__ _______ _______ ______ | | | ____| / _____| / __ \ | | | |__ | | __ | | | | | | | __| | | |_ | | | | | | `----.| |____ | |__| | | `--' | |_______||_______| \______| \______/ _______.___________. ___ .______ / | | / \ | _ \ | (----`---| |----` / ^ \ | |_) | \ \ | | / /_\ \ | / .----) | | | / _____ \ | |\ \----. |_______/ |__| /__/ \__\ | _| `._____| ____ __ ____ ___ .______ _______. \ \ / \ / / / \ | _ \ / | \ \/ \/ / / ^ \ | |_) | | (----` \ / / /_\ \ | / \ \ \ /\ / / _____ \ | |\ \----.----) | \__/ \__/ /__/ \__\ | _| `._____|_______/ =========================================================== Copyright 2007 KamiKaZe_ChiNo or more simply known as Chino Version 1.00 =========================================================== ==================================================================== Game: LEGO StarWars System: Gamecube Type: Action/Adventure ==================================================================== ============================================================ Contents: I. Introduction a. Background b. Why I made this guide c. Purposes of this guide II. History of the FAQ III. Starting a New Game a. Starting the game b. Dexter's Diner and the basics c. Special abilities of certain characters d. Free Play e. Begin Playing IV. The Levels a. Episode I - The Phantom Menace 1. Chapter 1 - Negotiations 2. Chapter 2 - Invasion of Naboo 3. Chapter 3 - Escape from Naboo 4. Chapter 4 - Mos Espa Podrace 5. Chapter 5 - Retake Theed Palace 6. Chapter 6 - Darth Maul b. Episode II - Attack of the Clones 1. Chapter 1 - Discovery on Kamino 2. Chapter 2 - Droid Factory 3. Chapter 3 - Jedi Battle 4. Chapter 4 - Gunship Calvary 5. Chapter 5 - Count Dooku c. Episode III - Revenge of the Sith 1. Chapter 1 - Battle over Coruscant 2. Chapter 2 - Chancellor in Peril 3. Chapter 3 - General Grievous 4. Chapter 4 - Defense of Kashyyyk 5. Chapter 5 - Ruin of the Jedi 6. Chapter 6 - Darth Vader V. Collecting the Canisters a. Episode I levels b. Episode II levels c. Episode III levels VI. Bonus Level - Episode IV VII. Dexter's Diner Items a. Hints b. Characters c. Extras VIII. Legal Notice IX. Credits ================================================== =============================================================================== I. Introduction a. Background Well, well. If you are a major fan of Star Wars (like me), then most likely you've played lots of Star Wars video games, seeing as how there's no shortage of them out there. LEGO StarWars is another of these games, except with a funny twist. Everything in the game is now made out of LEGO's, or at least, almost everything. This adds a funny twist to the regular StarWars storyline, and of course makes things a little more interesting. I find it strange that they decided to make a LEGO StarWars game, but you can't criticize when it's been such a big hit. This may look like a little kids game, but its definetely for any age, and just as enjoyable. By the way, this game covers the Star Wars saga from Episode 1 to Episode 3. Episodes 4, 5, and 6 can be found in the LEGO StarWars II game. :) ALSO: This guide assumes you already know the StarWars storyline/plot. I'm not going to explain everything about the plot because the Lego version is more to humor the gamer, not really teach them the story. So neither am I. Heh. b. Why I made this guide Well, I wanted another FAQ to make, since it has been awhile, and I found this to be the perfect game to go write a FAQ for. I really enjoyed playing this game and hopefully you will too, assuming you're even playing it. Also, I wanted to continue my contributions toward GameFAQs, since their guides have helped me numerous times in various games. c. Purposes of this guide This FAQ is meant to walk you through the LEGO Star Wars game and help you not only beat it, but be able to collect every LEGO canister, achieve JEDI status for each level, etc. Hopefully by the time I'm done with this guide I'll have covered everything, 100%, of this game. So let's go ahead and get started. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== II. History 1/13/07 - Started this LEGO StarWars FAQ 1/18/07 - Finished up to Chapter 5 of Episode I. Didn't have much time over the past few days, but no excuses since I'm about to get a lot of time off, hopefully. 1/23/07 - I've finished up through Episode II and now about to get started on Episode III. Told you I was going to work on it more. 1/26/07 - I finished the regular game levels (yay!), and got started on the canister collecting section. I thought that finishing the regular game would mean I'm close to being done, but I've still got quite a bit to do. Heh. 2/1/07 - Well I have picked up working on this FAQ after taking a few days from not working on it for various reasons. I've finished up to collecting the canisters for all of the Episode I levels. 2/2/07 - Finished "collecting the canisters" for all Episode II levels and gotten started on "collecting the canisters" for the Episode III levels. 2/6/07 - Been busy, but got a chance to do some more. Almost finished with the last chapters of "collecting the canisters." 2/7/07 - Finished the last "collecting the canisters" levels, finished the bonus level, and got started on Dexter's Diners Items. Later on 2/7/07: Finished the Dexter's Diners Items, the Legal Notice, and the Credits. Submitted to Gamefaqs, and am hopefully finished. This is version 1.00 =============================================================================== =============================================================================== III. Starting a New Game a. Starting the game The menu of LEGO StarWars is pretty basic. The options including New Game, Load Game, and Options should be pretty easy to figure out. The Options include toggling with the Rumble feature, Audio Volume, and Music. For now, we'll assume that you're starting a whole new game. You'll see two LEGO icons that look like Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi. These faces appear when the level you are about to start involves using these characters. Nothing big. b. Dexter's Diner and the basics When you're not playing levels of LEGO StarWars, you will be in Dexter's Diner. Dexter's Diner is the area where you can buy items using LEGO Studs you collect throughout the levels, enter new levels, see all of the vehicles and such you have collected, and see all of the LEGO characters you have unlocked. How cool. Something else I like about Dexter's Diner is that you can fight all of the other characters you have unlocked too. So when you get bored, just step outside and join in on the characters that are shooting at each other and have a little fun. The character you control is displayed in the top left corner of the screen, and the number of hearts is eqivalent to how much health you have. Also shown is the amount of studs you currently have. You can lose studs when you get hurt and die. When you get hurt and lose all of your hearts, you die, and may have to restart a certain part of the level, but usually you just lose a bunch of the studs you have collected. LEGO Studs are the currency of LEGO StarWars. Certain colors of studs are equal to different amounts of money. They are as follows: Silver = 10 studs Gold = 100 studs Blue = 1000 studs Each level has 10 LEGO canisters you can collect, that if you collect all of, you can build a mini-kit LEGO vehicle. Collecting all 10 canisters gives you a very significant LEGO stud boost after beating that level. Next up is Jedi status, or filling the stud meter. Achieveing Jedi status involves a bar at the top of your screen. When you collect studs, it steadily fills up. If it fills up all the way and begins flashing and glowing, you have reached Jedi status, and get a special secret collectible. This is available for every level, and doing it for every level will unveil a huge secret. Note: The items and prices available in Dexter's Diner are featured in a different part of this FAQ, as well as rundowns of each item. c. Special abilities of certain characters Some characters have special abilities that you will sometimes have to use to overcome an obstacle in a level or sometimes use multiple characters' special abilties to overcome obstacles. These include Force Push = Certain Jedi can use Force Push to knock down certain walls or send enemies flying. Objects that are highlighted as being able to work with Force can have the Force used on them by pushing X. Dark Side Force Powers = Dark Side Jedi, aka Sith, have their own powers, such as choking enemies to death and such. How pleasant. X is the way you use these dark powers, just like the other Jedi. Double-Jump = Some characters can perform a double jump. To do a double-jump, push A to jump in the air and push A again while in mid-air to do the double- jump. This is especially useful for reaching high places. Hyper-Jump = A few characters, including Jar-Jar Binks, can jump extremely high with their double jump. These characters can reach places that even Jedi could not reach. Hover = A few characters have the ability to hover over the ground for a limited amount of time, including R2-D2. Press and hold the A button, and then move around to hover with these characters. Ascension Gun = Some characters have guns that have grappling hooks on them, such as Queen Amidala's guards and captains. Stand beneath a grapple hook point and hold X to use the grappling hook. Activating Panels = Some droids can interact with certain computer panels. To do this, move the droid so it faces the panel, and then push and hold X. Blend In = Battle droid characters are special in that other battle droids will not just open fire on them. Use this to sneak up on them and have some fun. d. Free Play Free Play is an especially fun mode where you can explore any unlocked level with your choice of characters, as well as switch between them at any time. This is critical if you want to finish everything a level offers, i.e. Jedi status, canisters, etc. To play Free Play, walk through the door of the level you want to do and select Free Play when it appears. You can also change the primary characters you use during Free Play. e. Begin Playing To start playing, go through the door marked as "I". This means that this is the Episode I room where you can play the Episode I levels. The other doors, for Episode II, Episode III, and the ? room are locked until later. The other Episode I rooms are also locked meaning you have to play the first one first and then go in order from there. Walk through the door of the room marked "1" and then you can begin your LEGO adventure. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== IV. The Levels a. Episode I - The Phantom Menace 1. Chapter 1 - Negotiations Characters to unlock- TC-14 Before you begin, go ahead and use one of the Jedi's Force powers to try and get lots of studs from items laying all around Dexter's Diner. This is a good way to collect some studs and make money. Anyway, here we go. NOTE: Collecting the canisters will be covered in another part of the FAQ, since some of the canisters involve being able to use Free Play Mode. Enjoying the LEGO-based cutscenes? They are pretty cool. Anyway, in this level you're basically trying to get killed by everything. You start off in a meeting room. For extra fun, use the Force on the meeting chairs to make them dance and play everyone's favorite StarWars song. Force open the door and kill the pesky battle droids. The room on your right will have stuff to do that will get you tons of studs. Do this to fill up the stud meter. You need the protocol droid to open the door on the left. Go down the hallway. Make a right at the end, kill the battle droids, and keep going and then push Y to take control of the protocol droid, who can open the two doors for you. There's also a door right where you take control of the protocol droid that you can open. The other doors you need R2 or the protocol. Go ahead and open the door with X, then there will be another door. Open that one too, and head through the vent. You should be in a much larger room on a ledge. Drop down and take care of the half-dozen or so battle droids that assault you. Down the ramp there will be a bunch more battle droids, and then droidekas will appear. Avoid them until you finish off the other battle droids. Some of the battle droids will take two hits to kill. No big deal. Just don't get shot up and killed. Destroying the droidekas can be somewhat tricky. Avoid getting shot a bunch. To easily dispatch them, do a double jump near them and then push B. You should slam down your lightsaber on top of them, destroying its shield. Hit it a few more times to kill it. Do the same with the other. To get past the door barrier, use the Force on the objects on either side of the barrier, and then use those ledges to jump over the wall. Step on one of the buttons and the other Jedi should do the same. Then the protocol droid can get through. Once through the door, another batch of battle droids will attack. Get rid of them and then use the protocol droid to open up the back end of that droid transporter. Get in with one of the Jedi and then you'll see a cutscene signaling the end of the mission. After beating this, surprise! You unlock Episodes II and III to start playing. Also it'll show a list of all the characters you have unlocked. Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jinn will be there, and then it will add TC-14, the protocol droid you used. Also, if you filled up the stud meter, which should've been pretty easy, then you you'll get one of the 17 Superkit pieces. You can either choose to Continue on to the next level, or go back to Dexter's Diner. 2. Chapter 2 - Invasion of Naboo Characters to unlock- Jar-Jar Binks Ok, this one is pretty straightforward. Follow the trail of studs and take out anything in your way. Use Force on the trees to move them out of your way. Keep going forward and take out the battle droids, and then use your Force power on the big droid transporter, yeah sorry I forget their names, but anyway, use Force on that repeatedly to blow it up and continue forward. A few steps later a cutscene should pop up where you meet the infamous Jar-Jar Binks, and he joins you and Obi-wan. Hurray! Remember that Jar-Jar can jump extra, extra high when he does his double jump, but he's pretty much defenseless. Head up the stairs to the new area, and continue on your way, using Force to turn some Lego's into a bridge. Switch out to Jar-Jar to leap over the high ledge. A reminder that Y is the button to switch between characters in levels. However, as soon as you jump on the ledge, it falls down some, and the ledge ahead is too high even for Jar-Jar. Switch to a Jedi and use the Force to move the levers on the first ledge to make an obstacle drop that makes crossing possible. Another reminder. Be careful when doing this, because while it is like a side-scroller, you can still fall off the ledge, die, and lose a bunch of studs. Use the Force up near the battle droids to create yet another bridge. Keep going forward until you get to the next area. Follow the trail of studs and head up a ramp that convieniently falls down and allows you to keep going. Go past the swamp and ignore the big droid transporter, unless you are collecting canisters. Use Jar-Jar to get up on the high ledge and follow the trail of studs until you come to the end of that ledge, where the part you are standing on falls down, revealing the entrance to the next area. The next part is extremely simple. Run forward until you reach the water, and then you've beaten the level. Filling up the stud meter in this one is much more difficult than the first level, but not impossible. Try to use the Force on all the grass, and everything else you can find to get more studs to appear. Doing that should get you enough studs that you fill up the meter and get another Superkit piece. 3. Chapter 3 - Escape from Naboo Characters to unlock- Queen Amidala Captain Panaka In this level you start out with Queen Amidala and Captain Panaka and a couple of guards getting attacked by surrounding battle droids. These Lego characters do not use lightsabers. They use blasters. So fire back and destroy the battle droids. The guns also have the grappling hook, so use X in the circular spots to use the grappling hook and pull yourself up to a ledge or higher spot. Also, these characters with the blasters CANNOT do the double jump. Once you've shot up all the battle droids, use the grappling hook to work your way around the ledges until you are at the highest one. Be ready to get fired at by battle droids at any moment though. They're everywhere in this level. Anyway, the highest ledge should put you face to face with at least a dozen battle droids. Yikes. Take them out and keep going, though you'll probably be killed at least once, unless you have some nice skill and precision. Haha. Also, be aware that you can blast away just about everything in this level, so there are tons of studs everywhere. Stuff is hidden everywhere. Anyway, go past where those droids were, into a new area. You should be looking down a stair case sort of, with some battle droids near the bottom. Take them out and keep going, which brings you to another area. You'll be inside of a big glass thing. Whatever. Blast your way out and also blast the droids guarding that glass room for whatever reason. Head along the bridge, and use the blaster to shoot the target on the wall. The door will open and on you go. Head left in the new area and blast open the case with the blue stud. Hop down it and, oh my!, Qui-gon and Obi-Wan are at the bottom ready to help you out. You can go back up the elevator if you need to. But anyway, go right and you'll find yourself in an open area with a whole batch of battle droids. yay. I'd prefer a Jedi for that, but whoever you want to use doesn't matter. There will be a big door with targets on the side. Use a lightsaber or blaster to blow up the things on the ground, causing elevators to go up and down. Use one of the characters with blasters to go up and down and shoot the targets, causing the big gate to open. For this next, and last, area, have fun taking out all the many battle droids roaming around, as well as collecting lots of studs. Use the buttons on top of each of the domes to open up certain things that are locked away on the big platform. Head to the locked away canister and blow up the stuff locking it up. Under the canister is a hole that is the end of the level. Enjoy more funny cutscenes. 4. Chapter 4 - Mos Espa Podrace Characters to unlock- None Ok, this is one of the levels on this game that is just pure awesome. There is no free play for this level because there's only one way to do it. You podrace. It is intense. For this level, hold down A to accelerate and go, and use the control stick to change direction. That's really it. Ride over the booster arrows to cause you to go even faster, and use B to brake, or let go of A to slow down. Also, hitting the poles causes studs to go into your bank, so yes, hit the poles. Around the first turn try and follow the acceleration arrows. In fact, doing that the entire level should keep you in good shape. Hitting walls will cause you to lose a heart, and flat out ramming into something will kill you. Try to avoid that. In the cave, avoid the sharp turns and get out before the timer goes down. Yes, there is a timer for each part of the race, and generally you will barely make it out of that part of the race before time runs out. If time runs out, you "die" and have to start over the area. In the next area you will be harassed by the Tusken Raiders. Avoid their bullets, and falling rocks, and use the arrows to go faster and beat the clock. In the last area, you must use those arrows to accelerate more and more. Otherwise, you will NOT beat the timer. Go keep going and avoid hitting stuff, unless it gives you money. Then speed ahead and cross that finish line, and then, SURPRISE! Two more laps to go, except each lap gets slightly more difficult. For the second lap, Sebulba does mean things, causing more stuff to get in your way. Go straight ahead but go as fast as you can, before you get smashed by the falling pillar. The second time through the Tusken Raider area, there will be falling rocks. Watch out for those. The last area hasn't really changed, yet. Now the final lap. Head to the right in the first area, since the falling pillar pretty much made it impossible to go down the middle anymore. Also, the timer gets harder to beat. In the Tusken Raider area, the fallen rocks make manuevering very difficult. It may take a few tries to get around those rocks without crashing. The last area Sebulba is determined to win, and cheat if necessary. Avoid his bombs that bounce around, do what you did the first two laps, and you should win it. W00t. 5. Chapter 5 - Retake Theed Palace Characters to unlock- Padme' (Battle) R2-D2 Anakin Skywalker (boy) Ok, time to retake Naboo's capital from the droid armies of the Trade Federation. In this level you start with the two Jedi, Queen Amidala, or Padme in that form, Captain Panaka, R2D2 and young Anakin Skywalker. Head forward out of the starting place and have fun taking on all the battle droids, as well as a couple of droideka. I'd advise taking them out first. Use the Force on the scattered Lego pieces near the trail of silver studs to make some stairs for the rest of the group, and the use R2-D2 to open up the door. Also don't forget that R2 can float for a small amount of time. In the next area you will find a hole that will be hard for some to cross. Put the grapple hook on the top of the hole using the Force, and also use the Force on the Lego pieces near the hole to make a platform to jump across on. Use the Force on the small chute on the other side of the hole so Anakin can use his special ability to get across. Anakin can use his small size to travel in small chutes that lead to different places. Head into the circular room and prepare to be assaulted by droidekas and battle droids. Once you've taken care of them, step on one of the small circle buttons. Everyone else will step on the rest of them. This opens up a hallway that is full of handfuls of battle droids and some droidekas. Get rid of all of them and keep moving forward. Use R2 to open the door and head into the next area. Keep moving forward, being cautious of battle droids that tend to appear out of nowhere all the time. Use Legos to finish up some spiral steps near the far end of this area past the fountain, then go up those steps and use the Force on more Legos to create a bridge. Soon you will run into a locked gate, with a ledge on other side of a drop. Use the Force to blow up the big blocks on the other ledge. Destroy the flower vase right near the gate, revealing another small gate and a chute for Anakin to go in that leads to the other ledge. Use that chute to get to the other ledge, then use the chute on that ledge to get to the top, and have Anakin open the gate. This next area will greet you with several battle droids. Near the entrance, get one of the Jedi to stand on one of the blocks near a window, and have the other Jedi stand on the other block. Use the Force on the other block to move his up, and he will do the same to you, allowing you to reach the next ledge up. Use the Force on the folded up Lego to make it into a bridge and hop across. Also use the Force to open up the chute on that ledge so that Anakin can get up there. Step on one of the six buttons and everyone else should step on one too. The gate behind you will open. In this room, kill the droids and head up the stairs. Destroy the lone droideka and destroy the statue behind it to step on a button and open up a new hallway. Ok we're almost done, yes I know this level is pretty long, as well as very difficult when trying to get all of the canisters. In the next area you'll find out that there are six Naboo flightmen that are captured and being held prisoner by battle droids. Your task is to free them all. To free the first guy, move the big block that is a little ways on the left from the door using the Force, and then move the smaller blocks onto it. Hop up, use the Force to make an extra ledge so you go up even higher, then follow the ledges back toward the door. Fall down to a lower ledge, then hop across and destroy the battle droid guarding the Naboo guy. Two guys are being held near the starships by several droids. Near one of the starships, use the double-block Force thing you used earlier to get up on a ledge where two more guys are being held. Free them and then we only have one more. Yay. Near where you saved the first guy the last guy is being held on a ledge. Sorry for making you go back and forth. I'm just being mean. Use the Force to move Legos around and reach that ledge. Free him and then everyone is free. Use R2 to open the door that appears after saving the last Naboo pilot, and you win. Finally. Getting the stud meter full for this level is pretty difficult. Look for studs everywhere you can and beyond. Filling up the meter is going to take lots of time and patience, but it is possible. Just try to remember that. 6. Chapter 6 - Darth Maul Characters to unlock- None ***************************** Boss Fight- Darth Maul Part 1 Hearts: 3 ***************************** This level is essentially a long boss battle against the dreaded Darth Maul. This is pretty much the first boss fight in the game, and here we go. Your characters in this level are Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon. For the first part, deflect the blasts of the battle droids to kill them. Then Darth Maul will start hauling big Legos at you which hurt. Right before they are about to hit you, use the Force to stop them and deflect them back at him to damage him. Every time you hurt him he calls in more battle droids. Once you've hit him three times he will retreat to another area. Use the Force to make the bridge reappear. Head through the door to the next area. This part consists of Darth Maul running away while you chase him. Just be careful not to fall to your death. Use the Force to open more ledges, but be aware they only stay open momentarily. Head across a bridge to the next area. Maul once again runs away and gets rid of the bridge. You are then assaulted by many battle droids. They will keep coming unless you destroy the ones that are calling them in. Two circular bridges will appear with droidekas on them once you've finished off all the battle droids. Step on one of the buttons, the other jedi will do the same, and the bridge reappears. You will now be in a hallway where red force fields appear often. To get rid of them, use the control panels on the walls and Force them down to turn off the force fields. It's now time to finish Darth Maul. ****************************** Boss Fight - Darth Maul Part 2 Hearts: 10 ****************************** Darth Maul is a tricky character. To hurt him, you need to use the move where you jump in the air, then push B to slam your lighsaber into the ground. After taking a couple of those hits, he will start bouncing around like he's on crack or something. After a couple more hits he will keep bouncing around trying to throw stuff at you. Throw it back at him. After a few times of that he'll jump back down and then he'll use Force grip on you. Try to quickly switch to the other Jedi and slash Maul while he has the other Jedi that used to be you. Keep doing that until you defeat him, and enjoy the cutscene. Collecting enough studs to fill the stud meter shouldn't be too difficult. There aren't all that many places to have to search, and doing different things will get you more studs. Try to use the Force on everything you can to find more hidden studs. But other than that, enjoy the fact that we've finished Episode I! Enjoy another cutscene as well as the credits. They show up whenever you finish an Episode. b. Episode II - Attack of the Clones 1. Chapter 1 - Discovery On Kamino Characters to unlock- Obi-Wan Kenobi (Jedi Master) R4-P17 Beginning in this level you get an older version of Obi-Wan Kenobi and his handy R4 astromech droid. To start off, help out the Kamino guy who got knocked out by the explosion in the cutscene by using the Force to fix his pole thing. That'll cause a bridge to appear that will lead you inside the building. You can follow the Kamino guy in. Follow the next Kamino person through the circular hallway into the room on the left. Keep following down another hallway until you are in a room with light-up circles in the middle. Light all of them up by running on them and a thing will appear that you can use the Force on and witness the massive Clone armies. Continue down the hallway that was previously blocked by a gate, once again following a Kamino resident. Use the R4 droid to open the door at the end of the hallway. You will follow the Kamino resident down another hallway and into a door on the right. In this room you will encounter the notorious Jango Fett and his son Boba Fett. They rush past out of the room, leaving you to fight several flying blaster robots. An easy and effective way to kill them is to just deflect their blasts back at them. Head back out of the room to discover a force field has been set up near the end of the hallway, and mounted guns on the ceiling are trying to kill you. Deflecting their blasts back at them is the easiest and most efficient way to destroy them. Jango is waiting behind the now gone force field. Follow him into the room on the right. Follow him again into the chute he jumps down, leading outside. Follow him along the walkway but be wary of the bombs he has set up. They'll kill you in one blast, so here's what to do. Go near them, and they will start to go off. Run back a little ways, and let them explode, then jump over the hole they create. Simple. Continue following him until you reach a retracted bridge. Step on the button with Obi-Wan to open part of it back up, and then fly across with the R4 droid to step on the other button that will make it possible for Obi-Wan to get across. Use the Force near the door to remove some Legos revealing a place where R4 can hack into the door and open it. Jango will already have beaten you and will have two ports open where more of those blaster robots appear and attack you. However, this time they don't stop coming. To make them stop, use R4 to close the ports since his label is right near them meaning he can close them. They won't attack R4 because they are more focused on Obi-Wan. Use the Force at the end of the hallway to reveal another slot for R4, and then use the droid to open the door. Oh snap its Jango! And he's got his son manning his deadly ship. There really aren't any more studs after this point, so here's the recap. Getting the stud meter filled up in this level isn't really that difficult, but its much easier to do if you're on Free Play and have more of the agile characters to work with and to get to those places where lots of studs reside. ************************************************ Boss Fight: Jango Fett/Boba Fett in Slave I ship Hearts: 10 ************************************************ Starting off, to hurt Jango simply deflect his shots back at him with the lightsaber. After a few times hurting him like that, he'll start using his jetpack to fly around, and Slave I will open fire. Move around and then find a spot where you can keep deflecting Jango and hurting him. Once he's only got four hearts left, he'll move to a corner and start launching homing missiles at you. Use the Force to deflect these back at Jango to damage him. Once he's only got one heart left, the Slave I stops firing, he comes back to the surface, and begins running from you. Catch up to him and slash him with the lightsaber to win the level, even though he and his son escape. 2. Chapter 2 - Droid Factory Characters to unlock- Anakin Skywalker (Padawan) Padme' C-3P0 In this level you get to start with Anakin (slightly more grown up), and his new girlfriend Padme (wasn't she like, 10 years older than him before?) Anyway, move forward, and watch out for the pesky bug-like Geonosians. It gets annoying chasing them, so using the Force on them or deflecting their blasts is probably the way to go. After getting past them you'll be in the massive droid making factory. Watch out as the ledge retracts and you fall onto the conveyer belt. Read the pattern of the crushing mechanisms and work your way through, but avoid getting smashed. Watch out for the droideka, and keep going. After getting off the conveyer belt R2-D2 will tag along. Use the Force on the Lego fans on the wall to create streams of air that lift you upwards to grab some extra studs. The third one helps you reach a ledge and the next area. Use Padme' grappling hook to get up to a ledge and shoot the target to cause a pot to appear that will serve as a bridge. do the same on the second ledge to reach a ledge with another target that will make the big pot move up to another area. Hop off, or find a hidden switch if you get dropped by the pot and use Padme to shoot the target so you can get back up to the ledge where it dropped you down. Keep moving to the right, using the pots to get you from ledge to ledge. Avoid falling or getting caught in the big blue flames. Use R2 to open up a door leading to the next area. Hey look its C-3P0. The door on the other side of the room requires the use of C-3P0 to open it. To get him across, use Anakin to use the Force on the circular platforms getting them to move around in circles so that C-3P0 can step on, since he cannot jump. Once you've gotten C-3P0 across, open the door and head on outside. Be wary. There are lots of Geonosians out here that really want you dead. Just keep moving to the right until you reach an impassable pool of lava. Use Padme's grappling hook to get her up to a ledge with some Legos that she can blast down onto the lava. Use Anakin to make these Legos into a platform, and use this platform to have R2 cross and use one of his control pads to make a bridge expand for the rest of the gang. Take out the two droidekas and use C-3P0 to open up the door. Use R2 on the conveyer belts to make Legos appear. Have Anakin use the Force to place the one big Lego box right in front of the force field. Shoot it with Padme' to blow the force field away. Once past the force field, you will find Obi-Wan trapped, surrounded by droidekas, battle droids, and Geonosians. Have fun taking them all out, and then free Obi-Wan by using the Force on the Legos holding him in place. Yay you win the level 3. Chapter 3 - Jedi Battle Characters to unlock- Mace Windu Padme' (Clawed) In this level you get to start with Mace Windu, one of the coolest of Jedi's in my opinion. This is the big arena fight scene where it's basically the Jedi versus a big battle/Super battle droid/droideka/Geonosian army in a big arena fight. Sounds fun, eh? The arena fight has several various "stages". These stages consist of several character circles appearing near the top of the screen indicating who you need to destroy to advance to the next "stage." The first consists of five red (security) battle droids and two droidekas. Look for them around the area and take them out. They will be guarding Padme'. Once you've defeated them, use the Force on the post holding Padme' to free her. Next will be saving Anakin, who is guarded by five Super battle droids and two droidekas. Super battle droids are somewhat tougher than regular battle droids, but not too much. Once they're defeated, use the Force on Anakin's post to free him. Now it's time to save Obi-Wan, who is guarded by 2 Super battle droids and five droidekas. Yeah that might take a few lives to kill. The best advice I can give there is to try focusing on taking out one droideka at a time while blocking the blasts from the others. Once you've beaten all of them, go ahead and free Obi-Wan. Yay refinforcements. Six red battle droids will enter in from a gate. You have to defeat them to keep on beating the level. They are scattered around the arena, sometimes hidden in the chaotic middle. The character icons at the top will always let you know how many of them are left. By the way, don't bother trying to kill all of the enemies. They never stop coming. Just focus on getting those six red battle droids. After probably several minutes of searching, you should have been able to defeat the six battle droids. Next you have to defeat three red droids and three Super battle droids. Finding them may be a pain, but after they are defeated, only one foe to go. ********************** Boss Fight: Jango Fett Hearts: 10 ********************** Yep, Jango Fett is back, and now its time to finish him for good. Hurt him like you did the first time by simply deflecting his shots back at him. After a few hits of that he will come down to the ground and fight you. Owning him them should be pretty simple and easy. With only a couple of hearts left, he will run away and try to start shooting missiles at you. Use the Force to send them back at him to finish him off for good. That will be the end of Jango Fett. Filling up the stud meter for this level should be extremely easy. I did it simply by just running around the arena and picking up studs laying around. Achieving Jedi status for this level should be too easy. 4. Chapter 4 - Gunship Calvary Characters to unlock- None This is like the podrace level in which you are operating a vehicle. However, this time your vehicle has guns, with which you annilihate the enemy. The Clone starship is pretty easy to manuever, just avoid falling off the cliff and getting caught in the crossfire lasers of the wall guns. Just read the patterns of the lasers and time yourself to get across without being shot. Soon you will come up to a wall with an electric field. Destroy the hinges on both sides of it to pass, but be quick or else you'll get killed by the electric wall if it's not shut off. A little more ways ahead, after being very careful around those cliff edges, will be another electric. Destroy the hinges again to turn it off. That will lead to the next and final area in this short level. You must destroy the massive globe ship in this one. To do this, fly around the base of it, destroying the guns shooting at you. Destroying the guns will turn off shields guarding parts of the globe ship. Destroy the parts that were guarded by shields. Be careful, you have a limited amount of time to do this. But once you have destroyed the things guarded by shields, you will have beaten the level. That was easy. The key to getting Jedi status in this one is to not die, while shooting all that you can to get more studs. In the first part, shooting the silos with the circles around them will give you studs, and in the second area shooting the enemy spider droids and rolling wheels will give you studs. Shouldn't be too difficult. 5. Chapter 5 - Count Dooku Characters to unlock- Yoda This level is basically another extended boss battle, just like the Darth Maul battle. Chase Dooku into the building to start off. Dooku will send several guards to try to hold you up. Easily dispatch of them and keep moving forward after him. In the room with the Geonosians, have one Jedi step on the button to the right. The other will step on the one that's on a platform that the first causes to appear. Step on that button to have the Jedi step on the next platform, and continue this pattern until you reach the top ledge. Have one Jedi use the force on one of the levers, and the other will do the same to the other lever. This will open up the locked door. Time to fight Dooku. *********************** Boss Fight: Count Dooku Hearts: 10 *********************** To begin, use the double jump-B move to damage him a few times, after which he will retreat and begin emitting waves of Force that will throw you back if you try to go near him. He will then start using the Force to throw objects at you. Throw them back with your own Force. Do this a few times to hurt him. Then Yoda appears. Oh yeah. Yoda is unique in that he doesn't walk places, he jumps, unless he is in his floating pod. Yoda can walk, but he walks extremely slow, so its better to jump. Use his awesome double jump-B move to harm Dooku a few more times, after which he will retreat and use that Force emitting wave move again. He will then start sending blasts of Force at you to hurt you, but deflect them back to knock him around instead. Afte that, you can start finishing him off by either landing blows or that double jump-B move. Once you've beaten him he will retreat and you will have won, also finishing Episode II! Finishing the stud meter should be really easy for this level, but it is probably easier to do under Free Mode so you can explore the entire level. But anyway, congrats on beating Episode II! Only one episode to go. c. Episode III - Revenge of the Sith 1. Chapter 1 - Battle over Coruscant Characters to unlock- None This is another of the levels where you operate a vehicle, and once again, it is pretty fun. In this one you are flying Anakins starship during the big battle above Coruscant against General Grievous and his droid armies, as well as the armies of the Separatists. Gotta rescue the Chancellor! The ship is in autopilot, just like with the clone trooper mission. All you have to do is steer and shoot. Dying in this level can come quick, as hitting a wall of a ship or getting shot too many times in all of the crossfire will put an end to you pretty fast. Just be the one doing the shooting, and everything should be fine. You get studs from shooting enemy ships and turrets. Also for this level, just like in piloting, up means going down, and down means going up. You can change this in the options menu if you don't like it. Before too long you'll be heading towards a shot that has five big red button-like things on its side. Blow all five of them up to make a way for you to keep going. If you fail to do this, you're going to ram into the ship and die. Keep shooting everything you can while you travel. This not only prevents you from getting hurt, but should fill up that stud meter. Soon you will come to a tower on a ship that has two red circles just like the first one. Shoot these two so the tower will fall over and you can keep going. Not long after that one, you will have another ship appear, with two red circles on either side of a force field. Blow up the circles to keep going. Soon you will be in a fairly empty space with a big ship ahead of you with a force field stopping you from entering. This is General Grievous' ship. Also during this part tons and tons of ships and missiles will be flying everywhere; a great chance to get those studs. Shooting the walls on either side of this force field will shut it off, and you can land in Grievous' ship, thus beating the mission. Honestly, filling up the stud meter for this one should be extremely easy. All you have to do is shoot lots of stuff, and it should be filled up fairly quickly. 2. Chapter 2 - Chancellor in Peril Characters to unlock- Obi-Wan Kenobi (Episode III) Anakin Skywalker (Jedi) Chancellor Palpatine Ok, time to save the Chancellor from Grievous and his minions. In this one we start as Obi-Wan and Anakin. Grievous runs off sending droids to fight you. Use the Force on the door he shut to break it open. Watch out for battle droids in this next area. Jump off to platform to fight several more battle droids and a couple Super battle droids. What fun. Use the Force on the two walls on either side of the tube to make platforms for you to jump up it. Surprise, more droids. Break the two gates on either tube so that you can walk through them. Both essentially take you to the same place. Oh snap, droidekas, and battle droids, and then more battle droids. Take them all out and keep going. Hey look its R2-D2! Use him to open up some of these doors and get stuff. Anyway, keep moving once you feel like it. Using the Force on the block in one of the doors will move it to the next room. I believe blowing it up in there with the Force cause a ramp to fall down. Just don't get smashed by it like I have. Be careful on the ledges in this next area and don't fall off, but do try to deflect the blasts back at those pesky battle droids and take them out. Make a ledge using the Force on Legos near that platform where the battle droid on the right was shooting you. Hop up, use the Force again, and take an elevator to the next ledge. Watch out for the droideka. Use R2 to open up the door and keep moving. It's teh Chancellor! And, Count Dooku again. *********************** Boss Fight: Count Dooku Hearts: 6 *********************** Dooku is much easier this time, except he has several battle droids helping him. I'd advise taking them out first, and then focusing on Dooku. Before too long, he'll pull a Darth Maul and use that move where he tries to Force grip you to death. Quickly switch out to the other character and slash him. At four hearts, he will jump up to a higher platform, guarded by Super battle droids. Run up there and try and take out the Super battle droids first, then hurt him. Just watch out as he'll keep using that Force grip move on you. At two hearts he will jump back down. Finish him from there. Yay we saved the Chancellor, but the level isn't over yet. ************* End of Fight ************* I do believe this is the first time we've beaten a boss and the level didn't end. Anyway, keep moving, we're almost done. Head up the stairs and down the hallway. Ok in this next area you're about to be killed by a collapsing wall, I think that's what it is. Run away from it, following the trail of studs should lead you safely. Once you've reached the door, you're safe. Head through the door and up the stairs. Follow the ledge, and use the Force on the Lego to make the pressure of steam stop so you can walk through. R2 can walk tbrough the second one and turn it off for the rest of the group. Use the Force on the Legos right next to the R2 icon to make a ramp he can follow the group. Have R2 open up the big door so we can keep going. Time for Grievous, except he escapes and leaves you to fight his uber guards. These guys are for cereal, so don't take them lightly. Even with their heads chopped off they will keep fighting. Once in the control room, watch out for several battle droids, and then pull the two levers together with the Force to beat the chapter. Filling up the stud meter for this one may be slightly difficult. You'll most likely have to scrounge aroud in Free Play mode, using various characters to find more and more studs, but it shouldn't prove to be too difficult. 3. Chapter 3 - General Grievous Characters to unlock- Commander Cody Ok, this time we're gonna get Grievous and take him down for good. You have a Clone Commander helping Obi-Wan Kenobi in this boss battle. **************************** Boss Fight: General Grievous Hearts: 10 **************************** Ok, the crazy thing about Grievous is..he has four lightsabers. Yikes. Ironically, hitting him with yours shouldn't be too difficult. One hit makes him go flying across a ravine. Have Commander Cody shoot the things on either side of Grievous to cause an explosion that will damage him again. He will jump back into that center ring and keep fighting. Hit him a couple more times and he will jump off onto a higher ledge away from that center platform. Use the Force on those scattered Lego pieces to make a bridge, and cross it. Make your way up the ledges, and use the Force on the Legos near Grievous to make something for Commander Cody to stand on. Shoot the exploding Lego near Grievous to hurt him again. You may have to jump in the air, and it may take a few tries, but you can do it. Now Grievous is halfway beaten. Grievous will retreat back to the center ring, so go back down to engage him again. Be careful not to fall off the ledges. A couple more hits later he'll jump off to an even higher ledge. UGH. Use the scattered Legos near where he was the second time he jumped away to be able to get up there. Ok, use the Force on the exploding Lego canister in the small cave up there so it gets moved to where Grievous is. Shoot it with your Clone friend, and Grievous will once again retreat to the center ring. Head back there again, and finish him. The stud meter for this one is best done in Free Play mode, where you can use more characters to get to the places that have more studs. But with that, it shouldn't be all that difficult to fill it up. A small level like this one=very easy to find all the studs you will need. 4. Chapter 4 - Defense of Kashyyyk Characters to unlock- Chewbacca Wookiee Ok, this is a fairly long level, and can be a somewhat difficult one too. I'll go ahead and say it now, collecting the canisters and filling the stud meter for this level are extremely difficult. Good luck with that. With the stud meter, you will literally need to find every single stud you can, and this is a pretty big level. I hope it's not every single stud, but it's probably almost every one you can find. Here we go. You start off with Yoda and..Chewie!! Alright! Use A when walking with Yoda for him to go in his floating pod, since his walk is extremely slow. His lightsabers moves are pretty sick though. Use the Force on the two panels to cause the bridge to fall down. At this point, the Clone troopers are no longer your friends. Aw darn. Now you have to defeat them. At first they will pretend to be your ally, but up ahead when you get to the circular area where several are, you get betrayed. Take them all out, and keep moving. Also enjoy getting to use Yoda's sick lightsaber moves. Use the Force again to cause the bridge to be available. Now you have some Wookies to rescue. Head towards the pods where they intersect into three different ones. Use the Force on Legos to make a way for Chewie to grapple up to a pod above and rescue one of the Wookies. The second Wookie is dead ahead from where you entered this collection of pod-like platforms. The third Wookie is actually back at that big tree you passed. Use the grappling hook to move up the ledges, and then you'll find the last Wookie guarded by a couple of clones. Take them out and free the last Wookie, then head back near where the second one was and keep going. You'll find a platform with several buttons to stand on. Each character should be able to step on one button each, causing a bridge to fall down. Head down into the next area. You will see armies of droids invading a beach. You'll need to get past them to keep moving. Be aware that they do not stop coming however. Also watch out for the clone walker. And, oh look. Armies of clones are invading too. They're working together now, and they're all against you and your friends. Have fun slaughtering them if you want to, but if not, head past where they are all going and you will find a big wall blocking the way to the next area. Use the Force on the grass closest to that wall on the left side to reveal a place where the Wookies can grapple up. Use that to shoot the target on the right of the door. For the target on the left, use the Legos on the beach with the Force to create a bridge that lets you travel across the top and shoot the other target. The door will open and you can keep moving. This next area is much quieter, that is, until you run into all of the battle droids. They are being called in by commanders who are on ledges on the other side of the swamp. Take them out to end the flow battle droids, then head into the next area. Prepare to get greeted by lots of clones and battle droids. Take 'em out and keep moving. Up ahead is a walker. Yoda is the fastest and most efficient way to take it out. Before you start heading up the slopes, use the Force on the grass to find some steps so that the Wookies can follow you, because you are going to need them. Start heading up the slopes, and you can destroy the boulders falling down with the Force or your lightsaber, or a blaster if you're using the Wookies. Use the Force on the Legos near the top gate to make it possible to get up there, and step on one of the two buttons. Another character should step on the second, and you can walk through. Up ahead is another walker, quickly joined by battle droids and clones. You should probably take out the walker first, and then focus on the others. Up ahead is your way out of here. Take out the clones, and before more appear, use the Force on the four objects in the center to light them up. Break them with your lightsaber as well, and the ship will apear. Use the Force on it to pull it up and have the door open up. Run inside to finish the level. 5. Chapter 5 - Ruin of the Jedi Characters to unlock- None Time to save what Jedi you can and get away from the traitorous clones. You start with Obi-Wan and Yoda. Watch out up ahead. Those aren't Jedi; they're clones disguised as Jedi. Take them out and move past them. Continue up the steps to the Jedi Temple and use the Force to make the doors open. Head on inside. Watch out for the clones up ahead. Use the Force on the pillar that isn't broken to make some steps to head up the ledge where the first clones in the temple were. Head to the right, and drop down where the big globe is. Head through the door on the right to the next area, where you'll be in a long hallway that branches off to the right and left a few times. Clones will jump out from behind corners and attack you, so be careful. Head down the path into a big room with designs on the floor and halls that surround most of the room. Head into the one that is the 2nd farthest on the right. Use the Force to pull out the ledges, as well as grab lots of studs, and work your way up them. However they only stay out for a limited amount of time, so make sure you get up there quickly. Use the upper-most ledges to get to the top and push the button. After pushing that button hop down to the ledge below it and pull the lever now that the force field is gone. Lights should appear on the floor below. Head into the hall on the right of that one, using the same method to be able to get to the ledge and pull the level, causing more lights to appear on the floor. Now head to the furthest hall on the left, using the Force and the ledges to get to the lever and pull it with the Force. A door will open up, and so head through it. More clones will attack. Chop them up and then use the Force on the control panel. That will be the end of the level. Filling up the stud meter for this level isn't too difficult, but it is best done when in Free Play mode, to reach the places that Obi-Wan and Yoda could not. 6. Chapter 6 - Darth Vader Characters to unlock- None Finally! The last level, which is like an extended boss fight against the brand-new Darth Vader. The level starts with the room falling apart behind you. Run forward, avoiding the pits of lava, and don't get caught in the explosions. Some parts will require you to double-jump, and you'll probably die a few times before you understand where all of the lava pits are. Once you are out of there, you'll be in a room that is falling apart and has a limited amount of time before it collapses and you die. You don't fight Anakin at all, but to extend the time to escape the room, use the Force on the pillars lying around to make the room more stable, giving you more time to grab studs and escape the room. To escape the room, go near the big door on the right, and move the pillars out of the way to get out of the room. Use the pillars lying around to give you more time if you need it. Now time to chase after Anakin. Be careful not to fall off any ledges. Step on one of the buttons with Anakin to cause a ledge to fall down that makes it possible to keep moving. A little more forward, help Anakin put the two red Legos on the circular Lego that rotates so you can use the Force on it, causing it to spin and making a bridge rise up. Almost time to fight Anakin. Now you really have to be careful, because one wrong step means you're gonna be burnt to a crisp in the lava. Hop across the beams, and then hop onto one of the rocks floating in the lava. They don't last very long before being consumed by the lava. Head to your left, hopping until you are on a sort of tower-like object. Climb to the top until it falls over, and then hop onto the large rock formation to begin your fight with Anakin/Darth Vader. Quick note, filling up the stud meter for this level should be extremely easy. In the timed room, grab all of the studs in there, and that should be more than enough to fill up the meter and give you Jedi status for the level. Simple simple. ******************************* Boss Battle: Anakin/Darth Vader Hearts: 10 ******************************* Woah! You get 10 hearts as well, which will come in handy since Anakin is a tough cookie, and hurts you quickly. Use slashing moves, as well as the double jump-A move to hurt him. Once you've hurt him enough, the cutscene shows up of Obi-Wan defeating Anakin, and..WOW. You just beat Episode III and won the game. Congratz! However, there's still lots to unlock and buy, as well as Free Play mode. The replay value of this game is great. Enjoy the end game scenes. =============================================================================== V. Collecting the Canisters - This section goes over collecting all of the canisters for each and every level in Lego Star Wars. All of these should be done using Free Play mode. Also, my apologies if some of these seem out of order. To save time, some of these may not be meant to be in order. Canister #9 for one level could be found near the beginning, for example. a. Episode I levels Chapter 1 - Negotiations #1. In the first room to the right, use TC-14 to open the door, and use one character to stand on a button and the other character will do the same. Destroy the battle droids and grab the canister. #2. In the first hallway, use the Force on every lever to have a canister appear at the end of the hallway. Jump up to grab it. #3. At the end of the first hallway, make a left and have TC-14 open the door. Inside, have young Anakin use the chute to get to the top ledge, and push the button, turning off the force field. Move the blocks around with the Force so that Jar-Jar or someone can jump up to the ledge where the canister is. #4. In the second hallway, use the Force on all of the levers to cause a canister to appear at the end of that hallway. Jump up to grab it. #5. Have an R2 unit open the door in the middle of the second hallway. High up in the air in that room is a canister. Have Jar-Jar double jump to grab it. #6. Use the force on the ship in the same room as #5 to cause it to fly across into the other side. Use the Force on the vent in the rooom to cause it to move. Jump up into it using Jar-Jar and head to the other side of the room. Use R2 to float across the abyss, and jump on top of the ship, and above it is a canister floating in mid-air. Use an R2 droid on the R2 panel near that ship to make it easier to get back to the other side of the room. #7. In the small room where you enter the vent to enter the main hangar area with the droids, there is a canister floating in the air. Use Jar-Jar to grab it. #8. In the main hangar, use the Force on the big object to the left to be able to get up the ledge. Use R2 to open the door. Have one character stand on a button, causing a button to rise up out of the ground. Use that to jump into the paneled cases on either side of the locked up canister. Have one character stand on each of the buttons in there once the panel falls down, and then grab the now available canister. #9. In the main hangar, where the ledge is next to the room where #8 is, use the big Lego block to move it near the ledge so that Jar-Jar can jump up there and grab the canister sitting on the ledge. You may need one or two more blocks to succesfully jump up there. They are laying around on the floor. #10. In the main hangar, near where the force field gate is, use the Force to move the biggest block to the center, then stack the smaller ones on top. Use the Force on the level on the wall near the blocks to cause a mechanism to move back and forth. Jump up with Jar-Jar onto the mechanism and let it carry you to where the last canister is floating in the air. Chapter 2 - Invasion of Naboo #1. In the space to the right of the beginning of the level, move the rocks using the Force to be able to shoot the target on the tree. A canister will appear that you can grab. #2. Above where the droid transporter is that you destroy near the beginning of the level is a floating canister. Jar-Jar can reach it. #3. Hidden behind Legos in the first part where you are traveling along ledges, in corner, is a canister on a ledge. Jar-Jar can jump up there and grab it. #4. Using the Force on Legos in the second area where you traveling along ledges will make it possible to reach a canister that is below the ledges without falling to your death. #5. In the second area with the ledges, there will be a chute for young Anakin. Have him travel down it and he will end up on a ledge with a canister right in front of him. #6. Hidden in a cavern that is barricaded by tall Legos in the swamp area is a canister. Remove the tall Legos with the Force and grab the canister. #7. In the final area before the lake, there will be robot pieces. Move the legs first, then the body, then the head with the Force. If you piece them correctly, a canister will appear nearby. #8. If you destroy the tree near the beginning of the level that you used the Force on to move it out of the way, a canister will appear. #9. At the steps at the first part of the level, there is a canister floating high in the air. Use the Force on the grass near it to reveal a Lego. Move that with the Force, making it possible to reach that canister with Jar-Jar. #10. In the beginning area, if you completely destroy the droid transporter that you blew up, there will be a hole in the ground. Drop down the hole to grab the canister. Chapter 3 - Escape from Naboo #1. In the beginning area, where the blastable doors are near where you grapple up to ledge, you can use the Force on the Legos between the doors to turn them into blocks. Move those blocks with the Force to make a stack of three, and use Jar-Jar to jump on top of them, and then jump high in the air to grab a floating mini-kit canister piece. #2. Before you enter the second area, use the Force on the Legos in the wall to move them around and make steps. Use Jar-Jar to ascend them, and then R2 to float across and grab a floating canister. #3. In the third area, hop down the ledges until you are as far down as you can get without falling into abyss. Follow the ledge to the right to find a canister just sitting there. #4. Go to the ledge where there is a somewhat large abyss and across it a couple of battle droids are shooting at you. Take them out and float across using R2. Use a character with a grapple to leap up on the hook spot, and take out the two droidekas guarding a canister on a higher ledge. After they've been taken out, grapple up to the ledge with the canister and grab it. #5. Before arriving at the big gate with the targets on it, use the grapple on one of the inside ledges, to go up, then head down the stairs, and grapple again to get to a ledge with a canister guarded by a couple of battle droids. Kill the battle droids and collect the canister. #6. After using the same first grapple as canister #5, you will see a small chute immediately after using the grapple spot. Use young Anakin to travel in it, and then you will find yourself in a small place with a canister in plain view. Easy to get, and no enemies guarding it. #7. In the last area, destroy the trees near the edges of the second and third domes. Use the Force on the stands left behind for the trees to pile both of them on top of the second button on the second dome. Use Jar-Jar to jump up and grab a canister floating high in the air. #8. In the last area, there will be several objects guarded by cages that are protected. Step on the buttons on top of the domes to free them. One of the cages near the entrance to the area holds a canister. Destroy the cage with a lightsaber, blaster, etc. and grab the canister. #9. In the second section, head directly backwards instead of going down the stairs and you will run into a plain view, easy to grab canister. #10. This level is impossible to beat without grabbing this canister. Once you've destroyed the gates surrounding the various objects in the dome section, in the last area, the hole that lets you beat the level has a canister floating over top of it. Hop down the hole to grab the last canister. Chapter 4 - Mos Espa Podrace I'm not going into great detail about picking up the canisters in this level. This is simply because it is extremely easy to collect them all here since they are all somewhere on the Mos Espa track. None are really hidden anywhere, and generally they are in plain view. It is easy to miss them sometimes, but since there are three laps, it should be very easy to find and/or grab any of the canisters you have missed. Hopefully collecting the canisters for this level is extremely easy for you, because it should be. There are maybe one or two canisters that aren't somewhere right in front of you during the race, and even then, they aren't difficult to locate. Good luck. Chapter 5 - Retake Theed Palace It is worth noting that for this level you will need someone who is a Dark Force user, such as Darth Maul, Count Dooku, etc. if you wish to collect all of the canisters. #1. In the opening area with the many battle droids and droidekas, there will be grapple spots for higher areas. Use them to reach those areas, and you will find a canister behind a wall. Simply run around the other side of the room that the canister is in behind that wall and collect it. #2. In the second area, in the circular room with the statue, destroy the statue to reveal a button. Step on that button to reveal a canister hidden in the wall. Simply grab it. #3. Find the Dark Jedi room. This room has the red lights on the wall, and is located within the hallways part. Use the Dark Force on the black object, and hop up the into the next room. In that room, use the Dark Force on the wall to destroy it, revealing a canister sitting in the air. Jump to grab it.. #4. In the area with the fountains, you will find a chute for young Anakin. Travel through it, appearing up on a ledge. Jump using Jar-Jar from that ledge to another to the right. Then use the Force on some Legos in the wall to make a step to another ledge, where you can follow a trail of studs and find another canister. #5. In the are with the fountains you will find some grapple spots. Use them to reach a ledge where you will find a canister waiting in a room. Simply jump in and grab it. #6. In the area past the gate that you had to open with the button, not far in you will find a ledge that is below you that has a canister sitting on it. Hop down to get it. #7. The canister in the throne room is a bit tricky to get to. Use the tables near the far corner to the left of the big door and make some steps. Jump up those into the little room. Grapple up to another ledge, then work your way up and follow the ledges all the way around to the left until you run into the canister on the ledge. #8. In the left part of the hangar will be a whole bunch of ledges. Travel up the ledges to the farthest part to the left, mainly using Jar-Jar and the Force to move stuff around, and soon you find a ledge where a canister awaits. Jar-Jar can grab it fairly easily. This ledge can also be reached via grapple spot where the pilot is being guarded on the far left ledge. #9. In the hangar, head to the left again. Head up the ledge that rests on the left side of the door, farthest from the door. Use R2 to float across to the highest ledge in the room, that extends all the way around the hangar. Follow it, jumping across gaps when necessary, and eventually you will find yourself on a ledge where a canister awaits. Grab it. #10. In the beginning area with all of the droids, there is a spot where you can grapple up on the right side of the path that leads to the door. Grapple up and you will see a small round window. Destroy the window and jump in to grab the canister. Chapter 6 - Darth Maul #1. On the other side of the first area with Darth Maul, there is a canister floating above a Naboo starfighter. Jump up to grab it. #2. Fix the broken Naboo starfighter to the left of the door in the first area and jump on top, using Jar-Jar to double jump and reach the canister floating in the air. #3. In the room with the ledges and the spiraling object where you are chasing Maul, follow the bottom-most ledge of the spiral until you see a bridge that heads out from it and follow that to grab a canister easily. #4. In the third area, to the right of the door is a pad for R2. Use that to get a platform moving back and forth, so you can jump on it when it gets near, then ride it over to where a canister is floating in mid-air and grab it. #5. In the third area, to the left of the door is a pad for R2. Use that to get a platform moving back and forth, so you can jump on it when it gets near, then ride it over to where a canister is floating in mid-air and grab it. #6. In the room where you fight Darth Maul, after he starts using the Legos to make the ledges, jump up them using Jar-Jar to grab a canister floating in the air. #7. In the room where you fight Darth Maul, after he starts using the Legos to make the ledges, jump up them using Jar-Jar to grab a canister floating in the air. #8. In the room where you fight Darth Maul, after he starts using the Legos to make the ledges, jump up them using Jar-Jar to grab a canister floating in the air. #9. Before heading to the second area, use teamwork (aka Force) to help each other move the ledges on either side of the door. Use R2 on the switch, and a door opens. In this room you will have to fight tons and tons of droids, but they will stop coming eventually. Use you and your partner to run across all 10 lights on the floor before they turn back off. Once you start running along one set of them, your partner will do the same with the other. A canister will appear if you do this successfully. Jump up to grab it at the end of the room. #10. Use the grapple spot in the second area to be able to work your way to the top of the spiral object. There are a bajillion studs up here and also some unfriendly droids. Take care of the droids (and the studs). You will see a yellowish Lego crate. Use the Force to spin a screw several times causing the yellow Lego to move higher and higher up. Jump up onto it using Jar-Jar and then grab the canister that is floating up in the air. b. Episode II Levels Chapter 1 - Discovery on Kamino #1. In the starting area outside, follow the small bridge leading away from your ship with two wheel-like Legos on the ground. Use the Force on them to have them connect to a pole and have part of the bridge move upwards. Jump up using Jar-Jar or another high jumper. Jump up again to grab the canister out of the air. #2. In the starting area outside, follow the small bridge leading away from your ship, but quickly has a gap. Use the R2 droid to float across the gap and collect the canister that awaits in a pod on the other side. #3. In the room where you first see the clone chambers, go down the hallway that the Kamino guy isn't trying to lead you down. Use C3P0 to open the door. Once inside, stand on the button on the platform. Another platform will appear that your partner will go to. The button on that will cause another platform to appear in front of you. Follow this pattern until you get all the way to the other side of the room where a canister awaits high up in the air for you. Use the Force on the Legos below the canister to make it possible to reach it, and then jump up to get it. #4. In the hallway where you first see the clone chambers that the Kamino guy is trying to lead you down, use the Force on all of the lights in the hallway to make a canister appear near the door. Jump up to get it. #5. In the hallway where you first run into Jango and Boba Fett, instead of going into the room that the Kamino guy is standing at, head to room on the left. Inside, you will find 16 circles. Stand on one of the ones that are lit up, and your partner will stand on the other. Then two more will appear. Do the same pattern. Continue this until all 16 circles have been lit up and a canister will appear in the room. Simply jump up to grab it. Even better, this will start a big Star Wars disco jam that everyone in the room will start dancing to. It's pretty sweet haha. #6. In Jango's room, you will find a canister locked away in a case next to an unfinished portrait of Jango. Use the Force on the panel next to the case and it will spit of pieces of the Jango portrait. Do this four times and then fix the Jango portrait to make the canister reachable. #7. In the second room that Jango runs into, you will find another canister locked away in case. There will be two triangles of three circles on the wall, with the same on the ground. Follow the pattern of which circle on the triangle to stand on, and your partner will help out too with the other triangle. After three matches the case will be opened and you can jump in and grab the canister. #8. Once you are outside for the second time chasing Jango, don't follow him once he heads to the building that takes you back inside. Instead keep going to the right and you will find a grapple hook spot. Use that to reach a next level. Use C3P0 on the panel to make it possible to shoot several targets on a wall. Move up and down the platform shooting the targets. Once you have shot them all, the canister visible in the glass case will now be available to grab. #9. In the hallway in the building you chase Jango into, use the Force on the black object guarding a room, and then enter. I'm fairly certain this takes a Dark Force user. In that room, use the Force on one of the blue streaming poles, and your partner will do the same, revealing a sneak attack of droids. Once they are beaten, grab the available canister. #10. In the same room that you used C3P0 to get into and grab canister #3, hop along the platforms again and you will see a target in the middle of the north part of the room. Shoot it to make a bridge extend. There are five chutes with different "prizes" in them. Enter one with Anakin to see which one it goes to, and then the place where you got the prize will open. Do this until you have gotten the one that gives you the canister. For me it was the one on the far right, but it may switch up. Chapter 2 - Droid Factory #1. At the start of the level, head backwards instead of forward. Not far behind you a canister is sitting on the floor surrounded by a handful of studs. Easy. #2. In the second area, where you are actually in the factory, head left from where the platform slides in, causing you to fall onto the conveyer belt. Use a high jumper like Jar-Jar to jump up onto a ledge where Anakin can use a chute to get to an even higher ledge where a canister awaits. #3. In the place in the second area where you use the Force to make the fans blow you into the air, go onto the second one and then follow it backwards. You'll find a Lego piece that you can move with the Force. Use the Force on it again once it is in place to rotate that part of the platform. Grapple up using the grapple spot, then shoot the target next to the door to make it possible for R2 to open the door. Inside the room are three different colored tubes that R2 can mess with, as well as a canister within a case that you cannot get to. The tube colors are, from left to right, red, yellow, and blue. There is a fourth tube with a different color on it, which you must make. Ex. use the red and blue tubes to make orange. Once you have succesfully made three colors, you can now reach the canister. Jump up to grab it. #4. In the third area, there are two platforms where you can shoot the target to cause the big bucket to move around. On the platform on the right, use Jar-Jar to jump up high to a platform where a canister rests on the ground. #5. In the third area, find the room that has an R2 panel next to it. Use R2 to open the door and step inside. Work your way to the right, hopping across the moving platforms, being careful not to fall and die. There is a canister waiting on a still platform on the other side of the room. #6. In the fourth area, simply use the first grapple spot you encounter as you attempt to get across the room. It will take you to a small platform where another grapple spot is right next to it. Floating between both of them is a canister that you can jump to reach. #7. Outside, in the area with the lava and the many Genosian holes in the wall, find a spot where some Legos form a gate to a hole in the wall. Destroy the gate, and use the Force on the Legos to create ledges. Use the ledge on the left to jump up high and find a canister sitting in a hole in the wall. #8. Head into the room outside that is guarded by Lego gates. Inside this room will be several R2 panels, and many walls that have force fields, making almost a maze. There is a canister protected by a force field wall. Use the first R2 panel to free up some of the studs and other areas guarded by force fields. Use the second R2 switch that is now available to free up different parts of the room. Use the third R2 switch to free up a fourth, and use that fourth R2 switch to make the canister reachable and easy to grab. #9. Before heading back into the factory from outside in the lava area, follow the trail that leads past the door to the next area. There is a canister sitting in plain view following that trail. Simply follow the trail and grab it. #10. In the last area, you will find two conveyer belts and a canister floating high in the air between them. Use the R2 panels next to the conveyer belts to make it spit some Legos. On the left conveyer belt will be a bunch of Legos. Move them with a Force to create a platform that you can use the Force on to cause it to go up and down. After making the platform peak at its high point in the air, jump up to grab the canister. Chapter 3 - Jedi Battle #1. Where you free Padme', use Jar-Jar to make your way up the ledges around her pole and you will find a canister sitting on a ledge. #2. Where you free Padme', use Jar-Jar to make your way up the ledges around her pole and you will find a canister sitting on a higher ledge than where canister #1 is/was. #3. To the left of where you freed Padme' will be a mess of Lego's. Use the Force to make sure they are all in four different cylinder-like pieces. The one with the sliver of tan on the bottom is to be moved with the Force first. The one with the dark brown bottom is to be moved on top of that one. Next is the one with the light-brown on the bottom, and finally the piece that doesn't look much like the others is moved last. This will cause a canister to appear way up on top. Use the Force to remove the top piece to the ground, then use Jar-Jar to jump up and grab the canister. #4. Somewhere in the wall of the arena you will probably see a canister sitting behind a gate. Use the Force on the Legos next to the gate to make it possible for young Anakin to use the chute that leads you straight to the canister. Step on the button in the cage once inside to open it. You will probably land on the canister once you are in the cage. #5. Where you free Anakin, use the grapple spots to work your way up the platforms and grab a canister that is simply sitting on one of the platforms. #6. Where you free Anakin, use the grapple spots to work your way up the platforms and grab a canister that is simply sitting on one of the platforms. This one is slightly higher than the platform on which you grabbed canister #5. #7. Somewhere aruond the arena is another canister sitting behind bars. Use the Force on the levers on either side of the cage to open it and grab the canister. You will have to grab one lever while your partner grabs the other. #8. To the left of where you saved Padme', there is a canister that is hiding behind of the pillars next to the wall. Simply run behind the pillar and grab it. #9. Where you save Obi-Wan, use the Force on the Legos to make a platform that moves up and down. Use the grapple spot to the left of Obi-Wan's pole to reach a platform, and shoot the target to cause another platform to start moving up and down. Travel on it to reach a canister on a ledge that can easily be grabbed. #10. Where you save Obi-Wan, use the Force on the Legos to make a platform that moves up and down. Use the grapple spot to the left of Obi-Wan's pole to reach a platform, and shoot the target to cause another platform to start moving up and down. Travel on it to reach a ledge where you will use the first platform you created with the Force to reach a higher leedge where a canister is sitting. Chapter 4 - Gunship Calvary This is another of those levels where I'm not going into great detail about each and every canister. There are two areas to this level. In the first, to get the canisters simply shoot them on the ground. They are surrounded by a weird mechanism. Destroy that and you get the canister. None of them are difficult to get in that area. You may miss one or two in this area, but you can just restart and have another go at grabbing them. For the second area, the canisters are at various spots on the base of the big circular ship. Simply shoot at them and you will get them. They should be easy to locate and find. That's really it for this level. It's about as easy as getting the minkit vehicle can get. Chapter 5 - Count Dooku #1. Right where you start, floating off the platform behind you is a canister. Use R2 to grab it. #2. Right where you start, use the grapple spot before heading into the mountain and collect the canister that is just sitting there on a crevice in the mountain. #3. In the first room, destroy the objects sitting to the right next to wall. Behind them is canister just sitting there. #4. In the second room, to the left step on the button. Stay there while your partner jumps up to the next button. Grab the canister that you can now get by climbing up the steps. #5. In the second room, to the left step on the button. Stay there while your partner jumps up to the next button. Use Jar-Jar to hop up to the higher platforms and grab a canister that is sitting in the air. #6. In the second room, head to the right. Step on the button there and wait while your partner heads up to step on another button. Then step on the next button past the platform your partner is on. Above the third platform will be a ledge with a canister on it. Jump to the fourth platform and use Jar-Jar to leap to the ledge with the canister and grab it. #7. In the room where you fight Count Dooku, find the chute near the big pillar object and use young Anakin to go through it. Follow the path to find a grapple spot, and use that to land on a canister on top of the pillar. #8. In the room where you fight Count Dooku, find the three parts of a broken pillar on the ground. Use the Force to stack them. Jump up them using Jar-Jar and grab a canister that is on a ledge near the ceiling. #9. At the same spot where you grabbed canister #8, get a person with a gun and shoot the wooden bars surrounding a floating canister. Once enough of the wooden bars are out of the way, float over towards it using R2 and grab it. #10. In the room where you fight Count Dooku, find a canister sealed away somewhere on a wall. There are two targets on either side of it. Get someone with a gun out and shoot the targets, freeing the canister and allowing you to easily grab it. c. Episode III levels Chapter 1 - Battle over Coruscant This is another easy vehicle level where collecting the canisters should be way too simple to have to need to explain. The canisters are floating throughout the level in circular pod-like things. Shoot them or run into them to collect them. None of them are hard to find, and most of them you can see off in the distance before passing them. If you do pass them, just play the level over and try to grab it again. A couple of times through should have you with every canister in that level, with almost no trouble, I would hope. Good luck. Chapter 2 - Chancellor in Peril #1. In the first room, use the grapple spot to grapple up to a ledge. Follow the studs on that ledge to run into a canister. Easy. #2. In the second area, there will be a grapple spot near the entrance to that area. Grapple up to grab an easy canister. #3. In the third area, there will be a room with several droid panels. The one furthest to the left for R2 opens a door where a canister is up for grabs. #4. In the third area, there will be a room with several droid panels. The one in the middle is for C3P0 and inside holds another canister. #5. In the fourth area, follow the ledges hugging the big mechanism going to the left. You should run into a canister sitting near the end of that ledge surrounded with studs. #6. In the fourth area, follow the ledges hugging the big mechanism going to the right. You will find a chute for young Anakin. This chute leads to where a canister sits in an alcove some ways up the air within the machinery wall. #7. In the circular room at the top of the stairs after you defeat Count Dooku, there will be several doors. One door opens automatically revealing an easy-to- grab canister. #8. In the room where you are using the Force a lot to make gadgets move and twirl in order to stop air pressure and progress, near the door to the next area will be a canister guarded by various Legos. Use the Force on those Legos to destroy them and make the canister reachable. #9. In the last control panel room, as soon as you enter, head to the right and there will be a canister floating in the air on that side of the door. Jump up to grab it. #10. In the last control panel room, as soon as you enter, head to the left and there will be a canister floating in the air on that side of the door. Jump up to grab it. Chapter 3 - General Grievous #1. Immediately beginning the battle, there is a canister floating on a ledge not far from the main circle. Float over to it using R2 and get it. #2. When you are going after Griveous after he hops away the second time. Head to the cliffs on the left, and use the Force on the scattered Legos to create steps that make it possible to reach a canister high up in the air. #3. When you are going after Griveous after he hops away the second time. Head to the cliffs on the left, and use the Force on the scattered Legos to create steps that make it possible to reach a canister high up in the air. #4. Hop down from where Grievous was the second time he ran away to the mountain, and follow the ledges as far down as you can to find another canister sitting near the edge of the abyss. #5. At the place where Grievous retreats the third time, before he does, or after, float across to where he is/was using R2 to grab a canister that is just sitting there. #6. At the place where Grievous retreats the third time, before he does, or after, float across to where he is/was and follow the ledges that will lead you to an openly visible canister sitting on a platform below. Hop down to get it. #7. Make your way across the bridge near where Grievous retreats the third time. In the circular room, avoid the mines, and pull the levers on the cylinder object in the middle. If you pull all of them a canister becomes unlocked, and you can jump up and grab it. #8. At the circle in the middle, use R2 to float to a trail not too far from the main circle. Follow that trail to grab a canister. #9. At the circle in the middle, use R2 to float to a trail not too far from the main circle. Follow that trail and then use R2 to float across another drop, and then follow the trail up to the ledge to grab another easy canister. #10. Near the spot where Grievous retreats the second time, there is a big patch of Legos in the mountain wall. Shoot it to reveal a canister in an alcove. Carefully hop up and grab it. Chapter 4 - Defense of Kashyyyk #1. Near the beginning, when leaving the first platform, make a right to find one that has several pipes. Destroy the outer parts of the structure, and then move the pipes in the middle to reveal a canister to grab. #2. At the massive tree trunk on the platforms near the beginning, use the grapple spot to shoot upwards. Past the one where you saved the Wookiee there is another. It's difficult to do, but try using Jar-Jar or R2 to get to the next platform. Once you get there, hop to the next platform, then grapple over a couple more and you will end up on one that has a canister on it. #3. At the platforms where you are saving Wookiees, head to the one on the left. Use the grapple spots to get up to a platform where a canister is sitting there. Easy to grab. #4. Ok this one is pretty hard. At the beach part there are several pieces of grass everywhere. Some of these, if you use the Force on them, will reveal carrots. There is one near the big rock to the east, one right where all of the droids and clones are running, and one to the far west. Unveiling the east and west ones are fairly easy, but the middle one is very difficult, especially because if you get shot at, your Force work will be disrupted, and it takes a few seconds to get the carrot out of the ground. Try to get your partner to distract the droids and clones, and you may be able to buy enough time to get the middle carrot. Anyway, good luck with that. Took me forever. After you've done that a canister appears on top of that big rock to the east. Jump up to it using Jar-Jar to grab it. Note: Apparently they won't shoot you if you stand on the higher rock right near where the middle carrot is. This can help in giving time to pull it out, but I'm not sure if that tactic works all the time. Having a REAL person as the partner is also probably essential in getting this canister. #5. At the beach area, use Jar-Jar to jump up to a platform near the middle. Hop up to a higher one, and then use R2 to float across to another one where a canister is sitting. #6. At the part on the beach where you attempting to make the gate fall down by shooting the two targets, there is canister sitting simply on one side of the bridge. #7. In the first swamp area, raise the big starfighter out of the water using the Force, and then quickly jump on top and leap up to grab a canister out of the air. #8. In the first forest area, you will come to a bend where you can see a canister floating on a platform high up. You will see a black bush. Use the Force on it to reveal a grapple spot. Use that grapple spot to get up to a platform, then use R2 to float over to where the canister is. #9. When going up the ramps with the falling Lego rocks, you will eventually see a grapple spot. Use this to grapple up to where a canister is sitting on a ledge. You pretty much grab it as soon as you finished grappling up there. #10. At the very end of the level, once you have unearthed the escape pod, there is a canister floating some ways above it. Jump onto the escape pod, and leap up to get the canister. Chapter 5 - Ruin of the Jedi #1. Right near where you start, there is a canister sitting behind one of the pillars up ahead. Easy to get. #2. Near the beginning, right where the first group of fake Jedi are, use the Force on the Legos on the ledge to make it possible to jump up and reach a canister that is high in the air. #3. On the right side of the entrance to the Jedi temple, destroy one of the objects to the right of the door to reveal a hidden grapple spot. Use it to boost up, and follow the ledges around until you come to a window above the entrance door with a canister in a room behind it. Destroy the window, climb in, and grab the canister. #4. At the end of the first hallway in the temple, up on a ledge there is a room straight ahead. Head inside, and you'll find several clones. Defeat them, and then jump up to where the canister is in the back of the room and grab it. #5. Near the sideroom past the giant globe in the main area of the temple, there is a canister floating off above the abyss. Use R2 to float across and grab it out of the air. #6. In the Jedi room in the temple with all of the chairs, use the Force on those chairs to stack them up. Use a high jumper to make your way up the stack of the chairs and jump up and grab a canister floating high in the air. #7. In one of the last rooms, the room with a circular center and several hall-like rooms extending on all sides, head into the first hall on your right. Make your way up the ledges using the Force, and up above the platform with the lever is a platform with a canister. Jump up there and grab it. #8. In one of the last rooms, the room with a circular center and several hall-like rooms extending on all sides, enter the third hall to your right. Make your way up the ledges using the Force, and a canister is sitting on a platform above the one the lever is on. Jump up to get it. #9. This is behind a force field in one of the halls in the room that is circular with many halls. On the right side of the room, jump up to a platform with Jar-Jar, and make your way up to the top of the machinery. Once you are near the force field, use R2 to float across and over the top of the force field. Simply grab the canister from there. Use C3P0 to disable the force field and get out. #10. This canister is floating high up in the room with the many halls in it. To get it, first disable the force field following the steps from canister #9. Then use the Force to open up some ledges and leap up to pull a lever in the first hallway you entered with the force field. Enter the next hallway that used to blocked by the force field, and use the grapple spot to get up where the last lever is. However, it is blocked by a force field. Jump up to the platform above the lever to push a button, diminishing the force field so you can pull the lever with the Force. Finally, enter the third hallway that was blocked off, and, using the same methods as before, get up to where the lever is and pull it. A crane will begin moving up and down where the canister is. Go back to it, hop onto it, and then ride up and grab the canister. Chapter 6 - Darth Vader #1. In the room with the countdown timer, there is a canister sitting amidst a horde of studs. Simply grab it. #2. In the room with the countdown timer, there is a canister at the back of the room sealed away. Destroy the Legos guarding it and grab it. #3. Right after you exit the room with the timer, there is a canister right behind you. Just grab it. #4. After you exit the room with the timer, use the Force to pull down a platform. There's a canister in the alcove where the platform fell from. Simply grab it. #5. In the area with the lava, on one of the rocks is a canister. Jump over to where the rock is and get it. #6. In the area with the lava, on a larger rock is a canister. Jump across the rocks to get near it, and then use R2 to float over and try to land on that bigger rock and grab the canister. #7. In the area with the lava, following the rocks to the right there is a canister just sitting on one of the rocks. Jump over to grab it. #8. In the part where you are racing to get away while the room falls apart behind you near the beginning, there is a canister sitting to the left on one of the platforms. Quickly jump to get it and keep moving. #9. In the room with the timer, there is a hidden canister near the back of the room. Pull the levers on the control panel right beside it with the Force to free it. Jump in and grab it. #10. In the room with the timer, find the room to the left with the R2 panel. Use R2 to open the door, and inside will be a table with a canister and some studs on it. Just jump onto the table to get it. =============================================================================== IV. Bonus Level - Episode IV Characters to unlock: Anakin Skywalker (Darth Vader) Stormtrooper This is sort of like a preview to Lego Star Wars II. You unlock this level by achieving Jedi status for every chapter, aka filling up the stud meter for every level. The room labeled "?" will turn from red to green, and you can enter. The cutscene at the beginning is the opening of Episode IV, and you'll probably notice. You start the level with Darth Vader and a stormtrooper. The odd thing about this level is that there are no canister to collect or stud meters to fill. Within the first few rooms will be several batches of rebel troops. Dispose of them and keep moving. Soon you will run into a room with a label for C3P0. Head to the left and take out the rebel troops. In this room on the left will be C3P0. Destroy the fields surrounding the nine buttons and begin to run around them, lighting each of them up. C3P0 is freed if you light them all up before they turn off again. If you go through the hallway on the right of the C3P0 door you will find lots of Legos. You don't have to, but apparently if you spell L-E-G-O in that room with the blocks, you will get lots and lots of blue studs. Anyway use C3P0 to open the door and immediately rebels will attack. Defeat them and use C3P0 to open another door. More rebels will attack. Defeat them and keep going. The hallway and room on the left are simply places to go to get more studs and have some fun. Head right and defeat the rebels, and then destroy the objects on the side of the door to reveal a C3P0 panel. Use C3P0 to open the door. Inside is Leia and R2. The level ends there. This is really just a level to have fun and make lots of money. Enjoy! =============================================================================== VII. Dexter's Diners Items Dexter's Diner is where you can buy lots of great items, including hints, characters, and some cheats. Listed below are all of the items and their descriptions. a. Hints Free - The more LEGO studs you collect, the more things you will be able to buy here. Free - Collect all the LEGO canisters in each level to build minikit models. You can view these in the parking lot outside. Free - Many areas of the levels can only be reached by certain characters. Go back to these levels in Freeplay, and try to find all the secrets! Free - Once you have defeated an enemy character in a level, you will be able to buy it here. Try to collect all the characters! Free - The Jedi meter appears at the top of the screen in each level. Fill it up by collecting LEGO studs. Take care - you lose studs if you die! 10 studs - Blaster characters can grapple to other areas. Stand on the red circles and press X. 20 studs - Jar Jar can jump higher than other characters. Press A tiice to do his super jump. 30 studs - Astromech droids can use their probe on some electronic panels. Move up to the panel and press X. 40 studs - Astromech doids can hover for a limited time. Press and hold A to activate the boosters. 50 studs - Watch out for black LEGO objects. Dark Force characters can use the Force on them. 60 studs - Freeplay mode means you can go back and play a completed level with any character that you have unlocked! 70 studs - To take other characters into the level in Freeplay, simply tag them in the Diner and go through the door of the level you wish to play. 80 studs - Fill up the Jedi meter in each level to receive a super-kit piece. Collect all 17 to reveal a super-secret bonus! b. Characters Some characters are only available after beating certain levels. Each character is unique in their own way, and much more in depth than what I'm providing. Below I've listed the characters, how much they cost, and their main abilities, even though each is unique in its own way. Gonk Droid Cost: 250 studs Abilties: None really. The same as any other droid. PK Droid Cost: 350 studs Abilities: Pretty much the same as other droids. Battle Droid (Security) Cost: 300 studs Abilities: Has a blaster you can use to shoot with. Battle Droid Cost: 200 studs Abilities: Has a blaster you can use to shoot with. Battle Droid (Commander) Cost: 1000 studs Abilities: Has a blaster and with X he will pull out a walky-talky and speak into it. Droideka Cost: 10,000 studs Abilities: Has the shield and rolls around to move. Also has double blasters. Royal Guard Cost: 800 studs Abilities: Has a blaster. Padme' Cost: 800 studs Abilities: Has a blaster. Darth Maul Cost: 15,000 studs Abilities: Has a double-edged lightsaber and has the Dark Force abilities. Clone Cost: 2,000 studs Abilities: Has a blaster Genosian Cost: 2,000 studs Abilities: Has a strange blaster that fires green shots. Battle Droid (Geonosis) Cost: 300 studs Abilities: Has a blaster. Super Battle Droid Cost: 5,000 studs Abilities: Has a built-in blaster in its arm. Jango Fett Cost: 65,000 studs Abilities: Has blasters and can use his jetpack to fly around with. Boba Fett Cost: 800 studs Abilities: The same as young Anakin Skywalker basically. Luminara Cost: 20,000 studs Abilities: Has a lightsaber. Ki-Adi Mundi Cost: 25,000 studs Abilities: Has a lightsaber. Kit Fisto Cost: 35,000 studs Abilities: Has a lightsaber. Shaak Ti Cost: 15,000 studs Abilities: Has a lightsaber. Count Dooku Cost: 45,000 studs Abilities: Wields a lightsaber and has Dark Force abilities. Grievous' Bodyguard Cost: 30,000 studs Abilities: Has a double-edged electric-type staff. General Grievous Cost: 200,000 studs Abilities: Wields four lightsabers all at the same time. Clone (Episode III) Cost: 600 studs Abilities: Has a blaster. Clone (Episode III, Pilot) Cost: 700 studs Abilities: Has a blaster. Clone (Episode III, Swamp) Cost: 800 studs Abilities: Has a blaster. Clone (Episode III, Walker) Cost: 2,500 studs Abilities: Has a blaster. Mace Windu (Episode III) Cost: 30,000 studs Abilties: Wields the awesome purple lightsaber. Disguised Clone Cost: 2,750 studs Abilities: Has a blaster. Darth Sidious Cost: 150,000 studs Abilities: Can use the Dark Force and has a lightsaber. Rebel Trooper Cost: 1,000 studs Abilities: Has a blaster. Princess Leia Cost: 50,000 studs Abilties: It's freaking Princess Leia! But anyway, she has a blaster. c. Extras Silhouettes Cost: 75,000 Description: The silhouettes cheat turns every character pitch black so that none of the details can be seen on any character. However, you are still visible to other characters. Purple Cost: 50,000 studs Description: This turns all characters' lightsabers purple. This is so that we can all look awesome like Mace Windu Moustaches Cost: 150,000 studs Description: This adds a humorous twist to any level by giving everyone a nice moustache. Minikit Dectector Cost: 750,000 studs Description: This cheat is actually really useful. It helps in finding the minikits of any level by helping you find their location, but not necessarily how to get them. However, reading my FAQ should save you 750,000 studs. :) Teacups Cost: 175,000 studs Description: This makes your weapon literally a teacup. Learn how to fight with cups instead of lightsabers and blasters. Brushes Cost: 200,000 studs Description: This makes your weapon a brush. Have fun whacking people with it. This only takes effect if the character would normally wield a lightsaber. Big Blasters Cost: 50,000 studs Description: This makes your blasters, if using them, really big, and more fun to use. Classic Blasters Cost: 75,000 studs Description: This makes your blasters like the classic Episodes IV, V, and VI blasters. Not a big difference, but still fun. Silly Blasters Cost: 100,000 studs Description: This makes your blaster a "silly" blaster, shooting differently from other blasters. Invincibility Cost: 1,000,000 studs Description: This will make your character invincible, and you cannot be hurt. Definitely the most useful cheat. However if you are trying to use the Force on something and you get hurt, your Force will still get disrupted. How annoying. Invincibility really is useful though in maintaining your studs. =============================================================================== VIII. Legal Notice Note that this guide may only be printed for personal uses. You may not print this out and sell it or attempt to make any type of money off of it. That's stupid anyway. You may take things from this guide only if I am properly cited, because that is plagarism. Permission is only given to reprint this FAQ or parts of it on other websites to those who email me and have gotten permission. My email is: kamikazechino@aol.com My apologies for any grammatical errors you may find in this FAQ. Sometimes I make mistakes. :). If you see anything that looks wrong or you think needs fixing, simply email me, and I'll be sure to credit you for it. Thank you for reading or using this. =============================================================================== IX. Credits - First, I would like to thank LucasArts and the respective companies that created this really fun game. - Next, I would like to thank Gamefaqs for hosting this FAQ and all their amazing message boards, as well as the other FAQs posted on their website that have helped me so many times in the past. - Let's not forget me for actually making this guide - The other FAQs of this game out there that I probably used in the past for a couple of things. - You, of course, for taking the time to read this guide. - If you had a legit reason for being in these credits for this FAQ and I did not include you, my apologies! Let me know. - Go out and buy Lego Star Wars II!