LOST KINGDOMS 2 CARD LIST Version 0.96 By Chris Ingersoll (aka Vyolynce) Last Updated 6/07/2003 Version History: 0.96 -- Nine cards to go! 0.90 -- Nearly there... Corrected all copy costs, as several were wrong due to a quirk of switching between pages in the game. Added my LK1 collection to my LK2 game, which filled in A LOT of holes. 0.80 -- Minor formatting updates, new cards (some just names), added info on capturing. Removed # symbols from upgrade lists, since Lycanthrope's four upgrades would have moved it to a new line (and even then I still needed to eliminate a couple of spaces per line). Gave Stone Golem its correct number (whoops... glad no one called me on that). 0.50 -- Initial submission (and acceptance!) to GameFAQS. My first FAQ, I'm so proud. ^_^ -------------------- I. TABLE OF CONTENTS -------------------- I. Table of Contents -- You're reading it now. II. Intro -- You'll be reading this later. III. Legal -- Nobody really reads this, do they? IV. About the List -- How to read the next section. V. Card List -- What you actually came here to read. VI. Submissions/FAQs -- Didn't like something you read? VII. Outro -- Thanks for reading! -------------------- II. INTRO -------------------- Lost Kingdoms 2 is a great sequel to what is considered to be the first RPG on the Nintendo GameCube. Like its predecessor, it features a unique card-based combat system that's sort of what you would get if you crossed Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh, then decided to NOT aim it at children. Where the first Lost Kingdoms featured 105 different cards, LK2 adds an additional 121 to that total, for a staggering total of 226. Nearly all of the cards from the original are included in the game, although some have been altered from last year's models; a few appear to have been replaced by new versions with identical powers but different names, like the original Griffon, whose function is now covered by Gnome, but other than that they're all here. We can discuss the differences between the LK1 cards and their updated cousins in a bit. But first, we have to take a brief break to talk legalities. I'll keep it quick. -------------------- III. LEGAL -------------------- This guide copyright 2003 Chris Ingersoll. Some card information (names, mostly) thanks to: Fpe1843, StarBBC, and Craig Davis. Extra special thanks to Craig Davis for being the only one to provide more than just the name and number. :P Some upgrade information thanks to RolloT88. This guide may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site other than GameFAQS or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. All other trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. Now that we have that out of the way, let's get to business. -------------------- IV. ABOUT THE LIST -------------------- The list contains the following information about each card: * Card Number (#) -- This should be self-explanatory. * Card Name -- Again, fairly obvious. * Type/Elem. -- Here's where it gets a bit tricky. There are five card TYPES (Independent, Weapon, Summoning, Helper, and Transformation) and six card ELEMENTS (Earth, Fire, Water, Wood, Neutral, and Mech; also called Attributes). Each of these is abbreviated to its first initial, except for Wood, for which I use "G" (think "grass" or "green") to avoid confusion. The letter BEFORE the slash is TYPE, the one AFTER is ELEMENT (just so you know which W means Weapon and which means Water). If I don't know one or both, a question mark is holding its place. * Level -- a new feature to LK2, each card has a Level rating. If your rating in a given element is lower than the level of a given card, your magic stone use (and/or HP loss if you don't have enough) will be double the normal amount. * Copy (Cost) -- The cost of XP, *IN THOUSANDS*, to copy the card at the card shop. So an entry of "2" would mean "2,000", while "1.8" would mean "1,800". It's not brain surgery, people -- just math. If a card does not appear in the shop under the "Copy" tab, I assume it cannot *BE* copied and thus put "n/a". * Upgrades -- You can also upgrade your cards if they have enough XP, just like in the first LK; a key difference is that in LK1, this function was called "Transform". What's the difference, you ask? I've noticed a few cards from LK1 that used to be "transformable" cannot be "upgraded" in LK2 (the Dragon Knight, to name one off the top of my head). Also, I would assume that this keeps particularly thick people from getting this function confused with the new "Transform"-type cards. The format for the Upgrades reads as follows: "card number (XP required, *in thousands*)". If you have multiple choices for the same XP cost (like with the various Lizard Weapon-types), they are included in one entry and separated by slashes (e.g. "004/007/039 (2)", which means those upgrades all cost 2,000XP each). If I do not definitely know the identity of a particular upgrade, I put a question mark and the XP cost. If, when I go into the card shop, the card in question does not appear at all, I assume that the card cannot be upgraded and say so. Bear in mind, if you haven't played LK1, that upgrading a card consumes the original; you might want to copy it first if you have the spare XP. Speaking of the original LK, at some point in the game you may be able to transfer your collection from that game into this one. As far as I know, this may be the only way to get certain cards, but I haven't plumbed the depths of the Proving Grounds yet. Bear in mind the following changes that have happened in the last 200 years (um... Alanjeh time; 1 year our time): * As mentioned, some cards that could be transformed in the original cannot be upgraded in LK2. * The very rare cards (you know which ones) can no longer even be copied. For some reason, 011 Jack-o-Lantern cannot be copied either. * Many summonings have been altered; all summonings in LK2 have two effects. * Some summonings are no longer even summonings! The healing cards are the most glaring examples of these, as well as most weaker summonings that have (usually) become more appropriate weapon cards. Other cards have changed type as well. * Several Independents are now classified as Helpers (traps and shields, mostly) * 008 Unicorn is the only card to have changed element, from Wood to Water. * A few cards have had their names changed in addition to any other alteration... 023 Water Hopper is now Water Reaper 056 Giant Bee is now Dryad 050 MegaMandragora is now King Mandragora 070 Griffon is now Gnome 075 Hand of Fire is now Salamander 087 Water Bird is now Mermaid 090 Hand of Pain is now Undine * And finally, some minor changes, such as how many "charges" certain weapons have, addition of side-effects (healing, paralysis, etc.), and other tweaks. Plus, almost all of the cards have new artwork, but that's not a functional change. Got all that? Good, let's get to the main event then. -------------------- V. CARD LIST -------------------- # Card Name Type/Elem. Level Copy Upgrades (Exp, in K) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 001 Skeleton I / E 1 2 150 (3), 017 (4) 002 Ghost Armor W / G 4 13 101 (11)* 003 Red Dragon S / F 5 20 155 (8), 212 (35) 004 Lizard Man W / E 1 2 007/039/071 (2), 055 (2.5) 005 Mandragora H / G 1 2.5 154 (4), 125 (12), ??? (20) 006 Elephant S / E 1 3.5 ??? (27) 007 Red Lizard W / F 1 2 004/039/071 (2), 055 (2.5) 008 Unicorn S / W 7 45 (does not upgrade)* 009 Hobgoblin I / F 1 3 077 (20) 010 Sand Golem H / E 2 6 145 (9), 030 (14), ??? (20) 011 Jack-o-Lantern S / F 4 n/a (does not upgrade) 012 Man Trap I / G 1 3.2 157 (13), 165 (26) 013 Sand Worm S / E 4 16 (does not upgrade) 014 Mummy W / E 1 3 (does not upgrade) 015 Cockatrice W / G 4 14 (does not upgrade) 016 Sasquatch S / W 6 12.5 158 (15) 017 Wraith W / W 2 4 122 (6) 018 Orc W / F 1 1.2 171/172/173 (6) 019 Fairy H / W 1 2 140 (4), 117/176 (8) 020 Vampire Bush H / W 4 12 174 (27) 021 Catoblepas I / E 5 17.5 (does not upgrade) 022 Kraken S / W 7 40 (does not upgrade) 023 Water Reaper W / W 2 3.5 189 (6), ? (30) 024 Fenril S / G 6 32 (does not upgrade) 025 Lich W / E 6 27 (does not upgrade) 026 Carbuncle H / E 3 10 92 (13), 114 (18) 027 Flayer Spawn W / F 1 4 096 (20) 028 Golden Goose I / N 6 25 (does not upgrade) 029 Zombie Dragon S / E 7 36 (does not upgrade) 030 Fire Golem S / F 5 17 (does not upgrade) 031 Running Bird H / E 3 7 (does not upgrade) 032 Giant Crab S / W 1 3 (does not upgrade) 033 Banshee W / G 5 19 149 (27) 034 Land Shark I / W 3 8 (does not upgrade) 035 Berserker I / F 2 3 211 (10), 180 (22), 195 (34) 036 Flying Ray W / W 1 1.5 023 (1.5), 034 (6) 037 Demon Hound I / G 2 6 (does not upgrade) 038 Behemoth S / E 6 25 (does not upgrade) 039 Basilisk W / W 2 2.5 004/007/071 (2), 055 (2.5) 040 Mole Monster H / N 3 10 (does not upgrade) 041 Maelstrom H / W 2 5 (does not upgrade) 042 Lycanthrope W / G 1 2.5 078 (3), 037 (6), 197 (7), 034 (32) 043 Sand Beetle I / E 2 6 (does not upgrade) 044 Necromancer S / N 5 21 ??? (12) 045 Great Turtle I / E 8 n/a (does not upgrade) 046 Gold Butterfly H / G 3 8 (does not upgrade) 047 Ghoul W / G 1 2.5 033 (20) 048 Treant H / G 3 10 167/168 (7) 049 Sea Monk S / W 5 21 (does not upgrade) 050 King Mandragora H / G 7 32 (does not upgrade) 051 Larval Fly H / W 3 8 ??? (10) 052 Crystal Rose W / W 3 12 (does not upgrade) 053 Dark Raven W / F 1 2 187 (12), 205 (25) 054 Wizard H / F 3 15 (does not upgrade) 055 Dragonoid W / E 2 2.5 004 (2), 142 (5), 073 (15) 056 Dryad H / G 2 3 048 (6), 109 (25) 057 Birdman T / G 5 10 139 (20) 058 Will o Wisp H / F 1 3.5 (does not upgrade) 059 Archer Tree W / G 3 8 (does not upgrade)* 060 Stone Head H / F 5 12 (does not upgrade)* 061 Blood Bush W / F 1 6 020 (15) 062 Efreet W / F 4 15 (does not upgrade) 063 Dragon Knight W / W 3 6 (does not upgrade) 064 Demon Fox S / F 6 30 (does not upgrade) 065 Juggernaut H / E 5 10 045 (47) 066 Fire Gargoyle S / F 4 12 (does not upgrade) 067 Great Demon W / F 4 7 112/111 (7), 161 (25) 068 Evil Eye H / G 1 3.5 ??? (10) 069 Blue Dragon S / W 8 n/a (does not upgrade) 070 Gnome H / E 2 4 131 (12), 106 (25) 071 Venom Lizard W / G 2 2.5 004/007/039 (2), 055 (2.5) 072 Tiger Mage H / F 6 25 (does not upgrade) 073 Hydra S / W 5 16 (does not upgrade) 074 Siren I / W 5 18 (does not upgrade) 075 Salamander H / F 2 3 054 (10), 062 (12), 108 (25) 076 Chimera S / F 4 13 132 (10), 186 (21) 077 Goblin Lord H / N 4 14 (does not upgrade) 078 Scythe Beast W / G 2 3 ??? (30) 079 Kitty Trap H / F 2 7 (does not upgrade) 080 Night Mare I / N 4 13 200 (42), 008 (36) 081 Golden Phoenix H / F 8 n/a (does not upgrade) 082 Rheebus H / G 4 12.5 (does not upgrade) 083 White Tiger S / G 8 n/a (does not upgrade) 084 Venus Spider S / E 2 4.5 094 (3) 085 Vampire S / N 6 28 (does not upgrade) 086 Sphinx W / E 6 28 (does not upgrade) 087 Mermaid H / W 6 30 (does not upgrade) 088 Puppet Master S / N 6 28 (does not upgrade) 089 Plague Rat H / E 4 6 (does not upgrade) 090 Undine H / W 2 4 134 (12), 107 (25) 091 Whip Worm H / G 5 22 (does not upgrade) 092 Trickster I / G 5 18 ??? (13) 093 Demon Skeleton I / W 4 20 ??? (25) 094 Caterpoker I / G 3 10 013 (17) 095 Beelzabub H / N 5 25 (does not upgrade) 096 Mind Flayer S / W 6 30 (does not upgrade) 097 Ice Golem S / W 6 27.5 (does not upgrade) 098 Cyclops H / E 5 10 (does not upgrade) 099 Black Dragon I / N 7 50 (does not upgrade) 100 Steel Skeleton I / N 6 30 (does not upgrade) 101 Chaos Knight W / N 5 22 (does not upgrade) 102 Decoy Pillar H / N 5 21 ??? (20) 103 Elephant King S / E 6 30 (does not upgrade) 104 God of Destruction S / N 8 n/a (does not upgrade) 105 Doppleganger I / N 8 n/a (does not upgrade) 106 Earth Elemental H / E 6 25 (does not upgrade) 107 Water Elemental H / W 6 25 (does not upgrade) 108 Fire Elemental H / F 6 25 (does not upgrade) 109 Wood Elemental H / G 6 25 (does not upgrade) 110 Aggressor GL2 I / M 3 7 (does not upgrade) 111 Succubus S / N 5 20 085 (20) 112 Incubus S / N 5 20 085 (20) 113 Valkyrie S / F 7 42 (does not upgrade) 114 Napalm Beast H / F 5 18.5 (does not upgrade) 115 Green Dragon S / G 5 10 155 (8), 188 (10), 221 (35) 116 Wyvern T / N 6 27 (does not upgrade) 117 Sprite H / W 3 12 181 (9) 118 Leprechaun H / F 3 9 (does not upgrade) 119 Charadius W / W 5 16 (does not upgrade) 120 Yowie I / W 1 1 043 (3), 084 (4), 051/046 (5) 121 Asparas H / W 6 28 (does not upgrade) 122 Death W / N 3 11 185 (27) 123 Porcupig I / E 1 1.5 124 (5), 089 (10), 021 (15) 124 Golden Porcupig I / E 3 10 082 (8) 125 Mandra Dancer I / G 4 12 050 (23) 126 Super Pumper H / W 7 36 (does not upgrade) 127 ? / ? ? ? 128 Vodiaroi I / W 4 6 192 (5), 087 (9), 049 (7) 129 Uroboros H / E 8 n/a (does not upgrade) 130 Yin Yang I / N 7 43 (does not upgrade) 131 Dao W / E 4 15 (does not upgrade) 132 Manticore S / F 5 ? 133 ? / ? ? ? 134 Marid W / W 4 15 (does not upgrade) 135 Elf I / G 3 8 137 (15), 136 (27) 136 Elf Lord I / G 5 30 (does not upgrade) 137 Dark Elf I / N 6 18.5 (does not upgrade) 138 Global Bust H / E 5 16 (does not upgrade) 139 Garuda T / G 7 45 (does not upgrade) 140 Popgun Charlie I / F 2 2.5 177 (4), 067 (11), 159 (34) 141 Acid Cloud I / E 4 16 (does not upgrade) 142 Baby Dragon I / E 3 2 003/143/115/160 (10) 143 Brine Dragon S / W 5 20 155 (8), 069 (35) 144 CircaSaurus T / G 1 2 203 (7.5), 182 (10), 164 (20) 145 Stone Golem T / E 4 13.5 (does not upgrade) 146 Gizmolizer S / M 5 20 (does not upgrade) 147 Mechalance 5L I / M 3 7 (does not upgrade) 148 ? / ? ? ? 149 Sekmet W / G 8 n/a (does not upgrade) 150 Undead Knight I / F 2 4 002 (10), 093 (20) 151 Panther Mage H / W 6 25 (does not upgrade) 152 Lamassa ? / ? ? ? 153 ? / ? ? ? 154 Myconoid H / E 2 6 210 (9) 155 Spartoi W / E 6 24 (does not upgrade) 156 Phantom Ship S / W 7 50 (does not upgrade) 157 Raflesia H / G 3 9.8 (does not upgrade) 158 Daidarapochi S / W 5 31 (does not upgrade) 159 Gemini S / F 7 45 (does not upgrade) 160 Amber Dragon S / E 5 10 155 (8), 029 (18), 129 (35) 161 Demon Lord W / F 7 43 (does not upgrade) 162 Witchette I / W 1 2.5 194 (14), 072/151 (17), 121 (20) 163 Acid Bot H / M 3 7.5 (does not upgrade) 164 Chamelous I / G 5 22.222 (does not upgrade) 165 Devil Plant I / G 5 21 (does not upgrade) 166 Centaur T / G 6 26 (does not upgrade) 167 Dark Treant H / G 4 12 (does not upgrade) 168 Coal Treant H / F 4 12 (does not upgrade) 169 Sleeping Giant S / G 4 14 (does not upgrade) 170 Gravity Pillar H / N 7 40 (does not upgrade) 171 Storm Hagan S / G 2 6 169 (18) 172 Rock Hagan S / W 2 6 016 (9) 173 Bum Hagan S / E 2 6 (does not upgrade) 174 Octobush H / N 7 40 (does not upgrade) 175 Chariobot T / M 5 25 (does not upgrade) 176 Dark Sprite H / N 3 12 (does not upgrade) 177 Gargoyle I / F 3 8.5 066 (7), 102 (35) 178 Mechapult I / M 3 12 (does not upgrade) 179 Agressor DX5 I / M 4 20 (does not upgrade) 180 Matador I / F 5 22 (does not upgrade) 181 Phooka H / W 5 25 (does not upgrade) 182 Devata T / N 4 15 044 (12) 183 ? / ? ? ? 184 Cerebus T / F 5 16 (does not upgrade) 185 Thanatos S / N 7 40 (does not upgrade) 186 Nueh S / G 7 42 083 (25) 187 Horus I / G 4 12 (does not upgrade)* 188 Acid Dragon H / N 6 30 (does not upgrade) 189 Rubber Froggy I / W 3 5 128 (5), 126 (20) 190 Boom Monkey I / F 6 28 (does not upgrade) 191 UberBomberBot I / M 4 16 (does not upgrade) 192 Gorgon S / N 5 18 (does not upgrade) 193 Pixie I / E 3 16 (does not upgrade) 194 Baba Yaga T / W 5 18 (does not upgrade) 195 Berserk Master I / F 7 48 (does not upgrade) 196 Rabandos S / N 8 n/a (does not upgrade) 197 Hellhound T / F 3 10 184 (20) 198 Tumble Chick I / E 1 1.4 031 (6), 015 (14), 074 (15) 199 Mad Reverser H / G 6 28 (does not upgrade) 200 Sleipnir S / W 8 n/a (does not upgrade) 201 Claws-R-Us I / M 5 22 (does not upgrade) 202 Triblaster S / M 5 20 (does not upgrade) 203 Anarchy Owl H / G 3 9.6 088 (13), 130 (20) 204 Pegasus S / G 7 46 (does not upgrade) 205 Phoenix H / F 6 30 ??? (25) 206 Ashura H / F 8 n/a (does not upgrade) 207 Talos T / E 7 50 (does not upgrade) 208 ? / ? ? ? 209 Psycho Dice S / N 4 22 (does not upgrade) 210 Blue Mold H / E 4 12 (does not upgrade) 211 Jade Giant S / F 3 10 206 (50) 212 Fafnir S / F 8 n/a (does not upgrade) 213 Beaker ? / ? ? ? 214 ? / ? ? ? 215 SuperScrubber H / M 4 7 (does not upgrade) 216 Astrobot ? / M ? ? (does not upgrade) 217 ? / ? ? ? 218 Fire Moray H / F 3 11 (does not upgrade)* 219 Water Moray W / F 4 11 (does not upgrade)* 220 Earth Moray W / E 4 11 (does not upgrade)* 221 Ryuhi S / G 8 n/a (does not upgrade) 222 Demon Swordsman W / E 7 n/a (does not upgrade) 223 Ice Skeleton I / W 8 n/a (does not upgrade) 224 Sacred Umpire S / M 8 n/a (does not upgrade) 225 ? / ? ? ? 226 Capture Card H / N 0 n/a (does not upgrade)** * Can be combined into a new card by the man near Kadishu's fountain. ** See below. Whew! That's a lot of different cards for a thirty-card maximum per deck, no? -------------------- VI. SUBMISSIONS/FAQs -------------------- This list is far from complete, obviously. I've transferred my extensive collection from LK1 as of version 0.90, so there are a lot less holes in the first half of the list. The rest, as you saw, are just blanks, with a few names here and there. If you'd like to help out or feel the need to point out something I screwed up (I can take it, just be constructive), you can contact me via email at vyolynce@earthlink.net. If you know my AIM screen name, you can use that as well, but I'm not giving it out here for sanity purposes. Anyone who gives me information gets a big thank-you and a mention in the Legal section to give people a reason to read it. Hey, it's the best I can do on what they pay me. If anyone asks a relevant question, I'll try to answer it in this section, and even mention the first person who asks it in an intelligent manner. Here's an example of what some of those would look like: Q: Why don't you include Magic Stone Costs on your chart? (SomeUserName) A: Two reasons. The first was to conserve space; I wanted to keep each entry on one 79-space line. The second was that stone costs are somewhat irrelevant, as you can still use a card if you don't have enough stones, and depending on levels and/or using the Z-effect (read the manual), actual costs can vary by as much as 4x the original cost. Q: Can you list combos? (SomeOtherName) A: I could, but I'm not going to. This is a Card List, not a Combo FAQ. And so on. Please note that any questions following this sentence were actually submitted by readers like you, although I might have cleaned up the grammar, spelling, and/or context a bit. Q: How do I capture cards? (ShinLinkLivesOn) A: The manual actually tells you how on page 16, but since not everyone playing has access to the manual (renters, obviously) and the manual leaves out one crucial detail, I might as well cover this here. Capturing underwent a major change from LK to LK2 -- no longer can you execute a "capture throw" with any card you have. Instead, you may have noticed that card #226 is a "Capture Card". Once you get one, include it in your deck. When you find a beastie you want to capture, weaken it until it's near death. Cycle through your deck to find the Capture Card, then whip the card at your target (hold down the card's button and direct it in-flight to physically tag the monster). If the feeble 10ATK hit is enough to kill the monster, you'll know it because you'll hear a cool little chime and a pinkish circle will surround the monster, sealing it in a card. Just bear in mind that certain monsters (bosses, mostly) can't be captured. Well, the manual covers (most of) that, but here's what it neglects to mention: where do you FIND this thing? I wasn't planning on covering locations in this, but I'll make an exception here (and on a case-by-case basis for ultra-rares, I guess). You buy these from a Rogue in Kadishu, who is standing behind the statue near the fountain, for 1000GP... for the first one. Each susequent card costs an increasing amount of cash (2000, then 3000, then 5000; anyone try for a 5th?). Why would you need more than one? Because when you successfully use the card (actually capturing a beast, not when you miss or when the blow isn't enough to kill), the Capture Card sort of automatically "upgrades" itself to whatever you captured, so you lose the actual card. Sucks, doesn't it? I don't think there are any cards that you absolutely NEED to capture, however. (I could be wrong.) Q: Why don't you list attack strength and/or other abilities? (Craig Dennis) A: Again, mainly formatting reasons. That and I called this FAQ a "Card List", which is something I plan on sticking to. My intention was to simply provide basic information about the cards, which you can get in the game without needing to hit the A button. I provide upgrade information because it can be maddening to keep track of that and is a much better method for acquiring most cards than spending our life savings on a handful of capture cards; I included copy costs since I was already wasting time in the card shops anyway collecting the upgrade info and it was easy to collect. -------------------- VII. OUTRO -------------------- Uh... that's it. I want to thank Activision for continuing to put out quality titles, stretching back to Pitfall on the ol' Atari 2600. While I'm on the subject of Activision, a big thank you to From Software, who took their original game and improved it in nearly every respect for this sequel. And of course, you gotta thank Nintendo for providing the hardware. Lost Kingdoms 2 is a GCN exclusive, like its older sister. Well, those are the big ones. If you read this and liked it, you're welcome! If you read this and hated it... well, screw you; nothing I'm gonna say now will change your opinion.