______________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ------------------ Harvest Moon: Magical Melody Complete Character Likes/Dislikes FAQ (Or The Ultimate Magical Melody Guide) ------------------ ______________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ___________________ 0.0. Table of Contents: ___________________ ......0. The Boring (but important) Stuff ................0.0. Table of Contents ................0.1. Copyright Information ................0.2. General Information ................0.3. Special Thanks ......1. The Guide Section I: The Characters ................1.0. The Eligible Bachelorettes ...............................1.0.0. Ann ...............................1.0.1. Dia ...............................1.0.2. Ellen ...............................1.0.3. Eve ...............................1.0.4. Gina ...............................1.0.5. Gwen ...............................1.0.6. Katie ...............................1.0.7. Lyla ...............................1.0.8. Maria ...............................1.0.9. Nina ................1.1. The Eligible Bachelors ...............................1.1.0. Alex ...............................1.1.1. Basil ...............................1.1.2. Blue ...............................1.1.3. Bob ...............................1.1.4. Carl ...............................1.1.5. Dan ...............................1.1.6. Joe ...............................1.1.7. Kurt ...............................1.1.8. Louis ...............................1.1.9. Ray ................1.2. The Eligible Androgyne ...............................1.2.0. Jamie ................1.3 The Ineligible Characters ...............................1.3.0. Doug ...............................1.3.1. Duke ...............................1.3.2. Gourmet ...............................1.3.3. Hank ...............................1.3.4. Henry ...............................1.3.5. Liz ...............................1.3.6. Martha ...............................1.3.7. Meryl ...............................1.3.8. Michael ...............................1.3.9. Nami ...............................1.3.10. Ronald ...............................1.3.11. Saibara ...............................1.3.12. Tai ...............................1.3.13. Terry ...............................1.3.14. Theodore ...............................1.3.15. Tim ...............................1.3.16. Woody ......2. The Guide Section II: The Items ................2.0. Crops ................2.1. Produce ................2.2. Ores and Jewelery ................2.3. Fish ................2.4. Recipes ......3. Content Update History _______________________ 0.1. Copyright Information: _______________________ All the information posted here has been collected by and belongs to ArsenicSkye, id est MeekSkye and ArsenicFairy. Under no circumstances may the information posted here be reused or copied to another website by anyone other than MeekSkye or ArsenicFairy. Under no circumstances may anyone take claim on the information posted in this guide without contacting MeekSkye at rawr.skye@hotmail.com. Harvest Moon: Magical Melody, as well as all of the characters listed in this guide, belong to Natsume. I do not take claims on any of the characters, character names, game, etc. This guide is for recreational use only and is to be available for no charge whatsoever. ______________________ 0.2. General Information: ______________________ Hello there, and welcome to the Ultimate Magical Melody Guide. Please do not be fooled by the name: you will not find ALL of the information pertaining to the game in this FAQ. However, all 13,262 character reactions for all 349 items from each of the 38 characters will be noted here, directly or indirectly. All the information contained in this guide will be organized according to the following format: "Love" reaction: The character smiles (most of the time) and makes an excited sound or giggle. Three hearts can be seen floating over their head. "Like" reaction: The character smiles (most of the time) and makes an excited sound or giggle. Two green happiness lines can be seen appearing over their head. "Meh" reaction: The character does not react. "Hate" reaction: The character moans or makes a disappointed sound. A red annoyed emote can be seen appearing over their head. "Go home" reaction: The character does not react. However, the text that the character says is not the same as the "Meh" reaction. "Wtf?!" reaction: The character does not take the item. Only the Dry Grass item has yielded this reaction, and has yielded it from every character. As it was said, all reactions will be noted. However, ONLY THE THREE NOTABLE REACTIONS (LOVE, LIKE AND HATE) WILL BE WRITTEN DOWN IN THIS GUIDE. This is to avoid overcrowding the guide with reactions that nobody will ever bother trying to attain (or to avoid). Therefore, if an item is missing from a character's section, or if a character is missing from an item's section, this means that the character in question did not react to receiving the item in question. It is to be noted that the reactions in regards to all the domestic crops are those corresponding to the highest quality of those crops. To skip to a specific character's or item's section, use the Ctrl + F function to search for that item by typing in the item, preceded by and ending with the hashtag (#) symbol (e.g. #shiny wool#, or #Jamie#). The items with errors in their names will be copied as they are written in the game, but their search code will be both the corrected version of the name and the erroneous version (e.g. "Salted Halfback"; search codes would be "#salted halfbeak#" or "#salted halfback#"). I acknowledge that the presence of errors is possible, as all the data has been collected by hand. If there are any questions regarding the guide, as well as comments or corrections that need to be made, please contact me at rawr.skye@hotmail.com. ___________________ 0.2. Special Thanks: ___________________ Special thanks to: -Freyashawk, for his guides (Characters and Recipes) on which we based ourselves to avoid character birthdays for the guide, as well as to know how to make each recipe. -Wolfire, for his guide (Fishing) on which we based ourselves to know where and when to fish each fish in the game. -ArsenicFairy, obviously, without who this guide would not exist. __________________________________________________________ ------------------ 1. The Guide Section I: The Characters ------------------ __________________________________________________________ ***To skip to a specific character's section, use the Ctrl + F function to search for that item by typing in the item, preceded by and ending with the hashtag (#) symbol (e.g. #Jamie#).*** ___________________________ 1.0. The Eligible Bachelorettes: ___________________________ This section includes all 10 marriageable female characters and their reactions to each item, implicit or not (see 0.2 General Information for details on the guide's format). 1.0.0. Ann, the Explosive Girl (#Ann#) ---- Loves ---- Crops: Corn Produce: - Ores and Jewelry: Rare Ore Amethyst Amethyst Ring Amethyst Brooch Fish: - Recipes: Spicy Fried Veggies Spicy Stew Deviled Egg Baked Corn ---- Likes ---- Crops: Cayenne Produce: Milk Good Milk Special Milk Egg Good Egg Special Egg Ores and Jewelry: Copper Ore Silver Ore Gold Ore Good Clay Topaz Ring Topaz Brooch Emerald Ring Emerald Brooch Ruby Ring Ruby Brooch Sapphire Ring Sapphire Brooch Aquamarine Ring Aquamarine Brooch Diamond Ring Diamond Brooch Coral Ring Coral Brooch Moonstone Ring Moonstone Brooch Silver Ring Silver Brooch Gold Ring Gold Brooch Fish: - Recipes: Sunny-Side Up Plain Omelet Cheese Omelette Tomato Omelette Char Meuniere R. Trout Meuniere Yamame Meuniere Sardine Meuniere Salmon Meuniere Halibut Meuniere Flounder Meuniere M. Flounder Meuniere Yellowtail Teriyaki Tuna Steak Grilled Clam Steamed Clam Mushroom Saute Truffle Saute Spinach Saute Baked Potato Fried Veggies Popcorn Tortilla Pancake Boiled Egg Potage Soup Corn Soup Tomato Soup Pumpkin Soup Mushroom Soup Onion Soup Bouillabaisse Stew Cream Salmon Stewed Pumpkin Stewed Potato Stewed Yam Boiled Spinach Stewed Eggplant Stewed Flounder Stewed Yellowtail Stewed Snapper Miso Mackerel Tomato Sardine Tomato Squid Caramelized Amago Caramelized Smelt Caramelized C. Carp Caramelized S. Carp Grilled R. Trout Grilled Sardine Grilled Snapper Grilled Saury Grilled Salmon Grilled Mackerel Grilled Halibut Grilled Tuna Grilled Smelt Squid Teriyaki Nice Squid Teriyaki Jamasquid Teriyaki Lampsquid Teriyaki Grilled Lobster Grilled Crawfish Grilled Shrimp Bread Corn Bread Pizza Seafood Pizza Potato Gratin Eggplant Gratin Mushroom Gratin Seafood Gratin Pudding Yogurt Salted Amago Salted Char Salted R. Trout Salted Yamame Salted Dace Salted Salmon Salted Huchen Salted Cureall Broiled C. Carp Broiled S. Carp Broiled Snapper Broiled Opaleye Broiled Shinapper Broiled Snadore Bonito Steak Broiled Mackerel Broiled Yellowtail Salted Smelt Broiled Tuna Anchovy Salted Halfback Salted Saury Broiled Halibut Broiled Flounder Broiled M. Flounder Broiled Squid Broiled Nice Squid Broiled Jamasquid Broiled Lampsquid Broiled Blowfish Broiled Chulowfish Broiled Lobster Broiled Crawfish Broiled Shrimp Broiled Clam Baked Yam Baked Chestnut Potion Caffeine Stamina Drink Bravo Drink Green Balm ---- Hates ---- Crops: Onion Toadstool Weed Produce: - Ores and Jewelry: - Fish: Can Boot (Left) Boot (Right) Recipes: Toadstool Saute Veggie Juice Grass Juice Failed Dish Weird Dish Failed Yarn 1.0.1. Dia, the Princess (#Dia#) ---- Loves ---- Crops: Strawberry Cocoa Blueberry Produce: - Ores and Jewelry: Emerald Ring Emerald Brooch Fish: - Recipes: Strawberry Jam Very Berry Jam Blueberry Jam Blueberry Juice Orange Balm ---- Likes ---- Crops: Very Berry Orange Grape Apple Chestnut Moondrop Flower Pinkcat Flower Produce: - Ores and Jewelry: Emerald Coral Topaz Ring Topaz Brooch Ruby Ring Ruby Brooch Sapphire Ring Sapphire Brooch Amethyst Ring Amethyst Brooch Aquamarine Ring Aquamarine Brooch Diamond Ring Diamond Brooch Coral Ring Coral Brooch Moonstone Ring Moonstone Brooch Silver Ring Gold Ring Fish: - Recipes: Sunny-Side Up Plain Omelet Cheese Omelette Tomato Omelette Mushroom Saute Truffle Saute Pancake Hot Milk Cocoa Herb Tea Potage Soup Corn Soup Tomato Soup Pumpkin Soup Mushroom Soup Onion Soup Stewed Pumpkin Stewed Potato Stewed Yam Boiled Spinach Stewed Eggplant Marmalade Apple Jam Grilled Lobster Grilled Shrimp Pudding Cocoa Pudding Pumpkin Pudding Cake Cocoa Cake Honey Cake Orange Cake Chestnut Cake Cheesecake Apple Pie Pumpkin Pie Chestnut Pie Yam Pie Strawberry Milk Milkshake Very Berry Juice Orange Juice Apple Juice Grape Juice Yogurt Baked Yam Baked Chestnut Baked Corn Purple Balm Pink Balm Blue Balm ---- Hates ---- Crops: Weed Produce: Fodder Bird Feed Ores and Jewelry: Junk Ore Stone Fish: Can Boot (Left) Boot (Right) Recipes: Toadstool Saute Grilled Crawfish Grass Juice Failed Dish Weird Dish 1.0.2. Ellen, the Apron Girl (#Ellen#) ---- Loves ---- Crops: Breadfruit Cocoa Produce: Special Milk Special Egg Ores and Jewelry: Aquamarine Ring Aquamarine Brooch Fish: - Recipes: Cocoa Pudding Cocoa Cake Very Berry Juice Baked Yam Blue Balm ---- Likes ---- Crops: Strawberry Yam Pumpkin Moondrop Flower Pinkcat Flower Blue Mist Flower Mushroom Truffle Honey Stake Branch Produce: Milk Good Milk Egg Good Egg Butter Good Butter Special Butter Cheese Good Cheese Special Cheese Mayonnaise Good Mayonnaise Special Mayonnaise Dull Wool Wool Shiny Wool Dull Yarn Yarn Shiny Yarn Fodder Bird Feed Ores and Jewelry: Topaz Emerald Ruby Sapphire Amethyst Aquamarine Diamond Moonstone Topaz Ring Topaz Brooch Emerald Ring Emerald Brooch Ruby Ring Ruby Brooch Sapphire Ring Sapphire Brooch Amethyst Ring Amethyst Brooch Diamond Ring Diamond Brooch Coral Ring Coral Brooch Moonstone Ring Moonstone Brooch Silver Ring Silver Brooch Gold Ring Gold Brooch Fish: - Recipes: Veggie Salad Tomato Sandwich Egg Sandwich Quesadilla Amago Sashimi Char Sashimi R. Trout Sashimi Yamame Sashimi Salmon Sashimi Huchen Sashimi Snapper Sashimi Opaleye Sashimi Shinapper Sashimi Snadore Sashimi Bonito Sashimi Yellowtail Sashimi Tuna Sashimi Sardine Sashimi Halfbeck Sashimi Saury Sashimi Halibut Sashimi Flounder Sashimi M. Flounder Sashimi Pie Dough Sunny-Side Up Plain Omelet Cheese Omelette Tomato Omelette Char Meuniere R. Trout Meuniere Yamame Meuniere Sardine Meuniere Salmon Meuniere Halibut Meuniere Flounder Meuniere M. Flounder Meuniere Yellowtail Teriyaki Tuna Steak Grilled Clam Steamed Clam Mushroom Saute Truffle Saute Spinach Saute Baked Potato Fried Veggies Pancake Hot Milk Cocoa Herb Tea Potage Soup Corn Soup Tomato Soup Pumpkin Soup Mushroom Soup Onion Soup Bouillabaisse Stew Cream Salmon Spicy Stew Stewed Pumpkin Stewed Potato Stewed Yam Boiled Spinach Stewed Eggplant Strawberry Jam Very Berry Jam Blueberry Jam Marmalade Apple Jam Bread Corn Bread Pizza Seafood Pizza Potato Gratin Eggplant Gratin Mushroom Gratin Seafood Gratin Pudding Pumpkin Pudding Cake Honey Cake Orange Cake Chestnut Cake Cheesecake Apple Pie Pumpkin Pie Chestnut Pie Yam Pie Strawberry Milk Milkshake Blueberry Juice Orange Juice Apple Juice Grape Juice Tomato Juice Yogurt Deviled Egg Baked Chestnut Baked Corn Orange Balm Moon Balm Pink Balm Green Yarn Purple Yarn Red Yarn Orange Yarn Yellow Yarn Pink Yarn Blue Yarn ---- Hates ---- Crops: Toadstool Weed Produce: - Ores and Jewelry: Junk Ore Stone Fish: Can Boot (Left) Boot (Right) Recipes: Toadstool Saute Failed Dish Weird Dish Failed Yarn 1.0.3. Eve, the Night Moon (#Eve#) ---- Loves ---- Crops: Strawberry Produce: Special Cheese Ores and Jewelry: Ruby Ring Ruby Brooch Fish: - Recipes: Grape Soda Apple Soda Very Berry Soda Purple Balm Pink Balm ---- Likes ---- Crops: Grape Apple Chestnut Moondrop Flower Pinkcat Flower Blue Mist Flower Mushroom Truffle Honey Produce: Butter Good Butter Special Butter Cheese Good Cheese Ores and Jewelry: Topaz Emerald Ruby Sapphire Amethyst Aquamarine Diamond Moonstone Limestone Topaz Ring Topaz Brooch Emerald Ring Emerald Brooch Sapphire Ring Sapphire Brooch Amethyst Ring Amethyst Brooch Aquamarine Ring Aquamarine Brooch Diamond Ring Diamond Brooch Coral Ring Coral Brooch Moonstone Ring Moonstone Brooch Silver Ring Gold Ring Fish: - Recipes: Veggie Salad Tomato Sandwich Egg Sandwich Quesadilla Amago Sashimi Char Sashimi R. Trout Sashimi Yamame Sashimi Squid Sashimi Nice Squid Sashimi Jamasquid Sashimi Lampsquid Sashimi Chulowfish Sashimi Lobster Sashimi Shrimp Sashimi Plain Omelet Cheese Omelette Tomato Omelette Tuna Steak Grilled Clam Steamed Clam Spinach Saute Baked Potato Fried Veggies Spicy Fried Veggies Cocoa Herb Tea Potage Soup Corn Soup Tomato Soup Pumpkin Soup Mushroom Soup Onion Soup Bouillabaisse Stew Cream Salmon Spicy Stew Stewed Pumpkin Stewed Potato Stewed Yam Boiled Spinach Stewed Eggplant Tomato Sardine Tomato Squid Caramelized Amago Caramelized Smelt Caramelized C. Carp Caramelized S. Carp Grilled Lobster Grilled Crawfish Grilled Shrimp Bread Corn Bread Pizza Seafood Pizza Potato Gratin Eggplant Gratin Mushroom Gratin Seafood Gratin Very Berry Juice Blueberry Juice Orange Juice Apple Juice Grape Juice Yogurt Baked Yam Baked Chestnut Baked Corn Potion Caffeine Stamina Drink Bravo Drink Green Balm Orange Balm Moon Balm Blue Balm ---- Hates ---- Crops: Toadstool Branch Weed Produce: Fodder Bird Feed Ores and Jewelry: Junk Ore Stone Fish: Can Boot (Left) Boot (Right) Recipes: Toadstool Saute Grass Juice Failed Dish Weird Dish 1.0.4. Gina, the Girl with the Glasses (#Gina#) ---- Loves ---- Crops: Onion Bell Pepper Produce: Special Butter Special Cheese Shiny Wool Ores and Jewelry: Coral Ring Coral Brooch Fish: - Recipes: Caramelized Amago Caramelized Smelt Caramelized C. Carp Caramelized S. Carp ---- Likes ---- Crops: Green Herb Purple Herb Red Herb Orange Herb Moondrop Flower Pinkcat Flower Blue Mist Flower Mushroom Toadstool Honey Pontata Root Produce: Milk Good Milk Special Milk Egg Good Egg Special Egg Butter Good Butter Cheese Good Cheese Dull Wool Wool Dull Yarn Yarn Shiny Yarn Ores and Jewelry: Coral Topaz Ring Topaz Brooch Emerald Ring Emerald Brooch Ruby Ring Ruby Brooch Sapphire Ring Sapphire Brooch Amethyst Ring Amethyst Brooch Aquamarine Ring Aquamarine Brooch Diamond Ring Diamond Brooch Moonstone Ring Moonstone Brooch Silver Ring Silver Brooch Gold Ring Gold Brooch Fish: Amago Cureall Huchen Char Dace Silver Carp Salmon Rainbow Trout Crucian Carp Yamame Smelt Sardine Shinapper Bonito Flounder Mackerel Halfbeak Saury Snapper Snadore Halibut Yellowtail Tuna Opaleye Maple Flounder Recipes: Amago Sashimi Char Sashimi R. Trout Sashimi Yamame Sashimi Salmon Sashimi Huchen Sashimi Snapper Sashimi Opaleye Sashimi Shinapper Sashimi Snadore Sashimi Bonito Sashimi Yellowtail Sashimi Tuna Sashimi Sardine Sashimi Halfbeck Sashimi Saury Sashimi Halibut Sashimi Flounder Sashimi M. Flounder Sashimi Squid Sashimi Nice Squid Sashimi Jamasquid Sashimi Lampsquid Sashimi Blowfish Sashimi Chulowfish Sashimi Lobster Sashimi Shrimp Sashimi Pie Dough Sunny-Side Up Plain Omelet Cheese Omelette Tomato Omelette Char Meuniere R. Trout Meuniere Yamame Meuniere Sardine Meuniere Salmon Meuniere Halibut Meuniere Flounder Meuniere M. Flounder Meuniere Yellowtail Teriyaki Tuna Steak Grilled Clam Steamed Clam Spinach Saute Baked Potato Fried Veggies Potage Soup Bouillabaisse Cream Salmon Stewed Pumpkin Stewed Potato Stewed Yam Boiled Spinach Stewed Eggplant Stewed Flounder Stewed Yellowtail Stewed Snapper Miso Mackerel Tomato Sardine Tomato Squid Grilled R. Trout Grilled Sardine Grilled Snapper Grilled Saury Grilled Salmon Grilled Mackerel Grilled Halibut Grilled Tuna Grilled Smelt Squid Teriyaki Nice Squid Teriyaki Jamasquid Teriyaki Lampsquid Teriyaki Grilled Lobster Grilled Crawfish Grilled Shrimp Pudding Cocoa Pudding Pumpkin Pudding Cake Cocoa Cake Honey Cake Orange Cake Chestnut Cake Cheesecake Apple Pie Pumpkin Pie Chestnut Pie Yam Pie Yogurt Deviled Egg Salted Amago Salted Char Salted R. Trout Salted Yamame Salted Dace Salted Salmon Salted Huchen Salted Cureall Broiled C. Carp Broiled S. Carp Broiled Snapper Broiled Opaleye Broiled Shinapper Broiled Snadore Bonito Steak Broiled Mackerel Broiled Yellowtail Salted Smelt Broiled Tuna Anchovy Salted Halfback Salted Saury Broiled Halibut Broiled Flounder Broiled M. Flounder Broiled Squid Broiled Nice Squid Broiled Jamasquid Broiled Lampsquid Broiled Blowfish Broiled Chulowfish Broiled Lobster Broiled Crawfish Broiled Shrimp Broiled Clam Orange Balm Green Yarn Purple Yarn Red Yarn Orange Yarn Yellow Yarn Pink Yarn Blue Yarn ---- Hates ---- Crops: Weed Produce: - Ores and Jewelry: Stone Fish: Can Boot (Left) Boot (Right) Recipes: Toadstool Saute Failed Dish Weird Dish Purple Balm Moon Balm Pink Balm 1.0.5. Gwen, the Girl with the Ponytail (#Gwen#) ---- Loves ---- Crops: Cabbage Carrot Produce: Special Cheese Shiny Wool Shiny Yarn Ores and Jewelry: Topaz Ring Topaz Brooch Fish: - Recipes: Strawberry Jam Very Berry Jam Blueberry Jam Pizza Potato Gratin Baked Corn ---- Likes ---- Crops: Eggplant Very Berry Blueberry Orange Grape Apple Chestnut Green Herb Purple Herb Red Herb Orange Herb Moondrop Flower Pinkcat Flower Blue Mist Flower Produce: Milk Good Milk Special Milk Egg Good Egg Special Egg Cheese Good Cheese Mayonnaise Good Mayonnaise Special Mayonnaise Dull Wool Wool Dull Yarn Yarn Ores and Jewelry: Topaz Emerald Ring Emerald Brooch Ruby Ring Ruby Brooch Sapphire Ring Sapphire Brooch Amethyst Ring Amethyst Brooch Aquamarine Ring Aquamarine Brooch Diamond Ring Diamond Brooch Coral Ring Coral Brooch Moonstone Ring Moonstone Brooch Silver Ring Silver Brooch Gold Ring Gold Brooch Fish: Clam Recipes: Veggie Salad Tomato Sandwich Egg Sandwich Quesadilla Amago Sashimi Char Sashimi R. Trout Sashimi Yamame Sashimi Salmon Sashimi Huchen Sashimi Snapper Sashimi Opaleye Sashimi Shinapper Sashimi Snadore Sashimi Bonito Sashimi Yellowtail Sashimi Tuna Sashimi Sardine Sashimi Halfbeck Sashimi Saury Sashimi Halibut Sashimi Flounder Sashimi M. Flounder Sashimi Squid Sashimi Nice Squid Sashimi Jamasquid Sashimi Lampsquid Sashimi Blowfish Sashimi Chulowfish Sashimi Lobster Sashimi Shrimp Sashimi Pie Dough Sunny-Side Up Plain Omelet Cheese Omelette Tomato Omelette Char Meuniere R. Trout Meuniere Yamame Meuniere Sardine Meuniere Salmon Meuniere Halibut Meuniere Flounder Meuniere M. Flounder Meuniere Yellowtail Teriyaki Tuna Steak Grilled Clam Steamed Clam Spinach Saute Baked Potato Fried Veggies Spicy Fried Veggies Popcorn Tortilla Pancake Boiled Egg Stew Cream Salmon Spicy Stew Stewed Pumpkin Stewed Potato Stewed Yam Boiled Spinach Stewed Eggplant Stewed Flounder Stewed Yellowtail Stewed Snapper Miso Mackerel Tomato Sardine Tomato Squid Caramelized Amago Caramelized Smelt Caramelized C. Carp Caramelized S. Carp Marmalade Apple Jam Grilled R. Trout Grilled Sardine Grilled Snapper Grilled Saury Grilled Salmon Grilled Mackerel Grilled Halibut Grilled Tuna Grilled Smelt Squid Teriyaki Nice Squid Teriyaki Jamasquid Teriyaki Lampsquid Teriyaki Grilled Lobster Grilled Crawfish Grilled Shrimp Seafood Pizza Eggplant Gratin Mushroom Gratin Seafood Gratin Pudding Cocoa Pudding Pumpkin Pudding Cake Cocoa Cake Honey Cake Orange Cake Chestnut Cake Cheesecake Apple Pie Pumpkin Pie Chestnut Pie Yam Pie Very Berry Juice Blueberry Juice Orange Juice Apple Juice Grape Juice Tomato Juice Veggie Juice Grape Soda Apple Soda Very Berry Soda Yogurt Deviled Egg Salted Amago Salted Char Salted R. Trout Salted Yamame Salted Dace Salted Salmon Salted Huchen Salted Cureall Broiled C. Carp Broiled S. Carp Broiled Snapper Broiled Opaleye Broiled Shinapper Broiled Snadore Bonito Steak Broiled Mackerel Broiled Yellowtail Salted Smelt Broiled Tuna Anchovy Salted Halfback Salted Saury Broiled Halibut Broiled Flounder Broiled M. Flounder Broiled Squid Broiled Nice Squid Broiled Jamasquid Broiled Lampsquid Broiled Blowfish Broiled Chulowfish Broiled Lobster Broiled Crawfish Broiled Shrimp Broiled Clam Baked Yam Baked Chestnut Potion Caffeine Stamina Drink Bravo Drink Green Balm Green Yarn Purple Yarn Red Yarn Orange Yarn Yellow Yarn Pink Yarn Blue Yarn ---- Hates ---- Crops: Toadstool Weed Produce: - Ores and Jewelry: Stone Fish: Can Boot (Left) Boot (Right) Recipes: Failed Dish Weird Dish 1.0.6. Katie, the Waitress (#Katie#) ---- Loves ---- Crops: Breadfruit Yam Produce: Special Milk Special Egg Special Butter Good Cheese Special Cheese Ores and Jewelry: Diamond Ring Diamond Brooch Fish: - Recipes: Marmalade Apple Jam Pizza Orange Cake Chestnut Cake Pink Balm ---- Likes ---- Crops: Potato Cocoa Very Berry Moondrop Flower Pinkcat Flower Truffle Honey Produce: Milk Good Milk Egg Good Egg Butter Good Butter Cheese Mayonnaise Good Mayonnaise Special Mayonnaise Ores and Jewelry: Silver Ore Gold Ore Topaz Emerald Ruby Sapphire Amethyst Aquamarine Diamond Moonstone Topaz Ring Topaz Brooch Emerald Ring Emerald Brooch Ruby Ring Ruby Brooch Sapphire Ring Sapphire Brooch Amethyst Ring Amethyst Brooch Aquamarine Ring Aquamarine Brooch Coral Ring Coral Brooch Moonstone Ring Moonstone Brooch Silver Ring Silver Brooch Gold Ring Gold Brooch Fish: - Recipes: Veggie Salad Tomato Sandwich Egg Sandwich Quesadilla Squid Sashimi Nice Squid Sashimi Jamasquid Sashimi Lampsquid Sashimi Blowfish Sashimi Chulowfish Sashimi Lobster Sashimi Shrimp Sashimi Pie Dough Sunny-Side Up Plain Omelet Cheese Omelette Tomato Omelette Tuna Steak Grilled Clam Steamed Clam Spinach Saute Baked Potato Fried Veggies Popcorn Tortilla Pancake Boiled Egg Hot Milk Cocoa Herb Tea Corn Soup Tomato Soup Pumpkin Soup Mushroom Soup Onion Soup Bouillabaisse Stew Cream Salmon Strawberry Jam Very Berry Jam Blueberry Jam Seafood Pizza Potato Gratin Eggplant Gratin Mushroom Gratin Seafood Gratin Pudding Cocoa Pudding Pumpkin Pudding Cake Cocoa Cake Honey Cake Cheesecake Apple Pie Pumpkin Pie Chestnut Pie Yam Pie Strawberry Milk Milkshake Very Berry Juice Blueberry Juice Orange Juice Apple Juice Grape Juice Grape Soda Apple Soda Very Berry Soda Yogurt Deviled Egg Baked Yam Baked Chestnut Baked Corn Potion Caffeine Stamina Drink Bravo Drink Green Balm Orange Balm Moon Balm Blue Balm ---- Hates ---- Crops: Toadstool Cayenne Weed Produce: Fodder Bird Feed Ores and Jewelry: Junk Ore Stone Fish: Can Boot (Left) Boot (Right) Recipes: Toadstool Saute Grass Juice Failed Dish Weird Dish Failed Yarn 1.0.7. Lyla, the Heartfelt Girl (#Lyla#) ---- Loves ---- Crops: Cabbage Pumpkin Pinkcat Flower Produce: - Ores and Jewelry: Sapphire Ring Sapphire Brooch Fish: - Recipes: Pumpkin Pudding Pumpkin Pie Very Berry Juice Apple Juice Grape Soda Apple Soda Very Berry Soda Purple Balm Moon Balm Pink Balm Blue Balm ---- Likes ---- Crops: Very Berry Blueberry Green Herb Purple Herb Red Herb Orange Herb Moondrop Flower Blue Mist Flower Mushroom Truffle Honey Produce: Cheese Good Cheese Special Cheese Dull Wool Wool Shiny Wool Dull Yarn Yarn Shiny Yarn Ores and Jewelry: Gold Ore Rare Ore Topaz Emerald Ruby Sapphire Amethyst Aquamarine Diamond Moonstone Topaz Ring Topaz Brooch Emerald Ring Emerald Brooch Ruby Ring Ruby Brooch Amethyst Ring Amethyst Brooch Aquamarine Ring Aquamarine Brooch Diamond Ring Diamond Brooch Coral Ring Coral Brooch Moonstone Ring Moonstone Brooch Silver Ring Silver Brooch Gold Ring Gold Brooch Fish: - Recipes: Veggie Salad Tomato Sandwich Egg Sandwich Quesadilla Pie Dough Sunny-Side Up Plain Omelet Cheese Omelette Tomato Omelette Mushroom Saute Truffle Saute Hot Milk Cocoa Herb Tea Potage Soup Corn Soup Tomato Soup Pumpkin Soup Mushroom Soup Onion Soup Bouillabaisse Stew Cream Salmon Spicy Stew Stewed Pumpkin Stewed Potato Stewed Yam Boiled Spinach Stewed Eggplant Strawberry Jam Very Berry Jam Blueberry Jam Marmalade Apple Jam Cocoa Pudding Cake Cocoa Cake Honey Cake Orange Cake Chestnut Cake Cheesecake Apple Pie Chestnut Pie Yam Pie Strawberry Milk Milkshake Blueberry Juice Orange Juice Grape Juice Tomato Juice Veggie Juice Grass Juice Yogurt Deviled Egg Baked Yam Baked Chestnut Baked Corn Orange Balm Green Yarn Purple Yarn Red Yarn Orange Yarn Yellow Yarn Pink Yarn Blue Yarn ---- Hates ---- Crops: Toadstool Weed Produce: Fodder Bird Feed Ores and Jewelry: Junk Ore Stone Fish: Can Boot (Left) Boot (Right) Recipes: Toadstool Saute Stewed Flounder Stewed Yellowtail Stewed Snapper Miso Mackerel Tomato Sardine Tomato Squid Caramelized Amago Caramelized Smelt Caramelized C. Carp Caramelized S. Carp Failed Dish Weird Dish 1.0.8. Maria, the Talented Girl (#Maria#) ---- Loves ---- Crops: Cabbage Eggplant Spinach Produce: - Ores and Jewelry: Moonstone Ring Moonstone Brooch Fish: - Recipes: Stewed Pumpkin Stewed Potato Stewed Yam Boiled Spinach Stewed Eggplant Pickled Turnip Pickled Cabbage Pickled Eggplant Moon Balm ---- Likes ---- Crops: Turnip Moondrop Flower Pinkcat Flower Blue Mist Flower Produce: Dull Yarn Yarn Shiny Yarn Ores and Jewelry: Moonstone Topaz Ring Topaz Brooch Emerald Ring Emerald Brooch Ruby Ring Ruby Brooch Sapphire Ring Sapphire Brooch Amethyst Ring Amethyst Brooch Aquamarine Ring Aquamarine Brooch Diamond Ring Diamond Brooch Coral Ring Coral Brooch Silver Ring Silver Brooch Gold Ring Gold Brooch Fish: - Recipes: Veggie Salad Tomato Sandwich Egg Sandwich Quesadilla Amago Sashimi Char Sashimi R. Trout Sashimi Yamame Sashimi Salmon Sashimi Huchen Sashimi Snapper Sashimi Opaleye Sashimi Shinapper Sashimi Snadore Sashimi Bonito Sashimi Yellowtail Sashimi Tuna Sashimi Sardine Sashimi Halfbeck Sashimi Saury Sashimi Halibut Sashimi Flounder Sashimi M. Flounder Sashimi Plain Omelet Cheese Omelette Tomato Omelette Mushroom Saute Truffle Saute Spinach Saute Baked Potato Fried Veggies Pancake Boiled Egg Hot Milk Cocoa Herb Tea Potage Soup Corn Soup Tomato Soup Pumpkin Soup Mushroom Soup Onion Soup Bouillabaisse Stew Strawberry Jam Very Berry Jam Blueberry Jam Marmalade Apple Jam Bread Corn Bread Pizza Pudding Cocoa Pudding Pumpkin Pudding Cocoa Cake Honey Cake Orange Cake Chestnut Cake Cheesecake Apple Pie Pumpkin Pie Chestnut Pie Yam Pie Strawberry Milk Milkshake Very Berry Juice Blueberry Juice Orange Juice Apple Juice Grape Juice Tomato Juice Veggie Juice Yogurt Deviled Egg Broiled Lobster Broiled Crawfish Broiled Shrimp Baked Yam Baked Chestnut Baked Corn Green Balm Orange Balm Blue Balm Green Yarn Purple Yarn Red Yarn Orange Yarn Yellow Yarn Pink Yarn Blue Yarn ---- Hates ---- Crops: Toadstool Weed Produce: - Ores and Jewelry: Stone Fish: Can Boot (Left) Boot (Right) Recipes: Toadstool Saute Grape Soda Apple Soda Very Berry Soda Failed Dish Weird Dish 1.0.9. Nina, the Flower Girl (#Nina#) ---- Loves ---- Crops: Strawberry Blue Mist Flower Produce: - Ores and Jewelry: - Fish: - Recipes: Herb Tea Strawberry Jam Strawberry Milk Orange Juice Tomato Juice Baked Chestnut Pink Balm Blue Balm ---- Likes ---- Crops: Turnip Potato Cabbage Corn Tomato Yam Spinach Pumpkin Very Berry Blueberry Orange Grape Apple Chestnut Green Herb Purple Herb Red Herb Orange Herb Moondrop Flower Pinkcat Flower Honey Pontata Root Produce: Egg Good Egg Special Egg Cheese Good Cheese Special Cheese Mayonnaise Good Mayonnaise Special Mayonnaise Ores and Jewelry: Topaz Emerald Ruby Sapphire Amethyst Aquamarine Diamond Moonstone Limestone Topaz Ring Topaz Brooch Emerald Ring Emerald Brooch Ruby Ring Ruby Brooch Sapphire Ring Sapphire Brooch Amethyst Ring Amethyst Brooch Aquamarine Ring Aquamarine Brooch Diamond Ring Diamond Brooch Coral Ring Coral Brooch Moonstone Ring Moonstone Brooch Silver Ring Silver Brooch Gold Ring Gold Brooch Fish: - Recipes: Veggie Salad Tomato Sandwich Egg Sandwich Quesadilla Sunny-Side Up Plain Omelet Cheese Omelette Tomato Omelette Spinach Saute Baked Potato Fried Veggies Spicy Fried Veggies Popcorn Tortilla Pancake Boiled Egg Hot Milk Cocoa Potage Soup Corn Soup Tomato Soup Pumpkin Soup Mushroom Soup Onion Soup Stew Stewed Pumpkin Stewed Potato Stewed Yam Boiled Spinach Stewed Eggplant Very Berry Jam Blueberry Jam Marmalade Apple Jam Bread Corn Bread Pizza Potato Gratin Eggplant Gratin Mushroom Gratin Pudding Cocoa Pudding Pumpkin Pudding Cake Cocoa Cake Honey Cake Orange Cake Chestnut Cake Cheesecake Apple Pie Pumpkin Pie Chestnut Pie Yam Pie Milkshake Very Berry Juice Blueberry Juice Apple Juice Grape Juice Veggie Juice Grass Juice Pickled Turnip Pickled Cabbage Pickled Eggplant Deviled Egg Baked Yam Baked Corn Green Balm Purple Balm Orange Balm Moon Balm ---- Hates ---- Crops: Toadstool Cayenne Stake Branch Weed Produce: Fodder Bird Feed Ores and Jewelry: Stone Fish: Can Boot (Left) Boot (Right) Recipes: Amago Sashimi Char Sashimi R. Trout Sashimi Yamame Sashimi Salmon Sashimi Huchen Sashimi Snapper Sashimi Opaleye Sashimi Shinapper Sashimi Snadore Sashimi Bonito Sashimi Yellowtail Sashimi Tuna Sashimi Sardine Sashimi Halfbeck Sashimi Saury Sashimi Halibut Sashimi Flounder Sashimi M. Flounder Sashimi Squid Sashimi Nice Squid Sashimi Jamasquid Sashimi Lampsquid Sashimi Blowfish Sashimi Chulowfish Sashimi Lobster Sashimi Shrimp Sashimi Toadstool Saute Failed Dish Weird Dish ___________________________ 1.1. The Eligible Bachelors: ___________________________ This section includes all 10 marriageable male characters and their reactions to each item, implicit or not (see 0.2 General Information for details on the guide's format). 1.1.0. Alex, the Doctor (#Alex#) ---- Loves ---- Crops: Turnip Spinach Produce: - Ores and Jewelry: - Fish: - Recipes: Veggie Salad Spinach Saute Boiled Spinach Grilled Sardine Grilled Snapper Grilled Salmon Grilled Mackerel Veggie Juice Grass Juice Pickled Turnip ---- Likes ---- Crops: Green Herb Purple Herb Red Herb Orange Herb Blue Mist Flower Toadstool Cayenne Pontata Root Produce: Milk Good Milk Special Milk Cheese Good Cheese Special Cheese Ores and Jewelry: Coral Fish: - Recipes: Tomato Sandwich Egg Sandwich Quesadilla Mushroom Saute Truffle Saute Baked Potato Fried Veggies Hot Milk Cocoa Herb Tea Potage Soup Corn Soup Tomato Soup Pumpkin Soup Mushroom Soup Onion Soup Bouillabaisse Stew Cream Salmon Spicy Stew Stewed Pumpkin Stewed Potato Stewed Yam Stewed Eggplant Grilled R. Trout Grilled Saury Grilled Halibut Grilled Tuna Bread Corn Bread Potato Gratin Eggplant Gratin Mushroom Gratin Seafood Gratin Orange Juice Apple Juice Grape Juice Tomato Juice Pickled Cabbage Pickled Eggplant Yogurt Deviled Egg Baked Yam Baked Chestnut Baked Corn ---- Hates ---- Crops: Weed Produce: - Ores and Jewelry: Stone Fish: Can Boot (Left) Boot (Right) Recipes: Toadstool Saute Failed Dish Weird Dish 1.1.1. Basil, the Traveler (#Basil#) ---- Loves ---- Crops: Strawberry Carrot Pumpkin Red Herb Blue Mist Flower Pontata Root Produce: - Ores and Jewelry: - Fish: - Recipes: Herb Tea Stewed Pumpkin Tomato Juice Veggie Juice Grass Juice Pink Balm ---- Likes ---- Crops: Corn Tomato Very Berry Blueberry Orange Grape Apple Chestnut Green Herb Purple Herb Orange Herb Moondrop Flower Pinkcat Flower Produce: Cheese Good Cheese Special Cheese Ores and Jewelry: Copper Ore Silver Ore Gold Ore Good Clay Limestone Fish: - Recipes: Veggie Salad Tomato Sandwich Egg Sandwich Quesadilla Mushroom Saute Truffle Saute Spinach Saute Baked Potato Fried Veggies Spicy Fried Veggies Popcorn Tortilla Pancake Boiled Egg Hot Milk Cocoa Potage Soup Corn Soup Tomato Soup Pumpkin Soup Mushroom Soup Onion Soup Bouillabaisse Stew Cream Salmon Spicy Stew Stewed Potato Stewed Yam Boiled Spinach Stewed Eggplant Strawberry Jam Very Berry Jam Blueberry Jam Marmalade Apple Jam Bread Corn Bread Potato Gratin Eggplant Gratin Very Berry Juice Blueberry Juice Orange Juice Apple Juice Grape Juice Pickled Turnip Pickled Cabbage Pickled Eggplant Grape Soda Apple Soda Very Berry Soda Yogurt Deviled Egg Baked Yam Baked Chestnut Baked Corn Green Balm Purple Balm Orange Balm Moon Balm Blue Balm ---- Hates ---- Crops: Weed Produce: Mayonnaise Good Mayonnaise Special Mayonnaise Ores and Jewelry: Junk Ore Stone Fish: - Recipes: Toadstool Saute Failed Dish Weird Dish 1.1.2. Blue, the Cowboy (#Blue#) ---- Loves ---- Crops: Eggplant Produce: Good Milk Special Milk Special Egg Good Butter Special Butter Good Cheese Special Cheese Ores and Jewelry: Amethyst Fish: - Recipes: Spinach Saute Potage Soup Pumpkin Soup Cream Salmon Yogurt ---- Likes ---- Crops: Potato Bell Pepper Carrot Truffle Stake Produce: Milk Egg Good Egg Butter Cheese Dull Yarn Yarn Shiny Yarn Fodder Bird Feed Ores and Jewelry: Moonstone Fish: Clam Recipes: Veggie Salad Tomato Sandwich Egg Sandwich Quesadilla Sunny-Side Up Plain Omelet Cheese Omelette Tomato Omelette Baked Potato Fried Veggies Spicy Fried Veggies Popcorn Tortilla Boiled Egg Hot Milk Corn Soup Tomato Soup Mushroom Soup Onion Soup Stew Spicy Stew Stewed Pumpkin Stewed Potato Stewed Yam Boiled Spinach Stewed Eggplant Stewed Flounder Stewed Yellowtail Stewed Snapper Miso Mackerel Tomato Sardine Tomato Squid Potato Gratin Eggplant Gratin Mushroom Gratin Seafood Gratin Strawberry Milk Milkshake Tomato Juice Veggie Juice Grass Juice Pickled Turnip Pickled Cabbage Pickled Eggplant Deviled Egg Potion Caffeine Stamina Drink Bravo Drink ---- Hates ---- Crops: Honey Weed Produce: - Ores and Jewelry: Junk Ore Stone Fish: Can Boot (Left) Boot (Right) Recipes: Toadstool Saute Pancake Caramelized Amago Caramelized Smelt Caramelized C. Carp Caramelized S. Carp Strawberry Jam Very Berry Jam Blueberry Jam Marmalade Apple Jam Pudding Cocoa Pudding Pumpkin Pudding Cake Cocoa Cake Honey Cake Orange Cake Chestnut Cake Cheesecake Apple Pie Pumpkin Pie Chestnut Pie Yam Pie Very Berry Juice Blueberry Juice Orange Juice Apple Juice Grape Juice Failed Dish Weird Dish 1.1.3. Bob, the Male (#Bob#) ---- Loves ---- Crops: Spinach Produce: Special Egg Shiny Wool Shiny Yarn Ores and Jewelry: Topaz Fish: - Recipes: Spinach Saute Pancake Boiled Spinach Cocoa Cake Honey Cake Orange Cake Chestnut Cake ---- Likes ---- Crops: Cabbage Very Berry Blueberry Orange Grape Apple Chestnut Honey Produce: Egg Good Egg Dull Wool Wool Dull Yarn Yarn Fodder Bird Feed Ores and Jewelry: Copper Ore Silver Ore Gold Ore Limestone Fish: - Recipes: Veggie Salad Tomato Sandwich Egg Sandwich Quesadilla Lobster Sashimi Shrimp Sashimi Sunny-Side Up Plain Omelet Cheese Omelette Tomato Omelette Baked Potato Fried Veggies Spicy Fried Veggies Popcorn Tortilla Hot Milk Cocoa Stewed Pumpkin Stewed Potato Stewed Yam Stewed Eggplant Strawberry Jam Very Berry Jam Blueberry Jam Marmalade Apple Jam Bread Corn Bread Pudding Cocoa Pudding Pumpkin Pudding Cake Cheesecake Apple Pie Pumpkin Pie Chestnut Pie Yam Pie Strawberry Milk Milkshake Very Berry Juice Blueberry Juice Orange Juice Apple Juice Grape Juice Grape Soda Apple Soda Very Berry Soda Deviled Egg Baked Yam Baked Chestnut Baked Corn Potion Caffeine Stamina Drink Bravo Drink Pink Balm Green Yarn Purple Yarn Red Yarn Orange Yarn Yellow Yarn Pink Yarn Blue Yarn ---- Hates ---- Crops: Eggplant Weed Produce: - Ores and Jewelry: Stone Fish: - Recipes: Toadstool Saute Grass Juice Failed Dish Weird Dish 1.1.4. Carl, the Patissier (#Carl#) ---- Loves ---- Crops: Yam Apple Produce: Special Milk Special Egg Special Butter Ores and Jewelry: Aquamarine Fish: - Recipes: Pie Dough Herb Tea Stewed Pumpkin Stewed Yam Pumpkin Pudding Chestnut Pie Yam Pie ---- Likes ---- Crops: Strawberry Pumpkin Very Berry Blueberry Orange Grape Chestnut Green Herb Purple Herb Red Herb Orange Herb Blue Mist Flower Honey Produce: Milk Good Milk Egg Good Egg Butter Good Butter Ores and Jewelry: - Fish: - Recipes: Egg Sandwich Sunny-Side Up Plain Omelet Cheese Omelette Tomato Omelette Char Meuniere R. Trout Meuniere Yamame Meuniere Sardine Meuniere Salmon Meuniere Halibut Meuniere Flounder Meuniere M. Flounder Meuniere Yellowtail Teriyaki Tuna Steak Grilled Clam Steamed Clam Mushroom Saute Truffle Saute Spinach Saute Baked Potato Fried Veggies Spicy Fried Veggies Popcorn Tortilla Pancake Hot Milk Cocoa Corn Soup Tomato Soup Pumpkin Soup Mushroom Soup Onion Soup Bouillabaisse Stew Cream Salmon Spicy Stew Stewed Potato Strawberry Jam Very Berry Jam Blueberry Jam Marmalade Apple Jam Bread Corn Bread Pizza Seafood Pizza Potato Gratin Eggplant Gratin Mushroom Gratin Seafood Gratin Pudding Cocoa Pudding Cake Cocoa Cake Honey Cake Orange Cake Chestnut Cake Cheesecake Apple Pie Pumpkin Pie Strawberry Milk Milkshake Very Berry Juice Blueberry Juice Orange Juice Apple Juice Grape Juice Yogurt Deviled Egg Baked Yam Baked Chestnut Baked Corn ---- Hates ---- Crops: Branch Weed Produce: - Ores and Jewelry: Junk Ore Stone Fish: Can Boot (Left) Boot (Right) Recipes: Toadstool Saute Grass Juice Pickled Turnip Pickled Cabbage Pickled Eggplant Failed Dish Weird Dish 1.1.5. Dan, the Master Pick-up Artist (#Dan#) ---- Loves ---- Crops: Strawberry Grape Produce: Special Cheese Ores and Jewelry: Ruby Fish: Clam Recipes: Grilled Clam Steamed Clam Grape Soda Apple Soda Very Berry Soda Broiled Clam ---- Likes ---- Crops: Very Berry Blueberry Orange Apple Chestnut Cayenne Branch Produce: Cheese Good Cheese Fodder Bird Feed Ores and Jewelry: Gold Ore Sapphire Diamond Good Clay Gold Brooch Fish: Crawfish Chulowfish Blowfish Lobster Squid Squid Prince Lampsquid Shrimp Jamasquid Recipes: Veggie Salad Tomato Sandwich Egg Sandwich Quesadilla Squid Sashimi Nice Squid Sashimi Jamasquid Sashimi Lampsquid Sashimi Blowfish Sashimi Chulowfish Sashimi Lobster Sashimi Shrimp Sashimi Spinach Saute Baked Potato Fried Veggies Spicy Fried Veggies Popcorn Tortilla Stewed Pumpkin Stewed Potato Stewed Yam Boiled Spinach Stewed Eggplant Stewed Flounder Stewed Yellowtail Stewed Snapper Miso Mackerel Tomato Sardine Tomato Squid Caramelized Amago Caramelized Smelt Caramelized C. Carp Caramelized S. Carp Strawberry Jam Very Berry Jam Blueberry Jam Squid Teriyaki Nice Squid Teriyaki Jamasquid Teriyaki Lampsquid Teriyaki Grilled Lobster Grilled Crawfish Grilled Shrimp Bread Pizza Potato Gratin Eggplant Gratin Very Berry Juice Blueberry Juice Orange Juice Apple Juice Grape Juice Yogurt Broiled Squid Broiled Nice Squid Broiled Jamasquid Broiled Lampsquid Broiled Blowfish Broiled Chulowfish Broiled Lobster Broiled Crawfish Broiled Shrimp Baked Yam Baked Chestnut Baked Corn Potion Caffeine Stamina Drink Bravo Drink ---- Hates ---- Crops: Mushroom Toadstool Truffle Weed Produce: Dull Yarn Ores and Jewelry: Junk Ore Stone Fish: Can Boot (Left) Boot (Right) Recipes: Mushroom Saute Truffle Saute Toadstool Saute Mushroom Gratin Failed Dish Weird Dish 1.1.6. Joe, the Social Craftsman (#Joe#) ---- Loves ---- Crops: Turnip Corn Produce: - Ores and Jewelry: Diamond Fish: - Recipes: Yamame Meuniere Salmon Meuniere Tuna Steak Grilled R. Trout Grilled Saury Grilled Halibut Grilled Tuna Seafood Pizza Seafood Gratin ---- Likes ---- Crops: Stake Branch Produce: Special Egg Ores and Jewelry: Rare Ore Topaz Emerald Ruby Sapphire Amethyst Aquamarine Good Clay Moonstone Gold Brooch Fish: Amago Cureall Huchen Char Dace Silver Carp Salmon Rainbow Trout Crucian Carp Yamame Smelt Sardine Shinapper Bonito Flounder Mackerel Halfbeak Saury Snapper Snadore Halibut Yellowtail Tuna Opaleye Maple Flounder Clam Recipes: Amago Sashimi Char Sashimi R. Trout Sashimi Yamame Sashimi Salmon Sashimi Huchen Sashimi Snapper Sashimi Opaleye Sashimi Shinapper Sashimi Snadore Sashimi Bonito Sashimi Yellowtail Sashimi Tuna Sashimi Sardine Sashimi Halfbeck Sashimi Saury Sashimi Halibut Sashimi Flounder Sashimi M. Flounder Sashimi Sunny-Side Up Plain Omelet Cheese Omelette Tomato Omelette Char Meuniere R. Trout Meuniere Sardine Meuniere Halibut Meuniere Flounder Meuniere M. Flounder Meuniere Yellowtail Teriyaki Spicy Fried Veggies Popcorn Tortilla Potage Soup Corn Soup Tomato Soup Pumpkin Soup Mushroom Soup Onion Soup Bouillabaisse Stew Cream Salmon Spicy Stew Stewed Flounder Stewed Yellowtail Stewed Snapper Miso Mackerel Tomato Sardine Tomato Squid Caramelized Amago Caramelized Smelt Caramelized C. Carp Caramelized S. Carp Grilled Sardine Grilled Snapper Grilled Salmon Grilled Mackerel Grilled Smelt Pizza Potato Gratin Eggplant Gratin Mushroom Gratin Grape Soda Apple Soda Very Berry Soda Salted Amago Salted Char Salted R. Trout Salted Yamame Salted Dace Salted Salmon Salted Huchen Salted Cureall Broiled C. Carp Broiled S. Carp Broiled Snapper Broiled Opaleye Broiled Shinapper Broiled Snadore Bonito Steak Broiled Mackerel Broiled Yellowtail Salted Smelt Broiled Tuna Anchovy Salted Halfback Salted Saury Broiled Halibut Broiled Flounder Broiled M. Flounder Baked Yam Baked Chestnut Baked Corn Potion Caffeine Stamina Drink Bravo Drink ---- Hates ---- Crops: Weed Produce: Fodder Bird Feed Ores and Jewelry: Junk Ore Stone Fish: Can Boot (Left) Boot (Right) Recipes: Toadstool Saute Herb Tea Strawberry Jam Very Berry Jam Blueberry Jam Marmalade Veggie Juice Grass Juice Yogurt Failed Dish Weird Dish 1.1.7. Kurt, the Cool Craftsman (#Kurt#) ---- Loves ---- Crops: Blue Mist Flower Produce: - Ores and Jewelry: Emerald Fish: - Recipes: Tomato Sandwich Tomato Omelette Herb Tea Tomato Soup Bouillabaisse Tomato Sardine Tomato Squid Grape Juice Tomato Juice ---- Likes ---- Crops: Tomato Orange Grape Apple Green Herb Purple Herb Red Herb Orange Herb Pinkcat Flower Stake Branch Produce: - Ores and Jewelry: Copper Ore Silver Ore Gold Ore Aquamarine Good Clay Moonstone Fish: Crawfish Chulowfish Blowfish Lobster Squid Squid Prince Lampsquid Shrimp Jamasquid Recipes: Veggie Salad Egg Sandwich Quesadilla Squid Sashimi Nice Squid Sashimi Jamasquid Sashimi Lampsquid Sashimi Blowfish Sashimi Chulowfish Sashimi Lobster Sashimi Shrimp Sashimi Sunny-Side Up Plain Omelet Cheese Omelette Grilled Clam Steamed Clam Mushroom Saute Truffle Saute Potage Soup Corn Soup Pumpkin Soup Mushroom Soup Onion Soup Stew Cream Salmon Spicy Stew Miso Mackerel Squid Teriyaki Nice Squid Teriyaki Jamasquid Teriyaki Lampsquid Teriyaki Grilled Lobster Grilled Crawfish Grilled Shrimp Pizza Seafood Pizza Potato Gratin Eggplant Gratin Mushroom Gratin Seafood Gratin Veggie Juice Pickled Turnip Pickled Cabbage Pickled Eggplant Broiled Squid Broiled Nice Squid Broiled Jamasquid Broiled Lampsquid Broiled Blowfish Broiled Chulowfish Broiled Lobster Broiled Crawfish Broiled Shrimp Potion Caffeine Stamina Drink Bravo Drink ---- Hates ---- Crops: Toadstool Weed Produce: Fodder Bird Feed Ores and Jewelry: Junk Ore Stone Fish: Can Boot (Left) Boot (Right) Clam Recipes: Toadstool Saute Broiled Clam Failed Dish Weird Dish 1.1.8. Louis, the Shy Guy (#Louis#) ---- Loves ---- Crops: Bell Pepper Produce: Special Egg Special Mayonnaise Ores and Jewelry: Rare Ore Sapphire Moonstone Fish: - Recipes: Sunny-Side Up Plain Omelet Cheese Omelette Tomato Omelette Deviled Egg Caffeine Bravo Drink ---- Likes ---- Crops: Green Herb Purple Herb Red Herb Orange Herb Blue Mist Flower Mushroom Honey Pontata Root Produce: Egg Good Egg Mayonnaise Good Mayonnaise Ores and Jewelry: Junk Ore Copper Ore Silver Ore Gold Ore Good Clay Limestone Fish: Crawfish Chulowfish Blowfish Lobster Squid Squid Prince Lampsquid Shrimp Jamasquid Clam Recipes: Veggie Salad Tomato Sandwich Egg Sandwich Quesadilla Squid Sashimi Nice Squid Sashimi Jamasquid Sashimi Lampsquid Sashimi Blowfish Sashimi Chulowfish Sashimi Lobster Sashimi Shrimp Sashimi Pie Dough Spinach Saute Baked Potato Fried Veggies Spicy Fried Veggies Popcorn Tortilla Pancake Boiled Egg Hot Milk Cocoa Herb Tea Potage Soup Corn Soup Tomato Soup Pumpkin Soup Mushroom Soup Onion Soup Bouillabaisse Stew Cream Salmon Stewed Pumpkin Stewed Potato Stewed Yam Boiled Spinach Stewed Eggplant Squid Teriyaki Nice Squid Teriyaki Jamasquid Teriyaki Lampsquid Teriyaki Grilled Lobster Grilled Crawfish Grilled Shrimp Bread Corn Bread Pudding Cocoa Pudding Pumpkin Pudding Milkshake Pickled Turnip Pickled Cabbage Pickled Eggplant Baked Yam Baked Chestnut Baked Corn Potion Stamina Drink Purple Balm Pink Balm ---- Hates ---- Crops: Carrot Weed Produce: - Ores and Jewelry: Stone Fish: - Recipes: Toadstool Saute 1.1.9. Ray, the Fisherman (#Ray#) ---- Loves ---- Crops: Onion Produce: Special Egg Special Butter Ores and Jewelry: Moonstone Fish: Huchen Recipes: Huchen Sashimi Yellowtail Sashimi Halibut Meuniere Yellowtail Teriyaki Stewed Yellowtail Grilled Halibut Salted Huchen Broiled Yellowtail ---- Likes ---- Crops: Green Herb Red Herb Mushroom Truffle Cayenne Produce: Egg Good Egg Butter Good Butter Ores and Jewelry: Copper Ore Silver Ore Gold Ore Rare Ore Good Clay Limestone Fish: Amago Cureall Char Dace Silver Carp Salmon Rainbow Trout Crucian Carp Yamame Smelt Sardine Shinapper Bonito Flounder Mackerel Halfbeak Saury Snapper Snadore Halibut Yellowtail Tuna Opaleye Maple Flounder Recipes: Amago Sashimi Char Sashimi R. Trout Sashimi Yamame Sashimi Salmon Sashimi Snapper Sashimi Opaleye Sashimi Shinapper Sashimi Snadore Sashimi Bonito Sashimi Tuna Sashimi Sardine Sashimi Halfbeck Sashimi Saury Sashimi Halibut Sashimi Flounder Sashimi M. Flounder Sashimi Char Meuniere R. Trout Meuniere Yamame Meuniere Sardine Meuniere Salmon Meuniere Flounder Meuniere M. Flounder Meuniere Tuna Steak Spinach Saute Baked Potato Fried Veggies Spicy Fried Veggies Popcorn Tortilla Pancake Boiled Egg Bouillabaisse Cream Salmon Stewed Flounder Stewed Snapper Miso Mackerel Tomato Sardine Tomato Squid Grilled R. Trout Grilled Sardine Grilled Snapper Grilled Saury Grilled Salmon Grilled Mackerel Grilled Tuna Grilled Smelt Bread Seafood Pizza Seafood Gratin Grape Soda Apple Soda Very Berry Soda Yogurt Salted Amago Salted Char Salted R. Trout Salted Yamame Salted Dace Salted Salmon Salted Cureall Broiled C. Carp Broiled S. Carp Broiled Snapper Broiled Opaleye Broiled Shinapper Broiled Snadore Bonito Steak Broiled Mackerel Salted Smelt Broiled Tuna Anchovy Salted Halfback Salted Saury Broiled Halibut Broiled Flounder Broiled M. Flounder ---- Hates ---- Crops: Toadstool Weed Produce: Fodder Bird Feed Ores and Jewelry: Junk Ore Stone Fish: - Recipes: Toadstool Saute Strawberry Jam Very Berry Jam Blueberry Jam Marmalade Apple Jam Grass Juice Failed Dish Weird Dish ___________________________ 1.2. The Eligible Androgyne: ___________________________ This section includes the only androgyne in the game, and his/her reactions to each item, implicit or not (see 0.2 General Information for details on the guide's format). 1.2.0. Jamie, the Meek Heart (#Jamie#) ---- Loves ---- Crops: - Produce: Special Milk Special Butter Special Cheese Ores and Jewelry: - Fish: - Recipes: Cocoa Strawberry Jam Very Berry Jam Blueberry Jam Marmalade Apple Jam Cocoa Cake Honey Cake Orange Cake Cheesecake Apple Pie Pumpkin Pie Yam Pie ---- Likes ---- Crops: Turnip Potato Breadfruit Cabbage Strawberry Onion Corn Tomato Cocoa Bell Pepper Yam Carrot Eggplant Spinach Pumpkin Orange Grape Apple Produce: Good Milk Special Egg Good Butter Good Cheese Special Mayonnaise Shiny Wool Shiny Yarn Ores and Jewelry: Limestone Fish: - Recipes: Veggie Salad Tomato Sandwich Egg Sandwich Quesadilla Sunny-Side Up Plain Omelet Cheese Omelette Tomato Omelette Spinach Saute Baked Potato Fried Veggies Spicy Fried Veggies Popcorn Tortilla Pancake Hot Milk Herb Tea Potage Soup Corn Soup Tomato Soup Pumpkin Soup Mushroom Soup Onion Soup Bouillabaisse Stew Cream Salmon Spicy Stew Stewed Pumpkin Stewed Potato Stewed Yam Boiled Spinach Stewed Eggplant Pudding Cocoa Pudding Pumpkin Pudding Cake Chestnut Cake Chestnut Pie Strawberry Milk Milkshake Very Berry Juice Blueberry Juice Orange Juice Apple Juice Grape Juice Tomato Juice Veggie Juice ---- Hates ---- Crops: Stake Weed Produce: - Ores and Jewelry: Topaz Ring Topaz Brooch Emerald Ring Emerald Brooch Ruby Ring Ruby Brooch Sapphire Ring Sapphire Brooch Amethyst Ring Amethyst Brooch Aquamarine Ring Aquamarine Brooch Diamond Ring Diamond Brooch Coral Ring Coral Brooch Moonstone Ring Moonstone Brooch Silver Ring Silver Brooch Gold Ring Gold Brooch Fish: Can Boot (Left) Boot (Right) Recipes: Potion Caffeine Stamina Drink Bravo Drink Failed Dish Weird Dish Green Balm Purple Balm Orange Balm Moon Balm Pink Balm Blue Balm ___________________________ 1.3. The Ineligible Characters: ___________________________ This section includes all 17 non-marriageable characters and their reactions to each item, implicit or not (see 0.2 General Information for details on the guide's format). 1.3.0. Doug, the Inn Keeper (#Doug#) ---- Loves ---- Crops: Corn Bell Pepper Carrot Produce: Special Milk Special Butter Special Cheese Ores and Jewelry: - Fish: - Recipes: Popcorn Corn Soup Yogurt Baked Corn ---- Likes ---- Crops: Apple Chestnut Branch Produce: Milk Good Milk Butter Good Butter Cheese Good Cheese Ores and Jewelry: Copper Ore Silver Ore Gold Ore Good Clay Silver Brooch Gold Brooch Fish: Chulowfish Blowfish Clam Recipes: Amago Sashimi Char Sashimi R. Trout Sashimi Yamame Sashimi Huchen Sashimi Squid Sashimi Nice Squid Sashimi Jamasquid Sashimi Lampsquid Sashimi Blowfish Sashimi Chulowfish Sashimi Lobster Sashimi Shrimp Sashimi Pie Dough Sunny-Side Up Plain Omelet Cheese Omelette Tomato Omelette Sardine Meuniere Salmon Meuniere Halibut Meuniere Flounder Meuniere M. Flounder Meuniere Yellowtail Teriyaki Tuna Steak Grilled Clam Steamed Clam Mushroom Saute Truffle Saute Spinach Saute Baked Potato Fried Veggies Spicy Fried Veggies Potage Soup Tomato Soup Pumpkin Soup Mushroom Soup Onion Soup Bouillabaisse Stew Cream Salmon Spicy Stew Boiled Spinach Stewed Eggplant Stewed Flounder Stewed Yellowtail Stewed Snapper Miso Mackerel Tomato Sardine Tomato Squid Grilled R. Trout Grilled Sardine Grilled Snapper Grilled Saury Grilled Salmon Grilled Mackerel Grilled Halibut Grilled Tuna Grilled Smelt Squid Teriyaki Nice Squid Teriyaki Jamasquid Teriyaki Lampsquid Teriyaki Grilled Lobster Grilled Crawfish Grilled Shrimp Bread Corn Bread Pizza Seafood Pizza Potato Gratin Eggplant Gratin Mushroom Gratin Seafood Gratin Strawberry Milk Milkshake Very Berry Juice Blueberry Juice Orange Juice Apple Juice Grape Juice Tomato Juice Veggie Juice Grass Juice Pickled Turnip Pickled Cabbage Pickled Eggplant Grape Soda Apple Soda Very Berry Soda Deviled Egg Salted Amago Salted Char Salted R. Trout Salted Yamame Salted Dace Salted Salmon Salted Huchen Salted Cureall Broiled C. Carp Broiled S. Carp Potion Caffeine Stamina Drink Bravo Drink Green Balm ---- Hates ---- Crops: Weed Produce: - Ores and Jewelry: Junk Ore Fish: Can Boot (Left) Boot (Right) Recipes: Toadstool Saute Failed Dish Weird Dish 1.3.1. Duke, the Bartender (#Duke#) ---- Loves ---- Crops: Potato Produce: Good Butter Special Butter Special Cheese Ores and Jewelry: - Fish: - Recipes: Mushroom Saute Baked Potato Stewed Potato Pizza Grape Soda Apple Soda Very Berry Soda ---- Likes ---- Crops: Grape Cayenne Produce: Good Milk Special Milk Special Egg Butter Cheese Good Cheese Ores and Jewelry: - Fish: Crawfish Lobster Sardine Shinapper Bonito Flounder Mackerel Halfbeak Saury Snapper Snadore Halibut Yellowtail Tuna Opaleye Maple Flounder Shrimp Clam Recipes: Veggie Salad Tomato Sandwich Egg Sandwich Quesadilla Snapper Sashimi Opaleye Sashimi Shinapper Sashimi Snadore Sashimi Bonito Sashimi Yellowtail Sashimi Tuna Sashimi Sardine Sashimi Halfbeck Sashimi Saury Sashimi Halibut Sashimi Flounder Sashimi M. Flounder Sashimi Lobster Sashimi Shrimp Sashimi Sardine Meuniere Salmon Meuniere Halibut Meuniere Flounder Meuniere M. Flounder Meuniere Yellowtail Teriyaki Tuna Steak Grilled Clam Steamed Clam Truffle Saute Spinach Saute Fried Veggies Spicy Fried Veggies Popcorn Tortilla Boiled Egg Bouillabaisse Stew Cream Salmon Spicy Stew Stewed Flounder Stewed Yellowtail Stewed Snapper Miso Mackerel Tomato Sardine Tomato Squid Grilled Sardine Grilled Snapper Grilled Saury Grilled Salmon Grilled Mackerel Grilled Halibut Grilled Tuna Grilled Smelt Squid Teriyaki Nice Squid Teriyaki Jamasquid Teriyaki Lampsquid Teriyaki Grilled Lobster Grilled Crawfish Grilled Shrimp Bread Corn Bread Seafood Pizza Potato Gratin Eggplant Gratin Mushroom Gratin Seafood Gratin Broiled Snapper Broiled Opaleye Broiled Shinapper Broiled Snadore Bonito Steak Broiled Mackerel Broiled Yellowtail Salted Smelt Broiled Tuna Anchovy Salted Halfback Salted Saury Broiled Halibut Broiled Flounder Broiled M. Flounder Broiled Squid Broiled Nice Squid Broiled Jamasquid Broiled Lampsquid Broiled Blowfish Broiled Chulowfish Broiled Lobster Broiled Crawfish Broiled Shrimp Broiled Clam ---- Hates ---- Crops: Weed Produce: - Ores and Jewelry: Copper Ore Silver Ore Gold Ore Topaz Emerald Ruby Sapphire Amethyst Aquamarine Diamond Moonstone Fish: Can Boot (Left) Boot (Right) Recipes: Toadstool Saute Failed Dish Weird Dish 1.3.2. Gourmet, the Egg (#Gourmet#) ---- Loves ---- Crops: Truffle Produce: Special Egg Special Butter Special Cheese Ores and Jewelry: - Fish: - Recipes: Truffle Saute Bread Corn Bread Pizza Seafood Pizza Potato Gratin Eggplant Gratin Mushroom Gratin Seafood Gratin ---- Likes ---- Crops: Orange Grape Apple Chestnut Mushroom Cayenne Pontata Root Produce: Egg Good Egg Butter Good Butter Cheese Good Cheese Mayonnaise Good Mayonnaise Ores and Jewelry: - Fish: Amago Cureall Huchen Char Dace Silver Carp Salmon Rainbow Trout Crucian Carp Yamame Smelt Crawfish Chulowfish Blowfish Lobster Sardine Shinapper Bonito Flounder Mackerel Halfbeak Saury Snapper Snadore Halibut Yellowtail Tuna Opaleye Maple Flounder Squid Squid Prince Lampsquid Shrimp Jamasquid Clam Recipes: Veggie Salad Tomato Sandwich Egg Sandwich Quesadilla Amago Sashimi Char Sashimi R. Trout Sashimi Yamame Sashimi Salmon Sashimi Huchen Sashimi Snapper Sashimi Opaleye Sashimi Shinapper Sashimi Snadore Sashimi Bonito Sashimi Yellowtail Sashimi Tuna Sashimi Sardine Sashimi Halfbeck Sashimi Saury Sashimi Halibut Sashimi Flounder Sashimi M. Flounder Sashimi Squid Sashimi Nice Squid Sashimi Jamasquid Sashimi Lampsquid Sashimi Blowfish Sashimi Chulowfish Sashimi Lobster Sashimi Shrimp Sashimi Pie Dough Sunny-Side Up Plain Omelet Cheese Omelette Tomato Omelette Char Meuniere R. Trout Meuniere Yamame Meuniere Sardine Meuniere Salmon Meuniere Halibut Meuniere Flounder Meuniere M. Flounder Meuniere Yellowtail Teriyaki Tuna Steak Grilled Clam Steamed Clam Mushroom Saute Spinach Saute Baked Potato Fried Veggies Spicy Fried Veggies Popcorn Tortilla Pancake Boiled Egg Hot Milk Cocoa Herb Tea Potage Soup Corn Soup Tomato Soup Pumpkin Soup Mushroom Soup Onion Soup Bouillabaisse Stew Cream Salmon Spicy Stew Stewed Pumpkin Stewed Potato Stewed Yam Boiled Spinach Stewed Eggplant Stewed Flounder Stewed Yellowtail Stewed Snapper Miso Mackerel Tomato Sardine Tomato Squid Caramelized Amago Caramelized Smelt Caramelized C. Carp Caramelized S. Carp Strawberry Jam Very Berry Jam Blueberry Jam Marmalade Apple Jam Grilled R. Trout Grilled Sardine Grilled Snapper Grilled Saury Grilled Salmon Grilled Mackerel Grilled Halibut Grilled Tuna Grilled Smelt Squid Teriyaki Nice Squid Teriyaki Jamasquid Teriyaki Lampsquid Teriyaki Grilled Lobster Grilled Crawfish Grilled Shrimp Pudding Cocoa Pudding Pumpkin Pudding Cake Cocoa Cake Honey Cake Orange Cake Chestnut Cake Cheesecake Apple Pie Pumpkin Pie Chestnut Pie Yam Pie Strawberry Milk Milkshake Very Berry Juice Blueberry Juice Orange Juice Apple Juice Grape Juice Tomato Juice Veggie Juice Grass Juice Pickled Turnip Pickled Cabbage Pickled Eggplant Grape Soda Apple Soda Very Berry Soda Yogurt Deviled Egg Salted Amago Salted Char Salted R. Trout Salted Yamame Salted Dace Salted Salmon Salted Huchen Salted Cureall Broiled C. Carp Broiled S. Carp Broiled Snapper Broiled Opaleye Broiled Shinapper Broiled Snadore Broiled Mackerel Broiled Yellowtail Salted Smelt Broiled Tuna Anchovy Salted Halfback Salted Saury Broiled Halibut Broiled Flounder Broiled M. Flounder Broiled Squid Broiled Nice Squid Broiled Jamasquid Broiled Lampsquid Broiled Blowfish Broiled Chulowfish Broiled Lobster Broiled Crawfish Broiled Shrimp Broiled Clam Baked Yam Baked Chestnut Baked Corn ---- Hates ---- Crops: Toadstool Branch Weed Produce: - Ores and Jewelry: Junk Ore Copper Ore Silver Ore Gold Ore Rare Ore Topaz Emerald Ruby Sapphire Amethyst Aquamarine Diamond Good Clay Moonstone Limestone Topaz Ring Topaz Brooch Emerald Ring Emerald Brooch Ruby Ring Ruby Brooch Sapphire Ring Sapphire Brooch Amethyst Ring Amethyst Brooch Aquamarine Ring Aquamarine Brooch Diamond Ring Diamond Brooch Coral Ring Coral Brooch Moonstone Ring Moonstone Brooch Silver Ring Silver Brooch Gold Ring Gold Brooch Fish: Can Boot (Left) Boot (Right) Recipes: Potion Caffeine Stamina Drink Bravo Drink Failed Dish Weird Dish 1.3.3. Hank, the Farmer (#Hank#) ---- Loves ---- Crops: Turnip Produce: Special Mayonnaise Ores and Jewelry: Gold Ore Fish: - Recipes: Grilled Clam Steamed Clam Squid Teriyaki Grilled Crawfish Grape Soda Apple Soda Very Berry Soda Broiled Squid Broiled Crawfish ---- Likes ---- Crops: Orange Grape Apple Cayenne Branch Produce: Special Butter Mayonnaise Good Mayonnaise Fodder Bird Feed Ores and Jewelry: Copper Ore Silver Ore Diamond Fish: Amago Cureall Huchen Char Dace Salmon Rainbow Trout Yamame Smelt Crawfish Chulowfish Blowfish Lobster Squid Squid Prince Lampsquid Shrimp Jamasquid Clam Recipes: Amago Sashimi Char Sashimi R. Trout Sashimi Yamame Sashimi Salmon Sashimi Huchen Sashimi Squid Sashimi Nice Squid Sashimi Jamasquid Sashimi Lampsquid Sashimi Blowfish Sashimi Chulowfish Sashimi Lobster Sashimi Shrimp Sashimi Tomato Omelette Char Meuniere R. Trout Meuniere Yamame Meuniere Spicy Fried Veggies Grilled R. Trout Grilled Smelt Nice Squid Teriyaki Jamasquid Teriyaki Lampsquid Teriyaki Grilled Lobster Grilled Shrimp Salted Amago Salted Char Salted R. Trout Salted Yamame Salted Dace Salted Salmon Salted Huchen Salted Cureall Broiled C. Carp Broiled S. Carp Broiled Nice Squid Broiled Jamasquid Broiled Lampsquid Broiled Blowfish Broiled Chulowfish Broiled Lobster Broiled Shrimp Broiled Clam Baked Corn ---- Hates ---- Crops: Very Berry Blueberry Chestnut Green Herb Purple Herb Red Herb Orange Herb Blue Mist Flower Mushroom Toadstool Honey Pontata Root Weed Produce: - Ores and Jewelry: Junk Ore Limestone Stone Fish: Can Boot (Left) Boot (Right) Recipes: Mushroom Saute Truffle Saute Toadstool Saute Mushroom Soup Grass Juice Potion Caffeine Stamina Drink Bravo Drink Failed Dish Weird Dish Failed Yarn 1.3.4. Henry, the Traveling Artist (#Henry#) ---- Loves ---- Crops: Carrot Produce: - Ores and Jewelry: - Fish: - Recipes: Spicy Fried Veggies Spicy Stew Yogurt Deviled Egg Baked Corn Green Yarn Purple Yarn Red Yarn Orange Yarn Yellow Yarn Pink Yarn Blue Yarn ---- Likes ---- Crops: Turnip Potato Breadfruit Cabbage Strawberry Onion Corn Tomato Cocoa Bell Pepper Yam Eggplant Spinach Pumpkin Orange Grape Apple Cayenne Produce: Wool Shiny Wool Yarn Shiny Yarn Ores and Jewelry: Moonstone Fish: Amago Cureall Huchen Char Dace Salmon Rainbow Trout Yamame Smelt Crawfish Lobster Squid Prince Shrimp Recipes: Veggie Salad Tomato Sandwich Egg Sandwich Quesadilla Amago Sashimi Char Sashimi R. Trout Sashimi Yamame Sashimi Huchen Sashimi Sunny-Side Up Plain Omelet Cheese Omelette Char Meuniere R. Trout Meuniere Yamame Meuniere Sardine Meuniere Spinach Saute Baked Potato Fried Veggies Popcorn Stewed Pumpkin Grilled R. Trout Bread Corn Bread Pizza Seafood Pizza Potato Gratin Eggplant Gratin Mushroom Gratin Seafood Gratin Cocoa Cake Tomato Juice Veggie Juice Pickled Turnip Pickled Cabbage Pickled Eggplant Salted Amago Salted Char Salted R. Trout Salted Yamame Salted Dace Salted Salmon Salted Huchen Salted Cureall Broiled C. Carp Broiled S. Carp Baked Yam ---- Hates ---- Crops: Toadstool Weed Produce: - Ores and Jewelry: Junk Ore Stone Fish: Can Boot (Left) Boot (Right) Recipes: Toadstool Saute Pancake Caramelized Amago Caramelized Smelt Caramelized C. Carp Caramelized S. Carp Strawberry Jam Very Berry Jam Blueberry Jam Marmalade Apple Jam Pudding Cocoa Pudding Pumpkin Pudding Cake Honey Cake Orange Cake Chestnut Cake Cheesecake Apple Pie Pumpkin Pie Chestnut Pie Yam Pie Failed Yarn 1.3.5. Liz, the Florist (#Liz#) ---- Loves ---- Crops: Yam Spinach Pumpkin Produce: - Ores and Jewelry: - Fish: - Recipes: Spinach Saute Spicy Stew Stewed Pumpkin Stewed Yam Boiled Spinach Pumpkin Pudding Pumpkin Pie Purple Balm Moon Balm Blue Balm ---- Likes ---- Crops: Turnip Potato Breadfruit Cabbage Strawberry Corn Tomato Carrot Eggplant Very Berry Blueberry Chestnut Green Herb Purple Herb Red Herb Orange Herb Moondrop Flower Pinkcat Flower Blue Mist Flower Honey Produce: Special Milk Egg Good Egg Special Egg Special Butter Special Cheese Good Mayonnaise Special Mayonnaise Shiny Wool Shiny Yarn Ores and Jewelry: Topaz Emerald Ruby Sapphire Amethyst Aquamarine Diamond Moonstone Limestone Topaz Ring Topaz Brooch Emerald Ring Emerald Brooch Ruby Ring Ruby Brooch Sapphire Ring Sapphire Brooch Amethyst Ring Amethyst Brooch Aquamarine Ring Aquamarine Brooch Diamond Ring Diamond Brooch Coral Ring Coral Brooch Moonstone Ring Moonstone Brooch Silver Ring Silver Brooch Gold Ring Gold Brooch Fish: Chulowfish Blowfish Lobster Shrimp Recipes: Veggie Salad Tomato Sandwich Egg Sandwich Quesadilla Pie Dough Sunny-Side Up Plain Omelet Cheese Omelette Tomato Omelette Tuna Steak Grilled Clam Steamed Clam Baked Potato Fried Veggies Pancake Boiled Egg Hot Milk Cocoa Herb Tea Potage Soup Pumpkin Soup Bouillabaisse Stew Cream Salmon Stewed Potato Stewed Eggplant Strawberry Jam Very Berry Jam Blueberry Jam Marmalade Apple Jam Grilled Lobster Grilled Shrimp Bread Corn Bread Pizza Seafood Pizza Potato Gratin Eggplant Gratin Mushroom Gratin Seafood Gratin Pudding Cocoa Pudding Cake Cocoa Cake Honey Cake Orange Cake Chestnut Cake Cheesecake Apple Pie Chestnut Pie Yam Pie Strawberry Milk Milkshake Very Berry Juice Blueberry Juice Orange Juice Apple Juice Grape Juice Tomato Juice Veggie Juice Pickled Turnip Pickled Cabbage Pickled Eggplant Yogurt Deviled Egg Broiled Clam Baked Yam Baked Chestnut Baked Corn Green Balm Orange Balm Pink Balm Green Yarn Purple Yarn Red Yarn Orange Yarn Yellow Yarn Pink Yarn Blue Yarn Failed Yarn ---- Hates ---- Crops: Toadstool Weed Produce: - Ores and Jewelry: Junk Ore Copper Ore Stone Fish: Can Boot (Left) Boot (Right) Recipes: Toadstool Saute Failed Dish Weird Dish 1.3.6. Martha, the Caretaker (#Martha#) ---- Loves ---- Crops: Breadfruit Cocoa Produce: Good Cheese Special Cheese Shiny Wool Yarn Shiny Yarn Ores and Jewelry: - Fish: - Recipes: Cheesecake Red Yarn Orange Yarn Yellow Yarn Pink Yarn ---- Likes ---- Crops: Green Herb Purple Herb Red Herb Orange Herb Moondrop Flower Pinkcat Flower Blue Mist Flower Branch Produce: Special Milk Good Egg Special Egg Good Butter Special Butter Cheese Dull Wool Wool Dull Yarn Ores and Jewelry: Silver Ore Gold Ore Rare Ore Topaz Emerald Ruby Sapphire Amethyst Aquamarine Diamond Moonstone Coral Topaz Ring Topaz Brooch Emerald Ring Emerald Brooch Ruby Ring Ruby Brooch Sapphire Ring Sapphire Brooch Amethyst Ring Amethyst Brooch Aquamarine Ring Aquamarine Brooch Diamond Ring Diamond Brooch Coral Ring Coral Brooch Moonstone Ring Moonstone Brooch Silver Ring Silver Brooch Gold Ring Gold Brooch Fish: Cureall Recipes: Veggie Salad Tomato Sandwich Egg Sandwich Quesadilla Pie Dough Sunny-Side Up Plain Omelet Cheese Omelette Tomato Omelette Grilled Clam Steamed Clam Mushroom Saute Truffle Saute Spinach Saute Baked Potato Fried Veggies Popcorn Tortilla Pancake Boiled Egg Hot Milk Cocoa Herb Tea Potage Soup Corn Soup Tomato Soup Pumpkin Soup Mushroom Soup Onion Soup Bouillabaisse Stew Cream Salmon Stewed Pumpkin Stewed Potato Stewed Yam Boiled Spinach Stewed Eggplant Caramelized Amago Caramelized Smelt Caramelized C. Carp Caramelized S. Carp Strawberry Jam Very Berry Jam Blueberry Jam Marmalade Apple Jam Grilled Crawfish Grilled Shrimp Bread Corn Bread Pizza Seafood Pizza Potato Gratin Eggplant Gratin Mushroom Gratin Seafood Gratin Pudding Cocoa Pudding Pumpkin Pudding Cake Cocoa Cake Honey Cake Orange Cake Chestnut Cake Apple Pie Pumpkin Pie Chestnut Pie Yam Pie Strawberry Milk Milkshake Very Berry Juice Blueberry Juice Orange Juice Apple Juice Grape Juice Tomato Juice Veggie Juice Pickled Turnip Pickled Cabbage Pickled Eggplant Very Berry Soda Yogurt Deviled Egg Baked Yam Baked Chestnut Baked Corn Green Balm Orange Balm Moon Balm Green Yarn Purple Yarn Blue Yarn ---- Hates ---- Crops: Weed Produce: - Ores and Jewelry: Junk Ore Fish: Can Boot (Left) Boot (Right) Recipes: Toadstool Saute Failed Dish Weird Dish 1.3.7. Meryl, the Scarred Child (#Meryl#) ---- Loves ---- Crops: Strawberry Tomato Produce: Special Egg Special Cheese Good Mayonnaise Special Mayonnaise Ores and Jewelry: - Fish: - Recipes: Veggie Salad Tomato Sandwich Tortilla Pancake Pudding Pumpkin Pudding Moon Balm ---- Likes ---- Crops: Very Berry Blueberry Orange Grape Apple Moondrop Flower Pinkcat Flower Honey Produce: Egg Good Egg Cheese Good Cheese Mayonnaise Ores and Jewelry: Topaz Aquamarine Moonstone Coral Topaz Ring Topaz Brooch Emerald Ring Emerald Brooch Ruby Ring Ruby Brooch Sapphire Ring Sapphire Brooch Amethyst Ring Amethyst Brooch Aquamarine Ring Aquamarine Brooch Diamond Ring Diamond Brooch Coral Ring Coral Brooch Moonstone Ring Moonstone Brooch Silver Ring Silver Brooch Gold Ring Gold Brooch Fish: - Recipes: Egg Sandwich Quesadilla Lobster Sashimi Shrimp Sashimi Sunny-Side Up Plain Omelet Cheese Omelette Tomato Omelette Popcorn Boiled Egg Hot Milk Cocoa Potage Soup Corn Soup Tomato Soup Pumpkin Soup Mushroom Soup Onion Soup Stew Stewed Pumpkin Stewed Potato Stewed Yam Strawberry Jam Very Berry Jam Blueberry Jam Marmalade Apple Jam Grilled Lobster Grilled Crawfish Grilled Shrimp Bread Corn Bread Pizza Seafood Pizza Potato Gratin Eggplant Gratin Mushroom Gratin Seafood Gratin Cocoa Pudding Cake Cocoa Cake Honey Cake Orange Cake Chestnut Cake Cheesecake Apple Pie Pumpkin Pie Chestnut Pie Yam Pie Strawberry Milk Milkshake Very Berry Juice Blueberry Juice Orange Juice Apple Juice Grape Juice Tomato Juice Veggie Juice Pickled Turnip Pickled Cabbage Pickled Eggplant Yogurt Deviled Egg Broiled Crawfish Broiled Shrimp Baked Yam Baked Chestnut Baked Corn Green Balm Purple Balm Orange Balm Pink Balm Blue Balm Orange Yarn Yellow Yarn Pink Yarn ---- Hates ---- Crops: Bell Pepper Toadstool Truffle Weed Produce: - Ores and Jewelry: Junk Ore Copper Ore Silver Ore Gold Ore Limestone Fish: Can Boot (Left) Boot (Right) Recipes: Toadstool Saute Spicy Fried Veggies Herb Tea Spicy Stew Grass Juice Grape Soda Apple Soda Very Berry Soda Failed Dish Weird Dish 1.3.8. Michael, the Tool Shop Owner (#Michael#) ---- Loves ---- Crops: Potato Onion Produce: Special Milk Special Butter Special Cheese Ores and Jewelry: - Fish: - Recipes: Stew Cream Salmon Spicy Stew ---- Likes ---- Crops: Bell Pepper Carrot Spinach Produce: Good Milk Good Egg Special Egg Good Butter Good Cheese Good Mayonnaise Special Mayonnaise Yarn Shiny Yarn Ores and Jewelry: Copper Ore Silver Ore Gold Ore Rare Ore Fish: Bonito Mackerel Yellowtail Tuna Recipes: Veggie Salad Tomato Sandwich Egg Sandwich Quesadilla Sunny-Side Up Plain Omelet Cheese Omelette Tomato Omelette Mushroom Saute Truffle Saute Baked Potato Fried Veggies Spicy Fried Veggies Hot Milk Cocoa Herb Tea Potage Soup Corn Soup Tomato Soup Pumpkin Soup Mushroom Soup Onion Soup Bouillabaisse Strawberry Jam Very Berry Jam Blueberry Jam Marmalade Apple Jam Squid Teriyaki Nice Squid Teriyaki Jamasquid Teriyaki Lampsquid Teriyaki Grilled Lobster Grilled Crawfish Grilled Shrimp Yogurt Deviled Egg Broiled Squid Broiled Nice Squid Broiled Jamasquid Broiled Lampsquid Broiled Blowfish Broiled Chulowfish Broiled Lobster Broiled Crawfish Broiled Shrimp Broiled Clam Baked Yam Baked Chestnut Baked Corn ---- Hates ---- Crops: Weed Produce: - Ores and Jewelry: Stone Fish: - Recipes: Toadstool Saute Grape Soda Apple Soda Very Berry Soda Failed Dish Weird Dish 1.3.9. Nami, the Weathergirl (#Nami#) ---- Loves ---- Crops: Tomato Apple Produce: Special Cheese Ores and Jewelry: - Fish: - Recipes: Cheese Omelette Tomato Omelette Tomato Juice Baked Chestnut Green Balm ---- Likes ---- Crops: Very Berry Blueberry Orange Grape Chestnut Mushroom Produce: Milk Good Milk Special Milk Egg Good Egg Special Egg Butter Good Butter Special Butter Cheese Good Cheese Mayonnaise Good Mayonnaise Special Mayonnaise Dull Wool Wool Shiny Wool Dull Yarn Yarn Shiny Yarn Ores and Jewelry: Topaz Emerald Sapphire Amethyst Aquamarine Diamond Moonstone Topaz Ring Emerald Ring Ruby Ring Sapphire Ring Amethyst Ring Aquamarine Ring Diamond Ring Coral Ring Moonstone Ring Silver Ring Gold Ring Fish: Clam Recipes: Veggie Salad Tomato Sandwich Egg Sandwich Quesadilla Plain Omelet Grilled Clam Steamed Clam Mushroom Saute Truffle Saute Toadstool Saute Spinach Saute Baked Potato Fried Veggies Spicy Fried Veggies Popcorn Tortilla Pancake Boiled Egg Hot Milk Cocoa Herb Tea Potage Soup Corn Soup Tomato Soup Pumpkin Soup Mushroom Soup Onion Soup Bouillabaisse Stew Cream Salmon Spicy Stew Stewed Pumpkin Stewed Potato Stewed Yam Boiled Spinach Stewed Eggplant Strawberry Jam Very Berry Jam Blueberry Jam Marmalade Apple Jam Bread Corn Bread Pizza Seafood Pizza Potato Gratin Eggplant Gratin Mushroom Gratin Seafood Gratin Pudding Cocoa Pudding Pumpkin Pudding Cake Cocoa Cake Honey Cake Orange Cake Chestnut Cake Cheesecake Apple Pie Pumpkin Pie Chestnut Pie Yam Pie Strawberry Milk Milkshake Very Berry Juice Blueberry Juice Orange Juice Apple Juice Grape Juice Veggie Juice Grape Soda Apple Soda Very Berry Soda Yogurt Deviled Egg Broiled Clam Baked Yam Baked Corn Green Yarn Purple Yarn Red Yarn Orange Yarn Yellow Yarn Pink Yarn Blue Yarn ---- Hates ---- Crops: Stake Branch Weed Produce: Fodder Bird Feed Ores and Jewelry: Stone Fish: Can Boot (Left) Boot (Right) Recipes: Grass Juice Pickled Turnip Pickled Cabbage Pickled Eggplant Failed Dish Weird Dish 1.3.10. Ronald, the Orchard Owner (#Ronald#) ---- Loves ---- Crops: Breadfruit Grape Produce: Special Milk Special Egg Shiny Wool Shiny Yarn Ores and Jewelry: - Fish: - Recipes: Grape Soda Apple Soda Very Berry Soda Green Yarn Purple Yarn Blue Yarn ---- Likes ---- Crops: Cocoa Orange Apple Green Herb Purple Herb Red Herb Orange Herb Moondrop Flower Pinkcat Flower Blue Mist Flower Branch Produce: Milk Good Milk Egg Good Egg Good Butter Special Butter Dull Wool Wool Dull Yarn Yarn Ores and Jewelry: Copper Ore Silver Ore Gold Ore Limestone Silver Brooch Gold Brooch Fish: Shinapper Snapper Snadore Clam Recipes: Veggie Salad Tomato Sandwich Egg Sandwich Quesadilla Snapper Sashimi Opaleye Sashimi Shinapper Sashimi Snadore Sashimi Bonito Sashimi Yellowtail Sashimi Tuna Sashimi Sardine Sashimi Halfbeck Sashimi Saury Sashimi Halibut Sashimi Flounder Sashimi M. Flounder Sashimi Lobster Sashimi Shrimp Sashimi Pie Dough Sunny-Side Up Plain Omelet Cheese Omelette Tomato Omelette Sardine Meuniere Salmon Meuniere Halibut Meuniere Flounder Meuniere M. Flounder Meuniere Yellowtail Teriyaki Tuna Steak Grilled Clam Steamed Clam Mushroom Saute Truffle Saute Spinach Saute Baked Potato Fried Veggies Spicy Fried Veggies Popcorn Tortilla Pancake Boiled Egg Hot Milk Cocoa Potage Soup Corn Soup Tomato Soup Pumpkin Soup Mushroom Soup Onion Soup Bouillabaisse Stew Cream Salmon Spicy Stew Strawberry Jam Very Berry Jam Blueberry Jam Marmalade Apple Jam Grilled Sardine Grilled Snapper Grilled Saury Grilled Salmon Grilled Mackerel Grilled Halibut Grilled Tuna Grilled Smelt Squid Teriyaki Nice Squid Teriyaki Jamasquid Teriyaki Lampsquid Teriyaki Grilled Lobster Grilled Crawfish Grilled Shrimp Bread Corn Bread Pizza Very Berry Juice Blueberry Juice Orange Juice Apple Juice Grape Juice Tomato Juice Yogurt Broiled Snapper Broiled Opaleye Broiled Shinapper Broiled Snadore Bonito Steak Broiled Mackerel Broiled Yellowtail Salted Smelt Broiled Tuna Anchovy Salted Halfback Salted Saury Broiled Halibut Broiled Flounder Broiled M. Flounder Baked Yam Baked Chestnut Baked Corn Green Balm Orange Balm Moon Balm Blue Balm Red Yarn Orange Yarn Yellow Yarn Pink Yarn ---- Hates ---- Crops: Weed Produce: - Ores and Jewelry: Junk Ore Fish: Can Boot (Left) Boot (Right) Recipes: Toadstool Saute Grass Juice Failed Dish Weird Dish 1.3.11. Saibara, the Potter (#Saibara#) ---- Loves ---- Crops: Turnip Cabbage Eggplant Produce: - Ores and Jewelry: Good Clay Fish: - Recipes: Stewed Potato Boiled Spinach Stewed Eggplant Pickled Turnip Pickled Cabbage Pickled Eggplant Baked Corn ---- Likes ---- Crops: Spinach Very Berry Blueberry Green Herb Purple Herb Red Herb Orange Herb Moondrop Flower Pinkcat Flower Blue Mist Flower Branch Produce: Good Egg Special Egg Good Mayonnaise Special Mayonnaise Ores and Jewelry: - Fish: Amago Cureall Huchen Char Dace Silver Carp Salmon Rainbow Trout Crucian Carp Yamame Smelt Recipes: Veggie Salad Tomato Sandwich Amago Sashimi Char Sashimi R. Trout Sashimi Yamame Sashimi Huchen Sashimi Char Meuniere R. Trout Meuniere Yamame Meuniere Sardine Meuniere Spinach Saute Baked Potato Fried Veggies Spicy Fried Veggies Stewed Pumpkin Stewed Yam Grilled R. Trout Grilled Smelt Grape Soda Salted Amago Salted Char Salted R. Trout Salted Yamame Salted Dace Salted Salmon Salted Huchen Salted Cureall Broiled C. Carp Broiled S. Carp ---- Hates ---- Crops: Toadstool Weed Produce: - Ores and Jewelry: Junk Ore Stone Fish: Can Boot (Left) Boot (Right) Recipes: Toadstool Saute Failed Dish Weird Dish 1.3.12. Tai, the Blacksmith (#Tai#) ---- Loves ---- Crops: Eggplant Spinach Produce: Special Milk Ores and Jewelry: Rare Ore Fish: - Recipes: Amago Sashimi Boiled Spinach Stewed Eggplant Veggie Juice Grass Juice Pickled Eggplant Grape Soda Baked Yam ---- Likes ---- Crops: Mushroom Branch Produce: Good Milk Good Cheese Special Cheese Ores and Jewelry: Copper Ore Silver Ore Gold Ore Topaz Emerald Ruby Sapphire Amethyst Aquamarine Diamond Moonstone Fish: Amago Cureall Huchen Char Dace Silver Carp Salmon Rainbow Trout Crucian Carp Yamame Smelt Clam Recipes: Char Sashimi R. Trout Sashimi Yamame Sashimi Huchen Sashimi Squid Sashimi Nice Squid Sashimi Jamasquid Sashimi Lampsquid Sashimi Blowfish Sashimi Chulowfish Sashimi Lobster Sashimi Shrimp Sashimi Sunny-Side Up Plain Omelet Char Meuniere R. Trout Meuniere Yamame Meuniere Sardine Meuniere Grilled Clam Steamed Clam Mushroom Saute Truffle Saute Spinach Saute Baked Potato Fried Veggies Spicy Fried Veggies Popcorn Stewed Pumpkin Stewed Potato Stewed Yam Caramelized Amago Caramelized Smelt Caramelized C. Carp Caramelized S. Carp Grilled R. Trout Grilled Smelt Squid Teriyaki Nice Squid Teriyaki Jamasquid Teriyaki Lampsquid Teriyaki Grilled Lobster Grilled Crawfish Grilled Shrimp Tomato Juice Apple Soda Very Berry Soda Salted Amago Salted Char Salted R. Trout Salted Yamame Salted Dace Salted Salmon Salted Huchen Salted Cureall Broiled C. Carp Broiled S. Carp Broiled Squid Broiled Nice Squid Broiled Jamasquid Broiled Lampsquid Broiled Blowfish Broiled Chulowfish Broiled Lobster Broiled Crawfish Broiled Shrimp Broiled Clam Potion Caffeine Stamina Drink Bravo Drink ---- Hates ---- Crops: Toadstool Truffle Weed Produce: - Ores and Jewelry: - Fish: Can Boot (Left) Boot (Right) Recipes: Toadstool Saute Failed Dish Weird Dish 1.3.13. Terry, the Nature Preserver (#Terry#) ---- Loves ---- Crops: Cabbage Mushroom Truffle Produce: - Ores and Jewelry: - Fish: - Recipes: Veggie Salad Mushroom Saute Truffle Saute Boiled Egg Caramelized Amago Caramelized Smelt Caramelized C. Carp Caramelized S. Carp Baked Chestnut ---- Likes ---- Crops: Chestnut Produce: Good Egg Special Egg Ores and Jewelry: - Fish: Amago Cureall Huchen Char Dace Salmon Rainbow Trout Yamame Recipes: Tomato Sandwich Egg Sandwich Quesadilla Amago Sashimi Char Sashimi R. Trout Sashimi Yamame Sashimi Huchen Sashimi Char Meuniere R. Trout Meuniere Yamame Meuniere Sardine Meuniere Popcorn Herb Tea Stewed Pumpkin Stewed Potato Stewed Yam Boiled Spinach Stewed Eggplant Grilled R. Trout Grape Soda Apple Soda Very Berry Soda Deviled Egg Salted Amago Salted Char Salted R. Trout Salted Yamame Salted Dace Salted Salmon Salted Huchen Salted Cureall Broiled C. Carp Broiled S. Carp ---- Hates ---- Crops: Toadstool Weed Produce: - Ores and Jewelry: Stone Fish: Can Boot (Left) Boot (Right) Recipes: Toadstool Saute Pudding Cocoa Pudding Pumpkin Pudding Cake Cocoa Cake Honey Cake Orange Cake Chestnut Cake Cheesecake Apple Pie Pumpkin Pie Chestnut Pie Yam Pie Failed Dish Weird Dish 1.3.14. Theodore, the Mayor (#Theodore#) ---- Loves ---- Crops: Potato Produce: - Ores and Jewelry: - Fish: - Recipes: Baked Potato Potage Soup Stewed Potato Stewed Yam Potato Gratin Yam Pie Baked Yam ---- Likes ---- Crops: Truffle Produce: Good Milk Special Milk Good Egg Special Egg Good Butter Special Butter Good Mayonnaise Special Mayonnaise Ores and Jewelry: Gold Ore Fish: Char Rainbow Trout Yamame Recipes: Veggie Salad Tomato Sandwich Egg Sandwich Quesadilla Sunny-Side Up Plain Omelet Cheese Omelette Tomato Omelette Mushroom Saute Truffle Saute Fried Veggies Spicy Fried Veggies Popcorn Tortilla Pancake Boiled Egg Stew Cream Salmon Spicy Stew Stewed Pumpkin Boiled Spinach Stewed Eggplant Stewed Flounder Stewed Yellowtail Stewed Snapper Miso Mackerel Tomato Sardine Tomato Squid Caramelized Amago Caramelized Smelt Caramelized C. Carp Caramelized S. Carp Bread Corn Bread Pizza Seafood Pizza Eggplant Gratin Mushroom Gratin Seafood Gratin Grass Juice Pickled Turnip Pickled Cabbage Pickled Eggplant Deviled Egg Baked Chestnut Baked Corn ---- Hates ---- Crops: Weed Produce: Cheese Good Cheese Special Cheese Ores and Jewelry: Stone Fish: Can Recipes: Toadstool Saute Failed Dish Weird Dish 1.3.15. Tim, the Explorer (#Tim#) ---- Loves ---- Crops: Corn Produce: Special Egg Ores and Jewelry: - Fish: - Recipes: Cheese Omelette Tomato Omelette Boiled Egg Cocoa Strawberry Jam Pudding Cocoa Pudding Cake Cocoa Cake Honey Cake Orange Cake Chestnut Cake Cheesecake Apple Pie Pumpkin Pie Chestnut Pie Yam Pie ---- Likes ---- Crops: Orange Grape Apple Chestnut Toadstool Truffle Honey Pontata Root Branch Produce: Egg Good Egg Good Mayonnaise Special Mayonnaise Ores and Jewelry: Copper Ore Silver Ore Gold Ore Rare Ore Topaz Emerald Ruby Sapphire Amethyst Aquamarine Diamond Good Clay Moonstone Silver Ring Silver Brooch Gold Ring Gold Brooch Fish: Cureall Crawfish Chulowfish Blowfish Lobster Squid Squid Prince Lampsquid Shrimp Jamasquid Clam Recipes: Tomato Sandwich Egg Sandwich Quesadilla Squid Sashimi Nice Squid Sashimi Jamasquid Sashimi Lampsquid Sashimi Blowfish Sashimi Chulowfish Sashimi Lobster Sashimi Shrimp Sashimi Sunny-Side Up Plain Omelet Mushroom Saute Truffle Saute Popcorn Tortilla Pancake Hot Milk Herb Tea Corn Soup Tomato Soup Pumpkin Soup Mushroom Soup Onion Soup Bouillabaisse Stew Cream Salmon Very Berry Jam Blueberry Jam Marmalade Apple Jam Grilled Lobster Grilled Crawfish Grilled Shrimp Bread Corn Bread Pizza Seafood Pizza Potato Gratin Eggplant Gratin Mushroom Gratin Seafood Gratin Pumpkin Pudding Strawberry Milk Milkshake Very Berry Juice Blueberry Juice Orange Juice Apple Juice Grape Juice Yogurt Deviled Egg Broiled Squid Broiled Nice Squid Broiled Jamasquid Broiled Lampsquid Broiled Blowfish Broiled Chulowfish Broiled Lobster Broiled Crawfish Broiled Shrimp Broiled Clam Baked Yam Baked Chestnut Baked Corn ---- Hates ---- Crops: Cayenne Weed Produce: - Ores and Jewelry: Junk Ore Limestone Fish: Can Boot (Left) Boot (Right) Recipes: Toadstool Saute Spicy Fried Veggies Spicy Stew Grass Juice Grape Soda Apple Soda Very Berry Soda Potion Caffeine Stamina Drink Bravo Drink Failed Dish Weird Dish 1.3.16. Woody, the Tree Cutter (#Woody#) ---- Loves ---- Crops: Eggplant Produce: Special Milk Special Egg Ores and Jewelry: - Fish: - Recipes: Boiled Egg Pickled Turnip Pickled Cabbage Pickled Eggplant Grape Soda Very Berry Soda Baked Corn ---- Likes ---- Crops: Branch Produce: Good Milk Good Egg Good Mayonnaise Special Mayonnaise Ores and Jewelry: Copper Ore Silver Ore Gold Ore Rare Ore Moonstone Fish: Sardine Shinapper Bonito Flounder Mackerel Halfbeak Saury Snapper Snadore Halibut Yellowtail Tuna Opaleye Maple Flounder Recipes: Snapper Sashimi Opaleye Sashimi Shinapper Sashimi Snadore Sashimi Bonito Sashimi Yellowtail Sashimi Tuna Sashimi Sardine Sashimi Halfbeck Sashimi Saury Sashimi Halibut Sashimi Flounder Sashimi M. Flounder Sashimi Sunny-Side Up Plain Omelet Cheese Omelette Tomato Omelette Sardine Meuniere Salmon Meuniere Halibut Meuniere Flounder Meuniere M. Flounder Meuniere Yellowtail Teriyaki Tuna Steak Stewed Flounder Stewed Yellowtail Stewed Snapper Miso Mackerel Tomato Sardine Tomato Squid Grilled R. Trout Grilled Smelt Bread Corn Bread Tomato Juice Veggie Juice Grass Juice Apple Soda Salted Amago Salted Char Salted R. Trout Salted Yamame Salted Dace Salted Salmon Salted Huchen Salted Cureall Broiled C. Carp Broiled S. Carp Potion Caffeine Stamina Drink Bravo Drink ---- Hates ---- Crops: Weed Produce: - Ores and Jewelry: Stone Fish: Can Boot (Left) Boot (Right) Recipes: Toadstool Saute Strawberry Jam Very Berry Jam Blueberry Jam Marmalade Apple Jam Pudding Cocoa Pudding Pumpkin Pudding Cake Cocoa Cake Honey Cake Orange Cake Chestnut Cake Cheesecake Apple Pie Pumpkin Pie Chestnut Pie Yam Pie Failed Dish Weird Dish Failed Yarn ___________________________________________________________ ----------------------- 2. The Guide Section II: The Items ------------------- ----- ___________________________________________________________ ***To skip to a specific item's section, use the Ctrl + F function to search for that item by typing in the item, preceding it by "#" and ending with "#"(without the quotes; e.g. "#Shiny Wool#"). The items with errors in their names will be copied as they are written in the game, but their search code will be both the corrected version of the name and the erroneous version (e.g. "Salted Halfback"; search codes would be "#Salted Halfbeak#" or "#Salted Halfback#").*** ___________________________ 2.0. Crops: ___________________________ This section includes all 45 items that are considered to be in the "Crops" class, including domestic crops and fruit, wild crops and fruit, wild herbs, as well as everything else you find in the wild that is or was alive as a plant or on a plant (this includes honey, due to the inability to place it anywhere else). Turnip (#turnip#) Loved by: Alex, Joe, Hank, Saibara Liked by: Maria, Nina, Jamie, Henry, Liz Hated by: - Potato (#potato#) Loved by: Duke, Michael, Theodore Liked by: Katie, Nina, Blue, Jamie, Henry, Liz Hated by: - Breadfruit (#breadfruit#) Loved by: Ellen, Katie, Martha, Ronald Liked by: Jamie, Henry, Liz Hated by: - Cabbage (#cabbage#) Loved by: Gwen, Lyla, Maria, Saibara, Terry Liked by: Nina, Bob, Jamie, Henry, Liz Hated by: - Strawberry (#strawberry#) Loved by: Dia, Eve, Nina, Basil, Dan, Meryl Liked by: Ellen, Carl, Jamie, Henry, Liz Hated by: - Onion (#onion#) Loved by: Gina, Ray, Michael Liked by: Jamie, Henry Hated by: Ann Corn (#corn#) Loved by: Ann, Joe, Doug, Tim Liked by: Nina, Basil, Jamie, Henry, Liz Hated by: - Tomato (#tomato#) Loved by: Meryl, Nami Liked by: Nina, Basil, Kurt, Jamie, Henry, Liz Hated by: - Cocoa [Crop] (#cocoa#) Loved by: Dia, Ellen, Martha Liked by: Katie, Jamie, Henry, Ronald Hated by: - Bell Pepper (#bell pepper#) Loved by: Gina, Louis, Doug Liked by: Blue, Jamie, Henry, Michael Hated by: Meryl Yam (#yam#) Loved by: Katie, Carl, Liz Liked by: Ellen, Nina, Jamie, Henry Hated by: - Carrot (#carrot#) Loved by: Gwen, Basil, Doug, Henry Liked by: Blue, Jamie, Liz, Michael Hated by: Louis Eggplant (#eggplant#) Loved by: Maria, Blue, Saibara, Tai, Woody Liked by: Gwen, Jamie, Henry, Liz Hated by: Bob Spinach (#spinach#) Loved by: Maria, Alex, Bob, Liz, Tai Liked by: Nina, Jamie, Henry, Michael, Saibara Hated by: - Pumpkin (#pumpkin#) Loved by: Lyla, Basil, Liz Liked by: Ellen, Nina, Carl, Jamie, Henry Hated by: - Very Berry (#very berry#) Loved by: - Liked by: Dia, Gwen, Katie, Lyla, Nina, Basil, Bob, Carl, Dan, Liz, Meryl, Nami, Saibara Hated by: Hank Blueberry (#blueberry#) Loved by: Dia Liked by: Gwen, Lyla, Nina, Basil, Bob, Carl, Dan, Liz, Meryl, Nami, Saibara Hated by: Hank Orange (#orange#) Loved by: - Liked by: Dia, Gwen, Nina, Basil, Bob, Carl, Dan, Kurt, Jamie, Gourmet, Hank, Henry, Meryl, Nami, Ronald, Tim Hated by: - Grape (#grape#) Loved by: Dan, Ronald Liked by: Dia, Eve, Gwen, Nina, Basil, Bob, Carl, Kurt, Jamie, Duke, Gourmet, Hank, Henry, Meryl, Nami, Tim Hated by: - Apple (#apple#) Loved by: Carl, Nami Liked by: Dia, Eve, Gwen, Nina, Basil, Bob, Dan, Kurt, Jamie, Doug, Gourmet, Hank, Henry, Meryl, Ronald, Tim Hated by: - Chestnut (#chestnut#) Loved by: - Liked by: Dia, Eve, Gwen, Nina, Basil, Bob, Carl, Dan, Doug, Gourmet, Liz, Nami, Terry, Tim Hated by: Hank Green Herb (#green herb#) Loved by: - Liked by: Gina, Gwen, Lyla, Nina, Alex, Basil, Carl, Kurt, Louis, Ray, Liz, Martha, Ronald, Saibara Hated by: Hank Purple Herb (#purple herb#) Loved by: - Liked by: Gina, Gwen, Lyla, Nina, Alex, Basil, Carl, Kurt, Louis, Liz, Martha, Ronald, Saibara Hated by: Hank Red Herb (#red herb#) Loved by: Basil Liked by: Gina, Gwen, Lyla, Nina, Alex, Carl, Kurt, Louis, Ray, Liz, Martha, Ronald, Saibara Hated by: Hank Orange Herb (#orange herb#) Loved by: - Liked by: Gina, Gwen, Lyla, Nina, Alex, Basil, Carl, Kurt, Louis, Liz, Martha, Ronald, Saibara Hated by: Hank Moondrop Flower (#moondrop flower#) Loved by: - Liked by: Dia, Ellen, Eve, Gina, Gwen, Katie, Lyla, Maria, Nina, Basil, Liz, Martha, Meryl, Ronald, Saibara Hated by: - Pinkcat Flower (#pinkcat flower#) Loved by: Lyla Liked by: Dia, Ellen, Eve, Gina, Gwen, Katie, Maria, Nina, Basil, Kurt, Liz, Martha, Meryl, Ronald, Saibara Hated by: - Blue Mist Flower (#blue mist flower#) Loved by: Nina, Basil, Kurt Liked by: Ellen, Eve, Gina, Gwen, Lyla, Maria, Alex, Carl, Louis, Liz, Martha, Ronald, Saibara Hated by: Hank Mora Seedling (#mora seedling#) Loved by: - Liked by: - Hated by: - Chestnut Seedling (#chestnut seedling#) Loved by: - Liked by: - Hated by: - Orange Seedling (#orange seedling#) Loved by: - Liked by: - Hated by: - Grape Seedling (#grape seedling#) Loved by: - Liked by: - Hated by: - Apple Seedling (#apple seedling#) Loved by: - Liked by: - Hated by: - Evergreen Seedling (#evergreen seedling#) Loved by: - Liked by: - Hated by: - Mushroom (#mushroom#) Loved by: Terry Liked by: Ellen, Eve, Gina, Lyla, Louis, Ray, Gourmet, Nami, Tai Hated by: Dan, Hank Toadstool (#toadstool#) Loved by: - Liked by: Gina, Alex, Tim Hated by: Ann, Ellen, Eve, Gwen, Katie, Lyla, Maria, Nina, Dan, Kurt, Ray, Gourmet, Hank, Henry, Liz, Meryl, Saibara, Tai, Terry Truffle (#truffle#) Loved by: Gourmet, Terry Liked by: Ellen, Eve, Katie, Lyla, Blue, Ray, Theodore, Tim Hated by: Dan, Meryl, Tai Honey (#honey#) Loved by: - Liked by: Ellen, Eve, Gina, Katie, Lyla, Nina, Bob, Carl, Louis, Liz, Meryl, Tim Hated by: Blue, Hank Cayenne (#cayenne#) Loved by: - Liked by: Ann, Alex, Dan, Ray, Duke, Gourmet, Hank, Henry Hated by: Katie, Nina, Tim Pontata Root (#pontata root#) Loved by: Basil Liked by: Gina, Nina, Alex, Louis, Gourmet, Tim Hated by: Hank Stake (#stake#) Loved by: - Liked by: Ellen, Blue, Joe, Kurt Hated by: Nina, Jamie, Nami Old Stake (#old stake#) Loved by: - Liked by: - Hated by: - Branch (#branch#) Loved by: - Liked by: Ellen, Dan, Joe, Kurt, Doug, Hank, Martha, Ronald, Saibara, Tai, Tim, Woody Hated by: Eve, Nina, Carl, Gourmet, Nami Weed (#weed#) Loved by: Liked by: Hated by: Ann, Dia, Ellen, Eve, Gina, Gwen, Katie, Lyla, Maria, Nina, Alex, Basil, Blue, Bob, Carl, Dan, Joe, Kurt, Louis, Ray, Jamie, Doug, Duke, Gourmet, Hank, Henry, Liz, Martha, Meryl, Michael, Nami, Ronald, Saibara, Tai, Terry, Theodore, Tim, Woody Dry Grass (#dry grass#) Loved by: - Liked by: - Hated by: - ___________________________ 2.1. Produce: ___________________________ This section includes all 23 items that are considered to be in the "Produce" class, including domesticated animals' produce (chickens, cows, sheep) and their processed forms, as well as both types of domestic animal food. Milk (#milk#) Loved by: - Liked by: Ann, Ellen, Gina, Gwen, Katie, Alex, Blue, Carl, Doug, Nami, Ronald Hated by: - Good Milk (#good milk#) Loved by: Blue Liked by: Ann, Ellen, Gina, Gwen, Katie, Alex, Carl, Jamie, Doug, Duke, Michael, Nami, Ronald, Tai, Theodore, Woody Hated by: - Special Milk (#special milk#) Loved by: Ellen, Katie, Blue, Carl, Jamie, Doug, Michael, Ronald, Tai, Woody Liked by: Ann, Gina, Gwen, Alex, Duke, Liz, Martha, Nami, Theodore Hated by: - Egg (#egg#) Loved by: - Liked by: Ann, Ellen, Gina, Gwen, Katie, Nina, Blue, Bob, Carl, Louis, Ray, Gourmet, Liz, Meryl, Nami, Ronald, Tim Hated by: - Good Egg (#good egg#) Loved by: - Liked by: Ann, Ellen, Gina, Gwen, Katie, Nina, Blue, Bob, Carl, Louis, Ray, Gourmet, Liz, Martha, Meryl, Michael, Nami, Ronald, Saibara, Terry, Theodore, Tim, Woody Hated by: - Special Egg (#special egg#) Loved by: Ellen, Katie, Blue, Bob, Carl, Louis, Ray, Gourmet, Meryl, Ronald, Tim, Woody Liked by: Ann, Gina, Gwen, Nina, Joe, Jamie, Duke, Liz, Martha, Michael, Nami, Saibara, Terry, Theodore Hated by: - Butter (#butter#) Loved by: - Liked by: Ellen, Eve, Gina, Katie, Blue, Carl, Ray, Doug, Duke, Gourmet, Nami Hated by: - Good Butter (#good butter#) Loved by: Blue, Duke Liked by: Ellen, Eve, Gina, Katie, Carl, Ray, Jamie, Doug, Gourmet, Martha, Michael, Nami, Ronald, Theodore Hated by: - Special Butter (#special butter#) Loved by: Gina, Katie, Blue, Carl, Ray, Jamie, Doug, Duke, Gourmet, Michael Liked by: Ellen, Eve, Hank, Liz, Martha, Nami, Ronald, Theodore Hated by: - Cheese (#cheese#) Loved by: - Liked by: Ellen, Eve, Gina, Gwen, Katie, Lyla, Nina, Alex, Basil, Blue, Dan, Doug, Duke, Gourmet, Martha, Meryl, Nami Hated by: Theodore Good Cheese (#good cheese#) Loved by: Katie, Blue, Martha Liked by: Ellen, Eve, Gina, Gwen, Lyla, Nina, Alex, Basil, Dan, Jamie, Doug, Duke, Gourmet, Meryl, Michael, Nami, Tai Hated by: Theodore Special Cheese (#special cheese#) Loved by: Eve, Gina, Gwen, Katie, Blue, Dan, Jamie, Doug, Duke, Gourmet, Martha, Meryl, Michael, Nami Liked by: Ellen, Lyla, Nina, Alex, Basil, Liz, Tai Hated by: Theodore Mayonnaise (#mayonnaise#) Loved by: - Liked by: Ellen, Gwen, Katie, Nina, Louis, Gourmet, Hank, Meryl, Nami Hated by: Basil Good Mayonnaise (#good mayonnaise#) Loved by: Meryl Liked by: Ellen, Gwen, Katie, Nina, Louis, Gourmet, Hank, Liz, Michael, Nami, Saibara, Theodore, Tim, Woody Hated by: Basil Special Mayonnaise (#special mayonnaise#) Loved by: Louis, Hank, Meryl Liked by: Ellen, Gwen, Katie, Nina, Jamie, Liz, Michael, Nami, Saibara, Theodore, Tim, Woody Hated by: Basil Dull Wool (#dull wool#) Loved by: - Liked by: Ellen, Gina, Gwen, Lyla, Bob, Martha, Nami, Ronald Hated by: - Wool (#wool#) Loved by: - Liked by: Ellen, Gina, Gwen, Lyla, Bob, Henry, Martha, Nami, Ronald Hated by: - Shiny Wool (#shiny wool#) Loved by: Gina, Gwen, Bob, Martha, Ronald Liked by: Ellen, Lyla, Jamie, Henry, Liz, Nami Hated by: - Dull Yarn (#dull yarn#) Loved by: - Liked by: Ellen, Gina, Gwen, Lyla, Maria, Blue, Bob, Martha, Nami, Ronald Hated by: Dan Yarn (#yarn#) Loved by: Martha Liked by: Ellen, Gina, Gwen, Lyla, Maria, Blue, Bob, Henry, Michael, Nami, Ronald Hated by: - Shiny Yarn (#shiny yarn#) Loved by: Gwen, Bob, Martha, Ronald Liked by: Ellen, Gina, Lyla, Maria, Blue, Jamie, Henry, Liz, Michael, Nami Hated by: - Fodder (#fodder#) Loved by: - Liked by: Ellen, Blue, Bob, Dan, Hank Hated by: Dia, Eve, Katie, Lyla, Nina, Joe, Kurt, Ray, Nami Bird Feed (#bird feed#) Loved by: - Liked by: Ellen, Blue, Bob, Dan, Hank Hated by: Dia, Eve, Katie, Lyla, Nina, Joe, Kurt, Ray, Nami ___________________________ 2.2. Ores and Jewelry: ___________________________ This section includes all 39 items that are considered to be in the "Ores" class, including every mineral found in the cave (including clay and moonstones) and its processed form, as well as Coral and its processed forms and Stones. Junk Ore (#junk ore#) Loved by: - Liked by: Louis Hated by: Dia, Ellen, Eve, Katie, Lyla, Basil, Blue, Carl, Dan, Joe, Kurt, Ray, Doug, Gourmet, Hank, Henry, Liz, Martha, Meryl, Ronald, Saibara, Tim Copper Ore (#copper ore#) Loved by: - Liked by: Ann, Basil, Bob, Kurt, Louis, Ray, Doug, Hank, Michael, Ronald, Tai, Tim, Woody Hated by: Duke, Gourmet, Liz, Meryl Silver Ore (#silver ore#) Loved by: - Liked by: Ann, Katie, Basil, Bob, Kurt, Louis, Ray, Doug, Hank, Martha, Michael, Ronald, Tai, Tim, Woody Hated by: Duke, Gourmet, Meryl Gold Ore (#gold ore#) Loved by: Hank Liked by: Ann, Katie, Lyla, Basil, Bob, Dan, Kurt, Louis, Ray, Doug, Martha, Michael, Ronald, Tai, Theodore, Tim, Woody Hated by: Duke, Gourmet, Meryl Rare Ore (#rare ore#) Loved by: Ann, Louis, Tai Liked by: Lyla, Joe, Ray, Martha, Michael, Tim, Woody Hated by: Gourmet Topaz (#topaz#) Loved by: Bob Liked by: Ellen, Eve, Gwen, Katie, Lyla, Nina, Joe, Liz, Martha, Meryl, Nami, Tai, Tim Hated by: Duke, Gourmet Emerald (#emerald#) Loved by: Kurt Liked by: Dia, Ellen, Eve, Katie, Lyla, Nina, Joe, Liz, Martha, Nami, Tai, Tim Hated by: Duke, Gourmet Ruby (#ruby#) Loved by: Dan Liked by: Ellen, Eve, Katie, Lyla, Nina, Joe, Liz, Martha, Tai, Tim Hated by: Duke, Gourmet Sapphire (#sapphire#) Loved by: Louis Liked by: Ellen, Eve, Katie, Lyla, Nina, Dan, Joe, Liz, Martha, Nami, Tai, Tim Hated by: Duke, Gourmet Amethyst (#amethyst#) Loved by: Blue, Ann Liked by: Ellen, Eve, Katie, Lyla, Nina, Joe, Liz, Martha, Nami, Tai, Tim Hated by: Duke, Gourmet Aquamarine (#aquamarine#) Loved by: Carl Liked by: Ellen, Eve, Katie, Lyla, Nina, Joe, Kurt, Liz, Martha, Meryl, Nami, Tai, Tim Hated by: Duke, Gourmet Diamond (#diamond#) Loved by: Joe Liked by: Ellen, Eve, Katie, Lyla, Nina, Dan, Hank, Liz, Martha, Nami, Tai, Tim Hated by: Duke, Gourmet Good Clay (#good clay#) Loved by: Saibara Liked by: Ann, Basil, Dan, Joe, Kurt, Louis, Ray, Doug, Tim Hated by: Gourmet Moonstone (#moonstone#) Loved by: Louis, Ray Liked by: Ellen, Eve, Katie, Lyla, Maria, Nina, Blue, Joe, Kurt, Henry, Liz, Martha, Meryl, Nami, Tai, Tim, Woody Hated by: Duke, Gourmet Limestone (#limestone#) Loved by: - Liked by: Eve, Nina, Basil, Bob, Louis, Ray, Jamie, Liz, Ronald Hated by: Gourmet, Hank, Meryl, Tim Coral (#coral#) Loved by: - Liked by: Dia, Gina, Alex, Martha, Meryl Hated by: - Topaz Ring (#topaz ring#) Loved by: Gwen Liked by: Ann, Dia, Ellen, Eve, Gina, Gwen, Katie, Lyla, Maria, Nina, Liz, Martha, Meryl, Nami Hated by: Jamie, Gourmet Topaz Brooch (#topaz brooch#) Loved by: Gwen Liked by: Ann, Dia, Ellen, Eve, Gina, Gwen, Katie, Lyla, Maria, Nina, Liz, Martha, Meryl Hated by: Jamie, Gourmet Emerald Ring (#emerald ring#) Loved by: Dia Liked by: Ann, Ellen, Eve, Gina, Gwen, Katie, Lyla, Maria, Nina, Liz, Martha, Meryl, Nami Hated by: Jamie, Gourmet Emerald Brooch (#emerald brooch#) Loved by: Dia Liked by: Ann, Ellen, Eve, Gina, Gwen, Katie, Lyla, Maria, Nina, Liz, Martha, Meryl Hated by: Jamie, Gourmet Ruby Ring (#ruby ring#) Loved by: Eve Liked by: Ann, Dia, Ellen, Gina, Gwen, Katie, Lyla, Maria, Nina, Liz, Martha, Meryl, Nami Hated by: Jamie, Gourmet Ruby Brooch (#ruby brooch#) Loved by: Eve Liked by: Ann, Dia, Ellen, Gina, Gwen, Katie, Lyla, Maria, Nina, Liz, Martha, Meryl Hated by: Jamie, Gourmet Sapphire Ring (#sapphire ring#) Loved by: Lyla Liked by: Ann, Dia, Ellen, Eve, Gina, Gwen, Katie, Maria, Nina, Liz, Martha, Meryl, Nami Hated by: Jamie, Gourmet Sapphire Brooch (#sapphire brooch#) Loved by: Lyla Liked by: Ann, Dia, Ellen, Eve, Gina, Gwen, Katie, Maria, Nina, Liz, Martha, Meryl Hated by: Jamie, Gourmet Amethyst Ring (#amethyst ring#) Loved by: Ann Liked by: Dia, Ellen, Eve, Gina, Gwen, Katie, Lyla, Maria, Nina, Liz, Martha, Meryl, Nami Hated by: Jamie, Gourmet Amethyst Brooch (#amethyst brooch#) Loved by: Ann Liked by: Dia, Ellen, Eve, Gina, Gwen, Katie, Lyla, Maria, Nina, Liz, Martha, Meryl Hated by: Jamie, Gourmet Aquamarine Ring (#aquamarine ring#) Loved by: Ellen Liked by: Ann, Dia, Eve, Gina, Gwen, Katie, Lyla, Maria, Nina, Liz, Martha, Meryl, Nami Hated by: Jamie, Gourmet Aquamarine Brooch (#aquamarine brooch#) Loved by: Ellen Liked by: Ann, Dia, Eve, Gina, Gwen, Katie, Lyla, Maria, Nina, Liz, Martha, Meryl Hated by: Jamie, Gourmet Diamond Ring (#diamond ring#) Loved by: Katie Liked by: Ann, Dia, Ellen, Eve, Gina, Gwen, Lyla, Maria, Nina, Liz, Martha, Meryl, Nami Hated by: Jamie, Gourmet Diamond Brooch (#diamond brooch#) Loved by: Katie Liked by: Ann, Dia, Ellen, Eve, Gina, Gwen, Lyla, Maria, Nina, Liz, Martha, Meryl Hated by: Jamie, Gourmet Coral Ring (#coral ring#) Loved by: Gina Liked by: Ann, Dia, Ellen, Eve, Gwen, Katie, Lyla, Maria, Nina, Liz, Martha, Meryl, Nami Hated by: Jamie, Gourmet Coral Brooch (#coral brooch#) Loved by: Gina Liked by: Ann, Dia, Ellen, Eve, Gwen, Katie, Lyla, Maria, Nina, Liz, Martha, Meryl Hated by: Jamie, Gourmet Moonstone Ring (#moonstone ring#) Loved by: Maria Liked by: Ann, Dia, Ellen, Eve, Gina, Gwen, Katie, Lyla, Nina, Liz, Martha, Meryl, Nami Hated by: Jamie, Gourmet Moonstone Brooch (#moonstone brooch#) Loved by: Maria Liked by: Ann, Dia, Ellen, Eve, Gina, Gwen, Katie, Lyla, Nina, Liz, Martha, Meryl Hated by: Jamie, Gourmet Silver Ring (#silver ring#) Loved by: - Liked by: Ann, Dia, Ellen, Eve, Gina, Gwen, Katie, Lyla, Maria, Nina, Liz, Martha, Meryl, Nami, Tim Hated by: Jamie, Gourmet Silver Brooch (#silver brooch#) Loved by: - Liked by: Ann, Ellen, Gina, Gwen, Katie, Lyla, Maria, Nina, Doug, Liz, Martha, Meryl, Ronald, Tim Hated by: Jamie, Gourmet Gold Ring (#gold ring#) Loved by: - Liked by: Ann, Dia, Ellen, Eve, Gina, Gwen, Katie, Lyla, Maria, Nina, Liz, Martha, Meryl, Nami, Tim Hated by: Jamie, Gourmet Gold Brooch (#gold brooch#) Loved by: - Liked by: Ann, Ellen, Gina, Gwen, Katie, Lyla, Maria, Nina, Doug, Liz, Martha, Meryl, Ronald, Tim Hated by: Jamie, Gourmet Stone (#stone#) Loved by: - Liked by: - Hated by: Dia, Ellen, Eve, Gina, Gwen, Katie, Lyla, Maria, Nina, Alex, Basil, Blue, Bob, Carl, Dan, Joe, Kurt, Louis, Ray, Hank, Henry, Liz, Michael, Nami, Saibara, Terry, Theodore, Woody ___________________________ 2.4. Fish: ___________________________ This section includes all 38 items that are considered to be in the "Fish" class, including every raw fish or crustacean, as well as garbage that can be fished out of the water and Clams. Amago (#amago#) Loved by: - Liked by: Gina, Joe, Ray, Gourmet, Hank, Henry, Saibara, Tai, Terry Hated by: - Cureall (#cureall#) Loved by: - Liked by: Gina, Joe, Ray, Gourmet, Hank, Henry, Martha, Saibara, Tai, Terry, Tim Hated by: - Huchen (#huchen#) Loved by: Ray Liked by: Gina, Joe, Gourmet, Hank, Henry, Saibara, Tai, Terry Hated by: - Char (#char#) Loved by: - Liked by: Gina, Joe, Ray, Gourmet, Hank, Henry, Saibara, Tai, Terry, Theodore Hated by: - Dace (#dace#) Loved by: - Liked by: Gina, Joe, Ray, Gourmet, Hank, Henry, Saibara, Tai, Terry Hated by: - Silver Carp (#silver carp#) Loved by: - Liked by: Gina, Joe, Ray, Gourmet, Saibara, Tai Hated by: - Salmon (#salmon#) Loved by: - Liked by: Gina, Joe, Ray, Gourmet, Hank, Henry, Saibara, Tai, Terry Hated by: - Rainbow Trout (#rainbow trout#) Loved by: - Liked by: Gina, Joe, Ray, Gourmet, Hank, Henry, Saibara, Tai, Terry, Theodore Hated by: - Crucian Carp (#crucian carp#) Loved by: - Liked by: Gina, Joe, Ray, Gourmet, Saibara, Tai Hated by: - Yamame (#yamame#) Loved by: - Liked by: Gina, Joe, Ray, Gourmet, Hank, Henry, Saibara, Terry, Tai, Theodore Hated by: - Smelt (#smelt#) Loved by: - Liked by: Gina, Joe, Ray, Gourmet, Hank, Henry, Saibara, Tai Hated by: - Crawfish (#crawfish#) Loved by: - Liked by: Dan, Kurt, Louis, Duke, Gourmet, Hank, Henry, Tim Hated by: - Chulowfish (#chulowfish#) Loved by: - Liked by: Dan, Kurt, Louis, Doug, Gourmet, Hank, Liz, Tim Hated by: - Blowfish (#blowfish#) Loved by: - Liked by: Dan, Kurt, Louis, Doug, Gourmet, Hank, Liz, Tim Hated by: - Lobster (#lobster#) Loved by: - Liked by: Dan, Kurt, Louis, Duke, Gourmet, Hank, Henry, Liz, Tim Hated by: - Sardine (#sardine#) Loved by: - Liked by: Gina, Joe, Ray, Duke, Gourmet, Woody Hated by: - Shinapper (#shinapper#) Loved by: - Liked by: Gina, Joe, Ray, Duke, Gourmet, Ronald, Woody Hated by: - Bonito (#bonito#) Loved by: - Liked by: Gina, Joe, Ray, Duke, Gourmet, Michael, Woody Hated by: - Flounder (#flounder) Loved by: - Liked by: Gina, Joe, Ray, Duke, Gourmet, Woody Hated by: - Mackerel (#mackerel#) Loved by: - Liked by: Gina, Joe, Ray, Duke, Gourmet, Michael, Woody Hated by: - Halfbeak (#halfbeak#) Loved by: - Liked by: Gina, Joe, Ray, Duke, Gourmet, Woody Hated by: - Saury (#saury#) Loved by: - Liked by: Gina, Joe, Ray, Duke, Gourmet, Woody Hated by: - Snapper (#snapper#) Loved by: - Liked by: Gina, Joe, Ray, Duke, Gourmet, Ronald, Woody Hated by: - Snadore (#snadore#) Loved by: - Liked by: Gina, Joe, Ray, Duke, Gourmet, Ronald, Woody Hated by: - Halibut (#halibut#) Loved by: - Liked by: Gina, Joe, Ray, Duke, Gourmet, Woody Hated by: - Yellowtail (#yellowtail#) Loved by: - Liked by: Gina, Joe, Ray, Duke, Gourmet, Michael, Woody Hated by: - Tuna (#tuna#) Loved by: - Liked by: Gina, Joe, Ray, Duke, Gourmet, Michael, Woody Hated by: - Opaleye (#opaleye#) Loved by: - Liked by: Gina, Joe, Ray, Duke, Gourmet, Woody Hated by: - Maple Flounder (#maple flounder#) Loved by: - Liked by: Gina, Joe, Ray, Duke, Gourmet, Woody Hated by: - Squid (#squid#) Loved by: - Liked by: Dan, Kurt, Louis, Gourmet, Hank, Tim Hated by: - Squid Prince (#squid prince#) Loved by: - Liked by: Dan, Kurt, Louis, Gourmet, Hank, Henry, Tim Hated by: - Lampsquid (#lampsquid#) Loved by: - Liked by: Dan, Kurt, Louis, Gourmet, Hank, Tim Hated by: - Shrimp (#shrimp#) Loved by: - Liked by: Dan, Kurt, Louis, Duke, Gourmet, Hank, Henry, Liz, Tim Hated by: - Jamasquid (#jamasquid#) Loved by: - Liked by: Dan, Kurt, Louis, Gourmet, Hank, Tim Hated by: - Can (#can#) Loved by: - Liked by: - Hated by: Ann, Dia, Ellen, Eve, Gina, Gwen, Katie, Lyla, Maria, Nina, Alex, Blue, Carl, Dan, Joe, Kurt, Jamie, Doug, Duke, Gourmet, Hank, Henry, Liz, Martha, Meryl, Nami, Ronald, Saibara, Tai, Terry, Theodore, Tim, Woody Boot (Left) (#boot (left)#boot#) Loved by: - Liked by: - Hated by: Ann, Dia, Ellen, Eve, Gina, Gwen, Katie, Lyla, Maria, Nina, Alex, Blue, Carl, Dan, Joe, Kurt, Jamie, Doug, Duke, Gourmet, Hank, Henry, Liz, Martha, Meryl, Nami, Ronald, Saibara, Tai, Terry, Tim, Woody Boot (Right) (#boot (right)#boot#) Loved by: - Liked by: - Hated by: Ann, Dia, Ellen, Eve, Gina, Gwen, Katie, Lyla, Maria, Nina, Alex, Blue, Carl, Dan, Joe, Kurt, Jamie, Doug, Duke, Gourmet, Hank, Henry, Liz, Martha, Meryl, Nami, Ronald, Saibara, Tai, Terry, Tim, Woody Clam (#clam#) Loved by: Dan Liked by: Gwen, Blue, Joe, Louis, Doug, Duke, Gourmet, Hank, Nami, Ronald, Tai, Tim Hated by: Kurt ___________________________ 2.5. Recipes: ___________________________ This section includes all 205 items that are considered to be in the "Recipes" class, including everything that can be created in the Kitchen or on a Bonfire. Veggie Salad (#veggie salad#) Loved by: Alex, Meryl, Terry Liked by: Ellen, Eve, Gwen, Katie, Lyla, Maria, Nina, Basil, Blue, Bob, Dan, Kurt, Louis, Jamie, Duke, Gourmet, Henry, Liz, Martha, Michael, Nami, Ronald, Saibara, Theodore Hated by: - Tomato Sandwich (#tomato sandwich#) Loved by: Kurt, Meryl Liked by: Ellen, Eve, Gwen, Katie, Lyla, Maria, Nina, Alex, Basil, Blue, Bob, Dan, Louis, Jamie, Duke, Gourmet, Henry, Liz, Martha, Michael, Nami, Ronald, Saibara, Terry, Theodore, Tim Hated by: - Egg Sandwich (#egg sandwich#) Loved by: - Liked by: Ellen, Eve, Gwen, Katie, Lyla, Maria, Nina, Alex, Basil, Blue, Bob, Carl, Dan, Kurt, Louis, Jamie, Duke, Gourmet, Henry, Liz, Martha, Meryl, Michael, Nami, Ronald, Terry, Theodore, Tim Hated by: - Quesadilla (#quesadilla#) Loved by: - Liked by: Ellen, Eve, Gwen, Katie, Lyla, Maria, Nina, Alex, Basil, Blue, Bob, Dan, Kurt, Louis, Jamie, Duke, Gourmet, Henry, Liz, Martha, Meryl, Michael, Nami, Ronald, Terry, Theodore, Tim Hated by: - Amago Sashimi (#amago sashimi#) Loved by: Tai Liked by: Ellen, Eve, Gina, Gwen, Maria, Joe, Ray, Doug, Gourmet, Hank, Henry, Saibara, Terry Hated by: Nina Char Sashimi (#char sashimi#) Loved by: - Liked by: Ellen, Eve, Gina, Gwen, Maria, Joe, Ray, Doug, Gourmet, Hank, Henry, Saibara, Tai, Terry Hated by: Nina R. Trout Sashimi (#r. trout sashimi#rainbow trout sashimi#) Loved by: - Liked by: Ellen, Eve, Gina, Gwen, Maria, Joe, Ray, Doug, Gourmet, Hank, Henry, Saibara, Tai, Terry Hated by: Nina Yamame Sashimi (#yamame sashimi#) Loved by: - Liked by: Ellen, Eve, Gina, Gwen, Maria, Joe, Ray, Doug, Gourmet, Hank, Henry, Saibara, Tai, Terry Hated by: Nina Salmon Sashimi (#salmon sashimi#) Loved by: - Liked by: Ellen, Gina, Gwen, Maria, Joe, Ray, Gourmet, Hank Hated by: Nina Huchen Sashimi (#huchen sashimi#) Loved by: Ray Liked by: Ellen, Gina, Gwen, Maria, Joe, Doug, Gourmet, Hank, Henry, Saibara, Tai, Terry Hated by: Nina Snapper Sashimi (#snapper sashimi#) Loved by: - Liked by: Ellen, Gina, Gwen, Maria, Joe, Ray, Duke, Gourmet, Ronald, Woody Hated by: Nina Opaleye Sashimi (#opaleye sashimi#) Loved by: - Liked by: Ellen, Gina, Gwen, Maria, Joe, Ray, Duke, Gourmet, Ronald, Woody Hated by: Nina Shinapper Sashimi (#shinapper sashimi#) Loved by: - Liked by: Ellen, Gina, Gwen, Maria, Joe, Ray, Duke, Gourmet, Ronald, Woody Hated by: Nina Snadore Sashimi (#snadore sashimi#) Loved by: - Liked by: Ellen, Gina, Gwen, Maria, Joe, Ray, Duke, Gourmet, Ronald, Woody Hated by: Nina Bonito Sashimi (#bonito sashimi#) Loved by: - Liked by: Ellen, Gina, Gwen, Maria, Joe, Ray, Duke, Gourmet, Ronald, Woody Hated by: Nina Yellowtail Sashimi (#yellowtail sashimi#) Loved by: Ray Liked by: Ellen, Gina, Gwen, Maria, Joe, Duke, Gourmet, Ronald, Woody Hated by: Nina Tuna Sashimi (#tuna sashimi#) Loved by: - Liked by: Ellen, Gina, Gwen, Maria, Joe, Ray, Duke, Gourmet, Ronald, Woody Hated by: Nina Sardine Sashimi (#sardine sashimi#) Loved by: - Liked by: Ellen, Gina, Gwen, Maria, Joe, Ray, Duke, Gourmet, Ronald, Woody Hated by: Nina Halfbeck Sashimi (#halfbeck sashimi#halfbeak sashimi#) Loved by: - Liked by: Ellen, Gina, Gwen, Maria, Joe, Ray, Duke, Gourmet, Ronald, Woody Hated by: Nina Saury Sashimi (#saury sashimi#) Loved by: - Liked by: Ellen, Gina, Gwen, Maria, Joe, Ray, Duke, Gourmet, Ronald, Woody Hated by: Nina Halibut Sashimi (#halibut sashimi#) Loved by: - Liked by: Ellen, Gina, Gwen, Maria, Joe, Ray, Duke, Gourmet, Ronald, Woody Hated by: Nina Flounder Sashimi (#flounder sashimi#) Loved by: - Liked by: Ellen, Gina, Gwen, Maria, Joe, Ray, Duke, Gourmet, Ronald, Woody Hated by: Nina M. Flounder Sashimi (#m. flounder sashimi#maple flounder sashimi#) Loved by: - Liked by: Ellen, Gina, Gwen, Maria, Joe, Ray, Duke, Gourmet, Ronald, Woody Hated by: Nina Squid Sashimi (#squid sashimi#) Loved by: - Liked by: Eve, Gina, Gwen, Katie, Dan, Kurt, Louis, Doug, Gourmet, Hank, Tai, Tim Hated by: Nina Nice Squid Sashimi (#nice squid sashimi#) Loved by: - Liked by: Eve, Gina, Gwen, Katie, Dan, Kurt, Louis, Doug, Gourmet, Hank, Tai, Tim Hated by: Nina Jamasquid Sashimi (#jamasquid sashimi#) Loved by: - Liked by: Eve, Gina, Gwen, Katie, Dan, Kurt, Louis, Doug, Gourmet, Hank, Tai, Tim Hated by: Nina Lampsquid Sashimi (#lampsquid sashimi#) Loved by: - Liked by: Eve, Gina, Gwen, Katie, Dan, Kurt, Louis, Doug, Gourmet, Hank, Tai, Tim Hated by: Nina Blowfish Sashimi (#blowfish sashimi#) Loved by: - Liked by: Gina, Gwen, Katie, Dan, Kurt, Louis, Doug, Gourmet, Hank, Tai, Tim Hated by: Nina Chulowfish Sashimi (#chulowfish sashimi#) Loved by: - Liked by: Eve, Gina, Gwen, Katie, Dan, Kurt, Louis, Doug, Gourmet, Hank, Tai, Tim Hated by: Nina Lobster Sashimi (#lobster sashimi#) Loved by: - Liked by: Eve,Gina, Gwen, Katie, Bob, Dan, Kurt, Louis, Doug, Duke, Gourmet, Hank, Meryl, Ronald, Tai, Tim Hated by: Nina Shrimp Sashimi (#shrimp sashimi#) Loved by: - Liked by: Eve,Gina, Gwen, Katie, Bob, Dan, Kurt, Louis, Doug, Duke, Gourmet, Hank, Meryl, Ronald, Tai, Tim Hated by: Nina Pie Dough (#pie dough#) Loved by: Carl Liked by: Ellen, Gina, Gwen, Katie, Lyla, Louis, Doug, Gourmet, Liz, Martha, Ronald Hated by: - Sunny-Side Up (#sunny-side up#) Loved by: Louis Liked by: Ann, Dia, Ellen, Gina, Gwen, Katie, Lyla, Nina, Blue, Bob, Carl, Joe, Kurt, Jamie, Doug, Gourmet, Henry, Liz, Martha, Meryl, Michael, Ronald, Tai, Theodore, Tim, Woody Hated by: - Plain Omelet (#plain omelet#plain omelette#) Loved by: Louis Liked by: Ann, Dia, Ellen, Eve, Gina, Gwen, Katie, Lyla, Maria, Nina, Blue, Bob, Carl, Joe, Kurt, Jamie, Doug, Gourmet, Henry, Liz, Martha, Meryl, Michael, Nami, Ronald, Tai, Theodore, Tim, Woody Hated by: - Cheese Omelette (#cheese omelet#cheese omelette#) Loved by: Louis, Nami, Tim Liked by: Ann, Dia, Ellen, Eve, Gina, Gwen, Katie, Lyla, Maria, Nina, Blue, Bob, Carl, Joe, Kurt, Jamie, Doug, Gourmet, Henry, Liz, Martha, Meryl, Michael, Ronald, Theodore, Woody Hated by: - Tomato Omelette (#tomato omelet#tomato omelette#) Loved by: Kurt, Louis, Nami, Tim Liked by: Ann, Dia, Ellen, Eve, Gina, Gwen, Katie, Lyla, Maria, Nina, Blue, Bob, Carl, Joe, Jamie, Doug, Gourmet, Hank, Liz, Martha, Meryl, Michael, Ronald, Theodore, Woody Hated by: - Char Meuniere (#char meuniere#) Loved by: - Liked by: Ann, Ellen, Gina, Gwen, Carl, Joe, Ray, Gourmet, Hank, Henry, Saibara, Tai, Terry Hated by: - R. Trout Meuniere (#r. trout meuniere#rainbow trout meuniere#) Loved by: - Liked by: Ann, Ellen, Gina, Gwen, Carl, Joe, Ray, Gourmet, Hank, Henry, Saibara, Tai, Terry Hated by: - Yamame Meuniere (#yamame meuniere#) Loved by: Joe Liked by: Ann, Ellen, Gina, Gwen, Carl, Ray, Gourmet, Hank, Henry, Saibara, Tai, Terry Hated by: - Sardine Meuniere (#sardine meuniere#) Loved by: - Liked by: Ann, Ellen, Gina, Gwen, Carl, Joe, Ray, Doug, Duke, Gourmet, Henry, Ronald, Saibara, Tai, Terry, Woody Hated by: - Salmon Meuniere (#salmon meuniere#) Loved by: Joe Liked by: Ann, Ellen, Gina, Gwen, Carl, Ray, Doug, Duke, Gourmet, Ronald, Woody Hated by: - Halibut Meuniere (#halibut meuniere#) Loved by: Ra Liked by: Ann, Ellen, Gina, Gwen, Carl, Joe, Doug, Duke, Gourmet, Ronald, Woody Hated by: - Flounder Meuniere (#flounder meuniere#) Loved by: - Liked by: Ann, Ellen, Gina, Gwen, Carl, Joe, Ray, Doug, Duke, Gourmet, Ronald, Woody Hated by: - M. Flounder Meuniere (#m. flounder meuniere#maple flounder meuniere#) Loved by: - Liked by: Ann, Ellen, Gina, Gwen, Carl, Joe, Ray, Doug, Duke, Gourmet, Ronald, Woody Hated by: - Yellowtail Teriyaki (#yellowtail teriyak#i) Loved by: Ray Liked by: Ann, Ellen, Gina, Gwen, Carl, Joe, Doug, Duke, Gourmet, Ronald, Woody Hated by: - Tuna Steak (#tuna steak#) Loved by: Joe Liked by: Ann, Ellen, Eve, Gina, Gwen, Katie, Carl, Doug, Duke, Gourmet, Liz, Ronald, Woody Hated by: - Grilled Clam (#grilled clam#) Loved by: Dan, Hank Liked by: Ann, Ellen, Eve, Gina, Gwen, Katie, Carl, Kurt, Doug, Duke, Gourmet, Liz, Martha, Nami, Ronald, Tai Hated by: - Steamed Clam (#steamed clam#) Loved by: Dan, Hank Liked by: Ann, Ellen, Eve, Gina, Gwen, Katie, Carl, Kurt, Doug, Duke, Gourmet, Liz, Martha, Nami, Ronald, Tai Hated by: - Mushroom Saute (#mushroom saute#) Loved by: Duke, Terry Liked by: Ann, Dia, Ellen, Lyla, Maria, Alex, Basil, Carl, Kurt, Doug, Gourmet, Martha, Michael, Nami, Ronald, Tai, Theodore, Tim Hated by: Hank, Dan Truffle Saute (#truffle saute#) Loved by: Gourmet, Terry Liked by: Ann, Dia, Ellen, Lyla, Maria, Alex, Basil, Carl, Kurt, Doug, Duke, Martha, Michael, Nami, Ronald, Tai, Theodore, Tim Hated by: Hank, Dan Toadstool Saute (#toadstool saute#) Loved by: - Liked by: Nami Hated by: Ann, Dia, Ellen, Eve, Gina, Katie, Lyla, Maria, Nina, Alex, Basil, Blue, Bob, Carl, Dan, Joe, Kurt, Louis, Ray, Doug, Duke, Hank, Henry, Liz, Martha, Meryl, Michael, Ronald, Saibara, Tai, Terry, Theodore, Tim, Woody Spinach Saute (#spinach saute#) Loved by: Alex, Blue, Bob, Liz Liked by: Ann, Ellen, Eve, Gina, Gwen, Katie, Maria, Nina, Basil, Carl, Dan, Louis, Ray, Jamie, Doug, Duke, Gourmet, Henry, Martha, Nami, Ronald, Saibara, Tai Hated by: - Baked Potato (#baked potato#) Loved by: Duke, Theodore Liked by: Ann, Ellen, Eve, Gina, Gwen, Katie, Maria, Nina, Alex, Basil, Blue, Bob, Carl, Dan, Louis, Ray, Jamie, Doug, Gourmet, Henry, Liz, Martha, Michael, Nami, Ronald, Saibara, Tai Hated by: - Fried Veggies (#fried veggies#) Loved by: - Liked by: Ann, Ellen, Eve, Gina, Gwen, Katie, Maria, Nina, Alex, Basil, Blue, Bob, Carl, Dan, Louis, Ray, Jamie, Doug, Duke, Gourmet, Henry, Liz, Martha, Michael, Nami, Ronald, Saibara, Tai, Theodore Hated by: - Spicy Fried Veggies (#spicy fried veggies#) Loved by: Ann, Henry Liked by: Eve, Gwen, Nina, Basil, Blue, Bob, Carl, Dan, Joe, Louis, Ray, Jamie, Doug, Duke, Gourmet, Hank, Michael, Nami, Ronald, Saibara, Tai, Theodore Hated by: Meryl, Tim Popcorn (#popcorn#) Loved by: Doug Liked by: Ann, Gwen, Katie, Nina, Basil, Blue, Bob, Carl, Dan, Joe, Louis, Ray, Jamie, Duke, Gourmet, Henry, Martha, Meryl, Nami, Ronald, Tai, Terry, Theodore, Tim Hated by: - Tortilla (#tortilla#) Loved by: Meryl Liked by: Ann, Gwen, Katie, Nina, Basil, Blue, Bob, Carl, Dan, Joe, Louis, Ray, Jamie, Duke, Gourmet, Martha, Meryl, Nami, Ronald, Theodore, Tim Hated by: - Pancake (#pancake#) Loved by: Bob, Meryl Liked by: Ann, Dia, Ellen, Gwen, Katie, Maria, Nina, Basil, Carl, Louis, Ray, Jamie, Gourmet, Liz, Martha, Nami, Ronald, Theodore, Tim Hated by: Blue, Henry Boiled Egg (#boiled egg#) Loved by: Terry, Tim, Woody Liked by: Ann, Gwen, Katie, Maria, Nina, Basil, Blue, Louis, Ray, Duke, Gourmet, Liz, Martha, Meryl, Nami, Ronald, Theodore Hated by: - Hot Milk (#hot milk#) Loved by: - Liked by: Dia, Ellen, Katie, Lyla, Maria, Nina, Alex, Basil, Blue, Bob, Carl, Louis, Jamie, Gourmet, Liz, Martha, Meryl, Michael, Nami, Ronald, Tim Hated by: - Cocoa [Recipe] (#cocoa#) Loved by: Jamie, Tim Liked by: Dia, Ellen, Eve, Katie, Lyla, Maria, Nina, Alex, Basil, Bob, Carl, Louis, Gourmet, Liz, Martha, Meryl, Michael, Nami, Ronald Hated by: - Herb Tea (#herb tea#) Loved by: Nina, Basil, Carl, Kurt Liked by: Dia, Ellen, Eve, Katie, Lyla, Maria, Alex, Louis, Jamie, Gourmet, Liz, Martha, Michael, Nami, Terry, Tim Hated by: Joe, Meryl Potage Soup (#potage soup#) Loved by: Blue, Theodore Liked by: Ann, Dia, Ellen, Eve, Gina, Lyla, Maria, Nina, Alex, Basil, Joe, Kurt, Louis, Jamie, Doug, Gourmet, Liz, Martha, Meryl, Michael, Nami, Ronald Hated by: - Corn Soup (#corn soup#) Loved by: Doug Liked by: Ann, Dia, Ellen, Eve, Katie, Lyla, Maria, Nina, Alex, Basil, Blue, Carl, Joe, Kurt, Louis, Jamie, Gourmet, Martha, Meryl, Michael, Nami, Ronald, Tim Hated by: - Tomato Soup (#tomato soup#) Loved by: Kurt Liked by: Ann, Dia, Ellen, Eve, Katie, Lyla, Maria, Nina, Alex, Basil, Blue, Carl, Joe, Louis, Jamie, Doug, Gourmet, Martha, Meryl, Michael, Nami, Ronald, Tim Hated by: - Pumpkin Soup (#pumpkin soup#) Loved by: Blue Liked by: Ann, Dia, Ellen, Eve, Katie, Lyla, Maria, Nina, Alex, Basil, Blue, Carl, Joe, Kurt, Louis, Jamie, Doug, Gourmet, Liz, Martha, Meryl, Michael, Nami, Ronald, Tim Hated by: - Mushroom Soup (#mushroom soup#) Loved by: - Liked by: Ann, Dia, Ellen, Eve, Katie, Lyla, Maria, Nina, Alex, Basil, Blue, Carl, Joe, Kurt, Louis, Jamie, Doug, Gourmet, Martha, Meryl, Michael, Nami, Ronald, Tim Hated by: Hank Onion Soup (#onion soup#) Loved by: - Liked by: Ann, Dia, Ellen, Eve, Katie, Lyla, Maria, Nina, Alex, Basil, Blue, Carl, Joe, Kurt, Louis, Jamie, Doug, Gourmet, Martha, Meryl, Michael, Nami, Ronald, Tim Hated by: - Bouillabaisse (#bouillabaisse#) Loved by: Kurt Liked by: Ann, Ellen, Eve, Gina, Katie, Lyla, Maria, Alex, Basil, Carl, Joe, Louis, Ray, Jamie, Doug, Duke, Gourmet, Liz, Martha, Michael, Nami, Ronald, Tim Hated by: - Stew (#stew#) Loved by: Michael Liked by: Ann, Ellen, Eve, Gwen, Katie, Lyla, Maria, Nina, Alex, Basil, Blue, Carl, Joe, Kurt, Louis, Jamie, Doug, Duke, Gourmet, Liz, Martha, Meryl, Nami, Ronald, Theodore, Tim Hated by: - Cream Salmon (#cream salmon#) Loved by: Blue, Michael Liked by: Ann, Ellen, Eve, Gina, Gwen, Katie, Lyla, Alex, Basil, Carl, Joe, Kurt, Louis, Ray, Jamie, Doug, Duke, Gourmet, Liz, Martha, Nami, Ronald, Theodore, Tim Hated by: - Spicy Stew (#spicy stew#) Loved by: Ann, Henry, Liz, Michael Liked by: Ellen, Eve, Gwen, Lyla, Alex, Basil, Blue, Carl, Joe, Kurt, Jamie, Doug, Duke, Gourmet, Nami, Ronald, Theodore Hated by: Meryl, Tim Stewed Pumpkin (#stewed pumpkin#) Loved by: Maria, Basil, Carl, Liz Liked by: Ann, Dia, Ellen, Eve, Gina, Gwen, Lyla, Nina, Alex, Blue, Bob, Dan, Louis, Jamie, Gourmet, Henry, Martha, Meryl, Nami, Saibara, Tai, Terry, Theodore Hated by: - Stewed Potato (#stewed potato#) Loved by: Maria, Duke, Saibara, Theodore Liked by: Ann, Dia, Ellen, Eve, Gina, Gwen, Lyla, Nina, Alex, Basil, Blue, Bob, Carl, Dan, Louis, Jamie, Gourmet, Liz, Martha, Meryl, Nami, Tai, Terry Hated by: - Stewed Yam (#stewed yam#) Loved by: Maria, Carl, Liz, Theodore Liked by: Ann, Dia, Ellen, Eve, Gina, Gwen, Lyla, Nina, Alex, Basil, Blue, Bob, Dan, Louis, Jamie, Gourmet, Martha, Meryl, Nami, Saibara, Tai, Terry Hated by: - Boiled Spinach (#boiled spinach#) Loved by: Maria, Alex, Bob, Liz, Saibara, Tai Liked by: Ann, Dia, Ellen, Eve, Gina, Gwen, Lyla, Nina, Basil, Blue, Dan, Louis, Jamie, Doug, Gourmet, Martha, Nami, Terry, Theodore Hated by: - Stewed Eggplant (#stewed eggplant#) Loved by: Maria, Saibara, Tai Liked by: Ann, Dia, Ellen, Eve, Gina, Gwen, Lyla, Nina, Alex, Basil, Blue, Bob, Dan, Louis, Jamie, Doug, Gourmet, Liz, Martha, Nami, Terry, Theodore Hated by: - Stewed Flounder (#stewed flounder#) Loved by: - Liked by: Ann, Gina, Gwen, Blue, Dan, Joe, Ray, Doug, Duke, Gourmet, Theodore, Woody Hated by: Lyla Stewed Yellowtail (#stewed yellowtail#) Loved by: Ray Liked by: Ann, Gina, Gwen, Blue, Dan, Joe, Doug, Duke, Gourmet, Theodore, Woody Hated by: Lyla Stewed Snapper (#stewed snapper#) Loved by: - Liked by: Ann, Gina, Gwen, Blue, Dan, Joe, Ray, Doug, Duke, Gourmet, Theodore, Woody Hated by: Lyla Miso Mackerel (#miso mackerel#) Loved by: - Liked by: Ann, Gina, Gwen, Blue, Dan, Joe, Kurt, Ray, Doug, Duke, Gourmet, Theodore, Woody Hated by: Lyla Tomato Sardine (#tomato sardine#) Loved by: Kurt Liked by: Ann, Eve, Gina, Gwen, Blue, Dan, Joe, Ray, Doug, Duke, Gourmet, Theodore, Woody Hated by: Lyla Tomato Squid (#tomato squid#) Loved by: Kurt Liked by: Ann, Eve, Gina, Gwen, Blue, Dan, Joe, Ray, Doug, Duke, Gourmet, Theodore, Woody Hated by: Lyla Caramelized Amago (#caramelized amago#) Loved by: Gina, Terry Liked by: Ann, Eve, Gwen, Dan, Joe, Gourmet, Martha, Tai, Theodore Hated by: Blue, Henry Caramelized Smelt (#caramelized smelt#) Loved by: Gina, Terry Liked by: Ann, Eve, Gwen, Dan, Joe, Gourmet, Martha, Tai, Theodore Hated by: Blue, Henry Caramelized C. Carp (#caramelized c. carp#caramelized crucian carp#) Loved by: Gina, Terry Liked by: Ann, Eve, Gwen, Dan, Joe, Gourmet, Martha, Tai, Theodore Hated by: Blue, Henry Caramelized S. Carp (#caramelized s. carp#caramelized silver carp#) Loved by: Gina, Terry Liked by: Ann, Eve, Gwen, Dan, Joe, Gourmet, Martha, Tai, Theodore Hated by: Blue, Henry Strawberry Jam (#strawberry jam#) Loved by: Dia, Gwen, Nina, Jamie, Tim Liked by: Ellen, Katie, Lyla, Maria, Basil, Bob, Carl, Dan, Gourmet, Liz, Martha, Meryl, Michael, Nami, Ronald Hated by: Blue, Joe, Ray, Henry, Woody Very Berry Jam (#very berry jam#) Loved by: Dia, Gwen, Jamie Liked by: Ellen, Katie, Lyla, Maria, Nina, Basil, Bob, Carl, Dan, Gourmet, Liz, Martha, Meryl, Michael, Nami, Ronald, Tim Hated by: Blue, Joe, Ray, Henry, Woody Blueberry Jam (#blueberry jam#) Loved by: Dia, Gwen, Jamie Liked by: Ellen, Katie, Lyla, Maria, Nina, Basil, Bob, Carl, Dan, Gourmet, Liz, Martha, Meryl, Michael, Nami, Ronald, Tim Hated by: Blue, Joe, Ray, Henry, Woody Marmalade (#marmalade#) Loved by: Katie, Jamie Liked by: Dia, Ellen, Gwen, Lyla, Maria, Nina, Basil, Bob, Carl, Gourmet, Liz, Martha, Meryl, Michael, Nami, Ronald, Tim Hated by: Blue, Joe, Ray, Henry, Woody Apple Jam (#apple jam#) Loved by: Katie, Jamie Liked by: Dia, Ellen, Gwen, Lyla, Maria, Nina, Basil, Bob, Carl, Gourmet, Liz, Martha, Meryl, Michael, Nami, Ronald, Tim Hated by: Blue, Ray, Henry, Woody Grilled R. Trout (#grilled r. trout#grilled rainbow trout#) Loved by: Joe Liked by: Ann, Gina, Gwen, Alex, Ray, Doug, Gourmet, Hank, Henry, Saibara, Tai, Terry, Woody Hated by: - Grilled Sardine (#grilled sardine#) Loved by: Alex Liked by: Ann, Gina, Gwen, Joe, Ray, Doug, Duke, Gourmet, Ronald Hated by: - Grilled Snapper (#grilled snapper#) Loved by: Alex Liked by: Ann, Gina, Gwen, Joe, Ray, Doug, Duke, Gourmet, Ronald Hated by: - Grilled Saury (#grilled saury#) Loved by: Joe Liked by: Ann, Gina, Gwen, Alex, Ray, Doug, Duke, Gourmet, Ronald Hated by: - Grilled Salmon (#grilled salmon#) Loved by: Alex Liked by: Ann, Gina, Gwen, Joe, Ray, Doug, Duke, Gourmet, Ronald Hated by: - Grilled Mackerel (#grilled mackerel#) Loved by: Alex Liked by: Ann, Gina, Gwen, Joe, Ray, Doug, Duke, Gourmet, Ronald Hated by: - Grilled Halibut (#grilled halibut#) Loved by: Joe, Ray Liked by: Ann, Gina, Gwen, Alex, Doug, Duke, Gourmet, Ronald Hated by: - Grilled Tuna (#grilled tuna#) Loved by: Joe Liked by: Ann, Gina, Gwen, Alex, Ray, Doug, Duke, Gourmet, Ronald Hated by: - Grilled Smelt (#grilled smelt#) Loved by: - Liked by: Ann, Gina, Gwen, Joe, Ray, Doug, Duke, Gourmet, Hank, Ronald, Saibara, Tai, Woody Hated by: - Squid Teriyaki (#squid teriyak#i) Loved by: Hank Liked by: Ann, Gina, Gwen, Dan, Kurt, Louis, Doug, Duke, Gourmet, Michael, Ronald, Tai Hated by: - Nice Squid Teriyaki (#nice squid teriyak#i) Loved by: - Liked by: Ann, Gina, Gwen, Dan, Kurt, Louis, Doug, Duke, Gourmet, Hank, Michael, Ronald, Tai Hated by: - Jamasquid Teriyaki (#jamasquid teriyak#i) Loved by: - Liked by: Ann, Gina, Gwen, Dan, Kurt, Louis, Doug, Duke, Gourmet, Hank, Michael, Ronald, Tai Hated by: - Lampsquid Teriyaki (#lampsquid teriyak#i) Loved by: - Liked by: Ann, Gina, Gwen, Dan, Kurt, Louis, Doug, Duke, Gourmet, Hank, Michael, Ronald, Tai Hated by: - Grilled Lobster (#grilled lobster#) Loved by: - Liked by: Ann, Dia, Eve, Gina, Gwen, Dan, Kurt, Louis, Doug, Duke, Gourmet, Hank, Liz, Meryl, Michael, Ronald, Tai, Tim Hated by: - Grilled Crawfish (#grilled crawfish#) Loved by: Hank Liked by: Ann, Eve, Gina, Gwen, Dan, Kurt, Louis, Doug, Duke, Gourmet, Martha, Meryl, Michael, Ronald, Tai, Tim Hated by: Dia Grilled Shrimp (#grilled shrimp#) Loved by: - Liked by: Ann, Dia, Eve, Gina, Gwen, Dan, Kurt, Louis, Doug, Duke, Gourmet, Hank, Liz, Martha, Meryl, Michael, Ronald, Tai, Tim Hated by: - Bread (#bread#) Loved by: Gourmet Liked by: Ann, Ellen, Eve, Maria, Nina, Alex, Basil, Bob, Carl, Dan, Louis, Ray, Doug, Duke, Henry, Liz, Martha, Meryl, Nami, Ronald, Theodore, Tim, Woody Hated by: - Corn Bread (#corn bread#) Loved by: Gourmet Liked by: Ann, Ellen, Eve, Maria, Nina, Alex, Basil, Bob, Carl, Louis, Doug, Duke, Henry, Liz, Martha, Meryl, Nami, Ronald, Theodore, Tim, Woody Hated by: - Pizza (#pizza#) Loved by: Gwen, Katie, Duke, Gourmet Liked by: Ann, Ellen, Eve, Maria, Nina, Carl, Dan, Joe, Kurt, Doug, Henry, Liz, Martha, Meryl, Nami, Ronald, Theodore, Tim Hated by: - Seafood Pizza (#seafood pizza#) Loved by: Joe, Gourmet Liked by: Ann, Ellen, Eve, Gwen, Katie, Carl, Kurt, Ray, Doug, Duke, Henry, Liz, Martha, Meryl, Nami, Theodore, Tim Hated by: - Potato Gratin (#potato gratin#) Loved by: Gwen, Gourmet, Theodore Liked by: Ann, Ellen, Eve, Katie, Nina, Alex, Basil, Blue, Carl, Dan, Joe, Kurt, Doug, Duke, Henry, Liz, Martha, Meryl, Nami, Tim Hated by: - Eggplant Gratin (#eggplant gratin#) Loved by: Gourmet Liked by: Ann, Ellen, Eve, Gwen, Katie, Nina, Alex, Basil, Blue, Carl, Dan, Joe, Kurt, Doug, Duke, Henry, Liz, Martha, Meryl, Nami, Theodore, Tim Hated by: - Mushroom Gratin (#mushroom gratin#) Loved by: Gourmet Liked by: Ann, Ellen, Eve, Gwen, Katie, Nina, Alex, Blue, Carl, Joe, Kurt, Doug, Duke, Henry, Liz, Martha, Meryl, Nami, Theodore, Tim Hated by: Dan Seafood Gratin (#seafood gratin#) Loved by: Joe, Gourmet Liked by: Ann, Ellen, Eve, Gwen, Katie, Alex, Blue, Carl, Kurt, Ray, Doug, Duke, Henry, Liz, Martha, Meryl, Nami, Theodore, Tim Hated by: - Pudding (#pudding#) Loved by: Meryl, Tim Liked by: Ann, Dia, Ellen, Gina, Gwen, Katie, Maria, Nina, Bob, Carl, Louis, Jamie, Gourmet, Liz, Martha, Nami Hated by: Blue, Henry, Terry, Woody Cocoa Pudding (#cocoa pudding#) Loved by: Ellen, Tim Liked by: Dia, Gina, Gwen, Katie, Lyla, Maria, Nina, Bob, Carl, Louis, Jamie, Gourmet, Liz, Martha, Meryl, Nami Hated by: Blue, Henry, Terry, Woody Pumpkin Pudding (#pumpkin pudding#) Loved by: Lyla, Carl, Liz, Meryl Liked by: Dia, Ellen, Gina, Gwen, Katie, Maria, Nina, Bob, Louis, Jamie, Gourmet, Martha, Nami, Tim Hated by: Blue, Henry, Terry, Woody Cake (#cake#) Loved by: Tim Liked by: Dia, Ellen, Gina, Gwen, Katie, Lyla, Nina, Bob, Carl, Jamie, Gourmet, Liz, Martha, Meryl, Nami Hated by: Blue, Henry, Terry, Woody Cocoa Cake (#cocoa cake#) Loved by: Ellen, Bob, Jamie, Tim Liked by: Dia, Gina, Gwen, Katie, Lyla, Maria, Nina, Carl, Gourmet, Henry, Liz, Martha, Meryl, Nami Hated by: Blue, Terry, Woody Honey Cake (#honey cake#) Loved by: Bob, Jamie, Tim Liked by: Dia, Ellen, Gina, Gwen, Katie, Lyla, Maria, Nina, Carl, Gourmet, Liz, Martha, Meryl, Nami Hated by: Blue, Henry, Terry, Woody Orange Cake (#orange cake#) Loved by: Katie, Bob, Jamie, Tim Liked by: Dia, Ellen, Gina, Gwen, Lyla, Maria, Nina, Carl, Gourmet, Liz, Martha, Meryl, Nami Hated by: Blue, Henry, Terry, Woody Chestnut Cake (#chestnut cake#) Loved by: Katie, Bob, Tim Liked by: Dia, Ellen, Gina, Gwen, Lyla, Maria, Nina, Carl, Jamie, Gourmet, Liz, Martha, Meryl, Nami Hated by: Blue, Henry, Terry, Woody Cheesecake (#cheesecake#) Loved by: Jamie, Martha, Tim Liked by: Dia, Ellen, Gina, Gwen, Katie, Lyla, Maria, Nina, Bob, Carl, Gourmet, Liz, Meryl, Nami Hated by: Blue, Henry, Terry, Woody Apple Pie (#apple pie#) Loved by: Jamie, Tim Liked by: Dia, Ellen, Gina, Gwen, Katie, Lyla, Maria, Nina, Bob, Carl, Gourmet, Liz, Martha, Meryl, Nami Hated by: Blue, Henry, Terry, Woody Pumpkin Pie (#pumpkin pie#) Loved by: Lyla, Jamie, Liz, Tim Liked by: Dia, Ellen, Gina, Gwen, Katie, Maria, Nina, Bob, Carl, Gourmet, Martha, Meryl, Nami Hated by: Blue, Henry, Terry, Woody Chestnut Pie (#chestnut pie#) Loved by: Carl, Tim Liked by: Dia, Ellen, Gina, Gwen, Katie, Lyla, Maria, Nina, Bob, Jamie, Gourmet, Liz, Martha, Meryl, Nami Hated by: Blue, Henry, Terry, Woody Yam Pie (#yam pie#) Loved by: Carl, Jamie, Theodore, Tim Liked by: Dia, Ellen, Gina, Gwen, Katie, Lyla, Maria, Nina, Bob, Gourmet, Liz, Martha, Meryl, Nami Hated by: Blue, Henry, Terry, Woody Strawberry Milk (#strawberry milk#) Loved by: Nina Liked by: Dia, Ellen, Katie, Lyla, Maria, Blue, Bob, Carl, Jamie, Doug, Gourmet, Liz, Martha, Meryl, Nami, Tim Hated by: - Milkshake (#milkshake#) Loved by: - Liked by: Dia, Ellen, Katie, Lyla, Maria, Nina, Blue, Bob, Carl, Jamie, Doug, Gourmet, Liz, Martha, Meryl, Nami, Tim Hated by: - Very Berry Juice (#very berry juice#) Loved by: Ellen, Lyla Liked by: Dia, Eve, Gwen, Katie, Maria, Nina, Basil, Bob, Carl, Dan, Jamie, Doug, Gourmet, Liz, Martha, Meryl, Nami, Ronald, Tim Hated by: Blue Blueberry Juice (#blueberry juice#) Loved by: Dia Liked by: Ellen, Eve, Gwen, Katie, Lyla, Maria, Nina, Basil, Bob, Carl, Dan, Jamie, Doug, Gourmet, Liz, Martha, Meryl, Nami, Ronald, Tim Hated by: Blue Orange Juice (#orange juice#) Loved by: Nina Liked by: Dia, Ellen, Eve, Gwen, Katie, Lyla, Maria, Basil, Bob, Carl, Dan, Jamie, Doug, Gourmet, Liz, Martha, Meryl, Nami, Ronald, Tim Hated by: Blue Apple Juice (#apple juice#) Loved by: Lyla Liked by: Dia, Ellen, Eve, Gwen, Katie, Maria, Nina, Basil, Bob, Carl, Dan, Jamie, Doug, Gourmet, Liz, Martha, Meryl, Nami, Ronald, Tim Hated by: Blue Grape Juice (#grape juice#) Loved by: Kurt Liked by: Dia, Ellen, Eve, Gwen, Katie, Lyla, Maria, Nina, Basil, Bob, Carl, Dan, Jamie, Doug, Gourmet, Liz, Martha, Meryl, Nami, Ronald, Tim Hated by: Blue Tomato Juice (#tomato juice#) Loved by: Nina, Basil, Kurt, Nami Liked by: Ellen, Gwen, Lyla, Maria, Alex, Blue, Jamie, Doug, Gourmet, Henry, Liz, Martha, Meryl, Ronald, Tai, Woody Hated by: - Veggie Juice (#veggie juice#) Loved by: Alex, Basil, Tai Liked by: Gwen, Lyla, Maria, Nina, Blue, Kurt, Jamie, Doug, Gourmet, Henry, Liz, Martha, Meryl, Nami, Woody Hated by: Ann, Joe Grass Juice (#grass juice#) Loved by: Alex, Basil, Tai Liked by: Lyla, Nina, Blue, Doug, Gourmet, Theodore, Woody Hated by: Ann, Dia, Eve, Katie, Bob, Carl, Joe, Ray, Hank, Meryl, Nami, Ronald, Tim Pickled Turnip (#pickled turnip#) Loved by: Maria, Alex, Saibara, Woody Liked by: Nina, Basil, Blue, Kurt, Louis, Doug, Gourmet, Henry, Liz, Martha, Meryl, Theodore Hated by: Carl, Nami Pickled Cabbage (#pickled cabbage#) Loved by: Maria, Saibara, Woody Liked by: Nina, Alex, Basil, Blue, Kurt, Louis, Doug, Gourmet, Henry, Liz, Martha, Meryl, Theodore Hated by: Carl, Nami Pickled Eggplant (#pickled eggplant#) Loved by: Maria, Saibara, Tai, Woody Liked by: Nina, Alex, Basil, Blue, Kurt, Louis, Henry, Liz, Martha, Meryl, Theodore Hated by: Carl, Nami Grape Soda (#grape soda#) Loved by: Eve, Lyla, Dan, Duke, Hank, Ronald, Tai, Woody Liked by: Gwen, Katie, Basil, Bob, Joe, Ray, Doug, Gourmet, Nami, Saibara, Terry Hated by: Maria, Meryl, Michael, Tim Apple Soda (#apple soda#) Loved by: Eve, Lyla, Dan, Duke, Hank, Ronald, Tai Liked by: Gwen, Katie, Basil, Bob, Joe, Ray, Doug, Gourmet, Nami, Terry, Woody Hated by: Maria, Meryl, Michael, Tim Very Berry Soda (#very berry soda#) Loved by: Eve, Lyla, Dan, Duke, Hank, Ronald, Tai, Woody Liked by: Liked by: Gwen, Katie, Basil, Bob, Joe, Ray, Doug, Gourmet, Nami, Terry Hated by: Maria, Meryl, Michael, Tim Yogurt (#yogurt#) Loved by: Blue, Doug, Henry Liked by: Ann, Dia, Ellen, Eve, Gina, Gwen, Katie, Lyla, Maria, Alex, Basil, Carl, Dan, Ray, Gourmet, Liz, Martha, Meryl, Michael, Nami, Ronald, Tim Hated by: Joe Deviled Egg (#deviled egg#) Loved by: Ann, Louis, Henry Liked by: Ellen, Gina, Gwen, Katie, Lyla, Maria, Nina, Alex, Basil, Blue, Bob, Carl, Doug, Gourmet, Liz, Martha, Meryl, Michael, Nami, Terry, Theodore, Tim Hated by: - Salted Amago (#salted amago#) Loved by: - Liked by: Ann, Gina, Gwen, Joe, Ray, Doug, Gourmet, Hank, Henry, Saibara, Tai, Terry, Woody Hated by: - Salted Char (#salted char#) Loved by: - Liked by: Ann, Gina, Gwen, Joe, Ray, Doug, Gourmet, Hank, Henry, Saibara, Tai, Terry, Woody Hated by: - Salted R. Trout (#salted r. trout#salted rainbow trout#) Loved by: - Liked by: Ann, Gina, Gwen, Joe, Ray, Doug, Gourmet, Hank, Henry, Saibara, Tai, Terry, Woody Hated by: - Salted Yamame (#salted yamame#) Loved by: - Liked by: Ann, Gina, Gwen, Joe, Ray, Doug, Gourmet, Hank, Henry, Saibara, Tai, Terry, Woody Hated by: - Salted Dace (#salted dace#) Loved by: - Liked by: Ann, Gina, Gwen, Joe, Ray, Doug, Gourmet, Hank, Henry, Saibara, Tai, Terry, Woody Hated by: - Salted Salmon (#salted salmon#) Loved by: - Liked by: Ann, Gina, Gwen, Joe, Ray, Doug, Gourmet, Hank, Henry, Saibara, Tai, Terry, Woody Hated by: - Salted Huchen (#salted huchen#) Loved by: Ray Liked by: Ann, Gina, Gwen, Joe, Doug, Gourmet, Hank, Henry, Saibara, Tai, Terry, Woody Hated by: - Salted Cureall (#salted cureall#) Loved by: - Liked by: Ann, Gina, Gwen, Joe, Ray, Doug, Gourmet, Hank, Henry, Saibara, Tai, Terry, Woody Hated by: - Broiled C. Carp (#broiled c. carp#broiled crucian carp#) Loved by: - Liked by: Ann, Gina, Gwen, Joe, Ray, Doug, Gourmet, Hank, Henry, Saibara, Tai, Terry, Woody Hated by: - Broiled S. Carp (#broiled s. carp#broiled silver carp#) Loved by: - Liked by: Ann, Gina, Gwen, Joe, Ray, Doug, Gourmet, Hank, Henry, Saibara, Tai, Terry, Woody Hated by: - Broiled Snapper (#broiled snapper#) Loved by: - Liked by: Ann, Gina, Gwen, Joe, Ray, Duke, Gourmet, Ronald Hated by: - Broiled Opaleye (#broiled opaleye#) Loved by: - Liked by: Ann, Gina, Gwen, Joe, Ray, Duke, Gourmet, Ronald Hated by: - Broiled Shinapper (#broiled shinapper#) Loved by: - Liked by: Ann, Gina, Gwen, Joe, Ray, Duke, Gourmet, Ronald Hated by: - Broiled Snadore (#broiled snadore#) Loved by: - Liked by: Ann, Gina, Gwen, Joe, Ray, Duke, Gourmet, Ronald Hated by: - Bonito Steak (#bonito steak#) Loved by: - Liked by: Ann, Gina, Gwen, Joe, Ray, Duke, Ronald Hated by: - Broiled Mackerel (#broiled mackerel#) Loved by: - Liked by: Ann, Gina, Gwen, Joe, Ray, Duke, Gourmet, Ronald Hated by: - Broiled Yellowtail (#broiled yellowtail#) Loved by: Ray Liked by: Ann, Gina, Gwen, Joe, Duke, Gourmet, Ronald Hated by: - Stalted Smelt (#salted smelt#) Loved by: - Liked by: Ann, Gina, Gwen, Joe, Ray, Duke, Gourmet, Ronald Hated by: - Broiled Tuna (#broiled tuna#) Loved by: - Liked by: Ann, Gina, Gwen, Joe, Ray, Duke, Gourmet, Ronald Hated by: - Anchovy (#anchovy#) Loved by: - Liked by: Ann, Gina, Gwen, Joe, Ray, Duke, Gourmet, Ronald Hated by: - Salted Halfback (#salted halfback#salted halfbeak#) Loved by: - Liked by: Ann, Gina, Gwen, Joe, Ray, Duke, Gourmet, Ronald Hated by: - Salted Saury (#salted saury#) Loved by: - Liked by: Ann, Gina, Gwen, Joe, Ray, Duke, Gourmet, Ronald Hated by: - Broiled Halibut (#broiled halibut#) Loved by: - Liked by: Ann, Gina, Gwen, Joe, Ray, Duke, Gourmet, Ronald Hated by: - Broiled Flounder (#broiled flounder#) Loved by: - Liked by: Ann, Gina, Gwen, Joe, Ray, Duke, Gourmet, Ronald Hated by: - Broiled M. Flounder (#broiled m. flounder#broiled maple flounder#) Loved by: - Liked by: Ann, Gina, Gwen, Joe, Ray, Duke, Gourmet, Ronald Hated by: - Broiled Squid (#broiled squid#) Loved by: Hank Liked by: Ann, Gina, Gwen, Dan, Kurt, Duke, Gourmet, Michael, Tai, Tim Hated by: - Broiled Nice Squid (#broiled nice squid#) Loved by: - Liked by: Ann, Gina, Gwen, Dan, Kurt, Duke, Gourmet, Hank, Michael, Tai, Tim Hated by: - Broiled Jamasquid (#broiled jamasquid#) Loved by: - Liked by: Ann, Gina, Gwen, Dan, Kurt, Duke, Gourmet, Hank, Michael, Tai, Tim Hated by: - Broiled Lampsquid (#broiled lampsquid#) Loved by: - Liked by: Ann, Gina, Gwen, Dan, Kurt, Duke, Gourmet, Hank, Michael, Tai, Tim Hated by: - Broiled Blowfish (#broiled blowfish#) Loved by: - Liked by: Ann, Gina, Gwen, Dan, Kurt, Duke, Gourmet, Hank, Michael, Tai, Tim Hated by: - Broiled Chulowfish (#broiled chulowfish#) Loved by: - Liked by: Ann, Gina, Gwen, Dan, Kurt, Duke, Gourmet, Hank, Michael, Tai, Tim Hated by: - Broiled Lobster (#broiled lobster#) Loved by: - Liked by: Ann, Gina, Gwen, Maria, Dan, Kurt, Duke, Gourmet, Hank, Michael, Tai, Tim Hated by: - Broiled Crawfish (#broiled crawfish#) Loved by: Hank Liked by: Ann, Gina, Gwen, Maria, Dan, Kurt, Duke, Gourmet, Meryl, Michael, Tai, Tim Hated by: - Broiled Shrimp (#broiled shrimp#) Loved by: - Liked by: Ann, Gina, Gwen, Maria, Dan, Kurt, Duke, Gourmet, Hank, Meryl, Michael, Tai, Tim Hated by: - Broiled Clam (#broiled clam#) Loved by: Dan Liked by: Ann, Gina, Gwen, Duke, Gourmet, Hank, Liz, Michael, Nami, Tai, Tim Hated by: Kurt Baked Yam (#baked yam#) Loved by: Ellen, Tai, Theodore Liked by: Ann, Dia, Eve, Gwen, Katie, Lyla, Maria, Nina, Alex, Basil, Bob, Carl, Dan, Joe, Louis, Gourmet, Henry, Liz, Martha, Meryl, Michael, Nami, Ronald, Tim Hated by: - Baked Chestnut (#baked chestnut#) Loved by: Nina, Nami, Terry Liked by: Ann, Dia, Ellen, Eve, Gwen, Katie, Lyla, Maria, Alex, Basil, Bob, Carl, Dan, Joe, Louis, Gourmet, Liz, Martha, Meryl, Michael, Ronald, Theodore, Tim Hated by: - Baked Corn (#baked corn#) Loved by: Ann, Gwen, Doug, Henry, Saibara, Woody Liked by: Dia, Ellen, Eve, Katie, Lyla, Maria, Nina, Alex, Basil, Bob, Carl, Dan, Joe, Louis, Gourmet, Hank, Liz, Martha, Meryl, Michael, Nami, Ronald, Theodore, Tim Hated by: - Potion (#potion#) Loved by: - Liked by: Ann, Eve, Gwen, Katie, Blue, Bob, Dan, Joe, Kurt, Louis, Doug, Tai, Woody Hated by: Jamie, Gourmet, Hank, Tim Caffeine (#caffeine#) Loved by: Louis Liked by: Ann, Eve, Gwen, Katie, Blue, Bob, Dan, Joe, Kurt, Doug, Tai, Woody Hated by: Jamie, Gourmet, Hank, Tim Stamina Drink (#stamina drink#) Loved by: - Liked by: Ann, Eve, Gwen, Katie, Blue, Bob, Dan, Joe, Kurt, Louis, Doug, Tai, Woody Hated by: Jamie, Gourmet, Hank, Tim Bravo Drink (#bravo drink#) Loved by: Louis Liked by: Ann, Eve, Gwen, Katie, Blue, Bob, Dan, Joe, Kurt, Doug, Tai, Woody Hated by: Jamie, Gourmet, Hank, Tim Failed Dish (#failed dish#) Loved by: - Liked by: - Hated by: Ann, Dia, Ellen, Eve, Gina, Gwen, Katie, Lyla, Maria, Nina, Alex, Basil, Blue, Bob, Carl, Dan, Joe, Kurt, Ray, Jamie, Doug, Duke, Gourmet, Hank, Liz, Martha, Meryl, Michael, Nami, Ronald, Saibara, Tai, Terry, Theodore, Tim, Woody Weird Dish (#weird dish#) Loved by: - Liked by: - Hated by: Ann, Dia, Ellen, Eve, Gina, Gwen, Katie, Lyla, Maria, Nina, Alex, Basil, Blue, Bob, Carl, Dan, Joe, Kurt, Ray, Jamie, Doug, Duke, Gourmet, Hank, Liz, Martha, Meryl, Michael, Nami, Ronald, Saibara, Tai, Terry, Theodore, Tim, Woody Green Balm (#green balm#) Loved by: Nami Liked by: Ann, Eve, Gwen, Katie, Maria, Nina, Basil, Doug, Liz, Martha, Meryl, Ronald Hated by: Jamie Purple Balm (#purple balm#) Loved by: Eve, Lyla, Liz Liked by: Dia, Nina, Basil, Louis, Meryl Hated by: Gina, Jamie Orange Balm (#orange balm#) Loved by: Dia Liked by: Ellen, Eve, Gina, Katie, Lyla, Maria, Nina, Basil, Liz, Martha, Meryl, Ronald Hated by: Jamie Moon Balm (#moon balm#) Loved by: Lyla, Maria, Liz, Meryl Liked by: Ellen, Eve, Katie, Nina, Basil, Martha, Ronald Hated by: Gina, Jamie Pink Balm (#pink balm#) Loved by: Eve, Katie, Lyla, Nina, Basil Liked by: Dia, Ellen, Bob, Louis, Liz, Meryl Hated by: Gina, Jamie Blue Balm (#blue balm#) Loved by: Ellen, Lyla, Nina, Liz Liked by: Dia, Eve, Katie, Maria, Basil, Meryl, Ronald Hated by: Jamie Green Yarn (#green yarn#) Loved by: Henry, Ronald Liked by: Ellen, Gina, Gwen, Lyla, Maria, Bob, Liz, Martha, Nami Hated by: - Purple Yarn (#purple yarn#) Loved by: Henry, Ronald Liked by: Ellen, Gina, Gwen, Lyla, Maria, Bob, Liz, Martha, Nami Hated by: - Red Yarn (#red yarn#) Loved by: Henry, Martha Liked by: Ellen, Gina, Gwen, Lyla, Maria, Bob, Liz, Nami, Ronald Hated by: - Orange Yarn (#orange yarn#) Loved by: Henry, Martha Liked by: Ellen, Gina, Gwen, Lyla, Maria, Bob, Liz, Meryl, Nami, Ronald Hated by: - Yellow Yarn (#yellow yarn#) Loved by: Henry, Martha Liked by: Ellen, Gina, Gwen, Lyla, Maria, Bob, Liz, Meryl, Nami, Ronald Hated by: - Pink Yarn (#pink yarn#) Loved by: Henry, Martha Liked by: Ellen, Gina, Gwen, Lyla, Maria, Bob, Liz, Meryl, Nami, Ronald Hated by: - Blue Yarn (#blue yarn#) Loved by: Henry, Ronald Liked by: Ellen, Gina, Gwen, Lyla, Maria, Bob, Liz, Martha, Nami Hated by: - Failed Yarn (#failed yarn#) Loved by: - Liked by: Liz Hated by: Ann, Ellen, Katie, Hank, Henry, Woody ___________________________ 3. Content Update History: ___________________________ Dec. 13th 2012 - Created the online guide's skeleton Dec. 19th 2012 - Extracted and rewrote all the data from the data spreadsheet Jan. 2th 2013 - Sent request to make the guide accessible through GameFAQs Walkthroughs Dec. 29th 2015 - Corrected Carl and Cayenne, modified Ctrl+F system for characters Sep. 19th 2017 - Corrected text errors, changed guide type