============================================================================== HARVEST MOON MAGICAL MELODY ============================================================================== FISH GUIDE ooooo oo ooooo oooo ooooo oooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooo ooooooooooooooooooooo oooooo oo ooooo oo This guide is all about the fishes, and everything about them! It covers all information about the fishes, and related information that includes fishes! TABLE OF CONTENTS 000. Versions / Updates / Contact Me 001. How to Fish 002. Fishing Pole 003. Fishing Locations 004. Detailed Fish Information 005. Fish Gifts for the Villagers 006. Fish-Related Recipes 007. Other Stuff 008. Legal Stuff ============================================================================== === 000. VERSIONS / UPDATES ============================================================================== CONTACT ME: hm_devlin at yahoo dot ca - My guide is more helpful than me, as my memory of MM is vague now. It has been five years now (as of 2011.) - You can e-mail me if you'd like to do general HM discussions, or check my contributor page for HM series FAQs I've written. Newer ones is your best bet that I'll remember them clearly, heh. VERSION [1.12] - Oct 16, 2011 My guide is not 100% accurate. There were a few reports that you can catch a certain fish in different season than specified season. There was e-mail reports of catching a tuna in winter season, and lampsquid in early summer, instead of midsummer. Unfortunately, as it has been five years since I last wrote this FAQ and I no longer have a copy of MM or GC, so I have no way of rechecking my information to make sure it's accurate. VERSION [1.11] - June 07, 2006 -> Fixed Squid Prince error. Sorry, it's my mistake. I caught that squid on Summer 1, while I was thinking it's Spring 30. After e-mails to me about the squid princes so I tried it out. Turns out you can catch it in the summers only, and day after rain/typhoons (I'm only human so I can make some mistake! >.>;) VERSION [1.1] - May 06, 2006 -> Added "COMMON" section next to the Fishing Locations' chart, since one of the readers e-mailled me, suggesting that I should add that. -> Added more information about the Fishing Poles, and their differences. -> Fixed few things in this Guide, to make it more clean. VERSION [1.0] April 28, 2006: Is on the Gamefaqs April 20, 2006: Started this FAQ ============================================================================== 001. HOW TO FISH ============================================================================== You will first start with the Iron Fishing Pole. It is inside the Tool Box, so take it out! Now, you have to approach the river, or anything with water. There are several things to remember when you're about to fish. "THROWING THE HOOK" - Just stand at the water's edge, and press "X". You'll toss the hook right into the water. Longer you hold down "X" then release it, you'll toss the hook harder so there will be more distance. (EQUIP POLE!) "CATCHING THE FISH" - If a fish take a bite on your hook, first your character will have [!] above her/his head. When it happens, press "X" repeatedly until you reel in. If you're looking away while fishing, you may will feel the viberation on your controller when a fish takes a bite. "CLOSE TO THE FISHES" - When you walk around nearby the water, you'll notice the dark fish-shaped things in the water. Obviously, those are fishes. So you need to stand next to them, and throw your hook at them so they can swim to the hook and take a bite. When you're at the beach, you are unable to see any fishes, so good way to spot them, is hold down "X" for few seconds, then release "X"... A hook will fly, and the camera will follow your hook. So from there, you can search for any fishes in the beach, and then move to that spot. DO NOT FRIGHTEN THE FISH Whatever you do, do not land your hook directly on the fish, or too close to the fish. Otherwise, the fish will get scared and disappear. It will appear after a few seconds. THE CURRENT MOVEMENT All water (except the ponds) will move your hook in one direction, it is due to the current movement. You can take use this, and place your hook in the current where it'll take you to the fish. So this way, quicker fishing without worrying about frightening the fishes by landing a hook too close. FISH'S MOVEMENT I find it to be more difficult to fish for those fishes who move a lot, especially those that go in the circle pattern. You will be better off by fishing with those fishes that only go forward and backward. That way, you don't have to worry about the fish straying too far from your hook. ============================================================================== 002. FISHING POLE ============================================================================== You start with the Iron Fishing Pole. But after you catch about hundred fishes or so, your fishing pole will be at the copper level. You can head to Sunny Lake, and Ray will reward you with the Copper Fishing Pole. From there, you can upgrade your Fishing Pole to certain level. You do not have to upgrade it one by one. You can skip some levels. ---------------------------------------------- | 1 Level = Iron Fishing Pole = No Ore | | 2 Level = Copper Fishing Pole = Copper Ore | | 3 Level = Silver Fishing Pole = Silver Ore | | 4 Level = Gold Fishing Pole = Gold Ore | | 5 Level = H.G. Fishing Pole = Rare Metal | ---------------------------------------------- (To upgrade your H.G. Fishing Pole, you need to max the fishing pole's meter.) WHAT IS DIFFERENCE OF THE "X" FISHING POLES? I was experimenting with types of the fishing pole, and so far, I don't see any notable impacts on the fishing pole. All fishing poles can catch any fishes, including the fish kings. Yes, you can catch the fish king with the Iron Fishing Pole. Only difference is the fish's weight. When you upgrade your fishing pole, you'll be able to reel in the heavier fishes. But it doesn't mean you can catch the tunas more often than other fishes. Chances of catching the certain fishes remains same. Only difference is the fish you catch will be heavier, nothing more. So far I can see, upgrading your Fishing Pole is pretty useless. It isn't worth it. If you want to upgrade your Fishing Pole, then by all means. ============================================================================== 003. FISHING LOCATIONS ============================================================================== This section is all about where to fish. There are eleven locations where you can fish, and those locations hold different fishes. But for now, I'll explain where are those locations. There is a map in your game, just access to it in the menu. It's useful to find where is the location I listed here, especially names of the bridges. -------------------------------LONG RIVER------------------------------------- There is a river in Flower Bud Village, and it's divided in four sections. High River, Upstream River, Midstream River, and Downstream River. Each part holds different fishes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | NAMES | LOCATION | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | High River* | Above the Suspension Bridge. It is located in the mountain| | | and near the Harvest Goddess Spring. To get there, just | | | enter the Mountain, and head west. You'll see the bridge. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Upstream | Between the Suspension Bridge and Duck Bridge. It is | | | located north of Woody's Workshop. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Midstream | Between Duck Bridge and Encounter Bridge. It is located | | | under of Blue Sky Ranch. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Downstream | Between the Encounter Bridge and Sunset Bridge. It is | | | located west of the Junk Shop. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| All locations under is not related to the river |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stardrop Pond | It is located northeastern of Sunny Lake. It is a small | | | pond with one, circling fish in it. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Sunny Lake | It is located far west. Just keep walking west, and on a | | | road, and you'll be there. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Underground Lake| It is located in very deep of the Lake Mine, at 100 level.| | | Walk over Sunny Lake when it's frozen solid during winter | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Beach | It is located far south. If you're standing on the bright | | | sand, that's the beach. The pier also counts as the beach | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Delta | It is located south of the Sunset Bridge, above the ocean | | | It's little spot, but you can fish at shores of delta. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Southern Water | It is located at the island. More details under. | | Northern Water | It is located at the island. More details under. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *-High River is not official name. I made it up since I do not know of its real name. SOUTHERN WATER / NORTHERN WATER The island is far south of the beach. To get there, you will have to ride on the dolphin at the pier. But you'll have to increase the dolphin's heart up to one. Then it'll let you ride on it to the island. The island is divided in two parts. Some fishes stay north of the island, while other fishes stay south of the island. Reason why it is different is because the north water is close to the beach, while the south water is close to the open seas. Northern Water covers the north water, but it also covers the west water. To fish in the northern water, just stand at the pier, or at edge of the island, heading in direction of north. Southern Water covers the south water, but it also covers the east water. To fish in the southern water, just stand at the island's edge, facing the south. THE CHART - This chart is arranaged by the location, and season. -------------------------------------------------------------------- |LOCATION's NAME | FISH's NAME | AVAILABLE DURING THE SEASON(S) | |------------------------------------------------------------------| | High River | Char | Spring, Summer, Autumn | | | Amago | Spring, Summer, Autumn | | | Yamame | Spring, Summer, Autumn | | | Dace | Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter | | | Rainbow Trout | Spring, Summer, Autumn,+Winter | |------------------------------------------------------------------| | Upstream | Amago | Spring, Summer, Autumn | | | Yamame | Spring, Summer, Autumn | | | Dace | Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter | | | Rainbow Trout | Spring, Summer, Autumn,+Winter | |------------------------------------------------------------------| | Midstream | Amago | Spring, Summer, Autumn | | | Crawfish | Spring, Summer, Autumn | | | Dace | Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter | | | Rainbow Trout | Spring, Summer, Autumn,+Winter | | | Silver Carp | Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter | |------------------------------------------------------------------| | Downstream | Crawfish | Spring, Summer, Autumn | | | Cureall | Spring, Summer, Autumn | | | Salmon | Autumn | | | Dace | Spring, Summer, Autumn,+Winter | | | Silver Carp | Spring, Summer, Autumn,+Winter | |------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stardrop Pond | Crucian Carp | Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter | | | Silver Carp | Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter | | | Smelt | Summer, Autumn, Winter | |------------------------------------------------------------------| | Sunny Lake | Crucian Carp | Spring, Summer, Autumn | | | Crawfish | Spring, Summer, Autumn | | | Silver Carp | Spring, Summer, Autumn | | | Hutchen | Spring, Summer, Autumn | | | Smelt | Summer, Autumn | |------------------------------------------------------------------| | Beach | Flounder | Spring, Winter | | | Blowfish | Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter | | | Chulowfish | Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter | | | Squid | Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter | | | Halibut | Autumn, Winter | | | Maple Flounder | Autumn | |------------------------------------------------------------------| | Island | Squid Prince | Summer | | Northern Water | Halfbeak | Spring, Winter | | | Flounder | Spring, Winter | | | Blowfish | Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter | | | Chulowfish | Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter | | | Squid | Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter | | | Saury | Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter | | | Shrimp | Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter | | | Snadore | Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter | | | Snapper | Summer | | | Opaleye | Summer, Autumn, Winter | | | Lampsquid | Summer*,Autumn, Winter | | | Mackerel | Autumn, Winter | | | Sardine | Autumn, Winter | | | Shinapper | Winter | |------------------------------------------------------------------| | Island | Squid Prince | Summer | | Southern Water | Yellowtail | Spring, Winter | | | Bonito | Spring, Summer, Autumn | | | Saury | Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter | | | Squid | Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter | | | Tuna | Summer Winter*| | | Mackerel | Autumn, Winter | | | Sardine | Autumn, Winter | |------------------------------------------------------------------| | Delta | Cureall | Spring, Summer, Autumn | | | Blowfish | Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter | | | Chulowfish | Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter | | | Salmon | Autumn | | | Lobster | Autumn, Winter | |------------------------------------------------------------------| |Underground Lake| Jamasquid | Winter | -------------------------------------------------------------------- * Tuna In Winter Season (reported by Tom, unverified by me.) * Lampsquid in Summer (reported by various sources. I thought it's midsummer. also unverified by me.) ============================================================================== 004. DETAILED FISH INFORMATION ============================================================================== Read here if you want to know more indepth information on the fishes. In here, you can find if the fish is common, or rare, or how to catch certain fish kings, recipes, so on. **There is four fish kings - Huchen, Jamasquid, Squid Prince, Boot (Right). Popularity Levels: 1. Very Common (you'll catch this fish very often, nearly all time.) 2. Common 3. Average 4. Uncommon 5. Rare (chance of catching this fish is extremely rare, like squid prince) Default (This list is in "default" order, meaning it's in same order as in-game menu order on default option.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Amago SELL COST...100g LOCATION....High River, Upstream River, and Midstream River SEASON(S)...Spring, Summer, Autumn POPULARITY..High River-Average. Upstream-Average. Midstream-Average. IN-GAME....."Lives upstream of rivers. It's wary and hard to catch. Really good." RECIPES.....Amago Sashimi (knife set) - Sell for 110g Caramelized Amago (pot) --- Sell for 290g Salted Amago (bonfire) ---- Sell for 110g ENCYCLOPEDIA [This fish has no information in the fish encyclopedias] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. Cureall SELL COST...30g LOCATION....Downstream River, Delta SEASON(S)...Spring, Summer, Autumn POPULARITY..Downstream-Uncommon. Delta-Uncommon. IN-GAME....."A fish that can be caught only at Flower Bud Village. Used as medicine." RECIPES.....Salted Cureall (bonfire) - Sell for 60g ENCYCLOPEDIA "Cureall 15 to 36 cm long Caught from early spring to fall. A river fish seen only around Flower Bud Village. It got its nickname of "lonely doctor maker" because people eat it as a medicine. It goes bad quickly, so it's better to not eat it raw." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. Hutchen (FISH KING) SELL COST...1000g LOCATION....Sunny Lake SEASON(S)...Spring, Summer, Autumn POPULARITY..Common* IN-GAME....."A really rare and fierce fish that lives in lakes. Huge. The king of lake fish." RECIPES.....Hutchen Sashimi (knife set) - Sell for 1,010g ENCYCLOPEDIA [This fish has no information in the fish encyclopedias] SPECIAL NOTE: Best chance of getting this fish king is a day after rain* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4. Char SELL COST...90g LOCATION....High River SEASON(S)...Spring, Summer, Autumn POPULARITY..Average IN-GAME....."Lives upstream in cold rivers. It's greedy, but wary. Tastes good." RECIPES.....Char Sashimi (knife set) - Sell for 100g Salted Char (bonfire) ---- Sell for 100g ENCYCLOPEDIA [This fish has no information in the fish encyclopedias] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5. Dace SELL COST...15g LOCATION....High River, Upstream River, Midstream River, Downstream River SEASON(S)...Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter POPULARITY..ALL-Average. IN-GAME....."Lives mid-stream in rivers and eats about anything. Eating it raw is risky." RECIPES.....Salted Dace (bonfire) - Sell for 25g ENCYCLOPEDIA [This fish has no information in the fish encyclopedias] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6. Silver Carp SELL COST...20g LOCATION....Sunny Lake, Stardrop Pond, Midstream River, Downstream River SEASON(S)...Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter POPULARITY..Sunny Lake/Stardrop/Midstream-Average. Downstream-Uncommon IN-GAME....."A type of carp that lives in swamps. Tastes bad. Do not eat it raw." RECIPES.....Caramelized S. Carp (pot) - Sell for 130g Broiled S. Carp (bonfire) - Sell for 30g ENCYCLOPEDIA [This fish has no information in the fish encyclopedias] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7. Salmon SELL COST...120g LOCATION....Downstream River, Delta SEASON(S)...Autumn POPULARITY..Downstream River-Common. Delta-Average/Common IN-GAME....."Lives middle/downstream in rivers. Used in a variety of dishes and raw." RECIPES.....Salmon Sashimi (knife set) - Sell for 130g Salted Samon (bonfire) ----- Sell for 230g ENCYCLOPEDIA [This fish has no information in the fish encyclopedias] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8. Rainbow Trout SELL COST...35g LOCATION....High River, Upstream River, Midstream River SEASON(S)...Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter POPULARITY..ALL-Average (Winter-Common) IN-GAME....."Lives in up/midstream in rivers. Pretty easy to catch. Tastes so-so." RECIPES.....R. Trout Sashimi (knife set) - Sell for 45g Salted R. Trout (bonfire) ---- Sell for 45g ENCYCLOPEDIA [This fish has no information in the fish encyclopedias] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9. Crucian Carp SELL COST...30g LOCATION....Sunny Lake, Stardrop Pond SEASON(S)...Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter POPULARITY..ALL-Average IN-GAME....."Lives in ponds. It is popular among anglers but not great for meals." RECIPES.....Caramelized C. Carp (pot) - Sell for 150g Broiled C. Carp (bonfire) - Sell for 40g ENCYCLOPEDIA [This fish has no information in the fish encyclopedias] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10.Yamame SELL COST...80g LOCATION....High River, Upstream River SEASON(S)...Spring, Summer, Autumn POPULARITY..High River-Average. Upstream River-Rare. IN-GAME....."Lives upstream of rivers. It is wary and hard to catch. Tastes good." RECIPES.....Yamame Sashimi (knife set) - Sell for 90g Salted Yamame (bonfire) ---- Sell for 90g ENCYCLOPEDIA [This fish has no information in the fish encyclopedias] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11.Smelt SELL COST...10g LOCATION....Sunny Lake, Stardrop Pond SEASON(S)...Summer, Autumn, Winter POPULARITY..Average IN-GAME....."A small fish caught in lakes. It's good, but it's not for eating raw." RECIPES.....Caramelized Smelt (pot) - Sell for 110g Salted Smelt (bonfire) -- Sell for 110g ENCYCLOPEDIA [This fish has no information in the fish encyclopedias] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12.Crawfish SELL COST...10g LOCATION....Sunny Lake, Midstream River, Downstream River SEASON(S)...Spring, Summer, Autumn POPULARITY..Sunny Lake/Midstream River-Average. Downstream River-Uncommon IN-GAME....."Easily caught in middle stream of rivers, deltas and ponds. Don't eat it raw." RECIPES.....Broiled Crawfish (bonfire) - Sell for 20g Grilled Crawfish (oven) ---- Sell for 120g ENCYCLOPEDIA [This fish has no information in the fish encyclopedias] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Chulowfish SELL COST...5g LOCATION....Beach, Island (Northern Water) SEASON(S)...Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter POPULARITY..Beach-Average(Autumn-Uncommon.) Island-Rare. IN-GAME....."A pink-colored blowfish that has poison. Only in Flower Bud Village." RECIPES.....Chulowfish Sashimi (knife set) - Sell for 15g Broiled Chulowfish (bonfire) --- Sell for 15g ENCYCLOPEDIA "Chulowfish 24 to 26 cm. long A pink blowfish caught only in Flower Bud Village. Its poison is so powerful would increase your marksmanship if you put it on your arrows. Its flesh tastes good, but the poison is all over its body, so be really careful when cooking." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14.Blowfish SELL COST...3g LOCATION....Beach, Island (Northern Water), Delta SEASON(S)...Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter POPULARITY..Beach-Very Common (Autumn-Common), Island-Rare, Delta-Common IN-GAME....."Caught in deltas and near the seashore. Be careful with its deadly poison." RECIPES.....Blowfish Sashimi (knife set) - Sell for 113G Broiled Blowfish (bonfire) --- Sell for 113G ENCYCLOPEDIA [This fish has no information in the fish encyclopedias] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14.Lobster SELL COST...90g LOCATION....Delta SEASON(S)...Autumn, Winter POPULARITY..Average IN-GAME....."A large crawfish in delta and the sea. Really tastes good." RECIPES.....Lobster Sashimi (knife set) - Sell for 100g Broiled Lobster (bonfire) --- Sell for 100g Grilled Lobster (oven) ------ Sell for 100g ENCYCLOPEDIA [This fish has no information in the fish encyclopedias] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14.Sardine SELL COST...25g LOCATION....Island (Northern Water, Southern Water) SEASON(S)...Autumn POPULARITY..Island-Average.(Winter-Uncommon) IN-GAME....."Lives near Island. Nutritious" RECIPES.....Sardine Sashimi (knife set) - Sell for 35g Anchovy (bonfire) ----------- Sell for 35g ENCYCLOPEDIA [This fish has no information in the fish encyclopedias] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Shinapper SELL COST...200g LOCATION....Island (Northern Water) SEASON(S)...Winter POPULARITY..Uncommon IN-GAME....."" RECIPES.....Shinapper Sashimi (knife set) - Sell for 210g Broiled Shinapper (bonfire) --- Sell for 160g ENCYCLOPEDIA "Shinapper, Snadore Sparidae family, Perciformes order, 30 to 68 cm. long Both are native to Flower Bud Village. The shinapper is a bluish porgy appearing only in winter. The snadore has a flesh-colored body with white stripes and can be caught year-round." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14.Bonito SELL COST...140g LOCATION....Island (Southern Water) SEASON(S)...Spring, Summer, Autumn POPULARITY..(Spring/Summer-Average)(Autumn-Uncommon) IN-GAME....."A large fish from the open sea. When eaten as steak, it's out of this world!" RECIPES.....Bonito Sashimi (knife set) - Sell for 150g Bonito Steak (bonfire) ----- Sell for 250g ENCYCLOPEDIA [This fish has no information in the fish encyclopedias] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14.Flounder SELL COST...45g LOCATION....Beach, Island (Northern Water) SEASON(S)...Spring, Winter POPULARITY..Beach-Uncommon. Island-Rare IN-GAME....."Caught near the coast. Whatever you do, make sure you stew it!" RECIPES.....Flounder Sashimi (knife set) - Sell for 55g Stewed Flounder (pot) -------- Sell for 110g Broiled Flounder (bonfire) --- Sell for 55g ENCYCLOPEDIA [This fish has no information in the fish encyclopedias] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14.Mackerel SELL COST...30g LOCATION....Island (Northern Water, Southern Water) SEASON(S)...Autumn, Winter POPULARITY..Island-Average IN-GAME....."A fish caught near the Island. Never eat it raw! Broiling it is fantastic!" RECIPES.....Miso Mackerel (knife set) -- Sell for 140g Broiled Mackerel (bonfire) - Sell for 40g ENCYCLOPEDIA [This fish has no information in the fish encyclopedias] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14.Halfbeak SELL COST...35g LOCATION....Island (Northern Water) SEASON(S)...Spring, Winter POPULARITY..Average IN-GAME....."A thin fish with white flesh caught near Island. Has a pleasant flavor." RECIPES.....Halfbeak Sashimi (knife set) - Sell for 45g Salted Halfbeak (bonfire) ---- Sell for 45g ENCYCLOPEDIA [This fish has no information in the fish encyclopedias] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14.Saury SELL COST...30g LOCATION....Island (Northern Water, Southern Water) SEASON(S)...Summer, Autumn, Winter POPULARITY..(Summer-Average)(Autumn-Common)(Winter-Uncommon) IN-GAME....."Caught in the open sea. When broiled, its flavor is irresistible." RECIPES.....Saury Sashimi (knife set) - Sell for 40g Salted Saury (bonfire) ---- Sell for 40g ENCYCLOPEDIA [This fish has no information in the fish encyclopedias] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14.Snapper SELL COST...150g LOCATION....Island (Northern Water) SEASON(S)...Summer POPULARITY..Average IN-GAME....."A large fish caught near the Island. Fights hard and has good flavor." RECIPES.....Snapper Sashimi (knife set) - Sell for 260g Stewed Snapper (pot) -------- Sell for 210g Broiled Snapper (bonfire) --- Sell for 160g ENCYCLOPEDIA [This fish has no information in the fish encyclopedias] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Snadore SELL COST...250g LOCATION....Island (Northern Island) SEASON(S)...All Seasons POPULARITY..Rare IN-GAME....."A fish native to Flower Bud Village. You can't catch it unless you need to." RECIPES.....Snadore Sashimi (knife set) - Sell for 260g Broiled Snadore (bonfire) --- Sell for 260g ENCYCLOPEDIA "Shinapper, Snadore Sparidae family, Perciformes order, 30 to 68 cm. long Both are native to Flower Bud Village. The shinapper is a bluish porgy appearing only in winter. The snadore has a flesh-colored body with white stripes and can be caught year-round." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14.Halibut SELL COST...50g LOCATION....Beach SEASON(S)...Autumn, Winter POPULARITY..Common IN-GAME....."Caught near the coast. For sashimi or broiled, this is wonderful." RECIPES.....Halibut Sashimi (knife set) - Sell for 60g Broiled Halibut (bonfire) --- Sell for 60g ENCYCLOPEDIA [This fish has no information in the fish encyclopedias] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14.Yellowtail SELL COST...140g LOCATION....Island (Southern Water) SEASON(S)...Spring, Winter POPULARITY..(Spring-Common)(Winter-Uncommon) IN-GAME....."A large fish from the open sea. A fish for everyone. Really tastes good." RECIPES.....Yellowtail Sashimi (knife set) -- Sell for 160g Yellowtail Teriyaki (frying pan)- Sell for 300g Stewed Yellowtail (pot) -------- Sell for 210g Broiled Yellowtail (bonfire) --- Sell for 160g ENCYCLOPEDIA [This fish has no information in the fish encyclopedias] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14.Tuna SELL COST...300g LOCATION....Island (Southern Water) SEASON(S)...Summer, Winter* POPULARITY..Average IN-GAME....."A large fish caught in the open sea. Tastes good and is fantastic as steak." RECIPES.....Tuna Sashimi (knife set) - Sell for 410g Tuna Steak (frying pan) -- Sell for 450g Broiled Tuna (bonfire) --- Sell for 310g ENCYCLOPEDIA [This fish has no information in the fish encyclopedias] * reported by Tom that he caught it in winter season. Unverified. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14.Opaleye SELL COST...60g LOCATION....Island (Northern Water) SEASON(S)...Summer, Autumn, Winter POPULARITY..ALL-Uncommon IN-GAME....."A fish caught near the Island. It's easy to catch and tastes good." RECIPES.....Opaleye Sashimi (knife set) - Sell for 70g Broiled Opaleye (bonfire) --- Sell for 80g ENCYCLOPEDIA [This fish has no information in the fish encyclopedias] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Maple Flounder SELL COST...60g LOCATION....Beach SEASON(S)...Autumn POPULARITY..Average IN-GAME....."Caught only in fall at Flower Bud Village. An unusual fish." RECIPES.....M. Flounder Sashimi (knife set) - Sell for 70g Broiled M. Flounder (bonfire) --- Sell for 70g ENCYCLOPEDIA "Maple Flounder Bothidae family, Pleuronectiformes order, 32 to 55 cm. long. A native to Flower Bud Village, it is a treasured feature of fall. It has a maple-leaf pattern on its body and is loved for the flavor of its meat." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14.Squid SELL COST...35g LOCATION....Beach, Island (Northern Water, Southern Water) SEASON(S)...Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter POPULARITY..Beach/Island-Average. (Autumn/Winter-Uncommon) IN-GAME....."Caught near the seashore or the Island. Can be used in a variety of dishes." RECIPES.....Squid Sashimi (knife set) - Sell for 145g Squid Teriyaki (oven) ----- Sell for 145g Broiled Squid (bonfire) --- Sell for 45g ENCYCLOPEDIA [This fish has no information in the fish encyclopedias] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Squid Prince (FISH KING) SELL COST...1000g LOCATION....Island (Southern Water / Northern Water) SEASON(S)...Summer POPULARITY..Uncommon (day after rain or tyhpoon) IN-GAME....."" RECIPES.....Nice Squid Sashimi (knife set) - Sell for 1,010g ENCYCLOPEDIA "Squid Prince 80 to 120 cm. long A large squid whose existence has been verified only near Flower Bud Village. Spotted particularly after typhoons and rainstorms. One theory says that it's the baby form of the giant squid, probably pulled from the deep sea during inclement weather..." SPECIAL NOTE: When it rains, wait a day later, and go down to the Island. You should have good chance of catching it. It works same way for the typooons. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Lampsquid SELL COST...60g LOCATION....Island (Northern Water) SEASON(S)...Midsummer, Autumn, Winter POPULARITY..(Midsummer-Average)(Autumn-Rare) IN-GAME....."So called because it emits bright light from its body under the new moon." RECIPES.....Lampsquid Sashimi (knife set) - Sell for 170g Lampsquid Teriyaki (oven) ----- Sell for 170g Broiled Lampsquid (bonfire) --- Sell for 70g ENCYCLOPEDIA "Lampsquid Luminous Squidous family, 12 to 25 cm. long Native to Flower Bud Village. Can be caught in coastal waters from midsummer to wintertime. It has an internal organ that gives off light. People used to use it as a lamp, thus the squid's name." SPECIAL NOTE: Lampsquid will appear after Summer 15. * Various sources reported they've caught it in early summer. Unverified. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14.Shrimp SELL COST...100g LOCATION....Island (Northern Water) SEASON(S)...All Seasons POPULARITY..Rare (Very Rare) IN-GAME....."A rare crustacean that's hard to find. A native of Flower Bud Village." RECIPES.....Shrimp Sashimi (knife set) - Sell for 110g Broiled Shrimp (bonfire) --- Sell for 110g Grilled Shrimp (oven) ------ Sell for 210g ENCYCLOPEDIA "Shrimp 10 to 15 cm. long A very beautiful, very delicious crustacean seen only in Flower Bud Village. Can be caught year-round, but there aren't a lot, so they are valuable." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14.Jamasquid (FISH KING) SELL COST...1,000g LOCATION....Underground Lake SEASON(S)...Winter POPULARITY..100% success IN-GAME....."A mysterious squid that hides in Lake Cave. The Underground Lake king." RECIPES.....Jamasquid Sashimi (knife set) - Sell for 1,010g ENCYCLOPEDIA [This fish has no information in the fish encyclopedias] SPECIAL NOTE: Once you get to the underground lake, there'll be one fish. Catch a jamasquid, and it'll not reappear, so you have to leave the mine. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14.Can SELL COST...none LOCATION....Anywhere that got water SEASON(S)...All seasons POPULARITY..Rare IN-GAME....."Throw cans away in a garbage can!" RECIPES.....no recipes ENCYCLOPEDIA [This litter has no information in the fish encyclopedias- duh] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14.Boot (Left) SELL COST...none LOCATION....Anywhere that got water SEASON(S)...All seasons POPULARITY..Rare IN-GAME....."A left rubber boot. If you litter with it, people won't like you." RECIPES.....no recipes ENCYCLOPEDIA [This litter has no information in the fish encyclopedias- duh] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14.Boot (Right) (FISH KING...?) SELL COST...none LOCATION....Anywhere that got water SEASON(S)...All seasons POPULARITY..Rare IN-GAME....."A right rubber boot. For some reason, it is a king." RECIPES.....no recipes ENCYCLOPEDIA [This litter has no information in the fish encyclopedias- duh] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ============================================================================== 005. FISH GIFTS FOR VILLAGERS ============================================================================== This section is all about the villagers' reaction to the fish gifts. However, the fish recipes will not be included in this section. It's only the raw fishes used as the gifts. Maybe, in future, I'll add in the fish recipes. The villagers have four different reactions when they get the gift from you, and they are... "LOVE" is when you hand a fish to the villager, the three hearts will appear above the villager's head. It means s/he loves your gift. "LIKE" is when you hand a fish to the villager, the green stitch will appear above the villager's head. It means s/he likes your gift. "SO-SO" is when you hand a fish to the village, no icon will appear above the villager's head. But s/he will accept your gift anyway. "HATE" is when you hand a fish to the villager, but s/he refuses to take your gift. It means s/he hates your gift. But for now, there are only "LIKE" and "SO-SO" in this section because I still haven't discover the raw fishes that villagers love or hate. A-Z BOYS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Alex - The Doctor - Lives in the Clinic | | LIKE: N/A | |SO-SO: Salmon, Lobster, Crawfish, Sardine, Halibut, Blowfish | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Basil - Plant Hunter - Anywhere outside | | LIKE: N/A | |SO-SO: Maple Flounder, Dace, Salmon, Halibut, Blowfish | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Blue - Cowboy - Near Blue Sky Ranch | | LIKE: N/A | |SO-SO: Rainbow Trout, Blowfish, Salmon, Crawfish, Maple Flounder, Saury, | | Squid, Mackerel | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Bob - Shipper - Near Blue Sky Ranch, inside Blacksmith, other places | | LIKE: N/A | |SO-SO: Dace, Chulowfish, Salmon, Halibut, Blowfish, Squid, Mackerel, Squid | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Carl - Waiter/Owner - Works in Duke's Cafe, later owner of his own cafe | | LIKE: N/A | |SO-SO: Halibut, Rainbow Trout, Squid, Saury, Bonito, Salmon | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Dan - Worker - Works at the Orchard | | LIKE: N/A | |SO-SO: Halibut, Salmon, Rainbow Trout, Maple Flounder | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Jamie - Farmer - Lives in his/her farm. | | LIKE: N/A | |SO-SO: Blowfish, Salmon, Halibut, Opaleye | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Joe - Carpenter - Lives in Woody's Workshop | | LIKE: Salmon, Mackerel, Dace, Maple Flounder, Amago, Halibut, Sardine, | | Saury, Cureall | |SO-SO: Blowfish | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Kurt - Carpenter - Lives in Woody's Workshop | | LIKE: Lobster, Crawfish, Blowfish | |SO-SO: Maple Flounder, Dace, Halibut, Mackerel, Sardine, Saury | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Louis - Scientist - Lives in the Inn | | LIKE: N/A | |SO-SO: Salmon | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Ray - Fisherman - Anywhere near water | | LIKE: Maple Flounder, Amago, Yellowtail, Halibut, Dace, Mackerel, Sardine, | | Saury, Opaleye | |SO-SO: Blowfish, Chulowfish, Lampsquid | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| GIRLS |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Ann - Future Inventor - Lives in Junk Shop | | LIKE: N/A | |SO-SO: Salmon, Saury | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Dia | | LIKE: N/A | |SO-SO: N/A | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Eve - Waiter - Lives in Duke's Cafe | | LIKE: N/A | |SO-SO: Halibut, Salmon, Rainbow Trout, Blowfish, Saury, Mackerel | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Gina | | LIKE: Salmon, Cureall, Halibut, Saury |SO-SO: Rainbow Trout | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Gwen - Horse Fanatic - Lives in Doug's Inn | | LIKE: N/A | |SO-SO: Halibut, Rainbow Trout, Maple Flounder, Sardine, Mackerel | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Katie - Waiter - Works in Carl's Cafe | | LIKE: N/A | |SO-SO: Halibut, Maple Flounder, Saury, Squid, Bonito, Blowfish | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Lyla - Owner - Owns Lyla's Hearty Shop | | LIKE: N/A | |SO-SO: Lobster, Halibut, Salmon | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Maria - Librarian - Lives in the Mayor's house | | LIKE: N/A | |SO-SO: Salmon, Mackerel | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Nina - Daughter - Lives in Liz's house | | LIKE: N/A | |SO-SO: Crawfish, Halibut, Mackerel | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| OTHER PEOPLE |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Doug - Owner - Lives in his own Inn | | LIKE: N/A | |SO-SO: Dace, Halibut, Sardine | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Duke - Owner - Lives in his own Cafe | | LIKE: Halibut, Sardine, Saury | |SO-SO: Salmon, Blowfish | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Gourmet - Renter - Lives in Doug's Inn | | LIKE: Dace, Halibut | |SO-SO: N/A | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Henry - Painter - Anywhere outside | | LIKE: Dace | |SO-SO: Halibut, Mackerel | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Hank - Owner - Lives in Blue Sky Ranch | | LIKE: Salmon, Blowfish | |SO-SO: Halibut, Saury, Sardine | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Liz - Owner - Lives in her plant shop | | LIKE: N/A | |SO-SO: Halibut, Cureall, Sardine, Salmon | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Martha - Midwife - Lives in the Clinic | | LIKE: N/A | |SO-SO: Salmon, Halibut, Squid | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Meryl - Girl - Lives in the Orchard | | LIKE: N/A | |SO-SO: N/A | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Michael - Owner - Lives in his own Junk Shop | | LIKE: N/A | |SO-SO: Salmon, Halibut, Saury | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Nami - Weather Girl - Anywhere outside during the summer season | | LIKE: N/A | |SO-SO: N/A | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Ronald - Owner - Lives in his own Orchard | | LIKE: N/A | |SO-SO: Dace, Salmon, Blowfish, Halibut, Sardine | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Saibara - Owner - Lives in his Pottery shop | | LIKE: Salmon | |SO-SO: Halibut, Blowfish, Saury | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Tai - Owner - Lives in his own Blacksmith | | LIKE: Rainbow Trout | |SO-SO: Blowfish, Mackerel | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Theodore - The Mayor - Lives in his house | | LIKE: N/A | |SO-SO: Salmon, Blowfish, Dace, Halibut, Saury, Sardine | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Tim - The Kid - Often at the Moonlight Mine | | LIKE: Blowfish | |SO-SO: Salmon, Dace | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Terry - Ranger - Anywhere outside | | LIKE: N/A | |SO-SO: Crawfish, Halibut, Silver Carp, Maple Flounder, Saury, Squid | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Woody - Owner - Lives in his own Workshop | | LIKE: Halibut, Maple Flounder, Sardine, Saury, Bonito | |SO-SO: Rainbow Trout, Blowfish | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ============================================================================== 006. FISH-RELATED RECIPES ============================================================================== All recipes that uses a fish is listed here. The prices will not be included. Amago Sashimi Char Sashimi R. Trout Sashimi Yamame Sashimi Salmon Sashimi Huchen Sashimi Snapper Sashimi Opaleye Sashimi Shinapper Sashimi Snadore Sashimi Bonito Sashimi Yellowtail Sashimi Tuna Sashimi Sardine Sashimi Halfbeck Sashimi Saury Sashimi Halibut Sashimi Flounder Sashimi M. Flounder Sashimi Squid Sashimi Nice Squid Sashimi Jamasquid Sashimi Lampsquid Sashimi Blowfish Sashimi Chulowfish Sashimi Lobster Sashimi Shrimp Sashimi Char Meuniere R. Trout Meuniere Yamame Meuniere Sardine Meuniere Salmon Meuniere Halibut Meuniere Flounder Meuniere M. Flounder Meuniere Yellowtail Teriyaki Tuna Steak Bouillabaisse Stewed Flounder Stewed Yellowtail Stewed Snapper Miso Mackerel Tomato Sardine Tomato Squid Caramelized Amago Caramelized Smelt Caramelized C. Carp Caramelized S. Carp Grilled R. Trout Grilled Sardine Grilled Snapper Grilled Saury Grilled Salmon Grilled Mackerel Grilled Halibut Grilled Tuna Grilled Smelt Squid Teriyaki Lampsquid Teriyaki Grilled Lobster Grilled Crawfish Grilled Shrimp Seafood Pizza Seafood Gratin Salted Amago Salted Char Salted R. Trout Salted Yamame Salted Dace Salted Salmon Salted Cureall Broiled C. Carp Broiled S. Carp Broiled Snapper Broiled Opaleye Broiled Shinapper Broiled Snadore Bonito Steak Broiled Mackerel Broiled Yellowtail Salted Smelt Broiled Tuna Anchovy Salted Halfback Salted Saury Broiled Halibut Broiled Flounder Broiled M. Flounder Broiled Squid Broiled Lampsquid Broiled Blowfish Broiled Chulowfish Broiled Lobster Broiled Crawfish Broiled Shrimp ============================================================================== 007. OTHER STUFF ============================================================================== FISH-RELATED MUSICAL NOTES: Master Angler - Catch 100 fishes. Expert Angler - Catch all types of fishes. DID YOU KNOW? Natsume made little typos with the lovable halfbeaks. If you check the recipe list, you'll see the typos - "Halfbeck Sashimi", "Salted Halfback". CREDIT: Natsume for translating the game and bringing it to North America. Gamefaqs for hosting this FAQ. ============================================================================== 008. LEGAL STUFF ============================================================================== This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright.