**Lost Kingdoms Card Guide FAQ** by “SSTwinrova” Jeff Guebert (twinrova@swbell.net) v1.2 ----- Table of Contents: 1. Introduction 2. Copyright Information 3. Revision History 4. Card Guide 5. Transformation Guide 6. Credits ----- *1. Introduction* This FAQ includes information about the cards from the game, and the information on the transformations that can be done at the apothecary. This is to help in planning battles and completing your card collection without looking through the menus of the game. (Note: Not all information from the game is contained in this FAQ; i.e. Monster/Card Descriptions, Locations (as of now), etc.) ----- *2. Copyright Information* (Taken from Lost Kingdoms Box) “Lost Kingdoms Copyright © 2002 FromSoftware, Inc. All rights reserved. Published and distributed by Activision Publishing Inc. Activision is a registered trademark and Lost Kindgoms is a trademark of Activision, Inc. and its affiliates. All rights reserved. All other trademarks and names are property of their respective owners.” This FAQ Copyright © 2002-2003 Jeff Guebert. This document, either in whole or in part, may not be reprinted, redistributed, or reposted on any location except for GameFAQS without my explicit written consent. Doing so is a violation of this copyright and legal action will be taken. Authorized Sites to post this FAQ: -GameFAQs.com -IGN.com ----- *3. Revision History* v1.0 – June 1, 2002 – Card Guide started v1.1 – June 2, 2002 – Transformation Guide added v1.2 – August 11, 2003 – Copyright Information updated ----- *4. Card Guide* In Lost Kingdoms, there are five types of “elements” that cards can have: Earth, Wood, Fire, Water, and Neutral. [Element]--------------->[Element] (is effective against) Earth--------------->Water ^ | | | | | | Neutral | | | | | | v Wood<-----------------Fire As you can see, each of the main elements is effective against one other type, is weak against one other type, and is even with the 3rd type and with neutral. Neutral cards are special since they do not have any weaknesses (or strengths, for that matter) against other elements. (* denotes Boss Card) -Fire Cards- Card # Name of Card 003 Red Dragon* 007 Red Lizard 009 Hobgoblin 011 Jack-O-Lantern 018 Orc 027 Flayer Spawn 030 Fire Golem* 035 Berserker 053 Dark Raven 054 Wizard 058 Will o’ Wisp 060 Stone Head 061 Blood Bush 062 Efreet* 064 Demon Fox* 066 Fire Gargoyle 067 Great Demon 072 Tiger Mage 075 Hand of Fire 076 Chimera 079 Kitty Trap 081 Golden Phoenix 102 Decoy Pillar -Water Cards- Card # Name of Card 016 Sasquatch* 017 Wraith 019 Fairy 020 Vampire Bush 022 Kraken* 023 Water Hopper 032 Giant Crab 034 Land Shark 036 Flying Ray 039 Basilisk 041 Maelstrom 049 Sea Monk 051 Larval Fly 052 Crystal Rose 063 Dragon Knight 069 Blue Dragon 073 Hydra* 074 Siren 087 Water Bird 090 Hand of Pain 093 Demon Skeleton 096 Mind Flayer* 097 Ice Golem* -Earth Cards- Card # Name of Card 001 Skeleton 004 Lizardman 006 Elephant 010 Sand Golem* 013 Sand Worm 014 Mummy 021 Catoblepas 025 Lich* 026 Carbuncle 029 Zombie Dragon* 031 Running Bird 038 Behemoth 043 Sand Beetle 045 Great Turtle* 046 Gold Butterfly 055 Dragonoid 065 Juggernaut 070 Griffin 084 Venus Spider 086 Sphinx 089 Plague Rat 098 Cyclops 103 Elephant King -Wood Cards- Card # Name of Card 002 Ghost Armor 005 Mandragora 009 Unicorn 012 Man Trap 015 Cockatrice 024 Fenril 033 Banshee 037 Demon Hound 042 Lycanthrope 047 Ghoul 048 Treant 050 MegaMandragora 056 Giant Bee 057 Birdman 059 Archer Tree 068 Evil Eye 071 Venom Lizard 078 Scythe Beast 082 Rheebus 083 White Tiger* 091 Whip Worm 092 Trickster 094 Caterpoker -Neutral Cards- Card # Name of Card 028 Golden Goose 040 Mole Monster 044 Necromancer* 077 Goblin Lord 080 Night Mare 085 Vampire* 088 Puppet Master* 095 Beelzabub* 099 Black Dragon* 100 Steel Skeleton 101 Chaos Knight* 104 God of Destruction* 105 Doppelganger ----- *5. Transformation Guide* As you use cards in battle, they gain experience. Once a card has enough experience, one of you options is to transform it into another card. Why would you want to do this?? If you are trying to collect all 105 cards, doing this is the only possible way. (Only #s are used to help me speed up typing this—In a later version I will go back and add the names of the cards in) [Original Card #] > [New Card #](Experience Needed) 001 > 093(1000) or 035(4000) or 100(6000) 002 > 101(2000) 003 > 029(1000) 004 > 078(1000) or 071(3000) or 003(6000) 005 > 059(1000) or 079(2000) or 050(5000) 006 > 070(2000) or 103(2000) 007 > 063(2000) or 039(3000) or 003(6000) 008 > 080(700) 009 > 092(3000) or 077(3000) or 035(4000) 010 > 030(700) or 038(1400) or 102(2100) 011 > 058(1000) or 013(1000) 012 > 094(1000) or 052(2000) or 021 (3000) 013 > 022(1000) 014 > 047(1000) 015 > 070(1000) 016 > 038(2000) 017 > 032(1000) or 033(1000) or 088(4000) 018 > 009(1000) or 067(1000) or 035(4000) 019 > 049(700) or 074(1400) or 087(2800) 020 > 061(700) or 039(700) or 090(700) 021 > 082(1000) or 073(1000) 022 > 096(1000) 023 > 032(1000) or 036(1000) or 022(4000) 024 > 008(1000) 025 > 085(1000) 026 > 089(1000) or 065(1000) or 091(2000) 027 > 019(1000) or 061(1000) or 041(1000) 028 > 102(2000) 029 > 099(5000) 030 > 017(1000) or 062(1000) or 097(2000) 031 > 046(700) or 087(2100) 032 > 004(1000) or 023(1000) or 097(4000) 033 > 007(1000) or 017(1000) or 096(3000) 034 > 037(1000) or 093(1000) 035 > 067(1000) or 077(1000) 036 > 023(1000) or 034(2000) or 073(3000) 037 > 034(1000) or 076(1000) 038 > 086(1000) 039 > 055(1000) or 020(1000) or 099(3000) 040 > 095(1000) 041 > 027(1000) or 079(1000) 042 > 057(1000) or 076(2000) or 024(5000) 043 > 084(1000) or 092(1000) or 034(1000) 044 > 025(1000) 045 > 105(9999) 046 > 031(700) or 094(700) 047 > 014(1000) or 071(2000) or 044(4000) 048 > 050(2500) 049 > 054(1000) or 068(1000) or 082(1000) 050 > 048(1000) 051 > 054(700) or 095(2100) 052 > 012(1000) or 048(1000) or 097(3000) 053 > 057(1000) or 076(2000) or 015(3000) 054 > 051(700) or 096(2800) 055 > 029(3000) or 003(4000) or 099(4000) 056 > 091(700) or 088(2100) 057 > 042(1000) or 074(2000) or 070(2000) 058 > 060(2000) or 011(2000) or 050(4000) 059 > 005(1000) or 084(1000) or 048(1000) 060 > 010(1000) or 058(1000) or 065(1000) 061 > 027(1000) or 020(1000) or 075(1000) 062 > 067(2000) 063 > 002(1000) or 101(3000) 064 > 086(1000) 065 > 060(1000) or 091(1000) 066 > 092(1000) or 075(1000) or 102(5000) 067 > 040(1000) 068 > 049(700) or 098(2100) 069 > 105(9999) 070 > 006(700) or 015(700) 071 > 047(1000) o 055(1000) or 029(2000) 072 > 086(2000) 073 > 029(1000) 074 > 053(1000) or 073(1000) or 080(1000) 075 > 090(700) or 096(2100) 076 > 037(1000) or 062(1000) 077 > 100(1400) 078 > 033(1000) or 079(1000) or 067(2000) 079 > 078(1000) or 041(1000) 080 > 101(3000) 081 > 105(9999) 082 > 021(1400) or 095(2800) 083 > 105(9999) 084 > 043(1000) or 059(1000) or 086(4000) 085 > 100(1000) 086 > 072(1000) or 103(1000) 087 > 031(700) or 008(700) 088 > 085(1000) 089 > 026(700) or 056(700) or 006(1400) 090 > 075(700) or 016(700) 091 > 056(1000) or 065(1000) 092 > 018(1000) or 037(1000) or 016(1000) 093 > 063(1000) 094 > 046(1000) or 102(5000) 095 > 040(1000) 096 > 096(1000) 097 > 010(1000) or 024(1000) 098 > 068(700) 099 > 085(1000) 100 > 077(1000) 101 > 080(1000) 102 > 066(700) or 025(700) 103 > 064(5000) 104 > 105(9999) 105 > 104(9999) ----- *6. Credits* *Jeff Guebert (SSTwinrova) for writing this FAQ *Prima’s Lost Kingdoms Guide for helping me with specific information that I hadn’t gotten to in the game (Want to be listed here? E-mail me (twinrova@swbell.net) and contribute to this FAQ) --End of Document--