Medal Of Honor - European Assault (Hero Difficulty) v1.1 [PS PAL Version] Copyright: =========== This document may not be copied or distributed in parts or as a whole. It may only be printed or saved for personal use. Any other usage requires the permission of the author, which may be sought from the e-mail address below. Should you find this file on a location other than GameFAQs or SuperCheats, then please use the same address to contact me. Contact Address: quadvod (at) gmail (dot) com Introduction: ============= This walkthrough will guide you through each of the eleven missions of the game on hero difficluty. The guide can of course be used for easier difficulties, but some parts may be somewhat redundant due to the fact that there will be easier and less time consuming routes available. Mission Search Tags: ==================== Operation Chariot M01 Raid On St. Nazaire M02 Lights Out In The Port City M03 Escape At Dawn M04 Operation: Blindfold M05 Operation: V2 Silence M06 Road To Stalingrad M07 Climbing Mamayev Hill M08 Mission To Rocherath M09 Farmhouse Liberation M10 Operation: Virus House M11 Mission Guides: =============== Operation Chariot M01 ================= Use this mission as a training exercise to see whether you're up to the task of attempting this game on this diffculty. You should hopefully be able to clear this mission without taking a single hit. The mission itself is so linear and straightforward that I've chosen not to go through the motions of a walkthrough, because it simply doesn't require one. The only tip I'll give is to begin by shooting the sniper on the tower. The guide does get a bit more detailed after this, honest! Raid On St. Nazaire M02 =================== i. Destroy Shore Gun: --------------------- Once the battle begins, head to the right flank towards the shore gun. Stop at the cube of 4x4 crates that have an electricity pole to their immediate right. Lean out to the right and kill the two white vested men behind the window ahead of you. Run to the right corner of that building once it's clear, and duck behind the crates there. Stick your head out to make sure the flank is clear, and head to the crates on the right beside the water (just before the pier that runs out into the sea). The warnings for the enemy on the right will sound out; ignore them for now and concentrate on clearing the path to the gun ahead of you. Once it's clear, jump up on the crate ahead of you and immediately duck down. Stick your head up to take out the two white-vests on the pier, and continue forward to the crates behind them. Jump on the crate and aim for the right of the crates ahead. An enemy soldier will stick his head out right into your sights. Kill him and send your squad in behind the crates to take out the other enemy soldier. Run to the end to pick up the grenades, along with any dropped ammo. Return back to the shore gun and, making sure that there are no enemy soldiers left, approach it and set the charge. Fall back from it slightly and grab the revive once it explodes. ii & iii. Eliminate Klaus Mueller & Find V2 Rocket Fuel Specifications: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Dart down into the tunnel and direct your squad directly forward towards the machine-gunner while you duck into the left. For this part of the level you need to stay completely behind your squad and let them take care of the enemy. The reason is that there are a couple of enemy soldiers that charge around corners right at you leaving you virtually defenceless bar a lucky head shot. Help your squad by throwing a grenade into the window slit without the machine gun. You will also need to kill the soldier at the end of the corridor opposite said window slit: just lean around the corner and fire when he sticks his head out. When all is clear, direct your squad to the corner of the two window slits (you don't want them to charge in against the forthcoming nemesis as it's all too easy for them to die). Next, run around the corner and, once the mission has been triggered, fall back again. Lean around the corner and target the nemesis' head as he looks around his corner. Allow yourself to be cautious here - there's no rush to kill him so don't take any needless risks. Never fire more than five bullets at once, duck back in regardless of whether you hit him or not and repeat. Sometimes it is difficult to see his head through the machine-gun's scope, so aim a little bit lower (the machine-gun will shoot higher due to recoil to compensate for this). Listen out for grenades too, although they are rare. Once he has been killed move forwards, using the pillar to protect you from the soldier behind the door to your left. Send your squad in to the machine-gun where the nemesis was shooting you from, and now turn your attention to the soldier behind the door. You should be parallel with him now, both of you just seperated by a wall. Aim at the right edge of the doorway with your machine-gun and then switch to your grenades. Cook it for a couple of seconds and then throw it against the wall so it rebounds towards the enemy soldier. Alternatively, disregard all that and just send your squad in. Head inside to grab the plans once the room is clear. Your squad should by now have cleared most of the corridor ahead. There may be one enemy soldier behind the crates on the left: a nicely cooked grenade should deal with him. iv. Locate And Destroy Anti-Aircraft Gun: ----------------------------------------- Exit the tunnel the same way that you came in (the other exit pops you up right in the middle of open ground and bypasses an easy revive), and work your way to the crates that are just beside the entrance to the building where you killed the two white-vests at the beginning of the level. Send your squad in to the building and listen out to make sure that they kill the enemy soldier taking cover in there. Next, send the squad forward to kill the two soldiers that are ahead and to the left of your postion behind the crates. Once they've been dealt with, head to the front corner of the white-vests building and let your allies (the non-controllable soldiers) take care of the enemies on the roof. Head inside the building on which the AA gun lays, and direct your squad to the left crate stack (you just want them out of your field of vision here). Move to the right of the stairwell entrance and lean out to target the top left of the stairs. An enemy soldier will lean into view. Kill him and move up the stairs. Turn around and lean out to target the top right of the stairs. Again, a soldier will lean into view. Repeat this manoeuvre for a third time on the left side of the stairs, and then send your squad out onto the rooftop to clear it. Move them next to the crates on the walkway that leads off the roof, and switch your M1 Thompson for the Karbiner. Place the charge on the AA gun and quickly duck behind the crates that are between the doomed gun and the stairs (position yourself so that you're away from the AA gun but also in suitable cover from the walkway). Pop your head above cover to help your squad with the enemy counter-attack. Once dealt with, grab the revive and head down the stairs. v. Capture German Bunker: ------------------------- Exit the AA gun building, going back towards the HMS Campbeltown, and swing around to the edge of the left flank. Move inside the building, going down the ramp towards the ammo, ducking into cover just before you reach it. The German soldiers will start retreating. Look up from cover and you should be able to make out the silhouettes of two enemy soldiers. Shoot them both, as well as the soldier that replaces them. To their left, just under the spotlight, should be another enemy soldier. After killing him, send your squad out to deal with any leftover enemy soldiers to the right of your position. Now make your way back to the rooftop with the AA gun. There is one last soldier who is well placed at the end of the walkway, and who is difficult to kill from below. Move onto the right hand side of the walkway and egde forwards. At the very end, through the smoke, you should be able to make out the figure of an enemy soldier with your rifle. Kill him and move down towards his position. Go down the steps and up another set onto a new walkway. Go towards the end of it, where it should provide you with a perfect view of the rear of the enemy bunker. Shoot the four or five soldiers around the stack of pipes. There will be one enemy solider at the very rear of the bunker who is just out of your aim. Get off the walkway by the same set of stairs which you got on, and head down underneath it. Once you're parallel with the bunker, move up beside it and send your squad in to deal with the partially hidden soldier and all the rest of the soldiers inside. When the gunfire dies down, run in to grab the revive. vi. Destroy Fuel Tank: ---------------------- Next is the toughest bit of the mission. After grabbing the revive, crouch and head back towards the entrance of the bunker. Stick your head above the wall that looks down on the bunker's tunnel and aim at the small alcove on the right. An enemy soldier will lean into your view. After killing him, send your squad down the corridor and into the smaller one that leads out into the machine-gun corridor. Move up beside your squad and quickly fall back (alone) towards the alcove. Sometimes this triggers an enemy soldier to rush at you, which should cause no problem to your squad. If it sounds like nobody has rushed them, instead lob a grenade from the adjoining corridor off the wall to the left of the crates and back into the center. Next, shoot the barrel and once it explodes move your squad up to the crates to the right of it. If the machine-gun catches one of your squad and has him pinned down (hitting him), then you have to try and save him. Luckily the gunner won't change his line of fire so it shouldn't prove too difficult. If your men make it to the crates safely, then follow them. Next, send them to the alcove on the right. One of them will almost certainly get pinned down here by the machine gun, which will give you the opportunity to take him out without getting hit. If they make it to the alcove safely, just send them out into the open until one of them either gets pinned or they kill the gunner themselves. When he has been killed, move your men forwards to the gun to flush out another enemy soldier. Approach the side of the machine-gun window and fire down the corridor at the barrels to clear the next room. Direct your squad to the window slit just before the room, don't let them enter it. The reason is because it is very possible for them to get killed up ahead. An enemy soldier sits atop the stairs in this room, looking down on you. If you haven't died yet then your adrenaline should now be full. Use it to storm the stairs and kill the soldier. Turn right and direct your squad to the crates in the middle of the room. Keep your head up above the stairs while your adrenaline drops in the hope of killing another enemy soldier, but be sure to be downstairs once it has depleted. If you don't have any adrenaline, then try and kill the soldier at the top of the stairs by strafing left and firing upwards before strafing right. Should he get you first, then use the brief moment of invincibilty when you respawn to take him out and direct your squad to the crates. Once the two enemy soldiers by the crates have been dealt with, enemy reinforcements will arrive one by one. Move your squad to the elevated position by the tanks left of the crates. Here they will be in a decent position to take out the enemy once they come down the stairs. As they are dealing with them, keep your head down on the stairs. When you hear no more gunfire, advance up the stairs and onto the walkway, from where the reinforcements were coming from. Edge forwards until you can see a crate on top of a crate in the next room. Cook a grenade and throw it to the right of the crate so that it bounces off the wall to kill at least one enemy soldier. Lean out to kill the other soldier behind the table if he survives the grenade. Next, gently toss a well-cooked grenade to the left of the crates to the left of the table to kill the last soldier in the room. Dash to the said crates, and go prone. Edge out to your right so that you're under the table, looking out the window. You should have a view of the sniper's legs, so shoot them. Once he's dead, stick your head out the doorway and shoot one of the barrels so that it burns. Two enemy soldiers will emerge so duck back inside and let the barrel take care of them. Now send your squad down to the crates that the two recently deceased enemy soldiers hid behind. Once you hear shooting, head back upstairs and go to the left window and shoot the barrels below. With the path to the fuel tank now clear, cross the stairs over to it and start ascending the spiral steps. Once you reach the platform here, edge out onto the walkway. Take a close look at the wall to your right until you're beside a very black part. Edge forward, crouched, with great caution: lean out after every step to try and target the enemy soldier on the platform across from you. You wil probably be fired upon before you see him. Keep ducking out every five seconds or so, but try to line up a shot (don't actually try and shoot). Lean out to see how much you're off target, duck back in and recalibrate, and then lean out again. When you've acquired the target, fire away (even if sparks fly your bulets will still be hitting their target. Reload after every kill, and stay in the exact same position. After four kills, edge forward around one little corner and target the soldier crouched in the open on the platform across from you. You can use your machine-gun here if low on rifle ammo (target with the rifle, switch, fire short bursts and use your adrenaline bar to see when he's been killed). After three or four kills, set the bomb and move back down towards the bunker. vii. Return To HMS Campbeltown: ------------------------------- Head back the way you came in, down the right flank. Move behind the middle pillar that holds the walkway, and send your squad to the pillar in front. An enemy soldier will dart across the AA gun walkway and down the stairs, where your men should take care of him. Run up the stairs onto the AA walkway and move three quarters of the way down, which should put you in a position overlooking the oncoming train. From your higher ground, shoot the four soldiers who stray out in the open after disembarking the train (they shouldn't even return fire). Once they've been dealt with, go prone and shoot anything below you. Most of the enemy is to your left (when facing the train). Next make your way to the now defunct AA gun. Move to its right and aim down at the three soldiers crouched behind the iron girder. Once they've been killed, you should be safe to make your way back to the boat. As ever, move your squad ahead first to ensure that the route is clear. Lights Out In The Port City M03 =========================== i. Eliminate German Infantry Unit --------------------------------- Move though the hole in the wall and fall back when you hear the cry of "Christ, here they come!". Move back to the other, impassable hole in the wall and crouch. Get into a position whereby in the center of the screen there will be a vertical grey bar dropping from the ceiling (with a Nazi flag hanging to its left). From here, you will have a perfect view of a 'sweet spot', a place where once you shoot an enemy soldier, two or three will replace him one by one. You should be able to get a couple of head-shots here with the accurate M1 Garand. Once the initial wave has been repelled, move up to the wall on the right with the broken window. From here, your only objective is to take out the machine gunner. To aim, use the same tactic as you did for the soldiers on the fuel tank platform in the previous mission: aim, duck into cover, recalibrate, aim again etc. The long distance between you and the gunner should ensure that you don't get hit. Once he's been taken care of, advance to the front right corner of the bunker. Kill two soldiers through the window slits and send your squad to the far side of the bunker to kill the remnants of the infantry unit. Go forward to grab any dropped ammo, then head back and take the revive. ii. Destroy 3 V2 Rocket Hulls ----------------------------- Head to the door on your left and place the explosives on it. Blow the door, but don't go through it. Instead, head to the left to the pile of wood. Stay to the right of the pile and you should be able to pick off two enemy soldiers through a gap in the wood, from a semi-standing position. Go to the left side of the wood and pick off two more diagonally to your right. Go through the blown up door and the one in front of it to trigger the V2 Hull mission. Fall back again through the blown up door, but this time head to the right. As you turn go past the corner, go prone and zoom with your M1 Garand. You should be able to see the feet of a soldier. Switch to your machine gun and fire at his feet in short bursts to hit him in the most effective way. Once he drops, move as far to the right as possible. Between the two carriages will be a gap with a crate visible. Toss a well cooked grenade onto it to take out another soldier. Now go through the doors and move to the crates just ahead of you to the right. Hop up onto the lower of the crates and aim towards the top left of the factory take out two enemy soldiers (you might want to shoot a V2 hull down for a better view). When they're dead, head towards the right of the factory entrance while directing your squad to the revive. From there, they should be able to deal with the two soldiers who run to the crates just behind it (if not, lean out to help them). Once they've been dealt with, head forwards and get the revive. iii. Locate And Destroy German U-Boat ------------------------------------- Move up the stairs to the left corner and send your squad to the right (also upstairs). This will draw the opposite building's machine-gunner's fire and allow you to lean out of cover for an easy kill (the machine gunner to your lower right should be just as easy if he's still alive). Head downstairs and go through the door that your allies kick in, then retreat back outside it again (you should be just beside it, facing the right of the room). Shoot the enemy soldier that leans into view in the doorway and direct your squad to the window on the bottom floor. Cover the top floor - there will usually be two enemy soldiers up there but your allies often take them out themselves. Go to the exit of the building and move through it far enough so that your allies also run through it. Once they do, retreat back to the piece of ground that lies between the building with the kicked in door and the V2 hull factory. Swing around to the left (of the kicked in door building) and you will completely ambush four or five enemy soldiers aiming in the opposite direction at your allies. After killing them, have your squad fall back into cover as they mostly just get in your way for the next part. Use the pillar a bit behind the barbed wire as cover (you should be behind the electricity pole and overlooking the sea). From here you'll be in a great position to take out the reinforcements that head to the center. You'll now just be left with those on the right flank. Head back through the building with the kicked in door and send your squad out to deal with them. Once they've killed the first two, move up to the first pile of wood and send you squad ahead to the second. This will get the allies to cover the left flank and between you you should deal with the reinforcements down this flank. Once clear, move up the right flank to the last carriage. Run up to the high point of the ramp (don't go up it, go beside it so that you are at waist height to its heighest point). This will give you a prefect view of the machine gunner who shouldn't be able to react in time before you pick him off. Now go up the ramp and into the carriage and look across. Two enemy soldiers can easily be picked off as they're too busy shooting at your allies down the other flank. Head into the carriage beside you and switch machine guns, and then move across the dock to trigger the U-Boat mission. Move up to the ramp nearest the U-Boat, and send your squad down it in the direction of the base of the crane to kill the enemy soldier stationed there. Next send them past the other ramp and into the crates there to kill another soldier. Bring them back and move them onto the stretch of deck that leads out to the U-Boat to take out another two enemy soldiers. Now the dock is clear, so set the charges (leaving the middle one until last) and go grab the M1 Garand ammo behind the crates (behind the ramp you descended) while you wait for the timer to tick down. Grab the revive once the U-Boat explodes and head back to the last machine-gun position that you secured. iv & v. Eliminate Horst Brenner & Uncover V2 Rocket Equipment Blueprint ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Move inside the building and crouch by the window. Position yourself so that you're to the left of the doorway that leads to the power station. Pop up and kill a soldier to the right of said doorway, between the two piles of wood. Move to the exit of the building and immediately fall back again behind the window (this should trigger the machine-gunner). Deal with the machine-gun as you did at the beginning of the level. Stay in the same aiming position and take out the five or six replacement gunners that follow. Once they've all been killed, send your squad out of the building to gain a foothold on the battlefield (that'll be signalled by your allies running out to join them). Follow them and go right. Hide behind the pile of wood and send your men further up the same flank. When the two enemy soldiers here have been killed, head forwards on the far right. Leap over the small stack of wood and go forward a couple of steps. Look to your left and you'll spot two enemy soldiers exposed and aiming forwards, not at you. Dispatch them and head up the stairs and crouch down on the opposite side of the machine gun. Hit L3 to call your squad towards you and let them deal with the two soldiers ahead of you by the crates (don't send them into the building though). Move forwards once they've done their job to trigger the emergence of the nemesis, and fall back with your men to the left. Wait for about one minute to ensure that the nemesis has ducked into the upstairs room out of the way, and send your men forwards to the crates just inside the building. This will draw the fire of the enemy soldier located just in front of the nemesis' room (behind one of the panels on the walkway), giving you an easy kill. Direct your squad into the room below the nemesis and go halfway up the stairs. One by one, throw your grenades at him. Head back to the room that your squad is in to gather more grenades, then repeat the process. Hopefully you'll have enough to kill him with. If you don't, use your adrenaline to rush in and kill him. If you've no adrenaline, send your squad in. If your squad's health is low (at least two are in red), then, very cautiously, move up the stairs until you have a view of his head and shoot it repeatedly. Once he's dead, run in and take the blueprints. vi. Destroy Power Station ------------------------- Head back down the stairs towards the other stairs and send your squad down them. Go about one quarter of the way down them yourself and go prone, facing right. Kill the enemy soldier that you overlook and join your squad at the bottom. Send them further down the left of the room. Once they kill the next emerging enemy soldier, send them around the corner. Head to the corner yourself to trigger the next enemies. Once your squad deal with the first soldier, send them ahead to kill the second, who is positioned right on the corner of the corridor leading to the generator room. Once he's dead, send your squad forward again to deal with another two soldiers in the aforementioned corridor. Now head to the doorway of the generator room. Across the walkway on the left of the far doorway is an enemy soldier. Do the usual targeting routine and hold your aim once you've killed him to kill his replacement. Head across the walkway and go down the stairs to the left of the fence. Send your men into the room ahead of you and now go to the right of the fence. Two enemy soldiers will emerge from behind the generator room to be cut down by your squad. Now head to the entrance of the generator room. Go in and immediately retreat to your left as your entrance triggers the emergence of two enemy soldiers who will run in from above on the walkway. The first is located just above the generator (when leaning in from the left side of the room entrance). Once you kill him, duck back into cover and wait fifteen seconds. Emerge again to kill his replacement, who should be positioned in the same spot. The other enemy soldier is located diagonally across from the other. You may need to fire at him multiple times due to the walkway blocking some of your shots. Now that the room is clear, start setting the charges, leaving the one closest to the doorway last. Head back upstairs to the walkway and go to the left side of the entrance. Further ahead on the left of the opposite doorway is an enemy soldier. Once you've dispatched him, move halfway up the walkway and send your squad forward and to the right. There will be an annoyingly positioned soldier behind the crate on the corner: lean out from the doorway and pepper his position with gunfire while sending your squad forward, who should be able to deal with both him and his replacement. Now head back upstairs and let your allies deal with the counter-attack if you (or your squad) are low on health. If not, crawl forward to the machine gun and lean out to its right. You should just about be able to make out an enemy soldier. Kill him, and then direct your squad left and right to mop up any other resistance. Once the gunfire goes quiet, move forward and hit the plunger. (The end of this level provides one of the best places for an adrenaline rush if you're feeling adventurous.) Escape At Dawn M04 ============== i. Destroy Machine-gun Nest --------------------------- Head out and enter the main street to trigger the enemy's attack. Don't bother trying to hit the fleeing soldiers, instead position yourself at the near corner of the street and aim diagonally across to the crates, to which an enemy soldier will advance. Kill him and move down the street (on the same side) to the steps. From here, rise above cover and aim for the enemy soldier behind the crates (one of the NPC soldiers may obscure your view here). Next, lean out to the left and pick off the soldier in the window. Move forwards to the crates and you should be able to pick off his replacement. The area should now be clear and the NPCs will all pile into the house. Send your squad upstairs to take out a very awkwardly placed soldier and swap the Thompson for the MP40. Move out of the house and into the side-street. Aim your MP40 at the window above and advance steadily, taking out the enemy soldier as soon as he emerges. Go out onto the main street and advance up the right flank. Use the cart as cover when the enemy soldier falls back. Advance to just before the street lamp and aim diagonally across to take out another soldier. Edge forwards again, and send your squad into the doorway to your left. Use their advance as a diversion and lean out to your left to snipe the enemy soldiers hiding behind the crates ahead. Head across to your squad and go upstairs. Take out the soldier darting across the corridor (if you miss just send your squad after him). Advance down the hallway and send your squad into the right room. Go prone and follow them in, heading to the corner beside the window that is opposite the room's entrance. Face forwards (or up the street) and stand. This should give you a great view of an enemy soldier below. Head back out of the building to the main street and advance up the right flank. Send your squad out to the opening between the crates and let them take care of the enemy soldiers (usually one on the left and two on the right). Send your squad into the machine-gun house to clear it and once safe, grab the revive inside. ii. Eliminate Panzer Tank ------------------------- Meet up with the other squad and dart down the street. Duck in to the left and head up the stairs. At the top, go to the wall just to your right. Turn around and send your squad downstairs as otherwise they'll only get in the way. Lean out to the right and pick off the enemy soldier in the open window across from you. Edge out of cover and take out the machine-gunner to your right (if the NPCs already haven't). Next use the 'V' in the wall ahead to take out the enemy soldier in the other open window to the left (remain back from the 'V' wall). Move forwards to the window in the concrete and from its left look out and kill the two soldiers visible below the machine-gunner's position. Peek above the wall and kill the soldier in the roofless building to your right, and his replacement. Take out any remaining soldiers below, but keep an eye on the open windows. Once the soldiers reappear in them, fall back to the wall near the stairs and repeat the same tactic to deal with each, and their replacements. Note that the left-hand gunner is one to the left of the original window. Once the windows have been cleared, the NPCs will advance and blow the doors off the building across from you. Head downstairs and grab your cowardly but healthy squad and head across to the aforementioned building. Send your squad ahead of you into every room from here until the building where the airstrike on the Panzer occurs. iii. Eliminate Erich Koster --------------------------- Upstairs in the Panzer building, move to the window in the left corner and, crouching, shoot the two soldiers upstairs across from you. Try not to, er, 'crouch upwards' too much as you will make yourself visible to two soldiers below you, hiding behind a wall. Aim for them next, and then crawl towards the revive. Grab it and from a nearby window take out the machine-gunner across from you. Head downstairs and run across the street to the room on the left, jumping the crates and using the truck as cover. Order your squad in here out of harm's way and wait until the NPCs take care of the enemy. When the gunfire dies down, move from the back room to the front one and start side-stepping your way up the stairs, while keeping an eye on the church's entrance. As soon as you see the enemy appear, head back down and return to the back room until the NPCs again take care of them (if you get bored waiting there's a window beside the back room's original entrance that provides ample sniping opportunities). Head to the right of the church's entrance and direct your squad to the very right, out of the action for now. Go prone and lie on the first step outside of the church. Edge to your left so that you can only see the left side of the piece of rubble that is directly inside the church. There should be an enemy soldier hiding on this side so pick him off once he emerges. Send your squad towards the rubble and they should take care of the remaining two soldiers behind it. Move into the church yourself and head left to the second pillar. Look out from its left and take out the enemy soldier in the center (under the red flag). Advance to the third pillar and the NPCs will advance with you, so stay in cover on the left until the strong gunfire dies down. By now the nemesis will have appeared. Move to the pillar's right and peek out to have a shot at him up behind the altar. After the initial shot it becomes easy as he usually just ducks and peeks out from the exact same position again. Fall back to the pillar's left if he manages to launch any grenades but it should be a relatively straightforward battle. iv & v. Destroy Radio Tower & Obtain North African Shipping Manifest -------------------------------------------------------------------- Head across the church and blow up the radar tower. Grab the revive and head back across to the left flank and move forwards to the altar to grab the documents. Use your squad to take care of the remaining enemies at the rear of the church, supporting them with your grenades if necessary. vi. Escape St. Nazaire ---------------------- Assuming you haven't died recently your adrenaline should be full. Switch to the MP40 and leave the church. Grab the grenades to your right and head up that flank. As soon as the first enemy soldier emerges, hit the adrenaline and take out all four soldiers (two on each side). Only once they're dead can your attention switch to the tank. Stay at its rear and drop cooked grenades from behind and from the flanks. Always be on the move, going from garden to garden to avoid its machine-gun. If you don't have any adrenaline, use the buildings as cover and snipe the soldiers as quickly as possible. Note that there is no use charging them with your MP40 with a view to taking advantage of the two or three seconds of invulnerability that you gain once you respawn, as you are always respawned back at the church's exit. Operation: Blindfold M05 ==================== i. Destroy Panzer Tank In Ruins: -------------------------------- Head forwards and take the right path, then climb up onto the piece of land on the first left, from where an NPC will be firing. Edge ahead of him and lay prone between the rock and tuft of grass and aim at the tank. There should be two enemy soldiers ahead of it; snipe them and their replacements. Scroll to the left of the village and you'll see a wall with a soldier behind it, peeking out from both the left and right. Kill him and his replacements. Look further to your left away from the village and you should see two grey uniformed soldiers hiding behind a wall, firing to the right. Snipe them and jump down to get any ammo that they may have dropped. Double back to the right flank to scavange any ammo that the NPCs may have dropped when they got hit by the tank. Move up towards the village, but stay clear of the extreme right flank as an enemy soldier is wandering about (he heads into the village as you advance). Throw three grenades over the wall to cripple, but not destroy, the tank. Peek into the village and blast away any of the enemy soldiers that your squad hasn't killed. To kill the soldier behind the tank, go prone and shoot his feet by the edge of the tank's tracks. Go into the village and grab the grenades (crouched) before finishing off the tank from outside the village walls. ii. Acquire Tiger Tank Operations Manual: ----------------------------------------- Grab the revive and head towards the MP40 corner of the village (the bottom-right of the village, facing the trench). Exit the back of the MP40 room and aim diagonally across the village where you can see an enemy soldier (usually just his arm). If he's not visible then he may have been killed by your squad earlier, but throw a grenade into this top-left room to be sure). Side-step to your left until you have a view of the machine-gunner covering the trench's right flank. Try to take him and his replacements out with headshots to bump up your adrenaline (it should be easy seeing as they won't be shooting at you). Finally, send your squad in to the room to the left of the well to clear the village. Now it's time to head for the trench. If your adrenaline is still not full, go to the top-right room in the village and snipe the machine-gunner (and his replacements) covering the left flank via the left "window" in the ruins. Swap your Enfield for the MP40 and head up the right flank. Run towards the right opening in the trench and hit your adrenaline as soon as the big explosion occurs. Get into the right bunker as quickly as possible, while spraying the trench with machine-gun fire. Always stay moving towards the bunker, any shooting at enemy soldiers should be done whilst moving backwards towards it (the bunker). An enemy soldier will greet you in the bunker but you should still have a bit of adrenaline left. Once inside, position your squad to the edge of the bunker, mainly to just stay out of the way. Move down to the foot of the slope, shotgun equipped, and lean out so that you're about half-exposed. Blast away at the enemy soldier right in front of you and duck back in. Repeat for his three replacements and move into the tunnel to the second pillar on the left. Send your squad ahead to clear the rest of the tunnel (make sure they don't miss the guy in the room where the documents are). Keep moving up, going diagonally from cover to cover while sending them forwards until there's no more gunfire. If you didn't kill him earlier, throw a grenade up the slope to take out the machine-gunner in the other bunker. Double back down the tunnel, grabbing the documents along the way. iii. Sabotage German Radar Dish: -------------------------------- Use you squad to clear the rest of the trench, similar as to how you cleared the tunnel below (listen out for grenades here). Don't venture down to the other bunker, as the machine-gunner up by the radar station will emerge and pin you down. If you're running low on Enfield rounds (if you've less than a clip), grab some ammo from the crates (drop the Shotgun) beside the Tiger tanks hangar. Return to the village and swap your Shotgun for your Enfield. Direct your squad to the well and prepare for some long range machine-gunning. There's a gap in the middle-left wall of the village facing towards the radar station (it is to the right of the fixed machine-gun). Approach it a bit from the right and from well away so that you can see an empty doorway through the gap. Edge forwards and check your view again until enemy soldiers appear (they should not be shooting at you, but may be firing at some of your NPCs). Line them up with your Enfield but switch to your MP40 to shoot. You can gauage from your adrenaline meter when you kill them (firing in three by three bursts usually works well). Repeat the process until the doorway is clear. Leave the village and fall back to the rear of the battlefield and then to the left flank. Aim your Enfield at the machine-gun post ahead and above and edge forwards. Have your squad ahead of you at all times so that when the machine-gunner does emerge, he will aim at them. He should appear once you're level with the tank turret embedded in the ground to the right. Once eliminated, hide behind the wall with the turret and send your squad ahead to mop up any more soldiers in the area. Move towards the trench again when all is clear and go to the rocks ahead of the bunker (avoid getting the grenades amongst the crates as you'll soon have an infinite supply). Crouch and aim towards the left path of the radar station and you may see two soldiers amongst the crates to the left. If they're not there it means that your squad took care of them earlier. Make your way up the right path until you're halfway up, and stop as soon as you see enemy soldiers or hear gunfire (there's a small alcove here that you can duck into). Send your squad to the crates on the right to kill the three enemy soldiers there (one will be a replacement from the left), and call them back as soon as they've killed them. Edge forwards crouched and snipe off the two soldiers in the building (move to the left so that you block the line of sight to the soldier on the left and concentrate on the the right soldier alone). Once killed, move your squad to the crates on the right and follow them when there's no gunfire. Look across to the left and there should be two enemy soldiers just waiting to be shot. Oblige and head to the middle crates. From there, send your squad to the crates on the left to ensure the area is clear. Lastly, throw a grenade into the rear of the radar station for an easy kill. Enter and take the grenades. They will always be there as long as the tank (that emerges once you plant the charge) remains intact. Therefore I suggest completing the next two objectives before setting the charge. Also, it is incredibley difficult to get out of the radar station without adrenaline, so I'm assuming that your bar is full. First, direct you squad to the right path from the doorway of the radar station (looking towards the trench now, i.e. not the path you came up). Plant the charge, and go towards the right path. As soon as see or hear gunfire, hit the adrenaline. Mow down the first group of four enemy soldiers and direct your squad further down the path. Another group of four soldiers will emerge from the right; you should have enough adrenaline left to deal with them too. It is up to you whether you want to go back and blow up the tank. I prefer to keep the grenades for the facility up ahead, but if you're close to full adrenaline or need another revive then you may want to blow it up. For the remainder of the mission I'm not going to assume that you've any adrenaline, but I am going to assume that you have grenades (there are extra grenades in amongst the crates that we avoided earlier on the left flank). iv & v. Eliminate Adabold Brecht & Recover British Reconnaissance: ------------------------------------------------------------------ Head over to the downed aircraft. Direct your squad to stay back where the surviving NPC airman is and switch to your grenades. Four enemy soldiers are in open view up ahead so throw a grenade in to kill at least one of them. Fall back, switch to your Enfield, and aim to the left of the brown boulder on the ridge above. An enemy sniper will appear here periodically. While waiting for him, send your squad ahead to take care of the remaining enemy soldiers. Once they and the enemy sniper have been killed, it is time to hunt down the nemesis and make use of your infinite grenades. The nemesis and at least one bodyguard will be down in the valley, to the right of the red circle on the plane's wing (sometimes he stays more central before moving there - check your radar to see where he is). You can also jump to give yourself a quick view of below, but don't go down the slope at all. From the higher ground, you can easily take him out with your grenades. Your only worry will be his grenades, but they are usually visible, and are always audible. It may take a couple of trips to the radar station (remember to send your squad to the right out of the way upon return) but it's the easiest way to take him out. Head down to the rock the furthest to the right and send your squad ahead. Two enemy soldiers will emerge, but let your squad take care of them. You should instead turn to your left and watch the ridge above. A sniper will appear into view so quickly take him out. Advance to the edge of the fuselage and snipe the enemy soldier hiding behind the rock at the other end. Move halfway through the fuselage and send your squad ahead. There's a sniper on the ridge above to the left. You squad will either take him out or become a decoy that so you can finish him. Go to the right edge of the last piece of fuselage and send your squad out through the fuselage into the open ground. Grab the recon and wait for your squad to take out the enemy soldier that appears. Get the revive and head up the hill on the left. Turn around and direct your squad to the rock behind the tuft of grass on the right. Edge forwards towards them from the right and stop once you hear gunfire. Your squad will take out one of the two enemy soldiers that appears but the other is well placed behind the two rocks in the center. Recall your squad and snipe him yourself from the left side (you should probably familiarise yourself with the location of the central rocks before you trigger the soldiers' emergence). Advance up the left flank and stop once you get level with the plane wing to the right. Send your squad ahead and edge forward behind the cover of the rocks. Stay down once you hear gunfire and let your squad take care of the last two soldiers in this area. If your adrenaline bar is full, now might be a good time to blow the radar station. vi. Destroy Tiger Tank Protoypes: --------------------------------- Enter the cave with all the crates and stick your head out to trigger the enemy's emergence. Fall back out of the cave and swing around to the right, aiming at the oil drill (you needn't advance too far forward). Take out the soldier on top, then the one below plus his replacement. There is another soldier further back on the right amongst the crates, and another one further back just in front of the building (neither should fire at you). Move forwards towards the Enfield ammo and kill the two white-shirts to your left. Go back around through the cave and move your squad towards the tank. Aim at the empty machine-gun at the top of the building and edge forwards. Take out the gunner and his replacement, just as you did the radar gunner. Next, send your squad to the rear of the tank to take out the soldier there. Pull them back towards the cave before setting the charge on the tank and fall back yourself. The tank's hangar doors will open and two soldiers will position themselves to the right of the cave's entrance, giving you an easy double kill from the side. Head back through the cave and send your squad into the hangar to take out the machine-gunner there. Move towards the hangar and throw a grenade to the rear of the right tank to clear it, before blowing both tanks. vii. Escape Into Bunker: ------------------------ Once destroyed, aim for the machine-gunner on top of the building who should be aiming at one of the NPCs. Move up the right flank and throw a grenade into the room under the oil drill. Continue to the crates just past it. Edge past the crates, and fall back again as it triggers the enemy's appearance in the building. Take out the enemy that appears in the window and move forwards to the building, sending your squad up with you. Set the charge on the door and duck for cover on the right side with your squad. Once the door blasts, aim for the ammo crates where a soldier will be hiding. Take out the other soldier to the back of the room, again behind crates, in the center-left. Fall back to the hangar and snipe the enemy in the center of the building on the slope, aswell as the soldiers in the room to the left. Move up along the left flank and make sure that there's no enemy soldiers inside the left room. Send your squad in to the bottom of the slope in the room and enter after them, but head immediately to the crates on the right and duck down. An enemy soldier will charge down the stairs where your squad will be waiting. The next bit is a bit difficult to put into words but here goes. Position yourself prone at the bottom of the slope so that you can throw a grenade upstairs, but in the opposite direction of the slope. That is, you're looking to throw it off the upstairs wall and ultimately in the direction of the door that you blew. Follow it up with another one a few seconds later. It should take out the two soldiers overlooking the slope and allow you to ascend slowly. Kill the soldier hiding behind the yellow box to the right of the slope's top. A second soldier is hiding behind the crates diagonally across the room. Approach the next slope and throw some more reverse grenades towards the center of the room to take out two more soldiers. Advance up the slope and move around the crates on the slope's side. Aim to the left of the exit and shoot the soldier who appears through the window. Next, lean out the doorway and shoot the soldier on the left, then grenade the soldier in the other doorway. Run across to the other side so that you can aim down the last hall from the left. Kill the soldier at the entrance of the hall on the right, and his replacement. Fall back to the machine-gun to snipe the remaining soldier in the hall. Head through the first door to trigger the last two soldiers, one goes to each side. Use either your squad or your Enfield to snipe them and finish the level. Operation: V2 Silence M06 ===================== i. Free 3 SAS Commandos Prisoners --------------------------------- Advance forward and fire off a shotgun round at the enemy soldier when he peeks around the corner. Move around the corner, staying on the right, and snipe off the enemy soldier behind the desk to the left. Lean out to the left and there'll be two enemy soldiers ahead on the right. Take out the one on the radio and then the one with his back to you leaning up against the shelf (sometimes he's further to the left facing you, I think it depends on the speed you get there - don't go too quick). Advance forwards slightly down the slope and two more enemy soldiers will emerge. One runs around the corner and goes to the far end of the corridor, you can probably let him go. The other crouches down at the corner crate for an easy kill. Go about halfway down the slope on the right and snipe diagonally across the room a soldier slightly obscured by a shelf. The final enemy soldier in the room is to the right exit, obscured a bit by the pipes. Snipe him and grab any dropped ammo in the room plus the four grenades to the left. Throw one of them into the corridor that the enemy soldier dashed into earlier. Crouch down at the corner and aim up the corridor and snipe the aforementioned soldier at the other end. Throw another grenade into the entrance on the right (don't advance down the corridor), and use your adrenaline bar to make sure the grenade finds its mark. Head down to the end of the corridor and grab any ammo. Next, lean out and snipe the soldier leaning out from the right. Move back down the same corridor to where you threw the second grenade. Don't lean out too far to the right and stay prone. Throw a grenade to the left of the light and over the crates and you should take out two soldiers. If you only get one, wait a few seconds and throw another at the same spot. Next, lean out and snipe the enemy soldier at the far end of the room. Crawl further to the left until you can see the light. Throw a grenade past it, keeping the trajectory low, and you should take out the last two soldiers in the room. Head towards the end of the room and blow the door. Lean in to the left and blast away at the enemy soldier behind the pipes before releasing the prisoner. Return out the other end of the room and go to the corner where the retreating soldier ran to. Advance forwards about half-way and throw a grenade into the room on the left to take out one of the two enemies. Send your squad in to take out the other (if you've no grenades left then just send in your one man squad who should be able to handle both). Release the second prisoner and return to the first room you encountered. Go past where the last enemy you killed was (by the pipes), and lean out to the right. You should catch an enemy soldier just out in the open so blast away at him. Send your growing squad out to the generator and let them kill the two soldiers to the right hiding behind the crates. Move to the nearest generator and go prone. From its right corner, look diagonally across and you should see an enemy soldier hiding behind some crates. Once killed, crouch and look out from the right of the generator down the room. Another soldier will be behind some crates again so take him out. Move down the room to your left and send your squad aroound the corner to take out the soldier there. Blast the door and take out the soldier guarding the prisoner. Direct your squad to the locker just before the cell so that they can take out the two soldiers that appear, and release the last prisoner. Once your squad has cleared the way, grab the revive and head towards the nemesis. ii, iii & iv. Steal V2 Test Film, Eliminate Hans Schneider & Locate Coded Virus House Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Exit the generator room and go up the slope towards the V2 film room. Lean out to the right about three-quarters up the slope and snipe the soldier to the left of the left pillar through the window. Next, snipe the soldier hiding behind the locker on the left at the end of the hallway. Crouch safely past the window and move to the corner of the right wall. Lean out and blast away at a soldier on the left ahead (don't even aim, just lean and blast). Grab his ammo and the grenades past him. Lean out from the grenade room and gradually aim into the room, increasing the angle a small bit at a time. There is one soldier to the right of the projector, whose position may be refilled. If it's not then there'll be one in the middle (but again to the right somewhat), and finally another to the left of the projector. The final soldier is around the bottom left corner of the room (looking from behind the projector). Sometimes he looks out from the pillar and is shootable from the window (aim from the right to avoid the nemesis' line of view). If he's not in view, advance to the door so the nemesis falls back, then lean out and blast away or send your squad in. Once the room's clear, grab the V2 test film. Hop back onto the projector table and leap the railings so you don't have to go past the doorway, and prepare for an adrenaline charge in. Hit it a bit before you head in as a soldier comes at you from the doorway and let rip with the MP40. Try and hit the soldier that runs at you and the one behind him, but then go straight for the nemesis. Go into his corner and beyond him so that you can hit him whilst also hitting the soldier beyond him and behind him. The timing is really tight for this so you're probably going to have to hide behind the desk after your adrenaline runs out as there'll probably be at least one enemy soldier left in the room. Call your squad to you and they should clear both the V2 test film room and the nemesis room. If you don't have adrenaline at the moment then you can go back any time really during the mission (there isn't any other stand out adrenaline moments). v. Photograph V2 Schematics --------------------------- Head back into the generator room and get level with the conveyor belt. Two enemy soldiers will hide behind the elevated crate ahead so switch to your grenades. Aim at the light and have a strong, high throw ready and go forwards to trigger the enemy's emergence. Throw the grenade and fall back behind the crate on the conveyor belt. If your grenade fails to kill them both just send in your squad. Move to the left of the slope and lean out slightly to snipe the soldier in the room ahead. Lean out a bit further and there'll be another one amongst the crates ahead who will run forward a bit towards you. Move to the right of the crate that the two enemy soldiers were hiding behind and go prone. You should just be able to snipe one guy on the stairs, while you can see the legs of another soldier straight ahead behind a crate (blast away with the shotgun if your Enfield ammo is low). Look out from the left of the crate and on the stairs there'll be some grenades, with an enemy soldier right next to them. Move to the next crate and, again leaning out from the left, you should be able to spot another soldier at the top of the stairs. Grab the Enfield ammo from the room and go to the first crate on the big slope. Direct your squad to the third crate and move to the second one. Go prone and blast away with the shotgun at the three emerging enemies. Send your squad further ahead to the right again and move up to the third crate. An enemy soldier will move to the stairs on the left and start sniping your squad, leaving you with an easy shot. Move past the crate again to trigger a final enemy soldier who will run right into your awaiting squad. Head back down the slope and go up the stairs. Send your squad out into the open as bait, and aim for the soldier nearest to you behind the crates just to your left (not the guy to your extreme left). Once he's dead, go for the tower. You should be leaning out only so much so that you can see the machine-gunner, so go for him. Take out the sniper in the tower next, and his replacement. Now go for the soldier in the left building if he's still alive, and finally the soldier to your left behind the crates. Send your squad around the back of the left building to take out two enemy soldiers there. Grab the MP40 and head towards the two tankers on the right. Once you hear gunfire, fall back on the same flank to behind the left building and progress to the crates on the rear of the other building. From here you can safely snipe about eight enemy soldiers in the open; two on the left flank, the machine-gunner in the far tower and two snipers (may need to move to the side a bit for the later); a few soldiers and their replacements in front of the lorry in the center. Enter the building to the right via the first door, and throw a grenade to the right of the iron girder to the left of the entrance. Send your squad in to take care of the other remaining enemy, and photograph the schematics. Grab the revive and head back to the tankers and across to the other flank. vi. Destroy Train Tracks ------------------------ From the crates across from the tankers, you should be able to lean out to the right and snipe a soldier at the very end of the compound (he runs about a bit and repeats his movements). Move down to the crates just in front of the guard tower and turn to the right. You should be able to take out three enemy soldiers here with no return fire; one on the carriage and one ahead of him behind the crates, and his replacement. Any gunfire you hear here will be one of the NPCs firing into the bunker on the left. Move towards the crates and show him how it's done. Another NPC will be firing at a soldier next to the gate on the left. Again, help him out. Look out from the crates towards the carriage and an enemy soldier will usually emerge, hurling a grenade. Fall back, wait for the blast and then lean out for a routine kill. Advance forwards and join the NPCs behind the crates, while advancing your squad forwards. Edge ahead past the two barrels on the right and fall back immediately as it triggers two enemy soldiers, who should be dispatched by your squad. Move to the left flank and advance to the left crate just before the tracks, while pushing your squad ahead. An enemy soldier will emerge so keep your head down while your squad deals with him. Plant the charge and move to the crate beyond the tracks to the left, and crouch behind it. Once the track blows, face the carriage. You should be able to pick off a soldier in between the crates on the carriage. Another soldier will emerge from inside the factory straight ahead as you look in, so take him out. A third will be on the other side obscured from view. The NPCs may take him out, but if not send your squad after him. vii. Destroy Tank ----------------- Move up the right flank to the crates where the injured NPC is. Shoot the two soldiers out in the open and head across to the crates to the left of the building. Shoot the soldier in the building and move up towards its entrance, jumping on the girders to the left. There's probably less action here than sounds as the enemy are firing at the NPCs, who are firing back. Lean out to the left and you should be able to see one guy straight away firing at the NPCs. A second soldier is down the side of the building. Send your squad into the center after killing both to make sure there's nobody left, then head towards the fence to trigger the NPCs' arrival. Head down the left of the fence to more girders, and take out any soldiers ahead (you should be shielded from any tank rounds here). Once the coast is clear, head along the side of the fence to the cover of the next building. Direct your squad to somewhere around here and go out to deal with the tank. It's pretty straightforward; always move from left to right and back again while throwing grenades one at a time. Don't go too far forward as there's enemy soldiers around the far side of the tank hangar and stay at the side of the tank, away from the machine-gun fire. Once it's destroyed, do a quick 360 degree turn to remove it from the battlefield as sometimes your squad can run into it and die instantly. viii & ix. Destroy V2 Rocket & Escape V2 Facility ------------------------------------------------- Using the building as cover, snipe the two soldiers hiding behind cover on the far side of the tank hangar's entrance. Send your squad in to take out the soldiers inside the hangar and head around the corner to begin the main assault on the factory. First, direct your squad behind the rows of crates before the factory entrance so as to let the NPCs deal with the first line of defence. As the gunfire dies down, peek around the corner to make sure that first line has been defeated. Next, move around onto the track by the gate and snipe the soldiers on the walkways (usually one on the left and one on the right side of the main one). Another sniper will emerge onto the stairs on the left, so beware of him too. With all the snipers down, enter the factory and go to the right. Send your squad ahead and, once in place, run down to the loading bay door switch and hit it. Run back to the tankers just before the switch and take out the enemy that emerges ahead. This pretty much takes care of the right side of the factory. Enter the carriage that leads to the other side of the factory and from within it, blast away at the three enemy soldiers that run towards cover on the left. While still in the carraige, snipe the soldiers on the roof of the control room, aswell as the guy at the controls below. Return to the right side and go halfway up the stairs to the corner. From here you should be able to pick off the soldier on the far side of the control room roof, and if you move about a bit you should also be able to find an angle to pick off another guy in the control room behind a desk. Cross back over to the left side and join the NPCs amongst the missile shells. Throw an uncooked grenade up the left flank and move forwards to trigger a group of enemy soldiers. Duck behind cover and call your squad to your position. A combination of the grenade, the NPCs and your guys should keep you safe. Once the gunfire dies down, climb the stairs on the left flank that are before the casings. Snipe the last remaining enemy soldier on the walkways who is at the back of the factory. Move up the walkway until you get level with the control room. Throw a couple of grenades in and return to ground level. Send your squad in to make sure the control room is empty, then head up the stairs. Flip the switch and head back down to the NPCs by the shell casings. Move into the carriage and keep an eye on the V2 rocket. A couple of soldiers will make a last stand at it. Take them out and set the charge on the rocket, before moving outside to complete the mission. Road To Stalingrad M07 ================== i. Locate Partisan Fighters --------------------------- Move up the left side of the road, crouched, until you reach the second fence that is missing its middle part, right beside a tree (this is as far as you can get to the two soldiers up ahead). Aim a little to the left of the post in front of the sandbags and throw a grenade. If you get the weight right you'll take out both soldiers (I'm going to assume you make this throw, if you don't just restart). Advance slightly further down the road so that you can see the soldier at the checkpoint and snipe him. Go past the checkpoint and meet up with your squad. ii. Destroy German Railgun -------------------------- Grab the revive and turn right. Go along the side of the house and send your squad out into the open area to the right of the destroyed tank. From here they will take out three enemy soldiers who are either in the ruins just beside them, or behind the wall by the road. While they're doing that, peek out from the corner of the building and you should be able to squeeze out a shot at the other ruined building where an enemy soldier will be firing back at you. Once he and your squad's targets are down, head a few steps forwards to the wall in front of your squad's house and go to the right. On the right of the bridge behind the road wall will be two enemy soldiers. Take them out and advance to the back of the ruined building which housed the solider that you killed. Advance crouched to the window and machine-gun the two soldiers that are using the left of the smouldering tank as cover. Fall back around the left side of the house and emerge lying prone around the corner. You should see two enemy soldiers squatting passively on the hill. Take them out and their replacements (you can rack up the headshots here by aiming at the same spot and waiting until the replacement soldiers face the same way as the soldier that you first shot). Edge a bit further to the left and you can also target another soldier (and his replacements) just to the left of the tank. Return to the window at the rear of the building and take out the last soldier on the hill. Advance crouched into the building and fall back again behind it. From the window, take out the four soldiers that have advanced to the road wall (send your squad into the building if you're low on ammo). Next head back to the squad's house and exchange the PPSh for the Bazooka. Return to the destroyed tank and take out the tank. Send your squad in to clear the trench from the right, supporting them by firing off all your grenades towards the left end of the trench. Run into the trench and pick up the ammo and fire the Nebelwerger to destroy the railgun. iii. Destroy 3 Panzer Tanks --------------------------- Hit your adrenaline and jump out from the trench down towards the right bridge. Take out the three soldiers there and continue past the bridge to the wall of the building in front of the eastern tank, taking out two more soldiers along the way. From here, turn around and face the railgun. To the right of it you should have a clear shot at the enemy soldiers defending the bridge, and their replacements. Their replacements will be aware of your position though, so go prone and emerge to fire off two quick shots before ducking back into cover. Once the bridge is clear (the NPCs will run in), return to the trench and pick up the ammo and grenades from the back room (the supply of grenades here is infinite as long as one of the tanks remains intact). Return across the right bridge and move along the railgun on the river side. Once you get to the part of the track perpendicular to the bridge, go prone and send your squad ahead on the track. Keep advancing until you hear them kill the soldiers from the left flank's machine-gun. Advance forwards into the building with the bazooka. Dash across to the window by the weapon and fire to your right at the enemy out in the open, plus the one to his left. Duck behind the window again and this time face the church. You should just about be able to see two soldiers through the window's narrow angle (if not move back slightly). Adjust your position so that you can only see one at a time and kill him and his replacements, before taking out the other. Go to the top of the building now and look towards the north-eastern building, where two soldiers will be out in the open. Take them out and send your squad to the building ahead. Go prone and advance slightly past the tree outside the bazooka building to trigger the enemy soldiers' emergence in the building ahead, who will run straight into your squad. Grab the bazooka and take out the tank ahead from the road. Go back across the bridge and collect any spare bazooka rounds (you should have at least one) and take out the remaining tank from the road on the same flank. If you run out of ammo, go into the building in front of the tank and throw grenades through the window to destroy it (have your squad stay well clear of it). (You might want to leave the revive until the area here is totally clear.) iv. Destroy Ammunition Dump --------------------------- Head back to the building in front of the bazooka cache and turn right into the next room. Jump over the table here and duck behind the window. Emerge and take out the soldier in the building ahead to the right (there may be another here). Switch your attention to the left of the building from the same window and take out another soldier. Return to the first room and send your squad out onto the road from the front of the building to take out the last couple of enemies defending the ammo dump. It's difficult to say whether it is safe to set the charge now because of the NPCs' influence here and whether they have killed many soldiers in the church, so I'll leave it to you. Before we enter the church the grounds will be completely enemy free so if you're unsure just wait until then. v. Destroy Communication Tower ------------------------------ Fall back to the bridge and advance up the right flank. From the building in front of the tank, take out the soldier inside the building ahead. Move up and send your squad inside to flush out the other enemy soldier inside. Hop the fence and dart into the double-storey building (or go a safer, longer route if low on health) and direct your squad somewhere downstairs. Head upstairs and, staying low, grab the ammo and grenades. Start from the left window and clear the church grounds. Take it one enemy at a time and don't leave yourself too exposed. Once the area is clear (the NPCs will still fire aimlessly into the grounds), head downstairs. Blow the ammo dump if you already haven't and crouch beside the wall by the gate. An NPC will appear and kick it open. Run in no further than the opened gates and fall back, sending your squad as far away as possible. If you went far enough the NPCs will rush into the grounds and another wave of enemies will have been triggered. Head back into the two-storeyed building and dump your squad safely downstairs. Go up and stay low as you approach the windows. Your first target will be a sniper in the church tower on the left (the middle window is usually the best to aim from). Next take out the machine-gunner and his replacement. You can clear almost all of the rest of the area by using the fixed machine-gun (the NPC will give it up if you stand close and look towards her). This is probably the only time that you can use a fixed weapon on this difficulty so enjoy it! You will have to clear the soldiers around the communications tower with your ordinary weapons however. Now you are ready to enter the grounds. Head to the right towards the communication tower. You should almost certainly have adrenaline here, given the amount of enemies that you've just killed. Move up to the tower and you will hear German troops. Hit your adrenaline and storm up the steps on the right side of the graveyard and kill the five or six soldiers that have just emerged (this will give you a welcome ammo boost too). Return to the tower, set the charge and grab the revive. vi. Eliminate Walther Neumann ----------------------------- Advance back up the right side of the graveyard until you can look into the church. Snipe the soldier with his back to you looking out towards the two-storey building. Go down the nearby steps and head towards the crates that are just in front of the smouldering communications tower and duck behind them. An enemy soldier will randomly appear from nowhere behind you so get your head down and let your following squad deal with him. Approach the rear (or side really) of the church and make sure your squad stay with you. There will be at least one enemy soldier amongst the pews and another upstairs behind cover in the center of the building, on the front side but looking down towards you at the rear. Direct your squad to the right corner of the entrance of the church and head down for the bazooka. Unless you have less than a clip left in your Enfield, swap the PPSh for it (the bazooka). Dash out towards your squad and hide around the side. The nemesis and his bodyguard can do a lot of random things here. They can both rush out before retreating back, he can go to the entrance of the church and just stand there, he can mill about downstairs in the church or he can head straight upstairs to either side. Given all that, I can only really give some general tips. Take out the bodyguards first obviously, and keep your squad in cover for all the battle. The bazooka is extremely powerful against him, even catching him in the explosion does a bit of damage. Ultimately you'll probably end up sniping him while he's upstairs somewhere, which is straightforward enough. Don't go to the front (or other side) of the church as the final wave of enemy soldiers has already been triggered so they're basically sitting there waiting. vii & viii. Obtain Ardennes Forest Recon Dossier & Secure And Defend Church --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This final bit of the mission is mainly about survival. Go along the rear/side of the curch and jump in through the last window. Direct your squad into the back room and head upstairs to where the recon was dropped. Go prone and crawl safely towards it. From here you can just sit it out and let the NPCs take care of business. You can help by tossing a few grenades from the top floor or perhaps in a more direct manner if you've a couple of revives to spare. Climbing Mamayev Hill M08 ===================== i. Destroy Panzer Tank ---------------------- Immediately set off towards the building nearest to you. Go around to its right corner and jump onto the destroyed wall and crouch in. If you get the jump right first time you will enter without being hit. Head to the left of the room and direct your squad to the back of the building through the window. Let the gunfire die down and, crouching from the back of the room, look out the doorway. From the right you will be able to see an enemy soldier crouching in the open fields. Kill him and all of his replacements with your machine-gun. Move back to the window that you came in through and look out to the barn with the fixed machine-gun. Enemy soldiers may run out from the bottom floor to the fence outside the building, so be prepared for more machine-gunning (if your view is a bit obscured by the destroyed friendly tank, do a 360 degree turn to remove it from the battlefield). Once you're sure that no enemies remain on the bottom floor, take out the machine-gunner (again with the PPSh). Now that the village is mostly cleared of men, swap your PPSh for the bazooka and head to the rear of the building directly opposite the barn. Send your squad to the back of the field and out of the way, and throw a grenade into the gap in the wall to take out the soldier inside. Move along the side of the wall and prepare to take out the tank. Try and line up a shot at the hull with your M-N 1891 and then duck back into cover. Switch to your bazooka and fire off two unaimed (well, discounting the aiming with the M-N 1891) shots. The tank will hopefully blow after two rounds. If it doesn't, try the last couple of grenades that you've left. If it still doesn't blow then go ahead and fire the last remaining bazooka round at it. ii. Meet With Russian Officer ----------------------------- If you still have a round left, keep the bazooka and head back to the right of the building from where you cleared most of the village. Swing around as far as you can go to the right and move up to the tree beside the road. Fire your last bazooka round in through the doorway of the house on the left (to the right of the barn). You should get at least two kills from this, sometimes three. Advance to the house on the right and from here direct your squad into the other house to clear up any surviving enemy soldiers. Head into the house and pick up all the dropped ammo before exiting and leaping the fence towards the barn (if you didn't pick up an STG machine-gun then you'll have to go back and pick up the PPSh first). Grab the grenades both downstairs and upstairs and crouch at the western exit of the barn. Throw a grenade through the window in the next building to kill the last enemy soldier in the area. Head to the center of the village to get your revive and have a look to see if the last soldier dropped any ammo. If you haven't filled your adrenaline bar yet, do so now by picking off machine-gunners in the bunkers with your PPSh (line up the shots with your M-N 1891 and fire single shots). Now it's time to head for the trench. From the eastern side of the barn, dart straight down towards it. As far as I can tell the shells fall randomly here so you're just going to have to hope for the best. Once you hit the trench go prone and crawl towards the Russian officer, whilst hugging the right side of the trench. Grab the revive once you reach him, and wait until he tells you that the first unit's assault has failed. iii. Signal Rocket Strike ------------------------- Go to the corner of the trench and lay prone. One of the machine-gunner's may be firing at the officer so stay out of its line of fire. Hit your adrenaline and head for the bridge. Aim for the two soldiers in the trench in front of the machine-gun bunker (the accessible one), and jump in to the trench once you reach it. If for some reason you don't have any adrenaline, the trek across the bridge becomes difficult. I suggest going back up the trench, through the village and down the left flank. There are two soldiers by the blown up tank who emerge from nowhere (and always when you're devoid of any cover) so have your squad ahead of you at all times. Advance to the left side of the wrecked tank and start picking off the soldiers (and a long, but finite, line of replacements) in the area to the left of the bunker. Head down into the friendly trench and pick off the soldiers in the machine-gun trench ahead (stay to the left so that neither fixed machine-gun can target you). Once that has been cleared, send your squad out to the right flank to draw the fire of the machine-guns and storm the bridge, landing in the trench in front of the bunker. Now safely in the trench (from either route), enemy soldiers will start lining up from the left of the trench, grouping somewhat around the top of the bunker. Before addressing them, take out the sniper who stands on the ground above the alcove housing the bazooka. Back to the left of the trench, the enemy soldiers very rarely charge in so you can usually take them out with your grenades (you can jump pretty safely to gain a quick view on their position). With the initial area around the bunker secure, head across and swap the bazooka for your machine-gun. Return to the trench and from its center, climb on top of the bunker. You should be out of the tank's line of view so shuffle over to the right, prone, until you can see just enough of the tank's tracks to fire at. Fire off the three rounds and retrieve your machine-gun. Go behind the crate nearest to the trench's eastern entrance (looking at the tank) and look ahead and slightly to your right. There should be a passive soldier in sight (if not, advance slightly and retreat, but be weary of an enemy soldier that may appear from the center-left). Get some easy headshots from the soldier and his replacements and swing around to the other side of the trench. Another passive soldier will be beside the large tree ahead, so take him and his replacements out too. Advance to the first piece of rubble and stay on the left side. Some debris will be visible on this side with a small gap present. From a standing position you will be able to take out an enemy soldier and his replacements. Grab the STG if you haven't already got it and return to the left flank. It should be safe to advance to the house ahead but send your squad ahead to be safe. Follow them and go to the entrance of the building on the far corner. Look towards the gate above and you should be able to see two enemy soldiers ahead, ready to be sniped. Send your squad into the house and look across to ensure that the area is clear. Beware also of the tank here, if it's still on the battlefield. Although it is destroyed and harmless to you, your squad members will happily run into it, causing instant death. Hit the signal and seek refuge in the bunker, grabbing the revive on the way (the airstrike will also belatedly remove the already destroyed tank). iv & v. Eliminate Franz Gruebner & Steal Heavy Water Test Logbook ----------------------------------------------------------------- Head back to the left flank to where the tank was and ascend the hill. Send your squad in to clear the trench while staying crouched to avoid the tank's weaponry. Follow your squad into the trench and grab any ammo dropped, before heading into the room below. The machine-gunner in the final bunker will start up, hopefully aiming at the advancing NPCs rather than your squad. Emerge from the room and snipe him while he's occupied. Return to the hill by the tank and send your squad down and out of the way. Destroy the tank with your grenades (there's plenty around if you run out; the first bunker; the intact house; the room in the trench). Advance up the left flank and use the natural slope of the ground as cover as you send your squad in to take out the left trench. Jump in to grab any dropped ammo and send your squad across to clear the right trench, again scavenging any ammo there. Tell your squad to stay in that trench and blow the gate. This is going to be a prolonged nemesis battle. The reason for the length is because of the dangerous combination that he and the final tank provide, given that your squad can't simply jump the wall to the safety of the bazooka bunker in the grounds ahead. Therefore, we need to take out the nemesis or at least leave him vulnerable to our squad to ensure that they can make it around to the aforementioned bunker. Stand in front of the right pillar of the church's entrance and observe the nemesis' movements. He goes left by the fire, central by the crates, and right around the tank's area. The last position is the one that we want to avoid targeting him in due to it exposing us to the tank (we're relatively safe from it in the other two as long as we stand back a bit). The nemesis never fires at us from such a distance so we can take our time and pick him off. Towards the end it gets pretty difficult to see him due to his red health marker being depleted. I usually take this as a sign that the squad will be able to handle him from here if they run into him, so unless I have ample ammo I head for the bunker. If you're on your last revive you may still want to take him out though, to ensure your safety as you run to the bunker. Before you head for the bunker, make sure that the sniper in the church tower has been taken out and also listen out for (and look out for debris wise) the tank firing a shell. Head across while it's reloading and direct your squad in then too. Take out the tank in the usual fashion from the right corner of the wooden structure (finish off the nemesis if he's still alive first though). Advance up the left side of the wooden structure once both targets have been eliminated and take out the soldiers behind the crate firing at the NPCs. Send your squad out to where the recon is to make sure the area is clear before grabbing it yourself. vi. Destroy Artillery Guns -------------------------- Go back along the wall side of the wooden structure to the bunker and head across the grounds to the bottom-right of the tower. Lean out to the left and pre-emptively fire up at the raised stairs to take out the enemy soldier there. If you miss him he will charge you so make sure that you have your squad on hand to send in if needs be. Next, throw a grenade into the middle of the room past the stairs to kill the two soldiers manning the gun. Approach the doorway of the tower and lean out to your right and kill the three soldiers manning the second gun, then the two manning the third. Blow the first gun and move into the next room. There are two soldiers in the trench entrance ahead. I like to take them out from the window as you have a decent margin of error to play with due to them not reacting immediately. I think descending into the trench may trigger some more enemies in the hallway too. Two appear in the room almost from nowhere, while another soldier appears by the third gun (though he will always spawn regardless of whether you go into the trenches or not). Once you clear the hallway again, advance and blow the second gun. Send your squad out into the gap on the left here to make sure that the NPCs haven't missed anyone in the church grounds before heading to the final gun. Turn the corner beside the gun and immediately drop back as at least one soldier rushes out from the communication room. He moves behind the crate to the left of the gun so simply toss a grenade his way. Blow the last gun and collect the revive. vii & viii. Radio Intelligence To OSS & Destroy German Intelligence ------------------------------------------------------------------- Advance to the final room and throw a grenade towards the center of it (aim beneath the table) to take out at least two of the remaining four soldiers. The other soldier on this floor is to the right and is an easy kill for you or your squad. The final enemy soldier is on the second floor, on the landing running parallel to the guns' hallway, at the radio end. Radio in the intelligence and blow the room to complete the mission. Mission To Rocherath M09 ==================== i. Eliminate Recon Unit In Windmill ----------------------------------- Run forward and duck behind cover as soon as the mission begins. Turn around and direct your squad through the window to the back of the building. Once you hear the tank, jump up and leap over the wall on the left (when facing the window) and join your squad. Go to the extreme left (or rear) of the battlefield so that you remain out of the range of fire of the soldiers in the park. Pick off the machine-gunner behind the sandbags (if you can't see where he is exactly, advance forwards to draw his fire; you will have plenty of time to duck into cover given the distance between him and you). Head straight for the rockets that are lined up at the enemy tank and ignite them. This is a risky tactic given how open you are (moreso when falling back), but as we're only a minute into the mission I take it and restart should I die. Fall back towards the burnt out tank, jumping and weaving as best as you can. Grab the bazooka as you pass it and retreat to the rear of the battlefield. Watch the skyline to see whether the tank has been destroyed or not. If it's still operational, fire off a bazooka round to destroy it. Fire at it from behind the building that you started in as the tank will respond in kind, so the long distance should give you time to avoid its missile. Once destroyed, swap back the bazooka for your M1911. Advance forwards down the right flank and throw a grenade through the window to the left side of the room to take out the enemy soldier inside. Direct you squad inside and move to the east of the building to its rear window. Your squad should deal with an enemy soldier who appears by the front windows. Hop into the building and grab any ammo that the two soldiers may have dropped. Exit the buidling and head to the left side of the building ahead. Send your squad around the corner to deal with the soldiers on the near side of the park. Fall back from the corner a bit to avoid any grenades and give your squad a few seconds to make sure that they've cleared the area. Fall back to the rear of the battlefield via the same flank and move up to the small hill to the left of the burnt out tank. From here you can take out the central enemies in the park, and most of the western ones. Once the park seems cleared, fall down the slope to your left and advance to the windmill, stopping just before the entrance. Send your squad to the left of the park to make sure it is clear, and then send them into the windmill to clear the stairs. Head into the windmill and pick up any ammo, then return to the windmill's entrance. Send your squad out into the open by the park so that the windmill's sniper will aim at them, giving you an easy shot to take him out from the ground. Re-enter the windmill and position your squad by the doorway. Move up the stairs and aim a grenade off the wall and into the center of the upstairs room to take out the spotter. You can see his position by looking for his shadow on the ground from beneath him. As soon as the mission complete sign appears head into the room and pick up the revive, while swapping your pistol for the Gewehr. ii & iii. Fall Back To American Command Post & Uncover Atomic Scientist Rosters ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your squad should be repelling the counter-attack on the windmill downstairs, so remain out of harm's way above until the gunfire dies down. Go downstairs and, starting from the base of the stairs, gradually lean out and aim towards the park. There will usually only be one soldier in the east part, so snipe him. Moving towards the center, there will be two machine-gunners with numerous replacements. Save your rifle ammo and take them out with your machine-gun (line up the shots with your Gewehr if necessary. Once the machine-gunners are down, it's time to make a run for the building in which you began the mission. Stand back from the entrance and line up the corner of the burnt out tank so you've something to aim for when running. The tank at the back of the battlefield will be firing periodically at the windmill so use a gap in the gunfire to start your run. Alternatively, just use your adrenaline to get you across safely (you can also run backwards while firing at the western side of the park). Once across, grab the bazooka and head to the rear of the battlefield. Fire off however many rockets you've left and then destroy the tank with your grenades. Discard the bazooka and snipe across the battlefield to take out the remaining soldiers in the park. Head through the park and go to the left of the American command post, swapping the Gewehr for the Bazooka. Circle around the building to grab the rockets at the rear and enter the building. Stand at the doorway to the command post and position your squad in front of the stairs. This is incredibley important as you will have your back to the stairs for the duration of the Tiger attack. iv. Destroy King Tiger Tanks ---------------------------- Head up the stairs and grab the rockets on the table to the left. Turn around and head back past the stairs to the north-eastern corner of the house (facing as you enter) which overlooks the rear entrance of the church. Take out the Tiger that emerges around the corner (aiming the bazooka takes ages but is necessary due to the moving target). Once destroyed, enter the other room and head to the south-western corner. A tank is below the right window but you won't have time to line up a shot at it. Instead, you need to run to the window, fire off a shot, then fall back. You should be able to tell from the trajectory of the rocket whether it will hit or not. If it misses, adjust your aim accordingly and repeat the fire-fall back method. You can miss with a couple of rockets but no more. Once the second tank has been destroyed, move to the rear center of the room. You can use the same tactic to destroy the last tank, but instead of running to the front window you can strafe to the left and fire off a rocket. After firing a rocket strafe far to your right into cover as the tank may fire a shell into the left side of the building. Once the last tank has been destroyed, run down into the action area in front of the command post and try to grab any dropped ammo. v. Eliminate Folker Koppelhoff ------------------------------ Switch the bazooka back for your Gewehr and position your squad in the middle of the circular fountain or statue ahead of the command post, making sure they're as close to the church doors as possible. Move up to the corner of the church and edge forward until the doors blow. Immediately fall back around the corner and into cover. Let your squad deal with the initial barrage of fire and then send them forwards to take out the enemy. Grab any dropped ammo and head into the church. Move to the bottom of the tower and position your squad to the left, out of the way. Go prone and strafe your way into the tower, looking upwards. You can't really miss the nemesis so just blast away at him with your machine-gun until he dies. This had the potential to be a really tricky battle but you'll be unfortunate to be hit by the nemesis. vi & vii. Obtain C2 In Church Tower & Transmit Artillery Coordinates -------------------------------------------------------------------- Enter the tower and ascend the first set of stairs. Turn around and direct your squad into the opposite corner, out of the way again. Lean out of the window and look to your left where an enemy soldier will be in clear line of sight, shooting at the church door. Be careful not to expose yourself too much as there is a second soldier to his right, very well covered behind the window. The final soldier in that building is manning the fixed machine-gun and is out of sight at the moment. Go prone and crawl under the window, until you're beside the next set of stairs. Turn towards it and quickly stand, dashing up the steps to the cover of the left corner. Here, crouch and gradually lean out to the left. You can now snipe the machine-gunner from a very tight angle by the steps. Another soldier will be down the alley between the two buildings ahead. Kill him and crouch up the stairs. In the building opposite will be three windows, with at least one enemy soldier in each. Aim for the right window first, watching both it and the central one (the left window should be out of view, if not you're too far up the stairs). Clear the right window, then the central, and finally the left if necessary. Dash up the stairs and to the next corner. There are less enemies left firing at you here than sounds, so you can now safely ascend the rest of the stairs, transmitting the coordinates as you go. Grab the C2 at the top of the tower. viii. Secure The Church ----------------------- Descend down the stairs until you reach the bottom of the set that are diagonally across from the revive. A soldier will have returned to the well covered window position in the left window, so take him out. There will be at least one soldier in the building opposite, this time on the ground floor behind the small windows. Another soldier may also have returned in the alleyway between the two buildings. Once you've safely descended the tower, prepare for some running. Hugging the left side of the church, run for the doors that you initially came in through. You should manage to get out unscathed with the last part of your dash being covered by the pews. Return to the upstairs of the command post building. Go to the left of the machine-gunner and you should have an overview of two enemy soldiers inside the church, firing aimlessly towards the bottom of the tower. Take out the soldier on the right and all his replacements with your machine-gun (using your Gewehr will make them fire back at you). Kill the last soldier on the left and then zoom into the right part of the church with your Gewehr. This sometimes "convinces" a soldier to go to that area and hide behind a pew, where you can pick him off with a well placed machine-gun shot. Exit the command post and go to the small wall that is opposite the church's first entrance. From atop this wall you should be able to see through the opposite door to the far building holding the fixed machine-gun. You can kill the soldier manning this gun, plus his replacement with the BAR. Similarly, you should be able to kill the soldier running inside the church, plus his replacement. Send in your squad to clean up the rest of the church, there should only be a couple of soldiers remaining. ix. Destroy Town Bridge ----------------------- Time for some tank hunting. Swap your BAR for the bazooka by the command post and head back to the windmill. Collect the four rockets there and, from the windmill, aim at the tank to the right of the bridge. It will be firing at you but will be out of range. Crouch, line up a shot at the hull with your Gewehr before firing three bazooka rounds at the tank. You won't see any explosion or gain any adrenaline, but the tank may have been destroyed. Check with your Gewehr and fire a fourth round if needs be. After it has been destroyed, descend the windmill and grab any spare rockets in the house across from it. From the rear of the house, destroy the tank on the bridge. Fire any remaining bazooka rounds at the tank on the left. Go to the left front corner of the house opposite the windmill (with the bazooka rounds) and look down the street that runs along the rear of the buildings opposite the church. There should be three soldiers in open view so take them out. Return to the church, grabbing your BAR along the way. Go towards the pews that are in front of the third entrance (the last one blown), and send your squad ahead to clear the street. Next send them to the left and follow them. Advance down the left until you see the NPCs. From the corner of the building on the left on the last street, scan the ground windows of the "n" shaped building diagonally opposite and take out the machine-gunner. Advance to the perimeter wall, move up along it and join the NPCs. There is another machine-gunner in the window nearest the NPCs (the house beside the bazooka ahead). Send your squad into the middle building on the right (the one with the upstairs) to provoke the gunner into firing. He will expose just enough of himself to allow you to snipe him from the left. Send your squad upstiars to clear the building (of the one you sent them in) and grab any ammo up there (wait a couple of seconds to make sure no friendly grenades have been let loose up there). Swap the Bazooka for your BAR and make sure that the NPCs are right up against the wall before the bridge. Fall back all the way to the area in the beginning of the mission and go out into the part from where the enemy soldiers originally rushed you. The last remaining tank will be shooting at you but it will be out of range. Destroy it and switch your bazooka for your BAR (or, if you're low on BAR rounds, your pistol). Advance to the mound of debris that is just behind the barbed-wire fence. Take out the two soldiers on the bridge, and their replacements. If you've enough Gewehr ammo you can really clear the way here with ease, but if not, take out as many as possible with the pistol and BAR as you're now looking for adrenaline. If you've any spare bazooka rounds, fire them into the machine-gun positions ahead to take out at least two enemy soldiers. Return back to the NPCs by the bridge. Move up to the wall on the right side and hit your adrenaline. Ignore the enemy soldiers by the tree and head for the machine-guns, aiming for the safety of the second bank of sandbags. From here you should be able to take out the soldiers by the tree, who will be aiming at your NPCs. Once clear, move down past the bridge towards the area from where the enemy charged at you from at the beginning of the mission. Leap up onto the wall and you should be able to see two enemy soldiers at the bottom of the bridge. Use your BAR to take them out, as sniping them will cause them to shoot at you. Return back to the machine-guns and descend down the steps to the base of the bridge. Send your squad out to the left side of the bridge to draw the fire of the three enemy soldiers on your (the right) side of the bridge. Step out from cover and mow them down. A final sniper will appear from the far side of the valley, charging towards you as he fires. He should pose no risk to your three squad members so let them deal with him before you blow the bridge. Farmhouse Liberation M10 ==================== i. Advance To Farmhouse ----------------------- Move forwards and crouch behind the small hill on your right so that you can see the left half of the building on the right. Fire a machine-gun bullet at the two sentries at the far end of the bridge to start the action. Take out the sniper in the building, followed by the machine-gunner and his replacement. Emerge from cover to snipe the enemy soldier to the right of the building and advance to the small wall ahead of you. Send your squad forwards and duck down behind it. Allow your squad and the NPCs to deal with the wave of soldiers that attack from the bridge, and try to grab any dropped ammo once the coast is clear. Advance down the left side of the bridge and go prone when the NPCs start shouting about the sniper in the tower. Crawl back to the front left pillar of the bridge and take out the sniper from here. Go prone and edge to the left so that you have a clear shot at the machine-gunner (take him out with your Thompson to conserve your Enfield rounds). Fall back to the rear of the battlefield and move to the left flank. From here, snipe the three enemy soldiers behind the wall on the right flank (not the nearer group behind the sandbags). Head back to the small wall on the left and hop onto it. Snipe the two soldiers behind the wall on the left flank before turning your attention to the aforementioned group on the right. You can snipe them easily enough from your vantage point (after killing one, let go of L1 to allow the soldiers to regroup and emerge from cover). Finally, advance under the bridge on the left and climb up from the frozen river to the other side. Throw a well cooked grenade over the pillar to kill the enemy soldier there and send your squad forwards to take out the last remaining soldier. Grab and ammo and head to your right, moving up to the right of the right small wall. Advance past it and up the small incline, immediately falling back. This should trigger the emergence of the troops defending the farmhouse (you can make sure by checking to see that a soldier is now manning the machine-gun above the King Tiger tank). Swap the Thompson for the STG located in the building on the right and fall back towards the tower. Throw a grenade in through the entrance and to the right to take out the enemy soldier hiding behind the crates. A second soldier will come down the stairs and fill the same position so repeat the throw. Move to the left of the entrance, crouched. Lean in to the right while ducking down and you'll see a sniper covering the entrance on the stairs. Take him out with the STG and grab any dropped ammo, as well as the Enfield rounds at the top. Next it's time to take out the soldiers covering the farmhouse's entrance. Starting from the left, take out the soldier repairing the tank (you can use your STG after lining up the shot here if you're low on ammo). Shoot the barrels to the left of the farmhouse to take out the two soldiers beside it. Go prone and you should be able to see an enemy soldier in the first window on the left (downstairs). Three (sometimes two) windows to the right is a difficult target: a soldier that peers out from cover through the window from time to time. After taking him out, scroll to your right and take out the fixed machine-gunner located downstairs, then the one upstairs. The next target is the trio of soldiers hiding behind the wall on the right, along with their replacements. Finally, take out the two soldiers in front of them to the right. If you run out of Enfield rounds here it isn't too important, as long as the soldiers inside the farmhouse are killed then everyone else can be killed by your STG when closer to them. If you still have some Enfield rounds then you can pick off two additional soldiers in the upper right room of the farmhouse, but I'll assume that they're still alive for this walkthrough. Descend the tower and head back towards the small wall on the right. Hop onto it and take out the machine-gunner above the tank on the left, followed by the machine-gunner (and replacement) in the upper right window of the barn, whom we were unsighted from in the tower. Run up the small incline to the stone building to the right of the barbed wire. Look across to the tank to trigger its mission and kill the second soldier repairing it. Turn around and lean out to aim at the two enemy soldiers on the right. At least one will throw a grenade so try to take out one of them before falling back. Return to the same position after its explosion and take out the other. Advance forwards to the wall and, with your STG, take out the enemy soldier out in the open ahead, along with his replacement. Crouch and, sticking to the wall, make your way over to the small shed on the right. From here you want the enemy soldier, in the upper room to your left, to fire at you from the fixed machine-gun (less damage taken from it and an easy shot). Once he mans it you'll hear about it, so use the usual tactic of calibrating your shot before picking him off. For his replacement, keep the same position covered but zoom out a bit to give you a view of the other windows in case he shoots from there first. You can now finally blow the tank stoppers and enter the compound. ii. Destroy King Tiger Tank --------------------------- Head to your right once inside and ignore the artillery gun for now. Instead, hop the fence and enter the shed from the side, via the window on the left. Set the charge on the tank and exit through the same window, ducking around the corner to avoid the explosion. Hop onto the fence beside the shed and you should have a decent view of the enemy solider that made his way to the second window on the left. Kill him and grab the revive. Here is as good a place as any to use your adrenaline, but first blow up the barrels beside the artillery gun (this is a moderately difficult rush so the shed provides decent cover if you get caught in the open). Head forwards to trigger the emergence of three enemy soldiers and hit your adrenaline, moving your squad up with you as you go. Try and head towards the aforementioned shed while firing away at the soldiers. Once all three are dead aim towards the top of the barn, from where a sniper will appear. Take him out and swap the Enfield for the Bazooka. There is an infinite supply of bazooka rounds here so stock up. iii. Destroy 3 German Artillery Positions ----------------------------------------- Exit the shed and go to the left. Hop the fence beside the wall but advance no further. A soldier will appear ahead out in the open. Take him out with your bazooka for a double kill. Blow the first artillery gun and move to the shed with the tank. Look to your left through your bazooka scope and you'll see a soldier crouching beside a wall. Ignore him and fire at the soldier to his right and further back for another double kill. After firing, look again in the same direction and you should just be able to make out a white target behind a wall near the third artillery gun. Fire at it and you should get a triple kill. Move up beside the tank and fire a bazooka round into the downstairs room that houses the shotgun (not the barn). Blow the second artillery gun and quickly move forwards to the "n" shaped house on the right side of the compound. Sometimes the King Tiger tank will start firing at you with its machine-gun here, other times it doesn't fire at all. I'm not sure what triggers it but I'll assume that it is firing for this walkthrough. Enter the house via its right entrance and head towards the door at the back. Move to the left of the exit, looking out to see whereabouts in the eastern shed the enemy soldier will be. Aim your bazooka and lean out to fire at whichever side he's at. Advance to the shed and send your squad inside. Move to the steps of the shed and turn and face the last artillery gun. Line up a bazooka shot towards the shed nearby and release your aim. Move forwards and after one step fire a round. Your round should hit the enemy soldiers just as you trigger their emergence. Next, head towards the back of the shed to the left of the artillery gun. Lean out to the left once you hear the machine-gunner firing at your squad and take him out. Move to the right side of the shed's rear and send your squad out to take out the two enemy soldiers ahead, as well as the sniper in the window on the right. Listen closely for grenades here too and go prone around the other side of the shed if necessary. Once clear, move to the right flank back towards the bazooka ammo shed. Three enemy soldiers will appear and hide behind the wall. Take them out with a bazooka round and make your way to the bazooka shed and restock your ammo. Return up the same flank, but stick to the side of the farmhouse as a sniper will now be covering your advance from the rear window. Send your squad out in the open to either take him out or provide you with a decoy. Blow the last artillery gun and grab the grenades in the shed along with the revive. iv, v & vi. Rescue French Operative, Eliminate Freder Engel & Discover Virus House Location ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Make your way inside the shotgun room, avoiding the Tiger's machine-gun fire if present. Cook a grenade and lob it into the next room to take out the soldier behind the table. Enter the room and send your squad up the stairs, out of the way. Stand just before the doorway and cook a grenade. Run into the room to the left by the crates and lob the grenade over the cover to take out the two enemy soldiers that just entered. Enter the barn and blow the door to the cellar. The nemesis fight is pretty straight-forward, you can't help but get headshots here. Once dead, grab the documents from him and head back upstairs to the barn. Swap your STG for the Shotgun (in the barn) and head up the same stairs that you sent your squad up a couple of minutes earlier. Turn around and position your squad at the bottom of the stairs. The only way you can complete this mission with all three members of your squad surviving is by having the French operative at the bottom ahead of your other two squad members (and even then it's not certain). vii. Defend Farm And Destroy Approaching Tanks ---------------------------------------------- Go prone and cover the stairs with your shotgun primed until you have held the first wave. Once the shelling begins, move towards the window overlooking the compound's entrance and wait for the tanks. Refrain from trying any long shots and keep away from the edge of the window to avoid any gunfire from below. The first tank will enter and start circling around your position. Given your finite amount of bazookas and the moving target, you'll have to painstakingly aim the bazooka before firing. Once you fire a round, fall back from the window and listen for the tank shell that hits your position. Move forwards and fire again at it and repeat the procedure until it's destroyed. Make sure that all your shots are at the hull and it will hopefully only take three rounds. The second tank will park itself in front of your position but will be partially obscured. Blast away at it until it too is destroyed. If after both tanks have been destroyed the mission still continues (and there's been zero gunfire for a couple of minutes), you may have to peek out the window down below at some enemy soldiers to trigger the end of the mission. Operation: Virus House M11 ====================== i. Radio Airstrike Coordinates ------------------------------ Head across to the right of the trench and take out the enemy soldier just ahead of the plunger. Jump out of the trench to hit it before ducking back for cover. Move to the very rear of the battlefield and around to the right flank (stay away from the two friendly tanks if they have not yet exploded). Advance to the small horizontal stack of logs ahead and crouch behind them. From here, clear the flank ahead of you (in particular the second trench) and shoot any soldiers around the tank. Advance to the first trench and move to the left. You now need to start working on your adrenaline, as it is the only way to get into the enemy trenches (relatively) unscathed. From your position in the trench you will not be fired at so you can take your time and try for head-shots on every enemy soldier. Your large amount of ammunition will allow you to miss a few shots by aiming too high, so you should almost fill your adrenaline bar. If the rockets did not destroy the tank then you are in luck, as you can just grab a bazooka and gain a big adrenaline hit from destroying it manually. Once you have cleared the area of enemy soldiers, go to the right side of the trench and as far forwards as possible. Jump out of the trench and then return, falling to the rear of it. Your emergence will have triggered the shelling of the trench ahead to begin so stay back until it's over. Advance forwards once the shelling has ceded and go to the north-western corner of the trench. Jump out and head straight for the trench to the right of the green smoke. Run in and quickly radio in the coordinates before dropping prone onto the ground (your adrenaline should now hopefully be full). While waiting for air support, turn around and send your squad to the right, towards the center of the battlefield (to hopefully draw some enemy fire). Once the enemy tank has been destroyed, jump up and grab the revive. Keep running back towards the rear of the battlefield. It's mostly luck here as to whether you get hit or not, but once you run past the tree on the left run behind it, i.e. shift your retreating run to the left so that it blocks the trajectory of the enemies' bullets. ii. Destroy 3 Entrenched Tiger Tanks ------------------------------------ Once you've reached the safety of the rear of the battlefield, move over to the left flank. It should be clear of enemy soldiers because of your earlier actions, but stay wary regardless. Advance to the trench with the friendly tank and exit it via the right side. Go to the right of the fallen tree trunk ahead and advance to the trench with the NPC in it. Duck into it for some momentary cover before leaping out and heading for the crater with the bazooka on the left. Without stopping (again), head for the next crater that's slightly to the right. Make sure that you're health is in the green before making this run as the enemy soldiers in the front trenches will be firing at you along with the tanks. Dive into the crater and go prone. Crawl up to the tip of the crater and switch to your BAR. Hit your adrenaline while still prone before jumping up out from the crater. Leap the stack of logs and aim at the two soldiers in the front trench (it isn't really important if you kill them or not as your squad will take care of them). Jump over the trench and head straight forwards, aiming at the first of two enemy soldiers in the main trench. Kill the first one and go prone in the safety of the trench. Begin crawling forwards while sending your squad ahead and take out the second soldier from a crouched position. Head towards the rear of the trench and pick off the soldier manning the fixed machine-gun on the left. Send your squad across to the machine-gun structure and dart after them (you'll dodge the other machine-gunners' fire). Advance up the snowy corner of the structure and take out the remaining machine-gunners from the side. Enter the structure fully and advance to the outside corner of the headquarters for some cover. From here, pick off any remaining soldiers around the machine-guns. Toss a grenade into the headquarters and swap your M1 for the Bazooka. Grab all six rounds in the structure and wait for the moving tank to drive by the rear of the headquarters. Jump out of the machine-gun structure from its right rear so that you're behind the tank. From a safe distance, and whilst laying prone, take out the tank. Re-enter the structure and move towards the left of it to triger the emergence of some enemy troops and a very accurate friendly plane. send your squad into the headquarters area to make sure that it's clear. Hop onto the green part of the headquarters structure and move to the north-eastern corner (when facing the tanks). From here you should be able to snipe the right trench clear, whilst you should also have a shot at some soldiers in the trench between the left and center tanks. You can now take out the three tanks, although some enemy soldiers will still be active in the trenches around the center and left tanks. Stay low and keep away from the openings of the trenches and you won't get hit. Listen out for any German shouts too, because (as you may have learned by now) it's usually the signal for a grenade throw. With the tanks destroyed the NPCs will move up to help you clear the trenches. Start from the trench on the right that you cleared earlier and work your way left. Use your squad to flush out the deep parts of the trenches (keep them on the higher ground). The most active trench is usually the one to the left of the third (western) tank. Resist the temptation to use any grenades here as they are vital later on. With the trenches clear, switch your M1 for the Bazooka and grab any of the rounds that lie scattered around (there are six on your side of the battlfield and four around the trenches, along with any leftover in the machine-gun structure). You should have at least ten bazooka rounds available. Head to the front of the battlefield now (behind the machine-gun structure). Move left along the road until you reach the last tree before the road begins to loop around again. Stop beside it and aim at the bunker to the left in the second area. A group of six enemy soldiers will run out into view. Fire just ahead of the first soldier and the round should hit the third or fourth, wiping out the whole group (replenish that round if possible before moving to the next area). iii. Find Von Schrader's Journal -------------------------------- Hop the tree trunk and follow the fence to the right to avoid the shelling. Move to the rear of the battlefield and head towards the river on the opposite side. Ahead of the last trench on the right flank is a small stack of logs. Aim your bazooka past them and to the right and you should have an enemy tank in your sights. Destroy it and head towards the nearby crater containing the two bazookas. Aim past the ammo and you should have the other tank in your sights. After destroying it, swap the Bazooka for the M1 by the small stack of logs. Return to the crater and jump up onto the stack of logs beside it. You should just have enough height now to clear the trench ahead. Aim for the fixed machine-gun on the left of the trench to take out the enemy soldier there (and his replacement), while the soldier on the right is an easy kill. You can also take out the machine-gunner in the left bunker from here too. Advance forwards into the bunker and take out the gunner in the central bunker. Advance forwards in the cover of the trench and take out the third gunner in the right bunker. Run towards the right bunker and drop down into it. Switch to your BAR and aim at the hill. Five or six enemy soldiers will descend it so welcome them with some well timed bursts. They will usually just congregate at the base of the hill, waiting to be picked off but they do sometimes spread out to the left or to the right. Regardless, you should be able to take them out from the safety of the bunker. Jump out of the bunker to your left and aim towards the fixed machine-gun at the bottom of the hill (still in the trenches). An enemy soldier will just be in view beside it so take him out. Move to the next bunker and grab the journal. Machine-gun fire will erupt from the fourth bunker so send your squad to the front of it to take out the gunner. iv. Find And Infiltrate German Underground Bunker ------------------------------------------------- Advance to the bottom of the hill to trigger an enemy tank and a friendly plane. Wait a bit and do some 360 degree turns to remove the tank's shell from the battlefield. Send your squad up the hill to take out two enemy soldiers at the summit. Follow them up and take out the two soldiers out in the open on the right. Drop down into the large trench on the left. From the slope you can emerge from cover and take out the left machine-gunner(s) without having the one on the right fire at you. Once the one on the left has been silenced, emerge from the trench and move behind the sandbag to the planks of wood on the right. Kill the three soldiers manning the gun and move forwards to blow the door. Again, three enemy soldiers will be manning the central gun so take them out from afar where they won't shoot at you. Advance to the entrance and equip your grenades. Go about halfway down the corridor and throw a well cooked grenade down the rest of the way. It should take out the two soldiers on the left and the one on the right ahead, but it can be difficult to tell whether you hit them or not (due to your adrenaline bar being full). It's best to turn up the volume here and listen carefully for the flopping of the corpses. If you feel like throwing a second one to be sure then go ahead, but the grenades become very important very soon. Head down the corridor and take a left, running straight back in the opposite direction to the machine-gun lair. From here, snipe the area clear (you may have to advance down the corridor a bit after shooting the soldier manning the mcahine-gun as he can turn to face your direction once shot). With the front part of the bunker now clear it is time to backtrack and swap the M1 for the Bazooka. Remember to pick up the spare rounds lying around the battlefield (two pairs in two craters and two in two trenches). Stay away from the side of the battlefield that you haven't fully cleared (you can collect the bazooka rounds safely from the crater but cross over to the other flank once you've taken them). Take whichever machine-gun you prefer and advance back to the final bunker. v & vi. Eliminate Von Schrader & Disable Dirty Bomb --------------------------------------------------- Stand at the entrance of the room with the grenades and a worrying lack of cover. Throw one (not too cooked) down through the far doorway and advance. As soon as you've thrown it start cooking another grenade and throw it after the first. Again, cook another a couple of seconds after and throw it out a bit to the right of the doorway. Cook another and throw it diagonally out the door (don't emerge out the doorway as I think it triggers the second wave). Switch to your gun and aim diagonally from the doorway (again don't lean out the doorway; stand back a bit) and fire at any enemy soldier there. If you lean out and see two or three soldiers moving forwards, then immediately drop back and throw a poorly cooked grenade through the doorway again. Your grenades act as your cover here as the enemy soldiers seem to go for them before they go for you. If after leaning out you see no soldiers then grab a grenade and begin falling back before throwing it. You are in essence repeating the process again for the second wave. Make sure that you use all your grenades before sticking your head outside the doorway. The enemy soldiers are most likely to be diagonally across the doorway from you, or behind the wall on the right as you exit. Ideally your grenades will have taken them all out, and you can see from the doorway whether any are diagonally across from you. Ensure that there are no soldiers in the diagonal position before going for the soldiers that may be behind the wall on the right. Cover that position for around ten seconds from the doorway to see if any soldier sticks their head out and, if not, slowly make you way to the wall opposite the doorway whilst always aiming at the wall where they may potentially be. With the area clear, switch to your bazooka. Stand in the middle of the room and aim at the fixed machine-gun at the far end of the corridor. Advance slowly and when the first enemy soldier emerges, fire off a round. Sidestep into cover and reload, before firing a second rocket blindly down the corridor again to take out any other soldiers. You don't want to be too close to the doorway for the second shot as hitting a nearby enemy soldier will also kill you, so don't advance too far forwards with the first shot. Now switch to your machine-gun and clear the rest of the corridor from behind cover. Once Von Schrader disappears to the left and no more soldiers remain, advance forwards. Grab the grenade and head up the stairs. Lean out to the right and catch the enemy soldier before he ducks in behind the crates. Staying in the stairwell, lean out to the right and try to take out the soldier amongst the crates on the left (use your grenade if he doesn't emerge immediately). Advance to the nearby crates and aim your machine-gun at the crates to the right. A soldier will run out from the left of them so be prepared to take him out. Switch to the bazooka and once you hear gunfire hit your adrenaline. Calmly aim your bazooka at Von Schrader and one shot should be enough (try not to hit the abseiling enemy soldiers in front of him). If the first shot doesn't kill him a second definitely will, but you will struggle to get back into cover. Try and fire a bazooka round at your feet while still in adrenaline mode to take out any soldiers around you, before deciding on what to do next. If you've plenty of time but no revives or much health, run down the stairs and get into cover to take out any surviving enemy soldiers before you head upstairs to hit the switch. If you've no time but a couple of revives then you can hit the switch from the same area that you kill Von Schrader in. Jump onto the single crate in the group on the right (just under Von Schrader's postition) and then onto the double crates before jumping towards Von Schrader's machine-gun whilst hammering X to hit the button. You'll be at the mercy of any remaining soldiers but it's the quickest way to stop the timer.