=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~= Megaman X Enemy FAQ Version 3.0 =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~= Created By: FatBuu100 Created On: 5-27-02 Last Update: 7-26-02 Email: fatbuu100@cox.net AIM: FatBuu10 MSN Messenger: FaTBuU10@hotmail.com, search by email =~=~=~=~ Contents =~=~=~=~ 1. Introduction 2. Legal Stuff 3. Enemy Descriptions 4. Locations 5. Enemy List by Level 6. Update History 7. Credits =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~= Section 1: Introduction =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~= While cruising around on www.gamefaqs.com I noticed that there was not an enemy FAQ for Megaman X. I know, from playing through the game several times, and writing an FAQ for it, that describing the enemies in the game can be kind of tough. You begin to have things like "one wheeled spiked psycho motorcycle thing" and "laughing purplish spiked flyer". I know this can be very confusing. So, I decided I would take the information the game gives you at the end of the game, and parlay it into a useable FAQ for people just wanting to use that information you get at the end of the game. =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Section 2: Legal Stuff =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ All characters names might be copyrighted to Capcom. All of the descriptions and *MOST* of the level lists originate from me and from no one connected with Capcom. I am not connected with Capcom in any manner of speaking. Since this FAQ is of my own work, you may not use any part of it for your own work without the proper consent from me. You may not post this FAQ on your site without permission from me. If you wish to place any part of this FAQ on your site, or use any part of this FAQ in your own work, you may email me and we will talk about such an act occurring. Realize that you will be entailed to give me full credit if any such act is indeed undertaken. I hope you find this FAQ useful, and please enjoy. =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~= Section 3: Enemy Descriptions =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~= This section will be fairly lengthy, because there are a lot of enemies in Megaman X, and some of them will probably be tough to describe. However, bear with me, and if you find any of the descriptions confusing or too vague, drop me an email and I will try to fix it. A small note: At this point in time, this FAQ does not include any descriptions or lists of minibosses or bosses, because then it would technically be a boss FAQ, and such an FAQ already exists. The enemies will be listed in alphabetical order. The description will include a description of the enemy's appearance as well as what their attacks are. This FAQ currently does not include any strategies for destroying the enemies. One note: When I refer to "X", that is the main character that you are controlling, Megaman X. AMENHOPPER - Green, with four legs. Each leg has a circular disc for a "foot" of sorts. The four legs join at a spherical hub, with one large red eye on top. To the sides of the sphere, there are "ears" composed of a blue circle with a golden ring. The Amenhopper has an orifice to deposit bombs on X. Its main attack is to drop bombs on X. AXE MAX - Axe Max is humanoid, and is attached to the ground. It is mostly blue, with golden shoulders, and golden trimming. There are two small red eyes in the center of the head. Axe Max wields a large, one- sided axe in its small grey hand, which it uses to propel spiked golden cylinders at X, its main attack. ARMOR SOLDIER - The Armor Soldier rides in a riding armor like X's, and is mostly blue. It wears a helmet with a black visor, and has one large white tooth, and brownish-yellow cheeks. It also has one large green eye. The Armor Soldier uses its armor to attack X. BALL DE VOUX - The Ball de Voux starts out as a small gray ball, and then unfolds two long gray legs. It has a gray head with a large red eye and blue sides. It tries to walk into X. BATTON BONE - Batton Bone closely resembles a bat. It has two large red eyes, with large gray teeth below. There are two purple wings connected by golden bones that join to the head with a green ring. The wings have black veins, and a trail of smoke follows it when it flies. The Batton Bone's only attack is to fly into X. BATTON M-501 - Batton M-501 is a larger version of Batton Bone, it has a yellow circle for a mouth, and red wings with black veins. It has two white eyes with black pupils. Its attack is to try to fly into X. BOMB BEEN - Bomb Been Closely resembles a dragonfly. It has two bombs attached to the body by gray protrusions. The main body is purple, with yellow trim. It has two long white wings, two large red eyes on either side of the head, and a gray forehead. Bomb Been drops the two bombs on X for attack. CRAG MAN - Crag Man drops out of the ceiling and forms from a large chunk of rock. Its head, arms, and legs are made from the green rock it drops from. Its chest is golden, and it has two small red eyes. It lifts up its arms, and gathers a rock to throw at X. CREEPER - The Creeper closely resembles a caterpillar. It is mostly green, and jointed. Each section has a gray spike on top. The front has one large red eye, ringed with a golden circle. The Creeper crawls along the ground trying to touch X. CRUSHER - The Crusher has a rounded plate on its underbelly that is spiked. It has a propeller on top, with a purple face and grayish-white ears. It tries to drop the plate on X. DIG LABOUR - Dig Labour closely resembles a miner. It is mostly green, with yellow trim. It has a large golden hat, and two small green eyes, with black arms with white gloves. There is a pickaxe strapped to its back, which it throws at X. Dig Labour laughs when it hits you. DODGE BLASTER - The Dodge Blaster is small and red, and is triangular in shape. It slides along the wall, and has a cannon on its top. It shoots bluish-white energy balls at X, and will dodge most of your shots by moving up or down the wall it's on. FLAMER - The Flamer is a small flamethrower that sits on floating platforms. It has a small gray barrel and has a golden ear on both sides. It also has a small red tank on its back the feeds into its barrel with a gray hose. It uses a flame throwing attack very similar to the Fire Wave. FLAMMINGLE - Flammingle closely resembles a flamingo. It has two longs grew legs with purple feet. It has a yellow underbelly, and a long gray neck, with a purple head. The head has a golden beak and green eyes, and a gray crest on top. The tail is purple, as well as the main body. The Flammingle spins at the legs, flinging out its crest, using it as a flying razorblade. GULPFER - The Gulpfer has a front and a back end. The back end is all gray, with a propeller to move it through the water. The front end has a bottom and a top. The bottom is light blue with dark blue stripes. The top part consists of a large blue forehead, pink eyes and lips, and yellow cheeks. All of the Gulpfer's small fins are pink. Its main attack is to suck, or gulp, X into its body. GUN VOLT - The Gun Volt is very large, and mostly blue with orange trim. It has 2 legs and a large main body. 2 panels flip up to reveal two small green eyes and 4 orange weapon orifices. The bottom two deploy balls of electricity, the top two deploy missiles. HOGANMER - The Hoganmer is mostly green, with golden trimming. It has a large green shield in one hand it uses to protect itself. It has two small red eyes, and a gray mouth. The Hoganmer also has a large spiked ball and chain in its other hand, which it uses to attack X. HOTARION - The Hotarion closely resembles a common mosquito. It has 2 small blue wings on its back, and has a red face. It has a large half moon of light that follows it when it flies. The Hotarion tries to fly into X. IWORM - Iworms are very small, and have 5 sections. The first is solid blue; the second is longer and is gray. The remaining three are also solid blue. It merely moves into X as an attack. JAMMINGER - The Jamminger has a large propeller on top that it uses for flight. The main part of its head is purple, with two large green eyes, and a red chin. The Jamminger also has two red protrusions to the sides of the propeller connection. The Jamminger's attack is to use its spikes to pierce into X. The Jamminger laughs after it attacks. LADDER YADDER - The Ladder Yadder is a small purple bug with four legs it uses to hold onto ladders. It has golden trim and two small blue eyes on its head. It tries to run into X while he climbs on ladders. LIFT CANNON - This is a Turn Cannon that is placed on a pedestal that rises out of the ground. It uses the same attack pattern as a Turn Cannon. MAD PECKER - The Mad Pecker closely resembles a woodpecker. It is mostly red, and has yellow claws. It has a blue tail, and a blue feather on its head. It has blue eyes and a yellow beak. The Mad Pecker pecks out Creepers at X. MEGA TORTOIS - The Mega Tortois has four legs and a head, all purple. The legs have a golden plate at the end that serves as feet. The head has two green eyes, split by a red triangle, with a large yellow triangle around the red triangle. The shell is red and yellow, and separates all four legs and the head. The shell also has two gray tubes on top that deploy parachute bombs, the Mega Tortois's attack. METAL WING - The Metal Wing closely resembles a bird. It has a golden beak, crest, neck, and underside of the wings. It has a blue head, back and wings. It has a red tail and jets, and is propelled by a rear jet and 4 small jets underneath the wings. The Metal Wing tries to fly into X. METTOOL C-15 - The Mettool C-15 is mostly golden. It has a golden hard hat, with a central green dot and a black line going around, and two golden feet. Underneath the hard hat are two white eyes with black pupils. The Mettool C-15 shoots red fireballs at X. SPIKY - Spiky is a wheel with spikes along the edge. The wheel consists of an outer blue circle, with an inner golden circle and central face. The face has two small golden eyes, with a red forehead and a gray mouth. Spiky's attack is to roll along the ground into X. PLANTY - The Planty is in effect a Mettool C-15 with a bush on its head as opposed to a hard hat. It flings Iworms at X. RAYBIT - The Raybit closely resembles a rabbit. It has a mostly purple body, with a head, two ears, a tail, and two legs. The head is purple, and contains a red forehead and two golden spheres that attach the ears. The ears are purple, with a yellow and green attachment at the top. The tail is red and very short, and has a green tip. The legs are purple, with a gold circle attaching it to the body. The Raybit's attack is to fold its ears forward and shoot a small green energy blast at X. ROAD ATTACKER - The Road Attacker is pretty easy to make out. It drives a red car with three spikes on the front, and a large gray gun. The Attacker itself is mostly blue with a large red visor. It will either shoot energy balls at X or drive into X. ROLLING GABYOOL - The Rolling Gabyool is mostly green. It has three short spikes on top, and is found attached to pipes. It spins around these pipes, and tries to hit X. SCRAP ROBO - The Scrap Robo is actually a piece of robot debris. It is mostly blue, with golden and gray trim. It has one arm, which it uses to propel itself. It has a large green circle on its body, which blinks. It also has one large red eye in the center of its head, which it uses to shoot laser beams at X. SEA ATTACKER - The Sea Attacker closely resembles a sea horse. It is very small, and has blue fins with red decoration. The chest is yellow, and it has a gray tail that is jointed, with a red tip. It has small green eyes, and a gray snout. The main attack of the Sea Attacker is to roll up into a ball and spin into X. SINE FALLER - The Sine Faller is a smaller version of the Jamminger. It has a propeller on top, and two small green eyes. It has a golden forehead, and a gray underside. It tries to fly into X. SKY CLAW - The Sky Claw is mostly golden, with a blue propeller head and two gray clamp plates. It tries to grab X, lift him up, and self- destructs, possibly dropping X over a pit. SLIDE CANNON - Basically a Turn Cannon with one barrel that slides on a red platform out from the wall. It does not turn at all, but it tries to shoot energy balls at X. SNOW SHOOTER - The Snow Shooter is mostly green, with golden trim. It has one long leg with a foot, and is stationary. It has one large red eye in the center of its head, and has one arm, which it uses to throw snowballs at X. TOMBOT - The Tombot closely resembles a hornet. It has three sections, the head, the body, and the tail. All of these sections are golden in color. The head has one blue eye in the center. The body contains two long white wings attached to the back. The tail is jointed, and has a small opening at the end, which is used to deploy bombs on X. TURN CANNON - The Turn Cannon is the basis for all the other cannon enemies in the game. It is green with golden trimming. It has 4 gray orifices on its top. Two of the orifices are at 45-degree angles, the other two are on a straight line. The Turn Cannon will spin its top, changing from the angled to the non-angled orifices, to shoot energy balls at X. Oops! We Forgot! =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ There are actually two enemies that the programmers left out of the enemy list at the end of the game! I decided I would give them my own names and describe them for you anyway so you wouldn't be lost and wondering what they were when you didn't find them above. LASER FLOATERS - This is a two-part enemy; the first part is a detection device, with two nodules that connect with a red laser. The second part is a floating enemy, with one large red eye and a 2 grayish-white handles to the side. It has a small protrusion on its underside, which it uses to shoot a laser beam at X if he trips one of the detection lasers. SPIKED ROADER - The Spiked Roader has one wheel, with a spike protruding forward on each side. It has two small green eyes, a golden head, and two jets on its back. It tries to slide into X. =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Section 4: Locations =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ In this section, I will index where every enemy can be located by stage. There is a small key I will use, to make it a little quicker to use. ============================================================= = CP - Chill Penguin Stage LO - Launch Octopus Stage = = SE - Storm Eagle Stage SC - Sting Chameleon Stage = = FM - Flame Mammoth Stage SG1 - Sigma Fortress Stage 1 = = SM - Spark Mandrill Stage SG2 - Sigma Fortress Stage 2 = = AA - Armored Armadillo Stage SG3 - Sigma Fortress Stage 3 = = BK - Boomer Kuwanger Stage SG4 - Sigma Fortress Stage 4 = = HW - Highway Stage = ============================================================= AMENHOPPER - LO, SC ARMOR SOLDIER - CP, SG2 AXE MAX - CP, SC BALL DE VOUX - HW, SE, SM, SG1 BATTON BONE - CP, AA, SG2, SG3 BATTON M-501 - AA BOMB BEEN - CP CRAG MAN - SC CREEPER - SC, SG4 CRUSHER - HW DODGE BLASTER - BK, SG1, SG2 DIG LABOUR - FM, AA, SG2, SG3 FLAMER - SE FLAMMINGLE - CP, SM, AA, SG2 GULPFER - LO, SG3 GUN VOLT - HW, SE, SM, SG1 HOGANMER - SE, FM, BK, SC, SG1 HOTARION - SM IWORM - SC JAMMINGER - HW, CP, BK, SC, SG1 LADDER YADDER - BK LASER FLOATER - BK, SG1, SG3 LIFT CANNON - SE MAD PECKER - SC MEGA TORTOIS - SM, BK, LO, SG1, SG3 METAL WING - AA METTOOL C-15 - SE, FM, AA, SG1 PLANTY - SC RAYBIT - CP ROAD ATTACKERS - HW ROLLING GABYOOL - FM SCRAP ROBO - FM SEA ATTACKER - LO SINE FALLER - BK, SG1, SG2, SG3 SKY CLAW - SE, FM, LO SLIDE CANNON - BK SPIKED ROADER - SM, SG3 SPIKY - HW, CP, AA, SG1, SG2 TOMBOT - HW, CP TURN CANNON - SM, BK, SG1, SG2, SG3 =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Section 5: Level Lists =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ In this section, I will list the enemies in each stage by order of appearance. You may have noticed that I said *MOST* of the level lists originated from me. This is referring to the fact that when you beat Megaman X, an enemy by level list comes up at the end. However, those lists do not include all of the enemies from the level, only the noteworthy ones, generally ones found only on that level, and possibly on another. The game's lists are especially lacking on the Sigma Stage levels. So, no I did not copy off of the game's lists, I did, however, use them as the basis for mine, and gave them full credit in the Credits section below. Anyway, an * denotes a miniboss, and an ** denotes a level boss. If a boss is repeated twice in one level, it will be stuck back in with a 2 next to it. I will use the key listed in Section 4 for the lists. XX HIGHWAY (HW) XX SNOW MOUNTAIN (CP)XX SKY (SE) XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX SPIKY XX RAYBIT XX SKY CLAW XX XX GUN VOLT XX AXE MAX XX HOGANMER XX XX CRUSHER XX BATTON BONE XX LIFT CANNON XX XX BEE BLADER* XX SPIKY XX GUN VOLT XX XX BALL DE VOUX XX JAMMINGER XX FLAMER XX XX BEE BLADER 2* XX FLAMMINGLE XX METTOOL C-15 XX XX TOMBOT XX BOMB BEEN XX BALL DE VOUX XX XX JAMMINGER XX ARMOR SOLDIER XX DEATH ROGUMER* XX XX ROAD ATTACKER XX SNOW SHOOTER XX STORM EAGLE** XX XX VILE** XX CHILL PENGUIN** XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX FACTORY (FM) XX POWER PLANT (SM) XX GALLERY (AA) XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX SCRAP ROBO XX GUN VOLT XX BATTON BONE XX XX SKY CLAW XX HOTARION XX FLAMMINGLE XX XX DIG LABOUR XX FLAMMINGLE XX BATTON M-501 XX XX METTOOL C-15 XX THUNDER SLIMER* XX MOLE BORER* XX XX ROLLING GABYOOL XX SPIKED ROADER XX METTOL C-15 XX XX HOGANMER XX TURN CANNON XX SPIKY XX XX FLAME MAMMOTH** XX MEGA TORTOIS XX DIG LABOUR XX XX XX BALL DE VOUX XX MOLE BORER 2* XX XX XX SPARK MANDRILL** XX METAL WING XX XX XX XX ARMORED ARMADILLO** XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX TOWER (BK) XX OCEAN (LO) XX FOREST (SC) XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX HOGANMER XX AMENHOPPER XX PLANTY XX XX DODGE BLASTER XX MEGA TORTOIS XX IWORM XX XX SINE FALLER XX SEA ATTACKER XX AMENHOPPER XX XX LASER FLOATER XX ANGLERGE* XX AXE MAX XX XX MEGA TORTOIS XX GULPFER XX RT-55J* XX XX JAMMINGER XX ANGLERGE 2* XX CRAG MAN XX XX SLIDE CANNON XX CRUIZILER* XX MAD PECKER XX XX LADDER YADDER XX SKY CLAW XX CREEPER XX XX TURN CANNON XX UTUBOROS* XX HOGANMER XX XX BOOMER KUWANGER** XX UTUBOROS 2* XX JAMMINGER XX XX KUWANGER** XX LAUNCH OCTOPUS* XX STING CHAMELEON** XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX SIGMA 1 (SG1) XX SIGMA 2 (SG2) XX SIGMA 3 (SG3) XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX MEGA TORTOIS XX BATTON BONE XX MEGA TORTOIS XX XX JAMMINGER XX FLAMMINGLE XX TURN CANNON XX XX TURN CANNON XX CHILL PENGUIN* XX ARMORED ARMADILLO* XX XX GUN VOLT XX ARMOR SOLDIER XX BATTON BONE XX XX BALL DE VOUX XX SINE FELLER XX DIG LABOUR XX XX VILE* XX DIG LABOUR XX STING CHAMELEON* XX XX LASER FLOATER XX DODGE BLASTER XX SPIKED ROADER XX XX HOGANMER XX TURN CANNON XX SPARK MANDRILL* XX XX SINE FALLER XX STORM EAGLE* XX GULPFER XX XX DODGE BLASTER XX SPIKY XX LAUNCH OCTOPUS* XX XX BOOMER KUWANGER* XX RANGDA BANGDA** XX LASER FLOATER XX XX METTOOL C-15 XX XX FLAME MAMMOTH* XX XX SPIKY XX XX D-REX** XX XX BOSPIDER** XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX SIGMA 4 (SG4) XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX CREEPER XX XX VELGUADER* XX XX SIGMA* XX XX FINAL SIGMA** XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Section 6: version History =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ - Version 3.0: Fixed more formatting errors, I am working on a Weaknesses section, which will include all of the enemies and potentially mini-bosses and bosses as well. Expect that sometime in early August. - Version 2.0: I fixed a few formatting errors, and an amazing homophone-type deal in the Section 5 introduction, I managed to confuse "win" with "when" during the stupor I was in while typing this due to lack of sleep... - Version 1.0: Umm, well, it's the first version... everything's new... =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Section 7: Credits =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ - Capcom, for making the game and giving me the basis for the lists. - www.gamefaqs.com, for posting this FAQ. Hopefully this section will grow over time. Again, if you see a mistake of some sort, please drop me an email so that I can take care of it. I will make sure you get proper credit. Thanks for reading! -FatBuu100