tuesdays + Holidays Inhabitants: Duke, Eve JAMIE'S RANCH Located: Right of Paradise Orchard Open: 24/7 Closed: Holidays Inhabitants: Jamie, Calverturtp PARADISE ORCHARD Located: South of Mountains Open: 9am - 9pm Closed: Holidays Inhabitants: Ronald, Dan, Meryl ATELLIER SAIBARA Located: North of Riverside Lot Open: 6am - 6pm Closed: Saturdays + Holidays Inhabitants: Saibara BLUE SKY RANCH Located: Right of Riverside Lot Open: 6am - 6pm Closed: Thursdays + Holidays Inhabitants: Hank, Ellen, Blue, Bob ==================== MARRIAGE & PREGNANCY ==================== To get 5 of the 100 Notes in the game, you will have to get married. Conditions for marrying and setting up for it might not be easy on your Wallet, if you rush into it. First, enjoy to be Single and get all Spouses' 2 Heart Notes. CONDITIONS FOR MARRIAGE - at least 30 Notes - Level 3 House or Higher - Big Bed - Girl/Guy at 8 Hearts THE BLUE FEATHER LEGEND Legend in the Village is that on sunny days, you can see a blue bird on top of Mt. Moon. In Order to get the feather, you will have to climb Mt. Moon and retrieve one of it's blue feathers - it's a symbol of happiness and in the Village it's a Proposal Item. After you have the Conditions for Marrying, you will be woken up by Theodore on a Sunny Morning and he'll bring you to the Mountain. Climb it and you get the Blue Feather. You can propose to your Sweetheart right away. If they reject your Proposal, give them more gifts, talk to them and try another day. If they accept .... WEDDING You will be wed the next day, but you will not really lose a day. It's a cutscene and all you have to do is to press A, when Theodore asks you if you want to marry your Sweetheart. Saying No will make the Villagers dislike you. You cannot back out of marrying that person, once they have accepted the Blue Feather from you. NEWLY-WEDS For about the first 2 Weeks, you will be seen as Newlyweds. Your Sweetheart will not help out in the Farm or anything. All they do is sleep at your House and talk with you. If they have a job, they will leave for it. If there's a Typhoon or their Shop/Working Place is closed, they will stay at home. On Holidays, your Sweetheart will not be at your House. They will disappear, usually you see them at the Festival. Once the Festival has ended, they are back at home and, depending on the time, they're in Bed. PREGNANCY About 20 Days after your Marriage, You/Your Wife will feel ill and be at the Clinic. Alex tells you that you two are going to have a Baby. During Pregnancy, your Wife will be a bit jealous, but still continues to go to work. During Pregnancy, you will lose Stamina faster than before. Two months after the Cutscene at the Clinic, your Wife/You will faint and be at the Clinic again. Your baby will be born. I'm not sure which gender it'll be. THE BABY IS THERE All your Baby does in it's first month is lie in the baby-crib and do nothing. You can use the Rattle, purchased at the Junk Shop, to play with it, raising it's heartlevel. Over the course of two months, you'll see two scenes with it. In the first, it will start to crawl, the second one it starts to walk. CONDITIONS FOR MARRYING JAMIE If you wish to marry Jamie, you're Rival, you need the same Conditions as for the other spouses. - at least 30 Notes - Level 3 House or higher - Big Bed - Spouse at 8 Hearts but for marrying Jamie, you need to do more: - have at least 50 Notes (Godess must be resurrected) - ship at least 1 of every Crop (only Crops, Flowers, Herbs, etc don't matter) - use Miracle Potion on at least 1 of your Barn Animals After you get the Blue Feather, give it to Jamie, who will tell you to go to the Godess Pond, if you still wish to marry. Jamie has not yet accepted the Feather, so you can still marry someone else! Go to the Pond and ask the Godess to be allowed to marry Jamie. Jamie will appear and you'll present the Blue Feather again, finally marrying. You two will leave Flower Bud Village after Marriage and you will witness several scenes of the Villagers that shadow on what happened to you two. Nami will say something about you two, when there's a talk of your new place, depending on your Gender, she'll say: Girl - "I saw a kid with pigtails and a kid in a cowboy hat and poncho there" Boy - "I saw a kid with a blue cap and a kid in a cowboy hat there" After those scenes, the game will End! JAMIE Birthday Is Unlisted. Lives at Jamie's Ranch. Jamie loves Cake, Special Cheese, Special Milk and Special Butter. Jamie likes HQ Crops and Yams ========= THE GIRLS ========= There are 10 Girls you can choose to marry and with whom you can reach the 100 Notes. If you go after Jamie, you will end the Game after Marriage. NINA Birthday: Spring 20th Lives at the Spring Farm. Loves Strawberries and Bluemist Flowers. Likes Other Flowers, Herbs and Eggs. ANN Birthday: Summer 18th Lives at the Junk Shop. Loves Rare Ore and HQ Corn. Likes Normal Quality Corn and Other Ores. ELLEN Birthday: Fall 8th Lives at the Blue Sky Ranch. Loves Cocoa and Breadfruit. Likes Flowers, Moonstones and Chocolate Pudding. MARIA Birthday: Winter 5th Lives at the Mayor's House and works at Library. Loves HQ Cabbages and Eggplants. Likes Flowers, Moonstones and Hot Milk. EVE Birthday: Winter 16th Lives at the Moonlight Cafe. Loves Strawberries, Soda and Special Cheese. Likes Moonstones, Flowers and Rubies. DIA Birthday: Winter 9th Lives at the Sanatorium. Loves Blueberries, Blueberry Jam and Blueberry Juice. Likes Moondrop Flowers, Emeralds and Strawberries. GINA Birthday: Fall 20th Lives at the Sanatorium, helps out at the Clinic. Loves HQ Onions and Shiny Wool. Likes Coral, Herbs and Eggs. GWEN Birthday: Summer 8th Lives at the Perch Inn. Loves Special Cheese, HQ Yams and Carrots. Likes Eggs, Flowers, Cheese and Wool. KATIE Birthday: Fall 29th Lives at the Cafe Callaway. Loves Apple Jam, Marmalade and Yarn. Likes Eggs, Cheese, Milk, Butter and Breadfruit. LYLA Birthday: Spring 27th Lives at Hearty Lyla. Loves Pinkcat Flowers, Pumpkins and Pumpkin Soup. Likes Sapphires, Yarn, Blueberries and Very Berries. ======== THE GUYS ======== BLUE Birthday: Winter 20th Lives at Blue Sky Ranch. Loves Good Milk, Good Cheese, Good Butter and Yoghurt. Likes Potatoes and Eggs. BOB Birthday: Summer 1st Lives at Blue Sky Ranch. Loves Cake and Pie. Likes All Ores, Spinach and Eggs. BASIL Birthday: Spring 16th Wanders around Town. Loves Pontata Roots. Likes Flowers, Herbs and Gold Ore. ALEX Birthday: Spring 30th Lives at the Clinic. Loves HQ Turnips and Vegetable Juice. Likes Herbs, Pontata Root and Cayenne. CARL Birthday: Fall 16th Lives at Cafe Callaway, used to work at Moonlight Cafe. Loves Yams, Apples and Special Eggs. Likes Honey, Eggs, Sweets and Chestnuts. DAN Birthday: Summer 26th Lives at Paradise Orchard. Loves Clams, Grapes and Soda. Likes Very Berries, Oranges and Cayenne. JOE Birthday: Summer 10th Lives at Woody's Workshop. Loves Turnips, Tuna Steak and Salted Rainbow Trout (put in Bonfire) Likes Branches, Fish and Seafood Pizza. KURT Birthday: Winter 10th Lives at Woody's Workshop. Loves Tomato Juice. Likes Branches, Hot Milk and Ores, Hates Junk Ore. LOUIS Birthday: Fall 2nd Lives at Junk Shop after Remodel. Loves Rare Ore and Special Eggs. Likes Other Ores, Egg Dishes and Bell Peppers. RAY Birthday: Fall 27th Wanders around Town, mostly around Sunny Lake, River and Island. Loves Yellowtail Sashimi/Teriyaki/Stew. Likes All Fish, Rare Ore and Fish Dishes. ========= VILLAGERS ========= DOUG Birthday: Fall 7th Lives at Perch Inn, is Gwen's Uncle. Loves Corn and Corn Dishes. Likes Milk, Butter, Cheese and Soda. DUKE Birthday: Winter 28th Lives at the Moonlight Cafe. Loves Soda, Potatoes and Pizza. Likes Milk, Butter and Cheese. GOURMET Birthday Is Not Listed Stays at the Perch Inn in Fall. Loves Special Animal Products, Truffles and Truffle Saute. Likes Pontata Roots, Eggs and Mushrooms. HANK Birthday: Summer 14th Lives at the Blue Sky Ranch. Loves Soda, Turnips and Mayonnaise. Likes Chicken Feed and Clams. HENRY Birthday: Spring 12th Wanders around Town, stays in Perch Inn on Rainy Days Loves Carrots and Tomatoes. Likes Cayenne and Fruit. LIZ Birthday: Fall 21st Lives at Spring Farm. Loves Pumpkins, Pumpkin Pie and Pumpkin Soup. Likes Flowers, Eggs and Herbs. MARTHA Birthday: Winter 25th Lives at the Clinic. Loves Breadfruit, Shiny Wool, Yarn and Special Cheese. Likes Flowers, Herbs and Eggs. MICHAEL Birthday: Fall 3rd Lives at the Junk Shop. Loves Onions, Rare Ore and Special Milk. Likes Other Ores, Milk and Bell Peppers. MERYL Birthday: Spring 6th Lives at the Paradise Orchard after Remodel. Loves Special Eggs, Cheese and Tomato Sandwiches. Likes Bluemist Flowers, Strawberries and Blueberries. NAMI Birthday Is Unlisted Stays at the Perch Inn in Summer. Loves Tomatoes, Tomato Juice and Special Cheese. Likes Eggs, Clams, Mushrooms, Butter and Oranges. RONALD Birthday: Spring 11th Lives at Paradise Orchard Loves Soda, Special Eggs and Special Milk. Likes Herbs, Oranges, Butter and Breadfruit SAIBARA Birthday: Winter 2nd Lives at Atellier Saibara. Loves Good Clay and Pickled Dishes. Likes Eggplant, River Fish, Turnips and Green Herbs. TAI Birthday: Summer 25th Lives at Blacksmith's. Loves Rare Ore, Special Milk and Spinach. Likes Other Ores, Milk, Amethyst and Moonstones. TERRY Birthday: Winter 21st Wanders around Town, mostly at River. Loves Fish, Truffles and Mushrooms. Likes Eggs, Cabbages and Soda. THEODORE Birthday: Spring 4th Lives at Mayor's House, Wanders around Town. Loves Potatoes and Potato Stew. Likes Gold Ore. TIM Birthday: Fall 11th Lives at Blacksmith's, mostly at Moonlight Mine. Loves Corn, Cake and Pie. Likes Ores, Toadstool, Special Eggs and Blowfish. WOODY Birthday: Summer 21st Lives at Wooyd's Workshop. Loves Eggplants and Special Milk. Likes Branches, Flounder, Sardines and All Ores. ================== VILLAGER LOCATIONS ================== Sometimes the Villagers wander around and you could spend Hours looking for them (if you can't find them on the map) or catching up. Jamie, can be found either at Jamie's Ranch, around Town or the Moonlight Mine. Sometimes Jamie is on the Island. Maria, is mostly in the Library. On Monday she's in the Square from the Afternoon on, from 6-9 AM she's in Theodore's House. Ann, is usually in the Junk Shop, but spends afternoons or days off in the Moonlight Cave or in front of the Blue Ranch. Nina, is either in the Spring Farm Vegetable Patch, in the Shop itself or in the Shed on rainy days. Sometimes she visits Sunny Lake. Eve, wanders around town during the day, either at the Riverside Lot, the Beach or the Square. But you usually find her in the Moonlight Cafe. Ellen, is sometimes in the Blue Ranch Building, the Pasture or in the Chicken Coop or Barn when the Ranch is open. On her day off she's at the Square. (You have to try several times to talk to her there, you get the "Hi" sound but you don't talk) Katie, is in front of Cafe Callaway before it opens and then in the Cafe itself. She goes to the beach on her day off. Lyla, you can pretty much only find her in her Shop during Summer. Once Cafe Callaway opens up, she'll be there sometimes, usually on Monday. Gwen, is usually in the Perch Inn, but can be found in the Moonlight Cafe at night or in front of Woody's Workshop. Gina, is in front of the Clinic or inside the Sanatorium, both floors. On days off she sometimes visits Cafe Callaway. Dia, is mostly on the top floor of the Sanatorium, but around 5 PM you can sometimes find her north of Woody's Workshop. Alex, mostly in the Clinic or in front of it. But in the Afternoon he's in the Moonlight Mine, in front of it, in the Mountains or at the River. Blue, pretty much only in Blue Ranch's Pasture, in Moonlight Cafe at night. Bob, in Tai's home (his grandfather), the Buildings of the Blue Ranch or the Pasture. Basil, wanders around Town, but is usually at Sunny Lake, North of Woody's Workshop or around the Blue Ranch. Carl, is usually found in the Cafe Callaway from Autumn on, in Summer he's in the Moonlight Cafe. Dan, wanders around, but is usually at the Paradise Orchard or it's Shed, north of that or at the Beach. Louis, is in the Junk Shop, the Moonlight Mine or in the Afternoons in Lyla's Shop. Ray, is another wanderer, but you mostly find him around Water. Usually on the Island, the Beach or Sunny Lake. Kurt, is in Woody's Workshop or infront of or in the Moonlight Mine. Sometimes he's in the groundfloor of the Sanatorium. Joe, wanders around Riverplaces in the afternoon, but is usually in Woody's Workshop. Doug, usually in the Perch Inn or Moonlight Cafe. Duke, is in front of his Cafe or behind the Counter of the Moonlight Cafe. Henry, wanders around, but is either at the Beach or the Mountains. Ronald, in the Moonlight Cafe or at his Orchard. Tim, is always at the Moonlight Mine or inside. Meryl, can be usually found at the Paradise Orchard. Terry, is usually at the River or in the Mountains. Tai, is in his Shop or in front of it. Nami, is around Lyla's Shop, south of the Junk Shop or at the Beach. On rainy days she's in the Inn. Gourmet, is in the Inn most of the time. Saibara, is in the Moonlight Mine on his days off or in his Atellier or around it. Martha, is in the Clinic or outside of it on her days off. Woody, is only at his Workshop. In front of it on Tuesdays. Hank, is in the Moonlight Cafe or his Ranch. Liz, is in the Shop or, on Mondays, in the Cafe Callaway. Michael, spends most of his time in the Junk Shop, on Tuesdays he's usually at the Spring Farm. ======== MOVE INS ======== Basil - Ship Flowers and Herbs and Visit Sunny Lake Terry - Visit Sunny Lake Ray - Catch some Fish and go to Sunny Lake Tai & Tim - Ship lots of Ore, at least 1 one each Carl & Katie - Visit Spring Horse Race, then wait till Fall for Katie Duke & Eve - Visit Spring Horse Race, then wait till Summer Doug & Gwen - Visit Spring Horse Race, then wait till Summer Ronald & Dan - Visit Spring Horse Race, plant 1 Fruit Tree Meryl - Get 3 Hearts with Ronald and she moves in Louis - Ship 30 Ores and he'll move in Lyla - Visit Flower Festival, ship 30 Flowers and 20 Berries Saibara - ship 1 Good Clay Nami - automatically in Village for Summer Only! Gourmet - automatically in Village for Fall Only! Martha - visit Clinic and talk with Alex Gina & Dia - ship 30 Herbs and get 1 Heart with Martha Maria - attend Egg Festival, will move in with Library on Spring 10th Henry - plant 3 Fruit Trees and Visit Sunny Lake ========= MOVE OUTS ========= If you don't befriend people, are mean to them or ignore them, they will leave, sending you a Note the next day with a hint on what'll bring them back. People who were there from the Start will NEVER leave! BASIL always leaves on Winter 1st, but returns in Spring! Gwen - ship 20 Crops and Fish Ronald & Dan - ship Berries and Fruit Carl & Katie - ship Eggs and Milk Dia & Gina - ship 20 Herbs or Pontata Root Lyla - ship Yarn, Berries and Flowers Louis - ship lots of Ore Tim - ship lots of Ore Saibara - ship Good Clay Nami - wait until next Summer Gourmet - wait until next Fall Basil - ship Flowers and Herbs IF he left in SPRING, SUMMER or FALL!! ============== MORNING VISITS ============== Sometimes you get a knocking sound when leaving your House. This usually means a Visitor. Visitors come under different circumstances, but 20 Visits are bound to happen. 11 if your goal is marriage. If a character is leaving they say they're researching some place else or are visiting relatives. Some leave because what they needed to stay in the Village isn't delivered anymore. (ie Herbs for Medicine) If I have a present wrong or something unknown and you know what it is, please tell me. With every 2 1/2 heart Visit you gain a Note from that person. THEODORE - He visits you when you have the conditions for Marriage and brings you to the base of Mt Moon to get the Blue Feather. BOB - Visits on Spring 3rd to explain how the Shipping Box works. - Visits when he has 2 1/2 hearts for you, he gives you an Egg. - Visits when he has 5 hearts for you, Present Unknown RONALD - Visits you after you plant 1 Fruit Tree TIM - Visits you when he leaves or comes back (Ship Ores) HARVEST SPRITES - Visit you in Autumn (usually 5th) to give you the recipe for Mushroom Saute - Visit (?) you at the beginning of the Game ANN - Visits when she has 2 1/2 hearts for you, gives you Good Clay - Visits when she has 5 hearts for you, present unknown NINA - Visits when she has 2 1/2 hearts for you, gives you Honey - Visits when she has 5 hearts for you, present unknown. MARIA - Visits when she has 2 1/2 hearts for you, gives you pickled cabbages - Visits when she has 5 hearts for you, present unknown ELLEN - Visits when she has 2 1/2 hearts for you, she gives you Char Sashimi - Visits when she has 5 hearts for you, present unknown EVE - Visits when she leaves (Ship Berries and Strawberries) - Visits when she has 2 1/2 hearts for you, gives you Very Berry Soda - Visits when she has 5 hearts for you, present unknown GINA - Visits when she has 2 1/2 hearts for you, gives you Milkshake - Visits when she has 5 hearts for you, present unknown DIA - Visits when she leaves (with Gina - Ship at least 15 Herbs) - Visits when she has 2 1/2 hearts for you, gives you Blueberry - Visits when she has 5 hearts for you, gives you a Cake LAYLA - Visits you when she leaves (Ship Flowers and Berries and maybe Yarn) - Visits you when she has 2 1/2 hearts for you, she gives you Wool - Visits you when she has 5 hearts for you, present unknown GWEN - Visits when she leaves (Ship 20 Crops and Fish) - Visits when she has 2 1/2 hearts for you, she gives you an Cheese Omlette - Visits when she has 5 hearts for you, she gives you Pizza KATIE - Visits when she has 2 1/2 hearts for you, she gives you Yoghurt - Visits when she has 5 hearts for you, present unknown ALEX - Visits when he has 2 1/2 hearts for you, he gives you a Purple Herb - Visits when he has 5 hearts for you, he gives you a Potion + the recipe BLUE - Visits when he has 2 1/2 hearts for you, he gives you Good Milk - Visits when he has 5 hearts for you, present unknown BASIL - Visits when he leaves on Winter 1st (NORMAL!!) - Visits when he leaves at other time (Ship Flowers and Herbs) - Visits when he has 2 1/2 hearts for you, gives you a Limestone - Visits when he has 5 hearts for you, present unknown CARL - Visits you on Spring 5th to tell you about Festival Donations - Visits when he leaves (Ship Cocoa, Milk, Egg, etc stuff for Desserts) - Visits you when he has 2 1/2 hearts for you, he gives you Pudding - Visits you when he has 5 hearts for you, present unknown DAN - Visits when he leaves (Ship Grapes and Berries) - Visits when he has 2 1/2 hearts for you, gives you Apple Soda - Visits when he as 5 hearts for you, present unknown JOE - Visits whenever they finished a Remodel/Construction/Relocation you ordered - Visits when he has 2 1/2 hearts for you, gives you a Dace Fish - Visits when he has 5 hearts for you, present unknown KURT - Visits whenever they finished a Remodel/Construction/Relocation you ordered - Visits when he has 2 1/2 hearts for you, gives you a Red Herb - Visits when he has 5 hearts for you, present unknown LOUIS - Visits when he's leaving (Ship lots of Ore) - Visits when he has 2 1/2 hearts for you, he gives you a Silver Ore - Visits when he has 5 hearts for you, present unknown RAY - Visits when he has 2 1/2 hearts for you, he gives you an Amago Fish - Visits when he has 5 hearts for you, present unknown WOODY - Visits whenever they finished a Remodel/Construction/Relocation you ordered DUKE - Visits when he leaves (Ship Berries) ====== MINING ====== In this game are two Mines, one accessable only in Winter, while the other one can be entered any time. TO PREPARE BEFORE ENTERING If you check the sign in front of the Mine, it will tell you to not forget your Hammer. Do not forget it! If you enter without your Hammer, there will be no Stairs leading to the lower Levels. For lowering yourself to the deeper levels, you will need your Hammer, to crush Stones and Crystals if you are "trapped" in between a wall of them, and your Hoe, to till the ground for the stairs leading down one Level. You don't really need your Hoe, since there are Cracks in the floor. CRACKS & STAIRS Stairs in the Mine are invisible, you will have to till the ground until you find them. Walk slowly around the level and watch the Floor. If you see a flicker of a thin black line at a specific tile when you move you will find the Stairs there. It may take you a while to find them, since they move the stairs all the time, but usually they are close to the Stairs leading Upwards. Cracks are seen as an X on the Ground and there is usually one on the ground. These Cracks will break if you stand on them for 2 or 3 seconds. These are helpful in getting to the lower levels, since these will lower you down by several levels, instead of just one, like with the Hoe. Watch out! Some Cracks will send you Up instead of Down. If you fall Down you will see a ! above your Character. If you "fall" Up you will see a ? above your Character. The lower you are in the level, the more often a Crack will send you up, Level 50 is the mark where it will take longer to find a Crack that leads down. At about level 85 or 90 it'd be better if you use your Hoe to Level 100. GASES When crushing Stones or Crystals, you will unleash a cloud of Gas. Depending on it's color, it will do different things to you. White Gas - nullifies other Gases' Effects Black Gas - will decrease your Sight to a small Area for a while Yellow Gas - will increase your walking speed for a while Pink Gas - will restore your Stamina Orange Gas - will Paralyze you for a few minutes Purple Gas - will Confuse you for a few minutes It is more likely that the blue Crystals have Gases in them in the higher levels than the Stones. STONES & CRYSTALS The Crystals usually have better things in them, but will also most likely have some sort of Gas inside them. The Stones have, in the higher levels, usually rather worthless stuff in them. They might also be Empty. MOONLIGHT MINE Your Main-Mine for three seasons. This will be used mainly for shipping Ore and Good Clay. The Ores sell for different Prices and 4 of them are used to upgrade your Tools. Rare Ores are needed for Godess Level. Junk Ore - 1 G Copper Ore - 50 G Silver Ore - 100 G Gold Ore - 150 G Rare Ore - 200 G You will find in the Ground Pontata Roots. They sell for 30 G and are good as Gifts for Alex and Basil, but you will mainly use them to regain Stamina and get rid of Fatigue. On Level 2 only you will only find Good Clay in the Ground. Good Clay sells for 10 G and are perfect Gifts for Saibara, and are needed to get him to Move In and to get him to create Clay Plates and Vases. In the Moonlight Mine, you will find some Jewels, all that appear in the Lake Mine, too. Moonstone - 50 G Amethyst - 220 G Aquamarine - 230 G Sapphire - 250 G Emerald - 330 G Topaz - 340 G Ruby - 350 G Diamond - 500 G On Level 77 you will find all the Jewels, Diamonds are rare, though. Moonstones you will find in the higher Levels in Crystals. On Level 100 are no Stones, nor Crystals. If you reached it and Tim has moved in, he will greet you and give you a Power Berry. Once the Cutscene is over, go to the North Wall and dig around a lot. Almost every tile in the Ground has Money in it, East and West Wall have money in it, too, but there is hardly any money in the South Wall. LAKE MINE The Lake Mine is a Island in the Middle of Sunny Lake. In Winter, Sunny Lake will freeze over and you can walk over it, entering. You will need your Hammer and your Hoe, like always. If you plan to go to Level 100 you will need your Fishing Pole with you! The Lake Mine contains to about 90% only Jewels, which is perfect, since in Winter you can hardly get money by Forageing and will have to rely on your Animals otherwise. You will find Ores in the higher Levels, mostly on Level 2, but otherwise you should focus on bringing Jewels home. Of course you mostly want to bring in Diamonds, since they are the most expensive ones. There are Diamonds-Only on Level 50 of the Lake Mine. ====== FORAGE ====== During the Seasons, you can ship several wild Items you find all around Town. Most of them you will find at Woodman's Forest - North of Woody's Workshop, or in the Mountain Area. You will not find many in the beginning since most of the Area is covered with Weed, Boulders and Branches. Get rid of those and the Game will load more Items into the Game. Clams are found at the Beach, dug up with the Hoe at the Water-Edge, Carols are found all around the Beach. SPRING FORAGE Green Herbs - 100 G Purple Herbs - 75 G Honey - 83 G Moondrop Flower - 40 G Very Berry - 45 G SUMMER FORAGE Red Herbs - 80 G Pinkcat Flower - 150 G Blueberries - 50 G Cayenne - 40 G Orange - 200 G Honey - 83 G AUTUMN FORAGE Orange Herbs - 130 G Chestnuts - 50 G Bluemist Flower - 500 G (Rare) Honey - 83 G Truffles - 1.000 G ALL SEASONS Clams - 80 G Coral - 35 G Toadstools - 60 G Mushrooms - 50 G ============== SHIPPING LISTS ============== If you check the Menu at your Shipping List, in the beginning everything will be mere ????? and have to be unlocked. The Shipping Lists tell you what you have shipped and how often. Things with a * are Fish Kings CROPS SHIPPING LIST Strawberry Cabbage Potato Turnip Breadfruit Corn Tomato Onion Cocoa Pumpkin Spinach Eggplant Yam Bell Peppers Carrot Orange Grape Apple Chestnut Green Herb Purple Herb Red Herb Orange Herb Moondrop Flower Pinkcat Flower Bluemist Flower Mushroom Toadstool Truffle ANIMAL PRODUCT LIST Milk Good Milk Special Milk Butter Good Butter Special Butter Cheese Good Cheese Special Cheese Egg Good Egg Special Egg Mayonnaise Good Mayonnaise Special Mayonnaise Coral Honey FISHING LIST Amago Cureall Huchen* Char Dace Silver Carp Salmon Rainbow Trout Crucian Carp Yamame Smelt Crawfish Chulowfish Blowfish Lobster Sardine Shinapper Bonito Flounder Mackerel Halfbeak Saury Snapper Snadore Halibut Yellowtail Tuna Opaleye Maple Flounder Squid Squid Prince* Lampsquid Shrimp Jamasquid* Can Left Boot Right Boot* OTHER LIST Dull Wool Wool Shiny Wool Yarn Failed Yarn - put in Dye Pot Special Yarn Green Yarn - in Dye Pot with Green Herb Purple Yarn - in Dye Pot with Purple Herb Orange Yarn - in Dye Pot with Orange Herb Red Yarn - in Dye Pot with Red Herb Blue Yarn - in Dye Pot with Bluemist Flower Yellow Yarn - in Dye Pot with Moondrop Flower Pink Yarn - in Dye Pot with Pinkcat Flower Junk Ore Limestone Copper Ore Silver Ore Gold Ore Rare Ore Amethyst Aquamarine Emerald Sapphire Topaz Ruby Moonstone Diamond Silver Brooch Gold Brooch Amethyst Brooch Aquamarine Brooch Emerald Brooch Sapphire Brooch Topaz Brooch Ruby Brooch Moonstone Brooch Diamond Brooch Coral Brooch Silver Ring Gold Ring Amethyst Ring Aquamarine Ring Emerald Ring Sapphire Ring Topaz Ring Ruby Ring Moonstone Ring Diamond Ring Coral Ring Moon Balm - 3 Moondrop Flowers in Mixing Pot Green Balm - 3 Green Herbs in Mixing Pot Blue Balm - 3 Bluemist Flowers in Mixing Pot Pink Balm - 3 Pinkcat Flowers in Mixing Pot Purple Balm - 3 Purple Herbs in Mixing Pot Orange Balm - 3 Orange Herbs in Mixing Pot ========= FESTIVALS ========= Festivals are places to get Prizes, meet new People and are chances to increase the Affection of the Villagers. Attending and winning the Festival will earn you a Note. NEW YEAR'S DAY Time: All Day Date: Spring 1st Place: Square Donation: / Description: You will speak about the new Year with the Villagers EGG FESTIVAL Time: 6am - 6pm Date: Spring 8th Place: Square Donation: Egg - 1st Year, Carl does it, afterwards You Description: You enjoy Egg Dishes with the Villagers SPRING HORSE RACE Time: 6am - 6pm Date: Spring 17th Place: Square Donation: / Description: Race against other Horses to win Prizes, you also meet Doug, Duke, Gwen, Dan and Ronald Rank D: 0-3 Hearts, 1st Prize 30 Fodder Units, 2nd Prize 30 Fodder Units Rank C: 4-5 Hearts, 1st Prize Coffee Table, 2nd Prize 30 Lumber Pieces Rank B: 6-7 Hearts, 1st Prize Power Berry, 2nd Prize 2.000 G Rank A: 8-10 Hearts, 1st Prize Cool TV, 2nd Prize Diamond Ring If you already have the 1st Prize, you will get the 2nd Prize. FLOWER FESTIVAL Time: 6am - 6pm Date: Spring 23rd Place: Square Donation: A Flower Description: You enjoy the sight of Flowers with the Villagers, you also meet Lyla COW FESTIVAL Time: 6am - 6pm Date: Spring 28th Place: Square Donation: / Description: You compete your Cow against others 120 Fodder Units - if you have both Makers Cheese/Butter Maker - if you have one of the Makers BEACH FESTIVAL Time: 6am - 6pm Date: Summer 3rd Place: Beach Donation: / Description: You swim-race against others, win and you get a Power Berry STAR FESTIVAL Time: 6pm - 0am Date: Summer 7th Place: Square/River Donation: / Description: Send a Bamboo Boat sailing in the River with your Sweetheart Your Spouse with the highest affection will greet you in the morning and ask you to join them. Accept and meet them at the Square after Work. If you decline, you will not be able to attend this Festival. FIREFLY FESTIVAL Time: 6pm - 0am Date: Summer 15th Place: Beach Donation: Moonstone Description: You send your ancestors' souls back by showing them the way with lighted Flowers FIREWORKS FESTIVAL Time: 6pm - 0am Date: Summer 24th Place: Beach Donation: / Description: Watch Fireworks with the other Villagers and your Sweetheart SHEEP FESTIVAL Time: 6am - 6pm Date: Summer 29th Place: Square Donation: / Description: Compete your Sheep against others Yarn Maker - if you don't have it 120 Fodder Units - if you already have the Maker MOON FESTIVAL Time: 6pm - 0am Date: Fall 9th Place: Square/Hilltop Donation: / Description: Watch the Fullmoon with your Sweetheart Your Spouse with the highest affection will greet you in the morning and ask you to join them. Accept and meet them at the Square after Work. If you decline, you will not be able to attend this Festival. FALL HORSE RACE Time: 6am - 6pm Date: Fall 17th Place: Square Donation: / Description: Race against other Horses and win Rank D: 0-3 Hearts, 1st Prize 30 Fodder Units, 2nd Prize 30 Fodder Units Rank C: 4-5 Hearts, 1st Prize Coffee Table, 2nd Prize 30 Lumber Pieces Rank B: 6-7 Hearts, 1st Prize Power Berry, 2nd Prize 2.000 G Rank A: 8-10 Hearts, 1st Prize Cool TV, 2nd Prize Diamond Ring If you already have the 1st Prize, you will get the 2nd Prize. HARVEST FESTIVAL Time: 6am - 6pm Date: Fall 24th Place: Square Donation: A Crop - either from your Farm or bought from Spring Farm Description: Enjoy and be thankful for this year's festival PUMPKIN FESTIVAL Time: 6am - 6pm Date: Fall 30th Place: Square Donation: A Pumpkin Description: Enjoy the view of Pumpkins, for donating a Pumpkin you get a Power Berry CHICKEN FESTIVAL Time: 6am - 6pm Date: Winter 7th Place: Square Donation: / Description: Compete your Chicken against others 120 Bird Feed Servings - if you already have the Maker Mayonnaise Maker - if you don't have the Maker THANKSGIVING DAY Time: All Day Date: Winter 12th Place: Anywhere Donation: / Description: Walk around Town and get Cake by people with 3 Hearts or More for you, give a Cake back There is no Festival Sign, but it counts as a Festival. You will only get a Note, if 5 People or more give you Cake. You can give the Cakes you get right back or not. FIRE FESTIVAL Time: 6pm - 0am Date: Winter 18th Place: Beach Donation: Stake - from your Lumber Shack Description: Watch the Fire with the Spouse who has the highest Affection for you, it doesn't have to be someone of the other Gender, it can also be Jamie STARRY FESTIVAL Time: 6pm - 0am Date: Winter 24th Place: Square/Hilltop Donation: / Description: Watch the Starry Sky with your Sweetheart Your Spouse with the highest affection will greet you in the morning and ask you to join them. Accept and meet them at the Square after Work. If you decline, you will not be able to attend this Festival. YEAR END FESTIVAL Time: 6am - 5am Date: Winter 30th Place: Square Donation: / Description: Reflect on the passed Year with the Villagers The Harvest Sprites will wake you and give you the three names of the Spouses with the highest affection for you. Choose of those three who you want to spend the Day with. On the Date Festivals - Moonviewing and Starry Night - if your Sweetheart has a very high affection for you, you will get a Kiss! ======= ANIMALS ======= Four Animals you can buy in this game, but you will have to build the Barn and/or Coop first. CHICKENS Are very easy to take care of. You buy a Chicken at the Sky Ranch and feed it, put it in the Coop and the next day you get an Egg. This is the only Animal that will "repay" you right away. Chicken - 1.200 G Good Egg - 120 G - keep them Outside in Sunny/Cloudy Weather - keep them otherwise inside all the time - feed them Weeds If your Chicken stays outside overnight it will not lay an Egg. If you want to save some Money, build a Coop and buy an Egg. This way you will have saved money, but will have to wait for the Egg to hatch and the Chick to grow into a Chicken. SHEEP Are only there to win the Sheep Festival and give you Yarn. Since Sheep will only give you Wool once every 7 Days, it will take a while to get all kinds of Wool and Yarn. Lamb - 2.500 G - keep your Sheep outside in Sunny/Cloudy Weather - Handfeed them on rainy Days - Brush them - Talk to them A Miracle Potion for a Sheep costs 1.000 G HORSES Are only there to win the Races for you. If you win a Horse Race, the Horse will get a Crown and you can sell it for 50.000 G Foal - 3.200 G - keep your Horse outside in Sunny/Cloudy Weather - Handfeed them on rainy Days - Brush them - Talk to them A Miracle Potion for a Horse costs 1.200 G COWS Are best for getting Products. They will give you Milk, which you can turn into Cheese or Butter, to sell for more Money. Calf - 3.500 G - keep your Cow outside in Sunny/Cloudy Weather - Handfeed them on rainy Days - Brush them - Talk to them A Miracle Potion for a Cow costs 1.500 G ============= TIPS & TRICKS ============= Tip #1 - Easy To Get Notes 1. After the Opening Sequences, don't start moving, until you get a Note 2. Before you go outside, tie a Rubber to your Control-Stick to a side and leave the Controller for about 30 Minutes, until you get a Note 3. Save and keep saving 30 Times until you get a Note 4. When starting, pick up Stones and Weeds from your Lot and throw them into the Garbage Can at your House until you get a Note 5. Get the Garbage Can Note (like above) on 1st Day and spend 10 Hours outside for another Note. Then you can go into as many houses/shops as you can before they close, then use your Tools until you faint. You'll get the Limitation Note the next Morning. This way you got 3 Notes in 1 Day, know most people and can give them Gifts from Tuesday on. Tip #2 - Chicken Fast Heart Pick up a lot of Weeds and keep feeding them to your Chicken. About 15 to 20 Weeds will up your Chicken's heartmeter up by one. This way you can quickly get your Chicken up to 8 or 10 Hearts. Tip #3 - Fishing for Fishies If you wish to live off of Fishing at first, don't ship Fish as you catch them. Take the few seconds it takes to put them into the Bonfire, cut them to Sashimi or Fry them in the Oven or Frying Pan. This will give you more Money. Tip #4 - Pet Feed Catch some Extra Fish per Day to feed to your Dog and Pig, since you will waste Money otherwise if you give them Berries or Herbs. Tip #5 - Fast Search Go to Woody's and ask him to make a New Well or Watering Hole. Instead of accepting the Order, move the Well all over the Place to find any kind of Wild Items in Town. This way, you save time since you know where they are instead of searching. Tip #6 - Save Up Crops Some people love Crops that you grow on your Farm. So, you can keep about 4 in your Fridge at the End of a Season, for example you want Maria's heart to go up and are in Summer, keep 4 HQ Cabbages and give them to her for another heart. But make sure that keeping these crops behind won't cause you problems when you want to save up for something. Tip #7 - Easy Affection? If you plant a Tree - Fruit or Not - on a free Property you'll get a red love-face over your character and a "Yay!" sound. Aside from getting a Note, you also raised the Affection of every Villager. Tip #8 - Free Tool? Catch 100 Fish and go to Sunny Lake, Ray will give you a Fisherman's Professional 125 Rod. It's actually a Copper Fishing Rod, but it saves you the 2 Days wait and 2.000 G. You must've met Ray already. ====== CHEATS ====== These Codes work and will not in any way harm your Game, the only Glitch I found is that, when you furniture the Top Floor of your Level 4 or 5 house, you will see mostly black. But otherwise there are no problems. MASTER CODE GCC2-9HG5-CJJNA KWDQ-J6D7-0KZKV These you need to put into the Action Replay List. INFINITE CASH V4JX-TRMN-E9A0X 63UT-K5GF-DU3D7 This Code will give you 999.999 G Active this Cheat AFTER getting the Poor Note, otherwise you won't get it. INFINITE STAMINA ZK9R-B8GG-65D7F A84J-0CYK-NT9MU Will ensure that you will not lose any Stamina, no matter what you do. Once you gain Power Berries, your Bar will not fill up, but still stay at the Same Level all the Time. STOP TIME 0JXV-9AGC-T6YKT BC4N-0C96-64KTJ 4FZJ-VQWU-6CJT2 Press B + D-Pad Down WARNING! If you get a Note while Time is stopped, it will be listed in your Notelist, BUT the Game will NOT count it. ALSO! If you go to bed while time is stopped, you will wake up at 6 AM of the same day, but you will not have the Money of the Stuff you shipped. AND! If you dig up some money in the ground while time is stopped, it will not count to your "Money Found In Ground" Amount, but it will add to your Money. RESTART TIME XY08-9NY2-06FKR 1UJF-BQME-YQBPO DCAC-6JDW-7BHZA Press B + D-Pad Up Restarts Time again at the same Time when you stopped it. VILLAGERS HAVE 10 HEARTS V6FJ-WRUY-C8GBE 16MM-9Z5X-B861B HHFK-ZT9Y-HNRDT Will get every Person in the Village to get 10 Hearts for you. This will make it easier for you to get 20 Notes from the Spouses, but it will be harder to get the Lonely Wolf Note, since you will not get an "unvisited" Morning for a while. If you are a Boy, it will be Nina who will come by Default in the Festival Mornings. If you are a Girl, it will be Blue who will come by Default in the Festival Mornings WILD ANIMALS HAVE 10 HEARTS C6E4-G1AH-G0PMY 2Y11-VA35-52KJP 7XTG-CZDB-DZKC4 All the Wild Animals will have 10 Hearts for you. You will get the Wild Note right away, but all of them will visit you in a Row in One Morning. ===== NOTES ===== All the Notes will take at least 1 Year or more to gain, since some you cannot get in the 1st Year. If you bring 5 Notes to the Godess Pond, they will turn into an Instrument. Once you have 9 Instruments together and bring the 5 next Notes, which makes 50 Notes, you will watch a Scene where the Godess is revived and the Credits. After the Scene, the Godess and Harvest Sprites ask you to collect the rest 50 Notes. #1 - First Step Got Automatically in the Opening Sequence #2 - First Shipping Ship 1 Thing in the Box in the beginning #3 - 10.000 Steps Carry the Pedometer around and walk 10.000 Steps #4 - Cooking Cook something in your Kitchen - it counts if you cut a Fish with the Knife Set to Sashimi #5 - Island Get the Dolphin at the Beach-Pier up to 1 Heart and you will get the Ride-Option Press A to wave to the Dolpin and give it Fish #6 - Rock Climber At the top of the Mountain Area is an Entrance, enter and you get to the Climbing Mini-Game Finish the Game once #7 - Underground Lake In the Winter, go to the Lake Mine and get to Level 100 #8 - Night Owl Stay awake all day until the screen goes black and you are back next to your Bed #9 - Rain Spend 10 Hours straight in the Rain Fishing will reset the Hours! #10 - Sun Spend 10 Hours straight in the Sun Fishing will reset the Hours! #11 - Stationary Don't move your Character for about 5 Minutes #12 - Lone Wolf Don't talk to anyone for a whole day, you must not be visited in the Morning, otherwise it won't count #13 - Whistle Press the L Button to Whistle for your Dog, Pet and Horse Whistle 50 Times for them #14 - Limitation Use up your Stamina and faint #15 - Hustle And Bustle Get 35 People to move in - permanently! - and talk to them once #16 - Poor Wake up one Morning and have less than 200 G #17 - Lucky Find 1.000 G in the ground - best done in Level 100 in the Moonlight Mine #18 - High Spirit Drink 10 Sodas - either in the Moonlight Cafe or make them yourself #19 - Birth of Life Get one of your Barn Animals pregnant and wait for the new Animal to be born #20 - Owner Of Mother Earth Buy Property at Woody's Workshop - own at least 10 Properties More Properties are unlocked, depending on your Heart Level with Theodore #21 - Snow Spend 10 Hours straight in the Snow Fishing will reset the Hours! #22 - Fodder Plant Grass and cut it one at a time until you cut 20 Patches #23 - Brushing Brush your Animals 20 Times #24 - Egg Ship 10 Eggs #25 - Milking Ship 10 Milks #26 - Shearing Ship 10 Bundles of Wool #27 - Dyeing Put Yarn into the Dye Pot with an Herb or Flower and ship the Colored Yarn #28 - Gem Ship 1 Gem - Best done with Moonstones from the Moonlight Mine #29 - Calling Animals Use your Bell to call your Animals 20 Times #30 - Cultivation Dig 100 Tiles with your Hoe #31 - Big Eater Eat 50 Things #32 - Woodcutter Chop up 20 Logs of Wood/Use your Axe 100 Times #33 - Cloud Spend 10 Hours straight in Cloudy Weather Fishing will reset the Hours! #34 - Garbage Can Throw 20 Things into the Garbage Can #35 - Weed Cut or Pick Up 100 Weeds #36 - Gardening Have at least 5 Flowers blooming at the same time on your Farm #37 - Forest Plant 1 Tree - best a Fruit Tree #38 - Destruction Smash 20 Rocks/Use your Hammer 100 Times #39 - Diary Save your File 30 Times #40 - Cock A Doodle Do Win the Chicken Festival #41 - Moo Win the Cow Festival #42 - Baa Win the Sheep Festival #43 - Horse Race Win a Horse Race #44 - Bow-Wow Gain 3 Hearts with your Horse #45 - Oink Oink Dig up a Truffle in Fall and ship it #46 - Fire Prevention When using the Bonfire, use your Watering Can on it #47 - Lost Child Gain 2 Hearts with Tim and Meryl - need Ronald to 3 Hearts to get Meryl - and go into your House late at night, you get a Scene where you can't do anything and gain the Note #48 - Mole Whacking Keep your Hammer with you all the time and whack 10 Moles with them A mole is close by when you hear whomp-whomp all the time, it sounds like when you taking something out of your Backpack #49 - Bluebird Have Conditions for Marriage and Climb the Hill when Theodore tells you to #50 - Wedding Day Gained after your Wedding #51 - Stork 20 Days after marriage, you/your Wife will get pregnant #52 - Baby is Born 2 Months after Note #51, the Baby will be born #53 - You Can Walk Get your Baby up to 3 Hearts, or wait 2 Months, and it will start to Walk #54 - Spring Footsteps Attend New Years Festival #55 - Egg Dish Attend Egg Festival #56 - Spring Fragrance Attend Flower Festival #57 - Blue Sea, White Clouds Win Beach Festival #58 - Boat Sailing Attend Star Festival #59 - Firefly Flower Attend Firefly Festival #60 - Fireworks Attend Fireworks Festival #61 - Moon Viewing Attend Moon Viewing Festival #62 - Harvest Attend Harvest Festival #63 - Pumpkin Attend Pumpkin Festival #64 - Flame Attend Fire Festival #65 - Popular Get 5 Cakes on Thanksgiving #66 - Starlight Attend Starry Night Festival #67 - New Year's Sunrise Attend New Year's Festival #68 - Full Bloom Flowers Ship all Herbs and all Flowers #69 - Treasure Hoard Ship all kinds of Ores #70 - Animal Kingdom Fill your Chicken Coop and your Level 2 Barn all the way up, as in 5 Chickens and 8 Barn Animals #71 - Book Read all Books at the Library Set 1 is from Spring to Summer Set 2 is from Fall to Winter The books - Crop, Animal and Tool - you got at the beginning from the Junk Shop, Spring Farm and Sky Ranch are automatically read once you got them #72 - Super Chef Get 100 Recipes - can be gotten by buying 2 Cooking Utensils #73 - Second House Once you have the room for it and the money, build a second House #74 - Expert Angler Catch every kind of Fish in the Game #75 - Master Angler Catch a total of 100 Fish #76 - Rubber Boots Catch 10 Boots #77 - Wild Get a Wild Animal up to 6 Hearts #78 - Art Get Saibara up to 2 1/2 Hearts so he gives you the Aging Pot and Henry up to 6 Hearts so Lyla sells a Picture of him Once you have the Aging Pot and the Picture, you get the Note #79 - Very Rich Wake up one morning and have at least 100.000 G #80 - Flower Girl Get 2 1/2 Hearts with Nina #81 - Explosive Girl Get 2 1/2 Hearts with Ann #82 - Apron Girl Get 2 1/2 Hearts with Ellen #83 - Talented Girl Get 2 1/2 Hearts with Maria #84 - Night Moon Get 2 1/2 Hearts with Eve #85 - Girl with Glasses Get 2 1/2 Hearts with Gina #86 - Princess Get 2 1/2 Hearts with Dia #87 - Waitress Get 2 1/2 Hearts with Katie #88 - Ponytail Get 2 1/2 Hearts with Gwen #89 - Heartfelt Get 2 1/2 Hearts with Lyla #90 - Cowboy Get 2 1/2 Hearts with Blue #91 - Social Craftsman Get 2 1/2 Hearts with Joe #92 - Cool Craftsman Get 2 1/2 Hearts with Kurt #93 - Doctor Get 2 1/2 Hearts with Alex #94 - Patissier Get 2 1/2 Hearts with Carl #95 - Master Pick-Up Artist Get 2 1/2 Hearts with Dan #96 - Fisherman Get 2 1/2 Hearts with Ray #97 - Traveler Get 2 1/2 Hearts with Basil #98 - Male Get 2 1/2 Hearts with Bob #99 - Shy Guy Get 2 1/2 Hearts with Louis #100 Meek Heart Collect all 99 Hearts and go to the Godess Pond === FAQ === Q: Why doesn't Lyla move in, I have everything? A: Lyla won't send you a Letter when she opens Hearty Lyla. Check to the right of the Square. Q: How do I ride my Horse? A: I wonder why so many people have trouble with that .. 1. Your Horse must be mature 2. Your Horse needs 2 Hearts 3. Be outside 4. Stand next to it and Press X Ride it for 10 Hourse straight to get a Star, the more Stars the more Stamina it has for Races. Q: Why can't I upgrade my House to Level 3? A: Get one Heart with Woody, Kurt or Joe - easiest is Joe, because he loves Turnips. Q: Why won't Woody sell the L Beds, I upgraded my House? A: Did you upgrade your First House? It has to be your starting House, or it won't count. Q: How do I get my Animals out of the Barn with the Reins? A: Use the Reins with X and walk to the side of the Door, then Press X to release your Animals again and they walk out themselves. Q: How can I get Truffles? A: Truffles are underneath Mora Trees - the pink ones in Spring. Dig 2 Circles around them in Fall and see if a Tile is untilled the next day, then till there again. Q: How can I get my Pig to get Truffles? A: Don't rely on your Pig, it sleeps most of the time outside. Q: What Level does my Fishing Pole have to be to catch the Kings? A: You can catch them with the Iron Pole. Q: I can't find the Baby-Crib, how do I get it? A: Woody gives it to you as a present after the Baby is born. Q: When does Katie move in, I want to marry her? A: She moves in automatically on Fall 1st. Enter Cafe Callaway and watch the Cutscene. Q: Who is my Love-Rival and do they marry? A: The Rivals don't marry in the American Version. The Rivals are .. Maria - Ray Nina - Basil Ellen - Carl Eve - Dan Gina - Alex Dia - Kurt Katie - Joe Gwen - Bob Lyla - Louis Ann - Blue Q: Why does the Game End if I marry Jamie? A: Because you two compete against each other every day for who gets the more things shipped and who gets most Notes. If you marry, you don't need to compete against each other anymore. Q: How come Jamie has a Farm-Shipping Rate in Winter? A: A Game Glitch? Or Jamie has a lot of Crops in the Fridge to ship for Winter only? I don't know, it's a mystery. Q: How many gifts do I have to give (Spouse) for a Heart? A: Give them 4 Love Gifts (Things that'll cause 3 Hearts to circle their head) and they'll go up one Heart. Q: I visited the Spring Horse Race, but Ronald and Dan haven't moved in. Do I have to participate? A: No, you don't. Just plant a Fruit Tree and Ronald'll visit you next morning. Q: Why did Basil leave? A: 1. He leaves on Winter 1st - this happens every Year, he returns in Spring. 2. He leaves other time - you ignored him, ship Flowers and Herbs.