Lost Kingdoms FAQ By: Lionheart19 sk8boarderguy16@nventure.com --------------------------- Contents --------------------------- I. Game Basics/Basic Tips II. Story III. Characters IV. Battling V. Walkthrough VI. Side Quests VII. Two-Player Mode VIII. Credits ----------------------------------- I. Game Basics/Tips Lost Kingdoms is a card-dueling RPG.Your only means of survival lies in cards that have powerful creatures to summon.There are three main types of cards: Independents,Summons,and Weapons.Indepents mostly do what they want,attacking the enemy and roaming.Some are immobile and have special powers.An independent has quite a bit of time before the card burns up.If it is attacked,the flame goes down,therefore speeding up the process.Summons are monsters that are summoned and do one powerful attack.Weapons simply strike out from Katia when used. Magic Stones are important for survival.Each card has a certain amount of stones required to summon it.If the player does not have enough,it will cost them life to bring the monster out.The main way to get magic stones is to attack a monster.Stones will fall out. Each card has is aligned with one of five elements: Earth,Wood,Water,Fire,and Neutral.Water beats Fire.Wood beats Earth.Earth beats Water.Fire beats Wood.Neutral,however,is not affected by elemental attributes,so any element will do the same damage. II. Story Five kings were each given a kingdom to rule,along with a Runestone,and forbidden to ally with each other.Soon the five kingdoms began to disappear.Things started to vanish into a dark fog.Many brave people entered it in search of answers,yet were never heard of again.Eventually,the five kings had to meet because the fog was taking over the kingdoms.Princess Katia,the princess of Alanjeh,was blessed with the power of the Runestones,meaning she could summon creatures from cards.She was the only hope... III. Characters Katia: Princess of Alanjeh,and a Runestone bearer.She is the only hope for survival. King Feobane: Katia's father and King of Alanjeh.He has set out with some trusted knights to find the truth about the Black Fog. Gurd: An old woman who teaches Katia how to use her powers.She also runs a little card shop.Gurd lets Katia duplicate,buy,sell,and even transform cards. Alexander: A young scholar studying faeries.Whenever you collect some Red Faeries,bring them to Alexander and he will reward you. Helena: A mysterious princess from an unknown land.Helena searches ruthlessly for Runestones and she won't let anyone stop her. Thalnos the Enchanter: A king from the Dark continent,he has all five Runestones from where he comes from.He learned of the cards of the gods,and then acquired the power of the God of Destruction. IV. Battling Battling is quite simple.It is important to know what element you need to use against the enemy.Press the corresponding button to throw the card.To call back an almost defeated card,hold R and press the corresponding button. Capturing cards is also very important.When the enemy monster has below 5 HP,hold L and throw a card at it.If the damage from the card kills the monster, it will capture it. Try to get EVERY card in the game.Capturing helps build your deck and get all 105 cards. V. Walkthrough Act 1 -------------- Alanjeh Castle- All you have to do is run forward until you get to a square part of the hallway.Take a right and continue.Open the chest in the room to find your first Runestone.Then you get into a battle with two skeletons.If you use a weapon card,such as Dark Raven,this battle will be quick and simple.Man Trap works well also.After the battle,get out of the room and Gurd will be standing there.Talk to her to end the level. Plains of Rowahl- Gurd will guide you through this level.Save your strong summons for the Boss.Before entering the Goblin's Fort,go to the deck point and put in any cards you have found.If you want to, go back and search for any cards you may have missed.Also,you may have seen a wagon on the way.If you haven't already,get into a battle around it and break it open with a weapon card or something.Inside is a Mummy card. BOSS- Sand Golem: The Sand Golem should have three hobgoblins with him.The goblins aren't a threat as long as you keep moving.Remember to always collect Magic Stones whether your supply is full or not,because they also give experience.Use summons like Lycanthrope to weaken the boss down.Mandragora is a good card to use also.Once the boss is defeated,collect the Stones. NOTE: Talking to people in this RPG is no use,so it's not a true RPG.Anyways,inspect everything but there is truly no need to talk.You get worthless blabbering. Blessoon- This is a level that is quite easy.The layout is not hard to figure out if you use the radar/map at the corner of your screen.Basically get all the chests that you can/want and then light the four colored pillars.Go through the gate that you just opened,then move ahead to find Alexander.After talking to him,collect the fairy in his camp.Cross the bridge and use the Deck Point.Proceed farther and a boss fight will start. BOSS- Fire Golem: This is a pretty simple boss if you follow these easy rules.First,don't get too close because he uses a wide-spread attack if you do.Second,just dodge his missiles if he shoots them.From there on,just use your strongest Water cards.If you can, try to hit and run using weapon cards. TIP: Make sure you are capturing spare cards and selling them.Later on in the game you will need the money.You may also want to start transforming and duplicating cards. Burial Grounds- Another easy level.Follow the path and inspect all the tall and skinny tombstones.One of them engages a battle and afterwards you will find a Treant card.When you have gotten everything you want,follow the path to the four colored tombstones.The order to inspect them is gold,green,white,and red.The gate will open. BOSS- Necromancer: This is an annoyingly hard boss.At this point the only thing you can do is use weapon and summon cards to defeat the two skeletons.After that,wait until the Necro warps.Right then use a summon or weapon.Be sure to dodge his attacks because they can take quite a bit of HP. Shayel Passage- This level is longer than it looks.Your first priority is to go left and hit the switch.Run back the way you came to the gate that is opening.Once in,collect all the chests and be sure to get the ones inside the little prison cell.Run down the passage in front of the cell to find a locked door.Remember about that door because it is the way to end the level.Anyways,go back to the switch and proceed down that walkway.As you climb higher and collect cards,be sure to destroy all 5 water tanks.After you have destroyed them,go to the square platform at the dead end. BOSS- Mind Flayer: This boss is easy.Remember even though the boss is Water-based,his two little Flayer Spawns are Fire-based.Destroy the Spawns and go after the Mind Flayer.Just summon Lycanthrope if you have his card in your hand.Finish him off with some weapons or something. TIP: Make sure you are collecting Red Faeries!After every level turn in your new faeries. Castle Grayl- Follow the path, and look for the identical statue to which statue you want to move when the two are blocking the way.Break open the boxes that are towards the end of the level.You will figure it out. BOSS- Mystery Woman(Helena): Don't get to close to her unless you plan to run away as soon as you attack because she has lots of Lizardmen.Just like you,she bears a Runestone.Unlike you,she has an unlimited supply of them,so don't just waste your time waiting and dodging.She uses Skeletons,Archer Trees,Hobgoblins,Dark Ravens,Mandragoras,Lizardmen,and Lycanthropes.Watch her movement and summoning patterns.Dodge her summons and avoid getting too close.Get her down to about 10-15 HP then GO IN FOR THE KILL!Be sure to get the faeries after the battle and the new Runestone.Katia now can hold 15 Magic Stones and has 150 HP. Bridge of Sarvan- Run until you get to the draw bridges.Go down the stairs and to the left.Turn the switch to the left.Run across to the other side and turn that switch to the right.Run back up the stairs and cross the bridge.Open chests.Just keep going along that walkway collect cards and opening chests. Kendarie Castle- A nice little movie.Just relax and take a few breaths. Yyprek Mines- First go straight and collect chests.Then find the lost soldier and help him find his friends.Sometimes he will stop.Take that time to search around you,but don't go too far.After you are done opening chests(or if you don't want to),walk up to him.He will let out a war cry and a battle will start. BOSS- Puppet Master: Destroy the Caterpokers.Don't worry about elemental properties for this battle.The Puppet Master is Neutral. Just use a combo of traps and summons.Weapons are fine if you are good at dodging. Bernden Fields- You will be forced to fight the Dragon Knight you encounter every time you come here.He is inevitable.Beat him down,then proceed.Slip through the crack between the cliffs and go to the center of the field.Inspect the bones. BOSS- Lich and Zombie Dragon: This is a good time to capture the rare Lich card.Normally you can't capture Bosses,but this time you can.Capture both.Abort and come back as many times as you want because they give good experience.Or you can come back to get their cards as many times as you want.After you are done gaining experience,proceed through the other crack in the cliffs.Don't forget the chests around the Zombie Dragon area.Well just keep going to find your father dying. BOSS- Beezlabub: Not too hard.Dodge his disc energy.Summons help but aren't necessary.Weapons do just fine.He is Neutral by the way. Castle Wyht- Just get all the cards and hit the switches as you go to use the elevators.Talk to every downed gaurd to get a card or key. When you are on the upper platform an unexpected battle occurs. BOSS- Chaos Knight: There are two Ghost Armors accompanying him.Take them out before you attack the Chaos Knight.Ghost Armors are of the Wood element.Although they may seem Fire-based, Chaos Knights are actually Neutral.After the fight,search the six statues for a switch. Go into the throne room but do NOT talk to the gaurd.Instead,go left to the little fireplace room.Get in a battle and destoy it.Afterwards,search it and it will ask you if you want to go through. Go to the end to find the Prince's room.Open the two chests.One has a Fenril.Then go back to the gaurd and talk to him to end the level. Grenfoel Church- Grab the four candles at the beginning and place them in their holders on the altar.If you want go down the passage to a Boss fight.If not, go left and play the organ and get the Red Faeries.First you must get the sheet music from the blocked off chest.Go down the secret passage to get the next Runestone.Helena rushes in,holding the Prince. BOSS- Vampire: If the area were bigger, the two Great Demons wouldn't be a problem.So,take them out with Water cards.Vampire is Neutral, as you probably suspected.By now,I had 2 Black Dragons in my deck and I got one out.Easy as that.If you don't have a Black Dragon yet,use powerful cards.Watch out for his projectile attack. Coliseum- BOSS- Helena(Last time!): She has improved since you last met.You should have,too.She has Demon Hounds,Stone Heads,Venom Lizards,and about 7 more but I don't feel like listing them.All are easy to dodge.Now for all you out there who weren't as concerned about collecting cards as me will have a bit of a harder time with this Boss.I luckily got both my Black Dragons out.Just dodge and summon. Mt. Jarndunn- Just use the Radar to find your way.It's a bit hard to spot faeries.I don't really know how I can help you on this level because there's not much to it except two Boss battles.When you see a little shrine arena,you better be ready. BOSS- Efreet(x2): Two Efreets at once is actually not that hard.Just run away from the fireballs.If you have an Ice Golem card in hand,use it.It should kill both in one hit if they are close together.They can dodge though.Use Water cards.After the fight,proceed up the path until you see a rocky area.This time,pray that you have enough Water cards to win against this tyrant. BOSS- Red Dragon: Two Hands of Fire accompany this giant.While dodging the Dragon's flames,try to at least weaken the hands(this way you save water cards).Then use a wide,long range card such as Kraken to take all three out when they are close together. Ruh~Arok Temple- This is more like a side quest because you get the four Legendary cards here but first you must collect over twenty of one type of card.Then you enter that color of the room and a secret level will open up on the world map.Getting the cards is optional.After you get/(If you don't want)the cards,go forward. BOSS- Black Dragon:This dragon is Neutral.Whip Worms work well because this Boss has short range but powerful attacks.Any long range attack or summon will do.Be sure to take out the two steel skeletons before the Boss. Broch Black- At this point,you should have 103 of the 105 cards.Find the Stone of Darkness to unlock the demon shaped gate.Cross the platforms.When you come to a strange energy field,go to the rooms to the right and left in the hallway and defeat the gaurdian in each.Then go through the gate. BOSS- Enchanter: This battle is sort of like fighting Helena,only much harder.He uses summons like Vampire and Elephant King.Don't get too close,or he will use the Dragon Knight.Decoys such as the Fire pillars work well in this battle. BOSS- God of Destruction: If you have the Doppleganger,throw it at the God of Destruction and hope for the one hit kill.If not then listen up.There are four elementals around the edges of the arena.One of his attacks uses those, so watch out.Use Red Dragons and Kraken because they are long-ranged.Use your cards wisely.After beating the game, you can go back and redo levels and get better ratings and collect faeries you missed. VI. Side Quests Dahl-Nok Valley: Talk to Gurd after Blessoon Gromtull Desert: Talk to Gurd after Dahl-Nok Rohbach: Talk to Gurd after Bridge of Sarvan Village of Lumsted:Talk to Gurd after Bernden Field Lake Bestriel: Talk to Gurd after Coliseum Secret Levels(Sort of like Side Quests) Yalwog: Collect 20 Fire cards and go to Ruh-Arok Terjon Temple: Collect 20 Water cards and go to Ruh-Arok Temple of Amentankh: Collect 20 Earth cards and go to Ruh-Arok Hupon-Jen: Collect 20 Wood cards and go to Ruh-Arok VII. Two Player Mode It's just like regular battles,only with a friend.You can set Loop Decks(you never run out of cards),Fair Play(outlaws some cards),Time,and Player Level.Choose the arena and pick your colors and decks.Fight! VIII. Credits ---------------------------- The folks at Prima such as David Cassady and Debra McBride for writing such a great strategy guide.Thank you. They provided most of this info.Some was from myself. Me,for writing this FAQ/Walkthrough ----------------------------- I hope my walkthrough helped you enjoy this game and find everything.Sorry about not covering transformations but I didn't have time.