/==================================================\ | ISS3 FAQ/Walkthrough | | For GameCube | | Written by Vincent Volaju (joanroda@eresmas.com) | | Version 2.1 (62.4KB) | \==================================================/ @@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@ @@@ @@@@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@@@ @@@@ @@@@@ @@@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@ @@@ @@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@ @@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@ @@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@@ @@@@ @@@@@ @@@@ @@@@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@@ @@@@@ @@@@ @@@@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@ @@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ ======================= ---Table Of Contents--- ======================= 1. Version History 2. Game Information 3. Introduction 4. Controls A. ATTACKING CONTROLS B. DEFFENCE CONTROLS C. CORNER KICK/FREE KICK D. GOALKEEPER CONTROLS E. THROW-IN CONTROLS F. CLOSE-UP SCREEN CONTROLS G. SPECIAL MOVEMENTS 5. How to score? A. Free Kick B. Corner Kick C. Long Pass D. Hand-to-hand against keeper E. Wing L-dribble 6. How to avoid CPU scores? 7. Mission Mode 8. Roster FAQ: A. Clubs B. Legendary Teams C. National Teams 9. Edit Teams A. Create Players B. Edit Badges 10. Special Teams 11. Bugs 12. Legal Stuff 13. Special Thanks ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * 1. Version History ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ver. 1.0 (06/30/03) - First version of FAQ. Only Original Teams players and how to complete mission mode. Ver. 1.1 (07/03/03) - Some names have been corrected, the mission mode has been completed also and the special teams. Ver. 1.2 (07/06/03) - I included the ROSTERS of the legendary teams. Ver. 1.3 (07/07/03) - Somebody asked me to include a Controls section, so I did it. But except the Special moves, it's only a transcription of the instructions booklet. Ver. 1.4 (07/14/03) - A new Special Team unlocked, a new bug and some ROSTERS. Ver. 1.5 (07/28/03) - More ROSTERS. Ver. 1.6 (07/29/03) - I finished the ROSTERS. It was hard and time consuming, but I expect it would be worth. This will be the final version unless anybody discovers how to unlock 90's, 94's and 98's legends teams. Ver. 1.7 (08/05/03) - Home & away kits of the Club Teams updated to season 03/04. Ver. 1.8 (08/09/03) - IRAN squad completed (provided by Behnam Nourparvar) and section 9 has been modified. Ver. 1.9 (08/15/03) - A bug has been removed from section 11(by Daniel Warsén). World Cup Legend Teams unlocked(see Section 10). Ver. 2.0 (09/20/03) - A new bug has been added. Ver. 2.1 (10/17/04) - WOW!! A year has passed since the last update, I added one name by the cortesy of Niko. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * 2. Game Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Title: ISS3 Genre: Football/Soccer (Sports) Platforms: Nintendo Gamecube, Playstation 2 and PC Players: 1-4 players Memory Card Blocks: 59 Designed By: Konami Published By: Konami ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * 3. Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Welcome everybody to my ISS3 (GC) FAQ! This is my first FAQ, I hope you enjoy it. ISS3 is the second sequel of the famous ISS series for GC after the appearance of ISS2. Definitely, the game is much better than ISS2. Firstly, it has a new mode called mission mode which objective is to win several matches in adverse conditions against well-known European clubs. As a result you obtain points, which you can exchange by several items (T-shirts,socks,etc.), special movements and so on, in the catalogue. It also includes the classical International Cup, Exhibition matches, Training mode and World League. Enjoy it!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * 4. Controls ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A) ATTACKING CONTROLS Movement/Dribbling ================== CONTROL STICK/CONTROL STICK + R button Juggle ====== Z button(tap once lightly) + CONTROL STICK(neutral position) Press the directional buttons while juggling to run and juggle at the same time Through ======= Z button + R button(tap once lightly) Relay a received pass to another player. Lob Pass ======== X button Use the directional buttons or the CONTROL STICK to adjust the direction of the pass. Hold the X button down longer to make the pass travel further. Short Lob Pass ============== X button(x2) Centre ====== X button Passes made within the centring area are automatically directed towards the front of the goal. Hold the X button down longer to make the centering pass travel further. Press the X button twice to execute a low centring pass. Search Pass =========== A button Pass the ball to the player indicated by the search cursor Non-Search Pass(grounder) ========================= L button + Y button Non-Search Pass(lob) ========================= L button + Y button(x2) Pass the ball without searching for a target. Use the CONTROL STICK to control the direction of the pass. Hold the button down longer to make the pass travel further. Through Pass ============ Y button Lob Through Pass ================ Y button(x2 quickly) Charge-up Through Pass ====================== Y button(press and hold) The player indicated by the pass cursor will continue to run as long as the Y button is held down. Release the button to pass. Cancel Through Pass =================== C STICK or Z button while holding Y button Change Pass Cursor While Charge-up Through Pass =============================================== L button while holding Y button One-Two Pass(ground) ==================== L button + A button One-Two Pass(lob) ==================== L button + X button One-Two Pass(lob+ground) ======================== L button + X button + A button One-Two Pass(ground+lob) ======================== L button + A button + X button Execute a ground or lob pass to the player indicated by the cursor, who then returns it automatically. The ball is kept as long as L button is pressed. Cancel One-Two Pass =================== C STICK before releasing L button Curve ===== C STICK Immediately after kicking the ball, pressing the C STICK to the left or to the right of the ball's direction of travel will cause the ball to curve in that direction. Pressing the C STICK in the direction of travel will put topspin on the ball, while pressing in the opposite direction will put backspin on it. Shoot ===== B button The type of shot used depends on the timing of the shot, the ball's position, the player's shooting ability, and how long the button is pressed. Depending on which side of the centre line the ball is on, the player will either make a shot on goal(if on the opponent's side) or clear the ball(if on the player's own side). Loop Shoot ========== CONTROL STICK(opposite direction) Press the CONTROL STICK in the opposite direction that of the ball to execute this type of shoot Short Kick ========== Control Stick + R button Kick the ball a short distance away from the player, allowing him to run faster than a normal sprint for a short period of time. Control Feint ========== Z button + A button While receiving the ball, combined with the CONTROL STICK to perform one of a variety of feint manoeuvres in the corresponding direction. 360 Feint ========= Z button + X button Kick Feint ========= Z button + B button B) DEFFENCE CONTROLS Slide ===== X button Use the CONTROL STICK to control the direction of the slide. Hold down the R button and press X button to execute a longer slide. Move Goalkeeper out of Goal =========================== Y button Hold down the Z button when pressing the Y button to cause the goalkeeper to hurry back into position. Foot Charge =========== A button Make a grab for a ball held by an opponent using the player's feet. Hold down the A button while pressing the Y button to execute a full-body charge. Delay ===== B button Depending on the situation, the player will attempt to block a regular pass a centring pass, or a shot. Hold down the Z button while pressing the B button to block a centring pass or a shot. Change Cursor ============= L button Sprint ====== R button + CONTROL STICK Lock Cursor =========== L button(hold down) Execute Set Piece/Strategy ========================== CONTROL PAD(hold down and press in assigned direction) Only if "Manual" mode has been set. To cancel a set piece in progress, press the CONTROL PAD again. C) CORNER KICK/FREE KICK Lob Pass ======== X button Pass ==== A button Shoot ===== B button Change Formations ================= R button Short Corner ============ L button Applies only to corner kicks. Switch Camera Angle =================== Y button D) GOALKEEPER CONTROLS Move ==== CONTROL STICK Overhand Throw ============== X button Underhand Throw =============== A button The ball is thrown to the player indicated by the pass cursor. Move Out ======== Y button Punt ==== B button Drop Ball ========= R button The goalie will drop the ball to his feet automatically after 6 seconds. **Keeper: During Goal Kicks** Lob Pass ======== X button Hold the button down longer to make the pass travel further. Pass ==== A button The ball is passed to the player indicated by the pass cursor. Long Kick ========= B button E) THROW-IN CONTROLS Move Players on Receiving Side ============================== CONTROL STICK Lob Throw-in ============ X button Grounder Throw-in ============ A button Long Throw-in ============ B button Change Cursor ============= L button F) CLOSE-UP SCREEN CONTROLS(1-on-1 challenge) Switch to Close-Up Screen ========================= L button When conditions are right fora 1 1-on-1 challenge, "L" will flash on the screen. When this happens, press the L button to switch to the Close-Up Screen. Press the button again to return to normal view. Feint Left ========== C STICK Left Feint Right =========== C STICK Right Cut === Cut in the direction indicated by the CONTROL STICK. G) SPECIAL MOVEMENTS(unlockable in the catalogue) Long Throw-In ============= Z button + B button The player do a spin and then executes a long throw-in Super Free Kick =============== Z button + B button A powerful free kick.(VERY useful) Rabona(Changed Foot Shoot) ========================== Z button + L button + B button or Z button + L button + X button Kick the ball with a foot behind the other. Over Head ========= Z(x2) Elevates the ball with your foot over your opponent's head Sombrero(heel lift) =================== C(x2) Elevates the ball with your heel over your opponent's head.(VERY useful) Frog Jump ========= Z button + Y button Jump with the ball trapped on your feet. Scorpion Kick ============= Z button + L button + B button or Z button + L button + X button Who does not remember René Higuita in Wembley? The player jumps horizontally to the floor and hits the ball with his heels. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * 5. How to score? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The objective in any football game is to score. So in order to complete Mission Mode, win International Cups or whatever, you should score more goals than your rival. A) First tip: Free Kick ======================= *The first thing you should buy in the catalogue is the Super Free Kick(Z+B). If you don't have it, keep playing until you obtain it. If you play with 2 players, there is an easy way to score goals. Anytime you have a free kick, the player who don't kick it should go through the wall, then you would notice that you can move the players in the wall creating a hole. Now the free-kicker could shoot with MAXIMUM POWER through this hole and score an easy goal with the Super Free Kick, try to adjust your shoot to the post. Depending on the distance you should raise the arrow shoot more or less, practicing you will learn it quickly. *If you play alone, it is a bit more difficult. First of all, the free-kicker should be very good(Power Shoot 9 or more). Shoot with MAXIMUM POWER with the Super Free Kick but the arrow shoot should never impact under the waist of the wall's players and if it's possible not under the chest. If the free-kicker is VERY GOOD the ball will pass through the wall 'magically' and you will score. The effectiveness is very high, but not as high as the 2-players method. B) Second tip: Corner Kick ========================== The problem of this tip is that it is different with every corner kicker, because it depends on the power shoot of the player. Anyway, the method is always the same: 1. Try to direct the arrow to the front the keeper zone. 2. The end of the arrow should be should be at the same height of the crossbar or lower. 3. Curve the shoot with C-stick a bit, but do not overcurl the shoot because then you will lose power. 4. You should press button X to the maximum. 5. Head the ball pressing B and direct it to the most separated post from the corner. The effectiveness of this tip depends a lot on your ability, but once you master it, it is very good. C) Third tip: Long Pass ======================= This is my favourite trick. When you had been playing for a long time, you would get used to watch the radar constantly. It's very important to do this trick. The base of this trick is the counter-attack. When you steal a ball in your defence zone or in the middle of the pitch, then watch the radar and locate your forwards. If one of them is highlighted, then press Y two times very quickly. The result will be a high pass through, then run with your forward to catch the ball. Sometimes a defender will catch the ball before you, but if you're cunny enough you could steal it and go to the goal. Then you will depend on your hand-to-hand ability against the keeper. D) Fourth tip: Hand-to-hand against keeper ========================================== There're several ways to score against the keeper, it depends on the situation: 1. If you arrive alone to the area, try to be centred and when you are on the penalty spot then shot pressing B slightly. It's quite effective. 2. Dribble the goalie requires ability and experience. When the keeper comes to intercept you, then try to avoid him runnning in diagonal. If you dribble them, then you angle of shoot would be very reduced and if you shoot you will miss it. The KEY is: once you dribble the keeper, do not direct the stick to the goal, direct it horizontally like if you want to do a shoot parallel to the goal and then shoot it. It should be goal. E) Fifth tip: Wing L-dribble ============================ This is another of my favourite tricks. The base of this method is the L-dribble. Look at the map and follow the instructions: 1) When your player has the ball, run near the line until you meet a defender, dribble him with the L-dribble in (1). 2) After doing this dribble you will have enough time to arrive to (2) where any defender will intercept you, dribble him with the L-dribble another time. When using the L-dribble in (2), ignore the defender and go to (3) like if you were following a line. 3) When you enter in the area, then pass the ball pressing A. The ball should arrive to a forward at (4), and then shoot diagonally to post the at your left as you can see in the picture. -----------------------------------\ | | | | | | | __________| | | | | | | | | ____| | | | _ | | | | /| | | /| |/ | | || .(4)/ | | \| | | | | |____| | | | | | (3) | | |______^___| | | | | | | | (1)---------------->(2) | | | -----------------------------------/ Unless a defender cut the pass, it will be goal. This trick could be executed on the other side also. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *6. How to avoid CPU scores? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The effectivity of CPU on hand-to-hand duels against keepers is 99%. So avoid this situation if it's possible making a fault. If you tackle him with X or A, you should stop him and probably receive a yellow card. Or you can steal the ball making a fault without receiving a yellow card How? With Z+A, this is the way CP always steals you the ball without getting a fault. I admit that it's very difficult to do it while you are running pressing R, but it's very useful. DO NOT change the configuration of the buttons(DEF.), because the special movements only work with the initial configuration. If you use the FREE configuration or the EASY one, these movements will be disabled. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * 7. Mission Mode ------------------------------------------------------------------------ There are 16 missions to complete. In order to unlock these 16 teams you should clear these missions ONLY on hard mode. This is how I cleared them. If you followed my tips to score goals, it wouldn't be so hard. Furthermore, you could use Pennine when you unlock it or use an original team. If you choose the second option(like I did), you could transfer to your team some players you create(See section 8). Mission 1-1 Rival: Pennine ************ Your Psychical condition: Normal Your Physical condition: Normal CPU Psychical condition: Normal CPU Physical condition: Normal Objective: You have to win with 9 players. Tip: Use an offensive tactic like 4-3-3 and play with 4 defenders, 2 midfielders and 2 forwards. Mission 1-2 Rival: Lombardia ************ Your Psychical condition: Normal Your Physical condition: Normal CPU Psychical condition: Normal CPU Physical condition: Normal Objective: You have to win with 8 players. Tip: Use an offensive tactic like 4-3-3 and play with 3 defenders, 2 midfielders and 2 forwards. Mission 1-3 Rival: San Anton ************ Your Psychical condition: Normal Your Physical condition: Normal CPU Psychical condition: Normal CPU Physical condition: Normal Objective: You have to win with 7 players. Tip: Use an offensive tactic like 4-3-3 and play with 2 defenders(both centrals), 2 midfielders and 2 forwards. I recommend to concentrate midfielders and forwards on the same side. ----------------------| | | D | | G M| F | D | | | M F | ---------------------- Mission 1-4 Rival: West Falen ************ Your Psychical condition: Normal Your Physical condition: Normal CPU Psychical condition: Normal CPU Physical condition: High Objective: You have to win with 7 players. Tip: The same that in Mission 1-3. Mission 1-4 Rival: West Falen ************ Your Psychical condition: Normal Your Physical condition: Normal CPU Psychical condition: Normal CPU Physical condition: High Objective: You have to win with 7 players. Tip: The same that in Mission 1-3. Mission 2-1 Rival: Isar ************ Your Psychical condition: Low Your Physical condition: Normal CPU Psychical condition: Normal CPU Physical condition: Normal Objective: Win. Tip: Very easy, just follow my tips to score. I recommend an offensive tactic like in Missions 1-X. Mission 2-2 Rival: Midport ************ Your Psychical condition: Low Your Physical condition: Normal CPU Psychical condition: Normal CPU Physical condition: Normal Objective: Win. Tip: Very easy, just follow my tips to score. I recommend an offensive tactic like in Missions 1-X. Mission 2-3 Rival: Vatican ************ Your Psychical condition: Low Your Physical condition: Normal CPU Psychical condition: Normal CPU Physical condition: Normal Objective: Win. Tip: Very easy, just follow my tips to score. I recommend an offensive tactic like in Missions 1-X. Mission 2-4 Rival: London ************ Your Psychical condition: Low Your Physical condition: Normal CPU Psychical condition: Normal CPU Physical condition: High Objective: Win. Tip: Very easy, just follow my tips to score. I recommend an offensive tactic like in Missions 1-X. Mission 3-1 Rival: Seine ************ Your Psychical condition: Normal Your Physical condition: Normal CPU Psychical condition: Normal CPU Physical condition: Normal Objective: Win scoring a goal with a heading, volley or overhead kick after a corner kick. Tip: The difficulty here is to create a corner kick. I only have one suggestion: If you have a VERY GOOD player(9 Power Shoot or more), you can create a corner (and sometimes score) shooting from the front of the area but you should be centred. Shoot pressing B-button until you reach the middle of the bar and if a defender didn't block it, the goalie would send it out making a corner kick. Mission 3-2 Rival: Rhein ************ Your Psychical condition: Normal Your Physical condition: Normal CPU Psychical condition: Normal CPU Physical condition: Normal Objective: Win scoring a goal from the outside of the CPU's area. Tip: The easiest way to score a goal from the outside of the area, is using the Super Free Kick(see Section 5). But in order to use it, you have to provoke a foul. How? When you were near the CPU's area, try to dribble the defenders running, in many cases they make a foul tackling you. Do NOT try to dribble them without pressing R, because then they will steal the ball with Z+A and as you know the referee won't whistle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mission 3-3 Rival: Beaujolais ************ Your Psychical condition: Normal Your Physical condition: Normal CPU Psychical condition: Normal CPU Physical condition: Normal Objective: Win scoring a free kick. Tip: Read Mission 3-2. Mission 3-4 Rival: Piemonte ************ Your Psychical condition: Normal Your Physical condition: Normal CPU Psychical condition: Normal CPU Physical condition: Normal Objective: Win with 80% of possession of the ball or more. Tip: The key here is to score a goal in the first 10-15 minutes, because if you score later it would be impossible to complete the mission. Once you score, try to recover the ball and pass it to your defenders. Then lose time passing the ball from one defender to another(the keeper also). I strongly recommend to look at the radar to not miss any pass. Mission 4-1 Rival: Cataluna ************ Your Psychical condition: Low Your Physical condition: Low CPU Psychical condition: High CPU Physical condition: High Objective: Win. Tip1: There is no tip for this one. All your players have an average of 2.5 and the CPU's ones have 10(perfect players). If you want to win them, show all what you have learned in the previous missions to defeat them. Tip2: Use a 4-3-3 formation and to bombard the team with loads of chipped through balls, but play them just before the player is in line with the last defender. This is because the defender will take the ball down, but your momentum will make you take the ball from him, leaving with a clear run on goal. Also, play as London, as more or less all the opponents attacks will be caught offside.(Tip provided by Ikanentl) Mission 4-2 Rival: Picardie ************ Your Psychical condition: Low Your Physical condition: Low CPU Psychical condition: High CPU Physical condition: High Objective: Win. Tip: Read Mission 4-1. Mission 4-3 Rival: Iberian ************ Your Psychical condition: Low Your Physical condition: Low CPU Psychical condition: High CPU Physical condition: High Objective: Win. Tip: Read Mission 4-1. Mission 4-4 Rival: Cibeles ************ Your Psychical condition: Low Your Physical condition: Low CPU Psychical condition: High CPU Physical condition: High Objective: Win. Tip: Read Mission 4-1. This is the mission I needed more time to complete. REALLY, REALLY HARD. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * 8. Roster FAQ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A) Clubs ======== This section includes the real names the 16 teams you can unlock on Mission Mode. I included the original uniforms also(only the home uniform, in the future I will include the away too). All the players are displayed in the original order they appear in the game. If any number should be changed, then you would see (N) at the end of that names. If any name should be changed more for an special reason, then you would see (*) at the end of that names. Feedback will be appreciated, if you notice any mistake. Pennine (Manchester United) Shirt Shorts Socks HOME 15 I 5 G 2 F AWAY 2 F 1 H 1 H 1 Fabien BARTHEZ 2 Gary NEVILLE 5 Laurent BLANC(N) 6 Rio FERDINAND(N) 27 Mikael SILVESTRE 7 David BECKHAM 18 Paul SCHOLES 16 ROY KEANE 11 Ryan GIGGS 10 Ruud VAN NISTELROOY 20 Ole Gunnar SOLSKJAER 13 Roy CARROLL 12 Phillip NEVILLE 24 Wesley BROWN 30 John O'SHEA 25 Quinton FORTUNE 8 Nicky BUTT 32 Bojan DJORDJIC 28 Michael STEWART 15 Luke CHADWICK 4 Juan Sebastian VERON 21 Diego FORLAN Lombardia(Inter de Milán) Shirt Shorts Socks HOME 4 B 4 B 5 A AWAY 13 C 11 B 3 F 1 Francesco TOLDO 4 Javier ZANETTI 13 Fabio CANNAVARO 2 Ivan CORDOBA 27 Francesco COCO 7 Sergio CONCEIÇAO 14 Luigi DI BIAGIO 6 Cristiano ZANETTI 20 Alvaro RECOBA 9 Luis Nazario de Lima RONALDO 32 Christian VIERI 12 Alberto FONTANA 24 Carlos Alberto GAMARRA 23 Marco MATERAZZI 31 Nelson David VIVAS 25 Matias Jesus ALMEYDA 18 Stéphane DALMAT 11 Andres GUGLIELMINPIETRO 5 Belozoglu EMRE 10 Domenico MORFEO 78 Nicola VENTOLA(N)(*) 30 Obafemi MARTINS(N) (*)The highest number you can give is 40, you could use 28 for VENTOLA San Anton(R.C. Deportivo de La Coruña) Shirt Shorts Socks HOME 4 A 1 C 1 C AWAY 1 B 1 A 12 A 1 Jose Francisco MOLINA 12 Leonel SCALONI 16 Carlos Campos Cesar SAMPAIO(N) 4 Nourredine NAYBET 3 Enrique ROMERO 18 VICTOR Sanchez Del Amo 16 SERGIO Gonzalez 21 Juan Carlos VALERON 6 MAURO SILVA 10 FRAN Gonzalez Perez 9 Diego TRISTAN 13 Dani MALLO 5 CESAR Martin Villar 2 MANUEL PABLO Garcia 15 Joan CAPDEVILA 20 DONATO Gama da Silva 22 Marino HELDER 23 Aldo Pedro DUSCHER 11 J. Emilio Garate AMAVISCA 8 Djalma F. Dias DJALMINHA 7 Roy MAKAAY 17 Walter PANDIANI West Falen (B.V. Borussia Dortmund) Shirt Shorts Socks HOME 13 C 1 H 12 C AWAY 3 D 1 H 12 C 1 Jens LEHMANN 3 Ferreira Aparecido EVANILSON 5 Sebastian KEHL 21 Christoph METZELDER 17 Leonardo DEDE Santos 8 Torsten FRINGS 10 Tomas ROSICKI 18 Lars RICKEN 12 Henrique Souza EWERTHON 9 Jan KOLLER 22 Marcio AMOROSO 20 Philipp LAUX 4 Christian WÖRMS 23 Ahmed Reda MADOUNI 6 Jörg HEINRICH 7 Stefan REUTER 15 Sunday OLISEH 19 Guy DEMEL 11 Heiko HERRLICH 29 Jan Derek SORENSEN 13 Giuseppe REINA 24 David ODONKOR Isar(F.C. Bayern München) Shirt Shorts Socks HOME 6 A 10 B 2 A AWAY 1 A 17 D 2 D 1 Oliver KAHN 2 Willy SAGNOL 4 Samuel KUFFOUR 5 Robert KOVAC 3 Bixente LIZARAZU 20 Hassan SALIHAMIDZIC 23 Owen HARGREAVES 13 Michael BALLACK 16 Jens JEREMIES 11 Jose R. da Silva ZE ROBERTO 9 Giovani ELBER 33 Stefan WESSELS 25 Thomas LINKE 18 Michael TARNAT 6 Pablo THIAM 17 Thorsten FINK 7 Mehmet SCHOLL 8 Niko KOVAC 26 Sebastian DEISLER(N) 24 Roque SANTA CRUZ 14 Claudio PIZARRO 21 Alexander ZICKLER Midport(Liverpool F.C.) Shirt Shorts Socks HOME 13 B 2 A 2 A AWAY 13 I 1 A 2 D 1 Jurek DUDEK 3 ABEL Luìs Silva XAVIER 4 Sami HYYPIA 2 Stephane HENCHOZ 23 Jamie CARRAGHER 13 Danny MURPHY 17 Steven GERRARD 16 Dietmar HAMANN 18 John Arne RIISE 10 Michael OWEN 11 El Hadji DIOUF(N) 22 Chris KIRKLAND 6 Markus BABBEL 21 Salif DIAO 30 Djimi TRAORE 25 Igor BISCAN 28 Bruno CHEYROU 7 Vladimir SMICER 15 Patrik BERGER 8 Emile HESKEY 5 Milan BAROS Vatican(A.S. Roma) Shirt Shorts Socks HOME 2 G 3 B 1 I AWAY 13 I 11 B 1 A 1 Francesco ANTONIOLI 5 Jonathan ZEBINA 19 Walter Adrian SAMUEL 23 Christian PANUCCI 2 Marcos Evangelista de Moraes CAFU 11 Ferreira da Rosa EMERSON 10 Francesco TOTTI 20 Davide BOMBARDINI 32 Vincent CANDELA 20 Gabriel Omar BATISTUTA(N) 24 Marco DELVECCHIO 22 Ivan PELIZZOLI 4 Luigi SARTOR 13 Lenadro Damian CUFRE 25 Gianni GUIGOU 27 Daniele DE ROSSI 17 Damiano TOMMASI 8 Francisco LIMA 7 Diego FUSER 15 Olivier DACOURT(N) 18 Antonio CASSANO 9 Vincenzo MONTELLA London(Arsenal) Shirt Shorts Socks HOME 6 A 10 H 4 D AWAY 2 E 11 F 2 E 1 David SEAMAN 12 LAUREN Bisan Etame Mayer 18 Pascal CYGAN 23 Sol CAMPBELL 3 ASHLEY COLE 11 Sylvain WILTORD 19 Aparecido GILBERTO SILVA 4 Patrick VIEIRA 7 Robert PIRES 10 Dennis Nicolaas BERGKAMP 14 Thierry HENRY 13 Stuart James TAYLOR 5 Martin KEOWN 20 Matthew UPSON 22 Oleg LUZHNYI 16 Giovanni VAN BRONCKHORST 15 Raymond PARLOUR 8 Fredrik LJUNGBERG 17 Eduardo Cesar Daude Gaspar EDU 28 Kolo TOURE 25 Nwankwo KANU 30 Jeremie ALIADIERE Seine(Paris Saint Germaine) Shirt Shorts Socks HOME 21 H 5 A 2 D AWAY 11 I 11 D 1 B 1 Lionel LETIZI 15 PAULO CESAR 5 Mauricio POCHETTINO 6 Frédéric DÉHU 2 Gabriel HEINZE 14 Fabrice FIORÈSE 33 Alexander NYARKO 10 RONALDINHO De Assis Moreira 4 Jérôme LEROY 7 ANDRÉ LUIZ 9 Martin CARDETTI 16 Jérôme ALONZO 12 Talal EL KARKOURI 18 Didier DOMI 22 CRISTÓBAL Parralo 3 Lionel POTILLON 17 Francis LLACER 20 Ribeiro HUGO LEAL 29 Slim BEN ACHOUR 19 Reinaldo da Cruz OLIVEIRA 26 Bartholomew OGBECHE 11 José Da Silva ALOISIO Rhein(Bayer 04 Leverkusen) Shirt Shorts Socks HOME 1 B 1 H 1 B AWAY 11 I 17 F 9 G 1 Hans Jorg BUTT 4 SILVEIRA dos Santos Juan 19 Lucimar da Silva Ferreira LUCIO 35 Diego PLACENTE 25 Bernd SCHNEIDER 10 Yildiray BASTURK 28 Carsten RAMELOW 8 Jan SIMAK 13 Daniel BIEROFKA 27 Oliver NEUVILLE 11 Francoaldo Sena Souza FRANCA 20 Frank JURIC 5 Jens NOWOTNY 2 Christoph PREUSS 14 Hanno BALITZSCH 18 Frankie HEJDUK 17 Pascal Karibe OJIGWE 23 Thomas BRDARIC 9 Ulf KIRSTEN 12 Dimitar BERBATOV 34 Huzeyfe DOGAN Beaujolais(Olympique Lyon) Shirt Shorts Socks HOME 10 E 5 H 4 D AWAY 14 E 10 D 4 B 1 Grégory COUPET 2 Eric DEFLANDRE 20 Patrick MULLER 5 Claudio Roberto CAÇAPA 13 Jérémie BRÉCHET 8 Antonio Ribeiro Reis Jr JUNINHO 6 Philippe VIOLEAU 10 Eric CARRIÈRE 24 Vikash DHORASOO 9 Da Silva Sonny ANDERSON 14 Sidney GOVOU 25 Rémy VERCOUTRE 4 Florent LAVILLE 3 Gomes Moraes EDMILSON 19 Jean-Marc CHANELET 23 Florent BALMONT 7 Mahamadou DIARRA 27 Alexandre HAUW 11 Tony VAIRELLES 18 Pegguy LUYINDULA 15 Christophe DELMOTTE 21 Frédéric NÉE Piemonte(Juventus F.C.) Shirt Shorts Socks HOME 4 C 2 D 3 H AWAY 2 G* 5 F 1 H *It should be pink, but this color isn't available in the game. 1 Gianluigi BUFFON 21 Lilian THURAM 5 Igor TUDOR 4 Paolo Ronald MONTERO 13 Mark IULIANO 19 Gianluca ZAMBROTTA 3 Alessio TACCHINARDI 11 Pavel NEDVED 26 Edgar DAVIDS 17 David TREZEGUET 10 Alessandro DEL PIERO 12 Antonio CHIMENTI 15 Alessandro BIRINDELLI(N) 2 Ciro FERRARA 6 Salvatore FRESI 14 Cristiano ZENONI 7 Gianluca PESSOTTO(N) 18 Marco DI VAIO(N) 8 Antonio CONTE 16 Mauro CAMORANESI 9 Marcelo SALAS 25 Marcelo Danubio ZALAYETA Cataluna(F.C. Barcelona) Shirt Shorts Socks HOME 4 E 10 G 5 D AWAY 2 B 2 B 2 B 1 Roberto BONANO 5 Carles PUYOL 3 Frank DE BOER 4 Patrick ANDERSSON 17 Gaizka MENDIETA 6 XAVI Hernandez Creus 10 Juan Roman RIQUELME 8 Philip COCU 20 LUIS ENRIQUE Martinez 7 Javier SAVIOLA 9 Patrick KLUIVERT 25 Robert ENKE 12 Philippe CHRISTANVAL 33 Dani TORTOLERO 18 GABRI Garcia 2 Michael REIZIGER 14 GERARD Lopez 15 Fabio ROCHEMBACK 31 Thiago MOTTA 11 Marc OVERMARS 19 DANI Garcia 22 GEOVANNI Deiberson Marcio Picardie (R.C. LENS) Shirt Shorts Socks HOME 13 C 3 B 1 E AWAY 2 B 3 B 1 B 1 Guillaume WARMUZ 14 Ferdinand COLY 6 Jacek BAK 3 Rigobert SONG 4 Adama COULIBALY 30 Cyrille ROOL 19 Pape "Bouba" DIOP 5 Jocelyn BLANCHARD 11 Tony VAIRELLES 7 Antoine SIBIERSKI 10 Daniel MOREIRA 16 Sébastien CHABBERT 20 Zoumana "Papus" CAMARA 17 Yoann LACHOR 24 Rod FANNI 2 Éric SIKORA 15 Pape SARR 8 Seydou KEITA 29 Charles-Edouard CORIDON 21 John UTAKA 18 Olivier THOMERT 28 Dagui BAKARI Iberian(Valencia C.F.) Shirt Shorts Socks HOME 1 A 3 H 1 H AWAY 3 F 3 F 9 D 1 Jose Santiago CAÑIZARES 23 Cristobal CURRO TORRES 4 Roberto Fabian AYALA 2 Mauricio PELLEGRINO 3 FABIO AURELIO Rodrigues 14 VICENTE Rodriguez Guillen 8 Ruben BARAJA 21 Pablo AIMAR 6 David Aliques ALBELDA 18 Cristian Alberto KILY GONZALEZ 7 John ALIEU Carew(*) 13 Andres PALOP 25 Carlos MARCHENA 5 Miroslav DJUKIC 15 Amedeo CARBONI 22 Gonzalo DE LOS SANTOS 19 Francisco RUFETE 10 Miguel Angel ANGULO 9 SALVA Ballesta 24 Miguel Angel Martinez MISTA 17 Juan SANCHEZ 11 Adrian ILLIE (*)Last season Carew decided to use his first name instead of his last name. Cibeles(Real Madrid C.F.) Shirt Shorts Socks HOME 13 I 1 I 1 A AWAY 1 H 1 H 2 F 13 CESAR Sanchez Dominguez 2 Michel SALGADO 4 Fernando Ruiz HIERRO 22 Francisco PAVON(N) 3 ROBERTO CARLOS Da Silva 10 Luis Filipe Madeira Caeiro FIGO 6 Ivan HELGUERA 24 Claude MAKELELE 5 Zinedine ZIDANE 7 RAÚL Gonzalez 9 Fernando MORIENTES 1 Iker CASILLAS 15 Raul BRAVO(N) 17 Oscar MIÑAMBRES(N) 13 Ivan CAMPO(N) 16 Flavio CONCEIÇAO 19 Esteban CAMBIASSO 8 Steve MC MANAMAN 14 Jose Maria Gutierrez Fernandez GUTI 21 Santiago SOLARI 16 Pedro MUNITIS(N) 11 SAVIO Bortolini Pimentel This team is a real mess. As everybody knows, Ronaldo is number 11 and Savio left the team last year, like Munitis and Ivan Campo. Moreover, it's a crime that the first keeper is Cesar instead of Casillas. B) Legendary Teams ================== About this section I should say that the reliability of the names is about 95%, because it was very hard to found these names. The squad of a club doesn't change very much during 2-3 years but the legend teams are formed with players of different World Cups, so I revised the squad of all the Worl Cups and review of them to now who were the best players. REALLY time-consuming. If you see a gap in a name, then it means that I've no idea who that player is. Your help will be imprescindible to complet this section. Although you haven't unlocked these teams yet, as I explain in section 9, you can edit the names of the players if you press A B Y X Down Left Up Right Start on the initial screen(that which says 'Press Start') England Legends 1 Gordon BANKS 2 Terry BUTCHER 4 Bobby MOORE (Captain) 3 Don HOWE 7 Kevin KEEGAN 8 Bobby CHARLTON 5 Bryan ROBSON 10 Paul GASCOIGNE 11 Stanley MATTHEWS 9 Gary LINEKER 18 Raich CARTER 21 Peter SHILTON 12 Ray WILSON 13 Billy WRIGHT 23 Roger BYRNE 6 Duncan EDWARDS 17 Alan BALL 14 Glenn HODDLE 19 John BARNES 15 Jimmy GREAVES 20 Tom FINNEY 16 Kenny DALGLISH Holland Legends 1 Jan JONGBLOED 2 Frank RIJKAARD 6 Ronald KOEMAN 8 Ruud KROL 7 Johan NEESKENS 14 Johan CRUYFF (Captain) 13 Johannes REP 17 Ruud GULLIT 10 Dennis BERGKAMP 11 Robert RENSENBRINK 9 Marco VAN BASTEN 21 Hans VAN BREUKELEN 23 Piet SCHRIJVERS 3 Adrianus HAAN 5 Berrie VAN ARELE 12 Wilhelmus VAN HANEGEM 16 Barry HULSHOFF 4 Jan WOUTERS 19 Wilhelmus JANSEN 15 Gerald VANENBURG 20 René van de KERKHOF 18 Jan GIELENS Germany Legends 1 Josef MAIER 6 Dietmar DANNER 4 Franz BECKENBAUER (Captain) 5 Berti VOGTS 7 Gunter Theodor NETZER 17 Paul BREITNER 8 Pierre LITTBARSKI 10 Karl-Heinz RUMMENIGGE 9 Rudi VÖLLER 11 Uwe SEELER 13 Gerhard MÜLLER 12 Hans TILKOWSKI 21 Harald SCHUMACHER 2 Georg SCHWARZENBECK 3 ??? 14 Uli HOENESS 16 ??? 15 ??? 23 ??? 18 Jürgen KLINSMANN 19 Fritz WALTER 20 Ernst LEHNER Argentina Legends 1 Ubaldo FILLOL 2 Silvio MARZOLINI 6 Daniel PASSARELLA 3 Oscar RUGGERI 18 Osvaldo César ARDILES 5 Luis Fernando MONTI 10 Diego Armando MARADONA (Captain) 17 Leopoldo LUQUE 19 René HOUSEMAN 11 Mario KEMPES 9 RAMÓN DÍAZ 23 Nery PUMPIDO 21 Sergio GOYCOECHEA 4 LUIS GALVÁN 12 Jorge OLGUÍN 15 ??? 20 Jorge Luis BURRUCHAGA 8 Guillermo STABILE 14 Bernabe FERREYRA 7 Jose Manuel MORENO 16 ??? 13 ??? Brazil Legends 1 Émerson LEÃO 2 Jorge de Amorim Campos JORGINHO 4 Djalma SANTOS 3 NILTON dos Reis SANTOS 7 SÓCRATES B.S. Souza Vieira de Oliveira 6 Antônio Carlos TONINHO CEREZO 8 Arthur Antunes Coimbra ZICO 5 Eduardo Gonçalves de Andrade TOSTÃO 10 Edson Arantes do Nascimento PELÉ (Captain) 9 Jair Ventura Filho JAIRZINHO 11 Manoel Francisco dos Santos GARRINCHA 12 Cláudio André Mergen TAFFAREL 14 Hideraldo Luiz BELLINI 19 ALDAIR Nascimento dos Santos 22 ??? 18 ??? 23 Leovegildo Lins da Gama JÚNIOR 17 Waldir Pereira DIDI 16 Carlos Caetano Bledorn Verri DUNGA 15 Roberto RIVELINO 13 GÉRSON de Oliveira Nunes 20 Antônio de Oliveira Filho CARECA Italy Legends 1 Dino ZOFF (Captain) 2 Claudio GENTILE 3 Giuseppe BERGOMI 5 Gaetano SCIREA 4 Franco BARESI 11 Roberto DONADONI 8 Gianni RIVERA 6 Giuseppe MEAZZA 10 Roberto BAGGIO 20 Paolo ROSSI 9 Luigi RIVA 12 Walter ZENGA 21 Fulvio COLLOVATI 23 Giovanni FERRARI 18 Giacinto FACCHETTI 13 Gabriele ORIALI 15 Nicola BERTI 16 ??? 14 ??? 7 Fulvio BERNARDINI 17 Salvatore SCHILLACI 19 ??? Legends of '90 12 Sergio GOYCOECHEA 4 Franco BARESI 3 Giuseppe BERGOMI 5 Andreas BREHME 13 Paul GASCOIGNE 8 Lothar MATTHÄUS 11 Dragan STOJKOVIC 10 Diego Armando MARADONA 18 Jürgen KLINSMANN 17 Salvatore SCHILLACI 19 Roger MILLA 1 Bodo ILLGNER 6 Guido BUCHWALD 7 Vincenzo SCIFO 15 Ruud GULLIT 14 Pierre LITTBARSKI 20 Gary LINEKER 23 Claudio CANIGGIA 9 Marco VAN BASTEN 24 Tomas SKUHRAVY 16 José Miguel González Martín del Campo MÍCHEL 21 François OMAM BIYICK Legends of '94 1 Michel PREUD'HOMME 2 Jorge de Amorim Campos JORGINHO 4 Marcio SANTOS 3 Paolo MALDINI 18 Tomas BROLIN 10 Roberto BAGGIO 6 Carlos Caetano Bledorn Verri DUNGA 17 Krassimir BALAKOV 7 Gheorghe HAGI 11 ROMARIO de Souza Faria 8 Hristo STOITCHKOV 21 Cláudio André Mergen TAFFAREL 5 ??? 12 Alexi LALAS 16 ??? 13 Vincenzo SCIFO 14 Dennis BERGKAMP 9 Gabriel Omar BATISTUTA 15 Martin DAHLIN 24 ??? 20 Kennet ANDERSSON 19 Jürgen KLINSMANN Legends of '98 1 José Luis CHILAVERT 15 Lilian THURAM 8 Marcel DESAILLY 4 FRANK DE BOER 6 ROBERTO CARLOS Da Silva 18 Edgar DAVIDS 17 Carlos Caetano Bledorn Verri DUNGA 10 Zinedine ZIDANE 7 Brian LAUDRUP 20 Davor SUKER 9 RONALDO Luis Nazário de Lima 16 Fabien BARTHEZ 3 ??? 5 ??? 13 Zvonimir BOBAN 11 RIVALDO Vito Borba Ferreira 19 Michael OWEN 12 Marcelo SALAS 21 Luis HERNANDEZ 14 Dennis BERGKAMP 32 Christian VIERI 33 Gabriel Omar BATISTUTA C) National Teams ================= There're some players who I have no idea who they are, I pointed them out withh this symbol ???. If you know any, please help me. BULGARIA 1 Zdravko ZDRAVKOV 2 Rosen KIRILOV 6 Radostin KISHISHEV 5 Georgi MARKOV 4 Ivaylo PETKOV 8 Velizar DIMITROV 17 Stilian PETROV 10 Krassimir BALAKOV 19 Martin PETROV 9 Dimitar BERBATOV 11 Vladimir MANCHEV 12 Yordan GOSPODINOV 13 Martin STANKOV 3 ??? 14 Galin IVANOV 7 Biser IVANOV 15 Todor YANCHEV 21 Marian HRISTOV 18 Svetoslav PETROV 16 Georgi IVANOV 22 Zoran YANKOVICH 20 Svetoslav TODOROV Dimitar IVANKOV Predrag PAZIN Krassimir TCHOMAKOV Zlatomir ZAGORCHICH ??? Milen PETKOV Alexander ALEXANDROV Daniel BORIMIROV Danail BACHKOV ??? Hristo YOVOV CHINA 22 JIANG JIN 21 XU YUNLONG 5 FAN ZHIYI 14 LI WEIFEN 4 WU CHENGYING 7 SUN JIHAI 18 LI XIAOPENG 8 LI TIE 9 MA MINGYU 19 QI HONG 10 HAO HAIDONG 1 AN QI 2 ZHANG ENHUA 17 DU WEI 13 GAO YAO 11 YU GENWEI 15 ZHAO JUNZHE 6 SHAO JIAYI 3 YANG PU 16 QU BO 12 SU MAOZHEN 20 YANG CHEN OU CHULIANG PENG WENGUO SUN XUHAI LI MING ZHANG YUNNING QU SHENGQING XIE HUI COLOMBIA 1 Oscar CORDOBA 2 Andres OROZCO 5 Edgar RAMOS 4 Ivan CORDOBA 3 Juan Carlos RAMIREZ 15 Giovanni HERNANDEZ 6 Oscar DIAZ 12 Ruben Dario VELÁSQUEZ 17 John Javier RESTREPO 11 Rafael CASTILLO 9 Julián VÁSQUEZ 21 David GONZALEZ 20 Andres MOSQUERA 23 Ivan LOPEZ 16 Edgar HERNANDEZ 18 Gerardo BEDOYA 13 ??? 7 Freddy GRISALES 10 Elkin MURILLO 8 Jorge BOLANO 14 Tressor MORENO 19 Jorge SERNA Juan Carlos HENAO Jorge BERMUDEZ Gonzalo MARTINEZ Maurizio SERNA Fabian VARGAS ??? ??? Victor Hugo Posada ARISTIZABAL Leider PRECIADO COSTA RICA 1 Erick LONNIS 5 Gilberto MARTÍNEZ 19 Rodrigo CORDERO 3 Luis MARÍN 15 Harold WALLACE 10 Wálter CENTENO 6 Wilmer LÓPEZ 8 Mauricio SOLIS 22 Carlos CASTRO 9 Paulo WANCHOPE 11 Rónald GÓMEZ 18 Alvaro MESÉN 4 Mauricio WRIGHT 14 Juan Jose RODRIGUEZ 13 Daniel VALLEJO 2 Jervis DRUMMOND 17 Hernan MEDFORD 21 Pablo CHINCHILLA 16 Steven BRYCE 7 Rolando FONSECA 20 William SUNSING 12 Winston PARKS Lester MORGAN Reynaldo PARKS Juan Bautista ESQUIVEL Oscar ROJAS Robert ARIAS ??? Julio Cesar VIQUEZ Jafet SOTO ??? CROATIA 1 Stipe PLETIKOSA 3 Josip SIMUNIC 20 Dario SIMIC 21 Robert KOVAC 10 Niko KOVAC 14 Zvonimir SOLDO 8 Robert PROSINECKI 4 Stijepan TOMAS 17 Robert JARNI 11 Alen BOKSIC 5 Milan RAPAIC 23 Vladimir VASILJ 6 Boris ZIVKOVIC 16 Jurica VRANJES 2 Anthony SERIC 15 Daniel SARIC 13 Mario STANIC 7 Davor VUGRINEC 19 Goran VLAOVIC 22 Bosko BALABAN 18 Ivica OLIC 9 Davor SUKER Tomislav BUTINA Igor TUDOR ??? Mario TOKIC ??? ??? ??? Tomislav MARIC CZECH REPUBLIC 1 Petr CECH 2 Tomas REPKA 6 Milan FUKAL 5 Jiri NOVOTNY 7 Marek JANKULOVSKI 8 Karel POBORSKY 12 Tomas GALASEK 10 Tomas ROSICKY 4 Pavel NEDVED 17 Vladimir SMICER 9 Jan KOLLER 16 Antonín KINSKY 13 Lukas DOSEK 3 Tomas HÜBSCHMAN 15 Tomas UJFALUSI 20 Jiri JAROSIK 21 Stepan VACHOUSEK 23 Tomas DOSEK 22 Adam PETROUS 14 Libor SIONKO 19 Jiri STAJNER 11 Milan BAROS Martin VANIAK ??? ??? Miroslav BARANEK Roman TYCE Pavel HORVATH ??? Vratislav LOKVENC ECUADOR 1 Jose CEVALLOS 4 Ulises DE LA CRUZ 3 Ivan HURTADO 2 Augusto POROSO 6 Raul GUERRON 19 Edison MENDEZ 5 Alfonso OBREGON 20 Edwin TENORIO 16 Clever CHALA 9 Ivan KAVIEDES 11 Agustin DELGADO 12 Oswaldo IBARRA 17 Giovanny ESPINOZA 15 Marlon AYOVI 23 Walter AYOVI 8 Luis GOMEZ 14 Juan Carlos BURBANO 21 Wellington SANCHEZ 10 Alex AGUINAGA 7 Nicolas ASENCIO 13 Angel FERNANDEZ 18 Carlos TENORIO Daniel VITERI John CAGUA ??? Moises CANDELARIO Nicolas ASENSIO Santiago MORALES Franklin SALAS Jorge GUAHUA Ebelio ORDOÑEZ HONDURAS 1 Carlos ESCOBAR 2 Milton PALACIOS 5 Fabio ULLOA 3 David CARCAMO 13 Edgar ALVAREZ 6 Luis PINEDA 8 Maynor SUAZO 15 Rony MORALES 9 Danilo TURCIOS 11 Carlos PAVON 18 Renan BENGOCHE 21 Junior MORALES 12 Junior IZAGUIRRE 22 Ninrod MEDINA 4 Samuel CABALLERO 14 Robel BERNARDEZ 17 Walter HERNANDEZ 7 Amado GUEVARA 23 ??? 10 David SUAZO 19 Saul MARTINEZ 20 Juan Manuel CARCAMO Noel VALLADARES Reynaldo CLAVASQUIN Ivan GUERRERO Sergio MENDOZA Milton REYES Julio Cesar LEON Cristian MARTINEZ Francisco PAVON Milton NUÑEZ Jairo MARTINEZ ??? IRAN 12 Ebrahim MIRZAPOUR 15 Yahya GOLMOHAMMADI 5 Mohammad PEYRAVANI 24 Rahman REZAEI 2 Mehdi MAHDAVIKIA 7 Hamed KAVIANPOUR 6 Karim BAGHERI 11 Alireza VAHEDI NIKBAKHT 3 Mehrdad MINAVAND 8 Ali KARIMI 10 Ali DAEI 22 Davoud FANAEI 4 Mehdi HASHEMINASAB 20 Behrouz RAHBARIFARD 9 Sirous DINMOHAMMADI 13 Javad NEKOONAM 17 Pejman JAMSHIDI 14 Mojahed KHAZIRAVI 16 Vahid HASHEMIAN 19 ??? 18 Ali SAMEREH 21 Javad KAZEMIAN ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? Ali MOUSAVI ??? ??? ??? JAMAICA 1 Aaron LAWRENCE 2 Linval DIXON 4 Tyrone MARSHALL 12 Robert SCARLETT 3 Marcus Mcdonald 10 William WILSON 6 Keith KELLEY 11 Theodore WHITMORE 8 Ricardo FULLER 9 Onandi LOWE 13 Winston GRIFFITHS 21 Donovan RICKETTS 5 Fabian DAVIS 14 Claude DAVIS 22 Jermaine JOHNSON 17 Omar DALEY 18 ??? 16 Milton GRIFFITHS 20 Jamie LAWRENCE 7 Ricardo GARDNER 19 Deon BURTON 15 ??? Micah HYDE Ian GOODISON Eugene BARNES Christopher DAWES ??? Walter BOYD ??? ??? KOREA REPUBLIC 1 LEE WOON-JAE 4 PARK JAE-HONG 20 HONG MYUNG-BO 7 KIM TAE-YOUNG 22 PARK CHOONGKYUN 21 PARK JI-SUNG 5 CHOI TAE-UK 6 YOO SANG-CHUL 9 SEOL KI-HYUN 10 LEE YOUNG-PYO 19 AHN JUNG-HWAN 12 KIM BYUNG JI 15 LEE MIN-SUNG 2 HYUN YOUNG-MIN 3 CHOI SUNG-YOUNG 13 ??? 14 LEE CHUN-SOO 17 YOON JONG-HWAN 8 PARK JI-SUNG 11 CHOI YONG-SOO 16 CHA DOO-RI 18 HWANG SUN-HONG CHOI EUN-SUNG ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? MOROCCO 1 Driss BENZERKI 2 Akram ROUMANI 4 Abdelilah FAHMI 6 Noureddine NAYBET 20 Faouzi EL BRAZI 16 Youssef SAFRI 7 Mustapha BIDOUDANE 11 Hicham ZEROUALI 18 Youssef CHIPPO 10 Adil RAMZI 23 Salaheddine BASSIR 12 Tarik JARMOUNI 17 Gharib AMZINE 5 Noureddine KACIMI 3 Abdelslam OUADDOU 13 ??? 19 Rachid BENMAHMOUD 14 Othmane EL ASSAS 15 Mohammed JABRANE 21 Rachid ROKKI 8 Walid REGRAGUI 9 Adelajalil HADDA Khalid FOUHAMI Abdelkrim EL HADRIOUI Youssef ROSSI ??? ??? Taher EL KHALEJ ??? ??? ??? NETHERLAND 1 Edwin VAN DER SAR 2 Michael REIZIGER 3 Jaap STAM 4 FRANK DE BOER 13 Arthur NUMAN 8 Edgar DAVIDS 9 Patrick KLUIVERT 5 Phillip COCU 14 Roy MAKAAY 10 Ruud VAN NISTELROOY 11 Marc OVERMARS 16 Ronald WATERREUS 15 Mario MELCHIOT 21 Fernando RICKSEN 19 Kevin HOFLAND 22 Giovanni VAN BRONCKHORST 6 Mark VAN BOMMEL 12 Paul BOSVELT 7 Boudewijn ZENDEN 17 Pierre VAN HOOIJDONK 20 Jimmy Floyd HASSELBAINK 18 Victor SIKORA Sander WESTERVELD Andre OOIJER Wilfred BOUMA Danny LANDZAAT Clarence SEEDORF George BOATENG Patrick PAAUWE Andy VAN DER MEYDE RONALD DE BOER Rafael VAN DER VAART NORTHERN IRELAND 1 Maik TAYLOR 4 George MCCARTNEY 5 Aaron HUGHES 3 Mark WILLIAMS 2 Ian NOLAN 14 Keith GILLESPIE 8 Colin MURDOCK 11 Stuart ELLIOTT 7 Damien JOHNSON 9 James QUINN 18 David HEALY 12 Roy CARROLL 22 Stephen CRAIGAN 16 Peter KENNEDY 6 Stephen LOMAS 17 Jim MAGILTON 15 Michael HUGHES 21 Kevin HORLOCK 10 Neil LENNON 13 Philip MULRYNE 19 Paul MCKNIGHT 20 Paul MCVEIGH ??? Warren FEENEY Patrick MCGIBBON Shaun HOLMES Gary HAMILTON Michael DUFF Andrew KIRK ??? Owen MORRISON ??? Phillip GRAY SAUDI ARABIA 1 Mohammed AL DEAYEA 2 Mohammed AL JAHANI 3 Redha TUKAR 4 Abdullah Sulaiman ZUBROMAWI 13 Hussein SULIMANI 7 Ibrahim AL SHAHRANI 6 Fouzi AL SHEHRI 18 Nawaf AL TEMYAT 17 Abdullah Alwaked AL SHAHRANI 14 Abdulaziz AL KHATHRAN 11 Obeid AL DOSSARY 21 Mabrouk ZAID 5 Mohsin HARTHI 12 Ahmed Dukhi AL DOSSARY 23 Mansour ALTHAGAFI 8 Mohammed NOOR 19 Omar AL GHAMDI 16 Khamis Alowairan AL DOSARI 10 Mohammad AL SHLHOUB 20 Al Hassan AL YAMI 9 Sami AL JABER 15 Abdullah Jumaan AL DOSARY Mohamed AL KHOJALI ??? Saad AL DAWSARI SENEGAL 1 Tony Mano SYLVA 17 Ferdinand COLY 13 Lamine DIATTA 4 Pape MALICK DIOP 2 Omar DAF 14 MOUSSA N'DIAYE 15 Salif DIAO 6 Aliou CISSE 19 Pape BOUBA DIOP 10 Khalilou FADIGA 11 El Hadji DIOUF 22 Kalidou CISSOKHO 16 Oumar DIALLO 21 Habib BEYE 5 Alassane NDOUR 20 SYLVAIN NDIAYE 3 PAPE SARR 12 Amdy Moustapha FAYE 23 MAKHTAR N'DIAYE 7 Henri CAMARA 9 Souleymane CAMARA 8 Amara TRAORE ??? Mohamed ADAMA SARR Mamadou NIANG SLOVAKIA 1 Juraj BUCEK 3 Ivan KOZAK 4 Marian ZEMAN 5 Michal HANEK 11 Vratislav GRESKO 20 Karol KISEL 6 Peter DZURIK 7 Marek MINTAL 15 ??? 18 Robert VITTEK 13 Peter NEMETH 21 Kamil CONTOFALSKY 13 ??? 2 Marian CISOVSKY 12 ??? 17 Vladimír LABANT 16 ??? 10 Vladimir JANOCKO 14 Juraj CZINEGE 19 ??? 9 Lubos REITER 8 Szilard NEMETH Miroslav KÖNIG Roman KRATOCHVIL Stanislav VARGA Miroslav KARHAN Igor DEMO Tomás ORAVEC ??? ??? ??? SLOVENIA 1 Marko SIMEUNOVIC 3 Zeljko MILINOVIC 5 Marinko GALIC 6 Aleksander KNAVS 7 Doni NOVAK 10 Zlatko ZAHOVIC 8 Ales CEH 11 Miran PAVLIN 13 Mladen RUDONJA 19 Amir KARIC 9 Milan OSTERC 12 Mladen DABANOVIC 2 Goran SANKOVIC 4 Muamer VUGDALIC 23 Spasoje BULAJIC 15 Rajko TAVCAR 14 Sasa GAJSER 20 Nastja CEH 18 Milenko ACIMOVIC 16 Senad TIGANJ 21 Sebastjan CIMIROTIC 17 Zoran PAVLOVIC Dejan NEMEC ??? Matej SNOFL ??? ??? Simon SESLAR Anton ZLOGAR Matej MAVRIC ??? Ermin SILJAK SWITZERLAND 1 Fabrice BORER 13 Marco ZWYSSIG 5 Remo MEYER 4 Stephane HENCHOZ 3 Murat YAKIN 8 Fabio CELESTINI 10 Ciriaco SFORZA 6 Sebastien FOURNIER 18 Stephane CHAPUISAT 9 Hakan YAKIN 20 Alexander FREI 12 Pascal ZUBERBÜHLER 2 Giuseppe MAZZARELLI 14 Bruno BERNER 15 Yvan QUENTIN 21 Patrick MUELLER 17 Raphael WICKY 22 Johann VOGEL 16 Massimo LOMBARDO 7 David SESA 11 Francesco DI JORIO 19 Joel MAGNIN Jörg STIEL Ludovic MAGNIN Marc ZELLWEGER Mario CANTALUPPI Johan LONFAT Alexandre COMISETTI Blaise N'KUFO ???? TRINIDAD & TOBAGO 1 Shaka HISLOP 13 Ansil ELCOCK 3 Dale SAUNDERS 4 Marvin ANDREWS 17 Nigel DANIEL 14 Silvio SPANN 8 Angus EVE 5 Adrian NARINE 15 Collin SAMUEL 20 Arnold DWARIKA 18 Nigel PIERRE 21 Ross RUSSELL 2 Ian COX 23 Ronnie MAUGE 12 ??? 7 ??? 11 ??? 19 Lyndon ANDREWS 10 Evans WISE 6 ??? 9 Dwight YORKE 16 Anton PIERRE Clayton INCE Craig DEMMIN ??? Dennis LAWRENCE Errol MCFARLANE Reynold CARRINGTON Stokely MASON ??? Mickey TROTMAN TUNISIA 1 Ali BOUMNJIEL 6 Hatem TRABELSI 15 Radhi JAIDI 2 Khaled BADRA 12 Raouf BOUZAIENE 8 Hassen GABSI 10 Kais GHODHBANE 13 Riadh BOUAZIZI 21 Mourad MELKI 18 Slim BENACHOUR 5 Zied JAZIRI 16 Hassen BEJAOUI 4 Mohamed M'KACHER 19 Emir MKADEMI 14 Hamdi MARZOUKI 17 Tarek THABET 3 Zoubaier BAYA 23 Jose CLAYTON 20 Ali ZITOUNI 7 Imed M'hedhebi 11 Adel SELLIMI 9 Riadh JELASSI Habib JAOUACHI Chokri EL OUAER ??? ??? Kais ZOUAGHI ??? Skander SOUAYEH Maher KANZARI Imed BEN YOUNES Bassam DAASSI WALES 1 Mark CROSSLEY 2 Mark DELANEY 4 Andy MELVILLE 3 Chris COLEMAN 22 Christian EDWARDS 7 Simon DAVIES 6 Robbie SAVAGE 10 Gary SPEED 11 Ryan GIGGS 9 John HARTSON 8 Craig BELLAMY 21 Paul JONES 12 Darren BARNARD 5 Roberto PAGE 20 John ROBINSON 19 Mark PEMBRIDGE 15 Carl ROBINSON 16 Paul TROLLOPE 13 Nathan BLAKE 14 Gareth TAYLOR 17 Iwan ROBERTS 18 Robert EARNSHAW Danny COYNE Danny GABBIDON ???? Steve JENKINS Robert EDWARDS Matthew JONES Jason KOUMAS ???? ???? Rhys WESTON ???? YUGOSLAVIA 1 Dragan ZILIC 2 Zoran MIRKOVIC 22 Goran GAVRANCIC 5 Sinisa MIHAJLOVIC 3 Goran DJOROVIC 7 Nikola LAZETIC 4 Slavisa JOKANOVIC 6 Boban DMITROVIC 8 Predrag MIJATOVIC 9 Savo MILOSEVIC 19 Mateja KEZMAN 12 ??? 13 Dejan STEFANOVIC 17 Milan DUDIC 20 Igor DULJAJ 14 Branko BOSKOVIC 18 ??? 16 Sasa ILIC 10 Dejan STANKOVIC 21 Ognjen KOROMAN 15 Nenad BRNOVIC 23 ??? ??? Ivica DRAGUTINOVIC Nenad DJORDJEVIC Miroslav DJUKIC Pedrag DJORDJEVIC Ivan GVOZDENOVIC Vladimir IVIC Vladimir JUGOVIC Darko KOVACEVIC Bojan BRNOVIC ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * 9. Edit Teams ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A) Create Players If you decide to create a player, I have a priceless tip I discovered in ISS2 that works on ISS3 too. Although you create 2 players with Speed 10, one will be quickler. Why? It depends on their height and weight. If you want to create an unstoppable player, create a very thin dwarf with Speed 10, Acceleration 10, Shoot 10 and Precission 10. The most valuable ability is the one that allows you to shoot from any position(Wide Vision). Create two players with these skills and transfer them to your original team. But change them by substitute players, because if you put them in the initial team, in missions 1-X they could be sent off and consequently you couldn't use them. If you want to create a perfect player(all parameters 10 and 10 skills), it will cost you 10512 poins. In this section, I will include some teams I created. Send your creations also. NIPPON Flag: Japanese flag Comments: I'm a fanatic of Captain Tsubasa, a manga and anime based on a boy who plays football and how he improves until he plays in the national team of Japan. This is my tribute to this manga. You should be crazy to create a team with 22 perfect players as I did, but they are pretty good. Height Weight Foot Face JAW Skin Hair Color 1 Genzo WAKABAYASHI 1.88m 78 Kg LR 7 2 2 4 8 7 Makoto SODA 1.80m 68 Kg R 7 6 2 6 8 6 Jun MISUGI 1.78m 65 Kg LR 8 2 1 14 3 7 Hiroshi JITO 1.92m 90 Kg R 9 8 2 5 8 4 Ryo ISHIZAKI 1.77m 65 Kg L 7 4 3 2 - 12 Hikaru MATSUYAMA 1.78m 66 Kg R 9 1 2 18 8 11 Taro MISAKI 1.75m 66 Kg R 7 2 1 18 4 20 SHINGO Aoi 1.60m 50 Kg L 8 1 2 27 8 10 Ozora TSUBASA(C) 1.75m 63 Kg LR 8 3 2 17 8 9 Kojiro HYUGA 1.83m 72 Kg LR 7 2 4 20 8 18 Shun NITTA 1.70m 60 Kg R 9 3 2 16 8 13 Ken WAKASHIMAZU 1.86m 68 Kg R 8 6 3 27 8 2 Kazuo TACHIBANA 1.75m 63 Kg L 7 2 2 16 8 3 Masao TACHIBANA 1.75m 63 Kg R 7 3 2 16 8 17 Shingo TAKASUGI 1.91m 90 Kg R 9 8 2 4 8 14 TOMEYA Akai 1.80m 70 Kg R 8 1 1 13 8 15 Takeshi SAWADA 1.71m 62 Kg R 8 1 2 5 8 16 Mamoru IZAWA 1.81m 69 Kg L 7 2 2 24 8 25 Hajime TAKI 1.74m 62 Kg R 7 2 2 17 8 19 Teppei KISUGI 1.77m 69 Kg R 8 3 2 14 8 22 Kazuki SORIMACHI 1.77m 70 Kg R 8 6 2 15 8 21 Mitsuru SANO 1.62m 54 Kg R 9 2 1 30 8 B) Creating Badges(Flags) Firstly, creating a badge from "nothingness" is really hard. If you have the badge you want to draw in your computer, you should convert this gif, jpeg, bmp or whatever into a 60x94 pixels image with 256 colors. Why 60x94 pixels? ISS3's flags' dimensions are these. Why 256 colors? ISS3 pallete has 240 colors, so the most similar format is 256 colors. Using good image software like Photoshop or Paint Shop Pro will make it easier. Follow the next steps: 1) Create a 60x94 pixels blank image with 256 colors. 2) Open your file with your badge and resize it to an image with a height of 60 pixels. 3) Copy your image in the clipboard and paste it in the first image you created like a layer. 4) Automatically the program will arrenge the colors. 5) If the background of the badge isn't monochromatic(one color), then you should edit the background also. 6) Then image should be completed in your computer, and use a super zoom on it. 7) Finally, you should copy pixel by pixel from the computer to the flag in ISS3 using the most appropriate color. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * 10. Special Teams ------------------------------------------------------------------------ You can obtain All Star teams clearing the International Cup* on hard level with: Any European Team(Italy, Germany, France recommended)--> Europe All Stars Any American Team(Argentina and Brazil recommended)----> America All Stars Any African Team(Nigeria and Cameroon recommended)-----> Africa All Stars Any Asian Team(Australia and Japan recommended)--------> Asia All Stars * VERY IMPORTANT: play from the beginning including the Regional Qualifying Matches, because if you play from the Group League you will NOT unlock these teams. How to unlock Gladius(World All Stars): 1. All the regional stars teams had been unlocked AND purchased in the catalog. 2. I commenced an International Cup in the GROUP LEAGUE mode with Brazil. 3. I won the competition, gaining the awards for point and assist king. 4. I then played and beat Gladius, and they are now unlocked in the catalog, costing 7000 points. Thanks to Ikanentl. You can obtain Legend teams clearing the World League on hard level with: England----> England Legends Holland----> Holland Legends Italy------> Italy Legends Germany----> Germany Legends Brazil-----> Brazil Legends Argentina--> Argentina Legends How to unlock World Cup Legendary Teams:(Provided by Sarah Angella) Clear an International Cup in the GROUP LEAGUE on hard level. I'm not sure, but I recommend unlocking the rest of Special teams before getting these teams. Assists King and Top Scorer King are not necessary. France USA Italy The order is not really important. As you complete the game with these teams you get the team legends in this order: 1st. 98's Legends 2nd. 94's Legends 3rd. 90's Legends ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * 11. Bugs ------------------------------------------------------------------------ These are the bugs I've found until now: - If you play with 1 player in the International Cup and you save your evolution. When you reload your game(another day), the special moves you unlock in the catalogue won't be available in your saved game. With 2 players there is no problem, at least in the Spanish version. - I noticed also a bug while playing with any original team including clubs. Although you change their uniform, when you use them if the former uniform's color coincides with the used by your rival, your uniform would change to the second uniform. To avoid it, I've the same uniform for local and away. - If you go straight into an International Cup or World League match, you are unable to perform the special skills and new player cursor you have bought in the catalog. It is annoying yet there is a way around it. All you need to do is go into the free training mode and do a couple of skills then it will work fine for the rest of the game. (provided by Ikanentl) - You can't change the language of the game, because this feature isn't in the game settings. But there is a way to change it: 1. Turn on your Gamecube without a disc on it. 2. Go to options and change the language of your console. The available languages for this game are English, French, German, Italian and Spanish. 3. Now you can enjoy the comments of Papin and Schuster among others. (provided by my brother) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * 12. Legal Stuff ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This document is Copyright 2003 Joan Roda. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders.Feel free to distribute or post as long as you don't change my name or try and make any money off of it, okay? Letting me know about it would be appreciated too. This FAQ is exclusive to the following websites: GameFAQS www.gamefaqs.com Cheat Code Central www.cheatcc.com Cheats.de www.cheats.de IGN www.ign.com Cheat Planet www.cheatplanet.com Neoseeker.com www.neoseeker.com GameNotOver www.gamenotover.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * 13. Special Thanks ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Konami Computer Entertainment Osaka for creating this game. Almond(my brother Jordi) for his initial feedback. Bloch for his corrections on players' names. lkanentl for the special teams and his comments. Ralf Babe for his correction on the mission mode. Behnam Nourparvar for the IRAN squad. Daniel Warsén for correcting a bug in the bugs section. BIG BIG THANKS to Sarah Angella for unlocking World Cup Legendary Teams.