_ _ | | _ __ __ | | | | __ _ _ ____ __ __ __| |_ | \/ | ___ ___ _ __ | |_| |/ _` | '__\ \ / // _ \/ __| _| | |/ _ \ / _ \| '_ \ | __ | (_| | | \ V // __/\__ || | |\/| | (_) | (_) | | | | |__||_|\__,_|_| \_/ \___||___/\__| |_| |_|\___/ \___/|_| |_| ~ Magical Melody ~ Friendship and Dating Guide version 1.0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- > Table of Contents ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 0.0 – FAQ Introduction 0.1 – Disclaimer/Game Information 0.2 - Version History Section 1.0 – Character Biographies 1.1 – Character Likes & Dislikes 1.2 – How to Get Characters to Arrive in Town 1.3 – Common Locations Section 2.0 – Dating 2.1 – Rivalries 2.2 – Marriage 2.3 – Benefits of Befriending Section 3.0 – Festival Significance ---------------------------------------------------------------------- > 0.0 FAQ Introduction ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This is my first FAQ, so bear with me. It is available for all players who may need a little help wooing their love interest, or are in need of a bit of assistance with their friendships with characters in Harvest Moon: Magical Melody. Author: ANBUKitsune Email: cruxis_judgment@hotmail.com Created On: April 4, 2006 Last Updated: April 4, 2006 Please do not redistribute this FAQ on any website, in any way without permission first. This FAQ will not be reproduced without the introduction. Thank you! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- > 0.1 Disclaimer/Game Information ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Harvest Moon: Magical Melody was released in North America on March 29, 2006. It is a (c) of Natsume Inc. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- > 0.2 Version History ---------------------------------------------------------------------- · Version 1.0 – Updated on April 4, 2006: Contains information on all characters, their preferences, how to get them in your town, tid-bits on dating and marriage, rivalries between other suitors in the town, and a bit of information on the significance of certain festivals. Common locations for characters have not yet been posted, and this will be updated shortly! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- > 1.0 Character Biographies ---------------------------------------------------------------------- All characters with a star (*) next to their names, are eligible to become your husband or wife. Alex* > Birthday: 30th of Spring > First Appearance: When you enter the Clinic for the first time. A very concerned young man, Alex is the doctor at the Clinic. Each time you black-out from exhaustion, you will appear at the Clinic and Alex will scold you for not taking care of your body. He is also very soft-spoken. > Additional Notes: Although he is considered a new character, Alex’s personality much resembles the doctors in other Harvest Moon games. Ann* > Birthday: 18th of Summer > First Appearance: When you enter the tool shop for the first time. Ann is a very upbeat girl. She lives at the tool shop with her father, Michael, and claims to be a great inventor. However, her inventions always seem to backfire in her face. > Additional Notes: Ann and her father, Michael, first appeared in the original Harvest Moon for the SNES. Basil* > Birthday: 16th of Spring > First Appearance: An event at Sunny Lake. Basil is a plant hunter, greatly intrigued with the greenery in the village. He’s a nice guy, however, he will leave come Winter time, looking for greener pastures. Don’t worry, he’ll be returning in the Spring. > Additional Notes: Basil first appeared in Harvest Moon: Save the Homeland for the Play Station 2. Blue* > Birthday: 20th of Winter > First Appearance: When you enter the Blue Sky Ranch for the first time. Blue isn’t the friendliest guy in the village, but he does deeply care for animals and seems to like hard workers. He tends to the livestock in the pasture at Blue Sky Ranch. > Additional Notes: Blue looks and acts much like multiple characters from different Harvest Moon games. Bob* > Birthday: 1st of Summer > First Appearance: He comes to your house on the 3rd of Spring to tell you how shipping works. Bob is the shipper! He has a good-natured sense of humor, and enjoys to sample meals at the Cafés and Inn. > Additional Notes: Bob first appeared in Harvest Moon: Save the Homeland for the Play Station 2, however, he looks similar to the other shippers from other games. Carl* > Birthday: 16th of Fall > First Appearance: When you enter the Moonlight Café for the firs time. A shy young man with dreams of constructing his very own Café! Carl first works as a waiter at the Moonlight Café, until you befriend him, in which case he will build the Café Callaway. Dan* > Birthday: 26th of Summer > First Appearance: When you attend the Spring Horse Race for the first time. A fun-loving, gambling, and skirt-chasing fellow from the sea, Dan is sure to be a handful. At first, he begs you for 1,000G so that he can return home after losing a bet. However, he hangs around the town in search of money, and will end up working for Ronald at the Paradise Orchard later on. > Additional Notes: Although Dan is a new character, he shares the same job as Kai from other Harvest Moon Games. Dia* > Birthday: 9th of Winter > First Appearance: When you enter the Sanatorium for the first time. Dia is a very quiet and sickly girl. She came to stay at the sanatorium to recover from surgery, with the help of her care-taker, Gina. She is deathly afraid of strangers. > Additional Notes: Dia first appeared in Harvest Moon: Save the Homeland for the Play Station 2. Doug > Birthday: 7th of Fall > First Appearance: When you attend the Spring Horse Race for the first time. Doug is the owner of the Perch Inn. Duke > Birthday: 28th of Winter > First Appearance: When you attend the Spring Horse Race for the first time. Duke is the uncle of Eve, and stepson of Terry. He is the owner of the Moonlight Café. Ellen* > Birthday: 8th of Fall > First Appearance: She appears at your house on the 2nd day of Spring to give you a puppy. Ellen simply adores animals. She works with her father, Hank, and cousin, Blue, at the Blue Sky Ranch. Whenever you speak with her, she will give you tips about livestock and pets. > Additional Notes: Ellen first appeared in the original Harvest Moon for the SNES. Eve* > Birthday: 16th of Winter > First Appearance: When you enter the Moonlight Café for the first time. A very mysterious damsel, there constantly appears to be sadness or pain in Eve’s rosy eyes. She moved to town in hopes of getting her grandfather, Terry, to return with her. In the mean time, she works as a waitress at the Moonlight Café. > Additional Notes: Eve first appeared in the original Harvest Moon for the SNES. Gina* > Birthday: 20th of Fall > First Appearance: When you enter the Sanatorium for the first time. Upon entering the Sanatorium for the first time, you will come face-to-face with Gina, the care-taker of an ill girl, Dia. Gina doesn’t have many friends, and loves to talk to others when she gets the chance. > Additional Notes: Gina first appeared in Harvest Moon: Save the Homeland for the Play Station 2. Gourmet > Birthday: Unknown > First Appearance: When you attend the Egg Festival for the first time. The Gourmet is a man who loves.. well, food. He’ll eat practically anything that is edible. > Additional Notes: The Gourmet works as the judge to many food-tasting festival in other Harvest Moon Games. Gwen* > Birthday: 8th of Summer > First Appearance: The first time you attend the Spring Horse Race. Gwen is a bit sassy, but she’s an excellent cook! Not to mention, she loves horses. After meeting her at the horse race, she stays at the Perch Inn. > Additional Notes: Gwen first appeared in Harvest Moon: Save the Homeland for the Play Station 2. Hank > Birthday: 14th of Summer > First Appearance: The first time you enter the Blue Sky Ranch. Hank is Ellen’s father, and the owner of the Blue Sky Ranch. All he seems to care about is livestock, and can be seen drinking at the Moonlight Café during the evening. > Additional Notes: Hank first appeared in the original Harvest Moon for the SNES as the town drunk. Joe* > Birthday: 10th of Summer > First Appearance: When you enter the Carpenter’s Workshop for the first time. Joe is a nice guy with a great personality. He enjoys to fish, although he doesn’t seem too good at it. He lives with Woody at the Carpenter’s Workshop, along with his brother, Kurt. > Additional Notes: Joe first appeared in Harvest Moon: Save the Homeland for the Play Station 2. Katie* > Birthday: 29th of Fall > First Appearance: When you enter Café Callaway for the first time. Katie is extremely hot-headed. Be careful, because she’s easily offended, especially when people think she’s younger than she actually is! She works as a waitress at Café Callaway. > Additional Notes: Katie’s first appearance was in Harvest Moon: Save the Homeland for the Play Station 2. Kurt* > Birthday: 10th of Winter > First Appearance: When you enter the Carpenter’s Workshop for the first time. The complete opposite of his brother, Joe, Kurt is cool and quiet. He seems a bit mean at first, but that’s only because he does not like people who talk too much. He enjoys solitude, rain, and the mysterious caves throughout the village. He works as Woody’s apprentice at the Workshop. > Additional Notes: Kurt first appeared in Harvest Moon: Save the Homeland for the Play Station 2. Liz > Birthday: 21st of Fall > First Appearance: The first time you enter the Spring Farm shop. Liz is the kind and caring mother of Nina. Similar to Nina, she has pink hair, and absolutely adores flowers. > Additional Notes: Liz first appeared in the original Harvest Moon for the SNES. Louis* > Birthday: 2nd of Fall > First Appearance: The first time you attend the Fireworks Festival. However, it is possible for you to see him at the Swimming Festival, but you will not officially meet him. Louis is a kind soul who loves the village, and thus visits it often. He enjoys eggs and special gems that you can find in the caves. Although he is a bit shy, he still insists in hanging out with you when you first meet. > Additional Notes: Louis first appeared Harvest Moon: Save the Homeland. However, he looks very similar to other characters throughout the Harvest Moon series. Lyla* > Birthday: 27th of Spring > First Appearance: When you attend the Flower Festival for the first time. A woman who absolutely loves flowers, Lyla appears to be depressed that the people have forgotten about the Harvest Goddess. Befriend her and she will open a gift shop. > Additional Notes: Lyla first appeared in Harvest Moon: Save the Homeland for the Play Station 2. Maria* > Birthday: 5th of Winter > First Appearance: When you enter the Flower Bud Library for the first time. Maria is very calm and collected. She is the mayor’s daughter, and works as the librarian. > Additional Notes: Maria first appeared in the original Harvest Moon game for the SNES. Martha > Birthday: 25th of Winter > First Appearance: Once befriending Alex a little bit, Martha will came to help at the Clinic. Martha is a busy-bodied old mid-wife. Although she only has good intentions, she tends to make Alex nervous and wear him out with her prying and energy. > Additional Notes: Maria first appeared in Harvest Moon: Save the Homeland as Dia’s grandmother. Michael > Birthday: 3rd of Fall > First Appearance: When you enter the Junk Shop for the first time. Michael is Ann’s father, and appears to be very concerned that no man would want to marry his tomboyish, wanna-be-inventor of a daughter. He owns the Junk Shop, where you can buy many tools, furniture, and cooking appliances. > Additional Notes: Michael first appeared in the original Harvest Moon for the SNES. Nami > Birthday: Unknown > First Appearance: When you attend the Swimming Festival for the first time. Nami isn’t too fond of strangers, and she just so happens to be the weather girl on the weather channel! She enjoys the solitude of the village, and visits during the Summer season. > Additional Notes: Nami first appeared in Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life, however she isn’t eligible for marriage in this one. Nina* > Birthday: 20th of Spring > First Appearance: When you enter the Spring Farm shop for the first time. Much like her mother, Nina is quite cheerful. She carries a strong love for flowers and often tends to the crops at their farm. > Additional Notes: Nina and her mother, Liz, first appeared in the original Harvest Moon game for the SNES. Ray* > Birthday: 27th of Fall > First Appearance: An event at the Sunny Lake. Ray is a wandering fisherman who boasts about his skill. Despite this, he has a very caring attitude. > Additional Notes: Ray looks similar to Cliff from Harvest Moon 64. Ronald > Birthday: 11th of Spring > First Appearance: When you attend the Spring Horse Race for the first time. Ronald is very kind Latino man who feels sorry for Dan, who is always strapped for cash. Despite Dan’s terrible gambling addiction, Ronald still continues to fuel it. After building the Paradise Orchard, he hires Dan to pick grapes. > Additional Notes: Ronald first appears in Harvest Moon: Save the Homeland for the Play Station 2 and owns a grocery store. Saibara > Birthday: 2nd of Winter > First Appearance: When you enter the Atelier Saibara shop for the first time. Saibara is a sagacious old man who runs a clay shop on the edge of town, near the river. > Additional Notes: Saibara first appeared in Harvest Moon 64. Tai > Birthday: 25th of Summer > First Appearance: When you enter the Blacksmith’s shop for the first time. Tai is the grandfather of the young Tim, and the blacksmith of the village. He gives you great deals on upgraded tools, but you must bring him ore first. Terry > Birthday: 21st of Winter > First Appearance: An event at the lake. Terry is the grandfather of Eve. Although he seems to always have a gun with him (what the heck?!), he proclaims himself as the protector of the wild animals. > Additional Notes: Terry first appeared in the original Harvest Moon for the SNES. Tim > Birthday: 12th of Fall > First Appearance: When you enter the Blacksmith’s shop for the first time. Tim is a rambunctious young man, and the grandson of Tai, the blacksmith. He aspires to become the greatest treasure hunter in the world, and loves to explode the underground cares of the village. > Additional Notes: Tim first appears in Harvest Moon: Save the Homeland as the younger brother of Bob. Theodore > Birthday: 4th of Spring > First Appearance: At the beginning of the game. Theodore is the mayor of the village. He is always ready and willing to give you tips when you need them. Woody > Birthday: 21st of Summer > First Appearance: The first time you enter the Carpenter’s Workshop. Woody is a gruff old woodsman, and the master of his two young apprentices, Joe and Kurt. As his name implies, Woody loves wood, work, and eggplants. > Additional Notes: Woody first appeared in Harvest Moon: Save the Homeland for the Play Station 2. _______ ' ' | Jamie | '-------' > Jamie is your rival farmer. > Depending on which gender you choose to play as, Jamie will ALWAYS be the opposite gender as you. > Jamie is eligible for you to marry. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- > 1.1 Character Likes & Dislikes ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The Bachelorettes: _________ / \______________________________________________________,- | Ann | '---.-------------------------------------------------------------/ | Likes | Loves | Dislikes | '--------------------'--------------------'-------------------' | Corn | Rare Ore | Onions | | Hard-boiled eggs | Top Quality Corn |Poisonous Mushrooms| | All Other Ores | Baked Corn | Vegetable Juice | .-------------------------------------------------------------. _________ / \______________________________________________________,- | Dia | '---.-------------------------------------------------------------/ | Likes | Loves | Dislikes | '--------------------'--------------------'-------------------' | Strawberries | Blueberry Jam | Weeds | | Hard-boiled eggs | Blueberry Juice |Poisonous Mushrooms| | Moondrop Flowers | Blueberries | Garbage | | Apples | Emeralds | Grilled Crawfish | | Oranges | | Toadstool Sauté | .-------------------------------------------------------------. _________ / \______________________________________________________,- | Ellen | '---.-------------------------------------------------------------/ | Likes | Loves | Dislikes | '--------------------'--------------------'-------------------' | Flowers | Breadfruit | Weeds | | Moon Stones | Cocoa Nuts |Poisonous Mushrooms| | Chocolate Pudding | Cocoa Cake | Dull Yarn | | Butter | | | | Strawberries | | | .-------------------------------------------------------------. _________ / \______________________________________________________,- | Eve | '---.-------------------------------------------------------------/ | Likes | Loves | Dislikes | '--------------------'--------------------'-------------------' | Moon Stones | Strawberries |Poisonous Mushrooms| | Mushrooms | Soda | Weird Dishes | | Cheese | Rubies | Weeds | | Flowers | Special Cheese | Toadstool Sauté | .-------------------------------------------------------------. _________ / \______________________________________________________,- | Gina | '---.-------------------------------------------------------------/ | Likes | Loves | Dislikes | '--------------------'--------------------'-------------------' | Green Peppers | Onions | Weeds | | Pontata Root | Coral | Perfume | | Wool | | Balms | | Eggs | | | | All Herbs | | | | Mushrooms | | | |Poisonous Mushrooms | | | .-------------------------------------------------------------. _________ / \______________________________________________________,- | Gwen | '---.-------------------------------------------------------------/ | Likes | Loves | Dislikes | '--------------------'--------------------'-------------------' | Cabbage | Carrots |Poisonous Mushrooms| | Cheese | Jam | Weeds | | Wool | Special Cheese | | | Pizza | | | | Eggs | | | | Mayonnaise | | | | Flowers | | | | Sashimi | | | .-------------------------------------------------------------. _________ / \______________________________________________________,- | Katie | '---.-------------------------------------------------------------/ | Likes | Loves | Dislikes | '--------------------'--------------------'-------------------' | Eggs | Apples |Poisonous Mushrooms| | Cheese | Apple Jam | Chicken Feed | | Milk | Marmalade | Grilled Crawfish | | Butter | Yarn | | | Breadfruit | | | .-------------------------------------------------------------. _________ / \______________________________________________________,- | Lyla | '---.-------------------------------------------------------------/ | Likes | Loves | Dislikes | '--------------------'--------------------'-------------------' | Juice | Pumpkins |Poisonous Mushrooms| | Wool | All Flowers | Fish Broth | | Wine | Sapphires | Sodas | | Yarn | Pumpkin Soup | | | Cheese | | | | Blueberries | | | | Very Berries | | | .-------------------------------------------------------------. _________ / \______________________________________________________,- | Maria | '---.-------------------------------------------------------------/ | Likes | Loves | Dislikes | '--------------------'--------------------'-------------------' | Cabbage | Eggplant |Poisonous Mushrooms| | Moon Stones | Sashimi | Weeds | | Green Perfume | Pickled Dishes | Sodas | | Hot Milk | | | .-------------------------------------------------------------. _________ / \______________________________________________________,- | Nina | '---.-------------------------------------------------------------/ | Likes | Loves | Dislikes | '--------------------'--------------------'-------------------' | All other flowers | Bluemist Flowers |Poisonous Mushrooms| | Eggs | Strawberries | Chicken Feed | | Spinach | Strawberry Milk | Fish | | Herbs | Herb Tea | | | Hot Milk | | | .-------------------------------------------------------------. The Bachelors: _________ / \______________________________________________________,- | Alex | '---.-------------------------------------------------------------/ | Likes | Loves | Dislikes | '--------------------'--------------------'-------------------' | All Herbs | Vegetable Juice | Weeds | |Poisonous Mushrooms | Grilled Snapper | Garbage | | Ceyenne |Top Quality Turnips | | | Pontana Root | | | .-------------------------------------------------------------. _________ / \______________________________________________________,- | Basil | '---.-------------------------------------------------------------/ | Likes | Loves | Dislikes | '--------------------'--------------------'-------------------' | All Flowers | Pontana Root | Mayonnaise | | All Herbs | Herb Tea | Junk Ore | | Strawberries | | | | Gold Ore | | | | Limestone | | | .-------------------------------------------------------------. _________ / \______________________________________________________,- | Blue | '---.-------------------------------------------------------------/ | Likes | Loves | Dislikes | '--------------------'--------------------'-------------------' | Potatoes | Good Milk | All Sweets | | Eggs | Good Cheese | Honey | | Popcorn | Good Butter | | | Eggplant | Yogurt | | .-------------------------------------------------------------. _________ / \______________________________________________________,- | Bob | '---.-------------------------------------------------------------/ | Likes | Loves | Dislikes | '--------------------'--------------------'-------------------' | Eggs | Cake |Poisonous Mushrooms| | Spinach | Pie | Mushrooms | | All Ore | | Eggplants | | | | | .-------------------------------------------------------------. _________ / \______________________________________________________,- | Carl | '---.-------------------------------------------------------------/ | Likes | Loves | Dislikes | '--------------------'--------------------'-------------------' | Honey | Sweet Potatoes | Pickled Dishes | | Eggs | Apples | Junk Ore | | All Sweets | Special Eggs | | | Chestnuts | | | .-------------------------------------------------------------. _________ / \______________________________________________________,- | Dan | '---.-------------------------------------------------------------/ | Likes | Loves | Dislikes | '--------------------'--------------------'-------------------' | Very Berries | Very Berry Soda | Mushroom Dishes | | Ceyenne | Apple Soda | Weeds | | Chestnuts | Grapes | | | Strawberries | Clam | | | Jam | | | | Oranges | | | .-------------------------------------------------------------. _________ / \______________________________________________________,- | Joe | '---.-------------------------------------------------------------/ | Likes | Loves | Dislikes | '--------------------'--------------------'-------------------' | Fresh Water Fish | Turnips | All Sweets | | Seafood Pizza |Salted Rainbow Trout| Herb Tea | | Wood | Tuna Steak | | | | | | .-------------------------------------------------------------. _________ / \______________________________________________________,- | Kurt | '---.-------------------------------------------------------------/ | Likes | Loves | Dislikes | '--------------------'--------------------'-------------------' | Wood | Tomatoes |Poisonous Mushrooms| |All Ores ecxept Junk| Tomato Juice | Junk Ore | | Green Perfume | | Broken Stakes | | Hot Milk | | Carrots | | Squid Sashimi | | | .-------------------------------------------------------------. _________ / \______________________________________________________,- | Louis | '---.-------------------------------------------------------------/ | Likes | Loves | Dislikes | '--------------------'--------------------'-------------------' |Regular & Good Eggs | Moonlight Stone |Poisonous Mushrooms| | Egg Dishes | Special Eggs | Carrots | | Green Peppers | Special Ore | Jam | | All other Ores | | | .-------------------------------------------------------------. _________ / \______________________________________________________,- | Ray | '---.-------------------------------------------------------------/ | Likes | Loves | Dislikes | '--------------------'--------------------'-------------------' | All Fish | Corn |Poisonous Mushrooms| | Rare Ore | Yellowtail Sashimi | Jams | | Butter | Yellowtail Stew | Junk Ore | | Eggs |Yellowtail Teriyaki | | | Fish Dishes | | | .-------------------------------------------------------------. Other Villagers: _________ / \______________________________________________________,- | Doug | '---.-------------------------------------------------------------/ | Likes | Loves | Dislikes | '--------------------'--------------------'-------------------' | Milk | Corn | Junk Ore | | Butter | Corn Dishes | | | Cheese | | | | Green Peppers | | | | Blowfish | | | | Sodas | | | .-------------------------------------------------------------. _________ / \______________________________________________________,- | Duke | '---.-------------------------------------------------------------/ | Likes | Loves | Dislikes | '--------------------'--------------------'-------------------' | Soda | Potatoes |Poisonous Mushrooms| | Cheese | Pizza | All Ores | | Milk | Sodas | Gems | | Butter | | | .-------------------------------------------------------------. _________ / \______________________________________________________,- | Gourmet | '---.-------------------------------------------------------------/ | Likes | Loves | Dislikes | '--------------------'--------------------'-------------------' | Pontana Root | Special Milk | Weeds | | Eggs | Special Eggs | Weird Dishes | | Mushrooms | Special Mayonnaise | Medicines | | | Special Butter | | | | Truffles | | | | Truffle Sauté | | .-------------------------------------------------------------. _________ / \______________________________________________________,- | Hank | '---.-------------------------------------------------------------/ | Likes | Loves | Dislikes | '--------------------'--------------------'-------------------' | Chicken Feed | Good Mayonnaise |Poisonous Mushrooms| | Clams | Special Mayonnaise | Mushrooms | | | Turnips | Honey | | | Soda | Dull Yarn | .-------------------------------------------------------------. _________ / \______________________________________________________,- | Liz | '---.-------------------------------------------------------------/ | Likes | Loves | Dislikes | '--------------------'--------------------'-------------------' | All Flowers | Pumpkins |Poisonous Mushrooms| | Eggs | Pumpkin Pie | Weeds | | Very Berry Jam | Pumpkin Soup | Copper Ore | | Eggplant | | | | Herbs | | | | Strawberries | | | | Turnips | | | | Yams | | | .-------------------------------------------------------------. _________ / \______________________________________________________,- | Martha | '---.-------------------------------------------------------------/ | Likes | Loves | Dislikes | '--------------------'--------------------'-------------------' | Flowers | Wool |Poisonous Mushrooms| | Herbs | Breadfruit | Weird Dishes | | Eggs | Yarn | Weeds | | | Shiny Wool | Toadstool Sauté | | | Special Cheese | | .-------------------------------------------------------------. _________ / \______________________________________________________,- | Michael | '---.-------------------------------------------------------------/ | Likes | Loves | Dislikes | '--------------------'--------------------'-------------------' | Milk | Onions | Weeds | | All Other Ores | Rare Ore | Sodas | | Green Peppers | Special Milk | | | | Special Cheese | | | | Special Butter | | .-------------------------------------------------------------. _________ / \______________________________________________________,- | Nami | '---.-------------------------------------------------------------/ | Likes | Loves | Dislikes | '--------------------'--------------------'-------------------' | Eggs | Tomatoes | Pickled Dishes | | Butter | Tomato Juice | | | Cheese | Special Cheese | | | Oranges | | | | Clams | | | | Mushrooms | | | .-------------------------------------------------------------. _________ / \______________________________________________________,- | Ronald | '---.-------------------------------------------------------------/ | Likes | Loves | Dislikes | '--------------------'--------------------'-------------------' | Eggs | Special Eggs | Junk Ore | | Herbs | Sodas | | | Breadfruit | Special Milk | | | Oranges | | | | Cacao Nuts | | | | Butter | | | .-------------------------------------------------------------. _________ / \______________________________________________________,- | Saibara | '---.-------------------------------------------------------------/ | Likes | Loves | Dislikes | '--------------------'--------------------'-------------------' | Eggplant | Good Clay |Poisonous Mushrooms| |Fish Caught by River| Pickled Foods | Weeds | | Turnips | | Toadstool Sauté | | Green Herbs | | | .-------------------------------------------------------------. _________ / \______________________________________________________,- | Tai | '---.-------------------------------------------------------------/ | Likes | Loves | Dislikes | '--------------------'--------------------'-------------------' | All Other Ores | Spinach |Poisonous Mushrooms| | Eggplant | Rare Ore | Toadstool Sauté | | Milk | Special Milk | | | Amethyst | | | | Moon Stone | | | .-------------------------------------------------------------. _________ / \______________________________________________________,- | Terry | '---.-------------------------------------------------------------/ | Likes | Loves | Dislikes | '--------------------'--------------------'-------------------' | Eggs | Fish |Poisonous Mushrooms| | Cabbage | Truffles | Cakes | | Soda | Mushrooms | Puddings | .-------------------------------------------------------------. _________ / \______________________________________________________,- | Tim | '---.-------------------------------------------------------------/ | Likes | Loves | Dislikes | '--------------------'--------------------'-------------------' | All Ores | Corn | Spinach | |Poisonous Mushrooms | Cake | Weird Dishes | | Blowfish | Pies | Weeds | | Special Eggs | | | .-------------------------------------------------------------. _________ / \______________________________________________________,- | Theodore | '---.-------------------------------------------------------------/ | Likes | Loves | Dislikes | '--------------------'--------------------'-------------------' | Rainbow Trout | Potatoes |Poisonous Mushrooms| | | Gold Ore | Cheese | | | Potato Stew | Weeds | .-------------------------------------------------------------. _________ / \______________________________________________________,- | Woody | '---.-------------------------------------------------------------/ | Likes | Loves | Dislikes | '--------------------'--------------------'-------------------' | Wood | Eggplant |Poisonous Mushrooms| | Flounder | Special Milk | Sweets | | Sardines | | | | Milk | | | | All Ores | | | .-------------------------------------------------------------. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ _________ / \______________________________________________________,- | Jamie | '---.-------------------------------------------------------------/ | Likes | Loves | Dislikes | '--------------------'--------------------'-------------------' | Fertilized Veggies | Cake | Medicines | | Jams | Special Milk | | | | Special Cheese | | | | Special Butter | | .-------------------------------------------------------------. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- > 1.2 How to Get Characters to Arrive in Town ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Certain characters will already be in the Village when you start your file. However, there are a select few who must be persuaded into moving in! > Carl – In order to obtain Carl, all you have to do is visit the horse race during Spring. As soon as the Moonlight Café is built, he will be a waiter behind the counter. > Dan – Dan will appear on the weekends if there is good weather, after you attend the Spring horse race, so be sure to look out for him. As soon as Ronald constructs the Paradise Orchard, Dan will begin to work there. (See Ronald for information on the Paradise Orchard.) > Dia – Dia will only arrive once the Sanatorium has been built. In order to get the Sanatorium in your Village, you must befriend Martha with one heart and ship at least 30 herbs. > Doug – You will have the opportunity to meet Doug if you attend the Spring horse race on the 17th. He will then open the Perch Inn at the beginning of Summer, and show up during the weekend if there is good weather, until it is built. > Duke – You will have the opportunity to meet Duke if you attend the Spring horse race on the 17th. He will open the Moonlight Café at the beginning of Summer, and show up during the weekend if there is good weather, until it is built. > Eve – You will meet Eve upon entering the Moonlight Café for the first time. (See Duke for information on the Moonlight Café.) > Gina – Gina will only arrive once the Sanatorium has been built. In order to get the Sanatorium in your Village, you must befriend Martha with one heart and ship at least 30 herbs. > Katie – Katie will apply to become a waitress at the Café Callaway and you will meet her as soon as you enter for the first time. In order to get the Café Callaway in your Village, you must first befriend Carl with one heart or more. > Lyla – You must first attend the Flower Festival, which takes place on the 23rd of Spring. After you meet her, she will wander around the Village on the weekends so long as the weather is clear. After befriending her with one heart, and shipping 20 or more flowers, and at least two of each berry, Lyla will construct a wonderful gift shop which sells: jams, yarn, flowers, and other great gifts. > Martha – To obtain Martha, you should first have at one to two hearts with Alex. She will show up at the Clinic afterward. > Saibara – Saibara will only open up his clay shop as soon as you ship one Good Clay, which can be found by using the hoe in the second level of the Mines. > Ronald – Ronald will appear at the Spring horse races, which takes place on the 17th. Afterwards, he will show up every weekend if the weather is clear, until his orchard is built. To get Ronald to build his orchard, you must first buy a fruit sapling (orange preferably), and plant it in the yard. REMEMBER: Trees MUST be planted in the middle of a 3x3 area with NOTHING surrounded by it in order to grow and produce fruit. Orange trees are planted in the Spring Season, and produce fruit in the Summer. Once you plant the sapling, Ronald will arrive at your door, telling you he wishes to build an orchard. Now all you have to do is ship one of any type of fruit, and Ronald will send you a letter, telling you that Paradise Orchards has been opened! > Tai – Tai is the blacksmith, and will only arrive in town as soon as you ship one of every type of ore: Junk Ore, Copper Ore, Silver Ore, Gold Ore, and Rare Ore. These can be found on multiple levels of the mine, which you can obtain by standing on the cracks and falling through to lower levels. > Tim – You will meet Tim as soon as you enter the blacksmith shop. ( More coming sooon! ) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- > 1.3 Locations ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ( Will be posted shortly! ) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- > 2.0 Dating ---------------------------------------------------------------------- In Harvest Moon: Magical Melody, you may enter your menu with the Y Button and scroll over to check different heart ratings with each character you have met. For each character which is eligible to become a husband or wife, whether you are a playing as a boy or a girl, you can obtain certain Musical Notes for bringing their heart levels to mid-two hearts (meaning almost three hearts) with these characters. Also, each of them will give you an item in return for your friendship. The characters will come visit you again to give you a special item after their heart meter has reached mid-five hearts as well. > Musical Notes & Items Received from Suitors after raising their level to Mid-Two-Hearts: Nina – Flower Girl Note #80 Received when Nina gives you a present. Item: Honey Ann – Explosive Girl Note #81 Received when Ann gives you a present. Item: A block of Good Clay Ellen – Apron Girl Note #82 Received when Ellen gives you a present. Item: Sashimi Maria – Talented Girl Note #83 Received when Maria gives you a present. Item: Pickled Cabbage Eve – Night Moon Note #84 Received when Eve gives you a present. Item: Very Berry Soda Gina – Girl With Glasses #85 Received when Gina gives you a present. Dia – Princess Note #86 Received when Dia gives you a present. Item: Blueberry Katie – Waitress Note #87 Received when Katie gives you a present. Item: Yogurt Gwen – Ponytail #88 Received when Gwen gives you a present. Item: Cheese Omelet Lyla – Heartfelt Note #89 Received when Lyla gives you a present. Item: Limestone Blue – Cowboy Note #90 Received when Blue gives you a present. Item: Good Milk Joe – Social Craftsman Note #91 Received when Joe gives you a present. Item: Dece Fish Kurt – Cool Craftsman Note #92 Received when Kurt gives you a present. Item: Red Herb Alex – Doctor Note #93 Received when Alex gives you a present. Item: Purple Herb Carl – Patissier Note #94 Received when Carl gives you a present. Item: Pudding Dan – Master Pick-Up Artist Note #95 Received when Dan gives you a present. Item: Apple Soda Ray – Fisherman Note #96 Received when Ray gives you a present. Item: Amago Fish Basil – Traveler Note #97 Received when Basil gives you a present. Item: Purple Herb Louis - Male Note #98 Received when Louis gives you a present. Item: Silver Ore Bob – Shy Guy Note #99 Received when Bob gives you a present. Item: Egg Mid-Five Heart Level Items: Kurt – Sapphire Brooch ( More Mid-Five Heart Level Items Coming Soon! ) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- > 2.1 Rivalries ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Of course, there will be others who have their eyes set on the man or woman who you do. There are other suitors in the village who will want to marry certain members of the opposite gender as well. Here are the following rivals (vice versa for the men): If you want to marry Ann, your rival is Blue. If you want to marry Dia, your rival is Kurt. If you want to marry Ellen, your rival is Carl. If you want to marry Eve, your rival is Dan. If you want to marry Gina, your rival is Alex. If you want to marry Gwen, your rival is Bob. If you want to marry Katie, your rival is Joe. If you want to marry Lyla, your rival is Louis. If you want to marry Maria, your rival is Ray. If you want to marry Nina, your rival is Basil. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- > 2.2 Marriage ---------------------------------------------------------------------- In order to get married, you MUST have a partner at 8-10 hearts, a level 3 house upgrade, and the Large (Plain) bed in your house. This will activate a cut scene the next day (if the weather is clear), where Theodore comes to your door and tells you of the blue bird which rests at the top of the mountain. Be sure to have a hammer in your rucksack if you haven’t already cleared the cave at the very top of Mt. Moon, and some food to restore your stamina for afterward! Theodore will bring you to the entrance, and if you enter, be prepared to climb the mountain! You climb by pressing the A button, and you must dodge falling boulders. It’s not too difficult, and once you get to the top of the hill, you will receive your Blue Feather to propose to your lover. Once your lover accepts your proposal, you will be wed, and start preparing for a baby, because it’ll soon be on the way! ;) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- > 2.3 Benefits of Befriending ---------------------------------------------------------------------- There are many benefits of befriending other Villagers, as well. They will be sure to give you opportunities for new items, or other things. Martha – Once you befriend Martha with about two and a half hearts (and the upgraded Rucksack with 10 slots from the Junk Shop), you will gain a cut scene where she explains that if you give her yarn, she will make your rucksack even larger! Bring her some yarn either from your own sheep’s wool, or buy some yarn from Lyla at the gift shop, and Martha will enlarge your rucksack to its maximum capacity of 15 slots! Ronald – If you befriend Ronald, his young niece will come stay with him. Saibara – Why doesn’t Saibara sell anything at his shop? Well, befriend him and he will sell multiple clay products. Woody – Befriend Woody with one heart and he will allow you to have the level 3 house upgrade. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- > 3.0 Festival Significance ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Some festivals stand as wonderful opportunities to spend alone time with your loved one. The Bamboo Festival, on the 7th of Summer, is the first of these activities. Your love interest will come to your door and ask if you would like to float a bamboo boat down the river with them. Presuming you say yes, you will not only get a small scene with them, but this will raise their heart level a little. The Fireworks Festival on the 24th of Summer, also assists in wooing your match. Other significant festivals are: Moon Viewing Festival – 9th of Fall Your love interest will come visit you on the morning of the festival, and invite you to join her (or him) in moon gazing that evening. Thanksgiving Festival – 12th of Winter You may travel around town and talk give out cakes to people. Those who have three hearts will give you a cakes as well. Campfire Festival – 19th of Winter Put a piece of wood into the blue bin in the Village Square the day before the festival, and go to the beach when ready. You will be around a campfire with Theodore and your loved one, Theodore will run off and you will get some time along to talk. Starlight Night Festival – 24th of Winter Your love interest will come visit you on the morning of the festival, and invite you to join her (or him)in star gazing that evening. You’ll get a bit of alone time with your loved one, and if you’re lucky, a kiss!