Kirby Air Ride General FAQ Written by: Wolf4knowledge COPYWRITE 2003 Wolf4knowledge Version 0.4a 11/05/03 - Content - 1. Version History 2. Introduction 3. Game Info 4. Air Ride Mode 4a. Controls 4b. Air Ride Machines 4c. Copy Ability 4d. Courses 5. Top Ride Mode 5a. Controls 5b. Items 5c. Courses 6. City Trial Mode 6a. Controls 6b. Items 6c. City Trial Events 6d. Stadiums 6e. Legendary Machines 7. Unlockables/Checklist 8. Contact Information 9. Credits 10. Copywrite Info 1. - Version History - 0.4a - 11/05/03 - Added some stuff 0.4 - 10/30/03 - Added some stuff in unlockables Added some stuff in the sections 0.3a - 10/29/03 - Added more unlockables Fixed some spelling errors 0.3 - 10/28/03 - Added the City Trial Section Added more unlockables 0.2a/b - 10/25/03 10/22/03 - Added more stuff to the unlockable list 0.2 - 10/21/03 - Fixed some errors Added more stuff to the unlockable list 0.1 - 10/19/03 - First release lots of stuff missing 2. - Introduction - This FAQ will explain the general basics and controls to this game. I will also explain how to unlock all of the secrets to this game. I'll go to level explaination after a few updates. 3. - Game Info - Name: Kirby Air Ride Publisher: Nintendo Developer: HAL Laboratory Genre: Racing # of players: 1-4 4 blocks to save LAN Support (1-4 players only) What is Kirby Air Ride? Kirby Air Ride is Kirby's first GCN game and also features Kirby's first racing game as well. Unlike other racing games this game features Super-Easy controls because it only uses the control stick and the A button. This game contains three different modes each with 120 objectives to keep you busy for a while. Each mode has their different way of playing. 4. - Air Ride Mode - This game mode gets you into intense and exciting 3-d racing action! Copy your enemies' abilities 4a. - Controls - - Control Stick Tilt Left and Right to steer Tilt Down to raise the machines nose Tilt Up to raise the machines nose Tilt left then right quickly to do a Quick Spin - A/L/R Button Brakes but boosts once you let go the button Auto fall when in the air Inhales enemies Uses some abilities power Stop the routelle wheel 4b. - Air Ride Machines - Only the Warpstar in available at the start but you'll unlock more as you progress through the game. Warpstar - This machine has a good balance of basic capabilities Swerve Star - This machine has two speeds: fast and stopped! It can change directions only during a boost, but it can accelerate to its top speed instantly Bulk Star - This machine races using charged-up Boost power as fuel. It's very sturdy and can hit a very high speed, so learn how to fill you Boost Gauge Rocket Star - The machine's normal speed isn't very fast, but if you hold down A to completely fill you Boost Gauge and then release it, the machine will do a massive charged-up Boost Winged Star - This machine has excellent flight ability, allowing you to glide through the air with ease. Shadow Star - This machine has equally high levels of offensive and acceleration. You can do serious damage to your rivals by hurling yourself at them. Slick Star - There's very little friction between this machine and the ground. It has tons of individuality, so try it out Formula Star - This machine is incredibly powerful when touching the ground and boasts a very high top speed. When racing this machine, always try to maintain its top speed Turbo Star - The Turbo Star's acceleration abilities and top speed are very advanced, but it has a unique control style that takes some experience to get used to. Jet Star - This machine doesn't have a great deal of surface speed, but once in thr air, it'll get an unbelievable burst of speed. Wagon Star - This machine cannot Boost, but it makes up for it with other strengthened attributes. Wheelie Bike - The motorbike only has one wheel. It always races along the surface, so its handling is a bit odd. Wheelie Scooter - This machine has great acceleration but bad top speed. Rex Wheelie - Because of its heavy weight, real concentration and technique are required to race well. It boast high attributes in attacking and defending. 4c. - Copy Abilities - There are several abilities in this game which you can obtain by inhaling enemies. Special enemies will give you an ability. Inhaling two of these ability will give you the roulette wheel. Press A to stop and get the ability shown. Sword - This ability allows you to automatically attacks any enemies or rivals in front of you. Tornado - This ability intensifies your Quick Spin and can be used with in the air. If you fully charge up you will do a Quick Spin attack Wing - This ability allows Kirby to lift off his machine and sail around like a bird for a short period of time. Freeze - Freeze allows you freeze rivals and enemies by pressing A. Frozen rivals will be immobilized Bomb - This ability allows you to hurl a bomb with just the press of A. The longer you hold A the farther you throw it. Remember the explosion is HUGE Plasma - This allows you to release a plasma bomb with the press of A. By moving the control stick around you can power up the plasma bomb up to five different attack levels Needle - This ability allows you to attack rivals and enemies with the press of the A button. Mike - This ability automatically attacks all nearby enemies and shortly immbolize rivals Wheel - This ability will turn you into a wheel and gives boosted speed, acceleration, and turn. Sleep - This ability will make Kirby go to sleep and becomes immbolize. To recover faster quickly move the control stick around. However if a rival touches you while you're asleep they'll fall asleep also. 4d. - Courses - Fantasy Meadows - Recommend Laps 3 Fantasy Meadows is a fairly straight course with very few hairpin turns. It's best suited for machine with very high top speed Celestial Valley - Recommend Laps 2 Celestial Valley's beautiful waterfalls and branching paths make it an eye-pleasing place to race. Be sure to use many boost panels scattered about to your advantage. Sky Sand - Recommend Laps 2 This shifty course is filled with hidden traps and forks in the road. When you spot a crab poking out of the sand, use it as a ramp to reach an upper level with a hidden boost panel. Frozen Hillside - Recommend Laps 2 It's easy to skid on this course because most of it is made of ice. Even during boosts, your top speed will not decrease dramatically, so race agressively and use the boost panels Magma Flow - Recommend Laps 2 This course has lots of tight turns and a few forks in the road. Be sure to drift around corners and experiment to find the fastest route through the braching paths Beanstalk Park - Recommend Laps 2 Beanstalk Park is bramming with braching paths and twisting rails. Be sure to practice here a bit to find the fastest and best route. Machine Passage - Recommend Laps 2 The industrial Machine Passage is home to Super-Tight turns. Keeps an eye on the signs scattered throughout the course so the hairpin turns don't catch you by surprise Checker Knights - Recommend Laps 2 Checker Knights presents a wide variety of terrian and challenges. Use every boost panel to your advantage and keep an eye out for buttons that can change the course instantly. Nebula Belt - Recommend Laps 2 This bizarre course features long straight-aways and no enemies. Machines with high top speed are great choices for this course. 5. - Top Ride Mode - Top Ride is an action-packed 2-D racing game in which up to four players can enjoy a lighthearted race from a top-down view. There is no Copy abilities availabe in Top Ride Mode. Insread you complete using items that appear randomly on the course. 5a. - Controls - Depending on which machine you use the turning will be different. Free Star - Your machine will go in whatever direction you tilt the control stick Steer Star - Tilt the control stick left or right to revolve in that direction Tilt the control stick in two opposite directions quicky to do a quick spin The A button is used for boosting with works the same way as Air Ride Mode. It's also used for using certain items. 5b. - Items - Items randomly appear on the course as you progress. Some helps you while some don't. The chickie, who? paint, and latern won't appear until you unlock the item. Using the Quick Spin you can drop your items or knock items out of your opponent. Some items can't be dropped by using Quick Spin Drill - Attaches to the front of your machine. Sends opponent Kirbys flying forward Freeze Fan - Allows you to blow cold air on your opponents. Once frozen they're immobilzed for a short time. If you're frozen tilt the control stick quickly to recover faster Buzz Saw - Attaches to the side of the machine. Sends opponent Kirbys flying away Candy - Makes you temporary invincible Big Cake - Makes your Kirby Huge. Crush other Kirbys by driving over them. If you're flat tilt the control stick quickly to recover faster. Missile - Press A to use it. It chases down the Kirbys in front of you and blows them up Walky - Makes Kirby yell into a Mic Attacks all Kirbys and makes them immbolized. If you're immbolized tilt the control stick quickly to recover faster Bomb - Press A to throw a bomb. The longer you hold it the farther you throw it Spinner - Allows you to use a spin attack after a boost. Fire - Press A to leave a trail of fire Party Ball - Lets out a bunch of items Kracko - Creates Kracko. Attacks one or serveral Kirbys Hammer - Gets a hammer and swings around your Kirby Attacks other Kirbys nearby Speed Booster* - Speeds up your movement Charge Booster* - Automatically charge up boost to max by pressing A Mine* - Press A to drop a mine. Tire* - Slows down your movement Cloud* - Press A to leave a trail of clouds. Other Kirbys will spin out if they run into it. Chickie - Make 2 birds fly over each of the opponent Kirby's head They each become dizzy and totally immobilze without being able to recover faster. Who? Paint - Makes all the other Kirbys transperant. Latern - Makes the whole map black and only lights up the Kirby who got the item Items with * means that I'm not sure whats the name of the item. 5c. - Courses - Grass - Recommended laps 7 The ultra-short course will put your glidiing abilities to the test. Keep and eye out for boost panels which appear randomly throughout the course. Sand - Recommended laps 7 Sand is an intensely treacherous place to race. With huge sand pits, crumbling bridges and massive sand monsters ready to swallow you, this course will be quite an interesting one. Sky - Recommended laps 6 This course has plenty of wild features along it route. If you boost on one of its many shiny jump panels, you can cover more ground and sail ppast your rivals. Fire - Recommended laps 6 Falling rocks can ruin your turning, but steam geysers can give you a lift and help you create some shortcuts. Light - Recommended laps 6 Be on the lookout for thebrightly-lit arrows along the walls. When you see one, steer into it to take a shortcut along an electric rail. Water - Recommended laps 5 Tight turns and flooding passageway make the water course a real challenge. Metal - Recommended laps 5 You have to race through this course while negotiating machine parts like revolving sprockets. Your machine's top will be affected by the direction these sprockets turn. 6. - City Trial - In this mode you roam around the city collecting as many items as possible to power up your machine. Then head to the Stadium to battle other players in various competitions. 6a - Controls - The controls are exact the same as Air Ride mode but you can get off your machine while roaming the city Press and hold down on the control stick and the A button to jump off your machine. While you are Kirby on foot move with the control stick and press A to jump. Press A while in the air to puff up. Kirby can puff up to five times while in the air. 6b - Items - Power-Up Items/Power-Down Items (found in blue boxes) It's possible to increase your machine's capabilities. However, if you take a gray item, your machine's capabilities will decrease. Top Speed Patch - Increase top speed Boost Patch - Adds acceleration power Offensive Patch - Increase offensive power Defense Patch - Adds defensive power Charge Patch - Increases charge-up speed Turn Patch - Increase turn speed Flight Patch - Increase flight abilities Weight Patch - Increase machine weight HP Patch - Augments Damage Gauge All Up Patch - Increase all abilities Restore Items (found in blue boxes) These items restore power and abilites to machine Maxim Tomato - Restore Damage to 100% Energy Drink - Restore some damage Hamburger - Restore a little damage Quick Fix Items (found in green boxes) These items change a machine's capabilities. Attack Up - Increases attack power Defence Up - Increases defence power Candy - Makes you invincible No Charge - Nullifies charge-up ability Speed Down - Lowers your speed Special Offensive Items (found in green boxes) These items let you do special offensive attacks Panic Spin - Makes you Quick-spin Sensor Bomb - Sets a motion-sensitive mine. Gold Spike - Sets a huge, spiky gold ball Fireworks - Automatically shoots fireworks rapidly Copy Panels (Red Boxes) Kirby will aquire the ability depending on with copy panel he gets. Machine Parts (all boxes) Every so often there will be machine parts inside some of the boxes. If you manage to collect three machine parts, you will complete a legendary machine 6c. - City Trial Events - If you have the "Events" option on various events may happen in the city. Here are the list of the events, their description, the unlockables for this event and some other notes (Thanks to GameTrekker for this section) Title: Dyna Blade Cometh! Description: Dyna Blade will suddenly appear in the vicinity of the "dilapidated houses". She's a really big metal bird. You can't miss 'em. Unlockables: Two. First you can fly into Dyna Blade's head to hurt her, this will check off one block (Prize: sound test: Dyna Blade Intro). Second, sometimes Dyna Blade will start flying into the air. When she does this, she will teleport to another place in the city. Check the map in the corner of the screen to see where she'll reappear. If you drive to that spot, she'll land on you. It will probably destroy your machine, but at least you'll have another block complete on your checklist. Cool stuff: Get ready for a splash of items when you ram her in the head. Title: Danger! Danger! Meteor Alert! Description: About five gigantic meteors will come falling from the sky and smashing into the city. Wherever they strike, they create an explosion bigger than themselves! Unlockables: One. After the meteor event occurs five times, the block will automatically check off. Cool stuff: Try getting hit by one of the meteors and see your machine destroyed in a fraction of a second! Title: A Foggy Flogging Description: A dense fog will roll into the city. Figuring out where you are and where items are becomes quite difficult. Unlockables: None. Cool stuff: Man, you really can't see in this stuff. You have to get really lucky if you want any items during this event. Title: The Item Bounce Description: The items and boxes will get rubbery and start to bounce! Unlockables: None. Cool stuff: There's nothing "cool" about this one, it's just aggravating. Trying to time it so that you get to an item just as it hits the ground is no easy task! Title: A Rowdy Charge Description: Suddenly, everything will speed up! So fast! Too fast! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Unlockables: None. Cool stuff: It's not easy to control a machine that's driving at ten times its original speed, but that speed comes with a side-effect: your offense will skyrocket as well. Good use of this event might allow you to destroy all of the "dilapidated houses"! Title: The UFO Invasion Description: A gigantic UFO will slowly fly over the city! Unlockables: None. Cool stuff: Most people don't quite understand the significance of this event. The object in not to fly into the green thing on the UFO's underside, but to land on top of the UFO itself! How? Well, just get to the "garden in the sky" by way of the volcano, then fly off it and land on the UFO. On top of the UFO are scores of items. You can even find the legendary all-up patches on UFOs. Careful, though. You don't want to fall off and you especially don't want to get any of those battery panels that make your machine act like the Rowdy Charge event was taking place. If you do, you can kiss that UFO goodbye. Title: The Mutated Item Invasion Description: Some items will be fakes during this event! If you see a difference between an item you see and what it might normally look like, avoid it at all costs! Some of them can kill you! Unlockables: None. Cool stuff: There's no hidden objectives in this event, but it is kind of interesting to observe how the fake items differ from the real ones. Title: Item Deja Vu Description: Boxes will all contain the same items! Whoop-de-doo! Unlockables: *see the "cool stuff"* Cool stuff: This is usually a great opportunity to acquire ten of a specific item. Why would you want to do that? Well, there are a number of checklist blocks that say to find ten or more of a certain item during one match. This event will allow you to do that with whatever item ends up being in all those boxes. Title: Tac, Wanted for Theft and Loitering Description: Tac will appear in one of the underground parts of the city. Check the map to see where! Unlockables: One. Hitting Tac with your machine will cause him to cough up some items. Steal eight or more from him to check off the block (Prize: sound test: Tac Challenge). Cool stuff: Hit Tac enough and he'll start blasting off through the ceiling. Hit him as he's blasting off to receive an all-up patch! Title: Magic Pillar Description: A big, brightly colored pillar will appear somewhere in the city. Check the map to see where it is. Unlockables: Two. After the pillar appears, get to it and break it within 40 seconds to check off the block. Also, breaking five pillars will check off another block (Prize: Sound test: When the Pillar Appears). Cool stuff: Get ready for a shower of items after you break the pillar. Title: City Hall Secret Description: A hidden room in the city hall will open. If you don't know where city hall is, check the map when the event begins. Unlockables : One. Enter the secret chamber after it opens to check off the block. Cool stuff: There are five of the same item in this event-opened area! Get there before anyone else does for some serious upgrading! Title: Restoration Area Description: A large white panel will appear on the ground somewhere in the city. Check the map to see where it is. Unlockables: One. Use up the restoration area to check off the block. Cool stuff: How do you use up the restoration area? Well, the panel refills your health while you are on it. So, just damage your machine and have the restoration area refill your HP until the panel is gone. Title: Stay in the Lighthouse Light Description: The lighthouse will turn on. If you don't know where it is, check the map to find it. Blocks checkable: None. Cool stuff: The light of the lighthouse will slowly restore HP. That's about it. Do not bother with this event if you are full. Title: Fire at the Grind-Rail Stations! Description: The grind-rail stations will siddenly catch on fire! Blocks checkable: None. Cool stuff: Avoid the stations at all costs! If you are on a grind-rail when this event begins, consider yourself dead. 6d. - Stadiums - Here are the list of stadiums. Some needs to be unlocked though. The thing in () tells how to unlock it (Thanks to Plas Durock for this part) 1 Drag Race 1 2 Drag Race 2 3 Drag Race 3 4 Drag Race 4 (complete DR #3 under 00:27:00) 5 Air Gilder 6 Target Flight 7 High Jump 8 Kirby Melee 1 9 Kirby Melee 2 (destroy 75 enemies or more in KM #1 in one match) 10 Destruction Derby 1 11 Destruction Derby 2 12 Destruction Derby 3 (destroy your rivals 10 times or more in DD #2) 13 Destruction Derby 4 (destroy your rivals 5 times or more in DD #3) 14 Destruction Derby 5 (destroy your rivals 10 times or more in DD #4) 15 Single Race 1 Fantasy meadows 16 Single Race 2 Magma Flows 17 Single Race 3 Sky Sands 18 Single Race 4 Frozen Hillside 19 Single Race 5 Beanstalk Park 20 Single Race 6 Celestial Valley 21 Single Race 7 Machine Passage 22 Single Race 8 Checker Knights 23 Single Race 9 Nebula Belt (Play in over 10 stadium modes) 24 King Dedede DR = Drag Race KM = Kirby Melee DD = Destruction Derby 6e. - Legendary Machines - As you roam around the city you may find machine parts. If you collect 3 you will build one of the following machines. Dragoon - This legendary machine rips through the sky. It boasts incredible flying abilities Hydra - This legendary machine was born to battle. It boasts incredible attack and defense power. However it consumes a great deal of Boost power during the race. If you unlock all 3 pieces of a machine in the checklist, you'll be able to select it in FREE RUN mode ONLY! 7. Unlockables/CheckList Right now I'm only going to list the Red checks (unlockables) Air Ride and City Trial unlockables are not complete. Top Ride is complete. For those who doesn't know Sound Test means the original level's soundtrack while Music means the alternative. To switch to alternative music (once you unlock it) for Air and Top Ride ALL PLUGGED IN CONTROLLERS must hold either X or Y while selecting the stage. In city mode you must hold X or Y then press start. Incomplete Air Ride Mode List White Kirby: Finish 2 laps in Celestial Valley under 02:20:00 Purple Kirby: Finish 2 laps in Beanstalk in under 02:18:00 Green Kirby: Swallow Sword 3 times or more and take 1st place Brown Kirby: In SKY SANDS do 1 lap under 01:05:00 with Bulk Star in FREE RUN Meta-Knight: Have a total fly time of 30 minutes King DeDeDe: Defeat 1000 or more enemies Wagon Star: In any mode other than free run reach the goal a total of 3 times Winged Star: Finish in 1st place while flying through the air Formula Star: Finish Frozen Hillside under 03:14:00 in TIME ATTACK MODE Turbo Star: Use all the volcano rails and in finish 1st place Slick Star: Finish 2 laps in Checker Knights under 03:05:00 Swerve Star: Finish 2 laps in Sky Sands under 02:05:00 Jet Star: Race over 4,500ft under 02:00:00 in Machine Passage (Time Mode) Bulk Star: Finish CELESTIAL VALLEY in under 03:20:00 in TIME ATTACK MODE Shadow Star: Defeat 10 or mode enemies using the Quick Spin Rocket Star: Finish one lap in under 01:05:00 in MACHINE PASSAGE in FREE RUN Wheelie Bike: Race all of the standard Air Ride courses Wheelie Scooter: Start the final lap in 4th place and move to 1st to win Rex Wheelie: Defeat over 100 enemies using the exhaled star New Course: Nebula Belt: Race over 100 laps Sound Test: Fantasy Meadow: Finish 1 lap in FANTASY MEADOW in uder 00:21:00 on FREE RUN MODE Sound Test: Sky Sands: Finish Sky Sands under 03:10:00 in TIME ATTACK MODE Sound Test: Frozen Hillside: Finish 1 lap in FROZEN HILLSIDE in under 00:58:00 on FREE RUN MODE Sound Test: Magma Flows: Race over 4,800 feet under to minutes in MAGMA FLOWS (time mode) Sound Test: Machine Passage: Finish Machine Passage under 03:10:00 in TIME ATTACK MODE Sound Test: Result Screen: Make your lap time's last two digits the same Music: Fantasy Meadow: Finish FANTASY MEADOW under 01:00:00 in TIME ATTACK MODE Music: Celestial Valley: Over one race, ride on both left and right bridge railing in CELESTIAL VALLEY Music: Sky Sands: Open the trapdoor exactly 3 times and finish 1st in SKY SANDS Music: Frozen Hillside: Finish 2 laps in FROZEN HILLSIDE in under 01:56:00 Music: Magma Flow: Finish Magma Flow under 03:20:00 in TIME ATTACK MODE Music: Beanstalk Park: Finish Beanstalk Park under 02:55:00 in TIME ATTACK MODE Music: Machine Passage: Shoot 3 characters out of the cannon at one time in MACHINE PASSAGE Music: Checker Knights: Use the spin pangels 7 times or more and take 1st place in CHECKER KNIGHTS Music: Nebula Belt: Race over 300 laps Check off an empty box: Use the Copy Chance wheel on top of the tree in CELESTIAL VALLEY Check off an empty box: Bump in the flaming dragon in MAGMA FLOWS Check off an empty box: Swallow 200 or more enemies Check off an empty box: Beat all of the corals and finish 1st place in SKY SANDS Check off an empty box: In one game, drop from the cliff 3 times Bonus Movie: Special Machine Intros: Glide for more than 1 hour COMPLETED Top Ride Mode List White Kirby: Finish 1st 5 seconds faster than #2 Green Kirby: Cross the goal 20 or more times Brown Kirby: Take 1st place in SKY when the CPU is set to lv5 Purple Kirby: Compete in more than 50 multiplayer races Extra Rule: Diagonal Camera Angle: Take 1st place on all courses Extra Rule: Mystery Item Set: In Top Ride race one lap without hitting a wall and finish 1st Extra Rule: Side Camera Angle: In FREE RUN do one lap in under 00:10:50 in WATER Extra Rule: Attack Item Set: In TIME ATTACK finish WATER in under 00:56:00 Extra Rule: Device Quantify: Take 1st and enter the falls 5 times or more in WATER Sound Test: Result Screen: In FREE RUN do one lap under 00:07:50 in LIGHT Sound Test: Grass: Take 1st place in GRASS without using any items Sound Test: Sand: Take 1st place in SAND without using Boost Sound Test: Metal: Take 1st and break 5 or more walls in METAL Sound Test: Water: Finish 5 laps in under 01:02:00 in Top Ride Sound Test: Fire: Take 1st place 10 times or more in FIRE Sound Test: Sky: Take 1st and hit the isle Knob 5 or more times in SKY Sound Test: Light: Race more than 100 laps in LIGHT Music: Grass: Finish 1st and hit 5 or more Dash Panel in GRASS Music: Sand: Finish SAND in under 00:29:00 in Time Attack Music: Water: Finish 1st 5 seconds faster than #2 in WATER Music: Fire: Finish 1st while holding the fire item in FIRE Music: Metal: Take 1st place in METAL without using boost Music: Light: Finish LIGHT in under 00:33:00 in Time Attack Music: Sky: In FREE RUN do one lap in under 00:09:00 in SKY New Item: Chickie: Get over 18 different types of items New Item: Who? Paint: Collect 500 items or more New Item: Lantern: Finish 1st on all courses without using items Check off an empty box: Finish all courses without using boost Check off an empty box: Cause a huge eruption 3 times or more in FIRE Check off an empty box: Finish GRASS under 00:33:00 in Time Attack Mode Check off an empty box: Drop into the Ant Doom 50 times or more in SAND Check off an empty box: Take 1st and grind the rail 5 times or more in LIGHT Ending: Fill in over 100 Checklist Blocks Incomplete City Trial mode list Purple Kirby: Break a CPU's machine 5 times or more in the city Brown Kirby: Complete Drag Race 2 with wing star under 00:27:00 White Kirby: Complete both Dragoon and Hydra in one race King Dedede: Completed stadium #24 under 1 minute Meta-Knight: Destroy 1000 boxes or more New Stadium: Single Race (Nebula Belt): Play in over 10 stadium modes. Sound Test: City Trial: Drive a total of 30 minutes in FREE RUN MODE Sound Test: Rowdy Charge Tank: Finish DRAG RACE 1 in 00:20:00 or less. Sound Test: Item Bounce: Pick up a total of over 100 items Sound Test: Tac Challange: Steal over 8 items from TAC by yourself Sound Test: Dyna Blade Intro: Do some damage to Dyna Blade Sound Test: Air Glider: Stay airborne longer than 30 seconds in AIR GLIDER Sound Test: Legendary Air Ride Machine Change Air Ride Machine 10 times of more in FREE RUN Sound Test: Whats in the box?: Defeat 30 enemies or more in Kirby Melee 2 in one match Sound Test: Target Flight: In TARGET FLIGHT gilde for more than 15 seconds Sound Test: Huge Pillar: Break the pillar a total of 5 times Sound Test: Dense Fog: Break more than 500 boxes Sound Test: Station Fire: Destroy a Slick star while riding a Formula Star in CITY TRIAL MODE Sound Test: Kirby Melee: Defeat 40 enemies or more in KIRBY MELEE 2 Sound Test: The Lighthouse lights: Destroy a Warpstar while riding a Swerve Star in CITY TRIAL MODE Sound Test: Flying Meteor: Have the event "Meteor Alert" happen a total of three times Sound Test: Drag Race: Complete DRAG RACE 4 in under 00:19:00 Music: City: Pick up 1000 items or more Bonus: Pause Screen Power-Ups: Pick up a total of over 500 items Dragoon Part A: Jump higher than 1,000 ft in HIGH JUMP Dragoon Part B: During one game, fly through the rings in the sky 5 times or more Dragoon Part C: Fly more than 1,300 ft. in AIR GLIDER Dragoon in Free Run mode: Obtain Dragoon Part A, B, and C Check off an empty block: Bust all the rocks on the field in Destruction Derby 1 Hydra Part X: In one race destroy all the gray building. Hydra Part Y: Defeat a total of 150 rival or more in Destruction Derby Hydra Part Z: Defeat a total of 1,500 enemies in Kirby Melee Hydra in Free Run mode: Obtain Hyrda Part X, Y, and Z 8. - Contact Information - I removed my contact information because people like to be stupid. 9. - Credits - I would like to thank Gamefaqs - For making this FAQ possible Nintendo and HAL - For making this game possible Plas Durock for some unlockables and the City Trial Stadium List GameTrekker for writing the City Trial event list and some Unlockables And me! Wolf4knowledge - for writing this FAQ 10. - Copywrite Info - This FAQ is copyrighted 2003 to Kennth Yeung A.K.A. Wolf4knowledge This is for personal use only, you may not put this in your site or use it to make a profit. If you wish to use this FAQ, contact me at me e-mail or IM me and I will consider it.Do not distribute this document, or alter it in any way shape or form. It can be printed out for personal use only. You can NOT use this document without my permission. Remember the latest version of this FAQ can always be found on If you find the FAQ on a site other than and then please contact me.